Mahomes’s mega-deal and Washington’s disappearing foundation | Weak-Side Podcast

Published Jul 9, 2020, 8:00 AM

On this episode of the Weak-Side podcast, Conor and Jenny discuss a decade of Patrick Mahomes and Andy Reid and the decline of a foundation Dan Snyder once held up as a shield for his racist team name.

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Okay, guys, weak Side Podcast time is here alongside Jenny Rerentis. I'm connor Or and we have a always one of my favorite things in the show. We've got a big Jenny Rerentis piece to come talk about later on in the news. But let's start um with the Patrick Mahomes mega deal that is kind of a mega deal but also kind of not a mega deal. It's ten year uh deal with that eclipses five million dollars, five hundred million dollars. And there's some really fun new agent legalise terms that are being thrown around to uh sort of fluff up the importance of all this. But uh, Jenny, I like big ridiculous mega contracts because they're just so goofy and they never the player never ends up completing the contract, especially in this time. And we're we're all training ourselves in our minds to take things hour by hour, day by day. Um, the Kansas City Chiefs are building a decade into the future. Um. We don't know what the NFL is gonna look like. We don't know if there's gonna be a season this year. But I guess the one thing we do know is that in twenty right yeah, Um, Patrick Mahomes will still be a member of the Kansas City Chiefs. Theoretically maybe, but possibly not. Yeah, exactly, we don't know that. We don't really know anything. Um, but it was kind of unexpected. I mean, I think we did say as a rentist consensus that or maybe it was an oracle, which one was at Connor. Well, if it was right, it was yours, and if it was wrong, it was mine. Now we said to like, chill out, the deal is going to get done. This is not going to be a big deal. He wants to be in Kansas City. The Chiefs obviously want him in Kansas City. He wanted long term stability he got. You know, he's in the best possible place with Andy Reid. Although Andy Reid, you know, a long commitment to Andy Reid to continue coaching as well, but it seems like he's up for it. So but yeah, we knew this was gonna get done. I guess it was just kind of like it felt like inevitable. But then to see it come across was still a little shocking, right, Yeah, I think it was shocking, And you know, I kind of equated it to I think, you know, the last quarterback to sign a ten year contract was who Dante Culpepper And in two thousand three. By two thousand thirteen, he was out of the league. He was an arena football for a little while. So and I'm not saying that's gonna happen with Patrick Mahomes, but I'm just saying, you know, let's approach the deal less like it is guaranteeing the future and more like, hey, it's a fun thing that happened, right now. Does it blow up and throttle the quarterback market, absolutely, no doubt, But does it do anything else? Really know? And what bothers me is that a lot of people are complaining that Patrick Mahomes didn't hold out and fight for a percentage of the salary cap, which I guess would have been the right thing to do, the sort of the the smart inside football thing to do. But who cares, you know, It's that's not the deal that he wanted. His him and his agent wanted to, you know, make a splash. Signed the big quote unquote biggest contract in professional sports history. They did it, and that's it. I mean, I don't know. I think if he could, if he wanted the contract to be tied to the salary cap. They probably could have figured something out like that, but it seems like that wasn't the battle plan. Yeah, it does seem like criticism of players is there no matter what you do, right, So if you hold out, then oh, all of a sudden, the player is greedy. Um. And if they accept a reasonable deal that doesn't push the terms to the maximum of what he might have been able to get how he used all of his leverage, then man, he should have pushed for more. So I think if you're Patrick Mahomes, you're pretty happy with the deal. You truly don't want to play anywhere else than with Andy Reid, And who could blame him? It's a perfect marriage there, and um gets it behind him for whenever there's a football season. I have no position or foundation to criticize anybody's negotiating skills. I remember my negotiation at Sports Illustrated, which was, Hey, Connor, we'd like you to work for Sports Illustrated. I said, great, when do I start at the end of October? Fantastic? Hang up, Oh wait, how much money am I making? It doesn't matter, Like if you're excited to be somewhere and you want to be somewhere then than good for you. I I will say I was trying out this this line on on everybody, but no one was biting. And I'm hoping that you're gonna like it. But yeah, I know it's it's yeah, I am too. I'm really nervous. Um. Do you watch Boy Meets the World? Well? I have a couple times. Yeah. I mean, I know my pop culture knowledge is limited, but I have seen the show. To Panga Corey and to Panga. Yeah, so Corey proposes to to Panga. They're high school sweethearts. He proposes at high school graduation, the throwing the caps up in the air. He flips around, gives her the ring and uh and says, I want you to marry me. Um. And to Pango was off to Yale, Corey was off to some directional school and whatever state that they lived in Pennsylvania think they lived near Philadelphia. Um, and uh she ends up blocking it in And I feel like a ten year deal is basically the equivalent of that. Right, it's proposing to your high school sweethearted graduation. It is tattooing your significant other's name, uh somewhere on your body. It's like such a ridiculous and aggressive show of love and affection that ultimately has no bearing on whether or not it's going to actually work out, right, Like you just you never know. Corian to Bengas seemed to be okay. They got a second show, Girl Meets World, where they had a kid and everything, you know, everything was yeah, Girl Meets World was shorter lived, but they brought the whole cast back and then it was about their daughter getting old and growing up and and and doing that. I don't think it's still on, um, but I was very excited about it initially, um when it came on to Disney Channel. But um, it's neither here nor there. But I think that, you know, it's just it's silly like and and that's not to belittle anything, but it's just like it's one of these like perfectly American things where it's just like, we're gonna max out this contract and make it so ridiculous and big and gargangelan, but really, when you poke inside, it's just a normal quarterback contract that's for for a little bit more or than the other quarterback contracts, right, And the length of it and the slight increase and the length of it make it seem massive, which it is massive. I mean that's not to say that it's not, but always these deals seem less massive in hindsight. My biggest question with your analogy is that you, as a fellow Pennsylvania native, seem to site directional schools in Pennsylvania and I don't know of any directional schools in Pennsylvania. Well, they I believe that they went to a non existent university, so it was like Western Pennsylvania University or UM or one of those things. I guess the Pennsylvania equivalent of the directional schools would have been the States school system, right, So you add um stony Brook and Kutztown in Bloomsburg and Millersville Millersville, East Stroudsburg, I think is maybe one East Strousburg I can I can go through and I can actually name all those nicknames to East Strousburg as the Warriors and miller Ville UM are the Marauders, Bloomsburg and Fuskies. So yeah, no, we we know our We know our directional schools in Pennsylvania, most of which waitlisted or denied my applications in college, by the way, So I don't think that or forgets any of that um anyway, Um, yeah, So I think this is one of those deals where it's it's good I guess, um it keeps the Chief's Corps together. But it's one of those things that we were like, Okay, you know this, this was gonna happen anyway, no matter what. Yeah, but it's good to talk about. And we recorded our podcast on Monday before the big news Honor, so this is really the first time that we've had to discuss it. So yeah, absolutely. Um. One thing I will say that I do enjoy about the rest of this is we had fallen in a little bit of a rhythmic tango between agents and teams, and like every deal was like, Okay, it's half a million more than the other deal, and cha cha, and you know, we'll do a little bit of injury guarantee here and there, and every thing was getting a little boring. This makes it a little sexier, though, And the next time Dak Prescott comes to the negotiating table, or Aaron Rodgers or any of these you know, generationally talented players, I can say, look at this, I want one of these. I wanted I want the big tenure guy. Right. But the question is what will really be the impact for those other guys, because no one is Patent Holmes right now except for Pata Holmes. And we'll get to that, UM in a little bit. Really insightful for our reader or listeners here, Connor, I'm just really dropping a lot of knowledge here. I can see why people come back week after week. I always I I think I come for the rent. So UM, anyway, let's start though, because we're gonna get to the impact on the quarterback market and a little bit. But I want to start with um our s I Daily cover story, which um we're recording this on Wednesday. It's already online. It's going to lead the site on Thursday. And Jenny, you and our fellow senior writer Michael Rosenberg dug into this brilliant its story on Daniel Snyder and his charity, which was meant to support um Native Americans and was initially brought up with great fanfare. But as you guys dug into the details and looked at the records, it seems that is not so much the case anymore. Yeah, it's really an interesting situation. I remember when they launched the foundation in because I was working on a story about the team name and we reached out to several Native American communities, visited a couple of communities as well, and we're doing a story focused on how Native Americans felt about the team name. And that story was impactful in my mind or how I thought about things, because it was so easy to find people who are deeply offended and hurt by the name, and hearing their personal accounts is really stuck with me. So when the name change issue came up again, Now, as I mentioned on another pod, you know had kind of receded from the public spotlight a little bit once the trademark challenge. A group of Native Americans challenged the trademark on the ground that it was disparaging and they essentially lost on a constitutional decision of the Supreme Court made a ruling in another case that essentially made their case no longer viable. Um, But you know, they had challenged the trademark and that had really pushed this issue to the forefront in and then once that was dismissed and was the Supreme Court ruling that effectively ended the trademark challenge. So the foundation was launched at the height of the trademark student and I remember the story that I was writing about the team name. They announced the foundation like the night before our story was supposed to run. So it was like it's always kind of been in my head, and I just when all of this came up again, I said, let me take a look at the foundation. I pulled up the nine nineties and I said, wow, the funding has really dropped. They gave about three point seven million in the first year and then one point something million in the second year, then dropped to six hundred three hundred. Meanwhile, they had eight hundred thousand and operating expenses, including salaries, and so we realized there was definitely a story there. UM and then over the last two weeks it was kind of talking to Native American leaders activists, asking the team and checking in and seeing where things stand. So the team says the foundation is still active, that Gary Edwards, who's a retired Secret Service agent, is still running it, but the accounts from tribes that had relationships with the foundation UM showed otherwise. Several tribal leaders said they were ghosted by the team or when they reached out this spring for additional funding amid the COVID nineteen pandemic. Some asked about two tribes said they asked about testing kits and we're told that the foundation couldn't help. So, really, the operations have deeply declined, and they are the foundation is currently not in good standing with the State of Virginia. Now that's comes out of a result of not paying an annual fee and not filing an annual report. But that just shows that they're kind of not doing the basic upkeep despite apparently having several people on the payroll to run the foundation. Um, so it raises a lot of questions and it just doesn't you know, it doesn't add up, right, Stan Signer has a lot of money their main charitable foundation continues to give all of a sudden his contributions to the foundation, and that thus the grants and money that the foundation has given out have steeply declined, and that coincided with the public pressure of the team name kind of receiving a bit until of course the last few weeks. It's incredible and it really shows like you know what, it's what you do in the dark, right, it's what you do when nobody's watching, and there is no public pressure. That sort of reveals the character and not that that's to say that we haven't known that about Daniel Snyder, and not that it wasn't you know, comical the fact that they only decided to change the name after you know, Nike and FedEx and everybody put press you're on them. But I mean, this is the real and legitimate person, right, This is the guy who is just doing things because other people are making him do it. And he felt pressure to start the foundation initially, and then once everybody stopped paying attention, he just let it get all dusty and cobwebby. And that's just crazy to me, you know, Yeah, I mean it's pretty wild if you kind of look at the timeline and how things worked out, and also if you kind of track where some of the money went. Tribes that spoke up in support of the team name. There were a couple of chipes that signed on to a Okay, I've been saying amicus brief, but then we were on the phone with one of the lawyers for the story and he said, amucus brief, and I'm let wait, I don't know, am I saying it wrong? I actually have no idea how to say this. If there's any lawyers listening that can help us out, that's another big key demographic of our pot our pot is English soccer fans and attorneys, so so they know how dumb I'm sounding potentially, Um, But anyways, several of the tribes that we're supportive in filing this brief in the trademark case, they were supportive of Washington keeping the trademark. UM ended up getting funding and Connor three high schools that use redskins as their mascot also received funding, and there aren't that many high schools across the nation anymore. There was a Capital News story in that said that they found forty nine schools, so it's not like this is necessarily very common. And then two of the schools that use the R word as the mascot have low percentages of Native American students seven percent, So why else are they giving to this community? Then you know, you could make that connection, as many activists have asked. So a lot of questions raised here. And look, they're starting a new chapter, they're moving forward, but that doesn't erase the fact that they didn't follow through on what has been their big public shield for keeping the name. Yeah, that's fascinating. Um, I don't know what what is next? And do you think that you know an insight and you know more people finding out about this now, I mean, does that kind of come into intersection at all with the efforts to change the name? Does it? Does it? I? I would guess it struggles forces him to struggle a little bit more to make this seem legitimate and out of the goodness of his own heart at the very least. Yeah, it's interesting to see what the next step is. So the foundation's website has been taken down, and a team spokesman said it was as they were doing this review. They took down the website because they didn't want anything to be scrutinized, which is sort of strange because they put out a press release using the logo using the word anything with redskins or the logo on it is offensive. So why just take down the foundation's website when all of it it needs to go and be reset obviously. Um. I also thought it was interesting. So USA Day had a story earlier this. They had There's published about one PM and ours published about five thirty. They had additional in their story that showed that there was zero dollars in grants one one tax period later, I was not able to find that nine. But it's interesting the same day that both of these stories come out the team. A team source told Adam Schefter that they do not plan to use any Native American imagery in the rebranding. UM, so you know it just I think, I think what's frustrating here is, yes, Native American communities do have a lot of needs, and there are reasons for that. They've been marginalized throughout history by leaders in our country. So the fact that there are a lot of needs on the reservation shouldn't be held against them because of institutionalized racism, but it has been wielded against them in the context of the fight to preserve the name up until this point. Right, Okay, Well, they have a lot of needs and here we are helping them, and you know, a lot of community leaders I talked to said many of the gifts that Washington gave out were play around equipment, you know, things for children or um iPads for seniors. Thanks for the elders. Those are two groups that they're not going to turn down resources for, right, I mean, you want you value your children, you value your elders, and so you put communities in a tough position where here's a way to fill a need. But do we want to be associated with a team that uses a dictionary to find word as a slur? And do we want to potentially be propped up as they're thus endorsing the name or standing with the team, And so it just was exploitative. Is you're you're you're telling disadvantaged communities here will give you these funds. And there's been a lot out of aftermath from it. There's been riffs and tribal councils, there's been leaders removed from office, a lot of people I talked about, you know, one tribe said the playground equipment, some parents wouldn't let their children play on it. So um, I just feel like this part of the story is so important because they've clung all along to this mascot and his dance Center's offense has been well, we help these communities, and if you talk to the communities, you realize, like it's not that simple. God, it it's like you know, we uh we we were talking about this a little bit on Monday, where it's like you try to find the upside to it, and I guess the upside is um that you know, like we said, there's not going to be an offensive image, there's not going to be offensive language, um in the team's new branding launch, and and so you have to consider that a win. But then everybody else just keeps getting to operate the way that they've been operating the whole time, you know, and it's just it's gross. But you know what, at the end of the day, it's good that you know there are people like you and Mike out there spotlighting this. I would encourage anybody to read the story. It's going to be our daily cover today when the pod drops, and you know, try to get a broader picture of everything, right, you know, there's there's always more to the story. So that's why I'm always happy that we do this podcast with Jenny, because Jenny tells us when when there's important things that we need to know. So, I mean, ninety percent of the podcast is talking about things that Connor has written. So you're really underselling yourself here. So that's not true. But the things that gotta right is it aren't important. I'm just I'm kind of the really underselling Connor, really underselling. Let's move on to the next news topic. I got this one all right, let's do it. Another piece of news coming out of the Patrick Mahomes deal, Andy Reid is sticking around for a while. Mahomes said that before signing the tenure packed, he made sure Read would be around. Read himself confirmed as much, feeling froggy about the prospect of coaching into his seventies. Are you happy for more big Red And do you feel there's a chance the pair ends up as one of the best quarterback head coaching tandems in NFL history? I mean, how can you not think that? Right? Connor? I mean, I think there's just so much potential. Like I justm is so excited to see the next few years. Mitch Goldich, who is on our Friday podcast, had a little poll, how many more championships do you think they will win? Um? And I just realized, I said, there's so much potential, which is a really dumb thing to say about Andy Reid and Patrick Mahomes. And I'm just like excited about Like this is like just a really good thing in sports, like their partnership, you know, it's just like it's a nice like it's just really good. Yeah, I was, I'm wondering. So let's say they won two more Super Bowls together in ten years. Okay, yeah, two more super Bowls in ten years. Where do they rank in your mind among the best quarterback head coaching duos in history? Because I would are you that, you know, let's say if Read was thirty five, you know, how does that affect the calculus and all these other different things. I think some coaches probably a better situations they were in there sooner whatever however it worked out. Um, I would probably you know, if they won two or three more super Bowls, I would put them right behind Belichick and Brady and Walsh in Montana. I think that that's probably a legitimate spot for them, right, I agree, Connor, because it would define an era. I mean, first of all that the number of championships alone would be significant, but the idea that this would define this era in NFL history, and the way that they've reshaped offenses and this unique talent that will be come you know, future pastors will be compared to often erroneously in years to come. Um and so you know, and also just kind of the Read legacy of you know, never quite getting over that hump until he finally found this magical quarterback and being the right person to draft him and develop him when other teams missed on him. Um, so yeah, how about you. Yeah, no, I think that sounds right, But you know, it's weird as to me, as I was thinking about this earlier today, is that you know, we're definitely in for like a wave of comparisons, right of the sort of the super talented but raw and unknown quarterback prospect every year is going to be the Patrick Mahomes type, right, and they're gonna be like, yeah, he's got a little Patrick Mahomes in him. Before that, every quarterback coming out was he was like Brett Farve and then before that, Yeah, but it was weird, like you know, you never saw like too many like John Elway or Peyton Manning comparisons, which was just strange to me, you know, like those two guys in particular. I guess it was such like a rarefied air that that comparison was reserved for. But I wonder if eventually, um, Mahomes will get there where it would become so sacrilegious and wrong to compare someone to Mahomes prospect coming out. Um, but then it was so easily thrown around with far V and I don't know. It's just just a weird we'd work in a weird business, but it's such a weird and strange thing. And my hope is at mohomes win so many more Super Bowls that we can just stop comparing quarterbacks to quarterbacks and realize that every once in a while, just get someone really special. Per Mitch gold Is, his pole of respondents said that they would win two or three more Super Bowls together. I picked two or three as well. You know what I voted for four plus zero. Okay, I was wondering. I was going to ask who the zero people were said zero percent said one and nine percent said four plus in this highly scientific poll, although I will say Mitch drew one thousand, nine and eighteen votes. Pretty good response rate here for a tweet that only had three retweets and comments and three likes. Mitch has been getting a lot of social media poper recently, since I declared him the one Twitter account that I would want bound in hard copy and reserved for the aliens that end up taking over the planet. Um, because Mitch, Mitch is in the paint. He's got a tweet about everything. If you look back at the last ten years of American history. Mitch has weighed in on it, Mitch uh And, and you know there'd be a heavy dose of Philly sports in there, obviously, But I think that would be a fun little curveball for the aliens as well to try to figure out and decipher. Now we got a dissect before we move on to the next subject. Why you said zero. I'm just wondering, if you know, I don't know, maybe complacency sets in, Maybe defenses figure out how to respond. I mean, remember, it's not just Patrick Mahomes. It's this generationally talented set of skill position players that they have, for better or for worse. And you know, I think a lot of things are working for them right now. What happens when that era changes, when that roster turns over, I don't know. I'm just I'm interested, you know, things Never we were talking about this, I don't know, a couple of months ago. If you went back to eleven, maybe it was and you would have told me that the fort would have won zero Super Bowls out of that um Jim Harbaugh, Trent Balky era, I would have told you you were insane. That roster was three deep, the most talented roster in the NFL. I think their backup teams could have beaten other teams. But you know, things happen, you know, I think that, And that goes back to our point that we made about the ten year pact that they made, is we don't know what's going to happen. I mean a million ba jillion things could happen to this team between now and then, So why not why not cozy up to zero and then make yourself sound smart when it happens ten years from now? You know, well, zero is on brand for the pessimism on this pod. And I will say that voting for two or three was more like a hopeful vote because I think it would be fun to watch, you know. I always say like I've enjoyed covering the Belichick Brady years because that's just like such a piece of history, and so I think it would be fun to be able to We weren't covering the league when the Patriots dynasy started. I mean, we certainly got to cover an interesting chapter of it in the Ultimate and to the Brady Belichick time together, but this one we got to see from the beginning, and so I think I would like to see it beat two or three. I think this is a rare moment of optimism for me. Connor maybe this is very, very exciting. Maybe I'm growing. I think that Ernie agrees. My my little terrier who has been barking throughout the duration of the episodes. So everybody said hi to Ernie. Ernie said, what's up to everybody? Um, okay, So we'll move on to the next topic here. The Chiefs and the Ravens seem to be among the first teams coming to grips with the fact that fans will not be a part of the experience. The Chiefs told season ticket holders that for at least the next few first few games that would be reduced capacity. They do not define that nor the timeline. The Ravens, meanwhile, we're looking at a plan with roughly fourteen thousand fans in their stadium. Is this the first in a wave of these announcements that are going to come out. I'm guessing yes, right, yeah. You know, it actually occurred to me the other day that we hadn't heard yet what the plans were. And the reason it occurred to me was I went to a dentist appointment actually, which I was somewhat nervous about, but it was on the calendar and I figured, well, I might as well go. Things are pretty under control in New York. And my dentist Connor, detailed all of the procedures that she had instituted in her office. They had extra suction devices to limit splatter of spit during the procedure. They didn't do the error polishing um to get the stains off because that would cause extra splatter. They had something in the h VAC units like UV light and something some other kind of disinfecting procedure. UM. So really I had it downpad. There was a peroxide solution that you gargled with for fifteen seconds at the beginning. UM. So yeah, anyways, he had it down. She was saying that her daughter, you know, goes to a big football school, and they were talking. She was about the plans for the fall and they say students will be on campus and she said, they say they'll be football games that there won't be sooner, I'll be fans there. And I thought, we haven't heard about any of these announcements, and then lo and behold, there's this development today. But yeah, it's about that time, right because we're not that far away from the season starting. And we've said all along at the NFL had this benefit of like, oh, it's the off season and we'll address it later, but like now we're at the point where you can't address it later. Yeah, it's like, what what are we what's going on when his training camp getting started? Is it going is everything going to happen on time? Are you going to put fans in the stands? You know, Stephen Diggs today said, um that he's not comfortable going back to work yet. I think that that falls in line with a lot of the high profile baseball players who just said, you know what, this is not the year I'm going to take it off. And you know, baseball players kind of have that luxury their careers technically kind of last a little bit longer. Um, you know, there's that less of that you know, playing and play out physicality that they have to worry about kind of their bodies breaking down his much. But yeah, I mean, I just you know, it feels like we're just gonna get a whole wash of bad news at once, you know, when it comes to football, And like it was just you know, we talked about this a million times and so there's no real reason to bear repeating again. But you know, it would have been interesting to see a progressive approach from minute one instead of let's wait until the last minute and just slam a bunch of this stuff together. Yeah. No, absolutely, there's a lot yet to be worked out, and I think there's Yeah, I can understand why there's a lot of apprehension from anyone who has any kind of relationship to the game. Yeah. Um, okay, So as promised, let's get into how the Mahmes deal affects the next one, which is the Dak Prescott deal. The Cowboys, you know, talking about deadlines and stuff that we haven't heard about. They have like a week left designed back Prescott do a long term deal or else they're in kirk Cousins territory. Um. I'm shocked that this hasn't gotten done. I'm shocked that it didn't get done before the Patrick Mahomes deal. I'm shocked that Jerry Jones didn't use the downtime to make this into a spectacle about how Dak Prescott was the quarterback of the future and blah blah blah. And now I'm looking at a scenario where you know, God, the Patriots just used Cam Newton for two years and then pluck Dak Prescott when he's done being franchise tagged by the Cowboys. I mean, why why this deal was not done before Patrick Mahomes deal is just an utter and complete mystery to me. Yeah, I think you hit on exactly the surprise that we felt. I don't think we expected Mahomes to be the first deal done this summer. And maybe it makes sense, but you would think that there would be a race to get it done by the other teams before the ma Homes deal came in. Yeah. I mean, any deal that's supposed to like earth shatteringly throttle the market is going to freak you out, just like you know, um, the Cleveland Browns jumped on Austin Hooper and you know, wanted to get You know, a lot of teams are should be interested in getting tight end deals done before the George Kittle contract is signed, because you know, one of the predictions that I made about the upcoming season was that I think tight ends are going to eventually kind of bridge the gap um between the tight end and the wide receiver, which the average per year gap right now in highest salaries is like nine million dollars a year. There's a nine million dollar difference between the highest paid tight end in the league and the highest paid wide receiver. I think that's gonna change is the more that we understand about their positional value, what these guys are doing now and contributing to the receiving game. So it's one of those things where you always, always always want to get these deals done before the next one. Cleveland talking to Miles Garrett before the Um Joey Bosa deal got done. You know, like all these things make perfect sense, UM, but you wonder why teams just didn't jump on it unless DAC is really that serious about resetting the market again after the Patrick Mahomes deal. Yeah yeah, And I wonder if he's on the Kirk Cousins plan. It's not a bad place to be. It's not a bad place to be, UM, And if you're with a team that isn't going to commit long term, then you maximize your value. I mean, there's pros and cons to any situation, but you have to wonder if that's the direction this is headed. It's the Kirk Cousins slash Conroar slash Jenny Rerentis plan. We're always maximizing value with people have said that about us for a long time. Um, all right, what do we have for our last topic here the day? All right? Pretty serious one. Deshan Jackson has vowed to educate himself and work directly with the Jewish community after an Instagram post he made earlier this week suggesting that quote, Jews will blackmail America, they will extort America. Their plan for world domination won't work if the Negroes know who they were. There's a difficult quote to read connor um. The controversy has also embroiled fellow receiver Marquise Goodwin, who said he was under fire from the Jewish community for wondering why people don't get this worked up over Black Lives Matter content? What happens next in Philly? And there is there a way to move forward? This was a weird situation. I mean, this came out of nowhere. Um. I think it speaks to a level of you know, we've seen this before with you know, you see it with your friends, you see it with your family. I mean this era of all this information being available online and you can just fall down this like rabbit hole and in a day believe something that is just you know, dangerous and untrue, you know. And and some people, I guess feel the need to react to that in a way and post that stuff online. But um, you know, learning and information is always good. Um, but who knows. I mean, you know, there have been some rabbis I think that have already reached out to the Eagles and said, hey, we're willing to work with Shaun and kind of show him what's going on there. But it's just it continues just an extraordinarily uneasy offseason. Um, certainly off the field. But if this these kind of sentiments start leaking into locker rooms, and they already are in locker rooms, let's be real. I mean, everybody there, the feel links of people are across the spectrum here. But this kind of stuff I don't think sets up for a healthy season, you know. And I think if this stuff starts kind of leaking into the consciousness of the league as well, I mean, that's they're gonna have a lot of issues that need to deal with. Yeah. And my thoughts sometimes too, when we talk about what's the path moving forward, I always think in situations where there is some kind of trans aggression that it's it's hard to know right away if there should be a path forward, like what has the person done to correct whatever those behaviors have been, what have they done to like learn and educate? And if you automatically say we're moving forward with this person, then I don't think there is any incentive unfortunately to use that word, I mean, don't want to use the word incentive, like you have to have something dangled in front of you to do the work. But that's the reality and a lot of situations, and so I think it's always best to say, like, let reassess, like are you willing to grow and improve? And certainly there were uh just the way that it was handled your and his immediate reaction to some of the pushback was also troubling. It wasn't just the post connor, it was kind of the way that it was sort of though, well, I'm sorry if someone's offended by it without actually understanding the root cause of those feelings and why it was wrong. You know, it does bring to light though a little bit of just you know, how much stuff is out there, and you know, I'm you know, I'm not perfect. I don't think anybody is going to say that they're perfect. Um, but you know, you're always trying to learn and and try to keep an open mind. But just the depth of just niche information out there that's not even information, you know, that's just stuff that's out there that people just consume and fall into. Um, you know, it's been extraordinary during these times. Just like you know, it feels like every everybody is just falling into these you know, I don't want to call them comfort zones, but just like areas where they seem to find this belief or whatever it is. And man, like, you know, it's a it's a wild thing that's happening right now. And I'm you know, you're surprised. You know, it affects all walks of life and every day, you know, a hundred million different kinds of people, right, And that's absolutely true. Excuse me, Connor, Because social media has just been this equalizer for any information, whether it's good or accurate, or appropriate or offensive. Everything is kind of has the ability to take on equal weights. And so I think that creates a lot of issues in our society about myth truth being spread about, hurtful words, hurtful actions, hurtful behaviors, UM, hurtful mindsets. And so it's really we're in an interesting place right now, and I feel like there's a lot of work to do to correct not just individuals who do engage in hurtful behavior or language or actions, but also kind of correcting the sources that feed those I just missed when social media was for um, you know, ranking my favorite seasons of of the Bachelor, or you know, even more simply, like you know, remember when a I am just started to become a thing or a O well, and you could just go into these giant, uh themed chat rooms for like I don't know, um, Dave Matthews band enthusiasts, and you could just make up a weird backstory and uh, you know, I used to go into band chat rooms and say that I was the lead singer of the band incognito um, and like they were like, but you have like a Notre Dame football screen name, Like why you you're saying you're whatever, um, the lead singer of Kiss And You're like, yeah, you know, because I want I want to just sneak in and see how my fans are doing. And so like, you know that that to me was what social media was for, not all this. This is just it's getting crazy. Jenny Connor, We've been friends for a deck aid, and sometimes I think I learned the most about you while recording the weeks By podcasts. All of these revelations. I had no idea. I'd just like to save them. Sometimes, you know, there's just you know, you don't want to flip over all your cards. You know, we've been friends for ten years, but you know, I think you gotta keep you gotta keep popping up a surprise every now and then. You know, well I I yeah, I enjoy it. It keeps things interesting. Connor, speaking of keeping things interesting, let's move on to the oracle. Okay, let's do it. My oracle prediction is Patrick Mahomes themed, and my guess is that it will be um four years into the ten year contract before we hear about either a reconstruction of the contract, um renegotiation of the contract, but some sort of a breach of contract. I don't know what what you know, but any of that kind of stuff. UM, that is my guest. We're gonna get four years of non Patrick Mahomes related contract discussion. That what this news nugget brought us about a little less than half decade. I like that it also gives you a long lead time to see if the article is accurate or not. Not come with it the weak side pot is still going. You know, that would be a blessing. Connor everybody reach out and just let's make this happen. Okay, let's let let me. Let me run this podcast long enough to see how wrong I am four years from now. Yeah, yeah, what about our friend is consensus for today? I think my friend is consensus is just the desire to have better people owning sports teams, and I think that comes in all forms of leadership. I think we would like to see a shake up in the power structure that um doesn't encourage some of these entrenched bad behaviors from people that have long held powerful stances. UM. But I think you know, between Snyder's handling of the Original Americans Foundation and you know reporting earlier this year on the Saints and GAYL Benson's involvement with the Catholic Church clergy abuse crisis, UM, it's just it's it's it's just a strange landscape, right because sports influenced so much of the direction of our society. UM. And then you you hear about the way that some of these operations are being conducted, and it just makes you, I guess a little bit frustrated. You know, UM, it makes you frustrated that there aren't different people in place, there aren't more diverse people in place. And that's diversity of everything, you know, race, gender, opinions, like a few points, um, you know, economic diversity. You know, it's just uh and I know that, you know, I know that's a pipe dream, Connor, but that was just on my mind today. I think that's uh, you know, it's timely as always in I would um encourage anybody. Um again, reminder to check out Jenny and Mike Rosenberg's story. UM on s I should be online as soon as you finish this podcast. It will be. It's online right now, UM and questions, comments, concerns. We're gonna do a mail bag issue probably next week or the week after that. So week Side pod at gmail dot com. Don't forget. We're always reading, checking up reading our d m S. Two. Hey, guy who called me a jerk about writing about Patrick Mahomes his contract, I responded to you, but you didn't respond back. To me, Um, but we always get back to you. We're always We're always communicating with our fans here on the week Side Podcast. Well, we got a nice DM from a listener of the Week's Side podcast that I meant to share with you, Connor. So there's some good d ms out there too, so we probably good that. And thanks to you and our producer Shelby, because I totally ghosted you in the middle of the day today. We were trying to rushly get the story up and we were supposed to record the podcast and I said, ah, and I didn't get back to you guys for like four hours. So we're recording this in the evening and you both are very generous with your time and your dinner hours to um. So I just want to give you guys a shout out to nothing special about the pioneer woman of a big graviols I made today. Oh my gosh, that sounds delicious, Connor, I'll let you get back to that quickly. Sounds good. The mm QB week Side Podcast is Me, Jenny Rerentis and Connor Or. We were produced by Shelby Royston. A size executive producer of podcast is Scott Brody, Ben Eagles, Director of Editorial Projects and product Mark Murravick is Emeritus Executive director of the mm QB. Keep up with our entire lineup of podcasts five days a week by subscribing to the mm QB NFL podcast for free on Apple Podcasts, and while you're there, please do us a favorite, leave a rating and review. 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