Rob and Kelvin debate whether or not Steph Curry’s lack of a ‘clutch gene’ disqualifies him from being the undisputed Greatest Shooter of All-Time and share their thoughts on why the Pittsburgh Steelers aren’t seriously considering bringing back Russell Wilson a their QB1. Plus, All City DLLS Cowboys reporter Clarence Hill Jr swings by to discuss the social media spat between former teammates DeMarcus Lawrence and Micah Parsons, the narrative that Parsons’ podcasting is becoming a problem, the Cowboys’ underwhelming offseason thus far and much more!
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Our number two on a funky Flashback Friday. It is The Odd Couple, Rob Parker, kelvin Washington. We're broadcast live from the Tireroch dot Com studios and you'll listen to us now.
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And be sure to check out the Fox Sports Radio YouTube channel. Just search Fox Sports Radio on YouTube and you'll see a whole bunch of video highlights from our shows. Be sure to subscribe so that you always have instant access to our videos. Don't forget Clarence Hill Junior from All City Dallas Cowboys Reporter coming up in about twenty eight minutes, so we'll do that. Plenty of stuff to get to Steph Curry still shooting threes, still making threes. I don't know if they matter, but they still making them. Rob g he just hit another milestone, didn't he.
That's right, The hits keep coming for Stefan Wardal Curry, or excuse me, Wardou' Stefan Curry got it backwards. Four thousand career three pointers made in the NBA. That, of course, is the highest market ANBA history, because he's the only person who's ever hit four thousand. Just a couple more numbers for you, Robert, I know your numbers. Guy, Steph Curry, of course, all time leader in three pointers made. He has been now for over three years.
He ranks thirteenth all time at three point percentage, while taking, of course, exponentially more attempts per game than everybody ahead of him. He's led the league at three pointers made eight times. He's responsible for twenty six of the NBA's one hundred and four games with at least ten three pointers, as well as five of the league seven seasons with three hundred three pointers. In short Steph Curry is that guy from Downtown.
Just not the greatest shooter of all time.
And that's where we're gonna put this because I'm still going to say I would take a lot of other players before I would take Steph Curry in a big moment.
And this is what I'm saying, Kelvin.
It's real simple, and I'm definitely we can open this up sooner than later, because I really want to hear from people and for them to understand what I'm saying. I get you can make all the threes in the world, but when you call somebody the greatest shooter, it means under any circumstance, you would want him to have the ball when you need a basket. Do you agree with that or not? Yes, I don't care. What they all say is well, you know, you know, one on one, or he can't get open, or you know what. No, he's had fourteen looks. Yeah, I mean he's had fourteen looks with a chance to tie or win the game in the postseason.
And he hasn't made one of them. No one's saying.
He's got to be eleven for fourteen or some outrageous for you tell me this, if he had all the threes and he was seven for fourteen or whatever, then you could look at it and go, man, you remember those big shots he made when the game was on the line, And then if you want to bring up and the biggest threes he made came in the Olympics, and they don't even count in the NBA, And only one of those shots was considered a clutch shot, not by Rob Parker but by the NBA. It's the NBA and their definition of a clutch shot. Down by five or less, with five minutes to go or whatever. When he made those shots in the Olympics, they were up by six and gave him a nine point lead.
If you're up by six, that's three baskets they need. Am I right to beat you? That's not a clutch shot. And that's all I'm saying.
I think he's disqualified from being considered the greatest.
Is he the greatest three point maker? Without question? I would be lying to you if.
I sat here and said he wasn't he is, But the greatest shooter is a difference between the two. I really believe that I would give Ray Allen, Reggie Miller, Michael jew any of those people the ball with the game on the line, then I would give it to Steph Curry.
All right.
So I want to be very clear with how I'm going to distinguish the conversation. For me, if you're asking, is Steph Curry the greatest shooter all time?
Steph Curry is the greatest shooter.
Of all time to me, bar none, including everybody, big time, not even close. For me, Steph Curry is the greatest shooter of the basketball I have ever seen on Earth. Now, if you're asking me clutch shot seven, eight seconds or less, who do I want to take a shot? He's way on the list for me, because that's not his game.
Getting off a quick shot is not his game.
Getting him the ball with three seconds or lesson saying go get us a bucket.
That's not his game. Seven.
So why did he have fourteen opportunities like that?
No, no, no, he got those opportunities because he is the greatest shoot.
So he's well, they thought he's a great shooter.
Okay, right, so that's why you give the ball and that if that's not him, And I'll give you the perfect example.
You consider Barry Sanders, the greatest running back.
Yes, okay, why did they take him out at the goal line because he had too many because they thought he had too many losses behind the line of scrimmage, and he didn't have any room to work.
Barry Sanders wasn't in it. The goal line.
Barry Sanders idiotic.
Well, but he wasn't, and so and I get the idea.
Oh he goes backward. No, thatub's idiotic.
Okay, but that's the way they played him. I'm just telling you they did.
I saw it.
You did too, I know. And they drove everybody crazy. As you know, he came out Curry again. Steph Curry has made some of the most spectacular shots. He's the only person if he shot it from the bat literally, if another team scored the basket and he just chucked the ball from there from the in the end, we all would pause and go, wait, that might go in before I go get this chips and dip.
Hold on, wait, let me let me make okay, he missed it. He's the only person that ever made us do that.
He's the only person who started shooting shots rob and would run the other way because it's going in.
So I absolutely believe he's the best shoots.
I don't think you could be the greatest bron be the greatest shooter.
If that's where my half of my ring My argument is.
But I'm let me let me throw this on at that The reason why I like to distinguish, and I hear you, but the reason why I disagree is because people will do that with the best player of all time. They'll go, uh so and so it is better than Lebron and you go why because if it was the last shot, who would you want to take? That is not how I'm defining that, but that people do.
That all the time. Kobe or Lebron shoot the last.
Shy, but that's not And if you're saying he's the greatest shooter, you've already identified a skill. He's the greatest shooter, and there's no way if he was really the greatest shooter under any circumstance, I want Steph to shoot the ball. That That's what I'm trying to say to you. But I I've talked to a million NBA players and you know I'm exaggerating, and I've asked him and nobody picked Steph.
So I'm saying.
Because I'm saying that's one here, hear me out.
Your your point is very valid, but it's one fast the game, meaning, Hey, I need you to shoot a three.
I need you to shoot the midbrains.
I need you to shoot a left hand lip, I need you shoot a right hand lift.
I need you knocked down ninety plus percent of your free throws.
He does all of that, and but one it's like thirty seconds or less, or or if you need them to get a quick shot off. That's not his game. And I will admit that in his old peer grew he's low. I would take I take Luke over him, I take Kevin Durant over him. The best, the one I'd probably take over all of them is Dame Lillard.
I've seen Dame do that a million times.
I'd even take Lebron just based off his size, able to get a shot off easier.
That's just not his game.
But for that one facet, I won't now say he's not the best shooter. He's done things shooting the ball we've never I have never seen off the dribble off picks.
It's incredible.
So I won't go that far, although I agree he is not the most clutched at all and not the guy I want to shoot that last.
Time, I just to me, it's it's an oxy moron.
Oxy what are my you know? Wy moron?
You know what I mean.
You're saying he's the greatest shooter, but I wouldn't want to give him the ball.
It does it doesn't in that spot. It doesn't make just one no, no, but but that.
But that's a big part in calling somebody the greatest shooter. And that that's what I'm trying to say to you is if Steph was that guy and had made some big shots in his career, We're not talking about he's been around for five minuteses been around for years, yes, okay, And if he was truly the greatest shooter right and he got those fourteen opportunities, people would have been like, oh my god. Not only does he make all the threes of those situations, but he also is clutch and makes those That to me, seals the deal is that you can count on Steph to score or hit that shot that you need. You could go look it up yourself. ESPN has compiled the missus. It ain't like he's eight guys are on top of him and he's missed. He's missed, He's had looks in big moments and he's over four a team. And that's all I'm saying, Like I think you have to take a look at everything when you want to crown somebody the greatest something of all time.
I hear you, but again I look at it as there's facets meaning he's gonna knock down a crazy amount and crazy high percent of his free throws. He's gonna make a barrage of threes, and that's his real skill set.
That's what he does the most. And I talked about this with you before.
He's not a guy three seconds left, three to two, hit the shot.
What he is. We're down three, he hits three, four shots in a row. Now we're up.
We're up three, and it's other team has made an incredible comeback.
They're feeling themselves. Their crowd's going crazy.
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah. He hits three or four threes and now they're out the game again. That's what he does. He is the barrage. He is a flurry bucket getter. But just singularly, hey, sec like Kyrie, I would say, go get me a shot over him. That's Kyrie's game. I don't think there's so many guys, right, but I don't think Kyrie's a better than Steph Curry.
You know what I'm saying. But yes, a clutch.
When you talk about somebody as being the greatest something of all time, it has to encompass everything, and that doesn't.
And yes it does.
The greatest quarterback of all time, the best heat watch you, I mean, watch this. According to you, it's Joe Montana. He ain't the best thrower of the football. He didn't have the strongest arm, he wasn't the most mobile like that, but he's it's all these things that made Joe.
But it's when I talk about when I.
Talk about greatness, it is about winning and big moments. Joe Montana won four Super Bowls, lost none. Two times he had to throw a touchdown to win the game, not not count on the field goal. Two times he won with Jerry Rice. Two times he won without Jerry Rice. He has the highest quarterback rating of any quarterback. I mean the numbers are eleven touchdowns.
No picks.
And he did play well for the forty nine during his career. I'm not saying he was the greatest.
The Dan Marino is considered by a lot of people, maybe the greatest throw of the football lorontoos, But that.
Does that make you?
But that is my point, because you didn't have all the other stuff. And that's what I'm saying.
What Steph lacks is important to be deemed the greatest something.
Tom tom Brady for most people is the great not all, not all, that's a fair not all, but for most Tom Brady did not have the strongest arm. Tom Brady for a year, cheated, threw some dicks and dunks. Tom Brady wasn't running from nobody. He wasn't running from a grandma in a wheelchair. But he has deemed the greatest because of all the other attributes put together in the blender. It's mostly because that one greatest shooter for everything put together in a blender, even though he's missing the one in the clutch. But I'm with you, he ain't the person I want on that last shot.
But I've still never seen anybody shoot the ball like him, all.
Right, eight seven seven ninety nine on Fox eight seven seven nine nine six sixty three sixty nine. It's simple. Do you have to be clutch in order to be considered the greatest shooter of all time? Or it doesn't matter to you If you look at Steph Curry and he's made all these threes four thousand, but it hasn't made the big shot in the big moment. Can he still be considered the greatest shooter of all time? We'll take your calls on that. It is the odd couple right here on Fox Sports Radio, Rob Parker, kelvin Washington.
You know what you need to do.
Stick and stay because one day we might be done talking about Brady in the US events.
Oh god, thank you all right.
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Fox Sports Radio. It is the odd couple.
Robin Kelvin on a funky flashback Friday, and we are of course coming to you live from the tire rack dot com studios per usual.
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Robin I talking about Steph Curry. I believe. Look, I agree, he's not the most.
Clutch guy in the NBA I would take, but he is the best shooter I've ever seen.
Rob says differently, can't have one without the other? What say you? Eight seven seven ninety nine on Fox? So we got all right?
Andre in Massachusetts. You're on the odd couple of Fox Sports Radio. What's up, Drake?
Hey, Hi, Hey, how you doing?
Thanks for taking the call. Listen to me. This is an ebony and ivory question. This is a lightning and thunder question. You can't have one without the other. So the fact that Steph Curry is not a guy where you can just give the ball with two with ten seconds to go and go ahead and get a bucket. He can't be the greatest shooter of all time. And the point of fact is it, as we go down the line, Larry Legend, Larry Bird Okay, could shoot the three, could shoot the mid range, because you know he can do it all, and you can give him the ball down the stretch and feel confident we're going home with the w okay. Other guys, you know, you talk about the Reggie not so much Reggie, I'm gonna put Kobe in there.
Okay, Kobe a.
Guy step Curry is distinctive because he's changed the dimensions of the game. Let's not get that twisted.
Okay, no one, no one's denying that for sure. That's not even a conversation. But I think when Drey and you ahead continue your point. But if you want to talk about somebody being the greatest at doing something, but he but don't give him the ball when the game matters, that that that takes you out of the conversation.
For me, it does.
And I think of a guy like the logo Jerry West who played before the three point line. You can only imagine, right, he's a player that can do all of those things and would have to be considered an overall greatest hyar So, Steph Curry, you know, no shame, no shade on you, but you know this is an area where you could certainly improve the end your career just being clutched and being that game winning, distinctive player that's taking a call.
Thank you, Johnny California. You're on the couple of Fox Sports Radio. What's up, John?
The first thing I gotta do is called bs on that last call. That's how I feel about that. And you, first of all, did you watch the Olympics?
But did you want to absolutely and the.
Chef save us? He did? Okay?
And how many of those shans?
John, John, I know you're a Steph fan, and that's okay, And I want you to have your say.
How many of those were clutch shots?
According to the NBA, not not to John Apedia, but to the NBA.
How many of those shots were clutched.
In the last game, in the gold medal game. I beg to say all of them when when they needed every single one, No.
Only one, only one of those threes were clutched.
They were up five, six, Okay, when they.
Were up by six and eight the same, John can one more question and then I'll let you go, all right, Is it the same shot if the score is tied and then you have the ball to shoot, or you're down by one and you have the ball to shoot.
Is that the same shot?
Okay? No, okay, clutch okay? But now let me where I'm at here. So you also have to take into consideration knowing the man shoots the way that he does and his day is we all know that he's just nobody shoots like him. The defense that he draws upon it himself. And if that gives that to under Gidala, if that gives that to Klay Thompson, that's because the man's the best shooter in the game. Three times last week he launched from about half court.
How he OH for fourteen?
No, I'm asking you, John, I want you to he's OH for fourteen. It ain't like he tried to take a game winning shot and they blocked it. He had fourteen looks at the basket within the final twenty or thirty second twenty seconds to win or tie the game for the Warriors in the postseason, not regular season, in the postseason, and he's OH for fourteen?
Why is he OH for fourteen?
My guest says, he's probably double teams on almost every occasion. Okay, Okay, I mean I don't know.
I didn't so he's never he's he's never made shots with double teams. He's never in his career, he's never made shots with double teams.
Okay, let me ask you one other question, please, who's the greatest shooter ball time?
If it's not him, it ain't him. I know that. And I'll tell you this, Okay, Well, hold on, hold on.
Would I would take Michael Jordan over him any day as.
A shooter in clutch?
Int you think he's a better shooter though?
I mean even listen, this is a Again, it's two different conversations. If you're saying, hey, John, appreciate you. Appreciate you, John, and then yeah, give me Mike. But again, just overall, the skill of shooting. I've never seen anyone shoot the ball like Steph. That's the distinguisher for me. Now, I like what Drew said earlier. Larry Bird is right there for me as well. If you say Larry Bird, we get the ball, Larry Man, he can make any other free throws, may ray here, He's right there doing anything. Larry Bird to me is the other answer where I don't have a I'm not mad at you, Like if you say Larry and I say Steph, I ain't mad if you And then may be Kevin Durant in that same vein of like they can make any shot, and I'm not mad at that as well. But Steph, I've just never seen someone shoot the ball like he shoots, period, Like that's just easy for me, period, I've never seen it.
Rob g Yeah, I'm gonna try to marry your guys's points here. You're talking about, you know, clutch, you know Kelvin's talking about just in general.
You know we had dinner. I want a divorce.
So I have the seven top seven all time three point leaders. I'm gonna name a guy. You tell me whether or not you want Steph Curry or player X to shoot the clutch shot. Okay, Steph Curry or number seven Lebron.
James Me Lebron Lebron, Steph Curer, number six, Reggie Miller, Reggie Miller, Oh.
You know Reggie, he's my top one, two three.
Steph Curry, number five, Klay Thompson, Clay Curley shot.
So give me Clay, give me Clay. But that that yeah, that one's washy.
Go ahead, Clay, Steph Curry or Damian Lillard.
Easy, Dame Easy, number.
Three, Steph Curry or Ray Allen all Day and number two Steph Curry or James Harden.
I might have to take.
I'm gonna take James because he's made one or two Stephan No.
You said it with a question marks, because he's had to do something.
James hardened to being fourteen.
So it's a clean sweep, give me one.
But that's not just think about what just think about what we just did with Rob G. Just did seriously, that is incredible. And then that's why the question marks when people say is he the greatest shoot?
And if you ask all those dudes, Rob who do you think they would say? Because we are you know, Reggie Miller screams it from the top of his lungs, Lebron Ja, Lebron James it from the top of Yeah.
That's because only Lebron James says he's the greatest himself.
Everybody always says somebody exactly.
Only Lebron go Lebron would say the greatest.
Of all time.
Yeah, But like Larry I bet you Larry Bird deep down thinks he's the greatest shooter.
Yeah, saying it would never.
Say that he Wait a minute, wait wait wait, wait, wait wait wait wait wait did you Rob Parker. I'm gonna let Rob G slide because he's relatively young. There's no way you think Larry Bird ain't gonna let you.
Know the same walk your lockow rooms. Who would tell? Hey, which one of y'all coming up? Second?
But you know, I'm content, but I'm not giving you Larry Bird different talking to you know, talking on the sport Did you hear what he said.
Give me acceptance of speeches? He would literally say, uh, we'll shoot. Uh yeah, this feels good. All the hard work, and I don't see why I can't win a bunch more of these things. I should be here right back here next year. What larry y'all tripping with Larry Bird?
What are you?
I'll give you everybody, and I'm not giving you Larry Bird. Nobody talk more smack than Larry Bird. All Right, We're got me fired up a little bit right there talking about that Larry Bird talk big smack. We got trending right now with Steven.
Seger, Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio dot com and within the iHeartRadio app search fs R to listen live.
All right, Steve, thank you so much.
It is the odd couple coming to you on a fucking flashback Friday. Robin Kelvin now being joined by Clarence Hill Junior, All City d LS Cowboys reporter Clarence Hill Junior on x AKA Twitter, Clarence what's up man?
Happy Friday to you are you, Clarence?
What's up man? How you guys doing on this evy Friday. Beautiful day in Dallas right here, very nice.
Not in the Twitter streets though, Clarence. It ain't beautiful there between Micah and DeMarcus.
What's going on there, Clarence, Man has always drumm, always something in Dallas, you know guys though, man Uh, I mean, first of all, these two guys had issues in the locker room every since Michael showed up and Demarcat varn was a big guy in the locker room and Michael became the best player in the locker room.
And you know there was always something bubbling underneath and digg styles and personnality. Two alpha dogs, you know, trying to fight for the be the leader on defense along with the law was here. Michael, Uh, he was gonna be the big dogs. And he was a big dog from from an agent standpoint of the longest senior cowboy. And you know it was interesting, uh when d Launy was signed with Seattle, when he uh, when that news broke, Michael Parkson was the first person to tweet or tweeted, it is my time now you know, it was more than something else behind that my time now because now he gets to be the big dog on defense, a defense part of luck row And certainly when when when d laug Then went to Seattle and had his first interviewer talking about the Cowboys ain't win it, Michael felt it was his time and his opportunity to let him know, you can't talk about us like that dog. And then it went downhill from there.
Yeah, I thought Lawrence when he talked about Micah staying off Twitter and all that, I don't know. What's the people in the Cowboys front office, they're cool with it.
I mean, it's not like the defense was great last year.
They were giving up a forty piece almost in the playoffs. The first four or five weeks, the defense was really bad. I know it's not the same thing, but it just seems like he's focused in on a lot of stuff. It's different when you're winning and when you're playing well, you could get away with almost anything.
But to me, he seems distracted.
Wait, you know your old school. He doesn't on a Tuesday on his top day.
Okay he does, yeah, but but but but I get that. But when you say that but when you say stuff too, you also create here's the here's the top ten quarterbacks, and Dak's not in the top ten. So then that's a conversation that that leads reporters like you to go ask Dak what Michael just put out a list and you're not in the top ten.
I'm just saying I agree.
You know, you know, we're all stood it's funny things that we won't player the talk and then when they say something we get mad at what they say, right, you know that that's that's it's a circle, you know, the cycle that we're always in. And again, as far as the podcast, and I didn't want to deal with the cat concern, you know, it fits on his all day. And that's what these players are doing. Although the NBA, everybody has a podcast, you know, Paul George and everybody else. They got Parkers. That's what they bought doing. They never want nothing.
I was gonna say, all the players who haven't won anything got the big podcast.
Yeah, it's the only only one is Draymond. Draymond is the only one that has won and does it And is.
It Draymond or the other guys.
I'm just saying, I mean Detroit Lands receiver Sat Brown got a park.
Yeah, yeah, he does.
A lot of people have podcast.
Today, one that's not.
True, that sees their wait and when it's a cowboy just gets more kitchen because they haven't won. It's thirty year draft. It's podcast, not why the Cowboys happened.
No, we're not saying it. We're not saying it is.
He definitely creates drama. He brought up Mike McCarthy. Remember, he's I don't really care what happened about the players. It's not that we're making stuff up about the part he literally is feeding us weekly something.
Come on now, listen, I hear you. Do you not want him on the field, so he's not want them on your team? Be y'all want the best Pastors generation player who has put up Hall of Fame type stats, the only player outside of Riggie White that have twelve and alast seconds. He threw his first war. People, you're not want him on the team. I gotta tell people. I know my girving personally. I know in the nineties there were the organization who did not like I'm not going to handle this business off the field.
At times, you ain't lie about that.
Well, yeah, well that got into law I mean, that was all the stuff.
But my point is more than nobody kicking him off the team because.
Of what he did on Sun Yeah, but the difference the Cowboys were winning Clarence, You're not winning now you're not.
And I don't disagree. I under said he had help, he had more people there. No, I know he had more Dad, other Hall of famers. The biggest tible with the Cowboys is they don't have enough great players. They played their best with the matters most. It's not about one little them of one player. That just getting back to this, DeMarcus Larnstate de markets Lawrence actually took the first shot when he got the Seattle and basically said, I know they're not winning Super Bowl there.
Well, he wasn't lying.
It's been thirty years.
Thirty years they've been to an NFC championship game, low in the Super Bowl.
Okay, But my point is this, you were part of that for the last ten years. You know, you don't have a right or you shouldn't be talking about with Dag gonna win when you were a part of that muck over the last thirty years. You were here for eleven years.
Yeah, but wait a minute, did he call out But did he call out Michael Park You're not gonna win because Mike, he didn't say anything about Michael Parsons. I don't remember Jerry Jones going on his radio show to talk about it or Dad, he.
Doesn't do it ready shirt the off season, but to this out it just like in his dame, Michael felt he was taking aside of the Cowboys and he stood up for the Cowboys. If you look at some of the other Cowboy players, you know, with Trevon Diggs and Olsodiggie Zoo, they all took make you know his person like you know now you're talking about us and Michael being a new leader, you know, since it says Dee La Gone felt it was his response to react, and again he was not only reacting to what he said, he is also reacting to they've had some you know, like I said, they're sut bubbling under the service between both of those guys in the locker room over the last year. There was a lot going into that.
Let's go here though with the Cowboys and just their offseason and allday, did they move up in the NFC should the Commanders be worried about the Cowboys and their new coach that nobody knows.
No, they have not.
They have done nothing to move up in the offseason. They've added some players, they've you know, more more active this offseason they were last year, But they've had a lot of you know, guys on one year deals to fill out old and and and field needs sort of stay well with placeholders until they hopefully make them moves in the draft to get some players who are gonna be difference makers. But they've done nothing. They're still third in the NFCS, behind Philo, Gelfia and behind Washington.
For sure.
Washington has done with way more Philadelphia's defending Super Bowl champion. Uh, they still have.
Well, why won't they Why won't they make better moves? Why last year did they not get Derrick Henry? Why did they take forever to sign Seat signed CD? What's going on there where It seems like they don't have a vision into what they're doing in these offseasons. They come off behind the eight ball.
Yeah, so like we get caught up into the players to get Caddo Migas podcast in the deck, the Common Denominator and the Cowboys failures.
Is Jerry Jones.
Oh, no doubt.
We ain't argue with you on that.
He's the comic denominator why they haven't gotten done and why they in the thirty year drought since the last Super Bowl time in the nineteen ninety five. And they won't spend any money. They call the richest fans side of the sports, but they're focused on not spending money Frasers. They have not paid a big money Frasers with Brandon car back in twenty twelve. They have not spent more than six million dollars on the guy in fregency since they failed with Greg Hardy. They shop at the bar and Basement being. Okay, they stopping at Ross. They you know, they shopping at them.
That was a shot at you, Rob, That's all right, he knows what he's talking about. I love Ross, but I know where I know where it fits in. And you're right, Clarence.
Yeah, they're shopping at the bark and Basement being and they're not going out. I understand. I'm being a drafted developed team and they are a drafty. They've drafted well, but you have to supplement what you do in the draft by things you're doing free. You have to exhaust all avenues to improving your team, and the Cowboys are basically fund of it free to do. They talking to signing different making talent. They refuse to do that.
Yeah, well they got to figure something out if they're trying to get compete because the NFC East with the Eagles look like they're going to be around for a while and the Commander is making some good moves as well. They're gonna be struggling to get up there and take over that division. All right, class hell man, we junior, wee.
Man, have a great weekend, no problem an the way.
Thank you, all right, appreciate you man.
Well we got, uh what else we got coming up? We got of course? Oh the Steelers, that's right. Uh, what they're doing with Russell Wilson. They gotta figure something out. We'll tell you what they need to do. Is Robin Kelvin on the Fucky flash Back Friday, The Couple Fox Sports Radio.
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Robin Kelvin, we are they at couple on a funky flashback Friday. Hopefully it's been a great one for you, and we're coming to you live from the tyreck dot com studios. If you don't have the right team on the courtworld, Express Employment Professionals can help you with that.
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Visit expresspros dot com today and let us handle your hiring so you can focus on growing your business. Rob g interesting reports out there that there were some issues you have Arthur Smith, the offensive coordinator and Russell Wilson getting into it during the season towards the end there, and it may have played a role in some of the decision making now in the off season and why they're deciding to have Russell be their distant plan b there calling it jump in a little bit more here.
That's right. It's kind of surprising.
We guys talked about it a little bit yesterday that reportedly Aaron Rodgers holding this franchise hostage with his decision making whether or not he's gonna accept they offer to be the next quarterback of the Pittsburgh Steelers. The reason why that's weird is because they had an income and starter Russell Wilson, who despite losing his last five games, didn't perform af bad and they went into the offseason saying, you know what, we are gonna choose to make justin fields are option one. Ultimately, he wanted more financial security, went to the Jets and now they're an Aaron Rodgers and apparently Russell Wilson is not really in the cards at all, because, as you alluded to, according to multiple reports, now, the reason why Russell Wilson is not being seriously considered to come back as the QB one in Pittsburgh is because of his frosty relationship we'll call it with offensive coordinator Arthur Smith. Arthur Smith of course his first season there in Pittsburgh after getting fired in at Atlanta. Before that, he was the play caller in Tennessee with Derrick Henry where they could not throw the ball at all, but they could run the heck out.
Of it with Derrick Henry. So all signs point to again.
Russell Wilson being Donzo in Pittsburgh. It does look that way.
I mean, I don't know about picking a coach over a player, but Russell Wilson only has a You know, one year deal there. It wasn't like they were long invested. But normally I would always take a player over a coach. I'm not talking about over a head coach, but over but over a coordinat or whatever.
You got.
You win with talent, you could draw up the best schemes and all that kind of stuff. If you don't have talent, you could ask some of these great coaches if you could take a great coach and put them on a team, a bad team.
We saw Urban Meyer right, go to uh go to Jacksonville. It wasn't Ohio State, right, It wasn't wasn't the same, even though he was the same coach. So I would always pick talent over a coach. But in this circumstance, I get it, I do well.
What makes it interesting for me is Russell Wilson kind of the guy and I don't know him personally, so this isn't a personal thing, but the guy that it seems like he is right, it seems like a g golly schuxy brocos that's right, all that Seahawks, you know, go Hawks. There's always some weird smoke when he leaves a team. Rob, I'm and I'm being I don't know what that is. When he leaves the Seahawks, there is issues there. Quarterly relationship was bad with the team and the management, and it's sour.
Towards It came within one interception from from being consider my question.
And I'm not saying it Hall of Famer, he's a contender.
I'm just saying, but I'm just that's how that's how little one play could change the way fair.
That's fair.
That's what I'm saying. And he needed audible that. I don't care what they call to be easiest calling a history of sports.
But am I right if he If they win that game and it went back to back Super Bowl Russell Wilson, nobody would have a bad word to say the only.
Reason why I made this agree we made the Joe public wouldn't.
But I think that the issues that players say that they've had the issues with him may have only grown, right because now he's a two time Super Bowl I just had, he's a Finals MVP, and.
Like, now you really might not be able to tell him nothing.
You really might have to schedule h point and once you had, I you what you're saying, But I'm saying that might be us Joe public, maybe not his teammates. So then he goes so we hear all the rumblings and how he was you know, the issues there, and Seattle goes to Denver.
All right, clean start for a start. Here we go, same thing there.
You start to hear he wasn't playing great, had a better year towards the end of last year there, but same things, have issues with teammates, starting to have issues with teammates and coaching staff. Now is it Pittsburgh for you know, the season, not even you know, full season because Justin Fields played six games and now you're hearing issues. So it's kind of weird. Started turning to where there's smoke, there's fire. You've played in three organizations and every time you're about to leave, it's all types of drama and people had issues with you and I know team that nobody.
Yeah, I think that it's overblown. A lot of times the quarterback gets all the praise and all the blame. Aaron Rodgers a bad guy. Russell Willison is a bad guy. I could just go on and on and on about the court. Brett Farb at the end, he dressed in a separate locker room from his teammates.
He you keep naming guys, I can't argue.
I mean, I'm just saying, but because the quarterback is so oh.
Here, nothing about Patrick Mahall out here. Nothing about Lamar Jackson, oh here, nothing about Johnson.
You haven't heard anything yet because they haven't moved on from anywhere on the other ones have left. I'm just saying you were hearing some stuff earlier.
You didn't hear.
Anything about Miles Garrett. And until he got that contract, did you? You thought he was the perfect guy, always all about Cleveland.
I'm saying, but Thomas got a contract you just heard about. I better hear something about Josh Dean rob He just got some money.