A Hoax Should Have Consequences

Published Apr 9, 2019, 10:00 PM

Kimberly Strassel, is an American author, journalist, and a member of the Wall Street Journal editorial board. She writes a weekly conservative column, "Potomac Watch", which appears on Fridays in the WSJ. Strassel has been one of the leading voices in the Russia collusion and investigative reporting on the bias and egregious nature of the Mueller special counsel. Today she joins us to discuss the criminal referrals by Congressman Devin Nunes and the testimony by AG Barr.

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Wow, what a newsday. This is turning out to be. Glad you are with us right down our toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. I don't know why those other parents didn't follow the role of Felicity Huffman and thirteen others and fall on the sword if they're guilty in this college thing, because otherwise, you know, they may get a big mistake anyway. But there's no truth to the lie the Trump is looking to bring back child separation. Can I just say that for everybody? Well, the polls in Israel have just closed. What we're hearing it could be very very very tight. Nobody knows how this is ultimately going to end up. I'm just hoping that bb net and young who gets to form the next government, because what they did to him before this election I've never heard of. You're indicting somebody for cigars, just ridiculous. We'll get to that. Also, there is now a tremendous amount of pressure being brought to bear on Kim Fox, the attorney in Chicago, even though the I guess Rainbow Push coalition had her. Bobby Rush claims now of racism, etc. We'll get to all of that. In the course of the program, we have other news breaking on the deep state that is extraordinarily revealing. Doug Collins now is giving us more closed door testimony as it relates to in this case, the the head counsel of the FBI undercall me the general Counsel, and that would be James Bakers. We have a lot to get to. We're gonna unravel all of this. We have it all the Attorney General appearing earlier today and going backwards, I guess sometime this afternoon, Bill Barr at a hearing, just describing in detail. I'll go over a couple of these will play more later in the program. But where he goes over the four air is of the Muller Report, which will be redacted. Now, remember it was people like the Cowardly Shift, you know, excoriating how dare Devin Newness released things where it's possible that sources and methods will be released. That is just basic common practice. Now, if you go back to the Independent Council Statute that was in place when Bill Clinton got impeached, it was the Democrats that wanted this law fixed and changed, and they're the ones that at that time there's seventeen Democrats, including Naveler. They didn't want the Star report released, and then they changed the law and now we've got a special Council which gave more control to the Attorney General and Department of Justice. And anyway, well, they're saying who put the I don't. I'm not sure I believe it. They haven't even counted the votes yet. That Gantz has beaten net in Yahoo with the larger number of seats, claiming that exit poles, released late in the evening would show that he's said, well, okay, exit poles in Israel as reliable as they are here. The poles just closed. So I'm not taking that to mean anything, because you still got to count the votes EXA poles, exit poles. In two thousand and four, Member five fifteen, on this radio program, I got the eggs of poles. John Kerry was going to be the next president. John Kerry defeated George W. Bush. Big problem with that didn't happen. At five thirty five Eastern time that afternoon, Dick Cheney called this radio program and he was pushing hard for Ohio voters in Florida Panhandle and Southwest Florida voters to get out and vote. Those are the two states they had to win to win reelection, and they did handily. There was no recount or dimpled or pimpled or swinging or hanging or you know, broken chads, no double votes. So I'm not taking any I'm taking all this with a grain of salts. One actually there's two poles actually that now have come out of Israel. One has a tide, one has gams up by four. But in twenty sixteen, well when I got the eggs of Poles, I got him. Every election year at five fifteen while I'm on the air somehow I'm on the air and I'm trying to navigate reading it and you're not allowed to report it. But all these people on TV, you can tell by their attitude they were giddy, could giddy. They'd all go on the air at five thirty onwards on election night. They're so happy because they read the eggs of Polese. You're not allowed to release some of the information, or the majority of information and the eggs of pose until later. Okay, so they're giddy. I read the same eggs of Polese. I happen to talk to Donald Trump. I said, I called him in the first break. I said, you're gonna get somebody walking into your office and drawing straws right now, who's gonna get Who's gonna be picked and have the duty to walk in and tell you bad news is coming? I said, don't believe it. Then I told him to Dick Cheney's story. Well it happened again, because according to the eggs of Poles, in twenty sixteen, Donald Trump had lost North Carolina, he had lost Pennsylvania, he had lost Michigan, he had lost Wisconsin, and he had lost with Ohio, he had lost Florida. He lost it all. It was barely you know, we couldn't even see if he was gonna win any states. The eggs of Poles are notoriously wrong. Now, I don't know if that's going to be the case today, but I certainly hope so. I certainly hope so. But with all the shenanigans, you talk about a witch hunt in America, this is a witch hunt against Prime Minister net Yahoo. If you look at the residence of the Prime Minister of Israel and you compare it to any other head of state, it's like the equivalent of a two better an apartment in New York City. It is not ostentatious. It is not presidential for not frankly fitting the office of a prime minister. And the idea that cigars and maybe a bottle of wine somehow results in an indictment five weeks before the election is absurd. This guy who's had more and moral clarity on the world stage when others have had none, as we saw nine to eleven and the dangers were facing all right, let me get back to what's happened. So Bill Barr, let me go over what he said about the Muller report first, and then we'll get into Judicial Watch now has uncovered discussions in the latest production of emails, matter of fact, hundreds of them, suggesting the entire collection could be classified and basically a cover up of FBI documents four twenty two pages of FBI documents showing evidence of cover up discussions related to the Clinton email system within the Platte River Networks. That was the place that held Hillary's secret server in the Mom and Pop shop bathroom closet. They were a vendor that managed the Clinton email system. The documents now show Intelligence community people Inspector General Charles McCullough forwarding concerns about the classified information on her emails. New documents uncovered by Judicial Watch contain Clinton's two thousand and nine classified information nondisclosure agreement bearing her signature and anyway, so we'll get to that today. And now we have Doug Collins striking again with the General Council of the FBI. So we have two big pieces of news we've got to sift through in the course of the program today. But let's go to bars testimony, which was supposed to be about the budget over at the Department of Justice. But he of course was asked repeatedly about the Muller Report, and he says that, well, here are the areas that have to be redacted, and he says that it will be released, likely to the public within a week. But I am relying on my own discretion to make as much a public as I can now. In my letter of the March twenty ninth, I identified four areas that I feel should be redacted, and I think most people would agree. The first is grand jury information six E material. The second is information that the intelligence community believes would reveal intelligence sources and methods. The third or information in the report that could interfere with ongoing prosecutions. You will recall that the Special Counsel did spin off a number of cases that are still being pursued, and we want to make sure that none of the information in the report would impinge upon either the ability of the prosecutors to prosecute acute the cases or the fairness to the defendants. And finally, we intend to act information that implicates the privacy or reputational interests of peripheral players where there is a decision not to charge them. Right now, the Special Council is working with us on identifying information in the reports that fall under those four categories. This process is going along very well, and my original timetable of being able to release this by mid April stands and so I think that from my standpoint, within a week I will be in a position to release the port to the public, and then I will engage with the chairman of both judiciary committees about that report and about any further requests that they have. And by the way, Barr said that he didn't expect or anticipate that there would be any use of executive privilege which would be open to the White House, which I think they probably should use, but whatever. And he testified and said that the ig Horowitz and the FISA investigation that may be done by mayor June, that's going to be huge. And he was in fact reviewing the conduct of the summer twenty sixteen investigation and as it relates to the individual leaked the FISA order against Carter Paige. Barr said, if there is a predicate for an investigation that it will be conducted, he wouldn't answer whether the White House has seen the report. And so we move forward from here now. Barr did say during his testimony that by the way, this is the Appropriations Committee, this is supposed to be about money anyway. Barr explained that the Justice Department Inspector General has his pending report. He also confirmed he's personally reviewing the investigation, and he said more generally, I'm reviewing the conduct the investigation and trying to get my arms around the aspects of the counterintelligence investigation Crossfire Hurricane that was conducted in the summer of twenty sixteen, and that came after the ranking member Devin Uness said over the weekend that he's preparing these criminal referrals that will be coming out this week. Let me just go over the quick list. We're gonna be getting those criminal referrals. We're gonna be getting the IG report, We're going to be getting the investigation into leaks by John Houber. We're going to be getting more closed door testimony like we got from Baker today. We're going to be getting more fis of requests. We're going to eventually get the fies of warrants. We're eventually going to get the three O two's, the conversations and ass and remarks between people like Or and Christopher Steele. We're also going to get the Gang of Eight information and much much more. And what this is going to end up doing is I believe you're going to see not only criminal referrals, but indictments of those that abuse their power. And that's why he's investigating you know what is FBIDO J missconduct in all of this. Mark Meadows said today that about the criminal referrals that the right move from Devin Noon has more criminal referrals are to come, and certainly more deserved. Overwhelming evidence shows multiple FBI DJ executives abuse their power to undermine a duly elected president. They will all be held accountable. He's absolutely right, and it even gets deeper than that. I'll get to that in the next segment and a lot more information. We're also watching the results out of Israel. We have any new information, will pass that on to you. We have Greg Jarrett and David Show going to be checking in today. Kimberly Strassell checks in with us today. We'll get a lot of your calls in at some point in the program. Hey, if you're one of thirty four million Americans that smokes, you know what a hassle that can be for me. I'm out playing golf and a comebacks like cigars, it's the smell on your hands and your breath, your clothes. But now, thanks to Jewel, you don't have to worry about it anymore. Jewel is a vaporizer. It does contain nicotine for a satisfying transition. Now, when I found Jewel, it was a complete game changer in my life. I don't smoke any cigars any longer. And Jewel was designed by smokers for smokers, to be an alternative to whatever it is you're smoking. So, if you're one of thirty four million adults who do smoke, cigars, cigarettes, pipe, whatever, Well, there is an alternative to all of them. Now to discover the smoking alternative, that's like nothing you've ever tried. Just visit Juul dot com slash switch America. That's ju Ul dot com slash switch America. Now warning, this product does contain nicotine, and nicotine is addictive. So this information gotten by Judicial Watch is pretty devastating. You got an Augus, you got Platte Rivers Network. This goes back to December twenty fourteen, an email between redacted parties quote, it's all part of the Hillary cover up operation. I'll have to tell you about it at the party. And in August twenty fifteen, email from Platte River Network says, so does this mean we don't have offsite backups currently? That well, that could be a problem. If someone hacks this thing and jacks it up. We'll have to be able to produce a copy of it somehow or we're going to be in deep And also, whatever came of the guys at Data about the old backups, do they have any way of getting those back after we were told to cut it to thirty days? And in March of twenty fifteen, Platte Rivers Networks again the mom and pop shop, bathroom closet server or Hillary specifically discussed the security of the email server. You know redacted is going to send over a list of recommendations for us to apply for a additional security against the hackers. He did say that we should probably remove all Clinton files, folders, info all for our servers on an independent drive. Had written notes that appear to be from Platte Rivers Networks in February twenty sixteen mentions questions concerning the Clinton email system and backups, and the documents show that that Platte Rivers Networks used bleach bit on the Clinton server. The bleach bit program was downloaded from a vendor called source Forge at eleven forty two am March thirty first, twenty fifteen, according to a computer event law by the way, just as she's trying to run for president and over the next half hour, and that was used to delete the files on Hillary server. Documents also contain emails handwritten notes in June and July of twenty fifteen from the Office of Intelligence Community Inspector General discussing concerns over classified information or dacted sender from the State Department official Peggy Grayfeld that an inadvertent release of State Department equities when the collection is released in its entirety, the potential damage to foreign relations of the United States could be significant. Need you plugged in on this? Now it gets worse? You know? This is now June twenty seven, twenty fifteen. Working with the inspector, I have personally reviewed hundreds of documents in the Hillary Rodham Clinton collection. I can now say without reservation, there are literally hundreds of classified emails in this collection, maybe more. For example, there were comments by Department staff and emails related to Wiki leaks, unauthorized disclosures. Many of the emails relating to this actually confirmed the information in the disclosures. The material is the subject of a Freedom of Information Act litigation and emails will now have to be found, reviewed, upgraded. Oh, I'm concerned about the inadvertent release of these equities and this collection is released tirety, it would damage national security all right? Twenty five Now to the top of the well, what did I just say, you know, for the Jerusalem Post to come out as quickly as they did. Um, Okay, Now we have both Prime Minister Nitt Yahu and his challenger claiming victory. There are mixed eggs and poles. Oh, that's how reliable eggs and poles are. So you have Channel twelve Israel has the Aslakud losing thirty seven thirty four tied with the Blocks meaning the right left coalitions and by the way, they were wrong by six points in twenty fifteen, just in case history matters a little bit. Then you have Channel ten has everybody tied thirty six thirty six, but the right coalition is sixty. This is a parliamentary system. It's very complicated. There's there are so many different groups on the ballot and tied between the Black sixty sixty. If you got sixty sixty, well that means well, that would mean if be If it's tie thirty six thirty six the Blue and White Party and Lakud, that means BBI wins by a lot because that means the right versus left coalition in Israel will have won sixty six fifty four. That means Bbie will be prime minister again, which is what we want. That's why they ran out there as quickly as they could. Are we won four minutes after they exit. Right after the Polls Club for four minutes, it just sound like Democrats. Here. I have somebody that's really smart and important on the ground that has been there for all of these elections of Prime Minister net Ya who just said we're gonna win. He says, we have it. So we'll be watching, just passing on information, all right. So we've got all these other stories we're covering here. We have Judicial Watch has been able to get these cover up discussions as it relates to the Clinton email server Platts Rivers network. I just read to you how they actually describe in detail the use of bleach bit to a race. You know that says quote documents showing the use of bleach bit on Clinton's server, and the bleach bit program was downloaded from a vendor called source forge at eleven forty two am March thirty first, twenty fifteen, according to the computer event log, and over the next half hour, they used bleach bit to delete the files on hillary server. Documents also containing emails, handwritten notes written in June and July of twenty fifteen. Now, remember twenty fifteen is the primary season. You know, everybody's out there trying to get into the debates, et cetera, et cetera. Anyway, the red sender rights to a State Department official named Margaret Peggy Greifeld that the inadvertent release of the State Department's equities. When this collection is released in its entirety, the potential damage to the foreign relations of the United States could be significant. Mccaullof forwards the concern saying well, you need need you plugged in on this all right, so then you know that's all sent. June twenty seventh, now twenty fifteen. While working with the inspector, I have personally reviewed hundreds of documents in the Hillary Rodham Clinton collection, meaning in her off site server, which is illegal. I can now say without reservation, there are literally hundreds of classified emails in this collection, maybe more. For example, there are comments by department's staff and emails relating to the Wiki leaks unauthorized disclosures. Many of the emails relating to this actually confirm the information in the disclosures. Now the material is subject to FOIL litigation Freedom of Information Act litigation, and the emails will now have to be found reviewed and upgraded. An upgraded means oh, oh, you're no longer classified and under the Executive Order one three five two six, it would be in our right to classify the entire Hillary Rodham Clinton collection at the secret level because of the mosaic effect. So they all of this was done by her illegally, all of this was done to avoid congressional oversight. And then it goes on to say, while there may be in equities in this collection, including private classified information, I'm very concerned about the inadvertent release of the State Department equities. When this collection is released in its entirety, the potential damage to foreign relations of the United States could be significant. This is interesting. Now we have another email to June twenty ninth, twenty fifteen. Need you plugged in on this, need to coordinate with States WB person. August twenty fifteen classified memo prepared by the FBI Counterintelligence Division regarding the findings with respect to Hillary's email server. The FBI noted that the ICIG had found that an as sampling of over only forty of Hillary's thirty thousand emails, four classified emails were found out of forty. A subsequent letter sent to Senator Richard Burr and to DNI Director Clapper regarding the sample of Clinton emails, noted that they were all classified at the secret level. Okay, let me stop there. That means she committed violated the Espionage Act. That's a felony eighteen US three seven nine three. And the FBI knew about it right here and then in twenty fifteen, That's what this means a year later they would exonerate her a year because we knew the investigation was rigged. We now know that according to the closed door testimony of Page and Struck that they were saying as much, this is ridiculous. They're all Democrats. Of course she's getting off, and she did, and Struck it would be almost a year later before Peter Struck interviewed her in the interim in May of twenty sixteen. Remember we're now in August of twenty fifteen. In May of twenty sixteen, they began writing the exoneration investigation had hardly begun of Hillary Clinton. Comie even denied it. So he's in trouble there anyway. So they were able to take a small s ampling forty emails for the forty had classified information on it. In an August twenty fifteen internal FBI memo, the FBI noted Hillary had signed a June twenty eighth, twenty eleven, Official correspondents advising all State Department employees quote, due to recent targeting of personal email accounts by online adversaries, State Department employees should avoid conducting official department business from their personal email accounts. So she knew that it was dangerous, she did it anyway, She just continued. Same FBI memo noted that Under Secretary of State for Management Patrick Kennedy had sent a memo to all senior State Department officials on August twenty eighth, twenty fourteen, including excerpts from the Foreign Affairs Manuals, said classified information must be sent via classified email channels only. It's another warning that she had, and she's giving out warnings. And what Judicial Watch found is a lot of infighting between the Department of State and the Under Secretary Patrick Kennedy and the ic IG over the processing of potentially compromised Clinton email communications. Is a June fifteenth, twenty fifteen memo for the record prepared by the ICIG regarding the State Department review of Hillary's emails, indicating, among other things, that retired Foreign Service officers that the State was using to review Hillary's emails were not optimal. Evaluation of other agencies equities is not optimal. State Department is currently relying on retired senior Foreign Service officers to review for other agencies and for Freedom of Information Act requests. For example, a review of the first set of two hundred ninety six emails received from former Secretary Clinton and released to the State Department Freedom of Information Act website identified material that would have been referred to the I see Freedom of Information Act officials for review prior to release. Recommendation recommend State Department FOIA office request staff support officers to assist with the identification of intelligence community. They wanted their own people in there to cover it up as what that means. That's what that means. And they have the Freedom of Information Act personnel, you know, looking at this from the standpoint now of how can we protect Hillary. It's unclear whether the Department of Justice is reviewing the emails before four year release. Former Secretary Clinton's emails of the subject of numerous Fourier requests, multiple FOIL lawsuits, and it may be prudent to integrate the Department of Justice into the four year process review to ensure or redactions can withstand potential legal challenges of not already being done. Recommend State Department fo your office incorporate the Department of Justice into the Fourier process to ensure the legal sufficiency review of exemptions and redactions. Oh, they're talking about reductions too, nassinating and the FBI and State Department I G. Stephen Lennock mentions an incident in May thirteenth, twenty eleven to twenty eight am Uma Aberdeen, Phil Rain potential hack. I guess it's Phil. I get whatever philipe rains. I guess anyway. Clinton's IT technical technician Brian Pagliano sent to Bill Clinton's a Justin Cooper a bill indicating that on July twenty eight, twenty nine, twenty twelve, that Pagliano had to address the issue of mailbox corruption of Hillary Clinton's email server, spending a total of five point five hours on the problem. Other invoice items show he had to fix corruption in Justin Cooper's mailbox, to have a conference call with the security team, block spammer with a Viagram message and this, and it goes on from there, and then they talked about clean up the virus from the BlackBerry profile, multiple route force attacks against Hillary server, requiring him to reset the password they got into the server it was hacked. Document show Pagliano was paid forty grand over four years to clean up that mess. Pagliano repeatedly invoked his Fifth Amendment rights in a deposition with Judicial Watch. And you have a twenty fifteen letter from the Secret Service to the Counterintelligence Division of the FBI addressing a request regarding preservation or records in connection with Clinton's email system, also cites Judicial Watts litigation concern preservation of her email records. Secret Service rights that its searches did not reveal any responsive documents. We already had done that and the National Archives request for information from the State Department. And it goes on from there as a November twenty twelve classified email from Jake Sullivan, Clinton's top policy adviser, discuss a report of arrest possible Benghazi connection with her. So it's all in her connect That's why she never wanted to be on the system. The request for traveled. November twenty fifteen, FBI dispatched special agents to Spain in Bahrain to conduct interviews in the midyear exam regarding sensitive investigative matter. David Kendall, Clinton's lawyer that's included in the letters. Kendall writes the State Department Inspector General ig that the State Department is in possession of Clinton's work related emails. He continues, Hillary's personnel. We will continue to retain a preservation copy of the file containing electronic copies of those emails on a thumb drive that is stored in a secure safe at the offices of William and Connolly. You get what's going on here, and now uncovered a cover up of records on the illicit Clinton emails scandal system. That's the whole point here. And you get to and I'll get into this in the next hour with Greg Jarrett and David shown. But now we have also today a full breakdown of the testimony behind closed doors of James Baker. James Baker we now know was arguing that in fact Hillary violated the Espionage Act, which, of all things all days, we now have judicial Watts report that confirms that they picked forty emails randomly of the thirty three thousand and four of them had classified top secret information on them. And then this effort. They literally described the time and the date the bleach bit was used. Add that. But they protected her because they hated Trump and they wanted her to remain the candidate to be Trump. That's why they used her phony dossier with Russian lies that she paid for. That's why they backdoor to spy on the Trump campaign, lying to and committing a fraud to the FISA court. They didn't tell the FISA court that in fact Hillary paid for the Russian lies Brusse or warned everybody she paid for it, it was not verified or corroborated, and that Christopher Steele hated Trump. But yet it was still the bulk of information used in the FISA applications to get a backdoor into all things Trump world as part of an insurance policy to bludgeon him. This is worse than I ever thought. Do you realize what's coming out? Gonna get three h two's, we are gonna get Gang of eight, We are going to get more of these closed door testimonies. We are going to get the FIES applications. We are going to get the Inspector General report, We're gonna get John Huber's report, and then we're going to get these criminal referrals from Devin Newness. Let me just tell you this. They're going to jail. The evidence is gathered. It's just a matter if somebody's smart enough to put it all together. It's going to happen. All right. When we come back, we're gonna break down just released closed door testimony the number one lawyer, the General Council, the FBI under James Comey, Jim Baker who thought Hillary should have been indicted for violating the espionageac which, by the way, is obvious. We'll continue, all right, colladi with us and right down our to free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program, I gotta send a note to somebody have been and now there you go. I got it out anyway, eight hundred nine one. Let me just go over what I was saying at the end of the last hour. Now we have a number of things that have come out today. One judicial watch uncovering the cover up as it relates to the production of emails with the Clinton email server. The battle to cover this up was as goes far back as twenty fourteen, but mostly in twenty fifteen, and they actually give the exact date that bleach bit was used to wash clean, acid wash that hard drive because they wanted to get rid of it. Now, we have people within the FBI and Justice Department just took a small sampling of some of the emails. They took forty out of thirty three thou thirty some one thousand of the forty four they found have top secret classified information in it. Mark classified. And that's the clearest violation of the Espionage Act. Ever. You know, you listen to the Democrats, well, okay, you might have been clear to collusion, but you know it was Barn Rosenstein that made the decision on obstruction. They don't care about obstruction of justice because if they did, they would care about Hillary Clinton's what conduct. And to have obstruction of justice you would need something called intent. So when Hillary decided to race the thirty three thousand subpoenat emails and then acid washed the hard drive and beat up the devices with hammers and remove sim cards, I think it's pretty clear the intent was to hide the evidence that she had violated the Espionage Act. Okay, so they don't care about that. Then today we have Doug Collins, Congressman Georgia. He keeps releasing the closed door testimony. We've got Struck in Page, Bruce Orr, and Nelly Or and a bunch of other people. What's his name, pre Step. Well, now we got James Baker's testimony today and it's very revealing. We're going to go through the context of this and the contents of it in just a minute. We've got Devin Nunez, who was on with me last night. This week, he will be releasing the first of what I believe and he believes to be a series of criminal referrals. Now, Congressman Mark Meadows of the Freedom Caucuses, their chairman, said more criminals referrals to come, certainly well deserved, overwhelming evidence showing multiple FIDJ executives abuse their power to undermine a duly elected president, and they will be held accountable. This is just the beginning. Now we have Bill Barr, the new Attorney General, and they went before the Appropriations Committee today supposedly to talk about issues involving the budget of the Department of Justice, but he had a lot of questions about Muller. He talked about the four things that would be redacted. He thinks that will be released in the next week. For example, grand jury material that's illegal. You must redact that in that report. You can't release that. You can't release sources and methods in the intelligence community. That would be a bad idea ongoing investigation. That would be a bad idea. And he went on to say that it would be released to the public within a week. And he also said that there has been no call for executive privilege up to this point. Well, they have the right to do that anyway. Let's go to the transcript of and this I think is really interesting of James Baker. James Baker is the top lawyer at the FBI under Jim Comey, and he admits that he was arguing with everybody else why Hillary Clinton in fact should have been indicted, joining us as the author of the bestseller The Russia Hoax, The illicit scheme to clear Hillary Clinton framed. Donald Trump has proven more right every day. Greg Jarrett and David Shone, criminal Defense and Civil Liberties Attorney, welcome both of you. All right, let's start with bar and of course this testimony that was released, This is important what I'm reading of James Baker's closed door testimony. Oh, it is because it lends sustenance to the notion that this was a political move by the FBI to clear Hillary Clinton. Baker determined initially that she committed crimes, and he argued vociferously until James Comey and Peter Struck in Lisa Page and then the Department of Justice told him, no, we're not going to prosecute. We're setting a brand new standard that we are inventing that does not exist in the law, an intense standard for gross negligence. And so it's abundantly clear from his testimony the fix was in to clear Clinton. Add one out of the point, and that was Page and Struct's testimony behind closed doors that was revealed thanks to Doug Collins, and we learned in that case, Uh, we're not making any decisions. All of these decisions on Hillary being made by the Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, and we all know that their Hillary supporters, and nothing's going to happen. Lisa Page said every decision they made in the Hillary Clinton case was being dictated to them by Loretta Lynch's Department of Justice in the Obama administration, and Peter Struck said the same thing. YEA, beyond that, by the way, you have that side of the equation. You have all of the unbelievable things that were done, decisions made with respect to Hillary Clinton. But what Baker's testimony also gives you the other side of the equation as to the complete anti Trump bias that was going on around the office. Part of some of the things that are so important in his testimony are his description of the mood around the department that so many higher ups were concerned that the firing of Comy could constitute obstruction of justice, let alone any separation of power arguments never occurred to them, or that Comy served as the president's discretion. And beyond that, we know from Baker now that there was serious talk about the invocation of this twenty fifth Amendment, this absolute circus idea to get rid of Donald Trump, that the taping of the president was a real thought and this is all discussed by McCabe and others, and that it was a serious thing. Despite what Ron Rosenstein now says he talks about Clinton election bias, He's asked a very important question I think about on the face of it, it appeared that there was some language that could be interpreted very pro one candidate. This is the question to James Baker very anti another Candida, that would be bias that you took the initiative. It's my understanding to request the FBI's internal inspection mechanisms take a look at the Midyear case, the Hillary case, to see what might be right with it wrong with it? Could you elaborate that's something we haven't heard a whole lot about. And he said, yeah, I'm looking at the Inspector General report right now in front of me, and there's discussion in there. So when I heard about those texts meaning struck in page, I only read a few of them they would described to me, and I became immediately quite alarmed. And so my thinking was, well, from you know, okay, I don't know. I know that I knew that Inspector General was looking at him, but I knew they would address them, and so I knew that there was a process in place. Where he goes on to say, and what I was concerned about is whether any decision had been taken or not taken in the Midyear case, and whether they were driven by political bias of any sort. I was quite worried about it. I wanted to make sure that we as an institution, the Bureau as an institution got on top of this extremely quickly. I suggested the leadership former committity sensitive sense and a sensitive so he saw what was the favoring of one candidate over another? Oh? Absolutely, And you know Baker's testimony is blockbuster. It reveals not only pro Hillary Clinton bias at the FBI and the Department of Justice to absolve her of the many crimes she committed, but also that in the Russian investigation of Donald Trump, that it too was being driven by this hate Trump bias in the media exhibited at the FBI, rather exhibited by Peter Struck and Lisa Page's text. It was abnormal. Protocols were not being followed. And I must tell you that the headline for me today from William Barr is that he testified he will and is personally reviewing the Trump Russia investigation, the origin of it, and the conduct of the people involved, meaning James Comey, Andrew McKay, Peter Struck, Lisa Pays, James Baker, as well as the five individuals at the Department of Justice who signed off on this phony wire tap warrant lyne to the court, what's your I mean, what do you say to that David I mean. And then you add to the fact that he was asked very specifically whether or not he thought Hillary and our campaign committed a crime on the email server. He said yes, and then and then did nothing about it. Quite frankly, this man was General Counsel at the FBI, very high important responsibility. He had an obligation that if he saw action had to be taken, and no action were taken, he had to go to the Attorney General of the Attorney General wouldn't act. At a minimum, he had to report this to the Inspector General at the time, but he probably had an obligation to go even to the President maybe to go someplace else, he had an obligation to affirmatively act. In this case, he could go to Congress. That he could go to Congress. Absolutely there's an oversight opportunity to go to there. That door is open. But he didn't, and so that speaks volumes. But again it's part of this atmosphere. It was this hate Trump and playing politics in the Department of Justice like we've never seen and carried to its full extension. What some clearly had in mind was for the first time that I'm aware of in history. This attempted coup, an actual attempted coup in this use of the twenty fifth Amendment, and Baker says it was serious talk. And you know, one step further, there are whistle blowers statutes in place to protect somebody like Baker. He can go to Congress, he can blow the whistle on the corruption at the FBI and the Department of Justice. He has a legal obligations general counsel to do that. He would be protected. He didn't do it, which makes him complicit in the corruption. Right doesn't that you agree with that? Oh? Absolutely? I mean that's had the obligation to do it and he didn't do it. Listen, the opportunity to have mister Barr in there is what you know people have said they've been waiting for here. There was nobody at the helm before. It's his obligation now to take these things seriously and to take seriously referrals from Congress. Mister Newnez and others have thought carefully about who to refer and why to refer them, and they backed it all up with evidence. No one's guessing here about what happened. It has to be investigated, and bar will do it. I am absolutely confident. This is what makes second time he said he will do it. So you think now this is a whole new ball game. It is totally new ball game. Bar is an honest and honorable man who cares deeply about the rule of law. And when he says, give me the predicate, the reasons, that facts, the evidence to launch a full scale investigation of alleged corruption at the FBI and the Department of Justice, I believe he will do it. All Right, we'll take a quick break, we'll come back well more on this. We got Devin Newness, Well, that means we've got criminal referrals coming this week. Okay, everyone's going to get the full Muller report that's coming within a week. Then we've got a cascade of information that we will be getting more closed or testimony like this blockbuster testimony we got from James Baker today, like Struck and Page that we've already had many more people. Then we've got the three O two's, we got the FISA applications, we got Gang of eight information. On top of that, you've got the Inspector General Horowitz his investigation into FISA abuse and whatever John Uber is doing. It, I guess is anybody's guests at this point supposedly looking at the leaking, but you know, nobody's heard from him in months. I don't know if he's maybe on a sabbatical or waiting breathlessly for his report. All right, as we continue, all right, so we got criminal referrals, Muller report, coming, Gang of eight three zero two's buys, the applications, and now we're getting more and more of these depositions and the Freedom of Information Act requests this information. Though today between Bars testimony and the James Baker testimony that was released by Congressman Collins, I'm looking at this and he's basically saying, Yeah, I had to argue with the FBI and the I'm the General Council, the top FBI lawyer about how Hillary broke the law. He knew she broke the law, he knew the statute, and he knew that Lauretta Lynch and Obama were forcing the dj to instruct the FBI to ignore the law and create a new legal standard to exonerate Hillary Clinton. Isn't it in her esting Sean that almost every day new information emerges that that tells us more and more about the level of corruption that took place here. That's how cover ups work. The evidence is slow to emerge. And what are your thoughts on the fact that all of this was able to take place, and everybody at the highest levels of the FBI knew, for example, about the Hillary bought and paid for, you know, Russian dossier and that they used that They all knew that that was not a valid document. It was unverifiable, David shown it should be shocking to absolutely everyone. And by the way, this stuff was only uncovered through your offices, quite frankly, and we're only starting to get the information I think you want to know even scarier thought and earlier FBI General counsel with Andrew Weissman. Can you imagine if he had been general counsel here as bad as Baker was, and maybe that's what set the tone over there and get the message around. I want to say one last thing, if I may, about the bar testimony. Congressman Nather is pulling a scam on the American public by positioning this thing as if Barr or anyone else is trying to withhold something unduly from him. He keeps writing these letters and saying these generalities, that Congress is always entitled to this and has gets sensitive information all the time. There's a fundamental principle in the law that the statute overrides the other. This report by statute is we gotta to be confidential. I'll read more of this on the other side. We'll continue all right, twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine for one seawn. If you want to be a part of the program, all right, let's stay on this testimony that's been going on with Bill Barr, the Attorney General. First, he's saying that the Muller Report will be released in a week. I'll play that for you. He goes over in detail the four areas of the Muller Report which will be redacted, which I think is important. He goes on to say and talk about which I thought was very key, that the Horowitz Fies investigation should be done by may or June. That's important. And remember we have the criminal referrals on top of this. He makes a point of saying that whoever leaked the Fiser order against Carter Page, he said, you know, if there's a predicate for an investigation, it will be conducted. He wouldn't answer whether or not the White House has seen the Muller Report. And he's testifying on the fact that he has no plans, meaning the President the executive branch, to claim executive privilege on any part of the Muller Report. So let me let me just bring you up to speed. It got dramatic at times today. And by the way, you also acknowledge that he can't release the full Muller Report because of a recent court decision, which, by the way, this is what the Democrats wanted. Let's not forget after the ken Starr Report, they got rid of the Independent Council for that reason. All right, let let's play this. This process is going along very well, and my original timetable of being able to release this by mid April stands, and so I think that from my standpoint, by the within a week, I will be in a position to release the port to the public, and then I will engage with the chairman of both judiciary committees about that report and about any further request that they have. But I am relying on my own discretion to make as much a public as I can now. In my letter of the March twenty ninth, I identified four areas that I feel should be redacted, and I think most people would agree. The first is grand jury information six E material. The second is information that the ICE the intelligence community believes would feel intelligence sources and methods. The third or information in the report that could interfere with ongoing prosecutions. You will recall that the Special Counsel did spin off a number of cases that are still being pursued, and we want to make sure that none of the information in the report would impinge upon either the ability of the prosecutors to prosecute acute the cases, or the fairness to the defendants. And finally, we intend to redact information that implicates the privacy or reputational interests of peripheral players where there is a decision not to charge them. Right now, the Special Counsel is working with us on identifying information in the reports that fall under those four categories. My question is, now that President Trump has been exonerated of Russia collusion, is the Justice Department investigating how it came to be that your agency used a silacious and unverified dossier as a predicate for a FIZA order on a US citizen. The Office of the Inspector General has a pending investigation of the FISA process in the Russian investigation, and I expect that that will be complete in probably in May or June. I am told so hopefully we'll have some answers from Inspector General Horowitz on the issue of the FISA warrants or Gen. Goad more generally. I am reviewing the conduct of the investigation and trying to get my arms around all the aspects of the counterintelligence investigation that was conducted during the summer of twenty sixteen. Are you investigating who leaked the existence of the FISA order against Quarterpage? Who? What? Are you investigating who leaked the existence of a FISA order against quarter Page. I haven't seen the referrals yet from Congressman Nunyez, but obviously if there's a predicate for an investigation, it'll be conducted. Did the White House see the report before you released your summarizing letter? Has the White House seen it since then? Have they been briefed on the contents beyond what was in you a summarizing letter to the Judiciary Committee. I've said what I'm going to say about the report today. I've issued three letters about it, and I was willing to discuss the historic information of how the report came to me in my decision on Sunday. But I've already laid out the process that is going forward to release these reports, hopefully within a week, and I'm not going to say anything more about it until the report is out and everyone has a chance to look at it. Are you going to claim that you have a right to withhold any of that report based on a so called claim of executive privilege? Any claim of executive privilege would have to be asserted by the president, and as I said, as I said in my letter, which sort of speaks for itself, he has said that he's leaving the decisions up to me. Okay, are you going to claim executive privilege to keep any of that report back? As I said, there's no plan. I have no plan to do that. Okay. Do you believe that executive privilege applies to any broader range of communications and specific direct communications from the president? You know, I would have to review the latest opinions from OLC about the precise scope of it, but it's not relevant to me right now. And as far as you know, does it apply to any communications by the president before he was president. As I say, I'm not sure what the learning is in the Department of Justice on that. A quick question about subpoena, I'm not on the Judiciary Committee understanding as though they've issued a subpoena to you to release the full report, would that put you in violation of federal law if you were to comply our in situation, I don't think I have the latitude to release sixted material. As to the other categories, as I said, I'm willing to discuss those with the Judiciary committees. I want to satisfy, try to accommodate and satisfy their interests, but at the same time uphold the law. And right now, and there's been a recent case decided in the District of Columbia just I think within the last week on this, the sixted material is not releasable, all right, as we continue. That was Bill Barr from earlier today, and we'll have more as the show continues. Its look, it's happening in real time, as we've been saying. So glad you're with us. Let's get to some of our calls here. I know a lot of you been very patient Penny is in Virginia. Penny, Hi, how are you glad you called him? You know, in listening to all of the Democrat candidates put out there these crazy, ridiculous, very socialist ideas, I believe that the Democrat Party doesn't expect any of these candidates to have a chance at winning against Donald Trump. But they're all throwing themselves, They're sacrificing themselves on the the you know, on the spike of these crazy ideas, because that moves the whole socialist ball forward. Listen, you see a party now that has lost all touch with the American people, and I mean on a new level of extremism. I never really thought they'd be this transparent, in this obvious for whatever reason, you now have all of these states now fighting for during birth abortion. I mean, it's it's nuts. And you know, all this support of the New Green Deal, which is real for them, you know, all of these radical moves. Let's let felon votes, felons vote in prison, you know, let's let's let's go to the electoral college and get rid of that so New York, California, New Jersey, and Illinois can pick all of our presidents. Because that's what's going to happen, exactly what our frame has warned about and exactly what they purposefully avoided to have a United States of America. You know, let's let's also stack the Supreme Court, but only when we get the chance to do it. Now, there's ways they can do these things. But you know, remember they want this for them is all about power, that's it. It's it's not about that they are not legislating in a way that is benefiting the American people. And the greatest strength of Donald Trump as we now begin a process heading into twenty twenty, is his success if it's Biden, who's you know, at or near the top. Biden still has a record to run on top of his insane statements and his creepy behavior. And then of course the corruption as we have been pointing out with Ukraine and his son and him bragging about getting the prosecutor that was investigating his son fired by leveraging American tax dollars in the process, and then of course the money with China son flying on Air Force two of them to China. All of these issues will be vetted. The American people will understand them as deeply as this audience does. Before all is said and done, it gets out. It takes a while a little bit of repetitiveness needed at times to get there. Anyway, good call, appreciate it, Penny, Thank you. All right, quick freak, welcome back, MORERIR calls straight ahead and our news round up, information overload, some of the other issues we've been missing today. Right as we continue back to our busy phones, as we say hi to Jonathan Is in Austin. Jonathan, Hi, how are you glad you called? Hey? Hey, Sean, I'm great, Thanks very much, thanks for having me on. What's going on? Hey? Listen? So I was calling about the struck Page insurance policy and how that ties into the FISA warrant from the Unholy sixteen. So, you know, they kept talking about this insurance policy that they had. And I saw Michael Caputo on Fox a couple of weeks ago, and he was talking about how he was approached by a Russian asset that was a seventeen year FBI informant, and it made me start thinking he was actually approached by him in May. And he said there at least a dozen other FBI informants or Russian assets that were approaching people in the Trump campaign. This is before you know, the investigation started or anything. And I started thinking, why in the world would you go to the trouble to get a FISA warrant and doctor up a dossier and all this stuff if you didn't know darn well what you were going to find. And I think what they were hoping was they were going to trap the Trump campaign people to accepting information from these Russian assets. So then when the FISA warrant shows up and they go, ah, we know we're looking for in Low and Behope, we found it because we put it there. But the problem is the trunk people didn't bite, and then they'd lost their minds right because there was nothing there to find because they weren't accepting false information or Russian things. A lot of people don't understand the nature of these campaigns, you know, Jonathan, and I've now been through so many of these cycles. I'm there, I see it, I watch it, and you know, the best way to describe it as organized chaos where everybody for weeks and months at a time, or gulping water, you know, during you know, when you go through different stages where things might calm down a little bit, but for example, as you head into the primaries, you go from one primary one state, to the next state, to the next state, to the next state too, and you're just flying all over the place. And then you got to follow the news, and you got to react to attacks, and you constantly sort of reh there's a reconfiguration of messaging and what's working, what's not working. So there's not a whole lot of time. And you know, if you go back to the Trump Tower meeting, the Magnitsky Act, that was a setup too. You mentioned the setup because we remember the woman that came in came in under false pretenses. It really was an issue about Russian adoption. But there were two meetings with Fusion GPS, one before and after a coincident. What Michael Capo and what Michael Caputo says, and he said this, and I haven't heard on the air since then, and I'm not wildly surprised about it. But what he said was he knew of at least a dozen other and he named he named names, uh, you know, specifically of people that were approaching. They were all fbissets. And again I'm not talking about the rank and file FBI people, right we're talking about the you know, the unholy sixteen or whatever you want to call him right at this hour, sixteen whatever you want to call him. But you know, I can't believe that this and look, maybe it is the Muller report, right, I mean for the Inspector General's report to go there was some really shady stuff going on, because you can't go plant evidence and then you know, go through all the trouble of a dossier unless you're feeling pretty confident that Woller, he's going to get elected and nobody's going to know about it. Let me tell you something. This is the important aspect of all of this is there was Russia collusion. There was Russian lies bought and paid for by one candidate. And first this candidate was protected. She should have been indicted, as we now know as all of these now closed door testimonies come in, she was protected and she had committed crimes. You want, you know, all the Democrats that cry obstruction even though there was none and no intent. We know what Hillary's intent was when she deleted an acid washed or hard drive. There's no ambiguity on that at all. And then the Russian dossier and that information was disseminated in leaked to members of the media so would influence American voters. And it was used to bludge in the Trump campaign and spy on them by getting to Carter Page, and then it was used afterwards as an insurance policy. Add to that, the Ukrainians they want to give us the evidence of real collusion to help pillary Clinton. Nobody cares about that. They only care about sexual assault. If it's a Republican they can bludge it, not the victims alleged victims of the Lieutenant governor of the Great State or Commonwealth of Virginia. First one is FIS abuse and other matters. We believe there is a conspiracy to lie to the FISA Court and its lead the FISA Court by numerous individuals that all need to be investigated and looked at that and we believe the statute is the conspiracy statute. The second conspiracy one is involving manipulation of intelligence that also could insnarl many Americans and we are so that's kind of the second one. As you know, we've had a lot of concerns with the way intelligence was used, so that that would be kind of the two conspiracy recommendations referrals that were that we're making. The third is what I would call a global leak referral. My question is, now that President Trump has been exonerated of Russia collusion, is the Justice Department investigating how it came to be that your agency used a silacious and unverified dossier as a predicate for a FIZA order on a US citizen. The Office of the Inspector General has a pending investigation of the FISA process in the Russian investigation, and I expect that that will be complete in probably in May or June. I am told so hopefully we'll have some answers from Inspector General Horowitz on the issue of the FISA warrants or more generally, I am reviewing the conduct of the investigation and trying to get my arms around all the aspects of the counterintelligence investigation that was conducted during the summer of twenty sixteen. Are you investigating who leaked the existence of the FAZI order against quarter Page? Who? What? Are you are you investigating who leaked the existence of a FIZI order against quarter Page. I haven't seen the referrals yet from Congressman Nunyez but obviously if there's a predicate for an investigation, it'll be conducted, all right. That was first Evan Nunez and the Attorney General appearing before Congress earlier today, given his testimony in all of this, we also have the release and it's very revealing of the transcript of the top FBI lawyer during the Clinton Trump Russia investigations. That would be James Baker, who in this closed door testimony expresses a lot of concerns about all the political bias, and he had been the one person that thought that, yeah, Hillary probably should have been indicted for the Espionage Act. Now, Kimberly Strassel is with US author journalists, member the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board. She writes a weekly conservative column, Potomac Watch, every Friday in the Wall Street Journal. One of the leading voices and investigators in all of this. Kimberly, thanks for being one of us. How are you great? It's great to be here. Sean. Let's start with Devin Newness, and it actually gets deeper than that. Mark Meadows talked about the criminal referrals and how they will show an overwhelming amount of evidence on FBI abuse and bar saying today that well, maybe as early as May, we're going to get the inspector General report. We know there was abuse. We know they never told the FISA Court judges that Hillary paid for it. We know the information was not verified because it was unverifiable because its own author, Christopher Steele, he couldn't say under oath whether any of it was true and maybe fifty fifty his words. And we know that in the particular case of presenting it to the court, that they withheld the information that was critical and if you can't verify it, you can't present it. And that would mean that they committed a fraud on the FISA Court. And I would imagine some people are in deep trouble over that. Well, it's just great news overall that Congressman at Newness is doing this because a lot of us wondered last year they had all of these interviews. Obviously most of them were done behind closed doors. We couldn't see what they were. But the point was, where is all of this going? Well, now we know there's new leadership at the Department of Justice. That's something that's been lacking there. We didn't have someone in charge who had the ability to look at all of this given that Jeff Sessions had had to recuse. Now we've got a new cop on the block. They're going to send over these referrals. The Attorney General has already expressed his willingness to look at that, and as he said, if there's a predicate for investigation, he will move on them. Some of these, I am told, are very straightforward, like the lying to Congress ones and the leaking ones. There will be evidence in these referrals that will be hard to ignore and hard to not bring a case against someone. The conspiracy charges, that's a little bit more of uncharted territory, but it is certainly an opportunity for the House members to present everything they have to bar who has himself finally expressed some interest. We finally have interest to look into this and investigate. Well, what did you think of the Attorney General's testimony? Today? Says sometime probably in a week, he's going to release this with obvious redactions. I mean, it was so funny that you have the cowardly Shift. Adam Shift, I think has lied many times to the American people. I would love the four hours of air time that I've offered him, three on radio and one on TV. I'll take Gerald Nadler two, I'll take any But I didn't these people that want to come because we have our dossier on him, including a tape of him colluding with a Russian hoxter, thinking he's getting information that would disrupt the political process in the US. But as I listened to mister Barr and I, you know, it sounds to me like everything that he wrote in his letter is true and that basically there was no collusion now that is confirmed four times, and on top of that, there is no obstruction. There was no intent, no evidence of obstruction, and this has been a two year lying campaign by the news media and the Democratic Party to destroy a duly elected president. Yeah, the takeaway from the bar testimony is that he just completely destroyed this whole new Democratic claim of some cover up that has happened here, which is the only thing they were left with after the Mulla report came out and they didn't get their collusion findings and they didn't get their obstruction charges. But Bar was I thought, pretty masterful today and destroying that in that you know, he said, look, we've been working with the Special counsel for a long time. There's been oversight. This was not necessarily a surprise what was coming. That was how we were able to put this letter out so quickly. Moreover, I gave the Special Counsel the opportunity reviewed the letter, and he chose not to all of which suggests that he probably didn't because he knew that Muller or what Barr was putting out there was completely straightforward. The findings are pretty straightforward. So and he's also you know, he pointed out, we're going to have these redactions. I'm going to color code him so that you can see exactly why we're taking out what we need to do. I'm also not going to go and at least not now, and ask for these kind of crazy requests that you guys have asked for Democrats to have a grand jury actually sign off or a judge sign off on releasing grand jury testimony, which is just an opportunity for Democrats to smear a lot of private citizens who testified. You know, if you stay focused though, on the issue of OKAYI did their own nine month investigation. Even struck in Page acknowledged there was no evidence of any Trump campaign Russia collusion, but the Special Council was appointed anyway, now, how that happened. I believe that James Comey potentially violated the law by leaking classified information government documents. I think that is a problem. And more so, how did James Comey sign off if the Grassly Graham memo was accurate on the dossier that was bought and paid for by Hillary never verified? How did he sign off on that in October twenty sixteen and then go to Trump Tower to meet with President elect Trump in January twenty seventeen and say it's unverified and salacious. Wouldn't he have to have been saying to the FISA Court that he's verified it. Doesn't that mean that either he lied to the court or lied to the President elect. Well, what you're putting your finger on here, Sean, and I think it is. The vital question is how early on did everyone at the SBA I know that this dossier had been bought and paid for by the rival campaign. How much discussion was there that about that, and how much were they aware that what they were doing was inappropriate? And in your opening you mentioned the testimony that we're just publicly seeing today from the former General Counsel James Baker, and they were highly aware that this was an explosive thing to be using, and that this is why this gets to why we ended up having the obscured language that they used in the FIZ of warrant. I'm told that not only did we know that they obscured that, but in addition, what did they not put into that FIZE warrant exculpatory evidence that they may have had in their hands at that point which would have argued against going forward with surveillance of American citizens. That's also an obligation of the FBI. And I think we've got a lot to learn yet about what mister Comey exactly knew and how he could justify any of this during his testimony. And this is the testimony released by Congressman Collins today from with James Baker, the general counsel of the number one attorney for the FBI under Komi. Baker described in the case of Hillary's emails, her behavior in general as alarming and appalling and argued with others about why they thought she shouldn't be charged. Ultimately, they want out, but the reality is is that we'd know she had classified top secret special access programming information marked as such on that private server in a mom and pop bathroom closet, So that would be a crime. And with all the talk about whether or not the president obstructed, if you have subpoena emails Kimberly and you happen to delete them, some thirty three thousand of them, and then you acid washed the hard drive so anything that might be remaining on that hard drive is gone, and you have an aid bust up your devices with hammers in case those emails transferred over to those devices, and you pull out the sim cards. I don't think there's a greater case for obstruction of justice I could ever make in my life. Well, let's hope and that the Attorney General, mister Barr, decides to actually take a look back at the way the DOJ conducted itself and FBI during that entire investigation too. He's been more quiet on that front, but a review of those procedures I think is absolutely warranted. And in particular, I mean, you're mentioning the obstruction charge against Hillary, but there were other things that were just really eyebrow raising throughout all of that. I mean, to this day, for instance, you can go look at testimony that other Hillary Clinton aids gave to the FBI. And remember, as we're constantly told, it is a crime to lie to the FBI. But they gave testimony that is completely counter indicated and contradicted by emails that the FBI had in this possession and made public. So you can just go look at that black and white situation right there. Clearly they were not treated in the same way that the FBI treats other people. And I think that that's a concern when I go out and talk to people, they're feeling that there is unequal justice at the moment is one of the biggest issues for them, and that has to be a question that William Barr addresses at the top of DJ. Let me ask you now that we are getting closed door testimony. The President when I interviewed him last week, said, yes, we will be getting the FISA applications, We will be getting Gang of Eight information. We will be getting again once they are ready for clearance. We will be getting the three O two's, the interviews for example of Bruce or and Christopher Steele and others, and all those closed door testimony. So there was a narrative now that has gone on for over two years almost three about Trump Russia collusion, but yet we've discovered that one candidate had a rigged investigation was never ever going to be indicted. We know that candidate violated numerous laws and obstructed justice. We know that there was a Russian dossier paid for by one candidate, that dossie. Everybody was warned that it was not verified, and Clinton paid for it, but they still used it as the basis for FIZO warrant. We know that the bulk of the information of the FIO warrant was the dossier. And then we also have this little issue with the Ukrainians and Joe Biden, and they were trying to help Hillary Clinton, and there seems no interest in their influence in the twenty sixteen election. What happened in your view, Well, I think the first thing we're going to learn, Sean, when we finally see these documents and it's overdue, is that the entire FBI line about how this unrolled is going to be proved to be untrue. So remember, they have fed this to all of their friends in the media for years and said, well, this all happened in July thirty first, twenty sixteen. That was official start of our CI investigation, crossfire, hurricane, and it all had because we were concerned about George Papadopolis In one line he said in London in the spring, which was always the thinnest of reads in my mind, that you could ever put forward as a justification. I think we're going to find out when we see these documents that this investigation started much much earlier than that, and that the FBI was interacting with all kinds of shady characters early on who were feeding them other claims, even in addition to the dossier that was all designed to get this Trump Russia collusion narrative flowing before the election. I'm running out of time. Do you believe, as I do, that many of the names that we have both talked about for the last two years. Do you believe those people will be indicted? Because I do. I think some of them will be, but it's unclear if all of them will be. You know, Look, I think one thing we also have to acknowledge is that some of the things that they did were utter abuses of power and completely inappropriate. But whether or not they rise to the level of crime is a different question, which is why we need to know what happened, so that we might even change the law to make sure they're of consequences in future. Well, we better hold them accountable or else they'll try and unseat other presidents and influence other elections and abuse of power. Again. All right, Kimberly Strassell, Wall Street Journal, thank you, eight hundred and nine four one sewn. When we come back, wide open telephones as we continue on this busy breaking newsday, we'll have all the coverage tonight on Hannity nine Eastern. All right, twenty five down till the top of the hour. Toll free our numbers, eight hundred and nine four one sean if you want to be a part of this extravaganza. One thing that I am very intrigued about and concerned about. You know, it drives me nuts. I don't know why we as a government the United States, we see and Blair's the computer expert here, so maybe we should be asking him, but we see this ability of people to now hack into agencies in our government. I mean, one of the untold stories about Hillary's email server was that Hillary, you know they thought, I'm sure it happened that six foreign intelligence services hacked into that email server. System. Yeah, put your mic on, I'm going And so what bothers me is now the hacking is so big, so common, they're so good at it, and it's a different kind of warfare. I mean, they are now there the ability of people. Now we have known this for decades that there is a vulnerability within our governmental systems. People have hacked into NASA, people have hacked into the DoD, people have acted into the State Department. All of that. You know, we need safety insecurity because this is about our national defense. And then you take it to another level and you have this incident that happened down at Mara Lago. A Chinese national was able to bluff her way into Mara Lago carrying a thumb drive loaded with malware and a trove of other spy year. The FBI is now investigating whether this woman, Yuxing Zang thirty three, is an agent of the Chinese government. It would appear that she is. By all accounts, she lies to everyone she encounters. According to the Assistant US Attorney, Orlando Garcia said at the bond hearing in West Palm Beach yesterday, her ties are all in China. She was busted at the Marilago Club, after giving conflicting reasons as to why she was even there during one of the President's weekend visits. President was golfing at the time. Two days earlier, she had arrived in Newark, New Jersey on a flight from Shanghai and entered the country on a B one business visa. Zang also told investigators she was an investor and consultant in China would have hoped to promote Chinese American business relations while at Mara Lago. She said she was a successful successful in China, claiming to own a one point three million dollar home and a BMW there what authority said that she lied shortly after arriving. First, she told the Secret Service agents protecting the property that she was a guest headed for a swim at the pool, even though she was wearing a long gray dress and had no swimsuit with her. Officials alleged, and then her friendly manager eventually helped waver through, noting that Zang's last name, which is extremely common, also matched the name of an older male club member, so it was actually a staff member at Marilango that did this, not the Secret Service. Zang was then shuttled in a golf cart. Further into the resort, she went through a second Secret Service security checkpoint, where agents used a magnetometer to screen her for weapons and explosives, and she was taken to the club's main reception area, and that's where she made her fatal mistake. And that time she told the receptionist that she was at the resort to attend a United Nations Chinese American Association event. Problem was, there was no such event scheduled, and the worker alerted Secret Service and they began questioning her and her story fell apart. She was arrested and they eventually found this trove of items she had with her in her room at a nearby hotel. She was carrying let's see, five cell phones in total, two Chinese passports, a device that detects hidden cameras, a thumb drive that is loaded with malware, nine other thumb drives, five simcards, a laptop, an external hard drive, all these credit and debit cards, eight thousand dollars in US cash and seven hundred dollars in Chinese currency. Now the question is, you know, how did this happen? I don't, I mean how easy? How many times have people tried to hack into everything that I have today today, thousands thousands of times that I tried to hack into either one of my social media accounts, your account. Yeah, they just probe ports that are open on your website. They search, you know, they just they fish for things. It's called fishing and fishing well, phishing means they want you to click on something. Right, there's pishing attacks with things called watering hole attacks where they set up this fake website that you go to, you enter you user name and password, and then they take it and they try to use that on Hannity or use it on your email to try to catch you in this classic Yeah, and how many times how many do you think we've had since the beginning of the year, hundreds of thousands? Well that do you notice them? Every time? We have services in place that automatically stop known. You know, why can't the government Look if the government has I read once two hundred and fifty thousand it people, how come we're still vulnerable the way we are because a lot of it's a it's a human problem. You know, someone someone goes out and they check their email or they click on an email or ninety four percent of all malwares from email. So you know, they click on this and they give their user name and password. It's not it's not a it's not a hack. It's it's it's a human problem. Pretty amazing. Some of the other news we haven't gotten to yet, Jason, I know you want to weigh in on some of this we now have. Well, there's prosecutor that wrote a peace anonymously after Kim Fox recently attempted to deflect the criticism of her handling of the Jus Smolette case, insinuating that her critics were motivated by racism anyway. This letter was published on the website of CWB Chicago. A Chicago prosecutor speaks out against Fox and her demoralizing attacks on law enforcers in the state law enforcement in the State's Attorney office in Chicago, and goes really just tears at the shreds and in that case, Look, I believe in presumption of innocence, due process, but you've got two eye witnesses that are saying they practiced and staged the attack. That's pretty compelling evidence. That's almost slammed dunk evidence. Isn't there video evidence too? Then you got video of the other two guys involved in this whole thing. They're buying the very items, the rope, the red hat, etc. That were allegedly used in the hoax, and they've given specifics. The cops are furious because they did their job. They spent literally thousands of man hours on this. Chicago can barely afford to keep their city, their streets safe, and this one prosecutor, So it was, why wouldn't you prosecute somebody grand jury ORRIDI when the police superintendent himself is black, So how is he charging racism? Talking about Eddie Johnson. Yeah, let me tell you that he's more angry than anybody in all this. And then it gets even worse. I saw when she was speaking at Jesse Jackson's I guess Rainbow Coalition. You know, then you have Congressman Bobby Rush calling Chicago police the sworn enemy of black people and demanding the Cook County State Attorney Kim Fox resigned over her office. Is handling any calling for that means, you know, friends of police, sworn enemy of black people? He said during this press conference that she was at. And they always taken the position that black people can get shot down in the street by members of the Chicago Police Department and suffered no consequences. Well, Eddie Johnson, the head of the department, is an African American. Maxine Waters praising the Chicago prosecutors in Kim Fox for what happened here. Oh, by the way, one one rage hate Trump media mob update and that is they skipped. Oh that's right, that we created another two hundred thousand jobs in America. I were getting close to six million Trump jobs, three point eight percent unemployment rate record low. As they never talked about that. Um, all of the case of these parents out in Hollywood, Felicity husband, Huh, what's her name? Huffman? What was she in the show Desperate Housewives? Right or something like that? All right, I'm not a show that I watched a whole lot. Just watch it at all, Either that or I read that she was in it. Anyway, she was smarting. Now she apparently did the least of anybody. There were people paying four or five hundred thousand dollars to this guy, and they knew that they were paying to get cheating on tasks on these acts or SATs. And then there were people paying formed five and six hundred thousand dollars. They would work the system two ways, and one would be through the you know, cheating on the task. And then they'd actually go so far as to take a picture of their kid and put it on the on the body of an athlete and claim, well, the kids involved in crew or the kids involved in some of the pictures weren't of the kids even, like at all. Like they didn't even put the faces on the kids. They just used plane photos of other person's kids and submitted it. And the parents knew that these websites quote of their kids existed. But the other thing that's weird that no one's pointing out is they wrote off all this money as tax rite offs. They did it as a donation. Well, that's a problem too. Now every by the way, all these issues become tax issues. Well, now, the parents like Laurie Laughlin that didn't plead guilty, Listen, there's no jury in America that's gonna let you off here. I don't know what their lawyers thinking. And at that point, you know what, obviously he did it. In my humble opinion, I believe in due process they can prove they didn't. That's great. Let's assume for a second, if they did this the dumbest thing they can do, because they got new charges of money laundering today in all of this, maybe they should talk to Kim fox Well. I thought Felicity Huffman was smart. And again she had only spend fifteen grand. These other people spending five hundred, six hundred thousand dollars, and I guess it's not about the money. That was another weird thing that people that hired this guy, you know, they all paid varying sums of money, so there was no consistency in whatever services he had. And anyway, she was. Hupman was accused of paying fifteen grand to have a proctor of a test boost his daughter's SAT score. And her statement was smart because if you did it and you know that they're they're telling you that they're going to make more charges, either cooperate, accept the responsibility, or we're gonna charge you more. So she said, I'm pleading guilty to the charge brought against me by the United States Attorney's Office. I am in full acceptance of my guilt, with the deep regret and shame over what I have done. I accept full responsibility for my actions and will accept the consequences that stem from those actions. I am ashamed of the pain I have caused my daughter, my family, my friends, my colleagues, and the educational community. I want to apologize to them, and especially I want to apologize to the students who work hard every day to get into college, to their parents who make tremendous sacrifices to support their children and do so Honestly, my daughter knew absolutely nothing about my actions, and in my misguided and profoundly wrong way, I have betrayed her. This transgression towards her and the public I will carry for the rest of my life. My desire to help my daughter is no excuse to break the law engage in dishonesty. You know what, I respect what she did here. Smart What kind of justice should there be for this kind of a crime? I think for hard you know, just as I think community service. I think, you know, for those that went so much deeper than this, they're going It's not even what I want them. They're going to jail as long as there's something because between this and small at I mean, the American public just can't stand to see the problem is people get off on nothing when this is a zero sum game there. In other words, there's only X number of spots available in these schools. And you know there's it I only know from like for example, there's UM for every sport you have. You know, they kind of grade um the ability of players. Like, for example, in tennis, there's a site called Tennis recruiting dot com. Well, for example, there's only twenty five blue chip players in the country in any given grade. That's it. There's only fifty five stars in any given grade in the country. Now you gotta remember these teams have twelve thirteen people on the squad and you know, then you've got a four star player that that's the top two hundred in the country. Now with all the schools and all the positions, boom, you know, you've got a lot of opportunities if you get to that level of play. And it's all based on your record. And you can look at any kids record going back to when they were not eight nine years old, and it's all out there unavailable. But um, you know, so I think in that terms, and then you know somebody's academic rad how does somebody end up with a fifteen eighty on their SATs? And there would bec student it's not gonna happen. I just had a good day. I just had a really good day. Um and I just don't think I think of the I think the ones that took it so far. I just I get it. Everybody's a helicopter parent today. Everybody life isn't like when we were kids. When I was a kid, get off the school bus, I'd run into the house, grab whatever equipment I needed, and I was gone on my bike. See later, nobody knew where I was. All right. My sources on the ground saying things, it's a tight race, but looking good for Prime Minister net and Yahoo and the right wing coalition, Greg Sarah tom Fitting. Also the battle over the Border. We got Dan Bongino, Haraldo, Lawrence Jones, Victor Davis handsOn, much more, All happening nine Eastern Hannity on Fox Big Night tonight. I'm promising you news truth you won't get anywhere else. We'll see you tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow

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