Can You Succeed as an Audio-Only Podcast in 2023?

Published Mar 7, 2023, 12:00 AM

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This week on The Podcaster’s Podcast. Kane and Ash talk about video in podcasting. Is creating visual content essential to success? The world is putting an emphasis on video formats, with platforms like TikTok, Twitch and YouTube being some of the BEST places to be discovered and to grow your following.

You may not have the skills to create your own video content, or you may not want to reveal yourself online in that way. Here are Kane and Ash’s top tips for growing your following as an AUDIO ONLY podcast!


  • Video formats are great for discoverability and platforms such as YouTube have algorithms to help your content get seen. As an audio only podcast, you need to find ways to grow the audience without the help of these systems. The No.1 way to do this is to double down on your niche, create a podcast that makes you the top person in your field. That way, you will be at the top of the charts, the top of search results and you will grow organically through word of mouth.
  • Find your niche and create QUALITY content. Once you have your niche, the key is quality. Get a good microphone, invest in high quality production and be consistent.
  • Get good guests and promote through word of mouth. Sharing your audiences with your guests, getting guests to promote your show on social media. Ask your guest who you should interview next and get recommended. Slowly build up the calibre of your guest and collaborate to grow your following.


“A lot of people say they want to make a podcast to help entrepreneur business owners – but WHAT do you want to help them with? Find your niche”

“Picking the right titles and shownotes, getting the best name for your podcast. These are the thing that will help you get discovered as an audio only podcast” 

“You need low competition and content, with high demand.”


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Kane Baron, Ashley Morris & Thom Luter manage over 150 live podcasts Including Rob Moore, Kevin Clifton, Shaa Wasmand MBE & more. 
Helping Entrepreneurs Launch, Scale & Monetise their podcast for over 6 years.




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