Nikki is joined by her BFF Anya Marina who is on a location that everyone has on their phone. They all confess their different Starbucks addictions before going into their newest one...Steve. Nikki shares a message she received from him after the Stevecast which makes Anya literally disrobe. Nikki shares some unfortunate news about having to reduce the podcast again to one day a week. While in Santa Barbara with Julie and Anya, they talk about how Nikki's mom is so unintentionally funny. As Nikki goes through some changes...she realizes she is turning into her mom. In Reddit Dump Nikki reads the latest discussions that she found interesting from people who hate babies, those who wonder about panhandlers, people who get corrected for correcting grammar and celebrities who question paid meet and greats.
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The Nicky Glaser Podcast. Here's Nikki. Hello, welcome to the show. It's Niki Laser Podcast. Here. I am, UM, it's me. Hi, I'm the problem. It's me. UM, trying to remember to say that every day. It's really fitting for my life recently, I'm just keep going, Oh my god, how is not more people written songs with this in it? Oh? Wait they have. Matt Pond wrote a song called The Problem is Me, but I talked about on this podcast, UM back in September, long before Antihero by Taylor Swift came out. So check that song out today on this show. I am in Los Angeles still because my boyfriend is working on Beauty and the Beast. Check it out on ABC December nuts. UM, not quite sure what I think it's December fift but he played me. I guess. He told me I should say about some of the musical performances that are happening, and they are amazing. And I forgot how much I loved that movie. UM. Andrew is in Indianapolis tonight, so he is not here, but um on your Marina is filling in. She is here. She is live from Kubertino, which is where your iPhone was not made because we know that's China. It was created intellectually nearby and she's up in the hills of Cupertino where her parents live. Is that just specific? Are people going to find them? Yeah, they're gonna find him. Please please come over. Uh no, that's fine. But you're a little logo of the maps on your iPhone that is Kubertino right there when you could find maps on your iPhone. The little picture that is the on your app is Cupertino is like where your parents house is? Yeah, that guy, so you like you can go to that intersect. How far are you from that intersection that is on the app picture? Like, right there is where I went to Starbucks today? No way? Oh yeah, there's a Starbucks there. I bet if you could take any tiny square picture of a quarter mile of America, there would be a Starbucks in it. So I guess that's not that crazy, especially in Coubertino. Oh yeah, I was at the one today and the guy was like, I'm so sorry someone took your drink. It's just been that kind of morning. It was so nice. It made me a new one. And then the lady behind me was like, it's my cappuccino. Right, and he's like, oh my god, let me check. I think someone went, wait, did you put your order? Hold on? Man, I'm going to see your phone. And it's like, ah, you pick the Starbucks two blocks down, and he was so nice and well, yes, he goes in. These people are dealing with this all day long. There was a meme going around the other day that I posted where it was like a Starbucks employee like kind of crouched down in almost the fetal position, like looked like he was really sad, like on the floor, and then there was another employee that was comforting him. And the meme was when she says, I'm never coming back to the store again. So it's just like they don't care. Like it was just like making fun of when people say that at Starbucks. These employees that you were going to say, it's like a pipe comforting another pipe. Oh yeah, it was exactly like the pipe shot. Noah is an Arizona She's here. Um yeah, that pipe shot. I didn't get to look at the comments on that, but I hope that people saw what I was talking about. There are some people that see these things that I see too often. My friend Taylor, Um, the train jump in Hobo sees him a lot and um but uh yeah, so, um, what I was gonna say about Starbucks, Oh there, it's it's it's such a vast um difference between the kind of employee you'll get at a Starbucks. You might go to a Starbucks where they're just like not having it, don't have anything to do with you. And there's some that are so nice that they've recently maybe had a meeting about um being kinder to you know, you can tell that they just had a team meeting about like you need to start asking people like how's your day? What are you getting into today? Like yesterday when in the Starbucks and I don't talk to any of employees there because I do mobile orders, so you just grow up and grab them so they don't have to have these like partner interactions, which is what they call them. I think because I'm on the Starbucks sub credit, so I read all about what it's like to work at Starbucks, and I think they call it part like maybe the people they work with our partners. But there's something that they really drive home, like you've got to talk to people that come up to the counter and be like, how's your day and really connect with them, which to me seems like bullshit. And I'm sorry that you have to do that as an important Why do they anywhere there's like courtesy, but why do you have to like connect with someone for three minutes because it creates a connection that you know, makes you feel like this this place cares about me. I'm home, you know, this place where I buy an eight dollar latte is home. These people get me. This is like Cheers totally. I walked in yesterday and the guy goes on and I'm like, I feel so, how do you know? Because I've only been in town a couple of days and he was, I know your order, and I miss I genuinely missed the Starbucks people at my I have had so many different Starbucks in my life, but there's one that I used to go to during the pandemic. That was the cafe was the first to open and when I was living with my parents and didn't really have a lot going on. I think it was before the podcast, even like it was just I would go there every single day and write. And there was this girl there whose name I now forget, but I run into her around town sometimes and she and I like struck up a friendship. She didn't realize I was like semi famous or whatever I am. I hate saying famous, but you know, she didn't know I was somebody until after we had already been friends, and then she was like shocked. It was like a fun thing for her to go like wait, what what, like her freak out and then I see, see she goes now to the beauty school that is by the Starbucks that I live at, and so I run into her. There there's like this beauty like, um a vida mabe, it's not even a vada like. There's some beauty school that is right next to my Starbucks apartment building Starbucks that I live next to, and right before class there's like seriously probably seventy people dressed head to toe in black because I guess that's the uniform, and they all line up to get their drinks. I'm dying to know why these people don't will order. People love a line. But I really do miss the people that I see every single day at Starbucks, um in my neighborhood, who are always like here's a lot day and like and I go, I'll see I'll be back in two hours. Like they know that I'll be back. They don't give me shit about drinking too much caffeine, which, by the way, I'm off. And yesterday I actually did a um an interview with a friend of mine. So a friend of mine I met through I'm not going to give any specifics because I don't know if I'm not supposed to say, but he interviewed me for this thing, and then we struck up a friendship. And while we were interviewing, we got into a lot of other subjects and I was like, you know, what you should do an article on, like people quit in caffeine and how caffeine is like such a more you know, problematic and uh, really, what's the word I'm looking for. I want to say systemic because that makes me sound smart, but it's so not that word. So it's like a bigger issue than we think. And it's like, you know, insous. I guess maybe the word of pervasis pervasive. Yeah, what's what are other words that make me sound like a political analyst? Um, it's just a bigger problem than you think. And then I said that, um oh, malef Lewis. Now that's how you describe my name. When I used to talk about it. Um so uh. I told him that, and I said, and there's this whole community, a subreddit about it called decaff where people are talking about how hard it is to quit. And I've talked about this on the podcast before and he was like, YEO, check it out. And so then he writes to me, I was like, my editor really likes the idea, so I think I'm going through with it. And I was like fun, yeah, like I had, it's going to get out there. And then I saw him post on the decaff subrunnit like hey, I'm a journalist writing an article about quitting caffeine if anyone wants to talk to me, and I was like, go, dude, go. And so then yesterday he was like, do you want to talk to me about it at all? And I was like sure. So I said that I don't think I'm addicted to caffeine. I'm addicted to Starbucks because it is not me. Quitting caffeine has not changed the magnitude and the frequency with which I at all. I was at l A X the other day. I was at Gate fifty two. I was supposed to be a Gate fifty two E and I was like, where is the Starbucks. I gotta get my whatever breakfast sandwich and tea, and I'm carrying a very heavy guitar a heavy backpack and that was like a toebag or something, and I'm like, oh, it's sixty this should be easy. And then I quickly realized it's in a slightly different terminal and I'm like, yeah, buck it, I'll do it. I had to go. I'm asking people and like lugging this ship around my knees hurting. I'm like, where is it? And they're like, it's just down the stairs, and then it's kind of a hike, and then it was just like an endless tunnel and I'm in the middle of the tunnel, sweating because I'm trying to wear lots of layers so I don't have to pack them in my bag. And I'm just thinking, bitch, you are a fucking addict, like so addicted to this dumb, greasy sand rich Like what is it? And I had the same thought. I'm like, it's not even the caffeine. It's something about the place I hiked for the same yeah. And then I almost missed my flight. He almost missed your because it was like you have to take a shuttle to fifty two eight, like you're I'm walking around. I'm like, here's fifty two A. And then it says like this is so serious. I do the same thing. When my plane lands, the first thing I do is look up what terminal the Starbucks is in, and it's worth me going to a different terminal. How many times have I met you a baggage name? When you guys get off the plane a little bit before me and I go, I'll see a bad guy exclaim and I come like fifteen minutes later because I've gone to another terminal to get Starbucks because I can't wait. It's such an addiction. We know what you have this? Every time I get Starbucks, I always crave it like and I have to get another time. Avi does not like Starbucks. So I'm just like, okay, we go to Starbucks. Can we go to Starbucks? And he has like he has to tell me no for me to not go back. But it's never just like one cup because I think about it, like three days after, I was just like Starbucks, Starbucks, Starbucks, they do give. Yeah. I always get a trend to cocaine. I don't know what it is, but it's like I it's there is a couple of things that could get me to quit. Okay, if they ran out of almond milk, I'm not going oat milk. I'm not going sewing milk too much sugar. It would get me to I would just have to find another thing that I would beak into. I really would um if they got rid of the sugar free vanilla, which a lot of times, you know because on mobile orders, welcome to Starbucks. Talk everyone, um, like this Starbucks cast almost done? We need that update on Steve by the way, Well, let me just finish my diet dry. Because I think this is maybe relatable, like if anyone has any like insight into their own Starbucks addiction, because that's the two things that could get me to quit. Because sometimes on the mobile order they will say, you know, we're out of almond milk, or we're out of the sugar free of vanilla, and there's no alternative. There's no other sugar free syrup. I need a syrup in my coffee. There's no other milks that have no animal products and low sugar. So if those two things go, my addiction will be broken. It will jump onto something else. I will find something else to like suck down every day in you know, gallons folds. Um, and it might be Steve transition. Um okay, so Steve wrote on Saturday, I was in the car headed down to um San Diego Valley Center at Harrah's and I was in the car with um On. Yeah, I don't know I'm doing Australia thinks it, but um, so he wrote, And I gasped, if you remember correctly, on you was driving Radu, my opener was in the front seat with Anya, and I was like, it's Steve, he wrote. So he wrote Glaze Dog, Anya, puddle Boy, and Noah. I'd like to come forward as no friend Steve on the Steve Cast because you went alone. Thank you for all the compliments, most of all that I pick up on social cues. So Anya said that he seemed to pick up on I didn't remember that comment. Yeah, I said that social cues. Yeah, he knows when to leave and I actually but yeah, hair like fixing your I know you were totally like you were like blushing. I'm like touching my arm all the cues. Um. My impulse is to post that podcast on my LinkedIn profile, but not sure it would further my apple picking career all that much. Someone's funny someone, This guy's amiable. Quick? What is I mean? God, Anya, I'm enjoying the extra large show, but not as much as the New World inside joke. But you and Steve have Yeah, we have to. But he had sparkly eyes? Did you tell him that? Not? In first? I told him he looked like a medium, not an excel. Oh right, he was. I don't tell me that. So that's our little inside joke. And then also, oh my god, you have a thing with Steve. I'm so jealous. I well, I did catch I have a thing with Steve too, but I'm not even gonna talk about because it was so like sacred to me. We share Tell me, no, it's you can't know, Steve. You know exactly what I'm talking about. It involved a camera phone and you're taking a picture of a sign. I saw it. I don't even know what it was about, but I saw it. I okay, So I can't keep it to myself anymore. Okay, there's actually nothing and I had to take my jacket off. Why can't we talk about Steve? This is isn't it the name of like a movie? About lesbians. Why can't we talk about Steve? Okay? Um? So when we when Matt was escorting me back to the theater from the meet and greet, I was following Matt, and then I ran into Steve on the way out, because Steve had just been the last person, so he was just a kind of like ahead of us in the same direction. And he was taking a picture of the name of the place, which was the Lutheran snow their Burbank Center, and I farted to do my Luther Burbank joke. I wrote a whole fucking joke about being at the Luther Burbank Um Center, which was the name of the place we played in Santa Rosa, and it was about Luther Burbank was a famous horticulturist, and I was like two famous horse in one. I was going to do something like I'm a horn culture as well. Um So anyway, uh, I ran Steve. He was taking picture of the sign, and Steve, if you could send us a picture of that sign, because you did you took it? I go, I go, got it all. I said something because I was like nervous around why why I like I got in line for his meeting great. After that, I was like picture with you, where I want to get a picture with people that take pictures with me because they're either such cuties or like they just and oftentimes I do get the picture because they post it later and I go, oh, I remember, um um. There's one guy that comes to all my shows. He went to on the Improv the other night. He was front row wearing my Nikki Glazer shirt and he went to two shows. He was like, I see you every November, and I go, I'll see you next November. And then he was at the next night too. So shout out to that guy with long hair. I forget his name. I want to say, like oh or something, you know what that in Valley Center. He's gorgeous. Yes, he's like a beautiful man. He looks almost like um, he looks like a medium, like literally like a person who could see your future. Wait does he wit long long hair? Longer hair? Um? No? He um? Okay, here's white guy from San Diego that had long hair and maybe a goatee. Anyway, I have an amazing picture of that. Becky the photographer took of him, and I know I've like d mned with him. Before, and I wanted to send him this amazing picture of you two because it's like, Okay, we're a white guy with long brown hair and a go to reach out to the picture. Okay. So, wrapping up Steve's note, he says, Um goes so an. Yeah, I'm enjoying the extra large shirt, but not as much as the new workout tunes. After party at Jimmy's is my jam. I don't even know that song. He is like, going deep in your collection, Nikki. It was only after I realized, after looking, I'm sure is it you wrote it now? I wrote it with Um Jason and Brian from Louis the Fourteenth's It's a true rocker. You'll love it fun um Nikki. It was only after looking at the picture we took I realized I am the unfunny tall guy from your act. I'm the unfunny tall guy. It's me. Oh my god. He made a tailor so oh that he goes, I'm the unfunny tall guy from your act. Because I talked about how tall guys aren't funny because they don't need to be because everyone likes him already, he said, I'm the I'm the unfunny tall guy. It's me. You nailed it on the pod when you said people depend on you guys to brighten their day. I could ramble on expressing my appreciation for what you. I'll do Monday through Thursday and beyond. But think I better sign off here, And that was how he worked a in. He's like, if you are just listening for the first time, it's Monday through Thursday, he said, but I think I better. You know he totally did. Thank you Steve that, he said, but I think I better sign off here, like any bestie would. Di, did you join me with a career apple picking in Santa Rosa. Waitches are competitive with full benefits and lots of upward mobility. Now a hiring, he said. Ps. The sweater is from Old Navy too, thanksgivings Ago. Those guys can really pump out a quality garment. I mean, girls, if you are a single woman and you don't have much time, you're down to wherever you live, move to Santa Rosa. Find this guy. He's funny, he's charming, he's cute. He wears Old Navy. He makes it looks good. He doesn't he's not trying too hard, wearing like you know, expensive clothes that are you know, he doesn't care too much about his look. He just he'd already looked like that's the thing you want a guy. You don't want a guy that like cares too much about his clothing but still looks good in it. Agreed, Yeah on this when we get back. Sorry you, that wasn't it? Don't okay? But okay, man to throw your hat and Steve's ring throw go out? Okay, I mean, Anya, you're devastating me with this, this possibility that Steve might not be a resexual. I want to have I just made the comment I just made is equivalent to my innocent comments saying Steve, you look more like a medium, not an excel. I'm sure he's listening right now, Like Anya, I am straight. I'm sorry, but he's so good lucky he could be gay. Yeah, he could be. That's a good point. Okay, Well we'll like this and much more after we get back from break. All right, welcome back to the Starbucks Steve cast. Um. Now we've covered we've covered both those things. Um, wait, what did you say about Steve right when we got back on Because you're like ladies and I'm like or maybe he's gay, but sorry, that is that didn't I didn't mean that as a nag. Same thing with the comments. Steve is not the type of straight man if he is straight, that would be offended at anyone thinking he's gay, because you know what I mean and secure, confident man. Yeah he is. God, how is he single? We gotta get Steve on the on the podcast and interview Steve if you'd be down to come on the podcast. We want to learn more about you. I did write him back and I said, like, what do you do for a living? And I forgot he works, like I think, in construction. And then he said something about something gets bloody and I was like, why are you bleeding? And he said it was because he has to clear mulberry trees and he said there's many thorns on them, something like that. I love rugged hands. So now I'm totally sold on Steve. Okay, so you're sold, I mean everyone out on the Instagram. No. I just was like, why did I know you were looking at working in some bushes? I had no idea, But you know Santa Rosas like wine country, there's lots of orchards or like vineyards, there's lots of burds. Um there so um, but okay, so your sexual orientation, Steve, Yeah, please Steve, let us know if you would be down, even though we're not down because we have partners, but we just want to know if you if like, if you would be down, if you're just down for vaginas or we're not gonna judge you either or both, like we don't care either way. I don't really want to know because I feel like I need to convince myself even if you do only like men, that I could persuade you. Why continuing to talk about this? I need to Starbucks? Okay? So I um recently went to the voice doctor and got a check up again, and it was a couple of weeks ago. I didn't talk about it on here because it was like too traumatic, but I got an update that my like some of the trauma on my vocal cords is back and it's very setting because I spent so much money and so much time and so much silence on making them better and it's back. So I am deciding to take a break, and especially with my tour amping up and just with UM just trying to be more easy easy on my voice and also be able to sing because I got this done because I like singing and I want to sing, and it's good for my mental health, and I'm putting singing above work. I want to be like with the podcast every day and with my tour, I had to cut out all my social interactions. No more phone calls with friends, um, and no more singing. And I used to sing every single day and play guitar and I had to take it out and I realized I was getting depressed. And so I'm taking the podcast down to one day a week until the end of the year to see where I am with my abrasions on my chords, my perfect chords that are all fucked up again now and um. But during that time, I just and I feel guilty because I want still I was crying about it to Chris last night because I'm like, I want to still sing, but like, and I want to socialize, but it feels like how can I get away with that? If I'm not people are gonna be like, oh, you're singing on now, but you're not working, so like, how can you do? But why? It's like, because I want to Sometimes I feel like work always has to come first and and in some ways it does if you, like are contractually obligated to do something. My heart has been so cool and they have allowed me to take a break from the podcast. Doing it four days a week. Four days a week was something that I originally conceived of because it was during the pandemic. It was when I wasn't doing stand up as much, and it just made sense for my life. But things change, and it just doesn't make as much sense for my life right now, especially with this damage, to do it um every single day. It's just too taxing on my voice, and it makes it so I can't hang out with friends, I can't do anything else those days are sing. So just doing it one day a week until the end of the year and then we'll reassess. But I hope you understand, and I understand that it's frustrating to some of you who depend on this every single day. And then there are others of you, because I mentioned this on Instagram Live the other night, others of you that were like I stopped listening to the podcast because it was every day and I couldn't keep up. So it's going to benefit some people, and it's going to annoy some people, and I hope that you those who it annoys will understand final thoughts that you feel guilty about doing things that are not making you money with your energy. When you complain about work taking so much of your energy, and then as soon as you get free energy, you're like, I should be putting this towards work, but instead you want to do something else. Do you ever feel that way? Oh? Yeah, absolutely. You have a little time off and you wanna watch some stupid show or go for a walk, and you're like, I should be doing data entry or figuring I I there's a million endless things on my to do list I haven't finished. But we always forget that self care stuff will pay off. It just doesn't seem like it in the moment. But a nap massage, uh most the fourth Columbine book. Yeah, I'm now really yeah, I'm at the end of the last Combine book I can find, and I love it so much, and I'm gonna miss um. You could probably write the Black Adventures I've been on with these boys. Wait, I was kidding when I said that. What did you say? No, you could probably write a book? At this point, I know, I was thinking that, like, I could do a Columbine podcast at least, Guys, what if I took off this podcast and I didn't? It was like, so now I'm doing three supplemental Columbine podcasts a week. I honestly could because I could have on. I mean, no one wants to relive that except me every day. But I, um, yeah, about about like what it is I don't know, like spiritually or like why, like what it is that attracts you to It's so much. I don't think people are going to want to hear this though I know the answer. Okay, like the newly wed game, I'm going to think of it. But then who tells it first? Me? Are you what I think? Nikki will answer, yeah, please tell me what you think, and I'll tell you if you're in or wrong, and that if we're going a date tonight. Okay. Nicky's fascinated with psychopaths and sociopaths. She's also fascinated with wondering if her brain is at all like the brain of a psychopath or a sociopath or even someone on the spectrum. So she's always taking these quizzes to be like, to try and figure out where she falls on this spectrum or like if she's normal or not. And she relates a lot to the darkness of some of these guys that have suicidal ideations and like, you know, want to take people out. She would never want to take someone out or be violent, but she's fascinated with the darkness of wanting to check out of this lifetime and um that they had the courage. That's the wrong ing ing Nick Nick Ni Ning Ning. I didn't have to. I didn't realize, you know, there is a morbid curiosity. I want to just go back. I just really don't want people to think I'm yeah, I want to go I wouldn't like to go back to this team. I would like to go back to Santa Barbara. That was so fucking fun. Anya and me and my mom last Thursday after we recorded the podcast, UM, my mom and I went up to um Santa Barbara and met Anya and we say, at this hotel called the California and that is so nice. And if you saw my Instagram, my mom created a new sensation that I want to do with her on TikTok or something, and it's just her going to hotels and going look at this, look at the Wisconsins. I mean Look at the detail on this bad curtains. Look at this just yes, Oh my god, Oh my god, look at this. Look at the rock and tiles. Oh my god, look at look at this lap of marvel. Nicky, you don't understand they could do tile. They didn't. These are slabs of tile. Oh that massage. She did things. She woke up some things I didn't even know I need to be woken up that we're asleep. She I don't even know if it was good for me, to be honest, because I know about things now that she said she woke up. She's a part of her woke up that had been born for a while. And Nicki and I were like, I don't even know what that is. And then she's like, I don't think that was good for me. I think that should have stayed. I'm like, no, Julie, it's good to remember you're alive. No, my mom is a broken woman. Don't forget that. The night that we were at my dad's show and Chris asked my mom she was gonna get up and saying, and she goes, no, I'm a broken woman. Chris and he could not stop laughing. And she goes, and then and then the other last night, we were watching Love Is Blind, and after one of the girls gets broken up with at the altar, her mom keeps going, I am broken, I am broken, And I called my mom's gonna pair up with this woman. Do a lit's fair of broken women. A broken woman is a perfect name for the memoir of Julie Glazer. Let me just stay what let me just say that. So I'm doing a show in Santa Barbara and NICKI introduced me, which made me cry. It was the nicest introduction ever, trying to up girl I wanted. I didn't want you to sound too good. I was like, I'm going to get her clept as shit. It was weird. I cannot sing. What did I say? That? Just you were like doing like a hybrid of what I usually do on stage, was like how we met, but it was so genuine. Never gets me emotional. I'm just I don't remember. You're just like, no, you say the nicest things about me every night because I can't hear them because it's too nice. Reminded me like Amy introduced us, like uh, and then we just got on like wildfire right away. That make you cry anymore? I just just like read to introduced you guys. Yeah, Amy was how did Amy was a fan of Anya's and Amy as you know good Amy fashion was just like open for me to Anya, right or like do my show? Like she just reached it. You just need to do a comedy to do a set on them. But how did you guys know each other? Anyway? She reached Kate Walsh was coming to my show in l A once and she was like, my friend Amy Schumer wants to come. Is that cool? Put her on the list and I was like the comic this is in like two thousand nine or some or two thousand ten, two thou and I was like, yeah, she goes, can I give you the sum boom before the shumor boom? I remember she was doing that comedy remember Bridgetown? Does that still and important? Yeah? Oh yeah. She she called me and she was like, sorry, I couldn't make it to your l A show, but I'm obsessed with you. And she's like you'll never guess where I am. I'm on a couple's cruise with my sister. We accidentally bought tickets on a couple's cruise. She was like a romantic cruise with her sister, which we're laughing so hard and um, and then she's like, I want to keep in touch with you, so we did. We hung out in Portland once with my sister, which was fun and like we're all going through breakups at the time, and we had this very emotional, kind of fun conversation about that. And then when I came to New York on tour, I was like, Amy, will you do a set with me? Todd Berry was going to do something and gave Liedman and Max Silvestry and I don't read any book books We love this joke videos. It's like, um, I don't read any books talking. It's just sorry. But she was like, I can't, I'm not in town. You should check out Nikky Glazer. And then I was like, Nicky Glazer. I started listening to your podcast you had with Sarah Schaeffer, and I got like three episodes deep, and I was just like, this girl is really honest and really cool, and I just and then I reached out to you and we met and I did your podcast and then we started having dinner every night, and then you were like, moved to New York and then I moved to New York and we moved in together. I remember talking down to you, like, welcome to the city, honey, I'm going to show you run because I thought you were younger than me. I thought you were so much younger than me. You can't like tan, you were so tann. I remember like this long blonde hair and you're just like, hey, girl, how are you? Just Like I was like, she's busy, this lady. She's a busy lady. What is her alive? So I was probably up on the before I learned how to manage. Oh I hadn't. I'm just running around town where you were doing. That's right, because we moved in together right after that, it got picked up. Yeah that's true. Um, yeah, I was. That was God, you were such I needed to get out of my apartment so fucking bad. At the time, I was living with this girl who was so depressed and we didn't talk to each other, and I would just come in and like, do you ever live with a roommate where you just don't want to talk to them or like ever runing them? So you both like kind of creep around the apartment, like you hear one door shut and then you're like, Okay, I'm good to go and then they then they do the same thing for you where it's like that you guys never cross paths. That's what it was like living with this girl. And I was blieming at the time, and so I was like she I knew she hated me because I was like throwing up every day and like I was trying to clean the toilet, but I also had to clean up her mess in the toilet because like that's the worst part about being bulimed, because you have to like clean so many toilets, and like it's so disgusting. It's just it's better if you live on your own. So like only try to believe me on your own now, I'm just kidding. It's discussing either way, and not disgusting like judgmental. It's just like gross. You have to deal with a lot of vomit. So I was living with her, she hated me. I was trying to like eat normally, but every day I would go to this disgusting bodega about my house and get like the same. Like sometimes I walk into like you know, there's some bodegos or grocery stores in New York and they just you go to like a bad grocery store, like a cheap grocery shore, and it just smells like that cold rotted meat, Like it just smells like that deli section has that it's like rotted meat, but they're refrigerating it like it just so it's like it doesn't smell like hot. It's just disgusting that smell. And I still smell it sometimes and it reminds me of when I used to come home from sets late at night and just go and get and the guys knew me. Talk about everyone knowing your name. I would go in there and they would always just like laugh at me because I would get the same like binge foods that were like easy to puke, and it was just so gross, Like I can't even tell you what I ate, because it was such a weird, like amalgamation of just if you have eaten disorders, you know how weird the foods can get. So it was just I need to get out of that so bad, and I didn't know how, and I just I think gotten started going to my my abusive doctor, my abusive and so I was kind of getting out of the therapist. Yeah, my therapist. Yeah, thank you for reminding people UM. I called her my abusive therapist so many times that no one noted that it sounded like her name was Maya my abusive and so dr abuse if I started seeing her. So it's kind of like climbing out of feeling better. And then all of a sudden, this angel landed into my life and I was like, please, let's get a place, and then we moved in together right after Sandy. I think, UM Hurricane Sandy was like right, it had hit, and then that I think the January I remember I got a migraine that night. It was October I think was Halloween two World and I was supposed to have my show was starting in in two thousand thirteen. I didn't want to have an eating disorder during the show. I didn't want to drink anymore during the show. I had quit drinking the week year before because I had gotten a pilot. UM and MTV had picked up a pilot that we were going to shoot in January, and it was like October when they picked it up, and UM. I quit December eleven during King and so I was sober by the time I started working in television, but I then it just got so anyway, it was just perfect timing. And then we moved into that place and I could afford it because I got this TV show and and then it was just bliss. Living with you was so fun. It was such a fun roommate situation. But yeah, so we went to Santa Barbara and I made on Your Cry, Yeah, and then I played a set and I like got my ship together after Nicki's amazing intro, and then I brought Nikki up and speaking of vocal rest and the surgery and everything, I was, I mean, I hear you saying all the time, but when we did AUNTI here, I was just like zoned out at one point and just watching, like holy hell. Like, by the way, we have played really nice theaters with amazing sound systems. This was a tiny bar in a beautiful hotel, and the p A was like a tiny box that the DJ plugged me into. And it sounded so good. You're like hitting every note perfect key, and it was just so fun, and I don't know, there was so fun. You were so good. It was like I get to watch on you every night open for me, but it's like I watched it from the side of the stage. I'm usually like still doing my makeup and changing and stuff and getting ready for the show, so I don't get to fully absorb. But it was just one of those moments of like, oh my god, my friend is as talented as Taylor Swift, Like, but she doesn't really have to try that hard because you don't. Like I really had the realization of like, she's just as good as Taylor Swift, which is you know, I told Nya this this past weekend and she was like, that is such high praise. And I would not say that if I didn't mean it. I don't doll that out. I don't expect anyone to be as talented as Taylor Swift. No one. You can be have as talented Taylor as Taylor Swift and still be one of my favorite artists. But Anya is as talented as Taylor Swift in terms of songwriting. Sorry, Taylor, I know that you want to be the only one, and I would be the same way if I were you, But there's other people you were right there As a regular listener, she's at home, like funk this bit, going from four days a week to one. She be like, I'm just seventy two dates to my Era store and by the way, thank you do. Um. Some besties wrote to me yesterday and I'm getting hooked up with tickets from besties who have who have got you know, they signed up for two different I don't even know how the thing works, but I guess there's a couple of besties that got to waiting lists things and they're like, you can have my tickets. Um, not have them, but like buy them from me. So I'm buying some tickets from one bestie. I'm gonna go see her on I think August eighth in Los Angeles. So I have guaranteed tickets August eighth. And then I did right to my agent and said, please, please please help me, and he said he would. So I'm very excited about that. But I'm going to spend so much money on Taylor Swift tickets in the new year. I'm not getting them all for free. I'm not using my privilege. I'm using a little bit. But I'm gonna spend some money. And I'm very excited. But it was a clusterfix yesterday. I'm making three for one. Um, okay, but that's not bad, which that's not great. I mean, that's that's because she's done. Because I'm gonna go travel to see her, and I'm going to see her ten times. So that's three thousand dollars at least on tickets plus travel, plus hotels plus I'm definitely going to spend more than three on the ticket because those tickets aren't the closest tickets and I'm going to get close up at some point. And right now on stubbub they're going for ten tho dollars tickets. Yeah, I think the cheapest one is like four hundred. It's it's gotten so bad. Yesterday that Congress is like starting to talk about how ticket Master and Live Nation needs to be broken up. Yeah, someone was saying that Taylor should start her own ticketing company, Taylor Tickes and interesting, I bet you she will. Um and then yeah, so Santa Barbara was so freaking fun and we hung up with my mom and after the show, after an amazing oh, we went and by the way, this girl came up to me after the show. I hate this kind of fan interaction. She was like, hi, um, okay, I like don't know who you are at all, but apparently you're like a big deal. But like my friend over there is like obsessed with you. And like, you need to and I go, I, actually, it's a loud bar. I'm not supposed to be talking at all. Like my voice coach said to me, Nikki, I don't go to anywhere loud like I don't go to parties. I don't go to loud places like you don't. That's if you are mindful of your voice. You just don't talk in loud of places. You don't do it. And so I'm at this place and all of a sudden, as soon as I was done, they crank up the DJ, cranks up the music again. People are drunk and like screaming in my ear, and I'm like, I gotta get out of here. And this woman right when I'm making my exit, she's like, you need to talk to my friend, and I go, I can't really talk. I just had vocal chord surgery. And of course she's probably thinking, well, I just heard you saying of course you can talk. Can I tell you the number of people? And I'm not kidding you. It's literally everyone in my life that I tell. Yeah, I just got back from the doctor. They say I shouldn't talk as much anymore. Having to take a break from that. Oh tell me more about that. Let's talk more about that. Take a fucking hint. I'm not supposed to talk. Stop talking to me. If someone said to me I have to talk to stop talking and my doctor's notice to stop talking, I would say, then don't talk anymore. Okay, we're done with this conversation. It's not that I don't want to talk to any of these people, but I've had so many conversations about the fact that I can't talk that keep going with more and more questions after I've said it, and I feel like I'm using my fucking mind, Like I don't know how to tell these people. You know, the other day, I didn't get a phone call and I go, again, I can't. I have to just go I've talked too much. My voice hurts by and I like I just had to hang up because it was there was no getting off, because they just want to talk more. People don't take hints anyway. This woman goes, you have to come talk to my friends, and again like I don't know who you are. I don't really care who you are, like that kind of thing of like maybe she didn't say I don't care, but she was like, I don't know who you are. I guess you're a big deal, but like, I have no clue, which I don't give a funk if you don't know who I am. I don't think anyone knows. I don't walk around thinking people know who I am. It literally does not cross my mind most times that I'm someone that anyone would know. UM, and I go, I can't really talk. I can take a picture with him, though, And so I go over and she goes, sit down down, talk to him, Sit down and talk to him. Someone tells me, and I look at her. I was like no, and she goes, she pulls up the stool, she goes, sit down, sit down, and I go, I'm not I just told you. I can't talk. I can take a picture, list take a picture. And he's like, I'm a big fan. I've been listening since this time. And I'm like, oh my god, that's so nice. Thank you. Um and he's like holding my hand a little too long kind of thing, you know. And then and then he I go, you have a good friend here, she you know, keep and I'm like, why don't you come over, sir if you want to meet me? So bid I do like when people go friends embarrassed. She really likes you. This guy like wanted me to come to him, you know that kind of thing. He was like, I'm not going to her, and he was kind of like flirty in a way, so he thought maybe this move would get like And so I took a picture with him, and she kept trying to get me around. But this whole thing, I'm like, I don't know who you are. It's the same people as like I don't know the TV. Okay, it's like assuming that you don't have feelings. So then we went to dinner afterwards, and I just got to say, my mom is so fucking funny. You guys already know that. All my fans already know that, Like everyone around me knows that. I've always known it too. It's why I've put her on my TV show and had her on my podcast so many times. She is so delightfully funny. And we just had such a great time we you know, she visited l A and did the show with me, and then she did the podcast, and I just love how much my boyfriend loves her, and it just laughs at everything she says and everything she does, like my mom goes. He just looks at me and he laughs, I don't even get it, like, but he just I think that's one of the reasons I love my boyfriend so much was how much he loves my mom, and like, I am turning into my mom. There's no doubt about it. It is happening. It is like it's all that. It just seems like I'm like transitioning into my mother. Like I just see things. I'll be like sitting in a certain way, or I'll be tapping on my phone with both my fingers, or I'll be like I don't get it, you know, I'll just say things where I go. You know, we all have those moments of like, I'm turning into my mother. But it's nice that my boyfriend is like, yeah, I keep going. It's start like, don't turn into your mother. But he loves my mom. But she was cracking us up at dinner, was dying she see my favorite moment of the year, yeah, having when she was getting mad about something in the past and she was just like and then I told them you fuck off, I'll funk or whatever. I was like, oh, I see Nikki, like when she gets really mad about something, and he did, and she's like going back in the past and thinking about this moment she and she was like I couldn't believe it. I was just like, this is out of control, absolutely not. And I'm like, oh, she's infuriated, And I was a man. I would slow them all down with my sod off shot what mom And my mom is in the colum mine too, By the way, I don't think for the same reasons, what is wrong with me that I have these? I just want to be normal? Does anyone else just ever want to be normal? And I think that's the thing I struggle with most of my life, is like I just want to be like everyone else. And I know that's like my differences are what sets me apart. But I really struggle with why can't I just be like everyone else? And gets to define what normal is? Though I do. I do. I'm special and I know like I might not be good. I don't like who I am, but I damn well know who I want to be, Like I have great taste in who I want to be and I want to be Like if I could make a collage of who I was, it would be it would just be Reese Witherspoon. That girl can get away with anything. I saw rumors yesterday and Demi about her being a like not nice person on set, and for some reason, everyone's like, but her job's really hard, Like that's why she's not nice, Like the amount of pressure she's under. It's like it makes sense. I'm like, why does this bitch get a pass? But when I'm a little bit bitchy? It's like Nikki as a personality disorder and she like, but Reese Witherspoon, do I have to have a book club so people let me be a little bit aggressive sometimes? Like why does why does some people in entertainment get a get a pass to be a little bit more like alpha, a little bit more like bitchy sometimes or whatever, and then others like you'll get canceled for it. I just don't understand, but I do wish I was more like Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer Aniston on Your Marina, Kirsten Floorman, Noah, I wish I were, like I wish I were like all of it. I just want to be like just like talk like this and like I'm like, yeah, that sounds like a good idea, Like I'm I'm not making fun of you. I really wish and I talked like this and we're just like yeah, and it just like really felt good. And I don't know, I'm just I really I watched up a leaf today and it was just block so beautiful, and then I and the person, ye dark, But I want to know there are none of you that are like, okay, we like you just didn't remember Noah's favorite music to make love too. Yeah, but that's like cute and endearing. She's not like Anthrax. Yeah I should that's nothing. That's not it's weird, but it doesn't say anything. It's not her doing it right. But I can't speak to much, but I know when I'm in an argument with someone, I'm definitely not like. And then a leaf was falling delicately from the tree. No, I feel like you're like very much like that's it's really hard, okay, like like that's I wish I got no fight over the last couple of days, and I was like, I wish I had not reacted. I wish I had just been like, M, thank you for sharing that and agree to disagree, but I have a great day. Instead, I wasted two hours being like, why don't you go fuck yourself and stay out of my busin. Yeah, okay, so maybe I'm normal. That's good to know. Okay, let's go, let's go to come back with Reddit dump. It is time for Reddit Dumb karaoke mode. This is your Reddit dumb all right. This one comes from anti natalism, which is people that are the subredit for people who um don't like people having kids. They think the world is full of kids enough, and that all they do is like they're kind of troll, like they're not nice people like the subredit. I don't post in. I'm not supporting that these people. These people hate people who are putting more people in this world. And all they posted stuff about like bad parents and they're like, yeah, these people are the people that are having kids. Great more of us. So this is an interesting one, it said, and it was a screenshot of a question that someone had as a parent. So the title was these breeders are insane. They call them breeders. Just thought to drop this here. And then this question is from a person a person with kids? Am I weird for having sex while a woman? Am I? Am I weird for having sex with a woman in a studio apartment while her kids sleep? I told her, what are you doing. She said, they are heavy sleepers and there are no rooms. L O, L let me clarify. One was like eight months, the other was too. What do you guys think two year old and an eight months? What? What was that? Okay, we have a different opinions here. Noah says, no, not good. Gross? What really like that they don't remember anything? I think it probably still lives like at that age, kids are like sponges. They just absorb so much more information because they can't really communicate that much with their voice, so they have to be hyper aware of their surrounding that I think it just will seep in somewhere and traumatize them in some shape or form. I I'm torn too. Is if they're sleep and you're being really quiet, then I'm okay with it, But it's still kind of kills the mood that same studio, studio, get out, find it, find another time. Maybe if there's like a curtain or like some kind of you know how often this kind of thing is happening all the fucking time that kids are the privileged point of view to be like, go into another room. Some people don't have another room. Yeah, they don't have other rooms and they need to make some kids because clear their lives are going great because they have two kids in a studio apartment and they need more. Um. But that's that's judgmental to people. Does that you know, deserve sexual pleasure even if you have kids and you're not trying to procreate. Um. Yeah, I I think when do kids start remembering? Though? Like when when? I mean that woman the other night came out to me until shared her molestation with me, and she was like, I was a baby and my dad molested me, So like how did she remember that? Like repressed memories get brought up. We need to have like a psychologist on here to talk to us about this because I don't know when memories start. But I think at two you're probably safe to not remember anything. But no, you're not wrong that like just the air of if your parents, like even waking up and hearing your mom going like might just confuse you as a baby, you know what I mean, Like that might create a little bit of like why is mom? Is mom dying? Like even though babies can't really you know, intellectualize is she dying? It would just cause alarm. So mom grew up in one room with her whole family in Russia, so I'm sure she heard some stuff. I asked her once. I was like, did you ever hear your parents having sex? She's like, I don't know. I'm sure they did it. I don't know. I don't think about it. So that's a yes. Sounds like yes out and clear. I don't think about it. I just put they put the baby outside in the snowdrift, and then they went inside and had fucking. They sucked each other. You cut your breast and put the energy into it. These are all different things that his mom has said over the years. Okay, so here's one. This is just good to know. You should know. This is from you should Know y s K. You should know. Women experiencing domestic abuse who are choked by their partners are eight times more likely to be subsequently murdered by those partners. So this is just a good rule of thumb for anyone out there. If your boyfriend's thumb print is on your neck, you were times more likely to be murdered by him. And I just thought this was interesting. It's like, being strangled is such a sign that you want to you have no respect for someone's life, and you want to like get the life out of them, that it is a future indicator that if you've been strangled in a domestic violent situation where even once like your boyfriend just was like shut up and like grabbed your throat and not in a sexual way where you were like agreeing upon it, because otherwise I should have had the honey hills. But like, um, if it was you know, if it's a passionate like you know, like anger thing, um, watch out, and even if he's never hit you before. And then there's a checklist of like if you are likely to get murdered by your husband. Um, and it's really disturbing, but I just thought it was an interesting thing. Like I wouldn't think that that was the number one indicator that you're most more than likely to die if a guy strangled you. I know. Um okay, Uh, this one was shitty life pro tips. This is um just like a kind of there's you know, life hacks, life pro tips, but this one's like a shitty one and they're just always like jokey ones, but I think this one was funny. Um, shitty life pro tip. If someone corrects your grammar online, apologize and say you're English. Is not very good. It's technically not a lie, but they will feel bad and likely compliment your English, like if you just really funk up, like most people on YouTube comments are writing just unintelligible things that you just are like, and you could insult them and say like it's actually your with an apostrophe, and they're like, well, English, I'm not very good at English, and then you automatically think that this second language. But it's just true. So I thought that would be a good tip. Br Andrew. Okay, so psychology is the next one. Um, oh, this one was interesting. Psychology Dressing up and begging a panhandler earns twice as much money wearing a suit versus T shirt and jeans. What do you guys think make of this? Twice as much money? If a panhandler is wearing a suit and I kind of pictured myself walking down the street and see being someone panhandling and then pictured like them wearing a suit, and how I would feel And it almost looks like, man, this guy just got laid off, his wife kicked him out. This guy is like just broken down on the side of the road, like his life just changed. This isn't someone that's made a serious bad decisions. It was like something happened just today. Maybe that is it, but it just seems like almost counterintuitive that it wouldn't work that way. You know, right, you're right because you're thinking you have money, you have a suit, like why should I give you money? But I can have to say the opposing like oh, let's help this guy get him get on his feed again, or girl, you got dressed for work today, but you just lost your jobs, so here you are at the corner instead as an alternative, whereas if someone drags were like, this is too far gone, My dollar is not going to help much. M The simple but effective field experiment showed that people donated more than twice as much money to the scientists when he was wearing a high status suit compared to when he was drabbed in a lower status outfit. UM While we expected that the displaying high status symbols would lead to an increase in giving, I was still surprised by the size of the sufference. Why would they expect it to be more? I feel like I hear so often you know that homeless guy had a cell phone, I'm not giving anything to him, Like you would think that the more sad someone looks and I just thought that was interesting and I don't know what they concluded. The results confirmed that people perceived the suit wearing researcher as having higher status than the same person wearing simple attire. They also rated the researcher in the suit as having higher competence, warmth, similarity to the self, and humanity. So I guess we give to situations that we more closely see ourselves in. So if we can empathize with the situation closer, we are more likely to give to that and be like that. That could be me and we A guy in a suit is more like us than something. So it's so funny that even giving in the end turns out to be just a selfish endeavor. I'll add this to my diet tribe of reasons to to my journal of scribblings and drawings. Final thought, No, you have a video that I sent to you from Reddit. Okay, yes, this comes from pop culture chat the people reaching for something, which is why I hate paid meet and greets. You've paid for the album, you've paid for the ticket, you get him in the room, and somebody's gone. How do we monetize that? I hate tell you what you do paid me and greets do them? I stand by it, But you take the money. If you're an artist and you do paid meet and greets, do it and you take the money off, oh I take the money. I challenge it. It's fucking gross. It's absolutely fuck yourself. Guy from the you know what, paid meet and greet, then I would meet no one. It's either I do it paid or I meet no one. And it's not because I want to make money off of it. I could give two ships about the money. It's it's I like the money. I'm appreciate that people pay the money to meet me, but I can't meet everyone, and I'm guarantee you this motherfucker does not. He does v I p meet and greets with like record labels and like their kids that get hooked up with meeting greets. But this guy isn't waiting after shows and you can't meet Matt Heally from the if you go to his show, guess what, you don't get a chill. You don't get a chance to meet him because he doesn't have paid meet and greets and he doesn't have an unpaid meet and greets. So this guy is acting like he meets everyone after the show. If you want to meet me, let's have a really interaction. No, you don't. You don't mean anyone. You stay backstage, You don't mean anyone. I after shows spend a fucking hour meeting people, and I love doing it. It's part of my it's one of my favorite things. So don't make me feel bad about monetizing it when I wouldn't. I couldn't do it. I wouldn't do it if I didn't monetize it because it would be too many people. So it's either you don't do a meet and greet at all, or you do a paid one. And this made me so mad that they're like, it's fucking gross. It's fucking gross. It's like, no, you you're not telling the whole story. Wash your hair, Matt Heally, This made me so mad. I saw it a couple of weeks ago. I wanted to send it to you. It's privileged for to two reasons. One, he's a very wealthy musician doing well. He doesn't probably need to do paid meet and greets because his ticket sales are high. Second and greets. There's no way he does meet and greets. Do you think that guy meets. How could be How could he weed out the people to meet thousands of people at their show? What is he what to hear? What he does for meet and greets? Then there is no meet and great Also, it's such virtue signaling like I'm so k I'm not going to do that. I'm going to just meet people freely, which he's not going to do. Secondly, he's not doing really there are guess what, you're a guy. For a woman who's out there, like Nikki or any woman who's famous, you need to separate people who just any old person who could potentially hurt you from people who are serious. You know what one deterrent is is to pay to kill paid meet and greet. Yeah, you gotta pay, and there's security guards, there's a all kinds of precautionary measures. So it's really easy for him to say that he's a guy, it's not too worried about his safety, and he's wealthy. Um. Can you imagine how long do you think I would be after? Uh? Literally, I would have no time to do even one podcast a week. I would stop touring if I had to do meet and greets after shows for everyone who wanted to do it unpaid and I had no paywall up. And by the way, I give away free meet and greets constantly have to meet and greets I do are freak because someone comes up to the merch booth and says I can't afford it. We give him a free one. Someone writes me and goes I can't afford it, or someone goes alone. That's why I've done the free meet and greet alone. I'm not trying to make money off of people. I'm just trying to cut down on the number because the problem is if everyone, if everyone's allowed to get a meet and greet, then they do. Then they do it. And these people don't really care about meeting me. They just want to fucking picture because they see other people doing it. So if you really want one, I'll give you a free meet and greet right to me. Just try it out. I'll give you a free one. But this really made me mad because I if youre have you ever met met Matt healely? Have you ever tried to meet him? Has it been easy? Did you? I know you didn't have to pay, but what did was there a little thing after the show where you get to line up? Because if there was. I'll take back everything I said. If this guy waits after shows and does a meet and greet with everyone that wants to meet him, that is, and there's no paywall or no like, no kind of v I P pass you need, which, by the way, is a paywall. I don't care if your dad knows a guy that works at um, you know, uh fucking you know Live Nation, that's that is a that's a paywall of some kind that your rich dad knew some other rich guy that got you a meet and greet backstage. So UM, I like the nine and UM but I just thought this was just so good. By the way, meet and greets are available, And like you, I said, if you write me and say you can't afford it, I will give you a free one. I'm never and I really will. And that's the only time I'm going to say that. So if you hear it, good. I don't think that, but I don't get the shaming around it. It's where we live in a capitalist society. If you want to meet the artist, there's an opportunity you get like a few minutes with them, you can get something signed, you have an interaction, and you can either choose to buy it or not. It's not forced upon you. So what's the country but my time and my attention and fans they deserve They deserve my time and they just like I want it, and she's a person, she has it. That's a good that goes back to me like I'm not I'm cutting back on podcast, but I want to spend my time singing on Instagram where I'm not making any money. And it's like, why is she doing that? If she could be doing this like we we want to do we want her in the way that we And this is not any of the fans listening right now. This is on falling on deaf ears because you guys are not the people that I'm talking to. But um yeah, there is that thing of like, but I want it, and if you don't get like just do you know how many times people are like, get over here, take a picture with my friend, came here. We want to do this now, we want to do a video, Barbara, Well come over here, just wait, stand on this side. Wait and I just hold and yelling at at Matt who's taking pictures and being like, um no, take another one. Oh my god, this is so blurry and just being such cunts about it, like this is still someone, this is still my time. I'm happy to give it. And I really do love meet and greets. When people come up and say, I know you hate this, I'm so sorry. I don't hate it. I don't. I promise you I don't. It is more fun for me than the show a lot of times. Truly. I love meeting fans and I didn't used to like it, and I genuinely like it now. I'm so glad I can say that. But when you boss around the people that are taking pictures, when you don't say thank you, when you hand your phone too or he hands your phone back to you, when you don't say like, it's really bothers. Some you don't. You're too entitled. I don't care what you paid, you still say thank you. And that's not what I'm talking to here, because you guys are all cool and nice. Um. I'm in Burlington for month. This week I am in um Providence, Rhode Island. Next week i'll be um the Grand Marshal of the Thanksgiving Day Parade there in St. Louis. To come see me seeing the National Anthem downtown. If you want to do that and then um uh, and then the following week, I'm in Memphis, and then there's Atlantic City. There's Hershey, Pennsylvania. There is Waterloo and New York, and then um St. Louis for New Year's Eve and many many more dates all at Nikki Glazer dot com. I would love to meet you. Meet and greets available at Meet and Greet, And if you go alone, you can write me going alone, the name, your name, and the city, and I will give you a free meet and greet. And because you listen to the special episode, if you just can't afford to meet and greet and you go in a group, I'll grant you one of those two. Just write me and just tell me in your situation. I'm appreciative that you even go to my show. I love you guys, thank you for listening. And uhbeka gee