We're delighted to have as our guests on this episode award-winning produce manager Chris DeMarie and vice president of produce and floral Jeff Cady of Tops Markets. Chris, recognized this year as part of the International Fresh Produce Association's Retail Produce Manager Awards Program, discusses his career path in produce; why he enjoys the challenging nature of the work; his store's recent remodel and how sales have continued to flourish ; the recent growth of categories including Hispanic and fresh-cut; and more. Jeff talks about what Chris set apart this year, his influence across the organization as a whole, what his recognition means for Tops, and more. Enjoy!
For more episodes featuring produce manager perspective, check out this curated playlist for plenty of thought-provoking discussion.
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Podcast Background
This podcast is designed to cover all things produce retail: strategy, partnerships, planning, training, leadership, communication, merchandising and beyond. Scroll through our episodes list to find conversations with vice presidents and directors of produce, merchandisers, produce managers, retail dietitians and more.
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The Produce Retail Podcast is hosted by Ashley Nickle, a former trade journalist turned consultant. Have an idea for a topic or a guest? Give her a shout on LinkedIn.