She’s 30, flirty and thriving!
In this episode, “30 lessons from 30 years” we dig into the good, the bad, and the downright hilarious moments of hitting this milestone.
& of course G has 30 amazing lessons for you all up her sleeve - from learning to trust your intuition more to navigating relationships, career and everything in between. Whether you are about to join the 30 club or just want some fun life tips, this episode is packed with all the ins and outs.
So, grab your favourite drink, hit play and let’s get real about what turning 30 is really like…
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I would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which this episode is being recorded, the Komboom Marry people. We pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging, and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Today, I'm your host, Georgie Stevenson, and this is the Rise and Concer podcast. This is the podcast where we ch have mindset, self development and becoming your higher self mix soon with a lot of laughs, plus behind the scenes of my life running two businesses and being among Think of us as the perfect combo of brunch with your besties mixed with self development. No matter where you are in your journey, we're here to help you be curious, pull yourself out, and embrace radical self awareness.
If you're ready to get into.
The driver's seat of your own life and stop letting life pass you by.
Then you're in the right place.
Hello, my angels, Welcome back to the potty guys.
I turned thirty on the weekend and on Saturday.
It's wild because like that was my last Like Friday was my last day as a twenty something year old, Like I called my parile and I was like, because all my brothers are older. I'm like, this is the last day that you have a child in their twenties. No, actually, you know what happened. I called them and I'm like, it's my last day in my twenties and they were like, no, for us, it's our last day to have a child in our twenty.
I'm like, stop making this about you, honestly. And I even said to.
Tim, I'm like, Tim, this is the last day that you're going to be with a twenty something.
You're old.
And he goes, maybe, oh, my god, honestly, you're fine. You're fine.
I was like, no, that's a pretty good one.
He was coming up with all what happened on Thursday. I oh, we're going to go to Fiji for Ivy's birthday, hopefully for a third birthday. And I sent him some places and he was like no. And then he sent me some places and the only reason why he pitched this place because it has two golf courses. And I sent him a text being like, oh, the rooms are so old. He goes, just remember as of tomorrow, you're old too. He was like, first, damn, it's not tomorrow. It's Saturday. And Secondly, that's rude, and he goes, that's how an old person would reply, So looks what it is.
It is what it is.
But in this episode, I tell you thirty lessons of becoming thirty.
These are literally all the lessons.
I've learned in thirty years. I've really tried to make it short and sweet, but it wasn't. But it is really insightful. So I hope you guys love it. Thank you so much for being on this journey and all the birthday wishes. I really do appreciate it. When this goes live, me, Tim and Ivy will be road tripping down like New South Wales Way, our first time doing it. So I'm away for the week celebrating my birthday being thirty, so feeling super blessed and grateful and yeah.
I'm so excited new decade.
Also, guys, on the weekend, we had a like one day birthday sale thirty percent off, but A Tears just said she would do a little sneaky.
I think we should.
Okay, we'll definitely do it. No, I love you.
Teach's got you back, guys, I do so if you want a sneaky thirty percent off anything at Rice what do you on the coach BTT.
This is thirty yeah.
This is thirty okay guys, use this is thirty sit wid thirty percent off and this is only for you, guys. We won't put this anywhere else. And it's just a big thank you. Thank you for the support. A lot of you have been here from my early twenties, so I really do appreciate it. And I hope you love these lessons and just thank you for letting me do what I love.
And yeah, should we get straight into the.
Episode Lesson one? When you look for the good, you find it. When you focus on the good, the good gets better.
What I feel like, I'm reading a book. I am reading off my computer. Guys.
This has been a big lesson I've learned in this last year. I went through a bit of a dark time at the start of the year, actually.
Or was it the mill? Was it the Yeah?
No, I just I went through a bit of a time where I noticed I had really negative thoughts and then I was getting in these negative loops and I really started to just go back to gratitude and focusing on the good and the really simple things, and life just got so much better and I was like, Wow, it can actually be that simple, like focus on the good, focus on what.
You're grateful for. So that's actually been like a recent lesson lesson number two. When you sit in the.
Feeling of gratitude, more gratitude comes so obviously off the previous lesson. Guys, I know, every self development and spiritual podcast you know, preaches this gratitude like when in doubt, gratitude when things are going wrong, gratitude when things are going right, gratitude. Just if we can be in gratitude in the morning and when things going you know, right wrong, all the things you just can not go wrong. And it's because the actual frequency of gratitude, the feeling, it is so high. And so if we are in lower vibrational feelings, you know, that's when we attract law vibrational people, situations, those sorts of things.
So to lift ourselves up, to get out of.
Those moods and those day to day things which are just going to happen, like we're gonna look at our phone see something that we don't like or compare or just makes us feel like shit, we go on a law vibe. And so I have just been looking into gratitude so much lately, and it's just wild how much I'm like, oh, life is just getting so much better. Lesson number three, Never stop healing.
There is always more. But keep going, guys.
The healing I have done in the last couple of years, honestly, I think since my Sadden return, which when I was twenty eight, I went. So Cooper actually saw our trauma coach first, which Lee. I've spoken about him a lot on the show and I'll link him the show notes, but basically Cooper went and saw him first, and Cooper's whole world turn upside down first and was just like it was wild and he obviously got through it, and then his life was, you know, better than he could have imagined. And he had to go through his trauma, and he kept encouraging me, and he's like, you need to see Levi, and I just knew.
I knew what was coming, and so I kept putting it off, and I was just like, I can't go there.
Right now, like I've got a little sweet baby like work stuff like I can't go there. And then I remember just the moment for me was not really feeling into my emotions and having everything quote unquote on paper and still not feeling happy, fulfilled, you know, still feeling like disconnected from myself, a bit incomplete. And that's when I was like, all right, I need to go and do that like in a child healing, that trauma healing, and oh my god, it was a wild ride, and it needed to happen in this time in my life because if I tried to do that in my early twenties, I just wouldn't have been ready for it. I needed to do all my other healings and I needed to go through everything that I've been through. So I did a lot of healing in the last couple of years, but you know, throughout my whole twenties, Like I feel like, if you're listening to this podcast, you do self development, you know, you do courses, you listen to different things. Maybe you've been on retreats or event days or seen a therapist, and it's like all that is adding up and compounding. But I think what trips us up is we get to a point where we feel really good and we think, oh, I don't have to do it anymore. I don't have to heal, I don't have to go and seek out those sorts of things, and that's what I really feel like I'm not going to do anymore me And You've actually had this conversation last night because we've been reading a lot of like self development books lately, and we just feel like we're on like a great vibration and like we need to not get.
In the trap of when things are good, of stopping.
Our practices and the healings and the learnings, because then you tend to you know, full off.
So that's a universe shows you why I need to do it.
Yes, you're like, shit, I didn't need that, which you could just seek it out yourself. So I truly believe, like never stop healing. And even though I've just been through some big trauma and toxic work, and I do feel, you know, in such a beautiful place. I yeah, I'm still seeking out books that interest me that you know, and I'm still connecting back in with myself. I've actually had the huge realization lately that I just need to go slower. I just need to take things at a slower pace because that's what I'm wanting. But I'm noticing my whole life is rushed. So it's like, how can I have that result when I'm not being that that makes sense, but that was a tangent.
The number four.
Negative feelings are just feedback and a compass for where to go. So again, such a huge moment for me was realizing that negative feelings aren't bad. I grew up in my childhood of like, you know, if people had negative feelings, like it was the end of the world. Like it was like, oh my god, like something's wrong. Even I notice, you know, my parents saying a lot of language of like just be happy, like you don't have to worry about it, and they really not intentionally, but I feel like mental health issues were almost like shunned upon, like oh that's We're not those sorts of people. It was this thing like, oh, we're fine, like we don't we don't have those issues. And what I've realized now is like, you know, when we have quote unquote negative feelings and I'm doing air quotes, it's they're not actually negative. So for example, when I'm feeling let's say I have a really big week of work, I maybe have to go away and record for Rise, and then I've got like a conference, and then I've got like a speaking gig all in one week and I start to feel guilt because I'm like, oh, I haven't been the most present mom with Ivy. That doesn't mean I'm a bad mum. It is just showing me. Okay, Georgia, your number one value is Ivy and Tim. And do you see how this week things have you.
Know, not represented that? Yeah, not represented that.
So instead of being like, oh, I feel so guilty, I've got mom guilt and almost like identifying with it, I'm like, Okay, cool, good this weekend, I'm actually going to cancel my plans with a girlfriend and I'm just going to spend the whole weekend with Ivy because it's just showing me something of what I want, if that makes sense. It's showing me and I think obviously you know that's why it's so important to do self development work where you are clear on your values and you are clear on your seasons and those sorts of things, because when the feelings come in, you're able to connect back with yourself and just be like, oh, okay, what needs to shift and change here.
It's not bad.
I'm not a bad person because I prioritized work one week. It's just showing me that I don't want to do that all the time, so I don't have to take on Oh I get mum gilt.
Do you know what I mean?
Like, instead of identifying with it, I'm like, Okay, that's good to know. I'm gonna shift things lesson number five, keep moving towards I want to do cool shit.
I literally wrote that on my what does that mean? Guys?
I have been like writing, I've got like a list in my notes for my emails, and I've been like adding to them.
So so funny. So me and.
Cooper have always had this thing in you know, business and in life of we don't just want to live an ordinary life. We want to live an extraordinary life. And I've even said this to Tim if he's like if, I'm like, let's go to a couple's retreat and he's like why, Like our relationship is good, and I'm.
Like, Tim, I don't want a good relationship.
I want an extraordinary and he's like, oh my god.
Sick of it. It's like, I'm so sick of you.
But it's truly is It's like I feel like a lot of people are okay with being average, with just accepting less because you know this and that. But I've always leant to okay, but where can I lean into This feels really exciting, This feels really cool. And even for example, like Cooper, he's doing his helicopter license and if you ask him why, he's like, because I want to do a cool shit in this life.
Yeah, do you know what I mean?
Like that.
It doesn't actually have to have an ROI or whatnot, but it's just like, does this feel fun and exciting? And will I be like, what a cool experience? And so I always try and mix that into my logic because obviously we can't live our life fully like that, because you know, might go down some interesting pathways. But I do try and put that into my life of like, well, what would just feel like cool and exciting? And even in the businesses is like I think I hate when I start running the businesses like everyone else and I'm not adding in, okay, but this does this even benefit what I want to do? Does this even benefit the mission? Because our mission is always going to be so different to other companies, so really.
Moving towards I want to do cool shit?
And yeah, I feel like even for example, in Naked Harvest, we have kind of done that in the way of for example, we always include community in our events. That again it's not like they're bringing in an audience. They're not like, you know, benefiting this event that we're putting money in. But for us, it's like our community who buy our products, who experience Naked Harvest, get to meet us the team and experience you know, our ecosystem and like that to me, that's so cool.
So even those like making decisions in that way lesson number six never stop picking growth. So again, huge moment for me this the last couple of years has been whenever I get comfortable and almost and we'll do it whenever I get comfortable, Not that things go to shit, because I feel like I don't want to have that belief, but I just notice such a difference in the trajectory of my life and my happiness and my growth and my purpose is when I'm picking the comfort choices or when I'm picking the comfort goals, and I will notice such a debt a.
Direct correlation between it.
So, for instance, like I had a moment where, you know, things were happening in the business and I was like, why is this happening? And I looked, you know, maybe six months or four months before, and I had made a lot of comfortable decisions, and I was like, and I feel like anytime in your reality when you're experiencing something that's a result of previous you, whether it's six months, a year or whatnot. And so it's always so helpful when things aren't going to plan or whatnot to just think back and be like, oh, is there any part that I can take responsibility for this? And I did notice It's like when I stopped picking growth, which is definitely my human design, Like I said, I want to lead an extraordinary life. I just notice a direct correlation in my reality. So again, me and Cooper even talking last night, being like, we need to continuously pick growth. And honestly, not many people pick growth. They pick the comfortable decision. Even the decision in the morning was snoozing your larm and not going to gym, Like that's the comfortable decision, that's not picking growth. So can you see how like that's such a small thing, But if you are continuously that.
Person, what sort of life you would have?
Where you are? I did that? Yes, Okay, that's okay, it was so cold. We need to I honestly had a sleep in this morning.
Yeah, it's my pre birthday day, so it is okay, but you're in there, notice yourself.
If that's continuously what you're picking.
Yeah, well I act even had this aha momentary up where I so I went through my whole health thing with my thyroid where basically had to stop doing you know, hit and high intensity to really tell my body it was safe to heal. And I did heal, and you know, my thiro it's in a great place. I'm off my medication. But I did notice, you know, like I am can I get blood tests every month, so I'm all good, But I do notice I like still don't want to do hit sessions of cardios, but not even like even at Jim if they're like, oh, you know it's ten minutes at the end, and let's do this little hit finisher, I'm like, nah, I.
Can't do that whereas I can. Yeah, I'm like don't want to. Yeah, So I'm.
Even thinking, I'm like, oh, I might even just try and add in like a run or something, just a bit that makes me uncomfortable. The thought of running makes me uncomfortable me too, So I'm like, well, maybe I should like lean into it.
Yeah, I think with that one as well. Sometimes no decision is a decision.
Mm, totally. Yeah.
That's even something I've noticed previous me. She hasn't made decisions, and now I'm fucking dealing with her shit, and I'm like, I'm usually so decisive, but obviously, you know, when things are going on, I can get very like put my head in the sand, and I.
Don't want to make a decision.
Even if I've got those feelings, it always doesn't end well.
No, So that was a good pick up.
Lesson number seven. May I remember how much I wanted this life when things get tough. This is again, you know, when I'm feeling overwhelmed that I've got to get out of the house in the morning and I've got to go to this like you know me, and then I've got to go to this other meeting, and then I've got to record a podcast with you, and then I've got to do this, and I'm like, I'm so overwhelmed and I've got so much to do, and then I get home and then I've got to you know, play with Ivy all afternoon and like all these things, I like think to myself, Georgia, this is like such a privilege. This is you know, you five years ago, if you told her what you were doing in the life you were living, she would be blown away, Like she would be like, holy shit, are you serious. So in the moment, things can feel tough and hard, and you know, like you're just like going and going and going, but I really have to try and remember it's like, you know, like, how fucking what a privilege. I get to be a working mom. That's something I always wanted to be. I always wanted to have my babies and have my career, and I'm doing it. Is it hard, yes, but I'm doing it. It's what I wanted. So it's almost who it's like. For example, I was having conversation with this with my girlfriend because she's a stay at home mum, and she says the same thing. She goes, I wanted to be a stay at home mum, and then I find myself during the day feeling overwhelmed and being like, oh, I have to do the washing, I have to look after the baby, feeling you know, resentful, and she needs to remind herself. She's like, this is what I picked, This is what I wanted. If I told eighteen year old you know, self, I was being a stay at home mom and I had this beautiful husband and this beautiful baby.
She'd be like, oh my god, that's goals.
Yeah, and so she's like, do you see how we get to where we wanted to be?
And then we complain.
About it, and I'm like, I guarantee you we all do this, and again it's okay, it's you know, we need to have those moments. But I'm like, may I always remember that I'm actually living my dream life and I picked these things. And I think when you take responsibility for like, no, this is actually something that I know, gid my life towards and embrace those chaotic moments, I think that is so important. Lesson number eight. Always lead with heart in business and you'll never.
Lose So sweet who wrote the.
So again, you know, I feel like I've harped on about this, but I just truly believe it's like, if in business, you have a heart led business and you're leading with heart, and you're making heart led decisions even if they don't logically make sense, even if you don't want to make them, even if they feel, you know, hard, even if everyone else is doing different things.
You can't go wrong.
You have to trust your heart, you have to trust your intuition, and yeah, I just feel like because it's a part of you, and it's You're the one with the vision and the mission, and so it's like if you're moving towards it, that's all that matters, because otherwise you're going to get a couple of years down the track and you're going to feel so disconnected from your own business that you're not going to want to work in it. Yeah, so obviously this is for my business galleys, but always leading with heart lesson number nine, there is always goodness trying to get.
Through to me. I love this one.
This is like the way I would explain this is kind of like life happens for me, vibes of even when I think someone isn't being nice to me, the world isn't being nice to me, tim isn't being nice to me, bad things are happening. Just trusting that there is goodness, There's an abundance of goodness, There's an abundance of this is going to feel really good. It's coming for you. You just have to be patient and wait. Yeah, And for some reason, I just have really resonated with that word goodness.
I don't know if you guys do.
It's almost like giving people Again. I do this with tim of Let's say he's done something where he's forgotten to get me a coffee. Yeah, And so instead of being like like, oh, he doesn't think about me, he's you know, he's not considerate. Can I think give him the benefit of the doubt of he was actually preoccupied because he was thinking about you know what he's planning to make us for dinner? Yeah, or you know, there's goodness in other ways that will come out, and really trusting that rather than going to the negative, the negative, he's bad, no one cares about me, those sorts of things as they feel like our brain it always goes to the worst case scenario. It always goes to the badness rather than the goodness. So if I can just trust that, no, it's like it's it gets to be goodness and that gets to be my reality. Listen, Number ten, be generous with resources once your cup is filled. So again I just think, obviously big one here is filling your cup first, and then once your cup is filled, you want to be generous.
You want to.
Give your time, you want to give you know, whether it's money support, emotional support, you know, all those sorts of things you want to give that. So when you notice that you don't want to be generous.
With your money, time, energy, or whatever.
It's because you haven't filled up your own cup. And so that's always such a reminder for me because I know I'm such a generous person, and so when I'm feeling a bit like oh I don't want to give anyone anything or like resentful, it's like I haven't filled up my own cup. So that makes sense and again not making that situation bad and be like I just need to go fill out my cup. Lesson number eleven. Love who is around you and who has always supported you, so obviously just a sweet little one. I think sometimes it's this for me is like it's really easy to see everyone's flaws. It's really easy, especially when you're doing self development and maybe the people around you you know, or your pa or lifelong friends don't do it, and you feel like you're constantly evolving and they're not. And again it's like that, well, I'm doing the work, why can't you? And for me, this has just been going back to people don't have to want to do what I do. People don't want to have to evolve and heal, I can still love them.
And again it's.
I feel like that's such a more beautiful place to be where you don't need everyone to be like you, you don't need everyone to be on the same journey, but you can still love them how they are. And I feel like, definitely, at the start of my self development journey, I didn't have this, but now entering my thirties, it's just this beautiful, like unconditional They get to be who they are in this lifetime and it's not up to me to change them, drag them, tell them they get to be who they are. And if they are someone who does love and support me and show me kindness and you know that unconditional love, I can absolutely have that for them.
That's so beautiful. I think it's like a step above like when people are like if they're not matching, you cut it out, cut them out. It's like, no, you don't need to, like you can still be kind and have so much love for the people around you.
And I think that comes from maturity, and that's why I put it in because I think, like, you know, twenty five year old Georgie was about that, like they're not.
Up to your standards, get rid of them. Yeah, like she was very brutal.
Oh my gosh, you'd probably listen to old podcasts and I probably would have said that, But thirty year old Georgie has so much more space and capacity. Obviously, it's because these people are your people and they've supported and loved you. That's you know, the pre just anyone, No, not just anyone, But yeah, I think that feels so much better to me because I think it's a very black and white thinking to think, well, if they're not.
Up to my standards, they're out.
Yeah, lesson twelve, which goes hand in hand with lesson eleven pour into the people who pour into you. I feel like I don't even need to get into that less than thirteen.
Do I really need to do this? Or am I picking? Ivy will never be this young again? Are you okay? So again?
Being a working mom, I do miss moments like beautiful moments of Ivy's childhood, you know, like you know, our dads probably did when we grew up, and our mom got us a lot more and so I notice, you know, and I'm obviously that's what I've picked, and I'm happy to do that because I have so much love for my business and the impact we make. So I've been asking myself that question because I have had quite a few work things come up on the weekend. So the question I asked myself is like, do I actually want to do this? Will this push the needle forward? Is this part of my impact?
Or am I picking? Ivy will never be this young again? So I pick her?
And that has helped me so much in making really great decisions with like not doing so on the weekend or you know, picking stuff and I'm like.
No, this is this is important.
Yeah, And I think also like just saying that, like Ivy will never be this young again, and like I don't want to miss her childhood and I know I won't because I prioritize it so much. But I think just having that in mind has just been Yeah, it's been really good. Lesson fourteen, Always pick peace. It's like that trend on TikTok. I ain't no man's peach.
Have you seen that?
I started getting a mad cooked it's so funny, funny, Oh my god. I was like, oh my god, it's me so roe self expiatory.
And this is even like if I notice like a conflict, or if I just notice me getting triggered by something or something come up, I'm like, can I pick.
Peace in this moment? Can I just pick peace? Does this actually have to be something? And it's been really helpful?
Lesson fifteen, know my values so like important, so important, guys. If you don't have a list of values that you make choices from, what are you doing? So again, you know my values, they start with Tim and Ivy, and then second is me so meantime, me filling up my cup, and then third is my businesses passion, and then it goes to self development and then it goes to friends and so I think there's also like experiences and holidays in there, but I don't know where they are.
I'll have to look at my sheet. But that's like a Tim and Ivy thing too.
Yeah, So basically, again, if I'm struggling to make a decision, I go to my list of values and I'm like, Okay, what decision am I making off these? Because when you're making decisions from your list of values, you can't get them wrong. Because even if you you know, maybe think you're going to regret it, or if you do regret it, in that moment, you made it from your values, So how could it ever be wrong?
So powerful?
Lesson sixteen, pick and follow my life off those values. Of course, I don't need to explain that one.
Lesson seventeen.
May I make my mess my message. So again, just knowing any lessons, any struggles are a beautiful shaping of who I meant to be, embracing them and then also sharing them. I think sharing your mess is so so powerful because I guarantee you there are people who have gone through what you're struggling with or you know you'll find with it now, but they're struggling with it. And I think, you know, connection via story is the most powerful thing.
On this earth.
So if you can share your story and you can share your message, that like, that's the ultimate connection. And so that has just been a huge thing. I personally don't I don't like sharing my mess during it.
I like being in it, and.
I very much, you know, reflecting on it, internalizing it and really going through it myself, and then once I'm out of it, I share it. You might be different, but that's just how I do it.
Lesson eighteen. The magic is always me.
Oh, I honestly think I might get the statooed on me because lately I love this beautiful Yes, the magic is always me because it's like any time that you're like, oh, you know, I don't know what to do, or you know this has happened, or you know something, or you're doubting yourself, like just remembering it's all in here, Like the magic is me, Like I'm the main character of my own life.
It's like, stop waiting for someone to save you.
Yes, like be your own prince charming lesson nineteen. When I'm locked into my purpose, good things happen. You can't go wrong. Lock into your purpose and your purpose. This is actually really incredible. Cooper was saying he saw something on TikTok the other day and it was like a guy who like channels with a you know, spirit or whatnot, and someone asked the spirit, you know, what is my purpose? And he said he said something so beautiful, and it basically was, your purpose is always being you.
No one else in this world is you.
Everyone has a unique and different purpose, and your purpose is being you.
No when is you, and that is your power.
I was like.
Isn't that beautiful? So beautiful?
Lesson twenty may, I contradict myself. Oh, your purpose can change. Oh, so obviously you know your purpose being you. We love that authentically you is very important. But for example, you know your purpose, it might be, you know, in your early twenties, you're really like empowering women to go after what they want, Like that is my purpose. But it's so interesting since I have done my trauma work and because I had this huge thing not against men, but I.
Was very for the female.
And it may have been because some trauma, and since I have dissolved that trauma, I have noticed how much more loving men.
I'm not actually that bad. I'm like, oh, men, not actually that bad, They're right.
And I'm noticing like I'm not as biased and I'm more of like, I want everyone to step in their power, not just females.
Love that. So to see that's even like it's it's a big shift in your purpose too though totally. So that's even something I was a little bit like. I was like, oh, but I've always.
Just been, you know, very females, which I still am, but I've noticed it's kind of changed in a volve and I think that's me growing up and evolving. But I'm like, your purpose can change, like you're allowed to evolve, and especially you know, if you enter, if you start a different business, or if you know, something happens and you change careers, like your purpose can change lesson twenty one. You can contradict yourself, and you should.
I love this one, guys.
Honestly, if you don't look back at when you're like twenty, when you're thirty and are just a little bit not like wow, that was a bit cringe, but you're like, wow, I'm such a different person, you want to you want to look at yourself too, five years ago and be like, wow, I'm a different person. I have different values, I have different beliefs. Maybe not different values, but like different beliefs. You want to contradict yourself, like especially you know, the especially me, even that evolution from no it's just for females to now being for everyone. You know, that's such a beautiful evolution. It's you know, embracing that and even contradicting yourself in the way of I was thinking about this, so my like, I also have money values, so I have like my normal values, and then I have money values, and that just helps me decide what I spend money on, which again I think everyone should have. And so, for example, one of my money values is I love dropping lots of money on handbags, on designer handbags, Like I just have this, like I'm like, oh, like I'm so attracted, I feel so good.
I don't mind some shoes.
Bit handbags are like my thing, Whereas I it doesn't feel good to me to buy designer clothes because I'm not like I'm talking over one thousand dollars. Yeah, like I'm talking designer, designer, not just you know, fancy.
Yeah. So, and I've.
Realized it's because I it's like a use thing for me.
So it's like because I know I only wear clothes a couple of times, and that's why I have deep hop and I recycle clothes because I love wearing new clothes.
And so for me, I'm like, oh, I just don't think I want to spend drop two grand on a dress because I know I'm gonna wear her once and of.
Course I could resell her.
But for example, for my thirtieth birthday, I hired two dresses, so I wanted some options, so I hired two and they're you know, they're back in Bridge, so there would be you know, five hundred dollars.
To buy, and I'm like, I'm gonna wear them once? Why would I do that.
I'll just hire them for like, you know, a couple hundred dollars together and then have two options.
Yeah, and to me that feels so much better.
But it's because I like, know my values and I know I love spending a lot of cash on airbags but not really on clothes. But that could be contradicting to someone. Yeah, they could see me and be like, Georgia, your company's worth eight figures and you still hire dresses. And I'm like, but that makes completely sense to me. That makes sense to me, but it might look contradicting to other people. But it doesn't matter because it makes sense to me exactly. Anyway, that was a tangent, but.
We loved it.
You should contradicte yourself, Okay, lesson twenty two? Where can I drop the struggle?
Like I have been asking myself this so much lately, and so much has shifted because I'm like, you know, we were we changed the launch for something, and I called Cooper and I'm like, I'm really stressed, and then I'm going away and then like, you know, I don't think the girls are ready, and blah blah blah, freaking out and Cooper's like, we'll just push the launch and I'm.
Like, but I can't push the launch. He's like why, but why I'm like and then You're like, oh, I'm actually in charge. I can Oh, that's actually my business. That's weird.
But it's because I get I get worked up and I get these ideas in my head and I'm like, no, no, but I told myself it was this date. But it's like, because I have a lot of like self responsibility, if that makes sense. But I'm like, I've actually just made this so difficult and so stressful for myself when I don't need to. And so we just pushed the launch a month and I feel fucking great, and I'm like, oh wow, and it.
Was that easy.
It was that easy, and I could just drop the struggle. Obviously, that's a very unique circumstance because I am my own boss. But I even think, for example, like Ivy, if she's been really difficult sometimes and she has does this new thing where she doesn't want to have a bath. And you know, it's like Saturday night, Tim was out. She want to have a fucking bath, And it was like nearly getting to seven pm.
And then I was like I'm just not gonna bath her.
You know, like she wasn't It's not like she'd been rolling a mud or anything like that. Like I obviously changed unappy, and I was like, she doesn't want to have a shower.
Why am I making a shower? This is like because it was ruining our whole lab where you're like screaming at each other. So she didn't have a shower.
We changed her nappy and we sat and we watched some more TV and she was so happy and I was like, oh wow, this was like so much easier.
But I was like, no, you have to get it.
How I didn't got jore Meala crude and said they don't wash their kids unless they can see dirt on them.
I get it.
I get it because it's the moment it's so hard.
I feel like I don't because I don't have a kid. I'm like, just put her in the shower. No, you don't understand. I understand.
One day, Ivy yell, she goes take this she goes, no way, we're gonna have a shower.
No way, no way.
She runs away from me, and if I try and pick her up, she's screaming like.
I'm trying to murder her. I'm not even joking so dramatic. I want to where she gets it from, I know. So that's why I thought, fuck I could, I'll just.
And I was getting really stressed because usually.
Tim's there and she listens to him, and I just thought, why am I bothering?
Let her not have a shower, and look, we're not doing that every night, but then she'll be dirty.
Yeah, no we're not.
But in that moment, I was like, okay, like do you see how I'm like, it's not worth it.
It's not worth it. I was making it more difficult. Yeah, so fair valid.
But I'm sure there's things in your life where you Tim even does this where he's like he works something up in his head and he's like, oh I got to do this, and he always talks about like going to get the groceries and how hard it is for Ivy. I'm like, you know, you can just get them deliver in yeah, and he's like oh no, but I like I want to go in.
I'm like, well, then why are you complaining you want to go in?
There's an easier option, and you know, not picking it literally, so like you know, that's absously a good a good thing.
I do this with that other people might like I. We obviously are very privileged here at work where we have flexible working hours, and I like to get in at six thirty in the morning because then I missed the traffic coming to work and going home, and I will fluster myself up like nothing else if I'm gonna be here even like fifteen minutes after six thirty, And I'm like, no one's going to be at.
Work for another hour.
Like if you get to work at six forty five, it's fine.
It's fine. Literally, no one's gonna.
A yeah, like stay fifteen minutes later.
It's not that big a deal. It's really nice.
Yeah, But it things like mentally, you've like told yourself I'm going to start at six yet and you drive yourself insane.
Yes, less than twenty three.
Be efficient with your time and consistently ordered it. So our time is our greatest resource. It is more like it's more important than money. It's our greatest resource. And I think if we aren't consistently auditing it and being efficient, like you, you have flexible working arrangement arrangements again amazing, I know everyone doesn't, but you being like, well, it takes me, you know, an hour and a half to get to work if I start.
At this time.
So I'm going to start an hour earlier and it's only going to take me forty minutes to get to work. I'm going to save that, you know what I mean. You're being efficient. Yeah, so I don't carry the way as long as the work's getting done. So you're being efficient with your time and you're making your routine work for you. Where was they feel like so many of us are just doing these tasks or routines because we think we have to, but they're not actually efficient, they're not actually benefiting us. And I think obviously what's great to about auditing it is they should change.
They should evolve.
They should be working for you, not you working for them. Lesson twenty four lesson twenty four. May I always know lessons are blessings hashtag life happens.
For me.
Again, just knowing in those really tough moments, it's like this is happening for me, I'll get through this. It's been the most incredible. It's I think that's probably been the most incredible lesson of my twenties. They are always blessings Lessen twenty.
Five May I always do belief work.
The answer to any question about how you become the person who fill in blank like Dardi da, who gets the promotion, who gets the house, who earns more money is belief work.
It's you doing belief work.
I even I had a cool my girlfriend and we were just even discussing like going into my thirties and like my goals and that sort of thing, and she even picked up She's like, oh, I love that, but your beliefs don't match it. So she's like, I love that goal for your thirties. I absolutely know you can get there, but what you're saying, I can see your beliefs don't match it.
And I was like, oh, that's such a good pickup.
So she said, I want you to go write down your beliefs, even like record them and say them like every day for the next month. And That's what I'm gonna do, because our belief system needs to match who we want to be in the future. If our belief system matches who we are now. We will always have what we currently have now, and most of us are trying to strive and achieve different things. So it's like that person who has your goal, what is their belief system And it's if it's different, you need to do the belief work to be that person. And obviously we get a lot deeper, you know in my programs, the project in the Rise app and.
A new course coming out Verto soon.
But that is so important and I even like she said that, I'm like, fuck, I even teach this and you're.
So right, and I have missed that.
So it's even cool if you have people who understand and this of even having a discussion of being like, okay, so the goals I want to be this, what sort of thoughts and beliefs would that person have? And even get your friend to like help you a little bit, because sometimes we can get really stuck and just notice the difference the gap lesson twenty six. The how question is always how do I become a vibrational match?
That's amazing? How good is that?
So that that's such an and such again such an important part of like, oh I want this, I want that. Well, it's like, well, how do you become a vibrational match for that thing? Because that's how you get it, you know, that's essentially what manifestation is. And for instance, if you are wanting this reality where you know this person is always secure in herself, she makes great decisions, she makes fast decisions, she never doubts herself, she's solid, she's connected to herself, she meditate, she's you know, all these things and that's the reality you want, but you don't practice any of that. Now, how are you ever going to be on the vibrational frequency to match what you want? So again, it's that belief work, but also the frequency.
That's why I put them together. But that's a good eye, that's a good ease. I going to remind myself.
Okay, So Lessen twenty seven. Where can I have more fun? That's an important one. Putting on music with Ivy dancing around and I always feel so much better. Lessen twenty eight. I don't have it all figured it out, but I just need to have my vision and I just need to know my next step. So again, don't be too worried if you don't know all the steps, because the how isn't up to us. We let the universe lead the way, but there's always going to be that little next step and just keep following that Lesson twenty eight Lead, don't wait for others to do it. Guys, you're the main character of your life. You need to lead, You need to make the decision.
You need to go first. It is so easy.
To think other people need to go first, and you want to see how it turns out. But then you're living their life. You're not leaving, You're not living yours.
And then the last lesson lesson thirty is always be you. Oh we love that one. You can't get it wrong, guys.
Be you, embrace being authentically you, and you can't fuck it up.
You can't get it wrong.
Love Guys, thank you so much for listening to my thirty lessons of becoming a thirty year old. I honestly feel like I'm like thirty five at this point. I don't like, be like, what does it feel like?
I'm like, I feel like.
I've been thirty for so long. I feel like a bit of an odd soul. But I just am so excited for my thirties. I'm so excited for a new decade, I already feel like wiser, so I'm excited to continue that. And I'm just excited to learn more lessons and obviously continue this journey with you guys. And I just want to say thank you for sticking around.
I feel like a lot.
Of you would have known me since my early twenties, so wow, yeah, yeah, thank you for being around. I appreciate and love you guys so much. Thank you so much for listening to another episode of the Rise and Conquer podcast. If you enjoyed it and want more, come connect with us on Instagram at Riseinconquer dot podcast and join our Facebook discussion group, a Rise and Concer podcast community. We're an independent podcast and we have a small team, so we do appreciate your time and support. If you have a spare moment, a follow or subscribe on whatever platform you listen to would be so amazing. And look, if you're feeling extra kind, a review on Apple Podcasts would be great.