Nikki and Noa are reunited in Los Angeles in the iHeartMedia/BMP studios. Anya fills them in on her veneer update. They talk about the art of not holding a secret, The Last of Us and being a gummy zombie, Stolen Youth aka Creepy Father on a Couch and the update they got this weekend from a Bestie who called for advice. Nikki wants a big life change and doesn't want to "stick with what she's got". She wasn't ready to but sharing an embarrassing moment at the airport sends Nikki and the girls into a laughing fit. The show that they know nothing about how electricity works and in the Final Thought Nikki talks about singing at the Goddamn Comedy Jam with Bill Burr and why she loves performing music so much.
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The Nicky Glazer Podcast. Here's Nicky. Hello, NICKI Glazer podcast. Billy is a sex Slave. I'm Nicky Glazer. I am in Los Angeles, California, in a very special studio. Is this is this the official iHeart podcast studio or like we're a lot of iHeartRadio podcasts. I think it is, even though I get signs. Yeah, but we're getting our parking to find us because there are no signs that would indicate that this is the building. But this is a sweet ass studio that we get to take advantage of today because Noah is here in Los Angeles. We were together. Look, we could hold hands during the podcast. Oh I feel so close to you. So what a treat. Noah and I are together in Los Angeles at this dope ass studio. Make sure you watch the video online when it's up in a couple of days on our YouTube channel. And then Anya is here in New York. She's still long in the tooth over there, and she's still she's still got her new teeth in until tomorrow, until tomorrow, slightly shorter in the tooth. So they're gonna give you your permanent once tomorrow slightly shorter too. Yeah, they're gonna give me. They're gonna adjust these, and then I and that's the final adjustment. And then I wait for three weeks to get the final But I got a lot of good info. What do you mean. I'll fill you in later on vneer Corner or whenever you're ready our new segment called the near Corner, the nearly there. Wait, just fill us in now. First of all, for people wanting to get vineers, Anya did not. Anya did her own research because even Carlisle last night, who is on our Girls Chat, was like, I wish I wish Anya would have told me. I have so much to tell her, like, don't do it, because Carlos, they have to be replaced every ten years, much like um breast in plants, which you don't hear about. Doctors are just trying to sell you on these things so when you go. When I got lasick, they didn't tell me about the weird near sighted thing where it was like you might have if you get both done, you'll be able to you'll have readers sooner. None of this stuff. They want to just get you in and get you out and get you sold. They don't tell you that you're not gonna be able to bite your fingernails anymore if you get veneers. That's the bit, that's the doozy for me. Yeah, Like if I have a hangnail, I just want to clip it. I just want to get it and like rip it, and you can't get any grip with those front teeth, right to me the most, Yeah, the most. Also, they adjusted my bite like without me asking, so they're like, we made your teeth more correct, and I'm like, they go, they cover your bottom teeth. I'm like, I don't want them covering my bottom teeth because now it's so hard to talk. So get who gives a shit if you think about this at all? Is someone who talks and sings for a living? Yeah about any of this. I thought about it. I researched it, and I did not, But I didn't research nearly enough. I should have sat down with them longer and just done a full on interview. They make it seem like, ah, yeah, you could just do this and then you'll have these permanent I wouldn't even ask them because even when I've asked the hard questions at the Lasi place, which I'm so glad I did it, they were still like it's not just sign the box. It's not a big deal. Everyone does this surgeries. It's like everyone does it, and I'm so grateful I did it because I wake up in the morning and I can like see, but I'm getting the other one done. The one the one eye for me is not working. So I'm gonna get the other one done and it's gonna be amazing because my world through one eye is just the best. I wake up every day, I put up, I patched on it, and I go, this is Levin. But the new thing You don't ask them because they're gonna just tell you what you want to hear. They're gonna tell you what you would want of them here. And so you've got to ask your friends who have gotten veneers before and they'll tell you the truth. And you got to do a trusted friend who doesn't just want to bring you in on their suffering, you know, like friends are trying to sell you in on having a baby or buying a house because they want more. Sorry, yeah, come on, suffer with me, Like take on this burden. So I think in the long run, I will not regret it that I wasn't a pushover, because you know, a week ago when I had these temporary ones fitted. They're like, okay, are you good with this? We're going to send it off to the lab. And I listened to my gut. I listened to my gut, and I was like, I don't think so. I am really having trouble speaking. This is what I do for a living. I sing and speak. I need to enunciate every word, every syllable like this is not okay. And every broadcaster has felt the way they have. I'm just kidding like some people's people living, or like I'm fine slurring words. That's true. Oh my god, Barbara Walters, Yeah, Drew Barrymore has like a little bit of a thing, you know, And that's like, I love darling pression. Please do it. I just say that she does the in my act. I love Drew Barrymore, and she's the one person who I do this like spiel about try to say, spiel spiel You hit it right on the head, Okay, um, you hit it right on the back of your big tooth. I can joke about on your seat. Because they're going the thing, the thing that she has a problem with, by the way, I don't see it. And so it's hard to going to make fun of it. I don't yeah or hear it like I doesn't. So if you think I'm being mean and teasing on you, I'm also making fun of something that she's getting rid of. Follows Yeah. I ran upstairs to do the podcast and Matt was like, have a great day, babe, and I was like, thank you, I'll see you in an hour, and he goes, she han't an hour, and I guess you can't really stop doing it, and he's like, I don't hear it. I'm just giving you ship for fun. I'm like, that can stop. You're like suffer and suck attached. I am so sick of you. And a bunch of best Seach came out to the show after and started giving me feedback about my veneers they did. They were like, I think they look great. I forget that people listening actually exist and I might see them. They listen very carefully. I know that's a new thing for you. It's been It's been a thing in my life for many years where you're like, I did you read my diary? And they're like, no, you started on a podcast that goes two thousands and thousands, and like I know you can squirt if you do this or that your I mean, some besties come up with things that I go, I don't know what the fuck you are referring to, and they say it like it was like something I said because they maybe heard it yesterday and it was an old podcast episode and I'm talking old as in last week and I have moved on. But I have a lot of podcasting friends, and everyone reports the same thing. It's not that I like, I'm not caring about these You just think about a conversation you had a week ago you just don't remember, and we're in the moment, baby, I'm not like planning these things, and you talk very frankly. Yes, So it's like I am I talking on the podcast or am I talking to like my girlfriends? Yes, totally. So often I've had therapists be like, thank you so much for sharing what you just shared, and I'm like, I literally just said it on a podcast too. None of this is like confidential. I don't care if you tell other people. They're always like, it's safe with me. I'm like, tell your other clients if that helps them. Secrets are safe with me. The secret because if you do tell someone a secret it you know they're gonna tell someone, right, don't we all know that no one unless you're like have a partner that you trust who has no friends, who is maybe a mute, Like, you can't tell anyone anything without knowing that they're going to at least tell someone, and they're gonna maybe not say your name, but they're gonna say a friend, and then the friend is gonna be able to like figure it out. Like I had one secret about a friend that I kept that like was one that I was like, I am never gonna tell anyone this. It is ours and I am a good friend and I'm never gonna betray this person. And then she came out and was like, I have this thing, and I'm like that was the one she got all this press for it. I'm like, that was the that was my secret to keep for you, bitch, And now you're on the cover of People magazine. Oh but um, anyway I can joke about it with you because it's something that you're gonna fix. I would never ever make fun of your if you were keeping this thing and I ever heard you do it, I would never make fun of it. Because Jeff Ross always says you can roast people for things that they can change. Oh, that's slippery slope, because sometimes people can't change things that you go, well, just going to diet, you could change it. It's like, well, that's it's that doesn't mean you can make fun of them just because you can change it, you know. But what I was gonna say was, oh, you can't bite your nails. I heard that also they stain. The veneers stain more easily, so you have to get your teeth white and more often. Oh well, no, you told me my teeth are going to be this white for the rest of my life, no matter what they That's not what I heard. I've researched that. I've heard different things on Google. But I've talked to a friend who has them, and they don't stay unless you're like trying to get them to stay, and they really resist stain. That's great. I mean, I'm definitely I would definitely do it. I won't do it because I'm too scared of I've commitment issues and I can't commit to giving up this thing that's been with me my whole life. That's why I still live in Saint Louis. That's why I'm just like, maybe when my parents die, I'll be able to like lose my teeth or something like something neat big needs to be taken from me before that. Like, my teeth to me are like they've been there since the beginning. If you're seen a baby's skull, they've been in my head. My eggs also, we're born with all the eggs we have. Yep, that's fucked up, dude. It's so weird that as little babies we have like so many like woman eggs inside of us. They're immature fucking eggs in us, they're immature, like they won't they can't get fertilized. I just learned that. Okay, well that is a good point. It is weird that your permanent teeth don't show up till you're like what ten or eleven? Yeah, mine came in loud and clear. They busted through. And I have bucked teeth for until I got braces from I guess fourth grade. Until seventh grade. They were bucking out. Man, they were wild. Did you have buck teeth too? Uh? No, but I had an overbite. Oh yeah, and so now Anya does too. Yea. It is weird because you know there's people in this room. Everyone knows. When you've got a nail or like a hanging or something, you know exactly where to place it on your bite line to get it where your two teeth can meet. And then when you have in like um, like when I'm in my uh invisi line, it's gone like that. Little like that. If you need to open a package or something, can you imagine the rest of your life not having I guess you'll find a new spot. But like we should. Protein bars, Yeah, every day I eat protein bars and I never thought about the fact that I can't bite into a protein bar. I'm never gonna like take you know how Bethany Frank will put out that cool video over eating candy. It's like my into gummy. Oh yes, it's such. And I was just like, I won't be able to do that. But then I talked to my friend Jill today and she has like all veneers through her whole mouth, and she's like, no, it's great, no regrets, it's gonna be fine. They look great. You just need them. She gave me a couple of little tips. She's like, the back should not be thick. You should definitely get that hold on this biting thing. You can bite into things, she said, because Carlile last night told me she has to trepidaciously eat apples at jerky any any She can't ever bite into anything without she thinks about it first, now, which is not that big of a burden. I mean, okay, I think aside with Carlyle too. Yeah, because my friend Jill has a bridge and veneers, so maybe it's easier for her. I'm just pissed off about this thing. It hit me the other day in the middle of the night in a depression. I was just like, he hits me, I have to come out here, and I was just thinking, you know what this is like. This is like if someone said, oh, you don't like your hands, you have age spots and wrinkles, Well guess what you can get Angelina Jolie's exact perfect hands with her skin. Well, we'll just take your hands off and replace them. I don't know, just like so much perfect hands. And then they sew rub her hands onto your hands, and then you realize, no one told me these hands don't work. They're just beautiful and they sit there, but they don't work. They'll never pick anything up. So that's what this thing is. It's like hello in the Apocalypse, I will be fucked if these fall out. I'm just gonna have stillagtites. No, oh no, that's going to pray. That's last. I am fucked. No, this is good news. If cort aceps really takes over like in the Last of Us and you get it, you're gonna be like a gummy zombie and no one's gonna get bit. You're just gonna go out. But I'm just not on people on people's necks with your stellatite. Yeah, that's good. If you get bit by a zombie, you're just gonna We're just gonna be like, hang out, keep hanging out. You don't have anything to give this to us with man Last of Us is our as everyone watching, I'm not close men in the room. Yes, are you guys watching? Yes? Yes, it's so good. It's it's have you gotten into it yet? I I just can't watch apocalyptic stuff. Why because it just makes me depressed. I'm trying to like stay positive and oh this for some reason, it does not make me depress. Watching like Emily and Paris would make me depressed because I'm not as thin as her. I'm not my life isn't going as well as her. I'm not in Paris. I'm not that shit. Reality shows make me depress. Last of us, I'm like, I'm not. This is a total fantasy. It's good, it is good. Last I'm surprised you're watching a zombie. It's me and Chris's show. Chris is very into it because it's boy zombie, but last night he was definitely disappointed in this episode because it's just like a date. These two girls go on a date the whole time, and I was loving it, but then then there is there is a scene where Zombo wakes up and like attacks them, and it's really good, and um, it's just interesting because the cool thing about the show is that I love that this whole thing happened twenty years prior where the world changed. It's like COVID, but if COVID was way way worse and lasted forever and everything changed, and there are people that were born within the time who have never lived in the old time. So I talked about this before, but this little girl, Ellie, and it has never flown in a plane, she's never driven in a car, she's never played a video game, but she knows about all this stuff. Can you imagine if? Like that's interesting? We think about people in history that never played video games, never drove in cars, never, but they couldn't imagine what that was. She can at least see it, and she's like, I never get to do that, and um and so there she gets to experience a little bit of it on this last episode and it's so good. And Joel is not in the episode at all, but boy is he just fun to look at, even when he's like writhing and dying and has like an old open wound. Um, oh my god. I can't wait to catch up. We're still on a loan. I mean, we're on the new season of Alone and it's it's the same thing. It's it's almost like, how would you do one alone with your veneers? Yes, terribly. Yeah. I'd been trying to like gnaw on a fucking musk ox's leg and they would paint us out. They eat at all, they get that vitamin D. I want to I want to watch the new show Daisy Jones and the Six or whatever. It's about like a band in the seventies. I think Elvis's granddaughter, isn't it People? I hear that's gonna be good. There's some new reality show that I sent Annia last night that is supposed to be really really bad and good. What's it call? Do you remember Perfect Match? We're gonna get Perfect Match on Netflix. Oh and you've got to watch Stolen Youth. Holy shit on Netflix or on Hulu. Stolen Youth. It is about a cult that this dude, this it's called Creepy Father, sleeps on your couch and then get you in a sex call. It should be called Creepy Father on a Couch All Dad, evil traits. Sarah Lawrence. It's unreal that this man was able to get all of these kids on board, like it just shows you how impressionable we all are. What's the premise? Real quick? Okay? These a bunch of college coeds are living in an off campus apartment together. They're off more year. One of them is dating this really pretty girl who has a dad who's just getting out of prison because he was wrongly put away because the government was after him. He finally gets out, he sends up sleeping on their couch. He is a very he worked for the CIA apparently, and all these things and and you know, covert ops and uh, he pretty much starts just like talking to them about their past trauma. This is how these cults start psychology, even though I love psychology, I love talking about trauma. He gets them to admit, like, you know, things happen in your past, and then he starts to bring up things. This is this is how they get them. They start to get these kids to admit to things that happen to them, or to uncover things in the past that may have happened to them. You know, what's it called memories when they're forgotten, repressed repressed memories. Now, when you get people to open up repressed memories, whether they're repressed or not, what you do then is is you open up a world of things that could have happened that probably didn't. And so once he's got that in, that hook in them of like all these things happened to you, and they cut their families called they are sleep deprived because they're staying up all night talking to this guy. And then they start he starts to accuse them of like I mean, it's then they start living with him. I mean it just you slowly see how dumb people can be, even though these are smart people and want to And the big headline of the thing is that they got this Um Columbia University med school, UH got full ride, went to Harvard. She they got her, he got her and um. And you can just see the devastation of like mind control, what it does and how I mean he might have been poisoning them. It's very unclear, but I didn't give anything away that will make you not want to watch the documentary. It's really good. Um. I found out who that man was that gave him his apartment. That was his attorney and Joe my good. He convinced his attorney to let him stay. I will. I feel that even I, if I met Larry, would be persuaded somehow to hold his penis late at night as we slapped. That's how we had these girls sleep next to him, one on each side, and one held his penis through the night. He's like, that's how she sleeps, That's that's what she needs. That's that's what you need. That's how we're gonna That's how you're not think she held it? Was it like over his thighre like in between his legs. I think it's like he slept on his back and then they slept next to him, side by side, and one of them would just put her hand over and hold it, which is kind of fun to do sometimes if you're in a partnership where it's kind of like fun to just be like I just because flassi penises. Yes, I do, and so I Later that night I had watched documentary and I told Chris. I was like, can I just show you what these girls had to do it? I was like, can I just do this and feel safe? Because flass and penises are so funny, it's so cool that you got them. What I read in a Tantric yoga book that that this was one of the things they suggest to connect with your partner throughout the day, like just rest your hand on their penis. Yes, I just remember that it was a repressed memory. Well I've got you then, So why do you keep damaging all the microphones I send you? Um? You owe me seven hundred thousand dollars? All right, we have to go to break, but we'll be back with so much more after this, and including an update on um what was her name? Lin Peyton of Peyton, who whose brother is gay and wanted to go to her wedding we actually talked to her over the weekend and have an update for you and much much more up with this. All right, we are back. So if you remember from the last episode, we had a fan thrax from Lynette slash Peyton who said, I don't like an archaic name because I see Peyton in my head. I see a why, I see an E, and then I let it go and then there's like what I fill in the blanks. So okay, So Peyton sent us this, um so she pretty much she she so if you don't remember, or for those that didn't hear the episode, she was getting married. She was having her brother want to come to the wedding and maybe kind of come out at the wedding. It was a West Virginia wedding and a lot of her relatives didn't know that he was gay, and it was going to be like a coming out for him, and she was kind of like nervous that. Well, we're going to get filled on why she was nervous, So I'm going to get to the meat of this. This is the first event he mentioned bringing his boyfriend to and my request of not doing so might overflow his cup and ruin any shot. I had of having a closer and deeper relationship with him. I wouldn't intentionally want to make himself smaller, but that is what I feel like I'm doing to him. I called him the same night I left the voicemail for the show. I was making myself sick over expressing my wants without hurting either of their feelings. We had a big talk and cried together. You hit the nail on the head, saying his lack of response or follow through is due to the weight of hiding who he is from the people who who love him the most. I was able to express how badly I want to be a part of each other's lives and want to be there for him. Blah blah, blah. I'm just kidding. Unfortunately, no, this is such a I'm so glad she wrote this. Unfortunately, the boyfriend and my sched will didn't and Slash won't allow for us to meet before the wedding, but we're going to try in between the wedding and honeymoon, so separate place for her to meet him and like him ingratiated into the family. Brothers supposed to watch dogs and bring boyfriend with him. I'm thankful they were both open and understanding of my wants, and there isn't bad blood, which she wrote incursive a different font and wrote a line underneath because she knows I'm a swifty so there wasn't bad blood over the situation. I hope reiterating to him that I am always going to be on his side has made his load a little lighter. I'm also very excited to meet the man my brother loves. Okay, so the questions from the pod that she wanted to do an address rather than being afraid to share the spotlight, or rather being afraid that the spotlight will be taken away from meet. My fear is that I will not look back on this day with anything but love, she wrote in parentheses worst case scenario. So that makes sense. She doesn't need the spotlight. She just wants the day to just be all about love, no drama. I tried to find out if he planned on bringing a plus one months in advance, so we could have him introduce boyfriend in smaller pre wedding events. Oh, makes sense. And we are only doing a ceremony and dinner, so there's no reception or buffer to bring him in later. Okay, all of it makes sense. Thank you for the clarity on this. I actually met Um Peyton face to face. I did not. She just gave a letter to Anya to get to me the little dog. She attached it to Anya's wing. She flew it back. Very cute listener. Thank you to our besties for being so beautiful. No, she was so nice. She was. I was like, how did you feel when you were listening to the podcast? She's like, I cried. I'm like, because we hurt your feelings? Did I hurt your feelings? She's like no, I was so touched that it got heard and addressed. So that was so sweet. Yeah. Sometimes when I meet a lot of fans that are go that go, oh you read my fan threx or you played it, And I always getting nervous because I'm like, did I say something mean? Or did I not that I would ever say anything. Sometimes you like make sometimes you disagree with something they say. You just like I always just want to tread lightly, especially when people are generous enough to give us their voices and content like that. So UM met a lot of besties this weekend. We had so many shows. I was yesterday exhausted, but I feel alive again today especially seeing Noah picking me up in her rav four that she let me drive on the way here, and she definitely was scared and it was not you weren't. No, my driving doesn't scare you. No, thank you, no way. I think you're a very good driver. You saw that lady in the jeep like switch lanes, yes abruptly, and you avoided it. It was great and smashed big time by this jeep that was coming. Any other person that I was driving her car would have been like, oh my god, and like how and done a whole thing. But no, it was just like I got it. This is what I don't like. Its overreactions to things that don't happen. People. I was like, oh my god, they could have and it's like it didn't happen. Let's keep going on with our day. So thank you. And I know you're very good at multitasking. So I know that you're a good driver because there's a lot going on and you're good at handling all of it. I loved ever misspells anything in her text when she's driving. She's got that she was driving today. I did, but I was looking up when I did it. I don't ever look down and text. So if you know who's suffering if I'm texting and driving, not other people. I'm using one hand, but I'm looking. Yes, they're suffering because there I say thank you darling and I write thank you Darlin. Speaking, I am I'm looking at dogs tomorrow, which I'm always looking at dogs because they're cute as fuck, but I am h looking to get a dog tomorrow because I've been thinking about, like getting a house. I've been thinking about making a move. Like there's different, there's like I thought I was pregnant last week. There was like things going on. It was accidental, like I didn't want to be and thank god I wasn't, but I took a pregnancy test in between. You only have like Daddy in Lexington, Kentucky, and the odds of me getting pregnant at the age of thirty eight accidentally when I was off birth control for two weeks at the time that it happened, or literally I should play the powerball. Well, if I get pregnant, I think, actually, when you get off of birth control, your chances increase, but you'd only be at like a I don't six percent chance. Yes, there was no chance, so yes, it's it's so hard to get pregnant, go out there and try, girls to even try. Yeah, it's literally possible. So it was anal Well you don't know, they're all it's all connected down there at this point. For me, Oh, if you do it enough, yeah up, um so open. I don't done with that. Man, that really grows me out. But um yeah, so I don't. There's been this like I need a change. I want to get a haircut, I want to maybe dye my hair. I know these are all things I'm not going to. I'm gonna get a dog instead. Okay, I'm not gonna do something that will only last a couple months until it grows out. I'm gonna do something that's permanent, that lasts until it dies in twenty years because small dogs or they live it. Man, And get a dog whose hair you can cut or like change its hairstyle. That's such a good idea. I'm gonna give my dog a pixie cut and have everyone go looks, No, that's good. Bangs. Yeah, I'm gonna get I honestly hate when dogs have bangs. Get the hair out of your goddamn dog's face. These poor dogs that have constantly seeing through bangs. I know it's cute, get cut their bangs. My mom goes, you get away from Marian's face, because Marian's constantly is like like her eyeballs are penetrated by hair constantly, like I can see the hair like going into her eye. Like she doesn't care. She's just like like and I'm like, that's gotta be annoying. So I start to cut. She goes, you get away from my dog. I'm like, it used to be mine. So I'm looking at getting a dog. I want a small one that I can take on planes with me. It can travel with me all the time. I don't have to get sitters. Ever, my mom's like, you don't get a chalk nicky place. My mom doesn't want me to do anything I realized, like anything i'd ever want to do the other day, I was looking at a house to buy and I was like, Mom, not gonna buy it. But like, if I were to buy a house, this is like I could see me getting a place like this. She goes, all right, don't do it. Don't like I never have like even a little interest from her. Anything I want to spend money on, I wouldn't do it. Nick I wouldn't do it, So I got Lasick. I didn't tell her I was getting lace because I knew I was gonna hear I wouldn't do it. I think it's too late. You just stick with what you got too late, stick with what you got. Well, there was like a common misconception about Lasick that at least had trickled down to me, that it's too late. At one point, that's what I was led to believe to the people in their eighties are getting Lasick. I was with her in the waiting room. Oh yeah, you can get it till the end. Also, stick with what you got is such a powerful message from a parent, like that must permeate other parts of your life. Stick with what you got. It was everything I heard as a kid because I used to tell my mom, I'm ugly. Why did you make? Why did I used to say, why did you and dad have sex when you knew you could make something as ugly as me? This would be after boys tease me at school and like I buck teeth And I was like Lauren was perfect looking. She had not like she was not you know, awkward looking yet or ever. But um and I used to say, I remember like just berating my mom being like you and dad knew that you had DNA that could make something as ugly as me, Why would you irresponsibly have sex? Like I was smart enough to like connect it to that, Yeah, like this is your fault. And my mom would go, you'd be happy with what you have, which is not calming. That doesn't make you feel good. It just makes you feel like, yeah, you are ugly, deal with it right right, as opposed to like, no, you're beautiful, which I probably wouldn't have accepted either, and I'd be talking about She used to say, no, you're beautiful when I knew I wasn't. That's what my old therapist Donna used to say, because I would say I was an ugly kid. And my dad used to say, you are so beautiful, and he truly believed it, Like he would just stop sometimes and like he'd just be staring at me, and I would like catch him staring at me, and I go, Dad, what, And He's like, You're so goddamn beautiful. You're just one of the most beautiful people. It was very loving. It wasn't creepy. He like loved that I had, Like he was like these like fly like the things I hated most about myself in seventh grade, if I could pin point, was the bags under my eyes because I had chronic sinus infections because my parents smoked inside. It was their fault. But also, um, I had like a like cow licks. So if I put it back my hair, I was always jalous of girls I could put the back their hair and it would be just slick. Mine would be like these fuzzy things hanging off like Bozo's crown. Like it was just it was. It looked like ethereal. I always had these like and no hair. Now I don't know, I don't know it was a child thing, but I or I eve embraced them. I don't even know what it is. But I had these baby hairs that I hated, and my dad used to say, those are amazing, They're the best thing. And my therapist Donna goes, that's why, Um, that's why you have anger towards your dad because you knew he was a liar. He was lying to you when you knew it, and he lied to you on the spot and you knew it every day. He was lying to you when he said you were beautiful, And I was like that's come on a good point, Like if you're if you have something going on, your parent constantly. I was like, no, you're beautiful. You kind of get to even with Santa Claus. Sorry if kids are listening. But like when he didn't think he was lying to you, what if he believed it. I do think he believed it, but I took it as him lying to me because he did lie about Santa. When I confronted him, I saw his foot shaken. I knew because what do you think? And his foot was going fucking wild. Oh my god, I have a question about chat. Yeah, what I A. I was on a six hour flight the other day and the whole flight, this guy in my row was shaking his foot and it was moving the entire row. No, no, no no, you got you gotta go, sir, sorry, and just gently put your hand on it, touch him on his and touch him. Well. I guess I used to do that to Andrew. I would just gently touch his leg and go hey, because it would be like shaking the whole couch. You know. Ian Ian's Fat's the one. Ian's the one. I used to do it too. In finance. Yeah, but people that do that they burn more you can touch with people without asking. I mean, you're a gorgeous woman, you probably could. He was an angry man. I asked him if I could go to the bathroom, and he rolled his eyes and goes, what oh god, kiss No, he goes up there, you can't what. Yeah, the coach guy was shaking the entire row. Yeah, the whole row. He was like doing restless leg syndrome, and he had seven shots of Jack Daniels. Okay, this isn't someone you want to talk to. You're right, You're just gonna have to like scare of this one. Yeah, that's a scary person. But also, man, there's a part of me that wants to get that person to try to punch me. It would be worth it. Like I said, as they should, as they should. That woman, I wanted her to punch me because I had done nothing wrong except to go as they should. Oh, it would have been amazing. Nikki Glazer gets decked in the face by some trumpy like or some guy on a plane like assault, I would beg you to hit me. If you're a crazy person. I've done nothing wrong. I look like the hero when I get an excuse to get a nose job. I have a question. In our notes, you said you put an embarrassing boarding area mode. I can't even like tell it yet. Oh okay, never mind, oh embarrassing scratch that. No, okay, I will tell it. But this is like it's rare that I get humiliated, like humiliated. It happened, Okay, this is a smaller. It happened twice in boarding areas. And you want to know why it's happening. Because of my noise canceling headphones. Those goddamn AirPods cancel out too much noise. You don't hear people around you, you don't understand. And boarding areas, you know, when they pack them in, there's like four announcements going on at once for four different gates, and you're hearing, Oh, work boarding group B, work boarding group A. We're boarding you know, veterans wheelchair accessibility. So I hear, Okay, I'll just tell them one I hear. I hear, but I know that I like, I've gotten this ticket bought by me, bought for me by like Sony, So I'm fine, first class, I have all the perks, right, I know, I'm number one, you know. So they call we're beginning boarding and I see already some people trickling on, so I go they were and they weren't, you know, disabled, so I knew it was my turn. They were just regular, not that people who are disabled aren't regular, Please don't come after me, but you know they were able body wheelchairs. Yeah, so I just go right. I don't cut anyone, but I'm just zipping along. And I realized, though, I know what I could be in trouble for. I've got a fanny pack on. But if I realize if you wear if you wear a fanny pack, it doesn't count as a personal bag. If you are wearing it on your body, it doesn't count. But I have a guitar and I have a suit case. Okay, So then I scanned my boarding pass and I hear and there's tons of people right, and I hear the woman say something and I know what she's saying. She's saying, your suit case is too big. It's not going to fit in the overhead, which it was because I had done the little expander zipper and I had forgotten to do the unexpanded one right, so I I forgot to do that before they started boarding. I was all fucked up on time. I don't like to ever be someone who holds up the line. So I quickly, oh my god, I quickly set my suitcase down, like pull it to the sides, it set down, unzip it really quickly, and I'm just like taking things out and holding them and zip it back up. And she and I go and I go uh, And then I start walking down the jet bridge and they're screaming my name. I can't hear it. But then eventually she's like, maam. And then I get back and she's and everyone's watched this whole thing. Okay, she goes and I go what. She goes, you're boarding pass And I was like, oh, oh, it didn't scant, so I give it back and she goes, it's the wrong flights. Oh my god. I wasn't. It wasn't even boarding yet. So not only did everyone on this flight see me like spill out my things and be like and then be like see now it fits, and like do this whole thing, but then I had to walk back out, and then everyone from my own flight saw this display. It was like because of the shame. It was so embarrassing. And then yesterday I got really cook again. It was so embarrassing. This is the problem without having a friend. When I was like traveling with Andrew constantly, it was nice because if something embarrassing happened, you had someone to go Ah. That was like you trip and fall, You're like, oh what India, When you're buy yourself, no one's there to like laugh with you and like and if you do it to yourself, you look like an even bigger idiot, like, oh, what a dumb dumb I am. So yesterday I finished my latte. I like sucked it down within like two minutes, even though I get them extra hot. I get them extra hot so that I can drink them fast, because if they're just normal temperature, I'll chug too much. So I get an extra hot so they'll like burn me if I chug. But so you get them to drink slow. You said fast, to drink fast, Yeah, I get yeah, so its slow me down. So sorry I was talking too fast. I get them extra hot so it will slow me down. The problem is my throat is now calloused, and I can just chug scalding holliquids. It's no problem. So I chugged this fucking latte and then we're about to board and there's like, you know, everyone is waiting because they're boarding like the early group, so everyone's waiting around. It's like really tight, and I see this trash can and I'm like, I know I can fucking dunk it let or like you know, just like swish oh no. So it's and it's like two feet away it's nothing, and I know it's the side. The cap and the holder come off and they both go different ways, and then the coup falls about three like nothing goes in the trash coup, but then my cops was into three pieces and it goes everywhere and I have to like collect it, and I'm living in this little like I have like a gentle podcast on you know, Sam Harris is talking to me about like no free will, and it's I can't hear anyone, and i know everyone's looking at me, and I'm collecting it and I'm going, oh, that was embarrassing, And I'm saying it was embarrassing to myself. I mean, it's humiliating. It's making me hot just thinking about it because everyone must have been just like I hope I wasn't recognized in that moment. It was just so bad. So that was my embarrassing boarding moment, just knowing that people were like it always happens when I had the damn headphones in because I can't hear what people are saying, and I assume I know what they're saying. Does anyone else out there have those fucking AirPods? You don't have the AirPod pros though not yet, But I was wearing these the other day on a plane yesterday, and I was sitting next to like if Paddington Bear was a female woman was eighty years old. Was hilarious. She had given up what she was saying, yeah, a huge purse. She was so disheveled. I don't think she had been on a plane ever, maybe a couple times, like decades ago, and she just like I was obsessed with her. She had all these papers, like old graph paper from nineteen eighty two in her bag and took out all these endless oranges that she was eating, and then she like leaned over to me and was like that'thing by the way, it like it's a burst of like a fresh, gentle, nice smell. It's that is the best thing to eat on a plane, is a fresh orange. No one's gonna be upset. I don't think okay, she was dying to talk and connect and I was like, I'm in my zone own and she's like, I'm eating my seaweed snack and she's like pointing at me and like, take off your headphones. Take them off. And I'm like, oh my god, there we go. What I take them off? And she goes, those are a great snack. No, no, how just she's like, I lost my clog. She's just like fever actually like kicking her leg under my seat and like everywhere. And then she's like she does. It's so bright, and we take off and she's just her nose is like smushed against the glass For the whole flight. She's just staring into the abyss like she can't believe. And Matt and I can't read our iPads because she's it's so bright in the If you're at the window, shut the fucking window. Unless you're a child, shut the window. People want to sleep, people want it dark, people want to watch their phones. Um. Yeah, the just the idea that people knew. My the woman had nearly said to me, man, this is the wrong flight, and then what they see is a woman just violently thrown to the ground and open it and then like take some things out, zip it back up, zip the other zipper that tightens it. Then put it in that little cart thing to be like and go see it fits. What the fuck are you doing? And I have my guitar that's swinging around and I'm like, I just I mean, I looked insane. It's just so embarrassing when you've been doing something for a while. That's my biggest embarrassment is when there's been a long birth of time where people are witnessing you thinking one thing and it not being the right way, Like if I like the other day I said the word stealth. I was like telling people to take pictures at my shows because it's always like pictures are always take no photography during the show. I always tell people please take pictures, sneak a video. I don't care. So I told him on my story, I was like, be stealth and someone wrote me it was like stealth, be stealth be bet are you Millennia? And I was like, oh fuck, it's stealthy. And then I also misspelled Ithaca and my dad knew. And then Anya was like, oh, like you misspelled Ithaca, and I go, you knew. Why didn't you tell me you're just like talking behind my back that I misspelled. I can't say it. Well that's a good point, at least I can say it. But I hate things happening behind my back. I mean, who likes that? But like the way you said it, I was like, you've noted it. You know I misspelled this thing. I bet you have at I was about to write to you, I just got distracted. I was about to be like Ithaca, and then I'm like, I don't be County. Who cares? Like, I'm sure she's gotta be County? Later when when I just thought you had no like someone had written for sure, people had commented under it saying, it's Ithaca, you're misspelling. How did you spell it to your mind the way it should be spelled, the way it said it? It h I oh okay, so it's I h A. My bad. Please come to just call anytime there's something wrong, just call it out in the moment, because my biggest fear is people talking about me behind my back, which I know happens. I mean, this is what I do for a living, So that's most people have to talk about being behind my back. Back because there's no you're not going to meet me to say these things or they dm me. But like the idea that my friends behind my back are like she missmells Ithaca is enough for me to not want to be friends anymore. Like if if I knew that that kind of like like shit talking. What's going on like recently? I think any friendship? Yeah, yeah, yeah, recently? What's happening recently? Anya said something about like, oh, one time we did have like a talk about you and you're like like depression and like your moods and stuff, and I was like a sidebar was had, Like I know it was out of like love, but then just don't tell me about the sidebar later on. Right, if you're talking about me behind my back, don't ever let me know that it happened. There's now many rules I can't remember all these. Well here's the only rule. Don't if you talk about it, I mean behind my back, don't tell me you did ever. Why it was for everyone it was proof that that person cared about you. That person who shot out need proof. I already know that that person cared about me. I don't need proof now I know that you don't care about me because you talked about it behind my back. We'll be back. We're going to break. I'm going to talk to some one behind our back. All right, we're back. Um, we're gonna do we know nothing. Here's the theme song that has really doesn't fit. We know. I may have edited in. I don't know if I did. I think I don't say we know nothing. Okay. So originally that song was for like an advice segment, which I think we should do because I think we did a pretty good job the other day for Linnette Peyton, Peyton and Wynet. So today we're gonna try to describe something that we don't know anything about. Um, this was the subject that was picked earlier today. I really this segment. Really I get scared about. I've been delaying it the whole show. I want to talk about anything else than this. Um okay. So the thing we're going to try to explain is how electricity works. The Usually this is embarrassing, but now there's like four men in this room stare work here at I heard who I know that at least two of them with electricity. Yeah, that they work. They they they know about Tesla coils and flying kites and drones, little drones. Yeah, okay, here's how. So there's a grid, right, Electricity is definitely on a grid. All I know is that there was electricity last night in the episode of the Last of Us. I don't know how, but there was, and I don't know how they're getting it the generators, right. What electricity is to me? Okay, let's see. All I can say is to me, electricity means love. It means power. Um. I believe electricity is based on some kind of force. Right, We're talking wind, we're talking water pressure. There's like a force that creates something that is bigger than that's something else, and that that force has to go somewhere and that then can make then make things do something. But where does it come from? Like where does that force come from? Well, um, I don't win wind, wind and solar power and and like water like you know, like windmills electricity, that's electricity. Uh, sunlight, we can make electricity. I don't know how this all happened. Okay, So it's definitely a a bunch of um like it's I I can't I can't even begin to describe what I don't know. So, NYA, do you have any do you have any ideas these guys are twitching around it? It was not invented. The light bulb was invented by Benjamin Franklin. I thought it was Thomas Edison. That's Thomas Edison. Yeah, because like Edison, isn't that like an electric company in York? Edison? Ben Franklin did, he did? The Thomas Edison was the kite. No, Ben ben Franklin was kite with a key struck by lightning. Then they don't look at me really so, but electricity is a thing that I don't think it was invented. I think it just is and we just discovered it. Oh yeah not yes, on a balloon. Static electricity exists because the electrons electrons are there. We go positive and nega of electrons, so there's energy harnessed by that. Dumb electricity just came to be in like the turn of one of the centuries. So it was recent, you know, like it's not like we're so stupid. A lot of people didn't know what the fuck it was or how do you know what? Okay, so it's for me it's hard to understand. How does it get into everyone's house wires? So like how but you look outside all those beings, like when one of those poles falls over, then boom, no electricity, or like something explodes. So I understand that, but how does it travel through these wires? God, spirit, there's a grid. It's all connected through the grid. Let's let's go online, because I think we're out of We're out of ideas. The concept of electricity itself is based on electron movement. Okay, all right, did not say that. Yeah, when you force electrons to move in sync. Okay, I can put in sync and anything, and I get it. When they force electrons, when you force electrons you to move in sync, they end up producing heat, which turns the wire they're moving into a magnet. Okay, let's get more into this because we're gonna we're gonna learn right now. Wait, so all those wires outside our magnets? Probably, So why aren't cars just like being lifted in the air and attaching. Britannica describes electricity as a phenomenon associated with stationary or moving electric charges. Every electrical charge is a fundamental property of matter being borne by elementary particles. So I was right. Electricity is already a thing. We are just farnessing it. It can't be created or destroyed. For electricity, this elementary particle, God, I don't like the word elementary. Stop using it, Dear Watson, I'm sorry. For electricity. This elementary particle is an electron that has a negative charge, which is carried to the next electron through the convention method. So when we talk about how electricity were, it's essentially the result of the accumulation or motion of a specific number of electrons. Moreover, electricity travels in a closed circuit for the electrons to move through it. Let's explain this with the help of an example. No, I don't want to know anymore. I don't need to know. I imagine you flip a switch to turn on the light. What do you do? You basically close a circuit. By applying the same logic, when you flip a switch off, you open a circuit. Well, I would think it was the opposite. It's saying, when you flip a switch off, you open a circuit. Now, when you close a circuit, the flow of electricity from the electric wires powers through them, powers through them through the light, and vice versa. Likewise, Okay, I'm done, I'm done. Moreover, Electricity takes different forms like water, coal, wind, solar, hydro electricity, and nuclear. I think we uncovered it. I think. To explain this to me, I don't even think they would even try to do that tackle that. Yeah, I mean, was Ben Franklin involved at all? He had he had the kite Ben Franklin electricity. I'm typing it in. I think I think he had the kite, but I don't think he was. Okay, Benjamin Franklin then the kite experiment. Okay, yes, Oh. Despite a common misconception, Benjamin Franklin did not discover electricity during this experience experiment, or at all for that matter. It's just the first. He just went to a park and got credit, he'd oh on June. On a June afternoon in seventeen fifty two, the sky began to darken over the city of Philadelphia as rain began to fall and lightning threatened. Most of the city's citizens surely hurried inside, but not Benny frank Frank's. He decided it was the perfect time to go fly a kite. He had been waiting for an opportunity like this. He wanted to demonstrate the electrical nature of lightning. Okay, so yeah, he didn't discover it, so he wasn't a dumb dumb He was doing something to show how l tricity works. Yes, but I don't have something to do with it. But he didn't discover it. Who invented electricity? Even though we know that's not it, but we know we oh shit, it's still writing. We know that no one invented it, but I would just want to write it that way because you know people would be searching it like that. Who invented electricity? Okay? William Grenier, Who Shuiler Wheeler, Henry M Leland, and Ebenezer Kinnerslag Scrooge. These are the inventors electricity, So I guess it is. Benjamin Franklin took things a big step ahead, Thomas says. Alva Edison is one of the greatest of all inventors and is normally credited with creating the light bulb. Nicholas Tesla, Yeah, oh god, okay, we can't know everything. I can't believe those four guys are not famous at all at all. They just had like bad marketing. Everyone will be forgotten. Yeah they didn't. They didn't have They didn't pay six grant for a PR company like some people. Like some people, final thought, we know nothing about electricity. I still don't know anything about it, so I wouldn't try to how to c minus how do you love kids? And when these questions come up, I guess you just google stuff and then you learn together. And that's and that's what that's Noah's thing where she was like, I was like, why do you want to have kids? You were like to see the world through their eyes? Really, she meant, because I need to learn some shit. I need to go back to school, elementary school, and this is the only way. Oh my god, it's embarrassing. But then some dads are like, all right, this is where I excel. I've been waiting for this question. So here's here's an positive electron, here's a negative, and then they just talk loudly. There was a guy in the park the other day, loud dad, showing his kids how to fish, and he was ruining everything for everyone because he was just shouting at them, teaching them how to fish and how these fish are different than those fish. And when did you learn did you learn anything from this loud dad that I'm so grateful that you have a quiet and meek boyfriend who raises but yeah, he raises his hand to before he can ask a question, Oh, would you describe that as meek? Really only to me? Okay, you know he raises his hand and I go, yes, Matt, and he goes, is it okay if we start the show of the Team's late tonight, like he's a meek guy? I don't. There's something wrong with being meek. I bet he's not meek and Bead she's very he's very bossy and bad. Yeah, I think, so all right to interrupt, not yet I'm hoping, Oh to interrupt. I get Yeah, I'm like, this is an interruption this thing because I'll be like, you know what I love and then just stop? Is abvi? Meek abs very quiet? No, he's not. He's really loud really, but it's all it's just like not because like he has no hearing anymore. So he's just like naturally does he have no hearing? One? He was born with a hearing deficiency, and then he's been playing in grind bands for like almost his whole life. Yes, so his hearings At night, I was at the comedy store and did the goddamn comedy jam and m Bill Burr was there and he had and they were so fucking loud. We were backstage and the band was so loud it was I was I was ready to like walk out because I was like, I can't be around this. And he was like, I can't believe you guys don't wear a head or you know, earplugs, and I'm like, I always bring them. I love. I can't believe how many people don't use Like I have tenitis from not wearing it forever. But he had earplugs and he was so smart, but um, and then I put in my AirPods. I was like, I don't know, join my AirPods. It's perfect. Um. But yeah, last night I was at the goddamn Comedy Jam and right before him going on, I was doing a Taylor Swift song like I've done with them for a while, and I was playing guitar. I made the mistake, which is such a um, I think a novice guitarist mistake of not like I did it really, I always play the guitar sitting down. Never am I standing up. And then I stood up and it was the fucking strap was too long. So I'm like playing and I hadn't because I hadn't played it backstage. I figured I would be sitting on a stool or something when I got up there, so I'm like playing it down like I'm like like in a runny back or whatever. I don't even know, yeah, a grunge band exactly. So it was really hard for me to play but it ended up going well. But right before I go on, this guy backstage who I don't even know. He was like, um, Matt Heely from the nineteen seventy five is here tonight. When I was like, he was like, oh, he's a buddy of mine. I go what He's like, yeah, do you know him? I was like, of course I know who that is. He's here watching this show. And I was like, oh, and I'm doing a Taylor Swift song. He's like friends with her. It was like I was so nervous, but then I was like, Oh, this makes me so much better when the pressure's on, when I have someone in the audience that I'm like I need to impress. Not that I was impressive at all. I listened to my vocals and they were pissed pore, but um, I was like because Carlott was with me, She's like, are you nervous Now, I'm like, I mean kind of, but like also, this is where I thrive, Like when there's not someone, when I get to have someone there that I have like a crush on, or it's someone that I like really admire as a peer. That's why I'm always trying to get Chris to come see me performed, because I'm like, it's gonna be a better show, because I'm trying to get laid from like being so dazzling that you can't help but like be horned up for it, even though I don't think most guys get like horny for women who are like commanding a stage. Yes they don't, Yeah they don't. But for some reason, it's like do you get do you get? Do you feel better Anya when you're performing in you know Matt is watching you adoringly? No, Matt, Yes, But if I know a good guitar player is there, I get I get so self conscious and I'll make a bunch of errors and screw up because yeah, that's probably watching me play guitar, and then I'm like fumbling. Yes. Well, I went out knowing that Matt Healy was there, and I knew that he would like like Ednyone would judge these comedians like trying to be what he does best, like a badass rock star. I made the point of, like, we're comedians trying to be rock stars. We know that we're not good at this, just like rock stars are not good at being comedians, but you guys get away with so much more. And then I did my example of Dave Matthews being like, it smells good out there, and I We're like, hey said we'd rock stars can say anything and people fucking die laughing, but god forbid, I sing a little bit in between jokes. Um yeah, it's uh, it was, but it was really fun. Last night Carlisle came out and um yeah, Bill Burr played uh smells like teen Spirit and I love that song. I didn't know that he was gonna play it, but he's only playing drums on it, and those that drumming for that song is like the one song that I've been like, I want to get a drum kit because I love that those drums and um so I I had already finished, but I was like, and Josh Adam Myers had already sang like a bunch of songs because he's with the band so he was singing it and I was like, I know this song really well, and I just ran up on stage in the middle of it because I was like, I want to perform with Bill Burr, and so I sang us like team Spirit. It was so fun. I wish I would have looked at the lyrics a little bit more because they're weird. Mulatto, I'm Moskaito. I don't even think you could say mulatto anymore. I'm like, like, but it was so fun. It's so like, sorry, but comedy sucks compared to being a rock star. It literally blows. It's It is the difference between getting like I don't know, it's like how the pant's hand job compared to like full penetration when it comes to um freedom and like of expression. And is it because the audience is more active, like through the set, like they're singing along with you, they can't really do it. It's more remote. You get to be more emotional, and I think that that's like so intriguing to me of just being able to like scream and like you can get like messy and go like like you can just like I love on my Explore page. It's all musicians like kind of like rubbing their face and being like and like twitching when they're singing and like getting like into it and like I love it. I love that, Like you can look like you're coming on stage and everyone's okay with it. Like that is freedom of expression more so than anything. And I think as a comedian, comedians are kiah. We're all wanting to be cool. Desperately. We want you to think we're cool. Even when we're talking about how like we farted on someone's head or something, we're still trying. We're in control of the narrative. And musicians are kaus fuck as well all the time. You know, we witness it, and even you know ones that are overly performative and do too much of that, like um, like, like we were talking about some musicians who Anya was watching the other night who like just like she can do anything, and people are just like she's fucking amazing because guys just jerk off to her. And so she just like will eat a hot dog and like during her music video and people are like this is art and it's like, no, it's not like dance or something like. So musicians canna be kid too, But there's just something so and a song is there's nothing better than a song. No one is having their like no one you know gets married and walks down the aisle to a you know Brian Reagan bit no one, no, no one is. You're not watching like a love scene in a movie, and you are transfixed more like do you have you ever thought about if you take music out of TV shows or anything, how how you wouldn't even know what to do. Yeah, you wouldn't know how to feel. You wouldn't know a zombie is about to come. You wouldn't know like you always know a zombies about to show up in the Last of Us because it's getting the music is too good. It's been too good for too long. And then it starts to get a little quiet, and you know, something's like music. You don't realize how much it's like um dictating your feelings, and so it's just way cooler, it's way more impressive. My voice teacher always says, especially singers, they were like, he goes, if you're a proficient singer and you master your voice like you know, and really work at it, there's nothing more magical because it's coming from you. You're making it out of nothing. Your instrument is inside your head, the inner workings, like the way that people you know play a trumpet and have like a little a little tap of their finger will change a note in a certain way. You can do that with all the way you shape your face and the way your tongue moves, like all that stuff that's happening inside it. Look, it's magic. It's a magic trick and there's nothing more special than that. And you don't have to lug it on a plane. You don't. It's always with you. And so it really is. Singing is the coolest thing you can possibly do as a human. I believe. I think it's like the greatest talent and it because it feels like magic. And but what's cool about calm? Nobody is, like Seinfeld says, Yes, you are so autonomous and independent. You're not looking for a record label to sign you to help you get bitch. You are. Comedians are are looking for managers and agents. That's all they talk about. But you know what, it doesn't they don't. It's an im like you can go on stage and say whatever you want, anything you want, but you can go to open mics and play whatever you want and say whatever you want. You get to say so much more. I don't get to talk about how in love with someone I am. It's not funny. I never get to express my likenerable. Yeah, you can't be vulnerable, and neither can you. Because that's why lyricists always have to talk in metaphors, because it's too much to hear, like I don't need to hear bubblegum tongue like that even was like come on, John, back off a little bit. That was too visceral. But that's it's But I do agree. I don't have to pay a band. That's why John Mayer's going out solo on this next tour. You think so well, I don't think. I think. First of all, I like to see musicians just with an acoustic guitar and their voice. I would prefer that over a huge band. No offense to bands. I like bands sometimes, but like, if I could pick what Taylor Swift does, it would be her in a acoustic guitar because she it's just it's so much more personal. I always like David Live at Luther College more than any of the other albums because it was just him and Tim Reynolds bare bones. But also you don't have to pay a fucking band. All that money goes to you. Not that I'm thinking that way, but that is the nicest thing about being a comedian is that you don't have to give it to anyone unless you're a scar brother. And you don't have to do sound checks. I mean I do sometimes, but yes, you're right, yes, but sound checks are annoying. I get into town, I can just go to sleep and then get to the show and just go right on. I always wonder about, like, you know, so as a comedian you can constantly change your set and if you don't feel like doing one joke, if you're on the mood for it. But I feel like bands have to play the songs that everybody yes like nice and not nice, because you always have something to fall back on. You don't have to make new music if you were like there was this joke I heard where someone said, like, hey, I forget who told me this. They were talking to the manager of Ario Speedwagon and they asked him like, are they still like putting out new music? And he goes, we don't encourage it. That would be so nice. I mean, I'm grateful that I because I get I'm add I get so bored with stuff that I don't feel anymore. So it would be very hard for me to like even songs that I didn't write that I was so into and was so into singing. I'm like, on ye, I don't want to sing that song today, like I'm not feeling it. I will not sing it like there's no way. So it would be hard to like do that. But um, but there it. Last night. I would have one hundred percent blown off this show and canceled one percent, no question if I was just doing stand up because I didn't need it. I did stand up all weekend, but because I was singing a song I would have paid to do the show. It was so fun. It's the best feeling I can achieve in my life right now is performing on stage with a full band where I get to play guitar really shittily. It's the best feeling I'm so grateful to come from their Vano at Bill Burr's. I wish I could have seen that, even though I had to look at my phone the whole time because I couldn't didn't know the lyrics, but I wish I would have learned them before yeah, it was really fun. All right, that's our show today. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you to Anya, thank you Noah for being here. Thank you to iHeart Podcast for allowing us to be in this dopes studio. So what did you just say? Big money players. Yes, especially our our little sect of the iHeartRadio podcasting network. All the best podcasts at iHeart no offense. The other ones are at Big Money Players, the funniest, the coolest. Um, so make sure you check those out. Stradio Lab poog, it's what is it? Stradio Lab, Stradio Lab. Oh there's a new one. Um, I whish I'd used to do. It was Vanessa Bear's new one. What is that called? Oh? Yeah, what was it? How do we get weird? How do we get weird? Oh? That's good. I just saw a clip with will Farrell where she's talking about, Oh my god, that was the funniest damn clip. We'll reposted on our socials. But she was talking about or a job interview she went on where she came in prepared with her biggest weakness because she knew that was going to be a job interview question and then they didn't ask it. So at the end when she nearly she had gotten a job and they were like staying by, she was like, I just want to say my biggest queen I was. I was crying laughing. It's so good. So check out that Vanessa Bears podcast along with all the Big Money Players podcasts that we are so happy to be a part of that network. And we'll see you tomorrow on the show. Also dates coming up Durham, Greensboro and what's the other way wait, Durham, Greensboro and Charleston, Charleston. Yes, we're on a Southern tour this week and let me just say, besties, if you're in the South, please come out to these shows because your girl has never really played the South. And if there aren't anyone at these shows, I literally won't come back to these towns because my agents people always go, how why you go on this this place? Why you go to this place? I don't choose. My agents choose based on the demand. And if we learn on this tour that there isn't demand there, I'm never gonna come back. And it won't be my fault. I won't know. I will have no control over it. So please, every single ticket matters to me that and I'm not asking you just to like do this for me like I want to. I want to come back there because I like playing in the South. I like the people. So UM make a difference by buying a ticket to one of my shows, and you know, as always, you get a free meet and greet if you're a bestie. You just come to the merch booth and tell them that you're a bestie and we'll find a way to get your mean greed. Or write me on DM or through Nikki Glays or pod m your full name the show you're going to and say you're going alone or that you're just a best You can go with someone and get meat and great too. And I can't wait to meet you. I'll see you out there, um, don't bika, And just three shows before you get videars