18 Questions You Need To Hear - 1.17

Published Jan 17, 2018, 11:00 PM

Congressman Jim Jordan led testimony on The Hill that was dedicated toward bringing some truth to the Russian dossier scandal. In his testimony, Jordan detailed the exact scandal and highlighted 18 questions Americans need to have answers to. Hear the details on the show as well as Sean's reaction! The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and Hannity.com.

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Sean Hannity Radio Show podcast. Hey, like most of you, I had not have had trouble sleeping, but I sleep better than ever. And you know what, It's all because of a pillow. Mike Lindell's My Pillow has changed my life for the better and it works. What makes my Pillow so different is their patented adjustable phil Now you can adjust a patent and filter your exact individual comfort need and get the support you absolutely must have, and that means you fall asleep faster, you stay asleep longer. It just works. Millions of people have already discovered that my Pillow works for them, and now it's time for you to experience my pillow for yourself. Just go to my pillow dot com, use the promo code Sean, and when you do, Mike Lindell will give you his best offer ever. By one my pillow, get another one absolutely free. Now. 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You know, how can you tell the American people that this time there certain because of his age in continuing his physicals in the future, will you also continue to drive me too? Testing examage and men performed a cognitive disaster? Right? What is your take of all the doctors and clinicians all across the country who have said in this president they see symptoms of this, that and the other symptoms in my way, well, symptoms of dementia. Is there any and on the president's medical team, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist whose job it is to monitor the president's emotional state or watch for potential psychiatric problems. Are indicators of those more questions about the Montreal exam and in other sort of many mental status exams, they're pretty good that they're not really sensitive someone's already high functioning. They're not really good at finding early stages, as they mentioned, because the presidents worried about it, would you recommend more sophisticated exams? Are we saying that because of Reagan? Alright, we had the issues Regan and the issues about this president. Cognitive testing mental acuity testing is not commonly part of an annual physical with the president of the United States. Questions have been asked going back to that issue. Everyone is asked about mental acuity. Those questions have been in the public, and he told Sarah to tell you to stay after until those questions are answered. Going forward, would you recommend that presidents undergo that type of testing? How about the media undergoes that type of testing? How about that I cannot believe this is your media in the country today. I mean, I have been telling everybody how corrupt it is they they've got an echo chamber media bubble. They only talk to each other. They had convinced themselves they really believed they were onto something deep and profound. And the and the deep and profound understanding was, oh, well, he doesn't agree with us, and look at his policies, and he tweets and and he watches Fox News, and he can't possibly be normal. He's gotta be does there's some derangement or maybe it's early on set Alzheimer's disease. That's why that's where these questions came from yesterday, because they have convinced themselves in there, they're in selated echo chamber bubble that they the almighty media were correct, and they were in a state of shock, almost equaling the shock of what happened on November what eight, when he became the president and you turn around and it is a Trump could be president. Ha ha, Yeah, Ron, we want you to run, run, run you and and Obama uh saying oh, you'll never at least I had the pleasure of being president and you'll never be president. They were all wrong, and they're all wrong here. And the worst part is it's even getting worse. If you think the questions were bad yesterday and and these questions were atrocious, you know, um, it was utter stupidity. It was mindless drivel that they think they are deep and profound and they are not. They think that they are right and smarter than us and you, and they are not. They know better than than we do, that you do and they do not know better. Just look at how the economy turned. It is not by accident that all of this good economic news has come out here. This is let's ask about bones spurs. They have bonespurs. You didn't go to Vietnam. Well wait a minute, but he watches too much TV and he tweets that says got to be a sign of mental illness that he's tweeting. And and now does it mean because he's a little overweight, does it mean now that he should have one scoop of ice cream? Is he addicted to drugs? What drugs does he take? Has he ever taken a sleep aid? I'm like, this is your media. And then it gets worse because now the narrative that they have been believing, led by you know, doctor liberal Joe Scarborough and Dr Mika Brazynski, is soon to be bride. They're now saying there's no way that that the to two star admiral who was also the doctor of Obama and the doctor of George W. Bush's this is not his first rodeo. They're now questioning his honesty and integrity. To thirty nine, Ah, to thirty nine, Well, I'm one seventies, Scarborough said this morning, Joe, you're not you know, you look not looking great and I'm but they felt that they knew better. And then the answer, well, everybody around him has got to be shocked and surprise because everybody that I talked to and and everybody around the president, you know, they speak with these broad, sweeping generalizations. Well, I actually can speak from experience, personal experience, having been around the president, having talked to the president. Now the media wants, how often does Hannity talk to the presidents? None of your business? None of your business? Who I talked to, none of your business, who I eat with, none of your business, where I go, what I do? Just not. But they think that, oh, he must be listening to to Fox. Well, how could he possibly watch this crap on your network? You know, there's a reason I said this on TV last night there's a reason when Donald Trump does a rally somewhere and you see those people in the back fake news, and the audience turns around and booze and and hisses and and chance CNN sucks. By the way, I'm gonna unveil a new name for CNN on Tonight's Hannity, And I'm going to take all one and nine holes and put them together, and not all of them are gonna play them all. Yeah, you do not want to miss this tape. This is gonna be a Hannity classic tonight. Um. So they go out there with their craze narrative. Did you address drug addiction with him? Well, you find it in his blood and urine. You idiots. They do a full on, extensive testing on both. Does he wear tenuous? That was another one of my favorite. How much weight have you suggested the president lose? Did the president? Does he need to be sedated? Do you have a life expectancy range? Yeah, he could easily finish this term, I assume with no health problems whatsoever. He has great genes. And in the next term, what the next term? The collective heart attack? You know it needs a psychiatric help. In the rubber rooms of the people in the news video. They're all sheep with very few exceptions. This is you know, we had James o'kie. What is the American pravada? They are the extension, the propaganda arm of all things left wing liberal socialist. On what basis would you this is only philosophical question, would you doctor advise the cabinet that the president is unable to discharge his duties? Did you take a waste measurement for the president? Did you test the president's hearing? Could you take us through some of the specific exercises that the president is considering As you look at this routine, he's gonna start working out a little bit. Does he watch too much TV? I gotta give full credit. Oh and this is the this is the joke of the day. This was on NewsBusters. Apparently Joe and Mika are getting an award for responsible journalism. I'm not making this up anyway, that they that the distinguished group of journalist First Amendment leaders UH that exemplify responsible journalism and who practiced their constitutionally guaranteed duty to seek and report the truth. This is from the Radio Television Digital News Foundation. They're honoring them or in their First Amendment Awards Dinner March the eighth and d C. I wonder if I'm gonna get an invitation. I love to watch that Dr Scarborough, Doctor Liberal Joe and Dr Mika. Unbelievable. Now here's how bad it is. Let me give you and Joe Concho the Hill actually appointed this out on TV last night. There was a Pew study that showed the coverage of the president has been negative. And then we have NewsBusters came out with a full report investigation the year the news media went to war against the president. That's pretty much it, because they did go to war with the American but it's not just against the president but the American people. A war against the truth and the Trump presidency the biggest story of the year. And um what they found out, accounting for one out of every three minutes of evening news airtime, nearly a hundred hours in total, the three big networks, the tone of the coverage negative and only ten percent positive. It doesn't include neutral statements. More than two fifths of new evening newscasts. Their coverage focused on controversy, never policy. The Russia investigation alone accounted for one five of all of Trump coverage, we still have no evidence of collusion, and despite their massive coverage of Russia, the networks had no airtime for questions about how the investigation began and whether Robert Muller's current investigation is abusively biased as I've been reporting. I mean this, this is insane, And let me tell you why it should matter to you, because they're not talking about the president's successes. Don't they owe it to you to tell you, the American people about the good economy and degrading of ISIS and the president's successes. Is that fair and balanced? And by comparison In the Pew study, while Trump had negative well in the first year of Barack Obama, the anointed one that they never vetted at all, he had only twenty percent negative coverage. It was fauning coverage for him. But they're also not talking about what are the stories we now have everything that we've been discussing, and I not to many of you. I see some comments online that you're frustrated. I'm frustrated too. I wish I could snap my fingers and get right to the inner core of the onion, but that's not how the process works. Sometimes and every night, We're peeling another layer away, another layer away, and I've got a group of really smart, hard working and intelligence deputies with me, like Sarah Carter was going to join us later, and John Solomon was going to join us, and uh and Luke Rosiac over the Daily Caller, and Tom Finton and and Victoria Tunsing and Joe Degeneva, and I'm sure I'm forgetting some people, but you get the point. Dr Sebastian Gorka. We're getting the truth out and we're doing it as quickly as we can, but because it didn't fit their preconceived fake news narrative, we now are at the nexus of getting to the truth about the Clinton bought and paid for dossier. She rigs, She rigs the primary, she tried to rig a general election with Russian propaganda she paid for. Then on top of that, she has comey and struck and other FBI people because they took the FBI investigation out of the field agent's hands, the rank and file that would have done a good job, well, they put the fix in and rigged that investigation before and exonerated or before they ever did the investigation. And then on tip then we got uranium one that was a bigger rest on Friday at eleven counts on uranium one and and now the email server investigation is back up and running. And I dare to say, if it wasn't for a few of us out here and some of my fellow talk radio hosts, I don't think any of this ever would have happened. We're making progress, and I'm not taking a victory lap because it's not about me. It's about our country. It's about our constitution, it's about equal justice under the law. It is about about probably the biggest scandal you'll ever experience in our lifetime, to rob the American people of their choice in a presidential election. How is it conceivable or bold that the media bought into a narrative and they convinced themselves and their their little echo chamber bubble that the president is is suffering from dementia early onset. The problem is they, honestly, and I said this for years, they think if you are a conservative, that that that is evil. They have bought their own talking points. They now have convinced themselves that if you're a conservative, you govern conservatively. If you're not politically correct like they are on everything, then it's just evil. This doesn't come out of nowhere but the sick and twisted and ideological imaginations of those people that call themselves journalists, This idea that they echo because they're the echo chamber. They're an extension of the all things leftist, liberal, all things status all things that that we disagree with. That's why every four years, the same narratives, the same talking points, the same playbook is used, where if you're a conservative, that means you're racist. If you're a conservative, you're a misogynist. If you're a conservative, you're anti gay. If you're a conservative, you know you're a Second Amendment nut shop. In other words, you're an irredeemable, deplorable. Let me break it down. That is clinging to your God, your guns, your Bibles, and your religion. There's a reason they wouldn't cover Hillary Clinton taken the money from countries that abuse women and kill gays and lesbians and persecute Christians and Jews. You know, I don't know if there's anyone else besides me that kind of brought that up a lot during the election year. You know, there's a reason they won't because they've convinced themselves Liberals good, Conservatives bad. I've convinced myself that most polity titians just suck and are not do and not following their promises and not doing the the job of serving their the American people. I'm just that's that's my take on most politicians. And that's why Republicans, you know, couldn't keep their repeal replaced promise. And that's why Republicans couldn't you know, seven senators vote to a full repeal, vote on a full repeal of Obamacare and can't do it in twenties seventeen when it actually matters. These are incredible times we're living in. There is an informational crisis, but it's all about an agenda. But they have convinced themselves that all of you, the words irredeemable, deplorable did not come out, you know, haphazardly. It is a deeply held belief system of the left and what they think a conservative represents. What are we fighting for? Though? What it was the whole election about, forgotten men, for gotten women, people in poverty, on food stamps and out of the labor force. I said it every day. You know, There's nobody that ever interviews me that wants to get to the core what drives me or motivates me. And then, of course, securing our borders and identifying our enemies and beating back those that would destroy our way of life. Those are all things I talk about, not them breaking news all afternoon. When you get off work, be sure to check in first for everything you missed during the day. This is the Sean Hannity Show till the top the art. You know, it's twenty years ago today. The Drudge Report had up their newsweek kill's story on White House. In turn, Michael Izikoff at the time blockbuster report twenty three year old sex relationship with the President. Matt Drudge has been literally single handedly driving stories and or informing us of stories. I can't even imagine doing a program anymore without having the availability of the Drudge Report twenty years ago today. You know this, this is the digital age now, this has now changed forever. Why is Monica Lewinsky blaming Drudge? It's not Drudge's fault. He's supposed to report on the news anyway. Took three more days for others in the media to report. Remember the dress, the cigar they d Mama, I did not have sexual relations for that woman. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time. Never. Yeah, well he did. Um. Actually, they've a friend of mine uh and some friends of mine over at Fox. After dozens of Hollywood movies portraying Richard Nixon as evil incarnate, etcetera. Uh, after multiple buy ops or whatever you want to call him on UM trashing Ronald Reagan as a war mongering you know, amiable dunce the way the Republican used that word against Ronald Reagan. They didn't like him either because he was anti establishment. But anyway, finally somebody's making a scandal movie about the only elected president in the United States who was impeached and put on trial in the Senate, Bill Clinton. Anyway, it's called Scandalous. It's an up closed look at the Clintons in the nineties. For you younger people that didn't live through this, like I did. You need to watch this. It'll stun you. And anyway, it's a seven or eight part installment documentary style and you'll be taken inside the events that literally took over Washington, d C. And led to the impeachment of President Bill Clinton. Yes, he was impeached and It's narrated by acclaimed actor Bruce McGill. This all starts, I think this weekend. What's this? What's the Yeah? Starts January one. It will examine the investigations of them President Clinton by the Office of Independent Council, and the story will unfold each Sunday night at a p m. I can't wait for the Great One One is the Great Ones program on the Fox News channel starts. That's gonna be great. It was a lot of fun the other night when we had It's filmed in cinematic style, and you're gonna hear from more than forty five people who were involved on both sides of that investigation and subsequent impeachment trial, revisiting the twists and turns daily after Monica Lewinsky captivated the country, the whole story, Captain Vade of the country. I know that, and by the way, I think it's important I've read that. I think it was earlier this week that Monica has moved on with her Like I mean, I'm I'm all in favor of that. She doesn't have to watch it, she doesn't have to relive it. She deserves to be left alone. She's twenty one years old. Are we really gonna blame her about what about in the me too era? What about the guy that had all the power of the Oval office? Now, was it consensual? Apparently yes, but that wasn't the case with other women Kathleen Willie, Paula Jones, or one to Broderick anyway, So that's gonna um, that's gonna be interesting to watch. And I heard it's phenomenal from friends of mine. Uh. This is an interesting side bit on the immigration issue in the country. The President is now reinstated the citizenship questions on the census questionnaire, which were probably gonna end up costing sanctuary states in a lot more ways than one, and Politico is now reporting the Department of Justice sent a letter on December the twelve to the Census Bureau asking that the citizenship question which was eliminated in twenty ten during the Obama administration, being reinstated for the Census. Democrats fear the move could cause California congressional seat and billions in funding. By the way, Mark Shoam told starts February eighteen, we're trying to get the specific date anyway. According to the Justice Department General Council Arthur Gray, the data is critical to the Department's enforcement of Section two of the Voting Rights Act and its important protections against racial discrimination and voting and he added, to fully enforce those requirements, the Department needs a reliable calculation of the citizen voting age, population, and localities were voting rights violations are alleged or suspected. And Democrats know that the revised US Census questionnaire, which did not ask about the the interviewees citizenship under the penalty of perjury, encouraged many California's approximately two point three five million illegal immigrants uh and one point six five billion legal aliens to participate in properly in the US Census. That's gonna be interesting to watch that, you know. I can't I keep looking at this headline. It's on the side of my my desk. Hereen, this is NewsBusters. The year the news media went to war against the president. I'd say seen the year the news media went to war against the American people. It's bigger than a president. We the people, because they don't want to give us the truth. That's how profound that crisis is. You know, after a eminently qualified White House physicians. So we have the admiral go out yesterday and announced that the president is an excellent health physically mentally. The media is an overdrive now to keep their narrative going and trying to counter the diagnosis. And you have CNN. I'll have a new name for CNN by the end of the show, Hannity tonight. You don't want to miss it. Also gonna do all one holes that they used on the air. Oh. I couldn't stop myself last night. I'm like, why am I forbidden from saying it? I'm not forbidden. I mean if I really said it, I'm not gonna get fired. No, I wouldn't get fired for that. And I just would say, why do you have to do that? And I don't have to sit through a meeting. I don't want to sit through being told that. We told, you know, as policy, we said, we don't want to do that. So I have to have some respect for my employers. They pay me after all. But they there was a Fox Poe, We're not saying that on the air, and up to now nobody said it on the air. And see and then just went crazy with it, right, They couldn't get in enough all the number row, So I got a pretty good new name for them. Tonight, Um House Republicans want top Obama intelligence official prosecuted for perjury. They're apparently wondering why General Flynn is being prosecuted for making false statements to the FBI while President Obama's most senior intelligence official, James Clapper, still roaming around free as a bird speaking of fake newscy and any works for them. As I understand it, after he blatantly lied to Congress during an under oath testimony. Several GOP lawmakers would like to see the Justice Department prosecute James Clapper for giving false testimony to Congress about domestic surveillance before it's too late. And maybe after what Devin Nunas was handed from the Department of Justice, maybe that all the information and evidence that we need is there. Either way, Michael Wolves, Fire and Furious to be adapted into a TV series just took twenty years to get the the the Fox News Channel, the only ones that are doing this whole thing on. You know, I think what the biggest story ever up till now, which is of course this phony media. Justice Department Department report links terrorist attacks to chain migration and diversity lottery. Nobody's reporting this either, because the Justice Department put out a new report that reveals three out of four radical Islamis who have been convicted of committing terrorist acts against our country, the United States of America gained entry to this country under lacks immigration laws permitting chain migration and the diversity visa lottery. Now we just heard that Lindsey Graham is not going to support a continuing resolution. I got the entire backstory and what's going on with Lindsey Graham. Lindsey Graham has wanted some form of amnesty forever him and John McCain. Now, Dick Durbin calls over to the White House. That was the president something that was a lie? Shocking. He tells the President that, oh, we've got a deal on DOCCA, We got a deal in immigration and will include the wall and include everything. Two thousand and five Day were supposed to have the wall as well, but they never wanted to fund the wall because they don't really want it. We had the wall in two thousand and six, we had it in two thousand and thirteen. The people that made the cow, we want the wall. Dick Durbin and Chuck Schumer, but they have never had an intention to fund the wall. I'm a trust but verify guy. So if the President is going to do anything as it relates to immigration, yeah, you gotta end chain migration. You gotta end the visa lottery system, the diversity lottery system, and we do need to vet people from countries that, for example, practice Sharia law, which is the antithesis of our constitutional values. So anyway, we have this study where seventy three per cent of the five and forty nine individuals convicted of international terrorism related charges in the US federal courts were immigrants, according to this report by the Justice Department and Homeland Security. The reports specifically highlighted convicted international terrorists who were admitted to the United States by the diversity vis a lottery or by chain migration. J migration is responsible for six of all immigration to the United States between And why wouldn't we act on that information and protect the American people and all of this, with all of the the ringing of hands on all of this, does anyone ever care about the American people here? And you know when I sat in on that that I was with Governor Perry in Texas. When I sat there and they gave a briefing on the security of Texas. They talked about SI nearly fifty thousand crimes committed against Texans alone, including murder, including the worst crimes by illegal immorance. That's one state in a seven or eight year period of time. We played it many times. All right, back to our busy phones here, let's say hi to Liz Is in Tampa, Florida. What's up, Liz? How are you glad you called hi? Great? Thanks? I just wanted to make a point about your analysis on the media and Trump and fake news. Um. Obama was quoted several days ago as criticizing Fox view words as living on a different planet. So he's directly criticizing all the millions of deplorables that watch Fox News, and he's also implicitly suggesting that Fox News is inaccurate and people shouldn't watch it or listen to it. But yet the liberal media goes crazy when Trump makes a point about the fake news. Listen, let me tell you something. Barack Obama was obsessed with Fox News. Hated Fox News, hated me. I mean, when he was running there was some eight nine, ten I don't remember at this point mentions of me in his speeches, and then somebody got to him because he stopped cold, and because I was using it as the opening for this radio program every day. Think about it, hateful. If you were watching Sean Hannity consistently, you wouldn't these guys. They've given me a hard time. With respect to Sean Hannity, I didn't know that he had invited me for a beer. How offered to pay to um? You know, but uh, I will take that under advisement Jen generally. Uh, his opinion of me does not seem to be very high. But uh, but I'm always good for a beer. How are the wife and kids doing? You know, they're doing great now. They seem to be driving and watching Nickelodeon. They're not listening to Sean Hannity Nickelodeon. I'll put Mr Burgess up against Sean Hannity, don't tear him up. Is Sean Hannity suddenly gonna get on the airwaves and save You know, I was wrong about this Obama guy. He's he's my man. No. I mean I think that there's a certain segment of hardcore Sean Hannity fans that probably wouldn't want to go have a beer with me. There's no doubt about that. I'm kind of proud of that, you know exactly. I had his number way before anybody else. And this is not braggadosh. I'm patting myself on the back because, well, the reason is, we dug deep, we did our job. You know, Well, you're not a reporter, Hannity, you're not a journalist. Well, actually, I'm a talk show host. And part of being a talk show host is journalism. Part of it is it's all encompassing. Sometimes I'm an investigative journalist. I call people and get information, and I interview people, do a straight interview, and other times I give my opinion, and other times I take calls, and other times I navigate debates between two opposing views, and other times I debate somebody straight up myself. That's what being a talk show host is. Of course, it's journalism. It's just not traditional journalism. It's advocacy journalism, it's opinion journalism. But as part of being a talk show host, you do real journalism eight hundred nine four one sewn if you want to be a part of the program. So Lisa's Lisa. Linda's skipping school again today. What's up with that? Sorry, Linda? If you need to take that cognitive test, are you finished? Are you done? Alright? Alright? So much to get to today. New King Ridges back with us today and we'll check in with Freedom Caucus member, former head of the Freedom Caucus, co founder of the Freedom Caucus, Jim Jordan's. He has been unbelievable in these hearings, and we'll get his take on all of this breaking news. He has eighteen specific questions as it relates to Fusion GPS, and I think we're getting a lot of the answers, not the least of which was the FISA warrant obtained because of the Clinton bought and paid for phony dossier, propaganda dossier. Also Sarah Carter and Freedom Caucus member Rhonda Santis. Sarah has some breaking news today that we will get to and your calls eight hundred nine f one, Seawn if you want to be a part of the program. We've got a great Hannity tonight. We may be getting an unbelievable guest. I haven't confirmed yet, but we're working on it. I can't do everything at once like I do the radio show. We're still working on it, and we'll know more probably by the time we get off the air today. We've still got two more hours to go on shown straight ahead. Do you believe he's fit for? Absolutely, he's fit for Just to make sure we're clear on this. When you analyze his cognitive ability or dot neurological functions, that is not the same thing as a psychiatric example. Give men that there is scrutiny of what was overlooked at the time with President Reagan in terms of Alzheimer's and things he was then known to suffer from. At a later date, can you say that whether the test that you ran wouldn't exclude any of those things, and what the possibility of overlooking something like that would be. You know, how can you tell the American people that this time a certain because of his age in continuing his physicals in the future, will you also continue that if I have need to test examage and then for want to accognitive dissents? Right, what is your take of of all the doctors and clinicians all across the country who have said in this president they see symptoms of this, that and the other symptoms in more way, well, symptoms of dementia. Is there anyone on the president's medical team, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist whose job it is to monitor the president's emotional state or watch for potential psychiatric problems or indicators of those more questions about the Montreal exam and in other sort of many mental status exams, they're pretty they're not really sensitive, someone's already high functioning. They're not really good at finding early stages that dimensioning. Because the presidents worried about would you recommend more sophisticated exams? Are we saying that because of Reagan? Alright, we had the issues Regan and the issues about this president. Cognitive testing mental acuti testing is not commonly part of an annual physical with the President of the United States, but has have been asked going back to that issue. Everyone has asked about mental acuity. Those questions have been in the public, and he told Sarah to tell you to stay after and put those questions or answered going forward. Would you recommend the presidents undergo that type of destined A lot of people in the country have been talking about it. It basically contemplates that from a group of Senate confirmed layman Will weigh in on whether the presidents able to discharge the duties of the office the US. The president's position of certainly given us some thought over the year since you've been in your role. On what basis would you and this is just a philosophical question, advise the cabinet that the presidents is unable to discharge his duties? How does that? Does that? Bargain? Met? Tell you to me how a guy who eats McDonald's and the front Chicks and all those diet cokes and who never exercises isn't as good as shaped as you say he's in? Um, do you have a life expectancy range for him based on his results? Umber? What exactly does the exercise and eating plan look like? Is that you're gonna put an elliptical gene next to the bedroom and he's gonna use it. What does that look like? And then also number three, did you see any evidence of bonus furs which the President said that he suffered from he limited to one s to the ice frame. Now, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't limit you has died at all? Call up question that there isn't anything that's a part of the president's health records or work, is overall physical fitness or any medications that he's taken that you're not permitted to tell us. Is there anything you're keeping from us for privacy reasons? It's recommended that most baby bloomers get screened for hepatitis C. Did you do a FC test or as he had one previously? Was there anything that the President or anyone else specifically said for you not to mention today? Some of the President's friends have told the poorers in the past they think he's a germaphobe, that he washed his hands obsessively and is concerned about that. Did you see any indication um of that type of behavior with being around president? The President has call announced to be at the next priscipal. Will he be sedated? It's not, I don't prospective. She cut back on, I don't know how much TV watches, so I'm not gonna That's something I just can't call you in on. So I'm asking because of the deceited sort of aspect of television watching versus the active lifestyle part of it. You tell the current president about his predecessors exercise routine, so, and does this president ask you about how he could follow his predecessors example to be as fit as Barack Obama was. And a second question, do you keep a tally of how much y'all the U. S. President plays? That is something the First Office repeatedly does not tell us. You keep a tally. Presn't take any medications that you haven't disposed here today? He does not. He doesn't take any medications at all that I'm not disclosed here, President whatever. I don't. Yeah, Twitter doesn't involve me as a doctor. I don't, I don't. I don't have any concern on that other than the diet issue. Did you address dragmentation drug addiction? I mean any other drums? Yeah? No, no, he has he has no drug addiction. I don't think I've ever seen anything like that in my life anyway. Glad you with us Hour to Sean Hannity Show right down on toll free telephone number. We'll also be checking in with Jim Jordan. He's been a rock star. He's coming up at the bottom of the hour, and Rhonda Santis and Sarah Carter. We have some breaking news. Uh. The questions by your corrupt me, did you address drug addiction? Does the president where tensures. How much weight have you suggested he lose? Does Trump need to be sedated? Do you have a life expectancy range for Trump? On what basis? And this is just philosophical, would you advise the cabinet that the president is unable to discharge his duties? Did you take a waste measure measurement for the president? Did you test his hearing? Can you take us through some of the specific exercises that the president uh is considering as you look at his routine? Does he watch too much TV? Does he tweet too much? I've never seen anything like this. Four were Speaker of the House now author of the latest best selling book, and he's got assumed to be a written book coming out about the president. How are you? I'm doing well, and you know, I'm probably tougher or more decisive than many of the President's advisors. But I think there's a hostility standard that they should establish and simply kick people out the The White House does not have to accept idiotically hostile people in the press corps. Mr Speaker, there'd be nobody. There'd be nobody in the room. They're all hostile. Maybe maybe, but maybe would know about what they could do, is they could they could put all their pictures up and have a little website and anyway, everybody in Americaly could vote, and the people who have voted the most hostile, the most hostile, get kicked off this month. Well, I mean, I mean it's so listen. Even after the the the admiral was a two star admiral who's now looked at President Obama President Bush. He says the President is an excellent health. The President asked for a cognitive examined aces it and I looked at the test last night. There I'm telling you right now, if you give me five questions and come back to me later in the interview and asked me or five words what they are, I'm not gonna remember them. That's just not how my brain works. And so and he passes it. Should I should go ahead now, and I'm away gonna say, well, Greig Shirley, who was the leading biographer Reagan, did contact me today because the one thing you, admiral said that was not true, Uh, was anything of the Reagan and Alzhemers. Reagan clearly did not have on the unset of Alzhemmers until five or six years after he left the White House, he was filled in possession of the capabilities. Uh And and it was not a problem until well after he had retired, And that was just unfortunately the source of the the whole series of left wing trying to all parallels and all that stuff. But I agree. I mean, first of all, if you have I feel like, get a two star admiral who is now on a third president, who is a professional medical doctor, obviously of considerable capabilities. The the nastiness and the childishness of the questions are so demeaning that it just verges un crazy. I mean, I watched this step now and I've concluded that there really is a Trump derangement syndrome. Uh And that you have large elements with news media totally sucked into it. You see the same thing happening, uh, you know with with with people like Robert de Niro in Hollywood. Uh And and they just they can't get a grip on themselves. You know that CNN is actually taking on the diagnosis as his You know, I didn't know we had Liberal Joe in the morning over at MSNBC doctor Liberal Joe and and Dr Mica Perzynski has soon to be bride. You know, they're actually questioning whether or not the admiral told the truth about his weight. And then they go on to say everybody was surprised. They all thought he had early onset Alzheimer's or dementia, and they don't even believe it. And then CNN goes a step further that he's he's likely to have a heart attack in three to five years. That's not what the admiral said. He said he would easily probably be able to go through, you know, two terms, and he's got good genes. In fact, at one point he said his jeans are so good that if he would die and exercise, you could live to exactly. And all right, you know, I've been on the doctor many time and he said, you need to lose weight. You need to lose weight. Cholesterol is a little high. So I take cress store. Uh, and the tiny dose goes such a long way. Um, all right, let me go to some of these other issues. I as bad as things were when you were the speaker and I was there, I lived it with you, followed it, reported on it regularly. I don't think it eat a pale is in comparison to the hostility towards this president. But more importantly, we've got a media that will jump from oh my god, a nuclear war is coming, Trump Russia, Trump Russia, Trump Russia, and then they'll move into he's got dementia. Then they'll move into the amendment, and then they'll move into you know, hostile questioning of his doctor. But they'll never cover any of the good news accomplishments he's had. They never talk about solutions for the American people, They never give him credit of any kind. And it's just I've never seen anything this bad. Well, it's it's a combination of I think three very different things. One is the infantellisum of the media nowadays, which really has taken on the Kardashian like personality and so so a lot of these things. It's the best to do that. You've got a lot of reporters who are childish and ignorant, and this is the best they're gonna do. Yes, how many times CNN? Yes, how many times CNN said the words Hall take a us and said it. I have no idea, but I'm sure it's an astonishing number. A hundred and ninety five times? Is that right? Yes, sir, But of course they were giddy. I mean, look, these guys have a real problem. The tax cuts will be in the work. The business community is responding correctly to the tax cuts. There's genuinely good news out there. The stock market is doing better and better, consumer confidence sits up. Um unemployment African record unemployment is lower today than at any time than when when when Barack Obama was president. Every time he's got around, there's more good news, and so these guys have to go over time to clutter it. I mean, part of what's going on here is a deliberate effort by the elite media to avoid saying anything good about Donald Trump because they're so desperate to not have a win. Mr Speaker, do you know that it's also bias in terms of what they don't cover. We now have noticed the email server investigation is up and running again in Congress. I think in large part because James Comey and Peter Struck gave an exoneration before investigation. We had an eleven count indictment in the Iranian one case last Friday. That's a story that's been ignored by the media. And we discovered that the Department of Justice has been investing, been investigating in Clinton foundation for months, so I would assume this is the first of many shoes to fall. You wouldn't know it if you watch the mainstream media. And on top of it, we're learning that the Clinton bought and paid for dossier was in fact used as a basis for FISA warrant against an opposition party Russian propaganda she paid for, uh used to fix in a general election after she fixed the primary election against Bernie, and then it was used to obtain FISA warrants. Now, to me, I've read a lot about Wartergate, and you're the historian, but to me, these are historic times and this could be the biggest case of corruption to steal an election this country has ever seen. So I think that's it. It's it's it's more of the corruption to steal the auction. It's also this corruption to be corrupt. I mean, I was really surprised. And as you know that I'm working on this new book on Trump's America. As I began pulling things together, I decided that the Clinton defeat it was much more important than I thought at the time because if she had been if she had been elected, none of this would be coming out I mean, we were faced with a level of corruption that is stunning, and I think frankly and it's breadth unlike anything we've ever seen. And um, gradually it's going to penetrate despite the elite media. But but again, I think this is one of the great problems Republicans have is that they don't understand that they're in an all out war and the other side has as one of its strongest weapons tremendous domination of the traditional system, a strategy to overcome that they're gonna lose. Surprise you that I'm out here on an island again in the media world by myself. That's how I feel all the time, you know, like investigating Obama. Yeah, right, as we continue, former Speaker of the House, New king Rich, he will be joining us tonight. You know, we're spending a lot of time talking about the news media. Um, they never talked about the president's accomplishments either, but the level of which they have been wrong about Trump Russia collusion. They avoid the email server scandal, felonies were committed. They ignore what they did to Michael Flynn with unmasking and illegal leaking of surveillance. They ignore uranium one, and the fact that we gave up of our uranium, which we need an import, not export. And uh and then the Clinton Foundation, all of which we have talked about are now under investigation, every aspect of it. How is it possible to ignore what would probably get people in the media pullets er at some point. Well, I think that it gradually becomes harder and harder, and I think that eventually will break through. But remember they have not yet accepted that Trump as president, who needs psychiatric help trying to undo the Do you know what you're saying? If they then who needs the psychiatric help? Oh? They do that, That's what That's why I said a while ago that they I think there is a syndrome where where Trump being president drives them crazy. Um. And then there's no question in my mind that that the depth of their hostility is so great. But but that's why I would be tougher than Trumps women. I mean, I would not allow people who are continuously hostile to be in the way in the White House press corper. Well, there there's no reason to pun they don't have to put up with that. It's unbelievable, all right, Mr Speaker will see it tonight on Hannity on the Fox News Channel. Look forward to having you quick break. We'll come back, Sarah Carter, Rhonda Santis, Jim Jordan has been a rock star all coming up and your calls. The Democrat National Committee in Clinton campaign, which we now know we're one and the same, paid the law firm who paid Fusion GPS, who paid Christopher Steele, who then paid Russians to put together report that we call it dossier full of all kinds of fake news, National Enquiry garbage. And it's been reported that this dossier was all dressed up by the FBI, taken to the Fis of Court and presented as a legitimate intelligence document that it became the basis for granting a warrant to spy on Americans. And I'm wondering, I'm wondering if that actually took place. It sure looks like it did. And the easiest way to clear it up for you guys to tell us what was in that application and who took it there. Congressmen, our staffs have been having extensive interaction with both Intelligence committees on our interaction with the Fis of Court, and I think that's the appropriate setting for those questions. Here's what I think, Director Ray. I think Peter Struck, head of counter intelligence is at the FBI. Peter Struck, the guy who ran the Clinton investigation, did all the interviews. Peter Struck, the guy who was running the Russian investigation at the FBI. Peter Struck, Mr super agent at the FBI. I think he's the guy who took the application to the fis of court. And if that happened, I mean, I think if this happened, if you had the FBI working with a campaign, the Democrats campaign taken opposition research, dressing it all up and turn it into an intelligence document and taking it to the FISI court so they could spy on the other campaign, If that happened, that is as wrong as it gets. And you know what, maybe I'm wrong. You can clear it all up. You can clear it all up for all of us here, all the Congress who wants to know, and frankly all of America wants to know. You can clear it all up by releasing we sent you a letter two days ago. Just release the application, tell us what was in it. Tell us if I'm wrong, But I don't think I am. I think that's exactly what happened, and if it did, it is as wrong as it can be, and people who did that need to be held accountable. Congressman, we will not hesitate to hold people accountable after there has been an appropriate investigation, independent and objective by the Inspector General into the handling of the prior matter, and based on that, I will look at all available remedies depending on what the facts are when they are found. As to the access to the dossier, that's something that is a subject of ongoing discussion between my staff and the various intelligence committees. There's nothing prohibiting you, Director. Is there anything prohibiting you from showing this committee the what was presented to the Visor Court, that the application you all put together at the FBI that was presented to the court. Is there anything preventing you from showing us that the time the gentleman has expired. The Director can respond, I do not believe that I can legally inappropriately share a fis A court submission with this committee. I'm talking about what the FBI put together, not what the court had. What what you took there, what was the apple the process put together? What you presented, what you took to the court. When when I signed fies the applications, which I have to do almost every day of the week, they are all covered with a classified information cover. So that's part a lot. Is it likely that Senior Stock Is it likely that people we know, the Clinton campaign, the Democratic National Committee paid through a law firm, Fusion GPS to produce the dossier. We know the author was Christopher Steel. Has been reported that he was on the payroll of the FBI. I just want to know if in fact that is the case. I'm not able to provide an answer to you. The FBI present the dossier to the FIS, the court, I'm not able to answer that. Do you know if the FBI did the established process protocol in evaluating claims made in the dossier? I'm not able to answer that. On January six, then FBI Director James Comey brief President elect Trump up in New York about the dossier. Surely thereafter that, the fact that that meeting took place and the subject of the meeting was the dossier was leaked to CNN. Do you know who leaked that information? I do not. Are you investigating who leaked that information? That would be a matter with an investigatory powers of the special count said, you've got a number of investigations going on, Mr Attorney General, regarding leaks. Is that likely one of those that you're investigating. I'm not able to reveal the existence of investigations or not. Alright, just amazing testimony and and really congressional grilling by Congressman Jim Jordan of the Freedom Caucus, who has really taken the front and center lead. He's like the tip of the spirit all of this, seeing and obviously understanding a lot of what we have been trying to lay out and make people understand for a long long time. Everything is his eighteen specific questions on the dossier that he laid out and he joins us a great congressman from Ohio, Um, wow, you're you're you on that committee? Has been like must see TV? How are you on? Fine? Sean? I think I think the musty TV is your program to night. I appursie what you're doing to get to some of these key questions and get answers for the American people before I go over a lot of what we just played for our audience here. When you know you're asking Christopher Ray and and you know when you're also arguing about everything I want to ask. So we know that the Intel Committee got information from the d o J at the last minute, and apparently there was an effort by Rod Rosenstein not to hand it over, and it was pleading and begging with Paul Ryan, and to Paul Ryan's credit, he held ground. And apparently this I'm told this information will shock the conscience. Can you can you tell us anything about what it is? Well, you're you're right, and Chairman NOONEZ gets a lot of the credit to Devon has been pushing and pushing on the number of us have been trying to be helpful to him. But yeah, the d o J is now handing over documents. Devon has said that he thinks this is going to be important and and amazing, not amazing, but but the kind of information that needs to ultimately get out to the American people. So we'll see. But every indication I have is that, um, one of my sources said it should shock the conscience and soul of America. That's a quote. Yeah right. I've had people tell me, Jim, as bad as you think it is, Uh, it's that bad. So that that that makes me think, Wow, that really did happen if the FBI did what all the evidence seems to suggest they did, and then this is scary because they dressed this dossier up and took it to the fires of court and made it appear like it was legitimate intelligence to get Barns to spile Americans. As I said before, that is not supposed to happen in this country. And Sean, why won't the answer just some fundamental questions? Did you pay Christopher Steele? Did the FBI pay? Well, let's go through this slum. I want to go through this spaces. Did you pay? Did the FBI paid Christopher Steele? We believe it's fifty dollars. There's been numerous reports that it was. What do you know? I don't know any more than you, but there's been reports that he's been reimbursed, and there's been reports that he's been paid. But if you're paying him at the same time that the d n C and the campaign are paying him, what what is going on there? The guy who wrote the Dustie and then you're meeting with himself both times in default excuse me, in the summer before the investigation is launched. So that's a fundamental question. The second fundamental question is was the dossier in fact taken to the FISA court and the basis for getting the warrants? If that happened. If the answer to either one of those questions is yes, okay, But I have numerous sources. Numerous sources have told me that the dossier was in fact the basis for securing the FISA warrant. And another person told me he played a substantial role in in that happening. Now, if I recall, you know, FISA rarely says no to these warrants that are requested, but they did say no the first time in this case. And I was told that the dossier may have put it over the top. Have you heard that. I've heard the same kind of um, those same kind of states. Again, I don't I don't know if they're accurate. I don't know if they've been validate. But I heard the same kind of thing. That's why last week Congress and Meadows and I said to the Intel Committee chairman, does make available to every member of course, give every member of a member of Congress the access to the material you have. I think when we all get to see it, I think you're going to see a growing demand from members of Congress, say release this, declassify this, make it available to the Sean Hannity's, and more importantly to the American people, so they can get answers to all these questions and find out what really happened. Now, did the FBI or anybody validate and corroborate the dossier? That's one of your questions as well. That's that those are the three big ones. Did you pay steal the author of the dossier? Did you use his work product to go get warrant to spile on Americans? And did before you took that dos to the Five Court? Did you validate, substantiate, corroborate the elements and and and the and the statements in it. The answer has to be no, because if they did, and they wouldn't have brought it right right, So I mean it has to be because remember always forget James Comby, former FBI director, testified under oath and said it was solacious and undeverified, and yet it was substantially used to get warrants so that they had who have not done the due diligence you're supposed to do when you take something to the five of court to get a warrant to spile on an American citizen. So those are the three big questions you you've got him, and again it looks like the answer to all those questions isn't it is an answer that is not how it's supposed to operate. Now, they would have you believe that this whole George Papadoppola's story, which is you know, it comes from Britain, it comes uh in a drunken bar, it comes from Australia, it comes through John McCain Stafford. Basically four way hearsay that New York Times story was false, wasn't it. It's a complete joke. We've been talking about the dossier, and now we're supposed to believe unnamed sources in FBI stay George papadopp was shooting his mouth off. A twenty year old shooting his mouth off in the bar and in in London. Is somehow the cablest for launching an investigation and getting warrants on people. I mean, give me a break. No one believes that, but of course this is this is what happens when folks like you were exposing the truth, asking the right questions Suddenly the left say is, wow, we got to figure out something else. Well, what about Peter Struck, and what about Lisa Page, and what about Bruce Orr and what And then the biggest question is did you ever hear of FBI investigation where the FBI director takes it away from the field offices in house and puts a special category on it. And then before they even investigator talk to the main players that they should be investigating, months in advanced they're writing an exoneration. That's what James Coley did. Yeah, you've said that, You've said the exactly right and you picked the right guy, if you're the best way to tell this story, And what exactly happen is through Peter Struck, the guy who thought he was Mr super Agent James Bond at the FBI Deputy head of Counterintelligence, the guy who ran the Clinton investigation, interviewed Mills, interviewed Huma Aberdeen, interviewed Secretary Clinton. The guy who you just pointed out change that now famous exoneration letter from gross negligence a criminal standards to extreme carelessness. Peter Struck, who in the Russian investigation, and Peter Stuck, who interviewed Mike Flynn in January when he's in the White House, interviews Mike Flynn, and that's where they catch Mike Flynn saying something he's not supposed to say and lying to the FBI. That same guy is exchanging text messages with a colleague, Lisa Page, where they talk about the insurance policy. We can't take the risk that Donald Trump is going to be elected by the American people. We needed insurance policy to stop that. Well, it was the insurance policy that this whole phony Trump Russia collusion. But there was collusion with Hillary's bought and paid for dossier full of propaganda lies. Just like she fixed the primary against Bernie, she was looking to fix the general and she had call me and struck fixed the criminal aspects of the email server investigation. A lot of fixing when it comes to the Clinton's will take a break, we'll come back more with Jim Jordan, Freedom Caucus member, co founder and uh, you were the former head until you got deposed by Mark Meadows. What happened there? We'll ask exactly right, exactly all right, all you can take a quick break and arrest your throat there. I know you've been struggling right as we continue Jim Jordans, he has been a rock star in these hearings as it relates to the phony, fake Hillary bought and paid for dossier. We now know that a lot of the things that I've been talking about. I know the mainstream media ignores it, but we had an arrest in the uranium one case. Now we know that the email server scandal is now being investigated. Congress is actually going to deal with that in some capacity tomorrow. Now we also know that the dossier issue is being exposed, and and that means people like Comey, Struck Page or and and maybe others, McCabe and Rosenstein. Who knows where this is gonna lead. Where does that leave us? Where does this all go next? Well, the the think about all the investigation going on Senate Intelligence Committee, House Intelligence Committee, Senate Judiciary Committee, there's a jointcast force between House Oversight and House Judiciary. We have the Inspector General Investigation UH David Horowitz, and then of course we got MOLAS investigation. All these investigations going on. I think the first thing's going to happen is Devin noon and and the Intel Committee are going to complete their investigation. But we're going to get as members of Congress access to all the documents and all the classified material. That is. I think the next thing that's that's going to happen here is because of this process. Early March is when Mr Horowitz is supposed to have his investigation complete on looking at how the FBI handled the Clinton whole the whole Clinton investigation. So those things are going to be important Milson's as we as we move through this. But you're right, we need access to these key people. The other name that's interesting, Sean, is Jim Baker, the General Council at the FBI, who was reassigned just four weeks ago. Why was he suddenly reassigned? What's going on there? So that's the guy we need to have in for an interview in a deposition as well. But all these people need we need the documents, we need access to them as witnesses, and we need to to pose each and every one of them. Are we gonna have a government shutdown? I hope not, But frankly, we need to do what the election was about in sixteen. Fund our military at the right level, as the President's been talking about, hold the line on the rest of the spending that's the kind of bill we should send over there. And if and if the Senate and Chuck Schumer in the Senate Democrats want to shut down the government because they want to amnesty and because they don't want to pay our troops, I'll take that debate any day of the week. I totally agree with you. Send the right thing over there. I totally agree with you. Fo. All right, I gotta let you go. I know your throat's been bothering you. I guess you had a case of this horrific flu. I'm sorry to hear that so much as a cold. But I'm not doing all right, feel like Hannity, So I can keep talking here. Well, I don't get sick. I have not gotten sick this year, So I would recommend a Z pack and pregnizone if your voice keeps going bad. All right, Yeah, here we go. Yeah, all right, appreciate it. Jim Jordan's Sarah Carter and Rhonda Santa is also a Freedom Caucus member. When we get back straight ahead, stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. In the final hour of the Sean Hannity Show. There are a lot of questions about this Russian dot c A and their evidence that has come out that the d n C helped fund it. Did you know that was happening and were you surprised to hear it? If you did? I asked one question on November fourth, and I was told that I did not need to know, and so no, I did not know. Did the d n C know what was in it? Well, again, you're gonna have to ask folks who were at the d n C at the time. Well, no, I mean I learned about the Darcier a few days ago. Okay, how how is that possible? I mean, well, because you hire a lawyer, and we we hire lawyers all the time who hire the third party vendors to do their work, and so we we knew that we were paying for opposition research at the d n C, but we didn't ask questions about who they're hiring. Uh, in the context of doing their research. You don't believe Hillary Clinton knew about this either? Is that right? Oh? I don't know. I opened the campaign be informed of this. Well, I mean, she may have known, but the degree of exactly what she knew is is beyond my knowledge. For instance, like it could have been that a decision was made to authorize Perkins Cully to do some kind of commissioned some kind of research, but then decision about uh, you know, going out and finding Fusion GPS, finding Christopher Steele. I mean she may or may not have been aware of that level of detail. I don't know, when did you learn the d n C in the clinic camp paiment behind the doceater. I wasn't aware of the arrangement at all. And then how can you could you have led the d n C and be in the dark about the dust yet? I wasn't aware of the arrangement fiddle, But do you see these things centered her as equivalent of the Hill Clinton campaign looking for dirt from Russians and Russians offering dirt to the Trump campaign. If you're asking about the dossier that was that was funded by a conservative online publication, Unbelievable discoveries here News round Up, Information Overload hour here on the Shawan Hannity Show eight one. Remember it was a year that they lied to us. Oh Hillary didn't pay for this, that she even know that she paid for it her campaign? Of course they knew she paid for it. Twelve million dollars and she controlled and it was all funneled her campaign funneled it through one lawyer. And interestingly, as Donna Brazil said that she controlled the money of the d n C, that special arrangement that she had that Bernie Sanders didn't have because the fix was in for Bernie Sanders, Well, they funneled the the DNC money through the same lawyer as well. Now, Sarah Carter has a brand new story out today that we're breaking all of a lot more on TV tonight about this, and that is a close friend, advisor, confidant of candidate Hillary Clinton apparently was allegedly interviewed by the FBI in connection with the dossier that was used in part as the evidence by the bureau to obtain the FAISA warrant to investigate then candidate then President elect Trump and his entire team. According to several sources who spoke to Sarah sid Vicious Blumenthal, this should not surprise anybody. A former journalist close friend of the Clintons, was interviewed by the FBI in relation to the probe. Sarah's article says into Clinton's private email has also been interviewed by the FBI regarding this controversial dossier that alleged Trump colluded with Russia. According to the sources of Sarah, what's going on here, Sarah Carter, who joins US as well as Congressman and Freedom Call Because Member Rhonda Santis Sean, it looks like what's happening here is that we're unraveling this incredible picture and people are starting to come out, people are starting to talk. There's more and more information coming out every day. And what we're seeing is that, you know, Sydney Bluemnhal, you know, very close relationship with Hillary Clinton, even going back previously to the Bill Clinton administration where he worked as a White House aide. And remember there was a lot of controversy around blue Menhal's relationship with Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State, that he was actually more of an adviser to her than just a friend, and that was based on emails that were actually released by the State Department in two thousand and fifteen which showed this ongoing relationship. Now we have an interesting piece of the puzzle. Sidney Bluemnhal was interviewed by the FBI in relation to this dossier. Of course, a lot of the information and in fact all of it in relation to this dossier, other than the tidbits that we get out in the dossier itself is classified. And so now we're waiting, um patiently for Congress to declassify this or at least for the entire congressional members of five to be able to view all of these documents and see what role all of these people played. All right, let's go to congressman to Santa's congressman. Now, if I'm understanding this correctly and Sarah's report and apparently multiple sources now are saying, is that so the Hillary Clinton bought and paid for dossier. Now, remember she rigged the election the primary Bernie had no shots, So that's an important factor in my view. Then James Comey as well as Peter Struck, they're writing an exoneration before an investigation. To me, the fixes in and and that's rigged in terms of because the felonies that were committed, mishandling, destroying classified and from Asian, it's obvious felonies were committed. Then we've got her paying for Russian propaganda and lies. We're told it's not corroborated by anybody of Fusion GPS. They'd never corroborated it. But now Sid Blumenthal, who we know is one of the more vicious political tacticians in the world today, is he involved in this? He did he actually corroborate that. Well, I'll tell you, Sean, this is uh really really stinks. I mean, just think about it. The FBI gets the Stasi a um and either they knew it was funded by Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Party uh and still used it anyways without verifying any of it, which is bad because that's a collusion between one campaign and the incumbent administration against the opposing party presidential nominee. But if they used it without knowing that it came from Hillary and the Democrats, and I don't know what said Bluementhal told them, but if they didn't know that and they didn't do any dude, dila in so necessary to bring that to the size of court. So I think either way, there's gonna be a lot of folks who were involved in this investigation that are gonna have to answer for their conduct. And that's why what Sarah said is important. The whole House is going to get access to these documents that the Intel Committee has. I'm confident that's gonna been very quickly. I have called on the speaker in Devin Nonez, to then use the House of Representatives authority in our rules to declassify this so that the American people can see how this was handled and how Donald Trump may have been targeted. Do we have any sense of of what I am I'm I've now heard from numerous people. There was a last minute. Now I would almost call it a document dump by the d o J. The this is subpoena information that have been out there for a long time. You have a contentious battle with the d o J and the Intel Committee. I'm told Rod Rosenstein was begging Paul Ryan not to force the d o J to hand over the documents. The Intel Committee rightly deserved and at the last minute they were turned over. And what I am told is it is a treasure trove of information that will shock the conscience of America. Is that true? Well, that's what I'm hearing, Sean from from talking to different members who have seen it, and they they basically have told me, look, we want to get you guys read in on this. Anyone who's not on the committee. We want to get you guys read in because it'll be very, very troubling what you read and think about it. When you're talking about all these documents. You get every report that the FBI generated, and so somebody like Peter Struck is going to have to write a report about what he's doing. We'll get to see the role of people like Bruce or whose wife worked for Fusion GPS. Obviously Bruce was one of the right hand men for Sally Ate, the deputy Attorney General. We'll be able to see the other agents who were involved in both Clinton and this investigation. So, uh, it's gonna shed a lot of light on what we already have. And Uh, I think it's going to be very very significant information. Sarah, what are you hearing on this, because I mean that sounds. Look, one guy told me that this is nothing compared to Watergate. Well, it's going to show us the extent if there was, and the allegations are that there was extensive FISA abuse. There was extensive abuse with regard to getting the warrants. Uh, what we're going to see is exactly what Congressman to Santa said, were these FBI three O twos those interviews with witnesses, Also how the FBI came to the conclusion that if if what we're hearing from our sources is accurate, and what I've reported I know to be true that this dossier was used in part to gain a warrant to monitor members of the Trump campaign, then we'll be able to see exactly what did they use and what were they justifying uh these warrants with. So in that case, it should shock the conscious. If what we're hearing is you're talking about an abuse of power. This isn't just a half fast break in of an opponent. This is to to definitely completely orchestrate, through paid for lies by one political party, to literally influence and and lie to the American people in a propaganda campaign. The information comes from Russia, and then of course then we're weaponizing the intelligence community and using that propaganda those paid for lies to now spy on an opposition candidate and then get a FISA warrant, and then that information is then used to spy on a transition team, which I think led to where Michael Flynn is. And you're saying that it's even for far more widespread than that, my understanding you correctly, yes, you are. I think that it is far more widespread, and I think it's necessary for the American public and for Congress, for all of Congress to understand what happened here and if if what happened here is if these allegations are proven true, if all of these allegations and you know, these concerns coming from uh you know, statements made by Chairman Nunius with the House Intelligence Committee and others who have had access to these documents. If this is true, then it's going to be up to Congress, and it's a Congress will have to look at this. It's going to be up to the Department of Justice to look at this. I mean, who knows how far this could go. Could this lead to criminal prosecutions? I don't know, but definitely a very close look at what happened here so it doesn't repeat itself in the future. I gotta take a quick break more with Congressman Ronda Santis. By the way, he's running for governor of Florida. We'll touch on that and we'll check in with investigative reporter Fox News contributor Sarah Carter. Right as we continue with Sarah Carter, of course, Fox News contributor, investigative reporter and Freedom Caucus member Congressman Ronda Santis, who's going to be running for governor of Florida, which I wholeheartedly support. So we we have Steve Bannon goes before the House Intel Committee yesterday and there's Mr wannabe TV host himself, Adam Shift, racing to the TV cameras to say, well, he didn't talk about certain items. And we had reports yesterday that Steve Bannon, Congressman to Santa's with that he was expected to go before the grand jury of Robert Mueller, and some deal now has been struck. He's not going before the grand jury. How do How is one to interpret what's going on there? I think it's because of the comments that were reported in that book where Bannon was popping off, But I think that's exactly all it was. He was just popping off. He has said repeatedly that there was no collusion Bannons, like I worked on the campaign, there was absolutely no collusion. So I don't think he's a particularly relevant witness for any of that. But I think Mueller, because of those news reports, wanted to bring him in to see because he's had a falling out in the president. Maybe he's willing to say some derogatory things. I don't think he's going to do that because it's just not true for him to say it. And in fact, I know he's expressed frustration in the past about these congressional Russia investigations because you've had these committees investigating collusion. They've been doing it for a year, and guess what the result has been, Sean, no collusion in either the House Intel investigation, the Senate Intel investigation, or the Senate Judiciary Committee investigation. Unbelievable. Um. Now none of this even includes uranium one. Now we have uranium one, we had an arrest, Nobody in the media seems to want to cover it, and then we haven't heard from the six year We we've literally had an FBI spy within this ring where Vladimir Putin is trying to get control of our uranium. He has not spoken yet, Um, But he knew about bribery and extortion and money laundering and all sorts of other criminal activities that were going on. Sarah, Um, when are we gonna hear from him? Well, not just criminal activities, but you know, counter intelligence activities that you know, this had started out as a counterintelligence investigation into Russian activities with even with Iran. So I'm hoping and what I've been told I've put out the word is that the informant will be speaking sometime this month. Now, that's what we were told by the Senate Judiciary Committee. I'm waiting to hear back from Senator Grassles team whether or not they will be calling him before the committee to speak. And I think that's step number one, and we've been told that that is going to take place. Sometimes things in Washington move a lot slower than we wish, but certainly that's going to be step number one, and the informant will be able to talk. And we see right now with all of these investigations, we see a movement forward. Um. It may not be as fast as we want, but certainly I know that that's something that the committee is prepared to do. All right, I want to do a little personal business now on Fortunately, we're gonna be losing Rhonda Santis in the House and a very strong member of the Freedom Caucus. Frankly, the only people I trust now in d C. Just a few others, not many more. Um, and you're gonna be making a run to be the governor of the great State of Florida. In other words, you're gonna be my future governor. I hope. I will tell you this. I've known you all these years. I cannot more enthusiastically endorse and completely support your run. And I really think the people of Florida will be blessed because I know what a strong leader you are. That means a lot to me. We've got a good opportunity to build on the success Governor Scott has had. I think this tax bill is going to give us a tremendous competitive advantage in Florida to create a lot of jobs. We have an opportunity to fix our activist courts um and live under the rule of law. And I'm gonna tell you this rush is down there. We're trying to get the great one Levin to live full time and Sean, I'm gonna be after you down and I want to. They won't. They won't let me leave. It's like I'm stuck, and everybody on my team is shaking their head. Yeah, let's go to Florida. We all want to go to Florida. We can do a great ribbon cutting. It'll be a big, big handity event. And uh that will create jobs in southwest Florida. I'm all for it. When you're ready to pull the trigger, and we'll make sure we get you down there. God, could you imagine trading in Cuomo for Rhonda Santas? How great would my life be? The man listen, I'm not even he said, I'm not a real New Yorker anyway, but he takes my real money out of my pocket every day. So anyway, thank you. We're gonna follow this race in Florida very closely. This is important for the people of Florida and we really appreciate you being with a Sarah. We'll see you on Hannity tonight with more of this breaking news. Eight hundred nine f one Sean is a toll free telephone number if you want to be a part of the program. A lot of people in the country to talk about it. It basically contemplates that a group of send it confirmed. Layman, we'll weigh in on whether the presidents able to discharge the duties of the off the US. The president's position of certainly given us some thought over the years that you've been in your role. On what basis would you and this is just a philosophical question. Advise the cabinet that the presidents is unable to discharge his duties. How does that does that? Marget Met tell to me how a guy who eats McDonald's and fried chicks and all those diet cokes and who never exercises isn't as good as shape as you say he's in. Do you have a life expectancy range from him based on his results? Number what exactly does the exercise and eating plan look like? Is that you're gonna put an elyptical machine next to the bedroom and going to use it? What does that look like? And then also number three, did you see any evidence of bone spurs which the President said that he suffered from so he limited to once to these frame Now, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't limit the has diet at all? Want all the question that there isn't anything that's a part of the president's health records or as overall uh physical fitness or any medications that he's taking that you're not permitted to tell us. Is there anything you're keeping from us for privacy reasons? But the fact that the president appears to be, according to the doctor healthy worries me. I'm disturbed that they say all this stuff. That's that's pretty good where evil comes to mind. It's recommended that most baby bloomers gets screened for hepatitis C. Did you do a HEC test or as he had one previously? Was there anything that the President or anyone else specifically said for you not to mention today? Some of the President's friends have told the porters in the past they think he's a German phote, that he washed his hands obsessively and is concerned about that. Did you be seen any indication um of that type of behavior with being around the president? The President has call announced if he had the next BUSI goal, will he be sedued it? I don't sort of prospective stack on that. I don't know how much TV watches, so I'm not going to put something I just can't call me in on. So I'm asking because of the deceded sort of aspect and television watching versus the active lifestyle part of it. Tell the current presidents about his predecisive exercise routines. So, and does this president ask you about how he could of its predecessors example, to be as fitch as Barack Obama was, and a second question, do you keep a tally of how much you'll the U S President plays That is something the best office repeatedly does not tell us. You keep a tally. Doesn't take any medications that you haven't disposed here today? He does not. He doesn't take any medications at all that I'm not disclosed here. I don't. Yeah, Twitter doesn't involve me as a doctor. I don't. I don't. I don't have any concern on that other than the diet issue. Did you invest gredentation, drug addiction, any other drugs? Yeah, no, No he has he has no drug addiction. Yeah. I can't even believe that. I'm hearing this stuff twenty four now till the top of the I can't believe it. That is your investigative news media. They don't care that there wasn't. Do you understand that? How profoundly, says Hillary Riggs A primary how profound it is. An FBI director pulls an investigation away from field agents and puts the email server investigation in a special category, writes an exoneration. They don't even do the investigation until months later, and it even acknowledges in the early drafts of this exoneration that foreign entities got access to classified, top secret Special Access Program information. Do you not see how dangerous this is? And Peter Struck, they take out gross negligence, they take out foreign entities. Uh, and they come up with a concocted, concocted legal contortion as a means of allowing Hillary to continue to run for president because obviously James Comey and Peter Struck and Lisa Page and others no better than we do, or you do, the American people who do elect and it works so good to fix one, to fix one election, the primary, and fix what is that There's no ambiguity about felonies committed mishandling classified information none and and obstructing justice by the leading subpoena emails, and then of course destroying classified materials, and all of this is known. All of those are crimes. All of that there's there's absolutely no excuse for, and it would put all of you in jail. You don't think of Christian Saucier, the guy that took six pictures inside the submarine, he was proud to work on a year in jail. Just think that, and you know, and all we get is, let's see you know a media yesterday and there their utter brain dead stupidity because they don't talk about any of these things, or the bribery, corruption and extortion and money laundering that we knew was going on eighteen months before your from an approved allowing the bad actor from the bad country to go ahead and get control of of i uranium. There was an indictment Friday on it. They don't talk about that either. They don't talk about the president's successes either. In one year now the economy is turning around. How isis has been degraded on on such a such a high level. You know, they're upset that he won't pull up cargo planes of cash and kiss the ass of uranium mullahs the chant death to America, or the same with Kim Jong un. Maybe if Trump pout and kissed his ring, they would adore him and try to bribe it, you know, evil murdering dictators into liking us. It's insanity. But they're asking such important, riveting investigative journalist questions about bone spurs and about tweeting habits, and about television and maybe he should only have one scoop of ice cream and on two scoops of ice cream? And is he addicted to drugs? You mean, hey, they sold live in this bubble that they convinced themselves he's got early onset Alzheimer's and dementia. And then he passed it with a perfect score. And I looked at the test last night. It's not easy. I mean you look, they'll tell you what four or five words ahead of time, come back to it ten minutes later, and then see how many of the words you can remember. I have a good memory. I can tell you everything about Reagan's record. I can tell you everything about my life. I can't even tell you who was on TV last night. Oh maybe I see Hannahy you have dementia, and you've got the diagnosis. Then then you've got a two star general admiral who is been the doctor for George W. Bush and the doctor for Brock, who's saying Obama and Donald Trump, And and then you've got literally c and then quote experts saying no, he has heart disease, when the doctor said he does not have heart disease. It's like that I have a heart attack in three to five years, Mike. It's breathtaking. I can't believe it, but this is real. But they won't investigate the things that are important. Collusion, rigging elections, rigging investigations, Russian propaganda bought and paid for used to get visor warrants, unbelievable. These are the most shocking times I think we could ever live in. And if your thought, if you ever thought or doubted how important your voice is, well you gotta get rid of that negative chatter in your brain because it matters, because apparently there's half the country that is that is buying this, this collective insanity, and I mean psychiatric insanity by your news media. I mean, I'm gonna listen to doctor Liberal Joe over the admiral that actually did the examination another president, and Dr Mika Brazinski and Dr Nicole Wallace. Anyway, let's get to our phones. Here. One Shawn Kelly is in North Carolina, home of Congressman Mark Meadows. How are you hi, I'm doing great, Thank you. Well. I just want to say that I find the press to be just as I mean, they are the ones that are deplorable. And I also find it very unfortunate how they questioned the president's health, how they question a lot of things. I mean, I didn't see this much coverage on you know, president of you know, Obama smoking cigarettes. I mean, I didn't see anything about it's you know, cardiac or how he functions or anything like that. Didn't even cover one ounce of that. And the other thing I find very disappointing about our press is that you know, you have and the major networks NBCCBS, ABC. I mean, they're all in the bowl, but these are the main stations are throughout our major cities, and I don't think people either they're not awake or they really believe this stuff that these news stations are putting out about, be at the president's health or be it anything that he does or the comments that he says. And you know, I'm just thankful that we have programs like yours, and I'm thankful that we have talk radio. But anyway, that's that's all I have to say, Sean, and thank you for letting me speak crazy times. I'm telling you, let's say hi to carl Is and Branson Missouri. Hey, Carl, how are you glad you called? Hi? Sean? Thanks for taking my call, and thanks for all you do. I just think that the media is not going to cover any of the stuff, you know, the crimes or anything like that, because they're pretty much married to the Democratic Party. You've got George Stephanopolis and Jake Tapper and Chuck Todd and those guys that are all in the lead on the major networks. And then you've you know, other folks like Susan Rice, who's married to an ABC married to an ABC executive. Ben Sherwood's now at Disney, but he was the head of ABC News, and he's got a sister that was a national security advisor to Obama. And I think that, you know, when you look at the Democrats, I think that they're they're really tied into the media. I think Brett Bozell did a Yeah, we had to study last night. We covered at negative coverage. The Pew had negative coverage and by the way, I go back to the Obama first year in office, there's only twenty negative coverage. Of course, they have an agenda they bought and paid for. I just I just don't think they're gonna I just don't think they're gonna cover the cover that this stuff because you know, pretty much their family, their communications armed to the Democratic Party, and you know, there's just so many people that are in media that are married to or related to somebody in the Democratic Party. They're not going to turn in that prone. Listen. I and the the what you're referring to is seventeen, the year the news media went to war against the president. And that's a rum. Listen. I'm just gonna tell you something. Um, Look, this is why this If you think last year was bad, and you think it's bad now, if Nancy Pelosi ever become speaker again, God help this country. And I know I don't even like half they's Republicans. I don't like a lot of them, but if she becomes speaker, they will try to impeach this man because nothing, nothing else worked anyway, Appreciate the call. And I want to say, well, it's not the first time that we on this program have been out on a limb hanging by a twig. Uh As we did it when we vetted Obama, as we did it when we went all in. And to tell you how bad Obama's eight years war. They never did any of this work. They never wanted to do any of this work. Back to our busy phone on his Colorado Mike is standing by literally rocky Mountain high How are you hi, Sean, Hey, thank you for taking the call. Uh. You mentioned this a few moments ago about the Fiser warrant. Sir, well, you have a pretty important viewer in Washington. He sits in the White House, and I would urge you, maybe on your TV show or even on the radio, but urge him to declassify that application for the fiser warrant. Uh. That's like, well, I don't think it's not going to be him that does it, but it's definitely gonna be. It's it should be, and I suspect will be declassified. I know members of Congress will likely get this information probably early next week. That's what I'm told. Okay, well hopefully. I mean he's the chief executive and he can do it now. If you have insight information that somebody else. Yeah, they're all working on it. Believe me, because I'm told I'll use their words. It shocks the conscience of America real quick. Mary in Illinois, how are you? Mary? Oh? Hi, Sean, Yes, ma'am listen. I gotta tell you so. I worked for a cardiologist at a at a medical school, and I've been with him for over thirty years and I've done many examinations as far as typing them out, you know, book chapters and books and all I'm thinking of. So I'm going I'm listening to the report by the doctor, and I'm going check, check, check, you know, head to tell everything's check it out. It's a great report. And then all of a sudden, the press starts asking these questions. They're like a bunch of fish outside of a fish bowl, gasping prayer. They have no idea, John, I think you could send fifth graders in that could ask better questions than that. It was disturbing to me. I got to stought that, and I just had a call and tell you, well, I agree with that. Yeah, I think that you absolutely could get better questions from ten year olds and five year olds, I really do, uh, and not as inane and not as politically motivated. They had so convinced themselves in their echo chamber bubble that they were right. They had already diagnosed him and had him in a hospital room and in a rubber room, and it turns out there the ones that need the room. Alright, eight one show, and we've got a great Hannity tonight again. News You're not gonna get anywhere else, and we're getting closer every day now. Alright, Hannity, Tonight, we got an awesome show tonight. We may may may have a huge guest. I just it's ninety five percent. I just can't say it right now. Also New King Rich, Michelle Malkin, Damn Bongino, Sarah Carter, Sebastian Gorka, and Austin Goulsby. And maybe this would be big if we get it all right, working on it. So tune in tonight at nine must see TV news you won't get anywhere else. It's Hannity on the Fox News Channel. Have a great day. Thank you all so much for being one of us. As always, three to six, three hours a day, every day is all we ask. And we'll see you tonight at nine, and we'll see you back here tomorrow

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