To succeed in the world of property you WILL NEED fantastic Planning advice, guidance, and support.
For this reason, Nigel Greene Co-Founder of EquaAcademy has joined forces with David Kemp from DRK Planning to create for you a Bonus 5-Part Planning Masterclass!
David is a master at uncovering realistic and pragmatic Planning advice and support. We are really excited to bring you this Masterclass…it is PACKED FULL of essential educational info!
During this series David & Nigel answer 5 of the hottest planning questions in the world of property today:
1. What is the difference between Prior Approval and Full Planning?
2. What steps do I need to take along my journey through the planning process?
3. Why do I need planning permission?
4. What is planning gain and what do I need to understand if I chose this as my strategy?
5. What are the planning pitfalls and things I need to watch out for?
This is Part-3! Listen and watch as Nigel and David uncover:
- What is the legal position of planning permission?
- What is the primary purpose of planning permission?
- What’s the development plan and how is it created?
- The 'what if' scenario
- If in doubt on whether to seek planning or not – seek advice!! Special DRK Planning offer for all listeners and the best way to get in touch.