A Moment With Kellyanne Conway - 4.19

Published Apr 19, 2018, 10:00 PM

Sean is joined by White House Counselor for The President, Kellyanne Conway, to discuss everything from the growing economy to the Comey investigation. Conway addresses North Korea and the overall success of President Trump to date. The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and Hannity.com.

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They never charge a job seeker a penny no fee, and Express Prose takes pride in connecting the right people with the right company. Just go to Express Pros dot com. Glad you with US. We start with huge breaking news today, a couple of big items. One, the Justice Department now is said to be ready to send the COMI memos to Congress. You know, it always has to get to a crisis point with Devin Nooness's committee or Bob Goodlett's committee. Remember good Let's looking for one point two million documents that that of course they won't turn over. And remember Rod Rosenstein was the guy that that desperately tried begging and pleading Paul Ryan not to turn over what became the the information that resulted in the Noones memo, in the grass Lee Graham memo. Well I read from the Washington Post, which is a huge headline also breaking at this hour. The Inspector General that would be Michael Horowitz is now referred findings on McCabe to the U S Attorney for consideration of criminal charges. So that means the d O J Inspector General referred their findings that the former FBI Deputy director, in other words, the second in charge of the FBI repeatedly misled investigators examining the media disclosures to the top federal prosecutor in d C. And they want now this attorney the US Attorney's office in d c UH. Now to look at this as a criminal referral. Now, this is on top of everything that we pointed out yesterday on this program. And I keep going back to reminding you I told you the twenty eight team would be the year of the Boomerang, and that everything is now gonna swing back, and everything is happening. Yesterday we had Rhonda Santis ten other members of Congress. They sent a criminal referral letter to the Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the FBI Director Christopher Ray, the U s Attorney John Hoover, and these members of Congress are calling for criminal investigations into what would be illegal actions of James Comey. And I tried to warn, didn't We try to warn Comey a lot on this program. It was not a good idea. Two, it was not in any way a good idea to write that book and start going on this big interview tour. Anyway, Besides, besides James Comey, then you've got Andrew McCabe, You've got Hillary Clinton, You've got Andrew Loretta Lynch, Peter Struck, Lisa Page, and all the other officials that have tied to the ties to the unverified Doncier and the numbers of of charges we you know, I can go through them all again, but I kind of did a lot of that on a program yesterday. I won't regurgitate it. But these are serious criminal allegations. And what makes this so stunning is that it is very obvious and very clear. And Comey actually admitted that in the interview that he had with George Stephanopolos. Well, of course I thought Hillary Clinton was going to be president. I wanted to legitimize our president's I didn't want anything tainted, and that's why I reopened the investigation as it related to Anthony Weiner's laptop. That's not what happened at all. They had that information for five previous weeks, and they knew that it was gonna be leaked because that came from New York law enforcement officials. So they knew that they had it, and they knew that Comey and others were sitting in mckaye was sitting on it, and they knew that they probably were hoping that the election would come and the election would go, and that that information wouldn't be in the hands of um of the American people when they got to vote. I mean, these are really, really troubling times that we have here in this country. Let me look just to begin to explain to you, I wish in many ways that I had been wrong for the last year now. The media is never ever going to in any way admit that Trump Russia collusion never occurred. The media is just gonna keep following what would ever wherever Robert Muller and Rod Rosenstein want to. It doesn't matter that we're now on to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal and and everything else that has nothing to do with Trump Russia collusion. It doesn't matter how far this investigation goes. They just want to delegitimize and destroy the president in any way they can, and very cleverly in a sinister way, in my opinion. You know, bringing in the Southern District of New York into this, this whole thing, well then that raises the issue of course of well if if uh, if somebody is not found in a federal case, well they can get him on a state charge. I mean, the whole thing on so many levels is just wrong, and it all goes down to and begins with one family and one person and one secretary of State and one presidential candidate, and it's everything that the Clintons have had their entire careers, and you know, they'll just, oh, it's just another attack against us. It's not. You know, you can't put your your top secret and you're classified and special access programming information on a server in a mom and pop shop in New Jersey. And even call me's original exoneration draft mentioned and then of course it was pulled out, I believe for political considerations. That's my interpretation by a long shot. You know, the idea that all these foreign hostile actors and countries that they tapped into that server and they in other words, they have all of that top secret information, classified information, Well that's the danger. That's why, you know, that's why mishandling classified information eighteen USC. SEVENE is a crime, and destroying such information would happen, that is also a felony. It's a crime. Anybody that has any sense of intellectual honesty will admit that. If you have subpoenaed emails and you delete them and you do well, it's come on, it's about a wedding, it's about a funeral, it's about blah, blah blah. If anyone deletes it and it's a pointed and then acid washes and then beats up hard drives, that that would be obstruction. And the thing is is that everybody knew it, and they didn't do their job. They didn't apply the law equally. It was in other words, it wasn't equal application under the law. And that's where now things get really that things have really gone awry here, because if they just would have simply applied the same laws that that everybody else has to face, now, maybe she would have maybe they could have used some prosecutorial discretion, maybe maybe plea it down to a misdemeanor, whatever, they could have done that. But instead they didn't do any of that, and instead you have this this group of deep state actors. You know, you've got all look at all the actors involved here. You got Comey and then Comey of course has McCabe, and then of course Comey and Struck, the one the one half of the love Bird duo known as Page and Struck that hate Donald Trump all things Donald Trump that we're talking about insurance policies with Andrew McCabe, which, by the way, this I g criminal referral has nothing to do with and Comey and Struck. And we know Comey doesn't like Trump. You know, now he's just expressing it. You know, he's basically taken three meetings with Trump and blown them into Donald Trump is like a mob boss. And he wasn't as tall as I thought, and he's orange, and he has white under his eyes. And I think he used as a tanning bed, and his hands weren't as big as mine. I mean, that's what you're getting from the former FBI director and he wants to be taken seriously. And then the FBI directed dismissing line, Well, anyway, I I've known law enforcement my entire life. That's been my life. My mom was a prison guard, you know. My dad worked in family corp probation. And I can tell you that it was a big deal. The biggest gift I got when I thought I can remember and Christmas was my my cousin, Billy Kerwin. He was an m y p D officer, and I got a I got an NYPD hat, I got a badge, I got, you know, well not real handcuffs, and a billy club, a real billy club. I still have it to this day and that was the best gift I ever got as a kid. And it was a big deal that he was a cop. It was like wow, looked up to you know this this He was like idolized. There's a big, tall guy and um. And then his sister Maureen became a police officer. Anyway, and then they were distant cousins of mine that became FBI agents and they were like what that was the pinnacle of success. Remember the generation before that all came from Ireland with no money and to get a job as esteemed as a police officer or an FBI agent. That was the mentality in the mindset that I had. But anyway, then, but you don't have investigations beginning after you've already drawn conclusions and exonerations. And I keep playing this Tay, I'll call me. I never did that. Well, you don't write, you know, at painstakingly writing exonerations in May, and then you don't interview the main suspect of the main person involved in the case. Hillary told July and seventeen other witnesses till July. And then of course Peter Struck conducts the interview. We know where his political leanings are, and so that you know, that gives beyond any doubt the appearance of an impropriety, that the fix was in, that the investigation was rigged. And when you look at all the players, if we ever get all the documents and all the text messages and everything that I think we all deserve and want to see, I think we're gonna see pretty well that everything that appears to be is, and that's a problem. Then it gets worse than that. I mean, the idea and I think this is the biggest revelation and I'll repeat it with all of this stuff about Comey, and this is part of the criminal referral yesterday, all this information that in fact they took. Remember this all started Trump Russia collusion. I remember just you know, a week or two before the election, in Barack Obama is saying, no serious person believes anyone could impluence our elections. Donald Trump stopped whining, That's what he said to Donald Trump. Anyway, then they needed an excuse. Nobody thought Donald Trump was gonna win, and Comey admitted to no way he's gonna win. And I want to legitimize her victory by making sure it seems like we've done our job. That's a problem because that's a political prism that he's looking through. And then it gets to the whole idea that Hillary Clinton and her campaign and the d n C whose money she controls, according to Donna Brazil, gets funneled through a law firm to hide where it's really going Perkins Cooeie. That then gives the money to Fusion GPS. We're talking about serious dollars here, about twelve million bucks. And then they hire a foreign national. I thought foreign nationals weren't supposed to influence American elections. And then the foreign national uses Russian Russian government sources. According to FISA, there supposed to verify the information. Kobe revealed this week they never verified it. It's possible it's true about hookers and and a Rits in Moscow urinating on a bed. Possible. Well, he should know, because that was used as the bulk of information to get a FISA warrant to spy on an American citizen, a Trump campaign associate in the weeks leading up to an election, and AFIS a judge was handed information they never corroborated, they never verified, and of course they never disclosed Hillary paid for it and some little asterisks that they put in there. That's as well. It might have some political tainting, doesn't tell the story that they knew little people, you know. George Stefanopolis asked, well, why didn't you tell Trump that Hillary paid for it? And he mumbles some answer forget about then, President elect Trump, why didn't you tell the FISA court? Because now we're talking about, you know, warrants on American citizens and no privacy exists if in fact the government can use those powerful tools of intelligence to do that to American citizens. All right, if you're just joining us eight hundred nine f one, Seawan told free telephone number you want to be a part of the program, hold on, maybe even more breaking news. Alright, Democratic senator to back Pompeo a circuit a secretary of State. This is in the hill, virtually guaranteed. Let me say this about Mike Pompeo. Do you know the guy graduated Linda? Did you see this guy's resume number one in West Point? I mean it's it's pretty I mean, this guy is impressive. Now we used to have him on the show Hide Camp by the way, North Dakota becomes the first Democrat to back Pompeo. Look, the only reason hid Cam is doing this is because she's in the fight of a political life this year. And and Mike Pompeo. There's never been anybody that is more qualified to do that job than Mike Pompeo. And do you remember I met with him once? Um, I think you're actually on that trip or you I walked out of a meeting with this guy. And what the thing is is he's a genius, but he's a regular guy at the same time. And and the thing is, you know, there's a CIA director that we need, you know, somebody that I think understands that you don't use the powerful tools of intelligence to spy on the American people. You know, there's a guy with the intellect. You know. Look at this whole thing with North Korea should stun everybody, and nobody wants to talk about it in the news. Nobody because North Korea thing about this. Everybody was saying, oh my gosh, you called him little rocket Man again. And he said, my red button is bigger than yours and my red button works, and people like freaking out. And then all of a sudden, Little rocket Man wants to be a part of the Olympics. That wouldn't have happened but for Donald Trump and this whole principle that I've always supported called piece through strength, you know, the same thing. Look look at China. Nobody in the media will ever touch that. China caved on tariffs, intellectual property rights, and a whole lot more because it has been unfair trade with China and all these other countries. Everyone predicted, Oh gosh, we're gonna have a trade war, not having a trade war. We're gonna have a freer, fairer agreement that's gonna benefit American workers. That's the whole point of negotiating. You know. The one thing the media doesn't get about Donald Trump, and I just I know him this well, everything with him is a negotiation. He's posturing the whole time. Even yesterday's announcing the North Korean meeting. Well, if it's not gonna go, well I'm not gonna go. I mean, that's just basically setting the table so it gets worked out ahead of time. And who knew he had gotten France and Great Britain on board on the Serie attack. Nobody no credit either. Hey, Mr Koby, Hey, how is it ethical to briefe the President of the United States on an unverifiable and salacious dosier. And how is it ethical leadership to not tell him that his political opposition, Hillary Clinton, paid for that. You didn't You didn't disclose that information. Why didn't you disclose the president's trump his opposition came from the material. You are not an applicate leader today, Mr Temy. Eleven lawmakers, eleven lawmakers. Mr Comey today filed a criminal referral against you. Filed a criminal referral against you. You're gonna get prosecuted. Commy, you're gonna get locked up. That was that? What was that a Barnes and Noble book signy? That was Laura Lumer who confronted James Comey. You know this, This is this. This really eats at me because that is the crux of it all. I cannot understand. And I gotta appreciate Alan Dershowitz over this and a lot of people. Oh, you must be mad at Alan Dershwitz because Alan Dershwitz said to you the other night it was a conflict. No, I don't care if people are entitled their opinion. I believe in honesty. Speak you speak your peace who cares and Allan's on tonight. I think he was quoted. I'm not sure if he was invited on last night, and that's something. I guess he went to a player or something. I don't know what he did. Um, but this is that, This is what drives me nuts. If everybody could just put their partisanship aside for a second and just think about how profound this is. We have got to as a country resolved this. Yeah, and the criminalization political differences, Okay, fine, I want to we have to debate it all. There's just gotta be equal application of the laws in this country has to be or you don't have a country. The constitution is the rule of law for our country. It is you start shredding it, you know, that's what you don't. You don't have law. You have the opposite. You have anarchy, you have probable you have you know, you've become Venezuela at that point. That's a problem. And this world needs a strong constitutional republic and leadership from the United States of America. Believe that with all my heart and my soul, because it's that important. But the crux of the matter is is right there in that question, Mr comey, why you know, not only why did you not tell the president that this was a foreign national Christopher Steele using Russian and Russian government sources for Clinton and Clinton d n C run dossier and then funneling money through Perkins Coueie to go to Fusion GPS. Fusion GPS admitted, you know, Glenn Simpson a minute, he never verified the he never verified it at all, the dossier. And then then to think that that dossier is then used as the basis for a phiz of warrant against the American citizen. But even worse than that, they never corroborated, they've never verified, They never told the judge Hillary paid for it against the Trump campaign associated no judge would have approved of that warrant if the judge had that that understanding. They withheld critical crucial information. It's like one of my biggest pieces with Robert Mueller, it's about hiring Andrew Weissman, who twice excoriated for withholding exculpatory evidence in a criminal case. Now there's something really wrong and twisted if you're willing to hold back information. In one case, tens of thousands of citizens lost their jobs as a result. Of it and Anderson a County. Those are real people with real mortgages, real car payments, real real kids in college. You know, everyone. We make plans based on how much money we make, and then of course the Supreme Court ends up overturning it. But how many years later the damage is done at that point. I'm not the biggest fan of Wall Street. I've said that a thousand times on this program. But maybe you don't like Wall Street. But you don't put four Meryal executives in jail and that's overturned after they spent a year in jail. This, this is where this is also problematic to me, because we are a nation of law. We are a nation that equal justice under the law, equal application under the law. Um, well this is interesting. Can you check this out, Greg most Sherry Bugsy just sent me a text here, Linda that Rod Rosenstein said to tell Trump that he's not the target of the Mueller probe. It's on zero Headed. Can you look that up? I didn't see um. Hang on another breaking piece, Yeah, I got it, hang on Bloomberg Politics. Rosenstein told Trump last week he is not a target of any part of Mueller's investigation. According to two sources. Really, that's great news. Is the media gonna cover their lie for a year and a half? Are they gonna tell the amount? Sorry? All these networks breathlessly hysterically, you know, every detail you know, running to the running on the President Trump Russia collusion, Russia collusion. Now in the Russia investigation, Russian Russian, Russian, Russians, Russians, Russian, Russia, Russia, for Russia, Russia, Russian, Russian, Russia and Russia Russia, the Russian Russia, Russia, Russians, Russian, Russia, Russia, Russian and Russia Russia, the Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russians, the Russian Russia, and the Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russian, Russian. I'm literally why isn't that breaking news all over the place? Listen? I experience is this this week? My myself and I watch and I pay very close attention and whatever anybody like. There was a report in the Washington Post full of factual errors about me. They never called me, they never asked me, and you know they quoted one person, Dave Bossie, who said nice things about me. He has been a friend of mine for years. I've always loved David Boss. He's smart, Remember Dave BOSSI Citizens United, He's he's the guy behind that case. Then they cite twelve unnamed sources that know me and the president, and he said Kennedy constantly talks to the president. The first thing they said is in the morning and at night. Okay, line number one. I don't ever recall talking to the president in my life in the morning. And they overblow this story. He is a shadow chief of staff of the president. Ah, okay, it's not true. But here's the problem. Twelve unnamed sources by the corrupt Washington Post that has gone so in the Tank anti Trump, just like the New York Times. So in the Tank does like every news channel except for Fox, So in the Tank, every network newscast, So in the Tank against the president. Now we've got new information. Oh, Rod rosen Steed, He's not a target, he told Trump last week. Isn't a target of the of Mueller's investigation. But then, but then I'm watching these cable shows talk about me, and all their sighting are the twelve u named sources and the article that never called me about it that I said it. It's just a lie, and I know it's a lie, and it doesn't matter that it's a lie. You know. I honestly think, Linda, I think I think you'll back me up on this. I really I think I deserve to be on the payroll of CNN and MSNBC because they run my picture constantly, and they run your tape constantly. They're like running my opening model. Sean Hannity, how did he say it? Was? Like? How didn't say it? Han, Sean Hannity, Sean Hannity, Sean Hannity, John Hannity, Sean Hannity, Sean Hannity, Sean Hannity, Sean Hannity, Sean Hannity, Hannity, Hanny Hay, Sean Hannity, Hannity, Shaun Hannity, Sean Hannity, Sean Hannity. I can't. I can't take it. I just can't take it anymore. Nobody wants to hear that. But the fascinating thing is to watch. It's sort of like, um, the game Telephone that you did when you were in school. You know, we'll say one word, one phrase, whisper down the lane. What's that come? A whisper down the lane? No, we didn't call it whisper down the lane. I never heard a whisper down the lane? What is that? I never heard it. I don't know. The whole studio is disagreeing with me, So go ahead. Yeah, oh so finally a more hip than you are. Thank god, you're welcome. All right, I'll take it, by the way, and I just and you watch it. Twelve one named sources. They never call me, Washington Post headline, and they say things about me that are not true, and then it literally becomes the discussion on so many shows, and I'm like, it's not true. There's so many errors in it. I would have to spend an hour to go through the mall. And that's how corrupt your news media is. Now, I'm gonna tell you another thing now that Rod Rosenstein is telling the President is not a target in the Muller probe in any way, shape, matter of form. According to two people familiar with the matter, Rosenstein brought the brought up Muller the probe himself, offering the assurance during a meeting with Trump at the White House last Thursday, which is a development that helped tamp down the President's desire to remove Rosenstein or Mueller, which, by the way, they've been speculating for months he's about to fire Muller about a second and second that's happening soon. So what you got anyway? So um, the president never has and I don't think ever will. I think it's gone so far a ride that it ought to concern every American. Feels like it ought to concern every American that afies a judge was lied to and given. You know, Hillary Clinton bought and paid poor foreign agent, Russian sourced, Russian government source, lies about a president. And if Trump was so compromised by Putin, he wouldn't be doing all the things he does to Putin because Putin is not loving Trump right now. Anyway, it Um, that's a huge development today. You know, I just got a funny email from a friend of ours, Jeffrey Lord, and he said he thought you were to the chief of staff. He's wondering when that's coming out. Okay, you know, I mean, it's really amazing. I I would love to take credit. It's just not true. If it was true, I would I will. I guess I don't lie about this. Why would I lie about it? Well, now we've got a lot of news we've got McCabe with a criminal referral to the U. S. Attorney. That's on top of the referrals yesterday by Rhonda Santis and the criminal referrals sent let's see on Loretto, Lynch and Stroke and Page and Comey and Hillary and uh and anybody involved in the dosciertion. This is a big problem, big problem. And then you got you know, the Comy memos now are going to be released to Congress. That's also big news. That's huge news. With Justice Department is gonna give Congress those memos. That is a huge story. Department of Justice officials telling Fox News they anticipate later today that they will provide the relevant congressional committees access to the Comy memos. You know how bad, how worked up people are? Let me tell you how worked up there The continuing stream of this overheated sterea fake news, um my opic coverage. They have new was right? They wake up in the morning. How can I hate Trump more today? What can I hate on him about? Today? What rumor can I run around with today? Nobody's paying attention to dossier's warrants, spying on Americans and and using lies to do it. Not telling judges who paid for him. So things are getting so hot that that literally in Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh police have received word from a potential large scale protest if Donald Trump fires Robert Robert Mueller anyway, The information literally leads them to believe a protest would take place in Pittsburgh Central Business District within twenty four hours of the Special Council's much hyper removal. What we may be needed to assist in the event that there's a large scale protein best an internal email warrant based on this information. Beginning Thursday, April en, all major crime detectives are required to bring full uniform and any issued protective equipment right gear with them to work until further notice. Are you kidding me? It's unbelievable. That's how the meat, that's how bad the media is. And the sad part is we've been right and they've been wrong. There's no collusion and nor do they seem to care. How a far has this mandate the you know, Stormy Daniels, really stop, This is insanity and it's pretty much all you get. Seven. I wish I wasn't right, I really do. We can focus on the forgotten men and women of this country and the safety and security of this country, the good job performing it never gets talked about. Sad, but it's reality. Why do you think we're fighting so hard? Because I see all these lies every day. All this corruption is right there, the biggest abuse of power scandal in American history, and the media in this country has been missing in action, perpetrating conspiracy theories and lies to the American people. All Right, as we roll along Sean Hannity Show, major, big, huge, massive breaking news day. If you're just joining us. Rod Rosenstein telling the President last week he is not the target of any part of Mueller's investigation, two sources, UH quoted in the article, is saying. On top of that, we've got a lot of other news we've got of course, McCabe now has been criminally referred to the U. S. Attorney in d C. And much more. We have our panel next. All right, glad you with us, and Seawan told free telephone number you want to be a part of the program. We've got a lot, and I mean a lot of breaking news today. The Justice Department Inspector General issuing a criminal referral as it relates to Andrew McCabe and his prosecution and the Justice Department Inspector General, it's Michael Horowitz, and said they referred their finding that the former FBI director McCabe repeatedly misled investigators, and the referral is now to the d c U S Attorney's office. But that's only a small part of the breaking news that we have today. We have Washington Post and now everybody is reporting that Rod Rosenstein in fact told Donald Trump he is not a target in the Mueller probe. And apparently that happened last week, last Thursday, when Rosenstein apparently it was just a meeting that took place, and it was Rosenstein who brought up the Muller probe himself and offered the assurance during a meeting with the President at the White House. And uh, that might explain, um, some of the President's more recent comments. On top of that, we are following up yesterday's news with Rhonda Santis, the congressman from Florida who wants to be governor of Florida. Would make a good governor of Florida. And that of course is the criminal referral on key players like Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Andrew McCabe Struck and Paige and Loretta Lynch and anyone involved in the dossier. And that's the shortlist of news that we're covering today. Joining us now we have David Shown. He's a criminal and civil rights attorney, investigative reporter Sarah Carter. Let's start with the Rod Rosenstein news. Uh, David, let's start with you on the legal side of it. How do you take that? Thinking as an interesting fact to be uh, maybe put on the shelf, because it's a dangerous fact. Being a target or subject of investigation can change overnight. Um, We've seen some bad things happen, uh with some of the people involved, to your meaning Mr rosen Stein and others, the direction, the breadth of this investigation. I don't like to be particularly skeptical, but is this also a way to get Mr Trump to sit down with Mr Mueller? Something that I've advised strongly, strongly, strongly against any time I've spoken about it. And UM, I don't know. It's it's an interesting fact. I don't know what to make of it, but it's also nothing locked in stone could change any minute. Why would he bring it up on his own Sarah Carter? And what do you concur with our friend Mr Shawn Yeah, I do. I think that, Um. Mr Shoan David's brought up a very good point here. I think it's I think it's important that he brought it up on his own for one one particular purpose is that he is trying to reassure the president and we've seen it's a very tumultuous time now, especially with what happened with Michael Cohen, the President's attorney. That look, where you're not You're not the target you know, of an investigation more like a WHI nous or a subject. We want to reassure you of that fact. But still, I mean, with everything that's happened, with all the documents that were seized, with the battle that's going on right now, we have to ask ourselves this question, what's going to change in the future. Just as Mr shown has stated, I mean, he's an attorney and he understands how these things are played and how these games are played, UM when it comes to cases like this, So I think I would be very cautious. Uh, it's the same, it's the same exact statement that was given to the President earlier on UM. I think he's coming from Rosenstein it's uh, maybe Rosenstein's trying to stop the president or uh uh from from doing anything because there have been a lot of rumors that that he might be removed. And obviously the president has said that he has no plans on doing that, but of course the president can change his mind at any point in time. So this is a really cautious game. And everyone seems to be playing, uh, you know, moving their chess pieces in different directions and uh. But but look, the investigation is still ongoing. Look how far you look? How far? I mean, look at look at that so far beyond the mandate. Let me ask this question then, and I'll go to David shown first on this. Um, when you bring in the southern district of New York, I mean this is a serious. Um. They're serious players there. I mean Andy McCarthy has been there. I mean Rudy Julianni has been I mean you have a who's who list of people that have served in that office. And they're known for going after big name people, aren't they. Yeah, they sure are. Look, there's a lot more to this story, I think than that. Also, Um, one thing that offers them is something uh that can't be shut down so easily. In other words, you could shut down the Special Council investigation here for very good reason, but the Southern District thing would still go on. So in some sense, maybe it's an insurance policy. But talking about who's who, remember eating member of Mr Mueller's team was the most recent former head of the public eruption unit in that office that's handling this case. Now we know it was in part a referral from Mr Mueller. Was that fellow involved? I don't know. Unfortunately, who and who's who in all of this investigation seems to be far too important a factor than the facts and justice. Listen, I'm a criminal defense lawyer. I'm not big on these Rodney King moments. You know, let's just all get along. I think anyone would be crazy to let their guard down. You know, if you had asked Mr Rosenstein, Michael Cohen wasn't a target. He didn't. Nobody told me was a target of the investigation before he let me. Let me do a follow up to this. The Attorney General of New York State as a guy by the name of Eric Schneiderman, and he's kind of had his own ongoing battle with Donald Trump, calling back for a long time, and so he made a proposal earlier today, uh, that he wants to actually change some of the law is as it represents in New York. UM. In other words, under the Constitution, individuals are guaranteed the right to protection against double jeopardy. I don't know if you've ever seen the movie Ashley Judge was actually very good in that movie. But anyway, but he wants to add these exceptions where if somebody got a pardon, I assume they're probably thinking Michael Cohen or somebody like that, that in fact, that wouldn't stop them from prosecuting them in New York. What do you make of that move? I make of it as another one of these so anti Trump all new legislative efforts. UM. It seemed to turn the rule of law and our system on their head simply for an agenda that's not how we ought to be operating in this country. There are certain things that in other words, the timing of this proposal seems odd to you. I'm not a big believer in coincidence. Yeah, uh, Sarah, Let's get to the other news here, mckabe. Yesterday we went into great detail about the criminal referral from Rhonda Santis and eleven Congressman. I mean, it was a pretty devastating blow in my opinion, uh, to especially those people involved in this. I think that now will prompt Jeff Sessions to at least do something. Now you have the Inspector General now is criminally referred Andrew McCabe to the U S Attorney of d C. I think it was expected. And remember we kept reporting that. I mean, the evidence is there. The Inspector General had the evidence that McCabe lied. Eventually he came out with it publicly. Um McCabe was fired before that, before the Inspector General went public, before Attorney General Jeff Sessions went public with the reasons why Andrew McCabe was fired. And he lied, he lied multiple times under oath. He's also involved in a much bigger controversy than just lying, and that is the Inspector General's investigation into how the FBI has handled you know, the killery Clinton man her And and that's something that we haven't seen that report yet. So that's something that we're expecting to see in May from Inspector General Horowitz. And I think this is incredible because remember Sewan I was reporting over a year ago, what was going on inside uh, you know, the Washington d C. Field office with the FBI. There were you know, former FBI agents um uh and and law enforcement officials that I spoke with that had said, you know, Andrew McCabe was really dead set on getting um Michael Flynn, who was a former National security advisor, that he wanted to find any way that he could get him for lying. When the agents went and interviewed Flynn, one of them being Peter Struck Uh, they returned back to the FBI Field office UH and basically stated that they didn't believe he was lying. We reported that, and then later Comy testified to that fact and stated that those FBI agents didn't believe that Flynn was lying. And still the Special Counsel Robert Mueller was able to get him to basically plead guilty to one count of lying to the FBI. And and that's still a mystery to a lot of people. People attribute that to maybe he was trying to protect his son, Maybe he was trying to you know, he was exhausted from you know, the legal fees and what it was doing to his family, and so he buckled down to the Special Council. Well, right now, the guy that wanted to take Flynn down and all these other people is now facing the same exact charges, except it's more egregious. It's written in stone, it's in an IG report, and we see that he deliberately, like not only dd Lie think about this, he threw other FBI executives, people that he had worked with under a bus. He basically lied, he allowed the leak to happen. And then he calls later to New York Field office and reprimands the New York Field offs is for the leak. I mean discovered. You know, I'm looking at all of this and I still to both of you, and unless David first, I go back to this, I go back to I cannot believe that James Comey admitted this week he doesn't know it's in the dossier. Well, it's possible, it could be true, and I mean it's that is stunningly spectacular to me. Nobody in the media talks about the ramifications of this, which is that you have a Hillary Clinton, you know, funneled money through a law firm. That's an issue, Uh, using a foreign national. I thought that was a big issue. Who gets government Russian government sources and Russian sources creates a dossier, nobody verifies or corroborates it, and they use it as the basis the bulk of information for FISA warrant, and they don't tell the FISA judge they didn't verify a fusion, GPS didn't verify it, nobody verified it, and a lot of it's debunked. And then on top of that, they don't tell the judge in four instances, the original application, three subsequent applications that in fact, Uh, David, it was Hillary Clinton that paid for it. How do you do that? That's lying to a judge. You do it because there's no accountability in the system. That's why the ex parte UH part of the system allowing a prosecutor unilaterally make representations to a judge with consequences. This severe UH is almost unheard of. There's an exceptions in the nine with this five accord. But that's why the judges there taking very seriously and have to be livid about what they are starting to learn happen. But it's no accountability. First of all, until you started raising these questions, and now Congress is following that lead um there wasn't any, and there would not have been. That's why, by the way, you know, the criminal justice system itself has intended to be an adversarial system, and a primary principle is to investigate the investigation from the start, you know. And this this is the irony. Well, assuming that Rod Rosen State in Bloomberg's correct today tells the president is not a target, Muller, that means they never found any Trump Russia collusion. That's what it means. And now we're just and Sean it's it's it's a fact. I mean, they've all come out and said they don't have evidence. If there was evidence, it would at least look how much is already leaking out there. Look at all of the information that's already out there, and they still haven't leaked any direct link between Russia and President Trump's campaign and it doesn't exist, or else they would have found it. All right, we'll take a break. Well, that's another thing. There was Russian collusion. Hillary paid for Russian lies and then they used it to get a fighter. Aren't just buy on an American citizen that they didn't verify and it happens to be a member of the associate of the Trump campaign. This whole thing is outrageous. If you believe in the right to civil liberties in this country. This is a This is more dangerous than anybody really knows. All right, breaking Bloomberg Rosenstein told Donald Trump last week that he isn't a target of any part of Mueller's investigation. And of course we have a report Andrew McCabe has now been criminally referred by the Inspector General to the U. S. Attorney of d C. And some pretty big news than we had the criminal referrals yesterday from Congress Um. What do you think, Sarah happens with the criminal referrals the de Santists of course referral, and then Mark Meadows and Trey Goudy and what they're doing. Well, I think, first of all, you know now we have multiple criminal referrals on McCabe, so I think he is in really hot water. I think he understands he's going to be facing a lot of legal challenges in the near future and his defense is going to be very weak since he's already been investigated by the Inspector General thoroughly. I also think there's going to be more information coming out I think as far as the criminal referrals sent by a representative run to Santist, I think it's it's about time. Uh, you know, the the his list of referrals, particularly um with regard to Hillary Clinton. I mean, if you're looking at the fact that they did not disclose, uh in their in their paperwork during the campaign, that they had paid for this. Uh they sent it through the cutout, you know, through their attorney and paid for the dossier for the research on President Trump. I also heard something very interesting from somebody I was talking to in the intelligence community who brought who brought this up, like they relied the FBI. FBI relied on this dossier which was basically put together by an ex British spy and all of these Russian agents and the Fusion GPS. You know, we have intelligence agents all over the world. We have FBI working counter intelligence, we have c I A, we have people in all kinds of departments. Why weren't they collecting this information? If if this was really out there, I mean, you would think that our own intelligence agencies wouldn't have to rely on foreign intelligence. Uh. Larges charges against been on this subject when we got about Yeah, the piece that Sarah wrote yesterday is the definitive piece on this issue. If if you think people aren't interested at over two hundred thousand hits right away. One of the many reasons people are so interested, this is a fascinating constitutional battle playing out in public. For the first time in a long time, we're seeing Article one members members of Congress flexing their muscle into the void where there has been no action. People talk about the president acting so powerfully. This president has been very laid back in terms of the power he could be exercising. He could be taking much greater control of the Justice Department if he wanted to. Article two gives him that power. Such a good reminder everybody forgets that and he and he does have the part of the power under Article too. I gotta let you both go. Thank you both, great work. We'll see you both on Hannity tonight, Kelly and Conway coming up next. And it's really upsetting and very disturbing that the president has been gunning for Andrew McCabe since the campaign. He's been gunning to get his pension taken away from him. This kind of Friday night massacre is a little concerning. Doug former Reputy Director Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, fired um after more than twenty years of service. By the way, uh, is there any comparison to Nixon's Saturday Night massacre? Yeah, I mean this will be known as the Friday Night slaughter. It is clear as day that the President of the United States directed the Attorney General, either implicitly or explicitly to fire Andy McCabe to undermine him as a witness in any upcoming proceeding in which McCabe could corroborate Jim Comby's testimony that the President of the United States obstructed justice. Because we know that these investigations generally moved slowly, there may have been good cause to terminate McCabe, but the speed at which it's done alone raises the specter of doubt. Ultimately, obstruction, even if it's not a criminal action, is always an impeachable offense. To me, this reminds of the Comy firing. It seems like, even though, as Josh said, there should be a situation where, uh, if someone in the FBI, including McCabe, has not been fully truthful, then they do have to face the consequences. Even though he of course denies that, as family just reported. But this looks like a punishment in search of a transgression, rather than a transgression that's followed by a punishment. But the point is to tear down the credibility of all people involved with anything pertaining to anything that might look into this president, which leads one to believe that this is authoritarian behavior or the making of one the level of vindictiveness Walter in the behavior the actions of the President of the United States towards a federal official, a twenty one year veteran of the FBI who has done exemplary work over those twenty one years. I don't know any frame of reference. You know, you always hear this phrase that this comes out of Putin's playbook. Well, this actually comes out of an old playbook, older playbook, the KGBS playbook. They had a four point plan for how KGB operations, propaganda and agents were to operate against both the CIA and United States law enforcement. First one was to use activities that would demoralize, discredit, or or or disinform about their operations. Then they would go after individual agents, Then they would go after their leadership. Donald Trump is literally playing by the Russian playbook on this. Here's all those messages you're talking about are actually private text messages which probably should have never been leaked in the first place. And they were also anti Clinton and anti politician messages wrapped up in that as well. So I think that's separate from Manajrew McKay. But he is a key witness here in the entire Mueller investigation. We now know that he's turned over notes to Muller. He has potentially information they could back up James Comey stories about the firing of James Coby, the potential firing, the firing, and interference with Michael Flynn. So he is a key witness, and you have to ask the question is President Trump trying to taint him as a witness in the Muller investigation. The FBI is outgoing Deputy Director Andrew McCabe four days from retiring. His pension now at stake, So in other words, Jeff Sessions can fire him before he gets his pension, and then after all they he was starting in one nine days, he won't get his pens. He will not if they're focusing on how they can prevent a twenty year veteran. The FBI to prevent him from plutting his pension, and they're talking about how they can. McCabe, who was let go a little more than twenty four hours before he was eligible to receive his pension, ousted less than two days before he was set to retire his benefits stripped. I think many people were surprised by the harshness of it and the timing, especially the loss of his pension. Could anything be done about that? The people who are going to pay the price here are at McCabe's wife and children, and that seems horribly unfair. All right, That was the media's reaction when in fact Jeff Sessions did fire Andrew McCabe, the deputy FBI director. Now there's the report that we have been going with all day that is now out daily Call all the major newspapers that the Inspector General would be Michael Horowitz of the Department of Justice has now made a criminal referral for the former FBI director Andrew McCabe. Also following the story that in fact, it looks like the Justice Department will be releasing these comy memos to Congress. We have so much going on, and then yesterday's criminal referral by Congressman Rhonda Santis and eleven other people on a whole host of people that we've been covering now for over a year. Kelly Anne Conway, counselor to the President, is with us. How are you? I'm great, Sean, how are you? Um? Let's get your first reaction here that that McCabe is now criminally referred to the the U S Attorney of d C. Your reaction, It's just the stunning development. And those who were defending him merely because he was being dismissed by the Attorney General Just Sessions, which of course was Mr Sessions right, should really take a look at these articles that are written by their friends in the print media. The evidence of the alleged evidence is stunning and it takes an awful lot from an Inspector General to refer its findings that a former FBI deputy director, Sean that's the number two in charge, right behind Coomy in a bureau of twenty five thousand honorable men and women, that he and why are they referring it? The crime is that he repeatedly misled investigators. More were those investigators investigating whether he was leaking to you know, top federal prosecutors into the media. I mean, it's just unbelievable that the number two would be would allegedly be so biased and would be sharing information that he should not be. That's on top of everything that you and others have been relentlessly and doggedly pursuing for many months now in the public interests, which is other people who are at in charge of the Clinton investigation at the FBI, the sectors, or in his wife. Just again and again, the fix was in and it didn't even work. They couldn't even do that right because the person they didn't want to win one. And I think in light of Comy's book being out there, all just becomes this toxic stew where somebody who's a key witness in the Muller investigations out there selling books not saying America, puffing himself up. I think thirty days of Jim Comey is going to be about twenty nine and a half too many to the consuming public, and the public ought to just turn away from his nonsense of self aggrandizing book and look at things like today's reports where the Inspector General is referring got Andrew mckabe again, the number two at the FBI to the U S Attorney for considerations of criminal charges. Hey, Sean, if he w want to read anything about Jim Comey, they ought to read the Coomy memos and not the Comy book. That will really be something in a turnover, great line, Can I steal that? You know? Um, let me play for you on interview. This, Uh, this is Comey admitting while I lie. I've admitted to my lives in my book and a lot of good people of light. And when I heard it, the first thing I thought of was General Flynt take a listen. Do you think the future of the FBI is transparency. I think it has to be a huge part of the FBI because public confidence in the FBI is it's bedrock. We have to show people our work when we can, as often as possible so they have confidence in even if that means your second in command was fired for lying four times. So this is where I think the confusion comes from. Your second McCann McCabe in command. McCabe was fired for lying multiple times within the FBI. You defended his character on Twitter. That's that's okay. Lying is okay internally. No, it's definitely not In fact, the McCabe case illustrates what an organization that's committed to the truth looks like. We investigated hold, I ordered that investigation. We investigate and hold people accountable. Good people lie, I lay out on the book. I think I'm a good person. Where I've lied, I still believe Andrew McCabe is a good person. But the Inspector General found that he lied, and there's severe consequences in the Justice Department for lying, as there should be throughout the government. Unbelievable, I mean, what does that mean for what General Flynn went through. Well, again, let's talk about what's happening here. That what people think. They're double standards all the time, as you know, and they're usually correct. But it says that in Louie the Washington Post report, This is from the Washington Post that last week the Inspector General sent the report to Congress lastim McCabe. What did he say? He said that McCabe inapprobably authorized the disclosure of sensitive information to the media. I mean, Sean, we can't get people to to turn over documents to the Congress, to go and testify in front of Congress if they're asked to or go share information they're asked to, but we've got people leaking to the media. Jim Coby himself admitted that he did that. He admitted after he was fired, and he admitted this under oath last June. He admitted that after he was fired, he wanted to get information out, so he gave it to his friend, a professor, uh and not a government employee, and that friend gave it to the New York Times, and that Jim Comey did that with an eye towards the friend getting into the New York Times and quote hoping to trigger a special counsel, which is exactly what happened. People have to look at all this and not be so besotted with with Jim Comey and his media torn. He's going on late night TV and he's taken shots at a president that he engaged with probably a handful of times within six or eight weeks before he was fired. He is writing a book on these three drive by engagements. If he will quick engagement, relatively quick engagement with the president. That it's like a fishing story gets bigger and bigger and bigger, and it was like a mob boss, you know, trying to say, well, that's a disgrace to say, by the way, and I take umber to that because I work for this man every single day. I have much more contact in a given day with Donald Trump than Jim Comey had in the very brief tenure before he was fired from his job. And that's just not that's just not true. He's saying what he thinks will sell books, will be most scintillating. You know, his biggest sound bites to the week aren't even in the book. The pr agents was to decided that the book was so boring because, after all, a book by Jim Comey, that they had to come up with some clever sound bites after the fact post book sound bites. And then that's what's been making the way through the chirons. But his book aside these are that he was the number one and Andrew McCabe was the number two, and they both have admitted to leaking. Plenty of people see them as leakers and having very as relationships with the truth. Uh. And it's to say nothing of the other fact, which is why in the world would you try to write a book and talk about the integrity of the FBI and take pot shots about someone else's marriage someone else's physical looks. I mean, what are we into third grade here? Now? That would be that would be nursery school. Um, but let me let me ask you this because it really gets The biggest admission to me was the part where Comey actually said, oh, it's possible the Russian dossier is true. The big problem Kelly m with that is that, well, that dossier we now know was used as the bulk of of information presented to a visor court for a visor warrant to spy on an opposition party. And it gets worse because it was a foreign national Christopher Stile using Hillary Clinton funneled money and using Russian sources that were never corroborated, and it was never identified that it was her money. That's a problem. Two quick things on that, Shawn. Number one dossier is a you know, it's like a French word for a load of crap in this case. Number two number two, Jim Comy failed to disclose to President elect Trump on January six in Trump Tower, the same thing that those seeking the FIES award failed to disclose to the FIES the judges. Same thing never told either party, A very important fact in evidence that his political opponents had paid millions and millions and millions of dollars for that information. Jim Comy and Stephanopolos pushed him and he said, don't you think Donald Trump had a right to know? He said, oh, I don't have an answer. That question didn't serve my goals. What exactly where his calls sean if that's in service the goal. But the problem is bigger than that, because he should have they should have told the court, you know, and remember that was presented as the bulk of information in October, and he was telling the President elect in January that it was salacious and unverified. That means that it wasn't under investigation to be investigated. You know, I want to ask you foreign policy Austrian, which I don't often get to ask, but I'm I'm watching everything now little rocket man Kim jonga, and everybody said, oh, he's going to start a nuclear war. He's now going to meet with the president to talk about de nuclearization of the Korean peninsula. Nobody paid attention in the media that China totally blinked as it relates to tariffs and intellectual property issues involving the United States. That was a huge one nobody is seeing the emerging alliance that the President very very quietly put a coalition of the willing France and and and Great Britain together when they went after Syria. And then you've got the Saudias, You've got the Jordanians, Egyptians, and the Emirates and Israel and the United States now working together. I mean, that is more foreign policy success than Obama ever dreamed of in eight years. Yes, so one need not win a Nobel Peace Prize before they practically before they even take office, as it's done in the past, to recognize how much progress is being made. He've laid out the bulk of it. Let's talk about North Korea for a moment. What matters most is that the summit is successful if it happens in advancing the Dounique, the nuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. Let's keep our eye on what this is about now, the US and the North and North Korea. As people realized yesterday and in recognizing that Director Pompeo had made his way over there, they've been holding direct talks in preparation for a summit, and North Korea has confirmed its willingness to talk about the nuclearization, which is what we have on the menu. UM. North Korea was also topic of discussion between Prime Minister Abbey and President Trump. They're they're united in continuing the maximum pressure campaign. And when you look at Iran and it's and its role, you see this President continues to send messages to Iran by his other actions around the world. UM certainly in his responses Syria, certainly, frankly in his in his UM his push to the nuclearized North Korea, another major potential nuclear power, nuclear threat, and so so much of this is we've together. But I'll tell you, Sean, if you turn on the TV or open your computer, most days, you wouldn't know any of this is happening. You'd have no idea information. Under the information deficit, I think people are reacting and not reporting much of the time. Most of them want to get the president and not get the story. And it's a shame because and it also probably doesn't matter because people can open their computers and get information for themselves. They can find the factual information if they look for it. But there's so much that's happening in the way of progress domestically and internationally with security and prosperity. People feel it, they know it. Look at look at the look at all the the people who don't have a message really moving forward into the fall. I won't mention them, but uh, this is good. This is a contrast right now of a president whose tax cuts and Job Act and deregulation and putting ices on the run, especially in Syria. People see the prosperity in the security that's coming to them and they like it. All right, Kelly and Conway, counsel to the President. I know you're busy everyday. Thanks for the work you're doing. We appreciate your hard work every day. For one Seawn toll free telephone number you want to be a part of the program. We'll get to your calls coming up later in the day and uh much more straight ahead, stay right here for our final news round up and information overloads. Hey, Mr Coby, Hey, how is it ethical to briefe the President of the United States on an unverifiable and salacious dossier? And how is it ethical leadership to not tell him that his political opposition, Hillary Clinton, paid for that You didn't you didn't disclose that information? Why didn't you disclose? The President Trump bey his opposition came for material, but you are not an ethical leader today, Mr Comy. Eleven lawmakers, eleven lawmakers. Mr Comey today filed the criminal referral against you. Filed a criminal referral against you. All right, James Comey was doing a book signing. Yes today Laura Lomer uh confronted him. Well known, when do we first meet Laura was she was working for James o'keefon she was with o'kee from Project and uh so she went, you know, the thing is that is really the key question, and that is an unverified, uncorroborated, salacious Stasi, a foreign national. Christopher Steele puts together, uses Russian sources. Hillary pays it by funneling money through Perkins Cooie so they don't see it as the expense that it is. And then they pay fusion, GPS, etcetera. And though the worst part is it's used as the as the bulk of a FISA application to spy on an American citizen, an associate of the Trump campaign, and they don't tell the judge that they never verified, never corroborated, and Hillary paid for it. You can't make this stuff up. And on the entire book tour of James Comey. Nobody's asking him that question anyway. One Shawn is a toll free telephone number. Jonathan Gillham, author of the best selling books Sheep No More. Danielle McLaughlin, attorney, constitutional expert who co wrote The Federalist Society, How Conservatives took the Law back from Liberals. All right, Danielle, how do you explain your an attorney correct? Yea high How are you how do you possibly explain that they they used this unverified foreign national dossier the way they did to get a warrant? How do you how do you justify lying to a fis a court judge? Well, the first thing is that they didn't lie because they disclosed that this was, um the product of opposition research and stop, stop, that's not true. That is not no, it is. There is an asterisk that says it may have a political taint to it, but they knew Hillary paid for it, and they never told the judge, Oh, it's actually the other party that did this. Well, at this point, do you justify it not being verified too? Well, it's a couple of things. First, have started with a conservative publication and it was paceful by cruise and then it went to Clinton at the time to spin as a warrant was put before the court. There was only one political opponiment. I believe the language used in the fire application was person number one, let me, let me, let me stop, let me start, let me stop here for a second. Number one, Christopher Steele was never when there was opposition research being done by Republicans with Fusion GPS. It never entailed Christopher Steel. That only happened when Hillary started paying the bills. That's fact number one. You're not addressing the main fact here. You're an attorney. You cannot bring unverified, salacious rumors from Russia put together by a foreign national and use it as the grassly Grandmamo says, the bulk of information to obtain a warrant. You know that's lying in misleading a court. And I know it's lying in misleading a court. Why would you defend that. I'm not defending it. I don't believe that they mislead the court. I believe that they said it was political opposition research, and that they told the judge that did not. It may have a no, that's not true. Well wait a minute, but all right, as a matter of fies a law. James Comey said on his book tour just in his George Stefanopolo's interview, he actually made the statement that I don't know. Anything's possible. It could be true. They never verified it. Informations would come out of my mouth. But I don't know whether the current president nited states with prostitutes being on each other in Moscow in two It's possible, but I don't know how could he not know the truth. But it was used to obtain a warrant. It was used on the basis of many other things, including no, not many of the bulk of information, you're not being accurate here, and carter page. Cartter page was also very problematic, keep being watched by the That's not the point. The bulk of information to obtain the warrant was the phony Clinton bought and paid for foreign national Russian dosier. The Republicans Congress Sate was the bulk, and the Democrats and Congress say that it was part of an entire collection of and that it verified everything else. So my position is still I don't believe the court was lied too, because I do agree with you that lying to a court uh is absolutely unacceptable. But we had Papadopolis, we had caught a page. There was reason too to believe that they were problematic connections. And I guess you gotta say, I guess you'll probably even say that when Hillary deleted thirty three thousand emails, acid washer hard drive had an associate beat up or Blackberries with a hammer, I guess you're gonna tell me that's not obstruction of justice too. I don't believe that that was. I believe it was extremely pop problematic behavior. I do believe didn't ask if it was problematic, is that obstruction of justice? If I did that, can I go to jail? Maybe? Yeah? Maybe yeah? And and and that's the whole point Jonathan Gillham, that there are two We now have a dual justice system in this country. That is the biggest problem in all of this. Yeah, there's a lot of problems in this Sean, And first off, let me just say that. And in James Keith Pole that go and do these things like Laura Lumer did, they have to realize that they need to get organized like the left. If they're gonna show up somewhere like that with one voice like they did at the play, It doesn't do any good. They need to show up with twenty people, so when she's gone, the next person does it. That's what the Left does. They need to use their tactics. That's the first and second thing. It's interesting because you know, when Daniel and I come on here every week, we have a very similar conversation, and what it typically boils down to is it's dangerous to make assumptions that, uh anything, that these individuals at the higher levels of the f behind the d o J and even the five A judge at this point, it's more difficult to make an assumption that they what they did was correct or what they did was in the best interests of the people, because the totality of the circumstances when you look at McCabe and Struck and Paige Comy and Mueller Rosenstein, when you look at their actions, there's too many holes in it. And from an investigator standpoint, if there's one lie somebody's trying to minimize, then you get that it typically happens. But when you look at the story that they present on why they did this, and how the dossier was used and how it was produced and how it went to the fire, the court un there's just too many holes and where that exists from an investigative standpoint, you you know, you know it's frustrating to me, is that at some point we've got to recognize here that civil liberties are in jeopardy. At some point, we've got to realize this is not equal justice under the law. At some point, we've got to understand that the actions taken not you know, my love of law enforcement, not by rank and file FBI, Secret Service, intelligence people, but with the people that had the power at the highest echelon. At some point we've got to realize here, they didn't prosecute Hillary because she was Hillary, and they wanted Hillary in the race, and they never did a real investigation, which is why they wrote an exoneration in May. And then Peter Struck, who hates Trump, ended up interviewing Hillary in July, and then they exonerated her that and interviewed seventeen other people. And then you've got to get to the whole dossier issue. Everyone all worked up for over a year, however long about Russia, Russia Trump collusion. Well, it turns out Hillary paid for Russian lines to manipulate the American people and then the vizor warrant is just so beyond the pale, you know, I'm it drives me nuts. Daniel, Where is the civil libertarian in you that says, enough is enough? This crosses too many lines we can we will not have a United States of America, rule of law, constitutional republic if this keeps happening. I see your point, and I am a civil libertarian as well. I think a really helpful way to reflect on Clinton and decision not to prosecutus to think about General Petrayus. So remember called me is a Republican and the SPI is basically hited by Republicans. Right now, General Petrayus, who, as we know mss handled classified information. He could have been charged with a felony under the Espionage Act, but instead the Department of Justice this to prosecute him, and he actually played guilty to a misdemeat and misshandling. Okay, you know apparently what the information though was in that case, If we're going to be fully transparent with our audience here, it was nothing serious. It had nothing to do with anything. We now know that probably we know five at least six or five foreign intelligence agencies hacked in a Hillary server. That means they got secret, classified, top secret special access programming information. If I had to guess, it was Russia, it was China, it was North Korea, it was Iran, and then God only knows who else speculating because you don't know. Betrayers had book not he had handbooks and handbooks of high flight information which had taken home he put in a desk. That's correct. And apparently he shared the calendar, his calendar on somebody that was writing a book about him. Yes, Paul A. Broadway, he shared those um he shared that information with Paul Broadwell. And my point is, I understand the concerns about civil liberties, and I believe that we should be equal under the law. But something called prosecutorial discretion. That's what Portrays got a hero of the right, and that's what Clinton got, a hero of the left. So I know that there's a scence that you know what and not know what. It's a great example where they were treated. They never held Hillary accountable for for what she did at all. And you know what even is even worse is what they did to the FISA court. You know what, we need FISA. I've always believed and I'm not sure we can we can live with it anymore if we're going to now be spying on American citizens using the powerful tools of intelligence that we need in an evil and dangerous world. You know, I don't know, Jonathan Gillum, I literally fear for people's privacy at this point. Well, yeah, of course you should, because you just la not even talking about that part. But yeah, I wasn't even thinking about me. But I'm but a good point. Ye But when when you when you look at what Daniel just said about them, glad you brought up portrays because you say that Reus was a hero or the right. Petrayas, in my book, is a low life and Petrea should have gone to jail because anybody that's a you know, a regular rank and file veteran active duty would have gone to jail for what he did for a long time. Patreyas was an insult to the uniform and should have gone to jail. But he's a perfect example of how these establishment elites in Washington, DC function. Petray As does their dirty work. Patrayas would scratch their back if they needed it. It doesn't matter if it's the left or right. That's the way they work. And that's the way it's working with Comby and the rest of these individuals. It's just that there they were dedicated to Hillary Clinton, because they are dedicated to whoever is going to push their agenda. Ford these scss, the senior executive service members. I have had several of them write me because I've been critical and they're thanking me for that because they feel as though their reputations are ruined because of these criminals that are politically connected, and that's how they got into the positions that they are. They're politically connected. And there's a whole group of sc s s that do God's work every day, along with the rest of the agents that are on the ground. But these individuals that get into these positions are politically connected. And that's by the way. You know, Jonathan, you know who's most angry that I know about all of this. My FBI fronts people in the intelligence community. I know they're the angriest. And I explained them. I said, look, you do know that most people know that this is these are individuals at the top. Nobody thinks it's rank and file because it's not rank and file. All right, stay right there, We'll take a break, we'll come back and as we continue with Jonathan Gillham and Danielle McLaughlin. Uh, what do you make We have all the criminal referrals that were made yesterday. I won't list them now, but the Inspector General has now referred his findings to the U. S. Attorney to consider for criminal charges here. Um, I think this is probably the first of a number of shoes that are gonna drop. Uh. The laws were laid out clearly yesterday in the referral by these congressmen. What is your take on it? Danielle, Well, there's a lot. I mean, I think there are thirteen referrals, right, so it's it's a lot to go through in a relatively short Segmentum. I know there's a lot of concern about Clinton using a law firm for the opposition research and arguments about obstructing that excuse me, obscuring that. I believe under election law it's okay to not detail what law firms have done. And frankly, a lot of people use law firms because then the law firm product is attorney client privilege, So that's not so much out of the pail. I understand there are concerns with the Komi memoranda, and I share a concern with that as well. There are seven memorandas I understand it, four contained classified information, but apparently he gave far to his professive friend, meaning that one may have contained classified information. And if indeed that's the case, then we need to look into that and we need to investigate it. What does it mean, Jonathan, You spent all of these years in law enforcement, and you know you were you were in the FBI. Well this is the former you know a lot of people. I mean, I could sit here and say how wrong the media has been for a year and a half with their you know, chasing this ridiculous Trump Russia collusion story, and how is it's expanded into areas nobody it never should have expanded to it. I don't take any joy in being right that there are high ranking people, uh that are involved in all of this none. I don't take any joy in it. I actually do, and I'll tell you why. It because there's a warrior, and as an investigator, I want to see the enemy conquered, and nothing pleases me more than when the enemy exposes themselves over and over to a point where if this i G is legit. All he's got to do is go back two years when this whole uh. I mean he didn't have to look at at the dossier. And that's good that he has it. But all you gotta do is go back and look at how the whole system worked during the election process, and and follow it backwards. You're gonna see who alse connected. He could literally start from this judge that did this stuff this last week concerning Cohen and every and you and everybody, and go backwards. All the players are all in place, and they've all exposed themselves and as far as comy in these individuals being uh having charges brought up this I G. And the President must ensure that this happened. Do not lay a timeline down and say we're going to wrap this up in a year. That's not the way investigations work. Let the investigation play out. I don't care if it takes five years. Let it play out and lock these people up charging with treason if you have to do whatever you have to do to clean up this sc S program and this deep state. But if you put a timeline on it, you're you're not going to have a full investigation Comy proved that in the way that he handled the Hillary Critton investigation, which wasn't botched. It was. It was Linda's yelling in my ears. I'm sorry, Why is she screaming at me? And why do you yellow? Why don't yellow? Jonathan? You're Jonathan stopped talking? Time one, Shawn Tolfrey telephone number. We'll have more on this criminal referral. And now this new news about the i G has been criminally referred, has criminally referred McCabe to the U S. Attorney of d C. Eight one, Shawn, our number alright now till the top of the hour, eight nine four one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. Another criminal referral today on top of the referrals we told you about all day yesterday, and this one the Justice Inspector General not coming from Congress this time making a criminal referral for the former Deputy director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, directly to the U S. Attorney for the District of Columbia. Unbelievable. This and I'm telling you get ready hold onto your seats. This is gonna be a very very up and down, bumpy, bumpy ride. All right, let's get to our busy phones here as we Oh, you know one other thing, Linda, did you see what happened with our friend Terrence Williams on Twitter? Alright? Facebook just it's like it's sort of like a diamond and so all over again. Facebook suspended. Uh. And and Terence is a comedian. I mean, he's he's funny. He does those those videos that drives you just absolutely hysterical, a lot of them. Um. Anyway, he was literally suspended from Facebook, and the reason he was suspended is because he was posting screenshots of the hate mail that he received from liberals. Now they have since restored his UM, I guess his position on Facebook. But I can't believe that they're doing that. I don't know why you're surprised. I mean, anytime, you know, we don't have a George Carlin of today. We don't have that anymore. You're not allowed to make jokes. Everybody takes themselves very seriously. Everyone is very very easily offended. You look at someone the wrong way because you were pulling, you know, an eyelash out of your eye, and they think you gave them the stink eye. And suddenly you're you know, on reprimand and given time off, and you have to be put away until you're you know, you know how to behave in public. It's absolutely ridiculous, it really is. It's pretty unbelievable. I'm looking forward to a time when we can easily offend one another again and just laugh at at all. Stereotypes exist for a reason. Excuse me. Let's be honest here. You offend me every single day with pleasure. Who is the most politically incorrect person? Let's have a vote. We'll start with Sunshine, even though she's biased in your favor. On our team, who is the most politically incorrect by a mile? Should we put a poll on the website? Is that more fair because, I mean, our team might be because that you don't do this publicly. You do it just behind closed doors with I think most people would say I do it publicly. Actually, well, you do do some publicly, but if they only knew the real if you unplugged is a lot different. It's even worse. Well, we have an FCC violation issue here, so I can't unplug as much as i'd like. Now. You know what's amazing is nobody puts up their hands because they all are afraid of the wrath of Linda that that's not true. Do you remember our caller from last week who said Linda is an angel and she one can advice. I think his name is Marshall, who is the most politically incorrect person on our team, Sunshine. I think it's a tie between you and her, not even close, u Ethan, not even close. Even though Jason. I think if we really dug deep and did a deep dive into Jason, we'd probably don't. You don't You don't want to wait in those waters. Think of the conversations at Coyote Ugly. We'd start there and you Mr you know Altar boy back there. Uh yeah, okay, um. You laugh at everything she says everything. I laugh at everything you said voice. Everyone laughs at what I say because I'm lean, I'm funny. I'm not denying that you're not funny. You get a good chuckle at least three or four times an hour, so I don't want to hear that, you know. I just thought of something else. I have an update on Marley my my dog. You do am I going to be an auntie? Well? If it took I mean, I don't know if it's good. I don't know if it worked, but but they definitely happened. When do we find out, I don't know. I got to ask Connie um over Majestic Manners in Indiana. I had to send my I'm missing my dog. So she wrote me last night and said she was watching the TV show and Marley was asleep, and as soon as my voice came on, Marley literally woke up, walked over and started staring at the TV. That should be your video of the night. I don't know, but I don't know what the dog getting pregnant or the dog you know who used to do that treat at night? Yeah, when I put your TV show on at night, she she'd perk up and she's like moving the TV like what you know? What? What? Where is he trying to recognize your voice? Except treat used to jump at the TV. Because I was like, oh, this is the guy that used to make me jump treat the guide dog that miss honesty. Linda said I never gonna pass no way, And then when i'd ask her in front of Sunshine, Oh absolutely, she's gonna pass. No. I always said that that dog would pass. All right, Now you're lying, just I'm not lying. I am not like McCabe and Comy. I don't lye truth nine for one song. You know what, I get the best comments that I get from people now, they're both the same, Hannity, you gotta keep up the fight. And the next thing is, I hope you're not in trouble for doing all this. I mean, can you imagine in the United States of America, because you state an opinion and you break stories that about of a deep state being so corrupt and Hillary Clinton get in the past, that people would say, oh, jeez, I hope you're okay. I also think it's interesting that just posing a question is now becoming you know this, Uh, this is like a crime to ask a question. And you know what, people have selective memories because there's ony of evidence of the questions being asked previously. Everyone thinks we uh. I don't know if people think we're just on the air three hours a day and that's the extent of the work we put in for the show. But apparently maybe that's the way the rest of the media doesn't because we're running circles around them in terms of breaking stories. Well, no, they all have their morning, meaning they get their talking points and their collective efforts, and then they all go on the air and say the same thing. All right, let's go to Susan in Livingston, Tennessee. Susan, how are you glad? You called Mr? Handy? Hello, Susan, how are you? I? I'm good you're calling me Mr, which means you think I'm very old clothing. You can call me Shawn as Uh, what's in your mind today? UM? Well, I wanted to tell you that, UM, I really appreciate you UM and your show. I didn't really understand how corrupt and crazy our government UM has gotten an out of control it's gotten. I just hope that something comes of it, because I just think that, you know, American people should have um the same laws as the government, and the government should have the same laws as us. I'd be in jail if I did half the things Hillary, and you know everybody else did. So. Well, look, here's the bottom line, and I think it's important that we have. We actually had a discussion here off air earlier, and I said, Tom, I don't take joy that all of these people are getting these criminal referrals. The only thing that's good about it is I want our government to be I don't want what has happened to ever happen again. It can't. We can't be a democratic republic like and have the powerful tools of intelligence being used against the American people based on a politician using foreign nationals and Russian lies and presenting it before the FISA court as if it's real information, you know. Nor can we have Americans that are are charged all the time with obstructing justice, but they didn't delete recipient at emails and bust up their devices and acid wash their hard drive. And I just think the whole thing is sad, but it has to be done anyway. Linda's like, no, this is about justice. What's wrong with you? Yeah? I mean I'm not saying I'm doing a happy dance because I'm happy that they're going to get in trouble or whatever. But I am doing a happy dance and jake up and down, you know, acrobatics whatever you want to call it, because we're being proved right. I'm not gonna lie about that. I am. Well, I'll tell you one thing. If we weren't right, uh, they would be dancing all over us. Oh are you kidding? I mean, it's the same thing with the election. You know, the media never said, wow, Hannity was one of the few people that saw this comment. And then I don't expect and I don't want and I don't even care about about any of that. It's not about who's I want what's right for the country. You know, when I've talked about the forgotten men and women every day during the election year, I meant it. It matters to see the economy coming back, matters, you know, peace and safety and security. Uh and and the possibility of a d nuclear d nuclearized Korean peninsula is a good thing. Getting out of the rand Deal is a good thing. Um. Certainly, forging new relationships with China and China you know, no trade war. China basically gave in on all our demands. That's a good thing. You know. I just want good things to happen. And it's like for the media to be right. Donald Trump has to do a horrible job as president. In spite of all of this, everything is working out, what as it relates to foreign policy and the economy and and everything that really matters in people's lives. All right, let's go to our phones. Alan is in Charlottesville, Virginia, Hey, Alan, how are you glad you called? Sir? He's certain, Mr Hannay, I'm glad to talk to you. Listening to show every day, Sir, I love it and I'll get right to the yes, Sir, I'll get right to the point. And told you costcreator that I am law enforcement in in many years and just watching the the interviews and the the comy situation, I'm sure that people are looking at this. But you know, I don't know. It's no big surprivate that. Uh, you know, he is a liar, but he is so good at it, and he's been doing it for a long time. But there are subtle things that he does when he sets, when he sets an interview, with his eye movement, that's his facial expressions, he's looking around. There's so many different directions looking for the words to make up a story or try to convolute it. And it looks to me, based on my experience of interview and suspects and over the years, that that's what most most liars do. They can't keep the story straight. And and interestingly, he's gonna he's gonna slip up because he can't. It's no waking unless he writes all these things down because he's flying off the cup look looks like to me and you know, it may be a small fame, but it just seems to me that I hope somebody picks up on that. I'm maybe they are, but um, I'm not. Well. I we we know, we know that he's told the number of lies here. You know I've never leaked. Okay, we know he leaked. And the problem now is we now know he leaks some classified information also privileged information, and and it goes on from there. I I do think you know, I meant it when I actually said it, when when he came out and it was announced he's doing this book, I said from the beginning, this is a bad idea. I said, I don't know who his lawyer is, but his lawyers nuts to let him not only do a book, but then do a book tour. And I predicted the day that Comey was out that he's gonna be a contributor on MSNBC and there's gonna be a mini series and he's gonna be in Hollywood and he's gonna suck up to the left. Well that doesn't even really panned out the way he wanted because a lot of liberals are livid and apoplectic at his actions. And I think now he's I like newts Line when he said he's shrinking every day with every interview, and I think people are beginning to see at which the President saw early and I have seen now for a long time, and many others. Anyway, good call, Allen. We do appreciate it. One Shawn is a toe free telephone number. Let's go to Don and Franklin, Virginia. Also, how are you in Virginia? What's happening? Don They really have enjoyed listening to you. And I want to say that Kelly In is right, and I think the news is really keeping the main out of sight and that's a big factor. But the reason I call it says, you know, I've been listening to you in Russian everybody, and I feel like you're missing one point and that it's a bigger game. It's it's like a chess game, and we need to get in that game. When we hear about the collusion, we hear about Stormy and all that's going on, it's to get us off target and not focusing on staying the course and doing the things that Trump promised in the beginning in reality, you know Trump, hence Ryan, Maybe they're just pawns in that bigger game and the real when in the king's court is the Presidency, it's the Senate, it's the Congress, and they're moving their pawns, and they're willing to sacrifice players Comy Mueller, doesn't matter. They'll use them. But that's not the bigger game. And I think we need to begin to play chess a little bit better. We need to go on the offense instead of always been on. There's here's the problem that there are good conservative Republicans, most of them are in the Freedom Caucus um. But then you have a whole bunch of establishment Republicans that frankly, there's not a whole lot of real distinction or difference between them and the Democratic Party. It's just a fact. Also, as I mentioned earlier, to Democrats hide who they really are all the time. What they're real agenda is from the American people. They do that as a matter of course. I mean, you have a Democratic donor club plotting the future of the liberal movement in Washington. You know it includes reparations and you know, universal healthcare, free college, on and on that that is who the liberal that that is who liberals are. So I think at the end of the day, we need to revitalize, as Reagan once said, second party, and they have the opportunity of a lifetime because what the president's advocating for is conservatism. All this talk about him being a populist nationalist, it's it's not. So. I always knew on trade, and i'd have Actually, I know Mark was really worried about Mark Levin about the president trade policy. Trade war is not a good idea of free and open trade. But I just I always sensed and new that the President was just negotiating, and I think we saw that play out really well in China and all these other countries. Now that we're supposedly gonna have a trade war with UM, they're all going to the table and they're all gonna negotiate a better deal that's freer and fairer trade for America. So that I think that the end is a really good thing. UM. And I just think that the Republicans don't have the universal thought that you're looking for where they could organize and and be who you want them to be. And unfortunately for a lot of people come November. It is a vote between a lesser of two evils and the bottom line, and it will be a factor in November. If you give the House back to Nancy Pelosi, She's going to want to impeach this president. She'll work to impeach the president, and I think her party will force her to push impeachment. So that's a big thing that the country needs to contemplate and factor in when we go vote next November. This November and then tonight nineties throwing the Fox News Channel, I mean, we are loaded up. You don't want to miss it. We've got Alan Dershowitz, Gregg, Jared, Janine Pierro, Sarah Carter, David Shown, Mark Levin, the Great One, Kelly and Conway, and Sebastian Gorka. On top of that, we've got so many breaking news stories. McCabe criminally referred today, julianni is now part of the Trump defense team, That Justice Department is going to send the comy memos to Congress. And on top of all of that news, when we even have more news that Rod Rosenstein told Trump he's not a target in the Muller pro unbelievable. It's all coming up tonight nine Eastern on the Fox News channel.

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