Do you find it hard to push away the negative 3D feedback from the universe when it is all around you? This is what I faced last year on multiple, very challenging fronts. In this episode I share the moments from 2024 when I got swept up in the wrong messages that the 3D was screaming at me, how I said a resounding 'NO' and started living in 5D again. The results were incredible. It's easy to live in 5D when things are rosy, but the real work is when things get tough. Are you ready to make living in 5D a priority for 2025?
Listen to the podcast we did last year 'It's Time to Start Thinking in 5D'
Georgie Recommends: Waking Up in 5D by Maureen J St Germain
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I would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which this episode is being recorded, the Combomb Merry people. They've been having conversations and telling stories on this land for thousands of years, and we show our gratitude and respect for their contribution to our environment and culture. This is Rise and Conquer, the podcast where we strive to become the highest version of ourselves through curious conversations, healthy mindsets, laughter, connection, and a deep desire to evolve. I'm your host, Georgie Stevenson. Join me as we explore parenthood, business, manifestation, and so much more. It's positive, it's practical, and it's about putting you in the driver's seat of your own life. Are you ready?
Hello, my loves a, welcome back to the Rise and Concord Potty. It is your host, Georgie Stevenson. Welcome to twenty twenty five.
We are in a new year.
And I want to chat about a topic that I did touch on in twenty twenty four, and it's about holding your five D vision and rejecting the three D. This is definitely quite a advanced spiritual concept, but it is something that has absolutely changed my life in regards to using manifestation and the tools that I use, So of course I'm bringing it to you guys. I am going to link the episode from twenty twenty four about five D. It is quite short, so please listen to that. If you liked this episode, I will do a really quick explainer of like what three D and five D is if you are new to the concept, but basically what you currently see. So what you can like the death, you can feel my microphone, you know, my water bottle, the actual things that are three D. This is your you know, this is your reality. So it's like it's your three D. It's like what you're currently living day to day. The faces you see, the items you see, the material things, the physical things, the three D things, And that's why they call it the three D. Five D is the So three D is the third dimension. It's what you see, feel, touch, it's what we're currently in. So the five D is the fifth dimension, and it basically is just referring to a higher state of consciousness or existence, and it's often described as the realm of unconditional love, unity harm where individuals can kind of transcend the limitations of the three D and step into a reality that is very different. So they often say in the spiritual world that it's like, if you want to quantum leap, if you basically want to be unrecognizable and like completely change your life, tap into.
The five D.
Because in the five D time is in a thing in three and four D times a thing, and like we're restricted and time is relevant. So it's like, if you want to quantum leep, if you want to collapse time, if you want to achieve things fast, if you want to become unrecognizable, tap into the five D and you can do that. Also, just in comparison, like three D thinking is very rooted in like materialism, fear, survive, will, ego, it's very like there's competition.
I have to succeed, I have to do.
Better than this person. With the five D is very like there's no limitations. You can be whoever you want, love, abundance, spiritual growth, et cetera, et cetera. And so often people will say, when I'm manifesting something, I'm tapping into the five D. And so I have been playing with this concept in twenty twenty four because as you can tell if you're just listening and you've never heard of this it feels like a lot, and there's actually like there's books on it, and I very much recommend Waking Up in the Five D, A Practical Guide to Multi Dimensional Transformation by Maureen German. I will link it in the show notes. Definitely read that book if you're interested.
The book was good. It's just like, it's very long and it's a lot, but it was good. I just wanted to explain those concepts.
So I have been fucking around with this manifesting tool, and I love using different manifesting techniques. The biggest thing that has shifted me, that has excelled me, that has given me momentum last year was when I was holding the vision of the five D and rejecting.
The three D.
Now, I truly believe why a lot of people can't do this is because we are so attached to the three D. If you think about it, like the three D, it's giving us evidence, it's telling us what's working, what's not. It's giving us almost think of it as feedback. It's this feedback loop. So let's say you're trying really hard to grow your following on Instagram and you're showing up every day and you're like putting in the effort, but your followers aren't going up. If you're looking at the three the three D is telling you you're not doing well.
It's never going to happen.
You're never going to get these followers, you're never going to excel in social media. But if you're tapping into the five D with this goal, let's say this. You know, desire is to gain one hundred thousand followers.
If that is like the goal to hold the vision in the five D is to understand that there is no competition, there is no ego, there's none of that. Not listening to the current evidence, the current feedback from the three D and holding the vision in the five D where basically fucking anything can happen, and you can quantumly crazy shit can happen. And we hear stories of this all the time.
I think someone was telling me at the TikTok Awards last year there was this girl who you know, she's got over million followers in Australia and she said, literally a year ago, I did not have a TikTok account and now I'm here with her for a million followers at the TikTok Awards and I was like, wow, I guarantee you so many people would not think that's possible. Who would be like, you know, building their TikTok and would never think that's possible. But it's like she was able to hold the vision or I actually don't know because I don't know her personally, it can happen look at her. So something that I have been using is.
Holding the five D vision and rejecting the three D even if the three D.
Is giving me so much evidence and feedback that that desire won't happen. So through this episode, I am going to talk about, you know, some of my goals. I'm going to be very vulnerable and talk about some of my goals and the turbulence and stuff that happen in twenty twenty four and kind of what I was able to do to either achieve them or like still hold onto them even though there was so much like evidence in the three D. Because guys, our thoughts, our beliefs, and our emotions are creating our future, your current reality, what you see, what you do, what is you know? Your three D for you is because of your thoughts, your beliefs, and your emotions from previous you to become the new you, the person who wants these new desires, who wants this different reality. You have to change the thoughts, the emotions, the beliefs, And so how do you do that is this is the trick that I've been telling you about. I hold onto my five D vision and I don't let it fade, even if my three D is screaming at me that it's never going to happen. And last year I had so it was so bumpy. It was honestly probably the hardest year of my life. I had so much turbulence, I had so much happening. For example, there was a point in the year where I literally thought my marriage was going to fail.
If you guys.
Don't know, me and Tim have been together since I was seventeen, he was twenty one. I'm now thirty, so you know, thirteen years we're married.
We have IVY. Last year, I was very open about.
Us trying to conceive, and there was literally a point where if I was just looking at the three D, I would have been so certain that my marriage was going to fall, was going to fail. And during that I remember thinking, even though I have evidence and feedback that my marriage is going to fail, that things aren't working out that when meant to be together?
What is the vision? Georgia? And for me, I.
Truly felt like Tim was the vision and us being a family was the vision. And so like I tapped into the five D consciousness and was able to hold on to Georgie and the five D with her thoughts, emotions and beliefs to get through that time. If I was going to stay in the three D, there would have been who knows where we'd be, but I guarantee you there would have been like nastiness, like giving up being like I deserve better, or the very egotistical thoughts where our ego it wants to survive, it's what's best for us, so you know, it doesn't let us be vulnerable, it doesn't let us see the whole picture, and it focuses in on one thing. And so if I was just focusing on the three D, I guarantee you my marriage would have failed. Like there was just it was honestly a wild ride, guys, and I might get into it at some point in the future. Definitely not at the moment. It is way too fresh. We're not fresh. But you know, this was like mid midyear.
Yeah, like if I focused on the three D. I don't like, I don't.
I don't know what would have happened if I was focusing on.
The three D.
I would have thought that we weren't meant to conceive after us trying from January to December. Like I said, we had marital issues in the middle there, and we had like we went down the IVF path, we had problems, we had hurdles, we had shit go down that My doctor was like, this has never happened to.
Any of my patients in my whole career, and he was about to retire, so.
Like I could, like the three D feedback was you're not meant to conceive. You guys are not meant to have a baby. But again I tapped into the five D and was like, no.
We are. We are meant to have baby.
Just because these things are coming up and this feedback and evidence I refuse, we are. And also that doesn't mean I wasn't surrendered. So it's not like, no, this isn't correct. I'm meant to be pregnant right now. I am in complete surrender in that journey, but also held the vision that it's no, this isn't like we are meant to conceive, we are meant to have another baby. There was a moment where I thought one of my businesses wasn't going to survive again. I'm not going to get into the full details out of respect for team, my business all the things, but there.
Was literally a moment.
It's been Honestly, it's been a tough year for all businesses. I'm sure if you're a business owner you know how I feel. There just has been like a lot of shit with the economy, with people's buying behaviors. It also makes it really hard because anytime the economy does this, businesses tend to get scared and they will basically just put their shit on sale. And then if you're a business like we are, where we can't put our product on sale because we have such high potent ingredients that it would mean we can't be in business, So it kind of screws it for the rest of us who like don't have huge profit margins, who can't be on sale all the time. So it's just like it's a very interesting cycle when the economy does this. And there was definitely a moment whereas like, oh my god, the goal the share was obviously business growth, and I don't know if one of the businesses are going to survive again. That was the three D feedback. That was my three D reality.
And I absolutely refused.
And I've seen this year so many businesses being shut down, like it is such a reality. And for me, like I am an established business owner. I've been running my businesses for five years with an eight figure and seven figure business, and so I can completely understand why other businesses are shutting down. It's it was such a probability. But again, I held onto my five D vision. And just to reiterate, the five D vision is unconditional love. You're tapped into your higher self. You're achieving everything you want. You have these incredible desires, you're living your life purpose. You know, it's like goals goals. So like when I say tapped into that, that's what I mean. So with my businesses, I was like, no, I absolutely refuse, and I'm going to hold the vision and I'm going to keep showing up and keep moving forward with the five D vision.
I'm not letting the three D dictate me. And that's like that's a.
Hard thing to do, guys, when you're dealing with a business and you literally have like a profit and loss in front of you, when you have a CFO telling you certain things like, it's a fucking really hard thing.
To hold the vision.
But we did, and oh my god, everything turned around, and I want to say two to three months where I was like, holy shit, it's crazy because it all happened around when we were created the money course, and I was like, holy shit, it's just proof and the pudding of we were doing so well and things literally.
Turned like do you know what I mean, Like it's this is the world.
This is the world I live in, where shit happens so fast to me and so miraculously that.
I'm used to it.
But also I'm still like holy shit, So again I had to held the vision. So there was also a moment and this was like towards the end of twenty twenty four where so much bad shit was happening. When I say bad shit, it's just like one thing after the other. It was like this domino thing of things popping up and things going wrong, like something would fuck up in business and then I'd get a vomiting bug, and then things would go wrong in IVF.
And I remembered this one thought where I was like, oh my god, maybe I'm just not the word is not lucky. But it's like, I.
Truly believe because of the manifesting tools, because of my thoughts, beliefs, and emotions of who I am, the frequency I vibrate at, I naturally attract things in. I naturally attract opportunities and people's and I have found that process easier than how I previously used to do things because of my frequency. And so this thing came up last year where I was like, oh my god, like maybe I'm just like this low frequency person and I'm never going to become a high frequency because there's so much bad shit happening to me.
Well that you know, that was very victim. You can even see the three D thinking there.
I remember having the thought like, oh my god, manifesting isn't working for me this year, Like.
I'm laughing so much because honestly.
It was so wild, but shit was going so wrong there. I was like, what the fuck is happening? And again, guys, I was going through my Saturn return. So it makes a lot of sense now, but at the time it.
Was a lot.
But in the three D it felt like I wasn't lucky. I was low vibe manifestation doesn't work for me.
I'm a victim. That was all my three D thinking and feedback.
And I remember having this moment and I was just like, no, absolutely not, I'm not doing this anymore.
And again I went back.
To the five D vision of I am a fucking lucky person and I am so high vibrational that things attract me and it is easy, and yes I'm learning lessons, but how amazing that I'm like obviously on a cusp of an upgrade, like things are about to quantum late, like things are about to happen for me. Can you even see the shift there in my energy and my vibe?
And I had to.
Hold the five D vision even when things were going to shit.
And I truly believe the.
Last half or even the whole fucking twenty twenty four was a like a test for me. It was very it was if you think about it, it was my last year of being in my twenties, and I believe that my thirties are just going to be so incredible and very like next level for me.
I just have so many.
Incredible feelings of like I'm going to become an author I'm going to change thousands of people's lives. It's going to be very next level for me. So I really had to look and be like, yeah, of course they had to go through these tries and tribulations to get through, and that's okay, But also the test of can I hold.
The five D vision?
Guys, I did and I got through. And now that I look at the year and how I showed up and how I had to do that sort of work, I'm so grateful for twenty twenty four. Would I do it again? Absolutely not, But I am so so grateful because I had to learn how to hold the vision.
It's all. It's like, it's all you know, daisies.
And sunshines when things are going to plan and it's easy and you're like, oh, yeah, I'm gonna hold the vision. I'm gonna hold my desires and who I am and my five D self. No, how do you hold yourself when things are going to ship? So, guys, I feel like I really put into place, you know, holding the five D, even when the three D is giving me so much feedback that it's not happening. This works, like if you can harness this, if you can use this in twenty twenty five, please do, because it honestly changed. It changed my year, and who knows.
What would have happened.
Like I said, there was some huge, huge things for me that I had to work through last year, and I was able to move through them. And it's crazy because you know, for example, one of my goals of twenty twenty five was a deeper connection and love.
With my husband.
So now that I look at what we went through, I absolutely have like I have that now. I definitely achieved that goal and that desire. Bit do you see how it came in a very interesting way. And if I was someone who was not tapped into these tools and these understandings, how it could have been the end of my marriage. But really it was like the universe giving me what I wanted.
Like how insane is that?
Like? And it makes me think of so many other people who are like universe, Like I want to feel more confident, I want a better relationship, I want more money and all these things, but then like the tests come and the things pop up and they're not able to hold it and they crumble and they're like, oh my god, my life's going to shit. Anyway, I feel like you're understanding what I'm putting down. And so this is your reminder, my loves, hold the five D vision. Make sure you have a five D vision. And if you guys haven't already, come and join us. We have your magnetic blueprint starting on the eighteenth of jan I will put a link in the show notes for you. But basically, I'm going to help you create your five D vision and it's going to be incredible because you'll then use this every year to come. But it's so important to have an actual vision, be clear on that vision, and that's what we're going to do in the blueprint, and then you're actually going to have a blueprint.
You're going to have a plan for twenty twenty five. And it doesn't even matter if things go to plan or don't go to plan. It's more about you having an understanding. Because how good if when you look back to your vision, you're like, oh, yeah, like I am going through some relationship troubles, but I did ask for a deeper relationship. Whereas if you never.
Created this like goal, this blueprint, it's going to feel like the world is punishing you. Things are happening to you going to feel that victimhood. So that's just why it's so important to have a belief, to have a vision, to have the understanding of this all you can't lose. When you have this, you cannot lose.
It's okay to.
Have a bad year, a bad month, but don't make it a bad life. You can change at any moment. You can create a new identity, a new set of beliefs, emotions, and thoughts. You can create that right now. That is going to change your whole reality. So if you don't like who you are, if you don't have these beautiful positive growth beliefs, if your emotions are ruling you, change them, change them. I love, because otherwise twenty twenty four is going to be the exact same as twenty twenty five, and we're not doing twenty twenty four again. Well I know I'm not all right, my loves. I hope you loved this episode. Come and join us at your Magnetic Blueprint. It's super affordable. It's just going to be the most incredible time to get your shit together, to plan. It's only a fourteen day course and then you're ready for twenty twenty five. So I hope to see you in there than you guys so much. I will chat to you in my next episode. Bye h