Cohen's Client Revealed, Chick-fil-A is Creepy?, Aaron Hale - 4/17/19

Published Apr 17, 2018, 2:00 PM

The Morning Blaze Topics:

Hour 1 Sean Hannity is named one of Michael Cohen’s clients… Hannity had something to say about that… Stormy Daniels walks away from court and talks to press… Your lollipop out at a candy store?... Dick’s Sporting Goods is destroying all their guns in stock.

Hour 2 Chick-fil-A is getting attacked by the New Yorker… ‘Creepy Infiltration of New York’… Chick-fil-A is a megachurch?... Tarra Snyder, junior in high school, found interesting “history” in an AP textbook.

Hour 3 Mark, Ali, and Donald join the show to talk about their dating website… Meal replacement is being sold by Walmart and if you are as old as Doc, it might trigger you… Building America 2.0 has Aaron Hale and his chocolate fudge company

To see more from Doc, visit his channel on TheBlaze and listen live to “The Morning Blaze with Doc Thompson” weekdays 6–9am ET, only on TheBlaze Radio Network.

Title: Cohen's Client Revealed, Chick Fil A is Creepy?, Aaron Hale - 4/17/19

Season: 2018

Episode: 075