Between you and Nikki she's in a car to the airport reflecting on why people feel too uncomfortable asking for the things they want or don't want. Andrew discusses the quantity of I love you. You Heard It Here First, the challenge of podcasting on milk crates, changing your situation can be therapy and 48 Hours with Dennis Rodman. In Nikki's Reddit Dump we learn temperature conversion tricks, about deadly pelicans and noodle brains. And in the Final Thought Andrew shares a very bad dare.
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The Nicky Glazery Gazer. Nicky, Hey everyone here, I am It's Nicky Glazer. It's the Nicki Glazer Podcast. If this sounds a little different today, it should. I am using, you know, not the greatest audio technology to record a podcast, just the first part. Don't worry. It's gonna improve greatly in a second once we get Andrew on. But I'm doing this first part after the show we taped because I'm headed to the airport now and we had a little glitch this morning, and so I have to do this part after, which doesn't bother me. Now we can kind of reflect on what we talked about. I am headed to the airport. I was in Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, I'm gonna say that right, not Vegas. Um. I was staying at the Ara Hotel. Nice place like love my room, a lot of white couches that now have Sally Hanson leg spray on them, and um, you know, yesterday when my hair and makeup people asked to use my bathroom, I said, I just know that that is not poop. It's spray tan. I wish that my feces had that kind of summary glow, but it's definitely spray tan on the toilet seat. UM, and that's that wasn't me making a joke. Get literally is on the toilet, It's on everything. UM. And uh yeah, it was a it was a great little trip. I'm leaving UM less than twenty four hours before I arrived. I think I got in. Who cares, you guys don't care what time I got in, So UM I got in. I Uh, it was fun because I flew out here with my friend Emil Joachim. UM. This show that I'm doing a guest appearance on. UM. It's not on TV yet, but it is a reality competition show that oh my god, I can't wait for you guys to see. Honestly, it's I thought it was going to be a show that I wouldn't watch. I'm just gonna be honest, UM. And then I got here and I was like deeply moved by it. And I was on the finale episode and it's It's one of those I was just like, I can't wait, when is this coming out? I can't wait to watch it? And then like the thing we taped, it was just so fun and moving and vulnerable. And that's why I love reality TV. I really do. Because people who sign up for it are in a place in their lives where they like have no other options, and they're just like, I guess I'll do this, And that's you know, that's already a vulnerable place to be, but to also put yourself out there in a way where you're like, even if they don't know that, they're going to show a side of themselves, that's bad. You know, Like, no one goes on the Housewives thinking they're going to throw drunkenly get naked and throw tiky torches into their best friend's pool. I don't know that, and that's not even a thing that exactly happened. I'm just kind of I saw one clip and I was like, no one wants. No one signs up thinking they're gonna do everyone goes listen, I'm actually gonna be different. I'm gonna with the cameras around, I'm going to behave differently than Dorinda would. And the truth is you wouldn't, like you forget, the cameras are there, and these shows like, you know, crack you because they you don't get enough sleep, You're you're you know, isolated from your family and friends, you have no phone, like you're deciding things come out, so there's like vulnerabilities on this show in particular that I was very moved by and like horned up by, to be honest, and you'll see why I said that when it airs um. But it was really fun. I got to bring a mealwa Kim, who's one of my best friends. He met me in St. Louis. He flew from New York to St. Louis and then we had a connecting flight from St. Louis to Vegas, and it was it was so fun to just it's fun to fly with a friend and good boundaries too. Like as soon as I wanted to sleep, I was just like, hey, I'm gonna sleep. No, no hurt feelings. I see so often that people just like do things for other people when they don't want to do them, and I just I get so sad when I see people do that, Like there was a uh Fidelberg. John Fidelberg one of the hosts of KFC, the KFC podcast on Barstool. Those guys are my friends, And he posted a clip the other day and when I was on his show last time, he told me that he'll hook up with girls that he doesn't really like he's not into because he just feels bad and like doesn't want to make them sad and they want to hook up, so he'll just do it. And I was like, I thought only girls did that, And obviously I don't think only girls do that, but it just made me sad that this guy that's like so funny and mature in so many ways I think, would do something he didn't want to do just because he didn't want to make a girl feel bad. Like that's a self esteem issue. No offense, Fidelberg, but you need to work on your self esteem. And I only say that as someone who also needs to work on it and who have voids being alone with men because I'm scared I'll give them everything they want, even though I know going in that I don't want to do that. So sometimes you're in the moment, you just like give people what they want, and it's something to get to work on. But he was telling a story about being on a plane and tell me what you would do in this situation, and you know, I can be very like this is the right way and all other ways are wrong. And my sister told me that this weekend. She was like, sometimes you just like come off like a know it all, and I'm like, you're right, and let me just be honest, like I don't know at all. But there are some things I'm pretty certain of, and one is that that he did not handle the situation the right way. And I think I'll prove you right because I think a lot of you would do the same thing, because based on the comments from this video I watched, people were like, I do the same thing, and I'm like, God, people just let people walk all over them just to be nice. Um. So he dropped his phone during a flight. He was watching a movie he was in, Um, I think the window seat. He dropped his phone during the flight, and uh, he did the In order to get his phone, he would have had to kind of wake up the person next to him. The person next one was snoozing, and he would have had to like disturb the person next to him to get his phone. So instead, he just listened to the movie he was watching for the rest of the two hour flight. You tell me, would you wake up someone to get your phone if that was like and there's no other way to do it unless you have to wake them up. Let's just say that that's the scenario, would you do that to get your phone? If you answered no, and you would just listen to the movie, Okay, And I know you think you're right because that person is sleeping. What if you, um and you're like, it's just a phone. I can do without it. But let's be honest, you don't want to do without it. It's not like that enjoyable. And if a person is able to fall asleep in a middle seat, they can get back to sleep after you wake them up. Um, but that aside, even if they can't wake them up, please God wake them up. Don't just sit there and listen to a two hour movie because you don't want to inconvenience this stranger. And here's my argument, and I wrote it in his comments, and I didn't know if you wrote back to it. If you were the person in that middle seat and the person next you dropped their phone and you were asleep, would you want them to listen two Mad Max Fury Road for two hours because you were sleeping? Or would you want them to wake you up? Now, if those answers don't match, if you would want someone to wake you up, but you also wouldn't wake up someone, we've got a self a steam issue here because you are willing to treat people better than you treat yourself. Right, that's just that's just plain simple logic. Um, I would wake up that person in a second. I send back food in a restaurant if it's not good. I and and not in a bitchy way, just like, oh this isn't right? Um? Is it going to go to waste? Can someone box it up instead of throw it away so I can give it to someone or like you know, but respect your self the if and if you have trouble doing this, ask yourself. If someone else wouldn't inconvenience me because they were scared, I would be mad at them? Would that really make me mad at them? Is that guy you wake up gonna hate you forever? And if he does? What an asshole? That's so stupid When people don't like the window seat because they are so scared they'll have to go to the bathroom and wake someone up. What are you talking about? There's no written rule that when you sit in the window seat you can't wake someone up. You guys, let's be nice to each other and and stand up for ourselves in a nice way. Say I'm so sorry, I brought my phone. I'm so sorry. I know you're sleeping. Oh I say a million sorries, and I know women are suppsed to say sorry anymore, fuck it, I say sorry all the goddamn time. Okay, I gotta go um check my bags and then I'll sign off in just a second. I'm at the airport now. Actually, let's just bring Andrew in here and get the show started. Andrew, Hey, Andrew, technical difficulties this morning. It's funny how much goes on behind the scenes before we go. Hey, listen, I think we just put the put the beauty as we just jump into it up. You're you're back from Connecticut. You're in our studio. Yeah, I'm back. We covered a lot, we already recorded a little bit. Let me just go over the things he misses me. He says, my chair is empty, much like Clint Eastwood in that one video that we don't really know the details of, but where Clint Eatwood was screaming at a share about a Barack Obama and then you were trying Brenna wanted you to say something dirty in bed, and you said she was vibrant, vibrant, how your body was his outlined through south tanner on the chair. So yeah, it looks like I'm a dead body and that the and you said that the person doing the chalk outline, it looks like they honored my request to still be tan even in death. Yeah. Um okay, So you said to Brenna that she was vibrant? Did you get a word a day calendar or something that you were trying to incorporate new were you did? You? Did you just go on to Sherwin Williams and we're selecting paint and someone and you had heard that word? What what did you mean by vibrant? Because I think you I don't know what you meant by that. I think I meant, um, oh, I just noticed the rooms also painted yellow. This is fantastic anyways, IM sorry, d D. Actually do you think that do you think that that paint is uh so tight and wet? What if you just like you you talked about paint the way you should talk about Frenna, and you talked about Frenna. What you talking about paint? You're like Sprenda, like say something nasty to me, like just really dirty talk, and you're like you with two coats you can last up to ten years. Like, I don't know. I keep thinking about I know less about paint than I do pussy, and it's close, but neither one I know much about. I think I've painted one law and I think I made one girl have an orgasm. So it's oh my god. Um, it's like watching pussy dry. I like a both real dry. I which bank came out like fucking um? What's that powder? Pelida? I said? Okay, vibrant, I said, young, vibrant and illegal actually, which I thought. It's kind of funny, right, are do you make jokes in bed? Is that like a safe place to like when you're like, penis is hard? Are you like cracking jokes? Direction hard to maintain when you're giggling? Well, she's already laughing, No, um, I don't. She can laugh. Girls can laugh, but guys when they're hard. Yeah, I don't know. I do laugh sometimes in bed when we are inside each other, and uh, yeah, I don't know. Man, I try not to make it too funny because it's hard to like really work up and orgasm while you're laughing too much. I think there's like us, Yeah, there's a line. It's uh, I agree. I've always said that, like you can make jokes after the guy comes and he can really laugh, but he can't because I you know, a lot of times when I would be having sex, like for a woman, you don't have to maintain anything, like sure, you have to maintain wetness, but you're not like your your mind isn't racing like well, a lot of women's minds are racing. Oh, my body looks a certain way like you're you're I'm able to come up with jokes, like I can think of funny things. My horny nous doesn't like take over my brain the way it does men's. Like it's almost like a virus, your horny nous, Like it makes you guys so dumb, and you would think dum equals funny, but you guys can't really laugh at like logic, like you know, twists of logic and irony. It's like when your head and rubbing your belly at the same time, like when I'm fucking, I can only rub my belly, which is staying hard and trying to stay like I don't know, there is something sexy about being funny, but then it's like you laugh and it's sometimes hard to get back on track, you know what I mean, I think that I compare it to I never understand why people would listen to comedy podcasts when they're working out, because it makes my body jelly, Like it just makes it takes. I can't like keep my uh like whenever I listen to Lonely Islands sometimes even like those songs can really pump me up, but they're so funny that I kind of go like giggle and I like almost fall off the treadmill because it's just like it's it's a different part of your brain and you know, it's it's all about like the kind of thing that I talked about on stage is like funny women, not just necessarily funny women, even though it's been proven that they're not as sexually attractive to men as women who just are just like not opinionated and smart. Um, but it's true, it's proven. But I think that funniness is can be sexy for a woman, like we can we can find a guy funny, but like also if a girl laughs in bed, like guys are so flooded with insecurities in bed, and so are women. I mean, I should know I am one um most days and like a laugh at the wrong time about like, you know, if your skins sweaty and make your chest farts or something like, it can just take you out of it, like it's just yeah, So I get that, But you said vibrant and then did that? Did she? Did? You go then make it up to her by saying, like, remember when I called you a whale, wasn't that worse vibrant whale? Yeah? And he called her a whale because she was wearing blue. By the way, I definitely joke at times where it becomes too intimate and I think I need to uh not do that sometimes, I think and feeling get too strong and you gotta cut it um. Yeah, And I'm going to try not to do that quite as much I think I did. I did that. We were in bed and we were saying I love you to each other, and I just made an observation about her saying I love you a lot instead of just saying I love you back, like you know, like I was like I made an analogy, like I was like doing a bit instead of just meaning like I love you too, because I do love her extremely much. But at the time I go, she was like I love you, and I go, man, you say that a lot, Like I made an observation like not even thinking and um, and then I go, you know, it's like when someone sneezes, do you say God bless you every time? If they sneeze saying I love you back? And I really meant it as like complete, but it was just not. It was a terrible time, Like it could have been funny. Maybe two days it yeah, but I say I love you back all the time. It was literally just an observation of like how many times do you? Oh? Right, Like she probably took it like because a lot of times people go, I don't even want to say bless you or gazoo tight, you know, like why do I have to do this every time? It's almost like so she maybe took that as you expressing some exhaustion with the amount of this, which wasn't your point. You were just kind of like making observation that you always do have to say Andrew, It's so funny someone told me I love you today, and I like I didn't write it back because I just I was addressing something else in it, and I was like, oh my god, I just I've never not reciprocated it, and that's so, that's so weird. We are like on the same connect. Literally this morning, I woke up to a text where someone was like just being emotional with me and saying like how much they appreciate me, and it was like, I really love you. And then I wrote back to like the whole thing, and I was like, but I didn't write it back, but I do, like it's just it's it's wild, but I love you as fraught man. I love her so much and it's just like, like it it's just making Also, I do think you can tell when I was like, oh, I also like there's definitely something inside me that when someone says they love me, I don't take it in because I don't love myself a lot of times, so I feel like, like I don't. I think I I deflect on it a little bit because I'm like, how does this person love me so much? Like yeah, and I think I do. Yeah, But it was great. It was an amazing weekend. And wait, I just want to go back to that real quick, because I think that that's so relatable and like, and it's hard to admit that like that might be the source of it because people go, no, I love myself. Like, people have a really hard time admitting that they might have like they might not love themselves, which is I would say most people don't like themselves. I would say the vast majority, especially of Americans in our culture, do not like themselves inherently. And you might think you do, but I just when people choose bad people for themselves are uh, you know, allow abuse to happen. Like if you loved yourself, that wouldn't happen. That doesn't mean you're a bad person, that you don't love yourself. It means you didn't get your emotional needs met. Uh, and you don't even know how to do that. And it's uh, I always thought I loved myself and like had um self esteem, but like you just gotta go, okay, well this this this thing that I'm tolerating if or like abusing my body with this. You know, addiction is a different thing because it's really out of your control, and so is everything. There's no free will and you guys know that. But if you if you wouldn't allow your child, a child to experience that, or someone you love in your life, then and you're tolerating it, then you don't love yourself and you can make the argument like I'm stronger than this person. I can I can do it. Those are just excuses so that you can keep on, uh, you know, rationalizing that you're you're you're different, you're unique. Like I was talking about this in the intro that we lost. But like so many people think they're unique so that they don't have to do things or like you know, I was talking about like when I used to starve myself, Everyone's like, you gotta eat three meals a day, like that'll change your life. You won't binge because you won't be starving. And I go, I don't get to I'm different. Other girls can look the way I want to look and the way that I'm meant to look and eat three meals a day, but not Nicki Glazer, I need less because I too. I if I eat normal, I'm gonna be gigantic. And you know I had a moral um judgment over what that would mean. But the truth is, like I I'm I'm just average. Like my abusive therapist was right, I'm not unique. I'm not special. Some people, Yeah, I guess you are special, But like and I was giving the example of guitar like there's something. There's so many things that over the years made me not want to do a guitar or not want to sing. I go, oh, I can't play guitar because my fingers like don't move that way and they hurt. Django Reinhardt has Uh, he's one of the great guitars of all times. Three fingers. I found out three fingers because I said too in the intern that we lost and um, Noah held up three and I thought we had three minutes left in the show. And then we talked about how how would he be He wouldn't be a good podcast producer. Everyone would always be rushing things, um when they had more time, but he granted a countdown. Are are yeah just three to one? When every time remember you go three two and you don't say you don't say one yeah, But yeah, Now I hear what you're saying about the lovable thing and like thinking you're different and thinking you're so unique and for so long if you could use that as an excuse to be like, well, no, that's not me and uh, and then even with love, it's like I'm not deserving of love. Even sounds kind of like cheesy in a way. Um, but yeah, I don't know. I uh, I've I'm you know, throughout this relationship, I've definitely taken him in more and um not tried to be like I don't know if I'm a relationship type person. You know, Yeah, you're right on point with that stuff. And like I feel like I don't know. There's just so many times I convinced myself I can't do things because I just go I'm different. Other people are like even my my voice is like is I quit smoking pot? And my voice is still like I can't hit high notes and I'm like I just not meant to do it. It's like, no, bitch, go to a voice instructor. Miley Cyrus talks like this and she can hit having notes. It's like nothing's holding me back, you know, like just that like Lou Reads has a gross voice and he makes it work. Like stop letting stop convincing yourself you're special. I know. It's like we withhold things from ourselves by saying we're special, like special you think as a positive. All in all, you're not special and but you are lovable? Yes? Yes, isn't that ironic, don't you think? Okay, let's get talking it's a great bumper sticker. But you're not special, but you're lovable. What's it's way worse if it's my kids special and not lovable. Yeah, that's don't let's not don't make that bumper sticker. All right, let's go to your heard it yours? Oh man, I hope you had a great weekend out there, folks. I had a very nice weekend. I hope you had all the swells. And if I say weekend one more time, maybe the weekend will appear and sing for me. Okay, mean it's Tuesday, by the way. Oh shit, don't worry about it, dude. Listen, you're all this is a weekly thing for you. It's Friday o'clock somewhere. Okay, yeah, all right, first headline, so wait, I was, yeah, the Milk Great Challenge is a viral trend. I hate no, no, no, I was talking the milk creates. I know this should have been why do I care? But people create obstacle courses. I mean, I think everyone knows at this point what it is. A lot of people are getting hurt. Um would you do that if you don't know what it is? Because someone was talking about it recently and I didn't know what it was. They sack milk crates almost like uh, a pyramid, like starting with like a pyramid. Yeah, and you got to run up them and then run on down the other side without falling. And people, it's so hard. For so reason, I can't even watch these compilations. People get so hurts. It really does show though, like oh that we're watching a fat guy teeter on the top of one, and I say fat with love. He's just a Yeah, there's a woman that did it in like a huge stiletto heels very like gingerly. Oh oh no, he broke something for sure. Oh my god. People aren't drinking regular milk anymore. Um, yeah, I want to stack almond. Well you should stack our almond milk cartons those little and and do an almond milk. Let's appropriate the great challenge by making it oat milk oat milk, you know, recyclable, carbon friendly packaging. Do you think it does show like something with like how much your mental your brain takes over your body because they're fine on the first three crates and then when they get to the fourth grade. Yeah, it's a little less stable, but it's it can't be that much less stable, you know what I mean, Like, and I think, like your legs start to shake. You see you that you're higher, you see that you're almost making it, and then yeah, I don't know. I just think it shows a lot of the human brain and how it works through this absurd crate challenge. Oh my gosh, that that stance was almost like the Great Challenge, Like you started off with a really good point. No, no, I'm just kidding me. Yeah, you're the landing on that one you did. I was just making a joke. I got pretty shaky in the middle there. Yeah, in the middle I was worried. But then I was like, oh my god, he got it back. Well listen, I am. I I gotta brag a little bit here, but I um and not brag, but like I I hate to talk sports when I don't know anything about sports. But I watched the Jake Paul uh Woodley I don't know his first name fight the other night. Yeah, why where Tyler um? That at Tim and Emma's Tyron. Okay, he's from Ferguson, which is right in St. Louis, um And I was I loved it because I saw Michael Rappaport post they're like kind of face off, which was at like a podcast desk. It looked like they were going to do in depth like w TF with Mark Marin and um so they're sitting down and they're talking ship and it was just so that dynamic was so fascinating that I was like, I need to watch this, and I knew that some of my friends were gonna watch it, so I was like, I went in on this, like, and I know, Jake Paul is just like a guy. It's also not m m A, so there's not as much blood and like kicking to the face and like just things that like, I it's brutal for me to like, watching that guy fall in the milk crate was not fun. I hate ridiculousness. I hate tosh point oh. I never like seeing people get hurt. But boxing, you know, I saw the Tyson fight where he been holy Field's ear off, Like I I've been watching it since I was a kid because my dad worked for cable and always got free pay per view and my parents loved boxing. I loved fight the other night, and I was completely like blown away that Jake Paul in the fourth round looked like he was out, like I'll go it's done because you can't get punched in the head that much, and like cee straight. And then he lasted all eight rounds. Like I thought he was out. I was not, by any means, rooting for him. I was rooting for Chapelle. I thought Chapelle was gonna not last eight rounds. He was standing and clapping the whole damn time. But um, did you watch it? The highlights of it? And I and I know a ton about like the story behind it. I mean, Jake Paul want to to toe? Oh, you want to go tote? You want to create a sure? Yeah? Alright, No I asked us any question. I know everything. I mean, let's just do like like you know, Okay, I'll go first. So Jake Paul was on Disney Channel his older brothers logan Paul he is a YouTube sensation. About three years ago he decided to start boxing. He boxed another YouTuber which he drawed with, and then he ended up being like, hey, I want to be a boxer because I'm tired of making cheesy, little shitty videos every day where I, you know, do a move on a bicycle while someone goes oh and so uh I uh so then he starts boxing and he starts taking it seriously, so does Logan. They both have an athletic athletic background. They both wrestled in high school from Ohio. Big guys, bigger than you think, more athletic than you think. Jake Paul ends up um fighting three fights, one last fight against Ben Asker and who he knocked out, who happens to be friends best friends with Tyrone Woodley, who's also from here. He went to University of Missouri, which is connected to Nikki somehow. Um who uh yeah, uh yeah that where you're at the top of the crape man, can you can? You can? You can? I take us down the other side? Okay? So At Woodley fought Ben is his first name? What's his last name? Sorry? Sorry laugh At. I know everyone, I'm that guy that thought. Okay, So Woodley Woodley's best friend Ben Askren. Uh he he shows up to weigh in and he looks like dad bod, Like this guy didn't put in any effort because he's fighting a YouTuber, Like he didn't even train. Actually he did train, that's just what his body looks like. He fought Ben Askren. Askrid has also got a place in Wisconsin where he lives with his wife and kids. They've got a frisbee golf course there. He's just living the life. He's happy his best friend. So when his best friend was fighting Jake Paul, or when when Ben was fighting Jake Paul, Uh, Woodley comes into the locker room when they're like, he went in to watch him tape up. Ben went in to watch Jake Paul tape up to make sure he wasn't doing anything squirrelly standard procedure. Then Woodley and him start talking ship and that's when Woodley Lockton was like, I'm gonna beat this motherfucker. And so then that's when it started. And then, Uh, Woodley is mainly a wrestler. He grew up wrestling, and then he also is very accomplished with UFC. He is, you know, a big guy, but not like the tallest guy. I don't know, these are things I know about him. He was wearing white shorts with pink and blue under the So then uh, he challenges Jake Paul. Jake Paul. Uh, Jake Paul is just a boxer who has only been you know, really focusing on it for three years. Woodley is not really a boxer either, and is mainly UFC wrestling, so they're both coming out of you know, the analogy that my friends used as that said, Nikki, it's like in three years if you challenged a rapper to a rock and roll concert like their musicians and have worked in that field of music but not specifically rock and roll, but you have never worked in rock and roll except three years. So it would be like me being like Taylor Swift sing off with Nicki Minaj, which she would whoop my ass probably even though she's mainly a rapper. Do you know what I'm saying? Is that a good knowledge? I see what you're saying. I see what you're saying. Also, Woodley's thirty nine, Jake Paul's twenty four. Uh. Woodley's also apparently pretty much bankrupt, and Jake Paul is making millions upon millions of dollars. So uh, And there's a whole thing about whether or not to fight is rigged. Oh yeah, there's a whole thing of that. But I mean I heard that Woodley in, you know, since he's become an older man in the past five years, since people my you know, my friends that really know a lot about him. He has always They even predicted it. They go, like we're even before the fight, They're like, Woodley just doesn't he gives up. He like doesn't he greate challenges, Like he just kind of I was just waiting for him to kick in because he was holding back so much during the whole fight and Jake Paul is swinging so much more than him, really like bouncing around more head up. Woodley is just like I thought, as it got down to the last fifteen seconds of the final round, I go, this guy is gonna come out of nowhere and just this is gonna be a knockout. But it didn't happen, and he just never he never came out with like any pizzaz. So man, maybe, um, what are they saying it's ricked? How are they saying it's ricked? Well they think, well would they at one point had Jake Paul and trouble Woodley has uh has has lost his last like three or four fights too in the UFC, and he was like gun shy, So that was like the whole thing. But um, they said that you know, if Jake Paul loses and gets knocked out, this whole train is over. Like this whole he's making, you know, twenty million dollars of fight. If he loses, he's not going to come back from it. He's done. I thought they made five thousand, five thousand, dude. That's that's what I heard. Is what those what they're walking away with. I mean, maybe after all saiden on on the back end, but is what they make. But we can fact check that later. Let's get to the next story. Great challenge. I think we both vail at the same time. Okay, great challenge, next story. Changing your situation can be therapy, but people tend to ignore the impact of situational factors on their behavior of themselves and others. So essentially, we always say it doesn't matter where you are as long as you love yourself, but apparently it does. But that's also a factor of if you love yourself or not, Like if you're staying in a place that isn't good, or staying in a situation that isn't good, if you don't love yourself, if you're gonna stay in it. If you do love yourself, you're gonna find a way out. So I do think it still comes down to that, and that's what they call in like twelve step program stuff like pulling a geographic where you go, you know what, I'm gonna move to California and it's all going to be different. It's like, no, you're unless you change what's in here, and I'm pointing to my uh yeah, yeah, unless you get those tits, unless you get implants, California is not gonna be different for you, babe. If anything, you're gonna you're gonna you're you know, you're not gonna be a valuable example though. Like, so there was a kid in high school who in like the normal kind of public school system, he wasn't thriving. He became like an introvert. He became like really sad and depressed. They put him in a different kind of school that was more inclined to uh fit fill his needs, and next thing you know, he's starring in the musical the next year and like completely changed like how he uh interacted with people. So, I mean, you know, one could come after the other, Like you could start loving yourself based off if you change your situation first. Like let's say you lived in Detroit and it was a lot of types. You're right, kids don't get to change the situation because they are there beholden to what their parents do for them, So that can make sense. Like, but if you're an adult that can do your own things, Like if you're if you're blaming your situation for making you miserable, and I know a lot of times you're like, I can't quit my job, I can't move, I don't have the Um. Then I don't know what to tell you. Actually that sucks, And I mean, yeah, I like, living in poverty is going to make you sadder than living in not poverty. I mean it's just but would you rather live in poverty on the beach or would that just make you more shod because you're next to the beach and everyone's happy. Yeah, Well people say that like if you're home most, why wouldn't you move to California instead of New York? And um, it's because I don't know why people do that. Um. Actually I'm one of those people that actually says that, and I don't and there's got to be an answer for it, because well, I think the walking traffic in New York is better, so you're more inclined to make more money. Uh, that's a good point. And then the traffic is just bad in l A am I right? Oh, let's take a break, and then gets to why do I care? All right, why do I care? Why do I care? Okay, Um, Dennis Rodman's Hours in Vegas will be turned into a movie. Now back to sports unfortunately sorry ikey um Michael Jordan's documentary. Oh do I remember the Michael Jordan documentary. The Last Dance made me feel like all I wanna do is think about basketball, play basketball, learn about basketball, read about basketball. I was obsessed. I was immersed in uh that sport and that uh that story. And yes, of course I remember the forty hours that um that Dennis Robin disappeared right before. I think it was like about I think it was like, you know, they were leading into a time where it was like he shouldn't disappeared, and he went with Carmen Electorate to Vegas and no one heard from him, no one could reach him, and uh and then he just showed up on game day ready to go. Really ties into the other thing about changing your situation. I mean, he's like, the only way I can rebound is if I have a stripper putter pussy in my mouth while my girlfriend watches That's what they told him. They were like, you need to go do this, and like what was that. What's the coach's name, Phil Jackson. Yeah. Jackson was just like listen, I mean that seems so irresponsible to let him just go, but you know he put in the work when he needed to. That guy, Uh, Rodman knew how to focus. I met Rodman at UM the Roast of Rob Low, and uh, he was like he asked me, like what I was doing? After that? It was I don't think he knew I was on the show. Like I don't I honestly, And he had just like really bombed in a way that was so deeply uncomfortable to watch. I turned I turned it to a stage mom. It went from being like oh God, this guy tried to like kind of touch me in a weird way I didn't like and hit on me to like leaning forward in my sea going like you can do it. It's okay Dennis, because he had to like restart a bunch and like it was like really, ht dubs. You know. You know what's crazy about Dennis Rodman He grew when he was years old. Wow, oh I know that that was just you were just fingers crossed that you had some of that Rodman like late stage. If I grew ten inches right now, Oh my god. You know what I was with a guy who is five five eight, I want to say, the other day, and we were talking about UFC and like the like how your reach is like very important, it's more important than your height, and I go, well, height and reach are the same thing, because your wingspan when you have your arms stretched out, is the same exact height as your height almost all the time. And so we measured it. I went against the wall and I did you know, I measured my wingspan. It's exactly my height, like exactly, and it checks out. But this guy, um, his wingspan was three inches taller than what he was and so you know, you split that in half because each arm is an inch and a half. He was meant to be uh well, he was meant to be three inches taller and his and his feet are bigger, are the size of usually a taller man's And something happened where his height did not match up to the rest of his body. But generally like a cage like veal, you know, they did, but we didn't think it was that that was just for that, you know, affected him psychologically but not physically. I want to do your wingspan. I want to check, but I bet you I think you were meant to be taller for sure. For sure. I mean, you know there's a lot of NBA players. There's some NBA players that have the six, their six four and their wingspan six. It's like, you know, I was talking about squirting yesterday and I go, I always thought I couldn't do it. You know, as a woman, I knew I could do it, but like I thought that, like I just like it wasn't gonna happen for me. And A Meal Joachim, who was with me, goes, oh, it's like dunking for dudes, and I was like, yeah, it's like a dunk tank. When it happened, like like guys don't like guys dunking, Like short guys can dunk. You've seen it happen. And I even said bugsy mogs and I funked that up because it's muggsy folks. But he's like he's a famous short guy that could dunk in the NBA. I mean he was like A Meal said he was like five four dun oh he did it, but he could do But he could dunk. There are stories of him dunking. Yes, Bud web could donkeys seven Yeah, okay, so like anyone who's five seven can't be like, oh I'm well I could don't if I was taller. Well what about Webbs Bud or like bugsy mogs. All right, we gotta go to Reddit dump. Let's do it quickly because my car is waiting for me. You know what, he can wait. This is your red Oh my god, we have the nude. Sounds like you're taking a ship. It sounds yeah, it sounds like I'm in a bathroom bathroom mode, urinal mode. Uh okay, what is the most This is from um ask credit. It says what is the most disturbing thing to know? And this is just like, uh kind of like facts that people are like, this is the most disturbing thing. Um I read one that said pelicans are some of the most demonic birds in existence, if not some of the most demonic creatures. Pelicans will go into other bird's nest, shove the baron out of the nest. They will then swallow babies whole, fly back to their own nest, and regurgitate the still half a life partially digested babies to their own babies. Some pelicans are literally raised on the partially digested living flesh of other baby birds. That's horrified. Jeffrey Dahmer's with families. Another fact, if you try to grab the brain in its natural state, it will fall apart. When you see scientists pick up the brain, they have used chemicals to harden it. Oh fuck, that's weird. Um okay, Uh. Anything can happen to anyone at any moment. I had my first seizure at eight teen. No family member has had epilepsy before. Never take anything for granted. It can all change in an instant. Well, fuck, I'm about to get on a goddamn plane and I'm scared I'm gonna have a seizure on it. Man. I saw a woman get kicked off a plane in St. Louis. She had her kids were sucking on lollipops and so they didn't have their masks on, and the flight attendant was like, when they were boarding, they told the women like, your children need down mass and she was like, give me a fucking break. She kind of muttered it, and he goes, you just cuss set me, you're off out and she goes, I didn't cuss at you, and he goes. She goes, did you we hear me cass at him? Like screams to the passengers, and the kids are already like down down at the end of the plane, and um, she's like screaming out other passengers like did you we hear because of him? And everyone's like I don't know, lady. Everyone's just like filming her, like we're not gonna help you. And he goes, ma'm you customed and she goes, I didn't cuss at you, and he goes, you said you said the effort, and she goes, I didn't say that. She goes, I didn't say it. I said I did, and I didn't causse it you. First he goes, I didn't cuss. I didn't cuss. So she was lying because then she goes, I didn't cuss it you. I said, give me a fucking break, that's what I said, but it wasn't to you, And he was like it doesn't matter. Now you're cussing at me. You're off. I'm gonna have the cops. So the cops had to come. They and then the woman goes, come on, kids, we're getta kick it off the plane because I gave you suckers get and I go, these poor children, these poor and you know what, after I post, I like posted a video of it, and I go, this poor lady, You know, I I understand that these Karen's are like awful people, but and you want to just hate these people who have explosions, But something really bad has happened in this woman's life that has led her to like not be able to manage her anger like that, and like it would just suck to be someone that acts that way. So I felt bad for everyone involved, those poor fucking kids. Though, I just feel like that guy kind of I wasn't there, but if she just said are you fucking kidding me? Under her breath to or something, you didn't have to he escalated it. It sounded like to an ego thing. I'm sure he's gone of time. I would have done the same thing the woman did, is what I'm saying. I'm empathizing, but I would have had the same reaction the woman did. I think that's why I'm empathizing with her. It's like she just said, give me a I've done that on planes. You know where I go. I have to check my bag. That guy I lented it the other day. I was like, you told me to check my bag and that guy. You just let that man put his bag up. And it was like this woman wasn't watching that man, Like shut up, Nikki, shut up. You've had a long day and you're being a bit. Um. Okay. One other thing that is on this ask credit this is I love this. By the time you show symptoms of rabies, it's already too late. You're gonna die. So okay. One one more Reddit thing. Let's see. Oh god, that was disturbing. Um okay, got rabid dog And then they're showing signs and they're like, what could it be? Could could have been the um the rabid dog? Uh? This is uh life life pro tips where you just like learn something really think like that you should have known. LPT life pro tip. If you need to quickly convert celsius to fair kneit, double it and add thirty vice versa. For fahrenheit to celsius, subtract thirty and divide by two. It's not an exact conversion, but more of a temperature range. So then someone this is why I like this one. Someone said, um, this is like for the little thing that you can memorize that will help you with the celsius. Zero is freezing, ten is not twenty is pleasing. Thirty is hot. One more time. Zero is freezing, ten is not twenty is pleasing. Thirty is okay. And then someone converted that to fahrenheit. Someone that knows celsius hold was like, and so, so thirty is freezing, fifty it works. Thirty is freezing, fifty is not right, seventy is pleasing, ninety is hot. I love that. I just thought I wanted to share that with Bessie's I thought that was kind of cool. Final thought, let's take us into our last Reddit thing. Um how this was an asked creddit how far did you go in a game of truth or dare? How far would I go? How far did you go? So it's just like people telling stories of how full they went. So once said someone said, I picked up a hat and also some grapes with my butt. Wait, what how do you pick up a butt with your hat with your or a hat with your butt? I mean I would assume you just spread your cheeks and then like release them back to their natural state over a hat and then maybe the hat had had grapes in it. Uh. Someone also said I peed in the litter box in our basement. My mom thought the katada serious issue because filled the whole box. My brother read it on me, and my mom played the ship at played the ship out of me by saying she was going to have to put the cat down because of a bladder issue. I cried and told her the truth. That's a cool mom. Uh. One person said, uh, and I highlighted this, so I think I must have liked it. It It says when I was thirteen, my friend dared me to show my penis to his mom. She was just making one to the kitchen and I went for it. Her immediate reaction was, did Andy tell you to do this? All his friends do this to me? Apparently that was his go to dare. Is that your mom? Dude? I love that. It's fucking like fifteen dicks later. Uh, and and and right. It makes me laugh so hard because people are coming under it. And said that poor mother has seen some ship. And then someone says that poor mother has seems some dick and she like people are just like oh. Someone someone wrote the weirdest thing they did for a dare. All it says is eight a pencil, not no other details. Eight a pencil Andrew, do start, what's the weirdest thing you've done me? You ever try to like remember when your pencil wouldn't be sharp and you didn't have a pencil sharpener, so you would try to chew on it together, like strip it away and it tasted that graphite. I mean, you can't believe that someone can eat a pencil. No one can believe that someone can eat a pencil because you have chewed on myriad. I've chewed on a mirroad of pencils. Yeah, do you not hear me? Just say that? Or is are we just? Are you great challenging me and saying the same thing in a different way on the way down? Did you say mirrored? Yeah? Shut up? I said myriad, but you said mirrored, And that's your great challenge of like just kind of phony. I literally said the same thing. I go, You've chewed on a myriad of utensils, and then you go, I've shoot on a mirrored of things pencils. Dude, that's so funny. Uh. If a wood chuck could chuck chuck, he would you would eat a pencil? Um, what's the weirdest thing you've ever done? For a dare like a thing that you've done because your friends were like, do this, dude. Oh man, Um, damn, that's right, that's hard. I think I know you. I think it was like probably admitting I watched porn once, like on a truth and so, and then I thought it was going to be like accepted and everyone would be like, oh, we got so do I But everyone was just like what you what And it was just like oh no, and I um. And I thought about jumping off a balcony after that because I was so scared they were gonna tell Brittany Burke, what's what is wrong with me? That was an eighth grade. I watched porn for a whole weekend. My parents were out of town. I don't know why they left us alone, but I convinced them and we had pay per view, like I mentioned before, and we had the we had it for free. Channel forty two was porn all the time, and I watched it all weekend long, all weekend long. It was awesome. I was so horny. I didn't even touch myself, but I was just jazzed up, and I thought of my best dare. But my brother Dan dared me to. Uh there was ketchup packets on a plane, and he dared me to punch the ketchup packet, like make it explode and I and I hit it and oh my god. And it went on this like year old like just cover with ketchup. Hop. If we've learned anything today is hot? Catch up is? Uh? What were you gonna? I was gonna say something about you punching ketchup? Um, yeah, you well that's a joke. Oh and you, um what did you? Should have been kicked off that plane? Someone should kick you off the plane, not the woman that gave I didn't my kids? Catch up? What did the tomatoes say? Did the uh wait, what did the tomatoes say after punching the other tomato? Uh? Catch up? Man? And I just realized that when you said dare like my brother dared, I thought you were saying my brother dirt because I always convert your dares to durs because you say because you say, you know, daring this thing, daring the other like instead of during you say daring. So when you said dare, I converted in my head to dirt for you. It's like when I was in Damon Islands, and I always would get in the driver's seat of the other seat of the car. I had to like convert it. And then when I went back to America, I kept getting another one because I would kept converting it. You uh and thirty then divide by two. It's backwards, I think, no, divide by two nd thirty. So right, no one has given me a django, right heart, but like more of like she's just giving a nub that she's doing after he had his last two figures removed, of like we have zero time. We gotta go. I gotta catch a plane. Um, thank you guys so much for listening. Don't be cut out there and