Tash Clay is organiser of the Southern Scooter Challenge and gives a wrap of the event that occurred over the weekend.
Nothing like it but a sandstorm on a Monday afternoon. To pick you up. My name is Andy Muller and you are listening to the Hustle the Huster. I tried the muster on Hokani. Of course, exapeters to the next before we wrap up for the hour, we are catching got the Tash Clay, organizer of a sudden scooter challenge which we successfully negated over the weekend. Tash, welcome once again and hopefully you got a bit of rest yesterday.
Thank you, Yes you did.
From your perspective, the event was how did it go? Now? We had to realign the start, but there was a health and safety thing. Just tell us what happened there?
Well, obviously anybody from Ambercago or Bluff. The weather was shocking, the wind it was blowing, it was raining sidewards rain and of course with all the rain that was sitting on the road and it was just diabolical. So we had to make the call to cancel the league from blufter in the cargole and just start and in the cargole. Yeah, we didn't want obviously any casualties or anyone getting hurt. So yeah, that was the disappointing call, but the safest, the safest thing to do.
But it's called a challenge for a reason as well, isn't it When we're doing it in the weather that we were in September and is that time of year it's busy on the farm in the south. But yeah, you just suck it up. I suppose it's all part of the day.
Absolutely, and yeah, and that was we had to make that decision, and that was also in the discussion. Well, it is a challenge, but then of course you've got to think of the health and safety of others because not everyone is as experienced as well. They just jump on their scooters and think it's like riding a bike. But when you put weather into play an I predictable wind, yeah, and throw spin it in the work.
So apart from that, everything went off pretty well.
I think it did.
Yeah, we went further up the island, the weather started to improve a little bit, and yeah, everything else went to plan. All I heard was good positive feedback so far. So yeah, yeah, we're really wrecked with the way the day went.
And you reckon that was possibly the most challenging weather today out of all the scooter challenges I think so.
Yes, two years ago when we did it just after COVID, we had wind, a lot of wind from the start and then it improved from and vicrgo onwards. So yeah, on said day it was more. Yeah, the weather was challenging further up the island than previously.
Okay, as far as totals, what was raised for the hospice South and on Saturday.
So so far we are at over one hundred k, so one hundred and two thousand at the moment. More to come in.
So when when can people stop donating? Or when does this When does it finish up as such.
Or does it well? I generally leave the fundraising page open for a couple of weeks because we just find that more people hear about it, have funnily enough after the event, and that they just want to donate. So I and also participants have loose ends that they were waiting on funds to come in or whatsoever. So generally a couple of weeks I'll leave a fundraising page open.
So as far as twenty twenty six, does your mind start clicking over or do you just have a bit of a break first?
I did? The mine is still yes, it is clicking over, but I do try and have a bit of a break, get a bit of a breather, and yeah, and we'll get back into it. Probably next year I'll start thinking about it again.
Yeah, now, one hundred and fifty yard bikes going on the road. Logistically, it doesn't night mere for an organizing committee, let's be honest.
Yes, yeah, you're absolutely right. But with the help of a traffic management services they are just brilliant and then they obviously make sure all the legal side and the traffic management plan and everything sorted for us. So that definitely helps in the support that I have throughout the day. It is still what I call organized chaos, but yeah, things seem to still run pretty smoothly.
Luke Howden did say to me, when you get from Kingston the League into Queenstown, just enjoy it. Or to Frankton and when everybody just gave it our mess at the bus exchanged there by the roundabout and just win in convoy, got to be honest, that was pretty cool.
Yeah, it really was. And that's what we love in the hype of it, in just getting to the finish line and crossing that she could flag. Although it's not a race. Yeah, it's just so much fun.
Hey Tash, thanks very much for your time on the muster. Well done on organizing the Sudden Scooter Challenge. The day was fantastic weather or side, but like we say, it is a challenge for a reason. And over one hundred thousand k's race for Hospital South and so far. To everybody involved, once again, all the best and congratulations, brilliant, Thank you.
I'm glad you guys had fun out loud with ag Proud because life on the land can be a laughing matter.
Brought to us by sheer Well Data working to help the livestock. The librarian just gave me five dollars to stop talking. I think that's what you call hush money. And just before we finish up as well, we'll talk a bit about Saturday, because I haven't seen much about it so far. There's a list of people here who need big thanks as well regarding the event now, firstly to Rob Wilson and Craig Barclay. Of course Craig had goll track to Services for lending your scooters. Very much appreciated the team we had in the background. Trader and Jeff Ralthon, Janine Smith as well taking up Porky's truck and bringing everything back and getting us home safely and securely. Thank you very much, Janine. My own personal support crew was along there. Shannon THEO, Tom and Darcy the Doll came along for the adventure as well, so it was really cool to see them at all the stops. And rb rywell of course, Batman for your prize, your donation of the sidective drench. We're going to draw that amount probably tomorrow morning to see there's anything coming there, but like we say, five hundred and fifty dollars is a bit currently we're going to close out over the next twenty four hours or so, and yeah, five hundred and fifty dollars text scoot to five double O nine if you'd like to give to that, and as well, last but not least, Porky Smith. It was an adventure. We're actually miked up between on the helmets. He had the bluetooth going and that was really cool. That'd helped pass the time. And like I was just saying before, it's not a challenge without the versity, and that weather certainly played its part. But all and all, it was a fantastic afternoon so that anyone and everyone who donated to the cause as well, thank you very much. Like we say, the link is still open on the Muster on Hockeyewy facebook page. Here we gain in the sub scooter challenge. But apart from that year, it really awesome event to be part of. And like Porky said, well we didn't start in bluff. Do we need to look at doing it again in two years? Although time will tell her that apparently Garth shenkss where it has it is that you're chomping at the bit to get involved, so I'll hold you to that. Anyway. That is us for the afternoon. This has been the muster on Hokinnui thanks to Peter's genetics. But regardless, here's some sandstorm to see you out. The podcast going out very shortly on iHeartRadio.