#135 Kissed The Mic

Published Nov 12, 2021, 2:00 AM

Between you and Nikki, it made sense to listen to Making Sense to fight off a migraine instead of taking dog meds. Andrew dressed up and not as a tribute to his latest dead hero, instead to a living legend. Nikki praises her assistant who keeps her life in order and Andrew thanks his brother for helping him survive a trip across Europe. They discuss "roast" jokes and how a reaction can make or break the moment. You Heard It Here First, get a diaper delivered with your meal, lime scooters are ok but not lime mopeds and Andrew's Weekly Sports Moment is about an elderly runner. Besties share a secret, being autonomous at a pharmacy and a funny moment from an SSDJ. In the Final Thought they have a conversation about acknowledgement.

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Nick here, Nikki here, I am oh, I don't think I've talked yet today. Uh clearly um caussing microphones. I know. I just told Noah before the show up that um I. Luigi is always next to me when we tape, which is so adorable because he just knows. He knows the routine now, Like he he wanders into the room before the podcasting room before we begin and kind of waits for me and is so excited to spend this time where I'm just he can be flushed with my body sitting next to me and I'm not on my phone and I can like I'm just like kind of rubbing him. It's rare for an animal to get that. Like I don't watch TV a lot and just sit and like talk to you know, I'm always like on my computer, on my phone or eating things. So I think he really enjoys it. But he came up next to me too this morning and I was like, come on up, come on up, and I was petting him and I wanted to kiss his soft little head but it wasn't next to mine, but for some reason, my brain thought it was. And the mic is right in front of me, so I just go, and I just kissed the mic gently, and I told, no, I go, just kiss the mic, thinking it was Luigi's head, and I was like, I don't know why I did that. And then I hugged Luigi again. I go, I just love you, and then I kissed the mic again. It was recording. We should actually put it. We should put us a clip of me doing it twice in a row. And you said it was like a morning glitch. I liked that because it's early where you are. Is it it's five am where you were? Uh no, it's six o seven at the moment. Okay, good, so you guys are but the sun oh yeah? Uh? Nor was it for me? Um, when I was walking. When we do this morning, it's so weird. I hate when it's so dark outside and then it gets dark early. What the talk? Aren't you supposed to get like more light? Well, listen, I don't want to talk about science right now. Let's talk about politics. Um, political science? Did you ever hear political science? And go? Those are two words I don't care about about. Actually science now I appreciate because it's more palatable with podcasts and people who can kind of I mean, because science is actually important to learn because it's you know, based in facts and uh, you know, it makes you understand your brain and your thoughts and all the things like you canna help you understand your emotions even science. Um, And obviously Sam Harris has gotten me into it a lot um. But yeah, political science used to go like, oh god, why would anyone choose that as a major. There's always a major people chose. And I was just like, I like, or, um, you know Middle Eastern uh uh what like anything? Like, Okay, let me just say it's I have Middle Eastern food is my favorite. Um. Middle Eastern men are some of the sexiest I've ever seen in my life. Nothing against the Middle East. I want to go there someday. I have no idea. The conflict over there is so intimidating. I'm like sharing clueless of like, but I thought they declared peace in the Middle East and just like so I just you know, and I should know about, you know, the the I don't even want to talk about what I don't know. But like when when any mention of Palestine and the banks and Gaza strip comes up, it's like football for me. No, I have tried to understand it and I sit down and I have someone explained it to me, because I want to be an informed person and I want to be a person who cares about, you know, things, and and has and maybe picks a side because I'm always like, I don't know what's what side you're supposed to be on, which is a ridiculous thing to say, to be like, who who's right? Can I because it seems to me when I have asked that, it's like, oh, man, I kind of see both sides of things, and honestly, and I a lot more it can be that, right, But I feel like most of the time it's not that. What I feel about any kind of thing like that generally at this point in my life is like, there's no bad countries because they're just civilians who were just born in a country, Like they didn't choose to be born there. They're not like inherently evil because they're on this side or that side. Maybe the the power the people in power are evil, and we can debate whether or not those people even chose to be evil. I don't think you have really a choice if you're born as Saddam Hussein's that. I mean, I know the separate issue. But like Uday and us say, like those guys didn't have a chance to be like good people, Like they weren't set up for success. So I'm not even mad at them that they became you know, tyrants. Um. But I digress. What I was gonna say was I'm super into the Making Sense podcast recently, and I I want to just get other people into it because I know I've been vocal about the Waking Up app and meditation all of that in the past. I've fallen away from meditation, but um as a daily practice, it's something that I always just like use when it, you know, anxiety bubbles up. But I used to be very um. I used to prostlytize about like you must use it and and it turned a lot of people onto it who still use it and like talk to me about like, wasn't today's daily meditation great? And I'm like, you don't do it anymore. But the thing about meditation that I love is that it's gentle and that I've never I would not be doing it and I would probably wouldn't even pick it back up when I need it if it were something that I felt I was all or nothing and that I would feel like a failure if I didn't do so. Days when I don't feel like meditating, I just go. I wasn't. It's not I don't need it, because it's a thing that if I need to, and if I need a hammer, I'll use it. It It would be weird to pick up a hammer every day if I don't need it. But for some reason, this morning I woke up, um and today we're doing this podcast very early. I have a long day, and I woke up at my alarm went off and I just felt so fucking good Noah, because last night I had such a bad migraine. It started low level at like six pm. It was just a headache. And if you are out there and you suffer with migraine, I don't know how it presents for you. Some people see auras and lights and stuff I haven't had in like different shapes like that will warn you. In your visual field, you'll see things that before your head it comes on that will warn you, um listen, Like it's like when a dog starts sparking because of earthways coming and you're just like, okay, let me take my migraine medicine. Now. It kind of warns you. And it's so scary when those happened, because you just go, oh funk, I know what I'm meant for. I don't get auras A U R A S any warnings, but I do get like a low level headache that always just feels like, oh, I need to drink water, like one of those, like just a little little thing. And I got to the shoot that I had to do and I asked for someone for advil or tylan whatever. I don't know the difference between any of it, and they gave me some, and then the headache wouldn't go away. And I was like, maybe I need caffeine, you know, maybe it's caffeine headache. I'm very addicted to caffeine. And then I got a latte. It was decaffe but I thought maybe placebo. That didn't fix it, and then it and I haven't had a migraine since I got my I U d ripped out of my body, literally ripped out of my body because it was so wound up in my ute or serve it whatever they whatever, they latch it too. I mean, it's this copper thing. My my mine wasn't copper was. I used marina and um I've told the story before, but they put it in and it like latches to your skin, like they have to like hook it on you like your old bass fish um. And I got it removed eventually because I traced my migraines that I was getting chrowned at Gale struggling with terrible time of my life. When I had those migraines. Couldn't connect the two because I was so unaware of like what my like here the things I'm putting in my body literally hooking to my body, and here are the things that my body is doing. Where's the connection. I would always just be like, oh, I guess I just get migraines because I got hit by a car in two thousands fourteen. I thought it was because I got hit by a car, But around that time I got hit by a car, I also got the u D put it in and then eventually got it taken out, yanked out, and it was so horrific. It was the worst. If you have an IUD out there and you're getting migraines, just look into it. I'll never get an i U D because of your story. By the way, I feel like a lot of people do well with like a copper a U D which is literally just a piece of copper they put up in you that is not as like it's not just a bunch of hormones. I don't know, but yeah, that story. I mean, they couldn't get it out and I had to. I felt them go like, yank, I'm so sorry. I know people are just wincing right now. And I afterwards, I said that can I hold it like it was like a baby or something and it had tissue on it. I mean it was, it was awful, But right away my migraine stopped. And I used to get these migraines. You guys that we're so terrible. I was, um. I was dating my ex boyfriend Chris at the time, we were living together, and he was so wonderful because he would see these coming on, and if I was dating someone that had these, I would say, just I don't even know if I can date you, like you're chronically in pain. They're not going away, You're not seemed to be you don't seem to be doing anything to fix this, because it would start coming on and then I would just be crying and puking and like needing to be in a room loan, and I would just cry because it was so painful. You just feel. It was the same way I felt about my cankies, like that pain of like I just can't take it anymore, and there's no there's nothing to soothe that nothing canker source. At least you can switch with some stuff that I eventually got from my Orthodonis that saved my life and like muted the pain. Migraines, though, are fickle bitch because they do not respond to pain meds. So last night I went to bed with a headache, couldn't fall asleep, even though I tried to go to bed at nine, I'm like, I'm gonna get a great night's sleep. I was tired. The pain was too bad. I would listen to the Waking Up app that I have, and there's a great meditation on there called working with Through Pain. If you download them Waking Up app. They totally revamped it. And by the way, you can get the Waking Up app which has an introductory course to like meditation, and you can get that. Yeah, there's fifty of them, you do a course. I think they actually made it like thirty because fifty seemed too daunting to people, So he walks you through every day, you just do one for ten minutes a day. There's twenty minute, one two. You can pick which one I do ten minutes and it teaches you how to meditate with Sam Harris's soothing fucking voice. And then there's all these like lessons in like different like just um little like monologues that he gives in a separate section of the app for meditations for different things, and just like his theorizing about cons like regret, which was a great when I listened to today to help me, like with feelings of regret of God. I should have said this, I could have been better doing that. Why didn't I do that? If you're someone that struggles with that. I was desperate for help when I was feeling just immense regret in my life, and that meditation in that app you can just type and regret and you'll find it. UM was very helpful. And also my friend Chris m my ex boyfriend, UM, he recently got into the Waking Up app after you know, I've been trying to get into into it forever, but he You know, you can't force people to do things. You just have to say, hey, this helped me and when they're ready, they'll pick it up. And he did and he was like, he sent me the regret thing yesterday. I was like, have you heard this? And I go, yes, but I haven't in a while, and I need a reup, like you need to relisten. So this pain meditation, though, dude, if anyone in your life is suffering with pain, like your mom, you're like parents, like grandparents. This meditation helps you think of your pain in a way that like, while you're going through it, you listen to it. And it has always helped me get to sleep. But last night my pain was so bad it didn't even help me. It helped me a little bit, like think about pain. What the thing I like? He says about pain, and this is a common There is a concept. I also heard from this philosopher that someone turned me on too, named a Meal. Something. I know his name was a Meal because my friend of Meal. But he said that, um, suicide is pointless because you're killing yourself because you can't because you're in so much pain. But in reality, suicide is not the answer because you've already made it through the pain. If you're alive right now and going I want to kill myself. The pain that you are talking about is already passed you. You made it through, So like your fear is future, which you don't have the ability to actually know or predict the pain. You do know the pain that came before and the pain you're currently in, you've already made it through. And the same with this pain meditation. He's like he has a migraine while he's recording. He's like, I'm actually experiencing in my grain right now and I'm just you know, paying attention to the raw sensation of the pain, and he goes the the anxiety of what's coming next. That's what pain, That's what pain really is. When you're going, I want this to go away. It's not because it's like painful in the moment. It's because you don't want it because you've already made it through that moment. Like you if you're in the moment, you're you're alive, you made it through, you survived. It's it's it's the fear of the coming moment, which is an interesting concept to think of, Like, oh, pain is actually just being scared that it's going to keep going so anyway, Um, it helps me. But last night, Noah. I woke up at two am, which was such a gift when you wake up and you think it's five and I'm like, God, I have forty five more minutes sleep. But it was to fourteen. I've read it as two forty one, and I go, it's either two fourteen or two forty one. Let me check it again. I know it's gonna be two forty one because God never gives me an extra thirty minutes. And I checked it was two fourteen. I was like, what the funk? What a great night, but my my head was throbbing so bad. I woke up from the pain and I was crying. I started to try to cry because but there was no crying for me. Is like a way to make people understand how in pain I am, so that they soothed me a lot of times, and I just crying alone was like pointless and just I was just feeling so sorry for myself because I couldn't make it stop, and I took it more, Etceterrian and I tried the meditation. I tried listening to YouTube videos about my grains, but like my it hurt to look at my phone, and then I was thinking do I have any pain meds, like you know, prescription strength, and I was like, I don't, except I know who does. Luigi. Luigi got a tooth taken out last week and I was like, I know. And we did not make it through all the pain meds because he was didn't need them like he was getting when I gave him some. He just seemed drugged out and uncomfortable and he just didn't seem to be in pain. I looked for signs of pain, and so he has all these pain meds, and then I started reading it. It It was like this thing is like an opioid. People die on this stuff. It's like you can get addicted. And I just started getting really scared and I didn't do it. But I have never gotten a migraine like this since I got my ug taking it out, and it was so terrible and I'm freaking scared um of having it again. So I think I need these little pills that my mom had for her migraines that she would take when she felt one coming on, and she gave me a couple um and I used to take those when I felt it coming on and it would go away. So I think I just need that and I need to be very pre uh you know, I need to be precautious. I needed when as soon as I feel migraine coming on, I don't need to convince myself, oh it's just a little thing, because once it comes on full blast, there ain't no turning back. So in the end, I woke up this morning, and what a gift my migraine was. I would I'm glad. I would not have wished it on myself, but I will say I woke up this morning with the lack of pain was amazing. And I would have used a vibrator on my head, by the way, that is my usual go to. I would have used an intense vibrator on my head, but I have to shoot something today and I didn't want to look like Quasimodo. So I woke up to day. It's so grateful, the pain is gone. If I feel good, let's bring Andrew in. Andrew, by the way, has a great outfit on today, and I'm going to give him credit for it because I don't usually do that because I've like he's asking for it. And I just don't like when people are like, do you think I like when they I don't like when people ask for things. I like to give compliments when they don't, they don't, they don't they're not like they're not expecting it, yeah, or like not not that they're because I love giving compliments to people who are like put in effort. But it's different when you're like kind of hovering around, like do you like my outfit? And he wasn't doing that today. But generally I keep my compliments to myself because I'm just can be a bit sometimes and I'm like, I just don't want to keep wants. It's so bad. I don't want to give it to him. And that's not just what Andrew. It's like across the board, and I know people are gonna be like, you're such a bitch nicky. I know you do this to everyone, does it when people want things? You tend to just like so I'm not alone. I'm not a bad person, but um, I gotta fight that hurt and I'm gonna give him a complement the stage. Hey, Andrew, I love your outfit. I loved it so much when you didn't have the blaze around though. I like this look, but like the with with earlier this morning when you walked out, I was like, oh, that's a it outfit, and I didn't say because I was in the middle of listening to a Sam Harris meditation. And I also we just told my listeners that sometimes when I feel like people want compliments, I keep them to myself and it's such a dirty thing that I do, not just to you, to like anyone. The other day, my mom was like you like, she goes, you know, um, she I can't talk about what we're talking about, but she's like, these cameras that have been around the house. You know, it's the last day that they're going to be here for us, and yeah, it's actually gonna be looking forward to a little break. And I go, oh okay, and she goes, yeah, it's been a lot. And I'm like, oh, all right, you know, it'd be nice if you said something once in a while and acknowledge that. And I go, wait, do I not? I was like, what do you want? And she's like, I don't know. Just saying thank you sometimes would be nice. And I'm like, oh, that's not the way you're gonna get it from me, bitch, And like the thing is, why not? Why can't I just say you know what? You're right? I haven't given you things. I'm really sorry, like I couldn't. I become such a brat and it turned into this entire fight in front of all these people with cameras. Cameras weren't on, but it was like I made a really awkward moment for my mom and like I was like, oh, you're being passive aggressive about it. Why don't just tell me you want to thank you instead of being like, Okay, nice day given. And I was such a brat and everyone who has been around me for the past couple of months with cameras witnessed me being such a little baby and was so embarrassing. But it was all from her wanting it and me being like, I'm not gonna give it to you because you want it. And sometimes I feel like, not just you, anyone. I do it myself where I'm like I'm wearing something new and I'm like I want someone to say something and they don't give it to me, and I'm so but I don't want to give it to them because they want it. Ralphit today was fucking cool. I I decided to not wait for a celebrity to die to dress like them. Okay, let me hold on hold. Oh okay, First of all, Paul Rod, Joe Michale, that's who you think would choose. I mean no, but this is um come on, think sweater laser um seth Meyers, Adrian Brody, give me, give me. I don't know Narcos. You've been watching Narcos a Narcos, and I don't know how the fun you watched Narcos. I was watching you watch Narcos, and by the way, that is watching you look at your phone while Narcos is playing, which would make sense if Narcos was in English, but you don't speak Spanish, so you're looking at your phone. You're not looking at Narcos. You're not looking at the subtitles. How do you know what's going on in I was gonna watch and quiz you today. You got things that I knew you had missed. I missed everything. I missed everything. Okay, tell me Larry David, Larry Damon outfit you guys check it out. Okay for those of you listening, um, fuck you. You have to go to YouTube channel. I'm not gonna describe it, but also keep and also I'm just kidding, don't suck you. I love our listeners. Um, no, you have to go. I'm gonna send you to YouTube. That's how you're gonna see this outfit. And it's gonna be in a couple of days. So sorry, you you want to see it now, you'll take a photo may put on the Instagram. No, no, I want them to have to go to YouTube and see it, because you really are nailing it. I don't want to wait for him to do he's wearing a little glasses, gases. No, it's a great outfit. Yeah your head, yeah too far. Look in about ten years, I won't need to I'll be really nailing. Where did you get that sweater? And okay, so the sweater and the jacket comes from a company called Taylor Stitch, which we walked into in San Francisco. This is the way you were looking the other day on a website. And I go pick out Jen my assistant Jen White, Yeah, the Jen White on Instagram, who's also a fashion because she did it all for f Boy. Yeah, she was the wardrobe assistant to the wardrobe you know, director and then but she usually works in production. She's done The Amazing Race, like literally like thirty eight seasons of The Amazing Race. Someone who produces the amazing race. I was like, not only are you a fun hang, but I know you can manage my life. If you can manage anything, you could be the White House. She could run the country. I mean, have you ever tried, I mean, if you've traveled at all. Like so when I was a junior going into my senior year in college, I went to Europe and we went. You made it through and made those flights, and one I had a roller bag instead of a back You know everyone backpacks. I had a big roller and like, you just don't use a roller when you when you go through to euro rail, don't use a roller even now when you might have a to not be staying in hostiles. That's a good point. That's a very good point. You're a backpack boy. I'm a I'm a b b's another thing. So I mean my brother in Amsterdam, that's where you know, I met Heath Ledgroom. Um And for me, if I was traveling, I would have went to Amsterdam and then maybe one other city. My brother went. We went Amster, he's a gen Amsterdam, Munich, Prague. I was going to say, all these places you've been, I go, how did Andrew. No, no, no, like Andrew figure out all that, Like he's been to so many countries and now it makes sense. Your brother was like, that's cool that Amsterdam and nothing else. I would be anywhere. I would Yeah, I would have died in Amsterdam. I would have stayed. I would have been seeing the Anne frank Housen gone, I'm good to go, and I just but the thing is, there's something about that too. By the way, let me just say that, there is something about seeing a million places in one and going to all the tour spots in one city, and there's something about living your life, like what if you lived there, like a lazy life in a new place. That's where I'm truly this year, when I have some free time, I'm going to go to Paris for a month and maybe more than that and live in Paris. I want to love that always been a dream. I want to do it before the world gets really fucking weird. And Para yeah, I mean you could with that outfit today, it's very Parisian. Oh dude, if I had a baguette and a cigarette, anything that rhyme with an et and turette's okay, that's bad. I don't feel like anything's bad, like you know, doing um, you know what Trump did to mimic someone with a mental illness or a physical handicap. I think the guy wasn't even mentally a handicapped. He was physically handicapped. The guy who was mocking that famous thing he did that that is disparaging someone. But acknowledging that people with Tourette's do a thing or people with Parkinson's do a thing is not. It's not a pejorative statement or saying that someone's in a wheelchair and acknowledging it this this new. I get so annoyed. And I've said this before when I'm on stage and i say something like, oh, you know, I talk about anals are like licking a guy's asshole. And I'm like, if you want to make a come so fast, it's like hitting a turbo button, like that button, like the Paul Walker button. And people go, And I'm just trying to make make women understand what button I'm talking about the car because we don't know that button, but we do know Paul Walker died in a very fast car. And yes, it's a next I could say the button in fast cars that they pressed and fast in the fears. It's not and I'm not saying his death is funny. It's just a way to get right to it. Just like he did that wall and again people people are going could cancel me for that. He wasn't okay, Well whoever was driving got to that wall. Listen, people can get going fun. I'm not making fun. I'm it is a joke, but it happened. I didn't do it. And you and sometimes you know, just referencing someone killing themselves, you're just like, oh, did you guys not know he killed himself? Am I did I kill him? Why are you mad at me? I'm just referencing. I think we should should we just act like Paul Walker that didn't happen to him, and we should only talk about him like, oh, I can talk about the tragedy that was his death. Let's just everything's fine, as we could talk about the million documentaries or a million interviews where people have used his death to get cloud of some sort, like is that worse than a joke? The joke I always think about And I don't even know if um I'm sure she'd be fine with it. But I wrote a joke Framy Schumer for UM the roast, which I you know, when I do roast, I have all my friends. You've written jokes for me. You famously wrote, UM one of my favorite jokes. You wrote a bunch of jokes that made it to roast, I believe, But the one that always comes to mind for me was when I was making fun of UM Chris Red from s n L and just talking to you. Yeah, but that's the thing. That's the best roast jokes is like when I was working on ugh Waite Island, I told the dress like a teenager found the thousand dollars on the ground. Yes, dress like a thirteen year like I think, I think, I said, you just like a nine year old found what was that hundred dollars on the ground or something like that, which changed the age. And thank god he was dressed perfectly because that's how we dressed. Yeah, it was, it was you nailed it. But you wrote that one. And but that's the best. The best roach jokes are just simple observations, like when UM said I didn't know what to say about Domirera. Go google a picture of Domrera. I'm not familiar with this comedy. I didn't know him. I just looked at a picture one day and I was like, he looks like a sleepy potato. And then that was such a funny line to me, to go, Domirera, you sleepy potato. People are just like, it's so simple, it's so stupid. My poppy could have come up with it. But taking out you look like and just go you sleepy. Yeah. That there's the craft that I think. It's such a little thing, but it makes it so much funnier and saying it like you and I get that from Sarah Silverman of like you doll like sleepy potato. It's like with his storia or whatever. And you said Hilaria. Well, they told me her name was hilar I asked how her name was pronounced, because I wanted to honor it and not like make and so I go, I asked a bunch of people it's and they're like, it's Hilaria. And so when I said to him, oh, your wife Hilaria, and he goes Ilaria, and I go what, he goes Eilaria and I go so stupid. Um. I didn't repost that when the Laria stuff was going on last year, even though I wanted to so badly to be like I saw it coming. Oh yeah, you were like editing it, I remember, but I didn't post it because I like Alan and he was he's a friend of mine, and I didn't before voluntary. But yeah, I mean, I guess technically you could call him a murderer, but it's like if you didn't involunteer, I'm talking now, what are you talking about? Um? I don't know, I think from that right, So I wrote um the joke. So she was doing the roast of Charlie Sheen, and she much like I learned to do from her, and she learned from like people who think everyone writes every roast joke. And by the way, Amy wrote one of the roast jokes for me that I get credit that I get told is the funniest joke of mine. Constantly. Yeah, they people always go, oh my god, I love your roast when we're taking pictures at me, I love your roast. That's spice girls line or the jewel jokes were amazing, and I always go which one because I wrote one jewel joke about her teeth, and then Amy wrote one and I combined them. I said, you know, jewel, I don't want a bad mouthew, but God already did. I wrote that one, but like Amy Amy wrote, Amy wrote, um, I love jewel, I love your teeth, which was a perfect way to go from bad mouthing to go and say God already did. I. Then I go, I'm just kidding. I I love your smile, I love your teeth. They're like the spice girls. They're all a different color and they're each doing their own thing. But that, like, even the delivery was Amy's, like the way she said jewel being a good sport and laughing at showing her teeth and made the joke. Well, that's the thing. The response from the celebrity means everything. And that's why the joke that I had written for Amy, which I was so excited to get into her um set, was Stevo was on the roast of Charlie Sheen and Ryan Dunn had just died. Remember Ryan Dunne, He's done, like the show, he's off the show. Oh he died. Your joke. I joked on your joke like you said done, like his life is done. And I was like, no, like well done. I did say well done. I said done like the like the meat digging skin, so I wrote the joke that was and please please understand, listen to this is this is a perfect example of when people go oh and it becomes a controversy. Amy got death threats and had to have the joke. I didn't even Yeah, I never knew. Really, Oh my god, that's you know, It's not something I've ever been vocal about because I don't like to I wrote that especially for Amy because she's been so generous to me. I don't want to be like, I take credit for that. But the thing is, I'm giving Amy credit for like so much of my career. And the joke that one of my jokes that I'm get the most credit for the Spice Girls one and many others she wrote for me. And the fact that I went so hard on the culture was also Amy going listen, I'm looking at your set is the first roast I did of Rablow, and she goes looking at your set, I think you just need to viserate and culture like, you have this opportunity that we all want and we all want to see it. It was my first roast. It was very that was a very big risk to take to go so hard on her, and Amy was the one that was like you have to like it's this is an opportunity that will be squandered if you don't do it. And I was like this, like I'm gonna go that hard. She told me to do my whole set and Coulton, which would have been awesome. Um, the Mexican joke was actually written by Mike Lawrence and that was the last joke I added to that set And that's the joke that I'm most famous for that changed my career. But this joke that I wrote from one joke, I mean, just one little thing, like yes, yes, And you know what, it wasn't even that joke. It was the fact that someone put that joke in a roast compilation on Facebook that got shared by one person that might have had It's like, could be my popularity could be down to one person with eight million followers sharing it on his page on a day on Christmas Day when people in a lot of downtime. It could come down to that kind of thing. And it's a video, so it actually goes back to you. It's not like a tweet or something that goes viral. Right, your tweet going viral, which is it's oh my god, Andrew has maybe the most viral treat of all time. We'll get to that. Maybe your final thought, let me just finish this. So the joke was, um, Steve Stevo, UM, I'm so sorry about your friend Ryan Donne, because Ryan Donn had died I think a week or so before, I'm so sorry about your friend Brian Donne. I'm sure that when he died you were thinking, God, that that could have been mean, and we were all thinking why was in it? So all that joke says is we want Stevo to die. It's not making fun of Ryan Dunn dying in any ways. It's observing Ryan. It's acknowledging that he died. But it's not making fun of him. It's not No, it's not pissing on that. There's there's literally there. This isn't a subjective conversation to have of like is it or is it not? It's who's to say? No, I will say it's factual. There's all I am saying is I'm so sorry about your friend Ryan Dunn's death. I'm sure you were thinking that could have been me. Okay, all of that is true, and I'm sure and nothing is bad about either those two things, and then the only thing you get offended by, or anyone gets offended by, is and we were all thinking, why wasn't it so we What I'm saying is you have a right to be pissed if you're like you want Stevo to die. That's why it's offensive. It's not offensive because we're saying Ryan Dunn died. We're not making fun of a time only point. I get what you're saying, But my point is a joke would not have happened, or would not that Ryan been dead. Yeah, but like jokes don't work if facts aren't thinking. I don't think that I'm not making fun I'm that. But that's my argument is like, just because a sad thing is in a joke doesn't mean that you're making fun of that. Saying that something was the nine eleven of my life, people go, I'm offended by that. You can actually get offended by that because that's making light of something that you know, you losing that earring is the nine eleven. That's an insane statement to make. It's funny because that's like obviously such hyperbole, but you could almost get mad at that joke because that's making something that was totally tragic seemed not tragic, but putting a fact about someone dying in the context of a joke. For me, I think I could fight to the death on it, maybe change my change. But my thing is I imm change my mind. I think both can be true. Though I think I agree with you. I don't think you're making fun of the death. But the joke wouldn't happen without the death wouldn't happen without words, and words were written by people that died tragically, probably like we can always link right well anyway, So but my point is that the reason that joke got amy so much hate was because Stevo was like, yes, yeah, almost cried And it's like I get it because I'm sure he was just bracing himself for a joke to be made about it was like a week yeah, sorry too soon, or two there's no time. No, No, I'm not saying a person's name a tragic like figure is it makes everyone tense up, but the joke itself is not. Everyone should have relaxed after that joke because we were making I'm not saying that Steva should have like laughed, but if he just would have been like yes, like that's like man that is sick. And also Ryan Dunn, I'm guessing would have laughed at some kind of joke like that. I think he it was a part of the jackass crew. I think he probably had a kind of sixth sense of humor. And I don't even think it's sick the joke that he should have been a friend, that someone wanted him to die. I love the joke. The joke isn't even that good. The fact like it's fine. The thing is people didn't don't need to get the joke, in my opinion, is probably a five, and the scale of like funny or like clever, whatever. But but I think all things considered, I'd give it all thing considered okay. But his reaction was the thing that got her the death threats, his him looking like so sad was the thing that made everyone go that was mean, and so everything is. Juel's reaction to my joke was made my joke work. And that's why when Caitlyn Jenner and I did the jokes about her, I wanted to make sure she fucking was on board with me. And how great was she? I mean, she responded like she hated her family, more than you did. Know. She was like I did. You're right, it was almost too much. Let's get to the news first. Good morning America and Europe and other places. To Australia. It's third day. You know what that means. It's Thursday. Think of is Australia Austria? You want me to keep going? Bun Stone Austria? Yeah, alright? What? Yeah? What came first? Austria? Probably? I think you mean the names? Yeah, or like geographically names who copied who? I don't know. I don't know. I don't think we are You would think more countries would sound actually similar to they do? It stands oh Castanza, Yeah, what you canna dress like him? Next, let's get guy alright, Uber Eats. You have a great joke about Uber Eats, a guy that a guy in the audience gave me. Listen, I am made up of jokes other people gave me. Okay. Uber Eats gets into the diaper delivery business, adding a new delivery category. Uh yeah, yeah, I would think that diapers are the number one thing. You're just like, oh, it's like dog food. You're like, I can't when you're a vegan, there's nothing to give your dog like when you're when you eat meat and you run a dog food, you can go. I'll give him some of what I eat. When I run a dog food, I have to go to the store. Yeah, and every time your baby ships, it's a whole new pair of underwear. Like imagine you shoot your pants every time you had to get new boxers. You know what I mean. Diapers are so wasteful, but like, what are you gonna do? They do groceries, prescriptions, alcohol, and flowers. Essentially, they do everything that you need because you decided to choosing this subject. Noah, this is no onaeh telling me Nikki you can use uber eats instead of asking Andrew. Oh hilarious. No, no, no, it's tuned in non no. But you're right, Um, I would not. That's what makes me scared about having children is the idea that I might live in a world where you know, another kind of COVID happens and I can't. I can't. What am I going to do with a baby? What if diapers? What if the diaper industry crumbles because society crumbles, then I'm have baby shit all over me all the time. What did they do before diapers? Cloth diapers, and before that, what do they do for tampons? Where they made us a week? Um? Yeah, it's it funny that like if you have a small village, you could just outside you start getting to city category. There's a there's like that's why I like we like do something with all the ship. Have you ever seen in medieval times there was a ship shoot? What do you mean? So they would have like, you know, a tower, like a stone tower. I always see it on Reddit, and you would sit in the like the top of the tower and ship and it would fall down like a garbage shoot and then it would um like fall into the ground. And then there would be someone that would scoop the ship like it was their job to scoop ship and like take it out of town. But plumbing is seriously fucking incredible. The water system, like all of it's like that Luisa K joke where people are like, oh my phone again't It's like you couldn't even conceptualize and what led to your phone being a thing? The glass being cut the technology inside? Nope, I couldn't if there were I said this before Luisa K joke. I always wanted to write a joke if everyone that has ever lived had the same brain as me, we would still be like hitting rocks. Like if me and you had to develop like make skies great, like there are millions of us, it wouldn't have We wouldn't eventually figure out how to make technology. It would never happen. No, we would just laugh about, like, look how done we are, dude. I didn't even start a fire. We would just make fart sounds. And maybe we maybe would have come up on how to like draw things on caves in blood. But they even did that technique where they would put it like take a hollow bamboo and put red paint or die that they got from like crushed up berries, and then they would spray it and go and spray their handprint. I mean, that's like the earliest art. I went, oh my god, I can't talk about yesterday, but I learned that um owls are one of the earliest, like cave drawings horses and owls are and owls that you see on the cave in France. That's like the earliest um art that they found made by humans. I don't think art is made by animals, but the earliest art that they found made um yeah, by him on a bridge over troubled water, and a bridge in oldu By Gorge was of owls and horses. And you could look at those pictures of owls now at any you. Yeah, anyone could recognize that it's an owl, like any person in anywhere would go owl. And that's just so cool that something that was aid, you know, thousands, like tens of thousands of years ago, we could still go, oh, that's now, like they haven't changed and there's still something that we want to draw. It is funny, like hieroglyphics, like no one was like that good of an artist, but they also didn't they had to carve. But it was the same thing as like tools like we didn't have, like hammers were just like you know the tools that Indians use, made of Americans used were just so if we were there, Fuck, I can only get one of those right, and it's the wait, No, I can get both of them right. And that's all I can do out there that show. Have you ever seen that first one? Then? Afraid would be way scarier if you had to do it in New York, Like let's do that, yeah, because everyone would be looking at you all the time. It's such an that show is so interesting. I love watching the beginning of it when they just first meet and they're both just like naked. That's so fun dating naked. And that was so fun. It was on each one and you would just state you would do naked dating. I thought that was a great idea. We should bring it back. They're like, look at the dick and the pussy and and then you get used to it. Yeah, and by the end of it they just don't care and uh yeah, okay, next story. So I don't know how we got from there to there, but but hey, look we taper delivery. A twenty four year old woman was riding a Lime rental moped in Brooklyn when she was struck by a box truck, launching her body forward in front of the vehicle and killing her. No. I was really holding out hope for that whole story that she was gonna make it. Fuck. No, she really ryaned done too soon, too late. Oh that's so, that's such a shame. Yeah, those Lime scooters are so dangerous. I was watching on Redd at the other day. This girl was riding a bike and you can just see how people make one. There was someone filming these three people riding a bike across the street and the girls saw the guy filming, so she was just like kind of like looking at the camera and kept going and kind of just steered out. It was it's in the reddit subreddit called no No, No, Yes, and you think someone's bad, something bad's gonna happen. In the end, it's yes. There's also yes yes yes, no No, there's also maybe maybe maybe maybe there's like all these different different subreddits, but this is no, no, no, yes. So she's and she just you could see this huge garbage truck a second earlier, she would be you would watch her get flattened and just ah, but her bike, her bike wheel like bends and she's just kind of like laughing. Like it's like that reaction is when I hit a garbage man with my car and I thought I killed a man. My first reaction, I was laughing hysterically because it was so upsetting that it was just like and I was so scared that I was just like and it was so unbelievable to see death looked death in the eyes like literally we locked it was slow motion. He jumped and we locked eyes, and then I thought he died because I hit him with a car and then for it again, the whole time laughing though, but it was only because of shock, and that's so sad. I'm so sorry for that woman and um, her family and the charge they're going to get for that Lime scooter. She never was able to, you know, shut it off, so she's probably still be in charge. You know. That was the number one part of the story. The first line was our parents own oh fifty seven thod dollars and it's running still so to pay for their funeral costs. Lime scooters are so fun though, don't well, three people died last year in New York from it was a moped and Andrew's referring to the Revel program, which is also a moped where people died. Okay, so these things are really fun. That's a vehicle that's like people think they could are fucking They can go fast and they are a vehicle. Watch you guys, don't go on sidewalks seriously and be careful and those things don't do it when you're drunk. All of that, and I'm so sorry for that girl, and I also I'm sorry for Ryan Dunn's loss. Still. Yeah, me and a meal road Lime scooters throughout d C. And his didn't have breaks, and uh, that's he's the opener. I you know, I do two more minutes. I get to hang it up. Hey, I hated his ass. No, no, no, I really didn't. But but it was It was funny though, because we were going through the intersection and I go and he couldn't because he did a break. Oh it was a great break. And yeah he's dead dead, um, but yeah, no, I think, like, how many times were you walking through New York We've talked about this before, where you crossed the street or maybe ten streets and you're like, oh, I haven't looked once, like and you're like, and then like, I don't know. There were many times where I almost got hit by a car. I know I'm not the only one out there. How many times have you looked at your phone when you're driving? Oh yeah, and looked up and go, I don't remember the last time I looked up? How am I Nebraska? And I shouldn't maybe build a house here? Let me say, I know that's terrible, but yes, it's it's I'm just saying it's happened to me before. I'm not proud of it. And I do everything I can when I'm in the car now to go no. No, Like I don't write back to people. I try to put it on midnight mode, like I'm masturbating and I don't want text for my dad about my aunt lynd dying. You missed that part of the show yesterday. That's how I found out. I put my I put my phone on midnight mode to masturbate when we're in Cancoon and as soon as and then I'm like done masturbating, I'm just like like lying in my own filth and shame, and I put it out of midnight mode. It's just like Dad, that's like and then all of a sudden, a text from Dad. Uh, they found Lynde today. Lynne passed away. And I'm just like I have like like commed on toys in my hand and like a girl being violated on my screen and I'm just like laying their naked. I'm like, oh god, she's probably looking at me right now. Yeah, it'll pass, all right. So it sounds like she went midnight mode. Let's take a break and come back with Oh, it's our weekly sports moment we took. We didn't do it last week, so let's do it when we get back. All right, let's do it. Hit it. Noah gears Andrew's weekly sports moment. Oh boy, I think you're gonna love this one. Nick a hundred and five year old hundred and five. Wow, Julia Hawkins sent a world record complete. You think a year old could run a marriage? I bet you anything. A hundred and five year old has done a marathon. No way, I'd bet a million dollars. Really not a million, because no, I look it up. The oldest person to run a marathon. Go, okay, before let's run, run is a I'm just saying complete, okay, complete a marathon without any where, no electronic But tell me what? Tell me what this one? She just ran a hundred dash, which when you say marathon, it's like nothing anymore. No, but I'm a marathon I think would actually be more easy because you could go slow. A hundred seems fast. Well, nothing's fast for a hundred and five year old. I mean they have videos she runs every year. I mean that's what she is. Kind of cute, she is cute. Cut a hundred five years broke the records to like she she got under a minute a hundred. I mean, I don't know that I could do that under a minute. You probably could run. Is this her? Oh my god, what a cutie. Oh my god, she looks amazing. I mean a hundred and five. That's I'm so scared. Her bones are just gonna snap. Oh honey, girl, think of what she's witnessed in her lifetime. A hundred and five. What is the maker? Born in the nineteen teens. Know she seemed as snuggy, she saw the Snuggie, she saw TLC Scrubs, she saw the show Scrubs. She saw left eye tragically. Oh my god, that video talk about the last image read it? Have you ever seen the video like right when the crash happens of a car crash, were playing car crash. She they're they're filming like a documentary less reality show, and she's in or maybe someone in the car was filming her as she saw and they're all just like peacefully like filming, and then all of a sudden you see like, oh fuck, and then it's like you see her sleeping, and then it's just the wiggle of the camera and then it's like lights out. So I'm guessing marathon oldest person. I'm going I'm going dree, I'm going no way okay. Well on a quick on a quick search, quick goog what did you say three? Okay? On a quick search it says nine yes. But also like I can't read all these webs eyes right now, so it's true or not? Wow, I mean I'm a good job. Hundred and three miles. I don't know, dude. I just think humans are capable so much. I think you're probably gonna get to a point later on in life if you live long where you're gonna like get really into running because you're gonna, you know, just be like, yeah, I'm gonna have a brain damage that makes me not be able to process time. That's when people can run like hundreds of thousands, hundreds of Where brain stops, it's the short term memory goes to ship, so they always think they just started running. And if you if your brain. That's why when I'm running long distance sometimes I just go pretend like this is the first mile. Just trick your brain into thinking, and then all of a sudden you get this like you get a new energy. And it's so much of your tiredness is about how long you've been going, which is interesting because it's just your thought, it's not actual, because Navy seals say that when you feel during a workout like you know, we've all been in the spin class before Orange Theory, those boot camps where we're like I'm going to die, like I'm going to pass out, and they say you have fifteen times that amount of times, not just fifteen more minutes, fifteen times the amount before you actually your body would actually give up because it's so mental. That five year old could have ran a thousand meters D five is insane. And I was listening to a podcast about aging and they're like, whether or not the human body might find a way to survive into a hundred and forty like numbers like that pretty soon, but your brain does not last that long. We haven't found a way to keep the brain working well for that long. So you you might live to hundred forty, but you're going to still you're gonna have the brain of a hundred year old, which like you can't. Your brain deteriorates no matter what with age, and they haven't found a way to not have it. To your body is gonna look insane at a hundred. I mean, I guess people were saying that when you're dying at thirty and people are like, people are, yeah, I mean, but we've seen a hundred but brains haven't caught up, like even our brains now, Like, that's why no one makes it past. Really. I was listening to Sam hair Is talking about it with Ricky Gervais and he's like, you know, Ricky's like, now, dude, when is there anyone who like your brain just like doesn't deterior And he's like, no, like there's no evidence, there's there's very fairly lucid ninety year old eight year octionarians nine engineery whatever it's called. But I wonder what your brain is the best? Probably that's when instill taking in things. But no, I think it's done by then let's get the fans Rex. One other question. We only use what percent of our brain and not the most I know. That's that's That's what I've heard. We need to Google that too, but not now Google uses helps us use the other it takes up the other part that we're not using. We just turned to Google. Well, okay, fan Trax, all right, let's get to it. Now. What do we got? Alright? Our first voice message is from Steph. Alright, stuff, Hi, Nikki, Andrew and Noah. This is Steph living in Berlin, Germany. All I want to say thank you sincerely for the work you do. You help a lot of people on the day one bestie. I'm so similar to you guys in myriad ways. I can't believe I found my tracking the podcast because I'm not really a fan girl of anything. I'm a little cold like that. But I'm a fan girl in this place and I'm part of this group. Um, you guys are also vulnerable. You share your secrets so willingly and it helps so many people. You inspired me to want to share a secret back with you, to level the playing field. And my secret is is that I've been living without my two front tea for the last six months. That's right, I'm a thirty one year old woman and I've been living without my two front teeth. I look like a six year old child in the body of a thirty one year old woman, truly. Only like my mom and my boyfriend know this. I've been hiding it from everyone I meet, all of my friends, all of my acquaintances. I have this fake set of teeth that I have to wear and it's really really stressful. I even dropped them on a Greek island in the middle of summer and snap them in half. Thank God for face masks. Honestly, I've had the infection in the bone. I have to get them replaced. But I just wanted to share that secret with you guys, so I can feel a bit a bit more empowered, but bit bit less fearful to be who I am. Like, see you guys in l A, all the swells, all of the love. Can't wait to meet my tribe. Way Oh my god, stuff, I freaking love you. Thank you so much for sharing that. Ah. I mean, I can't get over the voice, the rhythm of her voice, the honesty of her mouth, the honesty of her mouth. I love that She's so sweet and like that must feel freeing to just admit it and to say it into the world and think, oh my god, maybe it's gonna be out for thousands of people to hear this thing that I'm admitting. So congrats to you for just doing that. And what a new That's what a cool thing we can ask people to share their secrets with us. I love that Steph Steff you just like started as a new segment with us for fans. If you have a secret that you want to put out there, share it with us, and a little crass here you take it out for the blow job, because I think that could be a thing. I think it could. The other teeth like next to it could like be very sharp if they're not unless he has a penis. But but um, my dad actually had to have three teeth removed because of um a bone infection last week. And I don't know if I had talked about that, maybe that's why you were sharing that, but um, he now has he had his front front three teeth removed, didn't was very insecure about it, and has to wait four months for it to get made stuff. I'm wondering when you'll get your teeth put in. But like, um, yeah, bone, your bone infections not your fault. Even if it's like because you didn't floss, that's still not your fault. You just didn't prioritize flossing because of things that lead you to not care about that as much, and it's not your fault either. So um, I'm so sorry that you are insecure about that, and I'm grateful for you that you got to have the masks situation as well, and um, yeah, I I would honestly think it's cool if I met a thirty one year old woman who didn't have front teeth and like was just like, I just like, you know, my bone infection. I'm just waiting, Like I think it's something that I hope this first step can take you to a place where you can maybe like be light with yourself about it and like gentle with yourself and be able to like kind of make fun of it. And our friend stab Rose he was missing it too, and he was gonna get replaced and then he just like check out stavros Helcius. Uh sorry, what was her name against seth Um, I think he's but to it. It's stavy baby on Instagram. And he he was supposed to get to replace right away and then he just left it. And it became this charming thing and he got laid so much from it because it was just someone that's confident with no teeth. It does something to you as a woman to be like, this guy is no tooth. He should feel ashamed of that because based on what we think people should feel about not having teeth, But because he didn't care, it was so hot and step Um, I'm turned on by your vulnerability and your beautiful voice. And Um, I might not remember when we meet in l A that you're the stuff from Things, so just please you can just whisper and be like, I'm from I'm stuff from Berlin, and I'll remember. UM. Can't wait to meet you. Next. Next fan Trax. Okay, next one is from Grace, Hey, Nikki, Andrew and Noah. This is Grace um Denver Nikki. I have a ticket to your show coming up in a few weeks and I am super excited about it. But I had to call in today because I was at the truck store earlier and I needed a blending sponge for makeup, and I went to go and grab it and it was locked on the hook, and I was like, there's one guy working at this Walgreens. I don't want to have him come unlock this blending sponge. It's so I was like, this is exactly what Nikki was talking about. I'm gonna buy it. It's fine. I'm going to buy the blending sponge. And so I just ripped it and I walked around the store and I did the rest of my shopping and I checked out and everything was fine, so good, he said, helps me in that moment thinking and it made me long and I'm looking forward to the show all the wells. Hell yeah, I was wondering. I got so scared that she was going to get in trouble. I was like, no, no, please let this. I thought it was gonna be the Lime Scooter story. I was like, please let her survive. This was no no, no, yes. Oh that was a total no, no, no, yes. But also it was a yes yes, no no yes, because I was like, yeah, just rip it. And then I'm like, wait, don't um, yeah, if you're gonna buy that ship, Like that's the thing. Like sometimes I go to a Starbucks and I start like, I just grab a drink that I know I'm going to get on mobile order, Like say, I'm waiting for the mobile and it's not ready yet, and I see the cooler. I'm like, sparkling water. I do the mobile order and I just grabbed the sparkling water and it looks like I'm stealing and everyone there might think I'm stealing, but I know I'm doing the right thing, so I'm okay with it, you know. Yeah, No, I think like, yeah, just RiPP and rip and go. Also, don't pay for it. Sometimes maybe if you rip it though, you'll go, oh man, I just got away with something that felt good. Let me just walk out of here with it. But don't do that. Please do not steal. Yeah, stealing. Maybe someone will write in and tell us their kleptomaniac. If you're an adult woman who's still steal leave us a message, or a woman who's still shoplifting, I will not judge you. Maybe you get it off your chest, it would help you stop doing it. But I think that if I never got caught shoplifting, I would still be doing it. Just blur out your voice. Yeah wait, oh I'm sitting on just kidding. Oh my god. Whenever I said on my mom's just kidding itself, like her voice is coming from my ass and I wasn't it really did? Okay? Next father x all right. Next one is from Lee Anne, Hey, Nikky, Andrew and No a longtime listener here since the U updates. First, I just want to thank you guys so much for doing this podcast. I listened every single day on my way to and from work. I have an ssd J that is an hour drive and I used to be so nervous driving on the two lane highway to get there. Nikki, I'm just so relate to your fear. But actually now I look forward to the drive because I get to listen to you guys. So I have a quick story. I was at work the other day, UM and my S S d J. Very quiet office. There's only a few people in there. I can't even eat my launch in there because you would be able to hear me crunching on my shred. Let throw back to episode twenty one. So I took my air pods out of my case the other day to listen to music. And you know how sometimes it will like disconnect to reconnect to your phone, and your phone speaker will play something out loud. So I just hear in my dead silent office why do I care? And it was so loud my phone was literally on the top volume. I just kind of played it off, said sorry to be old lady behind me because she was laughing, and I really hope that she's seperately in Bestie. It was so funny. Um, I have a quick miss Coonnancias story as well. My boyfriend's reading off some salt flavors and he accidentally said Popia instead of Papaya. So now I always think of you guys like I see the word all right, love you guys. I'll see you in ben Salem, Nicky and Andrew. Where is he going? Where was it to Salem on Winston Sale, I don't know, North Carolina. I didn't catch it, but you'll see her. I didn't catch it either, but we'll see. Just tell us next time and maybe I'll listen to it on the replay. Um so love all the first of all s s DJ and the shred let and the just so many references in there. She also gave you a kiss at the end. I don't know if you heard that. She did my kiss kiss. I kissed the mike today. I think it was Luigi's head. I literally petting Luigi and I was just like, I was just like, and I did it twice. We're gonna put it on the Instagram because it was before the show was really weird. Um so many things to say there. I hate when it accidentally is playing loud and people for a second think that I'm one of those people who listens to my stuff loudly. You know, I care. I mean, I was thinking it could have been me crying. That's always my experience. It's me being like and I was direct, like when I was eighteen, and people are like, oh, shut the funk up, or like I just don't feel pretty today and my day big, big, big day gate gate. Um that is uh yeah, I hate when that happens, and um, I'm so sorry you have an s s d J to everyone out there who has a soul sucking, soul sucking um desk job, day job, desk job, No, I think it's death job, but I think maybe day job fits too in case you're not a desk Some people just work at a grocerate whatever, it's something that's soul sucking um shout out to you, like not everyone has to have a career that fulfills them and gives them purpose. I think that there's so much of those jobs that can make you feel like you're not succeeding in life. Some people don't live to work, they work to live, and I think that that's we need people to do ss d j's. And that's not to say like just stay in your position and never strive for something more like obviously follow your heart, but um, if you if you can have an s s DJ that someone else might look out and be like, I could never do that. That would be hell. You might be able to enjoy yourself. There's certain jobs I've had in the in the past where I go, you know, if I didn't, if the things I love wouldn't have afforded me a career like comedy. Like if I was into I don't know, paint by numbers and I'm like, I can't monetize this, I might be able to have an s There's certain ssdj is that would have really behooved me. Final thought, um Chris and I ran into one of you know, the woman that UM cleans the like she's an older woman who is probably in their fifties the apartment and she she claims our apartment building and she's so cute, and some days I just like I feel sorry for her because I'm like, she should be retired. She has to clean up after like people, like she's cleaning our floor. She probably couldn't afford to live here with the money she's making. And I'm saying probably as in like I know, with the amount of money she's making, she couldn't And it's like that must suck and I was with Kirsten and I was like, you know, I always try to be so nice to her, the build it she don't. I wish that would be the best story that would have been, that would have been a no, no, yes, oh my god. But I was getting an elevator and I, I mean Chris and I had just seen her and she she said something to Luigi and it was a sweet little interaction. But she just seems sad to me. And she's never listening to headphones like I could always go like she could listen some podcast all day. She's just like in her own mind, and to me that would be I'm like, I hope when i'm her age, I'm not doing that. But at the same time, I go Chris and I just feel so sad for her, like it actually, I'm starting to like almost be like it's hard for me to look at her like that kind of bullshit, you know, like I wish I didn't have to see her because it makes me sad. And then I get Christie goes. I don't know, I just like to think that maybe she loves it, like why do we have to ascribe so much meaning to her life that like she's miserable, Like what A like, if I were her, I would hate if people pitied me. And I was like, oh my god, you're so right, Like I don't need to feel that way about her. Um, yes, I can appreciate what she does and know that it's something I wouldn't want to do, and so I should give extra you know, I'm going to tip at Christmas and and smile and try to come have a conversation and show my gratitude to her to her, but the sense of pity is not one that I need to have from her, because Christ's like, maybe she gets feels good after seeing a clean carpet and and maybe it's meditated for her to vacuum. She goes, I don't know. When I see people doing jobs that you know, on the outside suck, I just like to think maybe they enjoy it. And I don't need to because because Krison just said, I would hate if someone looked at my life and said that's poor girl, Like I, that's so sad she has to do that, And I was like, wow, that really I needed to hear that from my conversations with her. While I'm hitting the elevator button as fast as I can so she can't get in. But I throwing your trash on the floor and get that, get that you missed a spot and you make it. But I really do value her. Um No, but like honestly, like I uh when she she doesn't ever have had because she actually loves conversation. And I think like we look at it like, oh my god, I can leave your in your own brain, But she probably likes it because she can talk to people in community and she doesn't feel like invisible. That's what we do. We like make these people invisible a lot of times because we can't handle the sadness that we think they're yes, and that's what you know. I had a I was talking about. I forget what was talking about on stage, but there was a few weeks ago a woman a wheelchair raised her hand in the middle of my show. That's so funny. I should have said that, but I I go, and at first, when I go, are you raising your hand? I didn't see she was in a wheelchair. And then I saw she was in wheelchair, and I thought that her hand waving was maybe like a physical disability of like she was kind of like thrashing in her chair because of whatever she was dealing with that put her in a wheelchair. So I described all this meaning on, oh, she's a wheelchair. Maybe she's not raising her hand. Maybe I'm calling on someone who's just having a tip of some sort that they can't help. And then I and then all of a sudden, I'm like, oh, wait, she is raising her und Like what's what's up. She's like I want to say two things. And I'm like okay, and I'm like, oh, dear god. Because I was just talking about something offensive, a little bit offensive, molestations something, and I was like, what's this gonna be. She's like, well, as a woman in a wheelchair, I do feel invisible. Because I had made a joke about dogs and wheelchairs. You can go dogs and wheelchairs are great because you can go, oh my god, as wheels were like, look at it. You can take a pigture and go what happened? Oh my god, it's so cute. Look, But with people and wheelchairs, you just have to go like you're the same. I don't see it, and it's like that doesn't help anyone. Yeah, I always go I don't see wheels, but it's like, yes you do. That's not that's making them feel And she said, I like this woman's wheelchair, and I don't. She doesn't speak for everyone in wheelchairs. Um, but she said that I like when people ask me what happened. And she was in a motorcycle accident years ago with her boyfriend, and so she has I guess, more interesting story then maybe, or you know interesting in quotes then someone who was maybe born with a congenitive congenital genial gener I don't know a disease that they were born with. It to them in liture, that's maybe. But I think that people in wheelchair and I goes, so if I'm in line in the grocery store and I see you at self checkout or whatever, I can go, what's what's what happened to you? And that wouldn't offend you? And she's like no, And I'm like, Okay, I don't know if I'm gonna be able to do that to people, but I know the answer for people who are maybe morbidly obese, or have facial disfigurements, or are little people or in reel, just anything that physically makes them stand out, the answer is not not looking at them. You wanted a difference to me, she was in an accident. She she has a story. She has once she has a story. Maybe she wasn't driving. I'm saying she didn't. Maybe they drove recklessly which led to the acts. Would be a story that someone wouldn't want to tell if I happened to you. What would be something is saying if someone's like morbidly obese, they just can't. I don't say that someone who's more with what happened to you? What I'm saying, though, in my eyes, what do you mean? No, I'm just saying about people that have something going on that you go, oh, that's diff that that stands out. You know, someone who's who's morbidly obese might stand out in a crowd of people who aren't like and and your first reaction would be, I'm not gonna look at them, because they're gonna think I'm making fun of them if I look at them, or I'm judging them. But truly, you're just looking at them like you wouldn't any other person. And I feel the literature I've read from fat people who have written about the fat experience is that a lot of times they feel invisible because people are trying to be polite by not looking at them, but it in instead it makes them feel like they're not even there and they're ignored. So it's it's like the attention they get is always negative because it's the people that go, oh, are laughing, and then the people that are decent who wouldn't ever do that, don't even look at them, So all they're getting is attention that's negative instead of just being looked at like a normal human. I think, I think, I guess if you're asking, you know, what's the story behind this, Like if someone's in a wheelchair, it could it could be i'm too fat to walk, well that too, but it could also just be seen as like, oh, what's what's what happened to this? Why you're why this negative thing is happening to your life? Like that? But I mean, I'm not I'm saying she didn't speak for everyone a wheelchair. That was just her experience. I would like to hear from people who might be handicapped or have some kind of physical disability, if you mind, when children who don't have a filter, who are generally the people that go what happened to you? But like I remember seeing that guy in the Cayman Islands who had a gigantic scar on his leg and let's be he was able body babe, gigantic chunk taking out of his and I go, what the funk happened to you? And he goes, I was attacked by a bear and he I go, do people ask you about all the time? He goes no, And I'm like, but you're always wearing shorts. He's like, they just don't. I'm like, people see that, and that's a good story people should be asking. There's and it's not your fault. If you're a beast, it's not your fault. If you're in a wheelchair, it's not your fault. If you were in a drunk driving accident that caused like that, you were the driver, like you didn't want that to happen. Maybe learn from it, but um yeah, even someone who's obese, I mean, I'm not gonna go what happened to you? You were molested And so now you eat your feelings like, oh, cool story, Like there's always something you could there's always a story behind it, but it's never Oh you're just a lazy piece of ship to me, that's never the answer. And um, I just yeah, so I just I implore people to read about the fat experience because you can make or any experience that isn't your own, because it's just so it's so good to hear from people who you assume you know what's going on. You just you just don't like hearing from little people like how that is walking around as a little person, because so many people point you out. I've been with so many people go a little person, like people that are like scholars or oh my god, that guy's so tall. It's like, oh, they get it all the time. And story was in a UM elevator with Will Chamberlain and then guy goes, uh, how's the air up there to Will Chamberlain and Will Chamberlain spit on the top of the guy's head and he goes, it's raining, and you have aids now because I've slept with women and you can't get from So that's a other thing. And please don't cancel me. All right, thanks for listening to show you guys. We will be back to Monday to Monday, see you in UM. I'm gonna be in l AM. I just changed it. Yeah, I'm gonna be remote next week. We'll see you in Columbus this weekend and Huntington, New York, and then the next weekend we're gonna be in Los Angeles and San Diego. Hope you come to those shows, and then Denver and yeah, come with your teeth or without teeth. We'll see you there. Thank you for the fan Trex, keep them coming and we love you. And we're just getting alert because he knows it's coming. Uh, don't be cut and Jack, oh my god, I'm getting good at these

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