#390 Nikki Needs An Enemy, Renting a Theater, Mindful Moment & Burnt Pants

Published Nov 9, 2023, 12:00 AM

Nikki is joined by her boyfriend, Chris, after a long weekend of East Coast shows. Together, they peruse the kind notes received from Besties in Boston and Baltimore. Nikki recaps the experience of renting a movie theater and inviting Besties and fans to watch Taylor Swift's "ERAS." Chris and Nikki have been keeping up with "The Golden Bachelor," but Nikki encountered unsettling news about "FBOY Island." She contemplates whether she needs more enemies, possibly gaining a new one after being cut off in the TSA line. This dilemma raises the question: does Nikki need to channel more anger or slay with kindness?

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The Nicki Gliser Podcast.

Niki Glasers Years, Nikki, Hello here, I am welcome to the podcast. It's Nicki Glaser Podcast. It's a Wednesday, but here it's Sunday. I'm just gonna be honest with you, guys. It's been a long weekend and this is how we're rounding it out.

I kept thinking that it was Monday.

That's the boy It was the voice of my boyfriend, Chris Convey. Yeah, because I had a show on Thursday this weekend, and I usually start my shows on Friday, that I thought last night's show was Sunday. I almost said, what's up, Baltimore, thank you for coming out on a Sunday night. But I had two shows in Boston, and then I was in Boston for two nights, which I'm only usually in a city for one night, so it was like it almost felt like that was just one and then yeah, so Boston, I did Thursday Friday, and then I was in Baltimore. It was a great weekend of shows. Chris was there for Boston night too, and oh cool. You know it's fun. He's on the rood for me now because he's producing my stand up special special that we're getting ready to do Yeah, what'd.

You think of those shows this weekend?

I thought about them, thought about them a lot. I liked him a lot, Honestly, the crowds were awesome. Yeawdels like the materials popping off. I've been getting more notes about just like dms saying stuff about my material that is really heartening of like just you're saying things I needed to hear, or you really made me think, or I got this really nice message I want to read actually because I think I read it to you last night, Chris. But it just like really warmed my heart because sometimes you see, sometimes I will look over my DMS and I'll see like a certain word, and I'll be like, oh, no, it's going to be someone who's mad at me, like I've offended someone or something. Especially with a huge tower of text. I'm just like, this could be them being like, hey, I like you, but I want to let you know something that really like fucked with me and hurt my feelings, because that's happened before, and it's like, it's pretty devastating when I.

Hurt someone's feelings. It's one of the worst feelings.

No, no, no, I.

Don't so, but this.

I saw a couple of keywords in here, and at first I freaked out because a lot of times they lead.

With nice and then they go but you know, so I can't even.

Trust the first part and this person, yeah, the infamous butt. By the way, Brian and Noah are here. By the way.

Hi, guys, everybody knew that already.

They no standard, Yes, they're standing. They come with the packaging, aren't there. What is it called.

Their batteries not included?

Yeah, you're the battery. Sometimes they are included.

Yeah they are we Yeah, you're my batteries. Today. You're a double Wait what you're.

A what's your favorite battery? I think my.

Favorite is a triple A because they're small and they're like they don't weigh down the device, and they're always you always have triple as. Double as you are are like are they going to be working? But triple as we always have excess of. So when something requires a triple A, I'm always kind of excited.

As you get older, c's and d's become much less appropriate because those mostly going toys and STU A sea battery, you don't remember the sea.

The vult don't I'm recognize it.

Is it the is it the square?

No top that like twozzles, it's a two, but it's just.

And those ds are huge.

The d's, I remember the d's. Those are crazy the environment.

These are what like Philadelphians use as weapons sporting events they call they called d's the Philadelphia Grenade.

I just remember. I've seen memes a lot for the kids of the nineties, like no one will understand ruining your fingers and like you're getting like almost bone spurs from trying to do the battery. Check the battery and see how much power was left in the door. You press on one and then you press on the other end, and you have to like press it down so much to see its life in it.

Those were awesome.

Those were awesome, but it was like so hard to press on those things, and you didn't know if you were pressing hard enough because it would fill up. So if anyone's listening that doesn't know what I'm talking about. They used to have a little thing on the side of the battery that you could press on and you could see how much life was in the battery.

You'd pressed the side of the battery, in the top of the battery, yes, and then like this like it was I think it was some sort of magnetic something that would like start filling up and you'd be like, oh, we got some power here, baby.

It's not easy to press the side of something and the end of something. That's not a good way to get pressure, do you know what I mean? Like the side is slippin'. So it was stick my nail into it like it was a bug bite, and it would it wouldn't work.

My parents had a battery tester from like the early seventies. I used it all the time.

You still use it?

Well, no, not for a while, but we still have it.

Oh wow, that's cool.

I don't think I've ever pressed on one of those batteries and had it be any charge at all. The only time I pressed on it's empty.

Well you think it would be empty because you weren't putting enough pressure on it, but you're right, they mostly were empty.

You wouldn't be testing it unless it was like, oh, my thing's not working. Let me check if I have charged. Then you check it.

It's like good point.

Oh yeah, it's just confirming.

What else is a battery tester? The on button.

Of the remote?

Okay, so my husband and I went to the Thursday night Boston show. Nikki, you friggin killed it in capital Marx, capitol all caps. Yeah, yeah, I am a big fan in a bustie for a few years now, but I've never seen you live. I have to say that, No, I'm just kidding. That's where this is where I could turn. But it didn't, mostly because she said, I'm I'm a big fan in a bustie for a few years now, but I've never seen you live. Mostly because I am an overweight person who has a lot of anxiety about going to comedy shows for a variety of reasons. Will the will the comedian call me out for being fat? Will the seats be ridiculously small? Lots of obese person anxiety. So when I saw the word fat, obese, overweight, I was like, uh oh, did I make this person uncomfortable?

Because I do talk about being fat.

I talk about fat people in my not making fun of them, obviously, but I do talk about fat people, and I think someone who's not maybe because someone who could.

Be maybe overly sensitive or.

Is not understanding what I'm saying, could misconstrue what I'm saying and think that I'm calling or making fun of fat people.

No, it's it's a part of it's a part of getting two jokes, and it's defending it's it's defending people that don't that aren't like supermodels.

Yes, you're defending the fat people.

Well, I'm actually just addressing the fact that our society discriminates against fat people and that it's fucked up. And if we we don't have let's not act like there's total fat acceptance in show business just because there's three fat people on TV.

Like there there is.

You're still incentivized in show business and to be thin exactly. Yes, it's true, and like one Dove campaign didn't fix everything, and like I love fat acceptance and I love the the fat acceptance movement, but the work isn't done, like and Hollywood still is. There's such fucking liars, And most of the time they get involved in the fat accept to the movement just to be on the woke side of things. And then they let one fat person on TV and then that's the end of the story and they go, well, we have one fine, and then there's no one else. And so it's really to prove a point about the fact that I hate the fact that I'm obsessed about my looks and all these things, but I'm actually smart and being so because you get less work if you if you aren't the way so business want you to look. So I'm I'm not saying I'm smart. I'm just saying like I'm justified in this insane mindset that I have sometimes because the world in which I'm living in does not reward fat people.

The world is prejudice.

Yeah, that's like the point I keep making.

You gotta be hot and skinny.

You did well, it's it definitely behooves you. There's no question about it.

I don't know one fat ugly person that's successful. I couldn't name one.

I could name some, but I'm not going to because it seems mean, even though I would argue that being fat and ugly is not a crime, and I should say this one's fat and ugly, but you can get it. That's my point is, like, you get in trouble if you say someone's fat and ugly, but some people just are, but you can't say it because they go, that's mean, and you're like, well that's the truth.

I mean the pod I want you to tell me who's fat and ugly and sccessful because I feel like all the fat people that I've seen successful are attractive and all the ugly people are skinny.

What about John Candy and I could say it because he's no longer with us, Yeah, he just logged off.

Well, it's also different because it's different for men as well.

Oh for men.

Absolutely, Yeah, that's a good point. So fat ugly women.

A fat ugly woman who's successful, because I think there's a lot of fat women who are attractive. There's a lot of ugly women who are skinny, but not both.

What does ugly mean?

Or because I think what you're talking about is someone if they were thin, they would have a hot face, I think that's what we're saying, right, Or they have like a pretty face but they're fat.

Is that what you're saying?

Yeah, I mean ugly to me, I would think would equal Your face is not symmetrical. If we're talking scientifically, what ugly versus what like aesthetically beautiful people versus aesthetically un beautiful people with I'm saying, no, there's no moral judgment here. If you're ugly, it's not a crime, it's not a bad thing. But your face is not as symmetrical as people who are beautiful.

Would we agree on that point, Well, no, I think I think the science point t the science aspect of it. The symmetrical thing. Yeah, I guess it has some merit. And like Denzel has the most symmetrical face, therefore he is the most handsome. But I think a lot of this is so subjective subjective.

I think it's kind of objective for I mean, I make that point of my special but or I will hopefully.

I think it gets to a place where it can be objective some space for like, I've.

Been attracted to people who would probably be ugly because I've gotten to know them and I can't see the ugly anymore.

Yeah, you thought they were ugly but first yeah.

And thought there's no way and then they win you over and thank God for that.

Name name everyone.

No, but a lot of them, but most Okay. So she goes on to say, so this is just an I read this because it's interesting that just thinking from the perspective of someone who's obese, like these are anxieties they have. If you're not obese, you don't understand this struggle. You don't understand like going to a comedy show. I would be worried as an obese person, will they make a fat joke, not even about me? In general? Will everyone be thinking, oh my god, this girl next to me is fat. She's probably like uncomfortable.

You know.

There's just like lots of worries.

Will the seats be big?

That's the big one. Is the anxiety of taking up space. Yeah, is one of the ones that must be so difficult.

She said.

After listening to the pod for these few years and losing a lot of weight, I saw you added this added a Thursday show just a couple of days after my birthday, and I asked my husband if he would come with me to Boston to see you. He said yes, and we came to the show. I would never have had the courage to come to that show if it weren't for the way you put yourself out there on the pod. We had the best time. Your show killed. I think it's the most evolved set I've ever seen, And OMG, myhusband. My husband sometimes and then says the thing, and I don't want to give it away because it's my closer, but her husband does a thing that in my closer I talk about I've never seen anyone do before. And this is a really nice note. And speaking of I also meant a fat fan of mine shout out to. Oh, my god, what's her name? I'm so embarrassed. I don't remember.

Marilyn Marissa. Sorry, Marissa.

Marissa came to the Taylor Swift Day that I did on Friday in Austin. My god, it was so awesome, but I'll just real quickly say that Marissa at the end of it, she was one of the MVPs of the whole thing. She was just so fun. She wrote me personally and was like, I can't go to your Thursday show, but I'd really love to go. And I was like, girl, I'll save you a ticket. So she goes, and she was so fun and just we're dancing the entire time, singing, dancing.

She was just like cool with everyone.

She was just went alone, but she was like involving everyone, and everyone just like loved her and was so fun to have her there. And then on the way out, she was like, I just want to say as if I'm fat, and like, I really appreciate you talking about fat like acceptance and fat people and and I just like loved and she was like, and I love that if I was on a plane, you would like sit next to me and you wouldn't care. She was like, I can't wait to sit next to you on a plane some day, because I always say that if you're a fat person on a plane, if you're a skinny person on a plane and a fat person gets on, if you ever scoff or make a face, you're you're gonna go to hell. You're a bad person. You deserve you deserve a coach seat in hell, a middle coach seat in hell between two fat demons. Well that's what I'll click their toenails the whole time I meet you.

If I have an empty seat next to me and people are boarding, I scoffed, no matter who is.

Because someone has to sit next to you.

Bright, isn't there necessarily they could that could just be an empty seat lucky day.

Yeah, but eventually it has to be filled. Like, Okay, I get it. But if they're if you're scoffing because they're fat, you're a bad person.

I'm not gonna scoff at their fatness. I'm gonna scoff at their their humanity.


If they're fat, you should just never scoff.

The problem with that is then they think that you're scoffing because of their I just got.

To hope they're not fat, because I'm gonna scoff.

Have you guys, you guys seen that that video of a guy, well, so a Southwest flight is boarding and he just he like stares straight ahead and then he's he's sitting in the middle seat and he just pats the seat next to him, like with maintaining I got.

Yeah, yeah, it's the greatest way to get someone to not sit there.

It's so brilliant, great video. It's yeah.

So I just well, I'll just say Friday in at twelve thirty at the AMC in Methuin outside of Boston was so freaking fun. It was everything I wanted it to be. It was me and I think thirty five besties and one.

Or two people that's suck.

It was so good.

What remazing thing to do for your fans too.

Who and for yourself. I mean, you get surrounded by people that because even when you bring your best friends to Taylor Swift.

They don't like her as much.

They don't like her as much as you do, or as much as some of your besties do when you meet somebody who's not necessarily your friend, who's a tailor person, you guys have some weird thing that is different than your friendships with other people.

I had my friend nor Haddi open for me this weekend, and Nor, if you're listening, like thirty percent of the reason I invited her this weekend was because of the swifty.

Thing and seventies because she's funny.

Yeah, seventy because she's funny. If she wasn't funny, she would not be there, no question and nice and just a fun hang. But man, we were able. She's as much of a swifty as I am, and we were able to geek out so hard backstage it was like kind of annoying to be around. I'm sure, yeah, but it was just so fun yes, to talk about nuances of songs and like she wore this and what this video means and like all of the fun things. But I will say that I was inspired by Taylor Swift to do this because Taylor Swift famously has done listening parties where she invites swifties. She doesn't do it anymore, she hasn't done it, and I think since like maybe reputation, or maybe I think maybe she didn't do it for a lover, so it might have been reputation. She would invite swifties to her house for a listening party and party and just hang out with them all night.

Well, didn't we see video footage of Swift watching her own movie and like singing and having at the time of her life. Yes, somebody was telling me, I think maybe it was Anya. Somebody was like, maybe it was nort was like, Nicky didn't stop dancing for three and a half hours.


People were like, oh, surely, you know, people will take a break or it'll be like a thing. But it was like three and a half hours, all dancing, all singing, and you let your voice go, like you say, say.

That was the nice thing about it is because I think that if I would have gone to see it in a regular theater, I wouldn't have sang at the top of my lungs, because I wouldn't want to at any house's time. But because I paid nine hundred dollars for this theater and everyone got in for free, I'm like, if they have a problem with me singing, that's a they can leave.

You know.

They didn't they all they they did give up their afternoons for me and drive out there, and that I appreciate, but I was like, it's the way I feel on my birthday when I do karaoke. I'm like, I can just do one song after the other because it's my birthday, and I'll sing if I want to. And this was kind of so I got to sing the whole time, and it is exhausting to sing that much. Taylor Swift puts in the work man like when ideally go to air and dancing and and just being it changes every singing though it was really hard. I was like, wow, voke, she is just I mean, we already know she's so strong. But it was so fun.

And what was one of your favorite things about.

It was when so we all ended up going to like I would say half of us more than half of us all ended up going to the very front section where it was like the handicapped section where it was kind of flat and there was like three row section of like three rows with no chairs and we're just dancing in the front and we stayed there for I think three fourths of the movie. Once we went down there, it was like NonStop being down there and just looking at the screen and then looking back and just singing with them.

Everyone knew all the words.

I mean, these were like solid swifties that like got it and just like yeah, just and also knowing that like the people were so excited to be hanging out with me.

Yeah, it's kind of a combination. If they like you and Taylor, what a dream come true?

Yeah, it felt like it felt There were times where I was like, I want to make sure I hang out with everyone, Like I want to give everyone an equal opportunity to sing with me and have fun with me. But then I kind of let that go and was like listen, I'm if I'm open, like they can come up to me. They know that I'm like nice. At this point, I've met all of them. Like, I don't need to worry about I don't want to this be like my wedding day. I always feel like sorry for what brides on their wedding because they have to like say hello to everyone and dance with everyone and like and I'm like, it's your day. So at some point I let it go and was like this is my day too, and like I can let this go and I can just have fun with the people that want to come up. But I felt like everyone got a good chance to hang out with me, and I felt like I got to know everyone on like at least I spend one song kind of singing with everyone and it was just nice like now. And then later that night some of them were. One of them, Zach was at the show on Friday night, and I saw him and it was like I was friends with him because we spent the whole day together. So I was like, I have my friend here.

I watched you at the meet and greet and a few people came up to you and I was like, oh, who I must Yeah, I must know some of these people, but I didn't.

They were They were just friends sees that were there that day.

It was so fun, it was and just singing Taylor swift energizes me so much. It's just I'm so lucky to be a Swiftie. I cannot believe how lucky I am to like something that is so popular that other people like just as much as me, that has a concert in the movie theaters, that is this phenomenon, Like I just I'm so glad I get it.

It's a perfect shortcut for Swifties to be friends with other Swifties. Yes, you know, if you show up and like if you I've noticed, like if when girls see or when people see people with like the bracelets on, they immediately feel like they're going to go talk to that person yea, or like a shirt or all of that stuff.

It's like why I wear shirts all the time.

Shortcut to friendship because.

I don't really love talking to strangers about nothing. I think everyone knows that about me. But if they want to talk about Taylor Swift, I will. It's all I want. I will talk to anyone anytime. I don't know. I don't care if you're almost enough poop on your face. I want to get into it and find out what you think about Travis Kelce and who you think.

Now that we don't talk us.

About anyway, let's take a break and talk more about this weekend and more about just adventures in general and stud Brian was up to this weekend?

All right, we're back.

Can I read a like a post somebody did about this weekend?


There was two, there was so I had a great time because.

Did I ask?

All right, well, I'm not gonna now we're not getting the compliments, no compliments, what you blew it?

Come on, let's hear it.

Okay. So there was a few guys that came to the show that rose you know what's that rose? Yeah, bros well and some some gals too, some bros and gals that were really really nice to me. And then like then that person those people and I would talk about you kind of like how sometimes you talk about Taylor Swift. But Ben was one of my favorites.

And he yeah, he was the one that was the very last of the meet and greet last night.

Right, Yeah, he was in Baltimore, so nice. I talked him for a while.

Baltimore might be the city of besties.

It was.

It was a great, great looking crowd.

There are so many cities with lots of besties, but this was the city of the most die hard besties.

Yeah. People. Really Boston was really good too.


I mean it was unreal.

It was really something in the air up in the Northeast.

It was a beautiful.

There's some cities out there or plann I know.

I don't mean to threaten anyone, but they really came out in Baltimore last night, like diehard.

One girl named her WiFi.

That's big. That's a big deal to me.

It was a big deal.

By the way, I did get a Bestie bracelet that someone made me for the Taylor Swift to Day that said summer I posted on our social sy That was so funny.

I was like so mad that I hadn't thought of that yet. That is brilliant. I really that touched me.

That could that could like almost be the name of your tour next summer, just saying next. This is this is something Ben because it's it's what you talk about going to shows alone. He said, you put good things in the universe that come back. I would say Nicki Glazer is just as generous as she is talented, and that is amazing.

You write this down after you talk to him, write this down.

He posted this.

Oh really, Oh my god, he posted this.

So is the differenticture like.

Taking notes like a little reporter.

You're on the record.

If you go see here and you're by yourself, you can meet her after the show. She doesn't have to do this. She wants to people like me who battle depression and anxiety don't like doing things by ourselves. This opportunity is incredible and lets you feel comfortable going out alone. This is the second time I've seen her, and her stand up is world class. If you're by yourself or with twenty friends, go see her. You will not be disappointed. Thank you, Nikki for your generosity, so sweet and for chatting with me. We need more good humans like this in the world.

That's so nice. He was so sweet and he brought a picture of us that we took. Last time he came to my meet and greet and I think it was the first show that he went a loan to and since then he's gone to so many things alone. And he was giving me a list of his week plans. He's going to see Esther alone. He's going to see he saw some singer the night before alone. He went to New York and saw some actress that sing in a bar that it was like he had this. He does more stuff than anyone I know now, and he's doing it all alone because he's overcome that fear.

And you should become an agent.

Hey, we're going to go to an agent.

He should become an agent. That's what they do. You just go to shows alone you want.

That's really what I've always told people. If you are worried about going alone to a show. Just tell and you think people are going to judge, you bring a little notepad and look like a journalist that's reviewing it. But agent's really good too. So what would you hold if you were an agent? A business card, money, rufie, twenty percent of the artist's income. One of a flip phone.

Oh, a headset was like a Bluetooth, old school Bluetooth.

Going there with the Bluetooth headset of flip phone and a roofie and then it'll be okay.

Think of how many things though, people miss out on because they just can't find a friend to go with them, or they're you know, or they just don't have friends. Friends are really hard to make.

And as you get older, yeah, yes, as you get older, it's harder to find people to do the things that like, I don't know anybody basically to go do. I know few people. Okay, I know few people to go do f one stuff with.

But hard what do you guys call it yourself?


I got a guy who listens to the radio show called Jake. He likes the same exact same music as me and f one Where does he live? He lives in Saint Louis.

What the fuck, Chris, why aren't you hanging out with you?

He's my best friend.

No, he's not. I've never heard of.

This person, and he's the only friend I've ever had. His name is Jake.

Do you like the same like drivers?

Yes, we do. Yeah, we've in the same music. Same ever, we're We're definitely one. Yeah, you know a little bit.

I do. I this morning, he was watching it in but and I was just like, how a room? And he was just like, they're good. I was like, the room.

Besides Taylor Swift, what is something that you've gotten into like later in life that your friends don't share. I guess Taylor Swift is the best.

It's the only one, the only one, the only thing. I think maybe some TVs just succession, and I think I think you should leave like things like that. There are sometimes comedy things where I go, you have to see this. I will say my favorite movie of all time that I can't wait to share with you as the worst person in the world, and that for a while.

Little Biograph Gotcha. That's Payback. That's very classic payback when you.

Got Me?

Yeah, that's really good. So there's sometimes like things that I, Well, we're watching The Golden Bachelor together, and that's become really fun. I couldn't ever watch that show on my own, although it is a cultural phenomenon enough that people are talking about it online a lot, so I could find communities of people. But The Golden Bachelor is fun to watch with you. Last night, in fact, we were watching an episode of it, and it's really getting down to it. There's three women left, and there's one.

Who's like very soft spoken and her lipstick. Oh, its kind of bothers me because.

It's I should make fun of her, because I would literally slice my face off right now to be guaranteed to have her face when I am sixty five or whatever hers is.

She's yeah, no, they so stut over sixty five.

But her way she talks bothers me. And she was the one that was like bragging to the other girls in the house a lot about She didn't mean to be bragging, but she would just be like Gary.

And I had the most amazing conversation. He came up to my room and was so nice.

And they're like, he was in your room, and so she would just like make the other girls jealous. But that's classic bachelor. I mean, like, you only have the other women in the house to talk about your relationship with this guy, and they are dating him too, So it's just kind of the way.

It's like when when Vince came in after his date with Katie on foy and he's.

Like, game over.

That was such a dramatic thing, but he meant what people thought that we're talking about foy On when Vince said game over, I know what Vince meant. This was saying game over for me, like my it's over, I'm I'm sprung on this woean game over, I'm done, And everyone took it as like, yeah, but Vince is gonna threaten people. Vince is like, I mean stay tuned because who he could be an f boy, you don't know. But like that was just not Vince's style and so but they, you know, everyone's just so on edge being like.

They all twisted it because they're like, oh to this, like this is a game to Vince, that's what he meant.

Oh god, It's it's so annoying on that show. Like did you hear me saying to Mercedes was I was like he was like, this isn't a game to me and I go, this is literally a game show. Yes, it's because it is a game, and they're like, this is a game to you, and it's like, yes, it is literally a line. This is the TV show this. If anyone thinks anyone goes on TV to fall in love, you're insane. Yes, they could go on TV to fall in love, but they're mainly there to be on TV. But they But I do believe on the Golden Metchler we are finding and I believe on f boy, I mean, keep watching boil And.

Because it's a season, because we need you to, well, we desperately need you to. I don't know if you know the ratings, Brian, but it's not our fault. The show is good.

It's I've seen articles.

I've seen some articles out there that were not uh they were not glowing about the ratings.

Well, yeah, I don't give a fuck? Can I just I don't give a fuck about ratings.

There's too much TV.

The fact that no one knows where to find the CW ain't my fault. It's not because we did a bad job on the show. It's not because the show isn't good. Do you know what good shit never get seen because of just where it is. It's about marketing, it's about what audio, It's about who has cable. It's about people don't even know where to find the CW and their dial. It's about, oh, it didn't an ad for it didn't show up in my feed. It's about it's been too long since it's been on air, and so people kind of forgot about it and there was the momentum of carrying into the third season. There's a million reasons why the show isn't doing the as well as it did last time, and it has nothing to do with the quality of it. So I don't give a fuck about ratings. I really don't. They don't affect me at all. You were there when I got the email about their ratings. I was sad for like five minutes. Yeah, and I wasn't even sad. I was just like, well, fuck it, We're still doing f Girl. They gotta air that.

They're gonna people are gonna and it's gonna be amazing. People might not watch it.

But I have had an I've had two shows canceled already in my life three sorry my reality show as well. I've had three television shows not do well and eventually go off air because of ratings.

Has it affected my career?


I mean could it have been for my career if they succeeded? Yes, was it?

But maybe it wouldn't have been as good because you wouldn't be even stand up.

And yeah, everything happens for a reason, So I really recommend people. I was just talking to someone this weekend. We're talking to Alex Edelman who came and did a set.

Oh yeah, you guys don't know who Alex Edelman is. Get on board he is.

Yeah, he's on Kimmel.

Yeah, he was on Kimmel the night before we saw him. He was in Boston. He texted me when I was at the Taylor Show show and I was like, he was like, do you want to hang out?

I was like, I'm here, but like come to a set tonight.

And so he stopped by and then we hung out, and then he went and did another set after mine, and then he came back to our hotel room and we had him over to hang out and Washington candy. Y. He ate Bovie candy and someone had given the best he had given me and Alex Edelman ate it all. So but but I was happy because I don't need candy. So I was happy it got done, but I was I love him so much too. And he was talking about he's having a like a surge of success right now. He had a run on Broadway that was extremely successful. He is probably gonna win a Tony. He is now doing a run of his show in l A coming up.

They shot it as well, it'll be it'll be a special. It's an HBO special, it's a one man show. It'll be out. I don't know when it's gonna come out, but they shot it. Yeah, somewhat reason like a four months ago.

Yeah, Edelman E D E L M A M. He's he's going to be a huge deal if you don't even know about him yet. But he's kind of having this surge of success. And it was so funny to listen to him say, like, you know, he's already he's just now having this success. It hasn't even there's things ahead of him that are so big. He's doing. He performed for Biden the other night, Like wow, he's there's not even like, what's what's come for him hasn't even started, even though it's like it's it's definitely coming like he can see it on the horizon, and he's already worried about losing the things that he has that he's getting he's about to get that he's guaranteed to get. He's already worried that once they're done, he's just going to be a one hit wonder. And I'm like, if you're not enjoying this now, what the fuck is the point?

Yea and all.

Well, so I know this is easy for me to say, but I went through that, you know, I went through feeling like after my MTV show got canceled, what am I? This is?


This is so embarrassing. Everyone knows that I have a canceled show. Meanwhile, no one gives a fuck. No one knew you had a show, Nikki. All that really matters in this business, and everyone has heard me say this before is the deadline announcement, and it's the announcement that you got a show. The fact the announcement that I have a special coming out when I announced it finally and have the deadline thing is going to be unfortunately, probably more valuable than the special itself, and more people will see it and that will make a bigger impact on the industry thinking I'm something than the special itself.

But like, what a percentage, Brian, what percentage do you think of shows that get made and go on TV don't ever make it into like the Zeitgeist? I mean the Zeitgeist. Oh my god, yeah, ninety five percent something like that.

The two shows that I worked on didn't even get a deadline article. What did you even get deadline?

And I'm right in saying like you were waiting for that right that's a big Oh my god.

I would have loved to have posted a deadline article.

I didn't get a deadline article when I sold the show, even though other shows that were in development at the same time, Dan and I didn't get a deadline article for the show that I was show running. We couldn't get anybody to even review that show. We were when when that show came out? What is the show Adventure Beast on Netflix? It's like a cartoon supposed to be for tweens, but reasons things happened and it wasn't for tweens, but I tried to give up. It was for adults for some reason, not supposed to be. It was not supposed to be competing with Inside Job, but it was even though it was for supposed.

To be, I cannot it was competing with Inside.

Job, Inside Job, which was good.

No, it was a it was a cartoon, Illuminati cartoon that also upset me. But the before the show came out, I was charged with trying to email just like YouTubers who had like less than one hundred views per video, just to interview me in the star of the show, just to get somebody to say something. I emailed like twenty different just YouTubers.

This isn't like Entertainment Weekly.

Yeah, one person responded Rama's screen, shout out to Rama's screen.

You guys all know Rama right in the screen.

He really he's a taste maker.


So we got on Rama's screen, we did an interview there and that was the only one who even responded to my email. And I'm like, this is a show of premiering on Netflix. It's not like I was premiere. We're not premiering it on some.

Ship plays als channel.

Yeah, it wasn't on the real W. It wasn't on the c W.

I'm so grateful to be on the scene.

Your career right now.

I'm the comedian. I'm making jokes.

I love going on the great at the c W.

Yeah, I mean they're all I'm just saying.

Actually, do you have a show right now that people are talking about. I forget what's called, but really I just saw an article being like, you, guys should check out this show on the CW. Wasn't that Boy Island?

I met an executive from the CW. He came to my show last night, and he seemed very proud of me and was very excited to meet me.

The show is great and you're great on it. And what the feedback I get is we need more Glazer.

You know that's my feedback too.

Oh that's really nice, guys.

And more Glazer more.

I don't really watch myself, so I don't. I haven't watched it. This is this is my fatal flaw is I can't watch tape, can't watch tape?

What was your what was it Johnny Manziel thing that you liked?

He watched? He didn't watch tape?

Watch zero tape, zero tape? How much tape did you watch Johnny zero?

And he yeah, oh yeah, Johnny Manziel thirty for thirty watched zero tape.

But he was just like.

Kind of just got by Have we talked about how did it work for him?


In the end, No, did he need to be watching tape?


Have we talked about how Nikki ownly like sports but ten years from now? So she loves sports documentaries, but she doesn't like current sports as they're happening.

Yes, I love.

But it's great because now I'm so good now when I'm like encouraging her like something, you know, something's not going her way or if we if we want to do something ambitious, I always bust out, like Michael Jordan's stuff for Johnny Manzel stuff.

I do relate to athletes in that way when I look back, because athletes I've found are a lot like me in that they they nothing's ever good enough. They some of them are super cocky, but a lot of them have low self esteem. I think a lot of them feel like they're only alive when they like completely shift from like when they're on stage or off stage or off the quarter on court, and they're just complicated, like kind of uh depressed people.

A lot of time they met like a lot of it, like they've got the talent, the skill, and then the mental game comes into.

The mental game. A question you got affection. Nothing's ever good enough.

It's always got to be better because there's someone next to you who's going to be doing it twice as hard and they're going to beat you.

Who do you consider David Beckham would be better off if his dad wasn't so mean?

I don't.

I think he wouldn't have been as successful and all that stuff, But I think he'd be a happier person if his dad wasn't such a dick.

Who do you think is like the like the most the biggest meant, when you think of like mental giant with like a winning mentality, Who do you think of first?

Michael George David Goggins David Goggins.

Yeah, I don't know anything about him, but I just know that he likes That's a really good like. If I could have anyone's brain, he seems like someone who's just like loves himself.

Goggins is great, and Yah, Jordan Is is probably the like the number one guy. Kobe's up there for sure.

Sure, But Kobe's I'm not saying, but wasn't Wasn't his belief in himself kind of the reason that he's like go through the fog right right, right, like doesn't that.

I think everybody like you, no, anybody with it was the guy driving the helicopter's belief in himself that was like I should go through this lit.

I mean I don't know anything about it.

Yeah, I do'n think about it either, But someone was cocky in that situation.

There was a cocky person involved.

It was foggy, right, I think that.

Yeah, I I guess that's a really good question, Like whose mental fortitude would you want to have? I honestly want to have Taylor Swift's because she seems to have a healthy balance of She seems humble, and she seems like she still is like really excited about everything that's happening to her. She seems and she she obviously has a ton of confidence to do what she has, but she also doesn't seem delusional. And I think Michael Jordan seems delusional even though he is great. It's like his is like wanting to get back in his coach. I mean Taylor Swift has son of that too.

Yeah, I mean that's a lot of Taylor is like the revenge up right, like sticking it to so much vengeance, and that's what Jordan has in his heart Jordan. I don't think he's delusional. Okay, well, but they do fabricate, not fabricate, but they create some sort of an enemy to fight against. I mean, I guess if that's.

You need to have an enemy. Yeah, at any given.

Time, you're producer, Chris, give me an enemy.

I could think of a few. Really, Yeah, I can think of a few.

A couple to that.


Yeah, I know. I don't want.

Specifically people that I'm in competition with.

I've got a Baker's dozen. You can literally have some of mine.

Yeah, I'll take some of your own. I can't think of any that I have. I have all the people that I used to hate, I've already eclipsed.

Yeah, well, you've achieved so much success, your enemies have less power. It's for someone like me. Enemies are just like jet few I have, so I have too many. I have too much, too much disappointment. It's almost not helping anymore.

Like to I want my life to be I don't want to. I really think that manifestation and all the things that lead to a really healthy, great life are being positive and thinking good thoughts and really any kind of motivation being like, I want this person to do badly or because I want to do good is just a poison in my system, and I'm selfishly like, I still feel that way about these people. I have it in my heart to like want It's almost like the way I feel about eating not eating meat. I still have the taste for it. I still crave cheese, still crave meat. I don't do it because I'm trying to do the right. Well, no, I'm not doing that selfishly. I'm actually that's the opposite of this. I'm only not wanting to hate on my haters because I know that it's bad for me. Right, Yeah, So it's selfish because I really think that I've been doing these manifest stations recently and just listening to like I just say to myself when I'm going to sleep, when i'm feeling let's say, recently, I've been feeling, Oh, I'm really sick of my act. I'm bored with it. I feel like I'm just like brain dead. I can't come up with new things. My one yesterday, what I just said to myself as I was going to sleep in my head was you're sharp, funny, smart, and important to the world. You're sharp, funny, smart, and important to the world. You're sharp, funny, smart, important. I just kept saying it over and over, and then I sometimes feel you know, the other day, I almost downvoted something on Reddit that was just me being jealous. But I didn't do it. I didn't downvote it, even though no one would have ever known it was me. No one knows who downvotes things. It would have just been putting negativity into the world, and I don't want to do that anymore.

Yeah, that's one thing I do like.

Except on our Intrusive Thoughts episode, which I'm going to release, I'm gonna get.

Some hanger out the month.

Huh, it's a month. I let out my anger on Intrusive Thoughts that episode.

You gotta be a big money player's uh, golden member, what absorb? I'm sorry?

Yeah, if you want to, If you want to someone my hate, we will see it there.

Well. I like how you when you're jealous of something, you go the opposite way it. Sometimes it bothers me that you do it, because I'm like, God, that person doesn't deserve that.

But that's the worst.

But you know, I only do it if I actually think the thing is funny, you know, like there are people I'm jealous of that get a bunch of stuff and I don't think the stuff is funny or good, and I won't post it just because I'm like, I can be jealous of someone that sucks and I won't post it. But if I truly think the clip is funny and I and there's a little voice in me going, don't do it, I can't. I can't fight that voice. I gotta post it, and.

It's hard to do.

That's a different story. You gotta fight against it if it's funny. But what's personally offensive is when someone succeeds with shit.

Ye dude, that's that bothers me too.

I really think I could succeed with shit.

But I have a question that because you know, you were saying you're excited about your act sometimes sometimes, but why don't you ever give your You're hard on yourself. Why don't you ever give yourself credit? Like when I because I went to those two shows and I've seen I've seen your comedy probably more than anybody at this point. Yeah, and almost every time I go, even though I see the show evolve quite a bit, there's always something like new that you thought of, Like that day or an hour before. Why don't you give yourself credit for any of that stuff? Because some of that comes easy to you. Why don't you ever it's because.

It's easy, because like things that are easy, I shouldn't get credit for. You should only get credit for things that make you go like oh at the end of ent, why are you like that?

Who'd like this? Don't you think a win is a win?

Like? Do you think yet?

Because you know it's my example when someone was like, Nik, your legs are amazing, what do you do for them? And I'm like, they're my dad's legs. I did nothing for them. I literally just got genetically good looking legs. I will not ever take credit for my legs because I didn't work for them. Now, if if someone was like you have, like, my abs are going to be pretty good after pilates, if someone goes like, wow, your abs are amazing, I will go I worked for these motherfuckers. Yeah, you know, all my dad did was coming to my mom in nineteen eighty hurt my legs.

How you do it?

That's good. That's how you accept the compliment.

Yeah, you're talking about they're smart, because like you noticed that I had been working on my abs and they are good because I'm working.

Yes, Yes, that's such a good point. Yeah, I guess I hear your point, and I think you're absolutely right. I need to give myself more credit for being the things I was saying. I'm quick, I'm smart, i'm sharp, i'm funny like, and those things do come naturally to me, and they don't.

They actually don't come naturally to me. Those are you know, the.

Work is already done, so it doesn't feel like it's it's just there now. Yeah, and so when I come up with a new line on stage, I don't give myself credit for because it was like I didn't like sit down with a pen and paper and write that, so it doesn't feel like work.

But the work has already happened. The work has already happened, So you got to give yourself credit.

I'll give it, Okay.

I'm really good, I'm quick, i'm sharp, i'm smart, smart, and my voice is important.

You're just not thinking far back enough. The reason you're able to come up with those lines is because you did comedy ten years ago, fifteen years ago. That trained your brain to be able to do that. So you should be really happy that your brain is functioning in that way because it took you fifteen years to make that brain.

Okay, I'll take credit for it.


Yeah, because you're smart and act to the world now.

Important to the world. You have a voice and something to say.

All right, we were going to go to break and talk about more stuff when we get back up to break. Okay. So today we were boarding a plane to come to Saint Louis. Our flight was in the morning, six twenty five am was our flight. Brian.

Last night, we got it saving time.

Yeah, so we got an extra hour, so it's not as bad. We didn't lose now we got in our but we were last night. We got in after the show and like it was a like I had a three show night or a three show weekend.

It was just a long weekend and did the Taylor Swift Show.

Is like a pretty exhausting weekend with meet and greets, and Chriss flew out to be with me, and then we traveled to Boston, and we traveled to or we traveled to Baltimore, and we did the show last night and we get back to our hotel and we're like excited to just like our show was at seven.

We were done by ten thirty. We're back at the hotel.

And we got back and we're like, yes, we're back and a nice hotel. And Chris is like, when's our flight tomorrow. I was like, let me look like it's probably like eleven or something, and I'm like, in four hours. I was like, oh my god, Like it was so devastating.

But did you did you sleep? Did you decide to not sleep?

Well? I Brian. My calculus, which I think actually might help you, is that when I'm gonna get less than four hours, I just think of it as a dope ass nap, and then all of a sudden, it's not a bad night sleep, it's a really good nap.

Oh okay, You're able to get a three.

And a half hour nap. That is fucking amazing. So you just have to like think of what it is and what it what. Don't not think of what it isn't So anyway, we get to the we get to the yeah, it was like a triple negative. So you get we get to the oh, yeah, that's true. We got to the airport in the morning and I was just feeling saucy. I even told Chris I was like it's as if it's like nine am. I'm feeling like awake kind of it was like five five am or whatever. And we're going through the TSA, and you know when you're going through TSA, there's like some people that are slower loading their things on the thing. Well, there's a woman in front of me, there's a guy in front of me, and there's a woman in front me. In front of the woman had a sea like a seeing eye dog with her, so she was kind of struggling and taking her time. This guy, not the guy in front of me. There was a guy in front of me, but a guy from behind me comes flying out of nowhere and just shoves like has ample room to do it, because the woman's kind of like slow, and we're all kind of like waiting and being patient for her to load her stuff because she's got the dog and she might be blind I don't really remember, or it might have just been a dog for her anxiety or something. But this guy runs in, puts his bag up and like shoves it down, takes a bin and dodges in front of her, cuts the line. There's three people in line, and he cuts in front and I go what's with this asshole?


I go, and then the guy in front of me was like, he kind of looked at me, and I go, not you, sir, I go, what did you see? That guy? What an asshole?


I said it pretty loudly because I wanted the guy to hear me, but like, also not hear me and maybe think I'm the blind woman.


I was ready to get into a thing with it, because there's it was just so egregious.

But I didn't hear.

He did. He definitely heard, but he acted like he did it right. So then the guy in front of me is like, well, maybe he's in a hurry. I was like, then he should have told us that. I have no problem. As as people know on this podcast, if you are missing your flight, but me in line, just tell me you're running late, and I will get other people on board. I will say, like we let this girl go ahead. I will work for you to get you ahead, because I know what it's like to be late for a plane. It's so miserable because you're scared to ask people. You gotta ask, and will always let you ahead. Always.

I will always give you that benefit, but you gotta ask.

You can't just button assume we're just saying I'm sorry, I'm running late. I have to do this. That's it, that's all you gotta do.

He didn't.

He probably gets away with it all the time. That's the way the world works. I think he does get away with I think he does get away with.

It all the time.

He does so very people.

Would have done what you did, even and say, look at this asshole, Like.

I have a new plan though, Okay, so the guy, So the guy in front of me was like, maybe he's in a hurry, and I go and then I'm almost mad at that guy. I'm like, don't make excuses for him. I was like, well, then he should have told us. I'm getting an attitude with this guy now because he seems to be freaked out by me calling this guy an asshole. But I'm like, be on my side. He cut you too, I'm standing up for us. And then and Chris is in the other lane, and Chris already I have clear, and Chris just has TSA pre Oh god, pree too. But I have clear. And Chris beats me through just doing prey because the TSA clear was so slow.

Not to slow down to your story. But you gotta eye the lines. You take it, take an inventory of both lines, and you say which which line is gonna be faster. It's not always about how many people it is. It's how irresponsible some of the people might life. I told Brian, what are their ages?

I told Brian one time because he asked about like, what do you what line do you choose at a grocery store, like when you're looking at them, and I go, whatever line I choose, I don't ever think about it anymore because when I put effort into it, it will inevitably be the longer line. And because I've put effort, it will matter to me more and it will irk me more. So I just I don't care anymore and I just get in a line.

But you're right, I should have paid attention in the in the grocery store.

You got to play the cashier.

Oh yeah, Oh do.

You know the cashier at the whole Foods that makes you put it closer to him?

Yes, I do it.

I do it for every guy now because I'm just scared he might shape shift into another guy.

He always tells that.

You you just put all your groceries as close to him as possible. So they're all lined up at the like the far right side of the ream. He won't reach. You got to move them. He doesn't want Scanner's elbow. I think it's something that he's reflected with He probably sometimes ten to night is So anyway, this guy cuts in front, I say, asshole. Then I'm getting a little utuned with the guy in front of me then and I'm I'm just like, oh, this guy sucks so much. And then I already come up with a plan because I was like, this isn't a good look to be like saying just asshole to people.

It's just not a good look, even if he is an asshole.

So I think my new thing when someone does this and I told it from Taylor Swift, it's a thing she's or no, I'm sorry, I stole from Olivia Rodrigue.

How dare I confuse the two?

In Vampire Olivia's song she goes, look at you, cool guy? Got it and she's like it's she's saying it sarcastically calling people cool guy.

I think that's my new.

Look at this cool guy, because you can't be mad at someone calling you a cool guy. But it's one hundred percent sarcastic. Cool guy.

Oh what a cool guy. I feel like that's my new thing.

If you would have said it to that guy, he probably would have turned around, like winked at you or something.

Well, here's so we get through.

We get through, and I'm ready to give.

This guy an evil eye on the other side, you know, once we get through the scanner, because we're all collecting our things at the same time, because it's kind of backed.

Up, and he was the one interview you for the job, well kind of.

Oh no, puts on his jacket and he's a pilot, which, by the way, I know the rules that pilots and flight attendants.

And people who work at the huts.

Of news, they always get to go in front of you. Well, you did not look like a pilot at all. I would have never ever. He wasn't drunk, he had a sloppy haircut. No, he he just didn't look like a pilot. He didn't have any kind of pilot outfit on. But then his jacket was like Southwest gives him like these sloppy jacket. It wasn't like a good pilot jacket. So I felt horrible and thank god the guy didn't start anything with me, because I would have had it. Can you imagine I called the pilot an asshole? I'm so sorry.

When we were walking, she was like, yeah, what if that was my hour.

Pilot, chriscos, would you say?

I don't remember?

You were like, yeah, can you imagine if he was so mad at you he crashed the plane on? Like really?

So it was just funny.

I felt really bad. So shout out to all pilots who butt in line. You're allowed to. I know the rules. I know you're probably screaming at your podcast device being like, what if it was a pilot, I know the rules. I always make sure if it's a pilot. I've done this a million times. He did not read pilot. He was not giving pilot asshole. He's give me cool that he was in a hurry like he was, Yes, I'll never do it again. I really learned my lesson because it is not cool to be a woman, or to be any kind of person that shouts that, that just has like a tude about stuff and like it was just I was I told this before or when I get angry, I feel amazing, I feel powerful, I like it, I feel right. It's the only time in my life I feel good is when I'm really angry. I feel amazing. I like tapping into it. I felt good, But I'm not gonna say asshole. I'm not gonna cuss the next time I get angry. Cool guy is my new thing, and I will be getting an attitude with the word cool guy. Yeah, it will be uncomfortable for people around me, but it won't be as uncomfortable as asshole, because that is inappropriate, and I do regret us.

You might get a good idea to say cool guy, but it just doesn't get that same punch, doesn't get that AnGR I'll like if you said, look at this cocksucker like that, like.

Mother fucker. Like to say cool guy, that's gonna tamper it a little bit.

Tamp well cool guy to me, it has a nonchalance to it that could get under their skin.

Yes, yes, there's a thing I'm saving for the Intrusive Thoughts episode we're doing right after this. That is another thing that I'm doing to get back up my haters.

Yeah, wait, I think hold on.

I just want to share this with you because I just don't want to burst your bubble. But part of me thinks that the whole like anger and getting satisfaction calling them a cool guy or asshole. It's kind of like the antithesis of having empathy.

Absolutely, you're yes, okay, it's all. It's fucking with my mojo.

It's shit. Who is fun?

Its trying to keep my temporal clean and calm.

It's not clear.

You have a dirty temple. Will be fine.

I know it's not good.

You gotta sweep the steps, you gotta keep it clean, you gotta keep your Yes, it's it's true. It's like and I've said this a million times. I know better than this. It's just when you are underslept and you are not being mindful and you're just on autopilot, your anger can get the best of you, and it's not good. It's not It is not good for my health to be mouthing off anyone, even if they really harm me in some way. I should always be nice.

And that's why.

No, I think I sent you a thing final thought, No, I think you I sent you a thing that I wanted to share a long time ago. But it was someone it was his head. Yeah, will you do you have it?

I do we have it? Right? Because it made me so happy.

It was about people on Instagram who get dms that are so hateful and mean, and this one.

Girl had the idea to just.

Write nights things back okay, and it instantly changes everything.

Oh because then they go back there like, hey, I'm sorry. I you know, I was having a rough day and like this sort of thing is hard on me and my kids.

Yes, so what she writes is my favorite thing in the world is responding to my hateful messages and seeing how fast I can change their mood. Okay, no, will you read that because it's too small for me. Oh wait, he goes, shut the fuck up and go back the fuck wherever you came from? Then pussy, and she goes, you look really nice in your icon. What do you use to whiten your teeth like that? And they go, I'm pretty nice. Usually just a little sick. Right now, my girlfriend does it. I don't really prefer it, but I like the pick. I like your facial hair wish I had. Okay, so I guess this is a guy. So immediately everything is fine again. The person is back. Amazing, it's amazing. There's another one that goes, where does one Oh? Oh, then the guy wrote back, where does one get those? And she says any drug store likes. I guess this is her writing him writing.

This one isn't like an example. This one seems like it's just a random conversation.

Yeah, yeah, Like they continued to conversation, so it was still it was still yeah, because where do you get there?

She became friends.

Yeah, she goes any drug store like CVS. I guess they're talking about facial hair. At this point, the hater came back and said, appreciate it. Well, sorry to have been rude. Man, Have a good night. Sleep well, homie, love you may so happy.

That's awesome, isn't that cute?

The thing is, every time you lose control, everybody around you knows this woman's not doing well. It's you know when you know.

But you know what, sometimes I need people to know I'm not doing that.

Yeah, that's why you do for help. Yes, I think it is.

It's sometimes like it's my castles are crumbling and I can't keep it up anymore, and I need people to know, like I want people to feel sorry for me. I think it's it's yes, it's asking for help, but it's honestly pushing people away because they're like, I don't want to get involved in this at all.

I think that's a really good point.

The day yesterday I had I put blueberries in those green crates, you know those green crates that you can.

Get, yes, yes, but they fall the blue.

Floor, they fall out all the time.

I opened up the refrigerator and the blueberries fell out and it fell out in the back and all the blueberries fell out, and I almost I almost exploded.

I was almost like.

These fucking blueberry Of course, the blueberries go over well. And today of all days, like like yesterday was any worse than today of all. But I caught myself and I was like, Brian, it's fine, just let the blueberries bounce around.

It's and I didn't explore, which I was very happy about.

I did the same thing. Okay, So this weekend I did have a good mindful moment. I have these amazing pants by Ripley Raider. If you're a girl, you know what I'm talking about. They're advertised you all the time and the tagline is my clients always are people who buy these always tell me Ripley Raider is the girl that makes them, I guess, or whoever the woman is that created the brand is like, people tell me they wear these to get laid or get hired, and it like it sold me so much. They're such cute pants. I'm obsessed with them. They fit perfectly, and this weekend I wanted to wear them to the Swifty Show, so I went to iron them and it burnt them have something and they're two hundred dollars pants. I mean, these aren't cheap pants, and they're my favorite pants. And I was like, you're such an idiot. That was such a quick thing to do. You said it on the highest setting. You didn't test it before, you didn't look at I look for a tag that said don't iron, and they didn't have it. So there's a part of me that was like, I'm entitled to a new pair of pants, but I didn't do that.

You know what I did.

I just quickly bought a new pair of pants and said, you're not allowed to like be a victim today about this. Such a dumb thing to be upset about that there's a little orange stripe on your pants now from it being burnt. It's okay. You can have nice things. You just messed up. You're a good person. It's okay. Mistakes happen, buy a new pair of pants. Just fix this right now and go have fun.

A tailor swept.

That's sort of the key to everything. And that's why resilience is so important. It's like, you are going to get over those pants eventually. Everything I've ever done, I've gotten over it. You're gonna get over it eventually.

Chare the cock.

Oh god, I almost picked a chair up it's this size over my head and threw it out my door because I got paint. Because I got paint on it. And I've been babying this chair for years because it's all white and I don't let like things get near it. And like I got a little bit of pain on it, and I can't. You can't get it out. It's actually stain. It's like, you know, like wood stain. And when I did it, I saw it, I was filled with rage, filled filled and I was going to pick the chair up and throw it out my front door. And I was and I even thought to myself, this could be a turning point in my entire life. Like if I picked this chair up and I throw it out the door, that's you could have killed baby.

Yeah, it's then that's you if someone sees that.

Well, even for myself, like I just don't want to cross that line where you.

I remember one time my dad almost hit me. I was a kid, and he was like he really wanted to, and I could tell like just I almost wanted him to because I just didn't you threaten him, Yeah I did, or you goted him. Oh I was. I was the greatest of all timing him go down. Sorry, that's I was goating him so hard. I remember it was like I told he had said something to me. He complained about my mom to me, because there's not good boundaries in my family, so he had complained about my mom about something, and I had told her about what he had complained about because I was tired of being this go between. Its inappropriate, exactly triangulating. So I didn't realize at the time, like Dad, don't tell like take it up with mom.

Don't take it up with me, go see a therapist.

And by the way, my dad sent me a note today because I posted all my story. There's this like beautiful picture that apparently was from propaganda for Jehovah's witnesses, but it just shows this like kind of paradise, and it says, this is the world if parents went to therapy, and it's just like this, all humans and animals all living blissfully together, and it says, this is the world of parents went to therapy. And my dad wrote back ha ha to that. So this is an example of like maybe he wouldn't have done it. You know, it didn't fuck me up too much, but it was just an if you're a parent out there, don't complain to your kids about your spouse. Go to therapy and talk to someone, even if you have no one else to talk to. It's inappropriate because character assassination. Yes, it's not good, even though I know that, Like at the time, it was just I was probably complaining about my mom and my dad was like, I agree with you, you know, like it was probably just a way for us to bond in that moment, and my mom has done the same for me with my dad, you know, like it's hard not to do that, especially when your daughter is super smart intelligence.

What kind of.

And so affair that'll be in the Interestive Thoughts episodes?

Dad won't pay for that.

I was really just trying to get you to do a Julia impression.

You know what, he's tracking in mud all the goddamn time. I just got this goddamn table. Any day you put a scratch on this table already, this is bullshit. You know what, I'm not even gonna have nice things anymore. You know what.

The house is gonna go to shit. Fine, I'm not cleaning anymore.

I'm done.

I'm done.

So uh so my dad. I told my mom and he was like, you told her. And I just remember him like like he wanted to slap me so badly, and I kind of deserved it. I was really a content at this point in my adolescence, Like this is probably seventeen, eighteen, nineteen years old around there, and I just remember saying, I go, Dad, hit me. I go, everything's gonna change. Though everything will change, it will never be the same between you and me if you do it. But you should do it.

And he didn't do it.

But I remember being like this, this is the moment, dad, everything that's like.

Too old of an age to be hitting a kid. It's just basically like brawling with your kid, like.

A street you want to hit your kid between the ages of three and seven.

Yeah, already to be a professional athlete or musician. Yes, no kidding.

What if he did that thing in movies where he goes to punch you but he really just punches the wall right next to your head and misses you.

Still violent, No, I don't like that.

I think that's crazy. I think that even if you witness that as a child, that is like really traumatic.

He punches next to your head, he misses you, It makes a hole in the wall, and you go, look at this asshole.

I have a friend who's constantly injured, and every time I see him he has some new like bandage or like he has like a like a new ace bandage on his arm or his leg. And I'm not joking you, I go, what what what did you kick? And every single time he's hit or kicked something, his anger. Yeah, I'll tell you who afterwards.

Is it Johnny Manziel.

But it's really a thing that people do. And I talk about anger. I mean I could talk about it all day.

Yeah you can't. It's so fun, Yeah you can't.

It's a great.

It really horns me up because gets me charged up.

I feel good.

I like it because I think it's something I just never addressed for so long. So when I get angry, Oh boy, I.

Get you become somebody different.

Oh you've seen it.

I've seen it.

Yeah, you've been like, is this late?

Why is this happening?

And why does she only come out drink or therapy sessions.

You said something the other day, Yeah, because we're saying you know, we're talking trash over. Yeah, OK, talk about your dad hitting you? Great? God, that was good? All right?

Really, what's a good note?

You said something really nice about the meet and greets after the meet and greets that that I thought was great. I think you should share with people. Do you remember what it was?

No, will you share it?

You talked about how it's fun because you haven't been doing them for too long, but now people will come back, and it's fun to have the moments when people come back and and like there are people are telling you really nice things at them, so they they've become like kind of like a source of joy for you.

Yeah, yeah, it feels really good. Well, I will have to say to people that listen to the podcast, it really means a lot to me that you listen to the podcast. I'm so touched every single time, and it's always like this really awkward moment of like it's as if someone's like, I read your diary kind of thing where I'm like, it is for you to read, but like, oh, like you read my biography or something where I'm like, oh, I put a lot of weird I don't even know what's in there.

So it's always a moment where I get a little bit awkward.

But I love you so much for listening, and it means so much to me, and like it really that gives me more self esteem than anything that people just like to listen to this this thing that is just so one hundred percent me and isn't any There's nothing being put on here, there's no performance.

Twelve percent Brian and like, yeah, it's really really nice and I appreciate it so much.

But if you really want the real me, you gotta do Intrusia thoughts. You got to be a big money player.

Or therapy with her or cut her in line at the airport and not be a pilot, or.

Go see her this weekend.

Where are you.

Gonna be or you can, Yeah, it comes to me this weekend because I will get I get Buck Wilde on stage. Man, it's all coming out recently this weekend is going to be Rehobeth, Delaware. I've never been there, but I cannot wait to perform in rehobe with Delaware and then Atlantic City on Saturday night. And then next week I will be in Tempe.

Noah will be at the show's backstage with me.

I'm so excited. And then I will be in Portland on Saturday. So a Thursday, Friday in Tempe, Arizona, and then Saturday in Portland next week. And I would love to meet busties. There's meet and greets. You can just find Anya at the merch booth.

Tempt me. I don't know how we're gonna do the meet and greet.

We'll figure something out, but yeah, or DM me and and we'll figure it out as well. I love you guys, thank you so much for listening to the show. We'll see you tomorrow and dumpy Ka and dance. We'll be okay.

The Nikki Glaser Podcast

Every Monday through Thursday, comedian and infamous roaster Nikki Glaser provides a fun, fast-paced 
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