There's something about being in Nikki's apartment that makes Andrew want to poop. Nikki shares her tricks for pooping more easily and Anya Marina confirms. They discuss Nick Kroll's new comedy special, why we are all mean to our moms and how they have conflict and resolution with a partner. Nikki plays a video she did for Kansas University. In the Top 1 Bottom 1 game the topic is: songs to make love to.
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The Nicky Glazer Podcast. Nicky, here's Nicky. Hello here, I am a nick Laser podcast. Welcome to the show. I'm Nicky Glazer. It is Monday. It is actually Friday where we are. We are pre recording this. So if something big happens over the weekend and we don't comment on it, it's because we don't care about anything except ourselves and we didn't know about it. Because but I feel like something big is coming. Yeah, like I mean, we are brink of nuclear war, I hope. So maybe I'll knock out some New York competition. I could be a number one comedian if everyone dies on the coast. Chris told me last night on Your On Your Marina's here as well as Andrew and Noah. Of course, Noah's and and Anya are business remotely. And Andrew I wish was remote. Look, first of all, I took a poop purpose Andrew comes up to my apartment nine floors up. You have nine bathrooms. I have three, But it's regardless. He comes up literally seven minutes before we begin the podcast, and every single time he goes and he poops, it's almost every time there is I hear multiple flushes. So that's when I know it's a poop. No, it's just I got so much piss. There is way more fiss than you think. I'm glad that bowl is like contains multitudes because when yeah, it's like a poem, um, but it's a yeah. He came up today and I go, are you going to poop? He had just gotten here. I'm like, you couldn't if I know I'm going to some third location. I just try to. But I get where you go to places and suddenly you just have to poop. You didn't know it before that, I did not know it. I had a burrito from Trader Joe's and I had a coffee. Performing gives you nerv a lot before you perform. So I think this is a performance of sorts, and so it's kind of gets that going because you have the same it's the same energy before show. I think it is. It's died down a lot, especially, I mean, we do this so much. I mean, but yeah, No, I've been known to ship before shows. Some I knew people that throw up before show. Josh Allen, he's a quarterback for the Bills, throws up before and he's like, it's not interrextsy. It's just getting ready for the game. Yeah yeah right, Um, let me and Nikki tell you all about Andreia that not interacts you. Okay, that is way different. One more theory about Andrew's um spat is it could be a compliment to you, Nick, like I feel so relaxed around you that it's not I love the spin, great spin, but I know that andrews her our anxiety induced. He's not in my heart. Yeah. I just saw him go creep back in the bathroom, like his little bathroom, and I go, what do you It was always like when Marian goes back there, and I was like, what are you going to do? It's always to poop. It's like dogs. And Andrew never go back into a back bathroom to do anything. Well, when I lived here, you had a rule that I couldn't shot in the middle bathroom because it was like, you know, it just walks out into the kitchen a lot more. That makes sense. So I go to the back corner, like you know, I went to the back corner. I didn't sit in the middle. I know, but it's just it's just funny to me. I get it, and I'm not I was laughing. But I just was like, are you pooping? Because it is funny. You literally were in your apartment four minutes ago, and you could have done it there. You know what, I didn't do it? Read I have a one bathroom. Luckily I'm on the third floor, dres two shooters on there. I should in the hallway when Brennan is getting ready in the morning, I go, I go and shoot in the hallway. It's a considerate what we're supposed to applaud you for that, for not wanting to be in the bathroom while she's doing her makeup and shipping. That seems like it's serving you by going hallway into a public shitter. When you in the hallway hallway hallway. Oh that's a great shitter. Believe me, I've hit that one up before. It's not that I don't mind. We are abnormal that we can even poop in public. Some people cannot even poop in public. Public pooper. I could see you waiting. I mean, if you're a touring musician, you have to so I've been. I've been P and P four decades. Do you enjoy it, though? Do you enjoy a public poop? I don't, Nicky was just talking about Borders books the other day on our girls chat or somebody was, and I was like, Borders, Oh yeah, I remember, like a good bookstore bathroom poop is always welcome. Yeah, there's something about books and like small things stuck together, like cluttered together that induces pooping for me big time. I also heard a trick that I want to share with everyone that really did work for me. The other day. I was on the toilette and um, having a little bit of like, oh, I know there's more, you know, out there for me in the world. Yeah, in there, out there, I know there's more in me to get out there. And I heard this thing on the Always Sunny podcast. Um, it was just a clip that played, but Glenna Howarton was sharing that when he is having struggles getting out things out, that he pictures a dog pooping and just a dog like kind of shaking and looking over its shoulder, and like if he pictures it, it can help aid his own. And I did it the other day. And it's funny because on the podcast they were like, what sized dog, and for some reason he was like, like a medium sized dog, And that really helped me because I would be like what kind of dog and for some reason, A I don't own a medium sized dog, so it's more like a dog that I don't have, and I just picture it like looking at me and shaking and pooping and it kind of helped. And also another trick that really does work if you This is one if like, I'm so sorry for the poop chat at the top of the show, but um, we'll move on to um yeah, we'll move on to period blood soon. It's uh, if you have got one that's just on the precipice. This isn't like I think I have warned me. This is like you know you do, and it's just not you're either exhausted. You sit up straight like a straight ninety degree angle, and then you move back and forth at your hip joint like a lever like this, you move back and forth. Um going to like that works years ago, gently like eases it out and it really frank of your own body. It's like or you ever feel selemium husk from Whole Foods like Taylor the other day. Um yeah, squatty potty, I mean that's kind of like the work. Do you guys have squatty potties? What I do but sometimes I'm even too lazy to do it right there though, But just this, Yeah, I just ut my feet right up on the seat. I use that trash can that I've found that before. Yeah, if you out there, people need to get squatty potties. They're great, although, um is there something bad about The only bad thing about it is i'd rather you know, I was doing the Graham bensing Or show, which you can watch on YouTube now. It covers my whole vocal cord surgery thing and you can check it out. Um, he was over here for um, you know, to interview me, and we're friends, like we it's in the thing, but we like went on a date before, Like I'm I know this guy. He was over and I was getting my hair and makeup done in my bathroom and he came into like discuss the interview, just like talk to me about it. That's how he kind of talks. And he walked and he was like, oh, say do you like that. I'm like, now, you know, like you're picturing me shooting Like there's just no way you're not. So like there's just something for some reason. It's the same as like buying toilet paper. Everyone knows what you're gonna do with that, but you might. As a girl with toilet paper, you can go, I'm just using it to wipe my pea, and then as a guy, I'm just let my girl take some mean ships. Like it's not because she needs the squatty potty to support. That's what's made out of like a wood, so it's not like that harsh plastic that selects dust and like you can kind of see ship stains on it, or like piss stains like some people squat it is a Yeah, it looks nice, but it's everyone knows what it's for. My toilet is what you say, My toilet is mahogany. Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Why not like you know, you don't see the ship stains. I don't mind a toilet seat, you know, like grandma toilet seat that feels good. I don't mind if a toilet. I don't love a hot toilet seat, but I don't hate it. But a hot padded seat, like after Grandma took it down, it's a lot and it starts to crack, and then you're like it starts. The weirdest thing is when you get a heated toilet seat a like a nice a rich friend house or something, and it feels so it feels like someone was just sitting there because we're so not used to it. Rich people just go, oh, it's a toilet. But like anyone who's like not rich, goes who was a fat ghost? Just on this? Like how if if it's hot, they're sweat on it, that's the poor man's heated seat. I mean, I wipe down if I see any kind of residue, and then I sit my bare ass on it. Even if there was just piece bittle from a stranger, I will still wipe it down with a dry thing and then sit upon it, because what is the fucking difference? I am? Sometimes you will not sit on the pea, oh a pea, And then sometimes a poop will appear because maybe I'm cranking, I don't know. But then I'll peel little on the seat and go it's my pist. And then you'll pull up your pants and go buy your day. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. I mean I got a little pee on my hand the other day and I didn't wash my hands. I was just like, it's fine. I haven't drinking a lot of water. It's mostly water. You've done the fake before. We've talked about this. Oh yeah, where you just threw up your hands. Yeah, you just go like that, oh yeah, and then you look around. Why do we even do to fake? Because we all wash our hands too much. I think it's too much. I don't get sick because I'm constantly absorbing your own, my own astrums all the time. Wash your hands. Yeah, I've started doing that since hearing Nikki's theory on it. But are you guys like crazy about hand sanitizer and washing our hands? Like, not at all. I wish your theory was true though, about being sick, because I have been exposed to so many germs and so many illnesses and my loans. You're pretty clean person, honey, like so many breakdown counters hand sanitizer. Do not use hand sanitizer. How do you keep so clean? You're so clean? I'm not, but I've had so many colds. It doesn't it doesn't do anything for my immunity whatsoever. I never even had a flu shot until three years ago. So did you just start getting sick more? No? My parents smoked and I was like diagnosed with a smoker's cough when I was eight and I had strepped throat multiple times, and it was probably overprescribed antibiotics, So I think I messed up my gut and lungs. Didn't your parents smoke? Nick? Yeah? And I had chronic sinus infections my entire life, but I never was treated for them. It was always just like waited out and my dad would go, it yellow. Is it yellow? The yellow? It's sun infection and I would be like, it's always yellow, it never goes away. I have creased in my nose from always going. They called me picking nicky at school because I'm always picking boogers because I'm It's just just it was horrible. I bagged undermines constantly. It's like I was just and then it was all from smoking. It's so insane. What were they thinking they got lied to? I mean every movie had someone smoking a cigarette. Were literally said it's healthy. I know, But when I smoked, I start hacking up gunk. I'm coughing throughout the night, I'm coughing throughout the day. What no matter what a doctor's telling you, how do you think that is you can't catch your breath as much like you gotta know that it's poison. How could it not be James Dean did it for so long too, man. Nick Rolls special is really funny. I just watched it and he's talking about when he smoked. He just felt so cool. Did you watch it on you? I loved his impression of that guy Jake. He's just like it's a It's just like, hey, I'm just like, you know, I'm not an asshole. I'm just shy, you know, Like that's just this character Jake that he felt like and he was always like and my real personality is like I like you, and Jake would just be like, you know, like listen, I couldn't make it to your mom's funeral because I got tickets to Incubus. Like, Jake is just this cool guy that there were so many good ones. I really loved his special UM a lot. Chris and I laughed so much the other night. We've been watching a lot of comedy specials. It's been good to absorb more comedy um lately. But his was really good. And I you know, I'm not like I wasn't really aware of his stand up that much. But did you like any other but throw it on about his mom and like you gotta play cooler? Mom's like mean to our mom's you you're or not I mean to your mom. Here's my impression of all of you fuckers when your mom calls and then he just looks at his phone. He's like fuck. And then he was like, why don't we mean to her mom's. My favorite was when he goes like I'm an adult man, and my mom will be like and they were so nice to her dad's like, my dad will be like, I can't make it to the game tonight, you know, I gotta play cards with my friends or something. And it's like, okay, daddy, It's okay, daddy, thank you for even trying, daddy, daddy, And then like to our mom's. Our mom's like, oh, I like that jacket on your like Jack, why does this one? It's so funny. I wonder what it is. I wonder his dad was a big business man. He's probably gone a lot. Wonder one though, Like our dads just get away with so much. In mom's like it, I am so mean to my mom. It's embarrassing to be around. My parents are one of my boyfriend because my boyfriend the other you know, when we were in Denver to go see Wilco. I flew my parents out and then we met them, me and Chris, and it was the first time I spent like solid time with Chris and my parents, like over forty hours. Like you know, we had our own hotel rooms and stuff. But my mom stayed with Chris and I stayed with my dad. But um, a full time job. Yeah, that's funny. They we went to columb Mine together, you know, all the stops, and it was my third time going to Columbine one year. Let's just put that out there. And it was magical. My mom loved it so much. There were when you got groundhogs almost got struck by lighting. Was awesome. Um, but there was a moment where like I was just like snapping at them and just like you know, I got them a hotel room, and my dad made some mention of like you know, Chris asked where they went to dinner the night before they picked us up from the airport, and there they were in Denver a couple of days and I got there in the hotel room. I got them their flights, like it was my gift for their four youth anniversary, and I just got them this hotel room that I like to stay at this hotel in like the Denver Tech Center, which is not like it's you know, it's fifteen minutes from anywhere you want to go in Denver, but it's not in like a cool area. So I got them a car so they wouldn't have to deal with uber, Like I paid for all of this stuff knowing that they would be like, well, it's nor but I like, I knew this hotel is nice, and I get it in Chris because where do you go to dinner with s And he goes, well, we're on this Denver Tech Center. There's nothing out there, and I go, what are you talking about? That's why I got you a car. I'm just like, and then it was just rage time and then them trying to navigate the system, and I was just snapping. And by the way, this was when I was in silence, so I'm snapping with the talk the voice like this, well, Dad, I did get you that Denver Tech Center hotel, but I got you a rental car because I knew you would complain about this. So it's just like and then it's so funny because I'm thinking back on this and I'm like, clearly I was talking then there's no way I could have really been that obnoxious and that, but I was because I went in to go get Starbucks because we ordered one on the way to Columbine and I went in to go run and get my dad and I coffee and Chris was like, I'll come with you. And he came in with me, and I'm like, I'm sorry, and he was like, Hey, it's totally fine. I get it. He's like, just want you to know, like it's a different side of you that I'm not used to seeing. And you just have to know that I know you, and I know your family, and I know that you don't act like this normally, and there's you have a very short fuse with them, very short, and I get it, it's family. It's different, but just know that it's different and you're not being as lenient with them as you are with other people, and it's maybe not fair to them. And it was just a very nice talk to be like, and you were like, fuck you, Let's go to Columbine for the third time. Did you know that Eric was a psychopath? In Tilling was just suicidal? Let's go. The school is in session, but I think we can get in the gym. If we play our call, its right, so we are. So it was nice to hear that because he was just like, it's nice when you're when someone who loves you is you're not. It'd be different if I was short with him and he would be like, you're being rude right now, but just him on behalf of my parents was it was a nice reminder to like, I need to chill out, but it's just it's so hard not to and they're going to be around not that long. Why am I so mean? Maybe because our mom's house us in their bodies and oftentimes breastfeed us. So we're just like we have to get a little healthy distance. We've been so close to you. Isabelle Hagen, this comedian I watch a lot on Instagram. She has this joke where she was like, my mom um breast fed me, and my mom told me that you know, I breasted you until you were three, and she was like, yeah, Mom, I remember. She's really good. You should check her out. Isabel Hagen h a g E n um. Yeah, let's go to break and come back and maybe dissected a little bit more, but we will get the top one bottom alright, we're back. Um, do you are you mean to your parents on? Do you have a short foods with them? I mean, I feel like we're all like I definitely related to that thing about nick girl going. So my mom will be like, so I'm sending you an email about the best art deco movements in l A or whatever. Now he's like, Mom, you know that's not my favorite movement. I'll get short. I'll get short if she like, if I feel like I'm being told shorter, shorter, if I get if I get told if the shortest, I get really small, like tiny, it's like a little if I if she if she tells me ind of like like what to do? Like if if I feel like it's I don't know. There's times where my mom where it's because I grew up and she didn't do anything because she was an alcoholic. And now it's great, like she doesn't drink, but like and she has great wisdom because she went through things like that. But I still know her as what her actions were. So if she tells me like what my action should be, I get defensive really like, yeah, well you should have checked on me. You should have left your bedroom during my childhood I know. I mean, the house is too big. I had to shoot up so far away from her. I think I think she was happy about that. Yeah, that far away from your mother. But I and then my dad, I think like he he never really tries to give me life advice. You know, yeah, so, but he worked so hard because he was a physician. He worked eighty to one hundred hours. So whenever he does give me advice, I'm like, he knows what he's talking. I think that's where it might come from, because you're like, you get defensive with your mom because you don't see her work like what you would consider like a work, you know what I mean, maybe I had something to do with it. I get mad at my mom when she I can sense that she's worried what other people think about me, and because I know that I also have those fears, but I'm constantly fighting them. So when my mom takes on them for me too, of like Nick, you don't need to say that, or like how about you know, are you really going to wear that on there? Like these things of like, and I always just go, yeah, what's going to happen? What? And also I've had a twenty year career and it's kind of worked out for me. And I do you think maybe I'm good at making people don't want to see that? Nick? They don't want to see you sing a song, they don't want to see people don't want to and I just don't. Sometimes I get it wrong. Sometimes I don't. But I think overall, I kind of know what I'm doing. Do you want to be my manager? Mom? Do you want to? Lynn spears me, like she just and she's only just trying to do her best, and like help, I can only imagine being a mother and everything. She just goes everything I say you, you just can't take it, you can't. I don't even want to talk to you anymore. You know what, I'm not even gonna talk anymore. And then it's just that kind of like then it's I hate that threat of like, well then I'm not going to say anything. It's like I have a little bit of a theory that I want to run. In the last in the last segment, when you were talking about Chris pulling you over to the side and having a talk with you and just like rationally explaining the situation and all that, it sounded like a very dad conversation to me and when I like right now, when you're talking about Julie. When I look at the relationship I had with my parents, it's always my dad that is the calm and rational and the one who explained stuff, and my mom was always like the explosive, emotional. So I wonder if that's why we're so many to our moms and it's just us like giving them back what they give us. Yeah, I think that could be. I will say though, that my dad I I often want to play mediator for their things. I don't know if anyone relates to this, but you watch your parents get into the same arguments they've been getting into for forty years in front of you, like the same things. Like the other night, my dad, I guess my mom cooked enchilada's and my dad made some comment like, be nice if we had ngelata sauce, because e J hand roasted tomatoes to make this sauce. She worked all day on this meal. And my dad's only comment was that it would be nice with enchelata sauce. And it just that ticked me off so much that she didn't have that sauce. My dad. The sauce is right there, Yeah, it's right, he could just it's from a candles. I'm sorry, And then my dad's defense is always I'm sorry. I just like it was. Am I supposed to lie and say I like it when I don't. It's just like I think you can find something about it that you like and maybe say you know and next time, you know what, why don't you go by a and eventelats so that you have it next time? She makes enchiladas. And then my mom goes right to, I'm never making a meal for you again. That's it. I'm done. And I have been hearing that threat for thirty five years, like an empty threat. A little bit, it's never gonna and she goes, I'm serious this time. I'm serious. I'm not. I'm not doing it anymore. You're not doing and it is I get her point. I want her to do that. I wanted to go, I will not make you meals anymore. But but it's an empty threat because I know she will. I would love my mom to put down her foot because it is rude. He never he's and then why can't you say thank you? He goes, I did say thank you, but and I go, thank you don't have a butt and sorries don't have a butt, and I was like, type like, sorries don't have a yeah, And I did it from you, Dad, I didn't get it from you. I didn't get what I wanted from you. And I said thank you. I'm sorry, but I just like him with I like, I've heard this my whole life. My mom will go, you know what, fuck you, fuck this. I made a goddamn soup you want. If you don't like it, don't eat it. Make whatever you fucking want. And then my dad will go like, I'm sorry, what was I supposed to say? And she's like, what about thank you? And he's like, but I like my soup warm, I like it hot. It's not hot. What am I supposed to lie? And so it's just like this, and I just I'm like, what can't you both see the path? Like it's so clear for me, It's like Dad is unappreciative. So then mom goes into um being feeling sad about not being appreciated, and then she lashes out with fuck you. And then my dad is offended by her saying fuck you, so he leans more into your crazy and then my mom here's crazy, and then she goes into it's like it's someone needs to break the cycle, and I just don't like break. I don't know. Also like love each they also enjoy each other's company more than anyone. And it happened so much. They don't really call it a fight. Andrew, how fucking dare you to fight? My whole life saying stop fighting, stop fighting? And then it would all go to me and go, we are not fighting. You say that all the time. And I said it with my voice the other night of if you guys would please stop getting into this same fight over the last and they were like you and you calling this a fight, and I'm like, and they always go, it's it was my first joke I ever wrote was probably in fourth grade. I remember they said it's because it always happened. We would go, yeah, well that I guess that was third grade, but fourth grade sitting on this banister is great. Fourth grade. My first joke I remember was my parents like I just remember them going, it's not a fight, it's a discussion, and I'm like, well, when we have a discussion about the book A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Um, my teacher doesn't throw a chair across the room. And say fuck you guys and then run out of the room. So that like I was comparing it to the discussions like a book discussion, like you know, like, oh, we're discussing this. It's not like fuck you and slamming a door. That to me is a fight. It's like and I feel gas lit as a child. If your kids think you're fighting, you're fighting because guess what, it's not up to you to determine what a fight is. He feels like if there's a fight going on, there means their feelings are being invalidated by you saying no, we're just having a discussion. I love my parents so much, but I just want to say, Mom, if you're listening and going, everyone's gonna think we are just the worst people. Every family is like this. You're not alone. My dad and mom for five years fought. It was beyond fighting, it was of it was. It was bad like I would go to my room because I really was. I would like kill things in there. That's what the that's what made him a murderer. You looked out. I know, I got in the stand up like they tried it so much more. Famous just killed a few people. That's I just want to say the whole Damer show. He's just like, I'm a failure, no one's ever I'm not going to amount to anything. I'm never going to be anything. And I'm like, Jeff, you have no idea how much entertainment you were going to bring to millions of people in forty years. He's like the Van Gogh of murderers. Like the most popular Netflix show that has ever been Just stay Alive, Jeff, You'll see it. He wanted to stay alive. He got beaten to death by a guy in prison when they were cleaning toilets and there was a discussion. They were having a discussion, but my dad would yell like it was beyond yelling, like the loudest fighting you could ever see. You have neighbors or where you would like so rich that you had like we were. My dad just got rich enough so he could yell at my mom and peace. So my dad, I just remember hearing and I go, why are you yelling? I'm not yelling, And then finally I raised my voice to him and it was like later in life too, it is way past a divorce and everything he goes, whoa, whoa, what are you yelling? And I'm like, this is what you've sounded like the whole life. And I've never once gotten up to here. I've never once yelled like this, Oh my god in my life. I mean sometimes I can through It's. Yeah, I wonder like I'm not a person who gets really upset if someone interprets what I'm doing differently than what I think i'm doing, because I trust that, Like I mean, I'm not saying I'm perfect in that way of like I think we've gotten into things where you're like your tone and I'm like, what tone? But I do even when i'm saying what tone, I'm aware that there's something going on and regardless of if I know about it, you're interpreting in that way and your feelings are valid. So there needs to be something addressed about sure, but we're all bringing so but it doesn't matter. Like I feel like sometimes in a relationship I was in once, like I would say you're um, you're mad at me, and he was just like I can't like you, and you got angry and he's like, I cannot stand you saying and I was angry or mad, I was bummed out, I was disappointed, But do not say it was mad or angry, and I'm like, what is the difference? But that was the big guessed that was a big hang up for us, was like defining what his anger was. And to him, anger was like looked like something different and when I said it, it made him feel do you relate to that? On your being misunderstood? Men don't want to be perceived as angry because it's like right, not feeling too abusive, So they're like, I'm not mad. See, I just know. I've had this conversation to like, someone i'm talking to is incredibly stressed out freaked out about the future. And then I'll say, like, I'm listening to you and it sounds like you're very distressed, and I get that, and it's a guy and he's like, I'm not distressed. I'm freaking out. I'm frustrated the future is nigh and it's going to be hell. And I'm like, you're distressed. What is so wrong with saying distressed? I guess it sounds like a certain fatality wens or your weakness or like also, anger means you're you're out of control, and men don't like to be out of control. But I think you want to drive, you want to steer, and like maybe that's it. Well, I think I feel like, yeah, look I'll call my I'll call my dad. Um, I'll keep it short, shorter, tiny boy. So as a man, what never mind? No, Like, if you could tell someone that they're angry, there it's so hard to defend that without sounding angry. So then you just you feel defenseless at that moment in a way. And I think that's why certain guys like that is why if you're like, oh, you're you're just why are you in a bad mood? Why are you angry? And it's like I'm not in a bad mood. And then you're like, well, I think you're in a bad mood, and then it's gonna there's no way to defend that. And I think it like backs up into a corner and then you don't want to be nice because you're already told that you're shitty. Does that make sense? I the other night had a very like I want you. I think it's exactly what you're saying. The other night I felt like Chris was annoyed at I thought I just wasn't getting me tension and affection, and like I felt like Chris was upset with me, and but I had no The only evidence I had was the humidity in the area, and like you know, when you're with someone long enough, you know, and and he's really great in the sense that he will admit like he won't be like no, there was nothing wrong, like he'll be like yeah, like the way my eyelashes were, like I can just sense, like I couldn't even close my eyes and sense if he's mad at me. There's just like a heat from his body that comes off. It's very subtle, but I just can sense it. And I was like, there's something off. And we were at a concert and I just said to him, I go, are you annoyed with me? Because I just felt like I was just like annoying him. When it turns out he felt bad that he brought me to this concert that I wasn't having a good time at because I was on my headphones even though I just I'm a lot, and I was like, I thought about not going on my headphones, but then I was like, you were. He was on his phone trying to work out Cardinals tickets games, and so I was like I couldn't talk to him because he was on this like this live conversation. I didn't want to listen to Reverend horton heat. It wasn't my jam. And so I put in my headphones. And I remember being like, should I not put in my headphones so he doesn't think I'm like tapping out? But I was like, but if we were doing good right now and I felt comfortable, would put in my headphones. I'm not gonna do anything to be I just want to be myself. So I put in my headphones. And then so I said, are you annoyed at me? And he goes no, and then that was the end of it. And so my point was if you're not annoyed with someone, you go no, what do you mean? Why did you think that? And then like if I asked you, like did you murder that girl fourth floor, you know, the one that happened yesterday, you would go, oh my god, No, I didn't. Why would you even think that of me? But if you didn't murder and you wanted to, you just go no, you know, Like it's when I got caught shoplets, and I was like, I did it, But if I wouldn't have, I would be like relaxed and be like, no, oh my god, sorry. The beaver would often it's like he was annoyed at me, and I knew it, but he didn't want to talk about it's loud so cut to you know. We got through it. The tension broke because we ended up having fun with the Toady's and it was just like something happened where the energy stopped. But I couldn't get over the fact that, like, there was this weird thing and he didn't he didn't do what I wanted him to do in that moment, which is like, babe, why do you think I'm annoyed? And like hold my hand? And so last night I brought it up to him, and I'm like, I realized it was not the best way to approach that I should have said, I'm sensing like you're annoyed with me, which is probably not the case? Is that true? As opposed to like, I just don't know how because when you're when you do get accused up, are you annoyed at me? That makes someone annoyed at you? If there's there's one way, now, I am you know, like how do you But you had a really good one on you You saw a therapist recently and they had a great little line that I loved that I wanted. Yeah, that's when you're in a conflict and they told me, you say, like, I know, so before I started, I just want you to know I'm not trying to and then fill in the blank with whatever their triggers are. So if you're triggered by someone abandoning you or whatever, so hey, I just want you to know I'm not saying this to make you feel abandoned or anything or criticized whatever. And then do you believe that? You ask do you believe that? And if they say yes, and you're like, okay, having said that, I'm feeling like I really want to abandon that. Do you want to believe that? You know? Because people always go I'm not racist, but and it's like, if they were to ask I'm not racist, do you believe that? Before I continue the sentence, they wouldn't get through the rest of the sentence because no one believes you because a lot of times you preempt something with the opposite of what you actually are doing, and the person knows that, and you don't give them the leeway. You're giving yourself the lee way to like, I'm not trying to be like a bitch here, but like you need to. And it's like, well, what if you checked in right up, I'm not trying to be a bit Do you believe that just because you give the preemptive like the disclaimer, that doesn't mean you're not an asshole? Like plenty of assholes are like, hey, I don't mean to be an asshole, but here comes a real asshole thing, be doing a wrong example, it's kind of like, hey, I don't want to spot I'm not judging you. I want you to know that. Do you believe me? Okay? Having said that, you're like rolling your eyes or what I perceived was you rolling your eyes just at me right now made me feel really bad and rejected. And I don't know what to do with these feelings. What do you think about that? You know? What's hard with with stuff like that? I feel like sometimes it's like if if if you're going, hey, are you annoyed with me? Right? Like, let's say, and then he goes uh. I feel like if he goes no, I'm not like you. Sometimes I feel like you can't win in a situation because then if you go no, I'm not annoying at all. It's like, yeah, you are annoying, or like like you can't I agree. Sometimes I feel like when you know I've been you know, I'll be asked by Brennan, I'll be like, you know, um, are we good right now? I'm like, yeah, of course we're good. Like but it's like if I go over the top, then I'm almost like I'm only doing it because you're asking me, and it's not authentic, you know what I mean. So sometimes I feel like, well, stuck in like a decision, Like I think that she would want you to go over the top because she needs reassurance. So whether or not you because you don't like giving people things that they you think that you're already giving them that they don't think. Yes, yeah, you're like, well that's it. She's accusing you of something that you aren't doing. But the sake of the thing is it's the fighting thing again, it's the yelling thing again. It doesn't matter what you are think you're doing. She's perceiving in a different way and you have to honor that. I have trouble doing that, and I get really frustrated with myself. I told Chris last night, I was like when I'm saying, are you annoyed at me? That's my way of being like, will you hold my hand and just let me know that? Okay? And that's why he goes, you could help me too by holding my hand. I'm like, but I'm so scared too, what if you don't hold it back or something? And he's like, did I ever do that? I'm like, I don't think so. I'm just like scared of these make believe rejections. And I go. But if I ever do hold your hand and you reject it, I am leaving. It doesn't mean we're over, but I will get an uber home and I will I will leave immediately and just know that. And he's like, okay, okay, fucking I would believe that. I don't even care if they talk. That's such a good communication. They can't read your mind. I love Pat Alan's tip in her book about dealing with um men because she says, been appealed, you want to appeal to their logic. So what you do is you think of what are what are the signals that are giving you this impression that they're mad at you? So, okay, his arms are crossed, he's not speaking to me. He's huffing and puffing. And then what you do with in order to not escalate as you sort of lay out the evidence like, hey, um, I'm noticing by your body language it appears that you seem upset. And then you say, let me know if let me know when you're let me know when you're available to believe about that? Yeah, or like or you can say are you or and if you are, do you want to talk about it? And then let them make a time. But I know what you have a lot to say about this. I'm sure you're very good at this stuff. Any sweeping thoughts before we move on, Well, okay, I think in a relationship, from what I'm starting to notice, even in my own, there's a person who likes to address whatever the situation is, like right there in the moment and just like really peel it up and just really talk about it. And then there's the other person who just needs some space from it and wants to run away and for the situation to go away and disappear. Yes, so obvious. The one who likes to talk, I am the one who just likes to walk out and just forget about it. And all of it originates from how we handled UM disagreements or discussions UM in our in our home life. So in my home life, we would all argue, we would get yelled at, and then we just like everyone goes into their own space in the house, slams the door, and then we just never talk about it. And that's and that's what I've brought to my relationship, which is so unhealthy. So UM, the talk that you just had with Chris is talks that I usually have with av Like if if I get really mad at something, I know that I can't I shouldn't talk about it right then and there I need some space and he wants to really talk about it. So I just had to explain to him, like, you have to give me at least fifteen minutes from the point where there's um some kind of turbulence to just calm down, because we're not going to have a good conversation, even though I know that you need and I promise I will give you that conversation and not ignore you like I used to do, But you have to give me that break. And that's really worked for us. That's really good. Well, you know what you're doing is promising a resolution at some point, whereas I think a lot of times when people go and they do the silent treatment or they go off on their own, the other person is left being like this is the end and I don't know when this. I need to know the running time of the movie. I need to know when I'm going to get out of this, when this is point. I need to know, like there's I need to know when you know if we're going on a road trip, I need to know the exact amount of minutes. I like to know the plan. So I think that I'm someone who everyone knows. I move fast, I talk fast. I can switch emotions like that, Like I can go from being like life sucks to being like and then cry and I go, oh god, okay, let's go to the zoo, Like I can go on a fucking dime, and the second that I feel you, Like even last night after our talk, yeah, and Chris is like getting very getting you know at this point used to it. But and I'm getting used to his more slow measured like needs time alone, needs to process. But even last night after we had this talk, I was like, all right, good night baby, like kiss and like everything was fine. And before that I was like I really need to talk about last night. And he then so he meets me on my level of like this is serious, like this is a you or die thing that we have to handle right now. And then he said everything I needed to hear. He validated all my feelings. We have a plan, Like he made me feel hard and I was instantly like alright, I'm gonna have it and just like back to like joking, and He's just like are you good? Are we good? And I'm like, yeah, all right, I'm just gonna put on the reever, put on my head and like listen to He was just like I could just tell he's kind of just like a little like a little bit um. I think the last I think when when if I'm just like having lunch with Brenna and it's like just a normal lunch, It's a normal Tuesday. There's no nothing stress, there's nothing going on, and then like a big question happens, like whether it's you know, potentially merry or like big big questions like why are we here? Yeah, what happened to the dinosaurs? Why did you ship in the hallway? It's going to drop a single before October twenty birds release of midnight, big question, but like I don't, but I think what Noah is saying, I don't think fifteen minutes. I think I should go can you give me two weeks on this or something? Because I feel like sometimes people want answers on such big questions, like right then, I think to speak for Brenna, but I don't like, can you give me like this? Can you give me? It's just I do not like but like, you know, what can I get? Because that is accusing like the person of like it's it's a response that you would have to someone who is like coming on too strong, and that's gonna make her feel like, oh, I'm fucking nuts. Right he didn't get crazy and just like a more measured this is all so hard to do. But like I what do you do when it with like big questions if you want answers? I think I process big questions and big answers in a slower way than you and I would. And I know that we need to have this talk, and I know it's a long time coming and it's probably just came up naturally for you. Right now, I'm not ready to talk about it, and I'm sorry that I can't. Right now, like almost being like, I'm sorry I can't meet you there. I think I would instead of blaming her for like why don't we talk about this now? Up now? Because sometimes I feel that when I bring things up and maybe or I want to result something right now, or like let's let's just make up. We're fine. Okay, so we're good, and like now be nice to me, and he needs more time. I feel crazy that I'm able to do that so fast when it's really just how I am. It's not and maybe it is because I'm kind of crazy, but I can't help it. So I think that when just like respecting how other people's systems work now and answering it not defensively, more like like I understand your concerns, let's yeah, yeah, give it. I mean, last night it was the dumbest argument. I had to make a video for KU because they're doing you know, ESPNS Game Day Okay. So that show asked me to make a video for KU to be like, okay you because they're doing it from Lawrence, Kansas for the first time ever. So I wrote to Gris being like, hey, can we talk about this video. I have to shoot it tomorrow and when you help me with it. And so last night he's like, let's talk about the video, and I'm like okay, and I just I didn't want to talk about it because I don't like talking about any I don't like pre production at all. I just want to wing it, and he goes, hey, I've watched that show a lot. When they cut to like these clips of like celebrities, a lot of they'll do like they'll they'll either lean into like I don't know what football is and like play really dumb, or they'll like try to pretend like they know too much, and it's just like like a woman on last week was saying like, well, I think they're gonna be Texas and the guy was like, you mean Texas Tech? Is that what you're talking about? And then they made fun of for the rest of the show without her really knowing about it, and so it just clearly showed she didn't know what she was talking about. And I was like, why do you think I would do either of those? I was so offended that he would think I would either go like, oh, what do you do with the football European soccer that they're playing, like I would make some dumb I go, don't you respect me more than like I would do either of those things? And he goes, you asked me for help, and I'm just I watched the show, I know what happens, and I was like, pointers, and I just go, you were so right. I am so wrong. I was like, you're right, that's my exact did not deserve that whatsoever. I asked you for help, you gave me help, and then I got mad at you for it, and he was just and I liked his phense. He goes, thank you, okay, and then it was just so good because I immediately was like, what did I just do? And then I explained it three times to explain that I knew exactly how crazy that was. What did you settle with this video video? I'll play it? So are you? That's um? Yeah? I mean when I sunk up. There is something really gratifying about being like, look how many times I took this video one to three, fifteen, sixteen, sixteen times and I finally got it in the last one. Here we go. It's Nicky Lizer. I'm a comedian and also a K alumni or alum. I think it's alum when it's singular. I don't. I should know this because I did get an English degree from KU, which is maybe why I don't know it. But anyway, congrats on not only hosting college Game Day for the first time, which is huge, but also we're like really good at football right now. And we always knew we were really good at basketball, but now we've got football basketball and we're also really good. I don't know if you know this at producing comedic talent Um, I'm not the only person that went to KU that is a comedian. We've got Rob wriggle Um, Paul Rudd, Bob Dole, So keep turning them out and good job. Yeah. I don't think it's going to annoy people too much, but um, yeah, I just it's it's hard for me to get it up for college football. Yeah, I like that. Do you even they're doing well right there? On which I hope I'll never be. That was another joke. I was like, I'll hope I'll never be five Oh which press did that take basketball thing? And then the famous Now I know they're going to basketball, and I know they're really good at football right now. And Chris kind of helped me with that too. He's like, it's cool, Like, you guys have always been going to put you know, basketball, but now you're you might become this like football thing, Like that might be your new thing. He's like, what else is big there? And so I was going to make a joke about rock talk jayhawk because that's the chant and no one knows what it means. And I was gonna say, you know, like if you want to know what that means, it means like and when KU started, like the teachers couldn't afford chalk, so they use rocks to like write equations on the board. Actually, that's not what it means. Go google it. But that was like, that's a nice attempt. It's really because the hills were made out of limestone, and when they built the school and they were drilling into it, the limestone sent up this like chalky dust, and so they were called it rock chalk. It's kind of funny to describe that whole thing and be like, oh, yeah, and K football is good. Yeah. I mean, like, I think the best thing to do when you're forced or like asked to do things that are out of your comfort zone is to just be honest and not try to fake it. Like I do love the I love Ku, I love the colors, I love the mascot, I love them. I'm not I don't love people being obsessed with college football. It's like, is a little bit triggering for me because it's so stupid and they don't pay their players and they do well that annoys me to now they shouldn't be. I don't like any of it. I just don't like it, Like it just reminds me of pedophiles and like protecting men and like it was I'm sure it was one team and I'm the others, but I just don't like the like we bleed Blue, Like I just don't like being obsessed before it just you know what it's all about me wanting attention from men and having this thing sucking aw, you're gone, and because I don't understand it, but I told Chris I might get into football this season because I want to see if Tom Brady, if his game um deteriorates from being in this tumultuous like break up with Gazelle, because well Tiger, you know, after the Ellen thing, it like funked up his game. It's such a mental thing so that I'm interested in. So I'm now I'm like Okay, I will watch Tom Brady play because I want to see. Yes, I could watch it after this. Alright, we are back. It's Anya and Andrew and Noah. We're all here together. It's so fun. We've done a lot of therapy therapizing today, but now we're just going to get into some old, good, old fashioned top one bottom one. And the category today is chosen by Andrew Songs to make Love, to make love. Yeah, I like no, I think that's good because it really makes it sets the scene, like this is a song you want to put on when you are like really it's romantic, face to face anal. You know, that's how rottlers have sex. Yeah, they start forward and then a rat wilder will turn and they'll just his penis is so big. They'll just back. But you I like that, you know every creature that's a big old dick, like you know what that they have. They so then they just bounced it but back what was dicks threw his own legs and he's just banging from reverse. She's sitting. It's a man and a woman. It's a rott Wiler, I know, but female male. Yeah, we don't call dogs men. I mean I call men dogs first of a backhouse. Um yeah, yeah, a male and a woman. I mean, baha, men are bringing at home, y'all. That's all. That's all. That's what dogs eat each other out to. Okay, that's what out crew. First of all, I do not make love to any music with my partner. We never, I think. I think partners in the past have put on music like it's a thing that people do, and I've been with people that do enjoy banging two songs, but Chris and I have never been part of our repertoire. So you just like it's like to hear are just our heavy breathing smacking, you know, the chest fart sounds that brings me to Anya's favorite god smack. I like Prodigy fight. I had like a makeout playlist when all your own songs that do say Matt and just me my discography? Do you Matt listen to stuff now? When you know, I think both of us are probably be like, oh, this production is pretty cool, I know, k anymore if it was just like a weird part of the song or like you know, you can only trust I don't know. I guess you could make a playlist, but I would I run to songs like I'm constantly changing my mind of what I want to listen to. It's rare that I've made a playlist and just like been happy with it just playing out. Ever, it's a good point, and maybe you have to concentrate more. If you're hearing the song, you're not going to be focused enough, or maybe you're too focused, and that's maybe I start thinking about the person that's singing the song, or I think about what that might help. Especially, Okay, let's with legs wide open, start with the I think it'd be funnier to start with the best. Let's start with the best song you have sex to or to make love to. Lately. Well, I don't really play music that much, but you play guitar during sex? Yeah? I did with my teeth. Well, it's on fire backwards lefty. I was like, what is he even saying? Like what is the fire and backgrounds? And then when did you see the Woodstock documentary? Dude? It's so funny. What Stock? So like the It all leads to like the last day they've been through hell, they're not feeding these people the waters infected with poop, Like everything's fucked. They're like and then but a lot of them are staying because there was rumors about there it's going to be some secret performer that is going to close out the Sunday night show. So they're all waiting for this, like maybe it's gonna be Prince, maybe it's gonna be Paul McCartney. Who the funk knows, Like it's gonna be someone huge. They don't have anyone, and they have no one, and instead the show's over. I feel like who closed out the show? It was like, do you remember on your now some huge band closed out the show? But they have someone and someone back down? No, I think Red Hot Sheli Peppers closed and then there was and then they left the stage and then everyone's just staying like, you know, chanting, and then all of a sudden they just, you know, go be careful getting to your cars, have great nine, thank you for coming to Woodstock nine to nine, let like, and then all of a sudden, on the screen they put up Jimmy Hendrix on the screens like playing and everyone's just like and that's when they went, because this weekend has been shipped and we've been waiting for this thing, and that's when. But just the that playcating them with a video of Jimi Hendricks from the original woods Like is so insulting. I loved that documentary. You know this will come them. You know. The one thing missing from the documentary if you did see it, maybe you agree with me, is I wanted more people that were there. Just they had like one two guys that were there that were like, they're fifteen years old. It was the coolest that they're like stoner dudes, and then they had one girl. But I wanted more people that were there to see it. Then get it's hard to get that footage if it just never had it, you know what I mean. But it's just there, you know, interviews, Okay, yeah, I remember the first Woodstock there were interviews of like these people. Everyone hitchhike there and the traffic was so you just had these like people are like, yeah, I've been hitchhiking for six thousand miles and I just wanted to see I don't know, there's something so beautiful about the voyage to go see fucking I don't know Episode three of DAMA and you realize hitchhiking can be heard. No, you're making me really want to watch this sprised because it's not a documentary and you like it. I do like it. Ryan Murphy, I think, is the guy who made this one. He did a good job. And the guy who plays Damer is so fucking good at it, and you you really feel like you're watching dam Like I've watched enough interviews with dam Or. This guy just nails it. And it's cool because I've read everything about Dahmer and it's cool to see it all play out and like how they interpret it and it's fucking grim um better this or the gay sy tapes. This, this is fascinating, is it's truly fascinating, and it's more than what you think. And there's actually there's this one guy that what's interesting about the gay Cy tapes is that there's this one part where one of gay Cy's what could have been victims tells the story of like being with gay Cy and almost becoming a victim, and like he didn't even realize that he dodged, like this insane guy until years later when Gaycey's arrest and he's like and he he comes on the you know, it's on the news, and he turns to his wife and he's like, that's the guy. That's the guy who forced me to do you know, like oral on him with a gun. I'm like, you didn't see that. He could have killed you during all that. It's a very weird story. But the guy is just like he never called me back. This guy never called me back. He owes me a blowjob. Okay, let's get to the best song. Best song? Uh? I think the best music is kind of like you just throw it on, like without a plan. Maybe so then Reptilia by this rokes. It's a little fast, so you kinda sometimes I'll the only problem is I'll funk with the rhythm and I'm like yeah, like and then I'm like, am I I forget she's there. I'm just like at a concert, just happened to be having like Tilia. Can we get like a snippet of it? Can I play like five seconds of it? Yes? Okay, thank you. You'll hear how fast it is. It's probably too fast for love making. It's more just a song you like, Andrew. No, there's something like you skateboard down venice boardwalk too. No, everyone knows that what are you talking about? I literally was going to put the strokes in my bottom one because of the rhythm I was going to do last night, last night. That's I mean, that's a similar That is so stupid. I didn't say it was smart for me. You took this as like, what song are you listening too lately that I happen to have? Let me give you mine? Andrew, please Harper down burn Way. Everyone listening, get this song. It is the best makeout or making love song ever, ever ever. The band is a weird title, but it's Handsome Boy Modeling School and the song is called I've Been Thinking and it's sung by Cat Power and she's in her prime sad cat Power Glory. Wait, the name of the song is Handsome Boy, I've been thinking. Okay, here we go. Okay, um, yes, right, does it speed up at all? No, Andrew, you might have to thrust your heads to the slower motion. You don't get to jackhammer a girl and just to come already. Yeah, this is a sexual song. It's very essential to find them. It sounds like you, thank you, thank you, cat Power, cat Power. Is she doing a cover of the Handsome Voice or whatever there is the band? Maybe? Oh god, alright, well I know what no one? What is no One's gonna brings it's just gonna be fucking swords fighting or archetype close. So both of the stuff the things you talked about. I don't like listening to music. I don't want to like start listening to like hearing lyrics that I understand, because then I'll just be distracted by it. And then the whole rhythm thing like moving, Like if I catch myself moving to the rhythm of a song while making love, it's just it just ruins it for me. So the the band that first came to mind is called the Dillinger Escape Plan and the song is Sunshine the Werewolf, and it's just a it's odd time and it has all that it let's let's see this like a right, shut up, I'll just find it so hot. This sounds like what Dahmer fucking carves and victims too. This is so hot? Noah, what kind of sex has happened? Your love making? The best? Yes, hious fun, incense and like laying down the That just shows how different people are, Like I couldn't murder a dog to that song because I like that's too. I need a gentler tune. I like the aggressive is the aggressive turns me on. Yeah, okay, that makes sense when you get aggressively fun, then to that song, are you getting lightly that? I mean, okay, so making love to you is you're interpreting that as like the kind of sucking you want to do, and that's like that means the most to you is the making love doesn't have to be I guess sexual and slow love's like wedding song. It's gonna be like fucking cut your head off, I know, is I love that song? That's what my dad dances with. Well, now I know what my least favorite song to funk too is. So we don't have to do my bottom? No one just hit it? Thank god. I thought I was gonna have the worst. Okay, mine is um no one's. I don't know what Nicky's introduced me to the song. It's Miguel Adorn can't would be all the nose for me. It is a little Marvin Gay, but it's it's because it's not as popular. I think its yeah, but it's a sexy song to me. I like to put it on it when I'm like trying to get in the mood. I guess if you know the lyrics to the song too, well, that could hurt it potentially. Um, okay, now what would be the worst? I think it's all Noah's song the show's over. Um, do you've been leaving love by? She believe? That would be very bad. And to the reason why is my fraternity when we were pledged is they played that all night. They do the thing called hell night where they keep you awake all night and they played that song thirty five thousand times. This song was huge, huge. It was the first like really audible auto tune auto tune? What am I supposed to do to sit around and wait for you? I don't hate it to funk too. I can prease thing. Son say, is that really how big a chick is? Oh? It's just it's too much something inside me. But it's not as big as I wanted to be. Oh, I'd rather hit a tree. Okay then that? Um an ya, do you have a bad one? Yeah? Like any ragtimey song that's like Hello my honey, Hello much. I think that'd be so on the dude man, it would be like a like a black and white Chaplin movie. Yeah, that would be that would be I mean, I think this is an easy answer, Like it's literally like anything that's not Yeah, I guess if it's a very sexual song, it's too sexual. It could be really funny if that's what's the worst. Like Taylor Swift song for fucking Umbe. I like the song I remember, I remember when. Actually, probably a good beat to this is we're gonna get sued, We're gonna have to oath dollars just playing And I don't know if I played tail. I didn't even play the Taylor's version. Oh my god, scot Scooter Bron's making money off of that. Um. I was gonna pick Funeral by Phoebe Bridgers because it's just about like, I don't know, I kind of like that. I'm singing that funeral like weep each Yeah, it's a beautiful song, but just it's about death and it's just too there's too many specific lyrics that would just like get in your head and kind of suck it up. You can't get hard anymore because your dad died. His body is still next to us, you know what. I want to amend my answer. My dad's climate change song would be the worst. Yes, it's too hot, like the sun Ship. I will say Andrew that that Reptilia song is great for making out, like playing, like taking off Brenna's clothes, or like throwing against the wall. A good scene in a movie where it's like they're finally hooking up and it's like I'm just flexing in a mirror and she happens to be there. What No, what's your least face for it? You're not far away from it. It's your body is a Wonderland by John Mayer. Oh God, that's not going to get shope. What a great answer, Noah, because it's so on the nose. But I literally hate the lyric tongue. I hate to I just pickedure a big lot of tongue that just is this big pink tongue is too big, and it's just like I don't like it, but I did. He has a tongue. Have you ever dodged him sing? He like on a big note? He does that trick the vocal coaches sometimes tell you to do, like stick your tongue out on like a long note. His tongue is that. Yeah, he doesn't your teacher tell you to do. You've got the afternoon, You've got this room for two. One thing I'd love to do, discover me, discover just ever me discovering you. I like that that lyric two miles from the every like your skin like porcelain creeps me out to that song too, would be terrible Daughter Daughters. Yeah, that room though, Oh boy, I'd like to funk to that. That hot that was your dad's alternate climate change Driven billies, Driven Billies would be That would be a good final thought, Um, how is your show last night? Fantastic? Dred and fifty people came, A lot of besties came. Yes. I mean we have really great fans. Like the people were so, you know, Tim Chris's brother opened and you know, he was just like, man, they really like you and love you, he actually said. And I don't know, I felt like it was really emotional. Actually at the end of it, I was like thank you, and I said thank you like five times, kind of cheesy, but like I really did, because you know, I've only just started headlining and it just felt very like cool. It felt like very loved and like and I was happy with the material I was doing. And then people afterwards were just we just have really cool people that like us, and it's like, oh, okay, maybe I'm doing something right. And uh yeah, it was really thank you so much for coming. Appreciate it. And then we are opening for Tom's or we're doing sets on Tom Sigura's show this weekend, which will be fun. Tomorrow night at the Fox Theater. We're both um doing that. And I when the Cardinals game on Sundays, I know, do you think they're gonna I mean, you know, I think I think. Yeah, it was very good team. You know, they have a good rotation going. Yeah, yeah, all the things. Now, I'm very I'm excited about my boyfriend and his friends enthusiasm for the Carls and I love one of Carlos games. And we're going to sit in the green seats, which are the ones where you get access buffets. Yeah, dude, I'm so excited. It'll be so fun. I'm excited. And then Sunday, wait on you you're just in New York City like visiting. You're getting like a foot rub. Yeah, I got a lot of big plans. Oh my god, I'm getting a massage actually in twelve minutes that from where. There's a place I found on Google like next door to here, and I just signed up and it's some guy I don't know if he's in an apartment or whatever. I'm just gonna go. He's may licensed, like he has a website and everything. He's a young guy. He's not like a creepy old man like it's I had felt a whole form, so he knew, like how deep my posty was stuck, so I like measure it, so he knew how many fingers like bring okay we have because your location, I'm actually kind of worried. I hope he doesn't get lost. No, he's good. It's gonna be good. I'm so excited. Yes, oh god, I can't believe it's having the inutilments and I have to go backroom so bad. Number one not to um spotty putty. Thank you guys so much for listening to the ha ha. We'll go back tomorrow with a fresh show for you cannot wait. We'll cover all the events of the weekend, even the one a big thing that happened this weekend that we didn't talk about because we recorded this on Reready. I remember, I'm not thank you an you for being here. Think you know what? Thank you and don't be cut and jezz get Chan