The Morning Show is joined by 'Shepmates' podcast hosts Archie and Miles Shepherd to talk about becoming one of the biggest social media sensations in the country.
Welcome back. Well, it's started as a couple of brothers from Victoria who just loves sport and having a laugh, but now Shipmates have become one of the biggest social media sensations in the country. They're reactions of classics sporting commentary, winning fans both here and abroad.
And the chef Mats that's Archie and Miles Sheppard join us live from our Melbourne studio.
Gooday, guys, thank you having us, guys. Thanks for having us guys.
Every sporting fan on social media has no doubt seen your videos. How did this all begin?
Take away?
That was pretty crazy.
I mean back in the days a few years ago now, I was just working my desk job and I was listening to the Ashes cricket as we all do. I couldn't watch it on the screen, so I was listening to the call on radio and I was just engrossed in James Brayshaw watching Mitchell Stunk file Rory Burns for the first ball, and I don't know, that commentary just stuck in my head and I got home that night and just filmed myself and yeah, the next morning it sort of blew up and I'm like, oh, we could be onto something here, and I think Archie saw what was happening.
It was like, yeah, let me get in on that. The other piece of the cake. Absolutely get me involved, like coattails there. Boys.
Look, you're both big AFL fans, we know that, but you do do venture into other sports as well. But I wonder know how much time you're actually spending trawling through the internet and the commentary to find something that can actually make funny.
I think a lot of it.
Like I might just be scrolling reels and something funny will just come up, and like that's a way of obviously identifying a funny piece. But a lot of our followers will dm us links to like YouTube videos of stuff they love and like, yeah, if it ticks the boxes of atmosphere it's funny, we can add to it.
Then we'll do it.
But yeah, there's definitely a lot of requests, so we do filter them, but the more niche the better.
As well.
We've done ones where there was a competition for balloons, people pushing balloons up in the air and they were like the Spanish commentators just going absolutely nuts.
So we had to learn Spanish for a few.
Months to get that country right, And I think it's your facial expressions and the fact you're twins. It's just it's perfect. You do make it look easy, But how much work do you go goes into each clip?
It's up and down.
Some of it we can get pretty quick, but we are seasoned professionals at lipsyn commentary now, so I think even the long ones, we sort of have a bit of a process in place on how we're going to do it.
But look, some of them, they take like a few hours.
Like yeah, you know, like if there's like some long pauses and you're trying to figure out when to come back into the commentary, like has a.
Lot of different ways written down?
Is that what's happening in front of you or is it all just from memory?
Well, we started doing it through memory, but it got too hard. I was locking myself in the room and just going insane for like two hours trying to remember this commentary. So we started writing it down. But I have to write it doubt otherwise and it doesn't really work. But even just getting the space is right, it's pretty complicated.
Hey, we're going to take a look at one of your posts. This one really blew up. We think everyone will understand why I have a look.
I think I'm in very good shape. I feel that I'm as in good as shape as I was twenty five thirty years Actually i'm probably a little bit later.
Well, i'd be happy to have a driving contest.
Then I got my handicap, which when I was as president down to a six. Of course, that was Trump and Biden. It even had you as politicians commenting on it.
Yeah, that one went absolutely nuts. There were politicians all over the shop commenting on that.
But that was just so random. The debate was happening that day.
We managed to get that video out like half an hour after the debate finished. Archie was listening to it at the time. As soon as he turned the debate on, that bait was happening. So it was like it wasn't fake. It was fake. Like I'm an hour and twenty minutes into this debate and I've just so I had to flick it on for some white entertainment and that is the first piece that comes up, and I'm like, Miles, drop.
What you're doing.
We need to spend the afternoon learning this thing and get it ouur base up.
So it was so funny it went everywhere Fellers. We just heard it in the intro there as well. But you're now stepping into that world of podcasting. Of course, two white blokes with some podcasting equipment just's what the world needs.
What do you know?
Nothing different?
Nothing different there where our opinions officially matter now the world needs more opinions.
And I just can't wait to talk to Archie even more.
Because what are you going to talk about?
Though, Well, we've got a love of sports, so it's going to be a bit of at the moment, it's a bit of AFL footy, a bit of local sport as well. We're heavily engrossed in our local community and sort of the gags that come out.
Of grassroots sports.
So we're two twenty three year olds that have just moved out of home, so we're dealing with that at the moment as well.
And we get on each other's nerves quite a bit.
So we've got a bone to pick segment at the end where we just roast each other for how we go about life, so the audience can choose who's right there.
I reckon this is use of the Internet. It's very best. It so entertaining. It's a lot of fun. You're making people laugh and you're getting to do it with your twin brother, so it's brilliant. Congratulations guys, appreciated guys, and they're called ship Mates. That's her last name, shep So Shepherd, so that's how you can find them. The ship Mates podcast out now on Apple and Spotify and Shipmates on Instagram.
So funny.