Before heading out to Atlanta for a TV shoot, Nikki, Andrew and Noa put together a Fanthrax Only... or as some would say a Fanthrax Ony edition of the pod. As they get started Andrew has a lot to get off his chest about the artist formerly known as Kanye West. Nikki wonders how one becomes a billionaire and they brainstorm on businesses that could them there. Besties leave voicemails on the topic of babies, an office sex scandal, help for other Besties and what to do during vocal rest.
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The nick Ger Podcast. Nick. Here's Nicky. Hello, It's Nicki Laser Podcast. Welcome to the show. How's everyone doing. Um, I'm doing pretty good. It's Thursday. Andrew is here, Noah's here. Um. We are taping this episode on Wednesday because I'm going to be uh yeah, it's Wednesday. I just want to be honest with you. I can't lie it's Wednesday. But we're doing a special UM episode ahead of time, and we can't fake it with you, guys, um Andrew. Yesterday's episode, we did not get to anything um Andrew related. What's been going on in your life? What did you do last night? Any big updates? No? I mean, you know, I wish my life was more exciting. It's just fucking I have a very boring life. I really do. And it's it's a little frustrating because I don't know. I did those shows over the weekend that was fun, Society and God, I'll tell you what. I when I'm bored, I just I just you know. I re downloaded Twitter, so that's good. That's a huge event. I don't know you had taken it off. I didn't either for because there was only twenty five seconds. But you know, it was a big I really found myself during that time, which was great. Um, I'm very heavy into Okay, you're very much into that. I have very very much not into it, but I know that. Um. Maybe that makes me seem like I'm not an ally or something, but I just think he is. I mean, yeah, he's stoking some hatred for sure, but I just think he's so mentally ill, which most people are that are, you know, anti Semites. I think that's that's a definitely of something's wrong with your brain. Um, if you hate a group of people so much. But I mean, but what what's Can you update me on what you know and what your thoughts on it? Where do I start? I mean it all started where uh said, yeah, when def Con three, which was spelled wrong, which is fine. You know me, I can't even speak, so how can I get mad about him misspelling? But he said he was gonna go Defcon three on the Jews. He wrote a tweet and he was already kind of going through it. If he did say Jewish people, you know, he didn't say Jews like It's like I expected him to just throw a hard Jews in there. I think now he's gone that way. I think, well, he does a lot of the Jewish media, like a lot of just tropes that have been like said, as someone you don't you see someone who is like about to jump off a building, almost crazy, like like this is like I don't know, I'm if it if it was someone that people were taking more seriously. And I'm not Jewish, so I can't really speak to this. So I guess you can't continue how you're talking. How do you feel? Well, thank you for letting the Jews speak? Um, No, I think I think I'm fine. I'm Jewish. I can say, are I think that? Uh? I think that yes, if you're saying, oh, well, I'm looking at him, But millions upon millions of people are not looking at him as insane. They're looking at being a genius about finally seeing the light, seeing the truth, speaking truth to power. Millions of people read the comments on anything that is cancer and you can easily go, well, no, people just think he's crazy. He's just crazy. That's not subredit. For a while, but after I saw a documentary, I was like a fan, so I followed a subreddit and when he started, I'm not following it anymore, just because I was like tired of reading about him. I just didn't care anymore. And I will say that most of his legions of fans on there were months ago when I left, already done with him. So I mean, I guess a whole new world of Are the Thomas the ones that are really making you go insane? Well, I mean I'm fine, I'm on a So like part of me is like, yeah, we do run ship, go funk off, you know, like whatever, we started this, It's like we built it, so why shouldn't we not be part of Hollywood? Like it's like I don't know, it's a weird thing. No, no, but I'm saying like part of me wants to be cocky about like, oh, you're giving us the stereotype of being like, oh we run this like okay, yeah, okay, sweet, like we work hard and we're smart and we fucking get ahead and like whatever. Like part of you, part of me is like I want to use it as like I don't know, I don't want to give it more invested in this because you're Jewish, you think or do you are you just fascinated by this? Okay, okay, yes for sure? So what is what are you mainly looking into and like, are you feeling just like um, are you feeling upset seeing how many people are on his side? Are you just feeling are you feeling threatened? Are you feeling like how you felt? And you know when that teacher told you to put your nose on the blackboard and like when you're you know, like, is this is this making you feel all those things again? For sure? For sure? I think growing up where I grew up, I think, uh, when you have your temple spray painted not with swastika's and six million left and you're constantly like you tell someone you're Jewish and they look at you like a fucking alien, and you realize that a majority of our country, a lot of our country fucking looks at Jews, like looks down on Jews and listen, and here's Jewish media and they just believe it and they don't like that just is like yeah, they fucking do. Were on everything. They're the Illuminati. Fuck them they should, you know, like this is how the Holocaust started, Like with this kind of because what will happen, right is if like let's say we go into a recession and all the all the banks fucking start foreclosing on your homes. Who gets to blame? The Jews are gonna start being blamed. And that's the problem. Is like when you say, oh, you know the Jews they control the banks, because they say the Jews control the banks and that we control Hollywood and that really Kanye is mad at like five fucking people and then generalizes it and go off, do we know the source of it? Besides you know his idea brain? I do? I mean, he well, there's a few things. One he had a lunch with Jared Kushner that went really poorly where he felt like jaredy because he has such an ego. And Jared Kushner has two billion dollars as opposed to Kanye having one billion. So how did Kanye have a billion dollars? Chris told me this last night. Apparently eleven billion because he easy? Is that really what maakes him a billionaire? Because of Adidas? Fucking Christ, that is so much money. I can't even believe it. I couldn't believe it. Well think about it and then you go, okay, well I can't get anything done and everyone blackballs me. But meanwhile, you're worth a billion eleven billion dollars, so seems to be working out okay for you exactly. He's had such an ego. So he had a lunch with Jared Kushner, which apparently Jared Kushner, who's Jewish, treated him shitty, and then he had some deals with music execs over the time with the lawyers, and he felt like they all colluded together Jewish people because instead of just business people, he always has to say, well, the Jews colluded together to hold him back into ruin and take money from him. So now it's all Jewish people, you know. So, I mean, no a Jewish as well. I'm sure she can have some thoughts of her even. Have you been following the Kanye drama. Noah, I've yeah, I mean I've been following it as much as I care about it. Um, I think I'm not as like passionate about it as Andrew is, and I you know, like I want to tread lightly because I don't want to be like like have stones thrown at me when I try to see like the middle of it. I hate that he generalized the stuff about Jewish people when what he was trying, I think trying to illustrate was that he was getting screwed out of deals. And the thing that he said with um the dinner with with Jared Kushner and stuff is like he it was Jared and like his brother who has more? He said he has more shares of a of the clothing line company that Kanye started. I think it's even skims. I don't know, there's like and he like was he's just insane, Um, but I don't. I think like the root of what he's saying has to do with how black people are treated in industry and in business and how they're getting screwed out of a lot of money. And I wish he would have belabored that point instead of blowing up the whole Jewish thing right right, Well, what does what is the crux of his white Lives manner shirt? Just to stir up that, like why is he doing? What are those about? I'm sorry, I'm really ignorant about this. Like I just kind of tune him out because it's just so disturbing and um, it seems so chaotic. I can't even keep up. Yeah, well, the white lives matter, And initially when I saw it and he did say this is one of his reasons later is that he doesn't want white people to tell him that black lives matters. It's like a victimhood. He doesn't want to feel like a vic him ever, like that's his whole thing. So he wears the white lives matter, your life matter, Like, oh, you're telling me my life. It's like that thing of like right, okay, suck and it's like, uh, it's like in that regards um. Also, they think Black lives matters a scam. Uh came to his own just came out with a documentary talking about how not the movement, but the organization has taken the money and used it incorrectly and they've like called that out and called truth to that and so so he's mad about the actual movement of black lives or the organization of Black Lives matters too. So I cannot believe he's a billionaire because of shoes. I just what world do you live in where Kanye clothing lines are? Like I got start a clothing I gotta start, I gotta start a lot. Like this is how you make money now, is you just sell garbage to people that is eventually gonna just end up in the ocean. It's like it's just it's gross to me. I I gotta I gotta come up with some if you could start a brand, like what did you do Andrew? Like what what kind of thing would you sell if you had to expand your brand? Like would it be golf balls? Would it be a type of golf club? Is there something that you see a necessity in the industry that isn't really you know, like or is out there that you could actually have a good influence on you had one? Okay, no, No, I just feel like it depends are you going to team up with someone? Are you going solo on this? Because if I'm not gonna ask you to make this in your garage, just like making new shoot, like you're definitely gonna have to work with engineers. But like, do you have an idea for something that, like you be your thing? I have an app idea, which who doesn't have an app idea? But I don't want to say I don't want to say it. It's too good of an idea. But I do have an app idea that could I think could change the world. But I also do you know the celebrity skincare stuff, Like I I want to come out with one product where you don't have to do anything else except one thing, because I use one product for my night cream. For my day cream, I put on an SPF. I'm not talking about SPF and stuff, but for moisture, I use one product. And I mean that already is exact out there, but there's and I feel like it's not lacking in any way. So I don't know what I would add to it except my name, But I would just put that out and be like, it's just one thing, girls, and it's here's a it's ten dollars. It's not that like maybe that and I think I would be good at coming up with UM. I think, UM, maybe not a clothing line, but I would do I don't know, UM. I could do makeup, I could do like a cool But everything that I would put out is already out. There's nothing that isn't already out. I don't want to add to stuff that. That's what I'm asking, like, is there anything that isn't out yet? And the only thing I can think of is this app idea I have, but it's kind of already out there too. I would just brand it in a different way that would make it more sense for people. But I truly don't know that there's I mean, this is a if there was something, we would be inventors. But yeah, I can see this on shark Tank. I mean, do you see a golf is there a golf thing that you're like, Man, I wish that there was a club that did this and like had this design and like I would really like this kind of golf hat or shirt or even forty five like that class is like taking. What would you change about that class? Maybe you could start your own workout place. Yeah, no, I mean I think forty five really does do it right. I I was thinking about your lotion thing and what you were saying the one because I was talking to my older brother about it because he got put on. We're on regiments from Brenna and their five steps and for a guy, that's a lot of I'm it's like sitting, I'm saying for a girl too, Yeah, so it's like, what is the right amount of steps? Like what would you like? I think like that's obviously they want more. I've never got so many compliments on my skin in my life. I've never been someone who gets told they have good skin. And every makeup artist that I talked to now like every single one I see in the past three years that I've just been washing my face and using this one thing nothing else I get constantly told you of right now, yeah, yeah, the ordinary plant squalling. That's all I use for everything. And it's just like I just um and I I probably you know, because I'm not exfoliating as much. I mean, I definitely do like masks and stuff here and there, but uh, and I shaved my face. I like when I'm in the showers that probably yeah, Turman plane, but I do it with you Andrew the same one as my I know everything boyfriend's raisor do you really? I mean I would he doesn't. He like hides his from me, I think because he knows that I'm dirty and would probably use it, like, you know, like all of his things are so neat. We've been doing this thing on the girl's chat where we Go. Chrisen started it. She films all of Corey her husband's things, like they were on vacation, and all of Corey's like clothing were like neatly folded put over this chair perfectly, just everything was organized, and she was like, and she's filming it. She's like couris things over here and she was stuffump pump pump my stuff and she just zooms it on herself. It would be such a funny taktok trend to just show like the neat person of the relationship and got stuff because I mean, living with Chris, that is definitely us. My stuff is everywhere and his is. Yeah, I'm definitely my stuff person in our relationship. Yeah, there's no golf club or anything that. Like, I feel like your celebrity has to be to a certain point to invent or to put out a product that would actually be successful unless it really feels a need, Like I don't know, I'm trying to think, like I want a pair of pants that are athletes are for women that actually look not athletes are. I want to prepare That's what I want, and they don't exist. I want Lulu Lemon to come out with jeans. I want some kind of like I don't know what they have that for men at Lulu Lemon Commission Pan, but I don't know if they have that. Yeah, well that I'm saying men men can buy their entire wardrobe at Lulu Lemon and look really fucking good and dapper and like you're not gonna go to a black time function in lu Lemon, but you can get pretty damn close to like date night a cocktail part, Like you can look handsome with a Lulu Lemon and Sumble, but as a woman you still can't. And they still have the best fabrics. I just want them to figure it out how to make and and also I would make more. I would make a sports bra because I have the best sports bras are ones that scooped down and they kind of give you a lift but they hold you in, but they give you some cleavage and they scooped down. I also have an idea for tank tops atol, Like there's certain clothing that I think I could do a good job on, but I don't know if I have that little um, I have that gene in me that's like I want to make things, you know, I I definitely know I don't. That's just not the thing for me. I like, I love I love Shark. I love the idea of you know, some of these things where it's like, oh, the back massage er that reaches farther, like such little things that you think are already done. I mean, think about being an inventor twenty years ago or thirty years it would have been so fucking easy now right now, the stuff right now, thirty years from now, I would be like, how did no one put you know, wheels on luggage? They didn't have to, Like the eighties, imagine, no one thought, let's put a little wheels on this stuff, like in your life wheels on it. When I was a kid, we had a trunk that was like three thousand pounds, like it weighed more than the stuff that's in it. And that was and what, Yeah, it's wild. It was also like a gasket if you died. What a ridiculous invention? Um yeah, no, I yeah, I like. I like the idea of like I trying to think what would be like, I need some I need to invent something that the here's some necessities out there. If a good way to carry necklaces traveling, haven't found it yet. I even hired some organizers to read to my life. They gave me the best jewelry travel case, and it's still not good. The necklaces get all tangled. Yes, what I got a good idea? A little tiny clip for your socks so you never lose one sock so you have the small and so right before you put it in the dryer or if you're putting it. It's the smallest little clip. So yeah, it's not that bad. I feel like you would lose those clips. Yeah, you know. Well maybe there's a little tread next to the washer that holds the clips magnetic and they stick to the washer or something like that so you don't lose them. I mean, the amount of money I've spent on socks is extraordinary because I like a good sock, and I get a lot of my socks from Lulu Lemon, but like they Amazon has the best socks I have. The I buy like a uh, they're just white like ankles, not even ankle socks. You don't like the tap comes up just enough that they don't your shoe, doesn't can flip inside your shoe. I love material. It feels good to me. They're try them out there like ten bucks, so it's not You're not gonna be too out if you buy them and don't like them. And I'll just take them if you don't like them, because we were the same size. Bro. All right, let's go and take a break and we'll come back with fan Trax Hey, busties, it's your girl, Nikki. I am in Atlanta right now. As you know, today's episode was taped yesterday. Um, but today is today, and I am in Atlanta. I'm waiting for the TeV show I'm taping to start, and I'm laying on my couch in my trailer and using a bra as a face mask. But tomorrow my tour starts, and I would love for you guys to come see me at some point during this tour. Tomorrow it is in Devonport, I love. That is gonna be Friday, and then I am in another place in Iowaite next week is Reno and four different cities in California. Then it's Vermont and another place in Vermont, I mean Memphis, St. Louis, On and on and on. Go check out all the tour dates Nicki glazer dot com. If you want to go alone, if you have no one to go with, I will give you a free meet and greet, And if you want to meet me, you can also buy meet and greet at the Birch Booth. But I would love for you guys to come see the stand up show. I'm so excited about this material. I'm so excited to meet you guys. Always makes me feel so good when I hear besties in the crowd. I can just feel it. So I would love your support on this tour. And yeah, I think you'll really love this stuff until listening to the pod. And thanks for supporting me always. I love you. All Right, we're back. It's time for fan mail via fan trax. Thank you AVI for that. Uh Noah, what do we have today? Who's writing to us? What are they saying? What they want? So many besties leave us voicemails and I just want to say thank you so much for all of them. Thank you guys. All right, let's start with a misheard lyric. Here is Amy, Hi, Nikki, Andrew and Noah. Um. I was just listening to the pod from last week and a listener called in with their misheard lyrics, so I thought i'd call in with mine. When I was a kid, one of my favorite movies was Mrs. Doubt Fire and there's a scene where Robin Williams is cleaning the house and vacuuming and dancing around by aerosmith. Dude looks like a lady is playing and we all thought that it was do the funky lady. So my mom and my aunt and my cousins and all of my younger siblings all thought it was do the funky lady, And maybe my mom and my aunt knew the actual lyric. I just didn't tell us. I'd don't know, but that was a thing growing up that when we were to each other lady and um. It was just kind of a thing. And I probably learned in my twenties that that was not the correct lyric and that it was dude looks like a lady, um, which makes a lot more sense. I learned a movie. So that's my story. I love you guys, by you, Amy, thank you. I always thought it was do look like a lady like? You should look like? Do look like a lady like? Like they were insisting. So I didn't know what dude looks like a lady until very late too, And I was kind of disturbed that it was that. I was like, what is this song? But I don't know the other verses to it? Should we listen so we see what those verses? What is it about transgender? Is it about? Well we're about to find out. Okay, So the lyrics are dude looks like a lady, dude looks like a lady. Dude looks like a lated dude looks like a lady cruising to the bat to the shore. Yeah, close in to a bar on the shore. Her picture graced the grime on the door. She's a long lost love at first bite, baby, maybe you're wrong, but you know it's all right. That's right. Backstage, we're having the time of our lives until somebody says, forgive me if I see him out of line. Then she whipped out a gun and tried to blow me away. So never judge a book by its cover, or who you gonna love by your lover. Love put me wise to her love and disguise. She had the body of a venus lord. Imagine my surprise. Let me take a peek, dear baby, let me follow you down, do me, do me, do me all night? Baby, Let me follow you down. Turn the other cheek, dear uh, do me do me? Doom what oh? And then holy sh it, Amy, it says what a funky lady. One of the lyrics it is do looking lady, But there is a part where he does say what a funky lady. Oh, she lack it, she lack it. She lack it. Oh, he was a lady. And so I guess this is about, um, Steven Tyler being tricked by, or feeling uh tricked by someone a very um you know, passing transgender woman that you know looked really good, which you know many of them really do, and you would never ever know that they were born a different gender, that they aren't in their soul. Um. So I guess that's what it's about. And he doesn't seem to be mad about it. He's just like, Wow, they got blowed her body looking like her body she had body of venus. Yeah, but it is very apropos for Mrs outfighter fire. Um, any thoughts before moving on? I need to watch that movie again. That's what it makes me feel good the whole time time time. Yes, and drive by fruiting and I just remember that's where I learned about hot flashes. All right, let's get to the next one. Okay, next one comes from Lauren, Hi, Nikki, Noah, and Andrew. I was just coming in to tell a very funny story. UM. I have been using the word cut a lot lately and telling my husband all about what it means. And today we were in the car driving home from a pumpkin patch, which yes, is very cup, but that's not the point. Um. We're listening to your podcast and it was at the end and you while were saying, Okay, don't be caup, and I just sort of shouted out, don't be cap and my two year olds in the backseat goes cup. So I just thought you would think it was funny that, Um, you know, the next generation will start using the word cup pretty frequently. All right, Um, all the swells by, Hi sweetie, you're so sweet. I love your voice. Wait what was her name? Lauren? Lauren? Um, that makes me so happy. I hope your child knows what it means. It's just so perfect to say. It's just like it just and people can't voluntary something. I say it all the time my new thing because I sometimes you can't say it out loud. I just go I hold a peace sign like like I just go okay. Like Chris and I were watching something the other day and I kept, oh, we're listening to Oh, we're listening to some lyrics or something. It might have been Taylor Swift, and I kind of was going, yeah, because there was a little bit of like references to drinking, and I was just like, okay, okay, but uh, but that's why that's how I feel about any drinking of like I'm going to drink my problems. But I love Taylor and I'm I love all her music and she she doesn't seem to have a drinking problem, so I invite it. But do not listen to Taylor's music. You're swifty out there and go like she's glamorizing drinking. She has, she's she's a responsible drinker. If you get black out drunk, you don't drink like Taylor Swift does. And I think that I would have, probably in my twenties been like Taylor drinks, I'll keep drinking. But Taylor puts out album after album. She's not, you know, like the alcoholic I was. But I think, you know, sometimes we like look for excuses like well, this person drinks. It's like yeah, but they don't have a problem with it. They just like it to let loose and you'd like get to escape your problems and do not have to work. Okay, so let's get to the next fan box, all right. Next one um is anonymous. But how's a question not drinking? What do you guys think about baby on board signs on the pack of people's cars hot or not, you know, annoying or hopeful. I don't know what what do they want us to do with that information? I don't know. Just let me know. It feels a little like a brag. What do you guys think? Gee, the baby just a baby. I wasn't gonna hit your car until I found out there was a baby in it. Like, yeah, is it a way to tell people to drive more careful? Maybe? Yes, it is kind of a bag like we get it, yea. I think it's just someone who's just so worried that's something's gonna Like. They're just an anxious O. C D person and they need to cover every base. I could see myself maybe doing that, um if I had a kid, but I wouldn't because I know how I mean. Baby on board signs were maybe the first like thing I heard stand up comedians make fun of, like in the eighties, you know, like it was such a trope of like baby on board. The fact that they still exist is so it's almost like I don't know, like uh, like Kirby was here, or like yeah, like um, Calvin pissing on a forward logo or something so antiquated. Yeah, even like that more. I would like a Calvin pissing on a baby on board sign. That would really confuse on board on board? Well what about what if? What about the people that put those stick figures of their family? I mean, I think those are definitely gone away. They're not like cool anymore. But they used to do that all the time. And that's a little bit of being like I have kids in this car. It's like, we know you're driving a shitty minivent. Why would you drive that having kids? That would be weird. Baby on board is like a dog beware dog. Like two guys trying to fund the person driving, they're like, you know what I mean, Like it keeps guys from trying to hit on you while you're driving. Dogs keep guys from hitting on you know, so like you won't want to You don't want to rob a house that says beware dog because the dog will dog there. You don't want to hit on a woman driving like a nice car because there's a baby on board. Like it's like kind of saying, hey, I'm promise, but you don't get that um hit on when you're driving. I would say but I guess if someone's maybe gonna car jack you, they're like, I don't want to deal with a baby, and that could be a caring smart Okay I that, and you know the carjackings are up, So maybe we should all get baby on board sides, because I definitely don't think carjackers want to deal with a baby. We have to get remember that. Remember what was the thing where you put it on put on the wheel, the fucking lock that everyone had. It's so funny. Get that. Now there's two things called that is almost as old as the baby on board signs, the lad that you put it across the steering wheel. It had a name we did have, like a snake type name. No, this is two different things. I'm comparib The venom thing was a snake was a car alarm that was trying to be sold. And the commercial was a snake coming at you, going, oh, I remember that the club the club club, Yes, but I do remember that snake being like a serpent like coming out, like, wait, what conversion was that? That was so creepy? Did everyone remember what was it for? Did you say what it was for? Car alarm? I think, okay, yeah, it was a green sneak, and I remember being like, man, if they could actually put a rattler like a Hologram rattle rattlesnake in my car too, like because it was always just like this. It was just so creepy, like Kanye yelling about Jews in the front seat. Like I'm like, all right, I'll go to the next car. I'll get the club. The club and baby board. This is a throwback. It is still alive and well, I think the club is still doing like numbers. I mean it seemed like, yeah, they have a proprietary lock on that because I see when I when I typed steering wheel lock, it's only the club. I mean there's maybe a couple other things, but the club is still they locked it down. Man. Yeah good air tight. Yeah. Oh but you know what I actually heard from my Uber driver the other day, he was like, do what a Kia because we saw this a aparrently in St. Louis. The big thing is that people steal cars and they just joy ride them around, crash them and then abandon them. They just want to drive around. It's insane because now Kiya's you can open them with a phone charger. You just put a phone charger into the ignition, you pop up a little plastic thing and they all are able to start with by using seeking your like this guy taught me how to do it and he was like you own a Kia And I was like no, and he's like, good, I guess you've heard and I was like no, I just don't want to kiss up. But he was like he really was, like like people just joy round, ride into them around like I always thought they steal for them for the parts. But we on the way to the airport the conversation started because there was just like this abandoned car in the middle of the road. It had crashed and the people would run away from it. We thought we were going to see dead bodies, but they just they just drive them around and the crash. So funny. That's what you're risking twenty years of your life. It's like steal a Ferrari and driving around like a crazy like the funny things like a Kia doesn't get the US per hour, Like you're not even gonna enjoy it. To go cart track, what is this? Go to the supermarket and take one of those you know, the ones for the older women, ride around on that get on a shopping cart and go downhill for then, I guess is the thing that boggles my mind is like, why would someone risk getting caught just for a joy ride like I want if they're getting parts, or they're selling it, or they're using it. But I guess I bet Bessie's will write and be like, well, they're using those cars to run drugs or there's gonna be some other reason. But I have heard that they just do it to joy ride a little bit in the shittiest car possible, like go rent a car um. I guess that would cost money. Okay, let's get to the next one. I have one more baby themed voicemail from Danielle pay Nicky, Andrew Noah. This is Danielle from Maryland. I graduated from college laws May, and in college, I was a nanny part time and I watched a lot of one year old So when Nikki was talking about her face masks and how she needs like a dozen of them, she loses one in the night, she has another one to crab like like pink of every one year old I took care of because they would need a million and passivefiers in their crib. All over the place. They would have a total meltdown and they didn't have one. I like that baby jack lantern, she called from one of those inside skydiving things. That was cool. We love that. We love pive. What do you do? No, it's like babies are just need them, you know, all the time. So like sometimes parents will throw like a bunch of pacifiers because the baby will lose it and then it's arm will eventually hit one and then'll find it again. Um. But yeah, my parents drop a pacifire like outside on the on the sidewalk, and yeah, because they know it doesn't matter because babies used to live in the environment and like each Like we didn't used to have Jessica Alba's Honest brand company to clean your babies every orifice. It doesn't matter. I dropped my invisil line on the ground the other day at this show and Chris saw me, and I put it in his pocket and he was like, yeah, don't put that back in, And he didn't know that it was just out putting in his pocket because I had to go on stage, but I would have put and then later on I go, can I get my visilin? And I put it back in my mouth, and he goes, oh, why are you doing that? And I go because it doesn't matter. I can't see it delicately fell on the ground. It's not like it's it fell into a pile of vomit. It just fell on the ground. It doesn't matter. And people are probably like their ship on people's shoes, their shipped on every fucking surface that you that you use. If you open a gate with your hand, if you touch a door knob, unless you're washing your hands all the time, you have shipped on you. And unless I can taste the ship, unless I can see it, I don't care. And I wish. I'm telling you, I don't think I'm better than people who are. I honestly think i'm worse off. I don't know what's wrong with me. I wish I cared. I I wish that I had the foresight to think this is gross what I'm about to do. But I already started putting in my mouth, and it was too late. If I would have stopped and been like, oh yeah, he already knew I was gross. And I'm sticking it out because I guess what, that's just who I am. I don't care. I wish I cared. I don't think about germs. I don't think about them unless I But let me just say, if I pet a dog or a cat, I feel the dander on my hands, and I will not touch my face, touch anything until I get it off. I'm aware when I have actual grime on my hands. But this imaginary germs that everyone's freaking out about, if you can't taste it or see it or feel it, or you don't know that you've just touched someone who's sick, chill out and I am gross. So you're probably right, and I probably have, but I don't. That was days ago. I'm fine, and I put in this letter dropped in the ground in my mouth. But babies, I I noticed that too. My sister would just pop it fall on the ground and she popped it back in. But I think parents are so conditioned that like carrots dropped on the ground, kids are picking up things constantly from the ground and putting them in their mouths. What does it matter if this binky falls two seconds on the ground and they pick it up. They know better, parents know better than us. So um, when I first saw that, I was like, I guess I'm right. Yeah, yeah, they hear a baby cry enough, you're gonna it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if it falls on the just so your baby can shut the fun up. Let's go to break and come back with more fans. Rex, all right, let's get back into it. More messages please, all right, we have to hear this story from Rochelle. Hey, Nicky, Andrew and Noah. I'm calling about the top of you had a few weeks ago about all good mornings, like when you're watching TV and things like that. Um. I used to work with a girl who cheated on her boyfriend with one of our supervisors and it was caught on camera. Um. After the boyfriend worked with us too, and after that everybody in the office knew, but he still decided to take her back, and so it was a little bit awkward because the supervisor was around. He was around, but they got on with it. Then we got tickets for Rihanna because we had a corporate box, and we all went to see her together, including the boyfriend, and where everything was great. We had free drinks, food, everything until Unfaithful came on and then everybody just froze and just stared directly at the stage. And it was super super awkward, and I could it was horrible. I was sweating through the entire song. Thank you for everything. Um I've quit weed because of you. I've stopped starving because of you. Thank you for being so honest. Absolutely love the pod Jack Office, War Office, War Office, War, Your Office, something Holy. Thank you so much for those last things you said that really touched me in a way that made my I almost start crying. That is so nice. Um No, but that is so funny and uncomfortable, and like we've all been there. I love these stories of like and for those people to still get on and like we just talked about it on yesterday's episode about the couples who like will cheat and then the person will forgive them, and like, how awkward that is when everyone knows that he cheated. So the lyrics to the song are because I'm not familiar with unfaithful story of my life searching for the right, but it keeps avoiding me. Sorrow in my soul because it seems that that wrong really loves my company. He's more than a man, and this is more than love. The reason that the sky is blue, the clouds are rolling in because I'm gone again, and to him, I just can't be true and I and I know that he knows I'm unfaithful and it kills him inside to know that I am happy with some other guy. I can see him dying. Oh, I don't want to do this anymore. Okay, I know the song now, I don't want to be the reason. Oh my god, that is so those lyrics. I wanted to read the lyrics because I was like, how literal does this song fucking get? And it's very I I gotta I mean, how does he stay with her? How does he do it? How does he not? It's the boss because they convinced themselves the other person was the perpetrator and that they just make that person. Yeah, like that's how you get or the or he accounted or she, you know, really accounted for it. And maybe I don't know. I don't want to judge people. I don't think once a cheater always a cheater at all. And I think that people do cheat sometimes because they it's a symptom of the relationship just being over and they don't know how to end it and they're not strong enough to and sometimes they can just wake the other person up and make them realize that they don't want to lose the person there with, Like, I don't think cheating if you stay with someone who cheated on you, I have no judgment, but it is awkward. If we go see Rihanna together and they say song and the guy you cheated with us right next to us, it's gonna be weird. She's like, I gotta raise and I bought you a new Kia. Like he's like someone joy riding out in it right now. Yeah, yeah, I mean I couldn't. I couldn't do it, but yeah I don't. I mean, look, if you don't know, you don't know if you could do it or not. You don't know, you don't know too much of a little bit to be able to do it. I don't think like you would just be so scared that everyone felt sorry for you kind of thing. Yeah, every day I would have every day going to work. I would just overthink the fact that everyone I kind of would love it because I know this is sick, But I would be like, nice, try bitch, I he's still might because I would just be like, I wouldn't feel like though, if it's your boss, no, I feel like they would just work together. Is that what she said? I felt like it was the supervisor supervisor. She so the girlfriend cheated on her boyfriend who works under the supervisor. With the supervisor, it sounds like, oh, I would love it if my boss tried to suck my boyfriend and then we all work together and boyfriend did well, we'll try to be with him, trying like, fucked him and tried to be with him, and he chose me over her. I win, bitch. And I know you think you're better than me because you make more money than me and you're my boss, but you really don't have love. And I got that. I would feel so victorious. Maybe it's because I've been on the other side of things and I know how it feels when he doesn't leave the person for you. It feels really shitty, and so that person should feel victorious. If your if your guy stayed with you when he could have left you for someone else, you should feel you feel if I will tell you, as the woman that has not been chosen over the girlfriend or whoever, it does feel shitty. But imagine imagine if you were ever work with that person every day every day. I'm not kidding you, I would feel victorious. I wouldn't care. I would be like if it was just if it was a drunken thing, I could forgive it. I'm not you Listen, I don't know the situation. Just like I said, you don't know how you would feel. I don't know how i'd feel. But I predict if if I had a boyfriend who cheated on me with someone else and he it made him come to his senses and he was like, I love you, I want to be with you. I choose you. I'm so sorry I did that. And this girl still I know secretly if she sucked him, she'd find it over him, because that's what women do. I would feel like nice, try a bitch, even though you're my boss, Like, and I know that you're gonna be so fucking nice to me the rest of the time I work. You're never gonna be able to boss me around ever again because you sucked my boyfriend, so I actually have the upper hand boss. That's how I would feel. Maybe wrong, Well, I think you're looking at it like the boss still wants to fuck her and still wants to date her now the other ways the boss fucked her and doesn't even care about her. And would like spit on her and doesn't give a shit about her. And yet that's a whole another Then that's a that's you're projecting onto that a different thing. I think that I'm saying that. I know I'm projecting a different things, but I'm saying that could easily well. But then, but then you wouldn't still be with the person. If my boyfriend fucked the boss and then he was just wouldn't take it to Rihanna concert with for it with a box seat if that was the ch You're so right, they wouldn't. They wouldn't try to show off by getting a box seat unless they were still into the girl. Here's my thing. If my boss fucked my boyfriend, and for whatever reason my boyfriend the boss rejected my boyfriend fuck that, I wouldn't be with them anymore. That would It wouldn't be about me being like I don't want to seem like a little cook bitch. I wouldn't want to be with someone who wanted someone more than me in the end. But I understand them possibly venturing out if our relationship is such ship, I like, I I understand how cheating happens. I I guess I shouldn't. And I'm sure people are going to be like, that's not cool, Nikki, But I don't know. I don't think once a cheater, always a cheater. I think it's sometimes just like all people can do. I feel uh sad that that's what people have to resort to, but people are weak man. All right, let's get a final thought. That was a fun one. Okay, more office gossip if you guys got it. Yeah more Yeah, more drama, sending all the drama. All right, here's a message from Bianca. Hi, besties, this is Bianca from Philly. I'm just giving a quick call because I just heard Naomi Bestie talking about the just yet saga in her interview process. And I've been in the interview process for the last three and a half months and it has been the most stressful process of my life. Um, and I've had so many just yet emails. UM, So I just wanted to shed some light and give some Naomi some grace here because, um, I know the feeling of checking your email every single day. I got that we don't have a decision just yet. I got that email probably weekly for about three weeks. After I've been every single interview until we finally made a decision. This Monday, I was, Um, it was me and another candidate and I did not get the job, and I was really really really upset and heartbroken. But to be completely honest, the relief I felt of not having to check my email every day and not having my future being someone else's hands, um, it was really really a nice ceiling. Um. So it made that decision interesting that some moment in my life a lot better. Um, and just know that it's not you, it's never you that there, it's the hiring market is literally absurd right now. Um, they are doing too many things and they're hiring isn't a priority. So because it's a just yet, it's because they're going to get around to it. That's how I felt. Um. Yeah, so I don't think it's a specific timeline, but deep breaths and guys, yes, that's such a good message. Thank you so much for that. I need to hear that too. Support. I feel like the last story goes with that story, like the idea of like, I'm going to keep this boyfriend anyway. Well, no, like the idea of like, rather than looking for a new job, I'll just keep just staying this one. The market is ship. They're not marketing ship. I'm staying here. Bosses aren't hiring in it right now because they're busy fucking they're employee's boyfriend. That's really nice for you to write in And I hope that now we got that message, because man, that is so true. Like when I'm waiting for the word on something, when you finally get the word that it's not happening. What a relief that you don't have this like fist over your life, like ready to pounce on you. Like you just feel like finally you pulled the band aid off and you don't have to keep checking. That is a relief that I don't think about. That's great. Um, one more sure, here's here. Let's see one from Jonathan. Hello, Nikki, Noah, and Andrew. It is your best tie, Jonathan. I am sending you a facks Roy. You guessed it a vocal rest bitch. I feel like it is so funny because I was told I will have to have a vocal court surgery that very day you came back from your vocal rest. I was in the hospital just listening to your after surgery episode with this robot trying not to laugh my ass off when the doctor said I will have to stop yapping. My job also requires a lot of talking, so I believe I know how you feel. I also get how you were feeling on Act Taylor Swift Party, since I was the first day after my voice left listening to your I G life desperately trying not to see I love your Instagram life, sand the Pot and since I can't do anything, I am watching all of your specials f Boylan and tomorrow I want to start Welcome Home, Nicky Plaza, question Mark for your turn around Europe. I love you all that I wasn't too, kay J J J J Jared, I Jared, thank you for writing The Halls of Cambridge. I mean I love that sir Ian McKellen was able to write like Jared. I automatically think you are a studied man, like a philosopher. That voice. I wonder what you had to have vocal rusts or like why you had to have vocal court surgery. I'm guessing because you had polyps, and I wonder how bad it was. I would love to hear it. Update when you get your voice back, um, stay the course. I want to know if you're dreaming um silent, because that's what happened to me, Like it took about three days before my dreams became like I couldn't talk in them. I wonder, um, how soon after are you waking up in the morning and not having to re remind yourself not to talk, like when you just wake up and you know you don't talk. Like there's still sometimes now where I will have long stretches of not talking and I will do something like and I'll go, oh my god, because I will I will be back in the habit of not talking, and then I will make a little noise or a grunt or something and I'll go, oh shit, Um, so I it's really I really enjoy being quiet. And I it was a nice reminder to get that from Jared because I kind of envy him right now because it was really like a really interesting time to have to think about everything you said before you said it, which has never been the case for anyone. How often there's so a few times where you like plan what you're gonna say and are like, I'm going to say this. It's always like just talking and literally everything. When I was on voice, r Us was like, is this important enough? And then I would have to write it out and it was just you got to it's It's an interesting time and it's a good exercise. Some people might try it in their own lives. If you're just feeling a little strained in your voice, you could maybe try a voice rest day and just see how it goes. If you try not to talk as long as you can, and um, if you have to interact with people, just hold up a sign that system on voice US. People understand immediately. And even if you're not, just you know it could be self imposed. So try it out. Thank you so much for a lot of the fan traxes. It was so fun. I love hearing from you guys. Have such a great weekend. Have all the swells, don't be and chick leather, Grumpy old Men shout out, No, they're both dead. Walt mouth Ow and Jack Lemon, they're both passed. And Grumpy Old Man also a great movie. Yeah, and Grumpy we never got to it. They're making it in heaven. I heard it. Backtrack stops go on forever, Stop