#564: BIE LIE about Kevin O'Connell & Minnesota Vikings ownership | NFL

Published Jan 18, 2025, 1:53 PM

Minnesota Tim discusses the current situation surrounding Minnesota Vikings head coach Kevin O'Connell, focusing on his contract extension and the speculation surrounding it. He addresses claims of tension between O'Connell and the Vikings organization, arguing that these stories are exaggerated and not reflective of the true relationship.

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All Right, there's a big story that I.

Have not yet addressed on the podcast yet, and the story revolves around Minnesota Vikings head coach Kevin O'Connell and the contract extension that he has not yet signed with the Minnesota Vikings. He has one year left on his deal and with the success the Minnesota Vikings have had in the three seasons when Kevin O'Connell's been the head coach.

Thirteen and four.

His second season, Cousins got hurt, but they were on pace to make the playoffs even with Josh Dobbs, and then a fourteen to three season, Kevin O'Connell feels like he deserves a contract extension and when he doesn't have one yet, news stories are gonna run from all different.

Kinds of sources. And that's that.

Mike Florio of Pro Football Talk made some interesting claims this past week, and this is what he had to say about it.

I got this from Pro Football News. They just shared it. Bring me the news.

I mean, there's tension in the relationships, stemming largely from the fact that he didn't get an extension after his second season.

Florio wrote on Tuesday.

Now that he's one year away from free agency, he could be willing to let it ride if necessary and hit the market. If o'connin chooses to bet on himself for one more year, he might end up with a lot more from another team than whatever the Minnesota Vikings will offer. And this comes with Jay Glazer's report that multiple teams are interested in trading for Minnesota Vikings head coach Kevin O'Connell. Now we need to understand where Glazer's report came from.

Paul Allen made an interesting.

Take on his weekly daily radio Sewan K Fanny basically said, if this.

Came from O'Connell's camp, shame on him. Shame on him for.

Making this a story late in the season and making it a potential distraction amongst the players and other coaches. But in my opinion, this comes from other NFL teams that are interested in hiring Kevin O'Connell away.

From the Minnesota Vikings.

This came from the Raiders of the World, the Bears of the world. All NFL teams that are looking for a head coach. Does not come from Kevin O'Connell's camp. This came from other teams looking to trade for Kevin O'Connell. And when that story came out, I called it a non story because if the amount of times that another team was interested in trading for this coach or this player came out, we would have an endless news cycle of speculation and trades.

Think about it.

If the Minnesota Vikings could, the Minnesota Vikings would trade for Patrick Mahomes, which would mean that other teams would be interested in trading for Patrick Mahomes. Doesn't mean that that She's are interested in trading for Patrick Mahomes.

No. Same thing with Kevin O'Connell.

The Vikings are not interested in trading Kevin O'Connell. But what other teams love to have Kevin O'Connell on there are in their organization. Absolutely same thing went for Justin Jefferson last offseason when guys like Florio and Charlie Walters of the Pioneer Press were making speculative offseason trades for Jefferson because there wasn't a deal done yet.

I came on this show and said, that is ludicrous.

Any of these potential trades for Jefferson are completely bonkers and they are not gonna happen, and sure enough, it happens. So I am just gonna stay right here that all of these Kevin O'Connell stories about him getting traded, about him not signing a contract extension is the exact same story as it was for Justin Jefferson last offseason. He is not going anywhere, and the Minnesota Vikings organization takes care of their people. Think about Jefferson signed his deal. I guess you could argue that Kirk Cousins they didn't take care of him, but I would argue that they tried to.

They tried to.

Put together an extension with Kirk Cousins before his final one year deal with Minnesota, and.

Kirk wanted none of that. So they tried to.

Make a deal with Kirk, but Kurk let it ride and he let it play out. Her tore his achilles signed a big deal with Atlanta. Good for him, So it's not the fact.

It wasn't a situation.

Where the Minnesota Vikings let Kirk walk, he let they let'im improve it.

They try to make a deal happen at the table.

And when I see stories about O'Connell and these tension claims with ownership, my mind goes to, Okay, if.

There are millions and millions and millions.

Of dollars at stake, we're talking about what four or five year contract extension worth anywhere from forty five to sixty million dollars in totality, And anytime that there's this amount of money at stake, of course there's going to be tension. Anytime that there's a big deal.

There's tension. You walk Shark Tank with.

Kevin O'Leary and Mark Cubett, there's tension amongst the investors and amongst the people that come with their products because they want it for five percent, the Shark's off for twenty percent.

And they meet somewhere in the middle at fifteen percent.

And it's the same thing with Kevin O'Connell and the Vikings ownership group. Oh Conna wants this, Vikings ownership wants this, and they'll find somewhere to meet in the middle.

There's gonna be.

Tension with millions and millions and millions of dollars at stake, So get.

Rid of this tension. Bullcrab.

I'm sick and tired of hearing it. It's a bunch of garbage. And Kevin O'Connell had this to say at his final press conference, and you got to take these things with a grain of salt to because every coach in the league is going to say this, he says what I will.

What I would say is I love.

Being the head coach of the Minnesota Vikings, And with that becomes the fact that I love our ownership. I have a great relationship with our ownership and feel so fortunate not only just the way they support us but and believe in us, but also the impact they have had on our players, on our locker room, and ultimately where.

We all want to go together. Feel very very great about that.

Okay, does that sound like there's a problem among Kevin O'Connell and the Minnesota Vikings ownership group. Absolutely not. And there was a theory out there and I was interested in kind of, HM, let's see if this theory is true. Kevin O'Connell and is finally final yearly press conference mentioned or didn't have any Minnesota Vikings logos on, not a hat, not a shirt, and the Purple Persuasion took that and ran with a conspiracy theory. I was like, Wow, this is an interesting conspiracy theory. But then Kevin and Seaffort I think it was basically put that one to bed by showing other pictures of Kevin O'Connell not wearing any Minnesota Vikings gear during a press conference.

So he's done that before.

But what this really reminds me of are movies that tried to paint a picture of an incredible story, but I see it completely different. Meaning for example, Forrest Gump. Forrest Gump was on television last night, and the story that wants to be sold is that you got these two kids that grew up together and they fall in love and they get married and they have a kid. Then they get married and happy ever after she dies. The true story of that movie is Forrest Gump likes this girl from childhood. She loves her, cares for her, She friend zones him anytime she needs him.

She goes after him for a friend zone.

Make Yourself feel better takes off, leaves him at the altar figuratively, and completely ignores him for a while until she needs something again. Then she goes back to him, and then at the end of the movie he becomes a billionaire. Oh, all of a sudden, she's interested. She has sex with the guy, makes him have a kid at the end of the movie.

Also, she's got this sick virus.

She goes back to him, gets married, and gets taken care of by a billionaire, and then she dies.

That's the story.

And this Minnesota Vikings Kevin O'Connell thing, it's like, the story that's being pushed is this story of fake news, the tension and the head coach ownership relationship, the tension in the contract extension. Why does he have a contract extension yet? And the true story is that it's coming. The Minnesota Vikings will take care of their head coach. So all of this speculation, garbage, all of this talk about is not going to get it done.

Those are fake news stories.

And the truth about the matter is that he will sign a contract extension.

He will get it done.

But that's not the thing being pushed. That's not the story being pushed. You could do the same story with the Titanic. You got this rich, entitled girl and Gage should be married, decides to go on one last run, sleeps with the homeless guy and lets him die because she didn't make any room from on the door floating in the ocean, and she carries this heart of the ocean with her all the way to the end of the movie when she's one hundred and two years old and she drops it. No, that's not the story being pushed. The story being pushed is that, Oh, it's a time of two love birds that get together and you know, you got this rich girl, you got this homeless dude, and it's just a wonderful story of two people falling in love. Now, she was horny and she wanted to go on one last hectic run because she felt like she was being trapped her entire life.

That's the story.

And it's the exact same thing with Kevin O'Connell and the Minnesota Vikings.

The story that's.

Being pushed is not the story that's accurate, because it is interesting.

It's interesting to say, oh, there's tension in the relationship.

It's interesting and fascinating to say, oh, things might not be going right here. Kevin O'Connell might be traded. There's other teams that want to be true. They want to trade for Kevin O'Connell when the truth of the matter is not the story that's being pushed. The truth is he will sign a contract extension this offseason and it will happen, just like Forrest Gump, just like Titanic. The stories being pushed are not the accurate. Once Kevin O'Connell will be back as the Minnesota Vikings head coach for years to come, and he knows it, and the Vikings ownership knows it, and the Vikings players know it too. So any of this nonsense just get it off my feed, and it just really pisses me off. Not much pisses me off, but when there's stories that get pushed that are completely false, it pisses me off. So that's my take for the day. Thank you for watching. Thank you for subscribing. If you do already, if you don't, hit that subscribe button in the lower corner of the screen. If you're watching on YouTube, and if you're listening on app or Spotify, hit that follow button and my podcast will be in your feed six times a week, six days a week. Thank you everyone for making this podcast a part of your day, and thank you for going on this podcasting journey with me. I hope you felt that the time feeling today. Everyone, have a great day.