#226 The Pawing Starts

Published May 27, 2022, 1:00 AM

Andrew overcame a hiccup on the golf course that he's proud of and Nikki loved playing guitar for Besties for hours. They talk about work ethic and changing plans last minute. You Heard It Here First, free the nips and don't worry if your partner looks.Voicemails from Besties include a mispronunciation, gay dating apps co'uhls, creepy history and a ball duster! Check out Anthony DeVito's new special for free and get some discounted pod merch until 5/31: podshop.nikkiglaser.com.

The Nicky Glazer podcast ers, here's Nicky. Hello here I am, It's Nicky Laser podcast. What's up, guys, Good afternoon. I don't know, that's what it is to me. Andrew's here, No's here in St. Louis's in Arizona, but I'm here. I saw you were wearing a title this hat. I saw that hat on Um. I think it was Etsy. It's like, I don't know, maybe I was looking. No, it was on bet. Um Yeah, eBay said at a man's um, no, what it's a titties but in that it's kind of funny. Yeah, that's a cool von. How much did that hat costs? A D two? Really? Yeah, it's pretty nice for twenty bucks. It's pretty nice for OFLF hat. Yeah. No, it's a nice hat. Yeah. I went out there. I just told Noah my whole debacle of yesterday, embarrassing myself, overcoming it, overcoming adversity of the driving ring. Oh my god, what wait? What happened? So we lost a lot of good men. Uh, they're floating and seeing whether at well after I hit him with a golf ball when I shanked it. It is great when someone shanks it's so bad. That people have the duck, you know, like it almost hits other people and like everyone looks around the guy. So what happened? Where were you playing? No? So I you know I had um. You know, I've had two different golf coaches. So my first golf coach that I left, you know, uh where, I was scared to leave him and like I was embarrassed to see him. Whatever he was there, he hasn't seen me hit golf balls in a while. You're nervous, nervous. I wasn't even that nervous, to be honest. I just I just I did want to show him that I was solid and yeah, and I hit my irons great. And then it came to my driver, which I usually hit like to seventy or like like really mean irons you hit your iron is great? Irons is the metal ones. So the drivers what you used to like do the first swing? Yeah, the drivers the first Why when you start with that, why wouldn't you say, like the drive like if you're going because you were saying I did great with this, and so usually when you gons, you do like later on, you know, when you go to the driver's range, driving range, you usually start with like a fifty six or fifty two, which is a wedge swinging, No, that's a wedge. A wedge is the shortest club possible, So you start with the smallest and usually work your way towards the driver. Usually don't start with the driver because the driver is actually a completely different swing than the irons. Not crazy different, but a little. When you're driving range and you feel good about yourself, it will not translate anywhere else. What do you mean, like you would? It just bugs me when like when you do something for fun and it's nothing like the thing that it is replicating, you know, like you're we're just using wedges and then we go out of there and we have to use this other club that we need a whole different swing force. So like, how do you why don't you practice with different clubs on the driving ring? I do? I do? I go through the whole set. I go from wedge to nine to eight to seven, to six to five to four, the hybrid to three would the driver, and then I go put all right, gotcha gother so much? Okay, so you're doing good. That gets to the Yeah, get to the core of the story. There's like a really nice lot I'm trying to asking questions. Should ignore. Yeah, that's a good point. Go on, defensive, Jesus Christ, I can't even he doesn't get to play defense and golf, so he plays it here. Go on, Oh, so what does no one ever go offense? Offense? Why is it always defense? Why does Why do we have to cheer defense and not offense? I'll tell you why do you want to obviously like everyone's trying offense because you don't want to make noise while the offense is on the field. You want to make the least noise possible, so then the quarterback and everyone could hear what's going on. That's why ums just to be days of lay. But I'm sorry, but people are a loud as fun when people are going offense. When when there's someone like that's going for a touchdown or something like, people are loud as fuck in the stands. Well, usually they're trying to be as loud as fun to take them to distract. So weird. I would not if I was a fan and I my yelling lad to my team winning, because my yelling distracted the other team that's cheating. It's so funny, you say, I just saw this video. There's a there's a guy that shows up at every Vanderbilt baseball game, which baseball if college baseball, annoise is going to stand out because it's usually not the loudest game because there yeah, and he whistles like like but like an annoying it's all about him, and he fucking whistles like when the right before the player swings. But I just feel like anything you'd do, it's like Tanya harding ship like she didn't do it, but like injuring the other side so that you can be making them worse through nefarious things that have nothing to do with how good you play. Because your fans are being loud and like waving around fence posts like that's cheating. They literally call them that. Like the twelfth Man in football is when the crowd gets involved. I get the crowd being like encouraging. I guess that's could be considered as cheating under this thing too, But anyway, go on with your story. No, so anyhow, I don't hit the driver, well, I hit it like two ten yards. It's very embarrassing the more I try. The worst thing are you playing like with for your front? Like what's going on here? I'm hitting in front of his coach and a couple other buddies that I know from just there randomly or did he He was there randomly, but that's where he teaches, gotcha? Would you kind of try to learn his hours so you don't go when he goes since you're trying to avoid him, Well, you usually wear a mustache and a rubber nose, are still Yeah I am what are you talking about? Must there's on top of your bust is a blonde mustache. It might stand out from the sport. Yeah. Yeah, all I have to do is put glasses on to become that thing. Yeah. So I'm fucking playing terrible. It's embarrassing. The more he tries to like teach me, the worst I'm swinging. And I was really fucked in the head because it's like it's like when you were on your show the other day and you couldn't hit the high note and it was really sad, and because you probably hit it before. No, No, it's just like sometimes your your throat is like scratchy and it's not going to happen. No, I know, but you've done it before. Yeah, but I didn't expect it that day, but I know what you're saying where you like I could do this, I've done it. I couldn't have done it. That's because my voice was ship. Maybe I couldn't have done it that day, because like if you had an injury or something, I had a big dumping, it would be the same if you have an injury and you're like, well I can't do it's an injury, but yes, go on. So I hate that when you're just like, I know it's all mental. That's why you realize it's all mental. And so I was like, so I hit balls for like I'm not kidding, like three hours, like I just I just destroyed myself by like and I felt kind of good and you know, like I get I kind of like a little bit of painen too. I think you probably weren't. Yeah, you definitely do. You weren't um uh practicing as much as you were just like exercising some demons and avoiding like the feeling that would come when you get in the car and you're disappointed in yourself. Yes, and well I think what happens, yes, And I also what happens is instead of being able to stop and go what is going on here? Why am I fucking up, let's just back away. It's like, you know, I'm trying to make it analitude of singing or whatever. You just keep pushing. It's like when you're doing a stand up show. I know exactly this feeling everyone. Yeah, but when you're bombing and so your going and you should really just take a break. Oh I should have like went fucking meditated, meditated, masturbated, any m with dated I should have done. I shouldn't so any emancipated. I take the rubber nose off. I'm like, maybe that's it. So anyways, I fucking I can't do it, and I just suck and they leave even before I leave. And then I was like, all right, well, I was gonna go to this workout class, but I'm so fucking like depressed and like deflated. I was like, no, I'm not gonna do that. And then I was like, you know what, what due the opposite of whatever is going on in your brain? Huh oh? Yeah, I went to the workout class. I got so exhausted the workout class I almost forgot about the golf swing, got home, looked at a couple of videos of what I was doing wrong, because like in the past, maybe I wouldn't. I was telling Noah, like you know, you sometimes you just avoid it. You're like, oh, I I suck. I'm not gonna I'm not gonna attack more. And then I woke up this morning I like learned, I like really broke down, like what the funk I was doing wrong, and like I was able to use my logical brain where I wasn't just pushing. And I went to the course this morning or driving range, and I was like, don't try to kill the ball, just doing just do this slip. And I was able to do it. And it wasn't perfect though It's still not you drove all the way out to treat court. No, no, no, I just this one here fourth, But I'm glad that like there's two different ways to do that. You know, like you can either fucking just be like skip the workout class then not hit golf balls because you're like, no, I just suck. I just I'm gonna suck until like take another lesson to like when people like eat too much and then they go, fuck it, I'm just gonna eat everything, and like, well, you could just cut the losses right now and stop doing what you're doing or like what like having one drink and you go, well, I broke the seal and then you drink all of it, or like you just or you just give up, you just give up right away? Is there something that literally everything everything I do that literally everything? I even told No yesterday when I went on Instagram Live, she was watching. I was playing guitar yesterday for you know, like forty to fifty besties given you know the time, and I played for like three and a half hour something like I couldn't stop because I didn't want to. First of all, I didn't want to do whatever was waiting for me on the other side of getting off that, like I would be alone. My apartments a mess, I have emailing to do, I have work to do. There's just stuff that's not like pressing, but I should be doing. And then also, um like if I practice alone, then I have to really look at how bad technically I am at certain things. And if I just like breathe through them, I can just move on to the next thing and not like think about what I'm doing that's like not technically working for me. So yeah, like I and then I even told No, I was like, I feel like I just can't stop, Like can you ever like not stop like I can't, Like I hate when I've addicted behaviors where I'm just like I can't stop, and people even on the chat or like whoa, you're still doing this, and I'm like, shut the funk up, Like I don't know. I just hate like little snarky comments that people are just a little bit judgmental of like yikes, still going and I'm just like, yeah, I have a problem. Don't get it. I'm lonely and well for one day, don't get it. But I was thinking about what you texted me about, like, oh, you know, like I don't want to like you said that you hate addictive behavior, and I didn't see it as that until like you you mentioning that because I don't have an addictive personality, I couldn't. I couldn't recognize that. So I just wanted to make sure that my encouragement was not that would be enabling that. I think she was nice because she no, I was like no. When I was obsessed with the guitar, used to just like stay in my basement all day long, like for hours and hours, like starting the night and then like stop at four am, and I would just put on my headphones and go into like a trance because you're just like obsessed with learning a new thing and playing. Yeah, I mean it's partially that, but it is partially like I'm always aware of like, oh, this feels good, and this is distracting me from either feelings or tasks I have to get done. And when I'm doing this, it's like my phone is like when I'm on live, no one can text me, no one can get through to me. Um, I'm like I'm in a tunnel. I'm like airplane mode, and so it's just like nice, it's escape, and um. I feel that way about sleeping. I feel that way about reading books, Like sometimes I just cannot stop reading a book because I know as soon as I stop, the world is waiting for me. But right now I'm immersed in this thing. I don't feel that way so much about TV shows, but I know that people do feel that way tv shows. I'm like, no, my phone's in my lap, people can get to me. But like when I'm reading a book, I put an airplane. Maybe that's why that's I mean, that's why people play golf. I mean, that's for four hours, you can just say I don't under people don't have addictive personalities, Like no, you're someone who like suffers with like mental anguish sometimes of like worrying about something. Why is it that if something feels good to you, you don't want to keep doing it until it feels and you keep doing it, So like, yeah, I do get obsessed with things. Don't get me wrong, but if something feels good, like it makes your mind go like yeah, I don't even worry about like why not this is I don't understand people that just good. I have a bad joke about myself. And it's just like I just procrastinate too much, Like I'm too lazy to get addicted to anything. It just it takes too much effort. I'm like that with a lot of things, except for the things procrastination is what drives my addictions because I just I have such guilt over the things I'm procrastinating on, whether it's life stuff where it's like getting a boyfriend, like whatever, it's been like any anything like having kids, like ship like that. That. I'm just like I don't want to think about all the guilts I feel about not having accomplished this thing or like not calling my aunt back or something like that that I just want to keep feeling like being trapped in this world where my aunt does not exist. When I'm reading a book about Columbine, like my aunt is not Have you ever put her in the story. Maybe I would just to you know, take care of things and I don't have to deal with there anymore. Just put her in the library around uh, I don't know, PM April nineteen. It would be fun. Everyone's like, what is he and Sally doing there? Um? It is interesting, like with addiction to where it's like because so many people when they got great at something, they're addicted to it. I mean, you know, you got to get those tens. But when you're younger, people are like, man, that person. They work hard, and then when you get older and you have real responsibility, people like, well that addiction, Like it gives you shit about being addicted to something productive. Like if I was writing for eight hours a day, you go great because it fits into like things that's gonna make me money. But guitar is not making me money anytime soon. It's not that's not even the goal for it. For you, Golf, like, it's not about this isn't gonna help your career. It's not gonna help you know, you start a family and buy a house some day. If anything, it's going to hurt that. And like same with guitar, it's like, yeah, that's a if I was a kid playing guitar this much with my skill level, Oh great, so much time. But right now it's like what do you There's so many other things I could be doing, and it's really about like I don't know, I just feel guilty at every I'm trying not to feel so guilty. Like this today, I slept until five. I just kept hitting snooze, snooze, snooze and going back to sleep and having awesome dreams. Oh fuck, so fun, did I What were you doing? Kept just going back and I can't even talk about them and they're explicit, but they were so fun and I could keep going back in. Then that's the best. Is Like I would wake up and go like no, this life sucks, go back and I would go back and it wasn't lucid where I could control it, but like I got back in there just an orgasm for every snooze wasn't coming, but it was just it was flirty and fun. I ate one of those gummies that you get into melotone dones just one, just one. That's what I was supposed to eat. I mean one point one point five milligrams. I take ten milligrams of that one does but I was out. Yeah it works, Yeah, yeah, maybe a little tired in the morning. But I don't think that. I don't think that could just be placebo. And how much I worked yesterday on the golf range for ye but any that'll do it. Yeah, I just felt like last night, I guess last night after I UM finished playing. So yesterday we did the podcast and then and before the podcast, I had I had done some work. I like justified like oh I got did I did work today? Like I wrote on I wrote my I'm writing a like sample chapter for my book. Because for a proposal, you have to write, like all what all the chapters are gonna be, summaries of what the chapters are going to be. Then you have to write a sample chapter of like this is how I write. And I'm trying and I was working with this woman and I'm trying to write about this experience I had and UM, and then I had to talk to I wrote down all these notes about it. It's funny because she's like, because I've had like days to work on this, and I waited obviously to the hour before it was due, for five minutes before it was due. This was in the morning, so this wasn't this is before then, But yes, um, I waited to the last second. And then I will say that I'm so fast at working and getting things on, especially when it comes to writing that people think I've been working for days on something that I've been working on for forty minutes. So I didn't lie. But when she was like, so is this what you've been working on the past couple of days, And I was like, is that alive? To say yes, because I've been thinking about it and it was what I was supposed to be working on for days, So I said yes. And she was like, it's amazing you have so much stuff here. I mean, I wrote, like so much but it was like forty minutes and be like she was even in the Google doc. I'm so she could see me just going there. But and and then I got on phone with her and talked about it, and it was interesting because it's like it's a story about I'll tell you what a story about When we get back from break Andrew, if you're going down to Times Square, take a cab, not a horse, because that will take longer and less the horse is fast. That was we're splitting gears with those like, yeah, wait, you can do write a book about how to write a book in four hours. Everyone be like, whoa four minute book? Four minutes book? God, it's so weird. Time is weird because people are like work week, how to work four hour work week? But that's great, But that's weird. So hard when people go you work so hard, I'm always like, this looks like I spent hours on it, but I spent forty minutes on it. Like That's that's where I get tripped up, where I'm like, I'm not going to accept any accolades's favorite word for me working hard, because I don't. I just cram really fat, like I'm a fast person, which is good and so I can cram in as much as it would take people to write other stuff. But it doesn't mean necessarily qualities there. Yeah, but is length is length? I guess if you're working extremely hard for a short amount of time, is that the same thing as work? Yes, mediocrely for a lot of times. By time, I mean, like you know, but your experience like working on TV shows, being in writer's room and all that information that you've garnered from your career, like that counts is time too. And that's well, I guess it's just because of you know, capitalism and making you think that, like if you're not up at this hour and then and then you get done and then you get to drink. I was I was going to bring that up because if people they go to their office, they sit at their office for the first half hour they talked to Tammy about you know, what they did yesterday, what showed they watch? If they really how you break down how much work you've done? We want go into work zone. It is no distractions, It's a ton of You would probably add up forty five minutes of actual data entry work if they really broke down how much work? Fuck you guys, I'm working the whole Okay, Can I tell you Because I had I had an issue at work a little bit ago, like a while ago, years ago, and my therapist and I also had a lot of guilt, and my therapist said to me this line that I constantly repeat to myself. She goes of people do of the job. Mm hmm, what do you think about that? So that means that eight of the job is being done by people? Yeah, yeah, so you're kind of most people who you're comparing yourself to is that are not doing most of the work. Yeah, I mean it's it could be like just their work habit, or they don't make work a priority in their life. They do whatever they can. Yeah, you make lists. I don't make lists. Sometimes think no, I don't do that, But you know when I have done that that it's I don't know if it's helpful, like sometimes of like things I need to get done. I mean I have a schedule in my phone that shows me like this this, this for the day. But other than that, No, not really, I don't think I've ever written down a list. I'm just wondering. I mean, I'm not a list kind of person. I wonder if if you would accomplish those things if you see him written down, you just hear about it. You hear people like scratching off things, be able to get them done more. No, I just feel like, um, like right two hours in your book, how do you feel like when you're like apartment is a mess, and you Like I feel like if your apartment is a mess, that should always be the number one thing you do ahead of anything else indulgent. And so anytime I indulge in anything when my apartment is a mess, or my room is a mess, or their laundry that needs to be folded, I feel like I'm just being lazy and I'm just being not like a good human and like I feel like I'm just kind of trying to I feel like I'm cheating because I'm not doing what I need to get done, or like I just feel like being productive with a messy space, like a messy space should be the bottom line, Like that should a clean space should be. Like people that have clean houses all the time, Like I envy you so much, and I understand it takes a lot of work, but I just you must be able to get and I know that they can't get a lot done because my friend Taylor is, like I envy that you can just leave your apartment when it's a mess, Like I can't function if my place is a mess, like it's O C D. Like I freak out if things aren't in line when I leave. I always used to get because she's my friend from my school. She's like, I always used to get jealous of you that you could just trash your room, leave your bed unmade like and just leave and have a free day and not have it in your mind. And I when did what change that mindset? Or guilty? No, I don't think about it if I leave, but I will say that it's like it. I don't feel I don't feel good. I don't there's still this little gnawing like you're a bad woman because your place looks like a man's man cave who is planning of school shooting. Like you just your apartment, My bathroom looks like Britney Murphy's. Like you look like you have a mental illness in your space, Therefore you aren't deserving of love. I guess it comes down to, like, who would love a girl that like lives like a pack rat? Like that's a secret. Your mental illness is everywhere. I have very pack rat. Uh. Yeah, but you don't have guilt over for some reason, I have some guilt, especially I have more guilt now that I live with someone that does clean, so like I'm more on my ship to please her, not so much myself. But it is interesting now that it's been clean for you know, we've been living together almost five months. Our house is pretty dirty right now, and it does like now it works with me because I taste I'm like tasting the good life. Yeah, you know what, it's a clean place. So I get what you're saying, Like, I do notice it more now. I've just never had it the other way. You know. My dad's the same way. My dad he's a keeps going on colleges. If you went into his office, he had folders like I wouldn't want to be if his patients. The thing is, I lose stuff rarely in terms of like I know where people. Don't you have a system? I was watching Tommy Boy yesterday and there's that one scene where she's in her office, the girl, and he's like, why don't you yeah, why don't you have uh you know, yeah, why don't you have what are they called that? You pull it out folders and then you pull out filing cabinets and she goes because I have to open them. It's just like it's too much time. I know where everything is that she has a system, and I was like, that's kind of like the way I wrote my life except hers as an organized system with ship everywhere. But I do know where stuff is most of the time. But um, it just and then I just realized when you're a messy person, I get more done because I'm not spending time organizing and folding folding laundry. Is it takes so long to fold up? And then I don't understand when you're looking through the folded clothes, you suck them up. Like I can't look through folded clothes and not sunk them up. And like even when I'm at the gap or something the store, the retail workers are just like, let's just leave it. I'll get it later because I suck it up looking for her size whatever. I have a brain. We're all folded clothes. I'll divide the clothes and then I won't put them away. Like that's yeah that I do that too. They're they're out on the bench. That's my kind of brain. Yeah, I mean, what is that? Like you're doing every step except for the final one to put in the drawer because you don't you feel like you don't. You're like, don't deserve to be someone who puts clothes or to go back to the fine count. I could just it's right there, it's right there. Why do I need to put it away? And Gaffan has a joke about why do I His wife wants them to make a bed, and she goes, why don't you make your bed in the morning. He goes, because I don't tie my shoes when I take them off. That's why it's stupid. And and then she's it's like, why do we have many pillows? And she's like, it's for um, it's for uh. I forget what she says. Presentation. He goes, how many tours are you giving of our bedroom? What is going on here? It's a great point. It's like who's seeing us? That's why I love Chris. It's like, you know, there's our relationship isn't perfect. But when I think about like the things I appreciate that I think so many other men or like people would give me shit about. He has never once judged me about being messy, never once judged me about like just the weird things he finds and drawers, like a toothbrush with like if you go to claims he's clean, He's really clean. He's very organized. Everything is regiment. He has like two shirts for this and two pairs of plans for this, and like he's minimalist, he's clean, he's organized, he loves labeled. He got me a label maker, he loves. This goes back to the point of that you don't feel lovable if you're messy, but he proves time and time over again that he will love you if you are messy. So why didn't you take that in? Because well, I guess there are other things that I question if I'm lovable that he might have more judgment. So it just which is something else where I think we did that in every relationship where the person you're with has some kind of irritation about the way that you are fundamentally, and you go, fuck, like, this is just the way I am, And yes, you can try to change and be like, Okay, that actually is a detriment to my life and like, I can see how that would be annoying. I should work on that. But then there are some things that I'm just like, I will work on them. But while I'm working on it, if if you can't accept me, like, just know that I'm I'm not you. And and this isn't about Chris. This is about literally anyone. It's like, I am not you, and I can't you. I know, you can't understand why I would eat that thing off the floor, or you know, like, I don't understand how I could change my mind about the thing that I said. I was, you know, fully on board with this yesterday and now today I'm just mind I just did. I don't know. I can't explain why my thoughts change things that make you lovable because they're so unique. Yeah, I just changing my mind thing is something that is rattled my life in many ways of like I've just never been confronted with it, just in a relationship setting of like me being like I want to do that, and then the next day having process myself like I don't want to do that anymore, and then being like, oh, yeah, I decided I don't want to do that. And he's just like I thought you wanted to, Like, where do was this? Can you share the calculus that you went through where you were like gung ho and then today you're not. And I'm like, but in my brain it makes complete sense that I'm just like I'm tired now and I don't want to do that anymore. And he's like, well, we how did this just change? Like, I think that makes people nervous, whether you're working in a business with them, whether it in a relationship where it's like, well, I wish she just gonna change her mind on me. She's just gonna like decide that she doesn't want to do this anymore, whether it be a job or or a relationship. And so I think that that makes people feel uneasy that I can so easily just change my mind about something. But I think at the same time, it's it's a huge attribute in terms of like I am not stuck in my ways. I can be flexible and I can figure out, like I can bend to you know, whatever change of plans or change what might happen to our you know, partnership. Yeah, I mean being able to shift on a on a like any second. I get I don't know with on that. I get that I gave him some test of the test. We didn't finish it, actually, probably, but we finished it well because we pulled up to the hotel. I think I saved it. Where is it? Did I save it? We should do it on here? Because the best you sent it to me and they were like, you should do this, Um, this, uh you know, od is m It's it's not like an official but it's for people that like have never been officially diagnosed to see like if they're anywhere in like the kind of range, and it's kind of like an official thing. But um. One of the things is like one of the questions for the autism just is like, do you get upset when plans change? And Chris was like, yes, like that. Then that was one where I was like, nah, I'm just like okay. I mean, if if I was like excited about something, sure, but if it's just like a plan, it's like, okay, we can just and I think there's something nice about that. But at the same time, you know, it's I can see how would be extremely frustrating. Jesus Christ My, I'm going through my Google history. It is so insane. Baronaked Ladies, tickets, um dog meat, um Young Harlott dpd uh swift cringe uh private anal lessons. Well these are just like, um, well that that's the name of Becca Tilly. Um, the menu for salt and smoke, barbecue, Harry Styles, Harry Styles, House, Harry Styles. And then here's the here's the autism. Autistic test, and then finally I found it. It's literally like an a D H D brain. Yeah, I know. Um, well, let's get to the news and then maybe we can do a little bit of an autistic test at some point. You. Oh man, it's Thursday, folks. You know what that means. It is Thursday. Apparently you're having all the swells out there. I hope you are. I hope you have a great weekend out there, everybody, even the dogs and the cats and the parakeets. Sorry, Beck, do you know no answers? Nope, Okay. Much to nobody's surprise, a new study indicates that heterosexual men act differently around women with visibly erect nipples. What was that they act different around? She has arec nipples? So you couldn't hear, but men act differently around How do sexual men act differently around women with Yeah? So here here's what they found. Here's what the study has the milk as a kid, the word milk out of your mouth. I don't okay, stop better, honestly better Okay. So a part of the study was would men be more willing to assist women with nipple erection as opposed to those without? And yeah, wait, a second, so basically had our sexual Men were asked to rate pictures of women with and without nipple erections. They were then asked if they would lend her a hundred dollars, help her if her car was broken down, or provide tutoring sessions. The mail group was much more likely to help women with erect nipples, particularly when the help would require them to be close in proximity to the woman with erect nipples. Yes, and so so. And they also they said in social groups they would like more women with erect nipples, so like in your friend group, yeah, like like just any social situations have been such a problem in my life in terms of like you people just find it. So it's such a thing that makes men uncomfortable because they feel so they can't stop thinking about it, and it seems they think that it's like it's almost like, um, you know, if you have them on camera just becomes like an issue for everyone of like is that even allowed? Because they feel so horny and weird about it that they can't they can't understand like if this is like is the FCC can allow this? Like they just study function. This study found that men act more altruistic around women with erect nipples, while women have the opposite effect. Women hate when well, like we just hate girls that we don't like women that seem to be using their sexuality to get things from men that might be our men, or might be the things that men would give us. I mean, it's about survival, and that woman's might get something that you're gonna get because their nipples are erect and yours aren't. I mean, I um, yeah, but I don't think men understand erect nipples at all, Like I think they just think that any any woman can have them at any time. First of all, most women are wearing bras that have enough padding that interrect nipple, no matter how erect, is not going to poke through. Agreed, Noah, agreed. Most of the bras on the market are going to hide interrupt wreck nipple, right, even even if they're not wonder bras with like lots of padding. Usually a bra has this significant enough amount of padding that interrect nibble is not going to poke through the one. When you do have an erect nipple boat through, it's because you're not wearing a bra. You're wearing a bra lett, which is just a very thin layer fabric that a lot of women don't wear, especially women with huge tits, do not wear bra letts because they offer no support. I mean bras usually are something that has an like the one I'm wearing about now, underwire has a has enough padding. There's no padding, but it's like, you know, three layers of something. It's like a you know, there's no erect nibble going to get through this brawl But if I'm wearing a brawl let that's when it gets through. If you're if you're watching either someone I don't doing stand up, giving a speech whatever, and their cock, their penis is clearly showing the intention of their penis. What does that do to your brain? And it makes me feel like it just makes me distraction because it's like having a stain on your shirt or something. Well, that's I think with nipples is kind of the closest thing I could think of of how But I don't give men with bulging penises directions more than a man without a bulging penis. That's it's distraction, but men, it's a distraction that men reward, whereas I would I would say women reward thick cocks and pants. I mean if you go on any TikTok, if you see on any there's TikTok's now where like guys will go on and they'll show the imprint of their penis. I don't think I don't think that's strange. Yeah, because it's on a screen and they can't If a man is asking for help and he has a bulging dick, you're you're not going to give that man help, no matter how hot he is, because that means he you're about to get art. Possibly Yeah, yeah, I hear you there. I guess two different kinds. I guess not a hard penis, but like a penis, no, like even a big dick. Like that's a guy that's like trying to show you that he is a big dick, and like is too sexual out of the gate. It's just I don't think women who might be stupider than most no offense women. But if you're like helping, if your gaga over a guy because he's a big bulgian penis coming out of his pants and you're more likely to help him find his dog or like to car, you're that's Darwinism. Like you're gonna get eliminated fout the nipples les. Yeah, I feel uncomfortable when I see guy nips share Really, I just never cared. I feel uncomfortable to see my own nipples and t shirts. But I mean Andrew has nipples. So when you see a hard nipple through a shirt, do you from a guy? Do you go? God? Man? I can never do. I could do the heart. I can't do soft nipples in a shirt. If you see the puffs, no, I know. But if you see a man with like he has like pokers, Oh yeah, they're good for you, bro. Do you think about it? Is it like a man with the way the men give directions to my house? Just follow those nips, follow my penis that's indented in my body. Wait? Wait what? I it's interesting because guys, yes, they'll be more willing to help a woman. But I also feel like guys won't listen if the nipples are hard, like. I don't know. It's a weird thing because nipples have gotten me in trouble before with my ex relationship. I don't know if we talked about it on here, but Hannah Burner showed up with no bra and I just her nipples were out. I noticed like nips there, Yeah, and She's like, how could you look at it? Well, they're just they're just there. Did she just catch you looking at them? Yeah? Oh god. I also which was a little weird, but you were thirsty. But I was just like, I can also see nipples and not feel sexual about it. If that makes why why would you? If I'm telling you what I'm telling you, well, I mean you're you're drawing. I get it, you're drawn to them because it's like a stain on her shirt. You're just like, oh, something there, and you cannot be sexual to them. But like the it doesn't matter if you're sexual. Women need to get over the fact that the man that they're dating is going to be attracted to other women. You're such an You're an idiot. You're truly an idiot. If you think that once you're man is with you, they aren't going to be attracted to other women's bodies, You're you're living in a fantasy. Go jump inside a Disney movie. You're truly there's no you don't want to be with a man who is not turned on by other women. He would not be turned on by you, because if you disabled that thing that makes him attracted to you, you take away or that that makes him attract to other women. You take away, You can't just there's no way to a man is only And if he says that he is and he's not atract to other women, he's lying to you because he's scared of you. It's gonna be annoying to be in a relationship where a guy will enjoy nipples on other women, but I'll tell you to keep your nipples, like I'm sure I don't, Yeah, because they're they're they know that they are feeling, so they are so horny and can't and are so turned on, but they think every other man will not be able to like resist and like try to fund you know, how do you feel like if like you know, you said that like Aviv like certain body parts on like like he likes long legs and you're like, I don't have long legs. Like do you struggle with that? If like a girl walks in and she has long legs and you're like eating at a place and like you're like, oh God, he's gonna love her, Like what do you do with it? Well? I I kind of get excited, like, oh, he's gonna he's definitely gonna look and I'm gonna see him looking and that's yes, I get excited. Yes, But again it used to bother me, and then I really reflected on it. It's like, well, I look at certain guys and think they're hot, Like I still get kind of horny by by certain types of guys. So it's not fair for me to tell him, well, you have to shut your dick down and not get horny for a girl with long legs. I mean, that's just like it's not get horny for other men because it's not our nature, whereas men they have a different nature. And so even though that that does help you let it go, like there's someone, they go, well, I don't, and it's like they truly don't get turned over them because but I think there are some women that are like so into their guy they just and they're kind of a sexual and they probably don't even like their guy to begin with, and they just honestly, I'm I'm, I'm I'm being completely serious. I think there are women that are not into sex or men for that matter, and are with men because yeah, and then they can they can go, but they can still be jealous and fear losing him and be mad when they look. I don't know, I just I think there's a different way of like when you're in a relationship seeing something that's attractive, that like there's when you can fuck first when you can't not can verse camp. But there's a different way more because I can't. That's why I'm like, I feel like when when it's taken from me, it makes me more, like God, I wanted so much more, Like what that's the same thing for everything. If like something is like well that that's that's for that's special on the menu. We only let certain people have that. Don't you want it so bad? Things that you can't have you want more? But there's something with my brain. When I see a very attractive woman, I could go, that's an attractive woman. If I was single, it would be someone I could possibly want to fuck, but I really don't like either I stop my brain or whatever it does. But I don't go, God, I want to fuck her, like which I would feel more when I was single. I mean I don't know what that. I think it would just threaten like yeah, you want to fuck that person, or like could like everything in your subconscious is like funk that but like your survival, and your happiness is more guaranteed by that would threaten your happiness with the person that's giving you so much happiness, and so then you don't do it. It's not because you're not attracted to that person, which is a lie that women have to convince themselves up to sleep at night. But it's like, no, he's staying with you because you provide him more happiness than those pair of tits or legs that he might want to suck more than you. Sorry because you're old like, not old like, but you he's already had you. Men like novelty, but what they like more than novelty is integrity, and they like to be and and they like to have integrity, and they like to be like, well I did I chose not to suck you because I love you? And then you're you go, thank you so much for not sucking other people, and then they feel really good about themselves. But that's literally the only thing men like more than new pussy. So you have to be respectful of your and for not fucking other people, because secretly that's what they want. They want your admiration because they are they are stopping themselves from sucking other people for you. It's the pictures home neil bit I'm cheap like they do it for you. They're not fucking other girls because they don't want to. It's because they don't. They don't want to hurt you, so you need to be yes and they love you that they do. And I think women go, well, you should just not want to. It's like the breakup. You should I want you to want to do the dishes. Well I don't, and I'm never gonna. I'm never not gonna want to fuck other women. But I don't do it because I love you. I do the dishes because I love you, not because I want to do the dishes. And shouldn't that stand for something? I think so I think if, especially if you also do two dishes and I fuck you, you know that's a double whammy, right, Yeah, while you're doing the dishes, were doing dishes. I'm never harder than when someone is doing a chore that I can't do. Yeah, I I I yeah. I think there's a lot of things that we want to do that we don't get to do. That doesn't mean that you need to be angry or upset that you don't get to do those things I was reading on Reddit, like about I think I've talked about it before on here. It was one of the it gets reposted a lot, but the question of like what makes you horny? Like what's the thing that guarantees makes you horny? And someone said when I know that I'm making someone else horny. I don't know if those guy or girls said it, but like nothing makes some horny or than being than turning someone else on. I think I would think that's very interesting. You were talking about like sucking someone while they're doing the dishes. I love when I'm trying to get something done and someone's pawing at me like what I'm like trying like doesn't have a porn I think of like you know, the girls stuck in the dryer or whatever, and she's like, but she's exposed in a way that the guys like you look fucking good, and she's like, I'm trying to get out of this dryer. Like I mean, there's there is an element of like she can't get away to that, which is gross, but like the the thing of like, no, I'm trying to just do this thing, please leave me a especially when it's not sexual at all. That's even hotter. Like the other day, I was showing Chris like poses that, um like my posture that I learned from his guy, and I was just having better Like literally, I was just sitting in my seat with a better posture, and he was just like I get I caught him like looking me up and down, which is like such a hot thing where you catch your boyfriend who has seen you in every position clothes. We're just like talking and I just saw him like just I was talking about something like the podcast or something, and I just saw him kind of like getting distracted by like he's like, I like your posture, and then they're the pawing starts of just like he just wants to give me a hug. And then I'm just like I think I know what's going on here and that that I just love that so much, where you he has good ones, but I don't think so, but uh yeah, I just love that. Um, I love it distracted like I'm trying to get this done, and then they're like I love I love the thing where you turn on guys without the intention of turning them on, where you're just like just bending over to get this thing. Yeah, I'm just like wearing edible panties for no reason. Um, it is interesting because I feel like the other way around when you're wisdome were so long. Like yesterday at a moment where I had food in my teeth, and I did my I did my move where I grab any object that could possibly be like like some kind of Yeah, I grabbed a toothpache, toothpick case, not like the box comes in, no, but I just and I just started picking my teeth right in front of Brenna. And I don't think any were We've seen each other with the grossest moments ever. And she and she was like, what are you doing? I was like, don't do that. She said to me. I go, well, what am I trying to like turn you on? Like She's like yeah, yeah, yeah. And I was like, all right, you know, so you just forget, you know, and you've you've you sometimes will like do things to turn the other partner off because you're so comfortable, You're too comfortable. You're too comfortable. And I'll never forget living with Chris. And one time we were watching TV and I was just being myself and I'm not someone who like farts in front of her like does really discussing things, but I uh, I think I was trying to get something off the ground, like I was just feeling horny later on, and he was just like I just just not feeling it right now, and I'm like okay, and I was like really hurting something. He's like, I just if you burp, like it's it's hard for me to be like into you within like a half hour range after that, Like it's just it's just like a thing that like I just you become like a dude in their eyes. And I was like, I burped in front of you, and he goes, you do it all the time, and I'm like what, Like I didn't know what I was doing because I was so comfortable, just like you don't know you're picking your teeth. I'm doing something that grossed him out. He can't help it, Like that's just not I would never do that in front of someone I want. I would be very aware of him the first day, So why am I doing that someone that I want to sexualize me? A half hour later and now I'm just I mean, I'm still still mess things up and I can be completely comfortable with myself, but that was an eye opening moment, and he wasn't trying to like shame me or be mean. He was just trying to explain to me, like what was going on with him physiologically without what I didn't feel shamed. I was just like embarrassed, Like oh fuck, I'm sorry, because of course he knows that burt, but I can hide that from him if I want to preserve the sexiness in our relationship. He's like, you know what, we could do doggie for the first twenty minutes of after a burp, but after that it was just me being like scratching but nuts and I don't know, I pull my finger just do like it's too dude. There's something so beautiful though about letty, like completely being yourself even if it is gross, and you still want to funk that person. That is beautiful. But I just don't. I don't care about that. I can just be that way in front of my friends and like alone. That's why I live alone, and if I do, and that's why I have separate bathrooms. When he is here, we just go different places. But listen, I mean, he's he's seen some stuff and he can get over it, you know, like you can you can heal after trumble, And it really does depend on how horny a person is, Like if a guy like I, I'm someone who will eye time out when we have intimacy because I know that, like, oh I want to really, I know this night, I'm gonna have a lot of fun because I have to, you know, I could. The dogs aren't gonna be here whatever reason, Like my room is gonna be clean, I'm gonna have worked out recently. I'll have my hair done without spray tan, and I'm like, I want to have a good time that night. I'm not going to let him do anything before then because I want to whereas I can go any time, I can. I can be convinced any time. And I think he could too, like he really is. He's a miracle child. But um, you know, if you want to have really good experience, it's so funny, you got to Like it's like hunger, you got to make them wait. You will not enjoy a meal as much if you have just eaten recently. Yeah, no, if I haven't eaten in like a week, I mean, Brennan would have to do a lot to not make me horny, Like I mean, she could stab me. And why don't women who don't want their husbands to cheat on them just make them jerk off before they go out. I really that is a true answer. If you think your husband's gonna cheat on you, why don't women just go? Can you just jerk off before you leave tonight? Because I'm a little bit I'm just feeling insecure and I just want you to go out with empty balls? We honestly, because every time I read on Instagram about like, how do you not cheat? Guys go they masturbate before they go out. No, but it's the same kind of ignorance to men not thinking other women are attractive. You're ignorant to the fact that even with a full cup of balls, he's still not gonna want to cheat on you. That's in your mind. That's why you don't want to husband who is a sex addict and who keeps reoffending and doesn't want to Why would the solution not be, honey, before you go out? Because you don't want to do this, because when you have full balls, it makes you do things that are irrational that you don't want to do that harm you. Why not go? It's like gun control people think that if we get rid of guns. It's not gonna If you can't get guns, then you can't. You can't. People go, oh, gun laws don't change anything. Why did this kid wait till his eighteen birthday when he could purchase a gun? If gun laws don't do anything, why didn't he do it before? Then? You know? So it's like, hold on, hold on, because I think seeing sex addict, you're opening up a door for something else. But like for a guy who likes to go out and get the attention to women and stuff, isn't it kind of like you're you're telling him what to do with his sex organs. Isn't that kind of like possessive? Um? I think it's just I think it is saying okay. It's the same as if someone is like, I don't want to drink tonight. Okay, well why don't you go to a meeting before you go out. It's a thing that will the urge will not be there as much if you eliminate, or like, I don't want to go out and binge, Like I have a problem with food if I wait to eat too long before I start eating, if I'm starving by the time it's presented to me, I will not be able to stop. Whereas if I have a couple of light snacks in between. If i'm if I know, lunch and dinner, there's I'm gonna have a late dinner. If I wait until nine o'clock to eat, I'm gonna be so fucking hungry. If I have a snack at six, another snack at seven by the time dinner rolls around, I'm gonna eat a normal amount of food. That's not gonna make me sick. I'm not gonna do something. So I think that jerking off leads you to go out, but it's a snack. But that goes kind of against the first thing you were saying about not having him come so he wants you more. So what if the guy goes, hey, I don't want to come before I go out. I was just talking about a couple that wants to stay together. That that the cheating keeps ruining, because I do think that cheating is not always about the guy doesn't love you, he doesn't respect you. It is about an addiction. And I I know, bring sex addiction into this is like, okay, well that's a So many men are sex addicts, And the reason so many men cheat is because they're sex addics and women can roll their eyes at that, but it is a true thing. It's a huge dope, mean hit. It is like any other drugs. Sex is I've been dependent on at times in my life to feel good. Like sometimes when I don't want to binge, I just go masturbate, or if I don't want to fucking starve myself or or work out, I go mastery. It's just like, okay, quick, I'll feel this really intense feeling that makes me feel great, and then I'll feel calmer. I mean, that's what sex is. So if we're talking about men who keep cheating and don't want to, which I think there are a lot of men out there that don't want to cheat, but they can't help it because sex has always been this thing they turned to to feel better about themselves. Especially in a relationship with you're constantly being harangued for being a cheater, and they feel like a disappointment to their girlfriend and she doesn't even want to suck them for whatever reason because she's tired or whatever. Jerk off before you go out. Why wouldn't that be a solution for couples just saying let's take a quick break and then just come back with let's straight up, just go to fan trax. But what about sport? No, alright, and we're back. Let's get to fan trax. H m hmm. Yeah, I'm doing the great Zva Soda Soda Sody. How many did the company send you zieves? No, I got them from Amazon. I's gonna say, I mean, the amount you've promoted for them, I can't believe they haven't. Every single picture I post myself on stage, I have one in my hand. It's like we're in a green room. There's like seven just laying around. I know. I love them so much. Okay, let's do fan Trax. Okay, we have so so many good voicemails, so thank you to all the besties who are filling up our mailbox with them. You guys, let's start off with Courtney, Hi, Nikki, Andrew and Noah. Um, it's Courtney in Rhode Island. Um. I just went to your show in Connecticut. It was amazing. I had so much fun and I go, oh my gosh, they were great. I'm so proud of them. At the end, and my good friend was like, you literally talked to them like your friends with them I'm like, well I am, they're my best ties. Anyways, I didn't want to give you a little mispronunciation story that I just realized. Um. So I was reading an article on the New York Times about this professor who had ten year and and I looked it up, and ten year is what I was saying, like the number ten years all this time, and I thought you can only achieve ten if you were there for ten years and not tenure like a contract. I had to look it up. I had no idea, and I felt very stupid. Um, however, I learned my ways. Um, that is all. I hope you have a great day. Thank you so much for all that you do, and just just jacket. Um, that's so funny. I thought it ten years two. I always thought it was you earned it through ten years, but I thought it was I knew it was tenure, but t E N you are e m M yeah, how many is it? Is? It? Ten years? Though? I think it's contractually that depends how long it is. But I always thought it was. I guess, and I always, as happen, can't be fired money for doing anything, pretty much. I think that's what it means to me with when it comes to like teachers and professors, like they just can't be fired. They're protected. Is it like red stabilization or something. Do you remember like, well, I remember when teachers would take sabbatical and I would hear that. I had no I thought that they would go on like a religious sound true in their life. Yeah, I was like, what is that? I never under sabbatical? Is that? I think that's when they go and they like study something and they write a paper and they come back. Yeah, or they just sit on their porch and say they went somewhere. Yeah. Um. No, teachers get you know, June July August. They actually get June and July August is like now when kids start up again. It's not it's not so weird to get a summer, like to live that like life still like throughout your whole life. I think if I was a teacher, I'd be like, well, I don't have to get second jobs. Unfortunately, That's what I'm saying, Like, how am I going to make money those next two months? Or do they get paid during those times they get paid? Did I just say daring? I think I said daring. It's contagious. No, but I think you were talking more about like how like scary it could be over the summer year. Yeah. Yeah, I dare you to not make it. I dare you. I believe it's it is nice. My sister is about to have that time. What does she do during the summer. She hangs with her kids and they go on trips with the family. They have any Um, she's going with me to Colorado to go to Red Rocks to see if I had a million dollars, if I had a million dollars. And also, hey jealousy, Yeah, it's gonna be so fun. Tickets are like six I'm not joking. It's insane. It's truly insane. All these bands are like, they'll never get back together, put out anything else. They're just making bank on some good ladies. Okay, next, next fan Okay, Next fan Trax comes from j Hey, Nikki, Andrew Noah, how's it going? Love the podcast. I went to the Boston show. You guys killed it. It was amazing, so much fun. I had to meet and greet. I was first in line to meet Nikki. She noticed my Taylor Swift shirt. I was so excited, but I was so nervous. I was standing in line. I didn't. I was thinking over my head. I was like, what am I gonna say. I'm gonna say that you helped me through my eating disorders, my depression. I look up to you so much. I walk up and instantly I shake your hand and I just say, you're so pretty, like it's all a good mustard. I had no idea. I blacked that I had no idea what I said. So I really regret not saying more, but that I wanted to say something very cu And that's gay dating apps. Okay, it's probably the same as straight dating apps, honestly, but all the guys on there are BIONDCA. Okay, it's just filled. Let's talk about Jim selfies, that in itself is beyond cup. I could never even fathom standing in front of everyone at a gym and pulling out my phone, looking in a mirror and take a selfie, especially the ones when they lift up their shirt, like how could you not? How? Yes, that's all I wanted to say. Oh my god, I remember him. I saw him as I was walking to the meet and green. I go, is that a tailor sweatshirt? And he was like yeah, and he was wearing I think it was the new Red Tailor's version shirt. But um, yeah, he was so nice And I totally get that of like being like what am I going to say? And then you just can't say. I mean, it's happened to me so many times in so many different situations. Um and yeah, I love that made me laugh short. I could not fathom when people are just like when you're just like incredulous about like how could you? Like, I have that feeling so many times of like how could you ever do that? How do you have the There's almost something like brave about it where I'm like, you can board planes before me, you have the cur ridge to take a gym's I'll be with your shirt up. There's times where I'll do the thing that I find insane to do. Well, we all know what you did in my dressing room. Look you know what that was? Three times I caught one. Know how many things have you died? Fan threat o man? Okay, here's a suggestion from Heidi's The Nikki Klea podcast. Hi, Nick Cute, this is your best to here, reporting from Lone Rock, Wisconsin. I thought of you because I know you have a curiosity for pedophiles. And their stories. You know, I like what you said when you said, just because you like murder mysteries and murder stories, does it make you a murder Like Wow, it's just because you're interested in pedophilias or not pedophilia pedophiles there is four times? Yeah. Do you know about the Children of Table thirty four and McKinsey Institute. Have you heard of this? If the government funded organization back in the like fifties, I want to say where they did experiments on children from infants to like twelve years old and they would like make them orgasm and no total bunch of just creepy dudes messing around with kiddos. No, maybe look up that the Children of Table. I don't know if I could do that either. That's for my just sharing get sick and creepy pedophile and you guys are the best. You get me through my tortilla making days. I make tortillas and listen to you. How do you Okay? Bye? Hi from it was it Erica? How many Wisconsin? Many things in the name of science has happened? You put on a lab code and you can do whatever you want to a human that I mean, I probably will look into that one night when I can't sleep and you know, want a new reason to not sleep. Um and my table thirty four. It sounds like a great like Italian restaurant, but it does. Can you imagine? I bet, what do you think? I don't even know. I wouldn't want to guess why it's called that, but there, I mean, there have been so many experiments like that, Like think about if that's happening in the twentie century, what was going on in other centuries in the name of just people just to literally think children were small adults. They used to think that you're born like it was. It was, this was up until century. They thought that children were just small adults. Why did you say? People who need money like these experiments would pay people. They didn't realize that children had like different minds. It's so weird because when you're an adult, you've been a child before. Don't you remember being a dumb? Dumb Maybe you don't live as long back then. I don't know, but they used to that's what they used to think, where children were just just smaller, but they have all the same you know, cognitive ability. It is very interesting and sad and God We're just so lucky to not be children at any other time. Um. And and there's lots of children during this time that are not living in great circumstances. The hardest I've ever cried on Reddit or on anything. Yeah, Reddit was No, it was actually more tragic. Dare I say than did I say? Um? It's hard for me to even talk about. But it was a little girl that was like five being led away by an old man who her family had sold her to to be the bride, and she was about to endure just like her looking back at her family being like why and crying like and not understanding, thinking like that was the That was the worst thing I've ever seen, Literally, the worst thing I've ever seen in my life. It haunts me, that little girl's face. There's a video of it, was on CNN because they were just in a country where that's legal. The family was going to starve to death that they didn't sell their daughter, and this man is so disgusting and pulls her away. Yeah, it's opening right now. It's happening today, and this girl. Can you imagine being five and being taken from your family who loves you, and and just going with an old man who was about to like, I mean, God only fucking knows. It's just so it's the worst. Okay. Uh, this father took a turn. Thanks a lot, Heidi. Uh, let's get something lighthearted. Let's go lighthearted. Yes, okay, here's a voicemail from Johnny Table. Hey, Nikki, Andrew, and Noah. This is Johnny from Colorado, d Mullet and House episode. You guys are talking about attractive celebrities, um for starters for male celebrities. Andrew definitely in my top ten. But anyway, I started talking about facial hairstyle Andrew had back in the day, just the chin air, and uh, we like to call that one the nut duster. So I don't know he's gay. Whatever, h I really I hope you guys at least hear this. I love you guys so much. You guys make my day literally every day, so made my day is really nice. I love getting hit on by gay man. It really like makes me feel so good. Yeah. You know when guys just have this part of their well, you have this just this the soul patch, right or just just a little the nut duster because it would just bump up against the guy's nuts. If you're blowing him makes sense, it does feel so good, you know what, as much as it feels good to get hit on for you by a gay guy, when gay guys like me, no better feeling in the world. I don't know if that makes gay guys feel like, oh am, I just like a little novelty to you, Like it makes you feel like, why is it more special when I like you than anyone else? Like? I don't know if that's like a good singling out that you like, But there's something gay Gay men just have better taste to me, at least in my in my mind, And maybe that's me like not really seeing the full scope because obviously on gay dating apps they're lame as fuck. But I know when a gay man likes because I feel that gay heterosexual men are driven to like women by their penises, but gay men have no like women are not going to add to their life unless there's action intellectually stimulating or like, oh my god, you are serving girl like like, So there's something more. There's when you earn a man that is heterosexual to like you, there's some part of you that's like, he just wants to suck me. But when a gay guy likes you, like there's more You're like, You're like, look, it's either a gay guy or a guy that just jerked off, Like that's the guy that wants to find just so funny. Final thought, my buddy Anthony de Vito. Can I just give him a plug? He just put out his special on YouTube. May h Anthony DeVito check it out. Whatever. He has a joke about, um, how gay men right women magazines and so like the hot women in these magazines, gay men are picking them out, you know what I mean? So like their their idea of beauty is what so many women strive for. So if they're if you're getting it in real life, you're getting what you've seen in magazines your whole life. Yeah, Like high fashion is usually gay men. Yeah, but let's be honest, like most women in magazines, straight men would definitely fun. Oh yeah, I think I think that's more like high fashion. But he's right about that, like the women like some high fashion stuff. Yeah yeah, I mean I feel like straight men right Maxim like Maxim magazines. Yeah, but like any magazine though, Like yes, and I know that there's some like couture, like men are not like horny for couture. Yeah you know, yeah, all right, we gotta go. It's the end of the show. It's the end of the show for the weekend torgeous Fashion. It's like I think, well tours, like I think made to like uh, it's it's made for It's like a custom high fashion That's what I would think it is. But it's usually like angular and like. But I'm just saying, like I know what I get what you're saying. Where it looks futuristic, wow, looking like their bondage and like just too much. It's kind of stuff that you can't buy off the rack. Okay, you can't go, Marshal what it is? All Right, we gotta go. Do you want to do a rap? Sure, they're going to be off from Memorial Days, just gonna Memorial Day, my birthdays next week, my birthdays on a Wednesday. I'm feeling thirty three. I'm gonna be thirty eight, but I feel thirty three. Do I really know? I feel thirty eight? But um, it doesn't feel great. And don't look at me like that with your titless hat looking all cool like you just smoked a bat. That's what we used to call when we smoked pot out of those little uh metal straws. Yo yo, yo, yeah yo. If you play golf, play nine holes, don't play eight teen because you gotta get back and drink the mean green. I'm seen, seen. I don't feel feen. I'm a fiend because I get after it every day, every morning and every night. So look at me in the eyes and tell me I'm not right. That's good. Thank you so much for bringing it. I've really been like feeling really um insecure about the rapping. But I'm gonna stick with it, and there's some days that I will bring it. I will bring it every time. I'm gonna bring it. Maybe somebody's you set me up with a week one and then that will encourage me to do a strong one to close, okay, because I think I just need something to in my soul. I'm just feeling a little bit like demoralized about the rapping. But we gotta stay with it. We don't have to know. I like it. It's a challenge. It makes me feel awkward. I like it all right, guys, thank you for listening to the show. Such a good weekend. We will see you on Tuesday. What we have a sale going on on pod shop dot Nikki Gleazer dot com. Yes, so sorry, we have a Memorial Day sail by the way on Nicki Glazer dot pot shop dot com. Um, all of our T shirts are Oh we have up to off T shirts and hats we've been seeing besties wear. This is the time to get March. If you've been thinking about it, now is the time free shipping Memorial daysale Nicky Glazer, uh podcast merchandise. It's pot shop dot Nicki Glazer dot com, pot shop dot Nicky Glazer dot com. Up pot shop dot Nicki Glazer dot com. Go get your March now and post about it. Why don't you poss about it? All right? Guys, thank you so much for your fan Threx don't be cut engine. What's his last name? I don't know, I don't know.

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