Nikki and Andrew catch up with their pal Ian Fidance who hosts the new podcast Bein' Ian ...w Jordan. Ian reminds everyone about the time he had to check Andrew's penis at Au Bon Pain. Nikki shares how she met Ian on the set of Bonnie McFarlane's movie and what their roles were. They talk about tattoo culture and break ups. In order to save her voice and still make her commitments, Nikki invites a college radio DJ named Justin to interview her on the pod for a very funny mashup. Noa gives them a quiz about Gen Z terminology and they all understood the assignment!
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The Nicker Podcast. Here's Nikki. Hello here, I am welcome to the show. It's Nicki Glaser Podcast. It's Tuesday. I'm back in St. Louis with Andrew Colin in studio. Um we have special guests all this week. I um, as I said on last Thursday, I announced it on this on my on our Instagram story. But I am. I have vocal cord demage damage. That's French for damage, it's not um and I need to not talk outside of my podcast and my contractual obligations. And so I'm a little quiet baby baby, a little baby bird who can't talk no more. I love that, Like I can only talk on my podcast, my five other things I'm doing, and uh, well you know it's just well, I can't talk. I can't hang out with anyone anymore. I cannot have I can't talk on the phone. I am seeing my therapist today because I'm losing my fucking mind, not being able to talk or have friends anymore. UM So I will be talking to her. But other than that talk, I was just thinking about why you've been so quiet to me since you got here, and then I forgot that you have vocal rest or. You hate me. I don't know what you kept looking over at me. It's so do you realize that everyone can see? Do you have periful vision? Is that where I can see dead people? Let me just bring in our guests. I need the help today. Not only is it Noah joining us from Arizona, but Um back by popular demand and because I just love him so freaking much. You knew him from multiple hundreds of appearances on You Up with Niki Lazer on Serious Sexum, and then he was also on my podcast that I did during Quarantine a lot one of my best friends. He's in New York. He has a new podcast coming out very soon. When is it dropping? Ian Finance? It dropped yesterday. It's called Being Ian with Jordan's Me and Jordan Jensen. What wait, Being Ian with Jordan's. Yeah, me and Jordan Jensen have a podcast. We got the lumin Ears to do the theme song. And uh, it's like people I didn't know. I don't know who Jordan is friends. She's hilarious. She's a girl that's in the in the I of course I know who she is. She's so funny. She works to sell it, right, she works to sell it every night she's hilarious all the time. She's so funny. I sorry, I didn't I was picturing a boy. She's a boy name and I don't like it. Well, I also have a boy in my basement, but he's not part of the show. Uh show him. It's great. I'm so excited. It's really fun like a being being ian in prison for the boy. But you got the luminears to do the well. Oh no, he has show far. Well, so far, we're not impressed. So tell me you used to always bring in a little like slide whistle into the jacket. I used to have a slide whistle. Now I have a rams horn. Um Ian Finance is one of the funniest people. If you don't know who he is, maybe ever to live. He makes me laugh so hard. He makes He's one of the only people who has conjured p to come out of my vagina hole when I've been around him, because he makes me laugh so hard. He um, he just he just even when he's sad, he's funny. When he's he's he he is all over the place. He is so honest. What else abody and he is? I showed him my penis because I thought I had an STD. When was that We were the first fun No, we were at arrest. We were at lunch with you, but we doctor did. We were on bon pain. And Andrew put me in a lot of pain when I had to look at his penis. Why did you get on your You don't have to get on your knees. It was so small. I had to. I had to get in there. I've never seen bray along. Well, it was just a reflex for him. My guy takes off his pants. Wait, so, Ian, you did look at Andrew's penis? What did you think was on it? Just having anxiety about Yeah, I thought I had had herpes, but it turns out to be uh yeah, always you said, or mescalum. It was enough to make my doctor throw up. So I thought it was molascum contagiosum. Yes, that you do exactly what it was. He definitely probably ran into something similar before. Oh, so West Schultz has become a dear friend of mine. The singer he was at Greenwich Village Comedy Club years ago. Uh, and there were like eight people there and all the comics were going up and They're like, I'm so embarrassed. I'm sorry. The lumin Ears are here and there's no one here. What this sucks? And I went up and I was like, are you really in the lumin Ears and he was like yeah. I was like I was in a scabin in high school. I get it anyway. And then I just like was myself, Yeah, you guys are chatting at forwards. Yeah, you're someone who makes friends with everyone. You are so your friends with so many people. Oh thanks, Yeah, I have worms in my brain. Um, I can't you are. You're just a person that has always been just like a little sponge for friends. I met you on the set of Bonnie McFarland's film, Um, Anything Boys, Anything Boys Can Do? I think is that what it was called? Yeah? Abc D Yeah, think that was the acronym for it. But we met because he at the end of the movie, I'm like a murderer and I tie up this guy that I'm murdering, and Ian played the guy tied up And so we met this like hotel room on this shoot and he just like, I was just like, you are much like how I met Andrew just was like, what are you like? This is will you just be my best friend? Please? Like bring it in? And you were just so funny and so fun and um, I'm so happy to see your success and that you have a theme song with the lumin Ears, and you have a very cute intro video for your podcast that I love. Just you like skipping around town just being in and it's and you've got the Luminears to sing about you like taking it or or giving it to a guy in the ass right, Well, no, not a guy, just in general. I'm off guys. That was my bowie face. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that was That was a wet face, my bowie face, David Bowie, you're on a delay for some reason. Can we alleviate this? Because it's hell, you're the podcast. You gotta fix this, dude. I'm It's like I'm getting a weather report from Al Roger and you head Do I need headphones? Yeah? I don't think it's the headphones. It's not because you can hear me. It's I don't know, it's that reception in the basement. Yeah, are you gonna have guests on this podcast that you do you have on remotely? Look? Look, lady, it's fucking almost three. We're not doing zoom any word. We're not in the middle of a pandemic. It's it's everything's live. Well, you don't need to then you don't need to be on this show then, because that's how you're your brother. Awesome. You just tried to shut us off, y'all. Um, it's your studio does look awesome. And I love how much work you put in this podcast. I hope it's gonna be your your your big thing, and I think it will be. I think it's gonna it's gonna get you. I mean, you were friends with so many people who are huge comics who really believe in you and um, and everyone's been talking the Gospel of Ian for so long, and I think that people are obviously catching on. You did a thing for a while during the pandemic, and I think shortly before it called stolen Valor. Just you know, there's a thing called stolen valor where people, if you are dressed in military regalia to get like a discount on donuts or something like a lot of people pretend to be have served just so that they can get laid or get discounts or just like you know, they have personality disorders and people will film them, like you know, real veterans will film going up to them and confronting them and being like, Okay, what battalion were you in? Your fucking law? Are you pussy? And then they confront them and it's just like really fun to watch. So Ian does a thing, how do you do stolen Valor? Well? I I love Stolenvaler because you see the people affected by it around the soldier. Like it's usually a heavy blond wife in a mall and it's some guy that's like, what's that what's that patch on your shoulder? And it's just some overweight, autistic guy that's like my sergeant was in Kentucky and he's like, stolen vur, my friends died. And there's a wife that's like Keith, Keith, Stop Keith, and he's like shut up. He's like having a mid war flashback and videotaping it all. So I go up to beeple on the street and do the same exact thing, except my wife lives in my head and I yell at people when they're faking the funk for like wearing a band T shirt that they don't really like the band, or like have you ever called out stolen Valor and been wrong? Like they're like, actually, I know all the it's like because they'll be like stolen Valor. You're wearing checkered sketchers and you've never been in a skaband stolen Valor? Yea guys like dude, I was in one for seven years, dude. One one time I went up. It was November one and I was in a like a sketchy part of Queens and everybody was lined up to go into a bar in Halloween costumes and I stolen valid them for it not really being Halloween, and I was like, throw up, it's not Halloween, stolen tallor you don't deserve to be Spider Man and h I forget what happened to the video, but they really really didn't like you. Really? Um is there is there every part of are you only able to do that stuff because you can flee the scene right afterwards? Because I am pretty good at being able to do embarrassing things like that as long as I'm able to like flee. And then I watched certain people like I've been watching Nathan Fielder's new show, and he will do things that are uncomfortable, not like that, but just you know, things that make people uncomfortable or maybe people go, what's wrong with that person and he'll sit in it. Are you someone that can sit in in things? Because I think you you kind of can't, can't you? I mean I can and I can't. I mean I think that's why I have so many friends, because I have a hard time sitting with self. So I'm constantly like you at all. Yeah, I mean, Chen already, how did you get that fucking sleeve of tattoos on your leg? With how much you fucking twitch a needle in my body? Um? So well. The last time that Ian and I hung out, um, I was in New York and I was going through a breakup for three days and Ian was also going through a breakup. Um yeah, and he and I was like I for the first time ever, I've you know, during breakups, I've I've dyed my hair brown before, I've gotten bangs, I have, I got great I got invisible line, which I've still I'm having from the time that I got it broken up, Like I just needed to change something. It's so funny. Need to imagine you're not getting a visit line and just getting adult braces after a breakup, Like you look like uberto office? Just like what wearing your night gear all the time. Now my next freedom, I'm going to stop wearing one was a line back then, you'll never get a guy. Yeah, I don't know. It looks British people listening that are British. Wait, so ian Ian was like, man, I want to get a tattoo, Like I forget what or I said it because I was like, for the first ti pime in my life, I kind of want to get a tattoo, like I want. I don't. I know that it's so cliche to to have a thing that you do after a breakup to really like you cut your hair, or you get a new style, or you do you know, black face or something that really just changes the way you look. But they're seeing about getting a tattoo that's like the before and after you that's go or that that you feel was your past life that I've moved on, Like you used to love the girl you used to love I didn't have tattoos now I can't go like you will never love me. I'll ruin the person that you thought that you had. There's something in it about that, and I also, well I'm going to get to that. But I also was thinking like, um, how do you always read my mind, it's on your forehead. So that was a tamp that I got this weekend. So but I was realizing that I think now it is more to not to be proud that you don't have a tattoo, to not get a tattoo because you're like, I don't have a tattoo and I'm in this special club is actually care and having a tattoo. Now, you can still not have a tattoo if you're just like, oh, I don't want a tattoo. But if you're not getting a tattoo, and you want to get a tattoo, but you're not getting one because you want to remain pure and different than people don't get that get tattoos, you are actually doing the opposite of what you think you're doing, and you are actually could And I've convinced my sister of this as well, because she wants to get into a tattoo too, and we are both um, she's gonna be divorced pretty soon based on that, no, um, but she wants to get one too. And so I didn't get one, but Ian and I were like thinking about what to get and we were like drawing things in a notebook and I think we landed on something. Ian is going to get a tattoo that I recommended to him. Ian, will you get that one that I recommended? What one was it? Oh? Well, I thought you would remember. It's um, it's well, there's there's this meme. Have you guys ever seen the meme? Yes? Yes, yes, yes, yes. Will you describe it? Yeah? Okay, So it's like, um, it's a dinosaur, Like, it's a it's a cartoon comic of a dinosaur, of a t rex comic stand up comic, and it's four panels and the dinosaur says like a joke, and then he says it's set up, and then he says the punch line, and the punch line is like so incredibly bad. And then you see the people in the crowd and it's other little dinosaurs and they look so scared and awkward. And it's such a fun thing to send when someone doesn't Yes, and Ian is one of the best people with memes and Jeff's like gifts. Everyone want to say that. He is just an expert at sending the perfect thing that will make you laugh so hard. If you have the privilege of ever being able to text with Ian, finance. He just sounds the funniest ship ever. But he sent this one time and there's this little dinosaur in the background of it. Now, I want you guys to go find this. Just type in dinosaur stand up comic me Emmy, Emmy, and then look at the cutest little dinosaur in the back of the table. Because there's like a table. There's a bunch of tables and dinosaurs, and there's this little dinosaur that is so adorable. And I guess he's a little like a you know what, what's the ones that fly. Yeah, he's a little terrod actyl and he's so cute and mean. I want you to get him so badly, and I will get him too. If I end up getting like lots of tattoos, I will end up getting that. Now, tell me the difference with tattoo culture. I recently heard there's this comic who's the um, the female comic, really pretty Natalie Cuomo. Yes, yes, okay, okay, Well she has a ton of tattoos. But she was staying on her Instagram. I think she's really funny and I like her a lot. She um. She was saying that she was like, not all of these tattoos are. God, there was a word for it, Like when you get a tattoo and it's just like spur of the moment. Yeah, what is I called. There's like tattoo culture where they're like, well, it's like it's a cool word. Flash. That's it. She's like, now, these not are not all flash. These are a patchwork. This is not asleep. This is intentionally not asleep. Everyone's saying like, you should get asleep. I don't want to sleep a sleeves don't age well like all this. It was like interesting to hear like the thought process behind tattoos, because it seems like it is so willy nilly, much like yours were. Andrew, Yeah, mine were a lot of thought. This was because a jaguar, I like the face of I was gonna get a tiger. But then I was like everyone has a tiger, So now I went jaguar. Oh my god, Oh yeah, you just got one the did you just get that one on your knee? No, I've had this. It's a jaguar with a dagger through its head. Yeah. This one's just more chill. This one's just hanging out. This is before he started drinking. This is the Jaguar before Heroin. Yeah, no, I I got. I thought there were a ton of jaguars in Florida. I learned there were none. I didn't even google it before I got it. And then and then I got a palm tree because I knew those were missing. The two big mistakes though, which the writings on the wall. Puddles your first, your first? Yeah, I don't know. I'm probably switching the name pot first or Puddles first. And then Jackpot you got separately for days. Yeah, Jack Pott was at a real shitty place in West Village, and I think they weren't. It wasn't centered. The guy didn't even have his station set up. He kind of I don't know. I don't even know if they were open. Do you look at that tattoo and go what was I thinking? Or are you just like oh, because I kind of like tattoos when it's a bad decision, because I, like I've said this before, I like when I have scars on my body from like day, you know, when I did Last Time of Standing in Chicago in two thousand and six. I remember I was walking to the Starbucks and the door cut me on my hand and I still have a scar from it, and it just reminds me of that day and I think it's so cool and it was. That's why I like it, and I wanted tattoos because of that. That's what tattoos are. Everyone's like, it's gotta have meaning. No, the tattoo itself is meaningful for the time in your life that you got it. All my tattoos tell us story, bitch. Yes, um no, I can't see the sign you're holding up, but I do want to know. Noah, do you have any tattoos, because I don't think you do. I don't have any tattoos. I'm glad that I never got the tattoo that I really wanted, which would have been like at the age of sixteen or seventeen, and it would have been Axel Rose's face, like on my entire back. No Jesus, wait, no rocket, queen, what what does that mean? What it's because your whole back. I was obsessed with Axel Rose and it was just gamble to get his face because those can be so bad, Noah, Like, faces are so tricky. Do you have any faces? Ian? Uh? No? But also Axel Rose gained a lot of weights. You would have had to put on a lot of back fad if that happened, just to keep it. Wait does it get ian? Do you have any portraits on you? No? I don't really like tattoo portraits. I truly like flash. I like the old American traditional style tattooing. What what is on the wall, what you see is what you get, and you just piece these pieces together. I really love roses, butterflies, uh, skulls. I just like it. I think it looks really neat. I um. Jennifer Aniston has a tattoo of her dogs, her dead dog's name on her foot so that she can remember his name. I mean it's she has it on her foot and I, um, is that what you're thinking about getting Luigi? Well, yeah, but I have to kill him first. He used to die, so I'm gonna put him down because I really want to get it. That was a joke. I didn't call him and it didn't go well, So I was just thinking about, like, do you really have to wait for him to die? There? I'm gonna actually get um if I think the tattoo I would get is Kursten draws really cute drawings, and she curse is my best friend since the fourth grade, and she draws like these amazing little drawings and her husband has they're all their animals of Kirsten drawings, like on his arm and they're so cute. She just does the best drawings and she's It's one of my favorite things about her. And so she drew me a bunch of Luigi's. I want to get it on the bottom of my foot because I wanted it to be. I know this is weird, but I wanted to be my secret. I wanted to be I want to have a tattoo that no one knows I have, not even like my lovers, like I want. I want it to be for me. I wanted to be my own joke with myself because I feel like I I want to have things that I feel like I give. I always share so many things, and I never have any secrets, and I just never have anything that I keep to myself. And I want something that like has and maybe not even Luigi, something that no one even knows about me that means something to me, that is a private thing that I've been through I don't even know, but I honestly, I gotta get something that's private because everything I share with everyone. So let's take a quick break and come back with more with Ian five dance and me telling things that um, I'll never re able to get tattooed on me because their secrets write it for this Andrew, Welcome back to the show everyone. Um So we're doing something a little special on the show today. I am stacking um the guests this week and uh for weeks coming up because I didn't finish what I was saying, but I got Um. I have polyps on my vocal cords and I had a hemorrhage and my vocal cords are bleeding and have been damaged for many, many many years. And I may never even remember what it was like to not have damage vocal cords. I don't know what happened to me, but at some point, Um, something happened, and my vocal cords have been I've been operating with damage vocal cords for my entire career. So I'm very excited. I'm getting surgery September six or eight, I think, and um So there we'll figure out what to do in the podcast for that. But I will be back better than ever and I'm not scared. I'm not in pain. It's just the way it sounds, and I have to be on vocal rest, and I know I don't sound any different than I have before, but that's because my I have been walking on broken legs entire career and I continue to but I'm getting them fixed. You might as well go all out if you're getting the surgery. I was thinking of getting like a facelift at the same time, and also um getting my I'm getting because I have to take three weeks off where I don't talk at all, and so I can't do any work. Essentially, I can't do anything. Please don't tell my book agent that I literally can't do anything because I don't want to write a book during the time. I really want the time off. Um, And I was thinking of getting, um, I want to get done. Yeah, Well, bbls are out now because Kim Kardatian is getting all her fat sucked out now and now it's it's now now my ass is back in and right when my fucking flat ass is becoming in again, I'm getting an ass. It's like that nothing was working okay, so um, so I'm bringing in guests all this week and up until my surgery. We will have guests, and then once I have my surgery, we'll see what happens, UM, and you can send your flowers to UH four six four two. I'm just kidding. That was close, right, You're going to give the real address like UM. But so today I also am I'm not able to do press anymore. I'm not able to do interviews, nothing extra. I mean, I have a contract with I Heart Radio. I have a contract with UM certain TV appearances, so I am still keeping those and those are the only times I am talking in my life. I don't get to talk socially anymore. I don't get to do anything else outside of that. And so when I got approached to do a radio interview by a nice gentleman on Instagram in my d M S, I said, I would love to do it, but we're gonna have to do it on my podcast because that's the only time I can talk. So UM with us today is justin, UM, justin, where are you from? A guy from Long Island, Nassau County, and Uh, I've been a fan of yours for so long, so it's such an honor to get to talk with you right now. I'm so excited to talk to you so you said that this and in this interview is for for my college. Graduated from there a couple of years ago, and then I ended up, you know, working there, And Uh, I have a show that kind of features pop culture and I love talking about comedy. So I figured get one of the hottest rising stars in comedy who's uh been kicking ask for the last there. Thank you so much, Justin, Ian you take us, you take us back seat? Ian finances here, um but Justin is um so we are. So this will air on Justin's radio show Justin Where can people find your radio show? What is it called called the Radio Rumble? And you know you were talking about having surgery. I had surgery a few years ago and I've never talked about that on the radio. My surgery involved I can't believe I'm saying this. It's called anal fistula surgery, and it was we know a lot about it. Man. Was there a guy right here, Mike? It was my podcast co host Andrew Colin has um anal fishers and had that same surgery. Yes, I had the exact same surgery. Uh did you did they terrier tushy wider to help the fisher, which is weird. No, so there's a difference between a fisher and a fish ula. I've had fishers as well, but basically it's it's no good. The bottom half is just it's a mess. I know what official it is because of an Oprah episode in the late nineties early two thousand's about women who um in Sub Saharan Africa for some reason. Oh, when they get like clar ectoms or something, they get fishlas, which are essentially whole between the lining between their anus in their vagina, and so they will have anal leakage into their vagina and so what what was going on? So you had a fish which is a whole man Jesus Christ. Yeah, so then the whole would like fill up and who had just grown this like engorged sort of thing and it would burst Like every three or four years this would happen. So then eventually I was like, I need surgery on this, and uh, I finally got it and I have had no issues since, so it's been like three years. That's really interesting because well thanks for sharing that what Ian. I love how you toughed it out for four years of like, you know what, I got a hole and it's this is what people do. It is so rare that someone actually gets surgery when they need it, or like addresses problems when they need it. It always it always becomes something that people address once it's gone past the point of no return. Like the only reason that I'm getting vocal cord surgery, I've been told for years, like you, there's something going on. I went to go see a specialist. They told me i'd polyps. They said I needed surgery, and they were like, you don't need it today, but it's and it just like you just you just wait until it's so bad that you can't do anything anymore. And the same thing for you Andrew, like it's it's just yeah, I had the fish or stuff, and yeah, because what happens is is like it comes and goes. So if anything comes and goes with anything in life, you're like, oh, well it's good for four days. I'm fine, you know if it's every day, and then it starts becoming less more and more every single day, and that's when you finally take care of It's like anything, it's like alcoholism, it's like a drug addiction. Like it always starts like, oh, this is manageable. I can drain my fish to la every when it starts acting up. Because I had a thing called a ranula. Look up a ranula. I think I've talked about it before. I used to choose so much gum because I had an eating disorder, and I would just chew gum in between meals to prevent myself from eating that. I got abrasions inside my mouth because of just like overuse, and it would callous and it would block my my tongue duct like that my saliva duct, and it would ranula is Latin for bullfrog, like the bull frogs like bubble, and so it would look like I had a bull frog's bubble and I would have to pop it with a needle and I would do it all the time. I would do it at work and I would just drain it because it was just like sliva inside. I mean, I would like, do you know, do Matt lighter you know whatever that does? And over time I started getting a callous on the thing itself because I was just stabbing it so much, so then I had by the time I went and got it done. It was so embarrassing because he goes, what the hell have you been doing? And so that's well, this is not why I just on the show. Justin wanted to interview me about my career. But I love this is so often what happens in interviews is that we will always go off topic and just start sharing things. And I'm glad you admitted because I'm sure there's listeners out there. I mean, I don't know, Um, you probably have a couple dozen. I'm sure one of those know someone who who has experienced this or has some embarrassing kind of ailment that they're like, I've never told anyone. So I appreciate that. Um. So let's let's bring in the interview. I guess, yes, good thing we did talked about holes in our butts. Oh yeah. One of our One of our guidelines was that we can't curse because this is, you know, airing on terrestrial radio. Well I get, I get edit everything, so so we're good. But I do want to thank you. It was Cardinal Okay, seriously, guys, don't don't make it. Don't Justin Scott a big course load. He doesn't go there anymore, but he doesn't want to. Um, Justin Okay, so you were saying about the Cardinals. Yes, the Cardinals. They're your Cardinals swept the Yankees, and uh, I just want to thank you guys, because I'm a Met fan and I needed do you know have that for going into this week I despised the Yankees and uh you also this year did something with the Cardinals that I just found out. It was Nicky Glazer Day, I guess at Bush Stadium and and you threwout the first pitch. How wait? Wait, the Yankees just got our one of our guys. I I know a little bit about sports, and all I know is that my driver the other day was like, Baders go into the Yankees and he's injured, so take him have fun. Bader Harrison Bader uh was a player for the Cardinals. Is he are? When they had traded? Do they leave like the next day? Pretty much literally a breakup where it's like we're I'm moving out now and left. So he so he leaves because it would be so awkward if he had to like suit up the next day and everyone's like you just so nobody like if he had to do up with the Cardinals show up again. So he left. So he played the Cardinals this weekend and they whooped the Yankee he's asked the Cardinals, but you threw? Is that awkward? I would assume it is. You know that you're you're in the trenches with these guys, you know, in their locker room for for years and then you just leave. But that's just what happens with sports there. You know, it's it's all about money and there's no real loyalty in sports. Well, Harrison Vader was living in our apartment complex, and we I would see him writing his uh the scooter around those little lime scooters, and so would my sister and I went to the game one time. We just and he went up to bat. We just kept going. And so if Yankee fans or you know, Mets fans want to harass him, you know he's from New York. I think it's from the city or something. Yeah, he's going back home. All right, Um, so this hat backward? Or did you cut the brim in the Okay? All right? I thought he could. I thought it could be. Maybe I'll bring that this doesn't look like a guy when you threw at the first pitching how was how did you deal with that sort of press? I started talking about that. I can talk about the fish all day. That was okay. When I threw out the first pitch, What do you want to know? Like what what difference as far as like anxiety is, is that like compared to going on stage? So different? So different because you know, going on stage, that's something that I feel like I'm an I am an expert at this point. I feel like I've gotten my ten tho hours. So I'm just very confident in that way, and throwing out the first pitch is the number one thing that I'm I'm most insecure about. I'm not joking you. I would have rather throughout the first like I would have rather threw out the first fist into my ass. Oh wait, I can't say that on on home plate or wherever the Then throughout the first pitch, I would have rather done anything than any sports but you but what the true this of it? Justin? I was asked to throw out the first pitch because he was promoting my show Welcome Home the ex Blazer that has already um not been picked up for a second season on E So maybe I'll kind of a home elsewhere. Thanks a lot for everyone watching. It wasn't enough um and so to be so yeah, I find it on to be this fall so and I love that they don't say canceled anymore. They're just like they're not picking you up, and it's like, you mean canceled. Um, this is canceled. So I don't care, literally at all. Do not send your condulces. Don't care. I'll be fine. Um. But uh, the thing about it is that, um, I I did not want to do it. I only throughout the first pitch because I was living every dream of my male friends, who are just like, that's the coolest thing. You get to do that, And so I often I often say yes to things justin that I don't want to do, but I because it's someone else's dream and I know that they would like kill for that opportunity. I do it for them. But I really I asked first if I could instead sing the national anthem, and they said that Robinson Elementary was already doing that gig and that got booked like, you know, six months out. They booked the first pitch like two weeks out, and then they booked the national Anthem like a year in advance. I mean. In her defense, though Nikki did go all the way to the top of the mount she went why didn't know. You didn't had a choice not to. A lot of people just go from the grass. No one gives you any fucking direction. Did they let me warm up beforehand? No? Did they give Did they tell you anything? Literally nothing? You get nothing before hit? It was? It was bad. But I will say this, I did practice a lot before that pitch. And Andrew Colin is here to say that, no matter what you see from that first pitch, will you tell people based on what you thought? I was capable of? What you think most girls who have never pitched in their life are capable of? What percentile do you put me in? For who have never pitched in their lives? I mean, thank you? Yeah, that's pretty good. Yeah. No for someone that's never thrown, who claims to be the most unathletic person ever, who's eighties six years old, who has no vocal cords? I mean, did you did better than I was? It was something I tried in practice, but it was something justin that I would had to um let go of being to like caring too much about because if I cared too much about it, it it was there was no world in which that was going to go well for me. There's no there was just no world in which it was going to be something that I was going to be proud of and and so now it's something I don't even like to talk about it, and I'd like to move on, actually to the next question. If you wouldn't mind, it was better than Baba boo. So I think you have that going. Thank Yeah, that is true, but you know that's not saying much. I think, well, you men, you mentioned the reality show the Welcome Home Nicky Glazer. Were you like weary of involving your family on the TV show like this, because we've seen it before with like whole Cogan and his family and it went to shambles. Were you like worried about your family and just like tear them apart? You know, I wasn't. And that's a great question. And I've did so many interviews about the show and no one asked me that. And I think it's a great question because it wouldn't be one that I would even think to ask, because it wasn't a question I even thought to ask myself before I did it, Because it does if you look at the track record of what these shows do, like you know, the Newlyweds, the Osborne's it kind of like funked up their family, Um, Jessica Simpson Nicholas, like literally every single family that's done a reality show, I don't think it's really done any good for them. But and I will say that it um. The interesting thing about it that that I will say that I did not expect because I thought, you know, my family has a great connection that were they were just doing this for fun. We're none of us really want to be famous. I already like have achieved that for myself. I'm not looking to get anything out of this that I don't already have, and none of them are looking to like steal the spotlight. The thing that did um did come up that was unfortunate was that in these like interviews where you get interviewed privately apart from the show. You know, you see these reality shows and then they'll cut, they'll show a scene, they'll cut to a person talking about the scene, and you always watch those scenes and you go, bitch, don't you know the person that you're talking about is gonna watch this someday and you're gonna have to like answer to that because you like, you know, whatever bachelorette you're talking about like your own personal like you just go, I always go, do you think they're not going to see this? Like anyone who want below deck? Like and um, and I I did have that happened to me where I saw interviews that my mom did or my my dad did or you know that, um my boyfriend did not really my boyfriend. But um, even that I did that I had to answer to after the fact, where you just get in there and you say stupid stuff or you just it's a long day and you try to like give them whatever you think they're kind of like wanting to you to say to shape the show, not a lie, but just something that might be a little bit exaggerated. And then um, afterwards it airs and and your mom's not talking to you for a couple of days and you realize something's up and you finally go, what's going on and she's like, you know what, I was really hurt by what you said on that and then you go, Mom, I didn't mean and then it's a whole thing, so, um, it did not it don't. It did not hurt my family. Actually, it actually brought us a lot closer. And that conversation in particular that I had with my mom that she got upset about was really good for us because it cleared the air. Much like you know, arguments often lead to like, oh, you're better than you were before. Well, I am enough time. I had like seventy million questions I want to ask you. Do you want to get one more question? Okay, so what should we go with? Oh? I have an idea for a show. Maybe you could take this, because that's not a question about this. So my question, this is like a basic question. I'm sure comedians get all the time, but you know, in this day and age, uh, you know, I feel like everything is basically getting It's harder and harder to push the envelope with content without receiving backlash. And I'm sure you've received backlash countless times for some of the raunchy stuff that you've said. Do you feel like this is only going to get worse? Do you feel like it's it's did you hear Andrew's sigh when you ask that question? Andrew, do you know that your size are audible? Andrew just goes I said, I said, I mean it's a good question, and you're right, Like, so what was the question again? Sorry to the end, of the question, I do you think this is only going to get word? Do you think like it's cyclical, so maybe in like ten fifteen years, people aren't going to care as much, Like it's not gonna matter. Really, I think, yeah, I think it's good. I think it'll be cyclical, and I do think that. I was yeah, please, And what do you think ian finance? Everyone, if if you're listening to Justin's radio show, you can listen to Ian's new podcast called be an Ian and is now available everywhere you get podcasts. Ian Finance, what do you have to say about us? You know? I just think the funniest part of this question is you think the world is going to exist in ten to fifteen years. I know that's that's really is a good point. Um, yeah, I do think. I don't think envelopes will even exist because everything is digital now, so there's no envelopes to push. And also, um, that's a great job cut to me of those dinosaurs blinking silently. Um. So I always think, I think, I think, uh, I always just say whatever I want to say because I am never trying to hurt anyone, and if I do, I usually apologize for it. And I don't have. I think the problem is when people are like, I'm never gonna apologize, never apologize for a joke. It's a joke. Fucking take a joke. It's so and like so lame. Just if you hurt someone's feelings, do you Does anyone really want to hurt someone's feelings? I mean, that is an insane thing to want to do. I'm a comic. We don't apologize. And so what if I go to the bank in black face, I'm not saying I'm sorry. I'm saying, give me my cashier's check and let me get out of here. That is a great James a Caster impersonation, because that is exactly that fit that he does. Have you seen that. I'm a stand up comedian. I tell jokes. If you can't take a joke, maybe you shouldn't listen to it. I'm a stand up comedian. If you can't take the truth, don't listen to my shows. I'm a stand up Like it is like this, like these guys, these guys that talk like that, be aware. If you're a comedy fan and you like anyone who says that the like, if you can't take a joke, then you're not cool or like I'm never going to apologize. You can't handle the truth. This is a fucking idiot who really is not a smart person, who is really just uh an egomaniac, probably a narcissist. And if anyone truly wants to use comedy to hurt people's feelings and make them feel bad about themselves, you're a bad person. And um, that is a different thing than comedians who just want to make jokes to you know, make jokes. Yes, sometimes you're gonna hurt people's feelings, but and sometimes I I argue, like a joke is so funny that I don't care if it hurts a couple of people feelings. But if those people's feelings do get hurt and they write me and they want money back from the show that they paid for because they were so uncomfortable they had to leave, I will give that. I will venmo their money back. I've always said that I will always do that. But just write me a letter, d m me like you did justin and tell me why I have it wrong, Why offended you, Why I ruined your night? Because that's not my intent. But I do hope that people can you know, laugh at themselves and not get offended as much, and not use being offended as like a personality to trait, like get tattoos or something, do something else to set you apart, because using being being offended is not It's like saying that you like the office, it's not interesting, or that you like whiskey and tacos, like get a personality, like actually get a hobby, because being someone who gets offended about everything is not interesting and it's not a personality. But if you're transgendered and you're like standing up for transgender rights, or if you're not transgendered and you're standing up for transgender rights, that's different. I I do think that is part of my personality. I do. I am a trans rights activist for sure, and I do get offended by jokes that are not funny about But I've made jokes, you know, about trans people, because you know I did the roast of Caitlyn Jenner and or you know Alec Baldwin and made jokes, but they were done not in like hatred of trans people and wanting to make them feel worse about themselves and want them to like go a and stop going in little girls bathrooms or whatever. The funk people think, Um, it was just done to make a joke that they you know, they have bigger feet than you know, people who were born since women or something. It's just like, you know, it's based on it's laughing about facts rather than my me trying to hurt someone. So with that said, I'll finish up. And if anyone has a problem with what she said, like all your freaking listeners, tell them. I'll read it some day late at night, and it'll make me want to cut myself because that's what happens. Yeah, but she's cutting herself to offend you, and that doesn't we don't care, even we don't care. My tongue and it needs to be drained. Yeah, she's been doing that for years. Justin thank you so much for letting me have this chaotic interview with you on my podcast. Appreciate it so much. Um and yeah, thank you so much. Right back after this, welcome back to the show. We are now justin list but we're here with Ian Finance, who has a new podcast called be an Ian And so I'm on vocal rest. We're trying to I'm not trying to talk as much, even though I've talked a lot this episode, ian Um, Andrew, why don't we play a little game? Noah, do you have a game plan for us? Should we do? Ready to? No, we can play a quiz a quiz game. Hold on, let me just get fun. Okay, okay, it's game time everyone. All right, Today we're gonna be We're gonna be talking about gen z slank terms, and I'm going to see if you guys know what they mean? All right? Either I don't either's Zadi probably Okay? When a gen Z says no cap, what do they mean means? I'm not lying? No lie, no lie, because cat means that's cat means that's lie. No cat. No, cat means that's a lie. You know around Yeah, so that's that's catman. That's cat means that's a lie. Andrew, Yeah, I go. I agree. Are you gonna side during that one? Your size? No? No, it was a joke, said Peter. That's what I'm saying. Sometimes I just have trail breathing, and I got these fat tits that make me it's hard to breathe. Andrew's just a po sitting in that chair. Just stopped reading him. I could use a pod after that. He's an act against God and science. All right? Next up my natural bodies? You smoking for seven years? Okay, I don't even know how to pronounce this, so I we'll probably do it wrong. Choogi yeah means pretty much all right, Nick, it means like you. Yeah, that was my favorite rapper, Chugi right there, right there, guys on Spotify. Yeah, Chugie means. I remember reading the definition of it because it was came out, you know, like a couple year and a half ago, and I remember being like, Oh, that's It's like when something's critch kind of right, no cat, Yeah, I know it's intense. Is it too loud? No? No, I kind of like it. I feel like I'm about to get news from the president about some bomb that's about to drop. FBI raids largo. That happened, all right? When a when a person has dripped, what does it mean when they got style smelling? I think, I mean that's that's why he had dripped, Um you mean a necklace around it? Jack did drip his style? You got dripped, dog, you drip. He was wearing an oversized condom equals actually regular sized condom, and it looks so drip. That's how I got the drip? Oh man, okay, so drip, So how do you use it? Noah, okay. Drip refers to your look or style, particularly when it's considered extremely fashionable or sexy. So how would you use it? And what would you say? Like, Man, you got dripped? I'm not like your like, okay, you got that dripp Yeah, got that trip? Okay knows yeah, and really on the point here, it's because there's little boys in his basement telling them all the words. Hey man, cool it all right, talking to the talking because the kid just was like, it's something trying to save me. I heard. I'm trying to see because coolers like no cap, take your hat off before we find no cap, no cap. He's than a city Jewish boy, chugging, chug chug it. Alright. Sorry. When a gen z here says the new adult the new adel album just hits different, what do they mean that means it's really good? Yeah, it's like it hits you deep in your soul. It's a vibe. I think that's that's kind of like your rope to me. We have this new phrase that we instead of saying your rape, which just just like as a word or a phrase that makes us go, um, we say I rap a just as to note and then she said Bay was charged with its rap a this weekend. Yeah. So for me, that hits different is a little irrap a because it just feels it almost feels like gen Z don't say it anymore. It feels like we say it. Yeah, it doesn't feel like a gen Z thing to me. This com next generation, the next generation is so fucked. Could you imagine a parent, a kid that's like fifteen now, being a parent telling their child that their father had died and be like, listen, I gotta be honest, this is not a vibe right now, and no, cap your dad died and the kids like, yeah, if you kids, like, dude, this hits different about your dad. The radical bullet hit him different too. Yeah, but our language sucks to like your dad that the radical life before he got hit by a car or whatever. Well, that radical was kind of gen Oh I guess it was your are you reading That's how my buddy died. That's how radical. No, he died of a heroin overdose and his eulogy was like, dude, he was radical, man, he always went hard, like that's why he's dead you fuck um. I remember my grandma's funeral. I called it a badass in the Catholic church and everyone guessed, but she was. She was rolling in that urn yea because the smelly bt. Okay, how care you? She didn't philosophy back towards the end of her life. I do not appreciate that, Mimi. Wherever you are probably looked like truck not back there? All right? No else she got. Okay, when you're when you're talking and someone stops you in your track and says, skirt, what do they mean? Like like like it's almost like a record scratch, which which gen z ears don't know what that sound is. I've heard, Yeah, it's like it's when your computer is slow, or when he talked on this podcast, and especially when like when when when people roll down there within when they're like, hey, rolled on your window, like and you do this like no one even does that anymore, and when you do, yeah, it means, hey, you want to watch quick? Please please? I need soup? Alright? What else when someone understood the assignment they do something, that's when they just like really brought it. When they like dressed to impress, like, oh, look, who's serving like, yeah that is like really you Yeah, I have one. I have one if you guys want to try that. I just heard, Um, i'm bricked up. What does that mean? If you're bricked up? You got a lot of money? What was that constipated? That actually should be what it means. Okay, I'll give you any but like a brick, you have a certain amount. Yeah no, no, I'm bricked up. Let me just say I cannot be bricked up. Noah, cannot be bricked up, can be bricked up. So when we're hard as a rock yep, you have a boner. Yeah yeah, I like that. There is a thing called bricks where they call it where Yeah, yeah, I got I got a big dong. I'm cinder blocked up. Say let's say less, say less? Yeah, say less is like you said enough, Yeah it's I think it's a discount shoe store. When someone stops you in your track and says say less, they're not being rude. They're just telling you that you've got the that they have the point and they understood what you said. I think okay, you can say it's not being rude, but sorry that it's a way to say, isn't amazing. I really implore people, if more on a plane or if you're in a crowded restaurant, if you shush, watch the power of the shush because people do not know where it's coming from. And everyone will get quiet. It's like we all turned into kindergarteners again, and like, just everyone will get quiet. I've been no gab, dude, don't break that up after that? All right? Uh? And then the last one, very easy vibin your favorite? Oh yeah, vibin? Why do I hate the word vibe? For so long? I thought it was so good because I used to be like, this is my vibe today, and I used to put post like funny pictures And now it's just so cringe. What's vibed with a Z? Now that's like theffering. Don't hate on my vibes. I saw there was a guy at a show the other night. His hat said vibes only on the front row. It was a lot, It was a lot to handle. Everyone went after him. Yeah, I wish I was good. What saying is that? What is there a reason when your clock behind you? I thirties? There meaning behind that? Or is that just means that the clock is broken? I need to get it fixed. But it wasn't like a um. I just looked up new slang and I just pressed on like the news, just to see the latest. No, but that's what what just came up? Why is that a song slang? Is it a good song? You're okay? Um, I will listen to that. But okay, so part of the beauty of TikTok is okay, sister, someone saying guy at g A g y a t t is the latest piece of slang circulating on TikTok. But what does it mean? Guy at? What do you guys think it means? Um? Guy named? What? Okay? So, users who have seen the word guy at used either in a video or in a caption may wonder what it means, But as it turns out, the words meaning is actually fairly true. Like one of the boys in my basement. Okay, So, well, it's actually saying that. It could it could mean so. The term could be a couple of things people don't really know. It's either a shortened version of the phrase goddamn like guy at like god damn um. The first a stream the phrase was first used by streamer your Rage, who would use the term whenever he saw someone Curvey pop up during his streams. Okay, that is annoying to read, and then m honestly, we're going back to caveman times. Our language are are written. Word is just becoming symbols with emojis. We're mashing these words together and just using phrases and go lit vibe. I like it, but now I like this. Now to guy at is g y a T that can mean get your act together? And I like that. No cap, but not if you're saying into an overweight woman. You know what I mean? It doesn't work there, that's what That's what you say to Andrew before he goes on stage. Did you hear me? Okay again, this is one that says, okay, we are it was it was on undelayed. What's happening now? Okay? So way is again? I just so I just googled this because I want more of these guys. Okay. So there's one called oh Ship. I just actually the Army and I just signed up for the Army. Um. This is this is forget about twelve New York City. You should know who the fund doesn't know. Forget about it? Okay, number one, forget about it bodega hero brick. Okay, yes, many New York City buildings are bricked, but that's not what brick means. Okay, what does brick mean? It's bricks, it's cold, it's cold, yes, okay, Um does this Bronx cheer? Bronx cheers? Ye, it's someone or your mean that was me buzzing in Yeah, he fart noise by blowing through your lips is suggestive of the perceived uncouth manners of those in the Bronx. So it's what what the fund is that? Okay? Um? Schlap pie dead ass? Okay, we all know what you know. Pie pizza schlap is to carry um dead ass? Are you serious? The New Yorkers may label you dead ass, a term dating back to the nineties that once referred to resting on one's posterior, but now means something more like sincere like I'm dead ass serious obviously. Kim Kardashians as regular coffee regular yeah black yeah? Um. Apparently it says, do you want a black coffee? Asked for black coffee? Do you want a coffee with cream and sugar? In New York as well as in Boston, that's a regular coffee. Who wrote some gen z. Yeah, I heard so. I watched the movie Casablanca yesterday. He was looking at you kid, Yes, have you ever seen it? That part? It's so good? Have you ever seen an ian? Uh? No? Um? But they they had a phrase in there that I really liked that I want to bring it. No, it's um. Um he's talking. He's talking to her about Oh you told me a story, kid, and that was and had a real wow finish? Is the story you're gonna tell me right now? Is that gonna have a wow finish? Because I'd really like a wow finish, a wow finished meaning like have you ever heard that? A wow finish? I've heard it while I'm having sex, wow finished finish and diet. I really did not think. I like old movies and I think I'm in it. Oh I just saw an old movie the other day called Hard Times. You've Got Mail? Oh really, what was it? I've never seen a movie with this Charles Bronson guy. I've always heard about him from Quentin and you got to get into Charles Bronson. Yeah, he's great. He doesn't talk at all. He's just this strong, silent type and they just really lean into it. He doesn't like the end of it. You know, I just watched it alone. It's like I don't know at the end of the movie, like they're like, you got anything to say, and he's just like no, it just walks off like it literally there's nothing. There's no ending. It's just him walking off like a strong man. I really want to watch more old movies because I think I I always didn't want to watch them because my dad always wanted me to watch them, and I was just always just like anything but dad wants me to do, I just didn't want to do. And it's such a dumb thing because my dad has great taste. And so I finally watched Casa Blanca because I saw some meat. I actually saw a meme of some of you know, like of all in the world, yeah, that dinosaur one, and I was like, you know what, I need to see Casablanca. And I love movies where the people don't end up together in the end. And I'm not spoiling this because that movie if you don't know the ending, like they don't end up together. But if you have any movies to send me where the people don't end up together and they love each other but they cannot be together like Romeo and Juliet style. Will you please send them to me because that is my favorite genre and I don't know why. Here's my z. Here's my gen Z term about my last relationship in regard to Casablanca. Yo, my life is Yeah. Can I watch the movie of your life? My life is a movie they don't end up together. Ian, how are you doing on your breakup? As we close out the show, I just want to check in on your how you're doing as the podcast failed to void. I'm great the podcast, the cat, the bike positive vibes only Hey man, you know life God bless I love her? You know different people it was you were together moving forward? Yeah, a little a little longer than that, but you know, if amount of the relationship to get over it. I I spent all this money on getting us like a hotel for our anniversary at the at the beach and everything, and had to get the deposit back. So I'm just getting tattoos on my body of the beach, of the activities of what we should have been doing. Wow, No, Cat, that was cool. What's kind of cool? I don't know that was not to get that one with the big fucking wheels and this, you know that a couple. Oh yeah, no, man, it's like, what can you do with life? You move forward? How are you doing with your break up? Nick? Well, we're back together so pretty good. Um, but I'm sorry, you know, you know, do I do enjoy breakups? And I have to say this, And I know that they're hard, and I don't wish someone anyone because they're so fucking tough, but there is you do come out of it most of the time. I mean, there are sometimes where people are like and my dad never recovered after my mom left him, and he don't, you know, like, there's always those, But I do feel like, for the most part breakups you just get to enjoy music more. I think that's the best joy of it, is like being able to listen to songs and like and feel I don't know, I feel like so many times my emotions. I'm reading this book about women with autism, and I'm realizing I definitely got insane. Every book I'm working on is written by a woman with autism. But um, it's uh, it's about how like, um, people with autism don't really they only feel their feelings if they're like extreme Otherwise they just don't. They really are kind of like running pretty muted. And I think that's why I kind of like breakups sometimes because I feel normal, I feel human. I feel like tapped into feelings that other people are having more frequently. Like I know people that cry like all the time, like my I have girlfriends who like will cry every day and not because but because they're just no, it is being set not every day but a couple of times a week. Like having a range of emotions that you go through is normal and I just do not have that. And that's emotional. During a breakup, I get to feel things well, yeah, but I feel like that's emotional disregulation. If you're crying every other day, you know, like crying is good. It releases a valve and let's you know, these reasons and toxins get out, and it's absolutely necessary. But I feel like doing it every couple of days is like a deeper issue they need to be addressed, you know. I don't know. I think that some people are just more emotional people and that's just you know, like like anything, some people are more active and they need to like run every day, they need to work out really hard to like work off that energy. I think some people just have their hormones or whatever like cause, because I have friends that can just cry and then get about there. Like they could just weep on their bed for like fifteen minutes about whatever is going on in their life, and then they go and watch a video of like an old man like hugging his grandson. It's so I was like, I've how and now we're just gonna eat dinner. He used to call it like like you know, like you tear porn. Yeah, like where he would just watch like a mentally you know, handicapped person get into college and then he would just feel like be able to get it out. And one time, one time, in the middle of the night, I was watching one of those soldier Soldier come home videos and it was like the dog at the funeral, and I was crying so loud. My roommate tried to come in and goes, hey, are you all right, And I was like, I'm masturbating. I'm sorry, Like I was so embarrassed and I was crying. It's so funny. That is the problem with gun emotions, that they'd rather they're my own as my own ass the official, isn't it hurt. Yeah, and um, yeah, I think that. Man, dude, I'm reading this book and I'm fucking I just sent it to with like horoscopes when you read them like that. Well that's what I thought, because I was like, I first read the book and one of the best. You sent it to me, and if you want to know the name of it, let me just quickly, because I think I have a lot of those tendencies to carry over women. Mainly it's called divergent mind. It's by Genera. Something in her name just disappeared, Genera Narenberg, and um, she sounds smart, right, thriving in a world that doesn't that wasn't designed for you. And they listed all these things and I was reading them and I was like, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. But then I'm like, I think everyone happened all these So I sent it to my group chat with all my girlfriends with I think there's eight of us on there, um, and I said, guys, is this like just one of those things where it's like all of us and I'm just trying to find I'm trying to like figure out and they were like, no, Nikki, like on all of them were like, I think I relate to ten percent of these things, and I relate to it. Yeah, but it's for women men, But yeah, I feel like it'd be similar. But that's just well, I'll read some of them if you wan real quick. Um, okay, seeing things at multiple levels, including her own thinking process, escaping and thought or action to survive, overwhelming emotions and senses, continually analyzing existence, the meaning of life and everything, experiencing feelings of confusion and being overwhelmed, experiencing um, feeling extreme relief. This is this is the one that is so me. But I do think this is I think a lot of people have social anxiety now because of the pandemic and phones and everything. So this but feeling extremely relief when she doesn't have to go anywhere, talk to anyone, answer calls, or leave the house, but at the same time harboring guilt for hibernating and not doing what everyone else is doing. Literally, that is the that is the headline of my life. Is like, I don't want to do things, but I want to try to be like everyone else, perceiving them as a threat. I think I'm I'm reading the same list. Getting mad when you have a dream that your boyfriend cheats and the being upset with him for most of the morning. Um does that? Yeah? Right, are you serious? People do that? Women? Leave her? If a woman is getting mad at you about a dream she had about you, leave her right upset like upset, like a little like pouty, and like, well, you go to therapy, bitch. That is um. Perceiving visitors. This is a weird one. Perceiving visitors at home as a threat. This can be even a familiar family member knowing logically that visitors are not a threat, but still feeling like they are obsessing about the potentiality of a relationship with someone, particularly love interest or new friendship, like obsessing about just the potential. I am only obsessed with potential. I don't even like to obsess when I'm in things. It's being confused by the rules of accurate eye contact, tone of voice, proximity of the body. Okay, listen to this thing. And I know this is me being like I'm a main character and everything is me. But this I've never related to something more. I Um, Chris used to coin this thing for me early in our relationship, where I would just when I wanted to leave somewhere. I'd just go like okay, I'm gonna go and like stand up, and he coined it. He called it the Glazer exit because there was never any and I just never understood what that meant. And I even find myself. The other day, I was with someone and I knew I needed to go, and I realized and I stopped myself because I know that that people are jarred by me leaving early. But I don't understand what you're supposed to do. So this says that, um uh, but did you have to lead to get to something or you're overwhelmed? I was just like I was done, it was time to go, and I just didn't want to go. Well, I think I'm going to go in five minutes. Yeah, that's annoying because everyone pick up my ship and go, I'm ready to go. Some people like to hear stay no, stay here. Isn't that a version of the Irish goodbye? Because me and the way it's described in this it's people are the idea of doing things so that it's socially acceptable and makes other people feel comfortable just to like because but really I'm not saying anything wrong. I just have to go and has nothing to do with you, but I have to not make you feel safe. It's so stupid. The Irish goodbye is like leaving without saying goodbye. And your thing is you just get up and go. I do the Italian goodbye, which is where I say I'm going to leave, I tell a really long winded story and then people ask me to go, and with that we will go. Thank you so much for being on the show. Ian, We missed you so much. Please come back as a guest. I know, I'm so excited that you're on this episode. Check out The and Ian. It's now available um everywhere podcasts are. Please support him download his podcast rating review on podcast things and we would love it and support the Loomin Ears. If it's not, yeah, don't forget all right, Thank you for listening. Don't be chilling and checking e