Tate McRae chats live backstage with Mitch Churi!

Published Nov 21, 2024, 8:11 AM
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We don't give.

Ladies and gentlemen. She's back on the show.

Tate McCray, Hello, oh in person, finally, finally, this is so nice.

Great to see you. You smell good, you look exactly as planned.

Thank you you too, Thank.

You so much.

When I first spoke to you, you were a little baby, like you were a kid like and now you're here, you're selling out shows in Australia.

How have they been? How about the audience is good?

So far, they've been amazing. We did Perth, Brisbane and Sydney last night, and I mean Australian crowds have always been my favorite.

They're so fun.


I feel like Ossie's like, you're very aussy, like our Aussie spirit.

It's true, do you.

Know, do you disagree I'm very arsy.

Yeah, like we're just very chill and Aussies don't really care about things and where yeah we're silly and like scrolling through your socials and like I don't know you personally, but you seem very blase, very chill about life.

In a good way.

Yeah. I also feel like they're less like trying to be like cool in an audience, Like that's like the worst audience you can have.

Can you feel that on the stage.

Yeah, for sure.

I mean people that are just like there to have one listening to music is like the best crowd. They're not like thinking about what they look like next to their friends.

Yeah. And they haven't made you do a shoey yet, have they, because that's like the worst thing in the world.

Dear god, I hope they never make you do a shoey.

You haven't done one?



Good, Yeah, it's I actually think we need to end the shoey, like it's such a disgusting right of passage for it. Yeah, like it's a stink, like people put an actual beer in a stinky shoe and then make you drink itre No.

Also, like I know someone who did one on stage and fully was sick for like two weeks.

Oh really, Yeah, because it's that throws off the guy, like the microbiome in the guy.

Yeah, it's gross.

It's disgusting. Okay, So two Hands is out now, Yes, talk to me about that because we're gonna play it. But like I feel like we're in the like Tit's lover era, Like two hands is like you've got two hands. But then I'm like is it your hand in someone else's hand, right, or is it you're both hands, Like who's who's hands?

I think it's just one person's doing it. Yeah, I guess it is.

It is kind of like my first love song, I would say, but it has a twist to it, like it kind of just talks about being present in the moment with someone and not needing all the extra bullshit to like make you feel like this is enough yea, being like two of you in the same space, like enjoying each other's presence.

Like us right now exactly. This this is wow? Yeah, just a chat. I agree with you.

Have you found it in like previous relationships and like dating, it's just being you've needed more than the two hands.

I mean, I just I'm just not a big sucker for like flowers or gifts or like, like I would prefer to just us do nothing and just sit there and have good talks. Really yeah, I mean maybe when I'm older that I'll switch. I feel like I want someone. I'm like, where are my flowers? But I feel like as of like right now, I feel like they don't mean much unless the relationship is is good.

Yeah, Okay, I get you. Now the album is officially out. Now at the time this is airing, your album is out. Okay, how are you feeling? Are you anxious? You excited? Because I talk to a lot of utists and it's often, oh, I'm terrified that it's out. Yeah, or I'm really happy that it's out and I don't want to listen to it again.

I don't want to talk about it again.

You know.

I hate releasing music.

It's like so terrifying to me because the enjoyable part of the process for me is the creating. And then like the first thirty times you listen to in the car because when you go you drive home from the studio and you listen to it and you're like, how did I just make this?

Like this is I'm a genius?

And then you like get beat down to be like this is the worst song I've ever heard yourself.

Yeah yeah, yeah yeah.

And then also like everyone hears that you read things like the second that it's given to other people, like this magic about the art like kind of gets like blown away a little bit. So I think that's the scariest part about like about dropping music, because it can lose like that special thing that you once had. But I'm really excited about this music. It's it's some of my some of my favorite songs, Like I would put them on in the car and I I really love them and I'm so excited to perform these songs.

I'm so happy for you.

Yeah, it does feel like like not happy, Tay, You've always been happy, yeah, but the previous songs have not been about being in love and being super happy and finding someone, so you're clearly in a good spot.


And also I think it always was a little more reminiscent on like my I would always have like a few upbeat songs and then I'd be reminiscent on my old like bedroom pop room songs. And I feel like this just has a different vibe to it, like the sounds, it does feel older.

It just yeah, it feels like more my pace.

I'm happy for life. And now we all know about the kid Leroy, Like who's ours?

Just so you know, yeah, he's ours, got it like he was ours for us?

Okay, he's like he's a cute.

Yeah keep him. I'm kidding.

No, you can have him.

Yeah, you can have them.

Guys are really cute to go. Thank you, So you can have him. I'm you two dating? What did you meet? I don't know the story. Is there a meet cute.

Or we've known each other for like three years and we were just like friends, Like we didn't really we honestly weren't like the closest of friends. We were kind of like acquaintances. We always said awkward encounters like it wasn't like it was. It's so funny, like we always say, like we would like dap up over like a bush, like someone would fall and someone would say something super weird. Like every encounter we had was just really really awkward, and then yeah, something just clicked.

There was that like in like someone being a little awkward, I feel like this some something hot in that energy.

Yeah maybe, I mean it was pretty awkward. So we sometimes like reflect on him, we're like that was super weird. Like if that ever happened with anyone else, like I would have never talked to you again.

Yeah, you know, he seemed.

I've had him on the show and the one time I've interviewed him, he was bowling and he's like, I'm gonna keep bowling, and.

He just kept bowling the whole interview.

What do you mean bowling like ten pin balls. But were we guys a bowling bowling out out?


Okay yeah crazy Yeah, it was like hod On one six strike.

Yeah, your old pins full down. This guy's chill like.


That's hilarious.

That was next level.


Has he taken yourd Australia because he's from Sydney.

Yeah, he just came for a couple of days and he did. He's like a big breakfast fanatic, so fanat fanatic.

Breakfast fanatic, breakfast fanatics.


No, he's a big breakfast fanatic.

So I don't know the name. He just drove there.

What did you eat breakfast?

I don't know. It's like not famous, but I don't know. Like it was like kind of just like chill. But he's just like loves breakfast. He took me to a breakfast bought and then.

That's Niche loving breakfast food is such an.

Interesting Yeah, like breakfast is priority or him.

I'm glad you're happy, Yeah, happy, and it's it's nice to see.

Thank you, thank you.

Hey, you were so hot in the Schemes campaign. Thank you like Jesus.

Right. Yeah, and then you're in that like red let you're in a bunch, but the one that I saw was like the Red Lights?

How did that come about? Like? Did Kim call you?

Because I know Kim Kardashian's right hands on with Skims, Like did you chat to her about it?


We DMed a couple of times.

Yeah, we just kind of like they reached out and they were like, do you want to do a holiday campaign? And I was like duh, Like I've been the biggest fan of skins for so long and to just do a shoe like that with a director like Carmony Koran was so cool and it was just like, I'm like, the holiday campaign is just cute.

Yeah, it's fun, Like all the sets are just really cute. So we have fun.

I'm happy. Yeah, you know what's funny. You've transitioned from like kid to adult really well.

Thank you.

Some people struggle, you know, right, and you've you've done it successfully to the point where.

I didn't even really notice, and then it's good. Now I'm like, oh adult, like tit's an adult yeah you know. But like when I interviewed you the last time, I'm like, you're still a kid? Yeah kid? It was how old are you right now? One twenty one?

Yeah, so, oh my god, I know it's so weird.

Do you feel different, like even creating music and doing interviews and in your own skin? Yeah, considering you were doing press when you were such a young kid. Yeah, can you feel that difference inside yourself?

So different?

I also just feel like everything is like a year behind, because like fans get the music like a year later than you wrote it, so like everyone's when they were processing things later, I'd written that like a year prior.

Like it. It just all is delayed.

And then in the meantime, I'm just like working on myself and growing up. So then I think I come out and I do a music video or do whatever, and people were.

Like, whoa, what happened? And I'm like, well, the past nine months is what happened. Ye I grew up.

Yeah, well, because you've done it so well, like you know Jojo Siwa Love, she like went from kids to adults so quickly. Yeah, and it's like oh that, like it was so jarring. Yeah, it also was like a nice smooth It was like a smooth trajectory.

Thank you.


I mean I think we've tried to keep it just as natural as possible.

Good now, quickly, the two wrapped up in Australia. I think you've got one more night tonight. Actually, how do you feel.

The was that? What are we done?


We keep going. Oh I'm a question. I'll cool.

Thank you.

I thought someone like.

Stole me sh okay.

Now may be like a little wrap. But we also there's like how many people watching, like thirty seven people? Yeah, I know, I don't know how you put up with this?


Do you hate it?

It depends on the day. I guess I'm reading it today that I'm fine with.

Or your people. Yeah, your people are great. I know you know your tiktoks I love him?

Is so good.

Oh Finley, shut up my best friend? Oh is it your best friend?


Finley, like Fridley. What's his at like for getting out there?

Finley McConnell.

Oh hit him up? Yeah great. There was one TikTok with like his hands on your.

Neck and I thought it was like the kid l Roys he is.

It might have been Lays Okay.

I don't know whose hands they were, but they were they were maybe, but like the Corey and the dancing like you know, yeah he knows what's up?

Yeah he does.

Yeah, good, all right, Well, Tate McCrae, listen. I've loved this. It's been a pleasure to see you in person.

Thank you you too.

I'm so excited a for you for the album and new music's out now. And keep on aging, just keep on aging.

Gracefully, Jesus years, gracefully.

Please you know it's fine.

Thank you for being Yeah, thank you.