A Bad Winter - September 27th, Hour 1

Published Sep 27, 2021, 10:02 PM

 COVID cases are dropping and yet Dr. Fauci still predicts a “bad winter.”, Sean has the latest on Fauci and his confusing advice.

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This is a special edition of the Sean Hannity Show. America Trapped behind Enemy Lines, Day number forty four. Four. All right, day forty four. Americans, their families, thousands of people with Green cards, in other words, eligible to come to the US, and of course their families and Afghan allies all still trapped behind enemy lines. Day forty four. But don't worry. Joe Biden's turned the page with a very professional and business like Taliban. We're going to chronicle the latest barbarity that's taken place there and murder. They're now hanging people in the four corners of some provinces, and it's and then, and they are on a relentless, unrelenting mission to seek and destroy any Afghan that in any way work with the US in the last twenty years. We'll get to that today. It's a big week financially in Washington as the Democrats now make their big push for what is ultimately their five trillion dollar new green deals spending POLLUZA and tax raising POLLUZA and debt ceiling raising PALUZA. And they're going to try hard. We've got a lot of COVID news that we will get to. I'll tell you one of the saddest stories I saw over the weekend in New York. All of these you know, anybody in the healthcare industry that doesn't go along with the vaccine mandate they're now making, you know, they're making plans to have all of them replaced with other workers. Now, I just want you to know who we're talking about here, people that literally in the midst of the worst part of this COVID mess, we're diving on COVID grenades every day, risking their lives, not even knowing fully what we were dealing with in March and April and May of twenty twenty. And they did it, you know, knowing that they were putting their own personal health at risk to save other people's lives. And you know, now we're going to fire some of these people because many of them had COVID. They have natural immunity. But you can't even discuss the science of natural immunity because it doesn't fit the narrative like we're gonna ration out now monoclonal antibodies. Just unbelievable. We got a ton of news on immigration I want to get to today. I want to make a point too that I don't think anyone else is made yet as it relates to it. I love the White House Jensaki. No, we didn't pre judge the mounted border patrol agents that have been called racist repeatedly by people like even Maxine Waters. And she's blaming Biden, which is interesting, but putting that aside or Kamala Harris, etc. Etc. And now the White House is saying, oh, no, we didn't free judge the mounted border patrol agents. Really when he said they will pay, that's not pre judging at all. That's a rush to judgment. And Kamala Harris is digging in saying the border patrol agents the horses evokes slavery, while in the meantime, the photographer denies what people are saying happened. George P. Bush is pushed back on this narrative of the White House sharing a video of border patrol horses without whips, and he's been very active in pushing back against the Biden administration border policies. As a matter of fact, a Blaze today had newly surfaced videos squashing the narrative that the border patrol agents used the whips. Just like the photographer swears, I will tell you this the Border Patrol agents union and agents themselves. They are they are so angry at this false charge that I mean, it is universal that they are. They feel that they have been unfairly demonized to distract from the mess that Joe Biden caused, just like the preventable mess in Afghanistan, just like the preventable mess of begging OPEC from you know, to increase production of energy, because this idiot got us off energy independence. Anyway. The footage was taken by the AP journalist Sarah Blake Morgan showing an amounted border patrol agent weren't using ropes or whips or any other you know, device against migrants, and it confirmed with the Border Patrol was saying that they were holding there what's called a long rain that they used to control their horses as they're corralling the illegal immigrants. Although Mayorcas is now saying they're not illegal immigrants. First you said you can't say they're illegal aliens coming in. Now they're not illegal immigrants. I mean, he changes the language every single day, you know, and even he rushed to judgment. Images of the agents on horses represent our ongoing battling and systemic racism. So that's their way of distracting. And I'll tell you right now, the border agents are inhabitant, and this is there's going to be a lot of pushback on this. That's what I'm saying. Listen, may Orcus. There's a great piece in the New York Post today about all of the lies that he is now telling people, and this goes to the lies that Biden is telling everybody and actually listed them, you know, approximately, I think it's about ten thousand or twelve thousand, it could be higher. Now. For the last couple of weeks, may Orcus has been bobbing and weaving and telling us know that they're all being returned. All these people under the Del Rio Bridge in Texas, they were being all while he's saying they're being sent back, they were being released into the United States. At one point he blamed an eighteen hour days for the lack of clarity, But it's clear they always knew the numbers. And just like the lie of Jensaki going out there saying, oh no, no, we don't need to COVID test them because they won't be staying here very long, that was a lie. And then may Orcus line number two. What we do is follow the law. No, you're not following the law. You're aiding and abetting in the law breaking. That's a lie. You know. The administration's justification for deporting some people to Haiti was titled forty two, which allows it to block entry due to coronavirus health crisis. So what's the difference between the two thousand and the twelve to fifteen thousand that they let in. You know, now, if they would have kept to stay in Mexico policy, we wouldn't have had any any of these problems. If they would have built another two hundred miles of border wall, we'd have none of these problems. If they would have not brought back catch and release, which is really process and released, none of these problems would exist. Then may Orcus lies and says we have enforcement guidelines in place that provide individuals who are recent border crosses who do not show up for the hearings are enforcement priorities and will even removed. That is a lie too, because they're not even they're being requested. They're giving your requested to show up, not required requested. You know. Chris Wallace even noted on his show forty four percent of those who apply for asylum failed to show up for court hearings. Now they're making it optional. So that's another mayorches lie. A liar, you know, another lie. Border patrol agents on horseback blocking migrants, you know, illegally painfully conjured up the worst elements of our nation's ongoing battle of systemic racism. Well maybe you should listen to the photographer hardly a member of the vast right wing conspiracy from the ap that is already debunk that lie, on top of the new video that's available that debunks that lie. We do not agree with the building of the wall. The law provides that individuals can make a claim for humanitarian relief. This is actually one of our proudest traditions. You don't have to people in that's what the State of Mexico policy prevented. Eleven million people in this country without lawful presence. Is a compelling reason why there is unit, you know, an agreement about the fact that our immigration system is broken in legislation. Just because you don't like the laws doesn't mean you get to break them in eight in a bet in the law breaking, you know. And then, of course, the pictures of the tense city, fifteen thousand under the bridge which they've now gone in Texas, would say otherwise, you know, I wouldn't call it a flood of illegal immigrants, just like what they told us. It's not a crisis. You gotta be kidding me, right, Mayorcas saying that you know, the Del Rio bridge, they were not tested for COVID. Why not? Why didn't you? Because they're not going to be here long. That lie. As many as seventeen thousand illegal immigrants now released into the US, and it could be higher. According to Mayorcas, that's not what they were telling us. They were saying, we're sending most of them home. He is caught that lie. We don't use the term illegal immigrants. We use the term non citizen now to respect the dignity of every individual, Governor Abbott, if Biden punishes border patrol agents, I will hire them to defend the Texas border. Democratic coalition is cracking, by the way under this, and you know, just like it's cracking under their reckless spending. You know, look, there's been a lot of charges and it's getting interesting to watch what's happening here. You know, asylum seekers, one of our proudest traditions. But that was what the stay in Mexico policy was there for. That's what that was there for. By the way, Joe Biden's you know this whole race baiting narrative, Jake Tapper on Sunday confronted may Orcas for patently false descriptions of the border patrol agents. Some of the initial descriptions of those images were patently false. Even Jake Tapper figured that out, and as you know, they now are admitting that seventeen thousand. So here's something to think about here. Look, I've said this many I believe in legal immigration. My grandparents, all four of them, came to this country from Ireland, all four of them at the turn of the last century. They came here with no money in their pocket. Irish Catholic need not apply was very common. Actually have a sign in one of my offices. And they lived most of their life very poor, impoverished. My parents grew up very poor. My mom in the South Bronx. My dad and bedste in Brooklyn. My mom was a prison guard, work sixteen hour days most of her life. My dad worked as a as a family cor probation guy and then a waiter on weekends when he could, and you know, very humble kind of backgrounds. Average never took vacations, They didn't buy new cars till later in life. You know, I believe we're all children of God. That's my opinion. God created every man, woman and child on this earth, and the human experience is one of you know, the choice between good and evil. When I say that, if you look around the globe, what is one of the greatest things you can give somebody? You see all support legal immigration, but I want legal immigration that has a security background check to make sure you don't have radical associations, a health check in the middle of a pandemic, meaning that don't bring any any disease or COVID into the country. And three you have to have the means to take care of yourself. Also, I would support merit based immigration based on you know, for example, if we need specific skills, but you know it's something of great value. You know, a lot of people all you're racist if you don't want people coming to I don't care where anybody comes from. We're all God's children. I really believe that with all my heart, mind and soul. But if you look at around the globe. If you want to buy citizenship and saying Kits and Nevas, it'll cost you one hundred and fifty grand to their Sustainable Growth Fund. In a minimum real estate investment a two hundred grand. You can buy citizenship Saint Lucia about two fifty two hundred and fifty Antigua and Barbuda about one hundred and thirty five forty grand. You donate to the country's development fund. Dominica, you can get a passport from there with an investment of about one hundred grand. Granada one hundred and fifty grand to the National Transformation Fund or a three hundred and fifty thousand dollars investment in approved real estate. Portugal, you can donate to the Portuguese Art and Culture investing in a business Malta one point one million, Cyprus two point five million donations and real estate investment Austria minimum investment a three point five million. New Zealand. Australia cost a lot more. You got to spend a lot of time there, but you can get citizenship and buy your way in there. You want to move to Turkey and get a passport. Real estate investment starting at two hundred and fifty grand belize under the Qualified Retired Person Incentive program. If you're if you want, you know, to get a citizenship, you're forty five and older, you got to make two grand intuition. I'm sorry, in a pension every month. What's my point? It's something of great value. Democrats tried to sneak this into their Reconciliation bill till the Senate parliamentarian said no, Now, if all these other countries or offer, you know what, they're not letting people in for free. They're charging massive amounts of money. Well, I'm not saying we do that. I believe in legal immigration, not looking to charge people, you know, but you have to pass these tests. I don't care where you come from. You want to if you pass some background check, if you pass a help check, if you're able to take care of yourself, and you do it legally, welcome to our country. That's how I feel, and maybe we should consider, you know, if you want to come to the country, you got to pay the freight like other countries. Does that make those countries racist? I don't think so. It seemed like they're making a lot of money off it. Eight hundred and nine for one Shaun is a number. You know, it's not only may Orcas line. It was a great piece by Miranda Divine today talking about Joe Biden's lies. He's gotten away his entire career, bending the truth and taking people from pools. Biden's out there saying the southern border is closed. No, it's not, it's wide open. He's just lying. And seventeen thousand people's a lot of people, on top of the one point five million plus that he's already lit in this year. You know. Then of course the lie about the border patrol agents, then the lie about you know, we're not going to leave Afghanistan until every American is evacuated, and thirteen days later, guess what, you know, we know what he did. It's unt it's unbelievable to me. Why do we accept the lies of these people? And she goes on to point out, you know, the drone attack killed the nicest k terrorist. Yeah, we know that was a lie too. Hunter Biden's laptop is Russian disinformation that turned out to be a lie. The cost of the Democrats three point five trillion dollars social welfare New Green Deal socialism is zero dollars oh five trillion dollars, zero dollars. We don't have open boards. Yes, we do have open borders. And by the way, now, as a result, Joe's approval rating is sunk to a low of forty percent. Fifty eight percent disapprove of his job performance. How could it be anything else? And there's another tip pole that came out, you know, and you know he's losing ground pretty much everywhere. Tells the Prime Minister of India not to answer questions the way Boris Johnson did, and Jensaki blamed Boris Johnson for taking the questions in the first place. And of course you got zero experienced hunter who's going to deal with him? All right? Twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine for one, Sean is our number. You want to be a part of the program. Linda was intrigued by all of these countries that you can buy citizenship too, and you know, in other words, it's something of incredible value. I think if we, if America really opens its supporters, I'd argue half the world's population would come racing in here, because I think America is the greatest country got made man. Now, should we have a system of immigration. Yes. Should we have a legal process yes, Should it be rigorous in terms of security, absolutely, we got to make sure there are people that have radical backgrounds associations. We've got to We've got to investigate. And by the way, anyone that wants to come here needs to have a thorough background check, just basic common sense. In the middle of a pandemic, you got to have a health check and and frankly, COVID testing. And if you're gonna vaccine mandate people, well you ought to vaccine mandate people that want to enter this country before you do it to the American people. But we don't do that. And the third thing is is you know, you can't come here and then be a burden on the American people. We can't. And number one not that we're being cheap, we just can't afford it. And you know, look at the cost. Linda, you're intrigue. Is there any particular country you're intrigued by buying citizenship too? I mean, listen, as an Irish person, I would love to get something, you know in Ireland. You know, I think it's beautiful. Yeah. Yeah, by the way, I'm eligible for that. You are right, you could, are you gonna do it. My mom had dual citizenship, and so that makes me automatically eligible. So why don't you do it. I'm an American, I want to be an American citizens Just because you're African doesn't mean you can't get that. The only reason I might do it is to just throw people off, because Sean Hannity, the United States of America probably pops on a lot of travel, you know, when we were headed as I'm sure you're on the no fly by now you gotta be. It's not that, it's just that, you know, unfortunately, we're known by too many people around the globe and hated by too many people around the globe over time. You know, Now here's an interesting question. If all these countries are charging a fortune. If three and a half million dollars you can buy your way, invest your way into Austria and citizenship, or two point five million for Cyprus, there's no places I want to live Portugal, and Portugal is interesting to me. You know, you donate to their art and culture, investing in a business. Listen, you know, my my that I'm a non denominational Christian, so I believe that we're all created by the same God, I don't care where people come from. I just want those checks and balances. There's got to be some limit on it, because we don't want to flood the country and take away job opportunities from Americans. The more people that you invite into the country, it drives wages down for Americans. That is in and of itself a problem. And then there's for example, you know there's certain skills that might attract people. What do you think of the idea of like following the New Zealand Like, for example, if you try to get into Australia, they will meet you outside and you will be turned away. They'll give you food, they will give you water. If you need medical care, they'll take you to an island. They'll give you all the medical care and then they will send you on your way. You will not be allowed to step put on Australian land. Same with New Zealand. Pretty much the same thing, but you're starting with millions of dollars of investment money. And then in the case of both of them, I haven't read it recently. You know, you have to spend a lot of time there before you could actually apply for the real citizens ship. But they're selling these citizenships, I mean, and some people do it because they want to avoid playing paying estate taxes or taxes all together, etc. That's why they call them tax haven countries. And for these countries, you know, by having low taxes, they attract a lot of money. I don't even know if that's relevant for the United States though, because we have a serious problem. I mean, we're not enforcing our borders, we don't enforce our immigration laws, so we don't have citizenships to sell. Because it doesn't seem to matter anymore. Well it doesn't. Well, but this is the point to say, well, you're must be a right. No, I'm just saying it is something of great value. And you know when the Democrats tried to sneak in their amnesty provision in the Reconciliation Bill until the Senate parliamentarian stepped in, you know, at some point you got to say, well, what are the Democrats motivation here? Why? Because if you're trying to get into I mean, do you really want to live in saying kits or Neivas. Now I've never been there, so I don't know anything about out saying kits or Nivus, you know, not exactly the travel you know, my place as a travel of Vietnam, Singapore, Healthsinky, Israel. You know, I go to war zones. That's that's my extent of my international travel, right. But but the only point is Iraq. I've been to Iraq. I just think that we're selling ourselves short and it's not fair to the American people. So in the middle of a pandemic, you're taking all of these people with a high rate of COVID positivity. We're gonna have a twenty five thirty year record. There's no health check, there's no COVID test. They lie to us and say that, well, they're only going to be here short. There's no mandate. Don't forget that. No mandate, the no vaccine mandate. They need dispersed all over the country. And now all of these states and communities now have the burden financially of providing food, shelter and healthcare education because Joe Biden aided and ebedted the lawbreaking. Now, if liberals really want the laws changed, well we have a process for that. That's what legislation is all about. And you got to get a majority in the House and a majority in the Senate. And if they agree and they come up with liberal immigration laws. Joe Biden can signed it into law, but you just don't get to pick and choose what laws there are that you want to enforce and what laws you don't want to enforce. It's unbelievable. But you know, I'm sure that they're thinking, well, we give something, we'll sneak in the amnesty provision. They're gonna love the Democrats, they'll love us, they'll vote for us because we're Democrats. We gave them something that if you went to Saint Kits how to sing kids compared to the United States. Right. And by the way, I'm not I don't even know anything about seeing. You know, all these countries. I don't. I don't really want to live in Grenada or Portugal, or Cyprus or Austria. I am fascinated by. I want to visit Australia New Zealand one day, but it's not like I have a lot of time to travel, as you know. Definitely not. But but Australian New Zealand do have, like you were saying, they have a very interesting immigration policy where you cannot come to that nation unless you bring enterprise, unless you bring a successful business and by the way, they're very firm if you come to Australia you will be assimilated to be in Australian you know, don't don't try and change our society. Right, there was a Prime minister sat at a number of years back. Anyway, big week in Congress by the way, with this government funding bill that's pretty consequential. What's really they say three point five trillion. It's really five trillion total when you add the one point two, the three point five, the six hundred billion, and this is all new green deo radical socialism. You know that now the Treasury is scrambling to pay their bills, and you know now they're talking about, oh the debt limit. Oh my gosh, we're facing the debt limit. Let me tell you what happens when the government that shuts down essential services continue, social security checks continue to go out, our military stays on the job, and government workers that are viewed as quote not essential, they get a free vacation because they end up getting back paid at least every time that I can remember. And I know it's a standoff, but it's like the only Democrats own the House, they own the Senate. Okay, so that means. What that means that this is the if they want to pass or increase the debt limit, let them do it. I don't think that's something that Republicans should be helping the Democrats with. You know, they're going to give the irs what eighty five billion dollars more money, and hundreds of thousands of new employees, probably half of them just to monitor me because they pull my Hannity poll Hannity pull. You know, that's why I have not one accounting firm. I have two accounting verms every year go over my taxes, and I have one mantra. Just pay it. Well, what do you mean you're probably you know this is a legitimate deductors. Pay it. That's what I said. I say it all the time. I don't feel like dealing with this crap. Just pay it constant frame. Anyway, Then they're going to increase corporate taxes. Now it's not bad enough that we're paying more in gas prices. That means it costs more to fill your tank, heat cool your home, and then of course it costs more to get everything trucked into your grocery store and your drug store and home depot, and lows and every other store that you go to, because without truckers, guess what, we don't have our store shelves will be empty. And they're going to raise the corporate tax rate. Oh okay, corporations don't pay taxes. We're gonna have a higher tax rate than the People's Republic of China, the Communist Chinese. We're having higher tax rates. Then that ought to scare the living daylights out of everybody. Then of course it's going to be free daycare, and then it's going to be you know, pre k through, free college education, student loan forgiveness, guaranteed wages, healthy food, and everything in between, and then everything to get us off of the lifeblood of our economy. So now, from a national security standpoint, we have to care about the Middle East and the politics, the crazy politics that goes on there with countries that often hate our guts, and they'll control the cost of a barrel of oil, and we're going to pay through the nose for everything else that we buy. Then yeah, there corporate tax corporations aren't going to make less money. They're going to pass that cost onto you. And they're also not going to give raises to their employees that's how that's going to end up. And they'll extend to you know, you know with Medicare, what dental vision hearing, you know, lowering the age from I think seventy to sixty. Meanwhile, Medicare trustees. You know, guess what it's headed for insolvency. The same people that bankrupted Social Security and Medicare, that never put the money in a lockbox now are promising you that they're going to do a better job this time with more benefits. And they don't have the money to even sustain what we have. They squandered the lockbox. The same people that you keep your doctor, you keep your plan, and you save money. Millions lost their doctors, millions lost their plans, and everybody is paying two hundred and fifty percent more. I mean, what is that. Then they're gonna go after homeowners and building owners, and then they're talking about with squad members, no rent payments because we're a rich country. Nobody should be forced to pay rent or pay mortgages. Okay, so we're gonna legalize stealing from the money you borrow. You know what's going to happen to the landlord that can't pay the mortgage? Oh, you don't have to pay your mortgage. Well, what's going to happen to the bank that loan the entity or the individual the money to buy the place that you're renting. Okay, they're going to default on it. Then they're gonna go bankrupt. But that's okay because that all fits into their one size fits all socialism. What does socialism always do? It makes great promises. The same people that can't keep law and order, the same people that light on Obamacare, the same people that can educate your kids even at forty some one thousand per student in New York City, the same people that can't that bankrupted social Security and medicare. Now, now we're gonna agree to all of this, and you know, now Nancy Pelosi blinks, he's gonna go with the one point two trillion, not listen to the squad, and the squad is threatening and part was part of their strategy. No, we're not going to vote on the one point two trillion infrastructure until we got our three point five trillion on top of the six hundred billion. I mean, it's a mess. So we'll see what happens this week. Costco, Nike, FedEx, they're all warning more inflation set I told you, you know, Gristiti's the owner of that store in New York, the big grocery chain. Said inflation is here to stay, and how could it not stay because we're not energy independent? The only one that gets the waivers Vladimir Putin. It's unbelievable, you know, Joe Biden, I give you my word as a Biden Okay, that means, don't trust him. He's the same guy that said he wasn't going to pull you out of pull Leve Afghan Dam until every American was out. Okay, Joe. Yeah, you're not gonna pay a penny one cent if you make under four hundred thousand dollars a year. That's a lie. That's per couple. Joe. Why don't you get your own numbers straight? In terms of these bills, Democrats now are pushing hard and Republicans better not help them. Republicans, all they have to do is say no, you own, you own the House, and Senate, you do what you want. Biden says they're stuck in a stalemate. Well, let's see what mansion does. Let's see what cinema does in the Senate. That's where they have the greatest chance of success, because that would stop even the reconciliation package, which is they're only using the reconciliation package because that's the only way they'd ever get it through. Yea. One of the House members, the squad members, saying that they're still gonna oppose the one point two trillion, which Nancy Pelosi now has agreed to go first with. So it's kind of fun to watch them fight Pelosi. It'sself evident to three point five trillion record aciliation number will come down, all right, So what a new numbers? Two point nine trillion? We still can't afford it. And the latest lie is, oh, we're gonna pay for it. Are you gonna pay for it by raising taxes? Okay? I wonder why Biden's disaster, you know, is approval rating plunging to and lower in some other polls. Unreal. Their vaccine mandate has put patients at risk, and I'm telling you right now now they're thinking of a firing. Dozens of Massachusetts state troopers are resigning over the mandate. In New York, they're about to fire every healthcare worker that doesn't get it with a plan to replace them. These are the people that dove on a COVID grenade every day and the worst moments of this. To save people's lives, we're just gonna fire them. And a lot of these people have natural immunity. Are we're gonna at least look at that science, talk about that science, or is all just one size fitfall medicine. Again, my advice is listening to your doctor. One federal judge did block New York City's school COVID vaccine mandate, but this is just an unmitigated disaster.

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