#209 Anyone But Myself

Published Apr 27, 2022, 1:00 AM

Nikki wants to help Andrew through his recent depression and it doesn't bog her down for her appearances. Today in NY, she was on two shows on Barstool Sports and Good Morning America where she got to work alongside her hero Sarah Silverman. They talk a positive approach to life they've learned from persons with disabilities. The news makes them question their habits, has a moment where a phone is not important, the songs of their birth year and Nikki's take on the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard trial. Nikki's Reddit Dump has stuff that feels illegal, a funeral crasher story and thoughts on when to be confrontational.

The Nicky Glazer poy Zer here, Nicky, Hello here, I am welcome to the Nicki Glazer Podcast. I'm Nicki Glazer. It is Tuesday. I'm in New York City, in my hotel in Chelsea. Andrew is in St. Louis at our studio. Noah is in Arizona. Guys, how are you doing today? I'm so so shocked that we're doing shows day of because usually on weeks like this we bank a bunch. But it's nice to be doing them currently. I'm good, I'm good. I I have COVID cod it's it's it's I don't know. I don't want to complain about it because it's not that bad, but it's also just bad enough where it's annoying, and I think people describe to it feels like it feels like, you know, how, I'm dumb. Imagine Okay, okay, you know how is it molasses? Is your brain just like you're not being able to think quickly? Yeah? I feel like I have a bunch of mayonnaise in my brain. And that's sometimes where when you're funniest dude, like when you're tired and like you can't think, Yeah, unmotivated, right, like you feel like unmotivated to even probably I just don't feel happy. To be honest, you might be depressed. Yeah I'm depressed, but I think I see a light at the end of the tunnel. I see, you know, or maybe not, maybe I'll just die and it's fine. No, I mean, I find though when I get depressed, like I really, I'm sorry you're going through that, because I when I get depressed, I know there's it's nice to know that there is a light, like it never like stays because right now I'm not depressed. So obviously every time I've ever been depressed, it's lifted to this point where I'm not depressed now, and I know it will always lift, but it's really hard to feel like it will and it's um you just see every it's just how does it manifest? I'm and you maybe don't want to talk about it, and maybe did manifest for you in the way that you just don't want to dwell on it, But like, what does depression feel like to you? Just like I mean, I like talking about depression. I think it helps people, but I also don't like talking about depression when other people aren't depressed, because I feel like like I'm being a burden sometimes, you know, especially on a podcast that to be funny and silly, but it's the best. I'm the only time I like when I'm depressed, Like I just feel like it's when you just try to like phone it in and you don't talk about it is when it gets worse. So I'm not trying to make you talk about it, but like I think that you're you're probably able to talk about it in a way that when I'm depressed, I talk about my depression in a way that's specific, and yours might be different. It might represent someone at home listening. So what's it like for you? I think I think what happens is I think COVID or whatever. Uh, you know, people, I think I have heard so much, especially if you're younger. Granted I'm not that young, but like you have my old symptoms, you'll be fine. Just forget about it. It's fine, you know. But I think the I dea of like complaining when you when it's the symptoms aren't like that bad, but they're also like annoying enough where you can't be present with the person you want to be present with. Brenna, like I can't be like as happy and touchy feely and like accept love and give love as much as I would like to, and we're I'm in the her. Huh. It's definitely COVID, yeah, because I mean I think it's a combination of just being exhausted from the weekend, but like, yeah, also adds something that we talked about before the show. Andrew was on a role with working out and you know, like improving his golf game and stuff, and you know that that gave him a lot of like positive energy, and um, I think because he hasn't been able to do that, that probably contributes to why he's feeling kind of sluggish and unmotivated and depressed. Yes, yeah, I mean that's definitely it too. I mean I think I was, like I was really feeling really positive and happy these last two months and like and it sucks like a disease or whatever whatever the fun you want to call it. Like we're all so sensitive, Like we all think we're so tough and that we could get through ship, but we're all like one minute away from like catching something that will totally derail everything. Yeah, and whatever, Look, I'll jump back, I'll be fine that Yeah. Well, it's funny because you're talking about COVID symptoms, like the ones that people are like, oh, it's you're that's not a big deal. It's it's it's not let's say covid out of it. It's just like mental illness. People are just like, it's it's not physical. So people just don't have as much empathy or sympathy for you, and like just don't any kind of mental um disease illness, like just a little like the thing you're going through DIP. People just don't give you as much leeway as if you were like literally had the flu. But that's when I have the depression. It's like I have the flu. I'm just as my out of commission, and you shouldn't be around me because I'll drag you down, I'll get you sick, I'll try to get my my disease will try to latch onto you to get more. It's almost like it looks to spread, so it spreads by me not coughing, but me like spewing negativity so that people around me gets depressed too. It's it sucks and like I mean whatever, like you're doing the Today Show today, like and I mean this is all like optics and stuff, but like it's still like you need to be on you need to have a good time, like like like it is important for you to to smile. So it's like the last thing I want to do is bring my fucking whatever. But I know that, like you like the honesty and whatever, but it's just you know, so I feel pressure on that point to be like I don't want to fucking she has to deal with all the other ships. No, oh my god, I don't think of it that way, if anything, Like I've always found that whenever I'm struggling with just feeling too busy and just doing so many things that I'm like, oh my god, I'm worried about this performance in this Like the best thing I can do is like go who needs my help? Like can I just talk about anyone but myself? Like I just need to go pick up some trash or something like I need to do something that isn't about me. So I I seek out these opportunities when I'm feeling like I've got too much going on and it's just it's just busy. It's nothing that I'm like, I need to be happy for it, and I need to be in a good mood, like I just that's never. Um yeah, that's never. And I feel like, you know, someone was talking about like when you go on stage, like your feet hurting, Like my feet never hurt in my boots on stage. Like when you're on stage, you just like all of the things pain that you're going through, physical and mental like kind of goes away, even like as soon as you grab the microphone and then I'm not speaking for everyone, but I just know a lot of comedians who feel the same way. Like I'll be depressed up until I grab the mic and then it goes away, and then as soon as I walk off stage it comes back. So it's like, I don't know. I feel like if you had to do the Today Show today and do all these podcasts, you would be out of your depression because it was like your adrenaline would like kick in and it'd be waiting for you on the other side. Um, if it wanted to be. But um yeah, that's never gonna I really I love um talking to people about the depression, I think because I think for me, it's the only way to like get out of it, I think is to give it a name and to actually honor that it's real and that it's not like just I'm being a baby and I'm I'm a sad baby. It's just like it's an honest to God like physical people. Just because it doesn't have symptoms like sneezing and like stuff. The goes like depression needs like a it needs a better pr agent. It needs to get some kind of physical symptoms for people. Yes, yeah, your balls should jingle when you have it, something pasical that you can go. Yeah, I don't know. When I get depressed, my penis gets smaller, my balls get longer, so that doesn't help. I don't know. My my pussy totally gets like kind of sloppy. It starts to growing, like the hair starts kind of like I I don't shave it as much. I'm not cleaning myself as I'm not like paying attention to the toilet paper like pieces of my vagina, like you just look grosser. I'm just like not treating myself. Well. I saw my balls in a different light the other day and I was like, is this depression because my balls look like really old and weird like and I'm like maybe I'm saying, what what about them made them look older. Maybe specific they were hanging lower, maybe they were hanging a little differently they were. I have a hernia by my penis, so that her hernia. It's my heart. Yeah, I don't even know what hernia is. I just know it's like, oh, you can't press on it or it'll be like an old man will be like, oh, looks like I have a bunch of war thirds above my dick. Physical it's inside right though apparently it's like, yeah, it's under your again, if it doesn't hurt, you don't need surgery, but if it does start to hurt, you do need It looks like a bump above so it looks like I have a footpa like a fat upper penis penis, but it's just penis instead of pussy anyhow. But yeah, so I think you totally get to like such like my labia get like like balls, which labia are the balls of the female anatomy because they are they literally are what would have hold held your balls if you would have been a man at you know, um, your chromosomes would have been an x y. I think that's it. Um. They it gets like baggy, ar and sadder, like when I'm depressed, my vagina definitely looks depressed. It looks like it could use a shower. It um needs a good walk around the block, needs some sunlight. Yeah, so I get that your whole body does you just feel like saggy and sad? I feel disgusting right now, I feel But is it nice though, to live with Brenna? Know that she's like cleaning the sheets? Maybe help you can help you with laundry, like keep your area clean so that it doesn't spread around you and kind of like your environment becomes like depression because I feel like when I live alone, depression, like I can't keep a clean space, and it would help me if my space were clean or clean space does help for sure. I do think when you have a partner, there's times when the depression. I think everybody wants maybe twenty four hours to themselves completely isolation, let me sleep, let me not even move, don't know judgment, even though I'm not getting judgment from her. I just like you just don't even want to think about the You just want that fucking cave, that alone cave. You want to be a bear by yourself. And then I don't know, No, I'm sure it's not sure I think we want it so badly, but it's like it's like drinking, It's like hair of the dog, like it'll it's just giving you what you already you're having a with we're all symptom from, Like depression is antisocial and then you're giving it what it wants to feed it more a little bit. And but it's so hard not to do that. It's so hard to like let people in and be social and continue to talk to the people around you, and um, man, I just do you you you don't get suicidal thoughts though right, I feel like I've had them before, but nothing like what's your thought process? I'm just wondering what that? What like the thoughts you're telling yourself like the um when I've had suicidal thoughts in the past are more like if I'm on a balcony, it would be like a split thought like oh what if I just fell off? Kind of not like I want to know what are your depression thoughts? Like what are you? What you're like? Inner monologue Mogue is like there could be stuff like, you know, I'm not living up to my potential stuff like that I'm not really like take in control of my life. I'm not uh beating yourself up about I'm not not exercising now because like i'm you know, and I'm and I was sick like like all these things. But then you know, like like anything, it's just, um, I think I've been through it enough where I understand that what's going on the cycle. Like that's the beauty of getting The only great thing about getting older is you've been through it so many times you know what it is. Even if you're even if your brain can't comprehend exactly what's going on, you've been there. Your brain has even been where it doesn't even know where it is right now, like like you know what I mean. So it's like I am not worried that I'm not going to get out of it. It's just in this that minute you just have you just have a cold of the brain, like you can treat it like it's gonna go away. It's gonna lift at some point. I just got to get through it. Yeah, that's the But that's the part about depression that like freaks you out as you go. It's never gonna go away. For some reason, it just feels like you can't imagine it going away, and that's the way it feels when you get physically sick sometimes, even if you know it's a temporary sickness. But I think that I more often than not, when I'm depressed, I think it's gonna last forever. When I'm in a good space, I go, this isn't gonna last, and I think, but I think that's a good way to mitigate depression is to not convince yourself that it's gonna stay good forever, because it just the guilt you have when you do have to stop when you do get sick, like you can't keep working out every day, you can't keep eating right some days you're just gonna slip, and being able to let those happen and know they're gonna come, and that it doesn't mean that you'll never get back. Like it's that even when it's good, it's not gonna stay good forever, because that just doesn't. Sam Harris always says, do you expect if you played a video game and there was never any like, you know, pits to jump over or like little angry mushrooms to jump over, like there was no challenge like this would be? Do you just ut your life to do that? Like you could put your life to have no problems throughout your life, like of course it's going to keep giving you this ship. And so was your favorite video game growing up? Super Mario Brothers too, That's what I was thinking about that. I was just thinking. I was like little Yeah, I love that. I loved all the little world you could go to. I loved Yoshi. Ye your favorite, the little green guy. Yeah, he was the one who's doing the one I picked with Super Mario Brothers. Like, why did you like him racing? Because he was the fastest there and Yoshi was just like he go, it was like that tongue would come out. Um wait yeah, well yeah, this tongue would come Supernintendo. That's the Supernintendo one where you could ride him. That's where that's Supernintendo to like the second thing of Supernintendo where you would go and you could Yeah you could do that. But I also just like that sound you make when you jump on him. He's it's great. Um what about your favorite video game? I mean, growing up Sonic. I was a Sonic guy. You know, I didn't want to think. I don't like thinking in these games. A lot of Sonic made me think too much. I feel like controller. You start with Super, you start with Nintendo, and then you go to Sega and it's like a whole new operating system. You gotta learn, like a commercial Sega Sea Sea. What do you say? No, Sega? Wait what you say? Sega? Sega? Oh my god, it's Vegas. I say Vegas, Vegas, Vegas. Were you were you kids or were you a Nintendo head? Loyal because there are people that you know, like we just didn't get Sega, and so I didn't get to really know it. But I wasn't shitty to them. I just like, you know, PlayStation came along, then we upgraded to that, and then I and then I dipped out a Nintendo Nintendo sixty four. Never learned, never knew how to do it, just like didn't want to learn. I couldn't do it. Um and then I tapped and then a second or I guess PlayStation was the last time we realize how big video games are now, Like, oh my god, they're insane. It's it's everything. It's honestly, I feel so stupid to not be involved in it because it's year olds making like thirty million a year, just like killing Zombie Social they all talked to each other and they hang out and play like that was obviously we hung out with our friends to play when back then, but like it's it's, yeah, it's a whole world that I'm so I'll never catch up and I just don't know how to. I mean, I'm sure if I became like bedridden or something, I would pick up. I would pick up video games because it would be funny if we got a full on gaming system. Men, me and you got really into it, like just trying. Why don't we try to get into like Halo? Me and you just see what happened. I mean, he was playing a game that I make fun of all the time called like dragon Quest or something like that, and he was obsessed with it, and he has made it so he doesn't let himself play dragon Quest because he knows that it will derail his life and so he doesn't let himself do it. He also there's other things that he's just like, I don't I can't follow follow college football or certain things like that, where he's like, I it's too much work and I will become obsessed. It's the way I am with TikTok, Like I just can't have it on my phone. I know it's I'm going to love it and it's going to take up too much time and I just can't sacrifice that time right now. But man, I did a Barstools show today, controversial one. It's called BFF and it's with I'll talk about when I get back from the break. We can see a break. Yeah, it's with what's his name Dave, the guy who founded Barstool Portnoy. And they were like, my publicis were like, you know, he's controversial. Do you even want to do this? And I was like, fuck, yes I do and I'll tell you about it when I get back from break. Andrew Shum coming baby and we're back, Welcome back to the show. Um, Yes, I did BF. I think it's called BFF. Yeah yeah, yeah, Well with the Josh guy and the girl Josh and yeah Bree Josh is like a twenty year old TikTok or Bree is an influencer herself. Um, and then Dave like is the guy that's founded barstool and yeah, Dave is very old and um yeah, I mean I it was funny because I'm wondering if it makes the cut. You know, Dave got you know, it's controversy. He's controversial because he got like a little bit me too and stuff. Right, Like he was pursuing young women and then he like they would get to his house or whatever and he would, I guess, be mean to them if they didn't fuck it. I don't know. I like it to me that nothing illegal took place. So I was just like, yeah, I'll be on a show and i'll I'll just I'm not gonna like kiss his ass or you know, I'll I'll say what I want. But I didn't feel like I had to go in there and like call him out. I just wanted to see what it was about. But I said, at the very beginning, it was like, Hi, Dave. I was like, it's great because he was remote. I was like, it's great. Here at barstool, I go as a woman. I feel great. Here went to the bathroom. You guys got like lotions for us. You have like pads, tampons, a scale. I had to write my weight on a little board. I don't know what that was like. You know, I was obviously joking because we're gonna take that, we're gonna take that out. But um, alright, Uh, it was just like really, I'll be interested to see if they take out that joke. He goes, we're just gonna leave in the part where he said it was great for women. I was like, okay, so we'll see if he leaves. If he leaves it in, I love a different feeling about the whole experience than if he takes that out. So how did the interview go? Like? How did you feel? It was good? I mean it was like we just like talked about like the way people just to Coachella. We went over like, um different uh, just news headlines pretty much. It wasn't like an interview as much as it was more like he asked me about you know, the Will Smith Chris Rock thing. Um, yeah, it was. It was fine. You know, I have thoughts, but I'll save those for offline or when you know I have a a more distance. No, but it was it was actually like I had. I really did have fun on that show. And then I did also did KFC Radio at Barstool, which is like one of my favorite shows of all time to do and we had a great time. Yeah, I did. I did. I played the game where they do ask the Internet and no, I talked about on KFC radio. I was like, because I called out like edgy comedians and I talked about how edgye comedians. I pretty much did the edge and was like, here's your audience needs to know what comedians are doing when they act like so cool and kid and I explained. He loved it, and then, um, I did tell him a lot of these asked the internet questions are kid? And he was like they are And then but I had fun. It was fun. It was good, but um yeah, it was a long day. I mean I just came from barstool and before that, I are Silverman. Yes, started out the day at the Today Show. Well, I started out here at my hotel room Robin is in town. She was my makeup artist on f boy um Island one. I met her. She's from she lives in Cayman and she came to town and did my makeup starting at six thirty and then we got picked up at nine fifteen, went to the Today's Show. I knew that Sarah was going to be on the show. Sarah Silverman was going to be on the Stay Show with me. They were like, do you want to do a segment with her? And um, yeah, it was really fun. So I got there and I saw her and we had a really good time just like just talking about she like dating um comic writer Rory Albany's and she was just talking about how they came to be and like, um, she's talking about her friendship with Chelsea Handler and how this was like backstage. But she's just like so nice and personalble. She came just to my Acreen room. We were just like hanging out. She's like, what are you promoting? I was telling her about my show, and she's just so nice. Had you met her before? Yeah, I if you don't know, like the way I am about Taylor Swift, I was about Sarah Silverman for a few years of my life, like massive le mass, maybe more so because I was younger and a little bit more insane, and um, I knew everything about her. Bought her posters off eBay like I And this was back when there was no Instagram there was. It was just like maybe my space back then. But I was obsessed with her, read everything, watched everything, and I don't know now fast forward all these years. I mean you you literally your first stand up you were you were like substituting, like like she was your hero. She was your mentor, like in your mind Taylor, and she was as unattainable. It was like, um, it was like the way I feel about Taylor Swift in terms of like what I'm doing with music now, Like that's how much of a novice I was compared to her talent. And now I've been in the business long enough that I've kind of like caught up and I'm kind of in her world obviously, Um, but I've I've overcome the initial like, oh my godness, because that happened early on I talked about on the Today Show today, but like I got to meet her during my obsession random late because we had a mutual friend, Doug Benson, and it was I mean, that was one of the wildest days of my life. Like just him like just being like, Hey, Sara's gonna pick us up today. We're gonna go to Kimmel And I was just like Sarah, Like what he's like, Sarah sil Woman, I wait, Doug, I don't think I was just I was just graduated college. I was like, I don't think you understand, Like, Sarah sil We're riding in Sarah Silverman's car, and like it was it was. It was insane. I went to Jimmy Kimmel. That was the time I went to Jimmy Kimmel with Sarah and Doug, and that was the one where she did I'm fucking that damon that whole thing. That was like the debut of it was a Jimmy's birthday and we were there, and um, she's always been so nice to me, like, hey, doll, you know, just like hey, They're like always calling me doll, and like just like all come here and just so loving, so sweet, always so nice. And we never become like close friends because I mean, I wouldn't if I her was her want to be close friends with someone who's that obsessed with me. It's like the same reason I don't think Kayler Swift and I will ever be that close no matter what happens, because it's just hard to be friends with someone that's that obsessed with you. But today on the Today Show, I got to like kind of gush about her and to her face, um, which I have not I think I've done before, but probably try to play it a little bit cooler. Today I was really able to like go pretty fucking hard right in front of more, like because I was a camera, and it was just easier with like you know those people. Everything is always easier on a camera. Yeah. Yeah, Like I would never do tell her that because, like it's a lot to take on someone's energy when they're like I love you, like I've known everything. Like that's a lot for that person. That's why I tend to not do that and burden people with that. I don't mind it when people do it to me. I like help them through it and like I get it, but I I just don't want to bother people that are just you know, they she has a long day of press. I'm sure I just didn't. But on camera, I'm like, this is more, this is interesting, this is better for are people to witness And did her to kind of like have to take it because we're on camera as opposed to like what was her role on the show, Like what did she talk about? She was there promoting she was a play that I walked by today. I'm in Chelsea and I walked by the theater and I see a sign for the bed Weather and I'm like that the name of Sarah's book. And then I look and I'm like, that's a play by Sarah Silver. I was like, Oh, it's a musical of the book, and it's the musical she's promoting that. Um. The guy from Fountains of Wayne, Adam Slicinger, I forget his last name, but he died during covid um but he wrote this. He died tragically. He's the lead singer Fountains of Wayne. But they wrote this whole musical that was supposed to come out in and now it's coming out now. And she was there promoting that. But we just had fun and she did a segment that I did a segment and she was sitting there for it. And then we did this other segment called like Secrets, and we were supposed to write down secrets on a piece of paper and then they put him in a bowl. Me Hoda Jenna Bush, the two hosts of The Tay Show, and then Sarah and My secrets were really weird, and there's we're all adorable and mine were. You know. I like to watch videos of people having corns cut out of their foot to like soothe myself to sleep. And there's where like one time I threw a shoe at my sister's head and it cut her lip, or like one time I I used to sell now in later's to my classmates, and mine was the other one I did was I can't get a ring off my finger and it's been on for two months and I have no plan. I'm going to die with it on. So that was my other secret. But I had a hard time coming up with secrets, I really did. I gave them a bunch, but um that those were the two they chose. Ht me to see what I kind of like when people are like, my, uh, what's it called? When it's like my fuck? I just never mind. I just drew a blank when when someone yeah, when I when you have COVID brain and you can't think of me? What's to call when? Uh? Not? When you have a dirty secret, when you have a uh, you'll know it. I kind of know what you're talking about, Bucky. It's really hard to come up with a secret because you could think a secret is something that my guilty pleasure, my guilty pleasure I hate, like something adorable. Yeah, it's never it's like I like to eat pizzas cold. Sometimes it's never were bage. There was some like a cooking demonstration on in the segment before us, and we were watching it and Sarah was like, I've never had fish. I goes at your scre today, that's a good secret. She was like, I've never eaten fish. I'm from New I'm from New Hampshire and I've never Like I'm from New England and I've never had fish. And I was like, is that your secret? And she goes, no, that's a good one, though I should have said that one. But hers, um her, I forget what hers were. They were they were darling. What they were mine were I gave them. I can speak a secret language that I learned on spring break in high school that is super easy to learn, but impossible to understand unless you know it. I have a ring on my finger that I can't get off. It has been stuck for two months and I have given up and plan on dying with it on I said to see with my self to sleep at night, I watched videos of people having corns and other growths cut dug out of their feet. Um. Number four, I don't understand football, and I've tried many times to learn the game, but it makes no sense to me and never will. And number five. My biggest phobias or centipedes, air shows, and men jumping off of diving boards. I was gonna say fat men, but I didn't want a fat shame. But it is fat men, dumbing of diving words. I don't know why. It's like it's just bulky men, bulky brazen men. Have you ever seen a guy live fall off a diving word? Bad? Like? Have you seen anything any Like? What are these fears? Like? I know you want to don't want someone to get hurt. I don't want anyone to get hurt. I don't want to see blood. I don't want to see uh. I don't want to hear a head go thwack like I do not Like I didn't like watching American's Home Videos with Danny Tanner, Like I love that show, but like I hated seeing people get hitting the balls. I hate seeing people tosh point no unwatchable to me because I cannot trust that I'm not going to see someone get like really maimed. But I have a new bid on stage about how Like my favorite YouTube videos are the beauty Queen who fell in the fire and had to develop a personality like these are all my favorite. I love seeing the aftermath of these accidents, but I don't want to witness the accident itself. Yeah, you like to see them rebound from the horrible love people that have been crazily disfigured and they have to go out in their world and everyone stares at them. Every little kids make comments, people's like, people whisper, and they they just love themselves. I think it's just such. It's so it's such a good thing to watch. It is not me being morbid, like, oh, I want to see what this girl looks like with their face burned off. It truly motivates me because anything I think that I can't go out because I don't I feel sad, or I can't go up because I feel ugly or whatever, like just to see these people how their lives changed when they had to overcome this. They not all of them make it, I'm sure, but the ones that you hear stories about, like their lives are so much better and they just nothing can get them down. Like it's just incredible, and it just means deep down that none of that stuff really matters. These people are way happier than I would guess. J low Is, It's amazing. How do I put it though? Where it's like when you're confident, like you'll see someone that's so disfigured that they lean so much into the confidence of it. Because here's the thing. Yes they're gonna get a lot of negativity, but they're gonna get a ship ton of positivity because it's so extreme, you know what I mean, Like like like I'm like, I'm not trying to like huh, I'm not trying to like it. If they're using it to get like more like likes or whatever, fucking yes, do it. But I I know, like, if if there's something about you that can be toned down in terms of like, you know, because there are things. When you see a burn victim, it is a normal thing to go, oh my god, Like it is a person that is doesn't look like a person, so you should have a reaction to It's it's totally normal to go, oh my god. One time, when I was in traffic, it was one of the most horrible things that I've ever done. And I didn't mean to and it couldn't help it. But I looked to the right of me when I was stopped to stoplight, and burn victim was staring at me from the car next to me, and I just go I screamed because it was so frightening to see someone that looked so disfigured. And I felt so bad. But it was a normal reaction to that because it was it looked like someone who you know, like it looked like a human, but not a human. It's that why we don't. Yeah, it was a normal reaction. So I feel like if the throw water on them, Nikki and I go kill it, kill it. No. I felt so fucking bad. We had one victim in mar Town. You always have like there's always one, there's always like one, and they have like and like and and people know, you know that they did stand up thing. They did that stand up thing where they had you know, um burn victims and stuff do stand up about it. And I remember watching that and it actually like change my perspective, not my perspective, but like I understood it more. I think what happens is you ignore it because you're just you're so afraid of it, like when you're a kid and you make fun of it and you're scared of it. And I really do believe that it like if you if you become friends with a burn victim, you do not see it at all anymore, or someone with a gigantic tumor hanging off their face that they have to like part it so they can even put things in their mouth, Like I've seen all these things on YouTube. I see their family around them and their friends, and like they don't see that stuff. It really does go away. And I I don't have an experience specifically that I can say of like, oh, I I know that feeling, but like I know that when I was like so skinny, that I looked so scary, like my friends did not see what they saw when they first met me. Ultimately, it just they didn't look at me like a skealt, like a walking skeleton. They just they even told me they were like, we like, I forget that you look so like I forgot that you look so scary. People would like come to me and be like, what's wrong with Nikki, And I be like, oh my god, I forgot. And I remember hanging out with Josh Blue, who has cerebral palsy, and I was a little bit scared to hang out with him because his body is very like twisted up and like really you know, um, you know, cramped up in in a in a way that's he's struggling with um, his CP and I used to be like, I just don't want to be around it because I was like scared that I didn't know how to hug him or I didn't know how to like if I should I help him with things, or like when he talks slow or he talks weird, Like it's just you're scared of what you don't know. And I just remember working with him one weekend and like by the end of it, I was like I just didn't even know he had a thing, Like I forgot that he I was in public with him and saw people looking and like didn't understand why they were looking at seriously disappeared And that was the first time I was like, oh, you really can it. You You just you adapt and you just you really do tend to love someone for who they are. And that's I think probably an adaptation because we with each other, even after we're like old in our body, we end up looking like burn victims anyway, without how old we get and like wrinkly and stuff like, we end up looking yeah exactly, Um I do. I'll do a fake burn someday, um, but sprayburn. But yeah, I think it's I think, yeah, I think exposure to it, I think, um, yeah it is, yeah, but how do you you know? It sucks? You can't experience it unless you get to get close to them, Like you can't just like rent someone that has a deformity, so you can feel better about it, like questions and engage them, ask them about it, because like they're willing to talk to you about it and acting like it's not there. It's not like you can act like it's not there when you don't need to actually ask them about it. Oh my god, what the funk happen to you? But it's actually okay to do that, like I've I've found I mean, I don't want to speak for all of them, but like people who have disabilities don't mind you going like what's going on here? Like can you explain it? Um? The greatest shown? No, it's the it's this, it's all this, it's all this. It's the best because it's like a freak show at circus, right, Yeah, it's unbelio. Oh yeah, okay, maybe I gotta see it. Yeah, I'll just never forget. Like watching I've talked about it before, but I did watch it. It's like my five year old nephew and my brother was like, this isn't quite right for them yet, Like I think I want to I think do they have Were they okay at the end of it? You have questions? I think I was like they got to see this movie. I was like, I think this is more about me than my nephew's. You know, isn't so often whenever you watch make someone watch something never they never like it as what does you do? Oh yeah, and you're like you're looking at it then the whole time like like it Like it's why I say go alone too. Shows you don't have to check in on anyone, just to go Joe fucking enjoy things. All right, let's get to um the news. You're here. It's Tuesday, folks. You know what that means. It is Tuesday day. I hope you're having all the swells out there. Uh. If if you're not, it's okay. We're all depressed. We'll just me. I'm alone. Sometimes I think about life and how it's just not really that great and like I could be more and everything, and do you know what's alright? Well, you can go see Nikki and Andrew at the State Theater in Minneapolis. Yeah, on a I'm excited about that. I will be. It's such good moods for those shows. I really hope people come out. I'm going to be whatever. My fucking press. We will be over, Nicky Glaze, welcome to Nickie Lazer, will be out so that Sunday, there's nothing else I have to do. Like it's a huge It will be a vacation for me in Minneapolis and Madison this weekend. I will be in the best mood. Please come out to those shows. It'll be yeah, and and give Andrew a hug at the me greet. Will you come on? Alright? What's the first news item? Al right? The first news item was sent to me by a one Nikki Glazer. Oh yeah, I forget what this was. But when did we start doing this? I forget it already. A study finds that a majority of people discount habits that underline much of human behavior, much like drinking coffee, for example, and they write them off as behaviors that are due to our mood and our intentions. M scientists say that much of what we do every day is habitual. Uh that automatic triggering of behavior versus conscious intentions is what makes a behavior habit. So what they were saying. What I gleaned from this is like a lot of times people wake up in the morning they're like, I need coffee. I'm so tired, I needed to wake up. It's not so much that you needed to wake up. You just are like succumbing to a habit. So like we are more ated to habits than we are the substance that we think we're addicted to, which was kind of turned what I think about caffeine addiction on its head for me. I and I do believe that, like I woke up this morning and I go there are times where I do not need coffee. I just want to do something. I want to do the thing that's comfortable, going into the Starbucks, the mobile order, pressing, like the submit button, going in, grabbing it, the warm cup in my hand. It's not about the drug as much as it is about the habit. I thought that was I just thought that was interesting. Does that make you think about anything in your life? I mean, yeah, every time we get Starbucks. I mean that's what you even said yesterday, oh right, two days ago. It made me just I don't know, half a cup of coffee. I mean, it's just it changed your whole life. We got to the airport Monday morning in Nashville and you go, God, coffee is good. And I was like, isn't it like we just weard such a better mood than when we got to the car. But it could be us feeling fulfilled from doing our habit. Yeah, what does that? Does a ritual make you feel safe? World? Yes, that things are happening the way they're supposed to. There's nothing like novelist fun and sexy. But I think when it comes to habits, Um, there's something just very comforting, comforting about it. Yeah, I've never been a habitual person. Yeah, what is what are your habits in the morning? Know, when you wake up in the morning, what do you have the same breakfast every morning? I don't have the same breakfast every morning. I guess maybe going on my phone is a bad habit. But this also applies to good habits. From what they said, Um, like what so for example, like Andrew exercising and putting his workout routine on his Instagram story, like doing it on a regular basis around the same time, in the same way, and just you know, um, maybe you thought the intention was, Oh, I'm going to get in shape to look better. But it could have been like something else was just like right, like to build to build a comfortable like yeah, habit, and also like it gave you something to do at a certain time of day. It was positive. You felt good after so that is what kept you motivated. So we could also look at it in that way. There's something just so cozy about the thing you do every Like when I get into bed and I get to pull up read it every day, it just means my day is over and I get this thing that I saved till the end of the day. I don't go and read it before then because it's like that's my safe, that's my fun little like cachet of all this fun stuff I get to read. That's just such a little treat for me. Um in the morning breakfast and coffee are so exciting every morning as a habit. Also you know walking my dog when I do have my dog with me, or um, yeah, you talk your phone when you wake up, Oh my god. Yes, of course it's not even a habit. It's just like a reflex a question though, YEA, knowing this, do you think that you could change a bad habit? More easily now that you know that it's not something that your system absolutely needs. Like yeah, because this this is fits into everything I believe about addictions or about like bad behavior, is that we convince ourselves it's so hard to quit because we're addicted. Like smoking, people are like, oh God, but like, when you really get down to it, a nicotine addiction is not a difficult addiction at all. It's like that's part of the propaganda by the cigarette companies is to convince you it's hard, because they know if you think it's hard, you can go, oh it's hard, I can't quit. So as soon as I let go of, oh, nicotine's hard to quit, which I had been telling myself for years, it was easy to let go of. So if I'm able to tell myself when I'm craving that third coffee, like is this because you're tired and you need caffeine and like you're scared of a headache will come on if you don't have it, Or is this because you just are feeling a little stressed out and you want to the comfort of a habit, and I think it'll be easier to let go off. I think I'm not checking my from I'm gonna go. Granted, I still haven't gone to that Chinese place I said I was going to. But I'm not checking my I'm not checking. We gotta get to the comments story before any of this. Yeah, I think it's next. I don't know about it. I feel like coming. I'm not. I'm not checking my phone before I get out of bed. From now on at least, how are you going to enforce this? Try it? Let's all try it. Let's all try it. We're not checking her. Do we remind ourselves before we go to bed tonight? Like, will you guys remind me? Because I'll fine, Okay, so what can we in the morning? I will just but I have tricked my phone next to me? Why we have for work? For working over my white noise and my alarm clock? All right, well, and maybe just me and Andrew will do We'll try. I don't check Instagram right away, like I eventually get to it in the morning. I usually put on Chris's radio show as I get into the shower and it ready, and that's fine. I don't check Instagram and emails and texts until like sometimes I'll see text and there's tons of them and I'm just like, no, I don't need to do this right now, like when I have time it comes, I can do it. But um, get to the next story. Yes, please, let's do it. Okay. I'm in the habit of just like talking so long for through the first story, so let's change that, all right. This is a crazy story. Firefighters rescued a woman who had tumbled into a public vault toilet. Do you know what that is? I heard about this? She dropped her phone. She dropped her phone, and there a vault toilet is one of those like public toilets that don't flush. It's just like a like a well world like, except deeper and a little bit bigger. Um while attempting to fish her cell phone out of the waist using dog leashes, so basically what she did. She was using the phone on the toilet when it fell in after she disassembled the toilet seat. She used dog leashes to try to retrieve the phone and eventually used um mountain America. Yes, yes, and so she tied herself off as she reached for it, and the effort fail. She felt horried to rescue this bit at least poor firefighters. They said it was like the first time they ever had to rescue someone. She fell head first just because she needed her phone? What was on her phone? Like? This is? This? Is it? Does this woman? Do we know her name and face? Well? Here she after being rescued, she was washed down, and she was strongly encouraged to seek medical attention after being exposed to human waste, but she didn't. She just wanted to leave. She's probably so embarrassed. Did she get her did you get she did? That's how she called the firefighters. Oh god, she called from inside the ship cavern. I'm mean, my stomach is flipping right now. That's the most disgusting thing I can ever imagine. Like, what a torturous thing to happen? Where does it end? I mean, I I want to know, man. I hope I would watch a seven hour documentary series about this incident and about this woman in her life, how it, how it got to this, How we got to this one. I want to know about her childhood. I want to know what happened, how much, what is on her phone? What she looks at on her phone? What apps she's How far would you go though to get your phone? Like, let's say you were walking into an elevator and the phone fell in between the elevator and the like the door, and it fell down. I would go to the front desk and go, this is what happened. What what are we looking at? What? What? What can we do? And then I would just go to the A. T and T store and go, I'm fucked, Like listen, I have the financial means to buy another phone right away. And it's not a huge hit, but like I would, I would go pretty far to get back my phone. But um dropping in the toilet, Yeah, I'd reached right and grab it vault toilet. I'm not scared of getting my hands dirty. Talked with Andrew Santino about it. I saw someone. This happened to someone in front of me, I swear to God not no, I'm not kidding. I was at camp and we were we were looking for like worms, We're looking for like worms with the fish, and we're like picking up big rock We're trying to pick up rocks to like like like and there was this big heavy like rock and we didn't know why it was so heavy, and it was so and we had like four people try to like fucking move this rock, and we moved it. We moved it, and we moved it and fucking it was. It was covering a ship hole like a ship like like and the kid just fell right in. Wait did you put him? Did he or did he slip? He slipped and he just fell And I was like, can you have a worm while you're down? No? No, no, he was like grab a dog leash you get him out. Did he was able to get out? Or was he like swimming in this ship hole? So he was swimming in the first secon he was able to He grabbed him, but it was to his neck and he's running around. He got out of there, and he didn't know what to do with his body. You don't know what to do when you're and he's just he was running around like like like like I don't know, like a chicken with the head cutt like he didn't know what to do like he was. It was. It was that embarrassing, like I mean, I don't know, I mean I think he talked about on the podcast before, but the homeless man in Hollywood Boulevard who a woman after she got done with a dinner with her friends in two thousand nineteen, was walking to her car, was parked on board and a homeless man with a bucket of his feces that he had been collecting for weeks and months. It was warm diarrhea. He dumped it on, pulled her out into the street as she was trying to get into her car, dumped it on her and then left and she had shit water coming off of her eyelashes like it was just and she she's awesome. She went public with it and was like, I feel sad for that man. We need to help these homeless people, like this man was clearly deranged. Like she was not gonna hide. She was not embarrassed of what happened to her, And I think most people would be like, once you've been dowst and ship, you think that, like, how can She was like I have trauma from it, I have PTSD, Like I still like she's but she was so you can watch the news report on it. It's wild. It's wild web and they have a like a video of it too. It's it's disgusting, it's so awful. I'm sorry, I'd rather be punched in the face. Absolutely, it's just the it's so wild, this thing that is inside all of us on a daily basis that we let go of and it was like we are walking around with inside of us. Is the number one fear of all of us that makes us like, I really feel nauseous right now even talking about these. And I'm not someone who gets really like sick from talking about gross stuff. I'm not someone who's like, don't talk about that. I'm eating right now, I'm feeling my stomach is doing things. So let's get to why do Yeah, let's get to the next story. Okay, this is fun um. This is the most popular song from the year you were born. Okay, thanks to just Jared for coming up with us. Ok I think I know what it is. What do you think? Oh god, it was. I've looked this up before because it's like the artists the artists, Wait, is this a year you were born or the month the year you were born? Popular song of the year. I'm gonna get Prince something by Prince No, I don't know, You're not that far off. It's Jump by a Van Halen. Oh yeah, gohead jump jump yeah for my love jumping. Wait, No, that's not the right song. That's a difference. Jump jump Jump for my Love. That's a different song. I know how it goes, and I'm not going to sing it. Yeah. I that's interesting because when your baby like don't hear music, you know, you like don't retain it. So it's not like that brings me back to like, oh, that brings me back to coming out of my mom's bus. The nostalgia? All right? What about eight for Andrews? Right? Eight? I mean I'm guessing like something like Ario Speedwagon. M good guess, uh something George Michael. Maybe that's a good guess. Good guess it's actually Blondie And the song is call Me, Oh yeah, call me down by the call Me I love, you can call me any any call me kind of sounds like a little bit call me okay, what about you know h okay m hm. He's it's tough because none of us are really alive yet. I mean, yeah that when your baby you don't you're not Like I could, I could guess what the song was when I was like, you know, the night late nineties to early two thousand's. Um, I don't know, I don't know what it was. It it was, oh the police, every breath you take. Oh that's a good one. What a year? That's really good? You know that um September eleven September, Like, the number one song during September eleven on Billboard charts was a keep on Falling, get in out of the with the fallen. Uh what yeah, Alicia Keys behind this? I know, well, you know, I'm not pointing any fingers, but I love to look up, like what was happening at that time of like what was the number one song when fucking COVID hit? Um? Oh, two thousand and twenty? Was that? Let's say, yeah, what was the COVID? Yeah? What was the two? What was what was the day before we found out of COVID? Like I think she just has years? Oh yeah, so then what was the two thousand twenty COVID dropped? Yeah, I mean that was classically March. I'll listen to the sirens. People are still banging their pots and pans. Okay um. The most popular song according to this list was Blinding Lights by the Weekend. Yeah, that checks out. Everyone's doing it on TikTok Dane Dane didn't. It's so weird that that someday is going to be the same as call Me You Get. It's going to be such like a throwback song. It's just I mean, I know that the day it works, but it's just weird that that will be an oldie someday, even though I think that oldies still are oldies. Like to me, sixties music is still oldies and nineties music is just nineties music, even though nine these music now is oldies when sixties music was old these back in the nineties. Sense, yeah, right, like the nineties, do you think it's old these two young kids, Well that like two thousand is far enough from us as like when night when like, yeah, you know what I mean, Yes, it's wild, it's ages, but we're the youngest were ever gonna be, so just like fucking be excited about it. I mean, you just have to be, I know. Um. I actually on that podcast today, I got to talk to that twenty year old who's on it named Josh something. But he was so sweet. He's twenty years old and he's like a TikTok kid and they were playing his TikTok's because they wanted me to roast him. But I was like, you're adorable, and I was like, honestly, I want to know, like what went into this TikTok? Like how many times did you practice it? Did you know that you like look cute when you like look to the side and like kind of smile and do like like I was like, did you know? He's like I was. I was like, tell me the setting, like where did this seppen? He's like two thousand seventeen, I'm in my basement. I was like, was your mom din? And you were like one more mom and he was like yeah kinda and it was like it was it was like behind the music vch one but behind the TikTok. It was fascinating. Actually, no, it wild like all these kids start somewhere, they start in a basement and they like they're somehow good looking enough where they could just go you know, and and then did you know you were cute? Like did you know? Like when you said like and kind of he goes, yeah, you're right, you are one of them. They showed me a video later and I go were you of age when you made this? And he was like yeah, And I was like, you're hot. I didn't want a comment because the first one I almost said it, but he was a little young. But then the second one I was like okay, yes, he goes no. That was last weekend. I go, you're hot, You're a cute kid. Good for you, all right? They are who they're dating and everything, like, oh my god, the whole thing they were like they were they on the show. They were like, Josh, you got you got caught this weekend canoodling with a woman at a club. I'm like, who is this kid? Why are teens filming him at a club? Like it was just they're so famous, and um, I don't give a fuck. It's not the type of fame that I'm like, I want in and I want to understand. I'm so glad that I don't get it, and I'm glad it happens for them, like they're allowed to have their own famous world. It's like K pop. I don't know any K pop artists at all, but they are bigger than any American movie star in terms of fans by far. And it's okay what you call it. When they were all on like the teen magazines, it's the same ship. They're all that. Those are those kids. They're gonna grow much bigger now. K pop stars are much bigger than like Backstreet think. I believe so, yes, yes, I do think so. I could be wrong, though, Okay, let's take a quick break and come back with Reddit dump. Oh no, why do I care? All right, we're back. It's time for why do I care? Why do I care? Okay, I don't know if you really care about this and um, but the besties want to know if you do, so that's why I included it. All right. Howard sterns slams Johnny Depp for over acting amid his defamation trial against Amber Heard. Oh, what's your take on the whole? Johnny Depp? Amber Heard? You know, I'm on Reddit and Reddit fucking hates her and Johnny Depp's a hero and the reddit's filled with men and they just love villainizing this woman who they could never get in real life, and so they love that there might be the storyline where she's the one who's the abuser and he's the innocent one. I've done my research and it isn't great research, but what I can glean is that they're both abusive idiots, and they both did stuff that was reprehensible and gross. And yeah, so I feel the news is though I think you nail did that. People are dying for people to go believe men like people want to hear that narrative so bad, and it is a real narrative. I get it, but they're really like leaning into like he's he's such a soft man, you know what I mean, he's mean, while he's like, I'm going to shoot on her and burn her body and eater feces, like he's not the nicest in the world. Where they both can be shitty, like, can't we have that? Can't they be both be wrong? Doesn't have to be one or the other, and I did. I haven't seen him on the sand, though, but I have a lot of friends who are like, she's awful and he's just amazing, and I'm like, open your eyes, he's terrible too. He's he definitely has kicked her before. He definitely has thrown things, He's had violent tantrums, he said disgusting things. It doesn't and maybe he did those in defense at some point of getting hit himself, which but then I will excuse it. But not all of those were probably like they're both just two abusive people at each other. And you know, I don't know that all the details of it, though, but I wanted it to just all be her. God, I wanted it so bad, just like everyone else. But it's it's not that it's not all her. Uh Ny, you're you would say you're much bigger than she is, and he gets quiet and he just goes I wouldn't say that, and it just your face. I'm not even like. I don't even have the energy. I can't watch it. Yeah, I don't care, and I don't. It makes me uncomfortable to watch them have to listen to their voice memos and like hear back the text and stuff. It's it's too awkward for me. I don't like it. It's uncomfortable. Um, and I'm glad that I can sit this one out. I really am choosing to sit it out. UM, let's get to reddit dump karaoke mode. This is your Reddit dump. What up? Okay, Reddit dump, let's do it. I mean, I have not been saving things that much, so I'm just gonna try to throw some things that you and see if we've been through them before. Um. Okay, here's one ask Reddit. I don't think i've done this before. What's the piece of information you learned that now feels almost illegal to know? I don't know. I can't even think of something for myself. But someone said when it's satellite television service updates your programming. The change signal is only sent for a day or two. Satellite bandwidth is finite and expensive. So if you were to upgrade your service to get all the channels, disconnect your hardware after they all showed up, then called to down grade, and waited a few days, your system will miss the down grade signal and it could be years before any changes get made that would correct your lineup. That just seems illegal, but I guess it's not because it would take forever to correct. Did you get that? Did that make sense to you? Depression? Huh No, it confused me, but it it makes sense. But but wait to get all the channels, because people do that all the time, don't They then upgrade and then downgrade when they realize they can't afford an upgrade, But then the upgrade stays because it takes so long for that downgrade to happen. Well, now they might because I'm proliferating it. That's why it feels illegal. Um, someone said, creating nitrogen tryo tryo died. When in a liquid form, it is stable, but once it dry, as so much as a fly landing on it creates a purple smoke explosion. It's so unstable that alpha radiation can be used to detonate that stuff. It's actually easy to get the material, and I don't want to tell people how to do it. I think there's a lot of things like that. Um. Someone said it is legal to grow opium poppies in the United States, but only if you don't know that they can be used to make drugs. That's insane that you've gotta be like, I don't know, I didn't know. What do you think they're just do you know that they could be drugs? I do? Now? Am I in trouble? Like that's the weird thing them now? For six years out? I don't know me, I don't know. It's like it's so funny. I don't know. Let with the whole Russia stuff, they go, uh, you know, Putin's testing nuclear weapons that might be ready four months from now. It's like saying nuclear. Huh you say nuclear, like George W. Bush did never really made fun of him. You did it last week? And I go, what do you say nuclear? The Caucus? Yeah? Okay, so yeah, Russia Putin no. But all this info is just like on Twitter, it's like where are the surprises and war? We're just like, oh, in four months, he's gonna like I don't know, I just find all this information is just like being put out there and everyone's just like, Okay, in four months, I'll be ready with the nuclear bomb and whatever, like I don't know. I just finally, do you know what I'm saying? You like, oh, like they all there's no like surprise attacks anymore, is what you're saying. Let me, yes, there are, That's why we have they're surprised at as my friend, I don't know, but I think they're And there's definitely like I was surprised with the whole um Ukraine thing that there is like ground combat still like there's still like fighting in the streets and like fights I heard. Okay, let's play the Let's play the video of the funeral guy no whatever. At the funeral, you'll see this is a guy on a talk show that this one. It's kind of like almost like a new show that this woman hosts and she goes to this guy who has a peculiar job. Bill, you're a private investigator. You also call your sports often confessor. What do you do? In short? I crashed funerals on behalf of the deceased. People hire you, they tell you say a secret that they have while they're alive, and then they ask you to reveal that truth either at their funeral or when their will is I thought this was fake will reading or could be a private message to somebody delivered face to face. Um a job for anybody that can just do it. Takes a little bit of nerve, but at the same time, it's a request that uh started, believe it or not as a joke. Tell us about your first client, do tell us game. He was a gentleman that i'd been investigating a claim for I got to name only for a short while. He had cancer, he was close to death. We got to talking about death in the afterlife and all things surrounding death, and I suggested he do his own eulogy. He said he'd been to plenty of funerals where eulogies just aren't shown out of disrespect or the families just aren't should and so I suggested to crash his funeral for him, and he took me up on the offer, and I did, What did he want you to say at his funeral? He wanted me to out his best mate for trying to sleep with his wife while he was on his death. He also asked me to remove three people from the congregation that he hadn't seen in thirty years. So why would they paying their respect now when they could see him when he was alive. And you went through with it absolutely? What was the response, Shock, Now I'm interrupting the funeral between the loved one and mates performing you you're the and I stand up interrupt the funeral service and announced that his best mate has got to sit down and shut up or bugger off because the man in the coffee has got something to say. And this is what it is. And I'll open the envelope and I'll read aloud exactly what was said. Did the best man stay, put walkout? He left pretty quickly. Why do you think some people take this approach to confess after death? Well, most of it because they haven't got the strength to get up and punst with people in the face, hurting him. That's that's really what it is. I mean it's not all bad either. I mean that's it's good bad funny and said there's quite a range of funerals that have crashed. How much do charge between two and tens and dollars. But they don't need the money where they're going and I never get a complaint. You said that one before, right, what a cutie? What do you think about that? Andred? You loved it? Right, it's my favorite thing. I think I've seen it in here. I knew it. It's a long clip, but I just thought people would like it. First of all, the silence in the crowd is huh. The silence in the crowd is so funny. But God, would I love to play to do that with someone in my family? You know, Yeah, you would like to do it after you're dead, or you would like to be the guy that says I don't think you could. I think you would be too awkward. You get so uncomfortable when no, I wouldn't want to be I wouldn't want to be that. I couldn't be that guy. I couldn't be like, excuse me, you were trying to fuck. I would love to be that guy. I would like that job, but I could see you not liking much. That's why I was surprised. I was like, I think that's like one of those things of like me picking up dogship with leaves where you would want to scare away be dead and telling a secret to everybody about like and and have everyone have to feel awkward at my own funeral. That would be really that would be kind of fun. Yeah, it would be fun. Have you ever seen the one where the guy UM has a recording inside his casket that's like here, I'm a week and everyone is around it's being he's being laid into the ground and everyone's laughing because they knew this guy has such a funny sense of humor, and it really does sound like he's in there, Like come on, guys up serious, Yeah, dude, you've been to a funeral there to fucking it's like anything would be nice, you know, it's good. Yes, I I don't know that there was a part of that where he said, like, you know, he wanted the guy to say um to kick people out that hadn't visited it, hadn't talked to him in thirty years. I'm like, why would anyone who have you haven't talked to in thirty years coming over? That's a long that's a lifetime, Like that's too long, Like why does he know those people are going to go to the funeral? That's weird? But I do think it's funny if you're sitting at a funeral and a guy, a random dude, yes that no one knows and I was even wondering why he's there, stands up and says, I've got the man in the casket has something to say, you need shut up to the guy that's delivering the eulogy. It's wild and so cool, but yeah, it would be like that would be really hard to do. What's like the most like, um, have you ever had a moment like that where you we're really scared to like stand up and say something, and like you need you knew you need to do something, and you were just like, I'm about to like really embarrass myself. Have you had any any feeling like that before where you were like, I've had moments where like you feel like you have to like speak out a funeral or like do something like that, which just scared of living, ship out of me, scared and speak out a wedding. I hate but that's planned. Oh oh you mean like out of nowhere, just like you just like a feeling like that where you're like, oh God, I gotta do this, I know I gotta do it. I'm scared to do it, you know what I was scared of that, not really even playing. And it's it goes back to my freshman year in college. So when you when you're on your floor, you know, everyone meets up in in like the study hall or whatever, like on your floor, and everyone meets each other and you have to stand up and you just gotta go, this is my name, this is where I'm from, this is my age. You can't believe how afraid I was to do things like that where I would be shame really and because I would think everyone would judge me based off of like how I said where I'm from or whatever, Like it's scared to living ship and now that I speak in front of people, people like what hell is it possible? But things like that where it's like I would feel so much judgment and fear from things like that. And that's like that makes me think of that, like something like that where and we always do that to people. We always go, oh, it's so easy, just what's your name, what's your side from? Tell me something interesting about yourself. Some people that could be the scariest possible thing they can do, and we're just so scary. Um, we have to go because my my phone is or my computer is literally about to die and it's not taking a charge. So I'm gonna go into final thought. Um yeah, that's the scariest thing ever, and I'm just gonna go and tell my computer dies. To be honest with you, is that Okay? Did you ever? Did you have that moment Colorado or Kansas or other? No. I loved those opportunities. I actually loved those times where you were like, oh, say something interesting about yourself, or like you're saying something your name is Nikki, and then I like blah blah blah and has to be something that starts with the same letter as your name. And I would always say nice people because nothing else starts with N. That is like okay, you know, it's like that's not numb beats, Like I never knew what to say. Um. I think the moment like things like this that kind of give me anxiety is when I'm like I see someone being wronged and I know have to stand up for them and be like what the funk are you doing right now? Like I think like when I have to do something like that, or I have to go like hey, that's not cool, or like be the one to like stand up side just anyone I'm trying to think of, like at um uh. You know when I was walking down the street in Canada one time and a guy was like blaring his music from his phone and I had to be like stop, like turn that off. That's rude, and like that moment of anxiety. But I knew I was right, and I knew that no one like this guy needed to be called out. And I rarely do something like that, but those moments where you just have the bravery to be like I'm gonna call out like assholes right now and like I and I'm gonna look stupid, I'm gonna look unhinged. I'm gonna be the one that's like the guy at that funeral that's standing up and everyone goes, who are you to say something? But like no, I'm I know I'm doing what's right. This guy, I need to understand why you would be blasting your music on your speaker phone where it sounds shitty when we're in public, it's wild. I go, it's offensive. He goes, I turned it up, bro, let me connect my yeah. Now he goes, your nail polish offends me and I go it's offensive. It goes it's loud. He goes, your nail polish is loud, and I go, my blue nail polished, this is offensive. He like yeah, And I was like, really, I think I did that. And then I'm like out of stuff to say. It was on the plane this this trip. Yeah, someone like air dropped a photo to me and I was like should I accept it because I thought it might be a dick because sometimes people send like gross stuff to women. And I accepted. It was just like two people on the plane thing like self is like, yeah, loud bachelor parties. That is another thing on planes. That's a perfect example on a plane where someone's being rude and you go enough. One guy the other day on a plane was like I can I get I need to make my connection and the woman's like, um, yes, sir, you have to sit down, and he goes, I've been on more planes than you have in your life. He says this to a flight attendant and I he goes, I've literally flown more than you have. I saved children for a living, and I was and he was already bragging about when I got on the plane, this fucking asshole. I was so close to calling him out, but then he shut up, and I was like, if he says one more thing, I get to I get to say something. And then he didn't say anything. I was so ad because it would have been so good to be like you. I go. I was planning on saying the fact that you saved children. I wouldn't let a child near you. You fucking creep. You're bragging about flying more than this flight attendant shut up? No one I was. I was gonna go off so hard and everyone's gonna applaud that. Probably, Yeah, that's a good point. Yeah. Actually, my cuticles were bleeding and I was like, I can't say anything. Guys, we gotta go. I don't know why talking faster is gonna make this. My battery not died, but I have to go. Thank you for listening to the podcast. We'll be here tomorrow. Don't be cut and chick crap.

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