
Francis of Assisi: Episode Four

Published Oct 5, 2023, 7:00 AM

🏔️ The Saints: Adventures of Faith and Courage

🗺️ Francis of Assisi - Episode Four: Renunciation

Calling Francis a thief, Pietro drags him in front of the Bishop in the town square, the piazza. Accused of theft and disrespect, Francis is humiliated. Will Francis face punishment for selling the family’s silks to rebuild San Damiano? Have his dreams of serving God been destroyed before they ever began? 

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🚦 Rating: Everyone

Francis witnesses to God’s love in front of a crowd, sacrificing everything to follow God. His friend Aldous follows him and joins his order. He inspires others with his love of God.

Francis is accused of theft by his father and the Bishop in the town square. The crowd laughs at him and insults him. Francis removes all of his clothes in front of the crowd and is naked in front of the crowd.

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