Andrew is so excited for the PGA Masters tour that it inspired a green ensemble. Nikki is not so impressed with the name but enjoys the men speaking in hush tones. They discuss yelling and arguing styles. Nikki shares a tip she gave her buddy Emil Wakim before he went on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. In the Fanthrax part of the show, Besties share their collection of co'uhls, an old screen name and some funny mispronunciations.
The Nick Glazer here's Nicky. Hello. Here I am the Sticky Glazers Nick Glazer Podcast. Welcome to the show. It's Thursday. We are wearing all green today. For what reason I don't know. Andrew and I both showed up wearing green and we decided that Noah should go put on some green too, and that's what she did. That's what kind of show this is, Andrew, You're wearing like an entire master's uniform, like the golf tournament Masters weekend. Does someone send you this the Master's weekend this weekend? My mom got me with these clothes. Interesting fact, my mom has had Master's tickets for the last twenty years. I don't know the exact details of it, but she won a raffle like twenty years ago and we just found out twenty years later that we've had a Master's tickets. Yeah, why don't you go? It's a lun Actually I probably can't get it's a long story. But like the people that also were in, so I believe her friends sign themselves up for this raffle right to win ticket. Then they go, hey, can we double up and have you go in with us. We'll sign your name up just to see maybe we'll give us more of a chance to win, and then she won. But it's like when you tip a lottery ticket and if the person wins, the person is like, actually I bought it. That was just yeah, exactly, you know what I mean exactly. So I used to love that movie where Nicholas Cage tips the latter ticket and then the waitress wins. It could happen to you. I think it's called Oh my God, it was so good. I loved rom coms between um nine um? Why is this very the name? The Masters? Not good, not great, not great, just when it's a sport that's really seems like very white. You know. Also I kind of like, uh, you're just a master of something that could make sense. I guess that's more of what it's about. And they're like, no, it's actually about a slave owner. They're like, yeah, no, that's like the slaves built the court. What is the Masters? For someone who does it? It's like the number one tournament, isn't it It's where golfers get together and make fun of black people. And then is Tiger Woods playing? What is it? Really? No, it's like yes, so Tiger Tiger out in the car wreck. We all know that um and he played with his son and a father's son tournament earlier where he was hitting decent. No one really knew if he'd come back to full on competition, and people tracked his airplane from Jupiter, Florida to Augusta, Georgia. And so he's at the Masters at the Master's right now. We do not know yet. He has not agreed. It's people think he's definitely playing. Yeah, why would he? You would never go to Augusta unless you're playing in the Masters. It's the worst place ever. It's the worst town I've ever been to. I guess his argument is he doesn't want to play unless he feels like he can win. That's what people are thinking. So unless he really feels like he can win, he's not going to play. Isn't that everyone who would play if they didn't think they were going to win, someone that hasn't won twenty times already, just to like maybe make a little make a splash. Yeah, Like, I get it. You don't want to be embarrassed. I guess, I mean, is he ready? But I don't know. With like Tom Brady coming back that was so so like how many people saw. I feel like I saw that coming, Like it's like the Share reunion, like the farewell tour she has, like so many of them. People are allowed to second guess when they quit, but it just seems I don't. I really liked tom Brady going out being like I'm going out as like the greatest, you know, like like the way Seinfeldt did where I'm going out when I want to go out, not when people are tired of me. Yes, But I think, but I think Tom Brady is hard. He's not there yet. He's not He's still got something not declining. His numbers are just as good as they if not. But you want to go before you even start to decline, even a little smidge, Like you want to go out sincerely on top instead of like, oh, like did he have he didn't have the I mean, he didn't go to the super Bowl, he didn't have the best season possible. It probably he probably wants to go out on a super Bowl, wouldn't you think, Well, he won the super Bowl the year before. I know, but that his last season. Don't you think he'd probably is aiming it just didn't feel as complete this time. I just think he thinks he has more left in him. I just think I don't know. I think he likes to compete. I think he went home with his family and his kid tried to kiss him. He's like, I'm going back. This kid was like, this is what you wanted. Dad. Like, he's like, I'd rather go hit, but it hit by a three and fifty points Lineman to make out with you boy. Yeah, Well, so you're gearing up for the Masters. You're very excited about it. I so obsessed, you know me, I'm absolutely obsessed with golf right now. And the Masters is you know, a lot of a lot of tournament golf tournaments, they go to different courses, you know what I mean. Like, so it's like it's kind of cool, a change of scenery, whatever. This is always the same. It's always the same. It's always constant, is the golf course. Why don't people just play that all year long to get ready for it and never do anything else so that they can just be better than anyone else who's paying all the other ones. That's a good point. So you know all the ins and outs of just one course. You get it all on one course. But that's like what we're talking about. Last episode instead of getting a B and every Also you'd make way less money. But there's a lot of reasons why you write it. But I get what you're saying. There are people that do play it considerably more times. Is it the number one one though, or is there like there's the p G A, so the that's just the US Open, the British Open, PGA Championship and the Masters are at A four times. My god, it just reminds me of soft spoken men. And he's teeing up at and his start is really looking good today and it's a beautiful weather, and then people are like, oh, light clap. Yeah yeah. But it's always just reminds me of a SMRs. Very gentlemen speaking in hushtones and you know, just commenting on things very quietly. Even though they're in a room like far away where they could be like Edie's teeing up Eddie Swift, like they're not right there, they could definitely talk at a full volume, right yeah, even when there's a huge chip in or put in, they keep it. You know. Soccer announcers will screen goal like you know, like they're getting robbed at that point, but uh yeah, they just they're just like, huh, well, there it is, folks. They went in the hole and everyone's losing their fucking mind out and the ground like I get it, I guess, Like, but I missed that. It is very soothing. Yeah, I mean they could do anything. I mean they could tell me you have cancer and I'd be like, this sounds nice. Cancer in your neck? Um, it's pretty bad. I've been getting back into SMR so big, Like I've been just watching massage videos. That was my first for a into a SMR. Was like I was just it was I've been doing a SMR for over ten years now, or like I discovered the community and because it is a discovery, like people that have a SMR, you know, you know as a child that you have something special, some weird thing. Everyone who has a SMR is the same story of like this feeling I got as a child. I knew what would trigger it, but I couldn't get it to like I couldn't get people to keep that going for me, and I couldn't really I didn't know what to ask for to make that feeling happen again. It feels like oddly sexual and I remember I used to watch massage videos all the time because I was like they were so soothing to me just because I wanted to have that massage. I was like kind of watching it and then but there was something other factor that was like making my head like buzz and feel like really like oh like numbing out. And then I remember just seeing a video that was tagged with a SMR and I was like, what is a SMR? And then oh boy, did my world just like burst open? And I was just actually that d M show that I was talking about yesterday that they were asking about me about my d M S. I was sharing one that Molly Shannon from sn L slid into my d M S to like, you know, say, I was funny and something. It was like one of the best compliments I've ever gotten. And um, she was one of the first celebrities like come out about having a SMR. And I remember everyone was like, Polly Shannon has a SMR and um, and I just it isn't we It was it used. It's a lot more acceptable now, but in the beginning it was super super weird. I cannot believe people like kind of it's kind of mainstream now where if you don't have it, you at least maybe know about it or have heard of it. But it is. It's just a weird thing that I like to hear people like talk softly. It makes me think of I have a buddy and his and he disciplines his kids, and you know, at time till yell, he'll scream at his kids, you know. And uh. His wife was like, you can't. You can't yell at the kids. You're scaring not only that kid, you're scaring the other kids. You're scaring me. And so he goes, Okay, I won't yell anymore. So now he if the kid does bad, I'll be like, you're gonna put that away. And if you do that again, there's gonna be really a lot of trouble for you. And his wife was like, go back to yelling. I can't. Oh my god, I can't have you. You sound it's like nails on a chick. Would you rather have a guy yelling you or or oh person too? So it's like, I don't know, I don't know what you would like more? You know, get it's true though, like I never got really I'm trying to think of like when I get yelled at, Now I get really it just is not something that happened to me a lot as a kid. Like, I know that a lot of people get communicated that way, like my mom would like sometimes my parents would like get into arguments and it would get loud, but it was never like it would only get yelly, very seldomly. But I think that a lot of people just revert to this, like to like shouting and screaming, and it's very rattling, and I I don't I just feel so bad for people who don't know how to communicate and handle their emotions in other ways, Like it's it's it must be really scary because I've been overwhelmed with anger before and been like I'm saying things and doing things and talking in a way that I cannot control, like it is out of my hands. And also like my dad, I am sorry, my dad. You know, being from New York, they're just you know, you know New Yorkers, they're loud talkers. They're they're not yelling, they're just talking loud constantly. Yeah yeah yeah, but in your kitchen two ft away from you, telling you pepper. Yeah, Like my dad could get an uber from ten miles away, but with just yelling, so so my dad. He would like he would yell a lot, like a lot like he was. He talked like like this, like yeah, yeah, you gotta like this kind of voice. And one time I remember like I just gave it back like whatever I thought that volume was of his voice, I gave it back to him. He just goes, hey, why are you yelling? I go, Dad, You've been fucking yelling my whole life, Like like I was just like, yes, oh my god, you had like a Dawson's Creek moment? Was that a DAWs Like whatever? I mean, just like just a mini serious moment of like Dad, yeah, yeah. But it was just like I was like, yeah, I don't know, you feel crazy, you feel like not gasolate. I hate that. I don't know why. I don't like that work, but like I'm not. I wasn't, but it was just like you've been now you are because you were made. It's that word is tossed around a lot, but it does really define a thing that happens to a lot of us unintentionally, and we do it to others unintentionally. Of where you it is not the way you perceive things. So you think that the way the persons saying they perceive it cannot be true, and people just don't understand that people have different feelings and different perceptions. So just because the way you're talking doesn't seem like you have a tone to you. I do get very upset though, when people are like, you're yelling, and I'm like, but to me, I'm like, it's it's hard to hear. It's hard to hear yourself. It really is like to really understand why you come across as and as someone who has like seeing themselves not only in podcasts where I've kind of let it go or this reality show where it's like you see a side of yourself where you're like, oh, wow, that's what I sound like. It's you're not always aware of your tone. But I do think yelling for me happens in arguments when I just feel like I'm not being heard. I just don't understand people that start with a yell mine as escalates to a yell when it's like you're just trying to get a word in because the other person and you just you want to be here. It's it's just two people wanting to be heard. And I think that's why arguments so much benefit or like in a couple of situation of like I am going to just shut up no matter what and let you talk until you're done, like set a timer almost, and then I'm going to talk and you have to listen until I'm done, with no interruptions. And then let's repeat back to each other what we just said, so that because we just want to be heard and not heard in a way that the person is staring at the ground like shaking their head, like like nodding along, like you're not hearing me, You're in your own thoughts. Now say back to me what I just said to you, because I want to know that you understood it. And I think that's even if you disagree with what they're telling you. I think I just feel like, for me, most men that I've dealt with, I think the key to arguing with men and getting heart is letting them be heard, because they ben really want to be understood. From what I glean, they just want to see that you understand them, just not interrupted, you know, like it's hard when you're trying to just say I'm just kidding. Sorry, no no, no, no, you don't you don't Apparently you didn't hear what I said. Because what I was saying was what you did? You know what I mean? No? No, But yeah, I said, I feel like sometimes I'll yell if I don't have the vocabulary to be smart enough to speak in this tone and get my point across, Like sometimes you need emotion if you can't if you're too dumb for yes, and you need cuss words to fill it, And then it becomes a lot more volatile. But it's really because you don't have You're just filling it in spaces where you don't have anything else to say. But then it suddenly becomes very violent. Yeah, I feel like we only got in a fight where we were like screaming at each other one time, and it was that kind of thing of like like I didn't want to listen to you, you didn't want to listen to me, So it was just like who can be louder so that we can get through to the other person. And then it becomes wow, neither of us are going to shut up enough to hear each other, So I'm going to keep yelling as I leave and then slam the door so that it's like hanging up while you're still in the hallway. I was still I was like, I'm gonna yell one more time. Yes, that doesn't feel like our relationship anymore. That doesn't even maybe because we're living together, and it was a different kind of like it was just a different kind of energy. But I just yes, I don't know, I don't even know what we're fighting. But that's the funny thing is like izza, most of the fights you get into the pizza. It was pizza pizza gate, and yeah, it was well, pizza was like an epitome of like like you were telling me how to pizza pizza and I was like, yes, the pizza, it's fine. I know what I'm doing with the I'm forty one as And I was like, and I was feeling frustrated because you were you were ignoring me on purpose when I was actually saying something helpful. But but that was a response to me doing that too much, so you go the other way. It's like we we it was, it's just but in the end, it's just like it's just so funny that the things that you do think are so important. That's stoicism, like the stoicism baby, like just thinking about the stuff when you are arriving at a thing that You're like, is just you know, capturing your attention, taking up all your thoughts, something you're worried about, something that you're regretting, something that you're dreading. What are the stoics practices that I'm reading about Is that you think about in the future, think about ten years from now what this is going to look like. And I know that seems very simple, but I don't think we do that that often, where we maybe take a similar problem that you had ten years ago, which you probably can't even come up with because you don't remember any problems that were that you had ten years ago. Because when you when you look at them from a distance or another way that they also do. It is whatever thing you're struggling with, you imagine that your friend is struggling with it, and you talk to yourself in third person, like giving advice, and it just sounds so simple, like duh, you know if it was, but just doing these really dumb simple things of like, you know, whatever I'm worried about tomorrow, Like this weekend, I'm like, oh my god, I have to fly to Winnipeg and do a show and like be my best self because it's the first night of this tour. I'm very excited about it. Then the next night I have to go to Vancouver and like be excited and it's like I'm dreading on this flight and I'm like, you know, what would I say to a friend that was like feeling stressed out about this? And I would say, like, how cool is it that you even get to travel across Canada in one day. It's the miracle of air travel that Luis k joke that you love. And also like you're gonna be very old someday and look back and be like, God, I wish I could still travel like that and lug around suitcases and was able bodied enough to sit on a plane for seven hours, and um that people were that excited to see me, and I the ability to stay on stage for hours at a time. So yeah, it just gets me out of it almost instantly. Sometimes. Yeah, you could like think about think about like the one like there's two fans right in Winnipeg right now that I can never see you. That yeah, just too. But just pictured to Joe the Plumber and Steve the barber. Oh my god, the plumber reference, So no, but or whatever, Vanessa the hairdresser. My point being is that there's there's people in Winnipeg right now that I've never got to see you live, right, Imagine it's being in their shoes of being like I gotta get my hair done, I gotta get ready, I'm going to see my favorite comedian. Like this is my whole day. I've been thinking about this. First, you think about that, because then I start freaking out that I can't live up to that, like they're giving it too much. Then I started. But my point being it's like it's like is it's like if you're feeling like whatever, why is it even worth it? It is worth it? And yes, but I get that. I get the other side. Do you never think it's not worth it? I just have dread of like it's gonna be a long day of like lines and feeling tired and and really a lot of time to just ruminate about what I was just saying, which is like, oh no, I haven't done stand up in a while, Like what if I don't give these people to show that they asked for, Like people are sometimes telling me how much they're paying for tickets, and it just like I'm like, oh no, no, the hairdresser is broke. Yes, I'm like should I I need to go down on these people are something extra, Like I just you know, I'm so that I really I'm I'm just so grateful and that that that really is it. I gotta think about those people that I know how excited I get when I get to see my favorite performers, and so it just feels awesome that I get to give that to some people. Um. Yeah, so it's gonna be fun. Let's take a quick break and we're gonna come back with an all fan tracks the rest of the episode right after this, and we're back, um real quick, before we get too fantax. I just got texts from a mil Joachim. We are taping this on Tuesday, and he just did his set and he said, dude, just taped it was so fun. Holy sh it, your tip about right before the curtain, just having that moment was so useful. I love you so much, thank you for everything. So I told him, I said, thinking of you today, I wish I could be there. This is just the start of a long career for you. Have as much fun as possible and try to take a moment right before the curtain opens, when you get to stand alone by yourself for the first time, like all day, it's the only time you're alone and not on stage. It's like you have this weird moment where they mike you and they you they have to back away from you because the curtains get open and it's just you by yourself and you're just behind the curtain and there's no one looking at you and you're just alone, and it's it's just a chance to like reflect and and I said, um, and just basking how cool this all is. You are an incredible talent and this is the only the beginning. Um. And so I'm so glad he I knew, I mean, I knew he would kill I'm so happy for him. It's so fun to get to like, yeah, like have Uh, it's so nice to be able to give advice to someone. I have to say about a meal where he's twenty four, but he's really actually able to put it into practice, like the fact that he actually did that behind the curtain and had that moment, Like he's just a very mature person for his age. I would have been like whatever, like an old veteran like telling me this thing, like I'm gonna be nervous, and I want to be nervous, and that's how I'm gonna do it. Like I'm really into people who are open to trying it a different way or like are open too, because some people are like I know what I'm like before set, I'm nervous. I'm gonna be thinking about it all day. That's just the way I am. I get that, but like it's it's just nice. I need to be more like that too, of like just being open to maybe thinking I don't have it all figured out and like just trying something new and in that moment to try that, to have that uh work is nice. It's an amazing thing to know that. Like I still think about when a Meal picked us up from the airport and drove us an hour to worry Bloomington and just right away like we went to subway and just right away having a we both like we we really loved this kid, Like he really was like so like he listened and he was so mature beyond like well beyond his years. And then you gave him a guest set he did so well, and I don't know, there was just so many things of like okay, like oh this kid, he doesn't even just feel like another stand up. He just I don't know, he feels like an old friend somehow and a young kid. And I was just so yeah, So I was really like when I when I I've been like really like emotional about him, like doing I don't doing these kinds of things because like we lived together too, like like he is kind of our son, like I lived like on the road, I sleep next to it. Like you know, I freaking make love to this kid boy. You know. No, I didn't know that, but I'm glad that you're finally coming out about it and gently kiss each other like un till the early morning, and like, okay, that's why he's not going on tour with us anymore. See he said there was he was just wanting to work clubs. But I didn't know it was because you were No. I wasn't praying on him. Don't put words in his mouth that he said, don't find my penis in his mouth. But I really know you're right. He's a special kid, and like when we first met him, I feel the same way. It's it is so funny to think of in any of your friendships. I mean I think back to like the way you know, we're talking about it on a couple episodes ago of just like how we all met and like the first time meeting in your first impressions, and you know, I just thought he was just another comic picking us up from the airport. And he had on like like sixties like fifties doo wop music, and I was like, how old does he think we are? And he was just so conversational and so um. It's just there's some comics you meet that you're just like, this person really is funny and cares about it, but they're That's the best part about comedy is like the friends I've made, because I think it does attract really smart, like emotional men, and I think that that's why I love so many of the male friends that I've made through comedies, because you guys. You know, as Pat Allen told me on the phone one she was like, you know, I was worried about like, oh my god, I'm masculine energy or I'm like, I'm feminine energy and I want to find or I'm masculine energy and probably you know, because I do stand up, That's what she said. And she was like, and I was like, oh, I have a crush on this comedian at the time. I did, and she was like, oh, well, that's fine because male comics are uh, feminine energy because that for a woman to do that, it takes masculine energy for a man to do it. It's very emotional to do stand up and to talk up there and like share yourself and I think that that's what I see, and like a meal and you is like men who are willing to get a little bit deeper and talk realer things. And I just appreciate that so much. So let's get to the funny would be if he bombed, Like we're talking about this because I had so much fun and then we watched the said and we watched it, we're like, oh my god. Um, all right, before we get to fan trax, do you guys want to plug some tour dates? Yeah, let's plug some tour dates coming up. We have Texas next week starting on Thursday, I'm going to be in Austin, Texas two shows at the Paramount Theater, and then we are doing Irving, Texas on Friday night that is like Houston area, and then on Saturday, Dallas. I'm sorry, Irving is Dallas. I'm so sorry about that. And then on Saturday, we will be in Houston, Texas. And yeah, so it's a Texas it's a Texas Texas week next week. And then I is just announced I'm going on a little mini tour with Bert Kreisher this summer. Um and tickets are available and Mark Norman and other comedians. There's a video that came out. It's not out yet as we're taping this, but it's out now as you're hearing it, and um, it is called the fuck what is it called? Uh, you can get tickets at one second. Hold on, let me just look at this really quickly. Okay, we're doing We're doing like stadiums and or like small stadiums, amphitheaters, and it is Oh my godware is and I'm so sorry. Kiser likes Nikki Glazer's Legs tour. I did put my legs in the video for it that I've made for him because I did like a little promotional video. So, um, it is called the fully Loaded Festival. So you can go to fully Loaded Festival dot com to checkout tickets there. We're doing arenas, race ways and minor league stadiums and amphitheaters. Me Bert Kreisher and a handful of other like really great comics. But I would actually love for you to come see me alone too, So whatever you can do. All right, let's get to fathers. All right, let's get to it. Uh what are what are the bust you saying? They're saying all sorts of things, but let's start with Danny, Hi, Nicky Andrew No, uh, um, this is Danny. I'm calling from a New York City, UM, and I have a kid to report. Um. I was waiting for the subway this morning on the platform and I saw multiple people walking around with those like fucking tinfoil blankets that they give you after you're on a marathon. And I don't know, I think this is pretty cut. It's kind of like, hey, guys, I ran a marathon, Like we get it, you know what I mean, Like, I don't think you need that? Do you need that? I really don't think you need that. Um. Anyways, that's my kid, and um Jedge Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack, and Drew. I love that I was melodic. Um. Yeah, runners are. Um. We know that you're runner because you look sick, and we know that you ran a marathon because you look like very thin and wobbly and tired and dehydrated, and your nipples are bleeding. Like, I get it, you're wearing a metal around your neck. I know that some people get annoyed when people when runners wear they're like metals all weekend after a Marazon, let them have that day. But the blanket, no, no one needs that. If I have a run a Marazon, will I be supporting a blanket? You're damn right I will. But it is it is look at me, it is yea. And it also looks like you're showing off in front of a homeless persons. Do you like that? Yeah, look at this. I need it for an hour. I need it for an hour? Is that cool? Oh? You need it? Are you cold? But I just ran feter bleeding because I ran twenty six miles while are your feet bleeding? Oh? Because you don't have shoes and you haven't been allowed to bathe? And I make like three million a year, But I say, like, I like, I like raise like thirty eight dollars for St. Jude, So so like I'm better than you, and I'm like warm, I'm actually too warm? You want one of my I have like three blankets. Those blankets seem so like it kind of makes me go, like like when I think about cotton being pulled apart, or nails on the chalkboard, like putting on a plastic blanket on your sweaty skin, Like I want something, I want a towel. Why not a towel? Because I think they they I think what it is the right, right, there's a reason. Well, yes, I do think it's and they all act, but that is the only day that people really get to be celebrities when your city is doing a marathon and the people that have run it get to like limp around and they wear their their number all day. The number were in performing in the Chicago marathon was the same weekend you remember, yes, yes, catching our flight. They were all like camped out around just like sharing each other's times and like talking about pictures of each other. And I'm like, I was actually impressed, Like I'm impressed by anyone who can run that much. It's really insane. My little brother ran one in like three hours and forty five minutes, which is pretty fucking solid. Wow, I'm surprised that I'm going to act like that's good or not, because I really don't know. Yeah, I mean, when you break it down, it's that is good. I think under four hours is pretty damn good. Yeah yeah, I mean, but you're obsessed, like you have to run like twenty miles a week before. Like it's I ran two miles yesterday in the park. I felt pretty good about that. Hell yeah, dude, I mean you got to start. Some park is such a fucking great place to run. It's hilly, it's more hilly beautiful. Do you have a run app because they'll tell you how much you how many hills you climb. I find it to be pretty flat based on I do Nike, the Nike Run app, which I really recommend, because they do this thing at that of your runs that is so fucking condescending. There's this one that's like hey girl, It's like, hey, it's Jane from Nike Run. Listen. Every run is just a little change in the piggy bank and someday it's gonna cash in, or it'll be like and I'll be like, bitch, I just ran four miles for the first time in six months, and I clocked an eight ten per month, Like give me some credit. And they're like, wow, whoa, Hey, it's Rodney from Nike Run girl, you better slow down. I'm getting intimidated. I can't keep up with you here in my rear view mirror, and I'm like, don't talk to me, like I have a five year old who just got new shoes that you're like, wow, you're bass. Like it's so condescending. I cannot believe it. It's I always screen record at the end of my run so I can catch them being condescending, and whenever i'm recording, I swear to God, it'll just be like good job, and I'm like, come on, saying what God ascending? It's really fun. What So you just type in like I want to run three miles and I'll do like a circle for you. Yeah, that's cool. No, you just you type in three miles and then you start running in when you hit one mile to go, one mile, two miles to go, and that two miles, it'll be like one mile left, I give you wherever you're at the Yeah, I think it's called my my runner, But like, just go go and running in Forest Park and just run. I know my problem is those I'll run and then I'll be like funk, I went to I can't. But that's why you need the thing because as soon as it goes one mile, you just turn around and go back. Oh yeah, that's a good point. Yeah, you know it's a good point. Next fan tracks, okay, next one is from Nicole, Hi, Nikki Andrew and no Uh. Um, I was just listening to this is Nicole Calling from Salt Lake City, and I was just listening to the episode where you were talking about lip tattoo you would get. Noah said that she would get pointless but without the vowels so pte n t l s S, and uh, it reminded me of I think I was in fifth grade and I really wanted to be like different, you know, show how I wasn't like I was not like the other girls. That was like a cool different girl. And so when I was choosing my screen name, um, I wanted to have my screen name reflect that, and so I made it normal people scare me but too long. So just like Noah, I took out the vowels so in r mL PPL sc r m E, so it just kind of looked like normal people normally. And uh, yeah, it was really embarrassing nickname. I also think or embarrassing screen name. And I think first screen name or most embarrassing screen name is just a fun prompt. It's one of my when I love the pod, love you guys. I normal people scare me. It's so good because you're trying to be like, I'm so different that like, I mean, it's the kiss thing, but it's so cute because it's how cute she is, and and normal people scream. I just I mean, I love it. I love everything about it, and it's such a good prompt. What were your guys first great names? It's a good question. Thank you so much for that, Nicole, I'm too old for I didn't really have an A. I amn't I had one, but I wasn't like a you know, whine I'm dying, I'm sixty nine, I'm kind of thing. It was more like, I don't know, Andrew is a man. I don't know like Andrew Collin O four seven. You know, I'm sorry. Do you remember any of yours? I think my very first one was freaking sixty nine? Yeah, sixty nine, like like f R G G E N O nine? Why sixty nine? Because you were just like no, because I wanted to be as obnoxious as possible. Oh so is ironic. Oh my, how old were you? That's cool? I think, um, maybe I was like fifteen or sixteen. Oh my God, was like, uh yeah, it was yours. Glaze eighty four I think was my first one because born in eighty four and Glaze obviously, And then I remember for a while I was Dave Matthews is hot, but that just looks like Dave Matthews I shot, which is also something that I maybe could have done at that age because I was so it's a wild fan. So we also, my friends and I used to do this thing I don't know if I talked about on the show before, but we used to go in a O L chats a lot and there was this chat that we found that was people doing wolf role plays where they would be wolf. It was like a wolf chat. I don't understand it. It was people that like, we're we're wolves. Their names were all wolves, and we used to go in there and act as one of them. And you used to be able to like kind of recreate how will so I don't under They would be like pause her young cubs like screeches into the moonlight, and it would be like sniffs her ear, cuddles up next to NCT Lopez. Like they would all just like fuck each other and like have cubs and like roam around in packs and howl in the moon. And it was just so much of people pretend to be wolves. And you would do a double call, like you would do you know, the colon sign, like the two dots. You would do colon colon and then whatever the action was, and then colon colon and that would be the action and then whatever you right outside of that is what the wolf says or house or whatever. But we used to like troll and harass these wolf chats for like that was our hobby, was just seeing how weird these wolf people were and then bugging them and like to the point where they would block us and when you make new names, and then we would harass them again. Like we were like little cyber bullies to these wolf communities. But I remember one of the people names not the Lupus, and we were like obsessed. We think that guy, yeah, freaking I wouldn't see his band. Oh my god, my favorite the boy that I liked so much, Doug receu Race is what we called him, but he um his screen name. I'll never forget it. Was so cool. It was Marley fan, but fan was spelled pH because he liked fish. And when I used to hear that little that little door open on that AI, M my god, that was the best sound ever was it would be Marley fan and I'd be like, I would just like wait all night for him to come in the room. Oh my god. That was a different time. That was so exciting. All right, one more Fan Trax before finally, Yeah, Fan Trax married now, I think so I haven't been able to find him often in my dreams. Hi held on felt like anyway did too. I was like someone's in our chat. Hi Nikki, Hi Noah, Hi Andrew calling in with love from Austin, Texas. I'm gonna be seeing Nikki in a few weeks here in Austin. I'm so excited and I'm dragging my boyfriend Nicky. We're sitting in front row. UM calling it today with a mispronunciation or maybe just like a learning lesson and a and a misunderstanding. I think I developed as a child. But Um. I used the phrase lobe of corn l O b E that's lobe of corn at a dinner party this weekend and was absolutely roasted no pun intended. Um, so learned from my mistakes. Um, lobe of corn is not something people say. I'm twenty five years old, Hi, my god. Ear and then low, Yeah, an ear of corn. I don't know why people don't say low. It makes sense. It looks like an ear lobe. It's long. I think people should start saying that. Um. Anyways, love you guys. Girl got you a huge bestie here. I get what you do the best. You're so cute. I feel like I know her. That voice is so familiar. I love her voice. She that's exactly what she did. She didn't say ear of corn, she said, but she's very This girl is a smart person because she's making connections and she just picked the wrong thing. But it's like that is just but it sounds so weird, but you see how she got there. And to say it looks like a lobe, like a colonel looks like a lobe. Yeah, I don't know. I'm trying to Why is it called Why is it called corn? Um? I don't know why it's called an ear of corn? Um. Did you ever put those things in the side of the corn? Just hold them? Yeah? I did that. You did that? Your family had those like tortured and corn. It does feel good to like use those and knock at your fingers all buttery, But god damn is corn good? All right? Um? I loved that one so much. I want more of those like that, where you just sunk up the word because you think you just I mean, that's happened to me so many times. I wish I could remember one of them, but I can't. Okay, let's did you do you know the difference between reoccurring and recurring? And do you know that there's two different words. I learned this today. I learned this today. Tell me well, I thought I was misspelling reoccurring, and then recurring showed up, and then I go, has it been recurring the whole time? Is there no reoccurring the whole time? The whole time the whole time? But they're both, but they're both different words. We'll find out more when we get back from this break. We're back. Reoccurring with an oh means the guests just came back once, right. Recurring is a constant keeps coming back. Oh, okay, I like it. Reoccurring is like it's the one time it happened again and recurring. Yes, it sounds like you're just trying to say reoccurring and you're being lazy, Like it sounds like recurring came out of you. Sound like a tattoo and Noah's lip regular. We're all the same, we really are green. Oh my god, I always said that. Okay, alright, now next father, All right, let's do a quick mispronunciation from Okay, Today my boyfriend said comole instead of came a meal. I mean that person. I felt like that was come on, camole. I'll play it again. Yeah, one more time. Today my boyfriend said comole instead of cam a meal. Wait, can I do an impression of her something today? This impression? Can you see my boyfriend said guaco meal instead of guacamole. Today my boyfriend said guacamole instead of guacamole. And that is not me shipping like her voice is so crispy, it was. It was made me want to do it because I didn't do a good job. It made it sound like I was making fun of her voice, but I am very I was. That was a crunchy voice. Yes, it was really really good and I love that. Just short like I'm just gonna tell I'm getting to the point. Uh kamole. I just love that she was just I I want to hear how she responded to it. She goes, she'd be like, what did you just say? Pulled on one second and then she pulls up our Instagram is like she's sitting across from him going like she's staring him down and my boy, a front just said. And then she sets on the phone and no, she throws it in the ice bucket like Jennifer Ranson when she goes and that is what you call closure. But that's what you know that friends reference. And then the phone looks even better like Gid's face. Two episodes one who Knows Anymore? Okay, here's another one from Bianca. Wo Hi, Nikki, Andrew and Noah. This is Fianca from Philadelphia. UM. I have been losing sleep because a few episodes ago that you've said that the way bartenders shake a dream is cut, and UM that hurts me because I'm a bartender and I am also three months right now as of today, sober from alcohol. UM, so I know that alcohol is cut and I know that, Um, that's just the way it is. I work at Zero Proof Bar in Philadelphia all zero proof liquors. But there is a purpose to shaking, and like how you shake, and I know it is cup and it sounds good, but there is a certain way to shake, and you do kind of have to be obnoxious with it. I know that some bartenders can be extra, but I would just be um excluded from that community. If I could please have be granted that past, that would be really appreciated to the community. Able and shake my cocktails and not think from being cut because it is haunting me every time. I love you guys so so so much. I can't wait till you in May, when you come back to the Philadelphia area. Tears will be shed um and I can't be to hug you. It'll be very in my life anyway. Have a wonderful day, month, etcetera. Love you, Love you lots, and don't be Cup, and don't let me thank you. I would never you have total past to shake those drinks as much as you want, because if it does serve a purpose with what I don't, I'm just spouting things, so I don't. I've never shaken a drink. I've never been a bartender. I just know that some as you said, Bianca, like you get that so much of a drinking culture is so k and I just think that sometimes bartenders, like it's more male bartenders to be honest with you, like they're just trying to like get it, like being like rattling something really loud. Like sometimes they just you just look over and you go, this guy knows that everyone's looking at him, and he loves it. And it's a little bit KI. But if it does serve a purpose, I take it back. I think that's what they're doing. I think a lot of bartenders are muscular. A lot of times they're like always lifting. Yeah, they're showing their biceps through the drink, you know what I mean, like my fucking arm. Like you flex your muscles a lot. You like your ups to be seen? Is that K? Yes for sure? Okay, yeah you're not gonna get an argument here. Yeah. I mean, like I've I've had I'm so much of the time it's like insane, Like I I think that I'm maybe anything. I mean because to find by anything you do that you wouldn't do unless people were watching you, and to give a perception that you're cooler than you are. But here's the thing, I don't think I'm cool because I like flex. I think it's just like I don't know. I don't know what it is because I'll do it alone too, I'll flex in a mirror towards myself. So I don't think that's because that don't you're trying to convince yourself that you're cool. I don't even think it's about being cool though, for real, Like does Bretta like muscles? Does she like does she get really excited when there's like a new one that she feels? Like? Do you get what kind of when we're talking about like positive reinforcement in terms of like accomplishments and our partner saying the right thing and stuff like, do you It's harder to know though, when your partners like changing their body, Like if you're around them every day, you don't really see the gains as much as if you took like a month off and then you're like, wow, you look different. Um, does she notice? And do you get like you asked her to, like, hey feel this like look what I did? Uh? Not that much? I have done that before. I I honestly feel like I'm really lifting now less about aesthetic stuff and more about functionality and my mental health and those are those are honestly the two. First thing. It makes you feel really good when people say look at you, but I'm not gonna lie. I was banging it out and I looked at my own body and got more turned on because I knew that it was hot hotter for her potentially to look at this but spin it. That's why I did, because you because you were like, you got hotter for your when she saw yourself. You got hotter because you knew that she was maybe hotter for you, because well that was part of it. I'm just saying part of it. But the other part of it was literally I was looking at my own body being like, wow, you know what, You've worked really hard and it looks like I look like the way you wanted to. Yeah. Yeah, And I think that Yes, good totally. And I think a lot of times like I think, Noah, one day you asked me like, do you ever like masturbate like in the mirror? So there's something kind of like mere question of like do you ever turn yourself on? And I think a lot of girls are allowed to do that and be like turning themselves on, um, but men when they do it, it's just a little bit like you're not allowed to be that vain. It's that's so, I'm glad that you feel that way about yourself. That's nice. I think that I love I'm not into muscles and like, I've never really been like I want my man to be must It's never been something that has ever occurred to me like I would want or like I'm lacking. But it is exciting when it's exciting when there's ever a change that is obviously for the better, like like when you feel like a new muscle pop out, or you're like what is this back? Like who is this person? Like it just it almost feels novel, like you're with someone new. So I think there's something about that that I like, yeah, final thought. I just think that I don't know, I'm im there's something about like when you're we're talking this about this before, when your partner shaves, when you're like when you have anything like new, you get a new haircut, you do something like it's like, oh, there's a new person. I'm thinking about getting wigs. I just found out that Billie Eilish wore a wig to the Grammys one year she had she bought a Billie Eilish Wig on Amazon and wore it over her bleached blond locks that she had not debuted, and I was like, that looks so real, Like it would be fun to just like start wearing wigs and I don't know what kind of role playing doing fun stuff like that or like just like to spice it up. I I almost there's something that I like about. Um. There's something that I'm very turned on by with whoever I'm with, to hear about how they are with women in their past where it was like new. There's something about newness and like hooking up for the first time or like you know, you know, sweeping someone off their feet, or like the awkwardness or like how smooth they can be. Like my boyfriend now, I'm just like sometimes I just love to hear like about um his past experiences because I'm just like, oh my god, you're such a sexual man, like you're like I mean, not that he does anything that that's that that wild, but I just love hearing about how he has like desires and like has been like I don't know, like there's something about men that are they're so like controlled and they know what they like and they're measured about things, and Chris is very like organized and he's uh driven, and and it's just so funny like when men are just like get like kind of like bedazzled by a woman and they're like kind of like just like disarmed and they do something charming. I don't know, it's just like such a sexy vibe, and I think you lose that when you're in a relationship, that like newness, and I'm I crave seeing that in my partner. I think that's I I want, Like sometimes in a relationship, I'm like, oh, I want to open it up because I just want to. I want to unleash that kind of part of them that is like corn up for something new. I don't know, I get what you're saying. There's something fun about like either seeing like a secret talent or like something you didn't even know the person was really interested in, because you're like, oh, this is like a whole different person. It's like you're almost having sex with her, with their twin or something that you never even met yet. Um Like Brenna, like we were driving and she like I don't know, like the rap came on, like like newer rap that I don't really know. And she knew every word but not just like kind of like really talented of like her memory like her member And I don't know, it just turned me on. It turned me on to see her like just like really and like and like that came out of nowhere for you. Yeah, And I think that's like anything. I think when any if your partner has like a newfound confidence in whatever it is, whatever new hobby they're doing or passion they have, it's hot because you know that it brings them happiness. And I think that turns you on. You know, I don't know, I agree. I think that that really it makes like one time I found out that Chris used to love legos as a child. I was like, you love Lego? Like even that it's just like so cute that you were like you cared about like you would play legos. Like just hearing someone like I don't like that they just had this whole life without you and that they And I think that when you discover like a new skill or a new thing they know or like oh yeah, I used to really be into anime or something, you're like what, like there's a part of you that goes I don't know, you fully and that's very mysterious, and now who's this guy? And like, maybe I don't have you figured out, and there's something that makes me feel a little bit maybe uneasy about that and maybe like I don't have it all figured out and makes me want to like figure it out, and um, they feel it makes me like a little more hard to get because I'm like, I think I have him pegged. I know exactly what he likes. And I'm like, wait, you like you really are into do Alipa. What Like the other day Chrismas on radio and he was saying, like, you know, I'm just I got do Alipa. There's something about her, and I just wrote him do a Lipa. I was like me too, dude, Like I don't even I don't know what it is. She is not someone that like aesthetically, I am usually that attracted to. But whenever I see me and Chris agreed, whatever you see Dualipa. First of all, you don't even recognize her most of the time because she's such a shape shifter. But I'm always wanting more. I will click on whatever do Alipa picture I see to zoom in on it because she's fascinating and Chris and I like, I just love that. I'm like you like, like, oh little CUTEI what do you like about to Alipa? Do you like her music? And it's like he does. He's like, I don't think. I don't like he's like typed in the word like d you a like it's so cute that he was like I want to see more of do? I just thought it was really cute. It's like the legos of people. Yeah, I just I think it's so cute when like someone that you love like has an interest where you're like, what the I don't know, I wouldn't think of like more, is there anything about that comes to mind for av that you're like, wait what we just had a moment like this, I think yester or the day before. But I think it was something that I did that he didn't know about. But I can't. I think I remember finding out that Chris had watched is like an avid watcher of the Good Doctor, and I was like the good guy, like, I know, I really like it. I'm like wait a second, like what in what world would you stop and watch The Good Doctor? Like it's just I know people watch this show but not my Chris. It's just it's so cute that he's invested in this like medical drama about an autistic doctor. It's just so adorable to me. Yellow yellow mustard, and I have a fin any for yellow. I'm more of a Mannager, we know, but I love like a yellow mustard way more than a spicy mustard. And it's just something, yes like that. I don't know, it's so cheesy. All Right, we gotta go. Thank you for listening to the show this week. I will be back in St. Louis next week. I can't wait to be there in person. Uh, don't you know, shake all the drinks you want to this week. Just and don't worry, You're not gonna be don't be cut and jee down.