Michael Walsh Stands Against "The Great Reset"

Published Nov 4, 2022, 3:50 AM
Guests: Timothy Dolch, Michael Walsh, John Grant, & Amy Bartol '94

Host Scot Bertram talks with Timothy Dolch, Associate Professor of Physics at Hillsdale College, regarding recent hints from Russia about leaving the International Space Station and what that means for the future of space. Michael Walsh joins us to discuss a new book he edited, AGAINST THE GREAT RESET: EIGHTEEN THESE CONTRA THE NEW WORLD ORDER, with contributions from a number of eminent writers and journalists from around the world. John Grant, Associate Professor and Chairman of Politics at Hillsdale, begins a short series on the life and thought of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. And Hillsdale graduate Amy Bartol '94 talks about her career as an award-winning author and how Hillsdale helped shape her.