Sophia – My parents are not excited about us having another baby. My friend asked if it was planned and didn't congratulate me. How do I handle this?
Patrick in Warren, Ohio - Hypothetical question: If abortion was allowed 2000 years ago, would Mary have been convinced to abort Jesus?
Lane - Why did the Church expand the Christmas season to the Baptism of the Lord. What's the best show to watch about Christ's life on earth?
Sandra - My dad is near the end of his life. He has never been to confession. At the hospital, a priest gave him Last Rites and the priest said confession is wrapped up in that.
Charles (11-years-old) - Is there a difference between those who fell asleep and died in God's Mercy.
Roger - What does BCE mean?
Ken - How should I choose the Church that I join? Also during final blessing can a priest bring up kids to ask them questions about the Gospel during mass?