Hour 3 - Antonio Pierce Comments

Published Nov 29, 2024, 3:07 AM

Rob Parker & Martin Weiss talk about Antonio Pierce making comments on playing the Chiefs on Black Friday.

Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to listen live our number three. Yes, we are live on a Thanksgiving night. Rob Parker, Martin Weiss in for Kelvin Washington will also be here. Martin will be in his stead tomorrow on Black Fridays.

Every Friday is Black Friday in my life. But we'll do some shopping. We are broadcasting live from the tire rach dot com studios.

Tyrach dot com will help you get there.

I'm Matt Selection fastree shipping free road has a protection at over ten thousand recommended installers tyre rach dot com.

The way tire buying should be. Don't forget.

Last call comes up at the end of the program, this last hour in case you wanted to call in and you miss something, you have an opportunity to call in. And I do want to take this opportunity right now to thank everybody involved in this show because it is a holiday and you know it's a little tough to have to leave your families or have to come into work and work tomorrow.

Thank you very much.

Appreciate you, and today and tomorrow Patrick our producer again. Patrick will be with us tomorrow as well in privilege, no doubt. And Mary, Mary appreciate you, No, really, I do. And usc Chris, who's doing the updates. I'm not sure if he's here. Is he with us tomorrow as well or no, I'm not sure that I don't know. Yeah, but thank you guys, We really really appreciate it. In case you are not near the television and you haven't seen the end of the first quarter's fourteen nothing Green Bay in the cold, green Bay's up, A muff punt set up their first easy score and then they had another rushing touchdown by Jake Josh Jacobs. I'll say it right, fourteen to nothing Green Bay against my ami, and let's keep it in the NFL.

Martin, let's do that. And Antonio Piers, do we have that sound? Do we have that? Yes? We do?

Okay, So Antonio Pierce, the coach of the Raiders, who Martin, you talked about it before having a decent end of the season, but they didn't light it up, but they had a decent end of the season.

The locker room definitely liked him a lot more than Josh McDaniel.

Right, and and and there.

It was, uh, he's a former former player, and uh he just connected with the players and they liked him a lot.

So we got the job.

And the thing that I did question at the time was that the Raiders didn't interview anybody else, and they just.

Thought he's the guy.

He's he's a Raider and he's the kind of guy we want to run the team. And the players all rally around him, and then they have just a terrible season. And here's Antonio Piers talking about the matchup against the Chiefs on Black Friday.

It's called space to space, right, the best thing in football against worst thing the football. Let's change a narrative, right, Let's go out there and have make it a dog fight. The make it ugly, just make it scrappy. He's Black Friday. It's create a little chaos. Let's get back to you know, greater football and have some fun. It's a personality.

Let it loose, man, Rice, You're good with that? Everything cool?

Or was it weird to you that you know, you don't hear a coach say we're the worst team in football like that doesn't come out of a coach's mouth normally, and I understand what he was trying to make a comparison about where the two teams are and like just let it hang loose and have some fun.

I guess exact what it was.

Well, I think he's parroting what I mean. The reality is what everybody hears about the Raiders on TV. It's not when when, like for example, when they beat the team that you somehow deed to be the best team in football, the Baltimore Ravens. The story wasn't look how the Raiders just beat the Ravens. It was how did the Ravens blow this right? And to be clear, if that happens again tomorrow, the story will be how did the Chiefs blow this?

Not look at the Raiders and all the success that they've been having.

I like the Antonio Piers getting the job at the end of last year in part because I think that you were in a real situation where you would have to hire a home run like Jim Harbaugh level of guy who is going to completely transform your culture and your tradition and everything. After the way that that ended, because Josh McDaniels ended with such a negative tone, but Ultimately, I do think that Antonio Peers has been set up to fail, and when you're set up to fail, there's not much you can do outside of I mean, he has no blame. I'm not saying he has no blame, but I think that he could have done the best job he could have done in this with this Raiders team finished maybe a game above five hundred, and it wouldn't matter.

He'd be out after this year anyway. Yeah, I don't know.

I don't know if you've been a game out of five over five hundred, I'm not so sure that I would have one hundred percent.

Not with the injuries. I think so one hundred percent.

Because this has been brewing for much longer than just what is happening right now. You go back to May twenty twenty three, those are the first rumors that Tom Brady was interested in linking with Raiders ownership. At that time, the head coach of the team was Josh McDaniel. Josh mcdans May twenty twenty three, Josh McDaniels gets fired in September. Tom Brady still buy his minority ownership stake, if I have to bet on it right now. Shador Sanders will be the starting quarterback for the Vegas Raiders at the start of next season, and Antonio Piers should be gone and a coaching search that is spearheaded by one Tom Brady.

So Dion and Sor. I'm not saying it'll be Dion.

I'm saying that Brady will be heavily, heavily involved in the hiring of the net coach of this Las Vegas Raiders team. And that's why Shador Sanders will be his next quarterback because that connection goes back for some time. I think there's a lot more at play than what's just going on with Antonio Piers the situation.

I just think Antonio hasn't helped him.

Salty though, I remember going on social media liking the DeVante Adams stuff, like what is a head coach getting involved in that?

It was very weird. It just didn't fit.

There's one thing about being a player, and then there's something else where you're supposed to like try to win the respect of the other players, and then he's out there liking the idea that DeVante Adams isn't going to play again where the Raiders universe.

It just was weird that a coach would be involved in that.

And I'm not saying I questioned his hire, just from the standpoint of if they had done their due diligence and look for a coach and he was by far, he was the best guy. After you talk to a few people, I would have felt better about it. But that's not how it went down. And when you do that and you hire off of emotion and you hire off of people in a small sample size and people telling you, yeah, that's our guy, and yeah, we didn't finish over five hundred with him, but man, we felt good about him and stuff like that, which is fine. And he might have been after you talk to some people, he might have been that guy, but they didn't do it that way.

They've just made a comedy of.

Errors for a long time, the Raiders, and that's why they've had all of these coaches and they continue. So it's not just Antonio. They never wanted to fire Josh McDaniels.

I believe that whole heartedly, especially when you look at everything off of the field that leans into it. With brady ownership stakes, even I mean even calling games in the ownership, that's how important it was for him to get involved in the ownership, you know, stratosphere in that position. Like he's even sacrificed some of his calling games, like the access that he can get because of the ownership thing. Like, you can't tell me that he thought that he was gonna be able to walk in there. And then you have Josh mc daniels. But then the Josh McDaniels just lost the locker room so badly that Mark Davis had to fire him. And this was an effort to try to Antonio Pierce's coaching career head coaching career in the NFL was an effort to try to retain guys like Max Crosby through this season. This entire thing is gonna look entirely different at the end of this thing. And does Antonio apresc win the next four games in a row? And I still think that would be the case.

Yeah, I don't. I don't.

Well, I'm saying I'm not sure, not to cut you off, but he yeah, he has he done anything.

To justify keeping it.

No, but we saw, for example, a guy like Robert Sala, who the Jets invested in initially showed little to keep that job for three years or so. He kept it, but he kept it for a second year, he kept it for a third year. That's not happening here.

Yeah, I don't know, and maybe maybe it's because again, it just doesn't feel right to me. I don't know what it is the Raiders, right, they don't feel like they're going anywhere.

In some malaise. Where are they headed? What are they about?

And I got the injuries with the Gardner Menshew and the quarterbacks and all that, I just.

But I don't I don't know what they are.

All due respect to the individuals and their health, but one hundred percent healthy Gardner Minshew and Aidan O'Connell is not winning you even.

Seven games in this league. It's just not.

I mean, even with Shane Steiken last year they were I know they were a bad pass away from making the playoffs. That was an eight and nine, nine and eighteen. But that's just not what's getting it done here. But I don't know if they're talented where they are in the division where they were supposed to be, like they were already like for them to overachieve or to win twelve games, I just never saw a path to that.

But I do wonder about Antonio. And you said it like there's a way of maybe making maybe making a way where people can see and look at the injuries and look at all the other stuff and say, you know what, He's not the entire problem. And I think that people can't say that, and I'm not saying that they're blaming him totally, but they can't totally rule him out.

Is that fair that they can't totally rule him? So this is the this was the best case scenario. The day of the first down, I just redd what was that? There was a neutral zone in fraction? They just gained a fumere. It's still fourth down. The best part of the best case scenario for Antonio Pierce would have been to win, to fight in this in the environment, win enough games to show another organization they might should hire you.

That would have been that. Now he's failed at that. That has not happened.

But no matter what, if I wish there's something I wish I could have bet on this. If I could have bet will he be the head coach of the Vegas Rangers started twenty five to twenty six seasons, The answer would have been known is by a long shot.

It's just not.

You're not telling me they're not making all those changes at the top of the organization to then keep everything that on the field doesn't operation when.

Whenever people make a change.

It was just like with Nathaniel Hackett, right, remember Nathaniel Hackett there and when they were got new ownership, they were going to bring in new people that the new people are running it, they not gonna go along with especially when you haven't had any success. What would be the reason to stay stay to course? Like I hear that all the time with people, Oh, we.

Don't want to change because we're gonna start all over.

Well if things aren't working, yes, you do want to start all over, like it doesn't make any sense. The only if you feel like if if you feel like something is starting to turn the corner of working. But there's times you gotta bail out when you really believe. Nathaniel Hackett was one of them, and I thought about he's way over his head from week one.

The problem is though ownership wanted him. Now they might have wanted him because they thought he was gonna bring Aaron Rodgers with them, but ownership still wanted him. I don't think that ownership even wants Antonio Peers this was simply to play Kate Max Crosby who he wants to be a Raider for life?

All right?

Eight seven seven ninety nine on Fox eight seven seven nine nine six sixty three sixty nine. Just your thoughts on Antonio Peers and just his tenure as a Raiders head coach. What do you think of him billing the Black Friday game against the Chiefs as the best team in the league and the worst team calling his team the worst team in the league?

Is that cool?

Were you cool with that? Was it honest? Was it refreshing? Or was it a mistake?

And maybe he has doomed him going forward if he's going to somehow keep this job eight seven seven ninety nine off Fox.

It is the odd couple.

Rob Parker Martin Weiss in for Kelvin Washington on this TV theme song Thursday Thanksgiving Night stick and stay.

Unless your coach things you stink in the us of A.

Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to listen live.

Here's this toy.

I don't know, don't know that, but you did watch this in reruns, didn't you.

Yep, here this is our holiday story.

We were the kids that when we grew up, you know, Christmas Day obviously, you know, you wake up and you're all excited for the presidents wake up at five o'clock in the morning. Rob o' clock in the morning, right, ah, the trip, But the presidents under the tree that weren't there when we went to sleep. Right meanwhile, not realizing that your parents probably staying quiet wrapping.

Press right, you mean Santa came gave them, but.

We didn't have a chimney.

A chimney, you know, Santa can come through the front door.

That's right, breaking and entering. No practice for Santa butt.

Anyway, we quickly understood as kids that our parents weren't going for that, like the whole six am wake up, So we would wake up, but it's not like we're going back to sleep. We watched The Brady Bunch. We watched the Brady every Christmas.

Is that right?

Brady Bunch system to be one of the few things on TV. This is pre streaming watch cable, you.

Know, it is the It is the odd couple on a TV theme. So on Thursday, on this Thanksgiving night.

Hopefully you got a full belly, you had some really good food.

You're with family and friends, and we're coming to you live from the tire rack dot Com Studios, Rob Parker along with Martin Weiss in for Kelvin Washington and we will be back tomorrow on Black Friday as well as Kelvin takes the long weekend. It's nice he just you know, gets the show and takes off all these days and all.

I'm just saying, it is a holiday, right, should be okay? And it sure is okay.

I got to you know, I should talk to Ricky. You ever put this intro together? Apparently only one man works on holidays? What was that open?

That was me?


Yeah, because it goes Oh, one man works on holidays, like Martin Weiss isn't here every holiday?

Ka billion jillion days?

Man? Do you feel me? Me and Mack be here me holding it down?


Yeah, really but to me, but I think they're talking about I'm just guessing.

Can I talk?

And I guess the people will have the regular shows Monday through Friday who were working on a holiday. You work on the weekends, you fill in, right, so you wouldn't naturally fill in on a holiday.

I mean, I'm just saying I work on holidays. Okay, forgot it, forgot We're gonna make claim. Let's make him right. Just be accurate. That's all. That's all.

That's all right, all good, all right, Antonio Pierce uh calling his team the worst team in the league.

Interesting. I don't know.

I mean some people, like people are just put it all out there, say whatever they got to say.

Other people think you have to use some.

Tact, be smart about it, don't be flipped with it.

And fans you.

Just don't know how Sometimes something can come off, you know what I mean as somebody who's listening, And that's what you always have to be careful because they'll be like, wait a minute, did the coach just say they were the worst team in the league.

Well then he shouldn't be coach. Then if he got the worst team in the league, it's his fault.

That could happen. I just also just.

Do you know what's mind blowing to me? You know what the biggest margin of victory was margin of victory was last year in the NFL.

Yes, the Dolphins beat somebody was this that wasn't.

It was Dolphins Broncos. But that wasn't it. It was Thursday Night football Chargers Raiders.

Remember the Raiders. Remember that that was the biggest spread between I don't remember big.

It was the biggest Martin victory because Miami. I mean because Denver ended up putting up I think four touchdowns at that game.

Okay, because there was seventy to twenty eight.

But the but it was like sixty three to seven on this Thursday night. This was the brandest Daily's last game as a Chargers head coach. The GM of the Chargers at that time and for the ten years probably or so, was one time to less he lost his job. You know where he works now with the Raiders. He's the Raiders general manager.

Did he get the gentleman he got after getting he's the Raiders GM? Aut to know now he's the Raiders GM.

So the team that pounded the team that he formerly had, right he had the Chargers, they got pounded that Thursday night. The owner said, you know what, he did, such a good job drafting that team.

I want him to draft mind.

Yeah, I'm always amazed at people. I remember when Doc Rivers got hired in Philadelphia and Doc Rivers won a championship. He's had a long career and has done a lot of good stuff in the NBA, but coming off losing, you remember, coming off losing with the Clippers. I was stunned that another team right away, do you know what I mean, without a buffer, could hire him right away and bring him in. And that's what the Sixers did, And of course that didn't work out, and now he's in Milwaukee.

They got off to a bad start, but they've turned it around. I don't know. I mean, the hiring stuff is crazy.

You could ask the Sixers how firing Doc Rivers worked out, seeing as they've won what with no playoff series since then and now have won three games on the year, right, Yeah, I just don't I think you need to have a buffer when when things don't go right, Like it's hard for a general manager to bring somebody in who's failed and sit up there and go, this is the guy who's gonna lead us.

And that's the point you're making with the general manager for the.

Raiders, Like I'm not saying that he can never get another job, but you know what I mean that, Like you're going straight from he just got whacked. He didn't leave on a free agent contract or his contract was up. You know, when he decided that they didn't offer him enough money because he had taken the Charges to the playoffs eight years in a row, and then give him enough money and he got a better deal somewhere else.

That guy you could introduce to your media or to your fans. It's just not happened.

I think this this entire season for the Raiders was to try to re establish I think the like the ownership control really because they Josh Damie has lost that team so bad that I think what they.

Eat three years? How many years did they eat of his money? Oh? I think it was three years? Coach there for two.

I think they ate three, you know, to eat three years, But I think it was literally Max Crosby and DeVante Adams went up to him and said, if you do not make a change, we are going to say get rid of us. Right, And obviously Davante was going to say that regardless. But Max Crosby is the type of Max Crosby for a franchise that has a franchise that was formerly a once proud franchise. Right, you can't watch football today and not hear about John Madden and the impact that he had on football.

Raiders were a big time franchise franchise, I say, And not only that, don't We always talk about that.

And that's what's so sad about because the Oakland Age were like that too, you know, like that city, they had great franchise, you know, great franchises in sports.

But that's the thing is the Raiders are once proud franchises, a franchise has won multiple Super Bowls, which is not something that a lot of teams in this NFL have done. Franchise that was one of the first to hire black coaches, had as us to hire first to hire a black coach and hiring Hispanic coach in Florida, like, uh, Tom Flores.

There's so mad they've been a second one since Tom Flores. That's a good question. I don't know if there's any leak currently, but I know that's two. Yeah, But either way, this is a franchise.

Like all they have of the last decade is Max Crosby.

That's it.

That's gonna He'll be a Ring of honor guy. You know what I'm saying that he wants to be a Raider. That's it. That's the only thing that Mark Davis has to hold his bowl haircut on.

That's it. So and some of Tom Brady's money now to it. I think that's what.

But remember they wanted Brady to buy into the team in May of twenty twenty three. It took a while because of all the other obligations that Brady had going on, and in that time period, Josh McDaniels lost the line, lost the rocker room. This whole season is an effort to show, hey, Max, look, this is what happens when we just blindly follow you. Let me get some guys in here who can really run this thing a la Tommy Be And we don't even know if tom can do it.

But I don't know either, But that's what the but that's the cell.

We don't always know h And we saw this with Matt Millan in Detroit. Right, no front office experience, He won four Super Bowls as a player.

He talked a great game, right, Matt Millan talking football? Sure, talk to great game. I mean he still does.

He might be TV all the time talking game, but I'm saying on the NFL and through college now, I don't even think he does NFL.

But at that point though he was. He was that guy. And you want to talk about eight and.

A half bad years as general he might go down as the worst general manager in sports history. Lions had two twenty four game road losing streaks, not one, not one, Martin two.

Well, see that's the problem. Think about that.

See you want to talk about longevity, most people don't get the opportunity to have a second r twenty four game losing streak.

Crazy, all right, it is.

The couple, Rob Parker Martin Weiss. Let's get you caught up usc Chris once at the anchor desk.

I'm gonna have to shake the spooks off me when you're invoking Matt on holiday like today, I'm just saying, like, no, that was.

But you remember when people thought the Lions had hit hit pay dirt. Oh when they hired him, is what I'm saying.

Because he he was on the national games, he sounded great, he talked the great game of football, and he was bad and he was back.

And I wish I could remember the apocryphal quote between him and at the end time owner William clay Ford the Third, which is like, I'm pretty sure Matt said something to the effect of mister Ford, I don't know if I can really do this job very well, and I believe I don't remember Ford's exact response, but it was fairy like, yeah, you'll be all right kind of deal. That was kind of the guy. But yeah, not the first, not the last guy to get a job from TV. You remember Mike mayowk over with the.

Raider, same thing he was. They made in a GM.

Yeah, a little bit better than Matt Millan, but still not exactly the result I think people were expecting from that. Let's get you caught up on Thanksgiving football. We're heading down to the last three minutes of the first half. Packers twenty four, Dolphins three. They finally got on the board, but not really much going for the Miami Dolphins as they look once again stimmied in the cold, cold tundra of Lembo, and earlier today Dallas got a much needed win. Cowboys twenty seven, Giants twenty Rico Dowdell one hundred and twelve yards rushing one touchdown is your big mover of today. The Giants the first team eliminated from the NFL playoffs. Tight They're DT Dexter Lawrence after the game, telling everyone that he dislocated his elbow and can get a looked at this coming week to see just how far the damage is. And of course, in Detroit, the Detroit Lions Chicago Bears twenty three to twenty final score, and nobody was quite sure what the Bears were doing it near the end of this game as they look to be marching down the field hoping to strike or at least tie the game, and instead botched clock management, time runs out, game is over. Even the Lions are stunned laying on the field waiting and seeing what happened. But one time out in the bag for head coach Matt Eberflus, we'll see how long his career remains in Chicago. Meanwhile, on the college basketball Thanksgiving slate, quite a few kind of lower end upsets. Illinois took down number nineteen Arkansas and the Hoops Invitational in the Battle for Atlantis. Oklahoma took down number twenty four Arizona eighty two to seventy seven Louisville in Maui with a seventy nine to seventy overtime win over West Virginia. This comes a day after beating number fourteen Indiana, who then proceeded to loss today to Gonzaga eighty nine seventy three. Rob and Martin back to you guys, bring it on home.

Thanks Christ, appreciate it. Are you with us to mom or not? No, sir, this is one. This is one night gig for me. All right. Well, thank you for your hard work on this holiday. Thank you so much.

It is the couple, Rob Parker along with Martin Weiss coming to you live from the tire Rach dot com Studios eight seven, seven ninety nine on Fox.

A couple of the topics, Martin kicking around. Just want to get your take on. The Los Angeles Dodgers signed Blake Snell, two time Cy Young Award winner. It was with the Giants last year, pitched for the Padres. He's been taking the NL west by storm. Now he's with the Dodgers, reunited with his old general manager Freeman right from Tampa Bay, and Glass now his former pitching mate from Tampa Bay. And the big thing is not that the Dodgers can't sign players, but here they are again. Last year they spent one point one billion dollars, They deferred most of ninety percent of show Hal Toddy's contract and not doing it again where you want to deferred money. A lot of people are just upset that the Dodgers have become the evil Empire and they're just out here spent outspending everybody because of course baseball doesn't have a sary cap.

Well, the thing is they're they're outspending everybody, sort of like they're on the dollar only Ledger. Sure, on the show, you know, when you when you're doing your profit and laws statement, Sure they're outspending everybody.

But in terms of actual.

Money pulled out of the you know, proverbial pocket and put on the table today, they're not, which to me is crazy. It's crazy to me that you could sit and say that, okay, well, wolves on you with one hundred million dollars contract, but pay you seventy million of it four years from now. Historically, across sports, you get paid like every two weeks, like every other American that have worked at a job, Like you get paid per game, or you get paid with some regularity or monthly or bi weekly or whatever it is, but you get paid on a set schedule. Like the idea that these athletes right now are essentially working for, like that future payment is something that the Major League Baseball Player Association, I feel like should have to address in some form because yeah, right now, it's easy to sign up for all these things, but what stopped What is stopping a team from just running the bill like crazy and then going essentially bankrupt.

Which you could have, Like people don't think that that could happen, but you could if there's a downturn in the economy, or say the TV deal that they have, like they get three hundred over three hundred million dollars a year on television rights local Martin television rights, not even any of the national pie right.

I think they got three forty I think is what the Dodgers get.

So if you have three forty to play with before you sell a ticket, before you sell a parking spot, before you sell a hot dog, you're making an incredible amount of money, all right, But something of that can go away. We just saw with what Diamond Sports these franchises, right the deals that they had, they renigged on the Padres deal that they had, a couple other franchises had to drop and go get their own television networks now to not paying that kind of money.

Things could happen like.

These contracts are fully guaranteed, right, they got to be paid in the NFL A full the guaranteed portion of a fully of any contract for it to be your rookie, whether it's Brock Party making nine hundred thousand dollars a year or Jordan Lover and Tua making upwards of fifty million dollars a year, whatever is guaranteed has to go into an escrow account. Right that that ownership group has to take out the two hundred and fifty million dollars, put it from their bank or from their assets and put it somewhere else.

So a third party is.

Holding that money right to make sure that to make sure that is actually guaranteed. Without that level of that level of third party verification, for lack of a better term, what's stopping the red Sox from saying, oh, you want to defer, we'll give one hundred million dollars to twenty forty.

Well, how about this, we'll defer a trillion to twenty sixty Like you know what I'm.

Saying, Well, we'll defer, Well, we'll buy everybody right and just defer until the year three thousand.

There's no limit on it.

I think that it's got to be something that's got to come from both the Major League Baseball and players. I agree to Players Association, and I don't think that you could just outlaw it totally, but I think there's got to be a number or percentage like thirty percent, you know what I mean, morek forty percent.

Not you can't do it at all.

And people don't understand the Bobby Bania because this is where this comes from too. Everybody sees every year Bobby Bundia by day, right he gets the million dollars or right, okay, and they go, wow, that was a great deal.

The Mets were dumb.

They only owed Bobby Bonilla, if I remember correctly, Martin something like five million dollars, and rather than the neighboring I think having financial situ way a problem at that point, and instead of just paying him the five million dollars, they deferred it so that five million winds up turning into like thirty five million dollars.

Who does that? So just imagine, right, okay, so that's on Bobby Banilla.

All due respect to Bobby Bania, but just imagine that something like that happens with Thoushani. Some of the accounting messes up.

You're on the hook for hundreds of millions of dollars, right, not five million to even thirty five million.

Obviously that's seventy because he signed for he signed for seven hundred million, and he's only making so that's that's seventy a year, right, and he's only making two million, So that's sixty eight times ten. Six hundred and eighty million of his seven hundred million dollar contract is deferred.

So imagine this scenario. We're talking Bobby Benia.

This is one deferred contract, right, they have Yamamoto's got deferred money. Oh, Tani's got deferred money. No, Snow's got deferred money. And that's just pitching staff. Who knows what the position players will be like? To me, it's you're running into some very dangerous circles, especially when you consider when you're deferring this money too. Who knows what the world's gonna look like?

We don't know.

No one predicted on March of twenty twenty that the world economy would shut down for us just about a year.

Right, where's that money coming from? I think that matters.

If I'm the Mets, I'm calling somebody like, hey, they got to put the money up.

Yeah, no, I agree.

I think that it's it's a slippery slope because it hadn't been done and most players aren't willing to take that. And we know old Tani gets money from all the endorsements and he has money. It ain't like he has to worry about that sixty eight million dollars. I know that sounds crazy because of his name and his brand and all the other stuff that he has. But something could happen, right and put him in a bad spot.

Anything could happen anything of that.

And also too, when you hear the reporting that like the reporting that you know the plans are, it's soft reporting. It's not hard, but soft reporting that the plans are to sell the team as these deferred contracts are to kick in.

Now. Not only is that that's really livting who can buy it?

And when you get into who's got that type of cash, you might be getting in some business with some people you're not very interested in doing business.

Yeah, maybe they don't get approved by Major League Baseball either, and maybe they become such an albatross you can't actually sell a team. Well that I mean, because if it's too much, somebody would say, dude, it's flying real close to the sun, right, no doubt?

All right?

Last call to time here on the Odd Couple eight seven seven ninety nine on Fox eight seven seven nine nine six sixty three sixty nine. Your chance to weigh in on anything we've talked about today. If you wanted to, you know, jump in with us.

You can do that.

It is last call right here on Fox Sports Radio. Stick and stay America.

Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports Radio dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to listen live.

It is the Odd Couple on a Thanksgiving Night.

On a TV theme song Thursday, Rob Parker Martin weiss In for Kelvin Washington will be back tomorrow to do the same thing. On the Black Friday, on a holiday, Kelvin will be off. He'll be back on Monday. We're broadcasting live from the tyrack dot com studios. Tyrack dot Com time will help you get there an unmatched selection, fast free shipping, free road has a protection and over ten thousand recommended installers. Tyrech dot com. The way tire buying should be twenty one to three Green Bay over Miami with a minute and change left in the first half, looking like a nine to er stretch for Shekel City.

Very happy about that. Feel narratives? What narratives?

Yeah, he just said, I mean, what is he supposed to say? Yeah, we're gonna lose because it's cold out.

I mean, that's it. It's just narratives. That's that's what guys, says, fell narratives.

If he wins the game, they come back in the second half and win, what would you say, narratives?

They got the narratives.

Dispelled one and seven in the cold, No problem, folks, it'd be one to oh the last one.

Oh, there it is. Look at that, Martin. So we are here, which is unbelievable because what's today's date? Twenty six, twenty eight? Christmas is next on the docket.

Can you.

After Thanksgiving? Are you a Black Friday guy? Do you do shopping? Did you already do stuff online?


Where are you taking Black Friday shopping? Honestly, I got schedules earlier in the week not realizing that.

But were you able to get the discount for the Black Friday? I mean I got a few discounts, but to be honest I had no idea what it.

Cost initially, so these discounts sucked by They told me, all right, cool, well you know what I was.

I was on Nike dot com today and they had sneakers that were marked down, and then if you put in the black Black Friday code, it was another thirty percent off. So it was actually like I looked at it and I was like, you know what, it was worth doing it today?

So the Black Friday discount was thirty percent off? Yeah, that's so trash. No, but there was already a discount on them, is what I'm saying. So I wound up it was like fourteen or fifteen percent off the original and then another thirty off of that.

So I thought it was pretty good. That's a nice little discount. Do you do the Black Friday shopping or you went to Christmas Spirit?

I did, But honestly, like I remember when I was a kid, like it was really good, and now I was like thirty Like that's dumb. I want sixty seventy percent off. That's that led to bring back real Black Friday.

That's like an outlet though, isn't it. No Patrick, what about you on Black Friday?

I mean, I don't like go anywhere for Black Friday, but will I do something online shopping for Yeah? Sure you as a young guy and marry you two. One's middle age but a YouTube guy.

From middle age. Yes, you're not middle age. I tell you this. I'm not old, but I'm definitely not young.

But get well, you would be middle aged because Rob is the oldest. I'm the youngest.

But that's just that, Martin.

You are what Rob is doing is he's putting himself in as the oldest, right as a bar He's.

Like a senior citizen. What are you talking about?


Anyway, I went to the doctor.

I went to the I had an ingrown toenail, right, so this is this CMI or hurts. So we kept coming back over and over and over again. So I have to go to a pediatrist to get him to like actually physically remove it. Okay, So I told him while I was there, I was like, you know, I have these pain in my other foot.

I think it's playing with our fascy itis. Guy looks at me and says, you know what, man think you you're too old for these nikes. You gotta you gotta get some new balances. Or Brooks.

I'm like, really, He's like, yeah, if you're gonna walk around, you might want to look into some shoes with some more support.

Mid Man. That's middle aged. There you go. I don't know. I'm still young.

Enough to care what they are though, Like I'm not air monarchy in their way out here.

Look, it's okay, you're aging.

It's okay. Yeah, it's okay, Martin, You're fine.

Aging is a great thing. When you get older, guys, you guys will appreciate it. I know when you're young, it's hard to really understand it. But I'm gonna tell you this.

As I get older, I appreciate a lot of things even more and I see the world.

Differently, and I'm I'm cool with it. I'm not like afraid of it. I'm not like weird about it. It's cool.

It really is.

To see your journey and your trip that you've taken, and the look back and the friends you make and the new friends you make and the friends you have for years.

It's a great experience.

And I never get tired of the holidays and Christmas and gift shopping and trying to make somebody.

Smile and all that. I love all that. I think it's I think it's cool. Well, you never get tired of the holidays because you get time and a half.

Yeah, let's cock that.

Double time.

No, but seriously, I got to get new shoes, and that's how I isn't I'm past the answert those white what was the Steph Curry nurse shoes? You remember when it came out.

With So I tried.

I tried to buy some basketball shoes from a it's not I don't need to say what player, but it wasn't Lebron and it wasn't Michael George. So I'll just say that, try to try basketball usually active NBA player.

So they were they were knockoffs or something, you're the real ones. But they were squeezing my toes so tight.

That's why you got injured, grown to why that's why you have ingrown.

That's the case. He must have been the Zions.

No, no, I know he would have been, because he would have been injured right his zions.

I'd have his sprained ankle right now, torn hamster.

Unbelievable. All right, guys, you guys were amazing. This show went by so fast on a TV theme. So on Thursday We'll be back tomorrow on a Black Friday, thanks to everybody. Of course, USC, Chris Patrick and of course Mary, Mary and Martin Weiss.

Are you coming back tomorrow? No, I ran you off you that's the plan. Okay, he'll be back, all right?

Coming up, Jason Smith Show is next right here on Fox Sports Radio

The Odd Couple with Rob Parker & Kelvin Washington

The Fox Sports Radio personalities provide listeners with a dynamic discussion as the two polar oppo 
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