A lot of good questions and good answers are had between Nikki and her guests Chris Convy and Anya Marina. Communication between men, how Hillary Duff was an ally to the gay community and staying away from toxic positivity are on top of mind. Anya brings her dad's energy to a discussion about being better around people you care about and how to handle Nikki's rollercoaster of emotions. They play Never Have I Ever... a game that one of them has already played once today.
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The Nicky Glazer podcast. Nicky Gazer, here's Nikki. Okay taking my invisile line? Is that how you start every No, it's not. That was the first. I don't know why I did that. When you're here, Hi, guys, here I am. It's Nicki Glazer podcast. I'm Nicki Glazer. It is Wednesday. Andrew Colin is not in studio, but um, because I am on trying to do as much of a vocal rest as I can. This is the one hour day that I really let myself talk. Um. I am bringing in guests to help support that and just to have some freaking fun. And Andrew's not here today, so filling in for him in studio is from The Courtney Show, which you can listen to anywhere you get podcasts. You can also listen to it on one of six point five the Art if you live in St. Louis. He is a co host of that show. He's also the co creator and co EP of the show Not Safe with Nicky Glazer. And he's also my lover and the co creator of this relationship. Yeah, you have EP credit on this re as well. It's Chris Convey everyone. Hey, guys, Hey, it's Chris Convey he's here and UM joining us from Arizona is of course noah hi, Noah hi. And then joining us from New York City where she is currently hold up, which is in a rap that UM we have determined if you're just now hearing that word for the first time, which I know Chris Convy is because he kind of went home. UM a new thing. UM. In addition to UM, we have also coined um the word rape, which is a fancy French way of saying ear rape, which is like a thing that someone says that you just go like oh, and it's just like like you didn't ask for it, you didn't want it. Actually now it's just penetrated your ears and it's like in you and you, UM, so is it. You have to keep the baby it gave you because you live in America now and even though it was not, it was forced on you. You You have to keep that sucking thought in your head. What was the original Rabbi? The original Taylor me was nomnom I saw. I just kept hearing my adult friends saying nom nom noam, and I was like, I do not Instagram. It was like ten years ago. I remember first seeing them or maybe I hate when adults infantilize them. So so I remember my favorite one. That is it. I was today years old when I learned this. I kind of like that one. I mean, I know, it's like when I first heard it, I was like, that's good, but you're right, it's like now it's over you. But that I kind of the first time I saw it, I was like, that's clever. Much like last night we were watching f Boy Island and I was telling Chris about He was asking me about the Mega dates on f Boy Island, which are these twenty four hour dates that the girls had at the very end with the two guys that are in their final two. If you haven't watched Half Boy Island, um, at the very end, each girl has two guys um in their final two. They have to decide between which one and they go on mega dates, which is a just a dumb thing that we called it. And there twenty four hour dates and there and and my friend Halla on our group chat asked, she was like, are these dates back to back? Like is there any rest in between? Or are these girls? What did she say in the chat on you know, it was so funny. She was like, do they have time to like dump out or something like. It wasn't about like it was. It was like there was some funny way that she said. Anyway, it is true those dates are stacked. There isn't a break in between. It's like, you know, maybe they like have a couple hours or something, but it's like the next day they wake up in bed or wherever they did with the guy, and then they get dressed and they go out with the other Then then they go to the house and meet the other guy. So we're talking about it yesterday, and I told Chris that last season, which he has not seen and I didn't even watch, I don't think the phenale of last season, but I remembered distinctly new Jared telling case who Casey was the second date of c J's and he asked, Casey, you know how my dick taste last night? And that was the first time I had ever heard someone say that. And I remember being like, that's pretty clever and disgusting, but clever for a guy like that isn't really that funny on the show. I mean, he was, it was charming whatever, but he wasn't Like I thought it was a good line and Chris last night told me because I was like, Chris, this disgusting thing happened. This guy said this thing is kind of funny, and he was like, oh, that's that's a line. You know guys. I mean I've I've probably heard that since I was And that's the difference between men and women. Like there's it's let's locker room talk without making it a trumpy thing. That's like a thing that exists in male circles that you guys are not it's not bleeding out in front of women. Yeah, because why would you ever hear that. There's certain things that you just now that I've I have like male friends who are not trying to like fuck me, and it's just like comfortable and there there's just a there's they talk around me like there's no incentive to to hold anything back around me. You get these little slices of male life that you're like, I did not know men talked like this. Yeah, there's another there's a little bit of Yeah, it's yeah, lack of room is hate that is connotated with Trump. Now, Yeah, it is kind of and it's just also like, um, it's also like misogynistic and there's some other things. There's there's some pretty, there's some there's some gross stuff about it, but there is another world of like what you know, how guys are actually just talking around each other when it's just guys and like I went to an all guys school, and there is sort of another level of it isn't like weird and gross like like locker room talk, but it's just like when guys are hanging out all day every day together like that you guys talk about your feelings about really share about what you're going through on you do you are there any like guy things that you've discovered recently that you didn't know before that you would be like, how did I you know? In all my years? How did I not know that guys did this sort of thing regularly? I just could believe when I first went on tour with a bunch of guys in a van, I couldn't believe how much they've fucking talked. I was like, these guys talk forever about nothing. It was nothing like how do you talk for seven hours without ever saying one interesting thing about you're talking about? It? Is it about? Like because they're talking about Star Wars or sports? Yeah, Like it was wild to me, and I was envious because I hate small talk and I don't know how to do it, and I always cut right to the chase, too deep to the chase with strangers, and I would love to know how to make small talk. So I was kind of studying them. But by the end of the tour, I was still just as lost as I was in the beginning. I was just shocked that, like, never in seven hours would anyone ever get around to like relationship talk or I'm bummed about this or that. It was just like, oh, yeah, bro, have you seen this? Just like just that for seven hours? Is it any space for for the idea that the guys communicate those things in different ways at all? Like, No, there's space for the fact that men's brains are different and you don't need and your hormones are different, like you don't need as much. You guys definitely need more emotional connections than you're getting, because I just see you just I think men are just by culturally starved of that stuff because it's gay if you guys ever cry or anything or you know, whatever it is. But I think that you definitely need it less than we do. Yeah, probably, I remember a book I read in high school. Book it's called Lords of Discipline, and it's about like guys that are going to like a military academy and they've they've been off for the summer and they hadn't seen each other in three months or four months or whatever it is, and they get back to school and with their old roommates they're best friends, and one guy was like, hey, man, good to see you. Uh, you know, really really miss you. And then the main character talked to the to the other guy in the same room, and the other guy's like, hey, douche bag, I hoped I wouldn't have to see you again this year. And then the author said, but you know, both guys said the same thing. So it's like both guys were communicating I love you, missed you, but it was in their own ways, and that landed on the main character. One of the most like an example of this that I witnessed, and I may have talked about it on the podcast, but I don't think I did. When I had my birthday party this year that Chris ep Um, it was at a karaoke bar, or like a bar in St. Louis, but it was karaoke room it was so much fun. And the whole time, like, you know, everyone's singing I'm a good time. Chris is kind of like more managing the like you're making sure everyone's having a good time. You haven't sung yet, you're like just hanging back. Then at one point, you know, probably three fourths of the way through, we've all sung. And then Matt, my brother in law, and you decided to sing Weezer the Sweater song or no say it. I think it might have been saying so. And they both went to all boys like Christian not Chris. Yours wasn't benedicting. Okay, yeah, years was monks and his was Jesus, Jesus. It's I don't even I don't know what any of it means. But they had this performance of this song that looked as if they were taught it at some point, like almost like the electric Slide. He my dad turned to me and goes, did they plan this? He goes, what is happening right now? They both it was homeo erotic in the funniest way, but they both like Chris Chris when they hold the microphone like like he was peeing, and then Matt would bend down and sing into it, and then Matt would do the same thing, and Chris thing into it, and there was no hesitation, there was no like I'm gonna do this follow along. It was as if you guys were speaking this like. It was so funny. That was the point of I mean it was it was were performed. It was for us, but it was so funny, But it was I couldn't believe it because it was just like you guys didn't even talk. I mean you maybe talked a little bit throughout the night. It was this unspoken thing. You both just grab them like and knew exactly what was going to happen with the star. There's a shorthand with with like a certain kind of guy at a certain age, Like you did a shorthand job in the middle of it too. Yeah, you must quite getting easy. It was so funny. What was it? What's the shorthand? Well, it's just that there is a shorthand with with like you know, like we grew up in the same place. But you know what I've got, I've got Australian friends that would do the exact same thing. We would have been in the exact same position, And so I think there's a certain age which you know, like I'm forty right now, and I think Matt's like thirty seven something like that. So it's like there's an age range where there's like a little bit of a backlash against like like bro type culture things where like if you did anything, if you've got any, if you got close to another guy, then that's just go all the way. Well no, it's like no, it's just like if other people, like the generation right above us or just a few years older, would be like, oh, that's what you guys are doing is gay? Yes. My dad was like this is really gay, and I'm like, no, this is how in the late nineties two thousand's like boys schools. We don't care. We're just like we do. Matt and I do love each other, like we at least I love him. I think he's one of the greatest things going. So there's no insecurities about the way we look. There's no insecurities about what we're doing, Like you know, we're dating sisters. Like, it doesn't it doesn't even dawn on us that other people would look at this and being like so. But my dad's reaction was the like he was just saying to me, just like do they do they work on this? Like is this for you? As this like a like almost like a wedding, like a wedding dance of the secretly all straight man when they get a little loose, they know, when they see a ballex symbol, you get on your knees and you suck it into a second. No, but don't you guys know, haven't you noticed that there is a like there are certain guys that would shy away from anything that could even because they're probably gay the little bit. No. I also think it's because they like, don't you know, I think it's just a little bit older than us. They just think that that's really weird. Whereas like like my friends use you know, people used to use gay and about like they would be like, oh that's you know when when you're young, some people will be like, oh man, that's gay. And Duft did that campaign and then we all stopped. I don't know what that is. She did like a p S A that was like, um, these two girls were like shopping it for between one and Hillary Duff is like nearby overhearing them. It was probably like two four. She did this and they go like, oh my god, that's so gay, and she goes. I just want to say, what if I said something like if I didn't like something and I said, wow, that's so the girl in the red shirt that's standing in front of me right now, how would that make you feel? And the girls were just like it was just like Hilary Duff saved the world. And you remember ever seeing tho paparazzi shots of her giving her husband a blowing when he proposes. I just remember, she's the first so invasive, but I loved She's the first person I noticed that had those big, huge teeth that were like brand new. I didn't know where that was going. They came out and I was like, teeth. She got her teeth done, and all of a sudden those originals. I was zooming in on Taylor Swift's teeth last night on Instagram and those are something ears. Really, They're so good. Now. I have nothing against people get holling anyone out. Duff was early in the game, and I think, well, I think there is also like women also have this kind of um. There are certain things that we do that maybe you go like, where the hell did you learn that? Like Anya does it a lot. I see where you'll go, like if you ever get into it like a dancy, sexy, moved mood when we're backstage just hanging out, like you'll like slap your ass and go like up it, like you'll do like a striper kind of Do you know what I'm talking about? I did not know I do this. I'm proud of myself. Oh wow, I just do that that will hit that we learned from Britney Spears or like I don't even know, but like, do you ever see, Chris, do you ever notice things when you're around a bunch of girls where you go just go or I guess my friends, I think that I admire you and your friendships. Like I think it's I think you have the coolest friendships that I currently know about, Like you're you growing up with your goofy girlfriends. Reminds me of uh, you know, the nerds we used to make fun of in school. He's like Mercedes, goofy what from F Boy. I don't know if you saw that episode, but he overused the word goofy. Just kept calling this guy goofy over and oh yeah, he's one of the guys on the show The black guy. That is the one that you think. We haven't watched the finale yet, but Chris thinks that Mercedes is going to Louise is going to pick Mercedes said that he is going to keep the money. But he but he's not keeping the money because he's a good guy. He's just planning what's going to be best for him in the long run. I think he You haven't, I don't. I haven't watched the first season. He seems like he would be the ultimate, like the greatest f boy of maybe that's ever lived. Like, he seems like he's perfectly so it's so good that he'll marry her, treat her right, spend his whole life like the long game. Yeah, yeah, the real long game, like and then funk her over in the will or something. By that point he has five thousand dollars. He's like, I got it. Yeah, well that's what you get after your you know, taxes on this game, even if you walk away with fifty. Um. We watched, Yeah, we watched episode eight and nine last Night of a Boy, and we didn't get through ten because we wanted to watch the rehearsal the New Nathan Fielder Show and it's so good. But I do have to say I was really Chris is obviously amazing TV producer, and you know, everyone's a little skeptical about f Boy Island, like what is this? But at one point you turned to me and you were like, this show is what did you say? Well, I didn't say this show. I said this is some this is incredible TV. Like we watched we were it was like the I think, oh, Nico or is that his name, Nico? Oh? You meant like that scene? Yeah, I said, I was like, this is incredible TV right now, because there was a few scenes that were just like, I take that, feeling good about my show for a second. Back you only liked one scene. I'm glad you've made that clear. Oh sorry, I thought we were man. I thought we were going for accuracy on the sand. This podcast was about authenticity and the truth it is it actually is, no, But you're right. I keep forgetting because the show itself is so just stupid. It's def wit Island, and I'm like, I forget the things that I even witnessed where I'm just like, what's going to happen? Like I didn't remember? Um the man splain and I was like on the edge of my seat last night about it. It was great. Yeah, there was, I mean, there was some very compelling stuff, and it was it felt like it was a little bit out of nowhere, and all of a sudden, You're like, what is this thing that I'm watching? What was What was about the Nico scene that made you say that? Like, in particular, are there spoilers? Are we doing? We nervous about spoilers? I think everyone else. The hilarious part of this is I haven't seen the final episode, but I think most people have seen it that have. I just like, I just like that rules would probably dictate that you couldn't do certain things. And you know, what's her what's her name? Tamaris? Like you know that she and Tom were clearly not right for each other. They set it up really perfectly where they were just like like you knew she was into Nico, like earlier in the episode and maybe the episode before. She's just like, I'm just thinking about Nico a little bit, and you're like, why is she even talking about this? And you didn't see that coming. I didn't see it. No, I didn't see it coming that they were going to do the old switch route. But I don't know the rules of the game, so I don't, you know, like I didn't know if Tom was getting eliminated right then, Like I didn't really know what was happening. So when when you offered for Nis, yes, I was like, this is incredible because in that moment she had to pick between those two guys, and neither of they both thought they were safe for at least another day. Yes, and then it was obvious she was gonna get rid of sweet Tom checking nut ring into the ocean, slamming his fist on the table he broke. I feel like Tamaris got the idea to bring Nico back because Nikki was like, God, I love Nico. He was so sweet, and he had already left at that point, and I think to the good guy Grotto to like film a bunch of sketches, and Nico was just like charming and fun and I always liked him in the first place. And I didn't really understand why she sent him home. And I guess she sent him home because he got a little too drunk and he was defending enough boy and I never really saw that shakedown, so I didn't really get why he was eliminated because he just seemed so fun and good for her. And then when I was at the Nice Guy Grotto, I was just like, man, this guy is like he should be still, he should be on like he's the main character, you know. And then I think that day I went the next day, I went to the Girls, and I was just like, Nico Loo pretty good. I was just kind of like, I also loved it because I thought that what if they're eliminating the guy that was, you know, even the first night we watched, because I think we watched the first two episodes. I was just like, they barely even know these guys, you know, one of them they thought was the greatest guy in the world the first day they met him, and then and then they immediately turned on him and we're like, you're not good and it was probably his fault. But then yeah, you're you're getting rid of guys. All William Willium logging in for a really opposite of air Ape. I want to hear that again and again. Um, okay, yes, we'll talk more, Foy, We'll talk more the rehearsal and we'll just talk more about the differences between men and women. Would we get back Chris Convey and on your arena after this, Andrews, all right, we're back. Um, so yeah, have you seen um, we're talking TV that we've been watching. Have you seen the rehearsal with Nathan Fielder on HBO? No, not yet. I'm gonna get to that after all my cult documentaries. Man, he is at it again. It is so tonight. When does it makes a brief Yesterday, like watching it, the emotions, I was like buried my head in his chest, like it was more of a roller coaster than our relationship. Did they give you the same Andy Kaufman feeling as the as his old show where you're just like, oh, this is so bad. I feel bad for all the people. He's like, Yeah. The other thing is there are except for like you know, they're they're getting something out of this in some way, and like I don't feel like it's he's totally using them outright, Yeah, you know, like there are people that are getting things out of it, like one guy, and I think episode three really felt like he had a cathartic moment that was real And what's the premise of the show again the show? Thank you for asking because people are probably like Okay, just if I'm not watching this, I don't understand it is that Nathan Fielder has determined that there's so many things in life that you He's a little bit on the speck drum. I believe. I think that's probably safe to say. And as someone who self diagnosis on the spectrum, I can say I can self diagnose other people or other diagnosed. Um. I mean, can we talk about that at some point? I did yesterday, but I would get to some of those things because we should go over them now that we have Chris Convey here, who you know, the two three people who know me best in the whole world probably are here. Um. But so the show is about he realizes in life, there's so many things that could go wrong and you worry about in these big moments, and it would be nice if you could rehearse for them. And so he asked people about things they want to, you know, something that's holding them back in life, something they have to do and they're nervous about and they've been putting off. And he then creates a world where they can rehearse this situation to see if it actually is something they want to go through with or if it's something that in what is the best way to go through with it? And Fielder goes full. I mean everything that he does, he just gets all the details. He just dives in. It's Veep levels of like the way the Veep writes every line must be a joke. I feel like this show, I just watch it and as a TV producer, don't you feel like they don't? They always they squeeze every single bit out of every they spun, like everything that could be they do. Yeah, I just I feel like the commitment to the bit is insane, like it you know, like it's Sasha Baron Cohen. I mean, I think Fielder is taking things to another sort of level for sure. And then the way that they're able to pivot because it's real world, like it's really they're they're messing with real people in the real world, so that stuff is unpredictable. It's not scripted. So if this if a woman, if if they like the idea of of this woman doing you know, going left instead of right, and but she goes right, they've got a pivot on the fly, and they're brilliant at turning that into an opportunity to do something that's funny, cool or interesting, and they're just constantly pivoting. That's such a good point because that's why I like making reality TV is because there's no script and I don't have to prepare for it, and you're making decisions on the fly, and it's like stand up in a way like there's you don't I don't like preparation, as you know, like I don't preparation h either. I just like to suffer. But I don't like to go over what's going to happen, and I don't like to look back on what's gonna happen. I just like to go as we go and figure it out. And it's me being more lazy than anything and fearful of If I try and I fail, then that means I'm not talented. But if I don't prepare and I failed, that I can just be like, well it's because I didn't prepare. But there is something about that this show that I do love that, And you know what, it reminds me of how you are often reminding me and how you really were in Montreal when we were together. Whenever something would go quote unquote wrong, Chris would be like, well, look, what what's going to happen now because of this, Like look what, look what we got because of this. And I was able because you got me in that mindset that whole time, because I think you were really doing your best my boyfriend, to be like very supportive and keep me a good mindset when I was there because I was doing this something I was nervous about, which is a CrowdWork thing, and so you were so good at like getting me to think about every everything is an opportunity, even failures that this week, I was really able to do that so much um on my own. Oh yeah, that's yeah, So you could get there on your own because yeah, like there was something where I couldn't bring a friend to this thing, and I was like, you know, I wasn't allowed to bring any family or friends to this thing, and I was like, this sucks. I have to do this alone. Like usually I get to bring someone everyone else because brings one I don't, And I was so mad about it. And then I was like, oh my god, if I wouldn't, if I would have brought a friend to this thing, I would not have become friends with the people I just made friends because I didn't have a friend, and I was like, that would have never happened if I was if I got to do if it went the way I wanted it to. You made friends. I have this such a Dale Car guys like Wayne dire successful person way of looking at life, Like all all these successful people are like every failure is an opportunity. You just have to see the opportunity in it. It is. But I mean, like, listen, I'm not like some perfect optimist or anything. But you were that weekend though, but we you know, we are. Flights were delayed, but we were together, like we were either going to be together on the on a plane or together in an airport or together at a hotel like you know, so it didn't really matter all that much. It was a bit of you know, it's those initial things are bummer. But then we had such fun wins with the airline's employees because they were so great. I think Jeffrey and Jenny, maybe Jesse and Jasmine Jazz Jazzy Jazzy, that's right, And so we just had like a fun win with them. You got pictures with them. They turns out they loved They were just talking about you in their break room, say what they were It was like the much Headberg joke where he is at the airport and he's like a guy goes, hey, I saw you on TV last night, and he was like, but he did not say whether or not he enjoyed my performance, and so I just so I turned around and and uh so I turned in a circle and I said, hey, man, I just saw you at the airport gate and you were okay. But they did they was they were like, she looked at me, but she was like, oh, han, Ya'll help you out. And she's looking at my boarding pass and typing things and she goes, oh my god. We were just talking about you in the break room. But they did not say what you Jeffrey. Jeffrey did say something about I think that was Jenny. But Jeffrey did say that he loved you, and he said his wife loved you, and he wanted a picture with Chris because he was like, and my wife really loves so he he loved you. To watch it and then and then we ended up getting to the hotel, which wasn't our hotel, and if we would have gone to the right hotel, we wouldn't have seen the like the funniest person alive Rachel find steign Yes and Nick Braza last, when you least is you? When you guys left Canada, your flight was you were on a different flight like you had another misshap And again, let me ask Mr Optimists like, let me ask you to let me ask you this, Let me ask you this. Let me let me first ask you this. I'm gonna put you on the spot, Chris, this is what my dad does. Are you ready? Are you sitting down? I'm gonna ask you. God, you're giving me your dad energy that I feel like you're going to walk into my room and ask me if I want pizza and drives me crazy. Um, but when you are stuck in a difficult situation and Nikki's not around, does your EP showrunner energy go away or does it come back? Like are you able to counsel yourself in that moment? Are you only able to do it when someone needs? I think that's a great question, and I can it's it takes on a different form, But I Nikki never were talking about this, like, Um, there's something about being observed or being around other people, like Nikki can work better if she's around other people because it's being sort of like witnessed or she's being held accountable. And I have a little bit of that too, Like I'm probably my best self in those situations with people that I care about, because it kind of gives you an opportunity to like have the right mentality and and think about it from from a different perspective. But when it is just you, you're you are a little bit maybe just a little bit more annoyed. And then eventually you get there where you're like, oh, well this is okay, and like I was either going to read a book here or read a book there, and you know, it just depends if you miss a flight out right, like if we missed the show, and but that would be its own Like it's like it would be okay. I mean when we're talking about things like the death of a child and being like, well something good will come of it, that's what we get into some tricky areas, like all that toxic positivity, and I try to avoid that sort of thing. So it's like toxic positivity is when people, you know, they come to you and they say this this thing that happened made me sad. Like you know any time where you have something you know, like stuff with your voice or things where if I was just like, this will lead to you, you know, becoming this amazing whatever, you'd be like, Okay, can I just be sad about Like, yes, that's me having to affect my deny sadness when really you just like you have to grieve. You have to. It's okay to feel sorry for yourself sometimes and then just knowing or not even knowing, but leaving space for the fact that something might happen that you don't know about and that you can't predict out of this. But when you were just saying this yesterday on the Waking Up app, I get these Do you ever do Sam Harris's moments on that where he just knows I haven't done. There's a little like he'll they'll just get sent you every day. If I listen to anymore Sam Harris per day, they're going to send me an email being like, hey, you need to back off. You were you were considering more Sam Harrison, any humans should It's hard to parse this, but that's the word. If you start using the word to parse a lot of parts, or if you're like, you know that sort of thing is sort of siloed in your your equanimity. Yeah, word siloed is that where you take your feelings and put it in a grain tower. No, it's it's a little bit like that. But I do think that moment because it's the same thing. Yes, okay, I'll say that the same time. But the moment yesterday and then, oh, do let me ask you this. You know, the best thing was it happened yesterday. It was the moment that I listened or two days ago, and he said, a great practice. And I think this is stoicism too. When I was getting into that, it was um throughout your day when you're doing something like making coffee or just walking your dog, or doing anything throughout your day, or maybe doing something like writing a song or doing a podcast, or maybe things that are mainly alone that you're not like performing. So maybe just whatever making your bed. Imagine that the person you respect more than anyone in the world, may whether it be Oprah or sucking Adele or you know God essentially, or you know Lewis Hamilton's Max for steppin Um Alonso, Fernando, You're really close on most of those. Al Fernando Alonso, Um. Imagine they're watching you, imagine your life as and that's why I like, if you if you always imagine someone that has a really high moral character that you look up to, is like they would do the right thing. If you just imagine throughout your day and try to just splice that in that they are watching you, you will you will do what's right. Well, it will hold you accountable in this way that when we're just not being watched. And that's what I get to when when any of those things happen to me alone. Back to question, is it makes us a beat to treat your to look at yourself as a different as a different entity and treat your and what would you tell if you were freaking out about flight stuff? Like what would I say to you? And if I'm sitting there being like, oh man, this this is terrible, then you start to treat yourself like a person that you really care about that you want to soothe. Yes, that's why I think you know in twelve step stuff so much about like recovering from things is like you gotta give it away too, and you gotta help other people and like whenever, um, it's so hard to do when I'm like really depressed, but like just going and picking up litter or like holding a door for someone, um, texting my mom to be like, how are you just reaching out and doing something that isn't about my thing right now? And like helping someone else helps you help yourself in some weird roundabout way. I met my best when I help myself. But Anya, what about you? And Matt? Like when you who is this is a person that tends to pick the other person up a little bit more, or or somebody that is like gets really down on something that just happened or a mistake that they made, and the other person has to like, do you guys handle it? Um, g Q. He's great at picking me up, by the way, g A on yours to um when I'm down. He's amazing. He's so level headed, he's like wise, he sounds like some more just meditated for an hour. He's like so even killed. But when stuff happens to him, I'm like, dude, and I'm not allowed to say anything because if I go into his if I were to tell him the stuff he tells me, he flips out. He'll be like, how can you say? You know? I cannot be silver lining girl? And that's who I am at my core is silver lining girl. And I need to be careful of that so that I don't do the thing you were just talking about about skipping a step of like because feeling your feelings when I'm going through depression or I'm having one of these days where it's like I hate everything, I hate the way I look, I hate my career. Everyone, it's me. I'm not telling like, having those really bad days that are about like two days before my period. I will oftentimes reach out to both all three of you actually and like the I and a lot of times I remember, I know that each of you have been like, how can what do you want to hear right now? Like what what is it that's going to? What do you want right now? And it's really tricky because I remember when I was in um the Hampton's, my friend um where life is really hard, where life like I got really depressed. In the Hampton's, I was just around two. I was having body issues. I was around too many women whose bodies I was jealous of, and I was, you know, I was in this beautiful house that I was like, I could never decorate a house. I was doing a lot of comparing and despairing, and I, you know, it just syncd up with my cycle. It synked up with some personal things that I was going through that week that may or may not have to do with the person on my left. And you know this porkup stuff porcupine or Luigi, and and I was just a really bad day, and I was saying really dark, like fucked up things to my roommate who I was rooming with, Kat from Colorado. Cat is a social worker like clinical therapist, and I was saying things trying to get her to like help me, you know, like I was saying, like, um, I just I'll probably have to just kill myself one day, Like I say these really fucking dark things of like I don't even know like what I want to just quit life, like just saying dark things to just try to get her to like, I don't know what I'm I don't I honestly don't know what I'm looking for in that moment. And I'm like, I'm not talented. All this person is better than me at this. I watched f Boy last night. I look disgusting that one scene I looked I was not even funny. This other person is funnier than me. And they're not even a fucking comedian and I was just just shooting and she wasn't saying anything. She was just like yeah, and it was just and I was just like fucking therapist, like exactly, and I was just like wanting to shake her. And then later on she I was kind of venting again in the car with a lot of people, and I was almost like maybe trying to um communicate to her, like you're my roommate and when I get bitten closed doors, like I can't say this to the group, but I'm struggling and I need help. So I was kind of like trying to communicate that, like I'm I'm in front of more people, and she was like, I just want you to know that when I don't say she took me side. She was like, I don't know what to say to you, and I'm just trying to like I feel like you just need to like vent it. And I thought that's what you needed. And I said, honestly, Catherine, I don't need that. I need you to say the opposite of what I'm saying. I need you to be like you're thinking is your disease right now? Like you have the flu of the mind, Like you're thinking that you're gonna have the flu forever. But this is temporary. These thoughts are distorted. You are unlike your brain is on drugs right now, pretty much like you are. This is a temporary state that there's a storm right now in your head and they're going to be clear sized ahead and don't get stuck in this like I And she was like, okay, thanks, I needed to hear what I need needed to tell you on you feels the same. I know you do too, of like what do I say to this girl? No, I don't feel that way. We should read some of those those texts because all of those things you brought up to Catherine, you brought up to me as well, and we went through. I mean, I think I go through, line by line all the things you always talk about. I remember the celebrity who you thought was really funny. Oh it's she's not a comic. Okay, Well yeah, I feel burdensome in those moments because I am in such a state that is not to be reasoned with. When I'm going through that that I feel like if I'm always like thinking about how I'm I'm I'm already feeling sad, and then I'm feeling sad that I'm putting the people I love in this position of like a no win situation. Like anything you say like it does your stuff does get in because eventually I like calm down and it seeps in and I can go back to the text and I can remember what you said. But I do think that I am sometimes I don't know what I need right, But for me, it's like I'm it's pretty clear that you need somebody to listen at times, and sometimes to listen, and then you know, some of the things you come up with are so wild and not true. You know, like it would be one thing if it if it was just a feeling that you had. And it's hard for me to say, like, well you can't feel sad, because I wouldn't do that. But if you say like this person is so much funnier than me, that person works so much harder than me, this person has so much more talent, those are pretty easy to refute or to say like, well, she's amazing at this, and that's so different from what you do. And there's room for so many people to be amazing at what they do and you're up there right No, And and I always tell you this too. Like the reason I go to you three is because I respect your opinions about things like there's I can't go to my mom or like there's there's a lot of people that I'm friends with that I don't really respect their opinions of like the things they watch and enjoy, and like the level of entertainment that they the bar for their level of entertainment. And on you, we'll we'll forget the fact that you were watching some ship this week, but like you guys have good you guys are artists, and you have good taste in things. One of my favorite things because Nikki will go through some sort of a crisis because she's exposed to so much, you know, being on TV and all these things that there's there's, there's you know, semi regular crisis. Sees to the fires to put out and on you. What I also I always love is when when Nicki and I are talking about those things and I'm you know, I'm trying to be there for her and listen and tell her how I feel about those things, is she'll throw in something that you said and I'm like, man, I has got some great advice. Yeah, I'd love to know what that is because I feel like I know, I am, I relate to this idea of what is the right thing to say, and I've learned it is a great thing to say sometimes to certain people, what would you like, do you want feedback or do you want a sounding board? And then a lot of times people do just need a sound any board, So a lot of people don't. There's sometimes when people say what do you need? And I'm just like, for me, I think I feel like I'm asking someone to run a marathon next to me sometimes and even though you do it, and I feel like a burden, and I feel like, even though you're good at it, and obviously you're good at you wouldn't be in my life, Like I can't keep people around who can't handle my depression and like help me through it. And you know that, I feel like you're the best at that. And I've told you a million times like how much you get me out of those things? And right on this podcast of what you said earlier made me think that you don't think what Anya and I are doing is like necessarily effective. No, that's not what I'm saying that or that we're like implying that that you know, maybe we don't know what to do in those situations. No, I'm just I'm saying it's it's not that you don't know what to do. You figure out what to do. I'm sorry that that's how it came across. What I'm saying is and Anya, do you do you think that I was saying that or do I was trying to say it would be hard to be to listen to me sometimes and come up with what to say and like that. It's just it's it's just it would be hard to figure out what to say. And I'm not sometimes it is hard for me, Yes, but I would say that a lot. Yeah, I think with Nikki, especially lately, you know, in the last couple of years, you need to get it out. You need and and if I were to refute every point, I'd be so busy, like trying to focus on each and so often you just need to like let loose and erupt all the stuff and then I'll try to reflect back what I'm hearing is you sound really scared, or you sound really alone talk about that or sounds sounds awful, or you you know, you sound angry or whatever it is, just to let you get it out. It's like thirty seven things that you and then I will try to decore you're threatened, and then I'll try to like argue you, Like if I start sparring with you, I'm like, oh, I'm signing up for an hour and a half of a battle. There's no point in battling. That's what. That's not true? Yeah, Like I will lose your fight because part of your brain is so it's like intent on winning and there's no reasoning with it. And I'm not saying it's right, but your brain will think no, no, no, no, no, I've got the perfect argument, and I'm like, I'm not arguing with that person. That person is out of their mind right now. I'm not happy. So we'll just be like that sucks, dude to want to, like, you know, to be jealous of this person right now? What do you need? What do you need? And then she'll write like seventeen more things about other stuff, and then I'll be like, again, what do you need? You know, and we don't even need to get around to it. But sometimes you'll be like, oh my god, I feel so much better. I love you my sisters here, I gotta go love you buy, Yeah, everything's fine. All of a sudden, All of a sudden, it's like that never never happened for Nikki, but it did happen for us. That's what I'm saying. That's why it's tough. Like that's why it's tough. It's like I would resent a person that constantly did that to me, And like, but I what I am learning from reading this fucking book about autistic women, and like I do overcome things and change my mind about things on a fucking dime. Like it's not because it wasn't how I was actually feeling in that moment, and I was just trying to get attention. And now I got my attention, and I'm good. I feel better, and so now I'm ready to it's the Glazer exit. I'm ready to just let's go into the next thing. But maybe maybe you're better at this on you because you've you know, lived with Nikki and had it longer. But when Nikki moves on from like goes from you know, a hundred miles an hour of sad, despair, angry, whatever it is, and then and then five seconds later she's totally okay. But you were writing that emotion with her does that has that ever kind of affected you where you're like, whoa, I'm a part of this now, that's what I'm talking abou out. That wasn't really what you were saying earlier, right, But it's like I guess I was just saying. It's just not that it's hard to come up with what to say, it's just hard to come up with like what the funk was that? What is this? What is any? Right? Yeah? Yeah, that exists? Like what you know now that you mentioned it? Like, what is this moment that you have? It's something that I'm that is sort of new to our relationship, this like big blow up moment and then moments later like everything's totally fine. Yeah, it's I've had that moment so often with her, Chris and I and I totally get it. And there have been times where I have been like emotionally exhausted and I'm like I'm so in it with her. I'm running this marathon, and then it's like then it's like, oh my god, my parents just pulled up. I have to go by, and that's literally happened, and I'm like like, wait, I'm not done yet, and I'm later and she had the best time ever with her family and everything's fine, Yes, But then what I've learned is like it's on me to manage my level of a intensity. Am I ready for a marathon today? Most of the time, no, and be am I really like, I don't think she really needs someone to run a me at them with her. She just needs a witness. So that's what I'm doing now, and then I can conserve my energy so that when she does, when it's like, oh, Laurence, here I gotta go by, then it's like okay, great, I love you buy and then I'm my energy is not depleted. I've learned the same thing, you know, like all the little panics and stuff happening in Montreal. You know, some in the past, those would I would be giving parts of myself to Nikki to rebuild her happiness and joy. And I've learned that I can't give those things. You know I can, but I can. I can be there for her in a different way, but I can't get on the ride with her. I have to be somebody has to stay with a little fun game that Noah has whipped up for us. Thank you guys for getting through that therapy session with me. That actually felt really good to hear you both talk about what it's like to be an intimate of friend of you know, partner of mine in this world. Uh, thank you for thank you for doing that. And uh and I feel a little bit narcissistic to be like talk about what it's like to deal with how hard it is to be, but it was helpful for me to be a better partner and friend to both of you as well, because I don't want to be burdensome and I don't want you guys want running marathons every day. I mean, Chris, you could, you know, shape it up a little bit, but actually he's an amazing shape And I really wanted to stop because he keeps getting even more hard buddied every time we don't see ech other for like a week and then the next time we touched him, I'm like, who, when are you calcifying? What is happening to You're turning into groot, your your ego tree, your arms are trees and um, and it's exciting. And there's a new guy every week that shows we'll be right back with the same guy and Anya and me and I know it right, alright, We're back. Um, all right, So I'm here with Anya and Chris, my boyfriend, and we're going to play a game of never Have I Ever? Just a class game of never have I Ever? So no one, because never have I evers? And if you have done it, you're gonna tell us the story of what it is, What's what's what's going on in your head? Right now? I think I've done this today. I think I've done this exact thing today. Stories. Yeah, I think so what. I'm sorry, I've already ruined the premise of this late this game with your show today. I was actually going I almost emailed you know, it would be like hey, I want to play this never have I Ever? Game? And I was going to host it, and then I forgot to get it from Courtney. And if you remember the ones from your show and you want to pepper them in, we can do that as well. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. Yesterday I was texting with Nikki and she said, you're so excited you have all these ideas and games and that you would text me. So then I started thinking about like fun games that we could play, especially like icebreaker games because I know you, but I don't know you that well, and I was like, you know what, like, never have I ever came to my mind. I was like, that would be a great radio show game. And then you played at this morning. I was this is insane, you guys, look at this, and I feel like I was a psychic game. Psychic game. Look at us now? Yeh know, Well, you're gonna be in the sort of morrow, so maybe we can do some of those ideas that you were throwing up. It was so fun. I felt like you weren't that into you kidding me? I love them. Maybe maybe it's because we didn't get to talk to it, because you can't really talk or talk about him. Yeah, I was just like, oh, I throwout ideas and I was like, these aren't that good them? I was driving and texting you when I was responding, but I freaking loved them. And I even told No about them enthusiastically, being like, Chris is some great I mean, didn't I say that to you know? Uh? Yes, I've literally forgotten what they are now to any names of them, no, I'm just kidding. Wait you'll find out tomorrow because I don't know them at the top of my head. But there was both of them were great, they were already solidly for him. Maybe we'll try them, but I Noah's game is going to be even better. Okay, okay, So the rules of the game. I think everyone should have like a sound that they make to like chime in when they have done it, so that they get to tell the story first. What do you think about that? Okay? Like it. I'll pop out my visil line an you will do? That is coming from her mouth? Everyone, No, Oh, that's just kidding. I can't believe this too. I forgot. I was going to bring my sounders in for it as well. Mine is a monster truck. I'll bring it in tomorrow. Okay. So the rules of the game is I read something, and then if you have done it, you make your sound, your custom sound, and then you tell a story about the time that you did very easy. And then if you've never done it, you just don't make a sound and we move on to the next question. So the first one, never have I ever dropped acid? Okay? Great for all prude, never ground, I said I'm not doing this drug dealer, So I did do that? Threw it on the ground. Yeah, so I have I'm at here. Never have I ever accepted a drink from a stranger. Yeah, oh excep. I mean it's easier for a guy to say yes. But yeah, of course everybody here has there's no way that you haven't that everybody here hasn't. Have you been to a wedding and they go, would you like a you know this? Do you remember a specific moment? I was doing the Turkey trot um and there were bowl on the sides of the road and had a little Dixie cups of water and I fucking accepted all of it. I don't have a good one. I've got I don't have a good story. But also when I was at a wedding with Chris Um, they had these little Austin's Wedding these a little adorable like um minty chocolate like cocoa drinks with little like you know, barber strat pole straws, and I sucked it down in an alcohol and it was the first time I had drank alcohol and maybe like at that point six years and it coursed through my veins and I was just like and I had already swallowed and I was just like, Nikki, just enjoy this because like, you can't stop it, don't fight it. Don't hurt yourself about it. Don't be mad at yourself. You didn't mean to. It doesn't count, and just have it and just have five more and then everything will be fine. I had an oyster shooter in Canada, not knowing it was soaked in vodka, and I was feeling incredible. It wasn't I ordered it, so it's not the same thing, but it's an ancillary tale and true. And I read it on the menu it said oyster shooter, horseradish, clamato oyster. It was at a fancy restaurant that just would list like fennel, basil, artichoke, you know like that. No, no vodka infused oyster, no mention of it, and I had the most incredible time at dinner. I felt warm, I felt sexual, I was giggling and then I'm like, something is in there's vodka in my veins, like I'm telling you, And then my boyfriend and his mom were like, no, there's not relaxed and I thought about it for an hour and then upon leaving I asked the host of SO, I'm like, is there vodka and the oyster shooter. She's like, no, no, it's just um oh, yeah, the oyster is marinated in vodka. I'm like, yeah, that's what I felt. I didn't and oysters are vodka, and like, oysters are not good people that eat them like you're putting. There's just the fact that you couldn't. You didn't. And anything you have to shoot is not taste good, by the way, that's why you're shooting it. So why are we even consuming things that don't taste good? Because it's people are taking shots. They aren't doing it because it tastes Why oysters they don't get you funked up unless they're soaked in vodka. Like, what is the appeal of something that you shoot that doesn't get you funked up? I never understood why you would shoot food like you I shoot it. Yeah, And it just sounded like an interesting thing. And I hadn't had an oyster in a while, and I was like, I kind of feel like it. It's a fancy restaurant, you know, delicacy, and it was amazing. I definitely thought about that. You said you were sitting there and you felt warm, you felt sexual, you felt hot, happy, that why what this is the same thing? When I first had a drink of alcohol. When I was in high school and I felt all those feelings, I was like, why doesn't everyone do this all? Why? It's what I'll talk to when it does give you those feelings, Like you just listed things that none of those things are bad? Why would everyone not do that? Do you know what I mean? I mean, because it ultimately ruined your life. But the first, if you think you can control it, and you think that you can just have that feeling, why wouldn't you chase that forever another? That's what most people are doing. I mean most most people we all know drink regularly, whether they have a problem or don't, Yes, because they like that warm whatever that is. Yeah, I've never had try some clamato with it, I'm telling you all right, next would do ever? Whatever? No? Never have I ever been a maid of honor or a best man? All right? Chris? And yeah for my brother, Oh yeah, that's right. Yeah, but that's probably it. I was a maid of honor for my friend who got had to get married young. She was pregnant, I think, and I didn't know she does. I don't remember if she was pregnant. If it was like a shotgun wedding, I think it was I think she was. You love shooting things. I didn't know a maid of honor had any responsive Yeah, pretty much. That was during my drinking days. But I remember like at the wedding when all her I flew out, or she flew me out. I was such an irresponsible friend. Um and I got there and I was like, oh, they have a limo and she had her Manny petty done, and all these friends were there and everyone was giving her gifts, and it occurred to me, I'm the maid of honor. I'm supposed I should have gotten like organized a shower and given her a gift, like she needs to ask you to do that. No, no, I did. No one was born knowing what a maid of honor should do. You got to be told all that wedding etiqute stuff to me is exhausting. I don't want to learn it. I don't want to think about it. I just knew I had to like do Tim's bachelor party and stuff. I did some fun stuff, but you're just it's all feels so exhausting, especially what made like the maid of honor has to do that stuff. Seems I was, you know, so grateful when Cat, my best friend from Colorado, the one that was that didn't help me, um in my room, and um, I was so happy when I was not her maid of honor when she got married because I didn't want those I didn't want those ones abilities either. And my sister got married just like Shotgun because and I was, you know, out of town, and so they were like, just don't worry about like, we're just doing it in the park real quick. And then they never had that. They just had a reception party. So I never had to do that for her, like I would gladly do it for any of you. But um, I also know that you guys would not require like the kind of maid of honor stuff that most women do. Yeah, no, I don't want that. I don't think I want that at all. Would you actually do it for us? If I was like, Nikki, will you be my maid of honor? Because you're a different I think when you lie, her voice goes up because she's like talking like this. But I would know it was an excitement. I would totally do it. I would be so honored. But but you know me and be asking you no, you're no, you're not because my Maia is going to be it you have a sister. You know, that's why you if you want to be a maid of honor, don't be friends with girls with sisters, because you're not gonna. You're not gonna, Billy, I don't even know that you're supposed to ask your sister. Come on, girl, I didn't know that. I didn't know that. And also, China would be much more. She's much would be so hurt that you didn't ask her over I'm already such more important than China. Both these fishes are engaged. And do you even who's your maid of honor? Noah, do you know? I don't think I want to put that responsibility on anybody. It's already like enough trying to even start creating a wedding. God, what is with us? We have too much guilt, Like we should be enjoying this time. You just don't want to. You don't want to all the attention on you. You feel like it's indulgent, you feel like and you're older, you're not in your twenties, like you already know what like happiness is, You know what things are, what is fulfilling. You're not getting married so you can have a little party and a day where you're the princess. You're getting married, so you can have a Yeah, you're not doing it because you want attention, which a lot of money. And I do stand by my strong opinion if I ever come back on your show, which on a strong Opinion Day, because they do a segment on strong opinions, my strong opinion that I've said on the show, I am not going to your wedding, and I will not if I do go to your wedding, just secretly know that I don't believe you're gonna make it unless you should not be getting married. I don't believe in marriages, but you if if they're in their twenties. First of all, twenties, no, only you're the only caveat that you can get married in your twenties, and I will believe you that you will last if you've been together at least four years. You need four years. You need to have seen at least one president's term together. And when you're Fast in the Furious movie, because if you don't see Ida I on The Fast and the Furious, you're not gonna see I on anything else. Yeah. Um, so that's my strong opinion is that I don't believe your marriage will last secretly and I will be like, congratulations, but I know you're not going to make it. If you're in your twenties and you get married you haven't been together for more than four years. That seemed fair my strong opinion. Next Monday, if you're if you're on an escalator and and the escalator is over, get out of the way. Get out of the get out of the way. It's time to check you to check your passport. It's not a time for you to turn to your husband and say, like, oh, which gate are we at? Like, get out of the way first, figure it out later. Oh my god, you get out of the fucking way. Pull off the stop and wherever you are on the side screen of get to just stop when you want to stop. Unless you're getting news that your parents are like just died or something like, that's when you can stop in terms like and then. But otherwise, get the funk out of the web. Get out of the way. If you if you want to look at your phone and you're on the sidewalk and you think you need to stop the side to step into traffic. I don't want if you think you could just stop anywhere you idiots, idiots. People have this thing. I think it's a psychological thing. When you're getting off an airplane and we're all rushing to get off, we're dying to get off. We've been on the tarmac for twenty five minutes. The second they get out into the airport, they just stop. They they forget that we're all rushing. It's the weirdest phenomenon. What is that so true? You're absolutely right, and like, you know, you try to go to the left of a guy and then he's veering left a little and you try to It is maddening. Get out of the And if you get past because you're walking slow, and I don't, don't past you because I'm annoyed that you're working slow and maybe I'm in a bigger rush. Don't be a little twerp about it and be like if I don't touch you, and I don't slam into you, or just let me pass without taking it at such an affront that that means you're slow and lazy, which is all you having issues with yourself. That's your insecurity. I want to walk fast. I'm a fast walker, and I often won't pass someone because I'm so scared they're gonna be like, Okay, ma'am, I will just linger behind someone because I'm scared they're gonna be mad at me because I make them feel slow when when people are walking like five abreast at the airport into it sounds like a total recall. But I couldn't come up with the boy movie. I was just gonna say, boy movie, do you have a strong opinion on anything? Five abreast? What are you going to say? Forget about it. I just want to share a story about being at the time of an escalator and there were these tiny little people there, these tiny little Jewish people with like seven plastic bags, just at the top of the escalator at JFK, and I'm like, get out of the way, you little tiny Jewish people. And then I turn around and it's fucking lou Read and has longtime partner Lori Davidson. Is that her name, Laurie? Why am I not remembering your name? But the Chosen people can they can go wherever they choose. You get to choose, like I guess they really get to I don't have any strong opinions yet. Final thought, Um, let's do a couple more. Okay, I've never had divers. Never have I ever played strip poker or any game that involves taking your clothes off? No, why I don't. I know that I have. I know that I have. I just can't think of the like the scenarios. But I've definitely, definitely I probably have wanted to before, but I didn't because I had on like a gross pair of underweg It also sounds like something you and your girlfriends would do together, as like just something funny. We were so naked in the Hamptons because breastfeeding was going on. I just felt like it's time for tits out. It was just so free. I really think there's something about being naked no that is not sexual, that is like so empowering in the dining room for some reason, I remember like changing my tank top and being like, why would I leave the dining room. I'm just changing my tank here and these are all women and my nipples are not sexual here. Yeah, that's great. Did you guys thoroughly explore the Hamptons? You already all the podcast in the Hamptons with all the girls that was total for our labia, Then yes, I Hamptons. Did you guys get all your Hampton stories? Out, like on the podcast, did you get to tell your favorite thing out? But um, not there anything you wanted to know? Chris, Yeah, well I'm just asking because like I like hearing I like hearing Nikki's like stories when she goes and does anything. So it's like, I don't know. You guys brought the handles up and I was like, oh did I don't know if they didn't talk about the boat. The boat right where all I got complete. I did not want to go on this. There's this amazing thing that, um could It was like almost like a personal jet ski that you can go underwater and you just hold onto it and it goes so fast and you can go. You can You're just like a dolphin. You're like, I'll like you're on the dolphin's back. You know, like what you should never do, never go swimming with dolphins. Please don't support that ever, ever ever. But so get one of these things. But I couldn't go on it because I forgot to swim suit. Because I didn't go. I was supposed to go whatever I didn't have, so I was wearing bottoms that were just too big for me, so they were slipping off every time I went on this thing and the guy that was our boat captain. I didn't want to be naked in front of a guy, like even though there was nothing like. I was not trying to be like like, oh, he's gonna like want me if he sees my ask Like I just didn't want a boy to see me naked. But no one else seemed to care. Everyone was getting fucking naked in front of this guy, and I was like, I cannot. We are not married yet, And so I didn't get to go on the thing as the sweet I want to do, but Halla didn't. Halla don't occur. She was the trailblazer Cat. Blazer Cat is maybe, in my experience with my friends, one of my friends that has is the most insecure about her body historically that I've known of my friends, like up there with me in terms of like having people judge it or whatever. And this bitch let me her swimsuit and she also, I think, just didn't wear swimsuit that day because she didn't know we were going to go swimming, and she was like, can I just go topless? And I was like really, and she she posed. I was so proud of her. I was so inad of this guy. I mean, it wouldn't have been a big deal. And she had not even got naked in front of us girls like that yet, We had not seen her tits yet. And then all of a sudden she is fully topless in front of the boat captain and I was just like, who is my friend? And why isn't she giving me advice? So cool? God, I love you so much, but I was so proud of her. But Halla got on this thing, and I don't think I've ever left so hard as like in like the basketball weeks, which means because I laugh a lot. That was the hardest I've laughed probably on that trip. Was Halla um just going buck wild buck naked on that Na could shoot out of the water. She literally shot out of the water. You could see her like bum come back in. It was perfect, perfect white neon, perfectly shaped hard buns just popping out of the water. And the best part was her face every time was like can you guys, please you have to do this, come on, please do And I'm like, Halla, I am not as free as you. I cannot do that. It was so um. But our boat captain looked like like an Italian Greek Jude law. It was like, is this a movie? I'm happy right now? I should have taken I'm not about to. I just and I just I just didn't feel like he had a right to see that. Like, I just was like, this guy does not get to see He didn't care at all. I knew he was Italian care, but I just felt too. I just, for some reason, I was very modest. I see the chest all the time, feed I have olive oursing pepper. Okay, one more. Never I hover and then we have to gh okay. Um. Never have I ever had a road rage incident. Already told this story, but I'll tell it again. Portland, Oregon. Pulling into a gym eight hundred stupid cars in the middle of a fucking freeway. No one knows how to drive in Portland. I had just moved there and there, Yeah, same issue. They're parked waiting to get into a gym. I'm going forty miles an hour and like, what are these idiots doing? So I just go around them, pull into the parking lot around them. There are seven or eight open spots. So I'm like, I don't know what these people are doing waiting to walk into the gym. They're obviously not waiting for parking, and I take a parking spot. I get out of my car. An eight year old lady with white hair comes up to me and goes, excuse me, that's not how we do things around here. I don't know why she was British, but she was. And I said, are you waiting for parking? There's seven empty spots. Go get a spot. And she's like, you went around us. That's not how we do things around here. And I go, well, learn to go back from it's okay to say that to a British person. And then we got into an altercation and then she said one more time, that's not how we do things around here in Portland, and I go, well, get alive. Right in her face, I said, get a life, and I felt incredible for ten seconds, and then I walked into the gym and went, get a life. What funk are you saying? It's so embarrassing, But she's lived a fulfilled life. She's like a she's like thirty grandkids and she's like, I have one and it's awesome. I'm Julie and and I've had um that is. There is something about when you pop off on a stranger and like let out this rage that, like you're so proud of yourself. You have that like Julia Roberts, like big mistake, huge moment. Then you walk out there like that was embarrassing even though it was cool. Yeah, if other people saw that, it's something fail. He's gross about that. It's always unbecoming. I had like an altercation with a guy. The best story, Yeah, I mean it wasn't. He's not the best because the end, Yeah, I don't even really remember exactly what I said. Remember, Yeah, Well it was in the like you had spilled some water or something had spilled some water on the bench, didn't realize it. And he walks from across the locker room and grabs one of those huge towels that you know people are using to dry off with, and he goes, let me get that for you, and just started, like, you know, doing this big exaggerated movement, you know that he was wrapping this thing up for him, and I was like, man, I didn't even see that. I didn't even you know, And he's like, oh, I'll just clean up for you around the gym. And I'm like very conscientious of like not being in people's way or doing something that's like too your strong opinion, yes and so and so I'm like I was like, I didn't even know that was there. And he was like, well, why don't we all just clean up for you and stuff like that, and uh and I said something about um, something about being I forget what I said. Do you remember? It was something like, um, you just you just you had a good comeback for I forget this one from the Greatest Story. It was a convertation. Was like, you were just like, you know what, man, um, I didn't see it. You're acting ridiculous. This is a total exaggerated response to this little thing. I didn't see it. This is a marbled surface. It's and our who are you to police this? Like? You? You you let him have it in a really responsible, I think, like measured way, but also like stern and like kind of scary. And I think I was like, I think I was like, you are a you know, you're fifty five year old man who is being passive aggress to a person that had no idea he had done something wrong. Grow up, Yeah, I think I might probably probably grow up. The current version of version get a life. I wish we could can we erase that entire section out of the podcast? It was such a boring The best part about it was that you saw that guy later on. Yeah, oh so I saw that. So I saw that guy like, um, two weeks later or something like that, and um, I remember the signs all of the gym right there, signs all over the gym that's say that say, you know, no jim bags, no chalk, all these things, and he was he was next to his machine, and so like, you know, this guy's obviously policing the entire gym. You know, he's if somebody spills something, it's on him to tell people what's wrong with the gym. So he's got his gym bag. I go up to his his weightlifting figure, you know, whatever machine he was on, and I was like, hey, what does what does that sign say right there? And I was like, oh, no, Jim bags. Huh. And he was like, hey, man, I just want to say I'm sorry for what I did. I was out of line. And I was like, oh yeah, of course, man, I was out a line too. I was like, you know, I probably shouldn't have been that rude and uh, and we literally hugged on the gym floor. Now, every time I see him in the gym, I started singing, saying so oh sorry, but every time you see him, we talk and hang out and we're like buds now and we like talk about injuries. I'm like, how you doing, man, He's like, oh man, my shoulders all messed up. And I was like, yeah, man, my calf. I loved that so much because I was so incensed by this guy when I heard this story and I was like, oh, I hate this guy. I can't wait for the conversation. And you're telling me that you got to this moment where you got to call him out for the same thing. He's such a hypocrite and to have it just be cut by being like, I'm sorry, it's just it was the sweetest thing. I mean, it was just it was so hot to me. It was a good moment. Yeah. Um, Tomorrow, I want to tell the story of what happened to me on a plane when someone was trying to air drop me pictures and what I did in response to that. So stay tuned to that tomorrow. We'll be back tomorrow with Chris and probably my mom. But stay tuned and find out Andrew is out of town in Jackson Holle. He'll be back on Monday for the show. Thank you ay so much for listening to the podcast today, Um don't be and Jim Chick sch um Jack car Jack car