#293 The Stevecast w/ Anya Marina

Published Nov 8, 2022, 2:00 AM

Nikki and her best buds Anya Marina and Andrew Collin admit that there are some things they have no clue about. Traveling could help learn about the world or maybe waking up with a foreign accent. Nikki reflects back on her shows over the weekend. She and Anya tell a story about Steve with the chevron patterned sweater. There was also a strange occurrence at a motel. In Top 1 Bottom 1 they talk about their favorite Steves and soups.


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The Nicky Glaser Podcast. Here's Nikki. Hello here, I am Sniki Laser Podcast. Welcome to the show. It's Monday. I'm here in San Jose, California, from my hotel room where I performed last night with Anya Marina, who you just heard singing, and now you're gonna hear her talking about what a, what A what up San Jose? That we only have people listening and surrounding areas in Huntsville, Alabama. Andrew is at a hotel in Huntsville, Alabama. Welcome to here. What's up Huntsville? What's going on out there? Huntsville? And Noah is in Tucson, Arizona, which is how I like to say it. Tuesday, Yeah, Tucson represent hell Yeah, and Andrew for you gonna say, that's probably pretty good, guys. It doesn't go across the country like it starts like low numbers and then it goes across and get no because three one oh is l a, I guess like zip codes. Zip codes go there, one zero, there, ones zeros on the East coast and then nines on the west New York and two one two though, no, that's what we're talking about zip codes now, Bah bah yeah, yeah, um, so we are in I don't know which ZIP four because is from here, um from the coop Cooper Tino. So I was just saying, inst we look like we're in the Beastie Boys, and I was just saying that I whenever the Beastie Boys are brought up, I always like to change the conversation really quickly because it's one of those bands. I don't even calling it a band. You're gonna be like the you know group that I don't know anything about. I only know that one, like um, I think I know maybe once song, but I don't know anything. I know that people like, yes, I know that one. To leave this conversation because I don't know anything about the Best Boys and it's they them in the Wu Tang clan. Those are my two things that I go, they're cool, people know them, and I don't know anything about it. I know Rizza, I know method Man is in it, but I don't know anything about anyone. You know, you knew more than I did. Really, is there a do you have any you guys have any insecurity things of like when it gets brought up and you just go like, I'm so not cool right now I gotta get out of this. Boy meets the world. What you bring that up? And I never know what it is? And I get scared to leave the room. It's not about coolness though, and no one, we're not boys. It's not cool. So I got up a band last night in the green room with the other comedian and you guys were bonding about it, and I was like, I have no idea about band. It was like a boy band or something that everyone should know. I don't. It was a back Street or what was Aaron Carter's band? No, it wasn't that back Street Boys. Aaron Carter was Nick Carter's brother and Aaron Carter was solo. Um, yeah, but yeah, do you guys have any with Andrew Noah? Is there Anie? I don't Aaron Carter? When people so to pango of you, sorry, leave you out movies, it's just Mr Peenie say right now, I do movies. Reservoir Dogs, Tarantino, get me out of there. Any trufo or like Scorsese or um, he's the guy Christie with. That's why I don't even correcting, savies. Didn't you audition when I Hamlet? When he asked me to do a thing as Hamlet. I go, I don't know what Hamlet is. I know of Hamlet? Asked you to audition as Hamlet. Well, I was doing this read of this line, and he just kept giving me different like, Okay, say it like a woman who's saying goodbye to her son that she's sending off the work. Say it like someone who's breaking up someone. Say it like now, do it like Hamlet? And I don't. I don't know what that means. I've never seen it. I know that holding a skull going to be or not to be, but that's the end of my knowledge. I don't know what that means. Though, What do you mean I would would you say? What would you say to him? Would you lieform this? Really? Say? That's where I do not do well. I just tell the truth. I cannot fake it. Uh. My opener this week in Caleb sign and he was saying that when an uber driver asks him what his profession is, he just says, I work in I T because, you know, because being a comedian. They get too interested. They start talking about how they're comedians and they could have been one or they tried it before, or do you know that? Do you know raz J and I'm like, no, I don't know this one guy that you went to an open mic once rab Ja, Like what do you say? He brick Stanley Kubrick get two thousand, Like you can ask me about a couple of things, like I know that someone had their eyes like open in that so I can reference things from those movies. And it goes, dude, maybe that's like Planet of the Apes. I don't know. Um, but anyway, Caleb said that. He says I T and I go, I would never say that because I don't know anything about it. And he goes, but they never ask. They will never ask a follow up. And I go, what if the guy is that striving, isn't I T, which he wouldn't be if he was driving? No, Um, he goes, that's happened before, and they just go, yes, sing I T right, like there's no follow up, and I'm and I go, what if they ask, what do you do in I T? He says I fixed old ladies computers. I still wouldn't want to. I wouldn't even want to do that because it's like, what kind of process are you usually use? What do you recommend for I'd be like, dude, you gotta get a tell and good. I T is good because it's specific, but it's still general enough, you know, Like if it's too specific, people want to know about it. Like you know, if you're like a sheepherder, you're like your sheepherder ask more. If someone said they were an I T, I'd want to know, like, but what do you do? But I guess maybe I wouldn't, But I just I wouldn't be able to if someone said, hamlet to just do a fake accent and like, guess. I think so many people are good at like that. These are people like you on you that are good at getting deals they like ask for what they like. They just they can like fake it a little bit and act like yeah I deserve this, or like yeah you know no. I think I would also say I have no idea what that means? Really, yeah, okay, good do Uber driver also doesn't want to seem dumb and not know what I T is. I feel like people when you say something like that, they're like, oh, yeah, I T oh, you know, they don't want to go what is I You know what I mean? The beastie boys and see if they have the same you know, one died. Actually, yes, I do know that, and I know that he Do you know about him? Adams less Anger? No, m C A. Adam. His name is Adam. He died right after COVID started, and he was he uh a comedians. Yeah, yeah, of cancer. Um cheese to one of the guys. That was pretty cool in New York cheese. No, I know, I did I know which one to which one? What did he look? You get cancer from your grill cheese? Yeah? I have put a little too much a havardy in me. Do you remember his order? Do you remember his order? Do you remember his order? He said, I wanted grilled cheese and you can't stab? Yeah? Do you Is there anything? I'm trying to think of other things they feel really insecure about not knowing. I mean wars, oh, politics, geography. For me, I like watching like etiquette stuff like at the dinner table, like I don't know how to set a plate. I don't know where the fork or knife or so. I think you're lame. If you not that, you're lame. But I don't think that's something anyone should know. I just read this article that said etiquette has gone Boundaries are in because so much etiquette is letting people walk all over you and like doing what is supposed to be right for these arbitrary reasons that were like set in stone when we used to have slaves, Like it's just not there's no reason. It's like, oh, this is your slave fork, and it's like don't that's the one that the slave is supposed to put there. It's like, okay, well we don't need that anymore. Like master bedroom, you don't say anymore, do you know that because it's oh my god, a realtors say primary bedroom. Well, my friend has a new house and I was just going through it. We're looking at the guts of it real estate term and we were going through and it's, um they had it's this mansion she's buying. It's this creepy I mean, it's like really run down, but it has made a made staircase because they essentially just didn't want to see the help as this little staircase build in this house that doesn't really need it, Like they have a huge staircase, but they just didn't want to run into She was like, it's essentially they just didn't want to run into black people in their house. It's just like I mean they do that with apartments in New York still today. They have like different entrances for like the affordability homes, like they have some of these places they build these skyscrapers, and then they have parts for poor people that are like rent stabilized, and they have different entrances, so you don't see them. They essentially have their own made stairs still, so you don't. Yeah, it's pretty wild bumber um. But yeah, there's architecture. I have no idea about. That's something that when people bring it up, like oh okay, stuff like that, like, oh, that's a boskyat, I'm like, oh, yeah, I know what that is. I don't think people expect you to know what boskiyots are, though, Like I don't think that's I do think people expect people in their late thirties to know about the Beast boys. That is, like you don't you're cool and you don't know the I'm talking about, like stuff that Tarantino. You don't know Tarantino films. You don't know about the conflict in Yemen, like these are things. But I feel like art is like a certain type of person might be like you need to know what that is. But under your good about art, I feel like I know art, but I don't know any of the other stuff For art. I just know like a Rothko or a Boscia and that's it. I know. I mean honestly, I and you know that I know all the impression. I know. Yes, yes, I think I could figure that out. Pointless? Is um that the conversation? But should I say the Reno? That thing? We were in Reno and Nikki goes, you know a fun fact about Reno that's crazy is Reno is more West than Los Angeles. I was looking at fun facts about them so I could roast them, and yeah, more or less than Los Angeles. And I was like, huh, and I'm from California, and I go, Reno is more West than Los Angeles. And then I go, oh because of the globe, because of the curve of the globe, she said, And then she's like, no, it's just more My joke was that this doesn't matter to people in Reno because you guys are all flat earthers anyway, or um, yeah, but that is true because if you think, like if you're just thinking of California, don't know, California goes way they dip way the east. Yeah, it dips um. And then what I didn't know was Baja, Like all the way down was like when we were in Mexico, I didn't understand the topography or geography. Don I guess topography I got. I'm like, that's a mountain, that's a valley, But the geography of Mexico. When I'm anywhere, I never know where I am in any anytime I fly somewhere. Andrew lived in St. Louis for literally a year in three months, and did not know what part of the state St. Louis was in. Oh yeah, I'd be guilty of to that, to live in a place. What about New York? Do you know where kings? Could you find in a map? Like could you get within fifty miles pointing on a blank map? If I think so? But like, I need to drive a city to really get to know it well, and I needed. Yeah, I am guilty of that. I lived in Portland, Oregon for a really long time and then realized I don't know any surrounding areas and I don't even really know if I could find this on the map. Yes, there is a geography app that all my girlfriends downloaded on the on our app or our chat group, and you like, it gives you a country and then it lights up like five countries to choose from that it could be and you guess which one and you realize how fucking stupid you are. And now there's so much Yeah pow New Guinea or Burkina fasso um even Yeah, but really there's so much. Did you hear that? Did you know that astronauts when they go to space, they a lot of times have an existential crisis when they get back. I read that. Yeah, that they what's the syndrome called again for? Do they feel like they see that though it's too like the universe is that big? And that know that Earth is so vulnerable? Yeah, like that that that they look down it and they see it as just like this little thing that's like so precious and so insignificant in the scheme of things, and they oftentimes are really depressed, and they oftentimes get really into climate change when they get back, and they get into preserving what we have. And I'm like, everyone needs to go to space. This would be so good for the world for people to have that kind of I feel like if you spent a day in Mars, you appreciate Earth a little bit, you know what I mean, like just any other planet. Well a night we set a motel the other night, and I'm like, I am so grateful for like hotel rooms that don't open out onto a parking lot. I was just like any kind of experience where you're taking out. I think that's why travel is so important, is to see because that that app really taught me, Like, God, I live in such a what is it um ecocentric at such an ecocentric point of view of the world of like America. Fuck yeah, like that's all there is and there and anywhere else just not exist. In my I feel like people should live in like New York City or San Francisco or places where diversity everyone's like kind of together and like working together, and then go back to better people. Though have you been we've lived in these places. It's like they're the cultural divide, is not you know step oklahom most people doesn't make you more compassionate to them, it makes you desensitized to them. Well that's true, but I don't know. I think I think I definitely was more ignorant before I went to New York city about cultures. Yeah, that's a good point. Um. Yeah, I remember there was an Asian person that spoke like with a New York accent and being from Florida. Like I was like, whoa, Like the nest thing ever, but like I'm like, whoa, what that sounds like, Andrew, that's going to lose. They sent us this video the weekend that is so insane. Have you guys heard of foreign accent syndrome? Fass oh when you hit your head and then you wait up speaking a different Yeah, I had never heard of that, So it's a real thing with me with my lisp you have and then yeah, actually I'm actually French. I saw a clip this weekend speaking of your list, that of this guy that does a podcast with his friend and he was like, dude, I have something to tell you. And his friend was like what. He was like, I have a lisp and he goes, no, you don't. And he goes, if I don't have it, if I concentrate really hard, but if I just talked the way I want to, like if I say chicken, he was like it was just like what the fun He's like chicken And he was like, you say chicken? Like thicken and he's this, and he's like, but if I focus on that, I can say church and he was like, oh my god, your lips have to move so weird to he was like, now I realized, and they're hamlet. I think if you focus, can you not have a list. That's what I'm on stage. I usually enunciate better trust the audience. We've heard you. No, no, no, it doesn't. I think talk with a little bit more commanding. That's like with the purpose, with purpose, or like thinking about every word. But that's too exhausting. Yeah, it's like that Andrew Take guy that everyone loves. He talks like this and everyone listens to him because he annunciates. Well, you never to listen to him. I don't know him. Probably foreign accent syndrome though. It is like when you bump your head. And this woman that I sent the video of she started talking like with the Queen's British and she was this woman and her kids are like, mom, you don't sound hood anymore. They're all like they're they're you know, Latina's living in like you know, rural Texas. And their mom was like, so I left, like to Molly's and they were like she's like, my children make fun of how I say to Molly's now and it's it's so British and it's so perfect. She's like she had John surgery and that's what just happened to her. And they looked at you know, it is a real thing. These people aren't putting it on. And I sent it to Anya and then she got into a deep dive and she found a British woman who bumped her head or something, and then she Migraine. She talks like an Asian, like a Chinese man. Like it's it sounds racist the way she talks. If you bumped your head and had to get an accent, what one would you want? Probably Australian. I think people women, it's not that girls are into British from then. Dude, I've been out. I went out. I remember going out with Australian guys. But were they hot? That's true to that. They were as you don't get their face and the best awesome. I think Australian men. I'm not as like that. It's not horny to me. They just seem really nice. Yeah, they seem like they surf and I would like a bad boy that sounds posh. British even Irish is kind of rugged. Scottish is but I um, for a girl I would want I would want Australian because they just sound clean and like precise, and they just it's adorable. They all sound like it's like crispy the way they talk. I love it so much. All right, Well for women is hot? Oh yes, right, it is like that is they always seem like they are like that Almo sounds like a little bit Asian. Um. They're like, yeah, they seem lost, yes, and that's why it's sexy to men. They need help and they can't find a way home and you can. How does est Parrel? Yes that she but she sounds very intelligent when she talks like it sounds that does not sound lost. Is danger. Okay, we have to go to break and we'll be right with more UM podcast. Hey guys, I'm on tour right now and Bestie's have been coming out and I am so happy to meet you, and I'm so grateful to you for coming to my show and people are having so much fun, and I'm so proud of the material I'm doing and I just love to meet you and I love to see you. So if you can afford it, you can swing it. I would really mean a lot to me for you to come see me on tour. This is, you know, my first time like in some of these theaters, and it means a lot. Every single ticket purchase is not lost on me. I am not Taylor Swift to like can sell out stadiums. Each individual purchase of a ticket means something to me, and you make a difference in my life. So it means so much to me when you come, and if you can go, it means a lot. If you can't go, I hope at some point you can. These are the dates that are coming up and I hope to see you there. Thousand Oaks, California this Friday, then Valley Center, California on the twelfth that is Saturday, and then next week it'll be Burlington, Vermont, and Providence, Rhoda Island. Then we've got Thanksgiving, not doing anything. Then I'm looking at my calendar right now. Memphis, Tennessee, Hershey, Pennsylvania, Atlantic City, New Jersey, Oklahoma City, Tulsa, and St. Louis on New Year's Eve, which is a very special show. It's gonna be so much fun. Also, In January. We've got Albany and Portland, Maine and uh, New York City on the twenty eight. That's going to be a big one at the Beacon Theater. And those are my January dates. But there's even more that you can find at nicki Glazer dot com and you can get tickets and stuff there, and I have new merch and it's just such a fun show on New Marina opening all the shows plus special guests. We're gonna love it. I love you. Thank you for your support in I phonmasy of Us. Guess we're back. That's so many besties this weekend. Thank you guys so much for coming out. So many of you, UM gave me personalized notes and presents. And I'm wearing a hat from one of you, UM that says I love cookies and Taylor Swift. It's from this girl's bakery. You can get it. What is it? What's the baker's name? I can't a Little Dipper Bakery, Little Dipper Bakery. It was in Santa Rosa, one throw Washington, Okay, so she's in with I don't know why she was in Santa Rosa then, UM, so many besties wearing bestie shirts. They were so cute. So many podcast Murch shirts and um, I have new merch that sold really well this weekend. That was a very exciting. He was wearing one of the shirts. It'll be available on this website soon. Um. Yeah you came out, guys, thank you so much and um so many uh yeah, just so many nice uh. They gave me a lot of letters and it's just a lot to read. I can't. I just had a girl write maybe like it was it too long, I'm so sorry, and I'm like, I haven't read it yet because it's I just it's too it's too many feelings and I feel bad. But I just I don't but I'm going to read them. I'm going to read them. I should read them. But I have to remember. I told Chris this weekend. I texted him and I was like, you know, I just there are three people cried at my meet and great, it was so nice, they said I. One girl said I just saved her life, and like, I have to remember this stuff when I get depressed, Like how much I mean to even five people is enough to be like I'm I am like all the mean things I say to myself I'm gonna I told Chris, I'm like, please remind me of how what what these people said to me and what I meant to them, and because I would be so sad if Taylor Swift ever got like depressed and was like I hate my life and like I'd be like, but you, but don't. You can't hate your life. I'm depend on you. And I felt that way this weekend. I was like, oh, I feel like people depend on me to like brighten their day or to be their friend. There was um one guy that was like just moved to Santa Rosa. Shout out to Steve, shout out to God. Remembers name Steve. We can't write it was at Santa Rosa. Lord, I mean Matt even honest fiance was taking the pictures was like Steve and I was like, I know, my god, he was so cute. He you know, the guy Steve. And right away I'm like the guy with a cute sweater and then back goes Stephen. We all remembered him. It was so funny. He was at the very end of the line and he had a good line. He was like usually at the end of the line. It's just really the creepers. He was like, I don't know. I'm just like I just got distracted. Please don't think that he said something that made me comfortable. But I was already comfortable looking into those eyes. Um. He was so cute. He had a T shirt. I was like, oh my god, this cute boy is gonna wear my shirt. Yeah, he was hot. He came alone in a nice sweater. He came up to the merch but to me, and he goes, all right, and he has a big smile, like perma smile. Really nice. Though, which of these records should I get? Which of these CDs? And I'm like, what do you want? And he goes, what's like the best workout music? And I was like, oh, this one, Like I have one record that's a good workout. Steve leaves that whole night, I'm lying in bed going should my next record be like a workout? Goes just make the songs you make, and You're like, I just wanted to feel like Steve wants. Steve told me no friends, and he was like, so I listen to you guys podcast and it keeps me company, which so shout out to Steve. And I was like, because I told Matt. I was like, Steve was so cute. He was like, it worries me. He doesn't have friends, and it's not doesn't speak to his character. It's just he A lot of people are moved, right, Yeah, he just moved. Don't judge Steve. Um, I had Steve was in my dream. Oh my god, Steve was in my dream. I never met him. I mean, what's going on here? It wasn't sexual. It was just like I saw this guy started to follow me and I was like, his name was Steve, And then I left on sexual and I'm running down the park it's raining out. He was on Instagram, yeah, and he was sending me dick picks. But it wasn't sexual. Um. Yeah, he was in my dream and he was a baseball player and he was like, I'm just because I did couldn't gather what he did for a living. So I picked you to picking apples for some reasons. And I'm like, what do you do with Santa Rose. It's like one jeans and no shirt on. I could see that. Yeah, but it wasn't sexual. And were in the garden of Eden and he was picking apple and I ate it. No. Um, but oh the funny another Steve story. Yeah, I have another Steve story soon. I don't understand that he looked like who do you look? And more masculine and more smiley and more smiles, and which are all men out there if you're a smiler, So it's such a hot look that you don't even realize. And I'm not coming on to Steve. I'm very happy in my relationship. But my boyfriend smiles a ton, and it's such a smiley guy. Skies need to smile more. Also, Steve picks up on social cues. Steve knows when to leave the merch table. So many people are just like, I'm gonna suck up twenty minutes of your life and just talk to it. And we didn't have a march person last night work in the boost on you to be out there all night. And she came back and she goes, if you want to know the weirdos at a show, work the merch booth because they just hang out. No offense to my fans, but like what you just go to the march booths, say hire the ones that we're talking about will not even realize that we're talking about exactly that is you're so right, they don't. They're not going to listen to a podcast. They're not gonna hear they will listen to it. They'll just think, yeah, that'll definitely not because you're worried at you. It's not you because you're self aware, right, that is, it's like the number one sign um. So what did Steve do? Tell us? So Steve buys a T shirt of Nikki's and I'm just like, which size? Okay? He goes, I take it, and you can just take it. You don't have to pay for it. Can I stuck your dick for it? Wait? Wait? Why am I giving you something? So he gets an excel and I don't know why. I'm like nervous, and I'm looking at his body and the first thing I think is like, this guy is not an excel. He's like a muscular medium, like he should that I want to put him in like a tight shirt. And I go, I go, I think you're a medium. And then he goes, that's not what we want to hear. On you. You don't tell a guy he's the smallest. You told me the story to him, saying Anya, like, really just add that guys name. You guys have been talking about Steve the whole night sleep. She made him get the white one and then she threw water on him too. But it wasn't with your arms, Steve. I could see on casually grabbing his arms, going with your arms, with your looks were already he was very hot. But if he would have had like a less cheery demeanor, I want to be clear about this, he would have been Ted Bundy. Yeah, there would not have been the same attractiveness that we would not have been talking about him backstage in the same way. And but he was so nice and so good energy, bubbly and smiling. It was like and I was just so honored. Our fans are so good looking, by the way, and if you're not, if you're not a good looking person, I don't girls too, Oh my god, all the girl fans, they're all gorgeous. Well, last night a girl walked up and I've met her before, shout out to Jessica. Um, Jessica Fits. I'm not gonna say the last part of your name, but Jessica Fitz. She walked in and she looks exactly like me. And whenever I see a girl who looks like me, WAL can't always go do you do you ever tell your wife she looks like me because she looks like me? And then the girls usually like, um, like like no, but being nice about it. But this girl last night was like, she was so cute. She was like, I've met you before, and I like, I didn't. I forgot to like say so many things. I forget how she said it, but she was like, before she gave her phone to Matt to take a picture, she was like, can I just use my phone because I wrote down a bunch of stuff too that I need to tell Nikki. And so she went through this whole list. It was so cute. I loved it so much, great questions, very interesting, and she was apologized that she was like, I'm so sorry to the people waiting in line, she was like, and they were like, oh, it's fine, and she goes, I, Um, I met Tim Tim. I got into Tim Dillon because of you and Tim Dylan always says that people know him about him from Rogan, but I know about him from you, and so when I met him, I was like, I'm going to tell him that. But as soon as I walked up to meet him, he goes, you look like Nickie Glazer that's how I know you. And that was good and um yeah they were just everyone was just so nice and uh yeah, it was a fun fun shows and so supportive and a lot of I love you Nikki's that are just like randomly being shouted out. That's happening now and it feels so good and so thank you to everyone. And we had the craziest thing happened when we went to um Sana Rose and Steves out. Oh my god, Steve got it. Stop distracting me. I can't go on. I gotta finish that dream later. Yeah. Yeah, the I had a picture. He got a picture with me, but I was like, god, I want a picture with him, Steve. If you're listening to you, are you please d m us instead? The people need to know are cute fans. Yeah, not sexual at all, but like um, picking apples with your shirt off. Yeah, well, like with a death of scope around your neck some for some reason. One my thing about Steve yeah, ok, oh god, it's he breaks this Steve Castle. He's such an anomaly because most good looking man would not have the confidence and good nature that he has to go alone to a show too. By the way, Steve was alone no, friend Steve was friend Steve, but like amiable, like a really warm personality. I mean, granted I spent twenty seconds with him, but still, but it's weird. It's usually want and okay, would you say salmon sand Man? Oh, sam Man. Okay. So we were staying at this and baby Poppy, I'll think about it that probably you know you and Brenn are together. Anything happened on the shelf. So waited out. So we went to this hotel called the motel called the Sandman in Santa Rosa. My assistant post my hotels, and so it was just like it was a quaint it has good reviews. It's like a quaint refurbished motel that's like for just wine country enthusiasts passing through. And it was cute, it was clean, but it was a motel. And we get there. We pull in at the Sandman and we are unloading the luggage and then I go in to check in into the little the area and walk in and there is a two guys behind the desk. One of them is reminds me so much of White Lotus, the guy you know the first season Armand because he barely looks at me, and the other guy has to help me, and then Caleb sign in walks in and he's like, can I help you? It is just like all attentive on Caleb, but it was It reminded me of being with my friend Sarrilena and at the cellar when every guy would ignore me and be like she's so hot every time she would get from the table. And these are guys that I like had crushes on, and I I be like, okay, cool. So then um, he's getting all the center from the guy that clearly owns the place, and he's guy I'm assuming gay. Sorry to this man if you are not, but I think we can defer different from the conversation how this one that he's probably gay. He is checking Caleb. We leave and go get the rest of our luggage. I'm opening the back hatch of the van. Anya is in the driver's seat and from the rear, from the front of the car to the rear, she shouts, Aaron Carter just died. And I was like, oh fuck, Oh I pulled my bag and I'm like, that's a bummer. And then Aya goes to check in and then um, I think Caleb is still in there by the way. I just came back. I got I get my stuff. I go to my room and then I write Anya and Matt going, hey, what's the WiFi? Because the WiFi needed a user name and a code and on you goes um, and I was like, you know, that guy gave us every other fucking piece of information. He was like, oh, I lived. He was flirting with Caleb. He's like, I lived in l A with my cousin. She was an alcoholic. It was only a couple of months. I kind of miss it, but like, and I'm like, what about the WiFi fucking code? Like, oh, the pool is open from this to this, yoga happens. It's like this, no one's doing any of that. It's forty degrees outside. Give us the WiFi. And um, I write on you to say did you buy any chance get the WiFi code? And she goes, no, he gave us every other piece of information In fact, Um, what then? What did you tell me? I said? I looked at his forearm and this guy had an Aaron Carter tattoo, like a signature on his farm. And I said, is that what I think it is? And he looks up and he goes, yes, he signed my arm years ago, and I had it tattooed. I go, did you hear? And he goes, yes, I just heard, and I go, oh my god. And he's like, I've been worried, sick for four days. I have not been able to sleep, and I just been praying for him. And then I get this news and it's just like ruined my day. And Caleb told me that he had seen it before he found out Aaron Carter died. He saw the tattoo when he was in there because we had not heard. I heard the news after I left and left Caleb in the he had seen it and Aaron Carter's face was on the other side of his arm. Yes, So this guy had a gigantic and big two like this isn't like just this is bigger than Andrew's Forum tattoos like big, maybe the same size, like the leopard like Aaron Carter space. What are the odds that within thirty seconds thirty seconds and that's not an exaggeration of finding out Aaron Carter is dead, you interact with someone with an Aaron an adult man in his fifties, I'm guessing with two Aaron Carter tattoos on ironically, what are the odds. I'm guessing there's probably a thousand people in America with an Eron Carter tootoo. And I am being generous, but I'm guessing probably a thousand people in America. How many people are in America? Three billion? I think that's the world. I think it's five billions, six billions the world five billions or something like that. Uh three million? Yeah, all right, he's just saying so point zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero one percent anything you would think it would be a Nick Carter tattoo. I mean, the idea even that would be a story that I'd be telling right now. But in Aaron Tito did his face have a tattoo on the face with the tattoo? Because Aaron Carter has tattoo on his face? Interesting that you have to keep getting No, we'd have to ask kat the face because Aaron Carter was littered in face tattoos. Really, Oh my god, so many, dude. I saw a video of of do you know they had a reality show with Nick Carter and Aaron Carter and they get in this fight and it's like the weirdest. Their family is so like Key West Florida. People wrote me being like, you know, he's an animal abuser, and I'm like, of course he is, you guys, his life is tragic. I'm not supporting. I'm sad someone died, and I'm saying someone's mental illness and addictions killed them. I can still be sad about someone and they can abuse animals. I'm I know I'm maybe a hypocrite there, but I think you know, no one chooses to be an animal abuser. Um. But yeah, I gotta check out that video. We sent that to me. I want to see that. It's just so weird. Yeah, they get in a full on fight because you know, Nick is huge and Backstreet Boys and then Aaron had some fame with like two songs and then it just fell off. Yeah, Hillary Duff he dated and Lindsay Lohan. Yeah, they like fight fought over him, like he peaked a lot at like the idea of celebrity at like fifteen, and then you fall off and then your brother is still going strong with the boys. I don't think he was going strong after Aaron Carter with the boys. The Backer Boys fell off for a while. Yeah, that's a good point. I guess they're back years. Well, yeah, backstreets back all right, now, but do you get that reference right? I mean that was a trauma, so yeah, backstret back a back all right. I went into it Nick Carter hole. Do you do that after someone dies? And you're like, what was the Nick Carter? Aaron Carr Like, you didn't go into an Aaron Carter hole? But yeah, no, I did sometimes do that. I didn't do it this time. What did you learn about him? That he's kind of crazy too? Like watching his like videos, he seems not read Janette mccurty's book about being a child star. These people have bad parents, yo, bad parents. They take all their money Disney Machine. They do it because they want to get rich off of them. It's these kids don't even like. It's one of his mains, his second famous song, a favorite song or whatever, most of your song on candy, and then it's yeah, Aaron's song, Aaron's party, And then there's one that there's one about just getting tickets to get to Nick show. That's the whole song is like, hey man, I want tickets to your brother's show. Can you hook me up? And then he's like, yeah, I can hook you up. And then he calls Nick and he's like, Nick's like, alright, I can get your tickets. I get you twelve. He's like, I need three thousand. He's like, you're gonna have to pay for it yourself. That's like the whole song really says a lot. That's going to be me writing to my managers this fucking week about Taylor Swift tickets. If any of my besties have hook ups to Taylor Swift tickets, I am looking to go to about twelve of her dates and I will pay. I just want the hook up to get the ticket because I'm not signing up for Capital one. I'm not going on a waiting list. I just can't. I don't even that stuff stresses me out. I'm not trying to be like elitist about it, like I'm a celebrity. I don't have to wait. I wouldn't do it if I warned us. I can't. It's just TikTok. The other day, really, Jake Away, Oh well that is one to Lucy from Lucy is swift E. So yeah, she has a connection. Okay, sweet um and I wanted to talk about one more thing before we go. Okay, Selena Goma's documentary. Did you guys hear the drama around that real quick to break and come back about it? Ber? Right? Is that what the dramas about? Bieber? No, how she didn't mention all her friends. She said her best friend in the industry. She only is one friend in the industry and it's Taylor Swift and then her then E posted something about like that that headline of Taylor Switch is my only friend in the industry. Everyone else is like fake or whatever. I don't know what how she said it, and then her the girl who's her friend, who I guess is an actress. I don't know this girl's name, but she gave her a kidney. She writes under it interesting, she comments under it interesting. And then Selena Gomez on a separate thing, right, Sorry, I didn't mention everyone I know and so knows. Isn't that taken out of context? No, she was really She could have just said I meant the music industry or I meant like we're not that close anymore. But now she's for to say, sorry, I didn't mention everyone I know is not the most response. And I can't wait to see the Selena Gomez documentary. Annya and I had plans to watch it a million times this week, but we got called up with Steve, like a documentary like that. Yeah, yeah, I give my kidney to Steve. Yeah, Steve, I want to know about that sweater too. Didn't have like a chevron on it. It was like it was just a navy sweater with a red stripe. Okay. For some reason I pictured it being a chevron. Steve, wherever you exactly, just like a little flag boys, you should with like a notification for you guys. It's like like the chevron sign. Yes, yes, all right, guys. We'll be right back with more show after this. We're back. Welcome back to the podcast. Shout out Steve. Kids now, Steve cast Um, let's do no, go ahead, No, I just want to really get on our favorite Steve's least favorite top Sea next week. We already were already, um will sweep that right, Steve's do you? I don't really know any bad Steve, Steve Carrell, Steve Colbert, Oh yeah, he just shot me and look and I'm like, oh, I forgot your history. Um. Yes, Steve, Stephen the guy that um was my p a in at f boy. You remember Stephen, right, Steve. I loved him. I saw him actually the other day on the set of a show. He came walking on the hall and he was just looking at me, and I was just like, Stephen, like because he was with us every single day of the show of f Boy, and I haven't seen him since. And he all of a sudden just shows up when I was on this show, the Jimmy Fallon, That's my jam show, and I was just like hi, and he was and then he took off his message like it's me. It's like, no, put it back on. That's how I know you. I don't know you about the mask um, but shout out to Stephen and uh and oh. And I remember Stephen when we were went to go see the Whale Sharks. I got him to talk about like relationships and I was talking so much about my relationship and he like learned a lot from it. He was like, I think I need to like change some of the ways I've been listening and like, because he was dating this girl and it was she was just like not into it, and he was like, I really want her back, but I don't know how to get it, and like, and I am happy to report they aren't so in love and together? And I wrote what I saw the story ago, is this the girl? And he was like yes, And I'm like, hell dude, because he's such a good guy. I'm he's such a Steve. That's our new thing for like a good guy is a Steve? I know? Sorry, and he's Steve born after nineteen eighty six. Okay, that's the new prerequisite for good season because I'm guessing our Steve, you know, the one we were just talking about our Steve. That's something Taylor So Hey, Steven the Taylor so song. Yeah, he's probably in nineteen eighties. Yeah, he's probably like thirty three. What do you think? Yeah, I think that's what he's running from. I feel like he's running from something if he ends up by himself and like Santa and I wonder what he's running. It's I want to see his biopic and other things too, but I want to see like the story of would you give Steve a kidney? Honestly, like if he needed it, like tomorrow, like if he was like, hey, look I'm and I was like, yes, a kidney. I was thinking about a kidney, like if I would give it to anyone, like water. You have two kidneys, right, and you can give one up. But if you're one fails, then you're fucked, right, unless you have someone like that. Would I would give a kidney to someone. Yeah, the girl that gave a kidney to Selena Gomez. I guaranteed she got paid a healthy amount of money. She got a little bit of fame from it. It's like she got something out of it too, Like you know what I mean, she's like kidney. You don't have to love them the rest of your life. If they turn out to be someone you don't want to be friends with, you're allowed to just go. Sorry, things have changed, right in the sane amount of money before did her? Did the friend give her the kidney or just a person? What was the kidney friend? It was her friend. And now they've had a fall again. They actually had everyone say I think they had a fight and then they made up and the girl gave her her kidney. Oh so they always had, like, you know, an off relationship. I think I'd be like God, already strings attached to this kidney. I feel like that, like feel like friends do you favors and then it's like but you can never like I then you can't like because I'm giving you this, you can't be um. You never can have a falling out. And I just don't think like you just give a shout out in your documentary to someone gives you a kidney and doesn't not call them someone you know. Um, but I'm would go out. So, speaking of kidneys, there's a soup called kidney being soup. I'm thinking and we're gonna do some one bottom one. The category is soups soups, your favorite souperor least favorite soup. Let's start with your least favorite soup, Andrew, what is it? Now? Do you say kidney bean? I don't think there's a worst name for a bean, Like that's disgusting. We need the name of it, like you think of like the Dahmer likes it. Um, it doesn't make me think of the organ. It makes me think of just the shape of it. Yeah, for sureaders look like that probably or liver. That's a goose. It looks like ye, but it looks exactly like a kidney. Oh no, yeah, yeah, that's probably it. You know. I would say my least favorite to show how dumb we are. What do you think kidneys do? Oh? They fucking um they make Selena gome As forever. I think they help with your piss or something like they help clean your blood. Yeah, you clean your blood, you clean your body. But what do they filter and what what are they filtering out? They're filtering out? I know you turn orange or yellow if your kidney, if you have a kidney failure, right, Jondae just for your kidneys n An adults, I like that band um wiet that um my least favorite. I don't know that. Cole from Big he was a big Jonas Brothers Brothers fan. From Love His Blind he was. He was because if you don't like the Jonas Brothers, I won't like you. That was like this whole thing. Oh not vaguely Okay, I haven't watched have you watched the latest episodes? By the way, I haven't been home. Well that doesn't mean I can't watch things. Huntsville has. What's a good point, Just so much was happening here, you'll understand. I thought the horse so Lee Manhattan clam chowder can go funk itself too much. Clam. Really, I like New England clam because I'm New England. I'm a huge fan of New England. Honestly, you don't even need the clams in there. I think the clam is just to make you feel like eating cream alone. It's kind of weird. But too much, it's too much. It's all claim, there's a little hint of tomato. It's just too much clam. So give me New England clam chowder Manhattan Star. Most people don't know about that can be honest. I knew there was a red one that I didn't like. I googled it and I go, what's the red one clam chowder? My dad's favorite? Um, what's your least favorite soup? My least favorite soup is a cold gespaco y that's the same vein ad clams to that. That's what it is that I love. I don't know what tomato based soups I think. I don't like it. I agree, but I like to drink um certain salsas if they are really chunky, I will like just do shots of them, especially Notcho Momas in St. Louis is the best. Also, I would literally drink it like a spacho um. But I don't like a spatcho note normally when you bite in a restaurant, because it has too much like oil, and it just it feels like it should be hot. But salsa is fresh and it feels like it should be cold. Um well on a summer day, I guess can I would funk with it just to cool awful little bit and even on a summer day for me, Yeah, it's I thought about it as salsa. You're right, it is kind of like the more in the salsa family than soup. It's such a letdown for man, Like, no, soup is hot. Stop trying to make it something else. Just call it salsa then, Or have you ordered soup in the summer that's a psycho move, like a really hot soup. Love an extra hot um latte's in the summer. I'm like the only one that's the hot bar is working for you know, Like the people are like steeving something. They're like, oh, we gotta, you know, warm up this machine because it's not being used. Um. I just like a hot I like to feel heat in my body, dumb like room. Yeah, well it's so cold in here, but I just keep that Yes, And I'm so grateful to my boyroom. Sorry sorry for this podcast Chris thing about all the Steve stuff, But I'm so grateful to my boyfriend for being putting, never complaining about how cold I like it, and only just like bundling more and like never giving me. Yeah, he just like that is he knows it's important to me, and he has no qualms. He would never make me feel bad about liking It's just like that's the way it goes. My girlfriend likes to sleep cold, we are making the room cold. I'm going to put my own uh needs aside, which he doesn't do in any other space, but that one I I appreciate because I could not sleep. But it's not negotiable. Maybe that's why you like a hot, hot drink and a hot hot soup and a hot hot bar because I run. I just well, I like hot. I do extra hot lot days because I drink them too fast. And if I don't get them extra hot, I will. I'll just chug it in one step. I'm a chugger. My dad coined that phrase when I was like five. He was just like, you chug everything God slow fast, children, because I'm not getting enough love in the family, so I'm looking towards food for it. You freak, and so I get things that you're hot so I can't burn myself if dinner sucks, like like dinner with your family sucks, you want to eat if you want to just get it done as fast as possible. That's why I think I ate faster than I ran up to my room after I ate, like I would like I wouldn't even chew, trying to not feel my feelings. But I like my family. I would just make I would make seconds and thirds and fourth and fifth and stay there. But I would just chug things so fast. I just like to consume. Chris just goes you're a consumer. You're just consuming. You went from one man calling you a sugar to another man calling you a consumer. Yeah, consumer, I don't mind because he it's it's calling me a binger, but it's not being there's no judgment. And he's like, you just like to consume things like entertainment. Even when I'm listening to the WhatsApp, I go at two times of speed. I just like I can read a really fast. I can. I just like a lot of information, a lot of substance getting in my body. All my gosh, that stresses me. I'm just thinking about it that fast. But she was on a granola bar for two hours. Look at that. She just takes these little she has been working on this and it's still half of the left like foe minutes. But wait till you see me drink a smoothie. I bet you I cannot drink a smoothie slowly. I gotta How do you do that? Does that take restraint for you? Or do you just not like it that I need? Here's the reason why this Starbucks is empty now and I need. I need the protein bar with the tea. So if I had had more tea, I would have finished the bar. Why is that tea? That's a huge thing of tea Now, I just didn't work out, don't you know? Usually the amount of tea with the granola bar that you're gonna need, usually I do. But I just was really chugging that tea this morning, so chug I do. It was smoothies and FRAPs, Oh FRAPs. You spent eight dollars on something that eight seconds. I'm gonna sow fast. I suck those down. That's why that's why I get my drinks extra hot, is because the burning of my mouth prevents me from drinking it too fast. And everyone just goes you like hot drinks. It's like, no, I need to create barriers so that I don't consume too fast. Okay, soup my least favorite soup. Wait, did you tell yours? No? No, get yours. I do not like a seafood soup. I hate like an octopus thing hanging out. I hate clams, I hate muscles. I don't want that at all. And a seafoodie like, what is it called bullia base? Hate it? Oh interesting, I loved Nope, it's just the amount of seafood I don't like. I'm not I'm fine with a shrimp. I don't want to in a soup. I'm fine with it. You're eating a yes, yeah, just a boiled clarium. That's scene from a night chopping things and flying everywhere. Yeah, octopus, I don't like octopus. Octopus always seem a lot smart. Are so smart. You should feel really bad if you eat octopus. I mean, like worse than if you feel eat any other My mom eats. Sometimes I'll buy her squid salad because she gets so excited squid salad, Like I got that for the other night we went to the grocery store and I was like getting sushi from my family out of the grocery stores, like not even that nice. But my mom's like, oh, my go, dad, we're going to Deerberks. You want sushi for dinner? And he goes no, and I go, I'm not going to get the bark in sushi like mom does, like the day old. My mom gets like half old sushi that's been sitting on the shelf. It's not even refrigerated. Of course he doesn't want that. I go, I'll buy you a ten dollar roll. That's like not that you know. And then so I went to the sus My mom was off looking at the junk like the old food that was marked down, and I went and I saw a squig salad and I was like, my mom is going to fucking flip if I get this for so I put it in the cart and then she was looking. I go, no, I got a surprised for you're not allowed to look at. She goes, what did you get me? And I go, I got you this role in this role, but I'm not telling you. And so then we got home and we're watching Celebrity Cheopardy and we're sitting around and I go, Mom, you want to know what you got and she was like, what did you get me? And I go, it's your favorite food and she goes squid salad and it's not one. Mom, it's not the cheap one. My mom gets a squid salad. Um. It just looks like uh on fried calamari, all piled together with maybe like a little like it just looks it's cold, yes, and is it on green? No, it's just like I used to like it. My least favorite soup is one that I like to be able to navigate the things I want in the soup. And this weekend I got a soup. I got hot and sour soup, and I thought it was going to be vegan, but it had egg all littered throughout this. So any kind of egg drop soup, anything that has a lot of stuff, yeah, I thought that was a vegan place. I thought it was a vegan the place that Reno oh Reno was not vegan, but it had a lot of egg littered throughout it. And any soup I don't like MINISTROTI I don't like noodles, so I don't like any soup with noodles that I can't get around it. And I don't like a vegetable soup that has a lot of potato in it, because potato is a cheap vegetable. It's thrown into like seem like a vegetable. Let's use a squash, let's use a sweet potato. But just your cold, hard potatoes. No, thank you, you are just wasting my time. And let's now go to um our favorite soups. That's funny because I get a potato I'm like score. Oh no, no, no, I don't like them. It's also left over from my eating disorder of thinking potatoes. Yeah, like, I'm with you, Andrew. And the clam chowder. I love a clam chowder and I would love it without any clamps, but the potato bits and a clamp chowder. It's like, yeah, I get that. That's interesting. You say that because final thought it's interesting you bring that up. Well, Steve just eats pussy for sure, just pussy soup that tastes like clams. Yeah, pussy drops. Yeahs said that pussy smell like fish market. Fish Market was like, that's the funniest thing I've ever heard. The guy's throwing a vagina in the air and someone catching it, you know, Oh my god, Yes, wait, final thoughts. What did you just say, uh, seattle when someone throws or no, I know you said that. Before that, you were saying, that's very interesting, very interesting point. Then there, um I would say, uh, chicken corn chowder is a fucking great soup, and it's a lot if you feel like you're eating something and corn chowder like you're eating something, you know what I mean? When's the best chicken corn chowder you've had? Like do you can you recall? Like so, yeah, so Hale and Hardy is, which is in New York. They would sometimes they wouldn't have it all the time, and they had chicken corn chowder every once in a while they'd have it like down at the bottom of the menu. And I fucking lose my mind. I ate so much soup in New York as a dog walker because I had to stay warm. So it's just like I was just eating that in my fucking just disgust. Just it's good for your soup because you don't like to see yeah yeah, yeah, so you just like, yeah, that's a good point. Yeah it doesn't you're lazy. It's already chewed up for you. Yeah it's nice. Yeah, yeah, Okay, the baby birds. Yeah, a baby bird pure Yeah, you know that's not what's your favorite and my favorite soup? I think I'd have to say ultimately it's going to be the mats of ball soup. Hell yeah, she's a Jewish girl. She had to answer that it is a great if you get a good monster was forced to. But I like it. I prefer the big fluffy ones. And I also prefer for the chicken soup not to actually have the chicken pieces in it. I just like it with noodles, a carrot, an occasional celery, and a big old mats of ball. And then you have to like dissect the mats of ball yourself, like you have to like, why isn't it just pre chopped? No, I don't want to pre chopped. I mean, no one would want that, but why not? You know, like why is that? Why don't they put everything in soup? Just like you have to do it yourself. Off, here's the thing. If you drop it gets to get you know, they say restaurants look at the mats the ball and they realize how small they really all are. On your face there's I can't remember where I got it, Maybe at lepan Quotidian but there was a spicy tomato. Didn't take you, uh it hours to get the soup because they have the worst in all of the restaurant industry, panc If you want to wait, if you want to be treated like you're an American visiting France, go to Le pan Quotidian. They will fucking it is the worst service. I just went the Please go if you go to New York to visit, it is a great meal. So go there, but just go to know that you're going, like, just go to see how long it takes, because it is it's and we couldn't stop going. I had to kill two hours before Resco the other day. Shout out to our dermatologists and I was like, perfect place the pan two hours. So I got my meal an hour in. Well, I got my waiter to come to me. Fourty minutes of sitting down, then he came over and was like, would you like a glass of water? I'm like sure, yes, this is the way it is. But they like you set up your laptop. So it's great. I just worked there all day and had a very nice meal. But they used to have a spicy tomato soup either there or somewhere else. It was blended with cheese. I don't think lapandaes that, but like a creamy tomato. Oh my god, I love that, a little kick to it. That's my favorite soup. There was a soup I was eating every single day of my life. I was living in Queens that I found at this local coffee shop soup place, and I was so obsessed and I gained a lot of weight from eating the soup every day. So this is not a soup you eat every day. I couldn't stop. I was addicted because it was so good Senegalese soup. It is peanut based. It's a peanut soup, peanut chicken soup. This is before I was vegan it sorrange. I'm not kidding you. You're not going to get fat from this. Was I was. I was seriously having it, like three large containers in one sitting because I couldn't. It was so I'm my mouth is water and thinking about it. Senegalese soup is so fucking good. And it reminded me of my of my old bird Jango, who flew out one Christmas because we were bringing in the Christmas tree and he was a Senegalese parrot. And he was from Senegal, which is I don't know where on the African continent because I don't know geography, but um, it is the best toup. It's like a peanut based soup, but it's very It's there's no chunk in it. It's just a very it's creamy and it's orange and I love it so much. And if you know what I'm talking about, you fucking no, let's go there. You've got to try it. You've got if you ever see Senegalese soup or a peanut soup on a menu, please get it back to that place and know because it was chicken in it, and I have a I'm scared. It's like it's like one of my foods I can't have because it's too good. Um So if you can show restraint around food, unlike your girl, you should definitely try that soup. And that is all the show we have for today. We are going to be back tomorrow from the same location and then we've shows all week. You know that, And thank you so much for listening, And don't be cath and Steven, Steve

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