#294 Caving, Space, Planes, Surgery

Published Nov 9, 2022, 2:00 AM

Anya Marina is in Nikki's room at the AC hotel, Andrew happens to be at an AC too but in Alabama. If ever at the hotel gym, Nikki will pretend she is in a music video to finish her workout faster. Don't put music on crappy speakers, ever. Nikki's nephew Forrest who is a baby, is a musical prodigy. You Heard It Here First, our personalities changed in the last 2 years, dreading things that don't end up being so bad and where to get privacy. Andrew doesn't hear "condensation" in Nikki's voice as she goes through her Reddit Dump. In the Final Though they determine their attachment style but the lyrics they like. 


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The Nicky Glazer Podcast. Here's Nicky. Hello here I am. It's a Nicky Glazer podcast. Welcome to the show. It's Tuesday. What are you doing out there? I'm doing pretty damn good. We just recorded Monday's episode. You know, I'm going to be transparent with you. It's Monday here, um, but it's Tuesday. Where you are on your Marina's here. I'm in San Jose and beautiful the a C. If you have a chance to stay in an a C Marian Andrew Colin. Yeah you are, Aren't they so good? Fantastic? What do you like about? You're one in Huntsville at Alabama Andrews and Huntsville, Alabama. They're They're really nice. I really recommend them. I just they're clean, they're modern. I don't know. The gym has everything you need. I mean, what do you need in the gym? What is a tiny little, a biggie bouncy book? I mean gay like it has everything a girl needs. But like guys like to do lift in some heavyweight I'm using that. Do you really use the big ball? I'm doing physical therapy on my knee, so I need to do these squats with the ball up against the wall. I need a yoga mat and I need Oh that is a lot of stuff. I wanted to look at me while I across the room with my rubber bands. Oh. I was in the gym yesterday here and I was just I don't get to really talk outside of doing the podcast or being on stage anymore because of my fucking voice. But I was because of what hands main tail Chris. Oh, yeah, well, you know, just legislation and the way the world's going, hands made, handmade, hands, hands, hand maids. M I heard someone at the show this weekend. I heard them saying, um, a man array. So I heard I overheard a manoray and I was like me about that? Yeah, apparently that was so satisfied. I told so many people about it after the bag. I was like, it started out as me going, can you believe this woman didn't know what a Manta ray was? And then it turned into Manta ray, Nikki, what do you wasting manta? And I go, yeah, you go no, it's a man array And I go, oh, you thought, how do you spell man array? And you go a m It was like it was so many levels of like you weren't the person that was like the word I didn't know it and it ended up being like I bet you that you you knew what it was. You heard that. I have a question if they saw Andrew, if you saw out there, yeah, in Florida, were all we shared it at a water bed, was in your bathtub? If you saw a single a man array in Florida and you wanted to say, like I saw a man array, would you say, I saw in a man array? How would you say it? Just one? Yeah? Honestly, what would you have said? I mean, we covered this on the podcast. He just thought people say, I don't think you saw I think your answer would have been I saw a man array. But you just think people say it that way like I saw elephant, Yeah I saw elephant. I saw I saw tiger. I guess yeah, you wouldn't think to say a man array or just feels very see like when you say it like that, I don't know what does see an enemy? That's why? Yeah, there we go. Now we cover that the other day. Yeah, okay, it's confusing. Life is weird. Um So the gym. So I was in the gym and I was lip sinking to Taylor Swift and I just love and I get to like the only time workouts go fast as if I can pretend I'm in a music video or like really sing along to it. And it was so fun to be alone in a gym because you can really let her rip. But you can't do that in a regular gym because people look at you like you're crazy. But you could. There are people that just really let loosen gems, and that's what they need to do. I walked in and there was there was one other guy in the gym, and he was listening to music with no headphones, and he was like listening to like the cheesiest like like I don't just like a very cheesy music that but he like quickly like turned it off, and I was like, hey, bro, oh that's nice playing it. Keep playing it's nice. He quickly turned it off because he was alone, he can listen to it without of course, No, I'm not even mad about it. I actually I was. You know, I also had headphones like with noise canceling, but it's I don't mind it. Some people have problem with that, though. I have a problem when people do it and they don't they don't ask you first, so they don't show a little bit of you know, and I hate shitty speakers. So when people are like, I want to listen if I'm trying to show on your new song, I go, let's just wait until it's on good speakers, because everything's going to sound like ship on this, Like, if I want you to really like a song, my friend Catherine shout out if she's listening. She always used to listen to her laptop to listen to music, and she got really offended once when I was like, what, you love music, why are you listening to it on as someone as a musician. Don't you get offended when people listen to music on like Tinny Terrible? It depends on this situation. I listened to a lot of music on my laptop just to listen back to things. So sure. But yeah, but if you really trying to have a sonic experiences car, get in a car and you turn it up. Yeah yeah, I mean, I guess I don't get offended. I was just like, I just want you to experience is the best way you can And I remember her being like, it really hurt my feelings. Um, but that was in college and we've moved past that. A lot of musicians will get in a car to hear like everything, Like you really get the experience. It's surrounding you. It's like, what does it sound like? Yeah, last night Anya and I were performing before the show on Instagram live on the podcast Instagram, and we had the music from the loaded music, you know, when people are loading into the shows, we play Spotify playlist and but we were at this really cool theater that had really good UM speakers in each of the dressing room so that you can hear what's going on stage. So when people are doing quick changes or the ballet or whatever, they can be like, oh, the Nutcracker. This part is like they just know where the show is. And it's great because when I go for a quick change, I can't have or hear whoever is on stage, and this time I got to. But we couldn't escape the music and we wanted to play music. So we went into the bathroom and I sat on the toilet and Anya was in the shower and we were playing. We had these toilet sessions. It was so fun. We're putting out a B side record just the toilet sessions and every time I'm not shipping in there. Yeah, that's a really good point. If you were there, we would not have been able to enter for at least what you minute. Oh man, can you imagine if they were like, okay, Nicky, were ready for your vocals, Andrew's done with the bathroom, get in there. I know that recorded beautiful. I am beautiful. That song. She recorded it laying down on the ground. No matter what they say, she was laying flat on her back. I don't know why I know that. I just remember maybe Apple to Really I've seen heroin album in like a long time. Why did she stop recording? Like? What was no? No? Fiona Apple twenty? It's really good? Yeah good. I didn't like it the first leston. I've been listening to it recently. There's this one song where she's, like Juanique was said, ahead, I have potential. I cannot stop listening to it. It's so good. It's about growing up and um, it's so good. I let that album a lot too. It reminds me Shaniqua has said, I had Potential reminds me of the song that we came up with this weekend where we were talking about our friend Taylor and we were in the car driving to a gig and um, and I was like seeing if Taylor could send because Taylor was staying in my place. And I was like, you do you know when Taylor is getting back from Guatemala because she's in Guatemala right now, and she goes, I don't know when I go, I gotta check the girl's trip thing to see if she's told us, and she goes, ones that bitch get back from When does that bitch get back from Guatemala? Whant that bitch get back from Guatemala? And then Caleb was like, that sounds like a great fucking song. When's that bitch get back from Guatemala? When's that bitch get back from? Is that? Was? It? Was that that? But you do have to make it a little more urban. So just when that bitch get back from Guatamala, Like I canceled, So I'm going to keep it bright and light and white. When's that bitch get back from Guatemala? As a big hit. It's a tough ten head here And oh my god, last night, what about your nephews? Beat did you already talk about that? Oh? Yeah, that was another thing that happened in the car. No, my nephew. My sister sent a video of like, I was like, I just some craving seeing the kids. So she just filmed the kids and she was just kind of like making a video of Forest, who is less than one. He was born. It was oh, it was all one Thanksgiving, he'll be one. Um. He's standing up at the table as babies do, and he has like a marker in his hand. And she says, he's like very musical. And I know all parents say that, but I've never heard her say that about her other two kids. And she says that he just like it's always like beating on things and like likes rhythms. And I swear to god, this is on loop of him, But I just that was there was nothing else going on in that video. Feet to that there's something there's another clickity clack that you can't really place going on in the video, but that was all him sound. I did not add anything to the video. This is it on loop? Okay, let me just play. I don't understand that. That doesn't make sense to me. Together when's that bit kid from Glatemala? When I guess it, I mean that is I said that that's insane. That's like an arcade fire song. It's no. I want to like, I want to make a song out of it. It's so good and I don't understand it. What was the other sound coming from? Though, honestly like he was hitting something else, maybe clatter in the room or like, I don't know. I mean, maybe I'm the genius because I heard it, but I like, who knows. You know, we're not ready to ste point. You are a genius because you hear and see things that most people don't like. We were walking to Starbucks and Nikki stops and looks at these two pipes and she's like, doesn't that look like they're having a relationship, and she just pipe was comforting the other pipe. I have to show you. I'll put it on the Instagram. But do you see things on the street at times? At like I don't even know that you're paying attention, And look at this. I wonder if you guys can see it. But it looks like one of the pipes is sad and the other one is like it's okay, man, let me just show you. Hold on, let me. It's kind of hard to see. So there's this here, yeah, okay, one is comforting. Okay, so their arms are and it looks like and that's his head looking down like I'm so sad. It's like, it's okay, it's kissing its head. The relationship. I was like, god, the video of Luke Combs. He's a country singer and he got inducted into the Grand Old Opry and he did exactly that like that. Hug was like, literally, I don't know really image of that. It would that, I will, I will, So I gotta send you Aaron Carter getting beat up by Nick Carter and Luke Combs getting on but a lot to look at a lot of stuff for the investigate too. Um, they can't get it out of my head. Yeah, I don't know how I did it. It doesn't make sense to me. Last night on the show, we had um it was on your Me and then this uh comedian named Julia lad Cowitz, who my friend comedian Nora Haddi recommended, and um, she was like, my friend Julia would like to open for you, and I was like, oh, that sure, have her come to I didn't really know her from anyone, but she ends up being so cool and so fun and she looks like us like it was just another blonde white girl. And I said when I after the show, you know, after I walk out and stage, I was like, I just love to give women of color opportunities. And I like women of different blondes, blonde hair color. I just like, yeah, golden blonde. Um, they liked it. But I know I could get canceled for that. Obviously I was joking. And um, I didn't know what color hair this girl had. When Nora HADDI, who is someone who gave an opportunity? Who is a woman of color? She said that she actually told Julia because their friends. Nora was like, the only white girls I like are you and Taylor Swift? She said, that's Julia And I was like that about me, But I'm sure Nora would throw me in there too. Um. So that was fun. The show was so fun last night. Um, I slept really well. What else is there to cover? Um? Oh, what what's going on in Huntsville? Tell us about did your golf down there? Did you get anything done in that respect? Andrew? No, So I opened for Heather McMahon. Uh, she's like running like she's trying to run a new hour before she starts doing theater stuff. I've never been out. I think i've been in Alabama one other Have you ever been Alabama? It's I mean, it's been, it is I've been in birming him a few times. Oh yeah, I've done birming him. Yeah I know Albama. Okay, yes, I have been. I mean it's what I don't know. So it was fun. It was a really good time. I mean it's her audiences are like even more women than most women audiences. And then the guys like, you know, a lot of road tide, a lot of just and then during the day we just we go we get some their foodies. So we'll go get some like really good like Southern. I ate, like, who is there? Uh? So Heather has another guy named Chris who goes on the road with her as a manager. Oh yeah, I m that him. I like him. Yeah, he was great. He was fun. And uh we went and ate at this place and I got like sausage gravy biscuits like real Southern. And then you just feel I did it ruined the whole day, like I can't my Jewish stomach can't be a strong like I. It would ruin my day because I'd be like I just ate like crap, and I feel like, oh God, why did I do that? But it just it physically made you feel so physically, I just my body is made to fucking only eat like three things, and I just I just I shut down. I ended up in bed watching football all day. And that's all you do on the road, Like I wish I did something, but yeah, you don't do much on the road. We yes and look at homes. That was kind of fun. It was funny, like the houses here they put the date of when they were built, but you know their slaves here, you know, it's pretty cool. It's like it's just the year and then the name of the family and it's like eighteen forty six, and then next door is like eighteen fifty three. Like it feels like a competition is going on that no one wins, you know, who has the older house or yeah, who has the oldest Civil War? When things were good, this house was built. It's just like a fucking rock. It's like four A D, you know, like just like like I just wanted to see one house that was like two thousand twenty one. But it is funny that no one ever establishes things anymore. Like when you see it's a business, that's like has established. You're like, what, why would you even stop it? But but the thing is you got to do those signs because someday it will, I mean the world. I don't think it's gonna last long enough for those things that actually matter like now, just but like even um, whenever I go to concerts, I go I don't want to buy a shirt because it's like I don't want like a new concert shirt. But I bought a Taylor Swift shirt in two thousand twelve that our concert, and it is you can't find it for less than three dar online now because it's like such a cool shirt and it has all the dates on the back and its vintage. So you've got to think about concert church. Those actually do have value within fifteen years. Like my friend Scott who sells all these vintage shirts. He's like Britney Spear shirts, justin Timberlake shirts, you know back shirt boys. Those things go for hundreds of dollars now. So uh, if you go to an interesting think you're too good. Well, a T shirt gets better over over time because it gets more vintage, it gets more broken down. A house you would think you're paying more for essentially a shitty house like the plumbing, I'm sure, isn't that good? Is not that good? There's more goes. The wood floors are creaking, there's probably like a dead maid in there somewhere, and you're like, man, this was built in four I love it's like no, like by a house that has heat, you know what I mean, Like, I don't know, it's just it's just funny, um because I don't know. I feel like in Charleston it was like that too, like just like this is the history and you can't add an infinity pool or we'll fucking shoot you. Like, you can't change things up. You've got to keep it the same, all right, to keep it historic. I don't know how anyone does anything on the road, like during the day. I know that a lot of comics like go to museums and go out and like take pictures of the town. And I'm just like, I'm fucking exhausted by this work. There's no time either. Like Holla told us to go to some place called Junkies for vintage clothing and reno, and I was thinking, well, you ain't never going to get to people always, but we get to order from restaurants, so that is good. To give us restaurant orders, which we had the best. Get that fuck. Shout out to if you're ever in Santa Rosa. What did we have? The something plumb, the cozy plum, cozy plum. Oh my god, my friend calls her vagina. It was so delicious. Then last night the Vegetarian House or whatever that was, I was like, I was. My soup was nearly a Senegalese soup. It had a thickness and a peanutiness to it that was so good. And the cozy one that night, and shout out to see we haven't forgotten about you. We had the best waitress last night, this woman named Mary who looked like she just like she was walking so slow, and she was so like like the smallest person like I've ever seen, Like she wasn't that small short why just small and southern with like glasses that were thicker than like like like like like five people like old women because usually they're no people are just like that's not much in them. But she started she started pouring like the water and she couldn't even like pick the water up, and like we were just like at first were like she was taking so slow and uh, but then I found We found that later, but really it's that's not the joke. It's not the joke, but like she was just so weak and everything was taking so slow, and we're like, okay, come, can we just have my taking water that can like like can like move like everything slow here, Like you're like, he won't grain to myke It's like spit it out. I'm hungry. I was listening everything, so I was thinking about, Oh yeah, I was just thinking about like if an intruder came into the house and they called the cops and they'd be stabbed by like the second sentence, you know what I mean, saunters shriff. We'll just get out of his car, just one down and then the other boot and then it goes to a wide shot and he arches his back and goes, oh, let's check this out. It's like, what doesn't okay, we gotta go to break. We'll be back with more after this, including Brettit dumb. Hey guys, I'm laying in bed, So if I sound differently, it's because I've got a visiline in and I'm the horizontal and this is on horror Um. I'm on tour um. Actually, do you know that I've told you about it before. It's the best tour has been on ever and all of my touring days, and a big part of that is getting to meet busties and feeling your presence in the crowd. It means something to me when you buy a ticket, I'm so grateful. If you can swing it, I would love to see you there. This weekend, I'm in Thousand Oaks, California, which is outside of l A. I'm in Valley Center, California, which is outside of San Diego. Next week I'll be in Burlington, Vermont, in Providence, Rhode Island, and then there's Memphis, Tennessee, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Okla City, Oklahoma, Atlantic City, UM St. Louis, um and many many more dates in New York City in January at the weekend, So check out dates. I'm coming to all different weird parts and going through the spring and I'll keep adding more. So stay tuned at Nikki Glazer dot com. And as always, if you buy a ticket to go alone because you can't find a friend, I will reward you with a free meeting greet, which you can also purchase at the merch before with a VIP ticket purchase. But if you buy a ticket to go alone, I'll incentivize it for you being great to go alone by UM giving you a free meet and greet. You just write me going alone in all caps, your name and the city you're seeing me in, nothing else. I know you're thankful. You don't have to thank you because it pushes it down and I won't see it after I confirm it and heard it. Then you can write thank you so um. But yes, going alone, your name and the city you see me in, and I'll see you out there on the Good Girl's Tour. Alright, we're back. Let's just get right into. Let's do news. Can we do some news? No one you heard? Oh boy, it's Tuesday, folks, you know what that means. It is Tuesday, but it's actually really Monday? But is it? Who knows? Actually you had? No one knows where I'm in Huntsville? Dare I don't understand? McNee know Andrew? Um guess what? New research provides evidence that the pandemics changed our personalities. Researchers found that people were less extroverted, less open, less agreeable, and less conscientious and two compared with before the pandemic, not a big shocker here, but like it is significant. I think I was thinking about the pandemic last night, like are people like my my niece and nephew like my nephew. I wonder if I was, like, what's COVID? What if he would know he's for like what? And And you know, COVID is not going to be on the tip of everyone's tongue in like two years hopefully, right, Like even if we just you know, the way things are now and they keep going, it'll be a thing that we talked about and we'll all know about, but kids won't really know about it as much. And I'm wondering will they will Will it be a reference? You think, like if if he Arla becomes a comedian in his twenties, will he do COVID references? Like do you know what I mean? Like, will it be a thing that everyone remembers and talks about? Is it is? It is a signific I think it's a different thing than like polio, because polio was the vaccine. Actually no one gets polio. People still get COVID, Like people are still gonna get COVID ten years from now. It feels a little different. People will still talk about it, but they'll talk about it like the flu, Like the flu used to kill people. People still are getting polio now, did you yeah? Snag Yeah. So I think people will talk about but not like nowhere near like how it was the last couple of years, you know what I mean. But it did change people. I mean it it's it was people talk about trauma. It was just traumatic. I mean I was even talking to the girl um who opened for me. She moved back with her parents and she's marryed. She moved back to Toronto from l A. She was having a lot of success in l A and just abandoned ship and moved with her parents for ten months, just like we lived with her parents. Um. People went through trauma. They're still recovering from the financial loss and like and then we remember we switched to like, I know this is we've all been over this, but I think we haven't talked about it. While everyone freaked the we just all of a sudden, I didn't know. We didn't know what it was gonna be. We don't know how long we're gonna be shut down. Everyone really, I thought everyone underestimated it. Me as a pessimist, I overestimated it. I was like, this is gonna be seven years of living inside. Like I was, stand up comedy is dead, really and it was for a while even though and even when people start doing it outside, it was still dead in my opinion, have been kept dead. But it is amazing that everything has come back. It was traumatic. People are still have that your brain change during that time. I so many people did COVID alone and that show alone. If it's proven anything to us is that people can't handle being alone. You think you can, but because people all all the time go I could be on alone. I love solitude. It's not We're not meant to be alone. We were. We came up in tribes. You need like other people for emotional support. Like even if you think you're alone, I mean some people actually are totally alone and I'm so and there's people to talk to, there's better help, there's um hotline. How fragile we are like as a groom area, Like I've never really realized, like, oh, this is gonna affect everyone, you know what I mean everyone. That's what I liked about it, because you stand up was taken away. Everyone wasn't doing stand up? Is there anything in your personality specifically that you think changed. And I'm talking like a negative effect, because this article talks about how the changes in the in the things that I listed negatively impacted our well being. Because when you have high levels of like agreeableness or extra version nous, your your well being is better. Is there anything in your personalities that you think was impacted negatively? I think my depression got took up a couple not just like I suffer with it, more after it, Like it got to such lows that I think it like exacerbated it and then it got to a point where it's like, oh, we know we can get this low, So how low can you go? Now? I'm playing limbo all the time and I'm not going as low, but like it's just it got me, like anything like if you are running a lot and then all of a sudden you can run twenty miles because you've been running for you, Like I don't know, I don't know how to describe it. Like if I ran a marathon during COVID, I would probably be doing five six miles and that would be an easy run for me now and I feel like now I get into six mile depressions when I used to get into three mile ones because my stamina is more, um if that makes sense anyone else. I feel like it was interesting because I think crowds came back. They were so happy to just fucking crowds to beat together, to feel like you can actually go see an event, and they got a little too happy. In Soul Korea, if you hear what I was saying, Oh yeah, that's what that was a thing of the pandemic. They because Soul didn't have Halloween for two years and that was a huge deal. Everyone was like, let's all fucking go and that was that. So as much as that was a joke, it wasn't like that really happens. But yeah, so crowd I feel like when at first, like the crowds got amped and I we were remember we started doing show. I was so amped to be around people. And then I was like the farther I got from that, I go kind of miss COVID, Like I kind of missed like not being around people, you know what I mean. Like like after that first like wave of like yeah, we're all together, we're all doing ship together, then I was like I kind of like not having anything really have to do you don't have to do something. Yeah, you have to do anything at night, and to just yeah, that's the hardest thing to shake, is you know, I'm a creature of habit. I like my routine. But I noticed, you know, I moved to a new city during COVID. I moved upstate, and now I don't have any friends up there. I just have Matt. I haven't branched out to go to shows and Steve. I don't like discover new things about the town because I still have this mentality of like, no, just honker down and stay in and just do the basic routine that you see. I'm not as adventurous. I think a little bit more paranoid, a little bit more anxious. I even feel like people have more social I know people have more social anxiety now than they ever did, because it's it's new. We were locked down for so long. It's just gives you. People. I was starting, I was panicking when the world was opening up because I'm like, I don't want to go socialize again, Like this sucks. And if I was feeling that way, I can't even imagine people with like normal social anxiety we're feeling. Um. I really feel for all the people at critical times of their lives. Like I know someone that was like just on the verge of you know, their fertilities in question. They need to find a partner or get married, like within the next three years otherwise forget having your own kid and it's like nope, shut down for three years. That or children that are like at that crucial time of making friends and college, when junior high or high school or yeah, like you met those, I feel for them. And of course old people. I mean, how did what about me? I was like, just like I don't know, going on tour. No, I'm just kidding. It was like the best time ever for me for the world SI day. It was perfectly timed for me. My E show that I didn't want to do got canceled, and I was like, oh no, I prayed for it something to happen. It's so weird, and I don't I'm not one of these people that thinks I have any influence on the earth by my prayers, but I remember praying for some intervention to take me out of doing that E show that I was imminent. I wanted to do the show. I'm grateful to everyone that worked on it, including Andrew, but I just didn't have time because I was on tour and I was working during the day and doing the radio show. I had no time to give this TV show, and so it was going on air in April ten episodes. I had no idea what it was. I didn't like what it was. I didn't have enough I didn't know how to fix it, um, even though I had amazing writers writing on it. Bonnie McFarland, Ari Finling, Andrew Colin, J. P. McDade, like, this is your apology list. It was awesome. The show could have been so good, but I just could not. I just was so scared of it. And I remember like crying in my shower, being like, there's there, Nikki. Don't even try to bargain with God right now. There's nothing that could happen that the show isn't gonna happen, Like shows don't get taken away barring you getting very hurt, which you know you're not gonna do to yourself. You're not gonna get hit by car, you're not gonnet hit by lightning. And then COVID happens and it's the first show they go it. I'm so sorry, we can't do this, and I was sorry to the guy that I had to lie to and be like, I'm so sad like, but I was jumping down. I was so fucking happy because I just wanted the show to be great and it wasn't great yet, and and it was because of me. I wasn't able to give it enough. But man, that was the it was. And there are some people where COVID happened in the worst time for them, and for me it was. And I was about to have a mental like the reason I couldn't give it anything because I was overworked. I was about to literally commit myself to an institution because of just what exhaustion, um, just mental and um physical exhaustion. I was about to do like one of those Lindsay Lohans of like, oh, I'm you know, uh, dehydration, but it's really just you're just going into psychosis. And and then the planet gave it to me, um, and so I it was just I just got lucky. Man. I don't think that I had anything to do with COVID, but but those prayers. But no, you got to change your life too in such a good way. I mean, you moved to Arizona, you never would have done that right without I'll know, I feel like I had I had some positive changes that I would have not have gone outside my comfort zone to do. But just like it's good to hear you all say how covid Um negatively impacted you, like leaning into your anti like anti social habits, because I was, like my whole life, I struggled with that and I got to appoint where I was like putting myself out there. I was going to places. I would go to places alone if I didn't have anyone to go with, and then covid it just like that like like evil little antisocial thing just was like, oh, you don't have to talk to anybody. You get to just stay at home. And it's been really hard breaking out of it. Yeah, it's been. It's been really really hard. But you're good about getting yourself out there and making friends. You've made many friends in Arizona. I've been so impressed. You've made more friends in Arizona than I have in my entire life. Like you met friends and parking lots there. You go to jiu jitsu, you're volunteering at a um a garden that grows food for you know, people who are food insufficient, insecure, like you are getting out there, You're forcing or something to do social things. But it's like conscious effort. I have to really like the work that I have to do in my brain to put myself out there, and like the anxiety that I feel. It always turns out to be just fine and I have a great time and a great story to you know, take away from it, but just the gymnastics that I have to do in my mind to just get there. It's interesting that most of our lives are dreading things that when we actually get to them, end up not being even ten percent as bad as we thought. Like, I really don't know of any event I've gone to that has been as even ten percent as bad as I thought it was going to be with the amount of dread I gave it. So why do we keep continuing to think things are going to be terrible? Because I dread. I literally dread everything in my life besides going to pick up my Starbucks. And that is no offense to anyone, you know, even meet and greets. I'm kind of like, just get this done, and then I get seats dinner and they are a fucking joy. I have so much fun. I'm like, I feel uplifted. Sometimes I feel like I had a rough set, like at Reno, not Reno. Yeah, Reno was like just this big. I mean, it's three thousand seats and thank you to people are fucking coming out to shows, and I'm so grateful for the crowds like auge are so fucking good. If you guys have not been to a Nikki Glazer show yet, this is the best I've ever seen. Her shows are so fun. Thank you. It's um it's but the first thing in Reno was just like I couldn't. The sound kind of got lost, and all of us felt that way. We were kind of like, do they like it? And but Matt was out in the audience was like, no, I assure you they were having fun. But I was feeling so stinky afterwards. I was like, I didn't give them a good show. I felt off. I didn't even know if they liked it. I went too long. They're probably bored. They hated going here. And then I went to the meet and greet and everyone was so fucking nice and made me feel so much better. And I'm like, I can't believe I felt that way, and so all these things that I dread, and I always dread going on stage. And as soon as I grabbed the mic, I'm having the best time of my life. I've never once been on stage, being like I can't wait to get off stage ever ever, ever, But I do. I dread going to the gym every time I work out I feel good. I dread talking to my parents every time I do I have a good time. I dread. The only thing I don't dread, And this is ironic because most people do air travel. I love being on a plane. I love sleeping on a plane. I love the sound of planes. I love being able to again. And that is the most antisocial place for me. Ever, you don't have to talk to anyone on a plane. If you are skilled like me, you don't have to talk to anyone um and I love. I love flights, and that that's the only place, besides caving, where people will go. Oh, that's that's why you couldn't write back to that email. Caving, space, planes, and surgery. Those are the only four places you can escape. Even sleep, you don't get away with that anymore. You but you could have woken up and written back to my email. But a plane, people go, you go the WiFi. Was you just go the WiFi and you don't have to lie. People just go oh it was, and you go, yeah, but you know you don't have to lie. Um that do that same ship. I always have a build up in my head that everything's gonna be everything's gonna be bad, even never good stuff, never bad. I don't dread watching with my boyfriend or watching I look forward to watching TV. I look forward to meals, I look forward to Starbucks, I look forward to I look forward to this podcast most of the time, I honestly do. It's never it's not something I dread. I'll tell you that it's not. It's neutral. It's always fun. Altercation on stage where this these I was trying to do my jokes and these women on the right order like a dessert to share. They were all like, dude, and they were all like, do you want the ice cream? Do you want to spoon? Do you want to like? What do you here? You take this spoon? Oh my god, look the ice cream is already melting. And I'm like, and they're like, it's part of the stage where they're in your ear because they're not like in front of you either. No one knows that you can hear them so well, that's the shittiest part. When you're at a comedy club. The comedians can hear what's going on on the stage. And sometimes I've done this so many times where you react so violently or like over the top what happened because it's been in your here, and then the rest of the audience thinks you're fucking crazy. Yes, that's what happened. So I go, oh, is the ice cream? I go, oh, is the ice cream? Is the ice cream more important than than me working on my act for twelve years? Is that? Is that imporing that ice cream? Would say, yeah, yeah, for sure, like that, what is yours? And then I go, I go, I go, and like I was getting fun with it though I was just like I wasn't being that bad. I really wasn't, even though they were just years. Really, so I say, well, yeah, yeah, really just started your earlier is melting more than his ice cream? I'm like that. I appreciate that, okay, and so is it? Alimotor is a little mode. I don't know That's where I'm gonna need so this girl, I say one more thing about the ice cream, like after a joke, like just called back to it a little bit, and she just goes, get over it. I'm pregnant. Get like yelled, get over it, I'm pregnant. I would have responded out of and a bitch, that's what I said, But I said it like such like, I didn't say it like you were piste. Yeah, just because the condescending in her tone. People don't from my mouth. Yeah, you had condensation to every work. Dude, she had beer goggles on. It's actually just me spinning on her glasses from my mouth, and beggs are a metaphor. Really, I thought you actually not down in the South bitch in a way that was as so much history behind it. And then I got the sucking robin. She's like, who's robbing? And I go um, and then I go hey, you know what, I didn't need to get that aggressive. And then but that's not good either for comedy. I'm just having an inner monologue. Then that's coming out our log my mouth. What number how many more minutes did you have on stage? Here's the thing I didn't. I fucking crushed after that. I think like it made me in a way, like I apologize and then I just you get in control of them. Yeah, it made me, It made me push harder, but like I didn't I lost. I did lose it a little bit. But there's something about like, get over it. I'm pregnant, Like like just because you're pregnant, you could be a horrible like I know, just because someone fucked you and came inside you and you were vertile enough to carry it. Like you get I'll give you my seat on the subway, but you don't get to be Yeah, it's same with the ne someone in a wheelchair, or someone that has a disease or as cancer. You can still be a bit and have cancer. You can still be a bit in a wheelchair. You can. Like we all know this, but there's something about it where we have to oh, old people are all sweet. It's like, no, they're not. They're not all sweet. Oh that guy was a limp. He must be just a gentle soul. It's like, I think that's rude to assume that every one that and especially mothers, we are we have mother's Like, there's nothing about it is condensation, it's I'm in here. Also, stop your pregnant. Yeah yeah, if it felt very like, uh, you know whatever it was. Oh my god, they're knocking like crazy. Yeah, I don't need anything. Tell her, tell her she's a bit Come on, Andrew. All right, we're gonna go to break and come back with more. Andrew's going to handle this and uh, the show after this handlemade its hands mad. Alright, we're back, let's do Reddit dumb. This is your this is your I got the key, right. I love that laugh. It's my favorite part. Okay, So I was on redd it last night. I was so excited that this one can him up because it is like, so my style of a question is on ask Creddit, which is where they just ask cool questions and then people answer. Um. It says, what is the most dangerous thing? People don't realize is all that dangerous? And this is my favorite thing to talk about, is like things that are dangerous and people are just doing them, And I'm like, how everyone needs to know, Like we've talked about crowd crushes, how to not have that happen to you? If you want to bree visit the episode. It was on Thursday's episode last Thursday. If you are ever find yourself in a crowd, walk with your hands up like you're boxing someone and stand uh staggered with one foot in front of the other, so that you aren't just like, you know, standing with your feet together. And then if you get pushed to the ground, Um, you don't have to go back and listen because I'm telling you, if you get pushed to the ground, do not say in your stomach or on your back, get in a fetal position to the side and crouch and that will keep your organs protected. So that is going to save some lives. Okay, but this was interesting to me. My first word as a child was dangerous. I would point out things that were dangerous. I'm obsessed with people wearing seatbelts. I'm assessed with people wearing helmets. I am a total advocate for Caleb Sign. In my opener this weekend, he was talking about scooters and how he won't go on those like bird scooters. He's like, no, I'm not gonna do it. And I was like, do it and he's like, did you wear a helmet? And I'm like, I you don't even understand who you're talking to. I am so scared of dangerous things and school. Those scooters are not dangerous as they seem. I mean they definitely are they. But just if you're a smart person and not being drunk on one and following the rules, you don't you'll be okay. And I was like, please do want to? I just trust me. I'm such an advocate for safety and it's so fun. This one blew my mind. The top answer, Okay, so what is the most dangerous thing? People don't realize it's all that dangerous and people need to know this, So listen up, everyone, especially people with kids. All the pregnant bitches out there, the pin setters in a bowling alley, they are all well over a thousand pounds of mechanized death by steel and moving belts. Some of the scariest moments of my life have been running the six um feet between me and the emergency shut off behind the front desk as a toddler runs slipping and sliding down the lane while their parents or guardians are laughing by the table because they thought it was cute. Even experienced pin setter mechanics have been crushed to death during scheduled maintenance. Pin Setters are machines of convenience, entertainment, and death. So that freaked me out. I'm telling my sister. She ever brings her kids to the bowling alley, like just like you could see a toddler just like being like running towards the ball and everyone going, that's so funny and just a toddler magnets, Yes, so much. Yes, when I was a toddler, that's my number one place I wanted to run to yese to like run and slide into pins Like, well they can do that, you know what, You're an idiot that adult children. No, don't put your hand in one of the cake Boss. Apparently I was reading the Cake Boss. Buddy Valastro nearly destroyed one of his hands punctured by the pin setter in his own home bowling alley. So be careful, folks. Um, this one was good. I feel like we all know this, but it's worth repeating. Passengers should never rest their feet on the dash of a car because when the airbag does its thing and has only one way to go, several terrible things can happen. At this point, your knees get pushed into your face or your hips are dislocated. This wasn't interesting. One more psychological one. What were you saying? I have a story for you. This weekend. We went up to a place called Mount Lemon to a road, windy road going all the way up to the top of the mountain. Way home. There was a car that was driving the speed limit and a couple of cars behind it. One guy said, I need to pass this driver driving the speed limit. Went around a curve. We we passed the curve. All of a sudden, we see his truck on the side of the road. He apparently flipped upside down. His his truck landed in a ditch by the side of the road on a mountain. So it's a good thing it didn't go to the other side where it was like down the mountain. Yeah. Yeah, and um, he got so lucky. We had no reception at that point of my god, did you get out? And you got out and helped it because we were with his search and rescue. This is the best person to ever be behind a guy that flipped his car, and we had his truck, so he had all his stuff with him. Also, the guy who was driving the speed limit is a veteran, so he has like experience also. And then a few minutes later a doctor was driving up the mountain, so uh, the guy was alive. He was kind of like in and out. Um, he didn't appear that he had any like lacerations or bleeding, but like he flipped upside down. It's crazy. People are insane to drive. Did you see the accident happened? I saw him cutting the cars off because it went around a bend. I didn't see his vehicle flipping. They think they're invincible. They really. That's another thing. Like you're driving a big truck, you too, That's a thing. That's the thing. It was for me, like as an outsider, like not knowing this guy, I'm like, Wow, I'm like seeing someone have a life changing moment because he was like near death. He could have done and he hopefully learns from that. Yeah. God, that's so scary coming upon a wreck. I just I can't. I'm going to see. Oh yeah I did. Was he like in his fucking You've never seen him in that mode? Right, rescue mode? Oh? Yeah, it was it. Did he take off? Yes? Did he have a flotation device his pants? Yeah? What did he do? Did he do it? Did he do anything? Hot he doing? Well? The door was jammed so he couldn't because he has to take the guy's pulse you know, you have to stabilize him and stuff, so you have to like break the window on the passenger side, yep, with his elbow, um with his head. He had a knife, so he used the back of the knife. It was were you just like obsturbating by a tree? Like what were you sitting in the shade? And then the funny part is, you know, so there's cars passing by right and it's already dark. So this one guy drives. He's he's got like this red sports car with like a green light underneath. And I'm trying to like screw to people like can you please call the cops when you get reception? There's a man in there. We just had an accident. So these two guys are driving up the mountain. All of a sudden, the car just like speeds off, disappears for like ten minutes. Then they come. I see the car coming back, and I'm like, did you call the cops? Did you call anyone? And these guys come out. It looks like Cheech and Chong and they're just like, yeah, we went up there, we got service. I drove like sixty miles per hour and I'm like, that's not don't tell me that, but thank you for calling them. It was just like a little how long were you there? We were there? I think that I would be like I was like if my boyfriend was like rescuing everyone, I'd be like, God, damn it, we're not gonna have my friends. We were supposed to go to pot Whale to get some food, but um, we were there for like an hour, Like the latest mine. I'd be like, the Starbucks is closing and they order, It's just gonna be cold by the time I get there. I'm such a bit I seriously would be thinking that. I'd be like, remember when we broke from on the side of the road. Yeah, you were gone before the car even stopped. Wait what you save yourselves. We were driving back and Claire Parker, We're driving back from a gig somewhere in New Jersey and we were on the highway and all of a sudden we started hearing like like the tires. My nephew was on the with a old steel drum, and we were like, what the fun? And so we pull over on the side of the highway, which I hate doing and I'm so scared of and I like, I think we've actually pulled off on a ramp because I was like, sorry, I will That's the biggest Another dangerous thing that my dad always taught me. Never ever pull off on the side of a highway, no matter what. You could just drive on your shitty tire, because you will die changing the tire people. It happens to people all the time on the highway. Um. So we pulled off and we he went to go check it, and I had already called an uber for me and Claire to get picked up to deal with it. Because there's nothing I can do in that situation to help. I am out of things. Why do I need to stay? Yeah? Just friend chip No, like they have each other and friends. It makes sense. Yeah, I was thinking, Andrew's fy, like can I get in there? Well, I would have liked you, but I feel like that would have been mean to Ari. We would have had to leave someone with it, and we were the two girls, and I was like, we don't need to be on stranded on the highway with these guys trying to change the tire. They don't even know what they're doing because they're both your body from Barter system. Like that with the tire, you could have our women Okay, that's true, but um, and then ended up being just like a piece of tape that was like a piece of and then I had to eat crow and I was like canceling the uber. How long are you fucking uber? You? I can't believe he was so offended? How long? How long did it take from pulling over to discovering the tape? I'm not kidding you. I started calling the uber before we even because I'm like, I'm not wasting my time. I can't do anything in the situation. I'm not gonna know. I don't know how to work at jack, I don't know how to work like that. I'm not gonna be any healthier. So the next Reddit thing I just want to say is, um, the dangerous thing that you don't know is dangerous using non ladder objects to reach things out of reach, standing upon a thing that you made out of nowhere. Um, getting in and out of a wet shower or bathtub, I mean so scary. Do your parents and have stuff in their bathtub? Are you worried about slips and falls from them that they don't have stuff in there? About them? I don't even think they shower. I don't know what my parents. Wait, what will you see them today? Will you ask? I'm worried about them? Okay, um now the next Reddit thing. Uh oh, this girl had a life hack. Oh. I wanted Andrew to try this, but we don't have it on hand, but I want one of our best used to try it. Um on, I'm gonna play it for you. Sorry, no, I didn't send this. It's a girl with a twelve pack of soda that isn't open yet, and it's a life hack. I guess I'll just play it for all of us, and I'll just describe what she's doing. So she holds the patisota. It says this is from a life hacks new here, so sorry it's been shared before. But here's my life hack. And it's a girl taking a twelve packisoda and then slamming it over her knee like a karate move and just chopping it in half and it breaks it half perfectly. I'll play it again for you guys, and it opens like that, and I want to see if that works. I wonder if I had my pack of Zevia here, but I drank all ten and what's going to do that over my knees? That I'm that's a good point, Tea. For it is, then it's gonna if it depends how quick you want the soda, because that's gonna cause fuzz for sure. You just the top. We just put the whole twelve clock in the fridge. Though, Why does she need it broken open just to open it? That's a good point. There's like a little point of getting yeah you can there's a little door. Okay, so that's pointless. No one needs it. It did look cool. This is from Explain Like I'm five and I just want to hear what you guys think the answer to this is. And then I have the actual answer. Why do human babies cry so much as opposed to chimpanzee or gorilla babies? Like you see gorillas and they're always just kind of like looking around, they're swinging on. Why um, because there's predators out in the wild and if they cry, they'll be found and then killed and eaten. Smart interesting, that is part of it. Does anyone else have any theories? So they said, I'm wanting a documentary, And notice how chill great ape babies are. They're quite content just holding onto their mom and you never see them crying in the same shrill, oftentimes excessive way human babies do. Why is it because of how we're socialized now and we're so separate and maybe we're supposed to be like wrapped around our moms constantly and um it's but this Andrews right, Uh, it's it's kind of has multiple things that anthropologists think. One anthropologist, Sarah Hardy positive an evolutionary mechanism. If an ape or monkey puts a baby down for a bit, it's best chances of survival is to stay quiet and hope mom comes back. It can last for a good bit. A human baby is basically fucked if mom does not come back around very quickly. Um so makes lots of penetrating noises to remind her. And this was the other part of that. Human babies are born much earlier into their life cycle than chips for various reasons. So women's women are justestation period is not that long. Babies come out really vulnerable, whereas other babies of other species animals um even hominid come out really well formed and so they don't need as much care. Where as we If our babies were lasted longer than us and cooked longer, they would kill us on the way out. We would because yeah, like a horse is born and within thirty seconds is a walk and already um so yeah, being born super early is actually a pretty good evolutionary adaptation. So most of the growth goes into your brain when you're in I guess it says um. It's a good evolutionary adaptation to a social species because it allows for less need for preprogrammed instinctive behavior and a much greater range of learned behaviors, meaning that human behavior can be highly adaptable and very plastic between generations. Humans can change pretty much everything about their behavior very rapidly because it's almost all learned behavior and not encoded at a genetic level. It's one reason Homo species no Homo have been able to live in every climate and adjust all sorts of different social and substant sub what some word systems. I thought that was very interesting. Final, can you imagine if if you had a baby and it was already like it comes out it's like walking, like being like what's up? Bro? It was already doing Yeah, it's a BC's so it's good for our evolutionary survival to cry yes, yes, because we're like Mama, I'm here look at me. Yeah, it would be weird if babies came out doing this on your clip literally arcade fire. That is so, I know it's so weird, okay, um, and then this one was interesting. Let's all think of our favorite song. If you can't one of your favorite songs, let's say favorite love song, whether it's any kind of song about I think you just played it. Um. I think of your favorite song that has something to do with love, whether it's negative or positive, heartbreak or anything so love. Um. This is from psychology uh the subready. It says the lyrics to your to your date's favorite song may provide clues to their attachment style, So you can get insight into the person you're with if they're insecure, if they are avoidant, or if they are secure based on their favorite song and the lyrics of the favorite song. So I want to run a little test. Um an you know what is your favorite song? Supernova by Liz Fair, which is basically just a love song to a guy, Like your eyelashes sparkle like gilded grass, and your lips are sweet and slippery like a cherub's barewet ass. It's like a funny sweet is she getting rejected in it all or she longing. It's just but it's like fun. And so I have looked all over the place, but you have got my favorite face. Your eyelashes sparkle like gilded grass, and your lips are sweet and slippery like a cherub's barewet ass. Because you're a super human supernova, a solar superhuman. You're an angel with fire, wings of fire, a flying giant friction blast. Um. Yeah, it's all just nice. That's secure. Yeah, I'd read that as a secure attachment. You're just celebrating someone that you love. It doesn't there's not a longing. They're not a rejection there. Um again, Um yeah, like it really did. Like I was thinking, literally all I was thinking about. Your sweater has a chevron, and you're so damn high. You walk in clouds of glitter and you wear a tight medium shirt and the sun reflects in your eyes, and every time the wind blows, I can smell you in the sky. Your kisses are as wicked as an F sixteen, and you funk like a volcano and you're everything to me. Oh my god, I love that. Okay, No, what's your favorite song? And can we look up the lyrics or is it just are they even audible? You don't like lyrics though, so I don't think this counts for you. Yeah, can we skip? His favorite love song is just like a like I don't know, an eagle being beaten to death or something. I am anilyst right the Eagles, the band the Eagles being this song right now. This is a tangent called good in Bed by Dualiba. Because I always watch on Instagram she has the best like reels of her just like grinding, and she's always wearing these like hot costumes. And I got into the song from Instagram. But it's called good in Bed and I've just been listening to it a lot recently and she has Oh, she goes, it's bad, bad, bad, bad bad. You're messing with my head. Head head, head head. We drive each other mad, mad mad mad mad, But baby, that's what makes us good in bed. Please come take it out on me. Me me, me me. I know it's really bad, bad, bad, but baby, that's what makes us good in bed. And she's like, it's bad. We drive each other mad. It might be kind of sad, but I think that's what makes us good in bed. We drive each other mad, it might be kind of sad and a and she goes, yeah, we don't know how to talk, but damn we know how to. I love it so much. I think I love to I think I think she's she's got Taylor Swift vibes to me, like she's just saying it real. I really I think she's underrated for me. And she has this um that I also love called like Boys, Holy Boys, and it is so good and it's all about how like boys I like to work. Are you guys seeing the trend in pop music? My favorite Taylor Swift song right now is UM. If we're talking about love songs, it's Labyrinth and I love that one. And it's like, oh I'm falling in love. Oh I'm falling in love again. Oh I'm falling in love. I thought the plane was going down. How did you turn it right around? And it's just about like, oh no, I'm falling in love like this is to be. And I think that UM really does because I was read that and I go, what are my favorite songs like? And why don't I like these other songs? At certain girls like? And UM? That one I think I like because I do feel that way, like as soon as I get what I want, I start going, oh no, there's never gonna be another. I like the pain of um even like that song Midnight Rain. He wanted it comfortable. I wanted that pain. He wanted a bride. I was Jay, making my own name, chasing that fame. He stayed the same, all of me. Change that man, That's another one I love. I have definite avoidance. Uh mind's avoidance based on the things that I like you. I'll back you up. I think I've changed in to avoid it style. But I used to be anxious. But now that my boyfriend is secure and loves me, I'm more going towards avoided because it scares me. Being secure scares me. Um, Andrew, you said, I'll back you up. By Dave Matthews. By Dave Matthews, I remember thinking I'd go on forever knowing see you again there. But I know the touch of you. It's hard to remember, but like that touch, I know no other and for sure, yeah, dancing there's something together. Would you like to dance around the world? Wait, just let him go. I'll be around my own thing and I know the touch of you. Okay again it was hard. I remember thinking, I'll go in forever only knowing I'll see you again. But I know the touch of you is hard to remember. But like that touch, I've known no other, and for sure we have danced in the risk of each other. Would you like to dance with me around the world with me, I'll be falling all about my own thing, And I know you're the heaviest weight. When you're not here, that's hung around my head, and your lips burned wild, thrown from your the face of a child, and in your eyes the seeing of the seeing of the greatest view. Hey, do what you will, Always walk where you like your steps, do as you do, do as you please. I'll back you up. It's it's it's it's anxious secure because it's like being ready for a relationship, but actually you're getting You're you're pining for someone who's not around. I'll be falling all about my own thing, and I know you're the heaviest Wait when you're not here, that's hung around my head. You like missing someone? Yes, longing? You like longing? Is that correct? Especially when I was younger, I remember being in a top bunk listening to that on like repeat. When I was like twelve and I just wanted a girlfriend so bad. That's so sweet. I always say goodbye because I wanted to have sex with someone who like it would only be one night and we would long for each other the rest of our lives. That was my fancy. I was like, someday, I want to have sex to the song, and I want this song to be what I'm living when I hear this song. All Right, we gotta go. Thank you guys so much for listening to the podcast. We will be back tomorrow. Anya, thank you for being here for two. It was so fun. Um yeah, don't be come out there and Jack Grave digger Jack in the Box Okay,

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