Hour 2 - Bill Belichick's Bible Won't Work in North Carolina + Actor John Magaro

Published Dec 11, 2024, 3:13 AM

Rob and Kelvin discuss what prep basketball superstar AJ Dybansta signing with BYU says about how NIL has fundamentally changed the landscape of college sports and tell us why Bill Belichick’s demands of North Carolina don’t make any sense.  Plus, actor John Magaro swings by to discuss his upcoming movie ‘September 5’ about the 1972 Munich Olympics terrorist attacks, what it was like as a Pittsburgh Steelers fan growing up in the Cleveland suburbs, his experience watching LeBron James play basketball in high school and much more! Finally, the Odd Couple Callers bring the heat in this week’s edition of Trash Talk.

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Let's give this parties.

You're listening to Fox Sports.

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It is The Odd Couple, Rob Parker, kelvin Washington, and we're broadcasting live from the tire rach dot com studios tire.

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We'll help you get there an unmatched selection, fast, free shipping, free road hazard protection, and over ten thousand recommended installers tire rach dot com the way tire buying should be. Let me have a special guest, so you want to stick around for that actor got a new movie coming out.

What is it called September fifth?

Yeah? Five, that's the thing.


Yeah, they don't know what to call Most people say five, some people say fifth. They don't and even folks involved in the movie, You're like, we don't know exactly what they call it. Yeah, September five is what they're trying to get everybody.

Else, John Margot, Margot character, what is it? Magaro?

Yeah, John mcgaro, sorry, the actor. He'll be joining us at the bottom of the hour. And don't forget it's a trash talking Tuesday. Your chance is trash anyone anything in the world of sports will give you thirty or forty seconds.

We will not nt interrupt you, so you have free reign on the odd couple.

So make sure your lineup when we tell you and get ready for another edition of trash talking.

But let's do some college basketball, rob G.

There was a earth shack, earth shattering, earth moving signing by BYU of all places, one of the best basketball players.

In the in the land. Can you tell us about that?

That's right?

Aj dibasanyazuntite.

A kid's so good that he number one prospect for twenty twenty six, reclassified at twenty twenty five, and he was number one again. All right, So he announced earlier today on ESPN's First.

Time Here is he from?

Rob G?

Do you know he's played in California for a year. Then last year he transferred to a prep school in Utah. Gotcha?


So he announced today on First Take that he was going to bypass powerhouses like North Carolina and Kansas and signed with BYU. Now during the interview, he suggested that the reason why he chose the Cougars over these other blue bloods is because the infrastructure they've created at BYU is geared specifically to get.

Him to the NBA.

He made no qualms about it. He's not there to get an education, He's not there to be a stand up city.

He's there to get to the pros.

And he said, Hey, their head coach, their head coach post in the NBA, the assistant coaches coach in the NBA, their strength and conditioning coaches the NBA ties. So that's what he is saying. And then in the hours since the announcement was made public, it has been reported by multiple outlets that another reason why he chose b Way Here we Go, ROBJ, is that his NIL deal is worth approximately seven million dollars. To put in a context, Cooper Flag the big star of Duke, his valuation is only two point nine million.

All right, there it is.

It's a money grab. I'm not mad at the kid. Go to BYU, Go do whatever you want to do. I'm not gonna be mad at how old is he eighteen? Nineteen years old? Nineteen years old? I am I gonna be mad at a nineteen year old gonna make seven million dollars before you given't turn pro or gets in the NBA. I'm not This is just about money. I'm not mad at him. And you know what, Kelvin, I blame college basketball. I blame the NCAA. We talk about it all the time on this show. They had a chance to control this, Kelvin. All they had to do was pay the players. They should have set up the pay structure and they should have assumed the responsibility of paying them. They get nothing but TV money out the wazoo. There's money to share with the players. They are greedy people. Greedy be words if you want. They didn't want to share with the players, so they said, okay. Once the Supreme Court and the courts of the you know, struck down there their idea that they couldn't band the kids anymore. Right then, all of a sudden they were like, let somebody else pay it. We don't care, all right, We're not gonna deal with it. And now this is what you have. I can't blame the kids, not one eoder, not one Sentilla nothing.

Yeah, I'm with you.

Look, this is why to me at this point, Rob, he's a professional. He's making seven million dollars a year. He's making more money than a lot of first you know guys who getting drafted the NBA later in.

The N's making Bronnie making more Ronnie.

Ronnie's making more. Way to get Bronnie into this.

But my point is, what's the point of wanting done at this point? If the kid is worth this money, clearly is gonna be a top pick. Cooper Flag being another example of this. Just let them go to the league, and if the league chooses the victim, great, the league chooses to have them in and you know, and play with them, great, If they don't, they don't. But what's one? But what are we doing with one? And he just said, I ain't going to school for school. We already know that. But you got kids now that they're not.

Even going on the days. Remember they used to have the little press conference with the three hats.

What school I'm gonna go to? I'm gonna go to this one? Now they ain't doing it on first take.

You know what I mean?

When we should be first take, but it should be three card MONI you know where one of the cards.

You try, right right?

I got something under million dollars on it.

Yes, let me see, let me see, let me see, let me see, let me see you there. Yeah, it's just it's to me, it's just getting ridiculous. Now they are pros, and by day I mean these types of athletes.

Obviously, you got a.

Kid going to Butler, he's not you know, he's just probably gonna get a job afterwards, a baby go play overseas. But these types Cooper Flag, this kid aj these are pros in waiting, and to me, we're holding them up. They're making millions anyway, it's becoming a farce of the idea of even going to college. He said, I ain't going to learn. I ain't going for education. I'm going there to get you know, get ready for NBA. Just let him go to the pros and if they choose the draft, and they choose the draft.

But but I think it's a waste of time.

Your point is well taken. But the only problem is the players are the one who sold those kids out with that one year. Yeah, I know it was the players with the CBA, and they did it to the kids. And I always said NBA players, uh, you know, that's one where they really swung and miss on the kids and doing that, nobody else does that.

You could go play baseball off right at fourteen, fifteen.

Years old any other Why in the world you could go serve the military in this country but you can't play in the NBA.

It's time any sense. It don't make any sense.

It literally doesn't make any sense, Like tell me this.

No, but that was the NBA in cahoots with college basketball to make them go you know what I mean, like force them because they instead of going straight. And I'm with you, if a kid's ready, draft them. If a kid's not ready, don't draft them.

You don't have to draft them. Exactly.

Nobody's forcing you to have to draft anybody. You can say, hey, you're afraid.

They're afraid that if they don't draft them and the kid blossoms, So they take kids who aren't ready.


And also they're scared the opposite, like what if we take them and then he's a flop and they're gonna say, ooh, you know you tak any high school or you're taking these teenagers. That's on you. You guys are dumb organization man. That happens no matter what if you take an eighteen year old or twenty three year old, there's no guaranteed you could take a quarterback first round, take quarterback sixth round. You don't know what you're gonna get. That's just a part of the nature of this. You just want to minimize how many times you missed. But the idea that we're making these kids wait literally rob six months, Hey hey, hey go wait six months somewhere. It's not even a year. He's gonna graduate high school in what June? And then you know what I mean, you go through the six months, not you go. Maybe you make March, mad make the tournament, maybe you don't, and then you're done in March and you're like campus smamps, I'm out of here. So it's like, what are we even doing making these kids waste their time? It's wasting all of our time. To me, if they want to go to the pros, let them go.

Well, but I'm not mad at the kids. I mean, what get paid. I'm gonna go anywhere b yu is everly where you're going.

You want to go.

Yeah, that tells you about what that tells you about the money situation, and I get it just because your coach us in the NBA and the trainer or all these other people in name and that's that's not gonna get you to the NBA.

Listen to this.

It's all about your talent. That's what's gonna get you to the NBA.

But if you got give me the option of going to North Carolina or some of these other blue bloods for two point nine or two million and byus put together a seven million dollar package, I'm going to BYU.

Yeah. I was looking up some BYU folks.

I'm like, man, he's talking about this great program and blah blah blah blah.

I'm like, man, great program.

Yeah right.

First of all, First of all, let me tell you where you will not be seeing Kelvin. I'm not going to Utah, okay, and that the brother Dub is not going to Utah.

Somebody offered me five and a half million.

I'm gonna have to go get that somewhere else. Man, Hopefully I can make it up in some endorsement.

Oh, you're crazy, I'm going to Utah.

I mean that is that is one I mean one and a half Okay, I went too far with the extra one and a half million. That was a little too far. Let me scare that back. But that's gonna be. You know, Utah is a unique than.

Four million dollars to go play college basketball. You're not going to Utah?

Sure is somebody else offered me something?

No, they offered you less?



Yeah, well, I mean how much less million?


You got my blue Blood for two million or Utah for four he got seven that's a late. Ain't no way you're gonna tell me that you would pass up seven million to make it fair like double? So it's double the money. You could go to your all time favorite school that you wanted growing up. You want to play a duke of North Carolina, and that's on the table for you. You could do that, but just for two million. Or you could go to a school that doesn't really have a history of a program and all that, and you know, and then you four million.

This is where I have to keep it real myself, because party he wants to go go play for you know, North Carolina and Da da da da da and have a chance to compete with man, that's four million dollars. I'm there six months give you my full million. You're right, I'm out of here. Let me go, Let me go holler at some Mormons. Go hang out with them, see what the Mormon life is like. But look at this, he's talking about ald basketball program. Look at these names. I was looking up. You only know like two people of all their ball I looked up basketball greats.

I'm gonna leave the two you know out.

Tell me you know Devin Durant, not Kevin's Devin Durant.

Do you know him?

I don't know him, Eric Mika.

Fred Roberts, t J Hawes, Charles Abua.

Yeah, yeah, here here is she is?

Is she on the Morning?


I'm sorry?

There you go?

Now there, Tyler Hawes, Kyle Collins. I don't know any of these people. Here's a three, you know, Sean Bradley, Danny Ainge and Jimmy for That who did not live up to what we thought he was, you know just how good he was in college. That's the three right there, and none of them were Hall of famers. Danny Ainge had a heck of a career and heck of a even career as a as a you know, a GM well, you know he also played Major League base he did.

He played third base for the for the Toronto Blue Jays.

I did. I read.

I read a good book about Danny. What's my Man? Sah Boston. He had a good, great book about that eighty Celtics team, and he talked about how good of an athlete Danny Ainge was, yeah, uh yeah. So my point is, let's not act like this is some powerhouse and while I'm going there to become a pro and get better at basketball, they clearly don't put out top pros up in Utah. However, I don't know if they got some great endowment they got seven million dollars laying around for him? I'm shocked. How did Michigan state? How did North Carolina? How did you know? Kansas? How did they let this happen?

They don't want to pay.

It's just that simple, all right, Bill Belichick may not nt be headed to North Carolina after all. We'll explain the next He couple. No, it is the well, they don't have seven million for him. It's the couple on Fox Sports Radio. So you know what you need to do.

You need to stick and stay.

Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio dot com and within the iHeartRadio app search FSR to listen live.

Uh movie, Yes, it is also because you're listening to Fox Sports Radio with the odd couple your boys, Rob Parker kelvin Washington on a trash talking Tuesday that's coming up here and just a little bit about twenty five minutes or so coming to you live from the tyrack dot com Studios Rapid Radios instant Push the talk walkie talkies, and they're offering you National LTE covers for clear connection at the touch of a button at great communication device for kids.

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All you have to do go to Rapid Radios dot com now for up to sixty percent off and you're gonna get free shipping. We've been talking about the last couple of days this unc Bill Belichick's story.

Is he gonna go as he not? He says he wants to.

But all of a sudden, Rob, we're hearing that maybe they don't want him, and maybe it's because he have four hundred page bible that he sent him in some demands.

That's right, Rob G. What's the deal on? Was that the King James version or was that the Bill Belichick version. That's a very good question.

The good news, thank you all looks thank you. I'm working hard for your entertainment dollar.

The good news is, according to the report, we should have an answer within twenty four hours.

But that four hunderd.

Page bible that Kelvin told you about, that's legitimate. According to the reports, it would require historic levels of investment from the school, including salary minos by position, and a willingness to hire two separate staffs, one coaching staff run entirely by Bill Belichick, a recruitment staff run entirely by a new general manager that they would select, and that general manager would require a buyout. So you're unprecedented for North Carolina, both in terms of manpower and financial commitment to get Bill Belichick. So he said, hey, if you give me all that stuff, i'm yours. We just don't know if they're willing to give it all to them.

I didn't think Bill Belichick had the time to put together a four hundred pay has a twenty four year old girlfriend.

I figured it was sleeping most nights, you know what I mean?

He was trying to you said he was trying to get to know her in a biblical sense.

Yeah, I guess so, man, Yeah, this is wild. Can I say this go ahead?

He was off by my CWPFS, asked me what that stands for?

What that mean?

Close? Warm personal friends.


They told me that he was off for the Atlanta Hawks job and that he sat on it for three days. Falcons, I'm sorry, sat on it for three days and was making demands about a power structure and all that, and they just said, you know what, never mind. So this sounds like him, you know, like and now North Carolina is having second thoughts, right, like, oh, this guy wants to dictate everything. This is gonna cost way more than we ever could have imagined. We're not a football school. I hate to break it to you, you know what I mean, right, I can't see them saying yes to Bill Belichick, not with a four hundred page bible.

I'm starting to wonder you mentioned the Falcons. How much is he starting to do this to say? Hey, I try, you know, hey, I want to coach. I mean, look, you know, I put it out there. I'm trying, because like this is getting kind of weird. First of all, his demands are ridiculous. We remember we used to make fun of chick Kelly and Green. I want green smoothies on the camp I want to have this and I want that.

Man, this is on a whole new level.

Yeah, on Tuesdays we gotta watch movies, but they gotta be Martin Scorsese movies. And on Saturdays, I wanted to be Peanut Minem's but only the yellow and green. Oh, and then go get old boy. I know he has a job already. You're gonna have to buy him out, but that's my man. I can't coach without him. So I can't coach unless you go get my man and get him out of the job that he literally already is in contract with.

Like what is going on?

I mean, I guess he figures this is the reputation I hold arguably the greatest football coach of all time, you know, And if you want me, this is what's gonna cost.

But dang, brother, I gotta do all this to get you.

When our primary focus is basketball and we like to be good every now and again, they pop up on the football world a little bit, you know, but that's not our primary focus. And I just think, yeah, I think the demands is a bit strange when hey, you seventy years old. You've probably been out the game now for a little a year. I don't even know how long you want to be here? Am I doing all this yielding to these demands? You know, for two years?

You know what I mean?

I don't know if it's worth all of that. So, yeah, I think this is I don't think this is gonna work. I think maybe he was. He's like, I'm gonna make these ubsurd demands that if it happens, I can coach.

Sure. Fine, they gave me everything I wanted.

That can say, Hey, I tried, I was trying to do something different, try to mix it up.

And then he's gonna go coach the Giants or the Jets or the Cowboys or something.

Not the Jets, remember him and the owner that beats out yet you know that's not happening.

Not to Jets.

Yeah, I just it sounds ridiculous, and it sounds like you set up to make sure that they don't allow you to do it.

You're at for the moon right today.

You and me, y'all didn't give me a private jet, then y'all didn't give me.

What's that the cyber truck. Come on, man, I wanted to test the cyber truck.

And that's what you're gonna come to me. I'm gonna try to rob you blind. You want to NFL coach and all that we could do that.

Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports Radio dot com and within the iHeartRadio app search FSR to listen live.

It is the okcovera rock Parker Kevin Washington where joined right now with a special guest. We have John mcgaro, actor and gonna be in the upcoming film September five, which releases here at select cities November twenty ninth and also nationally on December thirteenth, which is a film about the crisis that happened in Munich during the Olympics back in nineteen seventy two.

John, thank you for joining u us right.

Welcome to the show.

John, Hey, Rovin Calvin, I'm gonna correct you. And actually they pushed the dates so it actually comes out in New York and LA December thirteenth, and then it comes out there January tenth.

Okay, okay, So they switched the date so little of that. You know, we are here, little John. You know, we're on Hollywood. We're used to that.

We know how it goes, we know the business.

Yeah, John, tell us about the movie, because this sounds like it's going to be intense and riveting and interesting.

Yeah, I mean it is. This was a crazy event. I think a lot of people know about it. And remember I ain't been going around with this and people I've talked to who were alive during the seventy two Munich Olympics, it's one of those moments that they remember vividly sitting in front of their TV watching Jim McKay relay the tragic news about the Israeli hostages who were unfortunately killed on that day. But beyond that, it was also just a moment that forever changed sports broadcast history. You know, was the first time a live global Olympics and live tragic event was shared all over the world by satellite.

Yeah. You know.

I had a chance John to talk to Peter Sarsgar, who was in this movie at the I did the thing for the La Times, and he talked about just how difficult that was back then and how what the decisions that were made affect us now, whether it be with television, social.

Media, we won't show anybody running across a baseball field, now, you know what I mean.

It's decisions I mean he made in real time.

Yeah, I mean I think it wasn't really until then that they realized how parallel, you know, the news and the sports world are. I mean, we were just in San Francisco the other day and we were reminists. I was looking out at the Bay Area Bridge and we were talking about the eighty nine World Series where you know, they had to switch on a dime to covering from the from the World Series to covering an earthquake. So it's something that's happening in sports. And really Rune Arlich and the sports crew for ABC who was on the ground in Munich on that day, were the ones who invented this this way of broadcast.

And I remember Howard Cosell, right, wasn't he a part of the cassette.

Yeah, Howard Cassell was in the Olympic village, Peter Jennings and all and all of it was being relayed through this studio which we recreate with our set and Jim McKay, who we have. You know, we got the real tape. So it's that actual footage from ABC. The real Jim McKay is not an actor playing in and you watched Jim McKay on the screen, we realized why he was so loved through households all over the country.

Yeah, that broadcast team, you know, rune Arledge was running ABC Sports back then and they had nothing Howard Cosell for people who don't know who that is or having heard, I mean another legendary broadcaster, Peter Jennings went on to be the ABC News anchor for a long time on that network. Yeah, I mean I remember as a kid here and how it co sell on that it was something that.

That just sounds like that.

And the guy, the guy who this is the story of the guy I played on, Jeffrey Mason, who is actually getting honored at the Sports Broadcast Hall of Fame. He went on to run NBC Sports. So all these people in that room that day went on to do extraordinary things in the career. And and uh and even you know a lot of people don't know this, but Sean McManus, who ran CBS CBS, yeah, exactly for a long time. Jim McKay's son who was there in Munich during all this, just as a teenager just hanging out, you know, with his dad having fun.


John macguar our guest actor in the new movie that's going to be coming out at the end of the year and into next year.

September five. By the way, John, we were talking about this and September five, September.

Five or fifth five, September five.


See, we're just going hard on it.

We're going that's hard five.

That's what I was telling them earlier.

Justly they were going to aim them the Jackson fifth, but then they didn't think that that.

Sounded out of the book.

This is what I'm dealing with. Hey, let me let me ask you this. Let me parallel kind of your path, your career. I remember You and the Big Short, one of one of my favorite films in the last ten twelve years or so. How would you look at staying in the career? We know acting is hard a lot of folks. You keep grinding, keep grinding til you get some breaks, you get.

Some big opportunities.

Similarly to sports, right you you make it to the league, but maybe you don't.

Haven't made a name for yourself.

You're grinding, you grind, you're climbing, you're climbing.

Is there a parallel between the two.

I think so. I still feel like I'm on special teams waiting to be putting up.

Come on, block a few kicks.

Hey, don't don't mess up like the Cowboys special team.

I'm yeah, that's a great lot.

This week, there was a lot of bumbling around with footballs on the on the returns this week.

Yeah, yeah, crazy. Are you a big time sports fan yourself? Where you're from? Who are your teams?

Well, I'm I'm Cleveland. I'm Cleveland, So all the Clevelanders are going to understand what I'm about to say. I'm Cleveland, but I'm a Steelers fan because my dad was from Pittsburgh and there was no there was no love for the Browns in our household. So we're Steelers through and through, and I'm glad they're having a big I was worried, man, I was worried about that quarterback situation. But Tomlin figured it out and Wilson is stepping up to the to the challenge. It's stunning to watch the confidence he has.

He's played really well, yeah, really well.

Yeah, he's doing really great, really great.


So so let me ask you.

So you're a Guardians fan, that series against the Yankees was on the adduous seed. I know that's tough when when when you know the Yankees a club and those big home runs off of Class A, who was one of the best closers in baseball?

How was that to watch?

Were used to it in Cleveland with Guardians to be the story? You know what I will say is it's a young team. I didn't even think they were going to make it that far. So I'm you know, I'm impressed by them, and I'm just glad that the Yankees got their due from the Dodgers and they got embarrassed in that World Series.

That way, no doubt.

Hey, I got to you know what Rob you made me think of like when you were a younger Cleveland there. I don't know if you were in La Hollywood and New York at the time, but you know that's the whole team where your team do what you want to do, or a team.

I'm burning your jersey, Lebron, I'm I'm I'm burning New Jersey to first go around and then praising him when he came in.

He came back right right Okay, No, he's.

Like, you know, he did the right thing. He came back and he uh he brought that championship. So you know, he's he couldn't be the mayor of Cleveland. You know, he could run and live in LA and they're going to vote for him. He's just a legend there. And I got to tell you a story, you know, like as a sports fan, I grew up actually near Akron and my girlfriend at the time, her dad taught for Saint Vincent Saint Mary and they're like, like, you got She's like, we got to come to this game at the high school. Like, oh man, I don't want.

To go high school game.


She's like, no, this guy's the next Jordan. And we go there and I'm gonna be honest with you. He was very good, but like it's a high school game, and I couldn't tell just how good he was. But I had the privilege of seeing him his senior year of high school at Saint Prinstance Saint Mary's.

That is that's pretty amazing. When people are like, yeah, you got to come see this guy, and you're like, I don't want to go to a high school game, and you wind up watching one of the guys who's gonna wind up being second, who's second to Michael Jordan's.

So we've got to let.

Me ask you this though, John, movies, I'm into like classic movies. I'm just curious as an actor, Like, what if you had to name a couple of your favorite movies. My my all time favorite is The Wizard of Oz, closely behind his Planet of the Apes to the original, Like, those two movies are my favorite movies. I know, I know it is, Oh my gosh, I know, but Charleston has To was great, and you know it's the first color movie and the Wizard of Oz and all that.

What about you have you had a what's your favorite movie? Curious?

Yeah, I mean it's hard. There's a lot out there.

So citizen.

Citizen can.

So you know, Actually, we just showed my daughter, she's four and a half. We showed her The Wizard of Oz over Thanksgiving for At first, she's still a little scared of the Witch.

Everybody was. Everybody as a kid was scared of the Witch.

And it's one of.

Those movies you watched and you remember, you just get reminded of how wonder, how amazing that movie is and it really is for me. Good Fellas Held is a big place.

In my heart.

That's the last movie, the movie I've watched over and over again that my dad and I shared, last movie we watched together before he passed away. That's the big one. Also, h you know, I this is a weird one. The longest day you remember that one. It's it's it's a World War two movie, but like told and kind of Normandy and the and young Sean Connery in it, but a kind of a precursor to Saving Private Ryan.

Okay, okay, yeah, yeah, all right, so you gave us, you gave us a variety of mix of kind of relatively.

We could keep going.

But I'm just saying.

Because at least you gave me something that was not the first color movie.

But you know what what.

Calvin doesn't understand is it's about uh contexts, classics.

Those are some great movies.

I mean, okay, here's the thing.

Mention is the Planet of the Apes, the original one that Rod Serland helped write.

You don't think that's a great movie.

I'm serious, an amazing movie.

It's a great movie.

Think because you think about like what they were doing. You know, nowadays special effects. We take it for granted, right, Like I go back, have you you know, like two thousand and one Space Odyssey, what Cooper was doing in the late sixties, which is you know, real equipment and making these special effects. It's it's unbelievable. And they were doing the same thing.

Plan of the Eighth Right, everybody in a planet that's not some computer generating those people, all those people in costumes.

Right, that's incredible what they did incredible.

How do you feel about the new ones?

Terrible? I can't watch them.


Disrespect. Don't disrespect season like that. I'm sorry, I'm not Those things are lit. John, Before we let you go real quick, just tell us real quick one more time, why don't you see this film?

And when they can.

See it, I mean, listen, this is a thrilling movie. It's only ninety three minutes.

It's going to keep you on the.

Edge of your seat and you're gonna you're gonna be entertained and thrilled and emotional and all that stuff. But also for this audience out there who loves sports, this was.

A moment, a great moment in.

Sports history, and you get to live it with the real ABC News team. And and some amazing performances from the rest of the cast. And it's it's it's unlike anything out there right now. And you know, go out and see it as soon as you can, all right.

Jeann mcarolth thank you so much man, wishing you everybody in the film a great go and hopefully it does as well.

Thank you, Thank you, see you guys.

Yep, all right, A right, guess what trash talking Tuesdays on the Way eight seven, seven ninety nine on Fox eight seven seven nine nine, six sixty three sixty nine.

That's right.

Reach out to us. We want to hear from you. If you haven't had a chance to call in. We've already had some great topics. We want to hear from you. If you want to trash either one of us, it's your time. Eight seven, seven ninety nine on Fox. Rob Parker kelvin Washington, The on couple. Fox Sports Radio.

Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports Radio dot com and within the iHeartRadio app search FSR to listen live.

Speaking of Santa, you had a brother Santa on the other day. Was that an ugly sweater? Contest or something.

Yes, that was at Ben mallows Ugly Sweater Christmas party, and of course you know I had a black scent on my sweater.

I saw that that come Ben at all? No, not at all. I think I think we did.

I want to say we did something together once or twice a couple of years back.

I don't know if we were in for like Dan Patrick or something.

I feel like he's the best him and his wife ever had a I know I saw the party.

You at the time of your life. You post you know it's really when you post about three pictures on the GRAMD.

I was like, oh man, you're out here living it up right now.

I was lit. I was lit, literally.

I can tell the libations were poor for sure. And I woke up this roll tire record. I want to hear that football season is heat a. Prize Picks is the best place to get real money sports action while watching football. You have to do is download Prize Picks and use code on one hundred and get fifty bucks instantly when you you play five dollars. Must be president in certain states and visit prize picks dot com for restrictions and details.

It is time now for last call, no trash talking.

I mean, let me remind it. It is time now for trash talking Tuesday rewinded Select today, It's.

Trash talking Tuesday.

Tea Draggy. I don't know whether to smile. Let's see a kick a field goal?


All right, let's kick it off with Jay and Georgia. You're in the couple of Fox Sports Radio. Who you trashing?


What's going on?


What's going on?


How y'all doing holiday?

You too? Bruh? Same to you.

Hey, So, I was gonna trash out Kevin, but I love Kevin, so I'm gonna do like a love uncle Vising trash Top today trash and Base from California, the trash.

Talking guru that y'all have on here every week, dude, the our couples have been out since twenty and eighteen. He give up every week. And he signed the same what you song like? This sounded like a slow kid.

Was he was?

He woo woo.


It's been almost seven years and it's the same thing. The stick is over. Find some new material. I know you're probably in your mom's basement.

Run He's down taking these several weeks.

But dude, give it up already. It's lame. It's cornish. He's not the funniest radio guy like Rob Parker. He's not uncommittally funny like Kevin Washington. He's not unttitulately funny l like A it's the DJ. He's not unttitulately funny light Rob Geez. Like, dude, give it up already, it's lamee material rock Rob Parker.

Yes, I know you are standing up comedian, and I know you want to keep doing what you want to know. One way to get out of it? Oh there it is?

Wow? All right? J or not one?

Since nineteen ninety five, you've been listening to sports radio, you call it. I can't believe they let you get in. Let me me that me hold down, make.

Sure Jay and Georgia, let Mace have iti.

Wow, y'all. You know Mace is calling. You know he's calling.

John and Naples, Florida. You're in the odd couple of Fox Sports Ready who you're trash.

And Jae John?

It's not Rob.

Listen, Yo, Your movie choices are crazy. First of all, you can't like, you can't kill the classics because everything you watch today are based off of those storylines.

Everything Rob likes all the new ship.

Think your new stuff? Sorry that you have is what Rob? Or it's o G stuff.

You gotta just come be honest and just let him know.

All right, thank you, thank you, John. Let me let them the Wizard of Oars.

He loves the.

Wizard of I'll take a Mandmage is one of my favorite man. This is see, this is what people don't understand.


I just want my brother Rob P to be well rounded. I want him to know about it. And I want you to know watch watch the other movies you have. You know we ain't watching them. You look at you laughing right now the last time you rid of the movies? And not when they're saying we're reairing Wizard of Oz.

No, I've been away a couple of years ago.

I think I.

Just want you to be up in tune with the new and oh that's all I ask people.

Tim in Atlanta, that's Chili Chim. You're in the couple of five portrait.

And who you trashing, Jim him, I'm trashing the ESPN Game Day crew. First of all, let me say Mace probably needs a woman and a therapist.

But that's.

Oh, Mace is getting the strange from area.


I'm trusting the Yston game degree because I usually watch it. So let's Saturday, I take it to the games. I said, let me go down and watch it live. So I saw it and it reminded me of why I hated it.

First of all. Uh, Pat mcagee seems.

Like Will Farrell old school, like an old drunk man trying to live his Uh.

Yeah, come on, man, I mean he was.

An idiot out there. And then Desmin Howard sounds like a seventies laugh soundtrack.

He laught everything. It's not even funny.

You know, I can put him back on good times, you know, doing the soundtrackspbody, he can't. Somebody please, I don't know if you have a Roberts give Nick saving any one of those little blue pills. But he get excited about something.

Wow, thanks Tim.

I'm scared to see if we got any more. Man, y'all not playing around today.

If I got my blue pills though, you know, maybe Calvin has blue ways.

Yeah, now listen you clearly I don't need him. I got all these kids.

Okay, here we go, Uh.

Too, Mace in San Diego, you're the AlCH boy, who are you trashing Mace?

They've been shooting at you all.

Got to rewrite it.

I know.

I just want to clarify the Jay from Georgia. I don't live in a faith and unlike him, I don't live out of my car. Aside for I'm tracking ESPN for making that idiotic decision to cancel around the fourn in the summer of twenty twenty five. Instead of canceling that elicit'side garbage a little crap, not as PTI. PTI is on a geronormous level of crap. Out of the two shows, PTI is unequivocally the worst sports show ever. That file of garbage is hosted by those too annoying of not just idiot now Karen Antonio, Krnheiser and Michelle Wilbon. You'll go out sports just constantly yelling scream each other like this functional married couple. I fucking hate that show with every microscoptical fiber and my.

Being all who's up to five po?

PTI is the reason I've given up with humanity. PTI is bad and I would rather be strapped down the chair in a solitary confinement cell in Guantanamo Bay while being waterboarded, and listen to a nano sinking of a single word that comes out of those two pa food, stupid, nous yestiny, pn cancel PTI line with a round up Morne stopping woke and since you're owned by Disney, do you have an antonia? Krnheiser and Michelle Wilbon. It's fun of a TV show wherey would be perfectly suited, where they could wind and complain and disperse their left wing ideology with a whole cast.

Of actual carens.

The astrogiously obnox this and discussing got off a piece of Garber TV show, potentially making people dumber that TV show.

All right, we got there, we go man, he got his in.

All right, what you gotta say about my homes now, Rob, Fox Sports Radio

The Odd Couple with Rob Parker & Kelvin Washington

The Fox Sports Radio personalities provide listeners with a dynamic discussion as the two polar oppo 
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