On the Saturday February 15, 2025 edition of The Richard Crouse Show we’ll meet Holly Brickley, her debut novel “Deep Cuts” is earning rave reviews. “Booklist” called it a “dazzling debut,” “Publisher’s Weekly” called it “a banger” and author Claire Dederer, national bestselling author of “Monsters: A Fan’s Dilemma,” said, “I wish I’d written that,” which is pretty much the highest praise one writer can pay another.
Brickley’s novel focuses on the relationship between music fans and Berkeley college students Percy Marks and Joe Morrow from their first meeting at a bar nearby. Joe — an aspiring songwriter — asks Percy for feedback on a song he worked on, which begins a passionate, multi-year musical partnership that skyrockets Joe into indie-rock stardom.
Then, we’ll get to know author Haley Mlotek. Her work has appeared in everything from the New York Times Magazine and The New Yorker to Harper’s Bazaar and The Nation. Today we’ll talk about her latest work, “No Fault,” an intimate and candid account of one of the most romantic and revolutionary relationships: divorce.