NRL SuperCoach podcast: Cheapie Bible #2

Published Feb 11, 2025, 4:44 AM

The SuperCoach cheapie situation is constantly-changing. Get the latest bargain buys and avoids from Tom Sangster, Jett Hatton and Brandon Savage.

Hello, super Coaches, Welcome to our Cheapy Bible Revisited podcast. It's our second Cheapye podcast of the preseason, and a lot has changed in the month since that first episode. Big panel today, Brandon Savage from the super Coach Experience.

How's your team coming along?

It's coming along nicely.

I feel like I was very happy with it a couple of weeks ago, and now it's just torn apart completely. So I'm leaving it until the last minute. I don't know where I'm at with it, to be honest, but there's a lot of players I want in. There's a lot of players I don't want in. I'm all over the place at the moment, to be honest.

Yeah, will six changes for me. I just put out my team reveal this morning. Six changes for me, which is pretty restrained, I thought. But still there's lots of guys, particularly in the cheapy department, who we'll be looking at very closely today. Jet from Racenet and Partners dot Com. Any winners on the.

Weekend Mate best bet five dollars, best bet in the feature round week public attention, easy wins, so that that was a nice result.

Not around for Sunday and the super coach team's coming along.

Well going, good mate. This is the most important, really part, is it the Cheapi Bible. We've got to get it right. So let's get stuck.

In exactly so question without noticing who do you think were the big guys who starred in the trials over the weekend?

Only two games?

One was an absolute fizzer Warriors were the Sharkis and they probably weren't the best teams that went out on the field except for the Warriors, who tried to pick kind of close to a full strength team, i'd say, but the other ones were very much off full strength.

Yeah, I think Jayden Barrel was a massive standout for me. I really love him as a player. I want him to get a gig so badly at another club or for the Sharks at some point. But I also really liked the look of Chin's Nickel Klockstad as well. I think he looked really good and with the flex position there, it's very tempting just to put a flyer like him in there.

But yeah, I don't think.

I don't want to take too much from that first trial, and I'll have another look this weekend.

He was really good wasn't he With Roger Tubasischek getting ruled out three game as well, which means there was all this talk that there might be a showdown for the fullback spot. Looks like Chances has pretty much got it locked in now. After that performance, I liked Luke Metcalf. He ran the show for the Warriors. Thirty eight super coach points is pretty good given the minutes that he got.

He kicked goals.

I know Tanner Boyd wasn't in the team and Shanel Harris Tavita they were both ruled out due to injury, but still, I think Metcalf showed enough that he'll be pretty close to Hi must have.

Chevy Stewart's pretty good on Saturday Night as well. You think he might be some sniffer for getting a chance at full back there at the Raiders with Await. I kind of like k Weeks at seven, So I wouldn't want saying Chevy Stewart at the back there.

Definitely at some stage, and the other Stewart did okay as well. The coach's son in Jed. Let's run through our cheapy hot take. So the pod cheapy that not many people are thinking of who is it for you?

Mine's Brendan Hands three hundred and forty nine thousand. He's priced at thirty five, and when he wasn't playing off the bend last year he averaged forty five points, So I think there's a bit of upside there full preseason playing big minutes a number nine. I think the makeup for their side requires them to have four forwards on the bench. They've got a lot of forwards fighting out for positions. So I like Brendan Hans. I think he's pretty solid.

Yeah, I like it if he's playing eighty minutes. Really, good bye your thought on the pot hot take Cheapie of the Year.

One per cent ownership he's at He played Friday night against the Raiders. O hepa Puru against the Warriors. Yeah, I think he played against the Warriors.

Yeah. Yeah.

It's a wait and see with him, but I think he can snag the fourteen spot at Cronalo. Fitzi normally likes the gay with the four forward bench with a guy with a bit of versatility. He loses that this year. With Jack Williams on his way to Paramatta. He can play nine at a pinch. He's ball playing lock a lot of that sort of Jack Williams Mold. Not as tank as Williams obviously, but yeah, he put up a good score on Friday Night. He scored a try, a lot of attacking upside, and if he gets a spot there, I think he's going to be straighten my team.

The guy who I think is really under owned is Robert Darby from the Cowboys. He is at ten percent ownership, but word from Patrick Woods, who is our reporter up there in Tannsville, is that it's a fifty to fifty call between him and Brandon Burns for a wing spot there at the Cows. The center spot has been taken by vay Leah. The other center spot is up for grabs between Zach Laybutt and Jackson Purdue, So a bunch of good cheapis there. Purdue is really popular, but Darby, at only ten percent, I think is well under owned. If he starts on that wing, you're pretty much going to have to get him.

Yeah, I think all of them, especially at the price. It doesn't look like we've got a load of cheapies this year, so when they come, we've got a pounce.

The other one who I want to point out there is Tom Duffy as well, who's well in contention for the half back spot. They've lost Chad Townsend, Jake Clifford. It doesn't seem like the coach's liking him that much at the moment. And Duffy had an amazing season in Queensland Cup. So he's well in contention for that halfback spot for round one and if he does, he probably kicks goals as well. He's only at nine point one percent.

He's supposed to play next Sunday against Melbourne. I think I don't think he's playing this weekend, but yeah, apparently didn't even look.

I think he's putting his feet up for one week. We'll see when the trials come through. The team's come through this afternoon, but yeah, word is that he might put his feet up this week, which shows that he's probably really in contention.

Yeah, they've got to be wrapping him. It seems like too.

Cheapy, no go zone.

Who's the high ownership player that you think you just can't go there.

I think after the weekend Owen Patty really impressed a lot of people and I think he's going to be a future star. But we've seen Ricky with his hookers and his rotation. It's just a Ricky rule that is a killer for super coach coming off the bench playing fifteen minutes is not what I want from a cheapy hooker, especially when we've got so many good cheapy hookers available in sand On Smith, Mademozello's Brendan hands. I think we can bypass him and potentially just wait till later in the season to get more of an idea on the role.

Yeah, he's definitely not going to be scoring a couple of tries each week, and they've got a lot of hookers at that club, so I'll be avoiding even though it was a great performance. Your thoughts, who's your no.

I'm looking in the hooker position as well. I think you might not agree with this because I think he's in your team, But I'm not convinced that Pete Mamizelos is going to start. Jamie Humphreys is there. I think he's a gun. I think he's looming there, and I reckon he's a Wayne Bennett man. I wouldn't shock me at all if he plays most of the season.

Have you seen Jamie Humphreys rig as well? It's ridiculous if he starts exactly rig But.

Yeah, everyone seems to think that Mamozellos is a young gun coming through. He's twenty five years old, he's been around for quite some time, and I just think there's a few more options every hook. I think Santen Smith's a safe bet. Yeah, I just i'd avoid Mamazellos. I don't think he's going to start.

We'll wait and see. In the trials this week, it's going to be crucial.

As I said, trial teams coming through at four pm this afternoon, so look out for those. I'm going to remind you guys of the subscription offers that we've got pumping at the moment. It's some really good office. You can get super Coach Plus for twenty nine to ninety five. That's all the projected scores, projected price rises, projected falls, the people's averages at venues, people's averages against different teams. There's so many good stats in there. Realistically, if you don't have super Coach Plus, you're not serious about Supercoach. But I think the best deal is that you can get a full code subscription for fifty nine dollars for the year. Let's call it a dollar a week for the season. You get all the articles, all the VIDs, you get cheapy Bible, early mail, late mail, all that sort of stuff for one dollar a week. I think that's a crazy deal. I've never seen a deal this load, to be honest. So get in there, sign up in the app if you want to get involved. Now the most popular cheapies sand and Smith. Do we need to talk about him? Is he you must?

Yeah? I think so.

Kicking goals potentially too, so starting at five eight, he looks really good.


Rob Savalan's doing a story right now on who's going to kick goals at each club and it's either going to be him or Chad Townsend. And Chad Townsend's record with the tee is not good. San And Smith is a surprisingly good kicker.

Yeah, trus Mesi Shark's founder that Chad towns end off the tee. So yeah, he played eighty twice last year. Santon Smith went eighty eight and fifty all beat It was against the Oup, so he won't going that good last year. But he's only about two hundred and thirty seven, k I think he must have.

Yeah, he's my starting hooker. I'm going with two cheeps. At hooker and like, what are you thinking about two cheepees at hooker?

Yeah, I think with the flex, especially with the eighteenth player falling out of your team each week, you can kind of sacrifice a position or at least have an extra position where a lower scorer might happen and you can take that risk.

Yeah, two cheeves a hooker. I kind of didn't like it.

Last y Yeah around, Yeah, no, I am kind of coming around because what whisper It said last week is I completely didn't take you into consideration because so new is the flex rule. But I don't know, I just want Harry Grant's like thirty percent owner shit, which is just crazy.

Yeah, he's got the buying round two. I don't hate the hooker position.

You've got Harry Grant, who's the best, but he's got the buying round two.


Then the next two expensive.

Guys are Damian Cook and Jacob Little, who are going to be cutting into each other.

Yeah. But even I'm very happy to play Sanna Smith round two. I think he's a you can play him and Harry Grant. No one's going to have him, and he's every chance to go one hundred and thirty he kills it early on. He always does. It's sort of the origin period where he tails off and you can always maybe him mine after that.

But yeah, I'm going to go two cheapies, particularly given I've got Connor Watson in the back row, and if the two cheapies do fail, you can just switch Connor Watson out there onto Isaiah Yongie. I don't own him. I'm going with three gun fullbacks. Is that a mistake?

Nah, I'm going without him as well.

Logan Guy, I'm Avery Guy's brother messaged me the other day and pretty much told me that it's a stay going without our young hee because he's pretty much watched him play alongside Maverick for two years now and he's just a weapon three hundred meters plus every game. And that nearly got me over the line. But I just can't do it. I think I think three full backs is to go.

I really like he just runs the ball a lot. He's going to be attacking in a really nice sight. I think Parramatta are going to be a lot better than what they were last year. Mitch Major's playing out the back of him is going to get a lot of attacking opportunities. And I just want to prioritize cash over points early on. So I'm going to go they have the three gun fullbacks.

It's a tough call because a young in all probability is the cheapie of the year. Even the worst fullbacks in the Super Coach average around fifty. And if he does that, he's going to make a lot of money.

It could make or break your season, couldn't it If you get it wrong.

It's the biggest call of the year.

Yeah, so we'll wait and see, but for now, I'm going to go with the three gun fullbacks. If you've got Tom Chabovich, let's say Ponger and.

Reese Walsh or locked in the fullback, it's pretty damn good.

This reminds me of a couple of years ago when the decision was to start with Tommy.

Turbert at one point two million or not.

It feels like that this cash swing is going to define a lot of people's season.

Yep, yep, And I went, he lost lots of money when you started with him. I remember I would have lost four on to Robert Toyer. Do you think he plays at the roosters? Obviously they've they've lost a couple of guys. Joseph Suli been one of them, and there's two spots up for grabs. There are three popular super Coach guys running for those spots with Toyawazi and Billy Smith. Only two of them are going to make it unless they're injuries.

I feel like it's not going to happen, just the way Super Coach falls. I feel like we're going to have to find our cash elsewhere. Yeah, I just don't think it's going to happen.

Yeah, they're a Billy smith man. Trent loves Billy Smith. I'd be very surprised if he's not in the team. And it seems like Mark has spot as well. So yeah, Robert Toyer, he's a gun. He's got injured quite a few times over the last few years. And if he gets in there, you've got to lock him in. Then he's a wait and say.

If he gets in, it'll be two Toya. Good to be true. You've got Supercach names.

Going to Jackson Purdue. So I mentioned it before, but it's pretty much between him and Zach Labat for a center spot at the Cowboys. Now Laybat's coming back from an ACL there's plenty of chat they might ease him back through the lower grades. I don't think Purdue will play in the halves. There was some chat that he's going for a half spot. That won't happen. I think Tom Duffy and Clifford are ahead of him. I think Perdue probably is over owned, given that he's in over forty percent of teams, but if he does play around one, you probably have to get him.

Yeah, just to the price, I think with the cheapest available. I didn't love what I saw from center from him last year. I think naturally he is a half, but I think at the price you just got to go with him.

A trying daboo against Penrith at Penrith, probably the hardest debut you can have. He's got about sixty there, and yeah, if he gets round one, I'm going to lock him in. I think he's a talented footy player.

Josh Shuster, who's taken the risk there. I can't not take the risk, given how good I know that Shuster can be, and given that Wayne Bennett is now there at South's. I'm just it's not even that much of a risk really, given what he's done in the past and his price.

I don't think he'll start the season.

It seems like he's not ready to go for round one, but I think at the price, I'm very excited to see how he goes this year. I think at second row he's a lot more enticing than he is at five eight.

Lock him in for me. He's had a year to get ready for this. Wayne Bennett's going to have him fired up. When he played a full year in a gun side, which I think is going to be this year. He's got over ninety maybe three times at mainly in twenty twenty one that team was humming. He was playing on the left edge. He's gonna be outside Cody Walker if he does get the spot thereside.

Yeah, it's going to be like him with playing with Tommy Turbo.

If he starts there round one and he's playing, I'm going to play him every week, I reckon.

Yeah, I think.

Look, my thoughts are that he'll probably get a bench spot for everyone, even so, I'll have a crack. Mamoiseellas is next on. At least we've probably spoken a fair bit about him. Jesse McClain, so interesting news about him.

Ivan Cleary is.

Always very cagy with his team chat, but he dropped a little hint. Both Jesse and Casey are obviously going for that one wing spot at the Panthers, and haven't They played on the weekend and Ivan Cleary said Jesse was really good, Casey was all right. So does that suggest but Jesse, who is the super coach, cheapie and probably the guy we want in that position, does that suggest he's ahead? I think it maybe does.

He's also naturally a winger first, and Case's naturally a center, so it would make sense for Jesse to get the spot first, which is good for soup coach.

I think he's playing a bit silly buggers either. I think he is. I reckon Casey, he's I just reckon. He's a better footy player than Jesse, to be honest, from what I've seen from him.

Yeah, I'm sure Casey.

So Jesse was ahead in the pecking order until he got injured last year and then Casey took the spot. Casey's more of a center, Jesse's more of a winger.

But he runs. That's what he does a lot of what they need out of their own end, and that's you know, he's probably not gonna do that in a trial That's probably why he wasn't impressed with what he did on Saturday Night. But yeah, it'd be a bit like Robert Toyer. Too good to be true if Jesse gets a spot at two hundred k there when Casey's four hundred and something.

Casey also played on the wing for New Zealand and scored four tries, so I think he definitely can do the job there.

I'm just hoping it's Jesse because he's about two hundred kg.

It'd be nice.

We've got some questions coming through guys on Twitter. Peter Ferguson's asking his car olaap who worth stashing at five eight. He looks likely to be a Dolphin and should be a good coach option if he does the issue with he had that he had a pretty decent debut season at the Dogs then got a serious neck injury. Anyone coming back from a serious neck injury, I am not going near there. They're going to have to ease their way back in, So for me.

Ol is definitely known.


I guess in the five eight spot people are looking for cheap options because it is a bit of a wasteland there. But he's had this rumor of going to the Dolphins. Has been going around for months now and he's still not there, So I wouldn't be stashing someone just based on rumors at the moment.

Yeah. I remember Gus I'm saying not too long ago that he had quite a long recovery from his neck injury, so it seemed pretty serious. But when he when he brought them down there from the Broncos, I think it was massive rap on him. Yeah.

Yeah, the Broncos definitely didn't want to get rid of him.

Yeah. So if I wouldn't stash anyone at five eight, I'd need to have someone that's playing there. But if he plays and he looks all right, you know, he's probably worth getting in there, probably for draft, yeah more than classic. Yeah.

Tom is asking he finds his name five eight today, will he get duel before the season starts?

Is he going to get named five chance?

When Trindle runs that team, he's got six on his back, he's.

Really I think I think that's a massive misconception because Heines was injured last year. He did his calf, and he was sort of letting Drindle run the shot and do it all the kicking because he was sixty percent at best when Heines is healthy, he's the man, He's got the saving on his back. He's he's the franchise player at Kranala. I don't think there's any chance in hell that he plays six.

Yep call from the Sharks fan Tom Amone and he loved for him prop cheap.

He's just so bad coach this year. But we're probably going to have to go with at least one, maybe even two.

It's hard to trust.

But I love what I hear from the Super League and how he's how he went over there. If he gets a starting spot, I'm more interested. If he gets a bench spot, I don't want to go there again.

The issue is that they often at the at the Bulldogs.

Rather they'll play a guy for twenty minutes, the big usually the big bloke for twenty minutes, take the sting out of the game, and then he doesn't come back on the field at all. Then they let their little middles right around and Josh Curens et cetera. So even if he does start, I don't even know if it affects his minutes that much, do you know what I mean?


Who was the guy last year they had at the Bulldogs that was a trap everyone in Themacili and then the ear for it was Franklin Pele. So it's been a bit of the Laceland and there at the Bulldogs for the TV front rowers, like someone that you just have in there that's going to get ten every week and a bit of a trapper. My mine's pretty good. I like what I've seen from him. He's in my team at the moment. But yeah, a bit of Ptsteve.

I've got him, but I mean cheapy props are just no good Demitrick Matte Valmanger. I assume that's how you say his name was Okay in the trial on the weekend, he's good points per minute kind of character. I don't think, Well, he's not going to start for the Warriors and one chance of a bench spot. I think he'd be cheap at some stage. I'm not sure if it's going to be from round one.

Yeah, I think edgeback roll.

Is he a bit of both?

He plays?

Yeah, Okay, I don't know too much about him to be honest, but I think bench cheap is at the price and try to stay away from unless we're pretty certain on their role.

He's had a name for cooler last year, I think, and then I was watching him on the other night and as this guy I know, I know him, and then it turns out it was cooler. He's a big, powerful forward, he's got tackle busting ability. He's only two r F though, so maybe we get to maybe get a jewel in there throwing another one around. But big ppm right last year when he played. I don't mind him, but I couldn't have the Warriors.

The Warriors just think he's awesome.

Yeah, I like him.

Everyone that people chat to a the Warriors say he's there, big young gun coming through. So he will be a super coach by at some stage this year. Valio to Marlae looks like he's going to start the season at the Raiders on the wing.

I think he's a gun.

I thought he would have played a bit of an a role last year at the Dragons, but then he signed for the Raiders and essentially got frozen out. We'll start round one on the wing for the Raiders. But Albert Hoppawadi is only out for one week due to the birth of his child. He's just not gone to Vegas and then presumably comes back into that team. So you've got Tomale for one week and then who knows what happens from there.

It's going to be a tricky one, isn't it.

He's in my side at the moment just because Cheapie Price in the center wing. And I think the Camper Raiders are going to do well this year. I think they're going to overachieve once again like they always do. So if he gets starting spot in round one, I'm happy to take the punt and just hope to write it out until he gets a couple more games.

I feel like there's not going to be enough cheapest.

I just have to go with crossing your fingers round two. Yeah, Chilla last year played that sort of and he went on massively, So it's not the Raiders don't have outside backs, they can't score points. Yeah, he's a risk, but Ricky does like Alba hop I too, so that's the only thing.

Also, the Raider's got Miles Martin, who is a young middle forward. He played lock in the Trial on the weekend thirty two odd points. It was all right, A lot of people like him. The fact that he played the Trial in what was a pretty second string team to me.

He says he's probably not going to play a.

Round one, Yeah, I don't think so. I think he's definitely just to wait and see.

I like the look of him. He's a gun from Newcastle. Apparently. I had big reps for him back there. He's got dual position. I know that because he was enough in my team last year. Yeah, so yeah, I love the look of him. The other night I thought he played really good. But I can't see him geting a spot there.

Yeap, Kobe Heatherington. I'm calling BS on this one. So the coach, the new coach, Michael McGuire, is saying that Carrigan could move to prop, which would mean Heatherington would play thirteen. But Michael McGuire is saying a lot of stuff. He's thrown out lots of burly in the preseason, I think, just to fire up his players. It's coaching one o one, it's motivation one oh one. He's saying Blake Mosey could be starting here and blah blah blah, all these positions for grabs. I'm pretty sure he's got a fairly settled team for Round one in his head. So look, I'm not going with Kobe Heatherington for now. But if he is named at locked for round one, you have to consider him.


I looked at his games over forty minutes and he's still on the averages thirty five, so there's not too much value there. Even if he does get a little bit of an upticking minutes.

Where smokes fire. I wouldn't be surprised if you started at thirteen. I think he's a he's a mage player, as I said last week. He would have a big bass if you did play, I think because he just makes one hundred tackles a game. But there's definitely no attacking upside in Kobe Heathington.

No Lewis Dodd so interesting one here. Looks like he will play half back for the rabbit Oats, but he's half back only. And for me, I want to stay my half back with Nathan Cleary and Nico Heins because they've got really good draws to start the year. If I don't go with one of those guys, it will be for a genuine cheap you like Tom Duffy.

They're the only three.

Guys are really considering him half back this year, so I won't be able to find space for Lewis Dodd, who is only a borderline cheaper.

You could even call him a mid ranger.

Yeah. I think he'll do well in that side though.

I think there's a lot of superstars around there, and he could drag an attack and studdle two pretty.

Early, So he might be one we're kind of sleeping on.

But I think without knowing who's going to be number seven, we can't really define what's going to happen there.

Yeah, I'm not communs you play seven. Budd Sullivan's there and apparently he's trained the house down.


I wouldn't surprise at all if Wayne, you know, a little fire on Budd Sullivan and he's playing the best foot of his career. Next minute he's in a good side playing seven, you know, sort of giving it to the Dragons and the Tigers, and.

He love for Blake Mosa.

Maguire has said that he might start at hooker, but he's all they said about seven. Other people could start hooker. I don't think it's going to happen. He's been the next Cameron Smith for about four years.

Yeah. I don't mind him.

He's got but I just think there's a lot of other options there that we can go with. I think he's probably fourth or fifth on the hook at cheapy lists. But yeah, could have a breakout season this year, so maybe he is on the up.

Yeah. I think if the Dragons want to be good this year, they kind of Billy Walters as they're starting nine. I just don't think he's it. As you've seen the last few years, he's got a bit about him with Moses. You know, he's a massively touted dummy half and if he's starting, you could definitely have him in there. He's got a lot of attack in him in a side that will score points. So if he starts, I think he'll play sixty minutes at least and make some money and.

A question will really a comment come in on Twitter to end the show. Metcalf's stats from Trial's show promising signs he's got eighty five percent goalkicking accuracy, So I think if he does play, which he will, the Warriors have essentially locked him in for a half spot for a round one pardon.

Eighty five percent.

Goal kicking accuracy is sensational. Four hundred and forty odd k he's locked in for me?

Are we just? Are we locking him in?


I think in the position it's pretty a bit of a wasteland, so I think he's a must have.

YE got even start him like in your starting seventeen Will.

He's got drystcoring ability, he looks like he's the guy there with no Sean Johnson. So I think he's going to average you know, sixty sixty points this year and playing let right well.

Big thanks to Brandon Savage from the super Coach Experience. Big thanks to Jet yet again. That is our super Coach Cheapy Bible revisited. We'll catch you next week for some previews of Las Vegas Sea.


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