#339 Going Harder w/ Julie Glaser

Published May 10, 2023, 11:00 PM

Nikki's mom Julie is back to help recap their weekend in Nashville. Brian got some good news before the pod. While Nikki filmed Barmageddon, Julie hung out in the green room with Blake Shelton ...and he was as sweet as a donut. Nikki is tired of playing it safe with comedy and wants to lead a change in women's role in comedy. Finally, Nikki and Julie talk about almost getting rained out at the Eras Tour, Taylor Swift's performance and Nikki gives her take on Taylor and Matt Healy.


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The Nicky Gleiser podcastnik Gleaser, here's Nikky.

Hello, it's me. It's Nicky Glaizer. Welcome to the Welcome to the podcast. I just said Billy as a sex slave for the second part of the song because it's an old joke with all my girlfriends that who's my Billy is Sarah Lena's dog. And one time it was just wearing a leather collar, and all the girls were doing the podcast together and we were starting the podcast and we were kind of just singing it like as Noah was setting up. Ever, all the girls were kind of just like singing the theme song over and over, and then at one point Taylor McGraw saw Billy with like she was just like, you know, like you know, scratching Billy's head and saw the leather collar and said, Billy is a sex slave.


And then it stuck.

And so whenever we're on the girl's chat and Sarah Lena's talking about Billy, she's like, so sex slave is just throwing she just calls her sex slave now name no, like there's no humor behind like one would get about you guys.

Yeah, but she's just like, I'm so sad scared. Sex slave is gonna die? Like we just call it sex slave. Now she's a senior dog is he? Is he old? Yeah? She Billy like Billy Holliday, you would Billy's a boy's name generally, Yeah, Billy, Iirish Billy. Yeah. I always remember the Clueless joke that I never understood until later, where share you know, the girl and Clueless gets picked up by, you know, the gay guy that she has a crush on, but she doesn't know he's gay, but everyone else does. And in the nineties when I saw that, I did not know he was gay either. But she has this crush on this guy who's clearly gay, and he picks her up and he's playing and she goes, who is it? And he's playing Billy Holliday. She's like, who is this? And he goes Billy Holliday and she goes, oh, I love him. And then I didn't even understand that joke until later. She also said she's giving a speech in her class and she was like, I believe we should let the Hadians come here instead of Haitians. And apparently I watched like a behind the Music about it that movie and she she did not they didn't plan for her to say haydians, but the actress at least Silver Show didn't know how to pronounce it, and they were like, that's perfect, keep it in. No one tell her. So I always remember those two things anyway. Yeah, so Billy is a sex slave. My mom is here everyone, she's in studio. Julie Glazer, welcome to the show. Thank you, Nick. Brian Frangie is here in Los Angeles via satellite. What's up, Brian? Brian just got off the phoney had a very important call, and we all kind of like listen to his sart of it and then all and then he said, oh, that was great news, and I go, what happened?


Save it for the podcast. So what was that call about? I think it's about your car, okay, but also I heard a woman's voice on the line, and usually women aren't telling you about your car. That's to women.

To women. We don't want to throw shad to women. They could be mechanics.

I want to throw shade at them because SPF protection is important too for anti aging, So so much shade on all women because youth is key. Okay, what what happened?


I had a malfunction in my car, uh air bag, which is like a safety issue, and I haven't able to get to fix get it fixed.

You look like you had hit by an air bag today.

Yeah, you do anything, please, I just want to draw people to the YouTube channel.

This is how we get people to look at the YouTube channel. What does Brian's hair look like today?


We'll do something with You've great, ky, I.

Gotta get an I don't come, I do wake up, and I just I don't.

I don't either, But okay, so anyway, it really I don't know what I would be able to do with it. It's well, you just like run it, come through it, and you kind of like make it just looks a little like you sleipt on it. I think he should gell it back.

No, I'm not. I just I'm not gonna slick it back. I'll never slick I'm not a tower. Subaru is my car company, and I'm usually a big fan of Subaru. And this air bag broke and I'm driving my future wife to Colorado for our wedding next month, and the air bag needs to work. She's gonna be sitting in the passenger seat and the air bag. If you know this is like, this could be a disaster.

So I brought so did you know it doesn't work because it gave a little light or something when someone's sitting in the passenger seat. It says a passenger air bag off and then the air bag warning lights on. So it's like my air bag will work, but hers won't. Yeah, you can just quickly bring her to your side if you see a crash.

If I if I see a crash, I pull her over. Yeah. And so I brought it to the super rue dealership. And everybody knows that dealerships are not very helpful and they're super expensive and they make you wait a long time and overall shitty experience. This one in particular is complaining of staff shortages and all this stuff. And they told me, they told me that there was no problem that they couldn't find a problem with the car. They can't run a diagnosed.

They told me all thish, get in the passenger seat and start the car and you'll hear the alert.

They refused. They said, we're not sitting in your passenger seat. And I was like, that's the only way to get the alert. They refused, Okay, and so then what I took it to an independent mechanic, an incredible mechanic, complete automotive systems in Palms if you ever are living in that area. And they sat in the passenger seat with me. They talked me through it, They got the diagnostic and they and they found out that's a romantic I mean, I feel like I feel like I have like a little romantic relationship with this guy. He's such a good mechanic.

You know, when you find someone who finally fixes your problem, you honestly feel romantic feelings for them.

Yes, And I think it's with mechanics. It's the same thing with like a barber or a stylist. It's like, once you find one, you're committed.

Never let him, yeah, because it's so hard to do it and you yeah, and they could be sleazy, like they everything about the industry could be. They don't have to be good, and so it's so nice when you find one. I'm happy that you found a guy that life relationship with. Yes, aren't you worried about him being in that passenger seat?


Well, we agreed that he's allowed to see other cars, so it's just you guys.

That's good.

So anyway, just called me up because I called up Subaru and they have an advocacy line where they have like some person who like fights for you on your behalf, and I've been I didn't have anything.

Again, Subaru like they'll Subaru hires people that will fight for you for your Yeah, the goal.

Is to like make you Satis so you continue to buy suber Rus throughout your life. So they're like your advocate. And I had no faith in this advocate, not in this particular advocate, but I had no faith in a car company advocating forming in any capacity. And I just figured I'd go pay full price for this part, which wound up being twenty six hundred dollars.


They have to replace the entire seat because it's the censor in the seat, and I thought that was an outrageous fee to pay, especially.

This is like a good price for a seat. But I think it's more it's a safety issue. So much money.

It's the air bag. It should be free no matter what.

Absolutely how old is the car. Yeah, that's a good point.

It's a twenty fifteen. Yeah, the warranty expired nine months ago.

Oh convenient. Yeah, but I think he got Yeah, you did get Ye advocate called. That was who we heard.

So I missed the call from the advocate two times already, so that's why I answered it. And she told me that I don't have to go to the dealer. I can go to my new my new mechanic guy and shall reimburse me for up to one thousand dollars, which I did not expect any of that. Wow, well one thousand dollars that is amazing news. I expected just to pay out of pocket for the entire thing. So thank you, Subaru Advocacy Group. I now like Subaru again. I love Subaru before.

Okay, well every time I get into a Subaru I do like it.


I love Subaru's they ever since Dave Matthews gave away one in nineteen ninety nine online, and I bet here standing next to one. I love suber Us and they just seem to be helping the environment, even though there's no basis to that whatsoever. They just seem to be on the right side of things. The first kind of their.

They were one of the first car companies to advertise to the LGBT community, and their advertisements they'd have the.

Same That's why it's kind of associated with lesbians getting super rus, Yes, because that's another thing I know about them. I want a date with a guy who drove a Super U and I thought it was he had kind of the demeanor of one. There was a little bit too much feminine energy radiating from him, which I did not hate, but it was a thing that I noticed that I picked up on. He was very nice and like there was just you know, there's more. There was more feminine energy than masculine for me. But that's no judgment. He was just I kind of I was like, oh, this is something different. But he did drive a super but I liked that Subero. I got in that and I was like, this is thinking about but no, I was like, this guy has good taste. It was a nice car, and it was like a risk to take to get a Super.

Is there a car that if a guy drove up in it you would be like, this is over?

Tesla's for me now are kind of keh. I don't hate them, but it kind of tells me if you bought one, it just tells me they were about in status and you kind of think it just reminds me of Elon Musk too much, And do you know that he named each of the models of the cars so that it would eventually spell sexy, like the Model S, the Model three, the Model X, the Model Y. And that he also priced one of the first Teslas at sixty nine four and twenty dollars because he So. I just did this thing for the La Times where they asked me all about Elon Musk's jokes quote unquote to see if he was funny or not. So I guess they're asking a bunch of comedians, like what do you think of this joke? And none of them are jokes. They're all just like him calling a guy a pedo, and it's like, is that a joke? It was just all these things. But I really went pretty hard on him, and I'm honestly scared for my life now. I'm like, wait a ticket. Elon Musk could have me murdered in seconds and have it covered up. He's one of the richest men on the world. I bet he reads the La Times. I bet he reads anything about himself, and he fancies himself a comedian, so he wants desperately. You know, he went on stage with chappelleinal Heo says Sonell. He went on Rogan like he wants to be a comedian, which I then at the end of the things said, I'm very flattered that this person who's so successful in everything they do want still wants to be a comedian. It makes me feel cool because this guy who has everything and can't have everything, can't have this one thing because he'll never be funny. And I said, he'll never be funny because he's surrounded by people who will always laugh at everything he says. And you need to be a comedian. You need to have a sense of humility, you need to bomb, and he can't bomb because he employs everyone he's around. He has no real friends to tell him that's not funny. Like he did this one stunt at Twitter when he first bought it where he he walked in with a sink. Did you know this? He worked with a sink and was the headline was let this sink in And he had a big sink he was carrying in. I said, I felt bad for the guy that had to go to Low's to buy that sink, and to all the people that were in the room with him when he came up with it that had to be like haa yeah, man like this guy never has someone not laughing at his jokes. It's not I said, it's not his fault that he thinks he's funny. It's our fault. Yeah, it's our fault because we're scared of him. We want some of his power and money, so we laugh at everything he says. So it's not his fault he's not funny and that he has the.

That's why it's always impressive when someone incredibly powerful is actually funny. Like I think Barack Obama. Oh, at the same time, I think, I don't know he's funny. He really is actually funny.

Well, because he came up not a privileged little asshole, did he who thought, yeah, he's not. Obama probably has narcissistic tendencies because you have to be to want to be president. But it seems like he he cares what other people think.

Yeah folds.


Elon's parents owned Emerald mines in Africa. They're pretty well to do, but they didn't share According to him, they didn't share the wealth with him. But I'm sure he had certain benefits.

That's open door. It's not like they made him live out in the shed in the backyard like he's still got things. Yeah, but it's but again it's not his fault. Like people who are privileged assholes, it's not their fault. It's not like you would be a kid and be like mom, Dad, stop showering me with all this like money. And well, like you, you don't. Yeah, you can't help how you come up if you are protected from anyone telling you the truth about life. No, and I am in several ways sheltered. And but I will say I am sharing the wealth myself with my family. And back to this weekend, my mom and I went to Nashville because I had a shoot on wednes Thursday. I flew in Wednesday night, my mom joined me on Thursday. Had a shoot on Thursday for a show on the USA Network called Barmageddon, And it's hosted by Nikki Garcia, formerly one of the Bella Twins, but now that she goes by Garcia, who I actually did their podcast a couple of weeks ago, and so I already had like a rapport with her, and she's so nice and just cool and pretty and talented and all those things. And then also on the show are it's just it's pretty much two celebrities guests playing bar Games to with A with A. This is the second season. So the celebrity has a team mate, and the teammate is someone who's had like a really epic fail on on online, you know, like someone who's like tripped and fell in a pool or like, you know, just did some embarrassing tosh point zero type thing and they need redemption. And so we're we're playing bar games with them against the other celebrity and their teammate. And then also on the show are Blake Shelton, I want to say, Blake Griffin, Blake Shelton from the Voice and Music, and Gwen Sefani and then Carson Dally from TRL Carson Daily Live Live or whatever that is in the Today Show. And you couldn't ask for three better celebrities who are more down to earth cool nice. They're just so nice. And I know I say that a lot about celebrities. When I don't say someone's nice, it's because they're not otherwise I'm gonna say it. So the only time you'll hear me say anything about a celebrities personality is generally when they're nice. And if I haven't commented on it, it probably means they're an asshole, which often happens or they think they're kid but no, there was no kidness. Mom. You got in, No, yeah, go ahead, I got in. Yeah. And I was really not going to go. I was like, yeah, because I met out the Hughes two going to these things, and she kind of just sits in the green room all day, like she's like kind of over the glitz and glam of like going down.

Hitting in a green room, just like watching you on a monitor most of the time.

Yeah, it's it's a really long day.

And I just thought, well, and I didn't even know you were starting late, but I was like, I just may not go. And then You're like, well, you might have fun, and I'm like okay, and.

I can always send you home in an uber if it's not fun. Yeah. I kind of thought that too, and I was like, Oh, so we're in downtown Nashville, Blake Griff, Blake Shelton's Bar and filming this thing. We go to hair and makeup, we do all that. We're in the green room eating snacks and then we get pulled to set and then the green room is for the celebrities guests and that's pretty much it. It's for me and Al Madrigal who was other celebrities. Yeah, you know him Daily Show. Yeah, And so we were hanging out there and then and with my mom and producers who were like telling us about the games. And then after the was it after the first game that what Blake came in?

It was like the fourth game.

No, it wasn't. It was after the first one. It was because I know what I got pulled to go do. So anyway, we're back in the room in between games, which I was terrible at all of the games. I am so used to being bad at everything. It is absurd how bad I am at anything, and I I am not good. So besides darn cure words, it's it is cute. It's I'm really used to it. They were kind of like, are you okay? And I go, I'm so used to losing on show, it's not even it doesn't bother me anymore. It'd be great.

I want to go see you do Celebrity Ninja Warrior or whatever. That was.

That was the worst life.

I didn't want to.

It was the worst in my life. Let's let's come back and talk about that when we get back, and we'll tell you all about our day at Barmageddon because there's left stell and then we're gonna get into some Taylor Swift stuff and uh with the concert we went to. But also there's some news that's out to address it. So we'll talk about all that when we get back my mom and Brian Panji and no of course news in all right. Yeah, I'm bad at everything and any kind of like physical channel. I can't even believe I'm with Chris Convey because sports are so important to him, and like precision sports and like just bargain, like any kind of games are so important to him, and he has a girlfriend that is disabled. Honestly, I think even it's it turns into special Olympics type stuff with me. I think it really does. It's so embarrassing and if I even do a little bit good people go good. Like it's just so pandering and humiliating. Brian, you went to American Injia Warrior, which, by the way, I only got asked to do a day before it was shooting because someone you had no time to tyree shot dropped out or something like that. He was Monique. I forget who it was. It was some black person with one name dropped out as could have been no Moisia, I think is characters played by Brandy, which also it could have been Brandy. Yeah, so you weren't off one name and a black person. But anyway, so I got asked to do it because clearly I'm the first person you think of when Tyrese can't make What did Tyree saying? I forget probably do a better job? Yeah? Yeah he was a model, but I think under too. So anyway, I was that was the worst.

Not fair, not fair. You need time to train for that.

Yeah, but no one, no one did you know none of these other celebrities did Did you get to practice before? Yeah, there was one day where we went and practiced. My partner was Jesse Graff. She kind of looks like me, but fit and she I went to her house and she had a big pig and she had like a Menja warrior thing set up in the house. Like inside the house, it's it's like you in the kitchen, you can climb on the walls, and do you know there's ropes and all these things running around, and in her backyard there's trampolines and all the stuff, so you can it's because she's a regular yeah. Yeah. So we got matched with a regular to like help us the like and this was my first like celebrity thing. So it was the first time I go, oh, I guess I'm a celebrity, because you can't be on the show unless you are. This is twenty seventeen.

Wow, So this was the moment you were like, oh, I guess I'm a celebrity.

Yeah, because like you, I didn't know I was a comic until I was on Last Comic Standing. It's like, okay, well they wouldn't put me on the show unless I was a comic, like it's in the title Dancing to the Stars. I was like, okay, I guess I'm a star. Now. I would never call myself that, but I'm on a show a star singer, yes, and so I'm a singer.

Now you're masked.

Yeah, well i'm and now I'm masked, so I'm a masked star celebrity and uh yeah. I wait for these kind of coronations so to speak, where I get knighted as such because it's embarrassing to call yourself a celebrity or a comic. You never know when to do it. And then you get on the show and you go, well, I guess I am so no training, but like a day where I just like ran around an obstacle course with her in her backyard. It was fun. And then the course itself, we get there, it is so hard. None of the celebrities could even do it. Who's the girl from because Natalie Morales from the Today Show was the other woman. Yeah, and then it was the girl from American Beauty who's letting in the bed of roses, Mina Suvari.

Oh, okay, okay.

And I forget the others, but those are the two girls. And we were all struggling. The first thing you had to like like just run on this kind of like lily pad thing and then you swing to another thing, and none of us could do it. We kept falling. Good you weren't alone. And so this was just the practice during the day and I and so they go, we're gonna move the lily pads closer together. We're gonna adjust so that they can at least get past the first step of.

This, you know.

And you got to on the real Ninja Warria, you fall and you're out. But this one we got to multiple tribe because it was for charity. It was your celebrity. Yeah, and so yeah, and.

They had a little jokes. They had little jokes if you failed, like if you fell in the pool of water, there was a person with a raft that could row you across, Like there's stuff like that.

Yeah, there were always like these failsafes to like, yeah, so I got to like row to the other side because I fell in the water. But it was terrifying because you're I don't like any of this stuff. I was like, I would never do a ropes course outside of if I was like, I don't know. Sixth grade camp we had to do like a ropes course, and I only did that because I didn't want to be the mainly on. I wouldn't. So I was crying and I was really wanting to walk away. And then they gave us this speech about how this is then you would be losing fifteen thousand dollars for these kids with cancer. It was like for Red Nose Day. And so they're like, then you would be sacrificing fifteen thousand dollars that's going to go to kids, and it's like your ego is more important than that. They gave us like this pep talk because I and I was crying, and I remember a guy named Nick from the Yankees.

Do you know Nick'swisher, Nick Swishisher, the happiest man on planet Earth.

Yes. He was so nice to me, and I remember thinking that he just worked on the show because he was like, he's just this guy that was like cheering me on when we were practicing. Yeah, and I was like, this guy's really cute, Like I wonder what his deal it Like it was kind of like, oh my god, this guy's so nice, like and then it turned out he was a New York Yankee, a beloved New York Yankee. He was one of the other celebrities, and he was so nice to me, and I was crying, and he came over and was just like, hey, you know, this isn't a big deal. Like he kind of talked me off the ledge, which I needed because you had to literally jump off a ledge on this and so so he, uh, he was just really nice. So anyway we get to the man, this is like bringing back so much anxiety we were. It was just so embarrassing because it was I remember just like I'm almost like starting to cry because it was just like I didn't want to do it. I just hate when you were forced to do something because people are like, you didn't even have die to think about it. I did. I had hours between the practice and the.

I'm talking about this saying yeah, I'll do the show.

Yeah, because at that point I didn't. I don't have I never want to turn down anything in my career because you could be the one thing where you do something funny or someone sees you and it takes and you're in no position to do that. But I hated every second of it. I I did the worst by far out of everyone. And I remember Natalie Morales and also Mina Suvari being like, this is so hard. We suck at this and feeling like, oh my god, thank you guys, you suck too. We're all gonna suck. And they're all like freaking out about it too. They like, do they complete the whole thing? Which I only completed twenty percent of it, So to complete the whole thing versus twenty percent, you're fucking lying about being I'm so bad at it. It's like when girls used to go, I'm gonna get off the f I didn't study it all in the test, and then they get an A like those at those little quiet a students who like to pretend like yes, yeah, I call these women holes and all. No, they were so nice. Mina Souvari and Natalie Morales again two celebrities who are so nice and don't are not too for school, but fuck them because they were really talented, and they were underplaying it because they were trying to make me feel better, like this is scary, this sucks. I yes, it is sweet, but I did not appreciate them going so far. And Jeff Die was there swinging all over things and just died killing it and it was like I wanted Jeff to and uh after that, I was so mad how good he was at it. Everyone was good, everyone except me. I was by far the worst, not even like the worst, a little like someone has to be the worst, yeah, but usually there's someone who's a little bit better than you, but it's slightly like there's someone who's like kind of riding the bottom with you, but you have to be the bottom. There was no one even close to as bad as me. It was so embarrassing. And there's a huge audience there, you.

Know, Paramount Lot or something. Yeah, yes, and they they take Main Street, which is where they film a lot of like movies and stuff where their sets are all set up to look like a real street and they put bleachers, so there is literally hundreds of people watching.

You, watching you, and and like just feeling bad, feeling sorry for you, and and I just was like, I turned off my ego. Do you ever do that where you're just like or you turn off your fear and you just like, I think it's not the same thing people do before they jump off a building. I think that's what separates My suicide book is talking a lot about this, like before people kill themselves, they just do it, like they just rip off the band aid, even though they know it's gonna hurt it. What literally was the same feeling I had to just turn off the thing that told me everything, like don't do this because it was scary. I'm honest, sixty sixty feet in the air. Maybe that's an exaggeration, but it's so And I'm scared of heights and you have to jump out, and yes, you are attached to things that are going to save you, and there's a net below, but I have to jump on this like trapeze bar. It was so scary because I hate, like I hate diving boards. I hate when men jump on diving boards and then they almost like crash on the bottom like they yeah, they double bounce like and then they land again and they like kind of miss it, the kind of scre Like nothing makes me more anxious than like trying to grab a bar and like missing it, Like there's something just yeah, that's scary, even though you can't get hurt, Like there was just something about it.

It's so interesting because me and Chris had like the opposite experience that you had watching what Well, we were in your little circle of your circle of friends. I think it was me Chris, and was it just me and Chris, I don't remember. We're in Lizzy was there yet? And we were in the circle watching you and then uh, we watched you. We cheered you on. Chris wanted to do this thing where he put the red circle nose on his face at a funny moment. Oh yeah, they filmed him. I don't think it made it to the funny.

Because they were filming you guys as my like teer circle. Yeah, so their cameras on you. So Chris is trying to do a bit, yes, yes, and everything. Yeah, that was all fun. And games down there.

Yeah, and then but and then after after you finished, and we were like, oh no, and then Nick Swisher comes by and gives us like this incredible motivational speech. Me and Chris Nick Nick Swisher. We were talking to Nick Swisher for like twenty five minutes, and I don't think we looked at each other, me and Chris, and we were like, I don't think I've ever felt better in my entire life than after talking to Nick Swisher.

He was the greatest guy, so positive.

So motivational. I felt like life was new and fresh and I could do anywhere anything.

He said he should have been, well, he should have been your super.

Why was he giving you guys advice?

No, that's just who he is. He comes by trying to.

Make you feel good about my performance. Is that his Do you remember anything?

I think he just exudes joy and happiness. He was he's a Millionaire's dead.

He died, he killed himself. I'm just kidding. That'd be so funny. I mean, not funny, but ironic. I guess. No, he's still with us.

Think about the trajectory of a major league baseball player's life. It's like you're you're the best baseball player. So when you're in high school and stuff, you're very popular. Then you go to college, you get a scholarship, then you get drafted by the New York Yankees, then you're a millionaire. Like, at what point is your life sad? So he really has no reason to not be joyful and happy.

I mean there are funds of people that are, yeah, can be very successful and just sad because if you have bad parents, you had to put you know. But yes, you're right, he had. He seemed to appreciate his life and appreciate everything he's been given. He was just And the thing that stick out to me about him is that I thought he was a pa on the show. He didn't come off like he was walking around like a celebrity. He was just talking to everyone and just so nice, but not in a way that's like this guy is like trying to be in everyman type thing. Sometimes you see celebrities doing that where you're like easy, we get it. You know, you're like special and you want to spread your little celebrity.

Right, so people talk about everywhere?

Yes, yes, so people. It didn't seem motivated in that way.

So it was just me afterwards High Fiving World Series champion Nick Swisher as happy as can be. Meanwhile Nikki is getting rafted across A.

Yes, and I will say that there was also this one part where you had to run across. It was almost like a picture of kebab that has blocks on it, like uh cubes, and you run across and those cubes spin and you have to run across the kebab. I would hate. So I fell during the trapeze thing. I fell in the water and my shoes get completely soaked. So for the next part, I just for the kebab, I was like, let me go barefoot because I'm my shoes are soaked and it's really uncomfortable. So I went barefoot, not knowing that you can get you can get injured your barefoot and no one's looking out for any more celebrities. So I broke my toe. Then I also sell, oh I had I fell so hard. I forget which part I did turf burn? What's is that? What is called matt burn? I think it was called turf turf toe I had. Then I had Rugburton like Matt Byrne, so hard on my legs. I had like thirdred. I mean I was not healed for months after that show. I could have probably sued because I was so injured from the stupid show where I didn't even go far. And I hope those kids with cancer survived because of my fifteen thousand dollars. So I hope that they got like they hired a clown to come in, did you don't get money? My fifty thousand dollars went nowhere? I mean, what is that going to do for anyone in a cancer ward? That's that's like a penny.

That's gonna pay for one screen reasons.

Yes, No, it's gonna pay for like a bell they ring when they sive or whatever. It's like, just donate the bell. It was I really a hat with that whole thing. It was not about kids with cancer, it was about making a TV show. I should have dropped out. I wish I would have. It was one of those times in my life where I was like, I wish I would have listened to my instinct, which was I hate this, I don't want to do this. I'm not good at this. I'm not you know, going into something like last night. My friend was really depressed and didn't want to go do a comedy set even though she had one, and she's like, I should go. I feel guilty, and I'm like, don't go, because you're not gonna be She's like, but what you know, I know that she was feeling guilt because what if someone's in the audience, I can see her that night and change her life. You're not gonna do a good job. If you're depressed on stage and you're dreading it and you hate it, you're gonna actually, that person's gonna see you and remember you as the girl who bombed because you were so upset. So like, listen to those voices in your head that say don't go, because I think so many times people in our lives surround us with like, what's the worst that could happen? Just do it? Fight past the fear, Like fear sometimes kind of tells you what to do and not do Noway Barmageddon was not a like I didn't care anymore because this wasn't like it. I have no ego anymore when it comes to being good at sports. It's been beaten out of me by Ninja Warrior and Dancing with the Stars. There's nothing you could do, nothing I could do on TV Sports Rise and how it will never embarrass me anymore. I really am immune to people were like embarrassed for me, I think, but I just don't care anymore. I wasn't embarrassed for you at all. I was like, I was so proud of you getting out there and not caring what people think. Yeah, exactly. That's that's where you get the that's where people like have any kind of joy for watching what you do. It's like she just doesn't care. You made it so fun too. It was like, well, mom was coming on women's in Nashville who are just like bigger girls that wear really tiny things, and She's just like, they just don't care.

I would never I could never ever, But I'm like, I'm so proud of these girls, like.

For looking like shit they don't and not caring and looking totally amazing. I think it's amazing. No, it is. There is something to that when you see someone where you go. If I looked like that, I'd not leave my house.

Well, they're wearing wear that outfit for sure, and they just don't seem to care. They love it, they embrace it, and I'm like, God love them, God love them.

Yeah, that's sorry, because that's the only person that will. No, that's not how I feel at all.

It was just a joke.

Don't come at me. Treat me like a man, and don't come at me for saying horrible things, which is something I've noticed. When you're a man, you can say really awful things on podcasts that are just like the worst thing you because you have a feminine energy, like you're like you, they'd probably come after you, like Andrew Santino, Bobby Lee, Tim Dillon, Christ Stefano. You can the most racist, crazy shit ever because it's a joke, because you're joking and they should be able to say it and everyone laughs and they share the clips. But if you're a woman and say something that is hateful in jest, you're taking very seriously. And I want to get on. I want to get in this men's club where you get a free pass. And I'm not hating on those guys. I actually I think they're the funniest people going, but they just for some reason. I look at these clips and I hate to play this. If they were a woman, they would be canceled. But I do believe women aren't.

How can you get into that pack club? How can you establish your persona.

You just you I'm on my next special. I'm going hard and I'm calling it. I'm going to I just like was like assessing my jokes, and I'm like, I'm just kind of trying to play it safe so that people don't hate me with these jokes. So they'rein you, Like if they sense you're scared, they'll jump on that. You know, Like I'm scared a little bit of getting canceled and having people be mad at me. That's why I'm even saying these caveats of I'm not really meaning that. I was just saying a joke. I don't actually think.

Yeah, people have to say that after yeah.

Because I still have this fear. But if I just go hard and I'm unapologetic and I kind of want to call the special something like I'm a bad person, or like bad time must be a bad person, or like I just want to get a like that I've talked about before, like saying what it is so that people can't go, she's a bad person. It's like, well she told us she was, and I'm not a bad I just have really dark thoughts, and guess what, I can't help my thoughts. I can't help what I say. I would argue I can't help what I say because there's no free will. But that's another conversation. I let's say I can help what I say. I can't help what I think. So if someone is thinking, man, if I looked at that, I'd kill myself. But good for her. You can't sit for some reason you even thinking it. People would say you should be canceled for thinking it. But I can't help that I thought it. So what am I supposed to do? I think i'd be really careful. I hate noill. My mom doesn't want me to take any chances. Ever, she's get snaky. I wouldn't do it. Well, I have enough money to retire, so if I live modestly the rest of my life. I mean, you're not gonna get any cars or anything.

But what.

You're in a perfect place. You're in the perfect place to do this right now, especially just the state of the industry, like you could if if no and if the industry canceled you or whatever, you could make millions of dollars, just like Tim Dillon, just like Andrew Schultz on YouTube.

Yes, well, yeah, my audience would follow me somewhere. People that like what I do would follow me, And I'm so appreciative of that, because you don't really need anything when you have that kind of like built in crowd that will like pay you directly.

And bought his special back from Amazon or Netflix or whatever and then made like five times as much money releasing it himself.

Can someone buy back his special from me? I regret, I'm just kidding, canceled.

I think with all those people, the difference is that they when they started, they they introduced themselves to the public with that persona of I'm gonna say whatever.

And they're not trying to be on ABC Dancing cost as a snowflake. They're not you know, they're not trying to play both sides.

Like one female comedian who got away with that is Sarah Silverman. I mean, she says a lot of stuff that probably most women would cancel for, and she gets with it. I think because she established her persona like this is who I am. Yes, this is what I'm gonna do the whole time. If you're not on board, why are you watching me?

Stick it? I don't wanna. And by the way, I'm not someone who wants anyone to feel bad about who they are or like like if. And I'm also someone who when I say something negative, I'll admit that it was a bad thing to say, and then I'm sorry if it hurt anyone's feelings. I can't help though that I thought it, you know, like I and I can live with that. I'm not just out there trying to hurt people. But there do you see clips like that, Brian, where you just go, I can't believe this person has a career after saying something like that, whereas people have been canceled for so much less.

Like for women only or for men and women.

No, Like, there's this clip that I watched all the time that is one of my favorites, where it's I can't even I won't even describe it. Because it's saying that it's one of my favorites. People will go, you're clearly racist because you think that's funny. But it's like a thing from Santino and Bobby Lee's podcast Bad Friends, where they're arguing about who has more black people at their show. I think I showed it to you, you did, and I will describe it. They're both arguing back and forth about who has more black people at their individual stand up shows. And Andrew's like, I could I have more black people at my show in any market I get, I get black people, I get black people coming out to my shows, and Spokane like saying, you know. And then Bobby's like, oh, I could get black people and spoken and I get the good ones. And then all of a sudden they just stop and Andrew and Bobby he says good ones and then he just puts his hand head in his hands because he knows exactly like he's just said something horrible. And then Andrew, they just cut to him and he's just looking straight in the camera and he goes, keep it in, keep it in, don't It's just so funny. And I'm laughing at something that is racist. So but I feel like if I said that, yeah, but I don't know, maybe I wouldn't be I don't want to play that card all the time, but I would like to be in that same So I think it just got to go harder. Well, I get why he want to do this.

I mean, good, bring it out, bring it out, you know who, though I know I'm a little nervous.

Ali Wong. I watched Ali Wong's special Don Wong this weekend Chris and I are watching a lot of stand up specials because we're getting ready to produce mine together, and we watched like a couple female comic specials and we were like, Okay, we see what's working here. We see with like but we're not laughing. And then we put on Ali Wong's and we're both dying laughing because this bitch is just she's not performed, like she's being performative because she does talk in a very funny way. I don't know if you've ever seen her stand up, but her cadence is like almost a hip hop like a delivery. I can't even like do it justice, but it's like, you know, you see her talk in the show Be For or you see her at interviews, and then you see her on stage and she's doing a different delivery, but there's and it's performative in that way, but she's saying real shit, like at one point she's just.

Like, I want to cheat on my husband so bad.

And it's like you can tell she's probably said that line a bunch because it's in her special, but it comes across so genuine, so real, because it is real, and it's a fucking crazy thing to say, and now she's divorced. In one way, she goes, I'm having a midlife crisis, but there's it's just it was the difference between someone it was just age. Honestly, it made me excited about being older because watching younger stand ups, you just are seeing a more like I'm trying to hit these places where I'm trying. I've done it and I did it before too, Like I look at my old specials and I'm like, just you're just more mechanical and you're like following the beats, whereas she's like really feeling it. And it was just watching her special blew my mind because it was just so it wasn't as like sharply written in terms of like joke joke, joke, joke joke, which I can really appreciate sometimes, but the feeling behind it made every it so much better than any joke laid and special. And then there were I mean, there's tons of jokes in it, but it wasn't it wasn't as calculated. It just felt like more real and I just really and she's widely successful and she was saying the craziest. At one point she was like, I love getting to come on my face. I love it. Yummy, yummy, yummy, gim me, gim me get like and I was like, oh my god. She is commercially one of the most successful women going. And she did a special where she said, yummy, yummy, yummy, come on my face, give it to me, get it in my eye. I go, you can do anything. Women can do anything. It really made me feel great. Okay, we're gonna take a quick break and we're gonna talk about Barmageddon, which we didn't get to, and we're gonna talk about Taylor's nick Way Wace. Okay, So Blake Shelton comes into the green room. Now.

First, when first, when you were like he came in, He's like Nikki and we were all with a bunch of people, okay, and they were setting up for one of the games. Yes, that the uh ATX throw. Did I give away anything?

No, people aren't gonna watch now Logan Roy dies in this episode. Anyway, You're like, acts to the head, this is my mom.

And he's like and I'm like, hi, I was shaking his hands right and he's like, oh no, and he comes up and gives me and.

He's like, no, we got a hug and he gives her. He is so first of all, so adornable. He's really It's funny when I when I told Chris that Blake Shelton was amazing, he was like, are you serious? Am I gonna have to like this guy now? And I go, yeah, unfortunately, because you want to not like Blake Shelton. If you're someone who doesn't like country music a lot, you don't like that, Oh, you don't like any like, he's just a guy that you go, Oh, this guy's probably just around him. He is genuine, he's nice. He wasn't hugging my mom because it was like presentational.

It was he was just being sweet because I was gonna shake his hand, He's like, oh no, and it was like he gave me a sincere hug, and it was like, oh my god, this is so cute, so cute and he's adorable.

And then we're up in the green room after the darts or no, sorry, the acts. There's no darts. Don't worry, yes there were no mom, don't you know the one's watch.

If you were gonna ask me what's gonna be in a bar competition, I mean darts and acts throwing? Maybe like my top two choices.

Can I just say this show is amazing because everything, all the games are called really funny things like the and this is from first season too, So if you watch the show first season, you know, don't be an axhole is the name of the first game. And then the darks Shelton Darts they get away with like really funny names. It's a fun game.

It's amazing that stuff they're getting away with on this show. It was really fun.

And so then yeah, so then Blake comes up to this green room and let me just say, I don't know if you know this there that wasn't he had a whole separate green He had a green room that was his own private one that most of the celebrities, I mean, Carson Daily went to his private green room, Nikki went to hers. Blake made a point to go to ours and hang out in ours, not just to drop by and say hey. He sat down. So it's me, Blake and my mom all sitting around. Then I get pulled to go do a social media thing and I was like, where are you going now? And so I'm like, I'm just gonna leave you to have a picture all my way out of the room because it's just Blake and my mom sitting alone in a room. But I left you and I go, she'll be fine, Like, and he has every he could just make up. If he wants to leave, he can just go. I gotta go touch him on makeup or whatever. But they sat there for fifteen minutes and talked. What did you guys talk about?

He asked me so many questions, like he was totally interested in my life. But we were talking about grandkids and I'm like, well, have you been around little kids?

He's like, well, Gwyn's kids.


My mom forgot that he was married to Gwen.

No, I didn't forget. I didn't know Gwen. He had three little boys. Oh okay, so you know they were young.

And to know the bar was his. No, she goes this place? Is I rate? It was nice? It's amazing.

Yeah, And he's like, yeah, it is nice, isn't it? And I thought, and then someone told me later, well he owns this bar.

I'm like, you gotta be kidding. Because we entered the backway. We didn't see the ald A side.

Now, I didn't see anything, and I really it would look like I knew nothing about him, which I don't. I only knew we was married to Gwen.

And he's on the Voice, been on the Voice for twenty three seasons.

Yeow, Yeah, I know.

Isn't that crazy that show's been on that long?

Yeah, but he's such a genuine person. What else he was he asked, going told me a great story about his mother and his old boss when he was a roofer. How he was like, Yeah, he was a roof when he was like seventeen in Oklahoma, and he liked his boss and he's like, you should ask my mom out. And he's like, she's too old for me. And so he said, I used to do little gigs around Oklahoma and one night his mom came and uh and uh, this roofer boss came and his mom went up and said, I'm too old for you, and she smacked him across the fence. And they've been married since. Yeah, they're story in love and Love and Oklahoma.

And it makes sense because I was like, oh, you know what he's attracted to, Like these bad ass women. Yeah, you know, Gwen's Afani, Miranda Lambert, like his history, like he kind of is attracted to like women who are like I know, Hollaback girl. You know, like there are like these tough broads and it's like, oh, it always goes back there. He was attracted to me.

Yeah, no, I'm not kidding. He was so sweet and he just hung out and he just would There was.

About the donuts.

Oh yeah, oh anyway, we had gone down, so finally they called him and he said, you want to walk down with me? And I'm like sure, so I'm more following him out and there's these rack of donuts by the elevator in the kitchen part and I said what are those and he goes, I don't know, I kind of want one, And I said, well, maybe you can get one later or something. I said, I don't know, sure, therefore something. So we went down and of course this was fun. The whole set was all staged and everybody's sitting in their places, audience and all the you know contest.

No win with the big abilition, Oh away a bar crazy, But it's not exactly what you think aside. Literally it's kind of funny.

So we walk in and everybody's just looking at me, like, oh, you're walking in with Blake.

It was. I looked at Nick and I went, oh, look at this. Yeah, anyway. Uh no, he just was the sweetest guy.

Okay, donuts, Oh donuts anyway, So uh we go back up.

He's no longer hanging out with me. I don't know what. I found some other mom. Yeah, he found another book.

Anyway, we go back and there's this guy that works there in the kitchen with four big, huge bags of garbage bags and I said, where are those donuts and he said they're in there and I said they're in the garbage and he said, yeah, we're throwing them out. And I'm like, wait a minute, can you open one of the because one of the girls was taking me up the one of the PA's was like guiding me up there. I'm like, they're throwing these donuts away. Blake wanted one of these dopes, so I just got I took out. I said, can I have said? He goes, yeah, go ahead, and I'm like taking it. They're all perfect on top and I'm like stacking them on a plate and I'm like great, So I take them up. I put them in the green room and all these other people.

Were in the green room. They all knew Mom dug these out of the trash. And I mean it was a fresh trash bag the donuts resht Yes, it was.

He would have eaten them if they had done.

I went in and.

Told these girls, I said, I dug these out of the trash. I said, I say, you guys didn't even touch these donuts.

I said you could have.

I said, but I'm glad you didn't, because I think, Blake, what's one of these?

And they're like, they're going oh.

And then I was standing in the doorway over here and Blake walks back in there and everybody's in there and all Nikki's hair people and stuff. And I told him the story and no one mentioned that. He goes, oh, look, donuts. So she told the girls the story. So then Blake comes in and goes, oh, donuts, where'd those come from?

And everyone was silent, say they're from the Tarvish. Yeah, So he didn't get a donuting home. My mom brought the donuts home on a plate she had like to the hotel to the hotel and they were never eaten the whole week. Wit you ate half of one later that night. Okay, I don't even really dots. Speaking of advocating for yourself with the Subaru situation and how that all ended up working for you. I have to say I had a victory this weekend with that. We actually had a couple of things where we called and like made things happen that I would usually let go. So on Taylor Swift Night, I had ordered from this place two nights prior or, I'd ordered from Postmates two nights in a row, Wednesday night and Thursday night, and got food delivered to this hotel no issue. I didn't have to meet the guy at that's the front desk. I just they just dropped it off at the front desk and they brought it up to my hotel because it's a nice hotel. Most of the time you have to go to the lobby. Hotels are like, we're not bring it to you, but this is a nice one. They brought up no issue, right. The guy didn't call me to be like where do I take it? Like it was clearly it's a hotel. So then on the Taylor Swift Night, I know this restaurant I really went from. They're they're closed at nine, So I ordered at seven for these for the restaurant to bring our food at nine. We get back in a thirty after the show and I need because nothing would be opened by then, so except like shitty bar food and so or like you know, trash tonuts, and so I was like, we'll have this food. So I'm at Taylor Swift. I'm in the middle of the show and I get a call. I getting all these calls on my phone and I'm just pressing like ignore, Ignore. Then I'm getting things from Postmates, but it's not delivering until like minutes later, and Postmates is like, if you don't meet your courier, if you don't get back to if you don't respond, were canceling the order ten minutes past the courier's writing me if I don't hear from you, So then they cancel my order. They have the food at the hotel because I'm not like coming down to get it, just take it to the front desk like you have every other night. So my order gets canceled. That food gets just I am out one hundred dollars worth of food. That is just all you had to do was leave it at the front desk. But instead this guy wanted to call and I needed a code to send him. And so I'm at Taylor Swift. I'm furious because I'm already hungry. I'm looking forward to this meal. At the end of the night, it's nine o'clock, I have two and a half hours to go before the show's over, and then we have to walk all the way back to our hotel. I'm like, there's good I don't have any food back there. This was supposed to be my meal. I'm so pissed and there's nothing I can do because it's just canceled. So I was just like mad about it. And then I was almost so mad that I was like couldn't enjoy the show because I was just like, you fuck up everything you always get. You never get any deals, you always lose money. This is the way your life is. Like I'm just like having this kind of go through my head of like, spot just get fucked over. Yeah, spiraling about this extra cost because I am someone who doesn't follow up. I always pay more. I never try to like, hey, is there a way I could get this lower. I just never get a deal. I'm always just hemorrhaging money because I feel guilty for existing. And so I was like, God, what is wrong with me? Here's another one hundred and twenty four dollars just down the drain, and then I'm mad about the food that probably just got thrown in the trash, right, like fucking donuts, like those donuts, and so I'm just like, I wasted food which could go, and like, you know, people and animals had to like work for that food, because I think you ordered some animal products and I'm just like so obsessed with no I did, and I had a part of oh that's okay. So those those mushrooms that had to die for that food. It was just like annoying to me to waste food, and so I was pissed. But then I got over it, and I was like, you are not gonna let this ruin this six thousand dollars concert you bought. You are I have to just enjoy the show. I will find food after the show. Let it go. And then I kind of thought, this is so dumb to get mad about food because that food would be gone by twelve o'clock tonight and turned into poop. So what is the big difference. The only difference is I didn't get to taste it, right, otherwise it would it's it all turns to waste anyway. So I was kind of thinking about poop and like making myself feel better, like the concert while Taylor swipes on stage singing for Bacteria. Now, So yeah, yes, I was just like, you know what, it all goes to waste anyway, so it doesn't matter, And I think that really helped me. Was like, what so I just didn't get to taste food, That's really all I'm lamenting. The money would have been gone either way. It just would have been I missed out on teasing different for me. Yeah, okay, got it, So it's all good. So then but I told Chris the story two days later, and he was like, you got to get that money back. I said, I don't know what I'm gonna do, and so I just pull. But then I go, I spend so much fucking money on Postmates. I bet any if I write to them, they're gonna look at my order history and know that they're gonna miss out on if I if they pissed me off, they're missing out on thousands of dollars a year. So I wrote to them, and I explained the whole thing via the chat thing, which never really works when you're chatting with like one of those people that's like, Hi, I'm Daniel, I'm here to help you. How can I be of service? And it's like that, and they're just writing to you. Daniel fucking took care of it right away, and not only did he give me all my money back, he gave me ten dollars extra for inconveniencing me. Wow. I was like I couldn't. I was so happy that I got that money back, all because I just like took the initiative to like ask questions and to like get into a little bit more. Goddamn it, we're already at that final thought. Okay, well you're.

You're also like most of these companies will bend over backwards to make sure you're satisfied because you could talk and talk about this shit.

Oh right, well Postmates, thank you so much. Final thought. Let's talk about Taylor Swift. Okay, let's do Yeah, we have ten minutes, okay, Okay, so we go to the concert. Did you know that we were? I was thinking about going on Sunday night. I actually had a bestie who offer we tickets. Shout out to her, thank you so much, but I turned it down because I didn't want to like wait in town for two more days just to go to a show that I've seen four times now. Sunday night, it rained all night long and her show was delayed two hours, so that show did not end until one thirty in the morning, and you know she did. She did the whole show and ding rain. So it was kind of cool because that's kind of like a tradition of hers is like there's always like rain shows that are super special and like everyone's excited that they were at a rain show. I'm happy I wasn't at a rain show because I will say we were almost at a rain show on Friday night for Taylor Swift because it was raining during it started raining, Phoebe Bridgers played. She's amazing. It was so awesome to see not only Taylor Swift but Phoebe Bridgers, who is like my second favorite musical artist right now. And it started raining during her set and we got prepared. Yeah, well this callback what did you do? Well? You told me to go out.

You were taking a little nap, and you said go try to find us some ponchos. Go to these couple of stores, and I'm like, nobody had any. So I finally went to this local grocery store and these two gals were like, no but we still have some heavy duty garbage bags in the back.

And they brought out scissors and they were like, are these women black? Yes, I could just tell by the voice you did. I tried not to do that. I just could tell. But they were the sweetest girls. Am I.

Yeah, they pulled out scissors from like the office in the grocery store.


She came out with she came out with the two bags and she said, and another girl came over together, here's the scissors.

And I'm like, oh nice.

And there were four women involved in this and trying to help me.

Mom and I had these makeshift ponchos and they were so there's a picture that I'm gonna post of my mom and her. I was laughing so hard and this this pancho. I don't know why it was so funny to me, but you were just you look so funny trash back. And then it stopped raining and my mom stayed in the trash bag and it was like not raining for ten minutes, and I go and this was right. It was like during the time between Phoebe and Taylor where there was no one on stage and my mom we were just in these trash bags. And eventually I took mine off and she goes, it looks like it's not rain anymore. I go, it hasn't been rained for ten minutes. And you go, well, you gotta tell me, Nick, and then you came out of the bag. But then Taylor took the stage, and I swear to God like it had been spitting rain up until the second she took the stage, and then there was no rain the entire concert, And it was like it was as if she controlled the weather. It was like, and I wasn't even worried. It was so funny because before she came on stage, I was like, is it gonna rain, but like, stay away because the clouds are over. It's just like that kind of weather where it could start raining any second. But when she took the stage, it was as if there was no work. There was no chance of rain, like it was still in the air kind of. But I was like, it just won't happen because she's there's something special. So the show was great as usual. I know I'm at the point now where I know I don't have to look at my set anymore to know where she's going. I know what song goes into next song, I know all of the like versions of the song she does that are different than the studio version, like all the interlude versions of the songs I for Swifties out there. The very best one she does is the Illicit Affairs, where it's like, don't call me kid, don't call me baby. She does it like four times and it's like she's on the ground, like flailing around, And that is my favorite part of the Era's tour by far. And also the beginning when all these guys are out there with fans and then all of a sudden they put the fans down and then they lift them up and she's there and she goes, it's been a long time coming. That's so exciting. What's your favorite special? The whole show is a spectacle. Yeah, my mom. I just keep looking at my mom and she just goes, She's so cute, She's so cute, she is so amazing. She just is she is.

There's no doubt about it. That show is probably the best production I've ever seen.

It. It's insane. Yeah, and I've seen a lot of there's lights, there's but.

Her day is uh, it's just so affecting everyone in the whole place. Everybody is just freaking out. And her voice is so good.

There's no like, she's not phoning in anything, there's no backing.

Vote, effortless, effortless, fartless. I mean, she looks like she But let's talk about the elephant in the room, and that is what would bring us to Why do I care?

Why do I care? Okay, Noah, let's hear the headline because there's a lot that went down this weekend in Taylor Swift's love life, or speculation of it.

Okay, So the latest headline is Taylor Swift and Matt Healy like each other, were reconnected by Jack Antonov. Sources say, oh, I didn't.

Hear that, but I assumed that I will only speak to what I know that the general public knows, and I will not speak to anything I might know from people who know things behind the scenes. Oh, you, I don't know. I may or may not, but I swifties do not want to accept that Matt Heally and Taylor Swift are together. I don't blame him why, I don't know. You know it is Matt he is from the nineteen seventy five, which is a band that Taylor Swift is a huge fan of and has been friendly with for a while, and she actually made an appearance at their show in February, I think January or February where she did she performed anti Hero and then she performed one of the nineteen seventy five songs of the City, and I noticed that night that she was spectacular and there was I have to say, as someone who has performed in front of boys, I like, there's a certain she's gonna say quah that I bring to the performance. When I think Chris is watching, or like a guy I like is watching, I just have something else going on. Like that honestly motivates me more than anything is when a guy I like is watching me, it's the best thing for my performance possible. And I sent something from those performances even then that there was someone special there.

Wait where did you see this online?

Okay, so it's it's a game. I actually from that appearance, the nineteen seventy five were doing a concert and she walks out on stage in the middle of it to do they give her a couple songs in the middle of it when she walks on the stage. I wanted to play a game called terrorist attack or Taylor Swift is walking out on stage because the audience screams as if there is a mass shooter in the building. I mean it is. It's bananas, these screams. You can barely even watch the video because it's just people are like just losing them, shredding their voices, screaming. It's really well.

I was in the crowd when she was being walking on stage. People are so loud.

So loud, and they really do wreak havoc on their voices. Oh it's bad for your voice to be that excited. But anyway, So Matt Heally was at the shows in Nashville this weekend. Okay, he was the night before, on Thursday night or whatever Thursday was in Manila. He was in the Philippines. Is that the Philippines? Manila? He was doing a concert there with the nineteen seventy five. He jumped on the first flight out. He was spotted at the airport by a fan. He was on the first flight out to Nashville. You know, it was probably connecting. I don't think they have directed from Manila. So he made it to the show. He was at the show. He was spotted in the VIP tent enjoying her set. Swifties want to convince themselves they're just friends. Sorry, guys, they are definitely together. Stopping in denial. Mom and dad are never getting back together. There's a new guy in town. It's just it's happening, and everyone's saying he's problematic because he's said things before that are like he's dated younger girl. It's like, you're allowed to date a nineteen year old. I don't care what age you are. They're legal. I'm sorry, it's not problematic. It's annoying, and I can make fun of it. He's thirty three.

Yeah, you can date in nineteen anyone can't.

They're legal. Unfortunately, eighteen year olds you can date them. It's like, you can think that's problematic all you want, but it's not illegal. Okay, unless you know in sixteen is not illegal in many states, which is just disgusting. But you can think it's disgusting, but it's not illegal. And she's not doing anything wrong by dating someone. And he said some things in the past. He's just a rock star who says stupid, drunken things sometimes. He's not really problematic. He's not a terrible person. Shut up, let her have fun. She's someone that she admires. He's a rock star who she obviously shares something in common with as being a prolific artist. He's cool, he's kind of like offbeat. He's a little just like rough around the edges. Let her have some fun. I do believe they are in love because the biggest thing that I saw after that show on Friday night and this one was like, whoa so in Manila? I guess it was from his performance, you know, two nights prior. He at one point set mouthed, this next one's for you, you know who you are. I love you, And then he sang a song that some people are saying could have been about Taylor Swift because it's a song about a girl, all right. And then on our show, which I did remember seeing right before Cardigan, the song, Taylor's mouthing something. I couldn't make it out. Later on TikTok, they put them both together. She goes, this one's for you, you know who you are. I love you. It's giving me chills on my back of my head. They mouthed the same things. They're both they both know what they're doing. They aren't trolling you. They aren't making fun of the fact that there are rumors about them. They are confirming it. They were spotted together in a car on Saturday night too. They are together, and then she sang Cardigan, which the song is called. In the song, it's and you'd come back to me, and you come back to me. It's all about a guy coming back to her. And they dated before. No one really confirmed it. It was always like, you know, there were suspicions that they dated. They did date before her and Joe were together, so it makes sense that she would sing that song. They are together. Let her have fun. What he's said in the past is not a reflection of who she is, and he's just a rock star guy. Let her.

I don't know, I'm in, I'm in, I'm in, I'm in, I'm going Joe.

Why should she suffer? And you know, just no, everyone's like ever everyone hated Joe when they first got together. Everyone just wants her to themselves. Yeah, unless she can be with me. Yeah, I don't want her with anyone. And who is she supposed to be with that has never said one problematic thing in their life. Everyone is problematic everyone.

Isn't it true? The band's called nineteen seventy five because he won't date anybody who was born before.

The good One.

So yes, they are together. I don't have that confirmed by any inside sources or anything, but I have eyes and ears and a working brain, and from what I can tell, they are together. She is not trolling anyone. And it is also rumored that Taylor Swift is coming out with a book that will be released in July, and that is very, very exciting.


And it did send me into a kind of depression spiral yesterday because I'm like, Taylor Swift can write a book and write four albums in a pandemic. I can barely read a book or like listen to an album in that time. I was like memorizing her albums was enough work for me, and I just as much as I want a book from her, I'm just like, can you just wait a couple of years? So goddamn prolific. It's just too much pressure for the rest of us. No one goods Paul McCartney, but she is. When Dan and I get into fights about the Beatles or whether Paul McCartney or Taylor Swift, it's like it's not it's not even a funny. He's coming around Nick.

Yeah, he better yes, Yeah, because that's all I do is play Taylor Swift now and he's and he's imitating her a lot.

Yeah because he he's jealous. He's so jealous. He can't stand that someone actually is as good as his beloved Paul McCartney. Okay, we gotta go. Thank you guys so much for listening to the podcast. We will be back tomorrow, don't you even think we won't. And I'm going to be in Europe coming up very soon. Check out my tour dates. If you are in or around the Europe area, you know that I will be in like fourteen cities just next week, all before June first, my birthday. So it's the last month of my tour before I'm thirty nine. And I would really like to see you guys on the road. I won't be able to do meet and greets unfortunately at these shows, but I will look out in the audience and see your lovely faces, and I really wish you would come see me. I cannot wait. Thank you for listening to the show. Don't be kid and just let her date who she was, right right, right,

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