#259 From One Wet Mouth To Another w/Ben Gleib

Published Aug 17, 2022, 10:50 PM

Nikki and Andrew are excited to talk to Ben Gleib about his new special THE MAD KING which is available for free. Andrew's mouth can't help but add some sound effects while Nikki tells Ben about her favorite jokes from the special. Ben points out something problematic with Nikki's PSA about sharing the road with cyclists. Nikki pays scrupulous attention to porn analytics and that is too much for Ben's ADHD. They play the Blankest Thing and discuss the "smartest" thing they've ever done. This leads to conversations about relationships, how to find confidence and beating speech impediments. 


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The Nicky Glazer Podcast. Here's Nikki. Hello, Welcome to the show and the Glaser Podcast. Here I am. I'm in Los Angeles, California. Um, i am visited by visited by? What is this night before Christmas? Uh? Andrew Colin is haunting me from I'm guessing his apartment in St. Louis. Am I I think so? I recognize that wall. Yeah, I'm here, I'm home and we have Noah in Arizona and also joining us this week on the show. Um, is my dear friend one of my I would say, I would say best friends, and that's not just something I would reserve to say after you're like you've passed. I think people sometimes bump up people and ending once they've passed. But one of my best friends. Uh, he's a comedian. He has a new special out on YouTube that you can watch for free right now called The Mad King. Please welcome to the show, Ben gleebe thank you, Nick. What's up girl? Hi? Ben? How has uh premier weekend been of your stand up special? It has been good. It's been really good. People's comments have been really nice, and some really nice people have been You read comments. I read comments only for big events. I don't read them for most things, but for big things that I've been working on for a very long time. I'm curious. But that said, i feel like I'm being shadow banned by YouTube. It's on YouTube, and I feel like I'm talking about a lot of things in the podcast that I mean the podcast, in the special that you're not maybe supposed to talk about. I feel like I'm being shadow banded, Like the views have not been great, even though the reviews. Let's change that. The reviews are insane and they should be. I you know, I'm I would like to support my friend, my friend Ben is I know hilarious. It's been like a while since I've seen your stand up. I mean I've watched you. You would do? You host a lot of shows it you have like a comedy club in your apartment called Club Nowhere. Would you started during zoom Um where you do a lot of improv sets and different shows on that. But it's been a while since I had seen your stand up. I mean maybe since like two thousand nine or something. Dude, I'm sorry to admit that, but it had been, you know, since I was I don't watch anyone stand up, but like maybe saw you at the Improv back in the day. Your stand up special The Mad King is so freaking funny, so good. I was live texting you about it the other night when I was watching it, and I was blown away. Man, I mean, I knew you were funny, but I really thought that because you're such an improv guy, and you're such a guy that's does these specific shows where you play characters you do like filters on your face where you'll do different impressions and they're so fun. I encourage everyone to check out everything Ben has going on because he's just one of the funniest But this stand up social is like top notch. Your stand up is great. Thank you so much. That's very kind of you. Your text change to me was very encouraging during my premier night. That made me feel very good. Yeah. I just put it on and I started writing to him as I was watching, like all the bits I loved, and I was watching it on two like one point five. I think I started at one point seven, but you're a fast talker, which I appreciate, so I had to take it down to a one point five. And as soon as I started going, I know that Ben is so neurotic, just like I am that I go by the way, Ben, I don't think that I'm like skipping bits. I'm watching it on double the speed, so that you you you you're not only taking care of you're not only being nice watching it, but you're taking care of my psyche and you, Oh yeah, I would have been so confused. You were like, I think YouTube is glitching because I was going too fast for it's in And you're like, your clothes is incredible. I love how you closed out the show with those credits, and and she like live live texted me for the first like two dropped off and then like an hour later I was like, oh, so you hate the last third of my I know. That's how not good of a friend I was. I didn't tell you that I dropped off because I assumed that you would think, like, there's no way I would not like keep going even if it sucked. I would like find something to like about it, even if I but I had to. I got distracted because someone was like I need this answer on something, so I had to go. Ship's geared, So I haven't finished it, but man, I like I was. It made me and that's the mark of something great. It made me want to really like buckle down and focus on my writing. And it was just so tight because I know you. You and I are very similar in the sense that we're both we can get very tangentle, very quick, and we it can be we just get distracted. We're very a d D on stage, Andrew, are you do have something in your mouth? Because it is an active slapping of the gums. I can't, but I've been here two minutes and I was going to not say anything, but it's it's very it's too much eating caffie. Yeah, I mean I'm eating air heads. Uh there are you tying a cherry stem into it? Not with your mouth right now to impress us look impressed. I've lost a few teeth over the weekend. Four I thought you. I thought you said, well, you know what it is, so I thought, I never do. I never have an answer. It's my shitty mouth mouth for my dad. You gotta go back and listen to what that. Yeah, it sounds like a sea lion eating chips. I know I'm bad. I'm bad. I'm disgusting. I get it. That's not what I was saying. Oh, if you would have known how long I let it go before I said something. I I'm drinking coffee. I hears about my jokes. That's how it always. Oh my god, But seriously, I'm drinking coffee. That's what it is. I'm drinking it is. Well. I don't know if your deaths are allowed to do their own ad reads, but if you'd like coffee that makes your gums wet, try the New Wet Coffee Company. It is okay, you know what it is. I think I think I did figure it out. I have food in my teeth and you're trying to get it out six weeks ago. I don't know. You have water pick? Brother, How does food get stuck in your teeth when you don't have any I don't know. I mean there's sockets, those those empty sockets. You gotta get a water pick. You're keeping sockets or pockets. If you promote three beaks, dude sockets our pockets is the funniest thing I've ever heard. Dude sockets. Well, go back and listen to what I was the sound effects that were going on while I was talking about about a special It sounded like a there was It was just so wet. It sounded like a bathroom that was like leak, like a leaky bathroom. Yeah, I don't know for good. You know a lot of radio shows have a cough button. Andrew needs a mouth sounds. But you know what I need. I need one of those dentists to carry around one of those vacuums. I love when you get to suck on one of those. When I don't think, oh you don't hold on you, it holds onto you. I feel like I'm gonna get stuck into the machine completely and everything you think, who going in there like an ectoplasm thing and gholst butter sucking me in there like slimer and hopefully the black released me at midnight into the street. And it's funny. Every mouth on earth has something. Do you think you are? Man? How skinny I think you are? It's a tiny tiny man is the sucker always like gets the water first, it's like and it does his job, and then it goes like it's just like holds on for dear life to like skin and it just like starts freaking out and you can like pull it off, like the nurse needs like help from her friend to get it off. Just push the corner that sucker thing always like it's like a It's like me dating in my late twenties, like it just is cool at first and then don't like, look I get it. Yeah yeah, I was. Every human sucked on the plastic like three times that day already it's not very clean at that dentist. But you know what, I will say that Ben has some Ben is some great like just bits about just what I like about your special is that the part I saw the third I saw which I read thirds of books, I watched thirds of specials I did. I saw, I saw two thirds, but that's a third exactly. It was you talk about things that I was like, God, this is there's no way that you could. There's like stuff that's just it that you think has been done, but it hasn't. Like your stuff on religion, which whenever someone starts talking about religion, I'm always kind of like I'm out because I don't really know about religion and I don't really know what I'm supposed to know. And I feel like I used to think Kane and Able were like the two characters from Cheers that sat at the bar, Like I didn't know anything about religion, so I don't know what, but I learned a little bit, like I love Can I just can I like spoil one of your beds? Yeah, I don't think it's bad if I do. Yeah. So what you were talking about, how why has God never shown up again? Then he did? Can you just can you kind of like run us through that? But it's just only talk to us once thousands of years ago, during an era of very poor record keeping. Why was that he chose to speak? He didn't even have pens. We didn't have feather pens. Had to carve ship into stone to get your method to cross. God's on Moses on top mountain sign. He's like, slow down, I'm on one, you're on seven. Shall not kill I'm carving this running that. That's a great point. It makes talk time. The carving makes it so official. You know, like if just wrote it in notes on his phone and came down and was like, hey, you shouldn't kill a guy, It's like that's in your notes that you like your voice to Dick. He wrote it on the back of a Java juice receipt. I don't know if we're gonna trust this. Wait time out, there's a job a juice back your phone that's a good point. We got a phone, you gotta have Joba juice to balance it up. Yeah, there's a tablet joke in there, boy, that there is for sure. Um, I wanted to talk. That's sad um. I Uh. Last night I posted something on or I guess it was two days ago on my Instagram story. I saw a clip from a comedian that you know, that handsome British comedian with his name Jack. Oh, yes, Jack Whitehall or something Yes, Jack Whitehall. Yes, uh, gorgeous man. Um, I was thinking of you when I saw this clip. I swear, Yeah, it's rare. That it is not rare. Let me be honest. There's a lot of times when the comedians have like a really hot take on something, and most of at the time it's like the comedians hate cyclists. They hate people. They don't want to share the road with cyclists. That's such a point they like to make about like they're going too slow and like get off the road. And that just causes people to like be angry at cyclists. And it causes them too, because my dad's a cyclist and he always gets run off the road by just people that are like get off my road. It's just so stupid. Dad is always getting run off the road on his base. It used to happen a lot. He doesn't bike anymore, but when he was a cycling there would always be people that would just go right next to him just because they were like, you think you're better than me, guy in spandex. It's working out and jealous of you because you have a better you that car who was my dad's car. Every time it's um and whereas I'm someone. The other day I was I was on the sidewalk and there were people biking on the sidewalk and I was like, the get off the sidewalk. I yelled at them. I go, guys, And I didn't yell. I did it as nice as possible. There were there was three of them, and I go, Nikki, don't say anything. They're a family, they don't know. But it wasn't a family. It was like people my age. And then there was three more in this group and I go, guys, you got a bike on the road. The road is right here. It's biking is on the road and it's on the sidewalk. I'm on the right parteless deserve to be on the road on the road that people don't respect it and they're getting run off the road and you're sending them to their drivers need to be more drivers need to be more respectful. They need to give them room. They don't need to be so angry at them. It's not I love I give cyclists so much room. I'm almost in the next lane. I love giving a lot of room. I think God needs to come down and make this a commandment. Where is God now to keep cyclists somewhere in the middle. But Jack Jack Whitehall was going off about you know, I got to the airport and when people he's just so hot. So I'm watching it. He's like people, you know, when people are late to the airport, they just cut in line. I don't like people cutting in line, Whereas I'm like, you're a famous person, you have a cut people in line to get in clubs because you're like with Kate Beck and sale in to you've a dent like cut in front of people. But he's really taken up. He's taken up bridge with these people cutting in line the airport and I I just in his His thing was like their excuses, but I'm late, and it's like I get it. It's funny. It's almost like the Luis c. K joke of when someone like cuts in front of you in traffic and it does like a dumb thing, and you're like, what are you doing? And the woman's like, but I want to go there, and you're like, well you can't. She's like, but I want to do it, but I can't. Like that's not a good enough reason. I get the joke, but truly, I think it's bad propaganda for people traveling. If if if you, if you everyone has been late to the airport, If someone is looking under dress and they show up at the airport and they're gonna miss their flight, and you are in line at T S A and you were two hours there early because you're responsible and all these things that you want everyone to know, Well, you should have been there earlier, just like me because I'm responsible. Well guess what not, everyone's you. So sometimes ship happens in life, your alarm doesn't go off, whatever, let people go in front of you. This is so stupid that everyone should have a wait in line. There's so many times I get to the airport late and I am fraught with like wanting to interrupt, Like if I ever see someone looking nervous about missing their flight, I'm always like, go ahead. I don't even like wait for them to ask, because it's so there should be a line for people who are late, do you And Ben wrote to me and said, I agree with you on this. I just think too many times there's there are people that skip the line, that get off the plane. Like I had a girl today or the other day. She got up right away, got in front, skipped the whole line, got off the plane, we got out of the fucking little tarmac whatever area, and then she stopped walking right in front and just blocked traffic. So she hurried to get off the plane and then was in no hurry off the plane, which kind of drove me insane because she didn't have anywhere to go, but I guess her brain had somewhere to go because she was feeling probably anxious and anxiety are are you know you're gonna find people that are going to break the rules and just line cut because they just want to. But that is I feel like it's few and far between, as opposed to like when people are late and they're gonna miss their flight because if something happened the uber, they called an uber, it canceled, like there's a million things that can not be your quote unquote fault. And then people just look at you like sorry, you should have been like me, I'm really responsible, and it's like, well sorry, I'd an alcoholic father who didn't teach me how to get to the airport two hours early, Like you bitch, like just let me go in front? Like why Andrew's a huge Andrew Whitehall fan and Jack white Hall fan, And I don't think you just love the British? Is that what he's a jackie? Because I can't I can't name one other British comedian, but god, there they you know, they mean so much they they won't they have tea things like get in the way and empathetic to them. I get it. Well, look, I I just think that you know that one I had one guy skipped me in line and I had headphones in and and I started talking shit about him, but I didn't realize I was too loud because the music was on, and so I pretended was like to yourself, yeah yeah, yeah, So I was like, you bob, motherfucker, Like it's very specific. You've never called out anyone for skipping lines or anything like you never oh, I'm not an airport. There's a difference between someone going I'm really late, I'm so sorry, like looking sad about it, and then someone who just is like, I want to get there sooner because I think I'm better. I mean, there is a total difference. Jack Whitehall's joke was about people who are late and are like, can I get in front because I'm late, And he's like, yeah, that's not a good enough excuse. We're all here. You think we have all these bags so we can go buy a giant tob larone. Oh god, that's okay. That's the word. I mean, that's not a bad job by anything. L yeaherence, it's just a it's a false premise because he doesn't believe that at all either. Jack. I know, if he was late to an airport would want someone to like he was. He's a story. I have to I have to cut your loo in the air. You know, whatever I liked about your stand up special is that there aren't false premises based on like things that are you're just not angry about things that don't really make any sense, that are just for the joke, Like they're all based on actual stuff that's happening in your life, and I want to get to say more things that you talked about in the first two thirds of your special. When we would get back after this with Ben Glebe. All right, we're back with Benny Boy Glee. Ben Glebe has a new special out called The Mad King that you can check out on YouTube. We do think it has been shadow bands, so we would really appreciate you guys to watch it. You are going to to love this. Like I, I do promote people's stand up a lot, and especially my friends. I was so happy that this was actually great and really, Ben, I'm serious, like and I already told you this via text. It truly inspired me and made me go. But I mean I told I said, this was Burr levels good, like Bill Burr level is good without question like this, if any of these jokes I could see coming from they are if Bill Burr were to say them. Carlin asked, you know all these guys like it's up there with that where it's like the way you make you change the way I think about certain things. Um, I really really love what your point about. Um uh uh. I don't want to spoil it. The different TV shows and the different kind of media that women watch versus men. Yes about that, Yeah, tell me. I mean, it's just all gender roles are kind of it's confusing that people are even like so rigidly holding on to like, oh, you can't use this bathroom or that bathroom. All gender roles are blending anyway, they're kind of reversing. Like we all grew up believing that men love action movies and women love romantic comedies. That to be true at all these days, Like my favorite movies when Harry met Sally, and every woman I talked to, she's like, I've just been to watch twelve serial killer documentaries on the Like I couldn't have watched one of those. How do you do that? Well? I wrote that, and I was like dead. My favorite movie is when Harry met Sally and you're like, but you're so that really cut through because you're so right like the we I really loved all your stuff about gender because I'm huge trans rights advocate and I just I don't see what all the fuss is about, like just let people be what they want to be, UM, And I really loved your take on it. And I always get nervous when anyone even goes there, because I'm like, god, please don't have the wrong take. But I love that you said you go America loves we love trans people. Why are we so up in arms? We love transformers are getting me? It was such a great point, like we like like you had a really you had a lot of great takes on that, and I loved that. It was it just it just you made great points. And then you even got into more personal stuff of like you dealing you know, your girlfriend now fiance, dealing with depression during COVID her painting all the walls Gray, Um, you talked to me, Yeah, you talked about your diagnosis of having a d D, which I also was like, oh my god, I was just diagnosed with a d D. Um, tell me a little bit about that, because how did you not know because you're a boy, and I feel like boys usually getting a diagnosis early. Yeah. Yeah, I had to go to my parents and be like, guys, so you've been aware that I've been unable to finish any to do list my entire life or get out of bed. At her focus, they focused on on something. They're like, yeah, we just thought that was you Like yeah, but people can have problems and still be them, Like, yes, I know that we just thought that was you is a very thing, like we just thought that's who you are. And it's like there are solutions for this thing I'm struggling with. Like fascinating though, though, because Ben, you are so highly I mean I almost would air on the side of your parents because it's like you look at you and you look at how accomplished you are. You, I mean, Ben Gleeb. If you didn't know he ran for president and I'm not kidding you, like it wasn't just like I'm going to run for president, like just as a bit. This guy really ran for president and gave it his all, and I thought it was going to kill him. I love a president. I love a president that runs on I will not do my whole to do list. I promise you I will get through four of them. I will. I will start with the big ones because I trail off. I will not play golf as much as other presidents, because I will not get out of bed most days because the walls are gray. You get a whole team. You get a whole team when you're president. You're so right. Someone recently said to me, Nikki, because I'm going on vocal rest pretty soon after surgery. And I was talking to someone who uh. I was talking to someone and he was like, who works closely with celebrities? And he was like, you're the hardest working person I know. You deserve a break. And I said harder than Fallon And he goes, Fallon has a team and I was like, okay, well I have. And it's a good point. Like, once you get to that level, President Fallon you, it almost gets easier because there is so much was that did you think about that, Ben on the way to becoming president, Like, once I get there, this has got to get easier. Ben being like the only thing holding me back is I gotta get someone to get me a toothbread. No, that's like I forgot it. Well, first of all, as Americans going right now, we're probably one to two years away from America being called the United States of America starring Jimmy Fallon. He will probably all have America. Oh yeah, he would, he would. Oh my god, this is incredible. So excited to have the president of China here. This incredible. All the toys you make, all the stuff you make, we really love it. We love it here. We still have concentration camps. Is that cool? Jimmy, Judge, I'm not here, Judge, move right back with Mary kay Olson. She's got a new hand back. She's a secretary of state. So yeah, Ben, what what's how did you? I mean you were getting it done? What? What made you even want to get a diagnosis? What made you look into it? You said that you can't get out of ad like that to me does not. When you were talking about like you was stay in bed all days sometimes with your girlfriend and your special I was like, I felt good because I was like, you seem such like a highly productive person that I felt like, oh, he never takes a day off. You're someone that I think we were. We relate to each other a lot in the sense that of of our work ethic. I think you read my thing and that interview magazine you were like, I relate to all of these answers about working. So how how how does it work for you? I don't often take out full days. I just am on a very weird sleep schedules always that you think is gonna kill me. And I think you're you know, you're gone something. I need to fix it. Like a month, three and a half, three and a half hours. It's not good and uh so, I don't know. I I just sometimes when I'm relaxing, I try to like do it, but I feel like I have like sleep paralysis. In the morning when I wake up, I just my whole life. I can't. I feel like there's the world's heaviest way to blanket on me and I just can't get out of bed, like I'm in a coma. Like I wake up and I'm like, they're I can't move. I'll snooze like three times when I can. I don't have a day full of stuff. It's pretty rare. But like on the weekends, I'm like, I'll just sneeze. I'll sneeze. I'll sneeze all day until being awake. People bring a little dish of pepper under my nose. Can I sleep and will? It makes sense that you once you do, is that a fear of yours about like actually going to sleep, is that you you know that the desire to stay in bed will be so strong that you almost don't want to go to sleep because it's going to be hard to get out of bed. That's exactly so late exactly right. Is that like people that get things done before, like in the morning, wake up early, like I'm gonna run a mile and then I'm gonna get I'm gonna edit this podcast and then start my day of tasks. Like I just won't ever get to anything until my first appointment, and I'll probably be late to that appointment. I'll probably be like almost late to the flight and I'll have to pass British people in line on the way into the airport. About fantasy, you said it almost like the British ghost. It was weird chocolates joining us. Um, that's so interesting, Ben, because fix that. For me, it is the one really thing The adderall help in my life. I was able to like bounce out of bed and I was like, oh, humans can actually not feel like they're connected to like some kind of a I feel like I'm in a coma when I wake up normally. And it solved that. But I had to quit it recently because it was just too intense. Well, let me just ask you about this coma state, Like when you are in bed and you're not able to get out. Is it a physical like I just can't get out or is it do you I mean, everything that's physical is mental. But are you aware of the mental anguish going on? Is it like I have so much to do today? It's like if I get out, I know that it's so long before I get back in. I'm just projecting of what I kind of think about in the morning of like, here's another fucking day. Like I don't understand people that are like I love the day and I'm ready to start. I'm always like, God, another fucking day. Like I love going to bed because it feels you know the Nick Griffin joke, many suicides. Yeah, exactly. Every night you get to check out. I love you. When you're hitting that snooze, do you feel like, um, do you are you? Because you're a guy that I feel like has such a zest for life. You're always like, let's go do karaoke, let's have a pool party, let's do this. Like your you love being around people, you love socializing as part of that because you want to keep busy, because you don't want to focus on this. Be whatever happens when your mind is alone, is it are you are when you're in the in bed in the morning? What are you thinking about about your day? Do you dread your day. No, I don't dread it. It's just that I have a You're totally right that I have a big zest for things and I like to plan big events and fun things because when I go do the things I want to, I want to I'm like a sound address. I want to make the most. I want to make the most of things when I do them. But in the like some reason, like all day once I'm up and then all through the night, like I have the most energy and I want to do a million things and I'll never get tired and I can stay up and definitely like I wasn't even tired when I went to bed at four or forty five this morning. I was like I wanted to keep doing stuff and do on my phone and read the news and ship. But then in the morning, there is nothing that I want more than sleep, And I will change every part, Like as I'm about to go to sleep, I'll be like, all right, so I have to do this, and I need fifteen minutes for that, and I'll shower and I'll do that, and I need to get up at ninety five to possibly get to the thing by eleven thirty. And the morning immediately I wake up and I'm like, I can get up and just speed there context. I'm sorry a little bit late. I just I just push every priority in my life. I'd rather fail at life in the morning. I don't need to. I can go with dirty hair. Let me cut off twenty more minutes. I started doing all this math to I don't need you. Oh you know what, I don't need to go see my sister. Okay, I'll cut that out. Like you just start, I do the same thing. Um, it is fascinating. And you found that adderall was something that you know in your special you talk about, Oh, it's this like miracle drug. It changed my life. By the time we were texting about it, you go, I I'm I'm it's it's not in my life anymore. Can you speak to that at all? Yeah, I mean that's that's the only two words in the special that I regret is what is saying that it's a miracle drug. And I would have had them cut those two words out, except I don't work. That's a good point. That's a good point, but miracle that's true. Yeah, it wasn't the words I regretted in special, And I don't know if man, do I regret saying it's I could have said they are a miracle drug, and I really phrase that the very direct way that ruined everything. Maybe if you're back on Adderall, you would have it's a good point. I like that you say you regret it, and we'll get to why in a second. But it did strike me immediately when you said it. I go, oh, good, Okay, I can do it. Now it was Ben's doing it. I can do it. There is something about when someone you admire, I E. I'm watching you. You're funny, You're killing it. Everyone loves you. I'm watching the special. It's so good. You're You're operating on a level where I'm like, I need to I aspire to write some jokes like this. And then I hear, oh, he does adderall. He thinks it's a miracle drug. Okay, I'm gonna ask my doctor about it. So I like that you do acknowledge that you endure something that might inspire people to go I'm gonna go do that. And and now let's talk about the flip side. Why why you feel like that maybe was a little too uh yeah not not maybe the best thing. Yeah, I feel like snorting it out of like an asshole, like by the end of it, I would like I would also, it doesn't smell good. I don't know what it is, ship nurse. It's a pository, but you put it in a girl's ass and then you here, I don't know. I think she's tired of the shift already. She's her back hurts. She kept being downward dog all day. According to her, I don't know what this is or not. The thing was worried about it, like are we using the same straw? Are the straws clean? And so I don't regret it in the way that I know it is. It is a miracle drug store for a lot of people, So it's fine. And I didn't ask them to edit those words out because I already had made one editor quit when editing my special based on my notes, and it was gonna say, man, I want to know about that process too, But let's stand that. So, yeah, it just for me was making me like it was a marginal It helped me wake up. It was a marginal benefit to my to do list, not really because I started I had the horrible problem that I started being able to justify whatever I was doing as something that it would help me focus on. Like for a minute I was able to actually be like, oh, I'm using adderall on my to do list. And then once I got to the place where I was like, Okay, the Adderall's helping me focus on finishing masturbating quicker, I'm like, I've I've hacked the adderall and now I'm making it help me focus on whatever I'm doing, even if it's my old bad habits. And so I like outsmarted the pill, which was the problem, and it made me very irritable. I think this is the It was like, I love it. The movie Limit List was at the end He's like, I'm I'm jerking off faster. I never saw it. Actually, it's pretty good. Him jerking off pass for two and a half hour has worn we So I do want to get back to this of um I because I'm on subreddits about a d h D and uh once I got diagnosed about different medications and everything and how some people respond to them. That is a common you know, complaint of people on these stimulants is that yes, it helps some focus on stuff, Yes it helps them get there to do list one, but then they find that they start focusing on things that things that they shouldn't be focusing on, like the stuff that because a d h D. What they what I just realized from reading this book that I am reading, you know, read a third of called the neuro Divergent Brain or whatever I think it's called. Um it, I didn't even read. I didn't read the freedom full title. Got a third of the way through that. The first word of the second third was if you don't make it to this sentence, you are neuro divergent and can't focus your brain on anything properly. It's called I'm sorry, divergent divergent minds the woman the book, so I was close, but it says that I think it was in this book. It says, you know, a d D is not People think it's about not being read the whole book, and I don't know the title, and I'm not sure the purpose. But let me tell you what I think might be in the book. Every person that this book about a d D is definitely someone who is not finished. Don't even have the it's right here, it's right here. You've just been reading the Coming alive. I've just been I mean, honestly, you can see my percentages on these books. Let me just walk you through this, Hold Me Tight a book Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love twelve percent. The artists Deduction Coming Alive, uh and the only ones that I've it as her Columbine books as you know. So um. But it says that like a d D is not it's not a disorder of you can't focus. Because the thing is people with a D B that's where we think. We think anyone who's like, oh, a squirrel, like, that's that's you don't. You're not able to focus. You have your you can't. You don't have attention to put anywhere. The problem is you have a lot of attention, and you focus on the wrong things, intensely on the wrong things. So I always thought of a D is like you can't hold my focus on anything. But a d D is not that. It's like we are able to focus very much so on stupid ship. And that's why for me, a d D makes me really super depressed, borderline suicidal, because I will focus intently and obsessively on the you know fact that you know, my life isn't the way I wanted to be. I don't have these things that other people have. I like, I will, I will obsess over that stuff. And that's my roote of my depression was my A D D, which I had no idea about. Do you ever, So how do you manage your A D D? Now? Ben? Yeah? So, I mean that's that's exactly why I didn't know I had it. By the way, from my whole life was I thought exactly the same thing that it was like squirrel and a million things that distract you, and it's not. I have incredible focus, Like I can be up all night editing a flyer even though that's the least important thing in the world for me to be doing. And I've got like eight other projects that will advance my life. But I'm like stuck in Photoshop world for a fly I'll probably never post and it will be eight years from now and I'll be like, why did I waste the most key time ever? And so that's what Somehow they said that adder I was able to do it beyond just keeping you focusing on one task and somehow like helped you realize like what you should be focusing on and like helps you remember like, oh this is important. And it worked for like a few months and then suddenly I just I outsmarted in the way where I was like justifying like the breaks I needed. So then I told my my brain with a pill like even if I was like again, if I was like looking at porn, I was like, oh, it's been such a stressful day. I need this mental break. I need this relaxation. And so this half hour to maybe an hour break looking at porn is very important for the rest of my day, so I can reset and relax. And my brain was like, great, Adderall is working for you, and and I was able to It's funny when you're watching the porn on Adderall and you're just focusing on like a paper clip on the table or instead of being the pussy. So I can't focus on the pussy. I'm I'm busy looking at this fucking I think I was being untied. We are still on as I'm looking at the porn too. I'm sitting there and focused on that, and I feel like it's good. Then the nurses like, can I get up now? Or are you gonna re up? I'm really happy that you that you just admitted that sometimes you spend an hour looking at porn, because I also have a problem where I it's I don't even think it's a d D for me, it's I, I really, if I'm going in, I gotta find the perfect video. I want to come to the perfect thing. I don't want to waste it on whatever there is just there, because there's a lot of stuff that could get me off. And there are times where I'll be watching something and I'm like, I'm close and this could do it, but it's this guy doesn't deserve it, this girl does this performance, this this grainy footage, whatever it is, this security camera in a massage parlor doesn't deserve it. There's gotta be better out there. Yeah, I get my own part of your Yes, I get my own to do list within porn, Like when may be the greatest advancement in porn is that every site now has where you can just put your finger on the thumbnail and it gives you a preview and I can tell if it's gonna be hot to my standards or not. And so I'll get a tab and I'm like, I have to come back and watch that one, but this one looks also good. This one might get close, but all the way. So I'll open the next tab, and I'm like, I have to go back to tabs to finish. I really want to see this verson and that one, and I think I'll probably finish back on that third tab and maybe I'll not not get back to it and hopefully remember the next day to go back. Before it's over, your vibrator stops working and then the whole operation. Vibrator always stopped working right before the end. That's I always, I always, I always toggle to is it the word toggle? Is that the word? Yeah? I toggled to reveal of the penis a little bit of a blow and then right to fucking usually on top and the backside, and that's what I toggle, and then I'm done. Three toggles. That's interesting. Well, usually they show you on porn like where you know, they have a little um I don't even know how to describe it, like it shows you the most popular part of the videos. You're looking at the end level my god, oh my god, you're making your coming far too complicated. Jesus, I thought I was bad. You're like when a bar graph reaches the top and most people have talking about just passed. I can come a little harder than the rest of the population. Oh, I'm a big edger. I do look at that. Well. I always go right to the grossest part of the video, like I'll just go I don't want any tease. I'm just like, let's see what the fuck? What's I go right to you like this porn is big in Norway? Oh my god, An, you know what I'm really disturbed by is that every every porn Yeah, analytics and I will say that Ben Gley makes an analysis joke in his special Ben we have a history of Andrew wanted me to name my special anal Eyes because I talked about anal and it's like also analyzing things. But I but I also was like, but there's why the eyes partner. He's like, because you see the like if the special were about me, like talking about my like my eyes and also anal like, I could see why it would be called analize. But I'm like, it's not enough to just be so anyway, Um, we have a whole running bit about that. But I was so delighted when you also had to take on the word analysis. Can you tell us what it is? Sure? I can, but first I have to finish like picturing what you just painted for me as what Andrew's pitch for your special was getting sucked from behind, but in the front you're like an explorer looking out of the world. Yeah, that's good that there's of interpretation. That's the beauty of it. Dude. Thank you, you are such a good salesman. I forgot that you used to work in bullshit because you did not take at the beauty so many different ways to interpret it. It's it's up to the viewer. I mean, good clean filth. It was great, don't get me wrong, but yeah, I mean it never ends. Well, thank god you didn't use that title because it would have stepped on my joke maybe too closely. But what my joke is is that, look, it's important to be in therapy. Therapy has been great for me. But you know, don't overdo analyzing your life. Analysis is important, sure, but if it was that important, it wouldn't be made up of the words anal and isis. And keep that in mind. Analysis also sounds like you're fucking your sister in the ass a little bit, you know what I mean? Can I pull up the analytics? All right? We will be right back after this break more with Ben Leeb. Alright, we're back Ben Gleeb is with us here today. Um did we even? We just blew past the news? Ben as a new special on YouTube that you've got to check out. You will freaking love it. I promise you I would not be promoting it so much if I didn't believe it. It is called The Mad King. Make sure you watch it, give it a view, post about it on your Instagram stories or wherever you tell people to watch things. Um and uh, and you're gonna love it. I just was so even the start of the special. How did you open the special? Again? It was really delight Oh you go you when you you were asking the crowd, how are you? Guys? What did you say? Look out? And I'm like, I'm like, how are you? How are you doing? Can I get you anything? Are you warm? Comedians are allowed, are allowed tell jokes anymore? So it's gonna be all questions for the hour? Can make you more comfortable? Yes, it was a great comment on like, you know, comedians always all we talked about is like we're under persecution, we can't talk about anything. But it was a great comment on that without going too heavy handed, which is what I really just can't say enough. I thought so much of your special was just because you you have a tendency. You can get very political, you can get very you're passionate about certain things. I mean, you ran for president. You you were passionate, and you wanted to argue with me about One night, Ben and I at a practice debate about whether or not there wait, what are you practicing for? We we want to have a debate about free well there is fretty well past like our nine minute pre debate. Oh yeah. So we recorded it and it was really good and then I was like, I've got to go to bed. We're in the lobby of my hotel and I was like, at the yeah, exactly. First he was having the first step of wet coffee, wetmouth coffee. I gotta buy an inflatable a gator in the morning. And I swear to God, that is you are one of the best people going out there. Like I always tell Ben this whenever we like end our hangs, because usually it's like very late at night or there's it's just you know, Ben will keep you until you've tried to go home hours before. But Ben will somehow keep you there. You didn't even want to go out, You tried to you, try to get out of it a million different ways, and Ben will stay on you. And Ben is a good I've always given shipped to people who make their friends feel bad about bailing. Ben is not like that. He will let you bail, but he will hear your bail. He'll hear your reasoning for bailing. He will understand it, but he will talk you out of that bail, and he will give you every reason why you can go. And if it's not fun, you can. You're very good at getting people out and getting Ben Bailey boom. Let me tell you a cash cab if you don't like my pitch to stay for the rest of the man um Thank you. I just like options to people. I have to give them. Of course, if you want to leave, go, But but you might change your mind if you knew what you get from. Where do you get just from this? Like? You are so like even you are so good, and I am very aware when people are trying to get like us, I'm very like, I'm not doing it and I know what I'm not doing, and you will get me out of that. How have you read books about like the psychology of persuasion, how to win friends and influence people. I mean, you have a lot of that going for you, but I don't feel like it's put on. It just seems to be a part of who you are. Yeah. No, I haven't read any of that stuff. I think it's just because I love human connection and I love hanging with my friends, and we all are so busy, makes a little time for it when we do it. I want to make the most of the night. It's like, we're probably gonna go back to our hotel room and like be on TikTok are ourselves anyway for another three hours. So I'll just like remind you that you could do that instead of you can do that anytime, but this is a rare chance we're hanging even live in the same city. I just like, I just want to make the most with my friends. I want to and I failed to getting either that that spa after karaoke twenty first, but I came close, and I think you'll give me next time recording a podcast. You even got me to go to the karaoke, which is something I wanted to bail on, Like you got. You got a lot more out of me that night than I would have ever given anyone else. I mean, there's constantly things like that with you, and I do never regret them. And that is a good point you have. You have free will to leave. No, I didn't. I didn't. I didn't get funny that, like the argument has now become about free will, like right, well, wait till you here are debate on free willy and whether or not that was a good movie because although it did, you know, give us a good argument for supporting the whales, it did actually probably hurt some whales in the process of making that movie. So but and I will release those stakes at some point as well. Comps over the young boy at the end. I don't know, if you notice, you look closely, he does tug on the whales dick really quickly as he flies over him. Cruelty or not, I'm out whales dicks just hang that. How do you think? How do you think over the water accident? No, I know, whales have dicks. I remember I saw a sperm whales dick and like marine biology and it was like biology, when what is that? Huh, it's a class in Florida. It's all biology. Florida is marine biology. But yeah, miss mac who would smoke cigarettes during the break. In two minutes, he'd take down a non filter. It's pretty impressive, like a hundred and forty years old. She's probably dead, but yeah, I just remember your dicks meaning so fucking like whales. Dicks are unbelievable if you gotta look into it, understand that. Like saying that, I agree and on that, I'm gonna be in bent, Secretary of Treasure. I'd like to go now to the Secretary of the Treasury, Flappy Gums to tell you about whale cop so scared when you did that? Isn't he used to that by now? He just Andrew just flicked off his cats. I don't even see him for the last ten minutes, so it's all purely imagination for me. He's got a he's got a huge cock. Penis You cocked cat walking around cock penis man, you pis, got you cock on it? Andrew my cat? He does it's in there. I did. It's not a hanger. I'll tell you park screws or something. No, it's sucks. You thought. Duck said seven vaginas too, So what's going on? Nine dicks biology? It's all beautiful. Wow, ducks have nine nine vaginas, talk about a sock and pocket. Holy sh it, No, no, no, ducks. Ducks have secret pathways to their to the pussy hole that actually gets impregnated. Then they have fake outs, they have little pump fake vaginas where so when they get you know, raped, unfortunately the you know, the people that they don't want, they use the fake vagina for that. Yes, yes, I am on the floor right now. I'm sorry. Wow, I'm fine with human rape, but duck rapes draw the line and you're getting solemn person having a oh man where he was like a little bit scared of getting canceled. You know, ducks get raped and we gotta stop it. You can we have a moment of silence, one for each vagina. Make sure you say thanks, Donald. That was so funny, Andrew, you being like really supportive of duck duck. Don't I am crying, dude, you can't see me what I'm laughing hard? Oh god, I'm glad something else on your head is wet. Yeah, I don't know if it's tears or just spin from my own mode. Dude. That was so funny. Oh my god. So yeah, we tell us now that we've honored the rape, duck rape. I mean I think I got the point out. Beautiful, very important, My god. Okay, well, let's get to our Wednesday's segment. I feel like there's no better time we have a Today is a wild card Wednesday, so we'd pick a random segment. Today's segment, Noah is blankest thing I've ever done, and the testing and the topic will be the smartest thing I've ever done, the smartest thing I've ever done, the smartest thing of everyone who wants to go first? Noah, do you want to kick us off? Okay, I'll kick us off. The smartest thing I've ever done. I'm going to choose reading the book, getting to I do Yes, front to back, side to side, at arizing it and that well Ben, Ben might not know about this book, but talking about your special to didn't you? I did? Yes? Why do you? Why is that your answer to h? Because, um, it just taught me how to feel better about being in a relationship, how to get what I need out of it, and how to communicate better and not have such like a tumultuous relationship with my partner. Yes, and just being in a relationship. You explain in your special you also need to lie and misrepresent yourself and trap somebody. Basically, basically, once you get a guy, make sure he loses all of his free will to do any of that. I know you want to leave, but you don't have a choice. You're with me for life. I read the book chapter nine, not being able to leave for comedy. I may have misrepresented some of the themes in the book, but not even this represented exaggerated some of the things I didn't do a uh, you know, false premise, But um no, will you just dispel kind of what Ben is saying and just say what the book? Because you always have a really good response when people are like it's because sometimes I go, well, I guess, I don't know, as I get mad about the book, because I'm like, okay, so I'll just never drive again, I guess. So I'll always just take forty five minutes to get somewhere fat like slower because I have to let my boyfriend drive because he's a man and I gotta let him do it. And I get so mad, like I have to be a fucking handmaid. So will you talk to that? So it's it sounds like like a very like anti feminist book, But it's actually the contrary once you get past the first chapter, and basically it just taught me that you can't have the same like forces in a relationship. You have to have the you're either the giver or the receiver, and it's always got to like maintain the harmonious balance. So that was a big one. The the I think the thing that really helped me was um, the three points that she makes about knowing what you want out of relationship and letting your partner know as well. So, you want exclusivity, we're only dating each other if their sex involved. You want continuity. This is something that we're gonna work on, and like, we're gonna it's continuity. We're gonna see each other every week, and you know it's going to be something that is consistent and um, longevity. We're both in it for the long run. I was waiting for the third and I was like, so, I think like that, like just just knowing and memorizing those three paragraphs about the three John Mayer albums how helped me get in a relationship with my now fiance, and UM, it just kind of set us up for success. You don't think that you would be with right now had nothing for that book. Hell no, oh my god, no way he would have left me a long would you be? Why? Because the things that I would normally go crazy over in our relationship help. It just helped me not get to that point of like anger and instead get ahead of it, communicate my needs and just be like receptive of him making the effort after I gave him instruction for what my needs are and not left him guessing, which is what I used to do because I used to test guys all the time, like you should know what I want if you care about me, which is when did get that idea? When did that? How did that can come into the system without me? Because we feel like we know what you want and we try to meet those needs, So why don't But then why don't you tell us what we what you want? Like? That's the thing that bothers me, is that we'd like you to address a certain way that I like a TV dinner. Yeah, I love the name of that, you know. I guess My point is that if you don't know what we want, then why don't you fucking ask? Yeah? Brenda, Brenda would do this thing. She folded the clothes and then was waiting on me to to put him away, and I just never did it because I didn't know it was a test, but I guess. But then she's like, I'm not testing you, but I'm like, I feels like a test, you know, like somebody's tests. You don't even know you're being tested. And then when you say it's a test, they say it's not a test. Well, what's doing here? Because I always do the laundry I folded and then I put it away. And she's like, I wonder if I didn't do this one thing, if it will ever gets done. And the answer is it wouldn't. And yeah, on the pattern, I'm not gonna suddenly I'm not a detective coming home like Sherlock Holmes in my own house. Wait a minute, what's different than the usual pattern? Oh, the laundry basket to the left of where normally is. It's not fair, it's not fair to you guys. But I do feel like there's sometimes where I'm just like, why don't why don't they ask more of what we need? Like why do we always have to tell them what we need? Like aren't they curious about how to please us? And like how to make us happier, like what could I do to make you feel more loved by me? But men don't think about things like that, like I've been I'm not kidding. You have sent Chris, my boyfriend, the love language is quiz two times now and he said I will get to it, and I'm like, it's fun to take. All you have to do is just you press on a bunch of buttons. It takes like two minutes to take. I just want to know your love language. I want to I want you to know mine will exchange them once you do it. And he always is like, you know it's not not always two times now? I Do I send it a third time? Or do I just like take it as like this isn't gonna happen, Like what what's my next approach? Oh? I think your moved. There is just to maybe find the time even when you're hanging and be like it's important to me. You have to express express how it important is do you and say it's important to me that you take this? Do you mind taking it right now? Let's just take five minutes and text take to them twice and saying babe, could you please take this? It's important You're easy to like not prioritize right, then you can know you're right. You're right. You may not use the words important, you're right. You gave my way actually made it to see, I made it seem a little less like important to me because I didn't want him to feel like this was some sort of test, even though it literally is a test, Like I didn't want him. I think it was like, this is fun, just um, but so important to me. Have you googled watched the love language of someone that doesn't fill out a love language? I'm sure I know my love language is taking quizzes about our relationship or yeah, I mean I have I my mom took it. It was so hilarious. I made my mom take it, and hers was I took it. Mine's like thirty five touch, which is like the leading like my number that's by the way, five o'clock. My mom's was zero percent touch. She wants no touch, And I was like, oh my god, how do you want no touch? But I do think that it is when you take this quiz. It's really fun to take, by the way, and I'm not just try deck got everyone right now. It's really fun, like it's really easy it takes less than five minutes, and you learned a lot about yourself and you have fun along the way. You think you've gotten this far into the podcast. Yeah right, I can say so much. Um, you just did. You just did. Let's go into final thought because we got to get through the rest of these smart things. Um, Andrew, what's the smartest thing you've ever done? Um? Probably stopped doing real estate because I wasn't good at it. I just and follow a passion instead of money. I guess I know that sounds cheesy, but yeah, stop trying to chase money as opposed to chase something that I actually like, enjoyed. And that's probably the smartest thing I ever did. Um, I just did groast i ate actual ants one time off a log like you know, ants on a log with the peanut butter and the raisins. It's a very smart thing I've done. And why did you do that? Show the ants? Who the Mad King Is? It all comes back? Andrew is a King of Romo. The Mad King now streaming on YouTube. Check it out. Ben Gleib's hour long special brand new, very topical of the times. You'll love it. Ben, what's the smartest thing you ever did. Wow, Man, it's hard. I'm usually thinking of the dumb. I'd have got a big list of dumb things I've done, right, But the smartest thing I've ever done, I don't know, it's it doesn't have to be the smartest thing, but let's just go with a smart thing, because I know my brain goes like if I can't think of the one thing, then why I can't, Like, there's not a gun, deerd, You're not gonna like be tested at some point on this. God, I mean, the the smartest thing I've ever done is just killing it at this answer? You know what I mean? I feel like I'm really one. Well, there's another way to answer this question, is like, what is something that from your life that if you had a child, you would want them to make a similar decision for theirs. Just I think just realizing that that, like confidence, blood is ninety eight point six degrees fair enough, I can solve anybody's problem with cold, and you can all of a sudden enjoy cold temperatures in a much different level of study with the ice man. The point is, um no, I think probably it's just realizing that, like confidence is fake, so you can create it whenever you want, and you don't need to be intimidated in social situation. That's more of like advice than it is a decision. If it had to be a decision, it would be just wait, tell me, tell me about that, because that seems like they're you're you're onto something that I think a lot of people will be like, wait, do you what do you mean by that? Because so many people suffer with social anxiety, feeling less than even myself, like insecurities. What do you mean by that? Like it? You know, being confident is what do you describe? How do you do that? How? How do you hack that? So? I mean I learned this because I grew up with a very severe speech problem, and it wasn't for me. Ever, I don't think physical grew up still a child, but I speak better now. I speak to get it back at you. I mean, in the whole wet matt flabby mouth to another hard I was just running with your a leader joke. I think your mouth is wonderful, Andrew, one of the prettiest moves I've ever seen of any man. Now, this is that confidence you're talking about? That right, that's that's right, that's right. Exactly what was your speech impediment? I had a severe stutter and a disfluency. So I don't not only stutter, but I couldn't make sounds come out of my vocal cords. A lot of my life. I couldn't even say hi to a friend passing me in the hallway. My vocal cords would shut down. I couldn't talk good. Where's that Ben when you need? I don't. I think with that speech you didn't have any friends. Let's not let's be on it. Someone's podcast and they're like, where's the bend that talks lest That's not ideal? No, No, I did. That's crazy. I mean that is, honestly so the opposite of you. And it explains it. I mean oftentimes people that are so one way they come from the opposite so and it makes it makes sense. Like I used to have crippling stage right, and people like how could you? So? How how did that? How did that? When did that come to a head? And what did you do to you? Know? Well, your legs were weak from being anorexic. What crippling? Should we do? Another word about ducks? Let's just quickly so Doug word, I love that you want to explain that joke sevenths. Andrew's favorite motivational book is The Seven Pussies of Highly Effective Ducks, and it's a very good book that talked about the seven duck languages. Each pussy stands for a different duck language. Hey, not bad for a guy that I don't have a mouth until fifteen. Wait then, wait, how did you overcome this? I'm so I can't believe that. Yeah, so I couldn't talk a lot of my life and I realized I was seeing it wrong. And it leads to dealy to why confidence is something that you can always fake. Is that I always felt like you have intense pressure when you're called on to speak, when it's your turn to be perfect. You have to present perfectly and and you can't have any errors in the way you speak. And in fact, the opposite is truth that people have very low expectations. You don't realize that, Like people are barely listening to you when you speak. If they're listening at all, they want to get maybe like a kernel of a message. They don't care how you're saying anything. They're not expecting. Martin Luther King Junior up there doing some soaring oratory. They want to maybe get some nugget for themselves. They're barely paying attention, and so that reduces so much of the tension I always felt when I was called on to speak or had to speak publicly. And then I also would just take a breath and realize, like, it doesn't matter what you're like, it only matters what you're saying, not how. And then you take a step further back and realize, like, if you think what you're saying is so important, it's so insane. There's like eight billion humans and like trillions and quadrillions of creatures and beings on this planet, and you think that what you're saying, and that's in a vast unnoble universe floating on a marble through outer space. You think that not only what you say are saying that one individual organism, but how you're saying it, the pauses you're taking means shipped to anybody. It's so vastly insignificant that it just smelt. Did you get mushrooms at such a young age? How t Yeah, I was on and off through college, so it's better starting at eighteen, but then it was through Did you have like a psychedelic breakthrough because this seems like, you know, getting into like you don't matter, your a speck of dust the world is like and you know that sounds like stuff that you achieved through some sort of uh you know, ego death. What what was there a moment for you that it all broke or was it because it sounds like epiphany type thing? Yeah, maybe, I mean I think probably we'd helped a lot, and probably a little bit of mushrooms, but mushroom would have been later in life, so the mushrooms it was, it was just weed maybe to some degree helped me see things differently and my brain kind of goes on crazy tangents. But I just realized like there was something weird because like certain times of the year I could speak great through childhood, and then certain times I couldn't. And so I knew it was like also like society based and like social environment based, and like I knew that at times when I felt confident, I could speak better at times when I was was it about you? Because there was something about like you could do it at some point, so there was you realized it wasn't in you the problem, It was something around you that was happening because I was seeing the world was wrong, because I knew there was times when I was fine and about social construct that that was affecting it and it wasn't within me. And so that's part of like how I was scary because I couldn't speak well. Like in my bar Mitzvah, I like I could sing the tour portion where I could always sing well because your vocal cords open and relaxed, but but for my speech, I was really really nervous about it. And then at my video at the party, I'm like stammering, I'm like I'm here. It was like really intense and weird and and like I would just go up and down with that kind of stuff, and I just I mean, it even came back once, like it officially kind of went away at the end of my college experience and then I started, you know, professionally pursuing entertainment and being a performer and comedian, and then it came back once. It only came back really once professionally live during an episode of Chelsea Lately on the Round Table. My speech problem came back hard and I couldn't talk suddenly, and I kept trying to make a point and I could not speak. It was And to set this up properly, you have to remember that that show was pre cancel culture and it was the most inappropriate show on Earth, and you were allowed to like roast everybody for every inappropriate racial joke or anything. To set this up, And so I'm on the round table and it's Chelsea Handler there and then Bobby slur for Asians correct, right, Yeah, my brain really wanted to market the Asian community and I couldn't do it. They had all been used at that point. So you're trying to go up with a new one. Wait, so who's on the panel? Set this team's back? I'm on the panel and his videos back right then too, I'm on the panel, sitting in between Joe Coy and Bobby Lee and already like pretty you know, intense and like or Asian performers, two of the top Asians, and and I'm there on the round table. I'm trying to make some joke and I cannot and I'm hitting a block and I'm like and then and then just like looking at immediately Chelsea, like talker ever is like, oh my god, what's happening? Not a broadcast, right, now, what's happening? Joe Coy I've known Forever's like, you're trying out speech problems coming back? Oh no, And he's like, like it's okay, and they're like all like hamd almost as kind of better that they called out. Maybe what was happening? I don't know, kind of yeah, but like and then Chelsea's like, holy sh it, should we get you a water? Like what's happening on the air? And I several times I couldn't come back, but I call it my rope a dope episode because I came back so hardcore and destroyed them seconds later. Then eventually I was able to get my breath and open the block up and came back strong, and I had two lines that I came back with. I then said, after they're making fun of my each problem and all kind of closing on me, I said, that's okay. At least it's not as bad as these two guys were very excited to be here on Charisa right ray God, and it crushes the room. And then I happened to bring in my pockets for because I knew how to be on with them. I pull out to Fortune Cookies and I go, hey, in case you guys are hungry, and I throw the fortune on the table and it destroys the room and they take them out of like you son of a bitch, I'm hungry. They both eat the forkie and it was the best ending, but it was very frightening for a minute there. My god, how terrifying to have that happen on air. And I think, I really I feel like, as you're talking, I relate to this so much, and I also like I want to even say back to you, like how do you I feel as a performer, and uh, when I'm putting together a stand up set or when I'm on when I'm on a podcast, or like I should be funnier. I need to choose every word, should be great, because I do feel like that that pressure is on me, like that people are expecting that like I go and I I sometimes come across comments where people say like, she's not good, she's not that funny, she just you know she They call me off for the things I know that about myself, and then they'll say this person is like, you know the difference between someone who has a great vocabulary who is able to express themselves so well, and then someone who isn't And I feel like sometimes I do fall like could I be could I be aided in my kind of paralysis sometimes on certain shows where I'm so intimidated? Could I be helped out by that? What? What mindsets could I get into of? Like what I say is not important, just think what I'm just like, how do you relax in those moments? Because I I have that happened to me, Like when I did Conan's podcast, Like I do not like my performance on podcast because I was so intimidated by Conan, so nervous, so just like having listened to so many people on their be like Milani's and you know, uh Mulaney really just like the hater, you know, like these great comics who have like every fucking line is funny. Everything word they choose is there's no arms. They're just like so articulate and so funny. I felt like almost my level of being funny and relaxed was diminished by because I was so in my head of not about not being those those guys. What should I do next time? Well, I mean what I can tell you to that is this as a comedian, Uh, what I said earlier really doesn't apply you've got to be pretty perfect, and so yes, you do, you do, I would say that to be funny, you kind of do. Definitely, it's a much higher bar. It's a much higher but you can definitely also remind yourself in the moment. Like I used to get so insanely nervous, like it was it was kind of stage fright mixed with my speech problem, where I would just feel this enormous weight and just remind yourself in that moment. And I've come to a place that speech problem come back a little bit there, but just kind of get through because you don't care. Is that is that I've come to a place where my heart rate doesn't even raise one beat a minute. If I'm going to go on stage in front of an arena, you know, opening for some of the grades I've been able to open for, or on TV live to millions of people whatever, on the Today Show or something, and my heart rate doesn't even raise a beat because you just have to remind yourself. It doesn't matter in the grand scheme. Like you know, you're funny. You've gotten to the place where you're one of the funniest, the most sought after guests. You know, you moments, Ben, I don't know that, and I think I'm a fraud, and I have all these feelings of like what am I doing here? And it really like cripples me, Like I almost don't want to do these shows anymore where I have such reverence for the show I'm doing because I feel I have such bad showings on them, because I just I'm almost like gonna cry right now, because I just I feel paralyzed. I feel like I'm like someone off the street that just got pulled in and had a mic put in front of them as opposed to someone with like twenty something years experience, Like it's really it just feels like, uh, I don't I don't like I'm in articulate right now even talking about it, Like I really can't get past that. And and to the point where, like I've said to myself, I'm not accepting any more of these things where I have such a high bar set for myself because I won't live up to it and I will. The whole time I was on podcast, I could not relax. All I was thinking of was say something funny, be funnier. Oh my god, riff on that think of what they're saying like I was not present at all and I don't know how to overcome it. Well that I'll thought about taking ethnicity and whatever the ethnicity is, put stuff in your pockets. So like, for for coning, you can do shepherd potatoes, yea. Next for a Jewish guy throwing a couple of mots of balls, you know, a black guy. But yeah, we can talk off air about this, but I really no I can help you with that. Yeah, I really do like sledge while Andrew keeps sending racial slurs through the back around. I learned it from you, Ben. I pre was ten years ago on the show where you were allowed to say like that. I prefaced it, so he'll be taken out of context in a clipse and it will be used against you in the future and he will not be able to run for prowns of that. But I don't want anyway. That is my campaign to keep you alive, is that I appreciate that, Ben, change no context. So I mean, look, you have to realize it's just counterproductive to have those thoughts, So you just have to shut off that line of thinking. That's what to what I meant about when I said confidence is faked confidence. Is you have to remind yourself that the whole reason confidence exists is confidence. You can never You don't need confidence for something that you know for sure is going to go well, right. You don't need confidence to flip a light switch on because you know for a fact the light it's gonna come out when you flip it. So confidence only exists on things that you don't know for sure. In the whole presupposition of it is that I'm going to kill it at this thing, even though you don't know for sure, you just believe that you will. Because it's more so, look at things like a light switch, look at them like walking down the hallway, like things that I know are already foregone conclusions that is going to be successful. Don't don't just already know that it's going to be great and therefore it will be right. You're there for a reason, and like, remind yourself. All these performers have had such insecurities. Look at Conan's first two three seasons doing his late night talk show where he is like even now in the top of the game, and Bill Maher, I'm sure have the same things, and you go on these shows, it's like these are we are all people that came from this like very insecure background that brought the place where we can share what we do with the world. And so it's just you have to stop your brain from thinking that, and you have to fake it till you make just pretend that you're going to kill it, because that's what it's not gonna That's what everybody That's what everybody does. I like, that's the takeaway. The smartest thing ever did was asked Ben to articulate how he overcame that and how to help me, because I honestly, if I just think of things like the light switch was a great little trick you just gave me of like I don't go into a bathroom going like I really hope this goes well, like searching the wall being like I don't want to funk this up. Everything's writing on this Like you don't do that in so many situations. Treat the things that you get that you do feel that way about like a light switch. Just light switch it. And you're in your career where it is true for you. I mean, you've been invited back on Conan's podcast. You've already been there every show. You're gone, You're going on more and more shows, So you have to now look from now on, look at your talent and even things on talk shows or improvise things as a light switch. You already are there. You don't have to worry about it anymore. You're already at that level. So just the light bulbs. Yeah, what if it's one of those weird switches that has like the like the dots on the side and it goes like up and down and you don't know like if you hold it or if you're supposed to press it once right now? Actually, all right, well, I'm I'm guest saying kind of ruins the whole things. I am guest toasting Jimmy Kimmel Alive on and so I'm going to use this even though I'm not nervous about it. I feel like there's going to be something at some point that day when I'm doing that show of being like how did I get here? I'm going to funk this up in some way. Um, So I'm gonna use the light switch analogy on that day and watch me guest host Jimmy kim Alive. Set your DVRs Gelatre August Gelatto. I think you said you can put your dvrsto and go warp speed straight through the universe hosting Jammy Jambo Good. Ben Glee will be with us tomorrow on the show. Join us then. Thank you so much for being your Ben. You're hilarious. This was so much fun. Uh is YouTube special is the Mad King. It's on YouTube right now. Check it out. Follow him on all socials. Ben gleeb g l e I Beef. Thank you so much. Ben, We'll see you tomorrow. Don't be cut and Je stupid mouth, dumb kid. Jesus

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