#500 Golden Globes Glow-Up, Nikki Glaser's Iconic Monologue & The Skit That Had Everyone Talking!

Published Jan 7, 2025, 4:00 AM

The moment’s finally here—and Nikki is thrilled with how her night went hosting the 2025 Golden Globes. She’s hanging with her writing team, Brian Frange and Sean O’Connor, plus her producer (and boyfriend) Chris Convy. It legit feels like every headline is straight out of their Google Doc. Nikki spills the tea on what it was like delivering her monologue, and Brian and Sean dish on who in the room was living for her jokes. They’re pretty sure Ralph Fiennes is officially a Bestie now. Plus, there’s all the behind-the-scenes stuff—like who came to wish Nikki good luck and almost made two of her writers pass out, who made her feel super safe, and all the iconic details about the skit of the night: Pope-ular! In the Final Thought, the guys want Nikki to throw her own after-party next time, and she’s all in on the theme they suggest.

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The Nikki Glazer podcastser hello here, we are welcome to the show and likes to podcast. Welcome. It's January sixth, Monday.


Oh yeah, wait a second, Happy holidays everyone who celebrates.

Uh, Brian is here, Sean is here, Sean O'Connor, Brian Frangie, Chris Convey.

I'm here.

Yeah, We're all here, We're all doing it. This is the after, the day after. I don't know. I have only slept for three hours, crazy day since yesterday. That's what I feel. Anything kind in the dream like state.

And you were You've been talking NonStop for like seventy days getting ready for this, and then you had you had Globes last night, stir this morning, I feel like you should just turn it over to these two to describe the event of last night.

We started talk when we got here and I kept saying, well, no, no, we got to save it.


So, just to set the stage, last night I hosted the Golden Globes, the eighty second Golden Globes. It was live on CBS. It went extraordinarily well. All of the hard work, all of the running around doing sets, all of the writing, all of the just thought that went behind. It totally paid off. It's a testament to like, when you know something so well, you can just get up there and have fun and do it. We had a blast doing it all around. But it like truly was exceeded expectations. I believe, like if I would have dreamed for it to have a response, it truly was the response that it got in every way. In fact, like we were saying this morning, some of the article titles would have been if we were, like, if I pitched to the writer's room, can you guys like pitch on on some titles to articles that we would want people to write after this, they would have been these.

You know.

It was like it was truly you know, yeah, it was just it's another another like Tom Brady Roast kind of like moment of like it all worked out and I'm so lucky and happy and grateful to.

Have two of these like the Tom Brady Rose were.

Then everyone in the world of sports knows who you are after it, and then now everyone in Hollywood knows.

It's like you got to go do like a home depot.

Right now, hitting well well across the board. You got rave reviews from not just Huffington Post, but also Breitbart wrote an article about you that because there was there were jokes in there for everybody.

Yes, there really did.

Appiece different demographics at different times.

We didn't do that piece because we were like trying to be middle of the road and play both sides. It was just like we just felt the vibe of the We felt the zeitgeist right now, which would literally changed by the hour based on like if they knew who Luigi Manjione was, if they were worried about Trump, like if the vibe in the air was, you know, like it was changing every day. But we just nailed the tone and so no one felt we weren't we're you know, skewing them, because they weren't. It was like it was about skewing the idea of things more. It wasn't like no one got like scorched either.

No, it was like it was so celebratory and the nicest tweet that I read that like like really just like ignited something in my brain to the point where it's all I thought about for the last eighteen hours is someone said this felt like the like the first award show to ever feel young and in the moment, and they were like Nikki should be like the millennial Billy Crystal moving forward man, where it was just like it really felt like for the first time ever, it didn't feel old and stale heard yeah, oh.

No, no, yeah, I mean the we'redy young to be described, you know, when you're forty. But that's how long this takes to like be for me at least to be good enough to have done this. I couldn't have done this in my twenties or thirds. I think some people do have talent that emerges or they just find out who they are as a performer earlier on, but and just being able to be surrounded by the right people. But truly, like is such a win, Like I feel I feel like Tom Brady on the Patriots and we just want won the super Bowl. That's how I feel like. I really feel like it was it's our win.

I think tom Brady is a pretty apt description because this, this was this. I felt way different this time than I did after the Tom Brady was after Tom Brady rose, I felt like I won the Super Bowl. I felt like I was euphoric. Yeah, this time I was not euphoric.

Yeah, what was what were you feeling?

I was satisfied. I was like, we came here to win, we expected to win, and we want Yeah, totally I was. I was like, this is gonna I think I posted online beforehand. Yeah, on my Instagram, I said, get ready because you're about to see the best monologue in Golden Globe's history. And that was prior to the monologue. And I and if it was any worse than that, I would be depressed right now. Yeah, and we we we were the best monologue in Golden Globes history. And so now I'm satisfied, satisfied.

So I love the difference between Brian right now and Brian on Saturday.

It's great.

It's like a new It's like, honestly, it's like the substance in a way where you got you're younger, You're like, r yeah for life. Yeah, Dennis Quad's jacking off to you right now.

It is. It was, So it's just so awesome, like to just the relief on the other side of a lot of work, a lot of anxiety is just one of the best feelings in the world. It's like why you do it? It's like why, it's the real That's that's what I'm going after the feeling of yes, it like that was so scary and then now it's not anymore and there is like are with that comes like kind of like then what do I think about? Like I can't last night, I could not fall asleep because all it was monologu jkes were going through my head, the wording of joke like still my brain is still like keep running them, keep practicing them. It was really bizarre.

How about Nikki memorizing that last joke incredible, it's it's it's like one of the most impressive things.

I can't believe. I can't believe I did not. Let's just set the stage.


Yeah, so the last joke I do was about in the monologue. The last joke I did was about how you know, no matter what happens to night, whether you win or lose, just remember the point of winning an award is not to uh. The point of making art is not to win an award. The point of making art is to start it, to kill a brand so popular you never have to make art again. Great joke, and every joke was in the prompter, the teleprompter in case you know, I was off book for all of the jokes. But I would have to just look to see where I was in the in the monologue and some of the wording, maybe I would look to it, but we were moving things around, so it was more prompter. Was more about like what's next as opposed to like what am I say?

Yeah, roadmap for you.

Yeah, But that joke we took out because we found it rehearsal the one before it about you know, this is going to be memorable evening somebody You're going to look back and be like, oh see one of the crouch outs to go, oh my god. That was before they caught that guy that was supposed to be the closer. Because a rehearsal, a tag for it went really well, Yeah, where I say, it's like it could be it's a guy, it could be a woman. It's not going to be.

And the it did do really well in the room that both those tags exploded the one hundred percent of the time it's a it's a man that exploded.

That was the biggest pop. Yeah. The like the entire.

Monologue and it got up Plausebury like but there is But but what Nicky sensed was that this is not this is kind of a downer to end. This is not a celebratory statement to be making right here, right the line, and this was not in the prompter. We removed it because.

Yeah, John, even more impressive is every time you did this joke at in a set, you kept saying brand of tequila, and it was always supposed to be tequila brand. You kept saying brand of tequila, and in your memory you did the right wording, and it is.

That's crazy, It was insane. I never once said it right before then.

No holding it in your hand.

Like because I would always like see the joke that I would look up from my phone and just say brand of tequila instead of tequila brand. I didn't even realize that I got that right.

That's so great, completely right like last night and right now.

And it's just like what if.

I would have like like if it would be a totally different conversation. That's how delicate the ship is. That if I would not have landed that last joke, which is just a fraction of what I did up there the whole night, Yeah, it would have been a different like it would be different story today because a closer is your dismount is like that's your your pose at the end, and if you wobble on that. It's like it just gives a different it's it's more important than the first thing you do, so for me to go. And I was talking and I remember being like, it's that moment like when our gymnast is flying through the air on this like and and everyone's holding their breath and it's silent and like it's time slows down. That is what I felt like in a like movie moment in my mind, saying that joke of like I don't know if I'm if the next word is going to be the right word, what's gonna happen it? Think, fucking god, that is over. Yes, that moment is over. Because if someone would have told me that moment was coming up in my life, I would not I would And I hate that there are going to be more moments like that in my life that I can that I that I know are coming up because I set myself up for them all the time. Yeah, that was terrifying, but it was completely flawless. Yeah, it ended.

It ended that the monologue in such a triumphant way.

Yeah, everyone like chee.

Yeah, And then like half right after that, you get like another slam with the rock coming out it like it paired so well with bringing the rock up as well, because he has a Kilo brand that's very successful. Even meant it to be that because you got moved the day of God. Oh yeah, it's like a perfect circumstance that like you just nailed and it's like this electric moment that like it was like goosebumps.

It was incredible, It was amazing.

It really is just about like what it boils down to is like if you got to practice, you just And that's the reason I do lots of sets. I don't like I don't like to I don't like to rehearse, like when there's not an ought, Like I don't like to just go over the script reading it over with a group of rights in a room. I don't like to rehearse in by alone. I mean, I'm sure that that it would have worked also that way, to just say the lines over and over, but I just had to go out and do a bunch of sets so that I was forced to say it a bunch. It's not even it wasn't even about testing this your I mean, it was about that, but I realized that was about just like saying it so much that it I could say it anyway and still find my way back or if something happened, it was just like I had it memorized so well. But for me, there's no other way to do that than just book sets, because then I have like practicing lines for an audition I would never do, like I never I go into auditions, and I'm never prepared or off book because I don't there's no the auditioning sucks, but when there's an audience there, I'll audition or practicing sucks, but when there's an audience, practice can happen for me to.


She doesn't want to do drill, Yeah, I don't want to drill. I want And that's why, Like I practiced, I learned so much guitar when I was able to go live on Instagram. It's like I need an audience watching me, Like you know, I practice like what I really suck, like off Instagram, but like to try it, and like you need an audio. I don't know three. I guess three.

That's that's all it is. And it can the whole monologue down to the fact that you're three. Oh God, I can't get away from it. So glad I was watching the monologue on YouTube today, which by the way, is over two million there.

Yeah, it's at two point three.

What it's at two point three It's been fifteen hours at the time of taping, and last year's monologue has two point nine in a year.

Oh my word.

Yeah, and I think that's mostly us watching to figure out what not to do.


But I was watching it and I got that mark where you you have to do that, you do the audible and you have to do that last joke. And I saw it last night and I know that it went well, and even watching it knowing that, I was still nervous that you.

Weren't going to get so my heart sank in that moment. Yeah, when I saw it was an imprompter and I knew Nikki had to do it.

I was terrified.

It's the wildest audible call because you you start saying all right, and then you're like before we start giving out awards like it. It was like, so you caught yourself. You're like, I'm not gonna start it right, yeah, but like you know that, but everyone in the room is just like, oh, of course, Like she's taking a beat as we're laughing.

Yes, it was.

It was flawless. And then I want to say something that I think is an underappreciated aspect of your hosting, which is obviously it was funny, and the monologue was amazing, and the interstitials were amazing. But I watching it back, I really like the way you introduce people. It's very professional. It's got like the great a great tenor in your voice.

Yes, now it was. It was.

It was wall to wall some of the best hosting ever. Your introductions were incredible, Like.

The smiles, it's like you it's like you know when you see like a kid and like they've been trained to be a debutante, and like how do you know which fork to use? And how do you know how to position your arms? It was like that for hosting. It was just like it really was. You were like adult John Bonnet.

Of the Great Guy. That's so nice.

I mean popular, Like, let's talk about popular.

But honestly, I think there could be an hour long documentary about how popular. I'm serious, you could interview every single person there is this. There's a story for most people that have been involved in this project with Nikki, and everybody had some little part to play to create something that was so funny that people.

Loved it, loved it really is loved.

To a point that like literally my son today woke up and the first thing he did like to wake me up was sing Popular.

Kim and his friends were singing.

Popular at a golden like an adult gold golden globes thing. Does I mean everybody was topless. No, It's like it really like it changed something in my son.

He like loved it.

Yeah, my god, I was listening to the soundtrack at the gym today. I was just like, I got to hear Popular.

I went to the gym today.

I went to the gym this morning.

I have to She got to sleep in.

Yeah, you didn't do stern.

I got back pretty late. I talked to Ali, stayed up so I could give her, like the.

Download and what grade did she give it?

She gave it an A plus plus.

That's really good. Yeah.

We talked until like two o'clock in the morning about it because we stayed out really late.


Fact, I didn't leave the Hilton until midnight or a past midnight.

Yeah, he was trying to go to sleep for us, and I just kept trying to talk about how great she was and she's trying to Sleep on the episode to.

Sleep, No, No, No. I wanted the company. I was like, because you went downstairs for a bit to collect like some stuff from the you know, writer's room, and I was like, when is he coming back? Like I can't be alone. I haven't been alone forever. I wanted to like talk or like process and like, yeah, it was.

It's all I wanted. I got home and every one was asleep.

But then I got like a text message from my friend who is not in the industry, but he's like a he's in the music industry and he's like way too cool for school with everything, and he was like I was at a party and as she started doing popular, the whole party was like.

No, don't do this.

And then the turn of this sucks. He was like, it was a celebration. We all got got like we're all so good because.

Like we were feeling like so many people were like they really wanted the song, and like I think some people it would have been like a fun thing to do. We like, but I didn't really hear that anyone had that, Like I haven't heard the reaction of like what is she doing? Like and then they were like, oh, you got us that's so good to hear that that paid off, because that's what we were writing to, Like we wanted to trick people.

We tricked like we tricked like a group of like like alternative musicians in a way where they were just oh my god, like anything.

But the whole thing sucks. That was my favorite part was just saying this whole thing sucks. That really like maybe laugh every time I said it, which was like three times. Yeah. But to practice, we came up with Popular the night before at like ten pm, nine or ten.

It happened so late that like I went to sleep being like, well, popular is definitely get it cut.

I can't wait to see what we do it at three loopy.

You never can trust an idea like that late.

Yeah, And it's a miracle that it even happened like it just is. Thank god. I had canceled my sets that night because it was just I was having a fun time in the writer's room. I was like, I don't need to practice anymore. It's down, like we don't need to do that. So I canceled my sets and then we were just that just came from us being kookie and just go like throwing out stuff and like saying like, oh, what could be we do if we're not just like because Jess Dwek was the one that was like, you know, you just had a great monologue and you have another you're talking in all the acts we have this act three, like if you just we were gonna do another mini monologue about TV, which would have been great and great jokes. But she was like, I don't know. At that point, I'm like looking for something more. I'm like kind of bored. It's like the same thing we already saw. And then to me, I was just like, God damn it, she's fucking right, and now we have to like come up with something like to come up with like an interactive bit where I'm gonna have to like go in the audience or I'm gonna have to like I don't know, like go over like do some just just do some sort of like bit. Just doing bits is like it's hard to come up with a bit that works. Like, yes, I'm great at telling jokes, that's what I do. Like let's just stick to that. But she was so right, and I'm like I really was like, oh, this is gonna be such a long night and this is just insurmountable of like where do we where do we even go? What do we do?

Her saying that at like eight thirty nine pm. It was so helpful though, because we got you said in a windowless room all day. Oh my god, you're so right windows everyone's crazy. The original pitch was like you that you come out like Linda, and the song was cut and then J P. McDade said popular yeah, and then we all no one heard him except for Mike Gibbons, who then asked him to repitch it again, and then we kind of just talked.

He thought he was like he backed off on it because like, everybody hates it.

There's no way that was a good joke. Nobody laughed at this again.

And then he pitches it again because Gibbons makes him pitch it again, and then we kind of riff on it for like ten minutes and then like three of us just go into another room bang out a script, and then you're sending it off.

And thank god we did it, because not only was.

It really funny, but it also gave the every like news outlet an iconic photo of you wearing a pope hat.

Thing and you look fucking awesome.

Yeah, so it's my favorite thing I've ever done, I think for sure, and I definitely want that as my in memorial photo. It's one hundred percent like, please, if I die, please have this clippery surface at the Emmys, because that's the one I'll be shown dead on.

Nicky said this last night, and her mom and her dad, like a bunch of us were there and Nicky's like, I want this as my in memorial image. Please, we need to make that happen. And Nicky's mom goes, oh, we'll make it happen.

But I think it'll get a laugh in the room. That is like it just looks ridiculous.

It looks ridiculous, but it also looks iconic, Like you have a white background from the spot, Yes, you look cool.

Yeah, And it's so dumb.

It's so dumb.

It's a callback. It's just the longest callback of all time if you have picture pops.

But when we were when we were in the room and you had written it out and you guys had like give us this amazing script and like we had pitched out on it in the room and stuff, and I was just like fired up by it. But it was also like we were like high and caffeine and adrenaline and nerves and like, you know, there's a I would say there was probably like thirty times we all collectively got like really excited about something and it didn't work. Yeah, like thirty times.

That happened for thirty different wicked jokes. We never wound up telling.

Me yes, medal.

Yeah, even Brian, it's like DWEK has done it or like another person has done it multiple times.

Yeah, there were so many ideas that we had that we you know, in the room. It's it's a great feeling because even if it doesn't work out, there's like this feeling of like and then this and this, and we're just like we're making each other laugh about it and we're like should we do this? This is crazy? And they never go. But this was one when I was like, God, I really do I like singing, and it's I don't. I'm not doing it too much that it's like seems like I'm like I am singing and it's making fun of myself and it's and it's just and it's catchy, like and it's just it's so good. Popular is so funny.

Yeah, it's such a catchy song.

The joke is so clear immediately, and then on top of that, it's like, honest maybe the most cutting joke of the entire show, because in any other award show they would do the entire song. Yeah, and it's on every award show. Yes, honestly, you like took that away from like the SAG Awards might have actually done that.

Yeah, I just got it. Okay, I gotta text to someone very important that I gotta good. I uh will be back after this. We're back. Yeah, that was crazy.

This article is crazy. So there is an article on Rolling Stone that the title of the article is, and Bob's just sent us to us credit the pop system of a down jokingly confirm Glenn Close was a bandmate. Following Golden Globe shout out.

Oh my god, that is so funny. Guitarist, Uh got joke, did not get anything in the room, were so confused. It was just for people who were listening closely.

You know, I will say closely.

It was the dumbest thing I've ever pitched in my entire life.

Fundy failed in the room and it you know, sometimes sometimes the jokes are for the people, and this one was definitely.

It was like two time Golden Globe recipient, Hollywood legend and former drummer of System of the Down Glenn.

Close, that was like definitely for the room.

It was so funny. It's like, but like why not say that, like that is so funny, and like even if it's like for me those like kind of tosses to presenters, there's no harm in that because it was just like to say, the weirdest thing made people go, what did she say? That's more interesting than just like here it comes.

Because those when you bring somebody out, nobody's even really paying attention to the person walks out exactly. The idea that you even put some jokes in there is like so exciting.

It's like it was just a little treat for anyone who was paying attention, which I at that point of the show was late in the show. It was probably the seventh act out of like ten or so, it was twelve.

The last thing.

Yeah, she was about to give the award to the Brutal God.

She was walking out.

She was laughing as she walked out. She liked the joke. I think I assume that's why she's laughing.

Glenn Close, like rewatching the monologue was a Top five audience member Glenn Close Raye finds fucking loves you. Like the entire halftime recap. He You're like, he's right behind you. He's just laughing the entire time.

Really, He's like.

He starts laughing at Tucci and pointing at Yeah.

Oh my god, I love rEFInd so much that just I cannot believe you just told me that that makes you. I was so nervous just standing because we you got in the crowd. I was so nervous being there because I just didn't want anyone to like feel forced to say something to me because I'm just like waiting there. So I even told the stage manager, don't set me out there until, like I go, like, literally, let's start walking a minute before we're back on. He was like, I want to go out a minute thirty. I was like, please, I can't be. I just don't want to stand out there and like while everyone's still talking and I'm just standing there alone, like they're gonna feel like they'll have to say good job, and if they don't, I'll feel sad. But people people just were like leaving me alone because they're like, she's a job to do. Yeah, vibe it wasn't like we don't like her vibe.

Oh no, like I mean mental notes of everyone who like was really digging it at close.

Yeah, I've got MVP Huge Star Edition. Yeah, so who are some of yours?

Oh? Kylie, Kylie, Kylie you Even during the Timothy part, I.

Was sure to even ask it matters.

To me too. Eyelashes fucking killed her. She doubled over.

It's on the monologue.

She is like bending over laugh at am I Tivothay is like trying to play it cool, but he's laughing. And then like during the Sandler thing, you really broke Timothy.

Right, God, yes, well it's it's I realized, like it's so much. It's so hard to have a camera in your face when you because all the cameras are in people's faces wait and there they don't know when the joke is coming about them. They know it's coming because there's a camera in their face. Yeah, and they're a big star, so it's probably like they're like, oh, what's this going to be? And when you like from doing roast, when I would even see my name up in the prompter when someone was like doing their roast set and I know a joke's coming about me. You like blackout, you don't even listen to it, Like you're just like you can't like process information when you're so nervous. What's going to be said? So I went to bed last night being like, oh, I have to remember they are terrified. In that moment, I really was like, they have nothing worth. They should trust me, and like, I just like know that I am trustworthy, So I just think that they will be. But they were so scared.

They might have been scared, but oh my god, like Kate Planchet, every reaction shot, She's dying, dying, Eddie Redmain, Eddie Redman isn't an is MVP?


He was laughing and looked like he pretending he like got shot.

He felt I was falling over in his chair. He loved it. The jackal joke broke red Man huge m VP.

Adam Sandlert Yeah, big, big yeah boost in the room.

That was amazing.

He was down for that.

Arianna and Cynthia.

The most attentive audience member of all.

Was having She was just being a fun human day, like made me feel so safe there.

He literally said to Chris, I think when you were out there that Arianna doing the hold your finger and then she picked up Cynthia's and was like, this is you felt like the Kevin Hart moment at the Tom Brady Roast.

It was just a co sign of like this were on board with this girl. It said this everyone was like in and like they didn't have to go that hard on it. They or like, you know, have that kind of moment. I met Ariana once when she was dating Pete, like very quickly, and I don't think she knew who I was. I mean there's no way so there was no like goodwill I had with her in my mind before that, but she I like I just sensed I sensed them even before that joke of like like they they leaning forwards and like you know, she was.

Present, yes, fun and light. She was amazing.

Cynthia came to play like Cynthia when you were saying Cynthia, Riva is here like rewatching the monologue, She's like, Okay, what is she going to say? It's like, oh, we didn't know, we didn't.

Know, we didn't know you'd be down.


We were more afraid of you than you were amazed.

They were so cool because wicked you that they were the ones to win over. And then it turns out like that that fear I had of like they might be taking themselves too seriously was so un found it. It was like the exact opposite. They were so about themselves immediately about it, and they were.

So yes in the press conferences there was they were sore about all that stuff.

But the fact that they were so light and fun and president that.

Arianna is down for comedy. She's funny.

She's funny, you know, Kidman. Kidman brought it.

Oh my god, thank you for telling me these, because I haven't watched it yet, and like when I was up there, I wasn't really absorbing and I.

Sent you this one. But Sarah Paulson's reaction to the two fingers up.

Favorite is just.

Like right, you see her over like she looks so shocked. Her face turned into Katy Perry's. Adrian Brodie, Oh oh yeah, that was night.


The fact that he laughed at that.

Yes, that was so so cool. I wish I could have seen better. I couldn't really see what everyone was doing, but that's from my years of blurring my eyes and not paying attention to people's faces, Like my body doesn't know how to to like look at people and like see what they're doing. I literally can't, and so I just kind of saw like an energy. It was a positive energy, wicked I like did see because I'm like, they were so close, I couldn't. But everyone else there was just like sailor Challo May. I was like, oh, I could see an energy of like he was. I saw him moving in a way that was laughing, but I couldn't. I couldn't really track it. It's it's nice to hear this.

He had a great time. I mean, what did.

This is one of my favorites, the greatest, like I'll never besperach my queen Club Shallow May.

Oh my god.


Yeah, there's the fan group, the people who love Timothy Shallame.

It's one woman. She's a forty five year old woman in New York. We love Club Shallow May. Show the moment Timothy laughed at you, that was the endorsement that she needed. She said, we think Nicky's funny. Timothy laughed.

It was such a great tweet. Nicky Glazer is funny. Timothy laughed, like yeah, it's yeah, I love that. And there really meant a lot to me.

So much generosity in the room from these huge stars the rock. I will I love the Rock for the rest of my life.

That was My voice just cracked. I almost teared up.

That was I know it was your moment, but for me and Mike Lawrence, that was a pivotal moment in both of our lives.

I melted at just the sight of the rock.

But oh my god, I don't think the human brain could comprehend what the rock looks like in real y.

For context, it was after the show ended.

Before the show he had he was presenting, so he was on the other side of the stage. He walked across the stage to come say hi to me and say good luck and say like you're going to kill this and give me like, uh, just the sweetest thing.


I think, yeah, I think I hugged him before and then after, which he did not need to do, came by after everyone was in the room, we were all kind of celebrating. Was probably like ten minutes after the end of the show, and he came back.

He came back like he was the president of Hollywood.

To make him yeah, I mean like he kind of is.

He's the fucking rock.

It's like, yes, he came in like swooped in and like, Nate Pergatia just come in. And I was like, uh, Nikki, you have a visitor. And all of a sudden, like Nate, we love Nate. This is the rock And just like honestly, like two d and eighty pounds of twisted seel and sex appeal walks into the room and then you and then he just held in pure charm, pure charm, like the most charismatic man to ever live tells you that for three hours you held the world in your hands.

Yes, you do what you did up there, you can hold the world.

You're so kind to you. Oh my god, he said.

The monologue was perfect, and he made this sign and then then he said goodbye.


I mean it was just perfect, perfect length. Made nobody feel like, oh what do we do with the now? He came in, he delivered his piece and he got out of there.


And then like I looked at Mike Lawrence and I was like, do I kill you? And we stab each other at the same time, like this is as good as life could ever be.

That's so awesome.

A man that we've watched since we are nine years old.

Oh my god, Marty and Martin Short were laughing having such a good time.

Steph Myers was having Ray You.

I know you hate watching yourself, but you should really watch the halftime part. Ray finds is having the time of his life.

That is so great to hear, like.

He looks starstruck with you just standing in front of him.

And I would say this this like season of Nikki watching movies. There's two people that have stood out to Nicky that I can remember. I'm sure you have more that. She was just like, I love this man, Ray Fines.


I like, I'm sorry, I've been sleeping on Ray Fines. Yeah, now I'm sleeping with him.

Yeah, but I have.

I'm like, I wasn't. I'm not a Harry Potter girl. Y. I don't know what Schindler's list. I've never seen. I'm sorry, what's the other ones?

So much? Yeah?

Yeah, I knew him from Made in Manhattan that I saw him, that I saw him in that recently, because that's the one he was. He's actually so I mean, it's like a rom company. He's so like what a versatile.

He's like one of the greatest actors to ever live.

He's next like you just I don't know watching him just like that. It just that's acting in a way that I and it's so subtle. It's like I don't even know what he's doing, but it's moving me in a way that I've never been moved by acting before.

Yeah, I think it's pretty obviously he's going to be listening to this. I feel like he's a bestie now based on Like truly, I saw stars in his eyes like it was just like, oh my god, she's here now that she was like that, he was laughing at everything. Oh my god. It was so fun to rewatch today. He came to have a good time. A bunch of those people. I cannot believe they came to have a really good was a party table.

Yes, I can't wait to do this again.

I mean Tucci.

Tucci was an active audience member the first the first mention of Stanley Tucci freakof it looked like we betrayed him. But when you know, when you said there's no baby oil, there's olive oil, he starts laughing like okay, like it really got him. And it's so funny. Somebody made a meme that I sent to Chris. It's to show it like you can see his reaction to freak off, and it's so funny what it says on top and then the what it says on the bottom.

Oh my god, I'm so excited for this. I love like a like, okay, what freak off? No, he looked she started roasting him again for no reason, and he looked like he was in pain. I know it sounds harsh, but it's honestly what he deserves for not being gay.

I saw that on Twitter with family.

Tucci's so funny, was.

Such a great audience member and such a good sport. I'm so glad it happened again in the halftime a thing when you clone with the clone. He was confused that he laughed.

Again, the old, the old Tucharu.

I mean, at this point, every award show you host from now on needs at least.

One things were going hard, and that we lightened the load. We love take the load off. Who doesn't that? And that that like the who we were going to say for like you know, the it's the after party is gonna suck this year? And then like who we're gonna say? You know, you know our Martin short freak off doesn't have the same bring to it a Tilda sweat and freakoff. We were like, Who's going to have the freak off? And then because we were switching jokes around and Martin Short was going to be He.

Was in so many jokes, he was going to be a freak off every joke in the monologue.

We wanted him to be a part of this thing so bad. The first day we started, we.

Knew we landed when where he should because it was like someone said, it was like such the or I said, and Martin Short is here because we have cameras. Someone said, that's such a Martin Short joke. Yes, I love that.

It was great, And then they widened out after Martin was laughing and to show Steve Martin laughing even harder at it, that was a great Martin was was fully on board with it to its just me. It was I I like, truly, it was the greatest night of my life.

So I have no idea how you're feeling.

Oh my god, I feel literally ill right now. My body. I'm not even kept your body like sick right now and like go puke. I'm like it started. I'm like so happy, but I'm feeling physically worn down. I didn't eat much yesterday because I was just I just wasn't hungry, you know, like when you're like I was too I felt too nervous. And then today I've like been just I just ate so many blueberries.

I think it was that too many blueberries, unwashed blueberries.

Yeah, yesterday, I literally right after dress rehearsal, I started having a panic attack. So I took an atavan and then Brian said that I was a completely different person. Oh my, well, once you were comfortable after act three, like with Popular, I I was depleted of anxiety. I was so calm that I'm like, I can't even pitch jokes now, Like I don't even know where to pull them from. I've never been I was like, I was like Mexican Pope Cockleve.

I was just turtles are beautiful.


I looked at you, and you looked like a totally different It was around act five or something, and all of a sudden, I turned to Sean his hair show.

Like five in the show, the show, I took an ad evan between rehearsal and uh, the show and.

You're still pumped up. I mean then after the monologue and like the halftime show, was pretty much locked in. All of a sudden, I turned to Sean. His hair is like up and he's just eating a bag of chips, and it's just like his soul left his body. I was like, Sean, Sean, give us, give us jokes.

I'm like, I have nothing.

What caused the panic attack. I was just mean, it's it's it's everything.

Yeah, it was everything.

Like I feel like Popular it might have been popular where I'm like, oh boy, It's like I felt like a mother sending off her son to war.

I'm like, did you did you guys have doubts.

I mean, I'm just playing out every scenario in the ail Popular.

Yeah, no, I don't. I didn't. I thought I.

Thought brushed so hard. I was like, there's just a way.

As soon as your family came in and we performed it for that was.

I mean, that's another layer to the story of Popular. Was Popular could have?

It could have?

It was people were all loving it and having a good time. But when when you called your parents in and I was like, I was like, what's going on here? And you when you performed it?

Yeah, I canceled a set that night or four sets that night, but I booked one and I brought the audience and I was like, I need to I need to see myself if this works, Like because when something gets we're pitching it out like and then you perform it like we've all already all seen it, like we wrote it, you know, so even when the performance is all put together, we can all laugh and stuff, but there's something we're giving it more or maybe less than it deserves. It's just hard to tell what the people who wrote it. So I was like, I need I texted them they're coming back from dinner. I was like, can you come to the writer's room. I have something for you to see. You need to let me know because they're a great like they just have such great taste. They're also like both uninformed and as informed or like they're informed, but like they don't get every reference. Like they didn't they didn't get My sister didn't know, but like the finger holding thing, I think or maybe one or two of that. I think she knew that, but she didn't know what didn't she know there was some reference that I was like, Oh, that surprised me that she knows. She's just like they're just like the perfect focus grip of Midwest.

Kind of Midwest Middle America. Yeah, good old fashioned funks.

Who you want? Who was paying attention to the who would be watching the show.

And it worked killing you were immediately, you were off book before the script was written.

It it was no Curbula was in my bones. It was the role I was always meant to play. It was.

It was so wild how you didn't even look at it when they got it.

You just had it. You had like I don't know if it was I was.

Not off, but it was close. It was. It was just fun. It was like I love I want to do, Like musical theater is something I've always loved. So even getting to touch on it a little bit. And then the idea of like a sketch moment of of being told you suck is just wonderful to act out because it's the voice in my head anyway. Yeah, you know, and I know I get to like say it out loud and like and no one else can say it about me, but now I have a chance that I say it, so it just robs anyone the opportunity to say it. Yeah, in any way, And that's not why I'm doing it, but talking it out, I'm like, oh yeah, that's kind of a part of it is, like, it's just so fun to say this sucks. This sucks so much, you're embarrassing yourself in front of Elton John And I.

Didn't see it, but you mentioned it that Ariana wanted.

Oh yeah, there was a buzz they all Her and Cynthia both.

Were like, they want one. Why is she doing the whole song?


So the internet wanted more to the who did it? They've a culture wrote the lyrics.

To the song.

New York Magazine wanted the whole song, wanted the whole song.

And yeah, it just it gives us car at blanche if we ever do this again, to have a song.

But but it's so fun, so mad. It works so well because you also commit so hard and your voice sounds lovely when you're doing it, to the point where it's like, oh, like we are incapable hands.

Here she is, She's gonna get this is plausible.

But it's so crazy to me that everyone thinks that you're gonna do it.

Would you go, you're gonna love this.

That's my only regret is that I should I wish I would have said, wicked table, this is for you or I wish I would have said wicked table, like the audience couldn't tell at home who I was pointing to, but me just cockly being like, you're gonna love this. It is so funny. I wish there would have been something about Cynthia and Arianna you pay close attention, take notes like something like that. That was my only regret, But it was so fun.

Here's a free lesson.

Yeah yeah, yeah.

But we did it the right way because I think if we did do the entire song this time, then people would have been like, oh, that's too much. And we just showed that this was a proof of concept. This was our sizzle reel for the thing that could be in the future.

Yes, you don't know that you didn't want more of popular, but I assure you you did it.

You did not.

The only reason you think you want more is because we didn't give you.

Yes, yes it is.

It's a it's crazy paradox. Yeah, less is more here, I promise you. Like everyone's like you should have just done a little bit more. I'm like, I promise you it. We cut it off. The believing people wanting more is good.

Classic bad boy boyfriend move. Yeah yeah, yeah, didn't give it to him.

Yeah, you probably did want to bite or a taste of insane in the penguin.

Insane in the Gwain is a great lyric.

You know what was beautiful about the monologue and all the things. I'm getting a text about something different from every sing every single person, every single person in one of the big texts I'm getting from like people that love Nikki and that everybody wanted more Nicki in the show.

Yes, oh my god, Yes, I'm in a Mets fan discord that has ninety people and I was going through because they were all watching the Golden Globes and like I didn't even say it was right on it, and so I was like basically a spy. And then they're like, at like eight pm, they're like, where's Nikki gone? Like we need more of it, Like they were mad that she like kind of disappeared at a point.

So nice, you know what, we gotta go to break and let's continue this conversation when I get back. All right, final thought, So what's next?

The after party? How is that for you? Not a non event?

You know?

I don't. I don't think I like parties. My sister and I were both like my mom loves parties, and my sister and I were both like we couldn't be more not like you like they're too loud. I wanted to change out of the dress. I yeah, I wanted to sit down. I wanted I wanted to dance. Would have been really fun.

We probably should have gone over there as a group because it would have been Was there a dance floor, Yeah, there was a dance I didn't even notice. What we need to do next year is either have a separate section amongst the party for us.

Yeah, there's like thirty of it.

There was, and we were all kind of trying to we were trying to stand with each other, but it was like we were just in people's way and just as.

People get drunk or they just like feel like more entitled to come up and take your time, and like we're just telling the story of why they like And I think I can speak freely that the besties know that I love when people come up and say nice things, and like I always invite it, and like would I'm never think I'm too cool for a compliment. But there's just some people where it's just like it was just starting to feel like I was being taken advantage of it.

There's a type of person that's at an after party then that like a.

Show that Yeah, your fans are different than like Hollywood hanger ons. Yeah, there's like an entitlement, a little bit like.

Take out your phone, take my number, your number.

Hollywood bullshit, the Hollywood snakes.

It's not the celebrities, by the way, not that, not that. If they were celebrities would have made it okay. These are just people that like, I'm like, why do you think that I want to be in touch with? Like yeah, and this is not If you think I'm talking about you, it's probably not you because I did give my information to some people because I didn't give if I gave it. If I didn't, I didn't give it to you. If I gave it to you, I like you, but I didn't give it. Yeah, it was just it was just a lot. It was just I was just tired. You just want to be around people that you can be really comfortable with and like next year, take your shoes off and take your pants off and just like hang out and yeah, you.

Should throw our own party.

Yeah, sweatshirts.

And we should we should throw and immediately get into comfortable class.

That Noah has a question that maybe other people love to hear it. Did Harrison Ford really think you were a waitress?

L O L That's so cute. No, No, that was part of the joke. That was like built into the joke as you know, uh, kind of painting Harrison Ford as someone who obvious doesn't know who I am and is just you know, begrudgingly even at this award show and I'm backstage and I go up to and I'm like hi, Harrison, and He's like, I'll take a vodka soda, And I'm like, well, I actually wanted to ask you an important question about Hollywood.


Yeah, it used to be like a like we used to have a joke about Harrison Ford before that.


That was like kind of like setting up that character, Yeah, setting up that character that we would then pick him up and put you down a little bit, ye, so that you could do the Indica.

Yeah. So we cut the joke before it, which was Harrison Ford is here to show us a cool rock he found.

Can I just say on that note, so many incredible decisions you guys, you especially, and then so many great ideas, like the writers every writer had a moment or multiple moments like just had of like I would I think we should do this with like stepping back and giving everybody perspective at different times. Yes, and there were moments of like killing jokes. It's like maybe we shouldn't do this, but so many.

Good decisions, a complete team effort.

It was true, so much perspective, Like somebody would be like, hey, what if we did it this way, and it's like, oh my god, that's the exact way to do it.

I think every single writer in that room got at least one thing into the monologue, and like and like and stuff sprinkled throughout the show.

It was like and there were a lot of things that were room babies. Yeah, we just all came up with together. I mean, like we were talking to this. As we were talking about this in the podcast, there was a joke that Nicky came up with on the fly at a Japanese restaurant. And now and we talked about this, now we can reveal what that joke was. Oh yeah, and that joke was our case freezer. We had the list of animals and it was going to be sexual at first, and Nicky was like, I don't think it should be sexual because the ben affleck things sexual. And then we were riffing on what it could possibly be for like like thirty minutes and all of a sudden, Nicki goes rfkse freezer and then it was like, yes, that's it. That's it just came out of your head full flash. So that was what we're talking.

That was so exciting. Yeah, it's it's even for me. Getting stuff in the monologue felt like a way. I'm like, oh, I got a few things into it. Like it's like it's like that. It's so such a great feeling of like seeing where you had your influence on it, and like it just felt like such. It was just the it was the best time. I'm gonna like miss going in every day like I had a blast.

I was.

It was not I was saying, you know, after the show, giving a little you know, speech or whatever, and saying like I just I usually dread everything I do, even if it's fun, and this is something I did not dread. I was like, never was like I gotta go down there. You don't have to wear makeup in a writer's room. You don't have to look cute. There's snacks. Yea, there's enough people that someone's talking. If you don't want to talk, you don't have to. Like it's and it's relaxed.

It's fun, and it's some of the funniest people on this planet.

Were in that laughing the energy, each other laugh the energy.

Everyone was like, is truly the funniest person and like to the point where, like last night when everyone was making speeches, Brian made a speech where he was like, it was the best Golden Globes ever, and I was like, I can't follow that. So what I did was I went to a real Housewives logic and I was like, I was only mad one day to get some mystery because I thought.

It would get a laugh.

And everyone it was the only time you didn't get a laugh in the last seventy days.

It was so funny. No, I love that line. Then, Yeah, my favorite line of the room that like or not favorable, one that just comes to mind is when we were like really trying to like take apart a joke and we were like kind of almost like tired and like just going over this wording that didn't really matter, but it did, and it was just arduous and just we were all bored with it at this point. Then Noah was just like, hey, what, oh, we were putt It wasn't that we were putting together the map of the set, so we what was that? What is the what is the platform that is used? Two? I can't think of words. When he put up each little joke was in a square and he moved it around the screen.

Oh the mirror, the mirror.

Yeah, he was using this like God, and we're moving all these jokes. No, we should put that there, and I really think that that it's better up there. It was just like we're getting bogged down by this, and I was like, well, why don't we just take a quick break and watch the mirror highlights of the year. It was like a little it was a little Spotify wrapped of mirror, like mirrors trying to mirror this application where you like put up you make grid, you make grids. Is like tried to do a Spotify wrap for the other users to be like, let's see what grids you make.

And he's like, oh my god, and he just goes, hey.

Why don't we just take a little time, take a little breather, and watch a mirror wrapped of the year. And just see what that was so funy.

His line because you know, again we were trying to like parse words and it was like, should we say, uh, he is still yes, still needs money, still needs It's like I just don't like the still.

Uh somebody said I still. I just don't like the still he needs money.

And then and then he goes, we can move the still to another spots like.

We needed still in the monogue, lot of.

Like staying at that and someone wants to keep still, but he says, like, we'll put it somewhere else. Defeats the purpose of why anyone will. It's so funny. Shout out to finger follow him on Twitter and stuff.

But yeah, I guess closing because we can we can end now is just thank you. I mean that what an incredible experience this whole year, honestly, between and.

Oh my god, yeah, this was this was the culmination of like truly like the it was the greatest job I've ever had.

Like, yeah, you guys, I feel like Sean and I are your sons now.

Yeah, truly, I feel like.

We are weird twins and your older sister.

So much. Thank you guys.

It was over brothers.

Yeah, I'll save my thank yous for another day. But this was really fun to wrap it up, and I truly my body's shutting down. This was actually really fun to recap. I don't want anyone to think I was in pain the whole time. Just a little bit.

You can just think that I was in pain.

Yeah, because you are.

Because you are. For one day, you weren't like this is how you feel all the time. This is terrible. I feel I literally feel hungover. It feels like I was drinking last night. That's how my body's feeling.

Well, you were drinking it. You had adrenaline flowing through your body for about two weeks. Probably the last.

Time that I felt this way. I said I'd never want to do what caused that again. So this is not a good sign. I have a good great Alan car is the easy way to quit hosting a worship. All right, guys, thank you very much for listening. We will be back next week with more Nikki Lazer podcasts. I love you, besties. Thank you for all the sport and kind wishes and and just all the love I got. I see it all. If I don't write back, it's just because I'm bogged down right now, but if I give it a little double tap in a heart, just know that that means I saw it, and I read it, and I would write more, but I just don't have time, and my nails are so long and it's hard to typeer that it really is a part of the two. I love you so much. Thank you guys for listening, and thank you guys for being here. Let's see you next time. Dobakuk Bye. The Nicki Glazer Podcast is a production by Will Ferrell's Big Money Players and iHeart Podcasts. Created and hosted by me Nicki Glazer, co hosted by Brian Frangie Executive produced by Will Ferrell, Hans Sonny and Noah Avior edited it engineered by Lean and Loaf, video production Mark Canton and music by Anya Marina. You can now watch full episodes of the Nicky Glazer podcast on YouTube, follow at Nicki Glazer Pod and subscribe to our channel

The Nikki Glaser Podcast

Every Monday through Thursday, comedian and infamous roaster Nikki Glaser provides a fun, fast-paced 
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