Nikki's best bud Lara is finally joining the pod, and after over a decade of friendship, she's discovering something totally weird about Nikki. Meanwhile, Nikki’s been on this wild concert spree—she caught Counting Crows with Taylor and then hit up Phish last night with Lara. The gals dish about their Phish experience, including their box seats views and an epic experience in the music production van. Nikki spills the tea on how she had some fun roasting those die-hard Phish fans. In the Final Thought, they all lose it over Kerstin’s prank voicemail rants, while Brian delivers the riveting 2024 Olympics update on the men’s gymnastics team.
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The Nikki Glaser Podcast, Nick.
Glaser, here's Nicky.
Hello here, I am welcome to the show. It's Nicky Glazer Podcast Special show today in studio. Best friend part of the Girls Chat. You've heard her on the show before when we've had like a I think it's when we've done like the group ones from like girls Trip Chat Chat weekends. Yeah, it's uh, it's Halla. Everyone you know, where's Tala? Her name is not that, but it's Halla. Her last name is Holly. So in high school we called her Halla and then and then somehow it just went to us.
Saying I was actually yesterday when I got into town, I went upstairs to my old bedroom and found my yearbooks and someone I can't remember who signed it. I don't even know how to say this sound.
Yeah, we usually do it a lot over the year, but even though we don't know what that means. Yeah, no we're not German.
But some random person from high school, like some guy, I was like, I don't even know what this sound was, basically just to say everyone called me that.
Yeah, even your nephews call you Halla because you were telling some story on girls Chat and someone or not even your throat.
Yeah, it was a friend's son, but he called yeah, yeah, because it was.
Someone I know from college. My dad.
Yes, he still answers the phone. Hey, hey, spell it?
How do you officially? Great question? No, I think we spell it h u L Yes, it is h u L.
I spell halla h O l l A because my last name was Holly with an O, but somehow, Kirsten and you spelt with an A. Anyway, let's get onto something.
Yeah, I guess we spell it with an A. Yeah. But Holla is here everyone, she's in town. Brian's here, Hey, Brian, Hello, And Noah's back as she was yesterday. Oho. No, what I didn't even realize you were in New York. You like told a story and girl's chat about being in New York and I was like, what what is So you've been there for a month at your dad's.
Yeah, because it's such a big thing to travel here, and we wanted to show Toby off to the family.
But it's coming to end. We're going home soon. Okay, Wow, how has that been.
It's kind of like being at home, except on the weekends we get to see family.
Okay, so you never get a break.
Oh well, I mean, like Abby yeah, yeah, like Avey will take Toby and stuff and give me a little bit of a break. But yeah, pretty much is just baby mode.
Baby mode. And does your dad work or you guys like with him all day?
No, he works.
He leaves early and comes home like in the evening. So it's just basically the house.
Bill. Have a brush you gave me from your dad?
Really? Yeah? He like it works?
Sounds weird? Were you making a like a Ouiji doll? What are those calls?
He like works for? What does he do? He works for Moroccan oil. Yo. So she gave me a bunch of products, including this brush, And like, I have a brush.
From your dad when I was making the Voodoo doll to use his hair.
It's so weird. The brushes I use in my life come from the weirdest places. I don't think I have any brushes that I've bought myself. It's the one nos dad gave me. I still use. That's the one I used to like roll out, you know, and like blow dry your hair to make it. You don't know, don't nod like you fucking know? Well, I know you do it. I've seen you yeah, or you like bed like you roll it. Some people don't like. But hot roll I don't even know what it's called. You just put the hair drive close to it and you burn your hair and you and that's when, when they're steam coming off your hair, you know you're doing it right. And then the other brush I have is from this weird guy that came to my show in La years ago, and it was at the meet and greet, and everyone who was it he made to the end of the line, which is what weirdos always do because they want extra time with you, and they not every weirdo. Some he brought he had a bag of things to give me and they were all like secondhand things. There were some jeans that had like like you know, they're like two thousand and eight jeans with like and they were used. He had a pair of girls jeans that he got it like goodwill. He gave those. He was just a crazy person, and I was like, oh my gosh, thank you so much, you know, like just being nice. But the brush stuck. But when he reached his bag before he started pulling out all these different things, we've literally thought he was gonna kill me. Like I remember, everyone kind of like did like I remember Matt, my tour manager, was watching like and kind of freaking out, like do I tackle this guy right now because we don't. He's really searching his bag a really long time. We don't know what he's about to pull out, but he had something for you. It's like the way someone would before they kill you. They're like, and I have one last thing for you. Yeah, oh I can't find it.
You know, Like that's the weirdest thing that's happened at a meet and.
Greet, probably not like I think I've had beyond like random fondles.
Yeah, there's random fondles.
I think there's been at movie on.
On Netflix, just clusters of fondles. There's been. Yeah, there's just been like uncomfortable moments of like someone asking me to do something and I just go no, And then it gets kind of weird because they asked me for a video, or they asked me for uh, let's can I do that? Can I simulate like I'm going down on you like they did? They think it's gonna be funny, Oh my god, you know, or like will you get on your knees and can I lift you up? Just stuff like that that I'm just like, I just don't feel like being touched in that way right now, or you know, or but people have some lot, can we do something funny? And I go, I'm out. I don't have any more funny. I yeah, I just performed for an hour. I'm tired. You just actually go get out. Give me a hairbrush. So this guy gave me a hair brush, and everyone after the show was like, don't use that. But it wasn't used. It didn't have a tag on anything, but it wasn't It didn't have any hair in it. You can clearly see if a brush is used. And he gave me an all this trash he gave me, gave me like a coloring book that was half colored, and like an old map, and like some rosary beads, and an old pair of jeans, and then he gave me this hair brush. I still use it. And this was three and a half years ago. It was the best brush I've ever had. And everyone goes, you should throw that out, and I'm like, no, it's unless there's actual unless I can see that it's been used. I'm gonna it's kind of a good brush. And that is the brush I use every single day, including the one that Noah's dad gave me, Like I can't use brushes. I never intentionally have bought a brush for myself and and used it and then I use it. But yeah, so uh oh what was again? Oh so you came into town? Yeah?
Well I was gonna say, like, this guy was for sure at the show last night?
He sound rush. Oh yeah when I came in yeah to go.
See the fish concert, and this guy was definitely a fish fan. This sounds like a fish fan. Wait, can I go back really quick?
Do you have tons of family in New York? Are you just like inundated with God? Thank God, this dog came to sit in my lap. This is all I wanted to know. Yeah, so on the weekend, you're like seeing family? Do you have so many family members in New York who didn't want to see you?
Don't have like a big family. But the family that I do have here is like family that we enjoy spending time with.
Yeah, got it fired? Yeah? Oh so that that implies that there's some family you don't like spending time what she did not say that? She didn't say that. I said that, Yeah, I holla's in town. She lives in Arkansas, but she's in town to go see Fish because her husband's a huge Fish fan and they they go to concerts all the time. Yeah, we go to a lot of shows.
And we came in for this and last night we went with Nicky and Chris and there was a lot of good content. Had I thought that the people watching would be great, But we were in a box.
Yeah, so kind of boxes are amazing, Like they're amazing, but you are not at the concent We were not. I know that I've said this before about Taylor Swift Box when we were there for in Chicago. I I didn't like. I was like, this isn't the constant. No, we did not have an experience, but I was happy being a box at Fish because I don't care about Fish. Well, so I was okay with like not I don't care about Fish either.
But I think tonight is going to be like on a skit on a fun Factor Tonight, I have a lot of fun.
I'll get dance. I was wanting to make in the crowd last night, though I would have been into Fish and like, I probably would have been more sold on the whole experience had I been in the crowd because it's like.
The whole point of a Fish concert is to emerge myself in the community, smoke a bunch of weed and danced to repetitive music for seventeen hours exactly.
And it was pretty funny too, because one of Nikki's first comments was like, our Fish fans notorious for just not having.
Rhythm, like the dancing. It's I'm one person with rhythm that's going to that. Even the band wasn't on beat, like there didn't seem to be rhythm. And no, obviously the band was incredible, but they uh yeah, no one in the crowd seemed to be moving in sync with anything except it's just a flails. Just a flail. Yeah, it's a flail. It's a rocking, it's a it's like some people seem to be having the dts. Uh. It was just a lot of shaking and flailing and but it's free. And I was like, oh, this is Taylor, this is Aerostor, this is Taylor Swift.
Ye for I sent you that meme that said like Taylor Swift is a jam band.
Oh yeah, that's right. I mean it's in the way that I feel to my ears, it all sounds the same. And I know people say that about Taylor Swift. These people seem to they all try to dress the same. They they dress up in their own way for it. They all no one, No one's feet were covered at the show. No, I was more barefoot the better. I wore like a slight heel and it was. I felt like I was dressed for the met gala, Like I wore tight jeans and a slight heel and like a fitted top, and it was. I felt so ridiculous. I felt like I was like, looked like I was going to get married.
Actually, compared to about that guy who gave you the brush wasn't at the show because brushes aren't allowed.
No, if you brush your hair, you can't be there there it was. It was really as much as I felt overdressed, I didn't feel judged or anything for not being like a true fish fan like I didn't feel I think I've been doing enough eras shows that I just feel like the way I feel when people don't seem to be dressed for the occasion. I was just like, I'm just happy that person's here. They're gonna like absorb.
Some of the wish thing is everyone's just happy and welcoming and that's.
The whole you.
Have you been to a fish show?
Never, But are there a fish friend.
I have a fish friend who has I've sat down and watched fish concerts live stream with him.
And they live stream every single show.
Yeah, yeah, so I just know the vibe, but I've never gone.
Is there a band that you've been to like multiple concerts?
Well, I've seen John Williams at the Hollywood Bowl six years in a row, but I'm gonna stop going.
John Williams. He's a music composer.
He composed a lot of like, uh, really popular movies like Jaws and Star Wars and Harry Potter.
Oh, and he plays with a symphony.
Yeah, I mean he his orchestra plays and they usually play clips over and it's usually a really big deal. And it's happening every year since like I don't know, it's been happening for like fifty years every year at the Hollywood Bowl.
Are you guys called willies? What are fans of John Williams?
Yeah, we're called the Yeah, we're called Willies. There's big Willies and little Willies.
I asked last night, like, what are fish fans called? And they looked like I was fucking. They were like, what what is it? What do you call yourselves? And they were like and then someone goes like the way Taylor Swift fans called themselves Swifties and they were like, we don't have that. I go, or the Grateful Dead calls themselves deadheads and then it's like, oh, yeah, I know what you mean. Now it's like, no, it's not a dumb thing to call people something. The Deadheads do it right, fish And I really think there's the fans and I go, no, that's that's okay in writing, but like you can't say to each other like are you a fan? Like but I think that's what Sam say the like, I just why wouldn't you give yourselves a fun name like fishies? I don't know, Holla. Last night we took a picture and in the picture, like I sent to the girls chat, and her stomach was kind of like out like you you looked like you had like eaten dinner, which you did, and you were like, guys, announcement, I'm pregnant. And in the fish community we call it I'm having a guppy.
Sognant little duppy.
Love that you guys went to terror tacos.
Oh, yeah, we went to terror talk I know.
I said Noah would be loving this.
It was a they did. It was a horror the horror movie themed taco Vegan taco joint. Yeah. They had and metal and they had metal music playing. Yes, so it was metal music. I instantly had to put earplugs in as soon as we walked in.
That I was.
Because everyone at the table screaming like we're at a concert, and I'm like, why are we here when we're about to go to a concert and scream over loud music. It was just like it was a little much for me. But and they're playing like horror movies on TVs. It was delicious, by the way, tearor tacos shout out delicious food. The decor is just like horror themed. Like there's posters up and it's all black black paint on the walls with like red streaks. Get rid of the cobwebs. There's like fake cobwebs everywhere. Even though you know they're fake, you can't in your brain separate cobwebs from being it means dirty. Good point. I'm still I'm observant. I did not even know there were cob webs everywhere. I didn't even know. Oh my god, it was covering all the walls. Interesting. Yeah, but it was really delicious and I'll I can't wait to go there again. Was so freaking good.
God, the food's good. Otherwise it would just be like insane. Yeah, all this niche bullshit around.
Yeah, I was for sure going to be hit or miss it was, but like we had to try.
It, Beyonce not it's it's probably a negative three for ambience. I would get takeout from there, but I don't think I will ever eat there again, no offense, because it's some some people would.
Love that vibe for the music.
I just I would. For me for a restaurant, like, ambiance is probably more important than the food, like a good patio or a good well wyat setting with good lighting and like, like if the food was just fine, I would rather go. If the food was terrible, no, but if it's fine, I would rather that than like, great food in a place that feels like a shitty music venue bathroom.
Disagree, And this is this is a this is not a fight, but like a different opinion. It's the difference of opinion between me and my wife ally, she loves ambiance. I love food. I would like I would like go to the Soup Nazi. Like the Soup Nazi is like my ideal place. It's just only the food is good. And if the food is good.
I will walk over a bed of nails to get it. I don't care.
I just get takeout. I don't want to sit. Sure, it's fine, my food can be ruined if I'm like, if there's it's too loud, or it just feels dirty, or you feel like the staff doesn't like you, oh yeah, and that they're annoyed that you're there, which I get it, because you're not getting paid enough and it is annoying. Like I used to work at a restaurant. When people would walk in, I'd go no, And I remember you being like, why are you mad? We have customers, Like that's how you make money. I'd be like, I don't care, I just hate them. And it doesn't Yeah, you go away. I was. I was, I was a waitress. I was like, the only way I've made money was from a customers. I wasn't even I'm like in an hour leads.
You know, I a closed to close?
Oh god, yeah, that's the worst I will say these places like closing fifteen minutes early before it says closed on Google.
Fuck that man, Well I used to do. I used to work at Delhi.
I worked at Delhi for seven years, and we'd close at nine and I would literally lock the front door at eight, and then what I have locked the front door at eight and I would just start cleaning and then if people knock on there, they would get so mad.
But I just was like, I don't care.
I should judge this.
This was this would have been like your dream you had a key to that place, if you had a key to well, I would never do that.
I couldn't do that to people.
Even though you hadn't grown when they came in.
No, here's what I would do. So last night, our food did take a long time because this place was packed. But it did takes a really long time. Yeah, there was also I don't know if she's a bestie.
Oh but she was, now who liked you?
She was a nikki? Yeah but maybe she So our food was taking a while because it was such a popular place when we were there at like on Taco Tuesday, so it was like I think they had an extra large crowd. But no communication about like, hey, it's gonna take a while, like right if anything, they they pulled so they had QR codes on the menu, and you like, I like places where you order on your phone and you pay on your phone and then it's just sent in and you don't have to deal with anyone. They just bring your food. Fucking love it. Great. Great, I don't care. That's a great system. But then right before we submitted our order, they grabbed our QR codes and said, we can't do these anymore. We're doing real menus because we need like we're getting too many orders, and so I was like, that's not a good sign. I placed the order, we're waiting, and it's like thirty five minutes we've been waiting, and that's when I started feeling like there's no communication about like hey, sorry, the and I'm looking around at tables. I can tell you I when I walk into a restaurant, I look immediately at who's gotten their food so far? Who am I competing with, who just got sat? Who's order? Do I need to get in before their's Like I always tell my table like, hey listen, guys, sorry, but let's like order, like instead of getting drinks, and then they come back like, let's order the food with the drinks we can get in before.
Which is why it's great to have QR code. It's like, okay, we're getting this thing done, let's do it.
And then but then we waited and waited, which is fine because they were slammed and listen, I will wait forever. If I am told sorry, we're backed up the kitchens fucking overwhelmed. The guy called in sick last second, it's Taco Tuesday, or it's it's we're just over terrorized by customers. Yeah, it's you know season one of The Bear whatever that episode is where their system breaks and the orders are coming in too fast. Like if they just communicate, I will grant anyone the grace if I'm just communicated with, Sure. But when I am being treated like this is normal and like we're not even gonna look at you and I we're gonna act like where the Delta helped us, it wasn't even like and not make eye contact with you, it's a little bit weird. So then I go I literally googled how long before you have a right to complain or a right to ask? I literally I don't even know how long before or you should get your food after you order it and you're supposed to. In restaurant culture, it's like three to five minutes for drinks, like before between when you like you're supposed to when you sit at your table to have your drinks is three to five minutes and then food is no longer than twenty minutes. And I didn't say anything, and I was not even about to, but then Holla was like, I'll fucking do it, and she got up and christ made the comment like it's best that someone with tattoos go up and talk about this, because this is a place where people with tattoos gain respect and have a different.
At a restaurant.
That yeah, Like they were like, oh, this girl gets it. And so we got our food and it was fucking so good, but we had to slam it because we had to get to Fish, which you'll hear about right after we get back from break. Then we go to fish. Yeah, we have a box seat because we've got an inside track because we got tickets through. It's like a real convoluted thing. But Halla went to a show. She's friends with the who's friends with the guy who was at this show. This guy was like, oh my god, you know Nikki Glazer. Nikki Glazer his friends is dating a guy I went to high school with. He's like he literally is like my hala, like in my life. And he's like, I want not only are you going to go to fish, You're gonna get box seats to fish. I don't even care if Nikki comes with you. You guys are getting box seats. And she's like, no way, you're drunk. He's like, no, I'm not. And this guy Trey does all like the what is he? He like manages them in a way, not man but manages in charge.
So, Brian, how you were mentioning that they do video of all their shows. They post all their shows and you can watch them online. He runs all that. Yeah, so he does the production for.
The big sim cast. Yes, Simon class. He's been working for them for since like two thousand and three. Yeah, he said that. And this guy Trey Kerr, he is buddies with Chris from high school. And he said that in high school all he did was listen to fish and memorized lyrics, like that's all he did. And his father used to be like, if you put as much work into something, into anything as much as you did Fish, you could really actually have a career. And like little did he know, like this was going to fish and it's very successful. He runs their whole thing's he's a really impressive guy and so cool and really hooked. Yeah, right, really hooked us up. Yeah, brought us backstage. We got to go to the whole bus where they have all the video monitors set up and they're doing like the they're doing the live kind of editing.
I freaking I shouldn't do the switching switching air.
Like, yeah, there switching the switching board. Yeah, and there's like three guys in there working very very hard and and so we we got to go back to stay. It's too hard to like share and the bus was kind of shaking, wouldn't happen, but it was really cool. We got this like back. We got to meet who John your husband described. On the way there, we were talking about the live show and John was like, in the the the lighting is one of the most important parts of the show. I'm trying to do an impression. I'm not good at He's so cute, but he was like saying, the lighting is a very important key part of this shows, and that he said the lighting guy is like.
The the fifth member of the band.
Yeah, it is the fifth member of the band, Like he's been around there forever and he's really important to the overall experience of the show. And so then we got to meet that guy. And I didn't connect it.
To the either because at the time I didn't know who, like none of us knew who that was. But John is like a fan pH fan, yeah, and so I think in his head at that moment, he was like, holy shit, fifth member of the band.
But yeah, we met that guy. He's been working for Fish since nineteen eighty eight. They met in Burlington, Vermont when they were just playing with bar shows and he's now on like he's still doing the lighting for them, and he was a big fan of mine. He got like nervous to me and he was so cute. I love him so much. Chris God, But yeah, I just realized, like Fish is Taylor Swift, Like yeah, yeah, every they have hundreds of songs. There's all these like inside jokes, like I heard the fans like screaming out at parts that they weren't but like they were all chanting certain things at certain parts, which is a Taylor Swift thing, Like there's all there's all these things going on. People were like cheering at different parts that I was like, Oh, I don't get whatever's happening. Now, there's something special. It just and Chris was even saying like he was like, oh my my. Chris was saying the lore. There's always lore. There's lore behind every song. There's like a story behind every song. And like you even were telling us some story about the song Ocelot and yeah, uh. And it was funny because Holla told us. She was like, oh, this song is about like when he was in rehab, he was thinking about this friend of his that he hadn't talked to in a while, and he wrote the song about the friend and he was She was like it was just so touching, and Chris and I were like talking. She told us that, and she we went bet to watching the music, and then Chris and I like went to the bathroom and got some snacks and then they did like a whole jam, and then we went and talked to a bunch of his friends in the box and we like walked around and then twenty five minutes later, Chris was like, do you realize this is the same song Holla was telling us We're still in that song. Yeah, it was so funny. It's no joke. These songs last forever. Last night there was a it was a huge night in Fish uh, Fishty yeah, and Fish Tree.
I got Bart Coleman, who used to book my show not Safe, he wrote, He's a huge Fish fan. He wrote to me today when he saw on my stories that I had been to the Fish Show, He's like how He was like, I can't believe you saw a forty minute Tweezer And I was like, it felt like Tweezers in my eyes for forty was it felt like a No, it was. It was great. It was I really think I could be a fan if I immersed myself in it. But it to me, it really it reminded me of Taylor Swift and like everyone in that show was having the best night of their life. And I was thinking about how like I was looking out of this crowd because we're in this box above all this this mass of just like dudes in ball caps and just rocking along and having the best time, And I go, God, if we saw all of their thought bubbles, no one would be worried about their life right now. No one's thinking about their kids at home. No one's thinking about that room they have to paint, or the taxes they have to ask for an extension on. They're all just like there'd be just music notes in those bubbles, yeah, or like oh shit.
I gotta like change my pot to the vegetation stage like growing.
Yes, Yeah, they were just all everyone's just like it is blissful.
Yeah, so much good to go see live events and you know music and artists in stage.
It's it's really I want to do it more often. It was so fun. Well haven't you been going to more shows lately?
I mean I went to I could have gone to four in two weeks, and I'm so mad. I didn't go see Mats of State because I just wasn't in the mood the other week. But I went to see Jason Moraz and then I went to see Counting Crows with Santana on Saturday. But I left before Santana because I don't even know. I don't know any Santana songs except the ones he's featured. I do know that on.
That might be the most overplayed song in human history.
I think it's the other Santana song. It's a hot one. Oh my god, that might be with Rob Thomas right, oh yeah roast. If Ros would have been there, I would have stayed for that song. But I just don't. I just didn't care about Santana. I'm sorry to people who might be horrified by that. But Counting Crows and Santana are on tour together, and Counting Crows were amazing.
I was Counting Crows. They're a jam band, huh. Adam durits is a jam band.
No what?
No jam bands to me? No, hold on, no jam bands I think mean they go on a really long time and they jam out they do, Okay, all right, I'm just not jamming out those song at most fair Okay. He's on a jam band.
He's he improvised his own songs.
If a band plays standard, the music is exactly how it is on the album.
The band sticking to the studio album. Adam Durittz is taking full creative license. Adam Durittz is on his He's just doing what he wants up there with the song. He's making its own, he's making it fun for him and it's good for him. I'm sure it could be. Love it. I met Adam Durretz. I think I told the story on the podcast last year. But I met him at Bob Saggatt's fundraiser because he was friends with Bob. And he killed I mean, he blew me away at that show. And his voice was just so amazing. He was really nice to me, and I've just been a fan forever, and I used to The last Conning Crow's concert I went to was probably in high school, and I don't think he was doing this kind of style that he does now, which is like, does not sing the melody that you know and loves, right, he's giving his own thing.
In high school. That was like when we were in high school. I think that was his heyday, right, that was when he was at his height. And so it's like maybe he had to play it exactly how it sounds.
Maybe he had come bored with it yet exactly yeah, because he guesses a reaction to being making it interesting for him, like respect, Like I want the artists to be having up.
There singing those same songs for but.
Don't try to sing along, no, unless you want to play really fun game, which Taylor and I did, so I went with Taylor from girls Chat and we turned it into the best damn time because we just because our section wasn't really they weren't Crow's heads, they weren't Crori's, they were more yeah they were. They weren't ever Maury's, they were Santani's. You know, they were waiting. So we decided to sing the studio track along with the band and just see how it was synked up with Adam Dirtz and it was really, really fun. I loved those videos, so I sent you a bunch of or someone girls Chat, but it was we ended up we were singing obnoxiously loud, but just to ourselves to see how often it was. And it's impossible to sing long December with him. He is in March. He's singing in short March. Because we it was it's so which I do when I go to the show. I really want it to be like the way I know it.
Yeah I do, I was saying this young girls Chat, I definitely do if it's a nostalgic band, Like I went to Counting Crows and I was depressed afterwards because I was like, all I wanted to do was go to this and have a sing along, but that was impossible to do because Adam Durretz is doing his own thing.
Wait, I want to make a quick announcement for the besties. It's not an announcement that I'm not having a guppy. But the funny thing is that, speaking of Taylor, I am married to her high school boyfriend, which might just be fun for besties to know.
I thought you said Taylor Swift.
I was like, that's what I thought, Taylor mc Did I say Taylor Swift? Taylor Taylor McGrath high school boy.
Yeah, Taylor from girls chat. It's yeah, it's very incestuous over a girl's chat. And Taylor, our friend from high school, dated John Halla's now husband, who we knew in high school and you were friends with in high school. But he was not someone would have said John Tipker is going to be your husband. I would you would have slapped that hard on the back.
And I also wouldn't have believed that Toby is actually my child?
What insane?
She is yours? Yeah, I said he? I did say he. So Taylor and I went to counting. It was so fun and and he acts out all the lyrics, which Halla also warned us about because she had seen a Counting Crows the show before us. So he's like, you know, like round here, and he'll do like round with his like he's doing ASL for people who don't don't speak ASLF. Round here, my man. We all look and he'll point in his look the same. He'll do like an equal sign round here. You all talk like liars. He acts out everything. It's really fun to watch, and uh, it was really interesting. He sounded amazing. It was such a good show. He played so many had including a Taylor Swift cover. He played Swift's Listening. Yes, he played the one, which I love that he picked that song. And it's like I was kind of thinking about. It's on Folklore, which is kind of a more Counting Crozy type album, and it's the first track off Folklore, And uh, he did change. I like when people change the lyrics so to fit, like a boy singing about a girl as opposed to a girl singing about his son. How did you change it?
I have this dream you're doing cool shit, having adventures on your own. You need some guy on the internet and take him home. And it's like it's usually you eat some woman on you ned and take her home, and so you know, it was like, but it was really good. I think he stuck to that melody more than he did his own song. That makes sense. He's not bored with it yet.
Would you say, right he switched out the pronouns.
Yeah, you gotta do that. Yeah, you don't want to be gay.
No, you don't want to be gay in these songs there would be offensive. But I think every band should have twenty percent more jamming in their concerts. Not more than that, though, but there's sometimes I go to a concert and they play their two minute and forty five second song and it's over, and I'm like, that's it, Like I want to hear that song for like way longer than that.
I want them to play it twice sometimes. Yeah, I would have loved to hear O Maha twice or Anna Begins twice. Oh my god, Anna Begins is my favorite Counting Crow song? Yeah, ever, and it it's I think it might be a top ten favorite song. I think their Counting Crows, I think are one of Adam Dirt's. And then by the way, he's still pumping out the hits like there's I went to Spotify to the day of the show to be like, what's their new stuff sound like? And I'm like, oh my god, this is all so good nice, and I think I've been like avoiding listening to it because I just I don't have enough time in my life. So everything after is so good, but so was Recovering the Satellites, and then uh, the one that's like the fish, Missus Potter's Lullaby, This Desert Life, Yeah, that was so good too, and then all this the Shrek stuff. Man good albums, but this new song Elevator Shoes. The song on Shrek was Yeah Crows in Love Accidentally in Love? Yeah, No, I think Shrek was. I mean, I think it's smash Mouth to that, like that is Shrek, but I think accidentally.
What's walking on the Sun that's smash Mouth? Is that Shrek? Though I don't even know I.
Mouth and I think you're right to do that. But I do also think that Counting Crows did they like the love song and Shrek? Yeah, accidentally in Love? When HIV and the ogre, I've never.
Seen this disgusting ogre.
They're both ore, but she's actually a beautiful I don't remember the Prince or something.
Yeah, I played with Cameron Diaz.
I've know she's a beautiful princess and she turned to a huge ogre.
It's disgusting.
And then she turned and then they get married and she's and they both stay disgusting ogre.
The lesson is I like that.
It's just the reverse of Beauty and the Beast.
Oh my god, you guys. My my niece was telling me about Beauty and the Beast the other day, and she's five, and she was like, and I like, I I like, I like how kids are always out of breath, breath, and when Nikki Nikki, I like, I like Belle the Vest because she ends up with mister Beast. She called them just like the kids are like, which is like a neighbor. No, mister Beast is like the most famous guy on YouTube, which you wouldn't know. But like, these these little kids are like absorbing all this new stuff that I just calling him mister Beast was so funny.
But I thought your sister was trying to make them like polite kids.
So she oh god, no, she's not doing that, Are you kidding me? They came over the other day and within one minute of being in the house. Forrest, who is two and a half, threw my both my remotes behind the couch violently. That just as a greeting. That's what he does. Just it's a tradition and it's a you know, a custom. That's how you say, oh, I love your house, thank you for having me. And yeah, he took his shoes off through those and I go, thanks for taking shoes off, that's polite. But then he then took my AirPods. I wasn't even watching out of the case that was charging on the couch and through those in both two defeat separate corners. That's a good point. Yeah, let me look on the bright side of things. At least he didn't eat them. I thought it was. And then he saw a picture of Arlow on the wall and took it off the wall and like tried to break it. I mean, it's it's engines. He's wild man. He is a wild man. But so I wanted to share some funny things from fish last night because I was having a if I can, if I am not, if I don't know the music, if I make some kind of like jokey game, I can have a really good time, Like Taylor and I trying to sing along with the Counting Crow songs was really good. Oh, I wanted to share up. Just before we get to that Anna begins. That's my favorite song because I in high school was in love with one of my best friends, Doug.
Okay and Douga.
Doug Rees, if you're out there, I really want to be friends again. I know you're married and have kids. I won't make it bradly. I just want to be friends.
You've announced this so many times in the podcast. I don't know if it's not delivered. I someone knows him. Someone knows him.
I think R E I S R E I S yeah. Ninety eight. Doug Grace is what we called him. So I he was my friend. I was obsessed with him. I felt I was like madly in love. He's my first like obses of love. And he played guitar and he was really good at it, and he loved Dave Matthews just as much as me. So it was the closest I felt to like being with Dave Matthews. And so this was like tenth grade that I became friends with him and we would hang out after school and study, and I was like so in love. And we also used to love counting crows and listen to them all the time, and I want it was like the first brave thing I think I ever did in my life. I was like, I'm gonna tell him I like him, and all my friends were like, you can't, Nikki. I remember you guys being like, don't, and I'm like, I can't hear this in anymore.
Like I wonder why we didn't want you to say, because you.
Probably saw where it was gonna go, like it wasn't gonna be reciprocated or like or it was just like that's gonna make things weird for all of us. Maybe you guys were into it, but I remember this was I thought for sure that I was going to kiss him after I told him that I liked him, because I thought there's no way he doesn't like me. Like we both really did like each We were hanging out all the time all the time, and we were studying for mister Mackins chemistry class. We had like a test that I so I went over to He had like a room in his basement, which was so fun because like we would just like hang on this basement and just I'd watch him play guitar and play all my favorite Dave songs, like perfectly so talented, and I would just like be swooning. But we were with our we were downstairs, so before I went over there, I knew I was gonna go over at four o'clock. So after school, Kirsten came over. We got out of school at two fifty. She came over to my house and I was like, I'm gonna kiss. I'm gonna have my first kiss. And she was like, Oh my god, I can't believe this is gonna happen. And Kirsten had already kissed boys before at this point, and I was so nervous. I was in tenth grade and I had never kissed a boy before, and I was like, what if I'm bad? And she was like, You're not gonna be bad, and I'm like, I have no idea how to kiss. I like had studied, can't hardly wait, you know, and how they kiss at the end. So I knew he needed to raise your eyebrow after the second time your lips went in for like ah, and then you raise your eyebrow and you go whoo. And that's all I knew because I had studied Jennifer Love Hewitt doing it. But she was like, you're gonna be fine, and I was like I don't think so. And she was like, just kiss me. I'll tell you if you're good. And I was like really and she was like yeah. We were in my bathroom. She was like seriously, just just I was like open mouth and she was like yeah. So we made out in my bathroom. Wow, I remember here, like just not like for a long time, but like long enough to it.
It was.
It was really like it like I was doing a blank or something like. And she was like being like, oh, maybe just adjust your hips, like it felt very clinical yours.
I don't know, like because she said it's like she's doing like a plank.
Yeah, like so and and yes, and she wanted me to adjust my hips for the kisses. She's like, stop me a lot for grinding them against my hip and so, uh we kissed and then she was like you're fine, Like I just seek and like that's good. Yeah, I know it's good. Brush your teeth or whatever. Like I already brushed my teeth definitely by the time I kissed her. And I was like really and she was like yeah, that was it. That's all we have to do. And I was like, oh, that was easy. Yeah, And I didn't realize until literally decades later that that was my first kiss on the podcast decades later and I, oh, my god, guys, that was my first kiss. Like I didn't think it counted because it was a girl. I remember me and you made out.
No, I actually remember a kiss you had before that, Amber Johnson in sixth grade.
Oh my god, Amber Johnson.
Yeah, we shit, she goes, yeah, it's easy, nikky, Wait what didn't she just as Amber Johnson was your first kiss, that's right, because you always teased me about that so much. And I was like, which is.
Weird because I hadn't kiss It wasn't that like sixth grade?
Yeah, but it was just funny for two girls, like and she like assaulted, Like I didn't want to kiss her. She was just like, all you gotta do is kiss You just go like this, and she grabbed my face and kissed me. And I remember you guys were always just like, oh you got no go like this, and you just like kept kissing.
That's probably what Curson said you She was not.
She was not someone you wanted to kiss like she wasn't like, uh, I just remember being like, that's not who I want for my first kiss. I barely know if you want to Doug Reasee or kursed it. In sixth grade, I wanted no one. I'm sure I didn't. I couldn't. That was not into boys yet. I wanted like maybe a cartoon careacter made me Dug from the cartoon character. So, yeah, Doug funny, he was soa co or Patty or even Roger.
Yeah, Skeeter, Skeeter, Skeeter.
He's a nerd. He's got a kick, no.
So, so Kirsten approves of my kiss. I go over to Doug Reese's house and it literally feels like I put it up there with like the first time I did stand up or even like doing the roast, like doing terrifying things. Yes, oh my god. But I was so excited too because I knew I was about to get a boyfriend because we were best friends, like, and he was always nervous around me, like I could just tell he liked me too. I knew this couldn't go wrong. And I just remember, like there's so many times in my life I have this moment where I'm like, just do it. You're gonna like you're now, You're not doing it, You're gonna do it now, and like I just said it and I go Doug and he was like yeah, and I just knew he knew what I was gonna say it. And I was like I was looking at my notebook. I couldn't even like look at I was just like staring at the top of my open chemistry book and I was like, I have to tell you something and he was like yeah, and I was like I like you and it was just like it just it felt like pulling off a band aid or like jumping in the cold pool like swim practice. And I was just like I like you and just sat there and he was like I like you too, and I was like, oh my god. It was like yes. And I was like I go okay, and he was like but I just got a girlfriend. Oh, And I was like what. Yeah. He was like my best friend. I go, what the what when? Yeah? And he was like her name's Catherine. She goes to VIZ which is a private school. And I was like what what. I don't even know that we're you go talk to private school girls. Where would you even meet them like I had no clue that this girl existed, and that became that was And then he like walked me upstairs, and I remember my mom coming to get me, and I remember waiting in his garage and making small talk with his parents and just feeling like so in bad art, wanting to like just cry and run. And I went home and I cried so much and the next day was awkward. But then he eventually broke up with her. For me, so that was your first heart break. It was my first heart I was so I and then it just became it became obsessed with hating Catherine and like trying to get him to break up with her was not saying, oh yeah, Anna Begins was okay. So Anna Begins was playing. We were listening to Count and Crows, and right when I said it, it goes love song, it goes the second when I'm shaking. It was something about like schulderin Yeah. There was something line about like and she's shaking, and I remember, like my hand was shaking. I was like, oh, this is also like too of what's going on. But I remember Anna Begins was playing while I told him it, and it was my favorite song and I almost planned it with the song because I was like, this is like out of Dawson's Creek, that this song would be playing in the background when this moment happens between Joey and Dawson and we were gonna kiss for the first time and I'm gonna have sex for the first time maybe, which I probably just thought was like a penis rubbing on my stomach or something. I didn't even know what sex. I'm so just dumb when it comes to the stuff. But then he eventually broke up with her, and the second he did, I wasn't into him anymore. And that's the story of my life, always wondering what I can't have. We'll be right back after this. We're back. Final thought. Last night at the Fish Show, we made it fun because I started just well. One of my best lines of the night was I went to the bathroom during a song and I came back and I said to Chris, what did I miss? Nothing? They were like still on the same like chord progression over and over. It all it all sounds like a lot of it sounded like the Charlie Brown Christmas music, which is great. It Yeah, it sounded like that to me, Yeah, but I really like got to sing sing what you got a jaboo? Got to singing got Akaboo. I like that song, and I like this. They didn't play Wilson, but I really liked that song. And I also like Farmhouse and they didn't play that song. And we got to see setlets backstage during the attrition. Yeah, yeah, and so I knew that. I when I saw the set list, I was like, Okay, I don't have to stick around waiting for an Okay. So one of the funny jokes that I was doing last night was that I was just telling Halla breaking news that was happening from all these people being at the Fish show. So it started like like I just went up to Halla like she literally thought there was like a terrorist attack or something, because I was like, oh my god, Hala, holy shit, did you guys hear I just got this a louder on my phone. We just broke the record for the most tivas in one building. You guys know that. Like I was just and so I just kept coming up to her being like this is serious. I'm not even joking you. Right now, we have to call Guinness, like they are not gonna believe that about this world record. Tonight marks the first time that seven hundred people have simultaneously uttered the phrase dude, how sick were lunchibles? Like that happened? We broke that record, and I was like, I go, Halla, it is do you hear it's estimated that in this entire crowd, it's it's estimated that there have been upwards of eleven to fourteen showers have been taken today and this crowd and I go, holy shit, fuck, I'm getting this alert right now? Oh fuck, oh my god, guys, And they're like, Nikki, what, I'm just like, this is serious, guys. See. Lewis City just put out an alert that they're shutting down all their frisbee parks. They said that no one has been spotted at once for the last ninety minutes, and that like, if there's no one there, they're shutting them down. And then a couple more, I said, fuck, oh shit, there's oh my god, it's been reported there's an alarmingly low sperm count levels that have been detected in my area. What the fuck you? Why is we gotta do something? What do we do? And I go this just in there are three hundred unread texts from right now in this building, there are three hundred unread texts from Dad saying sorry, son, I just can't do it this month. Maybe ask your mom's new boyfriend to hear he's loaded. Read the one about oh my god, oh fuck, we did it again, you guys, another record broken. This is unbelievable. This is it. This is the biggest grouping of people that within the last week have paid for a six inch meatball sub in loose change. This is a wild we did it. Oh my god, wait we got a oh fuck, oh shit, this was bad. Someone needs to call the human Society, like right now, because I think there are approximately eleven hundred bearded dragons and dirty fish tanks who haven't been fed in the last three hours. That's my favorite. It's so good. And then we just kept on going and so I said bye, we it was you.
And part of it that was so funny was the delivery, like we would all be doing something different and then Nikki would like burst out, like stressful.
Walking and like yeah, anyway. Uh. Matt Green, my brother in law who's also at the show, sent me some He was like, dude, to this successive heat warning the city of Saint Louis has opened up a temporary kuing cetter for the unhoused on the campus of Saint Louis University, which is where this venue was. He goes. Thousands of hungry people packed in midtown Saint Louis this evening after reports that fire ass burritos were being served out of a white House superu forester. I don't even know what that means. I don't know what any of it means. Well, and you dress like you are going to a fish show.
Too, That's right. Yeah.
And then I wanted to play this recording because you know, Kirsten is amazing at prank calls, which are not really prank calls, they're just like her calling in this kind of like chipper voice, as like a customer service person working for a company that is delivering some good news to one of its clients. And and this is a call that she said on girls Chet today that she wanted to that she wanted to give to John Holla's husband, who had the greatest time. I mean, he's a huge fish man, So this I just think is one of the funniest things going. I think John needs a prank call today. Her number one Fish Fan.
Hi, Hi, missus mackenzie, calling from the chafe at Center of Saint Louis. John, we would like to inform you that you have been nominated as number one Fish Fan.
Last night we noticed that you're cutoff. Jean Shorts had a prey that was so incredibly natural.
And created exactly from dancing at concerts before this one last night. We know you've been dedicated to dressing casually at concerts so that you're free to move.
Also one that you know.
That we tracked that your foot to foot radius in weight shift was approximately twenty six degrees more intense than any other dude your age. You're getting this award because you were between the ages of forty and forty five. Also clocked that you nodded your head nexty five times within one hour. One hour is actually only three songs for Fish because the songs are really long.
We got it on and on and on.
We wanted to really thank you for yours dedication coming to the Fish show all the way from our Kansas which track drove from Stacked Kansas.
Wait Listen, listen to the prize He's gonna get You had a great time.
At the show.
Oh, yes, we're sending you an award. It's going to be a die American. I just love that every time person calls someone as a prank call.
She's like Hyatt's Mackenzie, we have used technology and lasers an track that you moved side to side more rotations than anyone at the like.
I just love she's always using Technologierson.
Once prank called me while you guys were on girls trip when I was pregnant about like a baby jiu jitsu center in Tucson. That's like, uh, you know, like asking us to join his members. And I played it to Avi and he believes it and still to this day, I haven't told him it was Kirsten.
Oh my god, I want to hear it. It's so convincing because she does this thing where she's like noah, like she's weset like a customer service person of like we are so excited, like she's talking from a WEE place, Like she really nails like the tone, and she.
Gives personal details like that would be specific to you. She probably like said some type sometime around your due date, you know, so that it makes it more believable, especially to Aviy.
Her saying that John wins an award because the frais is the most natural.
Incredibly, I was like, did Nick even send a picture of John? No, that's how often he wears fray.
Yeah, and they are naturally a frayed. Like he would never buy a pair of shorts. That was not officially. No, he wears.
Jeans until they need to get caught. Then I cut them into shorts form and then they get a natural fray from friction from dancing.
It was so fun last night, just like coming up with those I could have done it all so long, of just like just being very alarmed at something that's happening because all of these people are in one place together. I mean, there was the easy places to go was like hacky sacks and like oh oh, Kirsten did one that was really good about the like the vape pens jingling and speaking of the lasers, Oh wait was it this we.
Used last night at the fish show in Saint Louis.
We used digital lasers.
And technology to track the amount of jingling coming from loose cargo, short pockets carrying one hitters and vape pens. As these men danced and boys.
Jingling reached a shocking amount of fifteen decicles, which means that.
At all times there was at least two.
Pens coming in.
And out of the pocket.
I love that while she's delivering this, she is like, she's so heavily pregnant right now and trying to like induce labor. So she on us she's on the street probably doing this thing that pregnant women do where they like put one foot up on the ledge or like the curb, the curb, the curb, and then they walk the other one down. So she's just a real thing. Where did she hear this? I see everyone? Yes, it's a thing.
Yeah, I guess I'm not in the pregnancy world.
Twell. My favorite thing that has been suggested to her to induce labor, because she's at about forty weeks and she's trying to like get the baby, to get the she's trying to evict it, you know, is that her husband needs to ejaculate inside her. And I just think that's so funny that even when like men's a woman's about to have heard like insides ripped open and go through like the most you know, body terrorized thing that can ever happen, and men are like how can you help, Oh, just come inside, like I mean, you'll just get to freely come.
Maybe it is true like kids don't want to think about their parents having sex even before they're born.
Oh, they're like, oh God, I'll get out of your mody across. Stop doing that. I gotta get out of here. I get it. It's supposed to like send a bunch of oxytocin in your body or something that makes your baby be like, I'm gonna get out. But it is funny that Kirsten is like, will have a baby outside of her body no matter what, in a couple of days. Yeah, it's in it now, but it's going to come out. It has to in a couple of days. She's going to be a real life mom, real life mom. So excited. I can't believe it.
That is weird. Noah, is that so weird for you? Like just one day there's Toby, she was in you and then not.
I don't think it's weird, but it is, like, that's fascinating. It's like, well, I can't believe, like an hour ago you were still in there and now you're about chits.
Yeah, when they come, I go that similar all day.
Yeah, and I had to take care of this for twenty years.
You're kind of pushing a baby out the same way you push a turnout.
Oh, I imagine it's the same kind of a similar feeling. Yeah, and that, Yeah, they kind of come out together sometimes. Yeah, you had twins sometimes, you know, and ones from a different daddy. Yeah, I mean I do do. Don't you think that after you take a poop? That like, I can't believe that was just in my body. I think of all. I think it every time. I think really that I was walking around with that and I was like saying hi to people and taking calls and like waving at babies. It was so cute, and that was just simmering inside me. I just think it's so weird. And I name them and I weigh them.
And I incubate that and I rubbed them around for eighty years.
Yeah, I'm sorry, all right, can I get Oh? Yeah, we have to leave. But what do you what do you want to say?
I was gonna give a quick Olympics update.
Well, there's this there's this guy on the men's Olympics gymnastics team who's sweeping the internet.
Have you seen this guy? The pommel Horseman. Yes, pretty cool.
I mean I watched I watched it last night, so I was a day late to the party, but it was pretty amazing. The men's Olympics gymnastics team hasn't won a medal at all, bronze, silver, or gold since two thousand and eight, and obviously the women's team, which is just filled with superstars, has won pretty much every year. So the men's team is kind of like this forgotten group. And they did the all around team uh medal round yesterday or two days ago, and yeah, there's the sky. So they have five guys on the team and they're all supposed to compete in multiple events. But this one guy on the team who looks like the nerdiest wearing horn what do I called horn rim glasses.
He's cross eyed, cross.
Eyes, uh, and he's just sitting there on the bench next to these four just like ripped handsome athletes, and he's just sitting there the entire time, and they're like, don't worry, this guy's gonna come up later. He's the pommel horse specialist. The only thing he does is the pommel horse, and the whole time they're just cutting back to him. It's like the producers of the Olympics knew that this was funny because this guy's just sitting there. He's like meditating. He's like his eyes are closed half the time.
Yeah, I thought it was like he was sleeping, But he knows what he was doing.
He was important though, because he was the last one on the team to go, so he he was either gonna have the team be in the top three or not.
It was a make.
He's just waiting for his turn. He has to wait through five full events. He's there for like over an hour, just sitting on a bench doing nothing.
Actually, it's good.
He was sitting because he was relaxing his legs, which I'd imagine to do pommel horse, the whole thing is just like can you get your legs the most like noodles as possible.
Well, sometimes he would get up and he would do this, and he looked really silly, and he's just like every once in a while, they'd show like one of the athletes doing like flips and sticking the landing, and then they cut to the pommel horse guy and he'd just be like eyes closed, going like this, and like there he is, He's got to go up there, see.
In the fascination with this guy. Everyone's like, he only does the palma horse. I'm like, I don't know, I just started watching football. Isn't that what the kicker does?
Like they very similar to a kicker, but it's never But also this guy just checked all the boxes of like an ironic savior because he just looked like this sprawny little nerd and they kept cutting to him and we couldn't tell if he was nervous or asleep. And also earlier that day he posted to Instagram him finishing a Rubik's cuban under ten seconds. So this guy was just like the super nerd sitting there with his glasses. Everyone else, are these jockey guys doing backflips?
And then yeah, they were.
You know, it kind of sucks because the men's gymnast team can never beat China and Japan, I guess in this instance, and so like they never had a chance of getting the gold or even the silver quite frankly, but they couldn't. They had a chance to get a bronze medal, and it all all came down to the fucking.
Pommel horse guy.
That's cool, and he went out.
There and he's he went out there and he delivered the most incredible pommel horse routine.
Do you mean I know?
And the history of sport of.
Cour Okay, I have a question.
Yeah, any to their legs ever go over their heads or is it just they're switching their arms and their legs just.
Like sometimes they do the scissor move and like the leg goes over their head a little bit. Sometimes they do a handstand. But yeah, it's a lot of just like switching hands and spinning around.
I was reference today in my plates class. They were like, now channel you're inner Steven whatever. Wow, I don't know who that is talking? Yeah, and more still and hit on your left.
It was interesting and exciting. I think it lived up to the hype for me watching it on prime time.
Okay, I gotta give that a chance because he is a cultural phenomenon, and I know every time I go online someone's talking about him. So I'm better look at Now we'll go watch it until the next thing. Okay, great Olympics update. I think I'm starting to give a ship trying. Holly doesn't give a shit either, by the way, you guys, I talked about it last night with her. I was like, I feel bad I just don't care about them. I don't care. And then I even asked John, your husband who works at a mountain bike shop. He does mountain bikes his life, and I go, are you super into mountain biking in the Olympics. I assume mountain bikes in the Olympics it is, And he said I don't, And I was like, yes, someone else doesn't care.
That should actually should stop starting this movement. No, I'm not got to go the reverse.
No, I want to care. I'm literally not trying to be cynical.
I don't.
I'm just post questions. I'm not recruiting people. I know people on board. I love. I love people's enthusiasm for this. I'm not. I really am not making fun of it. I'm just trying to understand it. And I want to be on board because I like being excited about things.
Yeah, it's a really great way to go. Watch guy, I will get excited about poem Horse.
I might, I might, I might be sold on it. I can't wait in your living room. I forget behind the count things like I do quick forgiveness, So I'm gonna quickly forgive the Olympic Olympics for not entertaining me, and I'm gonna let it in my heart my favorite thing, and this might be my new Taylor Swift. They could get.
Really, the only thing worthy of watching is NBC Primetime. It's two hours, watch it the day after, so there's no commercials. NBC Primetime shows you the most important things with packages so you understand, like the humans interest story behind each performance or and it's two hours of the most I.
Need an animal interest story. We know that there are some human interest story Okay, are there are some?
All right?
We gotta go because I get to jump on a call because I have to promote my shows this weekend in California. Oregon is sold out on Friday night, but Saturday and Sunday in California, San Mateo and uh Puss Passo Robles tickets still available. Limited tickets, but tickets are available. Would love to see you guys at those shows. I'll see you then. Tons of tour dates right now available at Nicky glazer dot com. Check those out. Can't wait to see besties in the crowd and hear you cheer. I love you so much. Thank you for listening to the podcast. Thanks Hollow so much for being here. Becky Ryan, welcome back. No, we'll see you next week, don't. Good Bye, Yeah,