NRL SuperCoach podcast: Round 2 preview

Published Mar 12, 2025, 3:09 AM

Cheapies, PODs, captains, no go zone and much more. Tom Sangster, Tim Williams and Rob Sutherland preview round 2 of NRL SuperCoach.

Hello, supercoach. As well to our preview podcast Round two. We've got the old band together, Tim Williams and Rob Suthland. It's like it's twenty nineteen again, Tim, Lots of Vegas stories been floating around in the green room well as we were sitting here as before.

How was Vegas?

It was good mate, and good to be back, yeah with it, the old band back together, as you said alongside Rob, of course back on deck. And I thought I gave a good nudge in Vegas. Some big night s had barcelot of work, some good coats, and I came in here and then I heard Rob Sutherland's tales of Vegas. I'm like, you're soft Williams, jeez.

Well you know I sold boys have to represent. I like how you start with twenty nineteen. It's like, good back to it, that's just yesterday.

How is Vegas?


As good of what I can remember of it?

How's the Panthers going?

Soe you set me up?

I don't know, Tom, I as people know in Vegas there are certain things that you can buy there that are legal that you cannot buy here that are legal. And therefore I had not committed no crimes were committed, but I was off my chops. I was flying by the second game. And then I actually forgot that i'd taken something, and I took another thing, and I was meant to sit with some bites, and I texted them and said, I'm leaving.

I don't know where I am.

And I walked out of the casino at the stadium and luckily there's blackness one way and lights the other. So I was like a like a moth. I just follow those, follow those, follow those. When I get to the Mandalay Bay and I'm like, gotta turn left. Got to turn left, because I turned right, end up at the airport, ended up at the casino that I was staying at, basically facing into a wall, thinking I was watching something or going somewhere different.

And it was a day. I wasn't expecting that sort of detail. What a return to the podcast the crowd.

Yeah, welcome, bat mate. I'm just very glad that Rob Sutherland, in a time of need, in a bit of a days, he went towards the light and he's still with us. So that's encouraging.


Me let's put it well, after that great start to the podcast, let's actually talk a little bit of Super Coach.

How did our teams go on the weekend?

Pretty well? Twelve seventy so not a bad start for the season, and got the majority of or got my cheap is right. Team structure is good. So I think whether you're eleven hundred or fourteen hundred, as I'm just sitting there and you're happy with getting the majority of things right, that's important around one so so far, so good.

Yeah, similar to me, Like my team went junk. I'm ranked seventy thousandth but I love all my cheapies. I actually like my team. I just picked the wrong reserves, so I'm going to go no trades this week.

What do you think?

Yeah? Same.

I thought I'd put Shibasaki in my team as a reserve, and because I can't watch the roosters play. Then I'm about halfway through and go check the Super Coach scores. Screwed that up, and then I thought, you know that that anyway, long story short, I left about one hundred and eighty points on the bench, But you know that's okay.

How bittersweet is it? Like that started the game A lot of it. That left Shibasaki and Rob Toyer on the bench and you sitting there going I own him. It's good for cash, doown. I've got my cheepies right, but they're pounding points and you didn't play them, and you're like, it's very bittersweet.

Yeah, yeah, but I prefer to accentuate the sweet and ignore the bitter.

Rooster started well, mate.

Thanks Now I'm bitter.

Any trains for you, happy enough for my squad that I'd like not to, but I'm very aware that next week I'll probably boost and want to make some moves and we get another look at players and someone like Luke Metcalf. I'm more than happy to hold. But realistically, if like if he flops this week, he probably goes to Camp Munster, There'll be a few cheapies that emerge they'll need to buy, So I sort of want to get ahead of the pack. I'm looking at maybe going Alex safe after Tommy Gilbert. I think save Fith will do a job and be a I'm just not sure how much upside he's got. I don't like him on that ride edge outside Galvin, I can Galvin and LUI are gonna play a lot down that left and probably hit Samuel Finer on the left more so I'm looking at getting rid of him. Tommy Gilbert had made fifty five or so tackles based like something ridiculous on the weekend. First came back from ACL, So I'm thinking that'll be my trade.

Yeah, you make a good point about next week you're gonna have to boost. Still only three trades, so yeah, it could be worth getting ahead of the pack this week with one. But still you're taking a massive guess are you going to trade?


The only trade I was kind of looking at was the metric is it vy more?


Out to the gods, which is ridiculous, right, Kazooski because he flatters to deceive. His base was thirty odd Although that was a funny game, right because the play all went one way so barely any Broncos made a lot of tackles.

But no, I can't. I can't do that.

Speaking of the gods, we're going to do the no go zone segment. Now it's the player to avoid. He's number one for me.

He's just never been a super coach factor in the past.

Koreer PPM is about zero point sixty five if you take out the attacking stats on the weekend You've got thirty nine in eighty minutes, so I think it could be very trappy.

Your thoughts, Yeah, I agree around Kajewski, he's said like, and it's not a one off, Like, it's not an anomally right, they're the base stats went in there. He's never been supergats relevant. It's also been in the l like longer than you think around for a long time. Yeah, yeah, and the workout is in there. The only thing I don't want to get him eyed done. I won't be buying this week. He's going to be a tackle line which he rarely gets. But the Broncos pack and Corey Paks is in the same boat, right, Like Paks's base was awful. I think he had one runn he based about seventeen for hooker in about fifty nine minutes behind the Broncos park. If they can continue to do that week in week out, and it might not be that dominant, but like they look very good. They could find attacking stats behind it. And at two thirty two k I'm not buying either this week. They'd ill trappish, but big minute forwards in a great forward pack they could make money. But I'm more than happy to see him do it again this week and just wait.

Great, Well you two took the two I was going to have, So.

I've got others that I can throw.

No, I'll throw up one more Broncos. Since we're on a roll. I'm going to put in Pat Carrigan.

He was really really good, but I think there is way better value at front row for a bit less for a different guy, and I'll talk about him later.

The other one before him move on was stilly too. Was one of those trade in this week? Yeah, not four or five or something. It's clear as daylight. I think you've had forty two minutes and scored a double until Preston or villem Kicko go down injured or miss games, whatever, and he becomes a starting edge, like he could genuinely lose value by around four or five.

Two things I'd say about too, like the tries.

That's not going to keep going right, But there is that kickout back injury, so he's carrying a lumber issue, so a lumbar issue, so he could go down. But what I did like from Teus's number of runs, like it was really good through the middle. I agree with everything you say, but there was there were some other things that looked good.

Yeah, he basically won the game for the Bolldalks against my Dragons. I'm not happy about.

Let's bring that up again, Jesse Arthur's I'm not I don't see Jesse Arthurs either. He's never really broken out in supercoach. I know they've got potentially a better attacking team this year, but still I don't see the Jesse Arthurs love.

I love Jesse Arthurs as a footballer. Yeah, and I was about I had him in my team and then I just before sort of like the round started last weekend, I went, I did deeper dive into him and all his games Grant was in the por Bronco side last year that he scored tries in. In those games he scored fifty seven points, forty five, thirty two, eighty one and forty He also had to cut the triasis in that time fifty one with games with trials and try assists. He like he had a base of seventeen last weekend, which is what he's done for a few years now. He's just so attack reliant and like, maybe that will come behind this pack. But again, if he comes out and gets seventeen, this week without any attacking start all the cash game's gone, right, So if he comes out this week and against the Raids and scores another fifty to sixty seventy pass, I'll jump on. But risky.

Don't buy a guy with a decently long history who's scored well when his team scored fifty in round one, because he can tell it's not going to keep going that way, like you can buy a cheapie like Shibasaki because the price is so late to come in. But Arthurs is still three point fifty and it's got that history of not having the base.

Yep, But he's not going to play the roosters every week, that's for sure. Onto guilty pleasure, bring up the dragon. Good guilty pleasure. So for me it's vayamonger. It's a guilty hold, really, So I just love the look of him in the trials. He also I liked the look of him in that game in Vegas. He did change a little thing, a few little things for the Warriors, peped them up a little bit, but only played about fifteen minutes, so that's obviously a huge worry. I'm still going to hold He's my guiltysure hold for this week.

My guilty pledger was initially Arthurs, but I'll flick it back to Jermaine Hopgood, who was a bloke I didn't really consider that much during the preseason, and I sort of didn't see a lot of value at two RF so much skirt with money. I went from Cleary down to Tom Duffy, a freed uck cash just sort of bolster my tour f and save that a little bit so and that was all a quiet to and Hopgood and Hopgod, who's got fifty eight on the weekend is six fifty k, so quite expensive, but that paramounta pack. He's probably the only one locked into it. So I think he played like seventy two minutes or something. He was offloading, tackle busting. Hopefully doesn't get pumped by fifty each week with Melbourne down there in the heat. So I'm really happy with Hopgood, and I think he sort of gets back to what he did to you a Goo.

Doug Gilt whatsoever. It's early in the season. I'm okay with all my problems.

Ve no, it was legal, it was, yes, I own Hopgood.

And you look at that pack, well, actually you look at their reserve grade pack and see how much cattle there is in there with Madison and Carter had a couple of dolls like it's it's a great reserve grade pack, but that means their first grade pack is probably a little bit thin. So I think Hopcood is guaranteed big minutes Time for this week's best bets, powered by Better Robbie.

Back on you. You're famous for going the fifty to one raffies. What have you got for us this week?

You told me I had to be more conservative, Tom and then yeah, ye pushed me up that I've got to be a bit wild.

I'm not being wild this time.

I've got Panthers minus twenty and a half against my roosters clearly always carves him up. Dom Young was massively exposed last week. He's going to be exposed worse this week.

And the other one is the Tigers minus three and a half against the Eels.

Arpi's return, Bullet's return. I think they I just think they beat the Eels three dollars.

Sixty three sixty.

What happened?

It changed you so bored?

I think it changed my brain?

Chemical conservative. You finally had one hundred and ones last year and the rest.

Yeah, and i'd get like two of three or two of four.

That's all right.

I've got a pretty conservative one. I'm not mucking around with the Maltese anything like that. I'm going Raiders to win at four to twenty against the Bronx. I think that's pretty crazy. Odd's because the Raiders were really good. It's a home game for them. The Broncos played the Roosters, as I said, so I don't know how good that form guide is. I know they look great under the new coach, but four twenty for the Raiders I think is a good price.

I like it, yep, I know think you.

I knew that, especially if they can keep Reese Walsch like sub one forty as well. So even better for myself, I've gone a bit more exotic because I won't be next week and I'm not accountable for it, so unlike you boys. Dan Lucas left edge and might to be running. I think at Isaia Katowa love that matchup. Roger tubasis Chek on the left edge, he's going at that Cherry Evans Ruben Garrett edge. I think definitely their week one to score and the Allen Valhelmes on the left. He's been setting off his wingers in the charity shield and on the weekend. But that left edge at the dragons they're humming, so I've gone him as well. So that's fifteen dollars and eleven What.

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For free and confidential support called one eight hundred and eight five eight eight five eight or visit Gambling help online dot org dot AU Pod of the Week time, I go straight to you, Rob what are you thinking?

Lindsay Smith three point two percent ownership, played sixty minutes seventy in base. He's that guy that started last year as a good prop and finished last year as I think Kangaroo looked really good, just looked even better.

I think he and Taylor may tailor may Terrell, Yeah close at least I'm not tail.


I think he joins the elite.

I looked at him really closely going into round one, and I ended up going Mitch Barnett. I still don't think that's a definite mistake, But if Barnett doesn't play big minutes, then at the end of this week I'll be turning Barnett into Smith and pocketing eighty k or something.


No, James Fisharis there is great for Lindsay Smith. I've got DCE and only five percent ownership. It's an okay match up this week. I know it's in Auckland and it's against the Warriors who got smashed in round one. Then they got a lot of really good games in a book Vale level. So DC at five percent very nice.

I've gone kind of Tracy playing fullback to under six hundred k's at four point four percent ownership. Scored ninety last week, really good in base, in power, busts, a lot of tackles. The Doggi's attack is starting to sort of fire a little bit. They were very well known over the defense last year. I think they've spent a lot of time on their attack and their attacking structures this season. I think Tracey with his base and power available at ct dB, I think he's a real sneaky one and put in for a big year.

Yeah, I do like that, particularly in draft. He's a huge guy to get late in the draft onto cheap. The other week, what are we thinking.

You go first? Because you might still mind.

I've got a silly one. Really, Ronald Bolkman like I like the story, like I really like the story of you know, him being turfed out and then fighting his way back, and he scored forty four points in a team that was absolutely pants.


I know we've got plenty of options at cheap halfbacks, but that's one to keep an eye on. And Mitchell Moses is a renowned slow healer.

Yeah, well, I don't do you boys have Duffy?

I do.

I feel like we may have been given a little get out of jail free card in Humphreys and or Volkman. If Duffy does get the skids and the Cowboys yet pumped again this week, it doesn't. He bounces back, but let's say it gets dropped by round three, they make changes and we're stuck with it. Quite earlier on in the preseason, it was kind of like it was Duffy or No. One's that cheap number seven. Now, if it goes wrong, we should be able to move to either Volkman or Humphreys, which is other.

Humphries is the pick of the team, especially because I think that's a good chance he goes to hooker because Mamozula he tackled, he didn't give much else. And then after the game, Wayne was talking up Humphries. You know, saying he really loves what he brings to the.

Team and he's a big lad and suggesting basically that he could be a nine.

I've gone with.

I mean, there's a few obvious ones, right like Shibasaki Toya.

Is Subasaki must Let's let's get onto that first, because we've got I'm going forward on the run sheet here. But there was a question saying, surely Subasaki loses his spot when Catani Staggs comes back, But.

I don't think that's the case.

I'm under the impression that he actually was actually Dean Mariner who took the spot of Stags, which surprises me. But before Stags got injured, I was told that was the case, and then I think Tony sort of locked it down. So I think Shibpsarki's actually as it stands out of Marina, that may change based on how those two perform in the time Stags returned. But worst case scenario to thirty two K he's got a ninety nour only in his rolling age one game, but in a red hot Bronco is attacking outfit like worst case is one injury away from injury, right, Like it's I think you're buying I I.

Think I think he's on the left and Stags is going to come on the right, So Stags and on the right.

Yep, I think Subasaki. I would I own him, but I would go early on him this week if I didn't own him. The guy who I want to discuss is Lachland Hubner. So fifty nine minutes on the weekend, forty five points, so the work rate's not sensational. Those minutes may have been inflated a little bit by the injury to Tyrone Monroe, which meant that Jaden Sullivan was certainly playing in the outside.

Bud Sullivan moodle center, Braham moved to the wing, and I think that impacted Heaviely's minutes and therefore who Hubner's minutes that rotation.

And so Duncan and Hubner are on the field at the same time, which we were kind of told in the preseason wouldn't happen, then share that lock role. So I think you just need to be a little bit careful with Hubnah. I'm happy that I own him, but don't go there just yet.

He's another guy that weighing signal like.

At the end of the game, called out saying he was the first guy that he decided to bring back and bring down from the Dolphins.

So that's that's ye, that's something.

He's one that if you like, if you're a Vymunger owner, I think you could make them move. It might not be scoring that well every weep, but another one at near enough bottom dollar. As you said, Wayne like when out of his ways, how much he loved him in one of the first places he brought down. So I think you can go harder this week. If you're trying to show up a little cheap you to.

I spot got plenty of good substals, so super Coach Plus twenty nine to ninety five for the year that gives you all the stats. You've got a free trial right now until the end of this round, so suggest you get in there. Look at the ownership percentages, captaincy percentages. It's all that sort of stuff in super Coach Plus. Or you can get a code subscription fifty nine bucks for the year that gives you absolutely everything for a dollar a week. Injury Watch, wats the big injury burning away at the back of your brain right now?

Mine's Lewis Dodd. What is time to get suspended and then get injured. You know, I don't think what you had Wayne's trust at the beginning and now he's just let Humphreys sort of take over.

Yeah, bad luck for the Englishman Nico Heinz groin. Yeah, as an kicking and a non goal kicker. Yeah, so it's obviously nothing serious, but it was enough for him not to kick there, Like I am, and like I think own is just crossing their things and toes that he will goal kick this week against the Cowboys. But like he kicked in that for the second trial I think it was first or second trial, and then had a bit of groin tightness, so then the kicking judies were shifted on to Trindle. He was kicking the day before at like a captain's run at Allegian in Vegas, so I thought he was going to kick. Obviously didn't end up doing it. He's had two weeks between games.


I am happy enough to stick by Nico, Hines and Duffy for as long as Duffy's playing. It'll be a very nervous watch this weekend with Cleary, but probably needs to be goal kicking, So that's the one I'm worried about it.

Yeah, I mean that there's not. He's got a decent matchup this week, but there's not a lot of point in owning Nico.

Heines if he's not kicking goals, you're more loyal than me. Like, are you not seriously tempted to move on to Jerome Hughes. You can pick up Hughes next week his buy's down, he becomes you know, Origin Gold. Surely there's a temptation. If Heines doesn't like blow it out of the park this.

Week, I would prefer own Nathan Cleary than Jerome Hughes. I think Hughes is priced at his peak or near enough. I think clear is only in yet better and better, so I would move to Clearly. They play each other around three as well, which is will be a big watch. But no, I'd go Clear before years.

Captain c What are we thinking this week? You got Turbo against the Warriors, but it's over there in New Zealand. So look at the start of the year, I was selling going to captain Turbo every week, but then we've got Cleary coming up against the Roosters at Coombank Stadium. Yeah, it's not Panise Park, That's that's the only issue against It's.

Hard to go past clearly against the Roosters. So I'm going to throw the VC on Ponger Thursday night game at home.

You know.

He's got the ceiling. I know Turbo was great. I don't think he actually scored a try? Did he score one hundred and twenty and thirty without a try?


It was amazing. I was working that game. They're working that night, so they didn't really really get to watch it. But yeah, VC and Pomer and Cleary.

After seven eight years, so I'm doing this show with you boys, and like, sitting here Coppings, Rob's crap out. How good the Roosters they am?

Nice? Is it just so nice?

The thing is you can't hurt me.


At the start of the year, I was like, os are a bottom fourteen this year. We're rebuilding, but they've only got like eight internationals in the team. It's how can Robo work his magic with that cat?

But now he could be bottom two.

I'm okay with that too. It's a rebuild. We'll get good draft picks.

I've gone Tom Jabovich as a non clear own, sort of made it pretty easy VC on Caleb in the first game of the round, and then I think Tommy Turbo is going to be pretty hard to go past most weeks.

Yeah, the issue I've got is that I don't have any non players, so I can't use the VC a little more this week, So it's basically a straight sea. Your final thought, Rob, Right, Well, I was going to have a something to get off your chest, is what it.

I was going to have a gripe about the ref and the Eels and Storm game right, because I just thought he allowed the Storm to wrestle with the Eels and to drop onto their knees and get up straight away, and who's pinging the Eels if they tried to do the same thing.

Then, annoyingly, I went and looked at the stats and the play the ball speed.

The Storm were faster by point three to six seconds per play the ball, but the Panthers were point sixty five seconds faster, and it didn't upset me. Maybe I just hate the Storm. So I'm going to say this front load.

I hate it. I hate the term front load. It's crept into rugby league. They've got to front load their energy. It's a meaningless term. It means nothing. Just say try harder.

Okay, this was this scene when brought in to get Rob back on the show. We needed a gripe seats.

Yeah, well it used to be called Rob's rant. We should back to that now.

Mine is with Jason Ryle's mate for dropping chief E Charlie Geimer. Yeah, bloody Charlie Gimes finally got pounded by the storm in that one. Anyway, chief in my team, So it's absolutely personal and because of my super coach team. But seriously, some of the cattle they've got starty in that game and Charlie Gym he gets dropped.

I'll give it up. I just the thing I need want to say is just everyone relaxed. You don't trade, you don't have to. So he introduces a random.

Relax it's good for thought.

Anyway, questions, we've got a whole bunch yesterday. Selling Nico is from Philip selling Nico, question Mark look at their next eight games to a pretty good schedule.

But he was not kicking goals.

Well, Dally Chabans didn't kick goals and he put on hundred and thirty on the Cowboys last week. So Niko Hind, you absolutely don't sell this week. You're reassessed this week. You see how he goes. If he doesn't goal kicking in and he doesn't score that, well, you can shift in but shues or clear whoever it might be. But not a chance. I'm selling this week.

I'm a broken record, So keep banging on about it over at work.

But like the thing that the kicking matters, but the running, his running game has disappeared, right, and that would be worrying me.

If I was an O, he said in.

The preseason, then he was going to run more and.

Unlike didn't happen. To be fair, he was playing a very good defense.

It was Pendeth exactly.

So don't overreact. It's like when the storm of Penrith hold this guy back, one guy back. Oh that's it, he's done. It's like, no, no, just givehim another game.

But if you said to me before Vegas, like going to what's already a narrow field against the best fence in then early in round one Nico will get fifty, I'm like, sweet, I'll take it. Obviously we're not factory in the non goal kick into that, but I'm like, it's Penrith. No one good against Penrith.

He said to me before Vegas. Just be careful on the sow it's Robbie be careful.

On the time in Vegas. We didn't.

I think the plan was, but then I ended up like one last question, Metcalf, is this Romandre Dickson. Metcalf is not going to be a keeper. He's break even his seventy six this week. If he gets that, he will only go up by a bit, so he's obviously wanting to sell.


He had an absolute shock, like he's not going to have many worse games than that in his entire career. There was minus twelve points in negatives. I think he's going to bounce back, like you got to give him another crack.

Yeah, Well, the first thing is around the break even that he's worrying about it, and if he doesn't make seventy nine then he will lose cash. He's not gonna lose cash anyway, because you don't lose it. Prices don't change for three games, so don't be too concerned about it. And it was in the first game of that three game side, so it'll drop out straight away. If he comes out this well on scores, well it'd be like, all right, we panicked, didn't we I think the Warriors got a little bit overwhelmed by the bright lights of Vegas. In the occasion, they did not turn up for that. They were blown off the part by side who were ready for it. Ricky had the Raiders ready to go Metcalf if he comes out and stinks up this week and the Warriors struggle, sweet cutting next week, moving with Cam Munster a cheap five eight whoever it might be. But I'm giving Luke Metcalf another chance.

One hundred percent. You've got to give him a home game. It's not like he's a rookie that we don't know that we thought was going to go all right and didn't like we've seen him. We know how he goes as we saw him in the preseason. He went really well. Suddenly everyone jumped on him because of how he played, not because of his price, Like his price isn't cheap. So one hundred percent this week and then you pick up Monster having served it by Sweet Sweet Well.

That is our preview podcast Round two Huge, having a Robin tim back on the show. We'll catch you on Tuesday next week for the Team's podcast.

See you then,

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