Nikki and Andrew are joined by singer/songwriter/BFF Anya Marina who explains the origin of the theme song of the podcast. Nikki and Andrew do a story tellers version of a joke they tell before stumbling upon national birds. They chat about how life has been now that they are not roommates, Andrew tries to pitch a title for Nikki's upcoming special and Nikki gives her two cents on the Alanis Morissette documentary. In the news they get inspired by dolphin genitalia to discuss when they first found porn and Andrew's Sports Moment is not as controversial as he thought. Besties give Nikki kudos and condolences in the Fanthrax segment. In the Final Thought Nikki debuts her Song For Bob.
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The Nicky Glazer podcastcast here Nick hey, here, I am. Did I have a like storyteller? I know, man, that was really acoustic, like we heard. What is the story behind that song? Yeah? Where were you? What was going on that day? Tell us about it? The real story is it used to be a song called sorry not Sorry? I wrote on I was walking around New York and I was like, m sorry not sorry, and then I yeah, repurpose. I had it forever and it was just city gifted. What was sorry not sorry? What was the story behind that? It was a stupid phrase that was bouncing around the zeitgeist at the time. Yeah, totally. You remember that, right? And I remember Selena Gomez Ior. Somebody came out with this song a year or two later, and I was like, oh, I had my finger on the pulse. Oh my god. Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm not Sorryvado, I'm sorry. She probably stole it from me. I used to have I think I tweeted like this this song I'm released. I'm sorry that so many women are going to try to sing this song a karaoke because it was like so high even to me would probably struggle with Itvdo remember I tweeted, um, imagine all the people and someone else apparently had that way again. I wasn't saying that, I was I did the joke. Wait. Sorry, not sorry, I'm not saying that. Oh oh I see we're saying I just want to see. Yeah that's it. Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It all comes together so fat but feeling so good. I love that song. I forgot about that. She said, feeling so fat, No, feeling so bad. I was like, that's so really feeling so fat, I'm feeling so good. Um, Jesus Christ. He looked at me like offended, and he spoke for us. All he hears registers we don't. Yeah, that's true. And then weird that dogs could hear a high sound that they say that you're supposed to reward them with like baby talk, and that you should talk to your dog and like, ahire you so cute. Oh they look at this little tale moving because they get happier instead of, you know, like talking to them like a real person. Well, yeah, that would be weird to be like, just talk to your You don't need to talk to your dog like a bait like I'm doing Bill mar voice. You don't need to talk to your dog like a baby. That's good. New rule, new rules. Don't talk you dog, stop and fantalizing your animals. It is funny to talk to Luis you just like, hey, what's up, bro? What are you doing? You're watching the game? Later? What do you not? You're gonna go get some beers with? Charlie says, Swick does sound swick man, It's like a swifty, quick sit. I like Swick. We came up with a new word in the recording studio. You know, it's where I like sucking hang out. Um. Yeah, it's pretty much your second home, dude, our engineer David Uh do you like going to the studio? Yes, I do. Studio girl, who's a good studio. Um. There was one time where he was like, so, I want to do that next pants And he goes like, I don't know why I just said pants to say like this next take or something. He's like, I think the next He was just like, I just really feel like the next pants should be were he goes, I don't know why I was rubbing my pants like looking at his pants, and so I was like, that's that's sucking pants, dude, It's totally pants. And so we just started saying pants for like meeting good and then we lost it up and it's British slang for something that like sucks. Like I was watching the bake Off Show and they are a baking show and she screwed something up and she's like, how pants the story that I ship? My pants? I want? Let's do we should do like storytellers for jokes. Oh yeah, yeah, tell me why you were thinking to hear what songs are about. I don't even want to listen to a song that I don't get to hear the story about what happened to storytellers, let's bring it back, because every song is now a TikTok song and there's no story behind it other than it sounded catchy for eight seconds and made me millions of dollars. How can you tell the story behind a joke? Though, because the joke is the story, it's kind of true. But you can be like, well, where it depends what joke it is. Andrew, what about your joke about your dad chewing loudly? Do the joke first? Right? Oh? So? Uh? I say, um, I love that when we do jokes we go I say, you could just say it, but we always have to I have to do the same thing. I go, well, I go, It's like just do, just go, so like the process behind me starting it is like, yeah, no, I it just feels weird to say. It's just I know I'm do the same thing. It's funny. Essentially. The joke is, you know you have you go home for Thanksgiving? Why do you eat dinner with your family? It's terrible you change it if it's not around Thanksgiving time. Yeah, go Valentine's Day day. Yeah, you've been saying, like nobody RUMs to the joke. You know I did that. I hired a guy at a show at Union Hall and I found the steel drum guy. And this at the time, I had three dollars in my count I paid him like a hundred fifty bucks. And no one liked it. Like, no one thought it was interesting to have it like the steel drum, you know, one of the guys from the Subway. I thought it would be so cool and be like, you're an artist written about in the time. No one cared. No one cared. Everyone's like, that's kind of annoying. Can we just hear the joke? Can he not be on stage? You really just did not have enough confidence in yourself, not at all. You needed a partner on there. I needed a whole bab That's what that was about. Like you needed the wookie that you brought in, yes, but like yeah, but I thought it would be fun like to like have like I don't know, I was the host, so it wasn't really but yes, I didn't think I was enough my whole life. So anyway, so my dad I go, You know, my dad, all we do is we don't know how you do family dinner. We just sit in silence and we watch and listen to my dad eat and he'll just be like, and he's a and he and he he has he's he's uh what do I say? Um? Yeah, he's got wet mouth. He sounds like a pandy eating bamboo. Just just what. And he has to comment on all the food. He's like, oh, what's that chicken? What is he at? What is that lemon? Is that lemon mashed potato? What is the turning off? What is that? What is that garlic? What is that? I'm looking at my dad like, I don't think I ever loved you. And the process, the process, the story. So I gets the story behind that. My whole childhood, my whole life. We never talked about anything serious at dinner because if we did, we'd probably bring up the divorce ors. So there was something behind him. Just we just comment on exactly what's in front of us, which I could probably talk about in the joke, because I think it is funny, like the idea that like, oh, we don't want to talk about anything serious, so we're just gonna comment on whatever we see or whatever we can. The Bachelor that they have nothing to talk about, so they just go I am having so much fun they just because they don't know history. But you know what, people respond well to that because so many people just do that and it's just the most boring, mundane conversations. But you can't get judged. That's why I don't go to dinners with my aunt or anything. It's like, I don't want to have any dinner where you can't talk about something real, unless it's like you have to meet with people for a work thing. Okay, I understand not getting into like nitty gritty stuff there, but that's why I'm like, people are like, you've got family's family, but if we're not talking about anything real, who cares. Yeah, But so I mean, I guess sometimes it's just or even like, let's talk about something fun that's not just right in front of us. See, I think that's the most interesting part about that. That story you gotta have, you gotta put that in. Yeah, I mean that joke always kills on stage. But knowing that little piece of it, that's what I would want you to get into more. This that's why my dad loves the outdoors so much. Because I was canoeing with him and I was like, Oh, this is why you like it because you never you're constantly surrounded by things you can point out, and you never have to talk about anything. The second, because I was having you know, when cameras were following me around for that thing. You think that's where you would talk about things though, in the silence of it's so funny because I can't wait till the camera thing is put out there. Because my dad and I are canoeing and I go, I'm like talking about my relationships and like his relationships, like my feelings and things, and I literally say, I think you like it out of here because you can avoid talking about feelings, because you can point out things and I swear to god, there's a moment where I'm like, so, Dad, like, how did you know mom was the one? And he goes, oh my god, look there's a battleship. We're on a we're on a weird little creek. I go a battle. I thought he was being funny because what a dumb thing. But there was a man with a remote control bad and it was of note. But I'm just like like, but there's always like a blue heron or a blade of grass or that cloud. There's always something that you can go, whoa, it's funny. I used to have that another tag on that joke where I was like, so, what was it like, you know when you cheated our mom and he's like, oh, what's going on with the carrots? That's like there's one more line there, just avoiding. Yeah, yeah, that's that pretty much. Um yes, says all of that in that one line, which is great. But that battle that's so fun. Did you go back? Did you go known? But now, seriously, what about mom? Or were you just like, yeah, we went back to it. The best is when we went and looked at when we went in the woods and you're like, God, this fucking nature and then you're like, look at that bird. Birds like crazy, and I'm like all my parents do is point out birds. And then we're driving into nature and I'm like, what you go, there's a hawker of hawks. Hawk is a cool fucking bird. An eagle. I saw bald eagle the other where. Yeah, oh wow, I didn't. Yeah it was crazy. They do look like old men, dignified members of government, you know, just like a bald man. To see a bald eagle in the wild, you know, you're just like, shouldn't you go be on a coin somewhere, or like a commemorative plate or like in d C passing legislation, Like what are you doing here? I feel like you should be in a mansion smoking a cigar, like enjoying your easy life. You know, just seem like something just you know that you that should be be like, should be captain, Like they aren't in the wild. We have to protect them because if they're in the wild just flying around, they get hit by a truck or something. There's only seven of you, guys, Yeah, I think there's many more. There's several, Yeah, there's several. There's Yeah, there's funny for sure. There's a lot in Alaska. I saw a couple there. You know, the bird for America was going to the turkey because the turkey is smarter than the eagle. The turkeys this like the smartest bird. W we just going dolphin then, because dolphins like the most intelligent. I think they're picking a bird. Yeahs so, but why don't have a state animal when I have a state animal or like a country animaluntry animal. I mean that's what that's your national animal. That's your new album coming out his country animal. Yeah? So wait, what is what is sweet? So? What are other countries? And did every country have a bird? No? Can you look up Francis bird is? We have state birds for sure? Oh yeah, um, Francis state bird is probably like the uh it's probably pea cook. I thought you were talking about that actor Francis dormitten or whatever named Francis mcdormott. Francis Francis dormant this bird. Oh my god, Francis. If you were saying like Francis mcdorman's like thing, and you were saying Francis is, you would sound like an idiot talking about French people's Frances Francis's flag. You know, I love Francs. So France does have a bird. Okay, it's guess. Let's guess. What do you think it is? France? What is that kind of bird? Bird? Mean? Was? I mean? I'm probably let's guess with the bird of Frances. I think it's a flamingo. Um, I think it's going to be there's no flaming, yeah, just like it should have a tea at the end. Flamingo. I think it's a peacock. I'm guessing. Oh, that's a good guess. I think it's like a tiny little black bird with a beret on it, like chic. Yeah. I think it's a mocking bird. Everybody, you do you didnt sugar or whatever? Okay? Cigarette like a cigarette holder? Wait, what is it? Um? So it's the I think it's the gallic rooster. Okay, I don't think it's Gaelic rooster. Gaelic rooster colloquially colloquially colloquially named Shaunta slayer h A and T E c l e R. So it's just a chicken a rooster. Yeah that makes sense. Look cook birds are so fucking cute and curious. They're just so like they're just always looking around. I love the littlest bird that's everywhere in America, that like one that's like kind of gray. It's not even gray, it's like brown gray. It just hops around and they're everywhere. What are they like sparrows? I don't even know what thet but they're just like everywhere, and they're like and they just kind of like roughle around in the dirt sometimes and they're just like and they're always like picking up your crumbs, one of those little things. They're the cutest things. Well, pigeons are similar to no, no, no, no, they're like this small you know, they're yeah, a little beak. Yeah, no, it has a huge beak. Dude. You know what are fucking wild when I don't realize it. Pelicans, Oh my god, they're so crazy. Oh my god. I was in Florida recently. They're just they're fucking jaw is just and they just sit on the end of a dock. They know exactly where to sit for a painting. They're beautiful, they are. Those are the coolest birds of all. Really, yeah, they are very Have you ever seen that ugly ass bird that kind of looks like a like a pelican? Wait, we got yeah, the one that looks angry. It's like a meme all the time. Ugly bird, ugly bird looks like pelican will probably bring it up. Yeah, they're ugly bird. Yeah, this one, it is so ugly. What does that call it's angry? Yeah, it looks angry and ugly. Um, it's called oh yeah, it's called always so happy. There's one where he's laughing. It's kind of wild that birds. The shoe bill. Is that an adorable, fantastic shoe bill. That's amazing. Yeah, it kind of looks like Luigi. Yeah, dude, look at that kind holy shit. Yeah, it's so big and ugly. It looks like a like a shoe, like you put it inside a shoe. That looks like a man in a suit, you know it does. It looks like a mascot, like, it looks like a short man, a short man in your college campus. Who's going to be the that's got to that exactly looks like a mascot? Looks at a jayhawk. That beach looks like it could go inside a nice shoe to hold. It looks like an animal. Yeah, which one a gorilla? Some kind of monkey? Really? No, Yeah, those glasses might make when you look less gorilla. Remember when you told a Meal that he looked like a monkey. You ruined his night? Oh I thought, he does. I feel like me. Matt and a Meal all look like a different evolution of monkey. And I'm the I'm the glosses to the monkey. You're the first one. Matt looks like a caveman, but like a hot caveman. Yeah, he does, he does. He's really working on that. Have you guys seen the caveman filter on Instagram? No filter? No, it is so freaky. You do not want to do it to your face. It's so scary. I put up like face against a national geographic one time. It was a caveman, you know, and half and half, and it matched like nose to lips perfect. If anything, he looked a little more human. You don't have a cave in your face. I don't think. Let's we'll do a poll. I'll find a national geographic. How's how's a life in the new apartment? I was harried life, Like what is it called? Yeah, it's good, it's it's it's good. It's like, uh, it's weird having like a king bed and like I have t shirts that are on hangars. It's like, what the hell is that? You know what I mean? Like my life is like I look out, I put on an outfit. I'm like, oh, I'll go with this and this, and I've never done that in my Like you just can pick it from you can just do that, you know what I mean. It's just wild. Yeah, it's just wild. The walking closet, Like, yeah, walking closet. We go split these on it. Um, it's good. I mean we were talking about it not on on on Mike yesterday about how if your apartment is not big enough and you guys want space, you can always see each other. So that's kind of if you're in one room and she's another you can still see your feet and there's only one door, then it feels like you're like, get out of my life. It's over. And I don't know. It's just like like last night we ate. I ate dinner at this place, Rosalita's. It's have you ever heard of a Mexican restaurant? And I ate way too much and I had like three diet cokes and then I got I got lost coming back. You know, I've driven back a thousand times, and you ever get lost and you just like you're like I'm never going to get home, like I don't know, like I know, but I couldn't even follow the jeep. I was just like having another de realization thing. That's what Yeah, okay, what's it called de realization? Yeah? Is that where you just get panicked. Isn't a depersonalization. There's two d's, there's de realization. Francis frances de de Dermott. Yeah. So I'm like I'm like freaking out and like I get home and I'm just like I feel like I'm gonna throw up. I feel like sometimes when I eat a lot of cheese, my stomach will go like I can't put it in, Like my stomach just expands like like a like a pelican eating mento PEPSI either or a seagull. So that's what I did. I turned into a seagull and I was like thish, like I couldn't get it out. And then Brenna was like having fun with me, but like I was trying to tell her like no this, like I'm really like having it. She's like fucking with me, like thinking because I'm laughing, but I'm also like stop, like stop, and like I lay on my stomach to relax, and she's like taking off my boxers, like fucking with me, and I'm just stop and then I just throw up. And I don't throw up on the ground, but I throw up in the toilet. And then I come back and I was like, I was really not feeling well. She's like, oh really like like but it's just like if that was me alone, I would have my space to just like you know, maybe take take a zantac far to breathe a little bit. But then it's like you feel like you have to entertain each other sometimes and it causes like, oh no, I just need to throw up and be alone for just twenty minutes here. But the positive, I mean, that's still a positive. I have someone, You'll get better about just being like, hey, I just need space. It sounds like you weren't being clear about that for sure. And like when I have I'm pretty chill person. So when I have anxiety attacks, people don't really I think, unless you have a sign on your forehead like no, I'm really am going through stuff mentally. You know what works? I do the time out sign. I learned it from a book. If you do the time outsign, almost everyone will actually take it seriously. It's like shus shooting people. I think it's ingrained from like kindergarten. So you literally like hold up a time outside now you know how you do a T with your hands, Like you can be laughing and giggling. Was he messing with me several? So you're giggling. Let's say, let's go back to that moment you're giggling, You're about you and then Brenna's pulling off your boxes and then even if you can't talk, you just do the time out sign and that's like your code word. Nick. He's not into it. I like it actually because it's weird. I love those things that like everyone falls for. Shushing is like universal, and you could be so like there's a table, but you can do a shush and people you won't even know what makes you go quiet, Like if there's a loud table, I'll just go like and no one will know where it's coming from. And people don't even respond to it because you don't go like that. You just go like, don't even face the table like in conversation, like they won't know and they'll just quiet down without even knowing why they dude, I'm so afraid of this shish am. I just think the shosh will lead to why the funk are you shushing me? Do you think? Yeah, I think I've shushed when Andrew's been around and he's freaked out about it. He's times out. Men. It is interesting when like someone goes someone's being loud and then you shush louder than alloud, and so I'm like, you're making like sounds like sometimes that parents will go be quiet their kids and they're louder than the kid that's already crying. Because sometimes the only way to get over the noise is to be louder than it. Yeah, but we're gonna go to break and we'll discuss this about get time out and we're back. We're discussing shushing on the shows. How do you feel about, now that I'm gone, that you have this place tone? Sorry? How do you feel about having to because you have your lover over? More like the really great because we just can like hang out on the couch and he's just someone who likes privacy and especially like doesn't like to talk about anything if it's could be within the earshot of someone, like if we're walking the dog, and we're like in a little bit of an argument, like he does not want to have any kind of real talk where a stranger could pass by and like over here, whereas I'm just like, you're welcome. That's a very interesting snapshot of people's life, Like like we we actually were getting into an interesting conversation in an uber recently and it wasn't even about us. It was just about um, a friend that was going through something. And and when we I didn't even think. I'm just like I'm always I'm not like you're welcome to uber drivers. But honestly, like my conversations and ubers with friends are generally pretty entertaining for someone who would have to sit there and listen. And I'm aware of that too, so I keep it kind of like jokey. I try to make them more you know, we've always done that. And we get to the hotel and Chris is like, hey man, sorry you had over hear that, and he was like, actually, I I learned a lot. I learned a lot. I was like, I'm actually struggling with a friend who's going through something very similar and I needed to hear that. And it was so sweet because we're talking about someone who is dealing with addiction problems and like what you do to what you can do to help, and what you really can't do, and how you can be there for them while also taking care of yourself. And it was just a really you know, it was a forty minute drive conversation. It was the whole way and um, and it was just so nice. He would you could tell he was almost like emotional because he was like I needed to hear. Like you could tell this guy wasn't taking care of himself and was very worried about someone in his life and it maybe helped him. It was really nice actually, But yeah, it's been nice to like not because your room is right off of the living room, and so whenever we've been out there, we've got we aren't able to like just because he's not doesn't think you're like listening, but he's just aware of that and um, and yeah, we've I can like do some stuff out there, which is kind of fun and like, um, yeah, yeah, actually, but we have big windows, so I tend to like not do that so much. But what I have been doing is just being able to sing, talk to myself, play guitar, and Carlisle's here now. She got in last night at like twelve o'clock at night, so she's here this morning. So this morning I was like, I woke up early to get some work done, and I had like thirty minutes too before on You got here and before Andrew got here, and I was like, God, I would really like to play guitar right now, but I couldn't because she was sleeping and I didn't want to. I don't I like playing it out there. The acoustics are better. My room just feels dirty. I don't want to look at my dirty room when i'm you know. So I was a little bit like back to the roommates. You feel it, but it's the benefits of it are going to outweigh those moments because it's like, oh, good I have someone to like, I don't know, just to hang out with. And what do you guys miss about each other? I miss just shooting the ship here and the coming and going kind of thing. Yeah, I mean, granted, I'm not only nine floors down, you know what I mean? So like I do feel like one week yeah, one week since I Yeah, I just like there's I think it's only I do miss the hangs in the kitchen, the conversations at like nine in the more and ten in the morning, even before the podcast, where you could kind of like just like analyze some stuff out our lives. We're like because we're not like uh like we're as like a friendship. We can talk about our parents, we can talk about everything where there's no like judgment and there's great analyzation. Yeah, and anal Analize. Andrew wanted me to call my special anal eyes because it's like analyze but it's anal eyes. And I go, what why anal eyes though? And you're like, because I go, I would understand if like the special was about anal and about like pocular things, but it isn't. How about this, you have observations? Now what do you use for those? My eyes? Analize? I guess why? That mean? Perfect sense? You know it's several several, No, it's just doesn't. It doesn't track because I've explained the multiple times for a for a more than several at this point, and andrews several times separate. Very several is so funny. So wait, so go ahead, you stay your case, state your kid. You can stay your case and then Noah, you'd be the third Okay your case. Okay, So I get it that, like, analyze is a word, and that's what I'm doing in my special, So that alone works if I was just like, but it doesn't even work because I'm not, like if I was talking about maybe like therapy or like, I use the word analyze. No, but if I use the word analyze in my special, okay, we can work with the word analyze. But because I'm not at all, this is already a moot point. But okay, so if I did, let's say, talk I talk about anal in my special, and I also analyst, use the word analyze where I'm going to analyze anal? You guys, I think that I could call it analyze and then have in the font It would be like anal would look a little bit the annual part of the thought would look different, but it would be the word analyze. Right, But I wouldn't have Jimmy fallon go her her special analies like, it wouldn't be that. It would be still be called analyze. Okay, Now that's one option, Like the little circle and yeah, make it a little like starfish. Yes, but the but the calling it anal space right e y es? I do you mean a dash right? Like an anal capital. That doesn't work unless there's something in my special that has to do with eyes to other and I understand that I see things with my eyes. Therefore, nothing literally you can make. Then I could say, why aren't your pants called eyes? Because write it down? No one needs. Don't any of that, try to like pur that from your mind. If any like, do not write it down. Okay, let's hear your My case was just going to be that same point that surprisingly, the problem with your idea is not the anal, it's the eyes. Yeah, here's the thing. Some specials are just like they're almost a word that you don't even see it in this It's so out there, it's like, what the hell is this? I think that's true. I was thinking of naming my special something like that, like like dough Boys cheesecakes. People are just waiting to hear about it, Like where is this joke? Because you know everyone watches specials to go, what is that joke? That's the title equals no one's ever done that. That does not make people watch a special. You don't think your scrolling through HBO and you see anal eyes and big red legs. I do not disagree with that. However, it's confusing because I do talk about anals, so it's not completely non sequitur of my special Way joke, but I do. But but it's it's it's somewhere in between of being completely random and actually making sense. Therefore, I don't like it because I want to either go yeah, I think you could be like a taint of that random and an anal is on point, so you have a nice balance, you know, the balance throws it off. You either want to go one way or the other. Yeah, like you caught get rid of spelling eyes e y E s and then it should be like Nikki Glazer and then the titles like over analyzing, over analyzing, but you take out the anal and you make anal red or analyze this. You can't say analyze this, but it's anale. That's where I got Originally my thought was from that movie, and I was like, oh, you do a lot of therapy talk. And then I was like, I don't know, I still see I want to make can someone make a poster that said with Nikki's face and then just anal eyes and then my eyes are assholes. Finally we got there. That's an idea. Do what you will. So if you submit it and then I'm gonna put them all up and we'll pick it. And whoever, if you really, if our fans really feel strongly that it should be analized, you're making that No one I know for a fact that that is not a good idea. Can we? Oh? I wish people I had jokes about my vision, then it would be great because I have anal jokes up the wazoo. But I don't. It was funny that I said Pete Davidson has analize. He does. Yeah, it's got a brown ring around. I'm sorry, but it's true. That's a great point. God, I don't know. I think it comes full circle in his eyes. Wait, wait, what what are you gonna You don't want to say. Yeah, I can't say it yet, and I'm not really sure of it yet, but I think I think I know. Um, I don't know, how did you come up with the name? Because it's in it? Ga Ga Rooster, Nicky Glazer closer, I see, I see you. Oh my god, I gotta I'm yeah, my I should call it torn because I yeah, Oh my god, I finished the Atlantis Morrisset documentary last night. Oh I guess we never finished it. Yeah, it's good, it's really good. Yeah. She does get sad. She went, um no, but she was saying, um. She does a she does a thing in it where she's talking about like being on the road and radio had had opened for her on her like insane tour when she was at the peak of fame, and she said that, you know, uh thomb or whatever would go out and do a two hour soundcheck. She was like, we would have sound check for like thirty five minutes, and then my opener went to a two hour soundtrack because they were writing okay computer like during that time, and she was like, I tried to hang with them, but it was just like I don't know. She was just like everyone in Hollywood is so aloof. I can't get over it. She was like, on Hollywood, I'm just tired of the anui. And I was like, oh my god. I had to look up aloof and anu because I always feel like I read I used the word a loof wrong because I always think it's like being like, I don't know, I'm aloof, Like I don't. I'm kind of yeah, like loof means like you're it kind of means you're kid. It's like you're so cool. That's what I thought it meant, but it means like you are. Yeah, you're like like a little too cool. And she was like, Hollywood is just so she pretty much just like like ani means boredom in French, but I don't think that's what it means. And she was like, I'm tired of the it's like a malaise, like yeah, bored sort of soul. She's just like over it. She's just But she was so famous, I mean so famous. She couldn't go anywhere without being hounded. Like everywhere she would land, there would be like ten thou fans like there to meet her. People were dressing like like and they were saying like she To her credit, she became super famous by wearing her own clothes. She wasn't styled, she wasn't There was no one that did a revamp of her. She was just who she was. There was no marketing plan behind her. And then as soon as she came out they started and got way too famous and was around for everyone was excited about her then as soon as she reached like okay, she's been around a minute, people started going, wait a second, she co wrote all these songs with this Glenn guy. Oh, he wrote all of them for she can't possibly be this talented. So then they gave all of her credit and they also said she was just angry. Um she was, so why is this girl so angry? And the truth is there was only that one song You Ought to Know. It was like super angry, and then it's like you live, you learn, and then it's like, uh, you know, ironic is an angry None of her songs are really angry. But then she was just they just interviews or something like no, And honestly, she was never angry. She didn't even write You Ought to Know as like a fuck you song. You know. Taylor Swift definitely has said before I write songs so that guys can later hear them and feel bad, like so they know how they hurt me. But Alanis Atlantis was like, if I was writing that song as like a revenge, that would be a weird thing for me to do. I don't. I don't even the guy that I wrote about doesn't even know what's about him. People think it's about Dave Coolier. She was like, that is not who it's about. The person who it's about doesn't even know it's about them. And I liked I would intend because if I wrote it for revenge, that's not who I am. And it was interesting because it was like, oh, that's what everyone thought that song was about. Like, you know, so why doesn't keep writing songs like which does older? It is funny when you call a girl angry or whatever. It's like just because she's not wearing makeup. You just like there's like that like, oh you don't care. Oh you're mad at the world because you're not like to be beautiful. In my special, I realized I'm wearing a dress and I'm just like there's something about it for me that I'm like, why is it not like capturing me? And I'm like, it's because I don't seem angry enough. I was a little bit too happy that day and I'm just too happy. Yeah for me, I'm missing this like angst, that anger that I gotta had, And then it comes out in like a couple of spots. But I'm like, I think I was, I think naturally. I mean I was in the moment that night. There's nothing about it, but there's something missing from it for me, of like the anger that I felt when I first wrote all those jokes, and in it, I just feel like, I mean, it's there, but I was just like, oh, this girl two. I wanted to look pretty. I wanted to look like I I like the way it looks, but it's hard to deliver the type of material I'm delivering in a tiny little dress. You got to say it's it's for me. I don't regret it. That's why it could be intriguing though, because that would be people will watch it because of what I'm wearing and because of how my boobs look. Unfortunately, that's the way the world works. Like you're more you want to think stare it's something that is you know. The whole time my guy is watching it, he just is like, Jesus Christ, your books, Jesus. Like I'm like, okay, well, if you're not listening, you'll honestly, I mean like, because yeah, I could have worn just like whatever, but I'm trying to. I wasn't trying. I wanted to wear that and it looks fucking awesome. It's a vintage Versacey dress. It's it's fucking cool as ship, but um it is interesting. Does fashion like get inside your brain where it's like I look pretty, I look like there's nothing You have this joke in your set or you're physical and you I won't tell it to ruin it, but you you like here, move your leg far okay, and then you move your body around a lot in that chunk of the set. You couldn't imagine doing that in a tiny mini dress. You can't, like you move your leg four feet out in front of you, and it's like when so picture being in a tiny dress and in heels. It's my fault though, like I I decided to wear it and when I am in sneakers and like I have whenever when you went to Canada and you didn't have your bag, I'm saying pasting around the stage it was so fun And I've talked about that with you before. I was like, does outfits affect your how you perceive yourself? But I also have more confidence when I feel super duper sexy and I feel like I can't play a show, but it's comedy super duper sexy sometimes like not that I feel like I want to be like fuckable. I want to be and that's like the whole kind of part of my special. But it's it's about feeling powerful, like I feel, I feel great about myself. I feel confident, and I need calm fidence out there. Whereas if I'm wearing just like a cool outfit that like you know, like I don't know, I know anyone would like me and anything, but there is something to it where it's like, this is my special, You're supposed to dress up. What does dressing up look like as a woman. It looks like this, And I wore sucking blazer and pants from my last special so everyone can suck my dick. I remember, I don't feel I don't know if I should be wearing this when you were wearing the blazer like this, I'm covered up. I'm like too covered. I don't I'm not used to that either, you know, like I don't. I don't really know, but I do know that. Uh. I just think about like like I don't know, it's weird. It's like funny. It's like it's like seeing the Chancellor of Germany, that woman like in like a grant and she's like older or whatever. But like seeing a woman trying like AOC right if she was wearing that same dress and then talking at in front of the Senate people like what if she no one can take to challenge that because that's what I'm saying exactly. So it's pretty fucking badass. But if that's gonna funk with you mentally, to then go because think about our whole lives. When we get dressed up, it's like for a wedding or like and then wedding. We could have fun and then we end up like taking off the wedding. I also feel super confident. I feel like I can like, I feel beautiful and there's confidence that do you feel funny? I don't know. Yeah, I always feel funny. Yeah. I think it's just about um, you know, it's I didn't do anything wrong. There were things that I'll do differently next time for my next special. But I don't think I'm gonna be wearing like you know, I'm not gonna be just like Adam Sandler from my next special, but there will be different choices. But I just think it's cool. Though. I will say that I was there that night. I watched both sets because you did an early in a late one and you were pretty in your body and physical wearing that teeny tiny dress, so you didn't really let it stop you from I don't like moving around and being goofy and being sexy and being angry and being like a multitude of things. Yeah, and there's something so funny about talking about how your gross look. Yeah, that was the whole specials about me being disgusting, and so that was a fun juxtaposition. Yeah, I thought I think so too. Yeah. So I mean there're could be a title there. What what are some puns with gross? I thought of them all. And we've kind of thought like if you're cruising through things, you don't want to see a girl just saying like I'm gross, Like you don't want to read I'm gross. You kind of want something eye catching that I think I landed on a good one. Uh let's uh wait, do we have to take a break news news? Let's get to the news. Yeah, or something like what's like a like a boogie word for like when you get dressed up, like like a gross gross down or gross, I don't know, like grotesquely beautiful. Yeah, it's something like that goes Remember and I saw that date? Wait was it usually yeah, we gorgeous. Ft. It's Thursday, folks, you know what that means. It is Thursday. We're having all the swells on your marinas here. Can't be more happy than I am right now. That didn't come off and see here at all, but it really I just couldn't find the words. But I do have all the swells that you're here and wish to St. Louis and became my third roommate, ode third roommate in St. Louis. Alright. Scientists have discovered that female dolphins are state bird or write it down, alright. Female dolphins have large and well developed and speculate that they are intended to provide pleasure. Yeah, the female bottle knows. The sex organ is enveloped in a hood and as a hood. You're talking about hoods and clints the other day, and if you lift the hood up, but when you masturbate manually. The dolphin pleasure theory is supported is supported by the fact that their vaginas are low kid in a spot that would make it cordial stimulation nearly inevitable. Not only that, but the animals have sex year round even when they can't conceive, and have been genitals with flukes, flippers and snouts, so they're doing it. I don't understand why all animals, I mean don't feel pleasure from it because it wouldn't that make you do it? That's why we feel pleasures so that we'll fuck and have babies. Like that's what makes us, you know, like we don't get pleasure for him for any other reason than than it, uh will inspire us to do it a lot like more of us do. Like gorillas not fun when they're not make trying to make babies, they only appropriate. I don't know. I feel like they are the ones that just have like three psalms and that real freaky and when they're the closest related to us. Yeah, well, I'm glad to know that dolphins have clits and that they use their noses to they part their clips with their noses. Just have you everard someone swam with a dolphin with dolphins clips? You actually are swimming with their clips technically because they're so funny about a guy being like, can they like turnover? Um? Is there anyone that gets them on their backs? Because I just want to touch your clip? I had to wash Luigi Lasson, give Luigi a bath, and I'm like, this penis is like probably the dirtiest part of them because there's like, you know, p and I'm like, I don't want to Maybe I can wash it with the back of my hand and just like but I don't want to do it with my actual like hand. You know, he knows we're talking about you. You know. I walt dogs for these like show dogs, and they people to check them off. Yeah, there's human fluffers for dogs. They jerk them off until they get them ready to have sex, and then they like bring in the female. Like like someone's job is just a jerk off dogs all day. Where's the line between that and moles? Yeah, there's got to be other parts of their job that can't just be what they do. Maybe mouth. What's the rate for it depends on the Yeah, they come early. Yeah, I don't. I don't know. I mean, have you ever done a sperm sample and had to like just jerk off to get like a sperm samp? No, I've not a sperm samp. Yeah, we've all done that. It's so weird how warm your p s and how quickly it fills up the cup some wild. I mean, there's times when i've been driving. Do you think you could use again, you know, like if you go into a room they just had magazines. Do you think you could probably beat off to a magazine still these days? Yeah? You know what I would do. I would fuck the magazine. I would the actual photo. That's interesting. I put my penis like I wouldn't cut a hole in it, but I would just like you folded up like you're about to beat a dog with it. They don't care about the paper cuts. You wouldn't roll it up. So old magazine, you know, they had, you know, to pull out the vagina was actual human size though it was not. I mean, centerfolds are like this big dude, and that's just there half a bonnie just there that part of the body this big. They would just have a pussy pretty much. Yeah. Yeah, guys don't need the face. They would not have the face. Would take me out of it, Okay, so you would you would suck the pussy on the page. I put my penis on the page. Yeah. This is like you kissing your phone when Halsey picture was on it, and I kissed a mirror a lot, but because there were tongue marks all but you were kissing yourself. Yes, he was practicing, practicing kissing or whatever. Wait, just like it's so it's enough for you just the image on the paper at the time. Yes, I think I could. Yes, I think I think You're not alone in that. I'm sure a lot of people did that. I feel like whenever I want to kiss a picture or like, I wouldn't want to tongue kiss it or like because it doesn't doesn't feel the same as a mouth, but it's right there, Like Kirk Cameron's face was right there. Magazine Jesus was there too. Shoulder on your shoulder, Cameron Cameron always has Jesus. It's like nine kids. Yeah, so you never looked when you guys started masturbating when you were kids. You didn't have play play girl, right, You didn't look at like our friends dad's But no, I thought it was gross. I didn't think about sex. It's weird about making out and kissing and all that stuff, but I didn't think about like a hard penis. You didn't have stages like like guys, we went from magazine to whatever, to video to tape to now pour on the internet. You guys went straight to just video. Guys fucking on the internet. You didn't. You didn't. What did you masturbate to when you're like seventeen, didn't masturbate? Everything was up here? Andrew? What was up there? If you didn't have experiences up there? Just fantasizing about a guy meeting me in the locker room or like in the hallway of you know, or like at a party, was like, Okay, this is where it's going to happen. Coming up with a good nickname for you the first time, doesn't Nicky Poppy, Nicole, pickle, barl. No. What did you think about when you were in seventeen? Uh? Well, I'm like no, I'm like Billie Eilish. I started watching porn really really young. Yeah. Yeah, so I was totally exupposed. How young though, because you're the third grade. I don't know, you know what? I am feeling left out? Third grade? Yeah? Wait? What on tape? My friend? My friend had uh not on illegal cable, which is illegal cable? Yes, and um we we we stumbled upon the Spice channel and Playboy channel and we were just like what is this? And that was Would you go back for more? Or was it just a one time? No? Of course I would like to be in her house all the time, and her parents were both working, and we would just watch porn all day. Yes, wow as an eight year old, Um yeah, like third or fourth grade that's when it started. Wow, that is I would have been so freaked out. I was obsessed with porn when I discovered it, but it was like eighth grade. Oh my god, I was like, how did you have? But I wasn't masturbating to it. My parents my dad worked for a cable company and so we had pay per view like the Spice Channel. But um, it was blocked obviously because but we we got cable for free, you know, it was we didn't get a bill. So I figured out one day that I just typed in a random numb and I realized there's no code. You just type in anything and you can unblock it. So my parents were out of town one weekend and I just watched it all weekend in my you know, my vagina was on fire. I remember feeling like it just felt like I was on a roller coaster constantly. It just felt like this amazing feeling down there. But nothing occurred to me to touch it, not because it was like sinful or dirty. I just didn't. It didn't occur to me to do something with the feeling. I think I may be rocked back on my heel a little bit or was just but I just again, I think it's the build up. It's not the orgasm. It's like the build up of like what is this exciting? Like getting turned on is more exciting to me sometimes than coming It was funny as a guy, like we would have like two tapes. You'd have two tapes, so you'd have to masturbate to the same It felt like a relationship, like who are you dating Tanya whatever what her name is? But yeah, like you like literally like become part of it. I get sad when I discover a porn that is like really good because I will never it will never feel I will never be able to have that feeling with it again because I've already seen it. It's gone, it's done, you know, like it It makes me sad, Like that's how I feel about I'm feeling kind of like a dude. They say, like men just want novelty, and I cannot rewatch porn. That's why I need new porn. Like I I know there's so much porn out there, but I think I've been through a lot, almost all of it, all the stuff that has appealed to me. I'm not joking you. Hours and hours of sifting through clips and pretty much seeing every gang bang there is. Like I'm at the point now where it's I go and sub creddits and I look for new things and I've seen all of I'm seeing repeat of Like how this old one? I know, I know it all. I think of all the money you could make with these skills, though, Like you've clocked a lot of time, and I bet you could review porn. There's got to be a job for this, for someone that has that much experience. Yeah, I mean, I'm I'm but I'm flipping around on them. I'm not watching the whole thing. I don't start at the beginning. I just go right to the scenes from the still image that I go, oh, that attracted me to this video, so I try to find that scene. I just flip around to like each thing. And all I gotta say is, Mike, the fucking men and men need to talk more. I'm not kidding you. Everyone. Always I was reading something on subrett about anal sex and like, how do women come from anal? That doesn't seem possible, and I'm like, I can come not from anything physical. I can come from words from a guy saying the right thing. So the idea that men are calling bullshit on, you know, there were a lot of men on the subret of being like it's impossible. A woman can't come from anal like alone, you know, she needs other stuff. And there were women saying that I could come from a guy saying something hot and not even touching me. I'm serious, like, I think what men say is more important than something. That's when I watch a lot of fem dom porn, which is like women doing stuff to women because the women, the women talk so much more and they say all the right things because they're nurturing and they're kind, but they're also stern. Top three lines a guy could say in bed, Oh you think you want to come right now? I don't think so. Okay, that's one. There should be like a Bard Simpson where you can pull it yeah yeah, um uh, I don't have a cow man. I just always want wait what else I just want? Um? I guess uh. You're a good girl, good girl, You're a good that's a good girl. That's a good girl. Um might say to Luigi, Um, good boy, do you know that mony like hearing a guy moan girls like love that. I love a grunt. I love like an animal, like like, well, you human are stuck in a cave with Neanderthal. Look back at Matt as like a piece of wood in his hand. I own your holes, I own this mouth, I own these whole like you're this is mine? Yeah, like uh um god, uh oh does that hurt? Just fucking take it you horror? I mean like within reason, like they're not hurting. But if you're kind of like da da, they're like, oh is this too much for you? I don't think So. It's like a guy like spotting another guy's bench, Thank me, Thank me, right now? Thank me. That's like when I start thanking man, does it turn them on? And then it turns me on to be like thank you, thank you. Can like that kind of thing. Thanking is hot. So girls can start that one and that will kind of get the conversation going because be like, like, start thanking a guy for what he's doing, and that's a good way to go to In another it's another way to say right there, oh yes, that's so good. But it's a different way. Oh right, positive reinforcement. Yes, let's take a break and then come back with why do I care? Or let's go let's get Oh yeah we have, we don't have to do it, we can do it. Let's come back with our sports moment um. All right, why do I care? Sports moment Yes, tears Andrew's weekly sports moment All right. Oh man, you seem thrilled. Okay, no one had a better time than Kodak Black. At an NHL game Florida Panther game, he enjoyed a raunchy twerque sash from a woman in a box suite, and the internet went crazy. So they said, his camera zoomed in and he's in the box which can be seen by everyone, and it's straight up looks like he's fucking doggy style, like straight up like is he? They said, they're just working that he's not in her. Okay, So what's the what's what's what's the story here should be? I don't care. I don't know, like there's no real story. I don't know why I picked it. I just it just seemed better. Everyone was talking about it. Everyone was talking about it. Did they show it on TV? Yere was the girl. The girl was like a stripper kind of girl I looked like. So she's basically bent over in front of him and she's twerking, and it looks she's wearing really short shorts, so it looks like she's almost naked. But what I love about this is that there's photos of him taking um uh pictures with fans and he's just having like such a good time, and then um he goes to the suite and this this video that we just played. The person pans to like all the executives who are just kind of like looking, and then pass and he's like dancing, and it's such a great publicity stunt. I wonder if other rappers are going to be like, oh, you think that's good, I'm gonna, oh yeah, eat this girl's ass because you're allowed to. Are you allowed to simulate sex in public? I guess so. I mean if you're not having it, I mean, if you pay enough for a suite, it is interesting, like do you not get a boner when you're like an ass is rubbing up against you? You I always talked about I had the half chub Okay, what about on Dancing with the Stars because you guys have so much rubbing on there, don't be able. I think dancers are like they can switch it on and off kind of like, um, I guess like it would be the same as if we were like what if you got a boner when you were on stage, Like you're just not in that mindset. Maybe I don't get turned on on stage. Maybe he was just working, working in the No, that's what I'm saying. I think wondering if you're not a professional dancer, but Kodak Black, he's a rapper when you were dancing, and would you feel a penis on your leg? No? Never, Because Glen is a professional, you know, he put inside his he probably I'm saying, he's working and he's not getting turned on. He's not he's not looking at dancing as the sexual thing. I know, but still flaccid penis you could still feel it through. No, I never felt it. I really didn't. Um, And I you know, I was so nervous that I wasn't getting like horned up during it either. It takes like a certain level of comfort to feel that way too. So I just don't think you guys were never the grinders and lay a club never never have you ever backed your ass up and do it? Never? Never one time? What really, that's how I danced a nikki. I grind up next to anyone. I just like to stick when you were never never never understood girls a little. But I just you are asking to get fought, like then you were putting it out there that like you're ready to fun see to me, And I know that's not true, but to me that would have been like telling a guy I'm ready to him, is right, But but then I would I would feel like if he tried to suck me later, I would like have to do it because I made I was a tease. I never wanted to be a tease. You don't want to be as a woman. You don't want to be a nag. You don't want to be a tease, and you don't want to be a whore. So there's a guy who are looking at if a girl is robbing her butt up against you want to sing yeah, But I would feel like the guys are so stupid and drunk that they're gonna I never wanted to disappoint a guy and like get his helps up so then he might go, you're fucking ugly. I don't want to suck you anyway. I was always mitigating against getting called ugly. There is something I think, just I guess growing. I think in Florida, I think grinding was just like it was like a way because it's like how my dad would eat and just talk about the food. We wouldn't have real conversation culture like like animals. We would just like, Oh, she's hot, I'm gonna go grind on her ass. And then you'd be grinding with a girl and another guy that you don't know would come go to three yeah back. That story is on YouTube by the way, if people want to go check it out on that So essentially though, like you'd grind and you wouldn't even know the other guy and then the girl I swear to go. There would be times where I'm like, oh, I have no blood flow going, so she's probably not feeling my penis on her butt at all. And then she would leave me because she keep me because she wouldn't feel your direction. I'm pretty sure. I mean I could, I could have been analyzing it. But do you ever want to stick something in your pants? I bet you were tempted A bigger dick yeah, no, or like I would get like a half chub and I would like put it like you know, you'd put it like kind of out in the center from the center or to the left so then they could feel it on their butt, because if not, then they're just like I really do feel like there were times where there, you know, the girls just like I'm not feeling anything on ever random penis on my butt. Really have a question, have you when when you were younger, like junior high school, high school? Have you ever gone to school dance and um had like a guy like a boy or whatever like ask you to dance or or grab you to dance and then they do that like swinging thing where they go down to the floor. Is that happening in your time? Yeah, Like they get like this where they're like la la la, and they're like all the way down. Yeah, they go all the way down with you. Where are you? You're sitting on his knee. Yeah, Like you're you're facing him. You're you're facing each other and your legs are in between each other's legs and you have to like swing your hips side to side and go all the way to your squad. What you're talking about I did not. I avoided dancing because I was so scared that I still when I go to a place where their men dancing, I always dance away from men because I don't want any man coming up and grinding against It would be such a violation and so disgusting to me. If a random man came up, I can't imagine. It's wild. It's a wild thing. I'm always aware of my surroundings. I want to dance with gay men and women, and I just men. Straight men dancing horrifies me. Get away from me. Well, i'll tell you a quick story about that. UM. I went out with my friends, UM and we went to a gay club and I thought, okay, well this is great. I can dance with all these men and they won't be attracted to me. So I was grinding on a man and I had like my butt on him and he and I was wearing a short dress, and as we were like grinding down, he put his hand inside my dress and I was like, wait, I thought this was okay? Was he gay? I mean, unless he was just he could have been gay. Yeah, I thought I thought he was gay. And I thought, okay, well I'm gonna I'm gonna go to this because I'm the same like you, NICKI, I don't want to dance with gross men and feel their boners on me. So I was like, I do want to like dance with men, but I don't. So here they probably won't have a boner for me because I'm a chick. But I don't know. Florida girls are like I'm only going to a bar with boners, so different, man. I just I'll never forget the time I was driving around Florida with my friend who was raised in Florida, and she was just like, oh, that's like that's where we had my sixteenth birthday dinner and oh god, that's where I went to, uh elementary school. Oh that's the house I was molested in. That over there is where my dad told I was just like wait what, Like it was so like, oh that's where I was first molested. It was just part of the tour, the life tour of like, oh, you just get molested, that's just what happens. I mean, Florida, Florida's lawless. Man. I'm going down there again, like just seeing it through, like you know, just Asider's lens. Yeah, and it's just like oh, these people are just like it's like I saw that guy die in the street like like and everyone was just like people get fucked up, like just fun. And I guess people get sucked up everywhere. Yeah, I don't know. I just I just avoid that all together now. So when I was in Florida, I saw love going to Florida. But but it is hilarious that the stories that come out of that are there's something going on in Florida. It's not just a hack joke. Yeah, of course, yeah. I mean you know, I used to joke that, like that's what makes it exciting, like like what had happened in your city. It's kind of like Mexico. Yeah yeah, you don't know what's gonna happen. Yeah yeah yeah, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas. Speaking of Florida, Bob Sagett, you know, died in Florida, and I just read last night he died peacefully in his sleep. He was tucked in when they found him. I was still tucked in. And so they think it's gonna take eighty days, eight zero days to get to find out what he died of. Several days and um, but they're uh, they're saying heart attack or stroke and that he was you know, he wasn't like up and like his sheets weren't off. He was like asleep, So that's good. I was just thinking of the alarm going off and how annoying that must have been for him. And then I was like, wait a second, he was dead. But like, you know, like I was just like this morning, I was in the shower and my alarm when I was meditating, and then I was like, funk this. And then I went in the shower and my alarm went off and I ran and I was like, Luigi, I'm so sorry because it was like ling and it was just like going off next to Luigi's sucking head because sleeps on my bed, and um, I felt so bad. Alarms are so goddamn annoying, dude, alarm when you're in the mid shower and you have to get out and your fingers still kind of wet so it doesn't respond to your finger, and then you have to dry your fingers somehow, and then you hit it or if it's too far, and then you gotta walk and you get what water all over the floor. It's a fucking mess, and you forget I ruined the whole shower, the whole shower. And I know that's like first world problems, Like God, damn, do I hate it? I mean it literally is because people don't have UM. All right, let's get the fans. Rex, what do you got for us? Noah, eat a salad, eat a salad, or just that voice giving helpful advice? Yea, every morning, fucking mom, call your grandmother. That's really good, that's really good. Give me any line. I can take your vitamins. Take your fucking vitamin, probiotics and zinc. Make sure to press your teeth to the fucking day. Take a deep, deep cleansing breath, keep clenching. Alright, let's go. It's going to be the newer of Cannibal Corpse. Don't be playing Okay. The first message is from Taylor. Oh I like it. Hey, new jerky, this is Taylor day one, bestie, first time caller, Nicki and Andrew. I'm the girl who sent you guys copies of the Time Capsule Journal, which I can only hope are serving as very sturdy coasters for c das and Starbucks and Silsie's is um. I just wanted to call in and say how sorry I am about the passing of your friend Bob Sagett. I really loved the interview that he did on the pod. He seemed like you was such a genuine and fun person, and um, it reminded me of a story that I wanted to share with you, which is that you know how in junior high kids are always looking for ways to kind of secretly swear or talk secretly around. Well, when I was in junior high, this kid came up with the idea of replacing swear words with Bob Saget and it just took off around the school like wildfire, and be sitting in class and some kids pencil would break and they'd be like, oh, Bob sag It. And I really want to bring that back in his honor, and I want to share that with you. Love you guys, love the pop and I love that. It is a great thing. Let's it's really good. I love it. Um, that's so funny. I UM, thank you for sharing that. I was. I watched Jeff Rows and John Mayer We're going to pick up Bob's car at l a Act yesterday because that's where he left it first fight. And so they went to go pick it up and they were driving it back and they were doing an Instagram live and it was so good and it made me feel good because John was talking about how like he's feeling guilty about feeling so it's like pretty much what I was saying. But it's funny because he was the one I was thinking of when I was like, John deserves to be this sad I don't want it, like he was so much closer to him, and um, and he was saying that I forget exactly his quote, but he said, Bob, you know, he he had the people, and he had his wife, Kelly, he had his you know, three beautiful daughters, and then tied for third place where thirty thousand people. And I really liked that because it's true. It's just like you can lump yourself in that and we can all be in that and it's fine. Like and then, um, yeah, you just said a lot of other things that I was I really needed here, and he just just says, I'm he said something he goes, I'm just a guy now who when he makes coffee just says I love you, Bob, like just to mutters it to himself. And I was like, oh, I've been doing that too of just like just just saying it randomly or like in my head or whatever. And so it's like, oh, yeah, we're just gonna be those people now that just say that, and yeah, I means I love the fun. Yeah, I love next fan trax all right, another one from a different Taylor, another Taylor Heavy. Hi, Nikki, Andrew and Noah. So I was just listening to an episode where Nikki, you talked about being hit by a car, and I just wanted to tell you about the time when I got hit by a car. So I was on my way to an exam in college and I was running a little late, so I decided to grab one of those lines scooters and I was riding down the bike lane in the on the main road of our campus. But I was riding down the lane in the wrong direction, so someone was turning left and we kind of like hit each other, and the guy got out of the car asked me if I was okay, and then immediately told me that he needed to see my idea and everything because it was a government issued vehicle and you had to call the police. And so that's when I kind of started panicking. I was like, I can't sit around here and wait, I have an exam in like three minutes. So he finally was convinced and just took my I D number. And so then I started walking to my exam from there as I have like blood gushing down my leg, and I run into my professor while I'm crying that his exam I'm going to take, and he apparently witnessed the entire thing, and he let me take the exam the next week, and I got a hundred on everything in that class the rest of the year, So I guess it kind of worked out. I mean I would have gone to the professor right away and been like, I got hit by a car. I would have gone home and email I got hit by car. What a world where like like you feel almost responsible, well because she was maybe going the wrong way. She's like, you know what, it is my fault. Yeah, my leg is, my bones out of the skin. But I gotta I gotta take this test. It's I still can technically take it, so I should. Yeah, But the thing I found in college that does something to your brain, like just because bodily you're not you know, it's yeah, it's you just gotta get buy a fucking car like you deserve. And I've always found in college that if you appeal to your if you are really going through something and need an extension, most professors are cool. They don't fucking care, and they know your track record if you're a student who turns things on time. If you're that's why you used to go to class all the time and be accountable the rest of the time, so that when something like this happens and you need an extension, they go, Okay, this isn't just one another excuse from a slacking student. Always I saw your grandma die, so we're gonna let you extend a week. Like I like the fact that the guy had to see her get hit, Like, oh, I saw you roll over the car nine times, so yeah, blood helps, blood does. Yeah. You always want to be yes, always have a packet of catch up on you what had happened here? I used to my My joke used to be I would always to get out of English papers or get extensions. I'd say my grandma died or my computer froze. But sometimes I'd get a mixed up and say my grandma froze death. She died of frost bite. It's just a dumb little joke. But you can't really use my computer froze anymore. I mean that does happen, but everything is constantly getting backed up if you're working in Google docs. Like there's certain things I used to like you don't work or force restart. Yeah, but like you lose. Used to lose stuff if your computer FROs because you you know, you wouldn't save it. But now things save on their own, so you got to come up. I wonder what the new excuses what these kids on TikTok are saying, Um, all right, let's keep going. Okay, Um, I used COVID a lot and my computer died at COVID. All right, this next one might be a good segue for something from Spencer. Last girl was Nicky Andrew. No, my name Spencer. I'm actually a newer vestie. I just started listening within the last couple of weeks. But I really love the podcast. It's so helpful to me to have you guys as a part of my day to day routine. And Nikki, I wanted to especially thank you for being so vulnerable and honest through the loss of Bob Saget. I listened to that part of the podcast on repeat. It really helped me work through a loss I dealt with last year that I kinda hadn't felt a lot of those feelings the way I should to try and work through that, and the pod helped me feel that grief, which is tough, but it's a good thing. Um. My friend who passed was a former NASCAR driver, so his death was all over social media and there are a lot of people grieving him, and I almost felt like I wasn't justified in grieving him because I wasn't one of his best friends or his family member or something like that. Um, what you said about it's one less person who loves me, one less person that I love. Really, it really hit home and it helped me process a lot of the ways I felt. Um, my friend Eric was somebody who had a ton of people in his life like that, where everyone he met just felt so close to him, and it I really feel a lot of what you're going through, and I'm really sorry for your loss. I appreciate so much the way you shared it with everyone to help me, and I'm sure plenty of other besties as well, So please keep me and you guys, thank you so much for that don't Beka and Jack, he ran out of time. It just got well, thank you so much. It's so sweet that gave made me emotional. I'm so glad that it helped you, and it really helped me being able to talk about it on here with you guys. And and yeah, I was thinking another thing that kind of helped me that might help someone else is that, you know, if I died and someone who I who maybe maybe I wasn't really that close with, but someone didn't didn't you know, knew me peripherally or like an acquaintance, and was really upset about my death, even you know, certainly besties, if they were upset about my death, I would dead. Nikki Glazer would be would allow anyone who wants to be sad about me to be sad about me, And I think you would do the same thing. So like when you when you feel that feeling of like I don't deserve to be sad, I think the person who you're grieving over would be very touched that although you might not have spent as much time with them as their sister or their best friend or their coworkers or whoever else is post hand its room. They Yeah that they would still like you to feel that way about them because your sadness means that they meant something, and don't we all want to mean something. So I think it's like to actually, don't don't question it, don't think about it, you know. And if I died, tag me, because I still yeah, just tag me I want to get don't mean a lot to me, even I'm in heaven or hell yeah, I mean. That's what I'm going to Bob's funeral, not because I think I wanted to people to know that I was friends with him, or because I you sty and I'm gonna put you know, It's because I know that he would do it for me. I'm like thinking, or and I would know that I would actually want Bob to be there at mine. I don't know that I believe in an afterlife or like that Bob can even his he's going to see it in any way, But I just know that he would do it for me, and so I can't not go because of that, but for no other reason than that. So it's I think it's helpful sometimes to put yourselves in the shoe of the shoes of the the deceased person and go if they were crying about me this way? Would I feel would I go? You stop it? And I certainly you wouldn't you would you would appreciate that That brings us into our final thoughts, which on you? You want to cue this up? Well? Are we gonna debut your beautiful song song for Bob? This is what we've been working on, I would say, the last few months, if we're if we're honest, although the lyrics really came together the day that Nicky found out about Bob's passing, and and sometimes things happen that are strange, melancholy, good luck. This was a terrible thing that happened. But this is one of the most beautiful songs that I've heard in a while. Nikky and Matt Pond worked on this together and we recorded it the other day here in St. Louis at a great studio called Native Sound. Thank you David and Ben for helping put this together. In Chris Hansen Beck in Kingston, New York. And I don't know a lot of people rushed to make this sad like put this because we record a bunch of songs this week, but this one we rushed so we could get it out in honor of Bob and um, yeah, enjoy it. It's called song for Bob. M m m hm. Our last running was in Milwaukee. We were cracking jokes at first, four different crowds than for ourselves. Around the table, we laughed at stupid ship. If I had known that you would die or got a change. Sometimes I speak to the sky, don't hurt people alone, don't hurt anyone. Well, I'm sorry to us so much of a stranger, and I'm sorry to us so long shovel coal being her father was someone's tried. When I was down, you brought me all hanging out with you, full of life and beautiful. Our last running was in Little Water Hockey. We were cracking up too only souls now too old friends. Your jokes were dark, your eyes so bright and kind because I'm new. One day it die, but just not when Sometimes I speak to the sky, don't hurt the people love. Don't hurt anyone. Don't hurt the people love. Please, don't take any more, don't hurt any wore least, don't take any more than that song for Bob. Beautiful man, that's so pretty, beautiful, beautiful. I hope you guys enjoyed it. It will be a very Spotify today, right, yeah, I think so. And it's up on SoundCloud probably by the time you hear this. Yeah, we'll link it on our on Nicki Glazer pod and uh yeah, we'll put the lyrics up on SoundCloud to They're so beautiful. You killed it. Your voice is one of my favorite things to listen to. Now, well, thank you, babe. I really appreciate everyone who made the song possible, Matt Ben, Chris, Chris, David, Anya and Luigi who was in the studio as well. Thank you guys, so so freaking much. And um and to Bob for inspiring it. I love you, Bob. Um. All right, we'll see you on Monday. Guys. When on Monday? Oh yeah, Monday's a holiday. I'm okay, Junior Day. So we'll see you Tuesday here on the pod Snikki Glazer Podcast. Don't be caught there, and g you don't have one Jack Jack. We never did. Just Jack, Just Jack Jack Jack. That's good.