Between you and Nikki she understands the good kind of pain. Andrew points out that they are taping in a 1930's Spanish villa in Los Angeles but Nikki is reminded of a cabin. Nikki performed at the Round while Andrew charmed Anthony Jeselnik with deep cuts from Tulane. You Heard it Here First, an inappropriate teacher, men looking forward to not connecting with women and fake reviews. In Top1Bottom1 they each bring personal stories about concert experiences.
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Nicky Years Nick. Hello, good Monday to y'all. Uh, it's a new week of swells here on the Day Nikki Glazer Podcast. No. Uh, good to see you. I'm so excited to start a new week too, and I love four days. You're You're kind of the first person that I'm seeing outside the house today and I love that. Oh wow, Um, well, I guess it's still kind of early. I mean, I don't but aren't I always the first person? Or No? I guess you have pretty full days before we record, usually getting out about Yeah. I picture you are like um Bell walking down through the town square with a book. It's like just going to market. You. You encounter a lot of different people before podcast, usually just animals, just wild animals outside, like lizards. My god, I love animals so much and I already missed, like seeing chickens everywhere in the Cayman Islands. I'm in l A right now, and have I seen an animal. My friend brought over her dog the other night, and um, and I wasn't in the mood for dogs, So I think she thinks I don't like it, and I like maybe disappointed her in my enthusiasm for the dog. But I don't know, Like sometimes I gotta be in a dog mood to like really want a dog, especially a puppy that's jumping everywhere and like biting and has human eyes. Her dog is human eyes, and it's uh, it's beautiful. The dog is so expressive, but it has like these blue human eyes. Andrew says, it looks like a white walker. Um. And the dog got recognized on the street that not recognized, but got kind of like scouted by like a dog agent the other day on the street. Like so, this is a very beautiful dog. But the dog's eyes, I feel like it pierces through my soul and um. And so I just wasn't having a bond with the dog. And I got in late the other day and I just, uh, I think she's she was a little disappointed. Because people want you to be as excited about their things that they're excited about as you can be. And I try to be authentic and not fake enthusiasm if I don't have it, and not just give people what they want all the time, not be mean. But like I don't, you know, and I just wasn't in a dog mood, so um, I I but I apologized to her the next day because I was a real I was a real cunt the other night. I got into town on Saturday night and I was just in a bad mood. I had been doing too much thinking on the airplane and listening to songs that make me wallow in my pain. So I'm like just thinking and like, I love looking out the window at the lights over Los Angeles when I'm flying in and picking the perfect song las Annaga just smiled by Ryan Adams and thinking about how I'm just a girl who like is trying like just you know, kind of setting the soundtrack for the movie that is my life of this girl flying into l A. And then I start feeling that way, and I was just feeling sorry for myself and being like I want what I am I not getting what I want from this person or just I don't know. I was just playing a character who was, Uh it's like the Taylor Swift song Champaigon Problems. Uh she does she has this lear because it's like, uh, you picked the night, you picked the night train for a reason so you could sit there and this hurt. And I love that song because it's like I always like taking I love taking nights. It was a night flight, and I love to just sit in my hurt and like just look out the window and listen to music. And I was kind of doing that, but then it got me into a bad headspace. And then my friend comes over to be like welcome to l A and brings me all these like things that like she brought me weed and lotion and uh perfume and address that I like like of hers and then and also her dog. And I was just like in a bad mood. So I texted her next day and I was like, I was a bit last night. I'm really sorry, and I didn't mean to take it out on you, and now we're good, but I was. It was so hard when you're being a bit and you know you are, but you just can't muster the courage to say I'm sorry in the moment, even though you're caught bitch handed, like someone calls you out like I yelled at. I yelled at my friend Carlyle about telling me a story that I asked her to tell me, And after she told it to me, I was like, by the way, it never bore me with that kind of ship again, Like I was. It was so rude, and she was like, you asked me to tell you that story. And I was like, oh god, she's right, and I can't admit that she's right right now, but she is and I will tomorrow morning when I feel bad about this. But UM, I don't know what my point was. I saw a dog. I guess that was my point. And UM know what you said that you before we got started on the show, you were telling me that you got a deep tissue massage. Yeah, yesterday, yesterday, I got my my birthday present yesterday, which was a spot from from my fiance, your fiance, and um, so you got a deep stue massage. We're talking an hour. We'd go ninety minutes, but it was a sixty minute massage, felt like, for the first time, felt way longer than that. And I wanted to tell you that it felt so good that I started crying. And when I really thought about it, I have a lot of like, um pain from my neck and my back and all that, and yes, and um, I just felt like she acknowledged that pain. It was the first Masus that actually like acknowledged the pain that I was in and didn't just like rub over it and did she acknowledge it verbally or just like the right amount of pressure, the like the right touch. She knew exactly where to go. Oh my god, I'm like getting emotional thinking about how good that feels when someone finds the spot and you know that they find it because they slow down and they're like they really like help you get through it because it's painful. But it's also like it feels whatever they're doing is just I mean, it's like orgasmic. It's like, really, the release that a muscle can feel when you feel like it's really being seen is better than sex. It's so freaking good. And I love that you felt that way, And what a good massage. I gotta go to this person, I mean as somebody who is that in tune and it feels did you feel like connected to her afterwards and like thank you? Like sometimes I feel like we just had sex kind of with missus is because you know we did almost lunged at her at the end when I thanked her, and I was like, there's something divine coming out of your hands. You have no idea where you just did to me. Wow, healing like that the like the some people I love when you get a missus that you're like, oh my god, they're not just going through the motions. They are sensing something and they're finding it, and how did they know. Like a lot of it is just guesswork. I think like, oh, like a lot of times they think it's a not and they're like rubbing out something that's like a you know, a connective. It's a it's not even a not. There's a lot of times that you people mine knots on you and it's like, no, that's just where my muscles attached to the my scapula, Like it needs that little not there to like attach and you're rubbing it out. Like so a lot of massage can be really a bunch of hooey. But um, that sounds amazing. I love that. I um, I've been. I went for a run two days ago and I got shin splints. I like activated my shin splints, and I really really loved the feeling because they are so sore and I just want them to be I was watching videos last night. I was going to bed of just a thumb going up the side of a shin like right where mine hurt, and I was like, it's almost porn for massage. I watch massage videos a lot of times for whatever area is really bothering me. And I stole my mom's massage chair thing that I gave to her for Christmas that you put in a chair and you lie back on. It's like a shiatsu thing. I took it with me to California because I just want to lay on it. And like just the other night, I almost cried from how there's this one not on my back that is from my dancing with the starge injury. And when I'm feeling really nervous and anxious, it starts kicking in because it's very mental. And I just laid on that thing and fucking beat the ship out of it, probably a masochistic way. Like I love the pain. I love it. I got a foot massage right before I left the Cayman Islands and the girl could not believe. She was laughing the whole time because she couldn't believe the amount of pressure. She was like, if you did this to me, she was doing what she was like, I would cry. She was like, I don't even understand what you're being able to put up with. Like I'm I love pain. It's a it's a weird thing for me, Like I really like the feeling of a dull ache. I love when I'm sore. I Andrew pulled um muscle, he like ripped a muscle, and I'm kind of jealous because he gets he has like a muscle that he could like torture, Like I want to so badly like elbow him in the and I want to massage it so it I like, I wanted to like hurt because I'm jealous that he gets to have that like pain that he could just like kind of touch it and it would be like like I like when I have bruises like I like and it sounds like I'm probably someone who cuts or something. It's not that I don't like that. I just like a dull pain. It's weird. But like my feet, I just want them to be completely, uh tortured. I wanted to feel like I want a massage to feel like exhausting at the end of it, not relaxing. Did yours feel exhausting? Was it painful in that way or it was just wasn't painful in that way? I felt just so validated after like like over a decade of like being in pain, and that pain kind of like being dismissed when I try to address it, and then this woman just came and validated that, like fifteen years it was crazy. Whoa. And that's that's just so much about in every level, like validating our pain. All we want is for people to say, I know you're in pain, and it's not just you're in your head, like I see you. I like, over the weekend, my dad was my parents are going to agree in a couple of weeks, and my mom's like, he, can you believe we're going to Greece. We're flying to Greece, And I go, yeah, I think it's great. You're vaccinated, like the world's opening up. This is a trip that you you got offered to stay an amazing villa by your sister, Like yes, of course, go. I don't think it's weird. She's like, I go, why would that be weird to go? And my dad goes because she's worried about flying because she's constantly and she's always in pain. Her backs constantly hurting her, she has a headache constantly. And I go, Dad, the tone of which you're talking about her pain makes it sound like she's like, does she try to have this pain, you think, And he was like, I mean she can't figure out what it is. And I go, that sounds really bad. Can you imagine having a pain that you you want to try to get rid of? Because you know, Dad, do you think anyone wants to feel pain? I mean besides me in a foot massage? But Dad, do you really think mom wants to feel this pain? He goes no, and I go, so she's probably trying everything she can within her willpower of like what she can do. She's probably trying everything right And he goes yeah, and I go, and she can't get rid of it. That sucks, right, Like, and so you'll not so that this thing she doesn't want she can't get rid of. So why would we not talk of her pain with anything other than compassion? And like, oh, that must be so hard what you're going through. Why would we What is your tone of like, oh God? It's like, like why why not just acknowledge that Mom's in pain? I know it's frustrating because you want your wife to feel good. And this is all coming from a place of you're sad that your wife is in pain, but you can't express that. Why don't just have it be that instead of anger at people. Get so mad at people for being sick because they think they're just do just you could fix it. And it's like, don't you think they want to don't you think this person don't No one wants to be in pain, And some of you could argue, yeah, people like to be in pain because they want to be the victim. And but my mom doesn't want to have migraines constantly and have her bones feel like they're breaking. We're trying to figure out what the funk is going on, and I know it's frustrating, Dad, but don't take out that frustration about the fact that mom has a medical condition that is an anomaly and it makes your life a little bit more difficult. Don't take that out on her like she's trying to bring it on. You. Just gotta shake these people. Sometimes it's not because my dad's a cruel guy. It's because he is frustrated because he wants his wife to be mobile and and not in pain. And instead of just saying that and being like this sucks, I'm sad about this that my wife is in pain, he has to be mean to my mom and act like she's causing it. My mom once got had to get a test to see if she had cancer, and my mom was scared that she wouldn't have cancer because the test was so expensive that that, you know, my dad would be mad because she didn't even need that test. It was all in her head like she wanted to get you know what I'm saying. And I don't think this is crazy. This is a very common thing that people don't want to go get tested for things because they're scared not only that they might have it, but that the worst they might not have it. And then they spent that eight for nothing, and now they have to explain as their husband, and now their husband thinks they're crazy, when really they're just trying to figure out what's wrong. No one's trying to be sick. So let's all have combashion for each other. Let's bring Andrew and you're right out. Hey, Andrew, Welcome to show. How did you sleep last night? Buddy? You mean in this Spanish villain in nineteen thirties? So much should Audrey Hepburn got fingered into in the downstairs living room? Yeah, just set the scene, you guys. I didn't tell them yet, but we're I rented a huge Hollywood Hills house like Airbnb. This place h for me and Andrew and my assistant Jen and Noah, you're gonna be here in a couple of days. My friend Kirsten's coming out a meal. Joaquin, our friend is here. Now I have like I'm just having people come on out. Like I just decided to make this l a trip, not like a hotel stay, but like let's just bring my friends and stay at the house. So we're at this like house that was built in seven in the hills, lower Hollywood Hills, and it's how would you describe It's almost like a hacienda to compound its literally start a cult here. There's a pool, there's like an outdoor sitting area. I feel like, yeah, like where Pablo Escobar probably did coke off a hooker's ass, and like that's how I feel. I feel like entourage a little bit, like they would rent this house. Like you're like, you're vinny, I'll give you that, you know, Okay, Yeah, I'm viny. I don't think any would have rented this house. He would rent a nicer place. I mean, it's like it's really it's nice, but it's it's expensive. But I next time, I'll go even further up. This is a little bit old. I mean I don't feel rich in this house. I don't feel like celeb I don't think you ever feel rich. Yes, I mean I don't feel like like the upper like oh my god, like some of the places Amy has rented for us and the girls to stay at. When because I get this idea from Amy of like, when I'm doing big things, let's get a nice place and have all your friends come in. And you know, I'm but I'm not making up those buckshet I will. But this is pretty fu nice. I mean, it's unbelievable. Like, guys, if you were here, I swear to God, you'd be losing your ship. I'm not being ungrateful. I'm just saying it smells a little dingy. It smells like a Michigan cabin. It smells like summer camp. It's very drafty, and I like, I like, you know, I like that smell like of an open fire. It smells like when you're playing a thousand dollars a night for a house. You don't want it to smell like, uh, your friend's cabin where you had a traumatic experience. Uh in seventh grade. I mean your parents cabin and cabin and you're trying to change a story really quick so no one can trace it. Um No, it just smells like, you know, a rental, and I just want to you know, I'm I don't know. I just got done staying in the Caymans, in that fucking sweet in that hotel. It's a little bit of a downgrade, but I spent one night in it. The bed is amazing, the sheets are so nice. They didn't skip on any of like the amenities. I'm very happy and I get to hang out with you and a meal and Jen until I go to bed, and I don't it's it's nice to live in a house. I like living in a house with my friends. I wanted this like a TikTok house. Dude, this is it is you own trap house? Yeah, I guess this is because we're making content. You're out there filming things by the waterfall. He had an umbrella and the waterfall and he was doing what it was that you're doing. Why wouldn't you do the friends theme? It's an umbrella in a fountain, like duh, and then a meal goes. I've never seen friends meal was talking about I go, okay, well what you're you're worn he's I go, that's that makes sense that you shouldn't have seen friends I've never seen, you know, moving on up? What it was that? That? Moving on up? I'm you know, so it's like generational. I mean, this house, it's it's so relaxing. It's a completely different vibe in staying in a hotel. You're you. Literally I wake up in the morning, I make a coffee, I sit outside. I listened to the squirrels eating nuts. I feel very rich. I feel like I'm looking down on poor people next to you. Squirrels eating nuts. That was me. Sorry, I really liked a protein bar that Nature Valley corinel over. It was difficult. It's just that's I don't have an answer for that. I was really trying to come up with one. I didn't get there. I didn't want to get Yeah, dude, it's freaking I mean, I do like people are like Ella's on fire l A homelessness and where we are, I mean, yeah, we're privileged. We could literally look down on it and kind of you know. Also, l A doesn't seem like people love making places seem shittier than they kind of you haven't been outside. Oh yeah, I guess you went out yesterday. I just was walking. I just went to Nick Viles podcast. It's on Hollywood Boulevard on Vine between Hollywood and Sunset, and I was scared. I got my Starbucks at Hollywood and then I had walked on the Sunset and it was point to five miles, but it was It was crazy how that big of a boulevard is really disturbing. Now there's a armed cop outside the Starbucks on Hollywood and Vine, I mean Hollywood and Vine is like, that's for you when you get the wrong well, you know, it's keime down the house and I've bumped up my security. Yeah, oh that they've hired. They knew I was coming because of my mobile order, and they're like bringing the h um Yeah. But I think that l A is kind of weird and not great now. I don't know. I walked around. I don't really notice it. I think you notice it when you like try negative. What about when I mean, we did you did shows last night, the best shows ever, and around outside people were happy we did. I did the first shows stand up I've done since December November, maybe the first stand up I've done. It was so fun you were there. It was like in the round, it's outside but in between two buildings, so it's like it feels like it's indoor. People are It was a great crowd. Two shows with great comics on the lineup. I mean, it was like it was an honor to be on these lineups and be like one of I don't know, it's just it was. It was really cool to be back. I will say that it felt normal right away because I've been able to do these podcasts, like I just get up there and just talk about whatever I want to and have some jokes that I can tell, but I can just kind of riff. Now you seem you seem like you're having fun, more fun. I think I've ever seen you on stage. So fun to perform in the round because you could constantly like move around and like look at everyone. I loved it, loved the round. Jessel and Anthony jessel Neck was on the show. He one direction. He was literally back turned. I didn't even think about that. Anthony was so funny. I mean, it was great to see other comics and um and we hung out with Anthony in between shows, and you guys really bonded over the fact that you both went to Tulane. The crazy thing is, so Andrew and Me and a Meal and Anthony are all backstage. And Anthony, if you don't know Anthony Jessina, he's like a comedian that does these amazing one liners, but he's like a kind of a pompous asshole. That's the character he plays. But offstage he's like really actually cool, fun person like sincere uh interested um. And so we're backstage and you know, a Meal and Andrew only know him from his persona really, and I'm bringing them back there to be like let's hang with Anthony, and I don't know what if Anthony is in the mood to hang out with my friends. But they got We got back there within like I would say, like ten minutes in, you go, oh, I went to to Lane and you went to to Lane and he's like yeah, and you guys start talking about tu Lane experiences. They had so many, like they just had a secret language that me and a Meal and this other guy that we're back there. We're just like al right, like do you guys keep going? They were talking about they all knew us a similar lawyer first of all, you and Anthony said, say the similarities. Okay, one we've he was a year above me. We've both been arrested in New Orleans. He got arrested twice. I got arrested once. We both used the same lawyer, this guy named Freddie King, who everyone at two Lane knows if you got arrested. You know Freddie King. Freddie King one time got off forty kids at one time. He goes to Anthony. He goes, okay, are you pre med or pre law? And Anthony goes, I'm a literature major. He goes, not today, and so Freddie King's dad r I p Freddie King because Anthony said he went back to pay finally his bill and Freddie was dead. Son. Um, we both lit our houses on fire. They both burnt down their respected house like he I think Anthony's was a dorm. It was an apartment on the sixth floor. He left like weed burning or something. Yeah. Yeah, they knocked out a bowl in the waste basket and started a fire. And then you start a fire at your frat A cat died. Yeah, cat started it. I'm not taking respect. You left candles lit. I mean I put the torch in his hand the candle. I left a light like like a construction light on chip and then I went to eat and the cat, I assume knocked it over. I'm not playing him, but I think that's what happened. And then yeah, I had so many papers on the ground because my friends ramsacked my room because they're good friends. And then and that's what they found. It hit the bottle. Thank god, that burnt up in there, and I wrote it. I told him Meal last night about this, because we were talking about writing songs and poetry and how like comedians get a lot of like, oh wow, you guys are so honest, but comedians are not vulnerable at all. We maybe say things that are like honest, but we always having a at the end always takes out the sincerity. It's like we're the least sincere. But when you write like I'm trying to write a song and it's just so embarrassing to write poetry or anything sincere like it truly, I don't I admire songwriters. For a guy to be like a manly guy, to be like love her so much, it's like the most vulnerable thing I've ever heard to like make a moaning sound with your throat. That is like a base is your interpretation of a poem you wrote like it's it's also vulnerable. So Emil and I were talking about like if we were to write poetry or lyrics, we would have to like burn them immediately because someone could find them. But then I told him that you your roommates found she Hits the Bottle, which is the poem. So I had Mono and and I lived in the fraternity house with Mono, and I was very depressed. My girlfriend really wasn't talking to me, so I decided to, you know, put the paper to pen, and I ended up putting she Hits the bottle. She went full throttle. I was about his mom. My mom was an alcoholic or I guess still is, but that hasn't drank for twelve years. But boy was she after it back then. And I wrote a poem about it. My friends found it, and she goes, it's so sweet. I'm so sorry that you got Look I deserve to behaves. I should have been kicked out of a fraternity for them finding that. But I do think, like, if you're a listener, I want to hear, like send us your poems that you wrote. At any point in your life. We want to hear your poems that. Yeah, that'll make us laugh a lot. We we loved the things that you has sent in about saying the word luncheon, luncheon, luncheon. You said that someone said that they thought luncheon was spelled like like luncheon. I'm going luncheon. Yeah. Later, afficient segments. I know that, Andrew cannot really compliment that we have a whole segment. Just like Obsessed with the voice smails, they see them checked off before I get them. I don't even listen because I'm too scared people are going to be mean on them, and I don't No one is going to be mean, but I'm too scared of it. Isn't that so silly? Um? But I will hear the ones when we do a listener mail later in the week. So let's get to it. Um. What's the news today, Andrew? Oh Man? We got some stories. Oh man, I hope you guys had a great weekend, had a lot of fun and all the swells. I'm not just saying that. I mean it from the bottom of my farts. Okay, here we go. First story, a New York City secondary school teacher appeared to suck the nipple of an unidentified topless man while rocking back and forth while teaching a class on zoom. What, yes, she was sucking this guy his nipple while teaching. Did she think her camera was off? She seemed to like apparently she sucked his nipple. She was eating food and then she like shrugged like his nipple. Like it wasn't a big deal. She makes a hundred six thousand a year. They're looking into it. They've suspended or what was a secondary school teacher? What does that mean? It's like it's ages six through it's a grade six through twelve. Oh, she's walking back and forth me like she was on top of you. No, she was like this, oh oh like she was. She was almost like like she was blowing his nipple, Like yeah, I mean that is why I think she's in some sort of like slave relationship with her guy. And he liked, I'm serious, but they have some weird kink where it's like you need to suck my nipple at this time, and like and she just thought maybe she could get away with it. I mean that's insane. Did she literally say, what's the big deal? I'm just sucking. She shrugged her shoulders and smiled and then went on with the works. I mean, what the hell would be like finally I'm paying attention to Mrs you know Delaney or whatever. Yes, you know, like I honestly would be like state as this woman in New York City. Damn, Okay, Well that's just that's not a good look. And uh god, I'd love to hear what her explainment. Probably still drunk from the night before something, or maybe they were like fucked up. I'm thinking she hasn't answered yet. She hasn't. There's something sucked up going on. Either she's has some kind of mental condition or she thought her thing was her camera was off, and then when she realized it wasn't, she was like, oh my god, I can't acknowledge how fucking crazy that was. I just have to strug and smile and act like it was nothing, so maybe they think it was nothing defense thank you. Have you guys had any moments where you saw someone on zoom doing something where you're like, oh, they probably think they're camera's off. Yes, yeah, I one time realized I was I wasn't on mute when I went to the bathroom on a mating and I, uh no, it was peeing, but I realized that it definitely was heard because the person was talking. Then all of a sudden, they stopped talking when I pulled down my pants, like you could hear the you know, or like something happened, and I just left the meeting. I just left. It wasn't a thing where I was. People knew I was, who I was on it. You know, it was like an anonymous type of situation, but it was many people on a thing, and you know what, I and the people I knew too, you know, like within this these things that I go to, and I I didn't care. It was such a beautiful moment because I realized, Okay, I didn't mean to do that. I'm not a bad person for having to go to the bathroom during an hour and a half meeting. I didn't know my microphone was on. Everyone who's listening to this, Um, It wasn't like I was caught sucking a nipple on camera, which is an inappropriate thing to do in front of children. There's no children on this thing. My camera was on san so my v and even if they did, I also didn't mean for that, So like I was able to literally let it go before I flushed the toilet, which was the next day, because I usually like wait to flush the toilet really one time, but why I'm kidding, but a lot of times I do because it's just like pee and I'm just like, I'll pee on my peel. It's the real estate guy getting like talking in the mirror. But you're a pisto what like how he got caught by the like he didn't know, don't spoil the jinks? Yeah, but yes, we already spoiled it on here. Um I killed them all? Yeah purping um No, I definitely, but it was it really was like this moment that I can't even remember, even though it's mortifying because I was able to let it go immediately. Whenever you can embarrass, just go did I mean to do that? No? Okay, then fucking forgive yourself and just know that maybe people are going to laugh at you. But who cares. Not a bad person because you went pee on a zoom call. Who cares to say, like, did I do that? Did I do that? I'll have some cheese, ladies, did I do that? Let's bring back did I do that? That's actually a good impression. I think I just did a good Yeah, it was a very good. Wait, hold on, I just lost j White for cocaine. Yeah, Julia White is what they call it Urkle cocaine. They call it Urkle because julil White and cocaine's white, which is why I was like, why don't they call it Betty for Betty White and it's closer to white? Yeah, you got some Betty? Yeah? Or what was Betty White's character in Cold We don't know. I remember we had this conversation. I go, that would be her name was as good as Urkle, We would do that. But yeah, alright, so next story. Men feel like they've lost a year of connection, but aren't rushing to date on the apps or even in person. They're not feeling pressured to settle down. Yeah. Interesting maybe without Yeah, yeah, I was talking to my friends. I remember, like five months after it happened, over the last summer, my friends were getting a sense that men wanted to like couple up because they're lonely and we were still kind of in quarantine. And now that it's opening up again, I think men are probably going back to like I need a funk a lot, like I want to just get out there. I don't. I don't want to settle. I don't want to because getting in a relationship is like quarantining. You're like, let's like hunker down and now that the world doesn't require us to do that monogamy scene. During the Roaring twenties, they were getting chlamydia. I'm so excited about the Roaring twenties, but I definitely am looking I'm looking to roar a little bit, but I'm looking to to settle down. But I'm so excited about the world opening up again and people being horny for each other's mouths. So the thing about that article, though, is that men were seeing there that they feel like they've lost connection with their friends and family. So it's like friends and family, then relationships. I'm over it. I don't want any guy who wants to, like, I'm so tired of men trying to like be the best brother or friends to their guy friends. Your forty, your friends have kids and families. Stop trying to like center your life from They don't care about you as much as you care about them. You should get your own family. Now. It's like it's come But that's different though. If you have I really am obsessed with my friends. Obviously, I like fly them out here to hang out with me when I'm doing this job. Like I'm dependent on friends and very codependent on friends. But I acknowledge that that's not going to be That's not something I can do. I'm doing it in lieu of a relationship. I would give it all up for a relationship, not all of it. I still would room with you, but you would just be rooming here with my partner. I would bring it all together. I wouldn't sacrifice a relationship because my friends and my mom so much. Get over yourself. Your mom's gonna die someday and you're gonna be alone. Yeah, I do. I do think like there's two things. There's one having friends around. There's another thing of like let's go to uh, you know, happy hour with the boys, and then we're gonna get funked up and then we're gonna maybe head back home on Sunday. Like you don't like your friendships, don't get in the way of your relationship. They are incorporated. I wonder I'm hanging out with this guy when I'm here in l A and I'm dying to bring you in a meal with me because any guy that I'm gonna like is going to have We're all gonna have a great time together. And then once I'm in the mode of like I want to be alone with this guy, I go, hey, Emil Andrew beat it, and then I start. Then I can he can put his hand on my leg and then we can move forward. But like when it kicks off, I want to bring my friends into every date, every first date, I want to bring all my friends, and I honestly might just be honest about that with this guy and be like, I mean, I I do feel okay meeting this guy because I've texted with him enough and I did meet him once before, so I might be fine going alone. But in some ways I'm like, maybe I'll meet him alone and then can my friends join, because I want my friends to You went on the one date with me, and remember the homeless guy came up and said that he said he looked like Matthew McConaughey to my date. And then Andrew was just pulled down his massive that the homeless guy would tell him he looked like leave shrive. He really waited for it, Noah, he was waiting for the home of this guy to go and wait about it and you and he said he was trying to make eye contact desperately and then almost man left and Andrew admitted it. He literally held up a sign for him to say, and he's like, yeah, no, no, no celebrity here. That was like me with my sister when I was young, and my people would be like this girl should be a bottle, and I just feel like waiting for like what they told me, and they would just be like, and you're there, and you're Matthew McConaughey. Yeah, alright, alright, alright, alright, it's a flat circle or something. You know what I like about them high school girls? You get older, they just stay the same. Is that it? I don't know, I get older the same age. Yeah, yeah, yeah, watch out for the leather next story. He was so hot in that audition. Have you ever seen it? You will lose. He's insanely attract Wait, I pull it up. I want to. I'll look at Matthew McConaughey's audition for he looks so young and spry, and it's like he's on his in his he's so fucking confident and cute and like weird and himself. That's the thing. What's more sexy than someone who just is themselves and doesn't give a funk what you think? Like, he embodies that and you gotta be hot to know. It's not even I'm just saying, like, there's a lot of people that are just themselves and weird and quirky where you're like, oh, that person is just crazy because they're poor. I mean, he is so hot. What the fuck? I mean, he looks the same dude. Is that in the the guy that grabs his nose eighteen times? And the Okay, so he's like pretending to drive a car, he's miming it. Oh my god, I love that. He's a Banger's Ball shirt. What is that on TV? Had Banger's Ball It's like it was one of the first heavy metal shows on TV. He literally looks the same as he does now. Oh his hair is so cute, that little flip at the end. What year is this audition? Oh my god, I mean he looks exactly like my first kiss. Honestly, he looks Let me show you my first kiss. My friend sent me a picture of him today. Actually, I mean, what is the best looking man like on earth. I'm not kidding you, like looks identical to the guy that was my first to like. Some of that was like ad lived. He's just known for like two lines and it changed his life. Just to you read his book, right, and I read his book, I mean listen to it. Yeah, every one of those decisions is made by when he comes in his pants at night. He has wet dreams and then he goes, oh, I should do that, I should take that role. Yeah, he has wet dreams and it makes him go, oh, that's a good idea for me. If he comes he realizes like that's the right route in his sleep. Yeah, you have wet dreams. Still, No, that's why I'm still not doing anything. You can't figure out what to do. I try to come in my sleep like mad. The other day, I woke up in the morning and I was so horny coming out of my dream. I didn't even wasn't even waking up. It was like lucid. It was still dreaming, and I was so horny, and I was like all I needed was to do You ever like wake up and you're so are staying You're like, you know, there's water on your nightstand, but you're like too tired to like drink it, so you just like, are you just stay thirsty instead because you're so tired. I did that with my phone and not charge it if I have to. I did that with horny this because the other day I was like, I just wish in my dream I convinced myself all my vibrators were broken or too far away, and that I was like crying because I couldn't get to them, even though I was like, wait, no, you were in a room with so many. That would have been so fun to wake up and do that. But that's why you need a boyfriend. May have too many, like the buffet thing. Oh, I could just have used what I could have just grabbed one off the fucking I don't even know. I do have to charge them all. I just haven't been that horning recently. Was exciting to be woken up by it, or even to think about it. What were you dreaming of? Do you remember? No? No, I don't, I don't remember. You're going to be dreaming of Matthew McConaughey. That is crazy, how hot he Isn't that? It's very It's true. That was that was good. That was a good pull What's next database for deals over two people involved in posting fake reviews for Amazon. So essentially these people are buying them and then filling out the five star and then return because the return isn't connected with Amazon, so they don't know. Yep, this happens all the time in company. People they're getting a little bit like that, you know what you mean, they're getting like Amazon, Like people are like beating the system, like there's like there'll be fine, Amazon will be okay. Yeah, Amazon is not getting fucked. It's honestly the consumer that's getting fucked. Amazon doesn't give a fuck what that people are doing this because it's just giving it. I mean, I'm sure they act like they care, but it's probably not affecting their bottom line. Munch. Yeah, maybe we will maybe buy one lass thing on Amazon because when we read a review, will be like, maybe this is fake, So it might affect them, but I don't. I think this is only like Amazon. The consumer loses out here. So I know that though I never read like verified review, I don't. That doesn't that means nothing to me. Don't trust anything these what somebodies tell you. They're all lying or I score until I see like like and then I'm like, okay, that seemed a little more. I don't even like bad reviews because I know that so many of those are just because that person had an alcoholic father and didn't deal with the worker about something, so now they're leaving a bad review on a Yelp thing or okay, like a four, two or three that when you find the at like the two or three, that's the review you conry, not either side of the right. A one. Yeah, when a restaurants given a one, I'm just like, fuck you. Yeah, that's the I hate that. I used to have a joke about when guys complain about Neil Brennan helped me write it. He goes, um, when guys complain, Wow, God, what was the fucking joke. But it's about those people that go, you know, um, when guys complain about a woman's pussy being like gross or whatever, that it's like, uh going to uh you should be happy you even like got to touch me. And it's like a Yelp review of a restaurant and it's like, you know, the food was great, the service was amazing, great ambiance, but like the door was kind of like weird. And like hard to like get through. So once are I'll never eat there again. It should be condemned. And like, dude, you want to know something weird with my palette. You know your palette changes as you get older. Yeah, my pussy palette is way more um advance, not advanced, but you yeah, accepting and like you're not as like that's psychological for sure. I just I don't know what it is. I just think I got less. Maybe they don't like onions when they're little and then they grow into liking onions. Yeah, yeah, extras, that's very exciting for yours. Oh dude, I see a beefy puss in like some like, oh so beefy. You're not saying taste though, you're just saying the look of it, the look of it. I like, like I used to think, like, you know, I don't know, because it's the way that guys talk about pussy. It's like you think a beefy puss means that she's been around a lot. It's so fucking stupid. No, I like I still read jokes from writers that write jokes about someone's pussy beat like a whore, like a girl that sleeps around has a beat up pussy. It's like, what do you watch porn? Those girls have like the tightest pussies and they're getting they're having more sex than anyone. None of this makes sense, you pussy, You can't tell if it's been around a lot. It's just all what we perceive it as. And now you know, I mean, it could be dirty if you're not wearing underwear and you're rolling around a mud or something. You can be dirty and be a virgin and have a really rank ass puss has nothing to do with if you get around a lot. It's insane. Yeah, I mean, look, so I'm glad. I'm so glad to hear that. I think my dick has gotten smaller every time I have sex. Is that a thing? I mean, it's erosion from like these really rough pussy walls. That's so funny for a guy to be like, yeah, I had a little dick because I fuck so much. Yeah, It's like it's just like it's scraped off, it's whittled it down, al right, So why do you care? Why do I care? Why do I care? Things got Harry um Well Luke Bryan saw hair on Katie Perry's legs during American Idol. She just had a baby recently. She doesn't want to shave her legs. She doesn't have time for it. But he called it out, like, hey man, you gotta do something about this leg hair. And she's like, no, I don't. I want to cuddle with my kid rather than shave my legs. Okay, great, that's cool here. Um, I think it's I think he probably was just saying it jokingly, like you're like, there's no doubt that a woman's leg looks better without hair. It's just like that's why you shave your back when you get or or your your chest when you get muscular, Like, your legs look more defined when it's less hair on them. It's in that and we're condition as a culture to like women hairless, and so yeah, it's gonna look better, And he was probably just trying to tease her. She got offended because she probably is a little insecure about that. She's maybe let herself go because she's taking care of a baby, which is a normal thing to happen when you're dealing with a job like American Idol and a baby, you can so she probably lashed back, being like, well, I want to be with my kid more than and so it became like this issue of like you're telling me I'm not a good enough woman, which I'm sure triggers. So that's why I care, because I think there's a lot of things going on. But I think it was an innocent comment, and I think then, Um, I used to beat someone who always like, let my hair be long on my legs if I wasn't fucking or like trying to impress a man or be intimate with a man. But now I keep it like that because I just feel sexier and I feel like I feel better, my legs feel better to me, and I feel and it's it's for me and um, but so I think they're both right. Who cares? So I don't care. Actually, it's Monday. So we're doing top one, bottom one, bottom than top, coming up of the worst some things. So we'd pick a category. Noah picks a category for us, and then we go around the horn and we each say, are the worst of this category and the best of this category for us? So your top one moment, in your top in your bottom one. We're gonna start with bottom because we always like to end on top. And what's the category now the category is concert experiences. Concert experiences. This is such a great category. Bravo um on this one because at first I go is this good? And then I go, wait, it's really good. Let's start with bottom um, No, would you like to kick us off? What is your bottom one concert experience? Bottom one is two thousand and six when an amplifier fell on my head at the knitting factory when I went to see the band Green Car Nation. It was their first time in America from Norway. I was very excited. I didn't even get to see them. And then before the show, it was while the band was setting up the tech was setting up their sound, and the p A fell on me because she was doing like doing work behind the stack of amps. So I just ended up in the emergency room with a wait did they pay for it? Did you? Like? Not? The band? So I had a lawsuit with the venue. I had a lawsuit with the venue, but it was nothing because I didn't die. Oh so because you didn't. But did they pay for your medical bills? Um? They paid for some of them? Yes? Right? Oh my god, that sucks so much. Was it did you see it coming? And was it completely out of and did it knock you out? Look? In the grand scheme of things, I considered myself very lucky because the way that the amps were positioned, the corner of the p A would have fallen and cracked my head open, but instead she had pushed it around so the front of it fell on me and my head was able to take the impact. Oh my god, with your head didn't go into it, like, it didn't get stuck on their heads? Were you knocked out? Um? I did see like stars around, but I was like, oh, I'm fine, I'm fine, and my friends like, uh, noah, I don't think you're fine, Like I really want to see the band though, but I end up like punk rock in that, like taking that on the head and then for sure did you moh you have you? Have you? You've mushed she? Andrew is a guy who crowd surfs. I've never crowdsurfed before because I don't want to probably enjoy a crowd surfing. Oh yeah, you don't like touch unless it's a very emotional touch that releases pain that you've been storing for fifteen years. You've missed the intro. But and that's where my pain was from, by the way, from that from Yeah, dude, you could. Man, I hope you got a little bit of money from these guys. But you know, it's suing a place for an accident. That's I feel weird about that because no one that girl didn't want to drop it on you was an accident. People should be accountable, But it feels bad when you like sue someone for a lot more money than maybe you or like you just like I was in the wrong place at run time. You know what, I'm going to take this hit literally, but um, that sounds terrible And that's a great bottom one. That was an easy one for you to come up with. Jesus, And have you heard concussions before? No, that was the only time I've had a concussion. And did you take care of it the right way? Like did you not go to sleep? Did you? Um? Actually it was a verified concussion. Were you like throwing up? Like what was it? I was okay. So the doctor from the hospital emergency emergency mind once you kind of like dismissed and he's like, you're fine, And then I had terrible migraines, I puked, I went to sleep, which I shouldn't have. So it was just a big Noah, you get you know. I actually stopped listening to them after that. Then I would to actually that you can really associate certain stuff like that with and just go I can't do it now. I got dad while watching Pearl Jam and that's not your bottom story. That's crazy, not even close to what was your body? The bottom so hard, I really fucking like I'm having really hard I do mine? My bottom was. I was performing at the Kaboo Festival down in Um, I don't know, it's southern California, like two hours south of l A. And I was doing this. It was It's a huge festival that oddly enough kind of started in the Cayman Islands, but they did one in Um, southern California, and I got to perform. It was right when I was doing Dancing with the Stars. I was really stressed out, was practicing all day. I'd drive down there and do this gig that I had booked long before in this tent, and they're not always ideal to do these music festivals. Had a great set, such a great time talking about dancing with stars on stage, really processing in a good way, and then I went back stage. I was supposed to be the food Fighters were also headlining that night, and I'm lather like my favorite Bandasy Live ever And I was in my trailer at this festival that I'm on the same bill as the Food Fighters, Like such a great day. I had a great set. And I see a paparazzi photo from earlier that day of Dancing with the Stars, when I had gone to go get coffee and me and Joe Mobiley from Bachelor Bachelor, We're at the same coffee place and they remember I saw paparazzi shooting us. And I was with my friend Carlisle and at this backstage, and I saw the pictures on Daily Mail. I was so excited because I looked great in all of them. But there's one picture where my neck looked crazy. It looked too old. It looked like I had Barbara Corkran's neck from Shark Tank, Like I looked like that old and like yeah, And I was just like I'm gonna have I literally was, And I was so depressed and sleep deprived and all these things. And I before we're supposed to walk over to Food Fighters, I'm in my trailer and I'm sobbing because I'm like, I am so old and ugly, and I was feeling so bad on that show and I was like, I'm gonna and carl was like, they can fix that. There are lasers that can fix that, and I was just like, that's not what I want to hear right now. I all I want to hear is that I'm crazy. So I texted on you and on you was like, that's because you're so skinny right now, Like your skin does that when you're skinny. This is not you being old, it's you being skinny. Your neck as a I go, I look like Iggy Pop. Like it's not a good look. And I was crying and I was like, that was the time when I was so depressed. I was like to Carlos, sometimes I just really think I'm gonna have to kill myself someday, and she just goes me too, but mine's going to be murder suicide. And I was like, you are not a good friend to have around when I'm feeling this way. And I didn't go to the Food Fighters concert because I was crying so much about how ugly I felt, and I didn't go, and it was like one of the dumbest things. It's just I feel so far removed from that person who would do who would cry about something like that now that I'm able to talk about it. But it was a really low moment and I got to miss out on a concert that would have been fucking incredible. Yeah, So that was my bottom. What's your bottom? I mean, I guess seen meat Loaf twice, maybe three times too. I'm having trouble remembering if I've seen meat Loaf two times or three times. When I was younger, when I was like twelve, my dad loved meat Loaf. We know, like two out of three. What's the big one that anything? Yeah? Yeah, And so I liked I like that album. It was a fun album. But we saw meat Loaf once and I think it was more like it was just like we went and it just my parents were going through the divorce at the time, and I think my dad was probably trying to like make up for, you know, screaming for six years by listening to Bad out of Hell too, And you know, meat Loaf is good, but he's not good enough to uh, to solve that, you know. So it was just kind of like we're watching and we're like, yeah, like meat Loaf, like, but you know, I kind of hate you right now, and you know, yes, and I don't remember much, so that's probably why I probably even hated it more because I can't really blocking it out because it was so bad. Yeah yeah, and then an amp fell on me. That'd be funny every story. But yeah, so I think just because I, you know, you go, I didn't go to that many concerts, so to have like bottom ones. Another bottom for me is I went to Chris Isaac concert with my parents, and my dad was like new Chris Isaac because his cousin his friends with Chris Isaac and we got to meet him backstage. Now this was in uh Riverport and uh Saint Louis, but I had just become anorexic and I was just like starting to be very very sick looking and worrying. Everyone who saw me would love that on the beach, oh my god. And so I sat through the whole concert, was starving the whole time, and just in a bad mood that we had to meet him backstage and I just looked like I remember, being like a liability and being like and my parents almost being embarrassed to introduce Chris Isaac to their daughter who looked so it was just a sad day. I mean that was definitely the worst. That was worse than even the other one. Um, but let's get the best. Let's let them fer a food fighter. That's good, dude, Oh my god, I know it's like good, but like it. Yeah, someone should have given me a bowl of Dave gruel. I don't, well, that doesn't really fit groul girl. Um, I love food Fighter. That's so fun. I'm gonna startself food Yeah, and why would you? That doesn't even that's not a food that you would serve an interactic girl. Anyways, it just doesn't work. I mean I eat a lot of gruel like that oatmea make looks like roal. Know what is your best concert experience? Okay, best concert experience has to be every time I see Iron Maiden, which is a very famous metal band. But the best time was in two thousand and five at oz Fest. I got to photograph them, so I got to be like right up front, and usually that take it is like very very expensive. So I was like in my twenties and I got that like like front like stage view, and there was no motions like in the photo pits, and there was no like greasy guy on top of me and I just got to see that show is great? And were you with a friend? No, it was just camera And do you oh? I love going to shows by myself. And did you um? Did you like? Do you sing along? Du dance? Like what's the vibe? Is it just like jumping up and down? Like just what do you feel when you're at an Iron Maiden show? Yes, I can definitely sing t Iron Maiden because the singer doesn't growl, he actually sings, So yes, I just like, you know, like sway around and sing. Photographing a band also is really special. You think that, like, I'm not one into photographing like scenery and like views and stuff, But when you have a concert angle and you want to capture that moment, that's it's a special moment. And I'm very grateful to so many tailors with fans who have caught front row footage of her that I watched on my Instagram explore page over and over and over again, and it's it's And I man, I used to photograph Jeff Tweete with a really nice camera. I have some shots of Jeff Tweety that, honestly he should use in like his if there's a book of him someday. Like, really, I'm a good photographer, you are. I don't mean I do mean to toot my own work. It's like, I'm a truly great photographer. I have just like an eye for it. I'm a natural. I'm not as good as people that actually do it for a living, but I'm actually better than a lot of them, to be honest with you, because I am a natural at street photography and you know, portrait stuff, but I just don't know all the technical stuff. Anyway, I love. I can't wait to go to a Taylor Sist concerts so I can take pictures of her from the angle that I'm at, and like, remember what it was like, as shitty as it is was when people record at concerts. I appreciate it because I watched that Row and Iron concert. Oh, just the idea that you couldn't get out or you're gonna get pushed against. My mom was at the Who concert where all those people were trampled in the seventies, the one that's like famous. First of all, that doesn't happen that often, the odds of that happening. There's tons of metal shows people, but My mom was at that Who concert where I think seven people got trampled to death in the seventies. It's a famous I mean, it's the number one story. And she was at that one, and um, she almost died, you guys. And that to me was my best concert. I'm just kidding. I almost didn't exist, which is what I leads us back to what I said in the trailer behind the Food Fighter show. No, um, what is your best one? Andrew? My best one? I have two best ones? Your top concert experience, I would say, there's just I'll just say one real quick. Tom Patty saw him a month before he died with my brothers. Unbelievable. I've seen him three times. But there a moment from it that you remember and like, well, I was going to go, like just give that, okay, yes, but your best in the moment my best one. I showed up to um cash Money Millionaires, which is juvenile and like all the and little Wayne was part of it. And it was when they were blowing up with back that ass up and and me and three of my whitest friends went to the concert in New Orleans. We didn't have tickets. We show up. They're like Yo, forty dollars, we got you second row and we're like forty for second row. Oh. D m X was was opening for them, R I P and Eve. Remember Eve? Yeah, she had the palmarks and she would cut it all off. Now she looked like Eve and she'd be dealing with some issues that you can't believe. Single white Kane Yeah, yeah, yeah, and uh, I just think about her because she had that blonde hair almost like like buzz like Cisco almost. So we go and the guy goes second row and we keep walking and we're just walking and it's it's a pack stadium, like there's no reason why we should have got second row, Like that's why it was like. So, so, next thing, you know, they sit us there and we're like, why do fun are we second row? So this guy comes out first. Eve comes out and her dancers is out. The whole time she's dancing. So that was fucking awesome to just see it. Think I would think, so, yeah, she just would dance in her Yeah. So then DMX comes out in a jail cell, floating jail cell, and next thing you know, the base starts really hitting and we're right next to the speaker. So the reason why we got these seats is because no one wants him at a rap concert because your whole body explode, Like you really feel like you definitely got damn ear damage that night. Well they give you ear getting ear plugs. So DMX comes out in a floating jail cell. I can't even look at him in the eyes. He's so his presence was like I really can't explain it. He was just like a fucking bat, like, oh my god, like stage, you couldn't even look at him because he was so intimidate. I was so intimidated, That's what. I don't even understand that. So then so then you think, like, okay, this is fucking the greatest concert because like whatever, we figured out the base whatever. Now cash money millionaires come out in a floating helicopter over the it's indoors in a crowd, and they're throwing thousands of dollars in the stands just that all ones and I got four ones and I bought. But so fucking cash Money gets up there and dude, they go all right next on the Oh. The great thing too, is like they have like a hype man any points, like look at these white motherfucker's in the front room and we're like, oh great, like where it's like don't so so then so then cash Money fucking comes up and they're like, all right, next song, back that ass up. If you think you go back that motherfucking ass up, we want you update. So next thing, I know, I get it. I get a tap on my shoulder and the girl wants to get closer to state. So she's grinding on my dick like the most like hood rat girl you've ever seen in your life, Like like and this is great. Next thing, you know, she gets on stage and she after grinding all my dick, she gets on stage. She wins the back that ass upcon I picked up four dollars, I go to a bar and it was unbelievable. I mean, that is wild and so fun and like I love the part about the d MX being so like just enigmatic and and and confident. You know how he got signed quick. I'll go through mind really rapid fire. So he so I forget the Jewish guy from like Deaf Jam or whatever was going to listen to other rappers, right, and people have heard of d MX, like there was like talks about him in the Bronx of Brooklyn or whatever wherever he's from. He had his mouth wired shut because he broke his jaw a few days before that. Kanye again walks in people like spread for him and he starts rapping, and could hear his jaw break, like the metal breaking. That's how hard he was rapping and he just broke his rebroke his jaw. It's like when Forced Gump runs, Yeah, the braces are but no, no, no, no way. He's a kid and he's being bullied and his braces on his legs and they fall apart when that happened, don't remember, Like it's like all the infrastructure that's holding this thing is breaking down. And you could hear like the pain that he must be going through. Like it was it was enough. It was worth putting up with two emote what he wanted to do in his like his rap. That's so fucking cool. I love that story. My best concert stories are really like, uh, I gotta I just I have like top five. But honestly, the best moment um was I went to go see you two with one of my good friends, Sean O'Brien, and he I had a chance from Serious when I was working for them, to go to this like to go see you two um live at the Apollo Theater in Harlem, a private show for just six serious employees. And it was like very like it wasn't packed, and I got to go, and I got to I I Sean O'Brien is the number one YouTube fan I know, and I got to ask him if he lets go this private event. It was just such a great gift to give to a friend who you know, is like that'd be like if someone said, do you want to go to a Taylor Swift private event? Which I have been to before and that's also on my list. So I go, I get, I get Sean. Sean flies and he can't fucking believe it. He still talks about to the day of like I don't. I still can't get over it because he was the biggest fan. So we go to the show and I'm just loving that seeing my friends so happy. But I will say the and I loved it because I knew so many more YouTube songs than I knew great performance. We were on the floor at the Apollo the YouTube you know, ten feet from me and um, but he played the song uh stuck in a moment and you can't get out of it, but he prefaced it. Anthony Bourdaine had just commits suicide I think a week prior, and I was fucking torn up by his suicide. I remember where I was. I sobbed. I don't sob when like friends die sometimes. Like it was really weird how much it impacted me, and I I didn't like processed it. My mom and sister had been in town, and I like went to his restaurant, like put flowers and like left a note. But I just wasn't like like actually like feeling it. And um, because I was also dealing with a lot of suicidal ideations at the time, like struggling or I had in recent memory. And and then Bono said this next song, Um, you know, we just lost Anthony Bordain. We lose so many amazing people just suicide. Who just um he was like, I lost my best friend of the band I think It's in Excess was the lead singer of the band that was one of Bonnah's best friends. And he said that he like he wrote this song about his friend. He was just mad that his friend to commit suicide and he was just wrote the song about like what his friend was going through and that this was dedicated to Anthony, and like he just made a statement about like these people like if you just just get just wait for the moment to pass. And then when I was going through depression and then the song played and it was beautiful, I was like crying and my friend Sean is there and I'm like having this fucking existential moment. Lest thing to the song, having heard the song really for the first time, even though I've known that song forever. I mean they put it on my iPhone against my will into that way. Now that was a different album, but like I've always known that song and now it's one of my favorite songs of all time. And when I was going through really bad depression this past summer, I played it all the time, and it really that his death was not in vain because it got me out of my suicidal ideation sometimes to be like this is just a moment, this too shall pass. Stuck in a moment and you can't get out of it. You say that later will be there. Now you're stuck, and the whole thing. And this brings us back around to what I was saying in the meeting. That's why I fucking love this podcast. Final thought that song. I love that song because it is not mad at his friend. It's not I don't understand why you did this. Woe is me as your friend. It is compassion. It's just like fully understanding what that person is going through. It's not invalidating it. It's saying that you are in this, but it will pass. It's not saying get over it. Don't be said, look at your life is perfect. It's acknowledging you are in pain. I acknowledge your pain. Noah, as your massage therapist, acknowledge your pain. Let's all do better to acknowledge each other's pain, because just because you want it may bee process pain the same way that someone else is going through. Like I used to get mad at Andrew before shows because he would be like, have nervous energy, and I don't like to be nervous, and I don't. I'm not nervous, So why are you nervous? It's not a big deal, and I'm the big name on the show. I should be the one nervous. What are you nervous about? They're not even there to see you. I wanted to invalidate his his nervousness and his feeling because it made me feel like I'm not nervous, I'm not treating this with enough respect. So really I was just mad at myself for not caring because to me, nervousness is caring and I'm insecure about not caring enough or being lazy or something. So I used to always do that to you and make you feel bad about it. I'm not saying I won't ever not do that to you, because sometimes your nervous energy is shipping in my bathroom that I don't want to smell your poop or farting on Mike. But um, yeah, it's just it's nicer if we all just go. When you were biting your hands, I just go, don't bite, you know, instead of being like we do we're nervous about But I still do that to you. It's hard not to, and it's all about just being compassionate of others. Yeah. No, I think you said it all there. But that was the best moment. Can I just say a couple more moments? So just rattle him off? Taylor Swift Okay, well, I haven't had my best Taylor Swift moment yet. It's almost like the way I feel about love like my greatest love is waiting for me. My greatest moment as yet to comment for a concert moment, it is TVD, it is Taylor Swift is the first time she goes back on stage. Is maybe a private concert of sorts. But I don't think I'll be able to really emotionally handle seeing Taylor Swifts live with how I haven't seen her live since a rooftop show in two thousand uh in New York, and so my, that is six years ago. I am so I will cry, I will cry, I will be very emotional. But seeing her on the Red Tour it was an emotional experience. I really I already had loved her, but not the way I do now, And then seeing her live on that rooftop was really cool because we made eye contact beforehand. She goes, it's I go, it's cold, and she was like yeah, And that was fun to have a moment with her because she like it was a very private event. It was you could see me in it. It's she sings Welcome to New York on a rooftop in New York for two debut in New York. The fucking Empire State Building is like lit up, like Taylor Swift color colors. It's a beautiful performance, and um, that was really fun. And then the other one is when I went to Nelly Fortado with my mom and my best girlfriends in two thousand and two, and we were obsessed with her album that had I'm Like a Bird, but the whole album is fucking amazing and bright and fun and girly, and we memorized it all and we went to go see her Misssippi Nights is small venue, and my mom came with us, and my mom was like one of the girls at night, and like, I just remember my mom being like that was the most fun I've ever had in a show, and I was like, this is what I do, Mom. I get obsessed with the band and then I go wait in line to go see John Mayer, Howie Day Counting Crows, and then I will go Dave Matthews and then I'm front fucking row and then I sing and dance the entire time and have and maybe make eye contact with them, maybe steal John Mayer's water bottle and chug it with my friends because we all we then we convince ourselves we're drinking his backwash, so we might have maybe kissed him. We steal how he did Day's sweat rag. We fucking I. I touched Adam Dirt's dreadlocks, which you're not supposed to do. You're not supposed to touch people's hair, but definitely not uh dreadlocks. Well, he's white, so you can touch black women's hair or black men's hair. I think that's the thing that you try to do to respect people, but just hair in general. But I did touch his dreadlocks because I was so close to him at this venue and that was the best show ever. But he was mad at me for touching his dreadlocks. I could tell he was not happy with it. Did you get no? I just like I I like to say that I like put my hands to them like a wind chime, like you would like they just kind of like ding dinging. And I remember him looking at me like too far, like I'm giving you my hand, don't touch my air. And that's when I learned, like, yeah, these people. That was a total I was seventeen. I was just like a girl that was like seriously in love with Adam Turrets and just wanted to like have his d n A. I gotta go. I just still remember crying at Dave Matthews. My friends said, are you crying? I got my grandpa died. But really it was just about Dave. What song was it? Lover Laydown? It was obviously freaking back you up because you ever played that a lot? It was it was probably crash. Yeah, it's a beautiful song. It's a sweet song. It's a sweet song. That's what he says about some song on Live at Luther College. Thank you guys so much for listening. Follow us on Instagram, d m us, leave us voicemails. You can find that link in our bio and then get tickets to come see me on tour. And Andrew he will be at every day, Besties. This is a show made for besties. Nicky Glazer going on tour nick glazer dot com, slash Tour and uh, thank you so much as always for listening, and this whole week will be here with you with me, Noah and Andrew. So I can't wait all Live from l A k H.