Future NFL Dynasties & Awards Betting Odds | Week In Review

Published Aug 21, 2020, 8:00 AM

Conor, Jenny, and Albert are back for another week in review, looking back in depth at what we've written this week. We hear about what team's Jenny thinks could be the next dynasty and what the betting odds on all the major awards this season

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Okay, guys, the Week in Review podcast, we've got a little bit of a uh, I don't know, a piece together line up here with Albert brew out of camp, Jenny Frentis in New York. I'm Connor or New Jersey. And the sound you here behind you is the cooking of my tacos for dinner. So that's we got a very lively soundscape here going on for the for the End of the Week podcast. And we've got a lot of get to get to here. Albert uh is on his little training camp tour here he's he's got some Patriots stuff. Jenny with a very interesting look at maybe the future of dynasties in the NFL. So, um, we got a lot going on here, but uh, I don't know. We'll start just by saying hello, how's everybody doing? Good? Hanging in It's weird to be It's weird to be out in the road. I'll tell you that is uh different experience. If the hotel, yes, it's crazy, I mean like I so I uh, you guys probably know there's the Western and uh, first of all, all hotels are super cheap now, so if you're going to go anywhere like you can get in almost anywhere for pretty cheap. Um. So I stay at the Weston in Morristown. I don't know if you guys know where that is, but it's about a mile million and a half from the Jets facility. But you're literally eight minutes from my house, like you could come home. Okay. I wish I had known that because I'm not there now. I'm in Philly now. But I was there, and um when I pulled in on Tuesday, there were I think like four cars in the entire parking lot. And you walked into the hotel and I didn't know this, I probably it's probably common sense restaurant. And the hotel was closed, Jim in, the hotel was closed, like the only thing that was open was a little gift shop off of the off the lobby. So it was definitely a it's just a different experience, you know, and the same thing at the hotel here, and it's just I don't know, I mean, you guys will see eventually. It's just like everything's very very barren right now. And even like driving like so you know, I drove from Foxboro um AT to their practice on Tuesday into uh in the New Jersey and you guys know, like that corridor when you come like down through Connecticut and then you go over the Tapanzee Bridge and into New Jersey down to seven. Right. So I drove like through that like four or five o'clock on Tuesday, zero traffic. I mean I probably got from like Greenwich, Connecticut to like Morristown, New Jersey in like an hour. And for those who are listening who don't understand that, like like that is probably one of the heaviest traffic areas in the country, and like I don't. I barely had to hit my break like for an hour. So yeah, it's a different world out there. Football practice looks like football practice though. See, that's the one thing that you take solace in this time of year is that there's still, like you know, Jenny and I have talked about this on previous pods, Like there was still like a talented member of the Jets secondary forcing his way out of town. There was still like, you know, a new coach eliminating fun and like there's all these like little training camp stories that make us feel like that we're not in the middle of a pandemic, even though like you step outside of your house and of course, you're obviously in the middle of a pandemic and you see that UM in firsthand. So and that way, we're a little bit I guess that, you know, thankful that um the NFL is going on, even though we're still probably all uniformly skeptical about you know, how this is going to work. But let's let's get into Uh. I'm breaking format. I know, like I our editor Mitch Goldi, who normally does a wonderful job hosting the show, is probably listening to this uh while sprawled out on the beach drinking his uh yeah, but it's a specific kind of he was kind of he's getting crazy with the white mango mangoes seemed to be his preference, right, he was also inquiring about watermelon recently. But I've I've heard a lot of mango from him, any other good Bob Dylan tweet too after having a few white cloud mangoes and and and you know why not, you know, good for him. But I'm breaking a little bit of forma. He's gonna be upset with me. But I want to get right into this because I think that there's um a lot of good stuff to get to and UH start with Albert. I mean, I think Cam Newton is the biggest curiosity I was. I was talking to somebody else, um, earlier today, and it's like, imagine if this was a non pandemic offseason, what the NFL the stack deck that they would be dealing with right now? Philip rivers in a new place. Um, you know, Tom Brady in a new place. And you know, the third biggest storyline might be Cam Newton is the quarterback of the New England Patriots. Like, holy crap, But um, Albert, this is your wheelhouse. You are a New England guy, So tell us a little bit about what's going on out there. I mean, first of all, like just getting to what you're saying. They're like, like, it does feel like there's like me and Jenny were talking about this before you jumped on Connor, it does feel like there's like a lack of buzz across the country about It's just weird in that way when you do have all this stuff to kind of dive into, all these storylines that are I think I think are pretty juicy here would be pretty juicy otherwise. Um, yeah, you know, I think if you're if you're a fan of Cam Newton or you're a fan of New England, like I would tell you that what I saw on Tuesday was about is encouraging as anything that you could possibly see in that setting. So it's limited, of course, and we didn't see. You don't see him run a lot of full speed in that sort of environment, you know, when he's wearing the red you know, non contact Jersey. But I like, you saw the way that he entered the practice field and he was yelling at the top of his lungs and Tupac came on in the speakers and he was dancing, and it's just you could see it like like Cam feels free to be Cam. And I think that that's a big deal. I think a lot of people were wondering about that, and I think it was like full on Cam Newton. And you know the other thing is he seems to have really ingratiated himself to his teammates and the arm is there, So I can't speak to what it's gonna look like when you know he's running off tackle on a read option play, like whether his futto hold up, I don't know. And I didn't really get to see him run full speed in this setting. Um, but you did get to see him throw, and that's an important piece of this too, because he has had the shoulder surgeries and so it's just from that standpoint, he looked very much like Cam Newton. And so you take away like the whole thing about them making him compete for the job and how they're I mean literally guys like every drill they were going at, the quarterbacks were going in a different order, Like it was like Stidham goes first over here, and then Layer goes first over there, and then Newton goes first over there. So, um, you know they were like that. They they're very much making like this at least look like a real competition. Um. But if you take that put that aside, Like if you went to one of these practices and said I want to see X, Y and Z from Cam Newton based on what he's gonna do out there, you saw everything you needed to see. What's it like, uh, seeing someone have fun in a Patriots practice, Albert, We've seen it before. You know. What's funny about it though, is like I feel like when I was when I was when I first covered the Patriots, Like when they had guys like Rodney Harrison and Teddy Bruce Skey and Mike Vrabel and Richard Seymour, who I think felt a little bit more free to mess with each other and mess with the coaches. You saw a lot of that, and you know, I think a lot of that was because a lot of those guys had sort of come Like some of those guys had come from other places or were veterans when Belichick got there, and so you saw a ton of it back then. I'd stay with this second group that's won Super Bowls, there's probably a little less of it, and it's probably because a lot of those guys were homegrown, like like Dante hi Tower never played anywhere else, Devin mccordy never played anywhere else. So you know, to see somebody come in from the outside, it's sort of reminded me of the way a lot of the older Vets used to carry themselves in sort of old New England rather than the more recent groups. One thing I'm interested to and this isn't something that would be on display at a training camp practice, and maybe it's something that we never really get a sense of, but I remember hearing from when I did story and you know, Jimmy Garoppolo, and he was talking thinking back to his time in New England, McDaniels would spend most of his time with Brady and then the assistant quarterbacks coach at the time, Schuplinsky, would spend his time with Brissette and Garoppolo, Like we know that as they were coming up through the system. So it is it would be interesting to know exactly, like how McDaniels is spending his time, where his focus is. And obviously, again like that's not something that we're going to know now because that would clearly betray like what their real plans are. But um, it's like a different situation for McDaniels too, because for so long he's just kind of had to focus on like him and Brady, you know, texting back and forth, like this plan that they shared essentially between the two of them. You know, it's interesting you bring that up, Jenny, because Cam was you know, so je Fish, who has been a coordinator in the league and worked for the Rams the last couple of years, like Cam was in his hip pocket the whole time, and I thought that that was sort of interesting. So what you're bringing up there where you know, maybe like the Chaplinsky was in charge of kind of indoctrinating younger quarterbacks nuke orter backs into the system. I think you sort of saw Jed doing some of that with Cam. And it was the most interesting part about it was that like whenever Cam had downtime, that was who he was going and talking to. You know, McDaniels would be running the offense and the field when Hawyers out there or when Stidham's out there, and then you'd see Cam off to the side was fish. So that was interesting. And then you know you did see like where he's sort of maximizing his time out there, like he would be doing the footwork behind like Stidhamer Hoyer while they're taking their reps, and you know you'd see him throwing with clearly like the they've got this undrafted rookie from Michigan State, Brian Lurkey. Clearly Cam had sort of taken the undrafted rookie under his wing too, because they were around each other a lot. They'd be throwing the ball when they were off to the side and all of that, and so, like I said, it's just it was interesting because obviously, you know, he's been in a very different environment for most of his career playing for playing for Ron and Carolina, and he just he still seemed like very much in his element out there. Do you think that Cam text Jed Fish and Josh McDaniels in the same hieroglyphic emojis that he does on Instagram? And so at what point if you're the uh member of the Patriots to stop? Yeah, because that is not letting Cam be Cam you guys, if you guys ever like done that, like I've tried to do it with it actually like takes time like to like like like doing a single word probably takes like five or ten times longer than just typing the word normally would be. So it does take a lot of effort. So you might be knocking the guy down a little bit like like like kind of like almost like insulting his art if you told him to stop. Right, here's the thing this is, uh, this goes into and I don't know if this is necessarily why Cam Newton does it, but it is my understanding that, um, for example, someone the other day gave me a piece of advice to write down something that's important to you in your bad hand, because you're gonna spend more time doing it, and therefore you're gonna look at it more and you're gonna think about every kind of letter that you're writing down, and that way it becomes more important to you. So maybe this is Cam's way of making his Instagram very special, you know, Or maybe it's just some poor soul social media intern who's got to sit there and do that all day because that guy, if so, he just passes them a note and then they have to sit there and type it out. Yeah. Yeah, I mean it's another new thing that the coaching staff has to adjust to, right, because McDaniels would get the voice notes from Brady where you called him babe, right, So every quarterback has their preference for communications, all quirky in their own way. Yeah, Josh has had some different ones. Cam only likes to talk through Sports Yapper. Do you remember sports Yapper? I don't. I I don't know what you're talking about. Sports Yapper was like a short lived sports app. You don't remember this in like the like two thousand ten, and like all of the beat writers, like when we were covering teams, we were like sponsored by sports Yapper and we would then live tweet the game via the sports yapper app. It was like a company that had like model I remember there were a few of those, Like I don't remember that one in particular, but I do remember there were some. Yeah, there was like were there a couple like where they asked you to tweet and it would be like your tweet was longer than the character limit and then like if you put it like you use their thing and like like it would redirect to their site or something, right, something like that. Yeah, I can't think of the name of it. But there was another one that was similar to what you described, Connor. And the only name that's coming to mind is Trulia, which is not what I'm thinking of because that is another Oh truly is the spike selser Okay, truly Truly I think truly is a real estate site, right, yeah, yeah, okay, I'm getting right. Yes, okay, so it was not that, but yes, there was one like Sulia or something like. I don't remember that. There was like some weird names. Yeah that that sounds right. So Sulia sounds right. I think that. I think you're talking about what I was just describing. Yes, I think so, yes, because it would have like it would it would it would you, it would have like a hundred of your characters, because back then you only got a hundred forty characters, and so it would get like a hundred year characters and then it would cut off and there'll be a Sulio link there. That was the big trend among NFL beat writers, exactly what what you right describes Connor somewhere in there. It was a big thing for like three months, and then of course it all collapsed. Thank god, we've got characters now in our discourse on Twitter has improved so much. Um, you know, it's just really excited for that. Googled Sulia by the way, it says Sulia is a subject based social network that connects users with the top social sources on subjects they care about. Founded two thousand nine, So I think that might be it. That might be I think, yeah, sports Chapper was an offshoot of that or something. They were all pretty similar. Yeah, So blessed to have spent a decade on this app. Oh man, just just precious time that we'll never get back. Um. So we're going to move from the Patriots kind of over to the Patriots, and I think that Jenny had a really interesting look on the website today at you know what is next for I guess the idea of a dynasty, and I like how you kind of paired out a few definitions of dynasty's multiple championships in one decade, how few of them that is, And really the Patriots can be split up into two different dynasties maybe if you don't want to look at it over the course of twenty years. But I'm curious. You know, you've listed a few teams that have the potential to be dynastic over the coming years, and I'm wondering where you sort of landed on that. If you want to kind of walk us through your list. Yeah, well, the list had six items, but I really don't actually think there are six options. I mean the sixth option was that there would not be any dynasty in the future. I think is the best option. I think that's the best option because I think the Patriots kind of made us think that a dynasty is easier than it is. As your reference, Connor, there really were two separate dynasties because there was a decade in the middle when to spite having Belichick and Brady and perhaps the greatest team of all time, to the two thousand seven Patriots, they did not win a championship. Only you know this, there's only one player that wasn't that that that spanned both Do you know who it is other than Brady Ah, good question, son J Now his his for his for his rookie year was the last super Bowl they won with the first group, and his last year as a Patriot was the first year the second group. Albert Haynesworth. Huh, Albert Haynesworth Excellent, I asked, I'm trying to ask a serious question here. Now it's Vince Wilfork. Okay, the only guy. That's the only guy who won with both groups. I went to school with this kid from uh like Massachusetts area who was just ungodly annoying, And I remember, like, what are you talking about? Nobody, nobody here is annoying. That was I would say, like of the provincial groups of the country that came together in a Northeast university, that was the group that to me was the hardest to get used to. Was that was that region of the country. It was like, Wow, this is a lot that they just they just hung out by themselves. I don't have this experience that very easily clustered, like you know, we were on we were on a twenty We we had the tallest dorm room in the in the in the university, so it was twenty one floors um and it was separated. Uh boy girl boy girl boy girl flour all the way up to twenty And like the Massachusetts Massachusettans, I don't know what that I like, I don't know, there's no like Pennsylvanian Massachusetts people assholes. And it was like in a matter of like it took them like four days to all find each other. That it was like Sam Adams red Socks, you know, like it was all like and it was right after the two thousand four like Yankees thing in the World Series, and they were at the height of their power then. But I remember not knowing a lot about the NFL at the time, and this kid just would not stop talking about when Vince wolfwork and how like Grady was. And I was like, this is like, that's not even a real player. Shut up, you know, and you know, you come to find that he's like one of the most important players in Patriots history. So sorry to that person. I actually so when I went to there was no one from Boston obviously where I went to college. So the question I get the most. It was really annoying because I went to college right after what good Will Hunting came out. Was why don't you have the accent? I got that over and over and over. Take it sometimes, No, I know, I like I would tell people like, no one where I'm from sounds like that, and it's true, like if you go if you go up there, there are parts of the state, like big parts of the state where no one sounds like that. Choice getting I did a big accent bit on the last podcast. Uh I am. I am. With certain exceptions. I believe it's choice. You can have the choice to put you have the choice to talk that way. Alright, part of used to make yourself sound that way. Well, I can, you know, like so I can see where you exaggerated, but like you think it's a choice, Like people just kind of put it on and can turn it off they need to. I think that there are portions of my gene pool that have uh. As Jenny and I mentioned on the last pot, Scranton was voted the ugliest accent in America. There are portions of my family tree that chose to hang onto that I was born around people talking like that, I chose to speak English instead. So it's Scranton. Is it like Philly or Jersey or what it like? What does it sound like? It's like you through all the grossest accents uh in the hit and you hit because you close to Jersey, You're but you're like in the same state as Philly, like what like an hour north of Philly, right something like that, the northernmost section of that mid Atlantic Maryland, you know, shore House, you know, like at Baltimore, the Baltimore accents that like mush mouth kind of accent, and that's Philly sort of the northernmost part of that, and then everything stops in as normal until you hit Scranton. And then Scranton is like it's like part Pittsburgh, part Canadian, part New Jersey like part you know, just regions of the world that have long been left undiscovered, you know, and and it's sort of blends together into this horrendous thing. So I thought, I'm surprised Boston even get more support than that Boston. Boston has, but it has a character. Now it's awful. Now there's the there's two kinds of Boston accents. There's like the Southe accent, and then there's the Kennedy Boston accent, which I you know, you has no may mayor Quimby from The Simpsons has it right, like, So that there's the there's the there's the Kennedy Massachusetts accent, and then there's the South Soucker for a good Kennedy accent. My thought was the Scranton accent is not widely known. I mean, I grew up two hours west of Scranton, and I'm still not exactly sure what differentiates it between some of the other Pennsylvania ones. So it's just a weird pick to me for exactly the reason the you said, Albert, like you were like, what is the Scranton accent? Right? It's not one that you like immediately like think of when you think of accents, So somewhat of a strange pick. My take is, don't ask questions that you don't want the answer to because once heard the Scranton accent unheard and it takes uh certain grown men thirty two years we're going straight this. I think I sort of know what it is, but again, like I feel like there's just kind of these different parts of Pennsylvania that are all kind of variations of the other. So that's true. Um So I don't think, you know, I agree with you. I think that the idea of a dynasty is dead in the NFL. But if you had to pick, for argument's sake, a few of these teams, like, who do you think has uh the dynasty potential? Well, I mean the Chiefs are the obvious pick, not just because of the coach and the quarterback, although those are two huge reasons, but then also the contract situation, the fact that Mahomes agreed to this tenure deal, which in seat of you know, kind of milking for every last dollar, which he certainly could have done. He's kind of going down the similar like Brady Tack of wanting to make sure that there's a good team around him. To um. But the other teams I mentioned, you know, I think the Ravens, you have an exciting quarterback and you have a coach that believes in him, kind of look for combos that have long term potential. And then you know the forty Niners, Shanahan and Lynch have made a concerted effort to kind of build this partnership and be on the same page, even though there may have been early doubts. Okay, you know, why are you giving them six year deals? Um? They've already gotten extensions now. Um. But you know, someone commented on Twitter, what about the Patriots, and I replied, they are on the list. The Patriots still could continue a dynasty. Now, maybe there's a small break, or maybe they need to have a year or two to kind of get back to peak form, which certainly had happened to ear Lear this decade right before the team. I mean, some of those years, even though they were winning the division or even going to Super Bowls, were probably rebuilding years, um, in Patriots terms. Um. And then you know the other one is whoever drafts Trevor Lawrence? Uh? You know, Albert and I did a pull at the owner's meeting last year, which was fun and also a relic of times passed when there was an owner's meeting and you could randomly approach people in hotel lobbies. Um, So we pulled people, and that was one of the answers. We got a player who could be one and done from college football into the NFL. And then it was right after Lawrence's freshman season and a well respected GM said Trevor Lawrence. And so obviously the anticipation for him is high. We know how quarterback power rankings change in more. But uh, you know, I think when there is a player like that, they come into the league and there are those expectations. Now a lot of course depends on where the quarterback lands and if he's in a situation that um encourages his potential or obfuscates it um And we see all the time there are plenty of quarterbacks who end up in situations that obfus Skate. I actually think it's more likely to end up on a team that obfuscates your potential rather than you know, to have a Brady played in one system his entire career up until now, Like Peyton Manning played in one system for fourteen years in Indianapolis then was like allowed to bring that system with him to Denver. You know, like that's just to have that sort of stabilities rare and it's boring. But you have to go with the quarterback, right because like the pre reck is the pre rereck is like you have to be in it every year, like like to be a dynasty. Most dynasties like even in years when they're not winning the whole thing. They're in the playoffs, right, Like that's just the way that it works. And but I feel like, so the shelf life of a great defense, how long is it? Like Seattle? Like, how long is the shelf years defense? Right? Three years? So the shelf how long is the shelf life of a great quarterback? Fifteen years? Right? Like, So with a great defensive team that's built through that way, it's like you have to continue to draft well, like right, like you have to keep like you not only have to hit it the way that Seattle hit it, like with Sherman and Chancellor and and and Wagner and Cliff Avriel and Michael, but you gotta keep doing that over and over again, you know, whereas like a good a great quarterback can kind of cover up a lot of stuff. So I mean, I'm with you because it's like, alright, like, well, who's got the great like Kansas City, Baltimore, like Philly. If Wentz can stay healthy like that, you know, it's just in San Francisco is the one that maybe doesn't have like Jimmy's Like Jimmy's really I think Jimmy's good. Is Jimmy Patrick mahomes no. So but then you like you look at the coach and you're like, okay, like he's gonna be able to figure it out. So it's just I mean, even like San Francisco that you bring that up, Like San Francisco, like how long is the shelf life for their defense going to be? You know, Jenny, you know who I would add to the list? Who? Okay, so it hasn't happened yet, but when Mike Tomlin gets to pick his own quarterback, it is the start of a new dynasty like Tomlin and Josh Rosen. You think about Rozen, how about that, Mike Tomlin and Josh Rosen. That's like, my that's like a Madden fantasy right there. Given you a cod byeline, it would have been the first time in history that a listical of six or potentially seven items was double bylined. I thought Jamis Winston going to Pittsburgh would have been really interesting. I think that Mike Tomlin needs I'm trying to find the right way to say option. Yeah. I think Mike Tomlin needs like someone like Mike Tomlin to be quarterback like person. Yeah, you know, you know that's that's Javis is a little too close to what he's had for the last fifteen years. Correct, I think I think it'll be fascinating and I hope that guy gets the chance to actually pick the next like Ben Roethlisberger. You know, I would because I would be very curious to see what he specifically wants and likes in a quarterback. You know, Yeah, that's a good option, Connor, I think that's a smart idea. They've typically put like really good players around their quarterback too, so like that would be that part of it also, right, and you know, a smart team building team and a very good head coach are You're already pretty far down the line of some of the ingredients you need, So right, that's creative, Albert, Would you add any other options? Uh? I mean Philly is interesting, right, Like, I think Philly is interesting just because they've shown they can draft well. I think they're pretty forward thinking place. I think Wentz has got the ability now Wentz, the problem is he can't stay healthy. Like but if he could stay healthy, then like that piece of it I think would be to me, like like like like Philly's got like does a lot. I think that that organization does a lot of things well, So if you can tell me that once it's gonna be healthy for the next ten years and maybe I could see them. Maybe I should have added wherever Aaron Rodgers plays the next that's a good one too, five or six more years of that. Yeah, I mean, it's just hard with like older quarterbacks. So I mean, someone commented that I should have put the bucks down, But you know, I think it becomes a little bit more challenging with older quarterbacks to be the most exciting nine and seven team in NFL history nine and seven or you know, it could be like seven four. You know, we could get some weird records this year. That's gonna be strange too, if there are like miss games or anything shortened, like for so long you know, the standard of like what borderline playoff team is. You know, you just know, like okay, well you probably have to get to ten and six and then like if it's like shortened or abbreviated or whatever season and you're kind of like redoing the math again, like well, what's the same percentage of ten and six? You know, interesting to think about where your masks Florida and then you might actually see Tom Brady in the playoffs. Quit screwing us over all. Right, so we'll end this quickly on Uh So, I did a list of Um, I took the top betting odds for all the major non coaching awards that right now that are on online at William Hill, and kind of just did like a little bit of a breakdown on who's on the list. Um, and then I gave kind of some outside the box suggestions. So I'm gonna give you guys my outside the box suggestions for my award winners, and I want to get your take on them, since uh you are you two are the actual experts. My dog Ernie uh does not agree with anything on the list right now. He's fired up. Yeah, he's pretty fired up. Um, he's a big Isaiah Simmons guy. Um, So i'll start there, um, defensive Rookie of the Year. So right now your top betting favorites in order our chase young Isaiah Simmons, Patrick Green, A j Appenza and Kenneth Murray. So kind of an interesting uh mix there. Um. And when I stay outside the box, I'm trying to go outside the box. Um because right now, if you're a gambler, I would imagine that you're honed in on fifteen guys right now that you could theoretically believe are going to win this award. But here too that I think might be interesting. And the first is Calevan Chase On from Jacksonville. Uh, first round pick. He's going to be starting opposite Josh Allen, assuming Yannick and Goquay is not there. I think despite all of the things that that organization has done wrong, they seem to do very well drafting pass rushers. They seem to have the formula down there. Maybe uh, you know, he throws up some glory stats here, gets like fourteen fifteen sacks and kind of like weasels his way back, his backs his way into the ward there. What do you think? I think, Yeah, it's gonna be interesting because the reason I picked Chase Young when I did a list like a month ago or whatever, was because I think it really matters for pass rushers what they have around them, you know, because so it's like if you show flashes early, it's not like you're getting game planned. And I think that that's what helped Nick Bosta last year was that he had the Forrest Buckner and Eric Armstead and d Ford and all those guys on the defensive line, and Chase Young sort of got the same situation where there's a bunch of former first round picks on the Washington D line, from Doron Payne to Um to Jonathan Allen to Ryan Carrigan to to Montes Sweat and so like, I actually think like if if Yannick were to stay there and now all of a sudden they're running like packages on third down where you've got all three guys in the field at once, then things could get really like like a Jason Pierre Paul right, like you you're able to come in and just purely rush the past her, and maybe it's super advantageous for you to do so, right, Like, that's why JPP was awesome at the beginning, right because he's had he was on a great defensive line, so it was easy for them to put him in position where he could just use his athleticism gets the quarterback. It's pretty slick that you just glided past the real reason you picked the Chase Yeah, well, hey, I was right last year. Okay, So just sticking with the Ohio defensive end, do you want to hear my what this is my total outside the box pick? For defensive rooki either this one's wild. Uh. Ashton Davis from Cal the Jets third round pick Jamal Adams is gone. Uh. He just gets to be that movable chess piece. And Greg Williams is yolo. Anything goes defense. He's gonna be playing some nickel. He's gonna be playing some safety, and Greg's gonna have something to prove with his safeties too. Greg's prove you know, he's gonna blitz him. Ashton Davis did do some blitzing at Cow. He's got some athleticism, you know, maybe throws up a few sacks, a few interceptions. I don't know. You know, it's like it's gonna Great's gonna be like bringing the new girlfriend around the X, you know, like, like here's that's the move. It's always been the move. I love it. I think you're right. Just dial up a ton of safety blitzes and people will be like, who's this rookie that has three sacks? Is the safety? I like it. I like it. They actually he here's an interesting nugget I picked up a Jets camp. He's actually their backup hunt return now, which is interesting and I think displays their athleticism. Like before the combine, I did a list of guys who were like, you know, I called around and asked, like, who's going to really blow up the combine? And Ashton Davis's his name kept coming up and then he got hurt so he couldn't compete. But apparently he's just like an off the charts athlete. He's a hurdler, right, yeah, he was like he was a great track athlete at CAL. I think he actually he was on a track scholarship first and was like a walk onto the football team or something like that. Great pick. I love this one, all right, So there we go. So offensive Rookie of the Year. The top five betting favorites right now Joe Burrow number one, Clyde Edwards Hilaire number two to a uh Tungo Vilo, and number three uh Jonathan Taylor uh number four, And I realized that I did not write down the fifth one. But needless to say, it's not any of my outside the box suggestions. So um, I think that my take here is that you need a player like I don't think two is gonna play enough to win a Rookie of the Year. That's just uh, that's just my thought process there Um. I think Clyde Edwards Hilaire is super trendy right now. I mean, why else would Andy Reid, who has never believed that there's first round value in running backs, all of a sudden draft that are running back in the first round. He might either eat either he thinks the roster is that complete or he really likes this guy, or maybe a combination of both. But I think it's more um. You know, players that were drafted in the late first round they're going or second round or even third round. They're going to already really good situations. So I need pronunciation help here because I always bought you a forty Niners Brandon? Are you Yeah, That's what I thought, but I just didn't you know, I didn't write down the phonetic thing next to it. It's been too long since the draft. So Brandon aiyuk, I think is one Jalen reagor j K. Dobbins, uh who Albert I'm sure I would agree with is a great um great option there um and Zack Moss I think are all good options there, especially like someone like Dobbins, who you're in Baltimore. You know Ingram is great, but you know, maybe you're trying to slow him down to rev up somebody else you're trying to and and you're gonna run a ton in that offense. So I don't know. I think one of those guys might have a better shot. Um Burrow, who knows. I mean, you know, we we have a tendency to give the award to the number one overall pick if it's a quarterback, and we sort of force ourselves to see the good in that. But there there might not be an opportunity for him to really shine this year in Cincinnati. I just think like the bars lower for a quarterbacks, you know what I mean, Like, I just feel like you just have to be like sort of competent as a quarterback to get the award, whereas I think another positions you have to be really outstanding. And I think last year was a good example. Like Kyler was good, right, But I think if you ranked Kyler among NFL quarterbacks, he would have been a lot lower than say, Josh Jacobs was among NFL running decks, right, But because he did it at the most difficult position and because the degree of difficulty and what he was doing, um, I think it was much higher. Like you know, Okay, Like I think voters sort of look at that and say what he did was more difficult to do as a first year player. I just I think we I think we automatically great quarterbacks on a curve for that award. And so I think if Joe Burrow, say, say Cincinnati goes eight and eight and Joe Burrow starts all sixteen games, I think he probably wins the awards, right, And that's what I'm saying, is like, even if he's not great, like, it's just the degree of get difficulty coming in and playing that position from college is so great that I think so and Jenny Year a voter, so you can probably speak to this more. But I think subconsciously, just because it's harder to play that position, I think oftentimes people default to, well, who was the best quarterback this year, like among the rookies. Yeah, I believe I voted for Kyler last year just for what you said is that it is such a difficult transition, and so to be able to um, to be able to come in and perform well and yeah, as you describe it, kind of be confident and you know, make your team better and show promise. I feel like it's harder to do that at quarterback, So there is a bonus point there, I think. I like the EU suggestion though, I feel like that's a situation where like he really could have an opportunity to be a big contributor, and like, I don't know, you know, again, it's a higher bar to clear, I think for a wide receiver, but it's possible he had like a really good gear and then you know, then you know, you can't ignore a position player that puts up like impressive stats is uh, you know, elevates the team in some kind of way, which I think he could do. I think we've had two or three wide receivers over the last ten years to win win the award. I think Odell Beckham might have been the last one in two thousand and fourteen. Um, But you know, it's not unprecedented. But again, it's a good point. It's a little bit of steep of a climb. UM. I love my Defensive Player of the Year outside the box picks. So I'm just going to say that the top five betting candidates right now are Aaron Donald at one, J J. Watted too uh, Nick Bosa at three, Khalil mac at four and Joey Bosa at five. So big category there for albert Um with both of the bosses in there. Um My two outside the Box picks number one Lavonte David from Tampa uh top five player at his position last year. The Buccaneers are gonna have a ton of attention on them this year. Um They're gonna play in all those prime time games. I think that people who don't watch a lot of Tampa Bay are going to see a lot more of Lavonte David. They're gonna see how good of a coordinator Todd Bowles is. Um So I really like him there. And then Jamal Adams in Seattle. I mean, I think that he is different and maybe slightly more athletic than an any of the safeties they've had, even at the height of their ability, um as the legion of Boom. And then you add, uh, you know, some better players in the secondary that they've had in previous years. And I think he has the chance to really add like a different dimension there. And I think, like these awards to so much of it is narrative, right like, and so I think because so many people are going to have their eyes on Jamal Adams this year, you know what I mean, like just because because because it is a it's a storyline, like they gave up two first round picks for the guy. So the same as like you know, and what was two years ago the clil Mack trade, Right, Like the kil Mack trade, everyone was everyone was trained on coil Mac at the beginning of that year, and that first game he's on NBC and just blew up the Packers after having been there for like five days, you know. And so I don't think he wounded. I think Donald wound up winning that year, right like so, but he had real momentum to start with. And so I think Jamal Adams is another one of those where he's part of the big offseason trade. He's going to a really good team, and he's just got like sort of I guess what you call is like narrative momentum, right, like Kyler Murray has narrative momentum. And the for the m v P. Now, because we've seen these year two breakouts in the past with Wentz and Mahomes and Lamar, and I think you sort of see the same thing, like you know with you know, you can see the same thing with the Jamal Adams where there is just some momentum for him to win that sort of award. And I think your description of momentum applies to Lavonte David too. As you mentioned Connor, a lot more eyes on him this year. It's going to be kind of the Okay, well, how is the defense complimenting Tom Brady? And there has a potential for him to kind of have a bigger profile than he might already, which I think his profile is too low for the kind of player he is totally. Umah, I'll skip MVP because that one's kind of boring. It's all quarterbacks and everyone knows that I'm right anyway that Nick Foles is going to be the m v P UM the NFL this year. Um So I do have the pencil down with my outside the box Canada, but I like comeback Player of the Year. I think I have a sneaky one that Jenny Knives talked about in the past, um that I think a lot of people are overlooking here. Um. But the betting odds favorites are Ben Roethlisberger one, Rob Gronkowski at to Cam Newton at three, Alex Smith at four, and J. J. Watt at five and let me qualify this by saying, if Alex Smith starts a game this year and completes a single pass, he wins come Back Player the Year. Nobody else is even close like it. Even if he makes it, even he plays two games this year, he wins Comeback Player of the Year. That would be a phenomenal recovery in return to the field, no question. Yeah. I mean I g if like and anybody who hasn't seen what like you know, as Stefanie Bell from ESPN did on on him, It's it's the same. It's a gruesome and like the most impressive thing you'll ever see as far as an athlete coming back from an injury. I mean seventeen surgeries, and I mean if he is capable of taking a snap and if he starts a single game, like, you're right like hand him the award. Yeah. But I think the sneaky candidate here, Derwin James from the Chargers, only played in five games last year, and while the injury took him out of the first scent of the season, I think he would definitely qualify as a comeback player for next year. UM arguably the most talented member of the secondary. Again, my dog Ernie not a group. I think that I think that Ernie is more of um Uhuy, maybe he's a Gronkowski guy, you know. I think that that more fits into his lifestyle UM and and what he's interested in. UM. But you know, yeah, yeah, Ernie is a Ernie's a party animal. UM. But yeah, I think that that is a sneaky option. Um. You know, one of the best players in the in the game, certainly one of the best safeties in the league. And I think that defense is so good on paper that once that momentum starts rolling and they start playing, I think like they can like the forty Niners last year, like that level. I think he's the guy that going to get all the credit and the attention for that. Yeah, I do love that. I will say we probably talk about the Chargers more on this pod than any other non Chargers team specific pod, which like, how did we get I think it used to be when the two of us did the podcast with Albert we got banged for being a Chargers ignoring podcast. But that cannot be the case that I cannot be the case really the opposite. Yeah, this is a Danny Dimes Buffalo Bills Chargers podcast. So you guys can answer. I gotta I gotta comment, like my mail bag this week that we like that US as a site like we don't cover the Bills. I'm like, what, We're absolutely ridiculous. I think we're very bills friendly. Yeah. I got in trouble for voting them number one in the Power rankings for like eight weeks in a row last year, to the point where Mitch has now taken away the autonomy of my votes and I have to run it by him whenever we put out power rankings, um A and B. I just picked the Bills is one of the twelve teams I think can win the Super Bowl. Yeah, this year, I wish Mitch wasn't sunning himself in the Hampton's right now, and he can. He can stick up for himself here. Too many claws deep right now, it's it's a lost cause. Yeah. I have a question about the m v P odds or excuse me, comeback Player of the Year odds. Where does Mr Robinsky rank, which would be very counter your fools prediction. But I'm just curious now I need to find out. Yeah, you want to have it up there, but that could be a sneaky I'm not saying. You know, we've discussed the fools move, and you know we've discussed the skepticism surrounding Mitch, but what if he shocks everybody? That would be a comeback story for sure. I would love that. If someone wants to give me like a one minute filibuster here, I'm going to tell you what m R. Bisky's odds are for for for comeback Player of the Year. Sounds good. We can talk about all of the bills story is that we've done. I mean, I'm actually shocked by this. If somebody wrote into us and say they said, you don't write about the Arizona Cardinals enough, maybe maybe, I mean, you know, you want to investigate that, we'd be willing to look into that. I think Peter King once did a took stock of how many words were devoted to each team to find blind spots. Um. I think he had Andy Degry, who was once a editorial assistant for the MMQB, go through and count words, um and there. Because I think somebody wrote in and said that there were too many words about the Browns. Maybe, um, something along those lines. Okay, Um, So to your Cardinals point, I find the Cardinals to build the Bills getting no respect, which completely cut off the Bills conversation there. The Cardinals are absolutely impenetrable as a franchise. So I you know, I'm in no way shape or for him. I think they deserve the lack of coverage that they get. UM, but I would say that um uh so interestingly enough, comeback player of the Year. Um Mitch Drobiski is not even on the board. And to give you a sense of how robust the board is, I'm just gonna go read uh the rest of the candidates after J. J. Watt, So this is who you can place a bet on. J. J. Watt was the last one that we listed at five. A. J. Green at six, Matthew Stafford, Nick Foles, Aldon Smith, Miles Garrett, Antonio Brown with the Sean Jackson, Baker Mayfield, Andy Dalton, Bradley, Andy Dalton, Bradley Chubb coming back from getting benched, Jared Goff, which I don't know, David Johnson, Joe Flacco, you you know what you we we need to do a list of the most hilarious ones in this Like I think Juwan James, he just throughout Trent Williams, which is not actually well, I mean, offensive line is never gonna win that award. But um, Malcolm Butler, A Kiem Hicks, C. J Mosley, Josh Rosen a plus eight thousand, then my boy derwin James plus ten thousand for WHOA James? Is that low down? I feel like that's really great. Myles Garrett, like no one is voting for head like suspension. He has not receiving a vote for a comeback Player of the Year. This is a wild Betty came back from me. It's so it's so much more fathomable for the betting public to think that Joe Flacco will ascend to the throne in New Jersey and lead the Jets to a ten and six record than for Mr Rbisky to be mediocre plus kind of crazy. I'm I'm really intrigued because you have to think there's like at least a small possibility. And as I said earlier, we have plenty of skepticism about Mr. Dro Whisky, but like you have to embrace the Paul stability that like maybe something clicked. Do they have they don't have guidelines for those awards, do they? Like they don't give you guys guidelines do they No, Um, the All Pro there was you know, if you have a question about who was what position, and we have discussed this on the PODCASTNY Yes, every year this is a debate. UM. There was some issues and discussion as a result with the flex because Christian McCaffrey was both first team flex and first team running back, and so there are some of there's always questions with the positions on the ballot, But as far as guidelines, I don't think so. I mean you could ask and say what interpret anyway you could interpret it. Yeah, So, I mean I think last year I voted for Darren Waller because he told his story about you know, coming back from addiction, and I thought that was a pretty remarkable life arc and the success I believe, so that was I think I believe that's who one it. Everything you come back from is not doing well, like either it's either injury or like a bad season. Darren Wallers like legitimately came back from. Yeah, it's a little Ryan Ryan Tannehill like came back from like falling out of favor with Adam Gaze. Like if I were like come back writer of the Year next year, I'd be like was my two thousand twenty just as bad as I thought it was, I guess. I mean, I think we're all hoping to become back players of the Year. But um, yes is the year of the mm QB pod. So yes. But you know, definitely can be interpreted a lot of different ways. But I do think it's either usually injury or like being marginalized as a player or coming off a bad season, etcetera. But yeah, that list is pretty comic. O'Connor dig it um if anyone wants to check that out. Over at William Hill, our former uh former SI staff for Max Myers doing big things over there, So shout out to Max for for running a good shop over there. Um and uh probably taking a lot of people's money, so good for you. Um. But yeah, I think that's that's all the time we have. Thank you guys for joining me. While I made some tacos, and uh, I think it's about time to go eat the tacos. My wife just looked at me. My wife made the tacos, not me. I started the tacos and then did not know I was hosting this podcast, and so she finished the tacos. All in all, successful evening quarter pod and now you have a delicious sounds like it worked out for you. Connor, Yeah, I mean I'm getting tacos, so either way it's good for me. Um. But yeah, be sure to tune in next week full slate of mm QB pod news, Albert on the Road, Jenny and I have plenty of stuff coming on the site and two pods week side pods next week. So yeah, I have a good weekend everybody,

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