#389 Butterfly Clips, Curious Searches & Mukbang

Published Nov 2, 2023, 11:00 PM

Nikki is thrilled that butterfly clips are back in style! She also appreciates when people hold themselves accountable for their blunders. Nikki shares with Brian and Taylor how couples therapy has helped her this week. They cover their favorite Halloween candies, discuss how they developed their signatures, and reflect on what Nikki learned from spending time with her family. Taylor gives a quick lesson about 'paraphilia', which leads Nikki to discuss her curious searches involving the word 'daddy'. In the Final Thought, Nikki playfully challenges anyone to catch her watching her mukbang videos on a plane.

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The Nicky Gliser Podcast.


Here's Nikky.

Hello here, I am welcome to the podcast Nikky Glaser Podcast. The whole gang is back together today. Taylor is here. Hey, heyo, she's here in the studio with me. It's nice to have you here. Brian Frangie is with us today.

I'm alive.

You're alive.

You're here.

Noah's here. What's up? Everyone?

Show and happy?

Oh shut up. Noah has a clip. It's from Anthropology. It's the same clip that Taylor Sweet had that I bought. Is aren't those so bad?

The best?

And I've had them for years?

Dude, you have had them for years. It should have been a Noah styled.

She got it from me, Taylor got it from me.

Clips butterfly clips being so great that they're making a comeback. Because God, when your hair is long as a woman's and it's like on day two after you style it, it's like after you slept on it. You don't want to wash it again because it's gonna be you have to blow dry it and style it again. You just want to leave it dry and like deal with it. And it's like two, it looks too gross to like leave down and if you put it in a ponytail, the ponytail could be raggedy and that looks discussing. Or a bond is like so hard to perfect in the right way and you end up looking pilgrimage.

They're fourteens buns.

I think they're Oh, that's an interesting theory. They just never look good on me. I always am like, why did you wear your hair like that? But a clip, when it's all put up almost like an Upduce style nineteen fifties, with a clip, it looks presentable, Like I can wear it on stage, I can wear it on a zoom call. I can like I can I have dirty hair now in my life because clips are back. They were not clips were not back. They were like there's a huge gap.

Yeah, like they were lame our teenage years too.

Yeah, they were on cool the eighties, right, And I remember in.

The movie the nineties too, like I remember being okay to clip your hair in the nineties and through high school early two thousands, and then they vanished and we had nothing but the hair tie, ponytail.

And rip your hair out.

Hair tie, by the way, is the operative word for no. It's rubber band, rubber band. Then I'm scared I'm gonna get something that you would put around envelopes and then it's going to tug at my hair, you know what I mean?

Like I from SAW is the one that decides what you get? If I say rubber band, what if I get a different thing?

Anya was at CBS and I was like, can you get me hair ties? But I'm like, what what if she does it? What if that's regional? What if? Like hair ties is what I call them that are like rubber bands with the like, I my, what's your favorite kind of hair tie? Like if if you could have a rubber band to put your hair back in rubber band hair tie, what would you have? What kind thickness length or like thin thick scrungey? Whoa thin scrunchy? What color?


Probably like a neon color like neon green.

Really, but that doesn't go with everything? Like what if you're I just like the thin black ones, like just the rubber band. But I like them. I don't like them to be too small because then you can't double it up. I want them to be like medium. No baggie either, No baggie when it gets started stripping and you like there's a little part of it that's just just cloth and it's not oh, it just sticks off like no, no, no.

And it goes into brand's pack. Well, not the fanny pack, your white pack thing.

Yeah, your disposable white pack or not non disposable. Okay. And then but scrunchies are back as well, and those are great too. But having long hair is a fucking burden.

Oh yeah, I hate it. I agree, even though I'm a man.

I think I just see her pain if I don't get if I don't get a haircut for like, I don't get a haircut for like four months, and my hair gets way long.

It just takes like so long to dry your hair. It takes like.

Like an inch longer, I know, but it does. And then when you get it cut, it's like, oh my god, what a delight. I've saved like fifteen minutes in the morning because my hair is short enough to draw.

True any girl that's ever gotten her hair chopped, you know, the feeling of like this is so.

Oh my god.

I can't imagine being a woman I haven't had long hair is insane.

How do you get do it? How long have you had long hair? Tailor like, when did you grow it out? She had shorty hair for a while.

I had like a really short hair, oh like I did, yeah, a couple of times in college and then maybe ten years ago. No, like Naomi camp I guess, oh.

Wow, yeah, pick like she had a Jane Lynchy.

Oh my god, Jane Lynch.

I don't think she knows that references.

Jamie Lee Curtis. And they're older Jamieie not.

Jamie Lee Curtis.

Maybe a little was it was this psychotic break that you had to.

I did house people when they go a friend. Yes, I had this this boyfriend that I think I didn't know yet. I had this really bad feeling about him, and then I broke up with him for like kind of a different reason. But then like a couple of weeks later, I found out that he had been cheating. He had like had a double life, that he was stealing all this money that he got, like me too, for like molesting this girl. Yeah, and so I like just had this feeling that it was in my hair and it was so weird. I just pulled it up and cut it. But I looked exactly like Miranda from Sex and the City, and it was you have red hair. Yeah, and I looked like a lesbian, which I was becoming at the time.

So did he went to being a lesbian? Like was there? Obviously that's not how people become lesbians is dating people who cheat on them, men that cheat on them. But you did date a woman and then she became non binary. They were they already not my signe. Yeah, okay, so you dated someone who's non binary. But but you've identified as a lesbian for.

A while, right, No, No, you were like I'm gay, yeah, just to make it easier. Yeah, because I hate all the other words. They just seem so stupid to me. But lesbian sounds mean because people called me that my whole life, and like queer, I don't like.

The weird It does sounds cool. I think now we're.

As cool, but I'm not. I don't like identify as cool.

I'm like, well you should you You're one of the coolest people all of us, know.

I think a lot of the words sound mean because they are. Sometimes.

Even sis gender sounds mean to me, Like if someone says you're sis gender, it's like.

Almost always cis.

It's always in a negative connotation.

It's never like, oh, look at that cis gender hopping through that field or whatever.

So like saying you're a liberal now, yeah.

Liberal liberal scum.

Yeah that's interesting we used to get we're talking about. Oh yeah, I think it's kind of funny when people take back the word. You know, I really love fat people saying I'm fat. Now I think that in school you can't call them fat.

I realize it hurts my feelings when people say that, what do you mean? Well, my sister says like, oh, it's because I'm fat, like stop.

But she's saying it because she's like being like I wish I were skinny. I'm not saying it like, oh I'm a fat person. Yeah see it doesn't like I mean, I like it, I know, but she wants to do it because it's they. I like people that are just like, yeah, I'm just fat. It doesn't mean anything about me. It just is what I am, and stop telling me i'm not. There's nothing worse than people being like, you're not fat, and it's like, who, what do you want? So I'm bigger than you though, bitch, like I am, I'm I identify as fat, but I like that they take it back.

Yeah, it's ridiculous. To be like, I don't like that. It hurts me. So what, I'm not fat, so I should.

Try, right, But it's my business. You're so trained to think fat equals bad and morally pro and like you're lazy and stupid like all these things. I mean, it's just but I like that they're taking back that word. And I love when people just say because I'm a fat person, and I'm just like, oh, that's so cool, yea to say that and to be proud of it and not have it like be this thing. Of course, it's a thing that defines them, but it's not a thing that says anything about their character.

Yeah, stupid people, fact, Yeah they should stupid.

What's wrong with that?

I'm nothing's wrong with it, Brian, You're right because they're this is this is the thing people go. No one's fat, no one's ugly, no one's stupid. Yes they are and being stupid. Animals are stupid, but I don't think that they have any I think that just because a creature is less intelligent doesn't mean that they deserve less love. Like vegans are the ultimate people who are Like I think that a lot of people argue we can eat animals because they're less intelligent, and then that's just like that's okay to do because they're dumb and they don't know, and it's like, well then okay, well then we should kill all people that have mental retardation because.

Yeah, as long as we're eating them and using all their bones.

So it's not it's making less intelligent doesn't make you a worse person. In fact, sometimes.

People are great. It's different to have stupid people around.

Sometimes I like them a lot.

There's nothing more fun than a stupid You're just walking around.

The stupidest person you've ever met. Have you, like, ever come come across some real stupidity?

Yeah, boy Island, I mean those guys are stupid.

There's so much fun and they should just be Yeah, I'm stupid, and you should be. It should be okay to admit that I don't know something and I'm stupid, and that's great.

We love that guy.

Yeah, That's the thing that we don't do a lot of is just saying I don't know.

I know. That's what I've been I've been thinking a lot about that recently, Right, Like, why is it so hard you just automatically before you can your brain isn't even working yet barely, and you're just like making excuses. Sometimes I catch myself like now it's too late because I already started the excuse, but I just said, I don't know, I'm embarrassing.

That's another thing, is like because we just don't want to We don't want to appear stupid because it has a negative connotation. We don't want to appear fat because as a negative Like these are societies, you know, things that they've put on, like there's moral judgments about all these things, when there really isn't a moralistic judgment. I mean, people with Down syndrome are the sweetest, kindest people and some of the greatest people in the world. But they're sorry, they're stupider intelligence wise.

They've never committed any murders. I'm almost positive, right curd of that they've never like hurt you don't hurt people.

Yeah, And but it's somehow it's just you're joy they're like a bad person if you're these things. But I think that we all are just so scared of being bad people all the time. Even though like there's this people are just so quick to make excuses about like I'd rather just get the answer wrong and be really like and then just have no one fact check me. Then just say I don't know. Or if you were like, hey, this thing you did like isn't ideal, and the person goes, well, it's because of this and this. It's just like, oh my god, just let it just say that you fucked up. It's okay to fuck up. I said this before, but I I mean, maybe I do it as well, and I have to be better about it because I'm just noticing. I think as I get older, I'm just better about calling out when something has been I'm having better boundaries of like, hey, let's give an example, Hey you were late. Can you not be late tomorrow? Like it just I really like, it's really important to me that you're on time for this thing. Like if I was just say that to someone, the person goes, well, there was traffic and also I didn't get the email until and so I didn't know what to leave. And it's like, maybe just say yeah, I didn't, I wasn't. I will I will do better in the future. But I think they think they're dealing with someone who's completely irrational, who's like I'm gonna We're all used to getting check like strikes work, yeah, you know, and like my strike does not mean anything if I'm just like, hey, I didn't like this next time, can you do it this way? I've forgiven you and I'm just giving a corrective thing of like I'd appreciate it, and it doesn't need to be it can just be like I fucked up. You're allowed to fuck up. Who's infallible besides Jesus.

Asking people to be more accountable.

Yeah, just like, don't make excuses for why you fucked up or didn't or were thoughtless, you know. Like today, for example, I was at Starbucks and getting some writing done before I had a ten thirty. I had to be on air with a Baltimore station for their like Good Day Baltimore show because I'm gonna be in Baltimore on Saturday. I'm going to be in Boston on Tomorrow or tonight, Thursday in Boston and on Friday in Boston. But that's one sold out. But I was promoting it and I for some reason, when I looked at my calendar, I just saw ten thirty, you know, like that's what it was in my head at ten thirty. I didn't recheck it. I'm at Starbucks. It's ten oh seven, and they're like, are you here, and I'm like, yeah, I'll be there. I heard it's at ten thirty. I'll be there at ten thirty. I thought they were one of these stations it's like we needed a log on twenty minutes before to check the zoom to make sure everything. And I'm like, no, I'll be there at ten thirty. So I responded kind of like, yeah, it's at ten thirty, I'll be there, and they're like, it's at ten and I was like, oh no. And the first instinct is to be like, well, I think it was pretty my calendar wrong or but I looked at the calendar it clearly says ten. So I just wrote I'm so so sorry. I just totally forgot and looked at the and had it in my brain is the wrong time. It was an excuse. It was just what happened, and you just own it and you just say sorry. You don't have to like make up a reason there's power happened, and you're still a good person, because the truth of the matter is, I am still a good person even if I did. The truth of the matter was, I wasn't like it's gonna be on my timetable. Not there. I just forgot You're not a bad person for like reading a time wrong.

It's sort of make all these excuses it feels good to say.

It does.

Once you get past that hump of letting go of your ego and then saying, oh, I was wrong.

I really messed that one up.

It starts to feel good because you're just free of any sort of like, yeah, I fucked up.

What do you like? I like?

It makes people.

It makes it easier for them to let you off the hook, because if you're just constantly making excuses, have nothing to get combat at them.

They're like, no, we The greatest.

Head peeve is when they don't let you off the hook and they just want you to They want to twist the knife.

Oh when they keep yeah, they keep reminding you, well, it really did hurt when you did this, And I go, I know, And you're allowed to say that two more times after I've apologized based two times as if I like, ran over your dog purposefully, that's two more times. But like if I'm just late to something, I don't need to hear how sad you are about it. Two more times after I've already atoned for it and said, I know how it made you feel. This is how I plan to not do it in the future. I will say. Yesterday, Chris and I went to our couples therapy, which is so fucking good. If I can just heelp couples out there, if you're struggling at all, or like having a bad day, or like just starting to like you're just in a rut, couple's therapy fucking rules.


I feel so close to him afterwards, I feel so like, you know, hopeful about everything. And I go in there and I just get to admit to all the bad shit I've been doing, and I have to. And I have this woman who also hears me and is like, you know, it's one thing to apologize to your partner, but it's nice for them to see you like eat crow in front of someone else too, and admit, like, I was a little baby bitch the other night when I suggested, why aren't you He was trying to do something nice for his family the other night, and I was the biggest count I've ever been in my life. I think I was just in a bad mood about so many different other things. It was not even about this, but I think I told the girls chat. But there was like a slight emergency in his family and he offered to go bring someone food that like maybe didn't have time to get dinner that night, and it was like all of a sudden, this like thing popped up on his phone. He was kind of freaking out about it. He might have been like even welling up with tears. And I was just like, my boyfriend's leaving. I just got home. We were about to just start watching the rest of Beckham, like we just had our tie food that just arrived, Like everything was so cozy, and now he has to go like get food and deliver it. And I said, can't she just uber eats?

That's what I was thinking, so steady, because because he needs to support and the family needed him, And it was just me being it had nothing to do with me being like because my therapist was like, oh, we're I think she was like, are you jealous of the tension he gives his family?

And it's it wasn't that. It was just like I just wanted you're lying, And I was like annoyed about something else that had happened, and so I was just not in the mood to be graceful or let anything slide at all. And I was I mean, I do it all the time where I just catch myself being a bitch and I can't stop the wave. Tsunami's coming, the sure has come out, it hasn't hit yet, and I could stop the wave, but I can't and it's coming and I everyone run and I just like am locked into it. But I was able to apologize for that and admit to it, and then I admitted to some other stuff that was really embarrassing to admit to, but it felt really good because I was like, I think this is the mark of to me, the mark of a strong person is being able to see when they have failed in their life, even when it's embarrassing, and watch back at it and like be like, oh, I did this really dumb, ugly thing because I was being a widow baby. That makes me feel strong to be able to admit that.

Mmmmm h yeah, I mean it's great to do that.

I think the sign of strength for me is like being able to lift a lot of weights.

That's a good point.


Yeah a TV, Wait they're fairly anymore?

Yeah, were you going to get one with the tube if I could left a small TV and eighties TV a CRT.

It's amazing. I've never done the whole therapy.

But yeah, Alie, I don't think it's ever been to therapy at all, not even like.

One Taylor Swift. She looks like Taylor Swift and Taylor Sift also hasn't been to therapy, and it really annoys me.

Wow, that's crazy.

I think at this point she probably has probably she has to talk to someone.

She has all the money in the world.

Why wouldn't be hard to find you're too busy. I think she's like mentally very sound. It looks like she has feeling song and be honest, I know it does look like she has great parents, to be honest, damn it. It does unlike Brittany. Oh Jesus Christ got the worst hand out. She got a pair of twos. Isn't that a bad.

Hand Actually it's not that bad. I mean and a seven.

Okay, well, her dad's a seven and she's a two. Oh yeah, acted by any four car three cars.

And if you have two twos, you already have a pair, which is not nothing.

Okay, Okay, Well, I think she wasn't nothing, because they definitely got her into dance glasses and like nurtured her career twos. But she didn't get anything.

On the River.

She got seven. Yeah, okay, all right, we'll be back with more poker Butterforce after this. All right, So last night was Halloween. What did y'all do?

Let's go all in on Halloween.

Let's go I had some spectacular savings. I didn't you.

We're gonna be happening today. Candy. What's your favorite Halloween candy? Because I that was my question for all the kiddoses, Mauthuth.

That's a rare one.

You don't want an almond. You don't want milk chocolate at all. I like dark chocolate, creepy secret and you always loved dark chocolate even as a kiddo.

Yeah, I don't like sugar a lot?

What dark chocolate?

What a great life?

People hate? People really will get mad at you. If you say mount.

Good, I'll trade.

Someone does a great joke about mounds being just a horrible name for like they called it almond joy and then they were like, mound is a shang wang.

Maybe I remember hearing that at the comedy Attict. So I think it must be a Midwest.

It's really really funny.

We got to figure this out. It's only one thing. Why is it mount if it had the almonds is little titties in there. It makes sense, not.

Because they come into packs of two.

Yeah, when they get a full sized mound. I've never had to.

Mounds is such a dumb name though. It's like a It sounds like ship. It's like a ship log.

They really it doesn't taste.

Some joys were my favorite.

Really, wait, you guys, out of all candies, I love the consistency of coconut.

I'm a big consistency galon, which is what I learned during COVID when I lost my sense of taste. None of my food choice has changed. Everyone was like, now I can eat salads because it they don't taste like anything. And I'm like, no, taste doesn't matter to me. It really is about consistency. And I love that, like gritty, like yeah, I love it. And and then that crunchy little I don't like when you get an almond joy and it's stale and you have to like the almonds show anything. No peeps, candy hearts, that's about it. Yeah, peeps, are not Halloween, but I'm sure they.

The worst copy, the worst well candy by far. I think as a twizzler because you can't even eat it.

I kind of like it because you can't eat it. It's like the way I order my extra hot coffee. So it makes me go slower because otherwise I love whizzling Snurds. Ropes the greatest candy ever, ever, ever. It's a crunch and a cheese crunch and talk, Oh my god, my mouth is watering. The came about Nerds ropes.


I used to want to like tie one off and then with a Nerds rope and the Nerds into my veins.

I love Nerds Ropia sent your boner with the Nerds.

Last night, Poppy, who's four and a half, I asked her what her favorite candy was, and she was like, I'll go get it, and she ran another room and she came back with a box of Junior Mints and I was like, for a four and a half year old, sure, stinguish.

That's a sixty five year old person had a movie.

She was like, it's either that or Rollos and I was like, what, No, she didn't say that.

But Charleston so very old tims.

Are so good if you're if we're talking about like putting it into a blizzard is going to be real good.

I want to give crack your a quick shout out to my cartoon. I did a t Rex show exactly talking about favorite candies, and a lot of your candies were mentioned in the other side of the of a coin as like.

The not good kind. Well, the way Snickers Overrated discussed.

This is crazy.

The way I posed it was that there's two types of people. There's two types of people. There are people who love chocolate candies and there are people who say, I just don't really like the chocolate ones, and like there's just no, I can't.

I don't understand people.

Werthers, but Snickers always was not. I would eat them, I'm not gonna lie I would, but they were never ideal. I don't like the little strata that's on the bottom that looks like a seismograph. I don't like those like it goes like it looks like.

It was and nuts. Right, that's what you're talking about.

No, like the bottom, you know, the bottom.

There's like, yes, what's those bottoms are?

Yeah, it's I don't know. I just got in there. I don't like it. It definitely looks like an earthquake went off in the factory. I don't like that. But I don't like it's too many peanuts, and peanuts are like an adult food and it made me always and it's it's almost too satisfying. It fills you up. Candy is supposed to be like an empty thing I feel. I don't feel. Yeah, the commercial campaign, Yeah, I like being angry before when I'm eating candy. I like it to never satisfy. Oh oh, I just thought of one that's making my mouth do a weird thing. Okay, one that's so bad when it's stale, but so good when they're not. And they're rarely not stale, like I think they are just made stale. Lemonheads, Oh gods, but they have to be on the outside. No, they just get They have like a chewy outside and then inside and kind of get to the center.

It's not a good a bowl of candy.

Lemonheads would be one of those things that just is there for until December.

I'm obsessed with them. I think they're so good. I think hot baked beans are disgusting. I never understood the feel of those of those. Yeah, those Boston big Beans are okay, They're not better than Mike and Ikes. And then let's talk about Oh I love Jawbreaker Minise.

This is crazy Box, the crazy candy.

I just crunched those right away. I don't let them dissolve it all. You can just crunch.

It feels like what an orphan would say if they's cups.

So they're like like a lemon.

Drop stuff you're biting into a sock.

I disagree.

It's so like, okay, this is the second past. It's like when you bite into a texture and.

Texture taste something you must have some like you would you eat ship if it was if it was textured like a lemon drop.

Some of it is good, No, no, I definitely have taste, but I think most of it for me is texture. And I just don't want too many peanuts in there because I'm not a snickerscal you know, so don't peanuts.

What about butter Finger, Oh disgusting.

I think I'm favorite candy I know yet.

Eating the chocolate off the outside, it was fun.

Kit Cat though, I like that consistency. But her Finger though it's too crumbly. Kit Cats like, I also love smarties, which are chok. So I don't really know. I'm all over the kit cats.

They're impossible to eat. They're too small, they melt too quickly. You gotta have a big cat. You can't eat a kid cat. Those are stupid, four of them. They should just take the four kit cats that are break off and they should just melt them together.

It's too hard to eat.

Yeah, you're always doing the big cat. And when I made fun of you for licking your kit cat bar and you were like, it's not a kit cat, it's a big cat. Like, okay, thank you.

It's like the dad of the kit cat.

It's like a one big dog of a kit cat.

Chocolate and we crunch bars. When Taylor and I were little kids, there was a snack bar at our pool.

Woman was stupid.

Yeah, she was a stupid because she was not educated and possibly being molested at the time by someone that worked at the place. And we later found out that no one really stopped it. We worked children at the time, and we saw this child dating a very old man, but everyone seemed.

To he was like he was discussed to correct it at all.

Well, he was too old for her. She was like fourteen or something. But anyway, this is that's beside the point. So that poor girl, she was yeah, sorry, April. We there was nothing we could do. But she worked at this concession stand and one day they did like an overhaul and they're like, we're doing a new menu and they made they like wrote down all the candies that you could get, and she and they put her in charge of writing the menu. And man, this.

Girl handwriting exactly, I like replicated and she spelled crunch bar.

I mean, what was it? It was like he was like a.

You n c h s s.

It was like so we would.

Be just like little assholes and be like, can I have a screw? Screw? Mean, was there any other things she must smelled that we laughed.

At were but I can't? Screws was so good. We would like go and just run up and look at it and then run away because so much.

Speaking of handwriting, I was with Curson this weekend and she was writing something. She was like, you know, filling out a writing in the tip and she just has the cute ast handwriting.

What's ever back upside down?

Oh? Oh, it's like a little horseshoe. It's so cute. And her art just goes like but she said that you were over at her house and you saw like a little label sticking out of the Gwyneth Paltrow code book that said chicken soup that person had written, and you said, you said, I could see this piece of paper in like an Aztec ruin, and I'd be like, Kirsten was here, like you wouldn't know it anywhere, and yours and mine, Really, my handwriting has changed so much through the years of yours. I was trying to be you and Kurston with your hand writing because your handwriting was just the coolest number all the time, and then Kirsten's was just cute as fuck, and I wanted to be both of you, so I did copy both of you. And I feel like that is like kind of my personality is just like always trying to be other people. And then they kind of combined together, and then I get a mission of Tailor and Kirsten and then it's like that's then that is me, because when people are like you're so unique, and I'm like, oh, that's just something I stole from this person because I wanted to be cool and then someone and then together they made Red and blue made purple. You know, so I'm purple, but I'm really just this person's red in this person's books. The Gemini way is it aneagram?

Three? Yeah?

Kind of yeah.

Did you work on your signature, Nikki, Like, because you have to sign on autographs, what did you do? What was your thought process behind that?

Sixth grade just writing it over and over and over.

You haven't changed it, signature? It's good.

No, I actually I just remember sixth grade doing it a lot and someone being like, why are you doing that? And I didn't want to say because I'm gonna be famous, but I secretly thought it because that's when I started wanting to be famous. But no, I I worked on it for a while. For a while, I did the My E was really cool on Glazer because I would go out of the S and then I would just do a straight line out of the S like its it circles around comes out, and then I would do at a slash over it and a slash under it, so the E would just be like three lines and there would be no connective thing. And then I would do an R. So that looked cool for a while, and then I also.

That was nineties or two thousand and like three, my sister also did the E.

Yeah, it was pretty cool looking for a minute and then it just got old. But then I deliberately my parents had a poster from like the Monterey Music Festival or something, and George Harrison was there and they had it was in his real autograph, but it was like a you know, a print of it, and he signed his G like a lowercase G. His is for George, and I thought that was way cooler looking than a cursive G cursal.

So it's like, I don't like it.

I know it's a giant.

We are a liar, familiar that's a liar.

I do crosswords, so I did a big G, a big lowercase G for and I continue to do that to this day. And then my n I do a big loop and everyone always says it looks like a J. So really, famous people's autographs never look like anything. And Taylor Swift is my favorite because she just writes like tailor and it just looks like a you could fit it in a circle her entire autograph, and I think that's very cool. So I'm trying to get more minimalistic with it.

NRG was a cool one they used to do.

Oh yeah, I would do an N and then the R. I would do like a like a triangle, Like the top part of the R was a triangle, and then the bottom part would go down right, and then that triangle that the R made would be like the shape of a G, you know, like it's almost like a C shape. And then I would connect to that and I would do energy.

Your middle names are.

Yeah, Renee, and my initials are Energy.


My parents didn't know it either.

There's a football stadium named after Energy.

I know.

I went there for Taylor Swift. I was like, it's mine.

Dallas, Yeah, Houston, Texans.

That's right, that's right, Arlington.

My signature I worked.

I changed like an adulthood because my old tegnature I felt it was taking too long to do because I would do like the whole name.

So, oh my god, when people right there, when they sign checks or something, I'm just like just scribble something.

Like, oh my god, do you ever actually sign sign?

When I pad comes around and you have to sign, do you ever do anything other than a line?


I just do a scribble like I do something. I don't do a whole line, but I do a scribble when people are writing their whole name. John Hancock, The Decoration of Dependence. You are so slow, your check book embarrassing.

Can they just stop asking us for a signature, Like there's anyone actually like cross checking this, because no.

One is actually signing anything anymore.

It's so pointless. Yeah, a contract.

I used to be Brian Frangie and I would and then and then God, when I was like starting comedy, I had the M in there because my name was Brian M Frangie. Because I thought that because I was Brian M Frangie, I wore a blazer on stage and yes, and I thought that no one's gonna remember my name, but they'll remember that I had a middle initial, like oh yeah, middle initial.

But I changed.

I changed my signature to, uh, my first name is Brian, so it's b R, and my last name is Frangie, so it's f R.

So it's kind of like br f R. So I do b R and then a line.

No, I mean it's kind of BRR.

I don't know what I mean by that.

They're like similar, Okay, they both have rs, so like it's like A a capital letter and then an R a capital letter and then an R, so there's like some symmetry there.

I got it, and then a line I don't do any letters, and.

Then the line who You're like you get it?

Yeah, exactly, and then the line goes through the f like the bottom arm of the app.

See it. Can you do it on a piece of paper?


I can.

I'll do it on a piece of paper. And this will be a YouTube exclusive.

And else will just have to check out the YouTube because you won't want to miss this.

B R F R.

Last night they got fundip who the Kids, which is also in Shocky Hell.

Yeah, and then you dip it can also.

Oh yeah, it doesn't like it looks like bring fruit Friday. It looks like someone yeah bring foks.

Like you're censoring yourself.

Yeah it does. I like it.

I think it too that we missed that m though, because how is anyone?

What is.


What is them?

No, it's the most common guess that instant. That's correct, Matt Matthew. It could have been Michael Matthew.

Yeah, that's pretty common.

BMF biff and then that also stands for bad motherfucker if you're like one of like if you like that, but my brother's initials are Adam, Richard Frangie, which spells RF, which is funny.

Did your parents think about that? I think about if if I had a kid, I would make the initials be.

Cool and yours is energy. Yeah, that's kind of cool like that.

Noah is your school? Do you have like a bunch of middle names.

I don't have a middle name, but I wish I had one with an oh, because then my initials would spell my first name.

That would be the cool oh god.

Yeah, you can pick a middle name. It could be Ophelia and.

Then put it on your birth my name.

Now, my middle name would be Good's's last name, Colloway, knack Nac.

That's like a supplement. People take focus, right.

I wonder if anyone's calm.

I'm sure, but there's not really a lot of you names. Ursula, that's it. Oh my god. Last night I was going through I was at Poppy's in Poppy's room, and I was looking at her class like there's a print out of all like the people kids in her class with their names, and seeing the new names are so great. There was one that said, g U g U Google. That's what I said, I go, Who's Google and she goes, what it's Juju and I'm like, I'm sorry, Jesus, it is very much Google. And Google is a cute name, and she was a cute little girl. Then there was a girl named Eleanor, and I was like, are you friends to Eleanor? She was like what, No, there's no Eleanor and she was like Ellie and I was like, okay, sorry, oh my god, we're here, Jesus Edith. Wow, there going back to the yes, yes, but Poppy has the best the best name going. And then yeah, Poppy's going through this phase of like I think she like really loves me.

It's so honest.

Yeah, where she was just like I always did. She's kind of just like looking at me, like smiling, and just like she just wants to like be close to me and like hold onto my arm. Is there ever a better feeling than a kid or dog leaning on your arm like resting its head. No, oh, Jesus Christ. And she kept going like when are you leaving? And it sounded like she wanted me to leave, and it was the opposite. She was just very worried that I was leaving. And I don't even come wrong that often, but I think they caught on that I have money because they kept being like that cost Like you can just tell them their parents have conversations about my money like they've just hurt. They've caught on and they're like, do you have sixty two hundred and eighty zero And I'm like, I think so, I'll have to check my accountant. Wait, how would they know that they just just heard someone say absorb like there was I think I bought Arlow that giant skeleton that was like sixty dollars, and I think my mom made a big deal of like, you bought that for sixty dollars, and my mom is always talking about how everything she gets for three dollars for them, So I think they were just like, we you have so much money, and they're like, can I have money? So they're starting to understand what matters in this world.

Yeah, it's cool name. Also, I don't want to just Arlow is also as cool as Poppy.

I think it's great. And then Forrest comes in. First, I mean, it's okay, I like for it, Forrest is a great name, and calling him forty he's just like so freaking cute. I can't even stand it. But just drooling constantly. I think, honestly, I think one of the things I don't like about kids is the drool.

Anything that comes out of their mouth.

The constant Any outfit you have around them is going to get stained by.

The drool, like laughing and food.

Nice though, to never have any nice clothes and just know that everything you wear is not nice committed to that For drool, Yeah, he has that. But he's always like putting his hands in his mouth and then he touches your hand, and I'm just like, every time he touches me, I'm sure he feels me tense up, like oh the spas dry clean only oh God, but it's just like just wet hands that are like grabbing things on the ground and have like carpet fibers in them, but also wet.

If I had a kid, I would give him a bane mask and oven mits and I wouldn't like to touch me.

I think it's so funny that one I really last night was starting to be like, oh, it would be nice to have a family, like this is kind of sweet, like his kid's affection, Like, I know this seems overwhelming, but there was a little there was a dial of me that was churning towards like wanting kids but not.

And then the drool started flowing and I was like the dial went even into negative.

And the drool stuck in the dial and made speed back.

The best it was.

You were there at the best time. Though you were there and they're all enjoying Halloween. You weren't there candy do at eleven pm when they weren't going to sleep because they were sugar high, and you were like, please, I.

Was there late, and I would. They were all in the bath and I'm my sister is there and she is a teacher.

There's a bath together together.

I want to see so fun. And the water was like splashing all over the place, and I was like, my sister's just so calm and cool, and I was like, God, you're gonna have to clean up this water. And then and then my mom is like we're leaving, and I'm like I think I'm gonna go too, and I'm like, I can't just leave you with all of this. And then Matt comes back upstairs and looks like the most deadbeat dad because he's been like handing out candy and like hanging with the neighbors he's such a great dad, but like it looks like my sister had been. Like she's upstairs with the kids, and then he walks up in a in a hot dog costume, like you look like the biggest piece of shit that's ever lived. He's like, what's going on, guys? I'm like, and she's like struggling with one kid in one arm and has his book and the other but Forrest is obsessed with It's just so funny when babies have taste, like when they like I like this, but I don't like this. He's not even two yet, and he loves His favorite book is Cement Mixer, and it's just a book. We were laughing, and I go, did Arlow like this? She was like she had no interest in trucks or anything like this, Like he already it just I learned how a cement mixer works. It's there's the there's the all the different parts of the cement truck that you pour the cement into the gravel and then it spins to keep it wet, and then there's the slide where it comes off of. And then and the guy named his name Bo, that was the cement mixer and Bo does this and then Bo's job is done and then it's gonna try and that's how you do a floor. And it was like he was fascinated by it. And then we were like, pick out another book, and we kept picking out these books and he'd be like, no to and he just knows he doesn't want to read about woodland creature. He wants to read about only trucks, like pictures of trucks. What this is like? Where how do they like trucks? Why would want to read a book?

They're given boys are given that and girls are given like soft toys. They did an experiment I just thought about this where they dressed up, they cross dressed the kids and then they put like caretakers and they played and they had all the boy toys and girl toys, but they dressed the girl and the boys clothes. And all of the people over and over were giving the girl only the girl toys. It's just like ingrained in us that that's probably what they want. And so they were giving all the boy, the boy the girls.

When the kids were dressed, they were dressed and they're not in there.

And then they told the person at the end they were cross dressing. Why did Why were you giving her all the girl toys?


I just you know, they were closer, and they like, would it change if I told you that was a boy that we put in girls clothes And they were all like, oh, I just thought I was so like advanced, but they.

Were the trick. Okay, I misunderstood. So if you're dressed like a girl, you're gonna get girls toys.

Yes, they believed. And so it's just within us to do because the kids aren't choosing things.

We are choosing things like mad that I couldn't have boy I didn't want. I liked girly things, but there was a part of me that did want some boy toys that.

I give the toys, why not just say which one do you want and then let the kid decide that he wants the tyre to little at that age.

Problem or what about like you're buying them a present?

M hmm. That's how they're getting everything. The mom the parents are going to target and buying it.

But there are like, I mean, this is just there are girls that just know they want to be moms, Like even a like since I was a young baby, I feel I want to be a mom and I have a joke about it, But I just was always honestly when I had baby dolls, I was disgusted when people ever, are you a mama? And I'd be like no, no one fucked me. Like I just I kind of knew that something hanky panky went on to make a child where it was like I don't have that, dude, and I don't want to do that, and like this is just.

Becomes out of somewhere and wherever it is, I don't like it.

Yeah, I just I was listening a little what's that guy's name Andrew Huberman to his podcast, Yes, he had a podcast about fertility, and he said that there was a study that found when very young girls live at home without a father and the mother is dating and she brings around different men, the little girls start to mature way faster than girls who have their father around.

And that was like very interesting. Year start getting bio.

They start to mature like physically.

Yeah, because there is like men around that they could and they're.

Responding to it in this like like subversive.

Respond to this like new dick energy coming in that they could possibly appropriate with. Yes, because they're dad, They're not going to be turned on by because that would make a baby that has an arm coming out of its eye.

Yeah that maybe it's competitive. I mean like I didn't really get any more than just that detail.

Yeah, that's human nake.

There's like four men jerking off to this part of the podcast right now, at least there totally. Let's take a break and come back because Taylor's going to do your what's class teaching today? Psychology?

Yeah, both of them are psychology.

Yeah, yeah, Taylor's a prof right now. And I want to talk about the lesson that she's going to talk about today because it's speaking of Yeah, speaking of it's interesting stuff. So we'll be back with a little lesson in para.

What is it called paraphilia?

Paraphilia, and we'll find out what the fun that is. Anything with celia ain't good because.

I want to feel you in a different line.

Okay, all right, we're back paraphilia. Why what's what does pelia mean? When something is that word is on a word? It means love from Greek. Oh okay, so it's para to love something. Parah means anything other than So it's abnormal.

Love, like oh I love you. Probably that's a good, but it's not spelled the right the same way. Okay, it's I think ophelia is pH e, but it's phi.

Maybe I don't know your students about paraphilia today. Yeah, so like people that like want to fuck cars and stuff.

Yeah, well anything, yeah, and fetishes, you know, and all that stuff. Sadism was watching a We're going to watch some Jeffrey Dahmer.

Because he wanted to fuck people who did not have any consciousness.

Well he's a sadist.

Well, they wanted so he liked pain, but he would, but he was kind of making them not in pain though, I thought, because he would pour acid into their brains so they'd be zombies. He wanted to just fuck something that didn't have any autonomy but was still a lot.

Right, But it's not it's not, I mean, because because a fetish it means it's not a person, or you have a fetish only with a body part, which is partialism. So the only thing that he has, even though it's crazy, is he has sadism because he does hurt people. But it's also you can they're still being hurt even if they're like not conscious, but if they're dying.

Like he wanted to fuck something that was a zombie like, that was what he kept trying to do.

He didn't want to kill anymore. He just wanted to keep them so he wouldn't have to do that. He didn't like that part. He wanted them to just submit and he wanted control.

Oh so is being into control? Is that a pair of felia?

That's part of sadism, people, But it's also part of seventeen I.

Was going to say that.

So he killed seventeen people. How many people like to pour acid on and then make them like a zombie?

That was like five or six, not as many. I mean.

The craziest one was that he did it to a young boy who actually his brother was one of his first victims. Oh my God, didn't connect it, and.

They like he like forgave him, he paid him off.

I think, yeah, he like something I forget. I watched the Dahmer Show. If you watch the Dahmer Show, this is old news. But like the kid, they he drilled in the kid's head, poured the acid in the kids just like knocked out and fucking bleeding from his head. The kid escapes, has the wherewithal to escape. He goes out into the street. He runs up to these like these women find him. He's shaking, he's naked, he's a child, he's like fourteen, and and the cops come and then Dahmer comes and is like, that's my that's what is his boyfriend? My boyfriend. And because cops are so homophobic and didn't want to even deal with he really got away with a lot because he was gay. And the cops were just like, I don't even want to because they were around this apartment for those not white people too, and they were yeah, and the child was not white, he was like Lowatian or something.

And they were like they were like, oh, they probably just look young because that's what like Southeast Asian people look younger.

Right, what right?

And and the women that were with the little boy holding him away from Dahmer were like, this baby, he is bleeding, he is scared. He couldn't make sense. He was not making sense because he had a whole drill didn't fucking but it was such a small hole that it was like untraceable and in his hairline, so you couldn't really see where he was like, and they just convinced him that he got too drunk and they got into a fight and that he's his lover and that. Uh so he really used that. That was very interesting how he used their homophobia against them and their racism and was.

Able to get part of the count.

What year it was last weekend you missed out?

Nineteen ninety it was nineties, early nineties.

Yeah, oh my god, that's what you were alive for. This horrible it's yeah, you gotta watch Dahmer. It's a great I don't want to watch it.

Watched the interviews.

It was disturbing that show.

Yeah, oh and it's yes, so okay, So what are you teaching them today?

The definitions of these and I have I have one had a drill to put it. I have two class, says, and one is like quiet and like fun and I mean sorry, loud and fun. And this one's like the really quiet one. Like when I talked about depression, everyone was just like silent. And when I walked out of the class, I went like, oh, because they're just like very quiet.

Okay, didn't you say make it audible? You were like, oh, I heard you, gas.

I just sometimes I'm like, you've got and I kind of mess with them. I'm like, well, you know, I'm sure none of you have depression. I'm sure you're very bright and fun and exciting outside of this class. You just don't want to show it to me for some reason. Right, But so I'm yeah, I'm a little worried about it because I'm gonna be like and sadism and a pedophilia and incests, and they're gonna be.

Like, oh boy, what to what incest is that? Like? But isn't incest?

Incest is not a disorder.

It doesn't feel like it feels like it's almost like prisony where it's like this was just what I got right here. Yeah, I'll just do it. Is it's people do it convenience.

Out of convenience they do. It's not it's not often like physically forced it like it's usually maniput. The manipulating mean.

As someone who watches a lot of pornography, I mean step step stuff and popular it's is it? Yes, by far, you can't get away from it. It's everywhere. And then I'm someone who's into like, like I've been typing in recently. I don't like to really talk that dirty on this show, but I just say, like I've been typing in like daddy stuff because that is something that just turns me out, like just not even like I'm actually thinking about my father when I say that.

By the way, I like the dynamic let's say, like good girl and stuff like that.

Yes, and that where the guy is like really verbal, that's what you want to because I like the guy. Yeah, lots of women do we all want to hear it?


Like take it, take it no, just like I want. What I like in sex is like being pushed to my limits, but like being being being impressive, Like it's almost the same thing I like in my career life. I like people going, wow, you are so exceptional at that. Like a lot of girls wish they could do that, but they can't. Like I like being like someone being like whoa you are such a whore, Like I can't even fathom that anyone would take this much whatever.

You know someone has on it.

Yeah, yeah, jim Nat, I just want to.

But I also like the idea of like a coach type figure where it's like someone who knows you're that you're capable of achieving great things is pushing you to your limits and then is like really impressed when you do.


I like that verbal confirmation. So like the daddy stuff. I only type in daddy because there's no other, Like I guess praise kink is what I'm into, but there's no other really, Like I just know that that's where I'm gonna find those kind of videos. Like Noah said, like, it's not about like the dad figure. And even if it is, even if you're into stuff where it's like kind of daddy or whatever, like, it doesn't mean you want to fuck your dad, like I have done a lot of like research on this where it's like and by the way, I don't call my dad daddy, so I don't have a problem with saying daddy in bed because I would never. I've never in my life said daddy to my father. And if you do, I think that's it's really weird and you shouldn't do it past a certain age. I even think it's weird when adults are like, well, Daddy's gonna be home in a like like I think, when do you think daddy should stop being said? For children? I think like eight, yeah, eight eight is kind of the limit. I think nine years old, we go to dad.


And maybe that's just me, and I know there are people listening being like you know, they are adults that call their dad daddy, and it's not weird for them. It's just weird for me.

I guess I never called my dad daddy or dad. Yeah, we called him just random shit and now I call him Jimmy. But I used to call him like, we called him OG for old Geezer and.

Like pop yeah, yeah, like joking, or we never.

Said I'd call him the general. You know, hey, Maverick, when's dinner?

You know, last night poppy dinner. I was like, you know that Junior mints are Grandpa's favorite candy. And she goes grandpa and I go, yeah, and she had two grandpa's there last night, and so she goes EJ.

I just love it.

I was like, Dad, she's calling you EJ. And he was like, she just started doing that. I don't know what that is. It's in for ejaculator. That's how you were born.

It was a long road he made you.

But warn is just like it's I type in daddy and you guys, I see stuff that I'm like, I think I should report this because it's adult women dressing up as children, and I don't think that's okay, even though they're adult women. I don't think it's like is that okay? I guess so. I mean is honoring it's honoring a thing. It's like saying we wish we could do this, but we can.

So that people who like that sublimation.

But I think it like, I'm you know, I have a lot of the weird thing thoughts about this because I do think that, you know, pedophiles should maybe have sex dolls that they can act out on so they don't actually hurt children. But then it's like, is that making them go, I want the real thing?

Or you don't think so, no, anything that can stop somebody from actually doing it.

I think it, Well, what if it like like sometimes I don't know, I do a simulated thing and I'm like, man, this just makes me want the real thing even more because this thing isn't.

I think it's different when it's something that you know is like a crime or like yeah, yeah, I guess I have a victim. I'm just playing.

There's some things that I see that I just like and do. I get off to them one hundred percent because they are covering all the other things that I want, which is the discipline, the like I'm mad at you you've been a bad girl kind of things. So it's all so blurry and makes me feel weird. But you know what makes me really feel weird is all the constant ads for old people that I get. Like, if you watch porn, Brian, you've probably dipped your chill in that world. Do you get constant old saggy women's boobs of like there are old women in your area that want you to fuck them, and they're just like literally seventy year old women. It's as disturbing as seeing children. I mean it's like, oh, like because it's something that I have to say, like you should not be sexually attracted to eighty year old women? That is that seems paraphilia, right, it's not, but I mean shouldn't it be, though, Like because at that age you're not supposed to be like a sexual attractive being. Yeah, there are some malds. I'm not saying that they're not, but like, when.

You're a human, you're good that it is within that is not too young.

I don't know that. I wonder why I get.

What I'll get is an ad for like lowesst from Family Guy, fucking Homer Simpson and like, yeah, like a he's anime girl getting plowed, you know by bart.

I get jerk mate a lot or or chatter bait, and it's always just like. I also don't understand the ads targeting people that are like, you want to come in thirty seconds, and I'm like, no, I want to I want it to be like thirty minutes.

You're not going to figure come right Gunan.

Yeah, I like guonan. I've talked about it before, but I like I like I like the anticipation of the orgasm. I don't like the orgasm. So when they're like you can come in seven seconds or less, I'm like, that's awful. But I guess some people are just on a tight schedule and so that appeals to them.

I got to work.

Yeah, And then are people also figuring out like really, oh yeah, that's good point? Are people also There have been times, by the way, that I've been on a plane and I've been like, I really want to fucking watch porn right now, And so I kind of understand I would never do it, but I understand why people sometimes sneak it because I on planes. If you ever see me on a plane, try to film what I'm watching. I give you permission to if I catch you trying to film what I watch it because I think it would be hilarious to catch what I'm watching, because so often it is asmr or that weird.

Face is really messed up because you find inspiration in her.

Oh yeah, it's either someone who's horribly disfigured, who's talking out of a straw in their lower cheek because they got burnt by a volcano or and I'm jerking off to it. Or it's someone eating an enormous amount of food. I really like the sound of chewing.

Oh, muckbang.

I like muck bangs, but most muck bangs are like I'm gonna eat this live squid and I'm like, just eat some fucking candy man, like my favorite muck banger right now. If you want to check them out, I know I've said turn people onto this. There's this person. She eats so much fucking food and they do one meal a day called oh oh mad one meal a day.


But they eat so much and it's so soothing, and they don't talk at all. I don't even know what their voice sounds like. And that is VN m ASMR. They have like one hundred and sixty eight thousand followers. No, and like this is ASMR candy ice cream, Snickers chocolate TwixT cookie, Milky Way caramel bar, or an Oreo cookie sandwich this person ate? I mean, look, I'm looking at this two Oreo ice cream bars, two Snickers ice cream bars, two twixs ice cream bars, two Milky Way ice cream bars, two kind Bar ice cream bars, and one gigantic eminem cookie in one sitting and it only took them eleven minutes.

And fifty four So how much money did they get for that?

For this thing? It has forty five hundred views and it was posted seven hours ago. So this person is averaging.

Oh you know, may how many views? How much money they're getting?


I mean her biggest video has three point seven million views. That's what she ate A bunch of ASMR chocolate ice cream and then yeah.

How much do you get for a million views?

I bet she.

Probably make a couple grand a month. Yeah, for having one hundred and sixty eight thousands followers. So, Brian, yes, I would love if you did as war please.

Not eating, but you like it like to rap? Yeah? And now I have long nails, I should tap.

Oh my god, it would be so fun if you did asmar good boy, You're such a cute boy getting a dog, tapping and just talking and it's so soothing. I wish I was just I just watched like sports when I was on a plane or something like that other people could look at.

I should make an a I should make a video where I eat a cookie for two hours, one single cookie.

That would annoy the fuck. I want to see people eat the amounts of food that I want to eat.


I'm watching it because I wish I could binge and I can't, so I'm like living vicariously. It's like porn if.

I used to watch it because I wanted to tap, but I bet my nails and.

Now, oh my god, yes it is that are just looking at what we want. If you ever look at muckbang like comments, there are always people that are like, who here's on a diet. It's all people that are so starving and just wanting to watch someone eat. So it's it's usually something when I'm like trying to be good and behaved. I watched those asmrs, but I just love it so much. So try to take a picture of me on a plane. We got to wrap up this episode. Any more Halloween thoughts? Any best costume you saw? Did you hand out candy?

I do nothing, No trigger treaters. We just went for pizza at Rocos.

That's so nice.

I guess I didn't either. I didn't hear the doorback.

That's why I like living in an apartment. There's no trick or treaders.

Ali and I went to the Chargers Bears game and dressed up like skeletons, which has now become like kind of a tradition where we go to a football game on Halloween and dress up like skeletons.

You guys don't need therapy. It's just too cute. That's so adorable.

And then we made a sign. We made a sign that said we are skeletons on it. What you know you can have a sign at a sports sporting event.

Was there a joke in that or is it The joke is like.

The joke is that it's very literal.

That's so cute. You guys are adorable. I wore a shirt that said the bones are their money.

That's great.

That was from the art. You think you should leave sketch, but I, yeah, I didn't go as anything but Poppy put on a wizard hat on me and I thought it was a witch hat, but it was. If it's floppy, it's a wizard.

Good tonight wizards.

No, but if it's.

Flops it's a wizard. All right, guys, thank you so much for listening to the podcast. We will be here next week, don't you even think we won't. I'll be in Boston torow tonight Thursday night, Tomorrow Friday, and then on Baltimore on Saturday, So come back to see shows. Don't be kissed

The Nikki Glaser Podcast

Every Monday through Thursday, comedian and infamous roaster Nikki Glaser provides a fun, fast-paced 
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