This week Karen is joined on the show by Karen Haller, an expert in behavioural colour psychology and author of ‘The Little Book of Colour’, to discuss how colour shapes our experience of scent. The first thing any consumer sees when they interact with your product is the colours, and whether you mean it or not, the consumer will have an emotional response to that colour. In this fascinating interview, Karen shares her vast knowledge on the use of colour, how it makes us feel and behave and how you can use colour to maximum effect to influence your customers and elevate your brand.
“One of the biggest myths of colour psychology is that all hues of the same colour give us the same response.”
“We see colour before anything else and colour is an emotion.”
“If your branding and ethos doesn’t align with your colours then your customers will be turned off.”
Fragrance expert, author, teacher and speaker; Karen Gilbert runs courses in the UK and online which demystify the secretive world of perfumery in a fun and interactive way.
Karen has inspired thousands of students to explore their olfactory sense and create their own personalised fragrances.
With extensive product development experience in both the commercial perfumery and the organic skincare industry, Karen is able to offer a unique insight into creating natural and mixed media fragrances for fine fragrance, room scents and skincare/bodycare products using commercial perfumery techniques.
Karen is also a certified meditation teacher and has a passion for helping people to create daily rituals that integrate scent with other modalities to shift state and increase your sense of wellbeing.