The OTP | Jelly Roll

Published Aug 23, 2024, 1:00 AM
Mike Keith and Amie Wells sit down with Jelly Roll to talk Nashville, Titans football and who he wants to collaborate with the most.

This is the OTP presented by Fire Bureau Health Plans in the Game of Health Coverage. Farm Bureau Health Plans is the MVP. Tennesseean has ever relied on their unmatched rates, coverage and service for over seventy seven.

Years with Amy Wells.

I'm Mike Keith and this is Antiox owned Jelly Roll.

Hey, Hey, hey, I'm glad to be on the show.

Thank you. He's one of the ot people too.

People. Yeah, I'm at people dude.

Oh it makes me so happy.

It warms my heart.

Especially during when the rookie the Rookie training camp this year. I was really cool. It was my only way to get insight into who these people were when they'd come sit right here. So that was really really cool to be a Titan fan. And anybody who's not watching it's missing out, man. This is this is real insights all.

So we're glad you're in the Bett MGM studio. We're glad you're at Ascension Saint Thomas Sports Park. I was just reading you were just in the Hamptons.

I was. I did a serious XM party this weekend at stephen Talkhouse. It was awesome.

Whoa and who would have.

Thought my white trash butt would be in the Tamptons right.

Well, but I'm sitting there, going from Antioch to the Hamptons and let's see, it's Bradley.

Cooper and Jimmy Fallon. Howard Stern, the cast the SmartLess podcast was there, Baateman and.

The boy I got a stepped for a second, your interview with Howard Stern. Howard Stern is the best interviewer goes. He is phenomenal. But that piece I stayed in my car and had sat there. I did have the air conditioning on, but I sat there to listen for thirty minutes because I didn't want to get out of the cart.

Was fabulous. God, thank you man. I tell you cool Stern stories. I seen him this weekend at the Serious XM at the Tu Stephen Talkhouse, and I'm standing backstage and I'm going out to do a photo op with him in SmartLess and I keep hearing some I keeps coming back go and say, hey, Howard wants to make sure him and Jelly get to get to hang. So when I come out, you know Howard's famously uh uh uh OCD. Won't you don't touch right? And I walk out, I like to shake hands. I come and I go Howard, Man, I know, but you know, he said, you know, I want a hug from the jelly. And he comes and Howard gave me the warmest hug. It was really cool. Man.

Well, he was genuinely touched by your story. His research is always fantastic, and I don't think he knew you as well as maybe we do. Knowing the backstory, and he was fascinated to delve into it, and you certainly gave him a lot.

Yeah, we had a good We had a really good conversation. It was like it was one of the few mornings I was glad I woke up early.

All right, Sorry I had to ask.

Well, but I mean, I think it goes to show you've done so many awesome things. I feel like you have been all over the place. You've been at award shows, you're I mean, watch you on New Year's Eve, Well.

You get everywhere.

What have been some of the coolest moments that you've been able to have some of those things that really have stuck out to you is Oh my gosh.

Man, I would say that's a really good question. Thanks for asking. Grammys. The Grammys were always a big one, winning CMA New Artists of the Year, all the awards shows, the ACMCMTZ, just nights you never forget because you're being celebrated on national TV, you know what I mean? Those are the things you never forget. But behind the scenes has been just meeting my heroes, meeting Dolly Parton, meeting Garth Brooks, just meeting the people that made me want to write songs. Has been probably the choke slamming somebody at Summer Slam. My inner child was exploding. I got slimed at the Kid's Choice Awards. Just stuff that you watch on TV that you don't even really dream because it's so far beyond a dream and you're doing it. You're like, I would have never even thought about this when I was nine years old watching Somebody get slimed.

The choke slam, though, looked so good good? How many times did you practice?

We worked it out back a lot that day a couple hours me and Austin did, here's a shoot on that whole thing. And I hadn't got to shoot on this yet. Is that's all Austin theory? Man? That kid did everything he could to make me look great. And I want to properly think him. Thank you, Austin, I have every interview, I've kind of done the work thing. You know, I'm gonna get you over. He put me over, Austin gave me the rub and he he took a bump and put his image on the line and make me look good that night. And I'll never forget him for it didn't hurt him. Well done, Yeah, well done? All right?

Sorry, But I mean, think about it. Things that you never in your wildest dreams thought you'd be able to do, and they keep coming like this is just the beginning for you. We were talking about the tour you're about to go on. I mean, can you even believe that this is this is what you get to do and that all of your hard work is paying off?

Oh dude, being as a tour is mind blowing, but I've toured my whole life. Even More mind blowing to a degree is being here, right because I've been just you know, this is my first time being ascension. Saint Thomas's y'all's practice, real practice. So I've never been here. So it's like a really big deal. Like there's a kid of me that's exploding my father, who my late father, who I talk about all the time, brought me to my first Titan game in Memphis when they first came. And I'll never forget the story. We were Dallas Cowboy fans like the rest of America, and as soon as we signed by that team, my father came in with a bunch of Titan gear and said, everybody bringing Dallas Cowboys stuff upstairs, And we all came upstairs and dropped off our Dallas Cowboy jerseys and we all put on Titans jersey. He said, we're from Nashville, Tennessee. We will always represent local. And it was a big deal to him to be a Titan fan.

Do you remember the first game he saw in Memphis who we were playing.

I don't. It was whatever that first home game was. I mean we went down early because I remember that graders game where it was a million degrees? Was that in It was scorching hot end of July for like the season started in early August. It was miserably hot. It was outside of uh where the Memphis Tigers played. And in the next season we came to Vanderbilt and we went to all the Vanderbilt games, so you know, to be a to be a lifelong Titan fan. This is cool. Never pulled for another team.

Came in front of the team today.

Wow, I mean crazy.

I mean the fell you're you're walking in there, I mean it's crazy. I mean for some of the stuff you've been through to think that, now, that's the kind of stuff.

I mean when you were fifteen, you could have never envisioned.

Never would have envisioned that. Especially watching the Music City miracle happen over at that Juvenile Detention facility. I watch it out of my cell in the B unit facing this direction. And uh, from going from that to being here and meeting the boys and talking to the coach and just just love around the whole building, sitting with you all on OTP and you know I mean seeing I mean everybody from Nate to Burke that have become friends of mine in this building. It feels like, you know, this organization has really stood behind me as a local kid. It's really cool.

You know what I appreciate so much is that he's I've seen him with some other NFL teams at their stadiums and stuff. I mean, but you never you never dropped the whole You're a Titans guy, and I appreciate you being polite to him, because I'm sure they're nice people.

But thank you, thank you for always representative.

I say this with respect. They give me a jersey in every city I go to as a staple of the arena we played and I and I cherish them and I hang them up, but I never wear I'm a Titan fan, you know what.

It's okay, I know, but I mean to have an organization and a football team that means so much to you that you can have followed from the very beginning. I mean, these are the fans that we.

All were, but he's but he's more than that, because he's proud to be from here. And for those of us that have grown up here and have seen I mean, the Titans are just a part of it, and a special part of it obviously to us. But to see this city grow up, the region grow up, to all the people doing so well and doing so many great things, the people who are moving here, that's all special.

It's all special, man. What's happening in this town is special. Getting to see I think this is probably the third or the fourth time in the franchise that I've got to see it completely clean its slate, meaning that I'm going to go stand in front of a very few veterans in that locker room today, you know what I mean. And that's exciting for me because anytime we've had a new Titan team, it was like it was like a you know, a new chance for us. So but watch it. I was thinking about even outside of the Titans, and you a local, you'll get this. I remember how big a deal it was when we got the Bridgetone arena in the middle when Phil Brettison announced that on TV. That was like And I also remember how mad people wear it first here like hockey here, and we were such dumb Southern people when we watched our first hockey game. They had to explain it on the jumbo try what was happening? Yeah, and they tried to make it real easy. They was like, this is icing, and it would be like a tutorial.

I'm not making at least the ice yeah a little too.

I remember me and my dad being there and I'm going, you get it, he goes not yet. I was like, all right, I got it now, fredative.

But they hit each other and they're skate really fast.

It was fun. But more than anything, it was ours. But that's how my father looked at you.

Well, but I mean I remember when the sounds came.

I don't remember that, but my family grew up right by, right by party, and I.

Mean those things says they've developed. The arena is a big deal. Getting the SEC basketball tournament and then this new stadium. Knowing what's going.

To happen, it's a whole different level.

I mean, doing the Super's unreal. It would be if I got to be the first artist to play it. That's my unofficial dream. Wow, they let me open that thing up. Somebody's got to play it. Somebody's got to be the first person to hang speakers up and do a concert, right, you know what I'm saying.

Like, so you're throwing your hat immediately, right, I'm throwing my hat and bring somebody.

If y'all need an open and act, I'm your guy.

You've seen so many different places around the country, around the world, beyond the fact that you're from here. Why is this place always going to be home no matter what you see?

Well, growing up here, it goes back to We'll keep it about the Titans I have. My father walked me into that stadium the first time, on the first day that it was open. I remember the excitement walking through there to find our seats. I remember sharing that exact same excitement with my four year old daughter the first time. I put her on my shoulders and marched her in the Nissan Stadium too. She's sixteen now and we watch Titans game religiously. It's most of our text threat on Sunday. It's a connection. It's a way for us to connect. It was away from me and my father connected. It's a way for families to connect. All my memories are here. Why would I want to live anywhere else. You know, I got a lot of bad ones here, but I got a lot of good ones. Man. I've done a lot of really cool stuff here. I know everybody. I tell people that they don't treat me like a celebrity. At home, they treat me like a local. Now they'll want to take a picture, but they don't. They don't treat me. They treat me like a local kid. They don't come up and talk to me about music very much. They come up and talk to me about the Titans or the predators, or complaining about potholes. You know what me. So now I get that all the time. Can you tell that Mayor it was a plothole on sixty five South.

You could fill a pool up with who is the best or the most exciting collaborator you've had so far?

I have one? But the Eminem video came out today and so he was a little biasm. Yeah promote god, yeah, yeah, the video is out today. Somebody saved me. That was probably the biggest I mean, when you talk about I was if I know more songs of mine than anybody else's, it's probably Eminem and Garth Brooks and Willie Nelson. I could probably sing more Willie Nelson songs than I could jelly roll songs. That kind of shows you my musical range too. Sure.

What makes total sense?

Ye? For who you are, music makes total sense. So getting to work with Eminem, it don't that was it?

Were you actually in the room with him or did you?

We do not, But I have got to hang out with him two or three times since the day we shot the video. We spent like twelve hours on set together all day, hanging out. Whenever I went and did the did the singer song for Detroit for the Detroit Motor city thing where they were opening up the new building and was there. We hung out all day that day when he let me sing with him.

So I bet he could give you some pretty good advice.

He's been able to give me some really good advice, man. And I hope you don't mind me sharing this because this is super personal. But we talk a lot about our struggles with addiction and it's been really he's been really open about that and really encouraging. And him sharing his story with me. And I'm not saying nothing he didn't say in the song, but him sharing his story with me just really was cool to see that vulnerable moment. I mean, we're talking about Michael Jackson. This is prince. He is Michael Jackson and Prince of this generation, you know what I mean, He's that big of it. I mean, he's one of the biggest selling artists ever ever across the world. And him still be humbling enough to sit in a room with you and go, yeah, man, you know first time and just like really broke down a sobriety to me.

I mean, for anybody who has been relevant for twenty five years, I mean, you think about those artists and you can probably count him on two hands, but there aren't many, and he's one of them.

It's crazy, man, it is. You're talking about a big run, a guy that just comes out and hadn't dropped an album in seven or eight years and had the number one album in the world again. You know, it's just unreal.

Is it wild too? That you call these people friends? And that you call these people when you need advice or you're looking for support or I mean, those are the people on your phone now.

I had a moment the other day where I was driving in the car and I was on the phone with a buddet and this is I'm not name dropping, but this sounds like I'm named It's OK. I was on the phone with Cody Johnson and MGK beeped in and I was like, yo, this said is just I need to talk to about someone. Grab it from MGK. And while I'm on the phone with MGK, I think it was Heardier Morgan beeped in and I cratched that and I had a mom where I'm in the car with somebody I looked at I goes, it's not crazy. But that's what my last three phone calls were where it just literally went Cody Johnson as post with literally Cody Johnson, MGK and post Malone, And I was like, what a wild and this was in you know, this was I'm having a flash over. You know, I'm having a clickover like the old days. It's just it's unreal, man. And the cool thing is us being musicians. It's a real kinship because there's very few people doing exactly what we're doing right now at the level that we're doing it, so we can kind of share tricks of the trade. We kind of talk about people behind their back, not in a bad way, in a good way, like, Hey, that promoter that building, did you check out this room? Did you do that? Like we kind of talk about cool things that are happening in the circuit. It's really cool.

Why I mean post Malone didn't need Nashville for his career, no, but I mean he has found something really special here. Why musically and personality wise. In Jelly Roll's opinion, does post Malone work so well in Nashville? And Nashville works so well for post Malone one?

He is the sweetest human ever. People are always like, Jelly, you're the nicest guy. But I'm like, I'm glad you haven't met post Malone. You know what I mean. You know, if you meet post Malona, John Seener or The Rock, you'll find out I'm the fourth nicest person ever. He is just the sweetest dude, and you feel the realness of how much he loves country music. The story I tell us this is that old game we all plays, either pass the guitar or the auxiliary cable. And it's when you get a bunch of old cowboys around old musicians and we're all having a cocktail or a doobie, and we're going what you know what, Man, I love that song by John Michael Montgomery. You start passing the guitar, passing the song, the phone around what you know what you grew up listening to. And post Malone could sit there and sing country songs with you all night long if he had it his way. Me and him are similar to this. My perfect night for me is in a honky tonk with country music playing, us singing to each other. You know what I mean, just that spirit. He is immersed in country music. He didn't stumble over here knowing a couple of songs or thinking it was an opportune time to do country music. This kid loves country music.

Man who's left on your list of people that you would like to collaborate with.

Garth's garth Man.

I'm begging. I've asked. I publicly said I want to work with Guard so much. He probably thinks I'm a stalker. Garth Man, He's up there at my list, Him and James Taylor and Bob Seger me or you know some of the greats. I'd love to work with Willie. He's ninety two now, I think, or ninety one and still kick an ass, So I think it's still possible, you know what I mean. I got to sing with him a couple times on stage. But even if not work with them or record, it's like to me work with somebody's I'd love to come out and sing with Garth like or just have that moment together to do what we do professionally in that setting.

You know, there's a lot of reasons I think you're doing exceptionally well right now. One of the reasons I don't think people realize is you're pro Yeah, I mean, you take this seriously, You're into it. You handle your business from from your standpoint musically, Where did you develop that trait that you not only want to do the job, you want to do that and all the details as well as you do.

Yeah, years of just doing it right, like the ten thousand hour theory is probably the epitome of who I am. I just kept I wrote. I wrote a hundred something songs last year.


Literally, in twenty twenty three, I wrote over one hundred songs that I turned into my publisher and how that works is twenty something ago. On my album. The rest will be kind of pitched, some of them die, most of them will never be heard. Some other artists around town will cut a couple of them because it might fit them more than me. But yeah, I'm just still exercising the crafts every day. I'm obsessed with this stuff like I'm obsessed with music, like everything that's happening in it. Every time there's a new artist doing something, I want to go find out what they're doing, how they're doing. I want I'll go watch concerts on days off. I'm doing one hundred plus shows a year, and I will still take my days off to go watch concerts. I want to learn.

So who involved with the Titans, whether it be from a coaching standpoint, a front office standpoint, A player at a certain position whose mindset do you think is most similar to yours in the way they do their job.

Believe it or not, I'm betting big on Will Levis, That's what I thought. Yeah, I'm betting really big on Will Levis. And I've seen him on season and off season. I've caught him at events where he was doing the public thing, and I've caught him in private, and there is a sense of intensity in him and a sense of attention of detail and determination that is rare. I mean, you just see it in his eyes. I always say that you can see the kind of sparking certain people. That's just that, like, I'm just not going to not let this work. He strikes me as the kind of kid that will die out there before it doesn't work. And I was a die out there before. I was all in, dude, if music didn't work, I was prepared to get shot or go to prison. I was okay with that. I had made peace with I had one rout in life and it was this, And I think Will Levis feels like he's got one route in life and he wants to be one of the greatest quarterbacks that ever played in the NFL.

I agree that's born in people.

I'm betting, and I'm betting on him. I'm betting big on him. Man, I'm arguing with my friends around the city.

Well, he has the greatness gene, and that's what you're talking about. The other gene that you have that's so impressive is the grateful gene. And no matter how successful, I mean, you're nearly forty, big birthday coming up, yes, sir, but so many great things are happening and you don't change. How did you develop the grateful gene the way that you have and then you keep it?

It happened more recently. It happened as I started changing my life, started becoming a more loving person, a less hateful person. And as I became less hateful, I became more grateful, started understanding gratitude more in some of my recovery processes from getting off some of the harder drugs. I learned a lot from the rooms that they would teach us about gratitude lists and daily assessments, and man, that stuff really changed my life, Like the concept that every night I make a list of what I do right or wrong that day, even if it was something as small as man I walked by that person and looked at them, and I knew they wanted to say hi, and I just could have just said hi. And I'll go home and think about that and I'll evaluate a little bit, like why didn't I say hi? Was I justin you know what I mean? What was that moment? Or it could be something huge being flat my wife? But I want to go home and take inventory, and that stuff is really what's helped me anchoring gratitude.

You're pulling a lot of people with you in such a good way musically and otherwise.

That's gotta feel fantastic.

It feels great. It feels good. It feels good to have purpose. I say it all the time. I used to want to be happy. Now I want to be youthful. And that was a paradigm shift in my mind too. You know, when you start searching for purpose and not for smiles. And what I've learned is when I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing and my purpose that God gave me, man, I'm smiling, you know what I mean, But I don't search for smiles.

All of that internal evaluation now being able to see the fruits of that and being able to see this is what can happen when you when you do that work. God Lee, that's just got to feel good.

Right for sure? For sure? And what people got to remember is it feels good after it doesn't feel so good going through it. A lot of emotional work. I do a lot of emotional work to get to where I am. And I'm still very unstable. But I'm getting better, you know, saying I'm still very I still fight with the monsters in the closet, but I'm doing better. You know my purpose?

I have to read a commercial real quick, all right, Hey, Titans fans. Seat Geek makes it easy to find tickets so you can be part of all the touchdown celebrations.

You like that.

That was really strong.

Whether you're buying or selling football tickets, seat Geek is the place to do it. Seat Geek is the official ticketing partner of the Tennessee Titans. The most disruptive idea in ticketing a ticket that works.

Expect the expected seat Geek.

You do.

I thought it was great. You've got that one.

Thank you for being in the Snickers hot seat. Thank you for a big part of the OTP and thank you most of all for pulling the Titans along. You carry the flag for us everywhere, and I know you're a real fan, and I know you do it anyway, but Scott Lee, we appreciate well.

Thank you. I want to be post Malone inspires me. I want to be as big a Titan fan as he is a Cowboys fan. Okay, so that's that's a that's what I thank you for noticing that. I make it a point every city to make sure I'm rocking something with the tea on a baby.

Well, we appreciate it. Thank you so much for Jelly Roll and Amy Wells. I'm Mike Keith. Thanks for being with us for this very special oh t P. Tighten Up.

Tighten Up, Baby, Tighten Up.