Chris Convy of The Courtney Show , E!'s Welcome Home Nikki Glaser? and Nikki's LOVER joined the pod. There was a lot of chemistry going on. We learn about chasing bodies and door etiquette. They share stories about seeing their partner in a different light, being telegenic and behind the scenes of the podcast. You Heard It Here First, Nikki might have Witzelsucht syndrome and this podcast might be a band or a family. Or both? After discussing important "shower leans" they hear a voicemail from a Bestie which prompts Andrew to come up with a new monicker for the listeners.
The Nicky Glazer Podcast. Here, Nicky, Hello, here I am. It's Nicki Glazer Podcast. Welcome, It's Thursday. Well it's Thursday to you, but it's Wednesday here. I'm always honest with you. We're taping this episode, um, Wednesday night. This is Sneaky Glazer Podcast at Night and it's a special show. Andrew Colin is here wearing the um blonde hairpiece that we described the other day. Oh, you gotta go on our YouTube to see that. And it's gonna be a couple of days. Um, he's in St. Louis here with me. Noah is in Arizona. And then we have a special guest that you know was just a last minute add on, but man, have I been waiting for this guest to come on for all It's such a treat for me. I've had so many podcasts since this person has been in my life, and I've always been like, you wanted to do what happend but been like you don't have to, but like I would love free to, and it was it never really happened. And then I have been on this person's radio show and podcast, The Courtney Show many times. You've seen him. You can see you can listen to him every day on The Courtney Show podcast where you can find anywhere you get podcasts and uh. You can also see him on Welcome to Niki Lazer, question Mark this Sunday at E on E which is this season finale. You're like it's almost over and saying that to him and please welcome to the show. My love, my boyfriend, my ex boyfriend. To um, we are many things to each other. We've been so much to each other, Chris convey everyone, Welcome to show. I was waiting for some Yeah, there's usually there's no music and we just didn't have it ready for you. Here here oh sound effects, like oh my god. So Chris can I ask Um, you've never done a pod with Nikki? Do you feel like if the invite was stronger that you would have been need to do it? Or do you think because it was a half invite like you could come on if you want, or what was the it was? It's probably a little bit a bit of probably a little bit of like everything. It's like, yeah, how are we doing, like you know at that at that moment, like how am I feeling that day? How much does Nikki really want it? And how much of it is her just being like, be nice to me about it. She she's she. I would never do it to just be nice to you, because I know that most of the time you wouldn't really want it, but you would do it to be a good friend. You would do it to be like, oh, she needs a guess, like, I'll do it, or at least that's what I would think. Yeah, I mean, I'm I'm doing this now because like I want to do something fun with you, but because if it felt like you genuinely wanted me to do it, yes, and that felt really nice. Yes, and I do genuinely well. When we did radio the other day to promote the show, you know, this isn't someone that. It's not Kirsten or Taylor or my sister who, or my mom even who in the grab a mic, like I'm used to looking over here and seeing the person with me old the mike like this. It's been good doing this show, you know, like having to be cursed if you gotta put it up. And that's not nothing against them. There you have to learn in some way. I'm on a mic all the time. But it's nice that you would have been that way before because you wouldn't. Well maybe I'm a I'm I've also been a television producer for a while. So like when people when people that aren't like you know, you and Andrew season veterans, you know, those are the things that I had to look out for for people. Yes, but you. But I also wanted to be here because this you and you and Andrew have such a special relationship, and this podcast and like the besties and all of this is an important part of your life and it's a big part of your life and you love it, and so it is. I'm I'm very happy that you wanted me to be a part of it, so I wanted. I'm glad to share what I like hearing now too. It's very period. Just wipe it with your bank. That means a lot. Better give me another pizza cutter. By the way, offended that every time I come over to Nikki's pizza cutter and pizza tree, still I have a cutter at my house. That's why. So I left the cutter here. And she's a cutter, so yeah, well I need something, I need a tool to do it with. But she's the worst. She's the worst kind of cutter. She cuts in line, it's like the worst, that's the worst. Can ask you a question if someone you like, dad joked a cutting joke, if you got it back to clean, like, yeah, you took it away from me cutting myself with a razor and you made it like, oh it whole food. It's like cuts. I like what you did there. It's six flags. She wants to get on the rides faster. Can I ask a question if someone you walk into a place and it's one of those places where you can put your bag down and claim a seat, but you're behind let's say four people, but you claim to see first. What do you do? How do you handle those people? Are you one of those people? I'm not one of I'm not a Chris God. So this is whatever. So you go to let's say you go to the Chipsy. What can I just follow you when you just tell me where sick? Because I don't know understand you're just a baby girl, nothing about scared. I know the exact scenario you're talking about. So you get to you get to Chipotle, let's say, and it's it's fairly busy and will be hard to find a seat, and then you you set down bag, So you reserve that like four seats for you and your friends. Then you get in line. But in the meantime, other people are finishing, and there's a there's a system. I mean, it works out. There's a system pretty well that like people will be finished by the time you get there usually. But I think those people are scumbacks. What do you think claiming the seat? I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't do it, and if I did do it, it would be and I saw someone like I would do it because it was we were a four seater, and I thought everyone in front of us was not a four seater. But then it turned out somehow that they needed those seats, would give them to them. Yeah, if if there's a way, if if you're being thoughtful and there's you figured out the math or something, then yeah, or in that you know when I'll tell you what I am. If I'm pulling up to a Chipotle and I can tell that there's another car that's parking at the same time as me pulling up to Chipotle, and I want, I will run into the store. I will run to beat them into it in front of them. That's acceptable. I think I'm already a fastball. That's acceptable. Okay, okay, that's accept What about a movie you shove them out of the way. Would you not hold the door? You're not. What are you gonna hold the door for someone's I'll make it. I'll make it look like it was where you go, you know where you go in first, but then you let them come in. But you're ahead of that, the double push while you're walking in. How dare you hold the door for someone and they walk in and then they get and you go in behind that? You should be public executions. I just saw some Trump Raley say that, So that's why it's on my money. What about a movie theater? I think movie theater rules are different. Like if you've got three people who are going to the movie with and you've got you know to you and three other people and two of you were there, you can save two seats? I think, yes, I agree, I'm with you on that. Here's my thing. I would if it was a really packed theater and they're pretty late, Sorry, your friends are gonna have to sit alone two and two. If you were a one person saving for two more people, I am, I'm probably gonna say, okay, wait for your friends. Because you need a friend, sir, But I've you already got someone with you, and you're trying to say for two more people, You guys have got to split up. Sorry they're late. I don't. I don't agree with that to I think two people saving for two I shouldn't go to theater loves for together no more. First of all, I got to see that. I mean, I got the station. I'm ready to go. You're ready for that, right. I can't stop thinking about if they're late, if they're late, wait on, no, no, no, I was. I talked the next day about it, and I was like that hangman guy was pretty cute, like the new guy, the asshole guy. I don't remember you saying that to me. I didn't say it to you, but I was gonna say it to you. At some point, he's I could see his beauty. I could, I could see his appeal, but he sensed it. At some point you kind of went like this with your hand and covered up his tour. So you I do this thing when guys that are better looking than me come on screen and no, no one is, and then I'll put my hand to her Nicky's eyes. She's seeing something porn. I just did it to like fast fast jets in the movie, like when they would go too fast. That's what he was like. There is something about those things that I'm like, yeah, they're f one cars with with wings exactly, yeah exactly. But yeah, this guy, by the way, oh yeah, that's that's I kind of like that sort of I was chasing. We were chasing each other in the gym. So we went to the same gym and the same we were chasing the same body, is what I told Nicky, and he beat He beat me by a mile. So there's this Jim in Los Angeles. It's it's amazing. Oh okay, so the guy that was in the movie, was that your gym and now training for that movie when Chris was still living there. And so at one point I was like, you know, I had a I was you know, had a good consistent job in Los Angeles, and I was like, I'm going to see if I could like get this kind of trainer that that could transform me into like a fighter pilot fighter pilot essentially. And this there's Jim in Los Angeles where they literally they teach you how to eat, they do all of these things. What's wildly expensive. But they had like a bunch of famous clients that were training for movies and one of them was this guy. And so me and this dude are literally doing the exact same exercises, chasing the same body at the same time, and I'm looking over at him and I'm like, it gave me some motivation to be like I'm and then they would be like he's going to be in that new top Gun movie and this is like this isn't Yeah, I like, I like when you chase a body like you you're getting in shape right now because you're going on a bike tour, but you have you chased. I've chased bodies like I've chased I've typed in so many different actors workouts. They're like clothing there, the drinks they drink that, the sponsorships that. Yeah. Yeah, like I definitely like I've typed in Daniel Craig uh coming out of the Ocean and seven. I mean, it's at the hottest photo and the little gray pants you resonant to me as it is with you guys. I mean, that's the perfect body because he's muscular, but he's not but he is interesting. If you ever if you ever moved back to Los Angeles. I'm ready you. Let's chase that body. You can go to this place ultimate performance. I'm telling you, these guys they're the They're the solution for people that are looking he moved back to St. Louis Louis and easing you. You get into these like shapes that I really I do. Oh, I see you transform all the time, and it's guys can transform. We were talking about it on the podcast this week because he just shaved his mustache. I love a new guy that shows up in my boyfriend. All of a sudden, you shave your facial hair, and I'm like, who's this guy? This guy who's this brings you a beard for a little while. I don't come off as a beard man. Now it's a it's a hot five. Me and Chris are just flirting weight. More about the mustache situation. Yeah, I just trimmed it for Brianna as a joke and she likes it, and so he kept it. He did as a joke and then and her dad was in town the last two days, so kind of I think he was. He's in. He actually flew because you and his dad flew at the same age. No, I'm older, Okay, yeah he's he flew behind me. Yeah he was. I taught him. Yeah, so he it's cool, Like you know, I know, is your guy ever chase in the body? He does? He's an Israeli machine. He's an Israeli. So when you told the story of like men changing their facial hair, I remember something at the pandemic where usually I would agree with that, but so av like he's bald. So at the start of the pandemic, he had a beard and a bald head, and he like one day he comes out of the shower, his hair was kind of like grown out on the side, and he shipped his beard and he just looked like this Polish man that walked off the street into the apartment, and I was like, who are you? Didn't turn you out? And I want to be married to me? You were, You were like you thought there was a home invasion. You were like, this is like a sexy new guy showing up. It's in green Point, you know, it's highly so very Oh my god, that's so funny green But I lived in green I mean, I'm trying to think if there's ever a time where I've looked like that drastically different to you. I know a time. Oh wait, I know a time. Oh my god, I can't believe I just sent me. That's insane. She looked way better after she got hit by a car. What did I call it? Either called you. There's two women who like have been like who have helped apes out. One's Jane Goodall. Can I call you Goodall? Or did I know? I know? I know you have a relationship. I know when it was yeah, you know, yeah, I was. I did. Wasn't expecting to see him and he would surprise me. And I didn't know that he was going to be at the airport. And I thought I had I thought I had like at least eighteen hours to get like gussied up and to look presentable to this person I had just started dating. And I flew on China Eastern Air. It was the worst booking airline of my life. I land, it's my birthday. I'm tired, I am bedraggled. I and then yeah, and then I felt like I had so much time. I get to go get picked up at the airport, Chris, so that there's going to be a person there to pick me up, bring us to the resort, he'll be there tomorrow. And of course there's three Thai women that worked for the airline holding a cake and they come up to me and they started quietly singing Happy Birthday cake with candles. So so Nicky got off the plane and I I could see them and I wanted these these are these women who worked at the airlines That were amazing. These Thai women were just so nice and friendly. I was like, Hey, when my girlfriend gets off the plane, can we sing her Happy Birthday and give her this cake and make her feel really special when she gets off the plane. And they're like, yeah, great, show me a picture. We'll like see if we could find her, show me a picture. And like Nikki was on like a you know, a big MTV show at that point called Nicki and Sarah, and so I just pulled up one of it was the quickest thing I had, Like Nikki on the show, just like this is prime Nicki. Yes, and my body in a in a you know, a ravine would have been more recognizable than what I showed up as. So so they somebody was like I think I see her, and I'm like, no, that's not her. They were asking for my dental records to confirm that this was me. And so then they're they're they're looking for her, and then let me see the picture and they're looking and I'm like, that's her, that's her, and they're like, no, it's not. And I'm like that that's that's her, that's nicky and and she's like they're like that what did they say? Yeah, they were like I don't think that's her, and I'm like, that's her. And Nikki looked like she she was she'd been on a plane for twenty six hours or whatever it was, layovers and all these things, and she looked like she had either been at like a Dave Matthews concert or maybe like in the woods helping apes for six months and like super comfortable movements, living amongst them, eating with them. So knowing how you, I dropped to the floor and I went into a tiny ball to hide my face so that he couldn't see, and I just said no, no, no. And then I had the same thing that happens every birthday where I feel bad that I'm not being appreciative enough and like I'm rejecting this nice thing. So then I'm like, well, it's a good surprise, and I have to be happy about this, and I do want to see him, but I like, you can't see me like this, like you won't marry me. It's like seeing a wedding dress before him, but except you won't want to marry me, and not of bad luck, but because this is how I look. Maybe it's like a frog turned into a princess situation. So I just I just talk to you like this. I was like hi, and I was just like I'm so embarrassed, and you were so sweet. And then later on, when I like returned to my normal self, you we were able to joke about like, yeah it was rough, Oh that it was rough for you know that I looked rough, Like you were so sweet about it, and like you weren't like, oh you weren't like mean about like, well you look weird. You were so sweet. But then later on in retrospect you could be like, yeah, it was shocking. I don't know if I said that exactly. It was an acknowledgment that we could all not look our best sometimes, and maybe that was not Nikki's best look. It was a good message because we can all not look our best. And I remember one time in particular in our relationship where I felt so great because I don't know what happened. I still don't to this day. I had about of the worst acne like cystic like acne like that I've never had my life everywhere and just these big and they and they wouldn't heal. They were almost like staph infection wounds on my face on my cheeks where I don't like, really bizarre. And this came in like the middle of nowhere, like I don't know where why it was caused, but it was there and it wouldn't go away, and they were kept erupting and erupting, and I would like pick them because I was trying to like heal them. It was just awful. And I remember just like being in the dark and crying and being like you can't look at me, you can't look like I can't function, and just like crying. I would go to the gym and just like I was like, I don't know what to do. I can't be on You're there to go make not safe the pilot it was, and you were really sweet to me at one point because I was crying in the dark and I was like, I want you to which is by choice. Yeah, I mean you would ask me to do that and I was in a mask, but even so you wanted it dark in there, and you said you were just like you made me like look at you and you were like, I don't care what Like, yes, I can, I remember you what I liked about. It was like, I acknowledge, I know what you're talking about. I'm not gonna say you look fine. I was like, I'm bad as she thought. Though, no, it's never does any of us think like when you feel insecure, you know, which you know I've seen happen before, not very often because you're a stud. Everybody knows to stop it. I'd throw twenty eight touchdowns and you think I'm great. Man. That was one of the most inspiring moments in my life. Let's talk about we gotta go to break and we're gonna hear exactly what Chris is going to say about my base, and we're gonna what he thinks about Andrew's football playing skills. Right after this, Andrew every time of the kin to you arise, I've seen nothing but a surprise. Maybe you're my eyes too, Okay, and we're back so much the magic of podcast You don't know what anything. We don't know why he sings little songs that then there, But it's just a tradition and it's happened. Was that made up on the spot? Oh? Yeah, they're always I mean, isn't it that he can do that? You know what I used at the sins? Whoa, you have two brains? You know that joke? I think it's from Wedding Crashers. I think it's one of the best jokes I've ever seen any movie. Ever seen it. Oh, it's really even though this mice on the roast joke, you've good fellows? Oh did they say that in writing Crashes with Vince Vaughn saying that I was open Wilson and everyone laughed very hard, confirming that it's kind of you know what, he's an attractive man, you have longer hair, love him with it. That's a really good point. You're welcome. Yeah, I honestly look more like him right now. It's a good pay. But the joke is it's when it's really I love it. I think it's it's either Vince Vaughan or Owen Wilson talking to a woman and he says, you know how they say we only use ten percent of our brains, and he goes, I think we only use ten percent of our hearts. That's good. It's like as a montage of them hitting on That montage is one of the best. Just tits, it's so many tips. Just remember them flopping on the bed. Tits, tits, what do you mean? What like girls laying back? And it's them sucking at every wedding. You could watch just the first ten minutes that movie and you would be like, this is great. Yeah, I know it's a movie that I would and I've seen clips from it and been very impressed. But that is a weird one I haven't seen. I don't know why. I'm not going to be a movie guy and shame you for not seeing him. No, but that is the one I've missed somehow and seen some pretty big ones. Good Fellows. You've never seen who's Chris person? And how can you even consider yourself an artist? Chris? I'm being serious though, Leo. But you know what I've seen is the scene from Good Fellows that is essential for real though it is always three hours long when people are like, you've never seen goonies? Oh man, and then there's nothing else to be had because they haven't seen it, so they can't even understand anything that you would. They're almost frustrated. And the scene with it, and they don't. You don't even know that. Yeah, and that he was doing he was doing a character that was a character. He was really that. No, no, I'm saying he did it with wedding crash. You never saw this scene. I am anti movie shaming when that becomes a thing name but the black and white I love that you remember though that in black and white? Good point like who cares? No one wants it? Um it's it means it's old, and I'm sure it's amazing, but I don't. That's that's what you do your phone. You put your phone in gray scale if you want to spend less time on it because it's less fun to look at. So stop telling me black and white movies are easy to watch. They're not. You guys just aren't artists. Man, what's your black and white? Guys can't appreciate things like the way you keaton, Mr. Yeah. I only like movies where they hit one of those like big wooden circles with a stick, that's how the kids are playing. Well, those are my favorite toys. Wait a second, Wait, we've worked off on someone I do. I do a yearly Schindler's List. Cry you do? Yeah? Yeah, yeah we can, we can watch it. Yeah. I always get I don't have I don't have what it takes to make to make that that joke. Joy, Oh, I get it all the time. People think people think that regularly. That's probably why even likes me. I like a Jewish looking man. I'm not Here's a story that we could do real quick. Nikki played a joke. We just started dating. I think you know the story, but I the best He's know it before you to the best sees. But by the way to the best sis. Nikki and Andrew really love you, guys. I'm just saying, like, when you're not around, I hear about the best He's. I just want you, guys to you appreciated. They appreciate when you show up to the shows. Yeah, they're great. They love you. So I just want to say that that's so nice. That means a lot to them. I know because we do. I do talk about you a lot. I hear about the best He's regularly. And it's such a silly name that it feels silly sometimes, but I'm glad that you can say it with no irony and just it's just And they show up for you guys. Yea. They have a whole segment that's dedicated to them that we're going to do later in Oh, so you guys appreciate them regularly every time. I guess they didn't need to hear that. I definitely do because we tell them. But you know, you you've always searing it from someone else that's around. Some people that could go, hey, I always like to tell people what someone says about them. We've literally never had a best need come up to a meet and greet and go this person like they walk away like they were fucking you know, there's some people where I'm really weird because really have never had any group of fans that as a whole are just cool people. And every single time Andrew and I go to the green room afterwards, we always go the best, these are the best. They were all you can just tell them right away. They don't cross a line, don't give you a weird gift that you're like, oh, this is nice becomes smells weird. Set of an old backpack with like that was carrying like some kind of tuna sandwich and a tinfoil before like their gifts make sense. It's all in the name of shirt. I know. I heard a old radio story because I work in radio now. There's an old radio story where the person that I'm on the show with Courtney was on another show called I think I don't know ifh's Stephen DC's Days, but I think it was called Phillips and Company. And they did this guy. I might get in trouble for this in some way with them, but it's really funny. They did this contest where they they had listeners who were crazy about the show. I mean there's listeners to this day they still love the show. They had their own version of Besties. But they're like, hey, we let's see who makes the best It was it was an eggs I was deviled eggs. Who can make the best deviled eggs? So they were like this is this will be great, We'll see who makes the best devil eggs. Where they do a contest on the radio. They make this whole thing. Then they had the listeners bring in the deviled eggs, and all the listeners were great except one brought in the deviled eggs and did not look like the kind of person that you wanted to and they had to eat those deviled eggs in front of all of those deviled eggs. Are I don't even I barely want, like I barely trust my mom to make them right. And he's brilliant and yes, yes that's a delicate thing. It's a very gross So they had deviled egg in front of the person and that person did not look clean. They got to see this person's fingernails like and they were very excited. It was not do a fingernail like an egg. You don't want to see something. Now you have a face for outside radio, but that is a big for outside radio radio that's done outside and get stadium under a palm tree. No, but you have a good looking face for radio. There is a common miscons or maybe it's not a misconception that our radio disc jockey point seven, they were disgusted and I like it on some of the d days just from their voice of being like, he's probably famous and hot, and then you saw your like, oh it's like he has crop clothes. Somehow he is a crocodile somehow Florida. I mean, they're very alligator friendly know Chris is Chris and his brother Tim are both now on the show. And then Brando is not a bad looking guy either. In Courty is obviously so fucking cute and always has been. But like, you are exceptionally good looking as a scene on my show. And I'm always telling it because he's always doing the filming in the studio and always like, turn that came around, get the women what they want. Oh you don't, You're not. There's the thing, this show this, I've never been on record, I've never been on television. I've never done anything like this. So when we did the Nikki's you know, welcome Home Nicki lazer Um, I had no idea. I was like, you know, you're self conscious about things. And then I saw the first episode and was like, I look significantly better on camera than I do. I feel like I look worse than I do in person. You do feel like that, but you've been on You've been on TV and cameras, You've been on the stuff about I also put on like thirty pounds before the tab. I made sure to look at his disgust, so you had an excuse. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. I wasn't my best for it. But never seen. I've never seen because like in pictures, it doesn't come through. You know, when you're on FaceTime, it doesn't come through. But like somehow on this television show Telegenic, something happened telogenic, which is the first time I ever heard that was Gary Goldman told me I was telegenic, which is you look good on a moving picture. I am not. I'm photogenic to a degree, but when it's this, you know, the sphere of someone being photogenic, I'm probably a six if you if you're talking about like people who are just you know, like models are naturally no, I look good, But I'm talking about if you're talking about someone that just photographs a nice every time, models their tense, I'm a six. Six there I have to say, six is high. I'm not selling myself short. But when it comes to telegenacy, whatever that word is, I'm a ten. I look so much better and more comfortable. I'm dynamic. There's something interesting. Even I can watch myself, but I can't listen to myself a lot of times. And you you you go to like total different, your otherworldly on. Likewise, when you when you even get gussied up in person and television, you just take it to it totally. It's an insane level that you got to. I think close camera, I'm solid, like I have nice eyes, like close straight face, almost crossing it. It's a blur. Yeah, like I'm looking at a penis right in front of me. Yeah, it's always said Ryan Reynolds. His eyes are close together. He was just looking. He's like, I don't know why. I guess because I said his voice sounds like he's kind of gay. Is that a rude thing to say? I think that's what got the conversation. I was like, his voice is a very it's it's it's not super masculine, even though I think he's so hot and well that's why Daredevil. I think it's such a I think Daredevil is because he doesn't come off as like a That's why it's it's Canadian. It's not that's a that's a there's a thing about that, like, yes, I went up to Montreal, Like I don't know, okay, I remember this story. Went to Montreal and you went to the strip clubs. I don't remember that. I remember that you did. It was right before we started dating, and I was very intrigued by it. I don't remember doing that. Remember you went up to Montreal as a single man with Andy and you were just up there just talking to the ladies. And I'm like into with a guy who's like, you know, next level every everybody's interested in and everybody like is just crazy about this is His name is a you know, famous person Australia, very famous person. But he's magnetic and he's all these wonderful things and he is he's warm, he's tall, he's tan, he has great hair, unbelievably, he laughs at your jokes, like he is just he's like you bet Hamish, didn't you meet any but um, they're just they're just the nicest guys. But anyway, you would go out hob not been around town with that guy. And I mean he's what at six four, what are we talking about compared but next to me he looks like it was six nine. Yeah, but yeah, he I mean, he's he's magnetic and so people are like wild about him. So you know, at some points in these nights we're talking to people that are just you know, extremely beautiful, and multiple groups of like ladies talk to us, and he and I mean, you know me, like, I'm a guy, but I'm not like wildly mask I'm not like some tough guy. You know, I'm not even I'm not a very big fella. And and he's not like some brute. Like, yes, he's not like Jason. Things changed for you. That's a different life. They kept telling us he looks famous. They kept telling us, they're like, you guys are the most masculine men we've met in years. They're like, they're like because because we're just we're just like a little bit I wouldn't say even aggressive, it's just we we weren't as like deferential as Canadian menoir So I think Ryan Reynolds has this. I've always felt that way about I've said that when I go in no offense to Canadian men. I know we have many Canadian men who listen to our show. I've always been up there. When I remember back with like in my early twenties, I used to say, when I was a single girl and being like, what could happen? How does anyone have suck in this town or these towns? Because men do not make any kind of move. They're also respectful. Yeah the fifteen Sorry you start, but we were each other, Like I like the idea of like if you apologize enough, yes, then you're there. Like it doesn't Yeah, well I don't understand because we were just talking. Chris like someone to make a move, they have to take a risk. You got to take a risk, and maybe you don't there, That's what I'm saying, Like maybe it's so like in like in their personality where that it's like just understood that we're going to be pleasant out on the ice, curling long hours like that putine to see like what we could what what sort of you know, we we were looking to fall in love. You were what you were looking to fall in love before you Yeah, you were looking to fall in love. We were looking uh Lisa Australia, Oh yes, Montreal, Um, okay, there are respectful And I think that Ryan Reynolds because he's so nice that that seems like it's not masculine and I just unfair at times. It's unfair, And you know what, I used to feel that way because he's not alpha. Then if he's nice, yeah, and he's just like he's just like comfortable being himself and maybe he's talking more softly than most men or whatever most, he smiles a lot, He's enthusiastic. It just comes across I don't. I hate to say gay, but I like that men that are that comfortable and that like easy and fun are usually more I don't. That reminded me of my mom when I just said that. There was just there's a tinge of like he just doesn't come across as like like when women are like, oh my god, sexuals. I mean it's like term. But I'm crazy about Brian. I love where I always have. But what I do want to say is, well, there's something hot about a guy dressing rugged and then like that also being nice, Like yeah, and we do have It's like seeing a guy. You ever see a guy with a bunch of face tattoos and a piercing through his nose and you're like, this guy's gonna talk like this and he's like, hey, how are you get this? Sometimes too, because you're so friendly and nice, that people might assume that that you that you're gay, And it's like not fair because you don't have to be gruff and like weird and rude to people to be I also have a look, I have a hairy like I could be have a stern looking kind of face at times. But I'm I feel a lot like Howard. I just feel like a very assistant thought you were gay. Oh really remember when we when you came to meet us for dinner. Yeah, yeah, yeah, And she goes, I thought he was gay, and I was like, no one's ever said that to me about him. But it's just because you're nice, I think as a compliment, Oh totally. What I really like on the flip side of this is that I do think it's incredibly sexy when someone that is generally like very nice and personal and like fun can have that other side to them. Is that, like the sexual side like you. No one knows that side of you except me, like and several women and buy several I mean Andrew's definition of several um many women know that definition or know that side of you. But I like that it's not just you're not it's not there, it comes, it's it's when when it comes out of you. It's like very special occasions, and it's not like just part of who you are. It's like but it is, it's essential part of who you are. But I just it's a it's a it's just exciting when I say it come out and I'm like, oh my god, this guy is just like a guy that just like he's a sexual man. And I sometimes forget, like, oh, this guy just likes he's like a dude, like and nothing can that's always sexual? Can you imagine how secking exhausting that would be? But I just like you're at the bottom of the span of steps and he's like, before you you think that what I just said was I don't know, I'm a I didn't think that was Spanish. But I just love you know that. I love when men get like stupid, when they're horny. It just turns me on. And that's what I mean, Like, you are just a guy that's just sometimes you're just like susceptible to the to feminine wiles, and there's something so hot about that when a guy just becomes like just kind of starts like looking at your body while you're talking to them, and you're like, oh, are you not you know listen? Can you not hear my? What's what's going on in your body right now? You can't fight it. It's just like cute because you don't have any control, That's what it is. It's like, but you do having a control because that's the dynamic I like in a sexual relationship. But it's funny because you suddenly see this person losing their faculties around you because they want you so bad, and there's something so nice. It's nice about that. Like right now, I just sense this urge from me. Should I leave? Should we do the news? Bang uglies? Is that a word? Bang uglies? I think I don't want. Yeah, it's weird phrase. First you're talking about, OK, let's do the news. Thank you everybody. Apparently it's been a great day. It's Thursday. You're having all the swells. You know what that means? It is Thursday. I really messed this up. I think Chris made me nervous for doing the news because I had to get very serious. You know what's going on with the Andrew right now? A stroke's sorry, I'm getting too serious for you over there. Anyways, back to you, Noah, Okay, did I started reading the news and then they took it away from me? Chris? You gave because no it's probably great at it, But now I'm that bad not just kidding because Noah. I've heard that Noah is very smart and very sharp and I've always said that no Noah is smart, and she just you know, she she talks clearly. People don't hear enough from her. It felt good to just give her that role. And sometimes Andrew would present information and I would need more context, or he would just look just down on his phone and he would just be like this, it's camera. It's not Andrew's vibe like this that you did the right thing. It's not you could do it. And I've always said thank you when you wear that wig. That really makes me feel like I'm talking to someone who I would say that too. You can do anything you want. Kidney there in the solar plexus of my kidney right here, callback care earlier without the show, all right, no camel, did you know? But there is a neurological condition that makes people who have it tell inappropriate jokes. Andrew should be doing the news, right guys. I mean after that, I feel like it was it just feels like an Andrew. This should go back right back to Andrew. Well, he won't be pronounce this. You won't be able to put the pronunciation was a hard. Patients with Wittl sucked syndrome tend to make jokes compulsively, sometimes without realizing that what they said was inappropriate or even funny. And another bizarre aspect of the disorder is that patients can sometimes have difficulty reading sarcasm. Oh, I sometimes have that too, Nikki has kind of ye Ni, yeah, sorry, sorry, you go No, you go sill, No, it's you, this is your show. I don't give a fun there's no hierarchy. I will see the patriarchy. You shut the funk up. Oh yeah, we should both shut up. You go, NICKI I would said name, and I was like, what's good say? Nick does this thing, which is it's maddening at the time, but it's respectable always in hindsight, which is will be in a legitimate we have This hasn't happen a long time because we haven't gotten in like real serious, legitimate fight discussions where it's like we might we might be going our separate ways, but I'll I don't have a great example, and I wish it, and I wish we did it, but I'll say something and we'll be in a real fight where we're like really serious, and she'll make a joke, like a really hilarious joke, and you kind of have to acknowledge it and be like, that's really funny and you're charming, but can we keep it? We really have to be stuff. But it's inspiring because she's her brain is just constantly. She can't turn it off, and for me, I do I can turn it off. I think I do those. I swallow a lot of those when it's really bad between us. Not that I did not intend that, but I I spit some of that now. I say those sometimes when I really when I see when all of a sudden we are in a dark dark spot in a fight where it's like, oh, this might be like one that like might fracture us in a way, or it could go that way. I will wait until that fracture seems to have been stabilized glued back together, and the glue is not totally hard yet, but I can give it a little wiggle, and that's when I will start peppering in jokes that will make him just kind of just go like the second the second we're able to give each other a little bit of like that was good, is when I know we're on we're on solid ground. We've been in situations that where it's like we are five more words away from being done forever and she'll throw a joke and oh, yeah, you I cannot believe I don't know what you're talking about. Yeah, yeah, definitely. I wish I could remember because it would be funny and people would love it. But like in that moment, I'm not in a position to be remembering things. But yeah, it's it's I mean, that's something that is inspiring. It helps me with the radio show too sometimes because to find comedy and like, seriously, yeah, when that sort of thing is when the things are a little bit tense, or when I'm not I'm not doing my best or I'm not feeling my best, or I don't you know, think I'm doing a great job, is to still be thinking about something that's funny, because that's part of what you do for a living. Yeah, and just trying to get something out of it. But that we were just talking about that showing up to work and like, you got to do a podcast every day, he's got to be on radio four hours day. Some days you're in a bad mood and I think you can't even be yourself less in here. Well and with you guys, you know, like you guys have a guy. It is pretty good about them being themselves. As far as morning radio shows, I think we're as authentic as you got. Yeah for sure. Yeah, well, I mean yeah, I would probably drop like some bad words and stuff naturally, but I would say that none of us when we're not like, hey, how's it going? This is a thing. Oh, I can't believe we're talking to the good you know, we don't. Just like Andrew could could read this. You guys have a big challenge too, because you guys are legitimately friends. You live close to each other, you see each other all the time. You're also co workers, and so you're on weekends together where you're having tons of fun and you clearly love each other. But then you have to come in here on days where you're like, you do have a relationship that's like a little bit like coworkers and siblings and best friends, and you're you're almost like a band that loves and hates each other. It's a it's a bowler coaster, and you have to come in here and do this show. And I've never listened to the show. Do you guys just do you guys work things out on the show? Yeah? I mean it's gotten a lot better than the first season. First year we did this where we would have really bad fights where it would be like together that was insane. It was living together on tour podcast everything, because I would get in the middle of a point that I felt like I needed because it would be the one place where we could like let it out, and I almost didn't want to get off air because then it won't be safe anymore to just like have a little bit of a referee. Once Noah says goodbye, then you guys are just sitting here to people and I yell, you know what, Andrew go to fucking therapy, and you go, you need to go to Nick and I slam it down. But you know I have your back sometimes too, because obviously you go upstairs and I don't know downstairs. I don't know where you live. But you go and you say, like, oh, you know, maybe NICKI bummed me out doing this today, And sometimes I defend you, Oh yeah, you do. I love when you take this because you can. I think it's important for partners to obviously hear their partner out about why they're upset and acknowledge it. But I think I actually really rely on you to add the other persons back in a story. Because as much as I probably want you to take my side and be like fuck that, just having you don't go, you're wrong, you just go, I can see maybe I think why he would do that, or why he would think that. I feel like the best advice that she told me, that you told her in confidence, that I'm bringing up to you now in front of her face. That's going to start a fight. Listen to Friday's podcast. It's gonna be heated. No, it's just that your friends, your friends in Australia, they have there, they have a very strong bond, great radio show, but they have their own lives too. But when they come together because they have their own ship going on, it makes for a better show. And I think since i moved to the third floor, nine floors down, but I've I've honestly like I've branched out a little bit and having my like I've never had to live with a like. I'm like growing up a little bit. I don't think before our eyes, but you know, and so is she and I think like, no, no, no, just just almoally, I mean a little girl. I'm the smallest little baby hostess. There's the podcast how You're on that chair. I'm a little baby girl, But but I do think like that was because we come together, and I really do think it just makes I don't know, it's a it's a lot for anyone to work together, live together, go whatever. All that always want the cast of friends to be friends. You always want the band you like to get along. Like it doesn't. Luckily, I know that our besties don't have this illusion about us that is like or a delusion where it's like they're just best friends all the time, Like because we're so real in here, they've heard our worst fights, literally our worst fights, because we'll recap them on their worst than in real life. But to me, those relationships like like bands, that they're the closest relationships that I know about because it's it's it's almost tighter than family because with family, with family, you know you can you can go and treat Lauren horribly, but you would never treat tonight or your mom. You can say something horrible to you, Yeah I cussed my mom on it, but like you probably wouldn't do that too. Let's just say Noah or never another like or like you know, another new friend, but like you and Andrew are so close as friends that you've crossed over into this family family territory where you can say horrible things to each other and get over it and get past it, but our selves be your worse selves and still love each other. And that is like family. It's like a band. That is true. That's a really good point because I wouldn't say certain things to like Noah that I would probably say to Andrew because I do know that it's no it's not annoying, So you wouldn't have to say that. Yeah, I wouldn't have to. Um, I want to take a shot at you. I was just trying to take it. I'm dumb to realize. Okay, no, I I think that it's true. I do look at Andrews like family for sure. For sure, at this point, you guys are like a band. You know, family that you know. There's a little bit more complications within it because we work together and things like that that add to it another element of things. But that's why it's almost like a hyper like family. Sometimes our friendship if I didn't work for her, even though I love working for her, like it could like our friendship would be so hilarious. If we were on the Saint like I wasn't, there was no like working stuff where we'd be so such even better friends, where it'd be like, oh, you think it's holding us back. No. Listen to Friday's pod What are what are some of your favorite things about this podcast? About doing this with Nikki? Like a regular check in, what are your Well? I think that Nikki is brilliant. I think that I learned every day from her. I admire her work ethic. I think that uh, she I don't know, like she's just she is so dynamic and and the fact that how much shit she does huh, very little little Well, she's small and quaint and like it's kind of weird because you think she'd be bigger in person, but she's so much small, so tiny, and she does she does does so much stuff. Yeah, so much stuff with her little hands, which is weird, Like how does she do all this with those tiny little and also her Bunians they look big because she's so little. Yeah, that's why they look That's a good point. But that's very nice, you know. And I just and I feel like I'm gonna ask you too, and like, you know, just her in a swimsuit. No, as your boyfriend, I just want to talk to you about them, Like her tits are like seriously dope? Right? Is that where we are? It's it's I don't really want to get into this necessarily, but it's sort of a departure for me. No, please, the reins. I don't even I don't know how to talk like. It feels sleazy. But she's she's very She's special. They're special. You're very special. Dope? Is some next level stuff going on? You just saying so, but what is one of your favorite things about doing the pod? I hear it from you because you do talk about how funny Andrew My favorite thing. Well, Andrew is just so just he will adapt to whatever circumstance there is and make he's always will. You know, I picked someone because I'm a moody bitch, that my being talented and good is really based on what mood I'm in, and if there's someone around to possibly lift me out of it, I'm going to hire that person to be near me because I want to be consistent. So Andrew someone that like I can always rely on as being in taking whatever mood I'm in, And you know he's the son of an alcoholic. So he's good at like reading depressed women and being like, I'm gonna make this person laugh and feel better. He's good at that, and I that's always selected him or anything, but like he has a talent for reading my energy and matching it and not making and making it so that I am my best self, even when that's probably an unhealthy, codependent type of thing for me to need that from him, But and he and he just says things that I would never think of. Our brains are totally different in many ways comedically. That's one thing you've said a lot of is that like Andrew cracks you up because he's saying things that you doesn't work that way. I can't believe how funny they were and how fast, And it's like mad because because I want to figure out every angle for a joke. And then there's some things you say that I'm just like, oh, I would have never looked at that equation that way, Like you break, you break an equation that I would like spend all day on a chalkboard and you're just like eighty two And it's just like that's annoying but so handy to have around yeah, but you the way you can. I mean, it's crazy watching her on f boy and like take a script that isn't done by any means, and she can work it well in real time, you know, and or and organizer thoughts and organize and just destroy and make it clear and just TV ready, and no one else can fucking do that, dude, man, no one else can do I mean you you you have witnessed I have witnessed her doing it, but I get reminded of it. But she's so small too. When she's weird a camera, you think, like her brain, her brain must be she's so tiny, her brain. But yeah, I mean, we were on our way up to my brother's wedding and we were writing roast jokes about Tim and Emma, and you know that was really cute. But she wrote these six months ago. Honestly it was. It was something I would expect that she would. It would take her, it would take her three weeks to like just really get the stuff out. And we're just on our way up there and she's saying some of the funniest things I've ever heard. And and it isn't about like, you know, Blake Griffin, like famous people this is specific things about my brother and sister in law, and they're unbelievably I mean there, it was brilliant, It was it was really sweet. Yeah. The next day he was just like, I can't get over yesterday that that stretch of highway that we were on where you were just firing. It was just like I've never seen anything like it. It was really that was really Jill take a lot of my dumb ideas that are maybe outside the box and like, yeah, that's what I like about, and then she narrows and she can bring it gets to the center of it where I'm like, oh, I would never write it like that. What do you guys like about? Noah, what do I like to go to break? You can't wait to tell you when we get back, but we will say that when we get back, we are back. Um, what I love about. We really crush a lot of news stories there boom man. We just get in there and we get through them all. There was one there was one where we didcast where I was like, the podcast is now that we're gonna get through new stories and we're gonna boom boom boo. Like weekend after season two meeting, ye get through the news. We're gonna have things, we're going to change stories, and so now it's we never even get through one hardly and it's not boom at all, and we always mock it. I wouldn't just I have got that, you know, like I've I've only been doing my radio show, The Courtney Show for a little while, and uh, I just recently got that feeling that I've been talking, you know, you get that feeling we're like I'm talking too much today. You're great, No, You're really good. You you. I want to apologize to everybody that's like I came to Nick's podcast to talk to Now's nothing worse than I hate when my guests just sit here and just kind of like are quiet, because I feel like they're not having fun and they're not engaged in Like this is how much you would talk in a conversation, you know, for this is like I would even want more from you. What I will say though, what I want to do? Um, Well, you know, I love Noah. Noah is someone that I can call at the drop of a army hat um that she's wearing, and she will give me great advice. She's so thoughtful. She will send a bunch of different articles. She will be thinking about the thing that I'm going through that I call her about. She's she's just a tried and true best friend that will always be there and like really loves me, you know, Like I always said that. When Bob Sagga died, I was like, there's just one less person on the planet that loves me. Like I know that sound selfish, but that's what I just couldn't stop thinking about. Like it just made me said, like he really got me, you know, and not many people that I am acquainted with as little as I was Bob just get it right away. But he's one of them. And Noah's one of those people too, have like she would do anything. She just loves me. And I know that because it's it's it's almost said conditional, it's um it's it's mutual. And so I know how what she feels about me back at me, and she just said time and time again. I just know she's always in my corner. It's awesome. And she's fucking good at her job right yes, that many times her job never complains always deals with me being like I did, I forgot to do the ad read and She's like, it's okay, So if you find time today, it would be great, but tomorrow it's totally fine. Tomorrow I'll talk to them and listen, you have had a rough week, You've had a long week. You were in Idaho for Christ's Sake on Thursday. So no one is going to expect you to do these ad reads when you said you were going to do them. And even though I'm going to get in trouble, I'm not going to make you feel that I am. And it is going to be fine. Everything's gonna be great. And yeah, I can't wait to see them, and yeah, I'll set a remindering your calendar. Cool, all right, okay, great, all right, I'm gonna go to the jusit zuo. Okay, great, I love you too. That's just nothing but positive, even though on the other end of that is a ship ton of work for her. So but I love it. I get to do what I love and I get to work with like two of the funniest people that will ever know in my life. So before we start to pod, I usually upload the for whatever to dis or whatever. I do all the hard labor around here, which she takes about three minutes. But Nikki's always throwing on like some last I can makeup even though she doesn't need to. Good. She a little little and you can't even see her pores because they're so small. She was doll makeup. I don't understand from Polly Pocket get it. See this puts on a little blu so but me and Noah, I have words too, But no and I have like mini podcasts before we start rolling where we just talked to like today we talked about the George forming girl and then the other day we talked about my nephew doing jiu jitsu or no, and we just have this like little bond for five minutes right before the show starts. That is so sweet and puts me in such a good mood. And that's what you do, like fluffed me up, fluffed me up. No, So, no matter what mood Nikki is in, I'm already are Tornado. Glazer comes in and it's just like where's my Starbucks? Wait? So Andrew, do do we even record the thing? Okay? Cool? Oh god, this room is such a mess. Hold on it once again. I forgot where's my Starbucks? Just like running around like literally, Kirsten was doing an The other day, we were doing an impression of um love on the Spectrum one. There's a guy on there blond curls like I mean, I really do hope that she likes me, and if everything goes as planned, I mean, god willing, she will be mine. I am very nervous for tonight. I do want to get a haircut. I like my I like my hair. I hope she gets an appetizer. What if she I hope she doesn't find sh Yes. Anya was doing thank you. Do you know why it's good? Because he is me I am him person or on you wrote to me and didn't impression because he was doing impresions of all of them. She can nail it, and we're not doing me in impressions, by the way. It's just these people are so beautifully complex, and they're the way they talk is so interesting. And she sent me him because I go, oh, do the blonde guy because I love him, and I thought I listened back to it and I thought she sent me me. I thought it was me. She was going, I gosh, I don't know one of my favorite impressions of you and don't know who did it. Maybe it's cursing. It was on you the impression that's just like, yeah, you walking in with all the bags, throwing bags on the point Kursten does that. This is that's the sound, the same one of just so drop a coffee. You know, I think she's going to have a stroke, like like an aneurysm, a cool one, like a small little Liz Lemon, so tiny Liz Lemon was like having a moment where she did that where she was like exerting. She was, you know with Jackie, and she was like, my doctor says, I can't make those voices because I lose my voice. And I was like, I related so much because I will make a sound sometimes when I dropped something where I lose something and my voice is fucked for a week. You ever yell into a pillow? No, it feels good. It's like in the it's like going into the forest to yell. I've never done that. I've never punched a wall. Have you ever cried into a pillow? Have you cried in a shower against your hand? Against I? Do I do this slow down the slow slide down the shower wall cry? And I've done that before. But do you remember the joke you're a camera right now? What's going on? Do I remember the joke? What the joke from thirty Rock? It's so good. I feel like it's one of those ones that you would remember when he If you don't remember, then I'm not going to get it. We have to, we have to, we have to go. You're a shower cry. You've said it, You've said it to me before. Yeah, you never a punch of wall soft punch, And then I like, stop my because I know I'll break me. Oh, it's a double edged sword, Liz, just like the one Mickey war just like the one Mickey Rourke used on me sexually. You know what mark It's called Fidelity, And that's not just the name of a bank that's suing me. Like lines like that are just the best three rock lines. Um. What I was going to say about I was trying to reference when we broke up and I heard that you you told me that one night, you like would you were when we went up after we broke up the first time, I thought you were just like fine with it and getting on with your life. But then once we went to the park and met up, he looked like he it looked like the end scene of Philadelphia, Like he looked like he had lost a lot of weight and was not doing well. Which how long was it from the break up? Three weeks? Three or four weeks? And he looked not well and he I know, yeah, he was chasing that body the Philadelphia but me and what was the guy's name in the tom Hay hang man hang you knew that too quickly anyways. Yeah, so he looks He told me though that and I'll never forget it, and it made me Sometimes you just don't, especially back then, I just didn't know that he was complex emotionally. I really didn't. We just didn't show that those sides of ourselves until we were breaking up and had to get real about it. And I remember him telling me that he was in the shower one and he would just he was so sad. Sometimes he co just couldn't stand up and he would just lean his head against the shower and just lean and like him putting his arm against the wall and then brusting his head against his arm. The one I remember is just a long sigh that you just don't. You just never really expected. It just wasn't a part of your personality to do like a long. I've been holding an in for months, and you're just like, I really liked that. And then you told me the songs you were listening to, and I was like, dude, this guy is emotionally very complex. This guy, this guy contains multitudes, and I want to get back in there and get him. I might have found this thing. Enjoy your weepy slide down the shower wall. It's over the Robert for Along quote. He's saying it to Amy. Oh yeah, oh yeah, that makes that makes sense. The only time I've ever done that. It wasn't a heartbreak. It was senior year in high school. I was playing two days in football, so you do two days in Florida, and I took ecstasy the night before. I've never taken ecstasy. This cool kid came up, this guy Dale Bishof. He came up from Miami. He like transferred and he was like cool and he's like, no, everyone takes ecstasy down in Miami. They take it when you play the actual game. And I was like, okay, Dale, And I went to a rave and I fucking took actacy and then I did two days and I just remember falling down the shower wall because I thought I was gonna die, like after two days and a hundred degree floor to heat. I just remember sliding down and just being on the ground like I'm not the next to shoot me. That that kind I did that same thing in Cleveland. My worst hang question drinking. I curled up in the ball in the shower the other night. I was curled up on the bathroom floor when you were sleeping because I didn't want to wake you because you went to radio. I cramped so bad the other night. I didn't even tell you, and I was I was in the morning. I was on the ground, but I didn't want to disturb him because it just was there was nothing he could do, and so I was literally on the ground. Just like there's something about just being on the cold bathroom floor that makes you go I deserve this, or like I don't know, like this is what I need, this is what like like I wanted you to punch me in the stomach the other night because I wanted something to make it hurt more than or match. I don't know what it was. I just don't know why the bathroom floor feels good when you're sick, but it does because it's cold, plant like I like it, get rid of this stuff. When's the last time you been on the floor crying on the floor crying or now like when we're on the floor. Andrew was very interested and if you people can get on the floor. Oh my god. I saw the Backstreet Backstreet Boys. Obviously they're still on tour somehow, and they haven't changed their name, which is creepy to what Backstreet men. Sure, front Street, Front Street. They were always grow up. They were always men, even when they got together. That's even creepier up. Yeah, well I had a countdown. But the guy like when they became they were like one guy was singing down to the front, like the front, and the other guy goes to get down and he's like and like, and then he sings to them like he takes so long to get it, and then he puts the microphone on his knee to pull up and you hear, you're creep The first time I realized I was old, I was at a Rancid concert. Were you into Ruby? Rancid concert in New York at a place called Terminal five, and we were up. It was awesome. I don't know if it's still if it's still gone, terminal five. You knew I had that balcony that surrounded the entire course, right and killed themselves were died recently. Okay, sorry, terminal disease. Oh yeah, that's okay, never mind, Yeah, that's it was a stage five of the terminal disease. Okay. I liked all of that. I this podcast is great. It's pretty quick. I really have something special going. You're like a band or a family. Family. But the first time I realized that I was old, I was at the Rancid concert and I'm on the balcony and I'm with my brother and you know, a few guys from MTV because that's where I was working at time. And I see people like washing down, you know, down in like the pit, and they were, um, they were like crowdsurfing, and I'd crowdsurfed, and you know, twenty years at that point, like maybe since I was fifteen, I can't believed once I've never crowds. We use have SKA bands down the street here in St. Louis that would play and me and my brother would go and you would stage dive and you'd CrowdSurf. It was a lot of them were um. I'm sorry, I don't want to interrupt, but anyways, good. Oh well, so so I'm like, oh my god, this is awesome. They got a guy in a wheelchair up. He was crowdsurfing, like they crowded gotten that wheelchair crowdsurfed, but like I was like reliving a youth woman I love for Rancon and I was like, I'm going down. I'm gonna go CrowdSurf. And then I felt I was like, I'm gonna go down. I was gonna get my brother my wallet, and I was like, how old are you at this one? I was thirty five, maybe like thirty three or something, you know, I'm guessing, yeah, And I felt something in my pocket and I was like, I'm not going down there. I don't want to break my kindle. You had your kindle at a Rancid concert, and you know, like it's in New York, like read on the subway because there's nothing, you know, you didn't have cell phone like coverage down there at the time. Sure it was game of throwing almost positive, it was okay, final thought, can we get to one fan trax? Yes? Okay, let's start off with Tom was very fit. A kindle in your pocket? Yes, okay, question technology, it would have fell out and someone's like, it's a kindle this nerd, what a fucking badass, dude. No, but a lot of that was straight edged, like fucking rock and roll right like back in the day, like there was some of they were known for that. Sorry each other to Thomas, who was this the Tom? Tom? Al right, here's like Tom. He'll tell you, Oh, Nikki, Noah, and Andrew, this is your friend Tom calling from Oregon. I'm calling in regards to the term bestie. Now, I consider myself a bestie. However, I am also fat and bald and middle aged, and I'm a remodeling contractor, and it just seems a little weird for someone like me to identify as a bestie. Like if I came to a meet and greet and introduce myself as bestie, I'm sure outwardly you'd be very lovely and gracious, but in the back of your mind you look at me and think, oh, man, I hope Grampy doesn't miss the activity bus back to the retirement center. Um So, I guess my question is is there a term that's a synonym for bestie that might be more appropriate for those of us listeners in our demographic. Um anyway, I just thought it'd be a funny thing to talk about. I hope you guys are doing well. I work alone most of the time, and you guys kill the company and I really appreciate that. Take care of Tom, Thank you so much. And you're right. Like when people come up there, I can tell there are times that people want to say they're busty, but they don't. They just feel so uncomfortable saying it. It's like ordering. Like I've got an example at St. Lois Bred Company, other people called pan Era. There's something that I love there. It's the top of a muffin. Do you know what it's called? Top of the muffins? Do you know what it's called? Scone? Oh, it's called like a muffy. It's a muffy. Every time you go, you have to give me a root beer and roast beef sandwich extra roast beef. And I don't know what are those things with the muffin tops? Oh? Is it a muffy? Whatever? Whatever? It's for my daughter? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, what's the bottom called? This is what I want? What about DIABEESTI? DIABESTI like diabetes? Why would we want to reference diabetes because he was involved, and I don't know. I love that Andrew looked over during Tom's thing and he goes, I go on, I think I Diabestie, you know, get diabetes, and Bestie don't run beaties and Bestie don't rhyme, and it's still is Bestie in it. And he doesn't want to say bestie. It would be like asking or you know, Chris to order up. Yeah, it still has Muffy in it. All right, Well I tried. Sorry, Um well it was a nice try. And I don't really have a better alternative. But I was going to say, you know what's suck it up and just be called a bestie and just you own it, because I never I don't think it sounds weird to me anymore because I just hear it so much. But I understand that people that just live in the bubble where they're just a fan of our show, they don't say it a lot to people, or if they do, it probably sounds weird. And one thing I want to I want an alternative. I I think I actually don't think there needs to be an alternative. And one of my favorite things about the show that I work on um, you guys call them Great Taste Gang. We call them Great Taste Gang. And we have people that are from all over the place. My favorite people that call into the show are people that we wouldn't expect, like we you know, we've got people that are like, you know, fifty five year old mechanics who listened to who listened to this? And they're like, this is I love your show. This is so great, and we're like, oh, I didn't think that was I didn't think that was our audience. So when I hear Tom describing himself and saying who he is, like he doesn't know that there are other Tom's out there, and there are other Tom besties, and there are people that are like him that that he just doesn't know about because there isn't one place that's my favorite bestie. Two is one that does not look like the other ones. No offense to the ones that look like each other. But like when there is an outlier a million percent, I don't think we should come. I'm saying if he really wanted to beat something else, but I do. I so appreciate I think now Diane Bessie has to be it. And if you want to go by diabstite. It's almost like analize. That's what I'm saying. I didn't name my special anal eyes because I talk about anal lot and it's like analize. But it would be in then the cover of the thing would be me and my eyes would be assholes? Right, was that it would be different? And I said, I can't be because I don't talk about eyes. If I talked about eyes and asks, that would be hilarious called anal eyes and ben. But but you see things you see the world that doesn't that, but you see them through an anal eyes. You see the eyes are always implied because you're seeing Yes, thank you, Chris. No, he's saying that thank you. No, I think he's saying it very You don't get sarcasm, that disease. It is interesting. You are sometimes the quickest person I've ever men in my life. And then sometimes I'll say, because you'll get in like a RANTI I'll turn off out airplane mode, airplane joke brain. Yeah, it's like there are times I missed jokes all the time. I mean, people, the besties hear it. They probably go, you didn't. Someone wrote me saying that the ceiling made sense in the astronaut joke. Anyways, I just want to talk to Tom again and just let him know that there are people like him out there that go to your shows, and there are people who just like him, and he needs to know that. The whole thing about the Bestis situation is you're not alone. Like you guys all have these common interests and there are people that are just like him out There's the word, it's muffy. What about you the muffy? When you why don't you start saying muffy? I was just being folksy about that. I don't care saying, well, I have a friend who doesn't like saying muffy. I have a friend who doesn't like saying shrimp nibblers. Oh God, that's bad that he doesn't want to say that nibblers isn't fun. I mean, you don't even need trim. My dad one time was saying succulents a lot, and I said, that word is you. We've taken that from you. You're not only go back to accolades. You're not allowed to say, oh, she had all these great succulence in our house. It's like, so you could just change the tone. He could just be like I'm a best day. Yeah, sometimes they go and it's just you can say it best best. He started because it was the most obvious name because we talk to the best friends. So we were like, oh, it's gonna be funny to name the most generic. Yes, but as opposed that, like the nicky heads or the beauty of the show is that people like Tom, they get that, they will they get that, but they also feel like they are your friends. Like even though you don't know Tom, he knows you guys, like very intimately. He knows everything about you guys. And like he says, he's working alone, so he's like it's part of him gets to feel like he's hanging out with his friends. And that's sort of the beauty of what you guys, the club that you guys have created, and it's like friendship. Yes, and so there are people like Tom out there. Yeah, Tom's not alone, You're not alone? Time? Um, do we have time? Oh we gotta wrap up? Okay, Well, Chris, thank you so much for being I never call you Chris bid. Chris Convey, thank you so much for being here. You can follow him on Instagram at Chris Convi and v Y Gonna be mine some day. Um, I don't even know if I changed it, but I do like the name. Oh it's a great last name. Chris Convy. Um, I hope you'll come back. This was You were so funny and good. They're gonna love. Sorry for talking so much. Best shout to best. I'm sorry. You have to know that, like they need a break from me. And also you did not talk too much. I know what I'm doing here. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that, but I am just this is like enthusiastic. Yeah, oh yeah, people are psyched. People love the show. Thank you for saying that. No, it's very nice, but I'm just very enthusiastic about you guys and about the besties in the show. So I'm sorry if I was too much, but thank you for being nice. Not too much. Okay, so we have to wrap. I'm really mad that I made up this rule where at the end of the show, I'm gonna wrap a little bit tonight. I haven't eaten dinner. We just want on a run. We ran around Forest Park with my hunt. It's not something that we've ever done, but man, we're gonna do it again. We loved it so much and I love Andrew like a friend. Now listen, we gotta go. Andrew's doing a little dance. Things are feeling good right here on this On the right, I got romance. On the left, I got my friend. He's wearing a blond wig and things are cool. And I'm ready to dig out of this hole that I've made for myself, but I can't get out, so I'm gonna put it on the shelf. Andrew yo yo yo yo yo, Chris Convy yo yo. Okay, he's the middle brother. They call him the middle one. He's got the big cock and he's got nice guns. His favorite movie is Top Gun because HiT's an F one racer with long wings. He's got fucking his own wings coming out his hair and it looks so good. So you better be aware. Two thou twenty nine. I can't wait. Great stuff, Thank you so great. Thanks this week. Oh my god, you just did the bless you. Thank you. This is my podcast style. You're on my pocket. Take it man me Nick, You're better friends with that, all right? Thanks diabetes, and thank you, besties. Don't we cut and we'll see you um in Idaho tomorrow tonight, um and then tomorrow in Salt Lake City and then Sunday or a Saturday in Phoenix and Noah will also be there, not on the show, but she's gonna be around, So come to those shows if you can. Love you so much and g Jack, but I love you, Tom