#124 Run Through A Locker

Published Oct 22, 2021, 1:00 AM

Between you and Nikki, it's best to stay positive and to stop wanting others to have what you have. Nikki tells Andrew that her cankers are back and it doesn't want to make her want to go to bed early. Andrew learns about the steam function on the dryer. They talk about organizing, Nikki likes the Amy Schumer method and explained why Roomba is locked in the bathroom. You Heard It Here First, assertive vs. aggressive, raunchy lyrics from 1981 and Andrew's Sports Moment rails again cancel culture. Besties bring it in the Fanthrax segment and we discover an early video of Andrew. In the Final Thought, they talk about the "men" in mental health.

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Nicky Gazer. Yes, here's Nicky. Hello, welcome to Nicki Glazer Podcast. It's Nicki Glazer. It's Thursday. UM, thank you so much for listening and watching on our YouTube channel. You can find a link to that, you know, at Nicki Glazer Pod on Instagram. It's the link is in our bio. I overheard no, uh um this morning you were on Zoom with Andrew and Mark our kind of technical creative producer producer. UM love him Mark and uh, you guys were talking about the YouTube comments and I was putting my dube on my on my comforter wrestling with your dube. I mean, I told Andrew, I go tell them I'm putting my duvet on so I'll be there in two days. Um. So yes, I was get I was getting some cardio in before the show, and UM, I heard you saying that you've been You said, you know, UM, I'm really surprised, like the YouTube comments are actually really really nice, you know, aside from some of the spam. And I didn't hear you say spam. I just thought like, besides aside from and then I was like, I think I kind of went like like I kind of think I your muffs so I wouldn't hear. And then you guys are like elaborating on the spam and how you're working to like get those comments removed or whatever. But I feel like even spam is positive. You know, it was like free sex or something like that, so oh my god, that's positive too. It's sex positive. UM. I'm grateful that the comments have mostly been nice. I'm definitely not reading them, but I was thinking, like it might be fun to um try to make art videos the most positively UH commented on videos on YouTube, Like I think we might be able to do it, Like I think that if I asked my fans, I think and honestly, I think it might be good for people people's souls. I don't want you to say anything that isn't true. So like if all you can say is, um, I like the mask the dog behind you is wearing UH in the shot, or I like that shirt or what are like you have arms? Like you can literally go right, you have arms and with an ext like three exclamation marks, that's that will be. I just want to bombard the comments with positivity and I and not because I mean, let me just say it is it is double sided. Here, like or it's um many levels to this. I wanted because I want people to say nice things about even though I'm not going to read them, because I'm just scared that people might say something mean, like you might have an adjective about my arms, and even if it's a good adjective, it might not be the one I want, you know what I'm saying, So, like you look. A lot of people say I look jacked a lot of times, which I take as a huge compliment because I don't do fucking anything for my arms. So if anything like, I'll get back. Let me put a pin in that thought for a second, because I do have a good point about that, and we'll return to it. But I want. I think that when you write something positive, and like I was saying the other day, when you do a positive like a service for someone else outside of yourself and just spread positivity, it comes back to you. And I know that's just like, so if you spread cheer, it will come back, like we all know that, but maybe this will help you, or like, honestly, don't even write it online, like let's just go on YouTube under accounts and like write positive things that and spell them right too. So we don't. So we you know, like does YouTube. It's not of spell check? Is that what's going on there with why people just can't It's just YouTube comments are notoriously like the dumbest things you read, right, people are just like smashing their keyboard and pressing answer. You know it's keyboard cat like doing this on the keys um, which is my favorite way of saying of laughing on text is like just typing a bunch of nonsense and sometimes it auto corrects to like words. But you know, that's I think the best way to be like I'm laughing really hard. Um. And I've been doing that since you know a I M days of like ha ha, I would do ha ha. I never did l O L. That was like after my time on a I M. Like l O L came later, um, but I was always doing hot and then I would just go if it was really really funny, which is harder to do with you know, autocart. These days, we start go back to being positive because I don't know if you saw ed my Let's post from a couple of days ago about that, Oh my god, I love ed my let. I know, well, I started following him after you were on his podcast because I just obsessed. Yeah, he's he's he's very positive and like, uh so anyway, so so I don't know if you saw, but he wrote, um something about that you can't force anyone to do anything, but you can owe it. But you can repel negativity away from your life. Misery loves company, and if you create enough positive energy around you, it will become almost like a force field. Then the negative people in your life have two options. And then if you want me to either get positive or get out, Yeah, that's what it is. Like. It's either you'll repel the negative people away by your positive energy, which I've experienced, or um, they'll they'll want to borrow some and it'll rub off on your friends. They'll they'll they'll want what you have. You know. That's a thing in in you know, recovery programs of you know, when you're trying when you see someone struggling with a thing that you've been able to get recovery from. Um, you know, it's it's it's lead by like lead, don't I forget? Like the they have some kind of like rhyming you know, uh little quote like meme thing that they say. There's so many like good quotes and you know, uh recovery program stuff like little things that I don't ever remember because I'm bad at remembering quotes, but basically never tells you can't tell someone to get help, or like you can't go like you should do this, like should are someone said something that your shoulders hurt, and like you, you your shoulders get tight when your way down by should It's like shoulders have the words should in them. So whenever my shoulders like, oh I'm telling myself I should too much, I kind of like that. Um and it sounds like the way Andrew would pronounce shoulders if he was reading it shoulders. Um. So no, but like you, it's so when you first get like recovered from let's say, you know, when I quit drinking, or when I quit starving myself and exercising, uh to lose weight, or you know, just you know, harmful things. I UM, I wanted to save everyone. I wanted to be like you should do this, read this book, do this, and now with like the Alan Car stuff I have, you know, the not smoke, the not Smoking book and the Creating Drinking book. I've I used to do that a lot and there's still a lot of stuff out there that is me saying like I wish like you should do this, and me buying the book for people before they ask, and now it's I just say, hey, if you are interested in stopping that, I will totally talk to you about it, but like, come to me, no judgment, and like you can come to me because you know, especially in people close to our lives. I'm talking about my fans. I've I used to kind of be a little bit like more prostlytizing about things, and now I feel like, um, if you just you want, you want people to want what you have, you know, And I think that that's kind of what led me to feel like I could maybe recover from these things, is that I surrounded myself and put myself in the same rooms as people that were struggling, um with similar things as me. Not like exactly the same, It's never gonna be exactly the same, but man, you you would just hear stories. And you know, there are podcasts available to people that are scared of going in certain groups that you know you've heard about recovery groups. There's podcasts of what those kind of groups sound like that you can access um, without having to go. And there's also like zoom ones that you can go to and you don't have to turn on your camera and a lot of them or even introduce yourself even if they say, hey, anyone new, introduce yourself. That's the beauty of kind of recovery stuff is that they know that the reason people are addicts is because they feel uh pressure and like not good enough. And so the best part about kind of recovery programs, and I think like everyone that I've encountered, whether it's in like a twelve step thing or not, is that it's just so forgiving, Like you can just go and be anything and they'll accept you. And if you go and you're like, I don't want to talk, and they're like anyone who's new? Do you want to talk? And they know you're new, and they're looking at you like do you want to talk? And you just sit there and you don't talk. It's fine, Like no one makes you do anything you don't want to do when you're looking for help in these places. And I just want to say that, but um, is it free? Yeah? Yeah? You know, um, Like uh so you know, I don't you generally talk about the specifics around how I kind of found freedom from my body image obsession and binge eating and starving myself and over exercising and all those things that I am absinent from, you know, and that I you know, maybe not forever, who knows. I'm it's you know, I'm only one day at a time. That kind of thing. I think that's one of their Uh, I mean, I know that's one of their sayings. But UM, I do know that it is free. UM if you think what I what I can say is my own experience and this is what you learn is like only speak from an eye place. And that's the best part about these kinds of places is that no one's gonna give you advice, no one like you go in. Um, from what I hear, you can go in UM from what I understand from their literature, it's a place where you can go and share your story and be anonymous and trust that no one's gonna judge you. And you know what we can't help. You're like, well, i'd judge people, I'd go in there. Are you kidding me? I've I've been in those places before, been in I used to go to group therapy with my abusive therapists. She used to make us all all of her clients used to go together once a week and get together, which is kind of nice because we would take the elevator down after a session and just go. She little, and it was just not it was like suddenly, this the only child syndrome, you know of, like when you're an only child, the problem being an only child. I totally support parents who just have one child. I mean, I think I would have been fine as an only child. I always say, though, that the benefit of a sibling is having someone else to go our mom and dad kind of sucking batshit crazy, or like don't they sucks? Sometimes it's having someone to commiserate with. UM. But I've learned that the best way to get people in your life who you desperately want to um get to be as happy as possible is to not tell them about what you've done and what you know, uh, tell them what they should do and that, oh my god, if you know you could do this. It's just to say, in my experience, when I have felt so in so way, I did this and this is what happened. So you know, UM, if anyone I know, I'm talking very vaguely, but I always extend um uh the offer that if anyone ever wants to know what I did to conquer my but not conquer, but to cope and be really so much better than I ever have been in UM since I got a needing disorder in two thousand two, UM, I've had I've had an eedsorder for that long, off and on, like not even off and on, just always just different forms of it. And for the past year and a half, I have been UM not completely free of food obsession and body obsession and all those things. It comes up, but then it's it's it's basically like, Okay, yes, sometimes I'm in detention, but I used to be in prison. You know, sometimes I have to stay after school and write on the chalkboard, but I used to be in solitary confinement for a life sentence. So that's the difference. You know, It's not I'm not totally out of the woods, but it's just changed everything. UM. And if you're interested, I always extend the uh, like the offer to d M me on Instagram, and let me just say that a lot of times I I don't see those because I get a lot of message requests, but and I can't always right back a lot. But if you want to know how I got how I've been a year and a half without starving myself or binging or over exercising. Um, I'm always happy to tell you how, um in a private chat, but I want you to ask me. I don't want to have to just tell you. And in the Alan carrbook, I just want to say that got me to quick drinking. Um, that's always something that I just go. I always tell people just have it on yourself so that when you're ready, you can just pick it up if you just feel like you're Like I just knew at some point I wanted to quit drinking. It wasn't today, it wasn't tomorrow, it was next week. I just knew that my long term goals was to be someone who didn't drink, And so I just bought the book because I knew the smoking book worked for me so well. So I mean, what's what's what's the fear if you want to be an onn smoker eventually or you want to be a non drinker, which, by the way, you used to be a non drinker. You used to be an onn s oker Like some people just go No, I'm a smoker. That's just like who I am before you had a cigarette where you a smoker? Were you like thinking about smoking all the time and craving it? No, you can go back to that. That is up in you. You know, it's just it's all you only are addicted to smoking because you did it once. But you can go back to that because you were before. You used to be someone who didn't drink. And yes, um, alcoholism is a disease and it's in us, but you can For me, it wasn't so much a disease as it was. Um Uh. I had to just change the way I thought about drinking and I was able to release myself from it, eating stuff not as not as easy for me. And so you know, everyone falls into different categories. But the thing I was going to say about my arms being jacked, let's get back to that. Um, because I have my dad's body, I have a dad bought and stop easy laughed so much. Please will you remind me of that because I want to add that to my act because I truly have my dad's body, like and I'm so proud. I'm proud to say that because my dad, I mean I posted on my Instagram story yesterday a picture of my dad in the water with my uh brother in law and my brother law took itself with my dad's in the background. My dad is so thit and honestly doesn't do much. He's just a naturally fit guy. And so I know that if I just you know, continue on the track, I'm going like, I I don't know, no, like I always Do you have a body type for yourself in mind that is like your body or like, do you like can I ask you about your body right now? Sure? Do you do you like your body the way it is right now? Like? Are you is this where you like to be? I'm okay with it, Okay. I wish I could be like in a little bit of better shape, but I don't hate my body. Okay. That's so when you are in like if your ideal your ideal look for your body, like imagine like your idea, like what you could look like? Is it within is it within reach? Like or is it um a body that you're like you know, or is it someone who's taller or like has uh bigger boobs or like things you can't actually do without surgery? Is it within reach when you think of like your ideal figure. Okay, well, um, I think it is within reach, but it will be a lot of work because I I really love women who are like a little bit more tone and like muscular and that it's so it's so hard for me to build muscle and stuff, but I wish I could. But it is within Like you're not imagining uh, longer legs or yeah, bigger hips, smaller waist or anything like that is over the bigger boobs. Yeah, over things that are not attainable without surgery. Yeah, yes, um, because I think that I always wanted things what what would that were unattainable? And yeah, I know there's surgery and I could That's the problem is that there's always something that you could do to to change to get whatever you want, you know, uh, within within reason, but within with taking surgery out of the equation. Like I I always thought, because I got interacts, I get to when I was eighteen, and I was always a really skinny child, like never felt like weird about it, but always very skinny, never worried about I was always like this is gonna be forever. Like I know that I was smart enough to know that skinny equals by what I was observing. Let me just say that, by what I was observing from the way my mom talked to herself in the mirror, skinny equals good. And I was like, I have nothing to worry about. Then um, high school hit and I stopped working, I stopped doing sports, and I started having more emotions. And didn't have any drugs too. I didn't know about rugs yet or drinking, and so I started just eating and got heavy. And for me, for my build, I got heavy, did not feel comfortable in my own skin, and then I got intorectic, and then that it just went from heavy to antarectic. I never knew what my body was as an adult, like what I was meant to be ever, because I was barely in the you know, I got my period. I was like on the brink of seventeen. Like, uh, by the time I got I was a woman. I was starving myself. So I just never knew. And I look at my dad sometimes and I or my aunt Lynn and the way their bodies looked as adults around my age, and I'm like, oh, we're just natural. We are naturally sinewy, kind of lanky people and that is. You know, that's just the way I am. And a lot of times I have a lot of shame if I look too thin in pictures, all right, look like I look like Mr Bones, you know, like I look. I freak out because I go, oh my god, you look intorectic. Everyone's gonna be worried for you. And then I start to like hate myself for that. Then if I gain three pounds, I start to panic that I'm going the other way of this girl that I hated in in high school because I just felt out of control, you know. Um. But now people will say things like, oh my god, you're so jacked, and I always go, listen, it's Sally Hanson spray, like when I spray my legs or I spray my arms with Sally Hanson spray. I'm not joking you. It's it's a it's a game. It's a complete game changer of the amount of compliments and how much hotter quote unquote I look right. Um, But when people say I'm jacked, it's funny because Kirsten is a trainer, right, and she knows all about the body. She knows that I don't do jack squat for my arms. I mean, I'm a runner, and I will run four miles uh at this point once every two weeks. But I'm not doing anything for my arms other than you know, carrying groceries a block once a week. I don't know. And I'm not saying like, oh my god, I'm just not truly like have muscles. But the truth is I do. Like it's just my dad's body and I I I ex so when people say, oh my god, you're so jacked, and I'm just like, it's natural. I used to hate girls that would be like I'm just naturally thin, and but I am, and that's that's okay. And you know what, I also have, like there's things about myself that I I that aren't by society standard uh good like uh something like um aesthetically perfect or whatever. Like I have bags under my eyes a lot of times, I have puffy eyes, or I have like I just see this thing sometimes where I see like I have too much skin between my eye, Like my face seems to be falling off my skeleton. Sometimes I'm not I'm not gonna okay, but guess what that is just who I am. I just with the same way that I accept the good thing that I'm happy I have the jack arms. I also, I can't help that my arm just and I go, I can't help it. And it's just like that's the way I am. But why don't I have that attitude about things I hate? I can't help it. It's just the way I am. Why with the things that are a part of my body, that are just the way I was born. I was born without a fucking ass. I was born with a flat ass. It's I know that I could change it with a lot of work. I don't have the time. It's not gonna happen for me, all right. So why when I have a flat ass? Do I feel guilty about it? Do I feel like I'm failing in some way? But with my arms, I'm just like, it's just the way I am. Why can't I have that same attitude for everything? And someone wrote to me recently and said that my little advice one time of saying that when I look in the mirror and I feel, um like, let's just use the word disgusting if I'm being If I'm having a bad day, right and I looked in the mirror and I'm like, oh, gross or whatever. Something I don't like about my body, I said, I said one time on the podcast, and I say this all the time to myself. I God wants me to be this way today. I have to be this way today. I don't have a choice. It wasn't my choice. It's like we talked so much about choices. I see so many things that Instagram stories or motivational things about the choices you make in life. You are not making choices you. The choices you make are based on your brain structure, which you don't control. You don't get to figure out. You don't get to pick what your brain is doing. They are based on the nurture you got from your parents. You didn't get to choose your parents. So it's it's something else. It's not you, So stop feeling the blame for it, you know. So if you the next time you look in the mirror, and I have to say this to myself today too, because I was looking tired a f and I put pink guyliner underneath my eyes to just distract. I wanted something else there besides bags, so that I you know, if you go, oh my god, she looks tired, you're also be like, what the FUNX she has? Pink eyes too, and then it's like, oh, I chose the pink guys, so like you can't be mad at me about it. It's like something I chose. But also I don't. I don't know what I'm getting at. But someone wrote to me and said that the fact that I one time said that, like God wants me to be let's say fat, I said, God wants me to be fat today if I'm feeling fat, and I'm having a negative connotation about that, which you shouldn't, but if you, let's say you do God, whatever the universe, I this is what I'm meant to be today, and let me just get through today being like this. It doesn't have to be the way I am tomorrow, but it's the way I am today. Just fucking accepted. And you're supposed to be that way today. Everything was leading for you to be this way and not the way that of the girl on Instagram that you wish you looked like, they wanted her to be that way today. And guess what, she's not looking that way today. She has a lot of filters and she just you know, look at her tub. It's warped. Um. She definitely you know body tuned to that. I hope this helps someone, it helps me. Thank you for letting me go on you know, body image spiel. And let's get to more funny stuff. Let's bring in and what up? What? I feel like you're just doing Alligator Boy now like we've lost Island Boy. How does island boy go? Is? No, that's alligator boy? Man boy man, I knew no get a good reaction starting sunglasses today? Why are you going sunglasses? I mean I should have gone sunglasses. No. I just feel like it's you know, I've the people have already seen what my eyes look like on this video. It's fine. I put some more pink eyeliner underneath. I thought the old can canker eyes. No canker. The cankers are coming back, by the way, what dude, It's just like I gotta get more sleep. Yeah, I just I don't want to go to bed early because that's the only time. That's when my day is done and I want to hang out. And last night I usually got a bet around one like I fall a sleep around one gotten bed at midnight and I was supposed to wake up at us to have a call with my book lady. Um the woman I'm writing a book with at nine o'clock and I was I had a homework assignment that she was like, right, this story, that's like the easiest thing to do. And I was gonna wake up at seven and do it, just like I didn't high school college right before it's do And um, I woke up at and my throat hurt so bad, and I was just like, no, no, no, I of all the things that I can cancel today, this is the only one that I actually is not necessary and isn't you know, costing a lot of money and people depending on me. And so I wrote her and I was like, I feel sick and I can't do it today. I'm so sorry, and it was true. I just couldn't do it. I'm just I got too much going on. And I just told her, you know, I hate canceling, and I'm sorry. I promises a priority, but I got a lot going on and this is the one. I just was honest. And she was so nice about it, and she was like, yeah, this is the one thing that like, let's keep kicking this can down the road. Who cares? Yeah, I mean it's always nice when you direct, Like just today, when I like accidentally formatted that card. I was like, and you're so cool about it. So when someone's cool about something like that, you're like, oh yeah. But then it's like sometimes I guess people's worries, like well done, it will happen again, she won't do her homework assignment. If I'm not angry, you're gonna probably want to do it more next time. I think of. Positive reinforcement has been proven to be the thing that works more than negative reinforcement, Like being punished or screamed at doesn't yield the same results as like you know, in dog training anything. They're just like, don't punish, just reward and put a cheese it in my mouth and say next time, be a good boy. The thing about punishment or admonishment is that sometimes I'm not doing it to be like, oh this will make him never do it again. I'm doing it because I have no control over my anger and I'm really mad about something else. Source. Yeah, you know, so what happened to your uh knocks pop nuts? My nucks um? Today? I was trying to unscrew um my steamer um and the hand like it was just it just screw. You know, my hands get dry. This could be from digging in my purse. Like my knuckles just will drag on something very lightly and start bleeding like crazy. So yeah, I got. I got into a fight with a steamer with Stanley. I love steamers. I would have burned myself if I had to steam my hair, I would be I look like Freddy Krueger my hair. Oh I meant steam your hair. I would make it so frizzy. Yeah, I actually didn't mean that, but I didn't mean just using anything hot. Steamers are so dangerous. People don't understand because it just looks like like beautiful miss Yeah, but it is. It will burn you so freaking fast there. I feel like they're much more dangerous and quicker than an iron. No, but um yes, because irons unless you have an ironing board already set up, and it's usually like and then you got to go under the thing, or if then you forget that it was on ten minutes before you put it on, and it has no water in it, so then you have to put the water and it goes it's spitting everywhere, and then sometimes the iron like starts leaking on your shirt, like the water comes out too much because you over field on the steam. The steam shoots water some Yeah those are mauthfunctioning ones. That's when you know you got to replace it. You're supposed to use distilled water. Why because it clogs up like the chlorine and stuff like. Yeah, cruelty free water. Um, women have to like you go from the heating. You have to deal with heat so much as a woman. Yeah, your hair on, are you over ease? Yeah, that's right. We've been there with heat way more than guys in the kitchen, in your hair, on the clothes, on your ovaries. I mean it's everywhere. Yeah, we take the heat a lot, can take the heat a lot. We uh yeah. Do you do you iron clothes or steam? I? Steam? I don't have an iron, just the steamer. Do you have like a little travel one or you have like a big one? Um? I have one that an ex gave me for like my birthday. Oh a boyfriend steamer? Who is it like baggy and like varsity numbers on it? Um? Yeah? Does know does ever use it? Does he sense that you have? Like have you ever used it on his own clothes? And we barely use it. We just dry our clothes and just fold them while they're hot and that keeps that's so responsible? Or do I have a steamers that I've never once taken the clothes out on time unless I'm floating in another load. You know what I mean? My clothes are wrinkly as fun. And that's why I love a steamer, is that you just have I have a hangar in my in my bathroom that stays there, and then I have the steamer already hooked up, so I just turned it on and it's like, within a minute, I'm getting I'm getting steamed. A dryer should for some for I think someone like us should have a snooze button where you're like, Okay, I waited too long, it's wrinkled. I need another ten in there. Do you know that? I know there's a quick dry, but no, there's a quick there's a steamer button that is it's twenty minutes and it kind of injects steam so it makes it wet again and then it dry. Yeah we do. Oh man, I didn't never notice. I'm glad we brought this up. That's amazing. Yeah, you hit it. Um. Yeah, I was just gonna steam. I was actually just gonna steem my duvet because it is so wrinkly and just like a nice flat white or not why it's it's pink, but like a nice duvet. And the brand that I love, by the way, is All's Well for sheets and betting All's Well, it's all swell, all swell. Yeah as well, it's so good. I really recommend them. I use that duvet and they have the little ties in in the corners that you tie it onto your thing, and I just put it on and I think I'm gonna steam it, um, because how long do you think start to finish? You finished less seven minutes long Duve Olympics. I bet you there would kill it. I used to maricondo all my clothes that folding pattern. Do you know what I'm talking about? My older brother can fold like a like a fucking boss. Because you worked at Bloomingdale. He does like that. We lifts up the middle and it's just like, yeah, if you worked in retail, you can fold anything. Yeah. I was maricondoing um for a while, which is you put you fold everything so that it it's like uh, and then you you can stack it. They all stack upright. Um, No, you fold once and then give me that sweatshirt over there, I'll show you had a condo. Okay, so I I believe if I remember correctly, you fold it like that and then you're gonna do wait, and then you do one half. So it's different for everyone. But what you want to end up with is like a little taco of a shirt. So you fold it so that they'll have to watch the video for this, you guys, and if if not, just look up Marie Condol folding method and you would take that. Wait, so this one, I would actually do this because it doesn't have long enough and you do that. Wait, hold on, really this and then this and then that would be like that, and then in your drawer and they would all be stacked like this, so when you open the drawer you can see it perfectly like this. And you can do that with pants, tank tops, underwear, socks. Everything did become Did she get on like Oprah or something? I think her method is just really good and the way she writes is very beautiful. Like I, I was totally sold on the book when I wade. Did you ever read it? No? No, I got into condo right before I met you. I think in two thou seventeen. I started condoing. But I'm out of it now. Now I just throw. I I do a method that I used to see Amy Shumer do, which I always used to um place a lot of perfection onto her in terms of like she she just was the first friend of mine that like had her own apartment in Manhattan and like just had things going on, would have like check sling around for like I remember seeing a check for like thirty thou dollars one time on her table and I was just like, what is that money? And why would you? Like she was just killing it and like a woman, you know, And she had this apartment that smelled so good and like, you know, it was just it was a cool, little like lower level whatever. And I remember I was just like, God, she has it so together. But the one time I opened her closet, her like drawers, and it was just all of these clothes like thrown in like no folding, just all a mess. They're all clean, but she would just dig through it and then she would steam it. And it was like but she had it all in there so no one could see it. It was a mess in there, but it was all like you know, long sleeve shirts. Nothing was folded, just a mess short sleeve shirts, nothing folded, all mess and I was like, oh, you can just do that and that that's fine because sometimes when I fold stuff, I can't. I have to go through it and then it gets messed up anyway. I don't understand people that can just that's the Marie Kondo method. That's why it works because we're looking for things. You can see everything at the top. You don't have to dig around when you stack things you unfold, it's like you suck it all up. What I what I do is I'll fold it and then i won't have room in my drawer, so I'll push it all in and while I'm pushing it in, it unfolds and become shitty anyways, So it's like what are we doing? But I mean it really is exactly who we are. I mean, unfolded shirt inside a nice dresser, you know. I mean mine is a little bit more apparent on the outside, but like we all are like like that's more us. It is, like, look, I try to be more organized at times, and I really do want to be an organized person. I think a about it. It's not your fault, you know, you're not choosing to be disorganized because you want to be dirty and bad like we all would like to be, and you just go, well, why don't you just put an extra effort and put away that spoon after you use it? But it's like it doesn't occur to me. If it occur to me, I would or it does and it scares me. I don't know what the funds wrong in my brain. But the thing that you told me that one time where the housewife lady said, if you're going to just throw it on the floor, then you're gonna have to pick it up off the floor, you're just adding, yes, that was a good thing I think about. Still Okay, so what is it again because I forgot that. Essentially, it's if you're just gonna like, it's gonna take you the same amount of time that you just put something up on like the dresser, than just to put it away in the drawer. Now you're just adding another step and adding if you just drop it on the floor because you don't want to hang it up, you're gonna actually have to pick that up. Or yeah, so just do it now. I used my therapist to say, if it takes under three minutes to it, that's everything. Yeah, that's the anything about all of this ship doesn't take long, and then you learn it and then you forget it. I get overwhelmed by how much stuff I have, and then when I start going through it, and then I go, you know, yesterday I had this bottle in my like all my toilet trees, and it was like this vitamin that I used to take, and I'm like, what, I don't take that anymore? Why is that siliar? Because there's one vitamin left in it? And I go, should I take it even though I don't take this anymore? Or should I just keep it in case I take it? I just know I was so proud of myself. I threw the pill away with the bottle. I said, I don't need any of this, goodbye. I had to make a choice and it was hard for me to do because there was still one left, and that used to be that's very expensive vitamins. I'm like, should I donate it? Who's going to eat have one of these? Oh? I mean, it's the story of my life of having protein on top of the refrigerator. Every guy and woman at this point, yes has a protein jar on top of the refrigerator that it is probably three mold three point is turned into its own. Person went through our refrigerator and was just like when I was doing recycling one time, and she's like, can we just go really quick through the refrigerator. I'm like, please, don't. I don't want to look at that stuff. I don't want to have to deal with it. And she'd started pulling things out and I'm like, wow, that took two seconds, and the refrigerator is so much better looking. Yeah, I thought it was gonna stay there for it. I thought that was the refrigerator now, you know, it's like it does feel like I just I kind of hold my breath when I opened the refrigerator. And when my dad is the same my dad. You know, I think a big reason why he got remarried is because he couldn't clean like after himself. Like his if if you saw his office, this is a doctor with all cancer like papers everywhere, cancer papers everywhere. And then you get to the house. He had like one die pepsi and he'd have a pizza box with like half you know, just four pieces of cruss still in there. It's kind of like the one vitamin. It's like, why is that even in there? Well? The vitamin doesn't like attract roaches and like buck, yeah, they're not healthy. There's this is the thing. It's like, there's a way, there's a way to have a trash space or a messy space that is not disrespecting yourself. Like everyone, I always look at my room and as an extension of like how I'm doing mentally, And I don't need to do that because a lot of times I'll be like, you're a failure, like you're messy, Like this is who you are is your room or this your car, and the cleanliness is who you are. However, if my car has like like wet food like things that are just gross, that's me not respecting my Like that's me actually, Like you know, when I clean up for other people, it's like why do I respect people more than myself? Why do I want to a nice space for it? Do you respect them? Or do you respect don't want them to judge. I want them to think and I also know that they don't live like this, and I don't want them to think that. Um yeah, I don't want them to judge me left it just dirty? I don't I do not really ty a little bit though. That gets me because that's the way I wanted to look anyway, and I and I know that I want to show my mom respect, like she's coming over. Like that's the same way I like dress up for shows, Like I could just wear jeans and a T shirt and everyone be fine. That photo you posted on Instagram where we're both wearing the same button, like we've both come so far fast. I wouldn't have dressed like that at Caroline's ever the way I'm dressing now, But like, I want to dress to show that people are spending a hundred dollars for a ticket to me for me. I want to show that I put in effort. So my mom, I wanted to show her like you're coming over, Like I know you're coming over, and I'm excited. Here's what I have to present. Um. But I really have let go of what my room looks like when I have like guys in it or you know, all those guys and the g B comes by. No, it's just like on my nightstand. Does not mean I'm a bad person. If you can clean your room like you do your asshole, you would be. I mean the time I spend on my ass all, that's so true. I need a room, douche. Let's get to the news. Like a room up for your dude. I just locked room up in my bathroom because he was just trying to get away with like not tiding enough. And I go, you finished the job. He's stuck in my bathroom and shut the door and I turn off the light. What dark by himself? Just it really is sad. I didn't mean to turn off the light, but then I was going to turn it back on, and I was like, what, room doesn't need a light, but I do it as sentient heat. Oh, he's definitely complaining. He's but butter buttering up against buttering, like hitting the ramp. But he did. He had not cleaned up everything. I said, room, But you stay in there and you finished the job. You're not leaving your room until you get it done. Let's get to the news. Hopefully you learned the lesson through this very negative affirm affirmination. What's the words? We definitely heard affirmination for the first time. Oh man, it is Thursday, so you all know what that means. It is Thursday. We have a great day coming up or tomorrow. We're going to Milwaukee and Indianapolis. Milwaukee talkie. I've never been to Milwaukee. Oh, it's it's awesome. It's kind of reminds you of St. Louisa. It's just like I love Milwaukee. I love a small city. I love the Midwest. This is a little Midwest run Milwaukee in the Indianapolis. Tickets still available. I believe having all the swells out there on the Roadma okay. First story. When it comes to his three daughters, Joe Rogan says he's taught taking an active role in their knowledge of self defense. My kids, he's quote unquote, my kids are allowed to hit me as hard as they can. I teach them. They're taking martial art classes, but I teach them it hurts. I went from being a kid who was terrified of conflict of being a martial arts champion. The reason why I became a martial arts champion is I was being picked on all the time. I was like, I do not like this, So I'm going to become what I am terrified of. Well, what do you mean He's going to become a bully? You know that doesn't really know that he wants to become the people that he's scared of that are picking on him. I guess or at least become as tough or tough. Yeah, like he thinks he's so weak, and like the thing he's scared of is probably fighting, and he wants to be able to do it. Yeah, able running into the cables to handle confrontation. Ah, confrontation, that's probably what he's scared of. It is funny to handle confrontation with a leg kick. It's like, oh what, oh my reports and on time confrontation is so terrifying. People that are good at it, I don't. I mean, and people that are good at it are oftentimes like bullies. And people to be good at it, I think is to do it, uh in the best way, but like or to do it thoughtfully and like think about it before you do it. People that you know just snapped a confrontation and not usually the people I admire. There's say, there's a way to do it where I'm not good at it? I mean, yeah, I mean they're a wild boy. Like I got it the other day when we were late for the airport. When we were at the airport and there were people in front of us and we were going to be late for the plane, asked those people in front of us, Andrew stepped up and asked the people in front of us when we were checking our bags because we were running late, if we could go in front of them because we were running late, which is a very very few people are able to do that. I did it attacked and like, yeah, it was very nice the way he did it. Old man, look at me again, motherfucker, look at me. And they were so nice even though you said that to them, because they were hard of hearing and they were they were just like, oh, sure, we're here early, and you were, you know, like you probably assessed them at first. They're an older couple. They didn't seem frantic or like nervous, so it didn't look like they were in a hurry we were. And I I really admired that because it, um, it's not easy to do, and when you're running late for the airport, you just feel so foolish and you feel like so annoying and like frazzled, and to like beg people to let you go in front of you at the line, it should be a lot easier than that. We should just know as a as as people that you let people ahead. If that guy was an at like if he turned around, goes, no, I'm we're actually kind of late to I don't know what I like. That's when I get that's when it doesn't work out, you know, That's where I would step yea, honestly, if he was, He goes, you should have gotten here early. We were. This is just the way it is. I would have gone. Have you ever been late for anything in your life? Sir? Have you ever have the events in your life never lead you, based on whether you were negligent or not, led you to be late? And you wish someone would have extended this to you? Have you never? Has that never happened? That's what I would have said, where were you thirty years ago? I wish someone would have done that for you, sir? And guess what you can do that for me today? Have you let us go in front of you like that? The initial one is scary to me, but once someone has given me reason to be confronational, I'll get in there. And I don't love it, but that's when I also respect to the old person. Two uh, that has patience and I know that or was that sign or occur? No? Seinfeld when he's at He's like, how are you not thinking? About your death every day. They also did a thing where, um, they realized Jerry's parents were shoplifting, and she was just like, I'm old you like my way out kind of thing. So yeah, I mean it was very nice, but yeah, there is a way to like, there's a way people do conflict where they don't raise their voice. They raise their voice just enough where if you go, why are you yelling, like I'm not yelling? Remember, yeah, go ahead, go ahead, you go, okay, stopping so confrontational. There's a there's a way I feel which I would love to achieve and learn how to be more assertive verse aggressive and assertive. This is going into something like at full height, calm, having confidence and just you know, being able to settle the situation in like a very diplomatic manner. And then there's aggressive where it's like very emotional right, or it's there's the i'm sorry, I'm so sorry, like cowering before you even ask, I'm really sorry to bother you with this. And then when the person doesn't say it's okay, and you say sorry, fuck you, honestly hate that fuck you. I dealt with this woman that was at the in the lobby of this hotel and I had to store my bags in this closet because I had to go run and get lunch and my car was you know, I I didn't have a hotel room anymore. We checked out, which is standard procedure at any hotel. Store the bags, and I had to get something out of my bag. She is in a lobby, there's no one checking in it is, there's nothing that's going on, and I'm like, I'm so sorry. I forgot there's something in one of my bags that I have to grab. Can I get in there real quick and just grab it? And she just grabs the key and just starts walking towards the closet, and I'm just like, I'm so sorry, thank you nothing nothing. I'm in there digging around. I know what's in here. Two seconds. So sorry. So I'm so like, just me just begging for her to say it's okay, nothing, thank you so much. Finally get it. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. Thank you nothing wild wild. I mean, I could not believe it. I think it's so rude. And you know, why do I need that? Because I just because I did feel bad there. Yeah, I know, I didn't feel that she she has her own ship obviously going on, and we could say that right, yes, um, for sure, you know she sees you. Was she older? No, No, she just wasn't she was She was probably having a bad day and she probably didn't care for my like she probably Um, you know some of these some women out there, like never say sorry, don't ever say I'm sorry. Women, all we do is apologize. Stop saying sorry. It's like she might be one of those girls. That's like when she hears a woman say it, she's just like so disappointed and how I'm a bad feminist because I apologize. It's like I'm not apologizing for my existence. I'm apologizing because I want you to like me because my mom drank a lot. Yeah, I'm sorry that, Like I'm working on myself. I don't want stop this whole thing of like women never say sorry, stop your week. If you say sorry, especially in business, never apologize, It's like fuck you. But what if you turned it around and instead of saying, oh, I'm so sorry, so sorry, like at the end, you just said thank you so much for your time or just thanks for going out of the way I say instead of sorry, But I just don't think it shows as much because what if they have assertive What what if? But what if you can't thank someone until they've given it to you. So if I'm going up to say I have to get into my bag, may I please get back in that closet? Um I could say I would really appreciate your patients while I dig through this bag, that's just so much. I just rather say sorry, I'm really sorry. I exist. Well. I think there's a there's like a way to do for me when I hear assertiveness, it's like nails on a chalkboard for me when like someone like let's say you're late to your flight and you go up to the take a counter and this assertive dad goten top and he goes, look my family. Okay, exactly all right, so let me look my family. You are responding to aggressiveness. No, but I think people think that dessertive when when someone's taking charge of the situation, and sometimes people listen. It's like when you talk like this and you pause and you think everyone's waiting for your for your magical thought. I don't know, I don't know. I just think people anyone that thinks they're more important than they are just annoys me. Yeah, and so like, I don't know, I feel like I'm pretty damn good when I go up to a ticket counter and handle like a situation like that, where like you don't have to be like I, I'm in control. I know that being mean to people at ticket counters and being a bitch and like being aggressive does not get them to give you what you want. What does is being kind and understanding that their job fucking sucks and that they don't owe you anything and that they can maybe do you a favor. And you know, it's it's not yelling at Someone's never going to get you what you want. I've never seen it work. Any Karen who's yelling and being filmed has she ever gotten what she wants? It just you know, I understand why it happens, because you get so embarrassed by your kind of anger in their response to it, and they make you feel crazy, and so you get even more mad because you just are trying to I'm not I'm shouldn't be embarrassed. I'm angry, like and it's like I'm panicking. Why are you not panicking? It's like because I'm not getting on a flight. I don't like my job. I'm driving home in like four hours. We were behind a desk and like making you know, you did great the other day when our car, our rental car wasn't there on time. You like ended up becoming friends with everyone in there. Oh yeah, they will. They recognize me, so that always takes it down and not they didn't recognize me. They just go because I have my guitar, They're like, you play music, and I go, it's just a hobby. And they're like, what's your Instagram? Do you do your music on Instagram? And I was like no, and they're like what's your And I'm like, I'm a comedian, Like I think I volunteered because I was trying to get a little bit of like they fucking at this rental car place, they don't I go. They even admitted, they go, we're not paid enough to like honestly to work hard. And I'm like, I'm with you. I go, that's the problem with our world is like I don't blame you guys like for the for they go. The guys washing the cars out there don't even they make nothing. They make minimum wage to wash cars and they're supposed to get through three in an hour. They don't because they're they're not there. They could if it's not this job, they could go get this job anyway, Like there's always a job that will pay this much. This one is just one of them, so they have no incentive to actually do the work. I go, do they get tips? They go. They don't ever interact with customers, so they have no chance to get tips. And we're dependent on those cars. So we get through people and we promise cars that are supposed to be done, and they we can't get them to work harder because they don't make enough. And I go, I don't blame them, and they don't blame them either, and I was just like and then um yeah. And then they looked me up on Instagram. And the funny thing is the guy goes, oh my god, I've watched you, like he talked to me for a really long time before he realized that I was the girl in the black dress with the lightning bolt on it. That he walks my degenerate special just because of the dress. The power of dressing sexy. It gets people to watch you and then not remember that dress. I flew that dress. I forgot it. That's right at twelve pm. That was okay, it looked great and that's sorry. That is like fire. Thanks man, you helped me ddit it too. It was so good. Um okay, let me think. And you were there for the taping. You're the only one there were about that. Everyone seemed on edge. I guess people are nervous. We were like in a green room in a tent outside and it was in Vegas, and it was like a weird setting. It was like a you know, the degenerates, like you gotta be dirty, Like they didn't have us hang out with each other. We were kind of just like a weird group of comics that didn't really know each other. We all had like blankets because we were freezing. Yeah, it was. It was a weird night. H um Olivia Newton. John admits that physical lyrics were raunchy for nineteen Physical Physical. Everyone knows the chorus, but you want to know what the first verse? Yeah, I'm saying all the things that I know you'll like making good conversation. I gotta handle you just right, you know what I mean. I took you to an intimate restaurant, then to a suggestive movie. It sounds like a guy who was written for a guy. There's nothing left to talk about unless it's horizontally, and then the second verses even is more creepy. I've been patient, I've been good. I tried to keep my hands on the table. It's getting hard, this holding back. If you know what I mean, I'm sure you'll understand my point of view. We know each other mentally. You've got to know that you're bringing out the animal and me. I love it, but it definitely was written for a man to saying, yeah, I feel yeah. I think it was the first hard part too. I'm getting hard. Yeah, the the hard like being difficult, Like God, he got so difficult the other night. No, I think he's saying, is Dick's hard? I mean, it's on Tandra, but it's definitely tried to keep my hand on the table. It's getting hard. Oh yeah, exactly. You really think that they said it's hard explicitly in the song and it's Olivia Newton John Sandy from Greece. What that for a woman to sing? If that's what they meant explicit I was so excited about it. Oh my god, that's funny. Well, the lyrics to the ones I heard recently that I started really listening to girl. I want to make you sweat, sweat so you can't sweat no more. And when you cry out, I'm gonna push it some or what And when you cry out, I'm gonna push it, push it some more. Elementary? We did? We did? We did. We talked about this in the car on the way, you know, we talked about here on the podcast. Oh we did. Okay, Sorry I brought up in the car. I'm gonna grab a knife, I'm gonna stabbing. I'm so into that song. I'm horny for that song. It's like one of my favorite songs. Now, what are some other songs that are like very sexual that you're like, whoa that gets me juiced up? Um? What's the one where I think you're on the counter? It wasn't me. Yeah, that's about like infidelity and gas lighting. Uh. But I'm trying to think of ones that I'm like, yeah, the song is good, uh, like in terms of like explicit explicit lyrics. But I'm trying to think of songs that like make me like horny. You know what's horny? U? Uh? Bell Biv de Vaux had some horny songs back in the day you were doing you were singing that the people that sing that song, you know what I mean? Yeah? Yeah, and then r Kelly unfortunately you know whatever happened though, But my body is telling me no, no, no, my my brain is my heart is telling me no. But my body, my body's telling me yes. I don't see nothing wrong. But is there anything that you listen to that you go, oh my god, that's so hot. But probably when a woman sings, I would guess like any woman singing about Eva Brothers has a song called I Wish I was and it's it's not sexual. Yeah, m I wish I had a wet vagina. It's weird saying John wrote it for herself. Yeah, but she aged out of it. Apparently, let's get a physical physical go over and step on the scale and try to be thinner. Then you're gonna have that thing hit your knee. It's gonna test your reflexes about smoking and drinking. That's the song about getting a physical I love that song You got a cough when I grab your ball skin, Yeah I have. I should make up corny songs and shared on Spotify first, because there are there are definitely songs that I just am like so juiced up for which one I can't even I can look at myself. We gotta go take a break. Let's come back and let people know what I'm to stop for. Alright. So, um, we're gonna get to uh, you know, our sports moment. But I just want to share a song that I might be a little bit horned up for, and I'm gonna go with I just have to look at my um oh god, um solo Frank Ocean, hand me a twent dirty dancing by myself going off tabs that acid a circle, watch my jagger. Can't lose my jacket and hit it so low one time, I'm too loud in public. Okay. So it gets to the part where it's like he just wants to he's alone and he wants to hook up with this girl, and like, just oh, really he's gay. I thought he was by Oh well, I'm picturing him talking to me during this song, so just let him talking to me. That one's that's the first one that came up on my list, And I'm like, I that song is sexy. Yes, um, you know, uh New Lights John Mayer that can sometimes be a little bit sexy. Back seat of my jeep. L O cool j M. I hooked up to that in the back of my car. It was pretty on the nose, but it worked. Oh e t by Katy Perry and Kanye West. Kiss me, kiss me, infect me with your love, and fill me with your poyson to me, I want to be a victim ready for affection. Uh, tonight, let's be lovers? No, thank you, come on, just give it a chance. You know what, A guy ruined that song for me by putting it on a playlist for me of like his love for being And now I'm so like disenchanted by that person that I'm like, fuck you ruined lover laid Down for me. That's a different song though. Wait, what did you say Let's be lovers? Oh? Oh, please do not say goodbye? Sorry? Okay, lover Laydown, Yeah, lover Laydown is nice. But yeah, let's get to the sports moment. Tears Andrew's weekly sports moment. Man, I was gaming not oh man, Okay, this is um a story that I don't know if you'll like, but we'll figure it out. Aaron Rodgers who you know? I mean, I don't know him personally, but I know Melaney's and he's buried to Shaley Woodley. Yes, and he has a brother, Jordan Rodgers, who is a bachelor, and they no longer talk because of probably religious reasons. Yeah, slams Aaron Rodgers slam ms woke canceled culture after criticism over postgame trash talk on a hot mic. He got caught on a mic apparently he threw a touchdown or the game ended, and this lady in the crowd was giving him double birds. And he goes and he's playing Chicago and Green Bay Chicago big rivalry, they're very close to each other. I own you. I fucking own you, Chicago, I fucking own you. And people are making a big deal of I guess using the term own. I guess. I mean it's you know, stop, I mean, what's she a black woman? I don't know. I don't know about that. That could be. That could And if he said it right to her face, no, no, well you're saying it like in the term of I owned Chicago, and Tom Brady actually wrote it's nice to find out that you're a shareholder now and like he made a joke of it. But Rogers was asked about it, and he talks about canceled culture. He says, and there's a camp still culture at the same time. He goes, there's a PC woke culture that exists, and there's a cancel culture at the same time. And it's based on people's own feelings of maybe personal misery or distaste for their own situations or life, or just the enjoyment of holding other people down underneath that. He really owned that sentence. Yeah, no, He's absolutely right. When you engage in this culture, you're immersed in it, and you're in it so much. For me, when I took time and the immersed, immersed, immersed, immersed, I think you said, imersed in it. Oh no, I just didn't hit them, okay, immersed, Okay, this sentence is interesting for me. I think you'll like, he goes. For me, when I took time in the obvious sason to work on myself and to work on my mental status and to get myself in the right frame of mind, I was being selfish or non responsive, selfish and entitled. When I came back and said what I said, the same sentiments were shared. So yeah, I mean, well, I know I like that sentence. Why did you because is because the media. Really like, if he's not responding because he's working on his own mental health, you're being selfish to take care of yourself. But if you had cancer and he's like, hey, I gotta take these three months off, I'm dealing with chemo. Everyone be like your hero battle it. Yeah, please don't let us bug you. Yeah, no one would call you see that. You saw the ted Lasso finale, right, yes, I mean it's all about you know. This whole second season is about ted Lasso the coach um having a panic attack and getting help for his mental stress, and then someone close to him feeling like you abandoned me because you're working on yourself, Like I didn't you, You weren't there for me because you just disappeared when really he was working on himself. So it's a very it's almost exactly the same situation of like, now there's this backlash against him, um from someone who used to love him on on the show because he worked on himself and um, god, I loved ted Lasso, and things like an Aaron Rodgers saying stuff like this, because it's gonna be very exciting when this when we see the results of men who have never even thought about taking care of their mental health, starting to embrace it and almost think it's like, oh, that's what athletes do, Like I'm going to do that. Like when we see the results of that in the next decade or and on, it's gonna be it's gonna be so good for we. We we're gonna need it. I think there's something because things are getting shittier. I think what will happen is, uh, someone will have issues early on and deal with them quicker because an athlete does it, rather than our generation where we waited till we had a full on mental breakdown to be like, oh, I think I need a therapist. Hopefully they'll like attack it earlier on, yeah, you don't. Hopefully it becomes more norm though, to deal with it before it becomes something that you can't deal with. But it's so embarrassing to deal with something before where it gets. Yeah, it's like getting a it's literally like getting a cancer check up every four months, just in case people go you're crazy, like what are you waiting for? Or it's me saying, you know, a week ago, Hey, I just don't want to do this writer's meeting like that I had today because I just I'm tired right now, and I just in the future, I might be tired that day, so I'm just gonna sleep in that day. That makes me feel lazy as opposed to like waiting till the last minute and going like I'm looking at my schedule and it's just like I can't. Like that gives me more authority to ask for a break than if I just foresee myself wanting a break, like and I will do you want to say? In ted Lasso, there is a moment where one of the characters is like presents his girlfriend with a six week vacation away and I go, what I was watching with my partner and I was like six weeks and he was like, yeah, you would never do that. I go, No one ever who takes six weeks European six weeks. They take two months off like it's nothing right in if you're in Europe, but I'm pretty sure they take they take it insane amount of time off. But it was a little bit weird because he was like, six weeks, we leave tomorrow, and I'm like, she's like, she's back for six weeks in one night. I mean, I could do it because I'm a quick backer. But like most people, especially this girl, she wears a lot of different Bretts in her bun and like always has different accessories. That's gonna be a lot to pack up for six weeks. I love how she handled that conversation. It was I just didn't feel it was realistic. You go away for six weeks, I'll work on me well. I probably fun Jamie, who knows I do love them so much. I think seeing I mean, if you don't watch last time, I'm sorry for this last I talk. But seeing Roy's uh transformation has given me a lot of hope about men in my life. And like, I think a lot of men can see themselves in Roy Kent and where he's come from and how he's now handled conflict and things. This show is so good for men who are angry to watch. If you are a girl out there and you have a man in your life who's angry, it's a sports show and it will make them. Just just just make them watch it, because they will they will unintentionally learn things about them scenes and be like, I just didn't catch that. What did you say. There's a joke there, Yeah, there's a joke there. I think he just cried and said, I need therapy. It's a joke. Funny. Wait, I sort of see what sweater she was wearing. It wasn't in that scene. Um, okay, let's get to our weekly segment that I love so much. We have a lot to get through, so let's try to fit it. Fan tracks. Yeah, fucking pumps me up. I'm not gonna lie. It makes me want to run through a locker. All right, now, let's get into it. Run through a locker, hit my head on it that, you know, to open it up? Yeah? Yeah, alright, So our first should I read a voicemail or should I play a voicemail? Or ready to Yeah? Okay, here comes a voicemail from Emily. Oh my god, all my palette, I have hazel eyes. So yeah, I remember I got that palette and I did everything that it told me to you, and my grandma said, oh wow, you really wearing a lot of make up, remember vividly. But I knew I loved Tada ship. Thanks for making me remember that all my palette. It was the first time I had ever heard of like you paint your lid one shade, the crease, another shade, and then the bra The company is alme. But they made an eye pallet for each like whatever color your eyes are to bring out the color the best. And so whatever color your eyes where you bought that palette and it would teach you like put the lid, make it uh brown, then the then it's a light then a darker blue in the crease, and then a lighter blue on the back like your hair. Yeah, I mean that's essentially what I make up. But as you make the crease, like you have to do different. But that was the first time I ever heard of like kind of that kind of contouring I guess for your eyes. So thanks for I love that she loved that reference. Okay, next one is from Chase my Bankkay, Nicky, Hey, Andrew, Hey, No, uh love you guys, love pod massive bestie over here. Anyway, I just really needed to call in about Subway because you guys really brought back like this cursed repressed memory when talking about the shredded let, like it really just I really blocked this guy out of my memory. Was amazing. So I was a senior sandwich artist at Subway for about three years in high school. Yes, senior sandwich artist. I make a point to say that because there are classes involved. She literally anyway. This man would come in and order a veggie sub every week, and he just was really creepy, like you know, just you know when you meet somebody and you're like they might be a pedophile. I don't know, like it's just very odd. Jared had to go visit many and glittering like thousand yards stare and order a veggie sub every week, and the amount of shredded let he would get on his sandwich sneaky like it was disgusting. He would just look me in the eyes every time. I would give him a ton because I knew this man would come in every week and he would always be more, more, more, That's how he would say it, and I was terrified. So I just thank you for reminding me of that, and thank you for reminding me of humble beginnings and how far we've come. And also, don't worry about that shredded let girl. I would always rip open another back for him, no hesitation. If it was you coming in girl, bags on bags of shredded Let this girl love her, this girl of you the best listeners. I've loved both of these calls, you said randomly, yeah and she just picked it up. I want to hear more. I love stories of like customers and the weird things, the recurring customers that they would order. And I bet someone could call in and talk about me at different points in my life and the weird because I would go places and they'd just be like, all right, get out the lot. Like the only difference between that guy and you as you say sorry, yes, that's true. More sorry, more sorry more. I read about in the Starbucks subreddit so many weird regulars and what the regulars always get, and like these people that they just see them coming in, they're like, okay, twelve pumps of you know, caramel machiato plus a fizzy water and yeah, they'll they'll do that. They'll literally do like a splash of almond milk, like fifteen pumps of a syrup and like a decaf shot. And it's like that's just what are you doing? Feel like these people light ice very bored people and this is like a highlight of their life. That drink is very expensive. Yeah, maybe they're just rich people that are just like I just think it's like they're one thing that they get to have a little control, a little power. Yeahs like, oh, I'm gonna do seventeen today, like they like maybe like pace around, like what's my order gonna be? Your order has definitely taken a little. Uh, you don't look at my order. I didn't know whose cup itt was, so I looked at it and I was like, oh, this is my drink. And then I was like, wait a second, that's slightly different than my drink, but very similar. I like what you put in your mouth. You asked you the other day if sugar free vanilla is good, and you said, why would I get it? I go, he goes, is that good? That drinking? That sugar you always get it? Is that good? And I go, no, it's bad. It was my way of precursing you eventually seen that I got it. Precurse you, motherfucker. No, But do you understand what I was doing there. I've been a little bit because I was saying, oh, it's good. So then later when you you that I order it, we talked about it as opposed to me just ordering it and you go. You can just say I want to try that sometimes we say that, or you can just get it and just be like Nikki, you're so weird. And that's fine too, because I am okay, what's next? One is for Andrew from Megan and Leah. Two girls. Hi. I'm Megan and I'm Leah, and we are best friends in real pod and besties in real life, and we just wanted to bring attention really quick to the first video on Andrew's YouTube channel, which is a stellar performance of a song called Pussy in the Face, and we were just wondering if maybe Andrew could perform at one time on the pod, and honestly if Nikki could be involved in the performance as well. I thank you so much for picking this voicemail. We love you guys so much. We love you by Oh my god, I love our listeners so much. No, do you have this cueue? Up? I don't. I thought Andrew was going to sing it. Well, I know that he doesn't memorize him but yeah, well you know, my lyrics are all repetitive. I could I could sing you to songwriting what is this and what's the history of it? Like okay, so crapoh, okay, you know, okay, it's gonna take I had a comedy partner named Crapo who who was a wookie. When I would do one liners as Andy Shallows. I didn't even notice was still on the internet. I'm not even kidding. I'm very rock and roll here, and and I hope you guys hate it. In the babe, the pussy in the pussy in the face, face pussy puddy fight pussy pussy. That is great. Oh my god, what is it over? Whenever you told me to stop? Okay, So to everyone, don't apologize. That was a fun song. It is really fun. Um, what what is the story behind that? Okay? So Crappo is a good musician. He played slide guitar when we did when I would do one liners, and so he had this place where he would perform. He had like a little locker, you know, a little sworde unit, little storage unit where he'd play with his one buddy all the time. So I came by there, I know, three chords. Yeah from what just dancing pretty hard. We're sitting in our chair. Yeah, I'm out of shape. I think I was rocking pretty hard. That's true. Um anyway, So yeah, I just played that. I put down a camera, a shitty camera on the on the floor, and I those girls brought that up. So funny. How the world works it is. I mean that you leave a video on your YouTube channel and they discovered it. Yeah, it must have come up in their algorithm. I mean I had never maybe I'd watched that years ago. We've been friends for a while now, but um nod. Oh. And then it says Andrew Colin my two lane stabbing. So you put your first video was nine years ago and then your last video, your video after that was six years later. You took a leave of absence. What did you're doing that six years? I found God, I hung out with Aaron Rodgers and the Amazon. I was working on my own mental health Nikki. Let's get to the final thought mental health. I really do like that. Aaron Rodgers said that thing, and it is about like when people want to just like cancel, take it away, like just just don't buy his record or don't like, don't walk like, but don't buy, don't support if you don't if you really don't like this person's art anymore because of how you heard they acted, don't support it. And if you hate a company for giving this person money after they you know, did something bad, don't support that company, Like show your you can you can purchase, like trying to purchase. Yeah, there you go, purchase power. People want people to kill themselves. I think, like that's what they want people, and not to kill themselves maybe, but they just want they want to ruin people's lives. And I've been there before. I've been like a woman who has been scorned and wanted to destroy a man's life and not like kill, like make him want to die, but I've wanted him to feel bad. I've wanted the the intent make someone want to suffer. Um, even someone who's done you wrong is not the appropriate way to feel I believe. Yeah, I think you got to pick your battles here. I think if you're going after Aaron Rodgers for saying that about the Bears, it's like and that's where you're gonna put your time and energy into. It's like, there's a lot of other things that you should try to be canceling than that. If but I also don't. It takes a lot for me to think someone should be canceled. I think second chances deserved to happen, almost especially if they always get special the second chances, and when you've gone out, when you put yourself out there being like fucking take them down you're gonna be eating crow. Here's the other thing. Aaron Rodgers is making a hundred million dollars this year, like he's not getting canceled anytime soon. Like like the I said though, that there are athletes that you know, the um we were talking about the the Houston Astros, is that right that got caught cheating by the guy slamming down up. That's way worse. So they cheated and got caught doing it, and whenever they put something on social media, they get bombarded with, you know, people being like you cheaters, motherfucker's and everything. So they just they're just like, okay, we'll just play baseball. Then we'll just like not be celebrities. We'll still we'll collect our millions of dollars. And it's fine. Now I can't post a picture of my wife and kids with and I wanted to comments, but that's really all that's changed. Um. Let me read one more letter that I got from a fan this weekend. I believe I oh, I think I think I got this in um Durham. Dear Nikki, where do I even begin? I discovered you in college amongst the lovely group of friends who grew up as comedy nerds. Around the time Lockdown hit, I totally binged all your content. When you went home to your parents, you made it look so fun and relaxing. When my lease was up, I felt more okay about having to live with my parents. My whole attitude changed. I feel like you're a big sister to me. You're always so positive, and it's like you encourage me to be my best self. Um whenever I whenever I have a bad day, I know I can turn on the podcast or one of your old specials or an old interviews and immediately feel comforted. I haven't always had consistent groups of friends, and I'm kind of weird, but you and Noah and Andrew make me feel like part of a commune to the I love all the inside jokes apparently I left so hard now at things like that, and they consistently give me points of joy in my life at my s s d J soul sucking day job. Thanks for helping me get a meet and greeten tonight too. I love how much I love comedy because of you now. I also love how you like to wear shirts and things about what you like, because I do that too. You're consistent you considutently, consistently will demonstrate what they wrote it that way. By the way, you consistently demonstrate what it means to be a good human. I wish the rest of the world was as empathetic as you. Thank you for everything. When I'm depressed, Nikki's there. When I deal with my stomach sickness, Nikki is there. And when I'm having a great day, Nikki's also there. You are consistent source of light to everyone you touch. Oh that's so nice. All the swells, Kristen ps skeletons are always laughing. Feel free to write me or reach out anytime. She left her number and she wrote something apparently the news on the side, and then swifty for life and then I want to f you as I want to tofu. I love the inside jokes. Thank you so much for that sincere beautiful handwritten note that I got at one of the meet and greets. I love you guys, um. There's something about putting it on paper that it just means so much. I don't know why. I maybe because I'm old. I love you guys so much, and thank you for listening. I just yeah, you know, I can't say it enough. It's it's you've changed my life in the way that I look at what I do. And um, yeah, I just I love I love the love and I feel it back. And you guys are my friends too, and you make me feel less alone. And um, and thank you so much for all the voice memos today think you know of for compiling those, and she said that there's so many you guys, and you guys just keep bringing just great content games. So happy Yes your a game is what she said. Thank you so much, Andrew, thank you, thank you, Nikki. It was a great week and I'm excited for this weekend. Yeah, good shows ahead of us. And there's going to be a special episode on Monday that you can look forward to. And what about the what about? Oh yeah, we have a live podcast coming up next week on Wednesday. All the details of that will be released on our Nicky Glazer Pod Instagram page in St. Louis a live podcast that you can come to the taping of and um, there might be cameras there for other reasons as well, so look out for that information on the stories or a main post of Nicky Glazer Pod. And we hope to see you there next Wednesday. In St. Louis at Joe's Cafe, and uh, well, don't be cooled this weekend. Please don't and have all this well then

The Nikki Glaser Podcast

Every Monday through Thursday, comedian and infamous roaster Nikki Glaser provides a fun, fast-paced 
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